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Presentation Title: A Landing Gear FEM Analysis Using MSC.Patran/MSC.

Authors: Sousa, Everton M.; W. Rodolfo and Trz, Mrcia P.
Company Name: EMBRAER LIEBHERR Equipamentos do Brasil S.A. (ELEB).
City: So Jos dos Campos
Country: Brazil
Phone: 55 12 39355263 Fax: 55 12 39355320
A finite element static analysis of a Landing Gear part (Main Fitting) is presented. The Main
Fitting is the larger part of the Landing Gear with the function of shock absorption during
aircraft landing and also supports the aircraft in ground maneuvers.
This part is subjected to various types of loads like internal pressure, bending, shear and
The effect of the secondary moment is considered in the loads applied on the model with an
amplification factor to take into account the variation of the load application point.
This describes the way of transference of loads from the ground to the component showing the
equilibrium equations.
Boundary conditions to simulate the bearings and the contact point are described. In general,
bad representation of boundary conditions can induce errors that are only discovered late
during the static test phase.
Detailed models of the attachment points are presented where contact elements are used in
order to better represent the assembly.
A nonlinear plastic analysis is also employed to improve the representation of the contact
between gap and solid (tetra10) elements in the attachment locations.
To validate the analysis and the element mesh used the finite element results are compared
with the results of the static test to show how conservative or non conservative the analysis is.
Although, in reality, the behavior of a real part of a landing gear is plastic and geometrically
nonlinear with contact problems, it could be represented by a static linear analysis in the
global model since the effect of secondary bending has been included in the loads and
localized plastic models to better represent the contact effects.

1- Introduction
EMBRAER LIEBHERR Equipamentos do Brasil S.A. (ELEB) is responsible for ERJ135/145
Main Landing Gear and ERJ170/190 Nose Landing Gear design, development and production.
The design and integration process encompasses numerous engineering departments, e.g.,
structures, weights, runway design and economics; and has become extremely sophisticated in
the last few years. Depending on the aircraft category, the Landing Gear Assembly, can range
from 3 to 7% of aircraft total mass. Being an enormous challenge for the Engineering
Department to achieve a reduced weight, easy maintenance, high levels of safety and low cost
structure. The Landing Gear is composed by strut, shock absorber, extraction/retraction
mechanism, breaks, wheels and tires; its function is energy absorption at landing, braking and
taxi control. Energy absorption is performed by a hydraulic structure denominated Shock
Strut. It is composed by a Piston and a Cylinder; the latter is called Main Fitting.

Figure 1: Nose Landing Gear location.

This important part is subjected to various types of loads like internal pressure, bending, shear
and torsion. In this paper a Main Fitting analysis using MSC.Patran/Nastran is presented. In
static analysis, large models were used to obtain stress results in the Main Fitting structure,
being necessary dynamic memory allocation. But in cases where the contact area was the
analysis focus, both parts were modeled and GAP elements were employed in a nonlinear
analysis. The Landing Gear structural behavior is plastic and geometrically nonlinear with
contact problems. Therefore, MSC.Patran/Nastran software was a powerful tool in contact and
plastic analysis. The Nose Landing Gear referenced here includes all components and parts

required to perform the functions of gear extension, down-locking, up-locking, energy

absorption and emergency system.

2- Problem definition
During the Main Fitting base line definition the Engineering Department is responsible for
projecting aeronautical structures that mind weight reduction, easy maintenance, high levels of
safety and low cost. Landing, taxi and breaking are the dimensioning loads considered in the
Landing Gear development practice. The Structural Engineering Department is responsible for
dimensioning the Main Fitting structure with safety for limit and ultimate loads, reduced
weight, no stress concentration, complying with the airworthiness requirements. In most cases,
the Strength of Material Theory is not accuracy enough to evaluate stress result in complex
parts as the Main Fitting structure. Therefore, MSC Patran/Nastran software is applied in order
to obtain accurate results of displacement and stress and additional tools are applied to achieve
convergence and reduce processing time.
The FEM model size is one of the great limitations faced by the Structure Engineering
Department in the Main Fitting MSC Patran/Nastran analysis, being necessary to use
recourses of dynamic memory allocation. In the non-linear analysis using gap elements,
material plastic properties or both, the most common problem faced by the Structural
Engineering Department was no convergence and memory allocation.

Figure 2: Main Fitting boundary conditions.

The Nose Landing Gear is attached to the aircraft structure by four ball bearing points. The
right socket pin has three translation directions fixed while the left one has two translation

direction fixed, in order to allow the y movement. The ball bearing is represented by MPC
In this kind of component is normal to have a lot of combined efforts as internal pressure,
bending, shear and torsion. The transmissions of these loads are made between contact
surfaces from the ground to the part and from the part to the aircraft.
The idea is to represent in a better way the applications of these loads to get results more
realistic as possible.
In a complex structure the Strength of Materials Theory analysis is not sufficient accurate to
evaluate stress distribution at the entire structure. Then, MSC.Patran/Nastran software is
applied to simulate the Main Fitting behavior when submitted to combined loads as internal
pressure, bending, shear and torsion.
In practice, the loads transmission in the Main Fitting occurs by bearings, sockets and pressure
at the inner surface. The pressure is applied straight at the solid element faces.
To analyze the stress distribution at regions far from the contact point, a linear analysis is
performed using TETRA10, ROD and BEAM elements. The justification for this solution is
save processing time during the analysis. But in cases where the contact area was the analysis
focus, both parts were modeled and GAP elements were employed in a non-linear analysis.

Figure 3: Contact Elements.

To evaluate displacement results at the Main Fitting structure, TETRA4 elements were
employed, but to evaluate stress results, a more accuracy element TETRA 10 is used.

3- Analysis
The Main Fitting analysis can be performed as a separate component or in one assembly. If the
Nose Landing Gear assembly is modeled, it can bring some size complexities to the model, as
the number of elements and nodes increase. But this requires lead to a nonlinear analysis with
the increase the time processing and the size of memory allocation and the number of iteration
to get the convergence of the nonlinear analysis. Therefore, the choose of analyze a separate
part was employed to reduce the processing time and the numbers of gap elements and to
permit the increase of the numbers of elements of the model once we did not have elements of
others interface components. For the detailed models where the stiffness of the interface
components is important, the modeling of these parts was considered.
During the aircraft landing and ground maneuvers (taxing, pivoting, turning, braking, engine
run up and towing), some loads are transmitted from the ground to the Main Fitting that is
attached to the aircraft through bearings.
Internal pressure is generated from the shock absorber deflection simultaneously with contact
loads transmitted from the internal parts.
Geometric nonlinear model could also be considered to take in account direction of the load
application or secondary moment. If is knowledge the stiffness of the assembly it is possible to
simplify with a linear analysis where this effect of secondary moment is included into the
Model size and memory allocation
In order to obtain more precise results, the mesh size must be adapted to all regions of the part
mainly in proximity of the concentration points.
For the model the Main Fitting with around of 420000 nodes is necessary to allocate the
computer memory with the special cards.
Boundary conditions
It is requested a critic allocation of boundary conditions in order to simulate the real
operational conditions. A not well representation of an attachment point can bring a delay in
the development phase with the hazard of to damage the part.
A complete analysis of the Main Fitting was done in three steps of analysis being the first one
a linear analysis of the whole main fitting, the second step a geometric nonlinear analysis of
local lower part and the step 3 geometric and material nonlinear analysis of this lower part.
The nonlinear analysis was required to have a good stiffness representation of the others
components of the gear. These components are responsible of the loads transmission from the
ground to the main fitting.
STEP 1: Linear stress analysis
A stress analysis was performed for the Main Fitting hole structure. The load cases applied
were chosen among the critical conditions of landing and ground maneuvering. It is usual to
evaluate the attachment point pre dimensioning calculi, in order to get a faster convergence to
the final design. This analyzes is done by simple Strength of Materials Theory, where are used

dedicated programs to calculate lug, socket submitted to bending, shear, torsion efforts. The
finite element model used in the linear analysis is made of 415000 nodes and 265000
TETRA10 elements. The loads and the boundary conditions are applied to the model and the
reactions are verified at the aircraft attachment points in order to obtain values smaller than the
tolerance established. Figure 4 shows the von Mises stresses of a FEM analysis for a critical
landing load case.

Figure 4: von Mises Stress.

As the linear stress analysis model do not represent the correct stiffness for some regions,
detailed models must be performed in order to obtain more accurate stress results. One of
these regions is the Sliding Tube Housing. The Main Fitting and the Sliding Tube parts are
entirely modeled as described in steps 2 and 3.

STEP 2: Geometrical nonlinear analysis

In regions with stress concentration, it is important to detail the components interface, to better
represent the contact between the parts. Due to the linear FEM size, the Main Fitting and the
Sliding Tube interface were not very well represented. Therefore, a refined analysis is then
performed using GAP and HEX 8 elements as presented in Figure 3. In this step is presented a
geometrical nonlinear analysis, with gap elements. It is interesting to observe that the limit
stress achieved at the FEM analysis is about the limit test stress value at the test.

Figure 5: Max. Principal Stress.

STEP 3: Material and Geometrical nonlinear analysis
In the ultimate condition, the material is submitted up to its yield condition. Being necessary
to input the plasticity material curve as presented in figure 7. In this step is presented a
geometrical and material nonlinear analysis, with gap elements and material nonlinear curve.
It is possible to show that the ultimate stress achieve is about the ultimate test stress value.

Figure 6 Max. Principal Stress.

The Al7175-T74 tensile stress-strain curve is obtained from MIL - HDBK 5H and it is
presented in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Al7175-T74 - Material strength curve.

Table 1 presents a comparison between the 3 models presented before.
Table 1 Test correlation for the linear analysis.

9018.171 seconds

224.421 seconds

275.265 seconds




Table 2 Test correlation for the linear analysis.


































Table 3 Test correlation for the nonlinear analysis.























4- Discussions
Considering that in aeronautical companies the structural weight is one of the principal
Engineering challenges, the material and the analysis methodologies should be employed up to
its limits. Then, the MSC Patran/Nastran was extensive applied in the Main Fitting analysis.
Comparing the strain results evaluated by strain gages and the results obtained from the Main
Fitting model using gap elements, is possible to observe that nonlinear analysis has become
essential in the Main Fitting analysis. The gap parameters are extremely important in the
analysis time processing, being the key for the model convergence and also the processing
analysis time.

This analysis is important to the Nose Landing Gear weight optimization, being on of the
biggest challenge for the aircraft development nowadays. Based on this analysis, it is possible
to preview strain test results reducing the time schedule of the Landing Gear development. It
was fundamental to provide a database for fatigue analysis, once that the stress level in all
parts of the component will be previewed. This analysis is utile to reduce the time of the
product development. This kind of analysis shows for the users that is possible to do a FEM in
almost all types of mechanical components as was done for this complex Main Fitting.
6- Acknowledgements
The work presented in this congress could not have been possible without the guidance and
support of many people. The group would like to thank ELEB, for support and giving us the
opportunity of this presentation. And also to MSCsoftware for the invitation and technical
support during the problem development.
7- References
MSC software products
MSC.Nastran Users manual, Version 68, The MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, Los
Angeles, CA, November 1997.

-BRUHN, E. F. - Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures. Ohio, USA, Tri-State OffSet, 1973.
- Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration Federal Aviation
Regulations Part 25 Airworthiness Standards: Transpot Categtory Airplane Change 13,
Amendment 25-97, eff. June 26th, 1998 and Amendment 25-98, eff. March 10th, 1999.
8- Figures and Plots
Not applicable.

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