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Feedback Form for Blog Assignments

Module FM13040 Media Production Project

Coordinato John Burgan / Rhodri ap Dyfrig / Rod Munday
r/ Marker
Student Home Dept. Email

Assignmen An individual blog (combining 1 of 1 1st of 2 2nd

of 2
t text, image, sound and video)
to chronicle the development
only assignments 

of each project, exchange

criticism and share ideas
between groups; demonstrate
a critical awareness of the
production process as well as
familiarity with convergent
media and social networking.
Date Special circumstances

[bracketed figures represent Excellen Good Reasonab Weak Unsatisfac

available t 60%- le 40%- tory
% range]
70%- 69% 50%- 49% 0%-
100% 59% 39%
Blog Content and [29-40] [25-28] [21-24] [17-20] [0-16]
Application of [15-20] [13-14] [11-12] [9-10] [0-8]
Critical Evaluation [0- [15-20] [13-14] [11-12] [9-10] [0-8]
Evidence of [15-20] [13-14] [11-12] [9-10] [0-8]
Subtotal Lateness Penalty
Total Mark

- =
Submission details

Three of your best posts should be printed with each of the the blog post URLs indicated
clearly at the top of the page.

Direct links should be provided for any content (such as images or video) included in the
blog post but that are hosted elsewhere.

All posts authored by you on the group blog should also be very clearly indicated as such,
as the totality of your posts will be considered when assessing consistency and

The submission deadline is 12pm on Friday 26th March 2010. Work should be handed
in to the Department Reception in Parry-Williams along with the appropriate cover sheets.

Late submission will incur marks penalties as outlined in your student handbooks.

Blog Content and Presentation

Blogs should show consistency of posting (between 2-3 posts of medium length (100-200
words) in the final 3 weeks of the module) as well as building strong reader engagement.
The collected blog posts should display clearly progress in the three areas of content
outlined in the lectures: critique and appraisal of your work and progress throughout the
module with use of examples and comparators where possible; showing an understanding
of the web marketing aspects of blogs in film and evidence of tailoring of your blog for an
external audience to that of the module staff and students; use of the blog to document
and share information and links to material that was used during the production such as
web pages, videos, literature, other blog posts etc.

The presentation of your blog is vitally important in communicating your message clearly
and efectively to your target audience. Blogs should be well thought out and apply
Wordpress themes and imagery that are appropriate and visually in tune with your blog
content. Posts should be constructed so that text, image and video are balanced in order
to make a better reading and viewing experience.

Application of Multimedia

Use of images, video, audio, text and web apps. These should be combined in such a way
as to make the blog and the posts contained within it an audiovisual experience that
could only found on the web. Use of combinations of media within posts in order to give a
rich multimedia experience. ‘Making-of’ films should be created in ways that market the
film through providing a narrative on your filmmaking process and a deeper insight into
the problems and conflicts that occurred. The blog should clearly display that films and
making-of videos have been successfully uploaded to YouTube.

Critical Evaluation

The best work not only describes and summarises filmmaking practice but also critically
interprets it. This means analysing the filmmaking process from your individual
perspective, as well as commenting on the benefits and problems of working as part of a
team. The task is not to 'criticise' in the sense of being negative about the work, but to
think critically, that is to say to be able to articulate how a work has been constructed,
what techniques it is using to produce its effects and outlining (perhaps even for its
authors) the strengths and weaknesses in that construction. You can do this by comparing
and contrasting different approaches in order to identify different strengths and
limitations. How do the filmmaking choices of shot sizes, mise en scène, camera moves,
edited shot juxtapositions effect the meaning of the images onscreen? What would have
been the effect of different choices?

Evidence of Development

The individual blog posts should display an improvement in all of the above criteria from
the earlier posts to the final week. The blog should also describe and analyse (take apart)
the process from conception to realisation, including camerawork and editing.

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