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(80 marks)
1) Calculators must not be used in this question.

The diagram shows a trapezium

in which
= 7 cm and
perpendicular to
= 2 cm and
= cm. Given that the area of trapezium
[3] {6}

, obtain an expression for

in the form

, where


are integers.

2) (i) Using graph paper, draw the curve

360 . [2] {3}
In order to solve the equation
another curve must be added to your
(ii) Write down the equation of this curve and add this curve to your diagram. [2] {3}
(iii) State the number of values of x which satisfy the equation

In the Venn diagram, shade:



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4) In a school, some of the subjects that are possible to take are Mathematics, Additional Mathematics
and Physics. The Venn diagram shows the combinations of these subjects that are possible and the
numbers and the letters represent the numbers of students in each subset.
a) Given that the number of students taking Physics is 123, calculate the value of . [1]
b) Given that one-sixth of those taking Mathematics also take Additional Mathematics, calculate
the value of y and hence find the total number of students taking Mathematics. [2]

5) If

is a solution of the simultaneous equations

Find the value of p and the other solution. [2]

6) Solve:


7) Solve:
a) Variables and are related by the equation
Given that
, find the value of for which
b) Solve the equation:
. [1] {2}
8) By using the substitution

2|P ag e

are constants.
. [2] {3}

or otherwise, solve the equation

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9) Solve:
a) Calculate the smallest positive integer for which the equation
has two
distinct real roots. [2]
b) Given that
has equal roots and and are positive, find the ratio
and solve the equation. [2]
10) Given that
, the remainder when

, show that
. [3]

is divided by

is a factor of

. Find, in terms of

11) Solve:
a) Without using tables or calculators, evaluate
b) The curve

. [1]

passes through the points


). Find the positive value of


of . [1]
12) You must not use a calculator for this question.
a) Express

in the form

, where

An equilateral triangle has sides of length

b) Show that the height of the triangle is
13) Given that


is an integer. [1]
, find

a) BA [1]
b) BA 2A [1]
c) If

, find the value of

and . [2]

14) A store sells large and small tins of both yellow and blue paint. The selling price of a large tin of
either colour is and of a small tin of either colour is . The number of tins of each type sold one
day is given in the following table.

The total income from the sale of yellow paint was

It is given that

and that form the blue paint was

and C

a) Write down an equation connecting A, B and C. [1]

b) Find
c) Calculate
. [1]
d) Explain the significance of your answer to part (c). [1]
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15) Three points have coordinates (4, 13), (9, 3) and (10, 8). Find the equation of
a) The line
, [1]
b) The line through perpendicular to the line
. The line through meets the line
at the point . Calculate the coordinates of and the ratio
. [2]
16) Solve:
a) The line
is perpendicular to the line
and meets the line
on the -axis. Find the value of and of . [1]
b) In the triangle
the equations of
The foot of the perpendicular from to
is (3, 2). Find the coordinates of . [2]
17) Prove the identities:


18) Prove the identity

. Hence find all the angles between



. [2]


The diagrams shows two circles, and , touching at . Circle , has a radius 9 cm and centre :
circle has radius 4 cm and centre . A tangent touches the circles and at the points and
respectively. Calculate the length of
and show that the angle
, to 3 decimal places, is
1.176 radians. Find
a) The length of the minor arc
of the circle , [2]
b) The length of the minor arc
of the circle , [2]
c) The area of the shaded region. [2]

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The centres of A, B and C, of the arcs of three circles, each of radius 2 cm, are the vertices of an
equilateral triangle of side 4 cm. Each side of the equilateral triangle PQR touches tow of the arcs as
shown, where X and Y are two points of contact. Calculate
a) The perimeter of the shaded region PXY, [1] {4}
b) The area of the triangle PQR, [2] {3}
c) The total area of the six shaded regions. [3] {5}

21) A tennis team of 4 men and 4 women is to be picked from 6 men and 7 women.
a) Find the number of ways in which this can be done. [1]
b) It was decided that 2 of the 7 women must either be selected together or not at all. Find how
many possible teams could be selected in these circumstances. [2]
c) The selected team is arranged into 4 pairs, each consisting a man and a woman. Find the
number of ways in which this can be done. [2]
22) Solve:
a) Evaluate the coefficient of

in the expansion of

b) Evaluate the coefficient of

in the expansion of

c) The first three terms in the binomial expansion of

donated by

and respectively. Show that

. [1]
. [1]
, in ascending powers of , are
. Given that


, evaluate . [1]
23) The curve
cuts the -axis at A and B. The tangents to the curve at A and B meet at
T, and the normals to the curve at A and B meet at N. Find the area of the quadrilateral ATBN. [3]

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