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Beat-'em-up game

Xbox One / PS4 / PC Steam


Stardust is a literary work, the best seller of Neil Gaiman. Tells the wonderful Story of Tristan
Thorn, a boy who is forced to leave his ordinary world and enter the strange world that lies
beyond the Wall, full of magic, fantasy creatures and incomprehensible things, everything to
fulfill a promise.
Discover the incredible World of Faerie and help Triran Thorn to achieve his destiny.


Videogame about the best seller of Neil Gaiman, Sturdast.

Claccic Beat-'em-up with a deep narration.
Test your brain with intricate puzzles.
Freely explore the World of Faerie.



Using a third person camera, the user must guide Tristan Thorn and enter in the mysterious
world of Faerie to complete his mission. He will fight the enemies with a classic close quarter
Stardust takes place in the events of the literary Work of Neil Gaiman, introducing in the game
all their characters, worlds and stories.


The game difficulty is always the same, and it will have some chekpoints at the end of the


Tistan Thorn
The principal character in the videogame, Tristan is just a caregiver goat
in his town The Wall. Because of the promise he swore to Vitoria
Forester, he must go to look for a fallen star and bring it back to her
and she will give him what he wishes.

Is the human representation of a star in the world, she fall off from the
sky because the King hit her with his magic amulet, so his sons can
search for it and one of them will become the King. Tristan found her
first and she is forced to go with him to the little town of The Wall.


Witch-Queen Lilim
Oldest Lilim sisters, famous and powerful witches of whole Faerie,
she is known as the Witch-Queen, her porpose is to find the fallen
star and rip the heart so she and her sisters can remain young and
beautiful forever. She uses some magical witchcraft powers and
also curses.

Lion King
Beast that appear during the way of the main characters and
denying the passage because a territorial fight.

The main characters fall outside the safe path and they
realize that they are in the middle of a tramp forest
that wants to kill them.

Merchant Sorceress
Old woman that try to transform Tristan into a rodent, to steal
him a valuable object, a cristal flower, because she says it owns.


Baby dragons, they are created through the ashes of the
largest fires. They attack with fire balls.

Red Elves
Small creatures but their appear in big groups, they do
not too much damage but their attack fast.

Green Elves

They are healing the other enemies so they can be very

dangerous, the combat strategy will be to kill them first and
then try to get the rest of the enemies.


Every cutscene will be represented with the original drawings of the book, there is going to be
also small video sequences to present the bosses, enemies, Friends, etc.


Stardust will be divided in 4 chapters, where is going to take place the whole story.

1. Introductory video sequence

Dunstan Thorn goes to the market in the special day, the day where is allowed to pass the
great wall.
2. Level 0-1 The Market beyond the Wall.
Small playable level where Dunstan Thorn meets a strange, mysterious and seductive
woman, he knows she is a fairy, but he is bewitched and they consume a forbidden love.
In this level the player must interact with some things around the market to get the
attention of the woman.
1. Chapter 1 Introductory Pages
Tristan Thorn tells the situation in which he is, until the moment he promises to Victoria
Forester to bring her the fallen star in Exchange for her hand.
2. Level 1-1 The Wall Town
Level where the character must trick the guards and pass the Wall and enter de World of
Faerie, this will be represented with a small infiltration puzzle.

3. Faerie Introduction Page
After passed the Wall, he will meet a short and furry creature that helps him to pass the forest,
but the forest gets to life and traps them.
4. Level 1-2 Cursed Forest
The player must find the way out of the maze forest, every time the player takes a wrong
path, he will find an area full of enemies and he cannot go out from there until he defeat
all the enemies.
5. Level 1-3 Boss: The Forest

Final Level of the chapter where the forest itself uses his branches and roots to defeat Tristan
and his new friend. To defeat this boss the player must wait until the boss is tired of attacking
and then attack to the weak point that will appear.


1. Introduction Page where Tristan finds the fallen star.
Tristan finds the star, discovering that the star is a woman, both have a short dialogue and
he forces her to go with him back to the wall.
2. Level 2-1 Loss in another forest.

Here the player must go out from the forest to an area without trees. During the way he
will find enemies and some puzzles to go ahead.

3. Level 2-2 On the esplanade.

4. Introduction page with the encounter of a fight.

Tristan and the star, they find a bloody battle between a big lion and a great unicorn, the
star ask to Tristan to help the unicorn from the lion.
5. Level 2-3 Genghis Carnage Fight
Tristan must defeat the boss, the Lion, there is a Crown in the floor, and the player must
take it and hit the lion with it in the correct moment.
1. Introduction page explaining de stars scape.
Tristan goes out looking for food, but the star rides the unicorn and run until she finds an
inn, that inn is a huge trap prepared by the witch.
2. Level 3-1 Shame trip
Tristan find Primus, the First son of the King, and they decided to travel together. Under an
intense rain, the player must destroy all the Wood and debris that are on the path so the
caravan can pass and at the same time defeat the enemies before they destroy de caravan.
3. Lavel 3-2 The Witch, The Star and The Prince.

Inside the inn, the witch shows up and kills the prince and then she attacks Tristan and the
star but the unicorn helps them. The player must scape from the witchs attacks until the
unicorn prepares for attack the witch with his horn.

1. Introduction page explainning the situation in the clouds and the floating boat.
After scape from the witch by a magic teleport of the unicorn, they are in the middle of a
cloud and they are rescued by a floating boat that help them to get back to land again so
they can continue with the journey.

2. Level 6-1 Particular Contract.

Tristan and the star, are walking through the path when they find a old sosceress, Tristan ask
her if she can help them to get back to the Wall in Exchange of a cristal flower, the old woman,
transform him into a rodent and the star must destroy the Wood of the path and down bridges
to get through and also fight enemies.
3. Level 6-2 Indebted
The old woman needs someone to Work in her shop and tries to force Tristan to Work for
her, here the star must defeat the old woman by throwing different things of her shop that
causes her secondary effects.
4. Introduction Page explainning the end.
Tristan arrives to the wall at last, but find that Victoria Forestes is already married with
another man, then he realice that he is in love with the star and return with her.
The old woman prisoner is released and she explains to Tristan that he is the future King of
the Kingdom because she is his mother and is the daughter of the King. The story finished
with a happy ending.


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