Booklist Spring 2004

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Yale Divinity School

Spring Semester 2004
*** Required for purchase ** Highly recommended, heavily used
* Recommended OP - out of print, see instructor
If a course is not listed here the instructor did not provide the Bookstore with a book
order or provided one too late for publication. Please check with Instructor for details.
Some texts may not yet be available for purchase. Please check with a Bookstore staff
person or check the list posted in the Bookstore for information and frequent updates.
Rel. 600

Old Testament Interpretation

*** Petersen & Richards

*** Trible
*** Mays and Achtemeier
*** Crenshaw
*** Blenkinsopp

Interpreting Hebrew Poetry

Rhetorical Criticism
Interpreting the Prophets
Old Testament Wisdom
A History of Prophecy in Israel

Rel. 601

New Testament Interpretation

*** Brown

Introduction to the New Testament

Rel. 628

English Exegesis: Job & Ecclesiastes

*** Brown
*** Janzen
*** MacLeish

Character in Crisis
Ecclesiastes Interpretation Commentary
Job Interpretation Commentary

Rel. 644

I II Corinthians

*** Fee

First Epistle to the Corinthians

Rel. 654

Preaching and the Old Testament

*** Brueggemann
*** Davis
*** Towner

Cadences of Home
Getting Involved With God






Rel. 661

Exorcising Marcions Ghost

*** Adam
*** Brueggemann
*** Trible
*** Diamant
*** Halpern
*** von Rad
*** Zenger
*** Weems

What is Postmodern Biblical Criticism?

Davids Truth in Israels Imagination 2nd ed
Texts of Terror
Red Tent
Davids Secret Demons
Holy War in Ancient Israel
A God of Vengeance
Battered Love

Rel. 662

Holy City and Defeated Daughter

*** Hess & Wenham

Zion, City of our God

Rel. 676

Hebrew Exegesis: Isaiah 40-66

*** Blenkinsopp
*** Childs
** Blenkinsopp




Isaiah 40-55
Isaiah 56-66

Rel. 691/R.S. 622

History & Methods of New Testament Study


*** Baird
*** Baird
*** Schweitzer
*** Stowers
*** Kennedy
** Kermode
** Elliott
** Metzger
** Aland & Aland

History of New Testament Research Vol 1

History of New Testament Research Vol 2
Quest of the Historical Jesus
Letter Writing in Greco-Roman Antiquity
New Testament Interpretation through Rhetorical Criticism
Genesis of Secrecy
What is Social Science Criticism?
Text of the New Testament
Text of the New Testament

Rel. 693/R.S. 801

Judaism in the Persian Period

*** Blenkinsopp
*** Meyers
*** Petersen
*** Petersen
*** Blenkinsopp

Isaiah 56-66
Haggai, Zechariah 1-8
Zechariah 9-14, Malachi
Haggai, Zechariah 1-8


Rel. 700

History of Western Christianity 1300-1700

*** Spener
*** Bunyan
*** Luther
*** Olin
*** Dolan, ed
*** Loyola
*** Lindberg

Pia Desideria
Pilgrims Progress
Three Treatises
A Reformation Debate
Essential Erasmus
Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius
European Reformations

Rel. 715

Theological Ethics

*** Thiemann
*** Hollenbach
*** Traina
*** Santurri & Werpehowski
*** Mouw
** Cone
** Hauerwas, Pinches
** Cannon
** Porter

Religion in Public Life

Common Good & Christian Ethics
Feminist Ethics & Natural Law
Love Commandments
God Who Commands
Martin & Malcolm & America
Christians Among the Virtues
Katies Canon
Recovery of Virtue

Rel. 721

History of Christian Thought 450-1650

*** Bernard of Clairvaux

*** Wm of St Thierry
*** Fairweather
*** Augustine/Burnaby
*** Aquinas/Fairweather

On Loving God
Golden Epistle Vol 4
Scholastic Miscellany
Augustine: Later Works
Aquinas on Nature & Grace

Rel. 726

Systematic Theology

*** Jones

Feminist Theory & Christian Theology

Rel. 736

Hildegard of Bingen

*** Newman
*** Newman
*** Hart & Bishop, eds

Hildegard of Bingen Symphonia 2nd ed

Voice of the Living Light
Hildegard of Bingen Scivias

Rel. 737
*** Rittgers
*** Mottola

Sin, Penance, & Forgiveness in Early Modern Christianity

Reformation of the Keys
Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius







Rel. 739

Life & Thought of Jonathan Edwards

*** Miller
*** Hatch & Stout
*** Smith et al
*** Conforti
*** Marsden

Errand into the Wilderness

Jonathan Edwards & the American Experience
Jonathan Edwards Reader
Jonathan Edwards, Religious Tradition & American Culture
Jonathan Edwards: A Life

Rel. 744

Feminist Theologies in PostColonial Perspective

*** Donaldson & Kwok

*** Kwok
*** Gebara
*** Oduyoye
*** Ruether
*** Russell
*** Isasi-Diaz
* Russell & Clarkson, eds
Rel. 747

Travel Seminar
Theology of Liberation
Introducing African Womens Theology
West African Religious Traditions
Introduction to African Religions
Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Rel. 756

Contemporary Trinitarian Thought

*** Schleiermacher
*** Rahner
*** Moltmann
*** Moltmann
*** Pannenberg
*** Zizioulas
*** Barth

The Christian Faith

Crucified God
Trinity & the Kingdom
Systematic Theology Vol 1
Being As Communion
Church Dogmatics 1:1

*** Basil of Caesarea

* Augustine
* Augustine
* Origen


Postcolonialism, Feminism, & Religious Discourse

Introducing Asian Feminist Theology
Out of the Depths
Introducing African Womens Theology
Women Healing Earth
Inheriting Our Mothers Garden
Mujerista Theology
Dictionary of Feminist Theologies

*** Gutierrez
*** Oduyoye
** Fisher
** Mbiti
* Freire

Rel. 758

Stout, Minkema

Holy Spirit in Early Christian Theology

On the Holy Spirit
Teaching Christianity
The Trinity
Exhortation to Martyrdom




Rel. 764

Christian Theology of Other Religions

*** Kraemer
*** Hick
*** DCosta
*** Cragg

Kelsey, Sanneh

Why Christianity of All Religions?

An Interpretation of Religion
The Meeting of Religions & the Trinity
Muhammad & the Christian

Rel. 766

Theology of Calvin, Edwards & Barth

*** Stout & Minkema

*** Calvin
** Marsden
* Gorringe
* Bouwsma

Jonathan Edwards Reader

Institutes of the Christian Religion
Jonathan Edwards: A Life
Karl Barth: Against Hegemony
John Calvin: A Sixteenth Century Portrait

Rel. 778

Agape & Special Relations


Multiculturalism & the Politics of

Torture & Eucharist
Martin & Malcolm
Priorities & Christian Ethics
Works of Love
Love: Human & Divine


Rel. 786

Liturgy & Gender

*** Walton
* Grimes

Feminist Liturgy: A Matter of Justice

Deeply Into the Bone

Rel. 793

United Methodist History & Doctrine

*** Rowe
*** Norwood
*** Outler

United Methodist Studies: Basic Bibliographies

Story of American Methodism
John Wesley

Rel. 796

Baptism & Eucharist in Current Ecumenical Conv

*** WCC
*** Root & Saarinen
*** Vanderwilt
*** Welker
*** ELCA

Baptism, Eucharist & Ministry

Baptism & the Unity of the Church
Communion with Non-Catholic Christians
What Happens in Holy Communion
Welcome to Christ






Rel. 798

North American Protestant Liturgical Tradition

*** White
*** Thompson
*** Costen

Protestant Worship
Liturgies of the Western Church
African-American Christian Worship

Rel. 816

World Chrisitanity

*** Bamat & Wiest

*** Norris
*** Walls
*** Donovan
*** Sanneh
*** Sanneh

Popular Catholicism
Christianity: A Short Global History
Missionary Movement in Christian History
Christianity Rediscovered
Whose Religion is Christianity
Translating the Message

Rel. 824
*** Kierkegaard
*** Kierkegaard
*** Kierkegaard
*** Kierkegaard
Rel. 825
*** Duns Scotus
*** Kierkegaard
*** Hare
*** Murphy
** Adams
Rel. 827
*** Kant
*** Kant
** Kant
** Kant
** Kant
** Kant

Kierkegaards Philosophy of Religion



Hare, Dole

Kierkegaards Writings XII (2 vol)

Philosophical Fragments
Either/Or Part 1
Fear & Trembling/Repetition
Divine Command Theory


On the Will & Morality

Works of Love
Gods Call
An Essay on Divine Authority
Finite & Infinite Goods
Kants Philosophy of Religion
Religion within the limits of Reason Alone
Conflict of the Faculties
Lectures on Ethics
Critique of Practical Reason
Critique of Judgement
Critique of Pure Reason


Rel. 829

Metaphors of Evil

*** Lakoff/Johnson
*** Morrison
*** Long
*** Chamoiseau
*** Omi & Winant
*** Bhattacharyya et al
** Townes
** Brubaker & Hobgood
** Donaldson & Pui-Lan
** Moe-Lobeda

Metaphors We Live By
Racial Formation in the US
Race & Power
In A Blaze of Glory
Welfare Policy
Postcolonialism, Feminism & Religious Discourse
Healing in a Broken World

Rel. 839

Pilgrimage in Word & Image

*** Dante/Mandelbaum
*** Bunyan
*** Harpur
*** Somption

Pilgrims Progress
Sacred Tracks
Age of Pilgrimage

Rel. 847

House of the Lord

*** Dupre
*** Foley
*** White

From Age to Age
Protestant Worship & Architecture

Rel. 851
*** Murphy
*** Zinberg
*** Williams, ed
*** Herman, ed
*** Stackhouse
Rel. 858
*** Edson
*** Donne
*** DiCesare, ed

Business Ethics/Sleeping Well


Lara, Schwebel



Eighty Exemplary Ethics Statements

Faith, Morals & Money
Business, Religion & Spirituality
Spiritual Goods: Faith Traditions & the Practice of Business
On Moral Business
John Donne and the Metaphysical Poets


The Complete Poetry & Selected Prose of John Donne
George Herbert & the 17th Century Religious Poets

Rel. 869

Feminist Pastoral Psychology

*** Miller-McLemmore
*** Dunlop
*** Watkins Ali
*** Leslie
*** Greider
** Enns
** DeMarinis

Also A Mother
Counseling Depressed Women
Survival & Liberation
When Violence is No Stranger
Reckoning With Aggression
Feminist Theories & Feminist Psychotherapy
Critical Caring

Rel. 876/R.S. 858


Critical Social Theory & Constructive Inquiry

*** Weber
*** Habermas
*** Milbank
*** Gerth & Mills
** Habermas
** Habermas
* Troeltsch

Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism

Legitimation Crisis
Theology & Social Theory
From Max Weber
Theory of Communicative Action Vol I
Theory of Communicative Action Vol II
Social Teaching of the Christian Churches 2 vols

Rel. 906


*** Stone
*** Leslie
** Stevenson-Moessner
* Culbertson

Strategies for Brief Pastoral Counseling

When Violence is No Stranger
Through the Eyes of Women
Counseling Men

Rel. 917

Spirituality & Religious Education

*** Palmer
*** Thompson
*** Thurman
* Banks
* Bass
* Dykstra

Courage to Teach
Family: The Forming Center
Disciplines of the Spirit
Re-envisioning Theological Education
Practicing Our Faith
Growing in the Life of Faith

Rel. 923

Introduction to Ministry

*** Brown
*** Russell
*** WCC
*** McPartland
* Bartlett

The Churches the Apostles Left Behind

Church in the Round
Baptist, Eucharist & Ministry
Sacrament of Salvation
Ministry in the New Testament





Rel. 929

Church Administration

*** Berkley
*** Boers
*** Mazur & Bullis
*** Olsen
*** Steinke
*** WIllimon

Leadership Handbook of Management & Administration

Never Call Them Jerks
Legal Guide for Day to Day Church Matters
Transforming Church Boards
Healthy Congregations
Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry

Rel. 935

Building & Sustaining Healthy Community Life

*** Wheatley
*** Bolman & Deal
** Shore
** Wuthnow
* Senge
Rel. 939



Leadership & the New Science

Reframing Organizations
The Cathedral Within
Sharing the Journey
The Fifth Discipline
African American Christian Religious Experience

*** Aghahowa
*** Costen
*** Muhammad
*** Raboteau
*** Gilkes
*** Franklin
*** Pinn
*** LaRue
*** Bond

Praising in Black & White

African American Christian Worship
Message to the Black Man
Canaan Land
If it Wasnt for the Woman
Another Days Journey
Terror & Triumph
Heart of Black Preaching
Contemporary African American Preaching

Rel. 960

Sermon Writing & Delivery

*** Buttrick


Rel. 970

Family Systems & Pastoral Care

*** Satir
*** Walsh
*** Guilford
*** McGoldrick
*** Anderson et al

Conjoint Family Therapy 3rd ed

Spiritual Resources in Family Therapy
Generation to Generation
You Can Go Home Again
Mutuality Matters

Rel. 988

Korean & Korean American Church

*** Park
*** Kwon, Kim, Warner
*** Bevans
*** Lee
*** Chung

Wounded Heart of God

Korean Americans & their Religion
Models of Contextual Theology





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