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Curriculum Vitae
Postal address
School of Historical Studies
Armstrong Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RU
2003 2006
Doctorate (Dottorato di Ricerca) in History at the Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici, directed by
Prof. Luciano Canfora, at the University of San Marino (RSM). Thesis: "Between religion and
politics. The Jewish temple of Leontopolis in Egypt (150 BC AD 73)". Supervisors: Prof.
Federico De Romanis, University of Tuscia (Viterbo); Prof. Edda Bresciani, University of Pisa;
Prof. Lucio Troiani, University of Pavia. Director: Prof. Luciano Canfora, University of Bari, Italy.
Doctorate obtained with the maximum votation; thesis recommended for publication.
1999 2003
Doctorate (D.Phil.) in Ancient History at Brasenose College, Oxford. Thesis: "The creation of a
Roman province. The case of Augustan Egypt". Supervisor: Prof. Alan K. Bowman (Camden
Professor of Ancient History). Thesis published by Routledge (London New York).
1993 1998
Masters degree (Laurea) in Classics (110/110 cum laude) at the University of Pavia. Thesis:
Giuseppe Flavio, Antichit Giudaiche, libro XIX: traduzione e commento. Supervisor: Prof.
Lucio Troiani. Student of "Collegio Nuovo Fondazione Sandra e Enea Mattei", Pavia.
Field of research
Roman (early imperial) history, Josephus, Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, Papyrology.
Work experiences
September 2006 appointed Permanent Lecturer in Ancient History, Newcastle University.
2005-2006 Teaching Italian literature, Latin, Greek, History and Geography in the Italian
Liceo Ginnasio.
2002/2003 Research assistant of Professor Alan K. Bowman, Brasenose College, Oxford
and Centre for the Study of the Ancient Documents, University of Oxford.
2002/2003 Stipendiary Lecturer at Keble College and Wadham College, Oxford. Papers
taught: Roman History, Tacitus and Tiberius, Augustan Rome.
1999-2002 Teaching Latin (MILC program) to undergraduate students of the University of
A) Monographs
Augustan Egypt. The creation of a Roman province (Routledge: London and New York,
Fra politica e religione. Il tempio di Leontopoli in Egitto (forthcoming for the Classics
Series of the University of Pavia, Italy, 2008).

B) Editions of papyri
POxy IV 794: cessione di terra catecica, Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik 155
(2006), pp. 235-8.
Petizione tolemaica contro furto e violenza, Tyche 19 (2004), pp. 15-18.
P.Oxy. IV 786: conclusion of a census-return, Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik
140 (2002), pp. 177-80.
Editions of literary and documentary papyri for the series The Oxyrhynchus Papyri:
Voll. LXVIII 4655 (Hesiod, Theogonia); LXXI (Byzantine loan with interest in kind
-forthcoming); LXXII (Application for seed-corn accepted by Prof. Gonis). Already
presented to either Dr. D. Obbink or Prof. N. Gonis: Herodotus (II d.C.); Wet-nurse contract
and cancellation of paramone; Letter of Mnesitheus to Apollophanes; Order to a banker (all
C) Articles
Martyrs and apostates. The books of Maccabees and the temple of Leontopolis, in
Hellenistic Judaism: Historical Aspects, Henoch monographic section (forthcoming 2007).
Le fonti storiche e i documenti sulle finanze dei Giudei in Egitto, in L. Troiani, G.
Zecchini (eds.), Le fonti storiche nei primi secoli dell'impero (Roma: LErma di
Bretschneider 2005), pp. 163-71.
Ecateo di Abdera e la prima katoikia di Giudei in Egitto (Giuseppe, Contra Apionem, I
186-9), Materia Giudaica 10 (2005), pp. 233-40.
The oikos of Alexandria, in W.V. Harris and G. Ruffini (eds.), Ancient Alexandria between
Egypt and Greece, Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition (Leiden: Brill 2004), pp.
Maecenas and Pollio, Zeitschrift fr Papyrologie und Epigraphik 140 (2002), pp. 181-4.
D) Review articles
Riflessioni sulla data ed il contesto della traduzione dei LXX, Quaderni di Storia 63
(2005), pp. 307-33.
Greek Papyri from the Benaki Museum in Athens, ed. E. Papapolychroniou", Bulletin of
the American Society of Papyrologists 41 (2004), pp. 171-6.
E) Translations
H. Bond, Pontius Pilate in History and Interpretation (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press 1998) for Paideia (Italy). Forthcoming 2007.
Conferences and papers
The temple of Leontopolis and the conversion of Egypt to Judaism, 20 July 2006 at the
conference Pagan Monotheism in the Ancient World, held by Prof. S. Mitchell, P.
Athanassiadi and Prof. M. Frede at the University of Exeter (UK).
Le fonti storiche e i documenti sulle finanze dei giudei in Egitto, Le fonti storiche nei
primi secoli dell'impero, Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy, June 2004.
Where did Cleopatra's soldiers go after 30 BC?, International Congress of Papyrology,
Helsinki, August 2004.
Il controllo della popolazione nell'Egitto tolemaico e romano, Primo Seminario
Papirologico Fiorentino, Istituto Papirologico Girolamo Vitelli, Florence, September
Landholding in Augustan Egypt, Ancient History Work-in-Progress, Oxford, March 2002.

The oikos of Alexandria, Alexandria between Egypt and Greece, Columbia University,
New York, October 2002.
The beginning of the Roman census in Egypt, International Congress of Papyrology,
Vienna, July 2001.
The Roman census in Egypt, Ancient History Graduate Meeting, Oxford, March 2001.

Scholarships and awards

2000-2002. PhD Scholarship of the Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) British
Academy, London.
2002 Vice Chancellors Fund, University of Oxford.
2001 Christine Fell Scholarship, British Federation of Women Graduates, London.
2000 Scholarship of the University Ca Foscari of Venice.
1999 Scholarship of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Awarded by the University of Pavia.
1998 Scholarship of the Collegio Nuovo Fondazione Sandra e Enea Mattei, Pavia.
Junior Member of the Association Intrnationale des Papyrologues.
Herculaneum Society, London.
Ancient: Greek and Latin (excellent), Biblical Hebrew (elementary).
Modern: Italian (mother tongue), English (excellent). German and French (working knowledge).
Music. Classical, Jazz. Piano degree (19/09/1997), Conservatorio Luca Marenzio, Brescia, Italy.
Prof. Alan K. Bowman
Camden Professor of Ancient History
Brasenose College, Oxford OX1 4AJ, UK

Prof. William V. Harris

Department of History
Columbia University, New York, USA

Prof. Luciano Canfora

Dipartimento di Filologia Classica
Universit di Bari, Italy

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