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To take over
Armoured cars and sten guns Eagle airline
used against crowd By our Financial Editor
The Cunard Steamship Company
is for the fi rst time taking a financial
PROTEST AT PASS LAW interest in air transport. Sir John.
Brock lebank, the Cunard chairman,
announced yesterday that agree-
ment in principle had been reached
with Eagle Airways. Cunard would

European women inj ured , acquire a controlling interest—he

was aiming at 60 per cent—in the
Eagle group of companies.

buildings ablaze
Eagle Ai rways is one of the five
leading independent airline companies
ajul has specialised in arranging tour?
to many parts of Europe. It has also
done a great deal of " trooping " for
the services.
Fifty-six Africans , includin g women and children, Under tho agreement the Eagie
companies are to go on trading in
were killed and 162 wounded when South African police their ow n names. They will use the
offices of Curtard in Europe, America ,
opened lire on a crowd yesterday . At least seven others and Canada to increase their sales
were shot dead in another incident and 50 injured , Sir John , when meeting the press
yesterday, declined to disclose the
incl uding four European women. purchase price for the time being. He
said merely that he hoped to comp lete
The Pa n -Africanist Congress, an extremist , break-away oi lliu the deal in a matter of weeks. The
CuTiard company had known Mr
African National Congress, had called on their members in the Harold Bamberg, the head oi tha
Unio n to come out without their passes and surrender themselves Eagle jf rouD, for several years. " My
predecessors have often mentioned
l"or arrest at th e nearest pohev station. that we would like to get into the air ,*
In the first incident , at Sharpeville. near Veroenigin g . UO.UUU but the opportumtv has never seemed
Africans surrounded 1'ie police station , shouting . One African was right. We though t this was a good
time "
shot dead and four injured after the police had been stoned . The Eagle Airways was founded over ten
Africans retaliated and then Hie police opened file. The second 7 he ,cene at Sharpcti lle y esterday years ago. Last year it carried more
than 171.000 passengers.
Government "sympathetic to
incident took place at Langu . an African township of Capetown ,
where violence broke out after police had ordered a meeting to
after the police had opened f ire on
African demonstrators STRONG LINE BY
brea k u p ] Another uicture on vnue 51
UNIONS Sir J ohn " hoping
"They must learn the hard way " the Crowther Report to make a
Police officer 's comments on the riots called io meetin q BY OUK PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT
Sir John Brocklebank . was asked
at his press conference : " You don 't
stand to gain very much from this
JOIIANNESULilt;. MaKCII -1. l ue.r way liirfj -. ian w i t h Saran- n Dr Verwoerrt . '.in- South African By our Birmingham Correspondent The Government welcomes the Crowther Report . The venture ; are vou just going into the
" 1 don 't know how many we armo ured fdr > . Airc - rafi which dived Prime Minister , to .' rl the House of The 51 strikers at the British air fo r the heck of it ? " When he
over the area ir: an attempt to disperse As.- cmbiy before the worst incident Opposition not only welcomes it but wants something done about answered : " No. It is a logical step "
shot, " said Colonel J. Picrnaai. the [;i«? crowd only teoincd to anacr the this afternoon that the SharpeviHe Motor Corporation 's factor y of it. That would be the shortest possible account of the education his questioner came back with : " But
local aiea police commander at Africans trouble star u-d lust night , main i .v al Tractor ;md Transmissions—whose policy debate in the Commons yesterday and possibly it would be a verv expensive one ? ". and Sir John
The fi rst Al ' r.cii n wms .-liut tica d an :i the 'leighbnuring towns vf Vanderbijl- unofficial strike threatens to close replied i " We hope to make a profit."
Sharpeville. " It all started when four Africans and -everui poiU.'emen park and Vereenigin g, where Africans an over-cynical one. He spoke of having interchange
hordes of natives surrounded the were injured alter the pru i ce had been staye d away from work and marched down the whole B.M.C. group—have Sir David Eccles, though unable to name a target date for tickets by air and sea. Eagle Airways
police station. My car was struck stoned. The Aliioar.s retaliated , on a police station . been summoned to a special meeting were maki ng a net profit , he said, and
causing casualties among ttic poitce. raising the school-leaving age to 16 I , as the report wants, managed the price Cunard had paid was " not
by a stone. If they do these things The police then opene d tire with sub- March nf 2,( H)(I by their unions to-duy. to make his negative answer . a big price." Cunard were looking
they must learn their lesson the ma. 'hi ne-isui:*. -ten guns, ai.d rifles. Abo ut two tliou .-ai:<1 rnarcliet! Union ollieial ? arc expected to take sound civilised, sympathetic , and The Minister did not mention all the fifty years ahead in making the
;m'i eyc-witnes^c- raid that the front a strung line with the men , who have merger.
hard way. " runks oi Ihe crowd fell like ninepins thrnii < ; h the thi rd tuwnship involved ilt noi' L'fl union aitvire tu resume work even constructive. schools where it is fashionable for Sir John said it would not be their
An uflicial ;i '. Vereeiii ssinc Iu -diUl! The rrowr! Ihcn rctrratcr !. !u;n p i:iR tli a ir i n Inu tr. i::b'.c. Sh urjj cvi ll e. kicking so t h a t i:i v i;aUation-- on their pay That was quite an achievement. dust children to disappear in a cloud of intention io work in severe competi-
liut the L'asualWes at 7 p.m. lo-mnlit at cieud and Wk/i mdcil in tlie street. open the doors oi peufc- iovj ng people ' s r a'.in ca n Ho an The ' men met yester- on their 15th birthday and never
Sir Diivid' s heart is clearly in his be seen tion with B.O.A.C. " We are talking
¦>ti dead ami 1H2 inju red . t\>rl >-l i>i ir M a:ii;:tci ij vd.c 11- ol ineii wimen . u:id lioniL 1;., lie said , i ntimidating them , and day near t m _> fac -to ry a m i rejectee! the new j ob. and Mr Greenwood , who ledge thatagain. Nor did he acknow- with B.O.A.C. about a mutual arrange-
Ij eop'.c seriously injured in lliis fhi.d reu .ay •praw '.ed on tiiu roadway taking tnem on their march. The
advice fr< »tn uni"ti officials and a
iwomsnemt alion from :h.eir factory faced him at the Opposition tlie extra theyear children who most need
are, under the ment." Referrin g to the Eagle air
in the .square. One po iceman de»rriiwd demonstrators n\o wrecked a number dispytch box . sounded duly voluntar y system, the leabt likely to fleet of th ree D.C.6s, one Britannia,
husp it al and the other 113 injured t ^p '-cene a< " like a world war bat: e- shop ste w a r d s committee that work one Visco unt, and 10 Vikings, he said:
iiave been tran sferred to Barug -Aun atli liclt i. " A .lohannesburg news photo-
of telephone kio>k^ and look awu .v ahould be rc fumL'd. They said they disarmed . get it—a stroiiK point made by Mr
" The size of the airfleet depends on.
tiieir equipment. would remain on strike until a con- The new Mi nister virtua lly Greenwood.
hn^pita!, nuar Johannesburg. Rraph er . who.-e own war wa= riddled A; tht begi n n i n g ot to-d;iy 's croie oiler wit s forthcomin g from the promised that he is going to be out- she talks we are havinfj with B.O.A.C.
More violem e broke out 1u-:ii slit. with bullets, said " I took pictures of trouble. In .1 said, about live thousand management , and arranged another spoken ami controversial , even if this Crowther out-Crowthered and wheth er we get the licences. The
!h;.< lime at Langa . where the inj ured more bloorishcfl tl iun I Liave ever Afrsc-aus assembled at Ihir police meeting for t o-muri'ow was not the day tor it, and he One wav Sir David sought to dazzle main licence is for a weekly service
beT irc ^oeii in Soiifn Afrifii " *:a:!u!i. Tiii;;r itfea was to have tiiem- from London to Bermuda and back ,
:::r!iKletl four Kuropea:: women whose Th e South Afii c an Pros> Associa- Last n:Rht the Tr;!niport and impressed the House—thou gh a lew the enemy was by being more ardent
ear \ca» stoned . Shops ami an su lvy s arre-teii tor nu t carrying pa ? s- General Worker- ' Union and the faces behind him looked a little for reform, in certain marginal and the Britannia will be able to do
tion said one poMce oflicer instructed that."
admi nistration block were set on fire. an African to collect pieces of a cards or identity passes. Genera! ;i::u Municipal Workers ' stunned at this point— with his spheres than the reformers them-
Shortly after 5 o.m. about six The crowd grew to 20.00(1, telephone Union—l i o:h with members involved resolve that we are going to have our selves. He out-Crowthered Crowther.
wires were cut , and there were dis-
t nousand men and women gathered in
u square siriginfi the African nationa '. turbances. The police then opened
in t h e u l - p u k' —summoned the strikers education , whatever the cost By the
to a special meeting to-day. It will be 1DTD' s, he estimated, this will be
for instance , in his determination to
see that employers—unable, perhaps, Palace investiture for
,.nlhera. Saracen and police vans fire and about 25 people were killed he'.d at T ranspuri House. Birmingham, running at £1.5<K> millions a year. to see anythi ng in it lor themselves—
approached . and 50 wounded. The positi on there
was now under control , he said. (Later
the headq uarters nf the T. .t CJ .W.U. One member was taken slightly ill do not resist Uie desire of young gister Rowe
A great roar echoed across tlie Al ready the strike ha.< virtually during the debate and had to be workers to attend technacal courses.
squa re as tif> police, carryinc sten he made a further statement that i'i halted car production throughout the brought a ylass of water, but it was The Government will , if necessary, Sister Helen Rowe, the midwife who
«ur.s. riot sticks and revolvers, left Africans were killed and 151) corporation, and about 23.000 B.M.C. not through shock at this calculation. brin e in compulsion here, although attended the birth of the Queen's third
the vehicles and faced the crowd . wounded .) workers will be !aid olT this morning. Eve:i if it means sacrifices in other the Central Ad visory Council rejected child , was yesterday invested by the
Supportin g them were African police A t Vanderbij.park, thousands oi A B.M.C. spokesman said that di rections . Sir David went on to she idea. Convinced that these younj ; Queen at Buckingham Palace with the
t arrying riot stick s. As the polk-e Africans gathered and police opened of prod uction at tne corporation 's declare , the money must he found. workers should be able to claim insignia of a member of the Royal
moved forward, the crowd surged fire when matters became difficult. three m a i n assembly plants at Still more impressive, though per- release as of right . Sir David said he Victorian Order (fifth class). Sister
!>ack . One Africa n leader was killed, and the Birmin gham. Oxford , and Abingdon , haps not altogether welcome to the was going to consult the Minister o Rowe 's appointment to the order waa
Africans fell back but rallied and was now at a weekl y rale of about technocratic top people, was his desire Labour, the local authorities, and announced on March 8, when other
IJar raj rt' of stones returned to the police station. The fourteen thousand. W i t h i n a few days. that there should be education for its industry itself to try and ensure this. members of the tea m which attended
prj sition was now under control.— if the strike continued , all j T .UU 1! own sake. He wants to see the The Oppositio n was deHj ?h!cd. the Roval birth were also honoured.
Suddenly, the African? :un .rd Renter and British United Press. workers in tho corporation would have
-.i^oxit screaming ami ran from the tr> he .nid ntt universities modifying their entrance
mar;gied body :n n ha; with a shove 1 demands ami the sixth forms easing up
:i»iice. Who waclecl into them . strik in s
out with their sticks. As llie
uric! the n spread -and over pools of MR MACLEOD on the specialisation race . Every
cnilri must be valued " not frj r wha t he
.uivatired . a b»;-rase of stones, slicks.
blood iu Sharpex'ille Haiti.
Th e po ice scemeci tu lie rather SPEAKS OUT XEVV PREMIER OF pr oduces , but for what he is."
and boltle> rained on them and the
, -rowd from surrounding buildinus
shucked themselves at the scene
Traliie poMcenit»n and motor cyclist CEYLO N From another ace ".'
The po'.ice returned io their vehicles
, -, nA were followed slow .y by the
po'.ii 'e pat rols 'ed aniSj ularu -es and lire Multi-racial goal Brave words, though they seemed ,
perhaps to have strayed from some ,
, -i'owii.
iippiia ncp s .i nri pti liee trucks to aiv !
frtu n the Afriran hospital at Mr Marieod . the Colonial Secretary. Mr Dudley Senanayake uther age. They did nothing, of cou rse,
A fresh barra ge of s'.< mes si ruck the ViToe n i Ktiii ' aii'i the police station al came out strongly yesterday against to keep the child at school until 16.
polic emen, some of whom p iekcil the m Slia rpevil'e. From our Correspondent Sir D.ivid accepted this warmly in ¦
up ami hurled tlv m at the crowd. r acialism as the basis of citizenship Colombo. Mahcii -1. piincip j L '. Bv his tide sat Mr Butler , |
Africa ns veiled a: inu police Wailing of women Speaking in Glasgow—on the eve pilot ol the Education Act of 1944. who ¦
"Co wards " a nd " Ki'l the white An African minister of reli gion look of his vim! to Central Africa—he Mr Dudley Ser iun ayake . leader lias ntsn hvmg with this principle for !
::ien." At this stage tiring brok e out a piece of iron and scrapec! sand over conceded that in Kenya there must of the United Nat io nal party, was lifteen years but who now presumably
i:id. after the square cleared , a sworn :n a> Ceylon 's sixth Prime accepted the preparatory things that :
•lumber of bodies were seen Oil She the pools of blood. The s,:ene of be safeguards for the minorities would have to come first—more school j
shooting, after it was ali over, was written i:»o the Constitution. Minister to-night aftc-r many hours buildin g, the cuttin g down of oversized i
^ roisr.d.
S'.roeis ie:idir!ij to the square were relatively q uiet. But l:i the buck- classes, and the recruiting of more
The true answer, however, could of discussion dur ing which con-
!;uck with ye .'.ing African.-. Sfw.e KrfHii ul the wail sna and screaming ul "' only come from n:i atj of mine siderable dcubt \va- expressed teachers
tu'ed at pn!:<"t * from hol iiitJ ,*i i::crs v.\>:nen <-<u:;d Ue hearii. th.i t believes a man -.liould have his abo ut his party " -: nb u .ty to muster It is hard to counsel lads of l<j to
:i:id out of windows , . Above t;»e mar iv nnis were crammed iv:th rights as a citizen am! not because oi stay at school agai nst their will , the
,,f the iT»w<!. Steti ei:n bursts ;i "m1 thi 1 casHospital ualties. Some ut the vvomuied were tlu; culour of his fare—an attit ude of <i workable maj< rity in Parliament. Mini ster said . The Opposition insisted
heavier thud of revo 'ver -;*."!- v ivio lyi ng riive retl »T,h b.ank i'I.s on mind thii t accepts as the natural order The part> wim liitv seats and can on the need for doi njj this hard thing ,
henrd. The polic e lei ier tc:;:t:.i'd to ver andahs of buildin gs near the of things the right of a man to live nominate six in a House of 157 but Sir David sounded as, though he
f.anga po ice station , whore they ucrc casualty wauls. Authorities of the and prosper and share in the members . Mr Senanayake himself was hoping tha t things would some-
Mined by reinforcements. Vi- rve iiiffins hu>pi t ai' s noii-European administration of his country ." said in a statement hero to-day that how come right by a voluntary process.
-eetion i-.-ued an i:rgent S-O.S. to-night Summing up the recent Kenya con- he would nut form a coalition but More and more children , he pointed
Like ninepins tu r blood for the wounded. ference. Mr Macleod contrasted the hoped to attract enough parliamen- out. are in fact st aying on afte r 15.
;, eo:n:ner.. - .a. The Pa n-African 1 1
- i/u::gress Presi- " clarity of vision " of Mr Michael tary support eventually to survive. There are schools where it " suddenly
Mr Owen Ho c!j;e>- ..
However, he was quite prepa red to ixrrj mes a fashion. " If this develops .
; a w . er who i::o\ c [hrot: ?it :N? dent. Mr Robert Subukive. and tne B:i;i;de:i and his multiracial N ew and rci-rspuiM on turn .-, out to be
Vert'er.imna .:ren to-d ;.y - .i lc: A t ne u n general secretary. Mr Po'. iako Leba '..o, Kenya party on the one hand and the
f£ii "e the electors agj in if he failed .
¦".**n eeced on b> wo'v.t1;; pe ted e.-vrs who had expected .idfl " resisters." led " blinkered foolishness '' of Group- To-nigh ", the Tamil party srnd it i.nneri' s.- arv . what a triumph for a
Snarpovi . . e ;i pa rty of tiO to the Or l a ndo police Cuptam Briggs and his United pa rty would not support him. It would not frcu socit'tv !
w i t h sion-e.- a::d t n . i t
!Hi 'u"o *' .:t e r .i .'.y statio n, near Johannesburg, this morn- on the other. support any party v. hii -h had not A fe .v heads wa^ed at this devout
s'u .'imo:! wii ^
l '<?sieaed " by thoi.;-;.r:i!s of Af rican ing. Mr Sobukwe, M r Leballo , and [JWr Macleod' s .speec'i. pnpe 5; reached ayrpomerst with the Tamils. thought , but others looked doubtful.
:~en -i"d wotnen j r.rt po ice cou '.d six others were held for questioning opposition to Dr Bimda's release, Mr Senanaj ake said he would
un lv make contact with it by forcing by the specia! (security) branch . ptip e 13] attend the Commonwealth Premier.-'
'•onlerenee in Lunnon. M.P. TAKEN ILL

Dr Verivoerd on risks of timidity

Tug sinks, captai n Mr Sydney Irving, the Labou r
member for Dartford , was taken ill
" Thank goodness!
sucked in t o funnel
Cu'etuws. March -1.
Dr Care: de VW ;. South A f r ca:i
i ij i c t h e r i gh : to pr otection " I f t h e r e
h a d ever been a Government w h i c h
knew ho w n> :v.aip .tai:i law ani: order
m..-i:i:er pre:et! W h a t he hr. J do::e was
to Dlead for order. All he had said A Lon' Sun :".:k 'M Pt , .i: %- v.- .-is .-ucked
wa= t h a t firm action was necessary into t h e tu:i:-.o.. u:.d '.ho:: p.i-ht "i out
while makin g a speech in the Ho use
nf Commons la.-', ni sht. and cou 'd no*.
complet e •.'. He spent come time in
they have CRESCO here '
' This way J jj ci my own inciivjduj J towei j fo*cl thai reaJIy dries J
N.r. M P. f... : V.iT -dciivil •a '." < 1i; l.ves :' ' was t he ::r.mediate'y. i;i.-va> .i of iii.'o v. I n g t h i n g s a rest ron:n ir. the Ho'j se before No queucing * no y-'^ste cf lime and no risk of cross-infection ; because Cresco
P:, -. k. :..i ci -n t h e Hpn-c &'. .\~?tn:b',y prose".: So u t h A f r i c a n G o v e r n m e n t, t(j develop ur.til the >t:;:i: was reached . a g a i n i-n vere'i in mj U " . w h e n hi^ crrif ". Ljoj nij hr>me.
paper towels provide fj ch u»er with 3 clean hygienic towel for every wash.'
b'.i t in rocen; times the: e had been wr .t r e more l:vf> would be lost ' o.trj .-1/eci a:;.i sar k !:: T: ' bi;ry <:Qfk Mr I r v i r u . who :- 41. h ad mt been
bp t '.>rc it « a> kr -.i , now m a ny certai n case* of vio' enoe .;i which lives Tht Premier <i-1;:eri t h r . t he rr.mself ;.-..- • :;:p h:. The eripta:".. Mr Davit! fW-lir .j we : Tor .-oriie cavs ai:c! when The CRESCO SERVICE offers
peu-p.c J:cd in t.vd.iy ".- ua^s riots : of w h i t e s fiau ber-i lost tl.<! :;ox belie -, o :r C Nt r e r;-e in t 'j -j r f - ' E\ ;i::- . rf G r . <y * - '.e .i- n i' ki"1 ' ! .:^ ij y . vt e n, :?'! ;s =;t i.iuh; by Dr Edit.'i « A towel which reduces costs. No laundry bills, no sorting* no
" It ¦ , - v e r y ;: .- '.vir b .vi \^ Tic The c.r> i:':-;j ni 'fi c-( 11-day '.- ;::- .- z r .i th? ur.:'.ece^-ary t aj en g of Itves, :ir.^*her * ^«^ . '.¦j 4e * :\» r 'a ' vi "".^ r - - ii".- :ipr=ki ' wa^, faunr! ;r, hii '.'e a h:sh checking, no listing, simple replacement j nd disposal.
new a" S' :arpev . .' c :iu .i hec: :.:it .- ' t ij cusn !'.« r.;'i-i i • .". i t t . r r : d c re-A . Rr. r.i : F. : : B .:n :vc" are : e:r wp : • .:re • No queueing. nothin g mechanical to brej k dawn .
.: : a " ,''r ,r. ..-c I'.r-r.-e
p ¦
w n "' lh o r e .iro r - > v i,f : ;¦,,;- a in r t . A ' h i - j ir.rr n .;. • <• ; . i ' -a rt.- ^s !cr ! ; hr, ' ¦ A lowcl of bibnccd sirenRt 'n j nj j bsorbencv mad e from the 6ne«
bet ween 4.t»iO a- i .i . orm Alrica ::; ha.i n -e.i- ^ T e ? . .ie" .i::n !: .:; h -'- |j . \ .
« 'i c : r . r r '.' !< r i n f. -ig !-y -v . ^ . t o - or
m.i:, ":".e.i (.¦:-. .1 ;t :,v -:>. ' .c:: O 1; the ¦
;r. .!:-• ¦
¦ • ,
' :, t b c . -" c .:". "Ai lfu l ¦ M r Ir-, : -q w.i- " Jec-.i:;g l.i- *.:e r."' He qua lity paper ,
- w h i t e -, t h at ui- .y or.c :no« '.d be !!> Tn e ,i t h i ? r :•' .;: i >: :iv tim " .;::".; '. ' • it
w a y t n ey m ar c h e d r.£i-.t ':i7O- :gii a r.: ' ..:-.^ - Rc ::"O7. r, t if ' i-.r.d -A tTf •^¦¦ii-'l :i;j ..i:cr. T h ej
1;^: , f ht -iv y c. 'f '. . a A towel ihjt DRIC5, dwicr rtSTER >nd prevents the spread of
w j i:te rirej , ho -ii:::. a,id;:".^ tli av '. hero p
, .vc :e ::u: keat 1:1 h n - pi 1 :
. .
>n:eci: on.
Dispensing Obinet s supplied FRtc as part oi ihe Cresco Service. We also
Whites' rights w.i- the po ssibility that they coi .lci PICKETS A T SOl'TH GW OTHER PAGES— produce Automatic Paper Towel Vending Machines and a very great variety
c.ivo killoci oer 'w iir, whites.
Me was speaking before it was When it beca me necessarv •¦ 'j fc •%
of Wjj ic Receptacles and Disposal Bins

kni Mvn ttui! more thr.n one person had force :t must be used in such a mar.nt'r A gro u p of people p i c k e t e d South IN MONTREAL Str John BarbirnU * and the Halle ;
died , but fame under heavy criticism as to make it clear to everyone ir. the A f r i c a IL-.iif 1:1 T r a f a l g a r Square the Mi at case , J
tor his r en^nrk . which \v,is t a k e n by p iM irt rv that there wj; r.o Dlace for I'j r ' y Montreal, M a r c h . 21. Spnri 4
(K-.c- Opposition L'm t erf oarty nwnhtr nvj rder :r South Afr i -a
Iy .>niiu :i .
t h e
"o-day m prote st
./i;:ig~ at S h a r p o vi l l i ' Tho 4.Vi 2-'o:; C a n a d i a n freighter. " Blink ered f onlithnes s "" in Africa 5 WWH ROOM
ii - mcaniri Lt the police s h cu M use more
i ij a m ^ t -.i,"
O:-.e iif t r uvr.. M ;.-s P .mela ,ti > n <?s. -'f E ;k ;rro . tied i:p h e r e to-<iay. s e t t i i n Science to-day . .-.....,..,......,.,„... (5 THE COM MUTE ^S^ SERVICE
\ .-i Vi: *i* th iin :;«^t'e-<;iT y to r^ 'oye the Defended by 1' rt'm ier K: -.iry M. -.v.- . We>t:r.:::-'t f r . -.ii-i i l n " I a rsV'in l a< t h e :ir-t of-ean-soin " \ e s~.'l F.ttat e j n/fi a f h a p e 7
-i' l j . f j j . t i . nr s-i t n a t t h e -:ic !. ::-.5 of Dr Hei'.^ r i k V< — A t e .'d . t ne Ti 1 t :h,it ^, > -r.i' Mi;rii ^ > l ? o u l r i :^ p T u* tr> arriv e f:i, :ri ,iver\-t'a^ Lfter The t.ej de n an d correspondence 8 For details of the Cresco Service—please utite to
1 i r-hoii ' .! - , >t be li sni T Oi t W it ' oi;] . -t P -Lif.o M . r .. -" t_ ': , t r * ;i t::o .' .. 'r.L'-.ii.i to.v .ar.-i I .3o ' !' !t<i t .» t ,tk > - a \^ i:-. :er ivoe s.c- .::i f > ". the St La -.vrt?nee . Food irarn the tea t^^S^^K
9 to 12
Dr i!e Wot rose oft or I n , - «:: : u 'her I!.'ii>e Dr m- W L.f . si.^ emer.t h m i " i ^ ^ v ¦¦:; " i .-i:::.i r m S. '.:t ti A"'ri \'i Tho E sk: -n. i ra:r.e ;r.-::i M.d - i ;o .- !j rn '.;j h
(*^ W
r :\ f.i-:-:n . arse! repealed h i - car icr :.ii: .i s k c i f. ir n :ii-f:Vr ar.,i rr 'ar- H . i .i'-e Ot h e r ptvp.'e i j ::.od rr e t h oiv The earl: > - • :,rev:'V¦.:- j r r . wj ! date Finance and i n d u t t r y , J4 & 15 Tefcphone: Woilhin* 6100- 1
- " .itemcnt. adviing : "1 ~ .< y t s irit - j u sh t i T . Th:-- i c.:\c:wf ;t Dr r e Wefs .i t ;-.o j -r . .• • > s t. It waa Q u i t e Tvn- M a r -h : < -e', !' - t n e Mj ;ichei'.er TV and radio progr ammes 79 X*°^^
b'TSiiflff »'h:t»s in t h i - , c o u n t r y a ' so i t a t o n u-n t h a^ beer. completely sp-"ir"i\. i!i " ' Sp::;::er .n il 'i4 —Ro ".:"..^r Weather and crosmort i 20
PERSONAL House of Commons
Warm Pool. Tu rktih Batfii, Qaf nrd lid,. M e . PLASTICS (Manchester), LTD.,
K1NDLITE VENETIAN Bz 'j laiu 3 ir afiing S' ^Kltm * ai.d DlitrLtiJt ori.

cost £110m.
L EAD1SO SAME m VENET1A M BLINDS IN I H £ Sp« rtalu t * In
N O R I H Oi« colour t»«urt. «fi4 pn**rv •it nuui
tc«* *A flxhl *td tJK >e*r round KtVF.
WOHJCS . fc.iU U m Mxncrmre* 12 Tel W» V Ifi ^HJE
Ha s " fir st and overriding pri ority "
the school-ieaving age to 16 witiiout
HILLS, M/ct Piccadilly Service Station. I
Ministers uns haken FANCY AND FACT OF
and ENGRAVING exception—should bf put in hand. If
Almyi opgp for Euo PetroU >od all Servi <t» _ | H A%*rj VKK V. r j K Krt ! !' XT' ,U
I,1 r ^lji jf S tll J \J / . MAN 'C HK.VJ-THEFT . this wai, left on a voluntary basis it
6 FfTcI cTeTnI N
G-—All type* ?:iJ- :. u o u i r i put a strain on children and
in educatio nal programme
: t-Jt?pljyiie ARIj vIw. 45' j T ".- L. -.-¦(
< ontn ciK Urg^ or «n*.£ fan P'.* be acropte'l parents. The Minister should noi
H f»a»'j nt0
. E e. _ J'ho Tj tf B!.A f/Ji4. _ delegate responsibility in this fashion. Mrs Barbara Castle (Lab. Black-
'(»•* N>w B'-itiiI STr#-*T
Iji. Nd' -.n
in Mayfair.
HAT H'i'j
-'.-¦* :.*ri v, • g , ul )i U .,r 'r -
Ij :i - in <i i :.. i «a '. cr. . - - «-rirA
'*sy u j -3 c.:. vi?^:. ,5ai .*«..£.¦. .is t ea ¦:..;.
; -.^<
d£a ;e 4 t
^ -a^v
Ope:;:r.^ a d e b a t e in t he House Secondary School-. £ :.on Counn]
Tne n u b '•:' the problem was the supply
ol teacn ers needed to fulfil tne comm i l-
burn ) asked the Minister of Health
in the House of Commons yesterday
J ABULOUS FRENCH HAIR FASHIONS ' ' " ^- -%c js : tfO ' < n.-Ci.imrn «ida " io r.s. _ The building s
* a;rsp v f N.' .'A k .'A.'. [M -oiiMATION Kisi * JUJK
of Commons yest e rd a y wa.s sludy t r".g t:.e a r r an g e n i e n t s for j t.d M.'hi "j ls we'-f- ii"t really a key matter : to what extent National Health Mr F. Al laun (Lab. baltorra t..)
r . _ K* r-t ?•'-:»¦ • :^ - n i,:. W e 2 on the- e x a m i ne : . o n-i ;tt me Ad '.-a nceri level of
P-JNE CLAKO. fl ST FETKH.S*^ M u!_" ( .EN^'*
CAMPERS—Exchange your ridge tenu Crow lher Report. tne G.C.E. "On this I must once again r. w :,n tcv.cht-r s' tr aining colleges Service psychiatrists were made asked the Minister of Aviation in
COMPAN Y "DIRECTOR " (25 ) . American I j r t.:j- of Uj * fram * typ * «*fn *r«te«J »t sou nd a note of w a r n i n g . The value of which were the key. The Opposition was available to the Services, the police,
Mui~al*d «« •« p - ^m r^-icn p> :b'n: .'e)»*.*'i. * t»-i r k- IJOWAiiOS_ r . FVd* Roafl B>:tO Q ST23. Sir DAVID ECCLES (Minister ol reform ot the G.C.E. can oniy be entitled to have a far more specific time-
or the security authorities for the House of Commons yesterday if
c.-' nd Ma- 'iU-j 'T offl"" . * • ? ' ' - . *t"r *'Ji ry ^ r<1 ^ Educat io:: ) moved . table from tne Government than it had
¦~nr , e^v
i*-*-icA A»s, f * t *^
- i + r+ti
;., -:^ ' ', •¦»
'.'.¦* c.,1.- realised if the universities and Vi arl to far purposes of interrogation or brain he would name the firms of con-
Aair-:%t OT H2 ""w O u i r diar. Tn^t this House welcomes the report t heir Faculties shape their entrance
Choose your hobby f rom Music, Art, AT TOMINTOUL— of Ir.e Central Advisory Cou.icil tor r equirements so t h a t schools are Riven washing. , tractors which supplied the three
1 -r.s..ih or WHL.OJE-
*» . '.-h !Q^rfj >d Brwf .uv Ffte. S< -Ul H£(*.'» Ii
P."»i*; »t*le f'J 'j >f» n SOMEONE KNOWS SAM'S Education (England * as a constructive
contribution to the formation of educa-
the best cnance to broaden their
curriculum while maintaining adequate IN FOUR YEARS Mr D. Wa!ker-Smith replied that no
such arrangements had ever been
missiles,originally estimated to cost
£8 millions, referred to in the
f' j RKESP ONIiE.NCE f'Ol.LE^K A :&. ',!* Ftoa'J

I SX'R [TE SPEECHES, Salt-* letters .

Yin can vsnie 6h Vy w:fhrn IV) ytrd i of
SA M 'S CHOP IIOLSK *r.d noi And It—yet
tiii*re 'i a HigrhUndt -r up it Tcpiiatoul tn
tional policy for the next twenty
yea rs.
specia lisation.
" The annual cost of education for
England and Wales, which is shared
A great improvement made.
Mrs Cas'.le : Is the Minister aware that
report of the Comptroller and
Auditor-General and now estimated
bmrhyrM. fchnir - ai »t«J "l «. bofjki i-'^py. e'-c. KI. Tt BaLflsJUr e wh'j c men! on*rt*h*d memory of He said that the first major recom- Dr Kennedy, who does National Health
~ ^ M anchester is of KAM"h. He remcmBtr * , men dation was that the raising of the, between the Exchequer and the local Mr K. THOMPSON (Parliamentary
Service work, has decla:ed that he has no to cost £110 millions.
CABIN T R U N K.S from £4 10s. Lhti lntt rcstinf arnl chartcttmtSc decor.
Lh<? gulf* friendUnets and warmth, of the school-leaving age to 16 should be authorities, was £280 millions in 1950-1 Secretary to the Ministry of Education i
complaint aE3inst the con:en t of the Mr Allaun also asked if the Minister
Every hom^ «;hotj]i 1 have on* Ideat for «i<j**miit*n *s and is now ju st short of £700 millions. sa id they were a long way from the
p*,1|rJ^ •^ I'wl l^n and rrt-ascr^d posv-s^ifnis - T.\t
[¦ailvk *.
pl»c*, but mod of iil he remembers the
dm) ale grill*, the fine *ieaki , and the grind. reaffirmed as an object of national
policy. "They ask as to carry out this The universities are not included in " Observer' s
date on. which it would be practicable to report of his speech in would explain the discrepancies, aj .d
31' rtfJ . Muirhwl"'1 T*-:»WMin^ f "EN fifVds r r^ t - .'.i *.« we »^cd greetir.j« 'o him *nd to »Jl
outers north >A 'he Border wno kecw reform in one of three years towards these figures. Now. making no allowance which he stated that a technique of
raise the leaving age to 18. The what inquiry was being undertaken
THE " COUNTY "HOTEL,"" Old Trafford, Sam 's Cfcup HDU»e " the end of this decade and to announce for any of Crowther 's recommendations. braai-washuiK was developed in Britain
secondary schools could not take on this
during the war and used to extract
in bis department.
TBA 171
M f Mr n^rt arni BrrAkfa ^t 25-f n * ;¦, -t •Jn ff'j rfc IW roW , The /!r«l yxnnei on tK9 the date forthwith. I can say at once this £700 millions, as we continue the task at che moment. Nothing would be
confessions ? In view of the conflict Mr D. Sandys said the Audi tor-
iCft up CfL^JI'W Wt f l K n ffQ T Tl 1j f {>ti i iitTt'L'tt that the Governmen t agrees with the drive to put into effect our present
policies, will have risen by the end of
lost in the interval by improving schools
between hi.s remark* and the assurance General's report made it clear that
.*.t '^ « - P. A- H f ",m 17 *. tl & * '
t *i1. 3171* f __ rifport on the question of the principle the decade by about half amd , by the
and making an assessment of the likely
given by the Prime Minister last week,
position towards the end of the decade.
the two figures quoted were r.ot
of raising the school-Sealing age to 16." middle of the 1970s, by four-flfths. will the Min.stcr. to allay public anxiety,
" There will be a great improvement in
comparable. Nevertheless, there was
CLOTHING—Men '*, Womcn 'i, Children'*
requi red dt me £**ttucra Army. Kindt? «rni u to
When the righ: conditions could be
assured , the Government believed that Looking ahead into the 1970s, the cost now call upon Dr Kennedy to make a
four years' time." To red-uce the size of no denying that the original estimate;
MILTON ENGINEERING CO., LTD., 9 HuJme Street , Manchrtler 1. or »e will collect. of education is likely to be £1,400 public statement declaring unequivocally
classes to the present target figures of had proved to be absurdly low. It
CLARENCNON ROAD. Telcpft ont CEStfAi 3737. the great majority of boys and girls millions to £1,500 millions a year. what he said and what he intended to m ust , however, be recoenised that at
HYDE. T^: HYDe 21 *1. would learn in full-time education more 40 for juniors and 30 for seniors would
say ?
Fabicn+on of
*' Penper " Sh**f
in M*r+iiTi and IF you r«quire a Driver for a day, week, or than they were likely to learn in their require another 60.000 teachers. To
Mr Walker-Smith : It is clear what he the time neither the industry nor the
•" r-r»pex ¦• * Er-7-n v lT' f
RuJ^rj. Jjft irr Oppa'M end
Df *k T*ad« pr 'itM m-It! »o*.' *>*i. n*rn» n^i
*fiiari"«» ric . for •r Jv*r *i*3«S SJi"? -^")
tnrio.Hi telephone Manchester DrWnn Fool. BI^A 3L3I.
4 *~r . INCLUDING BONUS, is the current
sixteenth year, in employment.
On the recommendation for legislation THE MONEY— reduce primary classesto 30 would need
did not say. He did not say that these
another 50.000. and to raise the leaving
techniques hod ever beerj used in this
Government had. any practical
knowledge about making guideJ
! Tifiri on ihe ifcare» of me Htndon Building Society age to 16 another 18.000—128.000 country.
!o reduce the number of school-leaving missiles.
" .nccni»
t*x ;>»Ld by th* S&«e!> i . Pro«>ecLus
m 81 Chur ch Rend , I^o ncton N.W. *. dates from three to t**'o, h e said : " A:
present , a pupil can ieave up to the
—must be f ound altogether for all three changes. " An
extra year at school is not a physic the-Mr Prime
M. Lipton 1 Lab. Brixton) asked if He was sure that Mr G. R. Strauss
![\PPY HETURNS.—L yndhursi patrons Minister wouM move to iLab. ViiuxKalU . who ¦was Minister of
MORTGAGES : Home Buyers or Owneri. end of the term f o 'Acvinz his fifteenth " Tne Government wish to make their against ignor ance and failure." arj oaint a Seiec". Committee
-•ifdfj ons! ' , supt rjatsv # w:n".er arid .S.unmer. [IdTKI Ir.dptj^r.d^nt AdvLc*. own position plain. We are convinced As a purely temporary measure they and report on the use to investigate Supply when two of these three missiles
! V\nTIT 1P«T Prt 't ^fr t n . r.1Ei4l FRED WADSWORTH & CO..
Rrn^lrJa^ .U Rr,»rl ^s > TVI- MAL* 6224'S
birthday. Some boys and girls, there-
fore, taking their first opportunity leave ti>at, even if it means sacrifices in other were relaxing the conditions whereby and value of were ordered, would not take exception
eKM runenl5 111 brain-washing and ner -.e to ftts say ing that. With the growth of
FOR BETTER at Christmas and this means they have directions , sh« money must be found for men could be employed as temporary g;ifes.
SKIS'GLS ol the STHAND. Unttm. TEM StfOi SAFES AND OFFICE FURNITURE only had thr ee years and one term in education. (Cheens.) For that decision teacher s to bring them into line with the experience, however, the reliability o[
Mr R A. Butler. Home Secretarv : No, estimates had progressively improved
'I Einesi . NorlherT! Ar»a Offlc*: 17 ZsmCnn Rtrtd, CHATW\X;DS. MILKER'S SAKES. FILINO there are two well-known reasons. I conditions already in force for women. sir
A 1rr:;y gdtt . Chfitilrt. Aidgrity Eilit H»3 ciniNETS . Aim Quality om« Furulture. their secondary school, wh ich is a poor I do not think this would be and Che procedures for checking progress
finish to their full-time education. Jt need not remind hon. members ot the They intended to develop larger training
PATENT CLEANING OF VC'ITHY GROVE STORES, is proposed that all these would-be consequences of falling behind other colleges which would be able to give a Mr Lipton : Is the Minister aware that
had been greatly tightened. The account-
Christmas leavers shouJd wait until countries in the quality of our schools, greater variety of courses and a greater there is a certain amount of p ublic dis- ing officer of his department would soon
be Riving detailed evidence on this
WALLS and CEILINGS colleges, and iiniiver9ities. Each succeed- strength and depth within each course. quiet about the subjects of brain-washing subject
A "er SprlDe-cleknlDC you 'll be prouder at Easter, and those who. taking their first to the Committee of Public
P'.alll.TS KC1UAT. TO P.Er>ErORA~tnN yujr husiie . II you tranttorm your nlncjoh's opportunuv . would leave at Easter ing eener-ation depends uuon its knowl- Wherever possible, they were siting these and nerve gases '.' Are we not entitled
l'r«etlc»:lF rio inlrrtwnct wl:h the uonx:*]
fuactioiii of premtiei. Kith LKJKT and LOVELY should wait until July. edge, skills adaptability, and character lar ger colleges in or near universities or to know to what extent members of the Accounts Mr
Allaun asked for the name of the
INTERIOR a: STRUCTURAL SU N W A Y " We shall probably agree that one to maintain the influence of our country other cultural centres. They believed public services . either civilian or
or , at the most, two leaving dates, not in tlhe affairs of the world. For these that by doing this the students would Servicemen, are being trained in or sub- contractors, and if they would receive
CLEA N ERS , LTD., VENETIAN BLINDS three as a present, would be sound
objectives a high standard of education benefit both socially and academically. jecte d to this process ? Can we allow the penalty. Was it right contracts or. instead, a heavy
W-7J Btct P:ctadli;T. 1. CEN »17. AS SEEN ON 1TV is essential and Shis is a very strong They wanted to Kiv e all students in the scientists to do whatever they like with- of these dimensions—involving that, after a wast e
educationally. The change would have
Da il y Office Qeaning F.I THEM KOR EASIER Ut ;iiT some implications for employment as a rgumen t for meeting the cost—an areu- colleges, and particularly the specialist out the public knowinjj anything about to pay every old-age pensionerenough 10s a
well as for the organisation of the ment which will take us a long way but stu dents, the opportunity to widen their ¦what they are up to V week extra ft>r 26 weeks—no action was
HENDON TECHNICAL COLLEGE schools 1 shall be discussing the not far enough general interest s outside their speciali- taken either inside or outside the
^JlTcr s a onff ywir'i full-Unx * course In Per&ono*! SUNWAY Invisible Tape " Education is the response which ties. So they had decided, in the main, Not used by Services
employment aspect with the Minister of
V!)n»ttm*nt tutt ahte tor frarJuairi sod oliieri to
FDmmenct Srpicmfrer. I860 F« £5D. For pnrt iculan
iyuarant e».Hl for 5 yt iars.
REVOLUTIONISES CLEANING Labour and others concerned and I will free society makes to the claims of eacha to provide more specialist facilities Minj strv ?
individual child to be cared for—not for within the general colleges rather than Mr But ler : There is no question of
allowing the scientists to do whatever Many fi rms involved
apply lo the Pri ncipal. H-jrirfoa Technical College. report to the House the Government 's
T3«e Eurr oughj, H ^nd&n. London N w_5 Choose from the wide range of conclusion." wha t it produces but for what he is. nrnv-ri-r.,o '.hem separately .
DECORATIVE FLOORING glorious SUNWAY colour* It was one thing for the Government t Loud cheers). We inust remain a Wherever possible, existing colleges thev like. The Pilme Minister Rave a Mr Sandys said that many firms
Uimtmm. Rubtwr. Cork. Pi«itlai. to stand bv this reform in principle, but strong nat ion, but we must also be seen were being extended. New colleges and Government establishments were
THE TERaADt;KA F l XXf R l SG CO . LTD . Writ e or 'ph one lor descriptive booklet—t
otii \.a»i l&ii -f mt via.> by our represen:a:lie. :t was another to commit the next to believe that our society is made for would be built in the West Midlands. specific answer to this question on involved in this development. " It is not
Norton Street. Manchester 1O. COl^lvbur st -*3^3.
Par liament to a specific date for carrying t he individual and not the individual for Brent wood in Essex, Nottingham, and J March 17, and I have nothing to add. the practice to reveal the names of
EF FECTIVE SPEECH doubles personal BYROMS L T D., it out. They owed it to adults, children , the society. (Hear , hears.) In looking Cardiff, and a new college would be The British Services do not employ these contractors in cases of this kind although,
potential I tlM . elves confidence. Short ffiurws for
2 1 0 K INGSWAY . teachers, and local authorities to bring ahead we can foresee that the individual built for the Church of England at pract ices and techniques of brain- as you know, the main contractors are
Manarn . SUIT. Professluital people und nchpr s. young people of the next decade will Canterbury. There were likely to be very easily identifiable. I do not want
An lneKpemitve investmen t In efllclcnty. ALTRINCHAM she schools—prunarv as well as secon-
Terms find that life has much to offer them more new colleges in both the north washing. to create a precedent on
A F. Tnmlln A.L A M. fpubllc Sp fclni fi M R.S.T..
ZS Crutham Road . Manchester 16. CHO 26&^. _ Fmirale<I 1".M. Telephone ALT 3231 (3 llncst .
dary—to a poi nt much nearer complete
besides earning their bread and butter." and the south. Two-day colleges already Mr S. S. Silverman (Lab. Nelson and regards the suggestion of that point. As
waste, the fact
readiness for the reform before the date
BURLEIGH College, 91 Piccadilly, M/c 1, MI LL F LOORI N G was decided. Fortunately, the present Mr A. W. J. GREENWOOD (Lab. ex isted in Manchester and Leeds and Colne) : Will you bear in mind that there that the original estimate was absurdlv
for th orotiih and practical Secretarial Trala lag. LAID ON WOOD . CONCRE TE . FLACS. policies had produced a . strong move- Rossendale) said only about one in they were trying to establish others to are sufficient claims now made by low doesn 't necessarily imply that wasle
~ TF.RRADURA FLCXlttlNG CO.. NORTON STREET. m w if in I ho ri ffVit rfiriif"HoT 1 twenty of the country's young people meet the exceptional circumstances of people in this country that they them- was involved."
OTANGINGIB YOUR TA I LOR ? Consult MANCH ESTER 10. TEL. CO1- 1058 Hi «33. were going to the universities. " This is the next few years. " When all our selves were subjected to practices of this Mr S. T. Swimgler (Lab. Newcastle-
f^AWTONS. ley St.. M/c. E»tab. W ye ar». better than Turkey or Iceland, but it plans for teacher-training have matured kind in Britain during the war to justify under-Lyme) asked what action had
Mink, Ermine . Ooelcit. Squi rreS. Indi an Liinib, NEW S CHOOLS places us 25th dow n the list of countries." we shall , for the first time in our t he appointment of some kind of com- been taken against t hose who were criti-
TAXATION •* You can have C33.000 life maurtnee I.AWSON . flS Motley Str ei'l. M-iiicfcest+T 2. Noting t he proposed educational history, have adequate staff mittee of inquiry, or some kind of cised in detail in the report of the
Four years 1 notice
cover from 49 to 65 for & total net cost *>f only B15 Opposition's
" " amendment—calling on the Government to teach all our boys and girls , but they investigation to see whether what the Auditor-General for failure to develop a
Cuh value of pcllcy at fft ¦! n2.fH)0 or a life
Intnm e of approx El.200 n?r annum
THE BEST AMERICAN NOVEL OF to formulate proposals to implement the have to be provided with the schools Prime Minister told us—which I have no programme in a more accurate way.
Aslc for to-day. " ilar rlcoD High ," 17/- puit f ree. A. S
detaJli now before tax yp»r ends . R. tIARCRAVES.
4*. Whltworth Stn*el» Manrhestcr. CENtral 0M2.
Mlddte lcin. Uuoluellers, GM Lea Bridge Road . The n;ore the tnovL'tneii t of volun-
council's main recommendations as and classrooms and laboratories so that doubt was told us in perfect good faith Mr Sandys repeated that the figures
Inndnti V TO
teers to stay til school after 15 speedily as possible—he said : "If the the best use can be made of their —was not based udop information that of £8 millions and £110 millions were
«rr>c in a cr i i rnt p ?
MINK COAT For Sale, SW sirer length MbHHIMA IN b gathered speed the easier it '.d be Minister does ref use to accept it we are time." not comparable.
:ifltn. aptum back H' aln . su eep 601n N oturnl 100 JB RMYN ST., LONDON S.W. 1. to decide when the age should wou bound to be apprenensive that the stop- t n the rcmainlni ; throe Mr Butler said the Prime Mini ster Mr G. R. Strauss suggested that such
Wild Ran ch Mink Co*t. Valuation £flffl> but mil
arcent Jt*s for quick sale. Offers invite. Can tpect&ilT recommemltta: •' 1*10 " Sfluth Airtcmo Sherry be raised
to 16 f or a 'l. but befo re t h a t rclorm and-gi) policy of the few years is five-year school building years of the had spoken wi'.h absolute sincerity in estima
programme tes for new weapons were based
tw *«n br imnieitHit. PA HO The Guardian. (The Gntd Medal Wlnel.
Two 0.Klies—one Cream, odp Dry—<JeH«rea could be introduced some condit.ons li» l>e ronn.-atr -H announced in 1958. they would be giving his opinion. " There is nothing largely on the opinions and estimates
tUT address ID Great Britain for 30/- Packing. had to be fu!fl" cd. The first wos that " I want to assure the Government t h a t improving the position of the schools all since that date which would cause him given by the contracting firms who were
DOitiKe_ i ncl^d:ed__^
~ school buildings must be adequate to if they accept our addendum and pro- over the country. The emphasis would to ehanee his mind and con«?de the tyne scrutinised as accurately and carefully
" ceed with the r eforms we shall give move from the present priorities in the of inquiry which this question asks. as possible by the advisors to the
Kpcnj wJay. pariv . 50Ft. !n rolour tor C5 complete.
of wedding, accommodate the excess pupils. Most
secondary .schools wore now bcin ^ them ail the help we can . especially in areas of growing and changing popula- Moreover, we have f u r t h e r examined a Government. The Minister could do
An>»hi»:>s In Orvaier l/mtlon \iar \hvr afteM px ira ) .
designed to lake a fu:! five-year course pr oposals which need legislation. We tion , m a i n l v in the South letter received bv the Secretary for War nothing else but accept the best expert
Kor aii PlnuiirtJ with you. filme d* tilled. »upr>betf on
There would, however, have :o be a believ e that firm and more positive of England, to a reas in and South-east from Professor Kennedy and it appears advic e he could get at the moment as to
AND TRAVE L mw.t viewer. No (»rh pr oqulptn^n: nnjuln -rt.
3Dauifhtfr.<i Fi!m i;nit. 20 Avenue RrV Uj ndon N H. programme of new schools and many
the North and
action th a n the Minister has so far Northern M i d l a n d s where there was still aga in from examining that letter that what the estimate of such a new device
try the personal iervlce of ~ what he says—in his own words—have was likely to be.
a dditions to ore-waj " schools . Thov had suggested is needed." The proposal to more rc-orsj an ising to be done.
ROBERTSON, BUCKLEY K CO. LTD WOODWORM n eed ot be a caiimty if raise the school-leaving age had been areas there would soon be new In these been grossly distorted and exaggerated." Mr Sandys said he did not believe that
you act soon. LV>n't lrt Insect pests deprcii you or examined the total building requirement and Mrs Castle said Dr Kennedy had anv member cou ld have formed any
TBAVE!. AGENTS. the value nf your property. t#t u» ndvlse you. which might be of the order nf £80 mil- p art of the policy of the Labour partv improved schools which they hoped
30 BrurtiDofte Street. Manchester 2.
Telephone Bt .Artqriari 111S'9.
with out nblliotlun. THE LONDON FUMIGATION lions for England a n d Wales. If the and the T.U.C. for a long tim e. " We would increasingly attract boys and girls stated that these techniques were different estimate. "But I can sav that
CO-. LTD 29 Mlnshull Street, Mancheiter 1 be.ieve it is wron? to thrust young people voluntarily to seek the advantages developed in Britain and used by some-
( Telephone CEStral 0SH21: Marlnw House. IJoyds
Avpmm q
Ti>nr1*iTt K .f?. (T*>]*«nhnn(» nov»( 7077>.
resources were m n d e available they
ou t into the world a; a time of maximum ext ra year. " Since 1951 we haveofbuilt the one unspecified, the name of whom he we know a lot more about these thine*
than wi» did ten vears aao."
RAILWAY TICKETS could fulfil it in /our years before the
physical and emotional strain." It was 4.200 new primary and secondary schools could not give for security reason s. Did
date fixed for r a i t i n g ;he aige. So on
AT STATION PRICES the score of buildings four y e a r s' notice reco gnised t h a t voluntary staying-oa at and provi ded two million new school the Minister not realise that public
obtAlntble from SHIPPING wa= required school was increasing, but the weakness places. This is a record of
of the sysit em was t h a t those who most be proud, and our plans forwhich
ODinion in this country was still
we can disquieted about this ? 40 MILLS CLOSED
The second condition wn< ; that the the next few Mr Butler : I can oniv quote what he
POLY TRAVEL LTD.. FYFFES LIN E ¦schools must have the confidence to hold neede d the extra vear were the least years will enable us to effec
t a further Bolton Operative Spinners' Associa-
10 CR0SS STREET. the interest of 15- and Ifi-year-olds. T:ie likely to get it. "Therefore. 1 join issue transformation of conditions throughout said on March 8: " I have looked at the tion estimates in its annual report that
•« J '"k" " n with the Mini ster and feel t h at some t h f schoo r s of t n e country " script used bv me in mv discourse, and 40 spinning mills i
MANCHE3TEK J. | .iVFRs T"^-"FraS."Y.-roV " committee confessed that the teachers I can Eive vou a full assurance that at no n the area will have
BLAcUrtsrj S97I. |15 Stratton street. Londoo w. 1. or Travel AcenU had. as ye:, had li'.tle exoerience in measure of compulsion is required . The Opposition 's was point in the script or discourse did I closed down by the end of this month.
h a n d l i n g the unacadem ically minded " I t seems to me that if the school- rejected by 220 votes amendment It describes th e past
children wno would form the big leaving age is to be raised in 1969, with Government's motion to 155, amd the make anv reference to Britain or anv year as the "most
W f ll i t s a |pupil-teacher ratio in secondary without a /Ilvision was accepted sort of interrogation or bra in-washing catastrophic " ever for the industry's
m ajority of those unwilline to stay oh methods carried out there. mill ** ciw Hon
¦¦MBnBB a ""7 unless compelled , but they were not schools of one to sixteen, we should need
n n n m tr v n i m rp ai v.F.
-i u bni/ 355)000 teachers. If the ratio is to be
deterred bv these considerations. They
STA i - r ti- T r were conlirient Iha ; the schools could be one lo nineteen—which :s surely the
T^T^^^^^^K SISfFLB ONE KNTBV S l- -lt « II\!.VKS TIME AMI • ver|v m i n i m u m which would be toler-
^ M *M l ^^^M HOBK. ELIMINATES Tit \Ns( KH"TION KUUOUs * so much improved by the late sixties
¦^~^~*^^^^ B IIA8 INI^NP I-onfl
ItFUM t ArPB" r 4L a that the Government should not be able—we should need 325.000. If. on the
^HH|Bn i^V Ceorce Anson & Co. Ltd- Solw»yWATertoo
Southwlrk Ilctu^e. . a f r a i d to name the date now . " This other hand , we were to aim at ensuring
iZT&sfi on. S E I T. 1
C.tvrsr Anson it Co. Lid.. 42 Print''i Street. •
g improvement . I firmly l>e!:eve, is within that all classes, primary and secondary,
t m^ ^m / h/T
£~33lwr mi. I n n p mwpr !n achieve and we will do it." were not larger than 30, the figure would
^^^B+ (tU
Manch ester . I. Tel ' CENtral 4*M »
^^A~~<£iZnF%0 A|st> at Rlrmlnpham , Edinburgh . Glasgow. g The third condition , and this was the be 400.000 teachers needed, rising to
heart of the matter, was that there must 420.000 in 1972." If 4.000 additional
be more teachers . "We should need p laces in the training proaramme were
about eighteen thousand . But before readv bv 19C4. bringing the number of
additional places up to 20.000, the re
Questions to Ministers House of Lords
we can spare these teachers, ousht we
not (o cut right down the ntanber of would be 325.000 teachers available in
over-Mze classes arxl so eive the teachers 1969.
CARDS AND COINS the chance of doing their job reailly weli ?

R ETURNED Charities advisory There is no other single reform which

would so raise the standard of educa-
tion of this country. This is the? Govern-
council : " door ment's view , and we shall not put in
other advances before the elimination of
Inadequate pl ans
Police " silliness "
still open "
" We consider that the somewhat
imprecise plans whicn the Minister has
In the House of Commons yesterday, Recruiting teachers
sketched out are inadequate for raising
Mr P. GORDON WAUCER <Lab. For the immediate years ahead, they tne .school-leaving age and reducing all
Smetliwickt asked the Minister of J When the Charities Bill was had worked out some n-ew Plans. A classes to 30" However successful
Aviation bv what au'Jioritv the civil considered in committee in the snort-term campaign would be pressed the Ministry ' s campaign, they ought not
,'iviation constabulary confiscated a pack with vigour :o recruit from ail the to overlook the views of the Crowther
"f cards and about wo shillings in House of Lords yesterday, sources now open , but big results could Council that no campaign would succeed
threepenny bits from four mc-mbers of LORD SILKIN moved an amend- term not be expoctPd from this. In the long- u n t i l the reward s of teaching compared
the Scottish Boxing Association at , the supply of teachers must depen d favourablv with other professions. He
London Airport on March 9, an d ment to include social welfare in the on the output of the t r a i n i n g colleges. had sympathy with this point of view ;
•.vtiefcher he would cause the property definitio n of charitable purposes. W hen ;he Crowther Report reached a sense of vocation ought not to involve
to be rc-Uinied to its owners. financial h a r d s h i p The Opposition con-
LORD CHORLEY . ti-.e author of n him he consulted t n e N ational Advisorv sidered that the Minister " must set a
(Parlia- simiia r amendment which was a'lso Council on the Training and Sut>plv oi target now and a target date, and then
menitarv Secretary. Ministry of Aviation) discussed, said the definition of chanty Teacners on the implic ations of the see whether
rep lied : " The constabulary took posses- I had become report. Tney recommended that thev his building and training
too narrow for the modern programmes are adequate."
sion ol the cards and money amounting i world. In an interesting article in " The should acid :o t h e present programme The Minister should do everything
to 5s OJd for passible production as i Guardian " of February 8 the view was another 8.000 places " We have acceD'.ed possible to
evidence under ordinary police powers. i taken that it was important that the :ne recommendation in principle. Jus: the teacher-pupil encourage schools to change
I; has been decided not to prosecute definition of charity should now be drawn how soon we can achieve it must depend thi ng more like the relationship into some-
relationship between
and the property has been returned." widely enough to include those bodies , on a number of factors we are examining a tutor and students. In the higher
Mr GORDON WALKER : "Is it not which were doin g a job of wor k which If all the^e rpow plans turn out well, forms, there should be more free
this sort of silliness which ruins good was. so to speak, in the interests of the over-sized classes should be ehm:na:ed less regimentation , no time.
re lations between any police force and country at the present time in a broad bv 1970 . Bv the same date, if ft was wear uniforms, and no compulsion compulsion to
the public." charitable sense. The phrase " The decided t h a t it would be wise to do so. play
M r RIPPON said the matter had been Guardia n " had used was " public t h e school-leaving age could be raised the Crounher Report " games. The Labour party regarded
as a searchlighi
dealt with by way of a warning letter purpose." I without involving schools in more t h a n a
'. erniporarv and bearable siowing-uo m on !a difficult road along which, as a
but the men were playing cards in a nation, we have stumbled for too long."
verv public place, had attracted a small Definition too difficult iI The fourth condition was that ptibhc Mr T. G. THOMAS 'Lab., Cardiff W.) :
:he reduction- of over-sized classes "
crowd, and were causing a measure o f
obstruction. The LORD CHANCELLOR (Lord opinion mus: support an extension of the All of us must realise that the future of
Mr GORDON WALKER : "Will you Kiimuir) thought the task of definition sehool-leavina age. The nearer girls got our people is wrapped up with what
send a letter to the policemen concerned was too difficult. It must be fundamental to m a r r i a g e and the more boys felt them- a n d l t h e. rirfVe. «nd decision the Minister
Government show with regard to
Bskins them not to behave in th;s way policy not to alter the corpus of case selves as good as grown up the less some the Ireport I earnestly hope t h a t he and
in the future." la w. of them responded to compulsion, and the
There was no answer. The amendments were by leave more they benefited if . of their own free those associated with him will go all out
withdrawn. I w:l r . thev accepted the discipline of full- to pnsure t h a t the higher aims th is
Farm tribunal suggested On an amendment moved by LORD 1j time education and the deferment of comm.ttee mentione d in its report shall
Answering Mr A. HOLT <L. Bolton SALTOUN to exempt a number of 1i earning money. Inspectors were be fulfillo d. It is our obligation to the
W.I Mr J. B. GODBEH . Parliamentary national organisations from the necessity !! const.inllv teli 'tr.g h.m of schools voup g a n d to tn e nation t h a t this shQtild
Secretary. Ministry of Agriculture , said of registration, LORD DUNDEE , I where " s:n y:n ;-on ' ¦suddenly became the be done
t he disciplinary committees of the Agri- Minister without Portfolio, promised !3 fashion " First t h e able children from Mr C CURRA.N "'C. Uxbridgc-i : " Some-
r e about 70 pw cent of children
cultural Marketing Board s were essential further discussion on this point before jI responsible homes iaiie the lead and set whe reacting 15 go in:o
for enforcina the provisions of schemes the next stage of the bill , but did not I the pxamn lo Lt c-a'.e^cs °n . arid others the labour
for the benefit of the great majority of think it possible to create an arbitrary i fol' ow. This is the n:ost practical way yea: mar k1 e t The figure for tne current
exemption for particular chanties. The [of raising the school age while teachers !
.<; somewhere ir. the region of
the farmers concerned . ha 'f a
Mr HOLT asked whether some suitab'.e amendment was withdrawn. |are still in such s^nr: supply. These are for the most
LORD NATHAN moved an amendment pnrt . t he children o: unskilled workers.
amendments could not be made in The .• go into the labour market and are
which these committees could work " in that the Home Secretarv should appoin:
a Ies<r objectionab le manner." a council, to be called the Chanties YOUNG WORKERS
ab e to command purchasing power on
Mr GODBER said he did not think Advisory Council , to advise and make a s *ale whicn amounts to a domestic
!hnf was ralWl for. submissions.
Day release classes
rev i lu '.-o n .
" This is completely new in our social
Mr G. de FREITAS (Lab. Lincoln)
said there was a widespread feeling that Home Secretary had nut made up h:s He referred to :he ;i::sa;]sfac'orv ra 'e h:stiiry. It has never happened before
the presient composition of these courts mind on this ma .
' t er . to whicn the door o: i"crci?e .:: trse :t *
. •
"-¦:: J .Tr.ce a: ri ay labr urchildren
t h a t of 15 can go into the
market and command incomes
confused the roles of prosecutor and ! certainly had not been closed. ri 'U'u st1 clas>cs, and -Lii
of d.d d '. ha*
not :nosfe iv \v h:>:b made them economically mde-
judge. " Would it not be a good j LORD NATHAN withdrew the j e-r . V
j .oye^ boy^ how
idea to Vvk a ', this matter with a j amendment . ::u" > could benc-n'.. let aione :he penSen p a r e n t a
t. to a very large e x t e n t , of
l control . If we want to m a in -
view . po.-s:b!y. to some independent T.^e cmnm.t' .ee staj e was adjourned bh> '-> : t i i i m a n y emp * o\ ers of g i r l s
unti l to-day. ¦v(>u.d !".¦¦¦ ta.n parental r cntrol and the f a m : l v
tr.buna l ' " . !•' ¦"'* at i t . " One m e a s u r e
un:t. it is nece^ary for social reasons
Mr GODBER said he shins^d like :<" '
a"o cuuld tj Jte "At -'j i d be tu . r . t r u d u c e
•'¦:inj c about what had been sa.d. In compulsion or. '.r.e empl oy e r :o fi v e I h e
to take the;.e cnildren osf the l a b o u r
¦ MAN-CHESTER CATHEDRAL y o u ng w o r k e r ;::o r-.ah: ".o cia i m re.ease th<*~n ;; market as soon as we can and keep
m answer to other questions he said for a f irtner *.K.r "
these disciplinary committees were he 'd Ma ".ns
Tyesdty —S ¦
*i 3fi
:- ¦*¦*pm
Holy C\ cuninl' n
Ev^nsM" *
:i a *r
*Vf* k*< ¦ s: . -• M ,-ii:e :id ,.r apprcved T-e Mrs '' E.^ch'^ol
WH1TK ( L a b F l .nt E > .

.n public, and everyone '.^as .i b'.e to Si- rv-'or R**^"¦

\hl» ! pr*y ' .Ba.r»tf»w ; Jijrai:i 321. lust!:ui.L-tl uf
Rv- vi Ar*t • :n " J '--^ ,;ra • m- - Aii v si.r v CVmm.tu-e i e l e c t ed i"-:s. b u t v.": ri c!. n g up for the Opposition . sr<i ci
:-ee exactly *hat happened . t ".TiT the G-uernmerr find t h e - arC' '"¦ sne was deeply disapp ointed that the
;.iv.::r are sir i -.ecr 'Lor. :r.e c ou n c i l M i n i s t e r w ds not contemplating a
a "i is ar.d we sh..i; :.-.e: efure . ex plore rrri ur t i o n in the -r of p r i m a r y
s^r H ivjc; v j vte p< i s>ibi l i t v of g . v i r . g tr.e srnnio! c.isses below for '.v This seemed


you" £ w o r k e r t n o r tgh : \o c l a i m re.ea.c e. one of t h e most ser.ous defects of a!'
I sha '.l r.ave d'-scussions on t h i s cro posal . in His a pproach to "-he subject. Should
w h i c h canni>t be in troduced for some the> ) be r -u n t e n t to a il o w c h i l d r e n to
'.i t '.le t ir.e A'ltr: tn c M r.:s".er o: L a b o u r s'j y oti a f te r 15 v o l u n t a r i l y '1 About a

ai.d .v .:h k>c <t l au : r . o n t u-s .ir^i i n d u s t r y "
t h i r d c o n t i n u ed tn do so : the latest
; Parp '.uimen: wo;: !d nc\-cr at:emr>t to
! dic" a .L' t h e k ' cite, but from t rr. e to
r U ur L'? tor Ij j .r .-i'in we r e h i g h e r a n d
showed 'h a t 4f> per '-e h it r er r j am f d
::me ;.u v c^-i fi A i t i n <i v i n t ;'C e . opri^s beyorH t h i * H ge of 15, al th o ugh sorm 1- ' Already over 650,000 peopl e, people like you, have set their savings to work in Abbey f
f % wJ l\ jl »
v . e A > . on w;i;: :.t ".i^".: in ^ohoois a n d
¦t r , :-..:ic c>> . < ¦ :. -¦¦•.> - o'-.. \ fur :i t e r m W ,hy not let ^K. 1
com every three weeks
¦ T:>.':- m'l.-t pay ,,:te:'. ^

^ _^ -'-< > "i .' t o r s t j '-.t^ t r . r i r t c u i'S L ' '.'

- " NT'.-v.' ! National. Their money is earning more money . . . 3F0 annual interest for ordinary
-=^§BSyL5*M«' "If"^4 mencini April 2Ind i :.i»r. v - t:i -: x:h-fu :"m :ers told tr.e cni ' cirt 'n who ~r.opt need s fur t i i i -r ^SS/f ^^
i ritNK artrr.t.':'.; :n^-: :i .l *avi^ r.o: well wi ',r. rersJv! in sr.'i.xi i are *v e ones who w i l l
j tnoir wor* ' In tn :s terse the race to not c tiy bocause ocor.oT.ic factors come ! investors, and 33°£ for those holding our special Build-Up Shares. In both cases the
| so; to -the t miv e r s :¦. is doin g crea; h.-rm. l.'t 'o pi i -. '* ilwRB
JSgj5*Jj25J—"'^\7 .; y / KUMGrou ton.. It knotl. I As t.'. ir.cs .-o norc* is t h e comp eti '-rei The ^t r i r . d a r d of l!v:nc of teor.-n iters ! Society pays the Income Tax. Savings are secure in Abbey National, backed fay assets f f Tl ^ ^r
I t h a t rn,i:i; o'- t".c teachers .vonlri :;ot d a r e
h i d become ^o h i ch tha t if thov m r e
ii n ^ X -t 'A Reductions for round-vo)ra£e , to reduce speciai-.-^ition . T~.e conc'.ti^io". al lowed to l'o into p'iid employrr.e-.t t h e I of over £347,000,000 . You earn your savings . . . why not make them earn for you ? Ii\ W
A n exkilar ating and restful holiday is yours «»ilin f«. also special ra tes j is i n t ^ca:»ni>v M.i r."- rr.ort: un iv e rs . "''
etipc t on other c h i ld r e n w a s ^u c h t h a t
am iht "Ari aJiu ". ti rn when ' tmvtlling for emigrant s. pl.ices ma- bi » ~\ v . . . a b e .i.rd t h e rules u:*.lo <* t h e y h a d a c l e a r l y r i ef Tn e r f t:onl !t7rif£ f or our free Investment and Build- Vp booklets . . . . we'll send them by return. \ p j ?J j
, ai'.d *"o coinpc t . t i . ">r. to £0; in rr.v;= t tie i t w a s a crc-i t sTrui"! on t n^m to stay
' miK i.fied The u.-.ivors i fos are a :vc ;o Abbey National Building Society, Abbey House, Baker Street, London, N.W.I. ^^•^mm^mm—^
fj 3K" ^TB^S^»J
i^HT5^rHrB ^§T^J iEI33I EEIijna ^2[I^S2H2I^^ 3i 1 .» !. sh > I ,i.t s u r e t ie y w . 'l dn .. 'I t tcy
oi—|an u nrj s t ' fV d s t r a i n
tion was "j st in e d :i ¦
The Op p o -t -
• a yir i ; to t h e
L^ I k^ bv ^t ¦!
I k. I ¦B?w!T?TTaSi ra ^tr!aii 9T!w(TTT ?PTT7 l car. '.o c ^-o'. erii te -.v.*". the v.ioo' 1: nr.d
encourase rt:.:rigc-< m t le r i g h t direction "
G o v e r n m e n t trw.t t h e m a n r t^ o m m e r . da- Mcm btr of the Bu3 *Ji nf Sx ic:iti AslocmltJ n
tion of t h e c rt m mu t e e —t r i a t they s h o u l d
In the field of siMn-£orm worlc tne now p i a n sp e c i f i c a l l y for the raising of i r> F P O S I T S IN THIS SOCIETY ARE TRUSTEE I N V ES T M E N T S
Mias : accountant s evidence
The Lincoln Tower and the spire of Christ Church in Lambeth have been
incorporated into a new ollice block. The spire, on the ri ght, has rings
around it to represent the American stars and stripes. The new Church f "g »3-g g ag X ggs g g g g - 3t g g ] !ggg Bg g gg 5i g inig gg y 3eg g 5e3t3c
" **ni
Hall beneath the offices has th e unusual tracery work below cover-
Linuidation " not the only solution "
ing a glass frontage

| Graduate
Witnesses gave evidence at tne «t ynu s:iy would have been tne eueci
on " the revenue of the group ?—Mr
Oid Baiiey yesterday on behalf of buwiiru * : 1 am not in a position to
Louis Granville Gordon (41), answer that beca use it is outside my
knowledge, but if they had acquired, 1 M
former chairman and managing investment properties it is obvious they

; | into the Army

director of the Mias group of would have had a larger income.
Was it clear to you that wha: they
companies. He and three other r.eeded was mure revenue-producing
men and Mias (Holdings) Ltd. all property ?—Yes.
Did you kni i-.v It '.\ ;is proposed >V- '-;;
deny a charge of conspiracy to such propertie s as had been acquired
to float a public company V—1 had r-'-1

with an
defraud by falsely representing

k nowledge of :nat.
that they were carrying on an Provided the ilotali. -.n had been
honest and genuine busi n ess which successful , that would nave given them
the necessary capital" .' —1 bel.eve that
was solvent . is so. ye.s. " Mr Edwards added : "I:
was my opinion thai Gordon was con-
The oiher defendants are Francis

I Immediate
duc:inj» a genuine business."
Thomas Duffy (39). company director, Mr Marlowe: Did you ever see any
of Seft on Street, Southpo rt; Arthur fact which gave vou anv indication that
Gordon was . in any way. en caged in
Rowley (45), builder , of Norwood. personal enrichment ?—1 have nu
Road , Stockport: and Denzil Gordon knowledge of that. h
Coleman (40;. audit clerk , of Manor

I Commission
Gardens . Hampton-on-Thames. Gor- Books " not up to date i

don 's address has been given as Neville Coleman , in evidence, said that he
Road, Rottmgdean. j< > :.ed '-h e Mias g rouo as secre'.ary in
The trial continues to-day. Au fij -.' 1957 At vim time he had iv
k "ovledg e of buying land or houses oi"
** Panic " measure vi rnuncuig companies. The situation 1 x ¦
up . his ar rival at Mias House , Ma n- I M ¦
S:d:iev James Birkea. chartered chester, was t.^ai there was no central
acci>uma:it. of Hanover Square. London, system and he had difficult y i;i ! 3 s- -v <
said B.-let'l v . Lofd. nnd Co:Tipar:y
Stronti um in
getti ng hold of documents. He d:d not
UNI ON MEETING seemed to too small a firm to :i-andle
an undertaking th e size of Mias.
ktiu.v then t ruii roar.v companies came
within the ambit of his responsibilitie s.
Val uations (or accountancy purposes Mr William Howard ideferiding> :
" BURLES QUE " should probably be at cos; p: :ce or We re ;he statutory book.* of the various
bones market price , -.vhi chever was the lower
He would not have ad vaed liquidation at
the ti me it was siieaested. Is was a
companies all existing ?—Coleman : I
could not find them wnen I made my
exa mination.
Call to Jones es Q.C/s descripti on
oanie measure. The important thine was
to get ou*. the accounts quickly in order
Were the books of M'ias (Ho'dlngsl up
' o ria:e ? -Xo

By our own Kcporter

INCREASE NOTED to Hive serious consideration to the
pos tion
Mr Daniel Brabin. Q.C., said in j Mr M. f oro=ecu:insi
Col nian said that he found he wns
secretarv a ,' about thirty companies. He
was siili i n the last stages of completing
y When you leave University you'll want an active, ;.
BirkeW !or h.;« i»:nion of the K interesting and well-paid career. An immediate com- '
The Joneses of Britain are bei ng By our Scientific Correspondent the Queen 's Bench division yester- j use of Mr asked
ihe wort! " sratirtous." auoli ed in
the books when Ihe company went into
liquidation . In December. 19.17. he
asked to show their l*yalty to the {j mission in the Regular Army offers that—and if you ;
The amounts of radio-strontiu m in day thai a special meeting of a j corvsoon deuce to Die advice eiven by Mr heard it was mooted thai Mias should
clan in a charitable ca use. An Edin- British human bones were still b l a n c h of the Electrical Trades Lord to the gr oup tha". it should no m'.o
t -r, , > r lnl :nn m ove to London and he discussed with
Mr Lord a service agreement for fiv e h apply now you will benefit from the increased pay !
burgh company director, Mr Sydney increasing during the first half of Union , caiied to consider the Mr Grifnth-j ones : If the auditors , years . '"I would not have considered t rates starting 1st April.
1959. This is apparent from a rep ort con- ri-ahitl * or wron e ' v . consider !hnt the "anv such agreement had I any suspicion
Jones, is inviting all the Jo neses in duct of a member during a strike , comtj ar.v is insolveiy to the extent of
thp country to contribute towards a published to-day by the chemistry was u of anythin g improper being done." ft
" burlesque " s
ot common monev fth.Tt
ome 104 000. and it :s riei>ira:tor<- "
wedding present for Princess division of the Atomic Enerfiy fair play. hns '.o be =aved and th"» on. v
fnVni:in Mririfvi
The agreement provided for a *a:ary H QUALIFICATIONS <
Margaret and the man who has Research Establishment at Harwell. 'ati v to sa ve the DO ^ition is !:au:d;it :on, of £2 625 in the first y-ea.r and thereafter
recently cast such distinction on the The report is one of a series dealing When the member started to put his t^ ^ it h ard lv grnt ir'tious ad vice is H '.'—• a sala:v of £3.000 After seeing a .et'.er jj Besides getting your degree, you must pass the ;
name. The arithmetic has already with the analy sis of radio -strontium defence there was uproar and men the Mr B-rkett : 1 would express resret for f:o m Mr Lord advising liquid ation , he
been done. "There are 51) I) .(JO 0 in bones taken from people who clie walked up and down. When the man use of the
:ng oo^-blv excessive word " gratuitou s " as .- noke to Gordon, who reassured h'-m he £ Regular Commissions Board, which may be attempted, !
.Joneses in Britain ." says Mr Sydney nat ural deaths in the United Kingdom . started to put a question , the chairman beTthnt trrs comoanv was u'ound up tri
had not changed his belief j ilat Mias was
oi a perfectly sound footing. Colcsman ti if you wish before you graduate. After you graduate, '>
.Jones, " and if each gave a shilling The increase in strontium content is ruled it out of order. !<)58 rear lv hal f a million noupds K .n iH Viji Tinrf nn rpn snn to rioubt him.
we would have more than £25.000 t o typified by the comparison Tiie ma
of 158 1 , o: Cu nninu n. Mr Jonn Herbert Payne does 'o so me extent :ndi"afp that Mr {J you will serve a six-months' probationary period at '
Kivc to charity through the Princess strontium in the bone*- of stillborn :i:it;i;es Street. Liverpool. l-iovd's ndvice u-as not whcrj 'v without
and Mr Armstronfj -Jones. " children . mat he was wrongfully expelled iust :ftcation—1 asree with that uo to a II an Arms School as an officer , and with an officer 's i
A committee of Edinburgh Joneses
has already been for med to organise
In the latter part of 1SI58 the average fro:n
content of .strontium in these bones a decla
me Klecincal Trades Union. He po 'nt.
!¦% ii damagt?£ aiwii^t the union,
ration in:u
Beplvi ng to Mr Antlmnv Marlowe.
is still :t member . O.C. i for Gordon) . Mr Birkett agreed
Cou rt allows appeal h pay. If you are a member of the OTC and hold Cer-
the appeal , under the chairmanship of was 0.7 units (with a maximum of 1.4 and an i njuncti on he.
Mr Jones. The first contributions
mrt uili- a 10s note from a Glasgow
units ) . Twenty-three analyses carried Troin acting on l:ierestraining
out in !he first half of lOSSl produced i> nut. Tile
Ihe union
union denies that Mr Payne
thfi t if the ptoud's rent roll had
assumption [hat he i ncreased to .{.'2U.O0O that would have
indicated that the eroun had aqt proner-
against £14,245 J
tificate 'B", and obtain the agreement of the university
authorities, you need serve only six weeks' probation
pensioner and a similar sum from one
ut the Joneses of A uchterarder , a
woman aged 102.
corresponding figures of 1.15 and 2.5. was wrongf ully expelled.
Du ring the same period the average Mr B r:ib:n. counsel for Mr Payne, said
ties into a profitable stite. Liquidation
was not thr only solution in a rase of
ea rl y i n 1854 a " suenlla" strike " this ki nd. He would have thought that
dama ges to boy « with a regular unit.
strontium content of skeletons younger was called by t ne E.T.U. ;il :tie Atomic a reconstruction and perhaps a change A ju ry 's award of £14.243 damages:
tha n five years increased from 1.5 to Ener uv Au::ior:ty construction site at of the romp'iny's policy was called for. S« SENIORITY '
Trvinir it out -'.S units : for th e age group 5-2(1 years, Capenh urst. Cheshire . Mr Payne, a From whnt hp ' si w nt that time he did to the 15-year-old son of a film direc- M ^i
There is one difficult y . The Joneses the corresponding increa>e was from ma.n '.eii.mce e!ect:-:c:nn at the s:te, wa.s not think that liquidation ivas the first tor was upset by the Court o£ Appeal1 ft You will be given an ante-date for seniority according

nowadays are not so conveniently ¦] a (r i n ^
noi involved in ttie dispute , but was l-niv-o call. If the fnrts were right, it might yesterday. The boy, John Wettierall
ralli ed as they were centuries ago ali ened to have carried out work which h**£»n i: fi Prnnr] r;it l
Flack, of Wendover Way, AyleSbury, j to the class and faculty of your degree, which will
when—or so the Edinburgh Joneses .vould normally have been done by :nen
was injured in a road- accident at New
pivMime—they all lived in Wales.
Al '.er some concentrated work with
telephone directories the chairman has
U .S. ELECTION on strike.
At the xp ecal meeting, which was held
":n a piibiic-hoiise in Birke nhead
Depositors money
Judge Aarvold : If you are the auditor
, Mr and you see that interest on deposits is
Maiden, Surrey, in May, 1956, 3S the[
result of wBich, it was stated, hes
align you with your contemporaries from Sandhurst. If
you have one of certain "specified" degrees , you will
would have to spend the rest ot his
discovered that there are 2.600 Joneses
listed in the Liverpool area directory .
11.50(1 in the London postal area , and
ON TV P avn e prod uced t.vo letters supporting being paid with fresh depositors ' money
Eiu n and offered '.hem in the meetin g , that is coming in . tha t would shake you
bu: :io one wo uld take them . When he to the core, would it not ?—It would if
life in a wheelchair.
Bv a maj ority. the Court of U be entitled to additional seniority, provided you join
-ta r'.ed to rea d them mid cat- it continued without some hope of Appeal yesterday allowed appeals by S a branch of the Army appropriate to such a degree.
-.ISO in South-eaM Wales. In Swansea ea !l tig be^;in. solution. two car owners involved in tile acci-
nnd South-west Wales there a re 1,800.
and Shrewsbury and Central Wales
h:ive 1.850. The Manchester and
Granada 's p lans Mr Payne wnn the first vote on the In that sort of position would you
motio n put to the meetiris;. That ca used advise the continuance of invitinK
C']i)-->te.-na:.on . Fuur t ellers started to depositors ' money on the suggestion that
dent . Ivord Justice Ormerod and Lordi
Justice Upjoh n said it was with regret
that they came - to the conclusion that:
« ¦

ciiui'.l and Mr Pavsi e walked out the company was n prosperous concern ? the j ury's verdict could not stand, but¦ k If you are interested p lease write to the OTC
Birmingha m directories list 1.300 each . By our own Reporter disaustetl beca use he realised that he —If I had been asked for advice I would
Partly as a pilot scheme to test the had r.o chance o". ;» decent fair hearing hav e given a negative reply. plaintiff' s onus of proving the car jj Contingent Commander, or to The Under Secretary of
flan 's responsiveness the committee Two programmes designed to lo iv : s) drivers' negligence had not been dis-¦
the British public: how an American | loiter Mr P.iyne was inform ed that he said Frederick Joseph Edwards, a surveyor , charged Lord Justice Sellers, dissent- g State, The War Office MP6CI MG. London, S.W.I.
has alreadv posted appe al circulars to ing, said he would have dismissed the¦
the .1.301) Joneses listed in the Chester Presidenti al election works have be^n i ¦lad been fined £20. He appealed and the g roupthnint he was consulted by the Mias
May. 1958. about purchase of appeals N ¦
.ind North Wales di rectory. If the pla nned by Granada Television. I line v.- us reduced to £10. He ref used to properties for investment . He made Bv the same majority, the CourtI
response is good thev may consider the Announcing tins in London last ' pav aurl -.v:is mbsequentlv told he had val uations and was asked to arrange vesterday allowed the car owners' W
Mime approach in other areas, bu t they eve n ing, Mr Sidney Bernstei n said j been expelled from the unina He had mortgage facilities to finance purchases. appeals against the award of £.350) « h
will chief!v relv on the local press for that a team of three—a produc er. U> G.v.:;.g ' eave h 1' ^ iob nt the site . The group made considerable efforts to expenses to the boy 's father . Mr John1 !^i riiiMiriiiii n iiiiTiiiii]Mrii m ^ ixiTiiiMi i ;
publicit y. The work of envelope- director , and evidej i ce. Mr Pay ne said he hnd secure income-producing properties. Porter Harris Flack. Both the boy ami
inte rviewer—would been an eiecsrician since 1918 and had M r Marlowe : If these transactions had his father were granted leave to appeal1
addressine is bpinpc done by volunteers, leave for the United States at the been a member T.U. tor many been comnleteri befo re liouidation. what tn i.he House of Lords.
nnd the onlv deductions fro m the fund end of next month to start prepari ng veai s He was ofno!then i' oE .ved a h earinE
will be for postage. The chairman the first progra mme for broadcast on at Uie :neet.:i4. Members walke d UP
«=:iy^ dona tions wi!l definitely be July 27. .rid down and whistled when he began
m-rep ied from .TnnPsos with The program me wilt an hour . to The speak.
Jiea3 H- r.E wns adjour ned unt: ]
hyph enated names . The address and will include intervie ws with )
In send them to is : The Joneses 2o candidates, politically conscious film ¦
Char lntt e Square . Erlinbur sh 2 stars, newspapermen, and others who
know how the political machine work? ¦
I the man in the street will not be seen London busmen
* Reckless ' scheme much : even when weil informed , :
Gra nada feels he is liable to be ' call for th eir
inarticulat e and slow things upj. It ,
for nati on's will also cover t^e Democratic Con- i
ven tion—a spectacie which , according own " Guillebaud "
to Mr Bernstein , few ordinary British
dair y cows vot ers can even imagine .
The second programme will go out j!
1 By our Industrial Stan
afte r the results j Ixnidoit 's bus workers yesterday
The Milk Marketing Board's and will include have been announced j
sugg ested scheme of artificially win ning announcement, counting, the jr rel uctantly accepted the Transport
inseminating 11,0(1(1,000 of Britain 's hoped, th e new American and , i t is Executive's offe r of a pay increase of
dairy cows fro m 200 " proven " bulls While other television companies ij approximatel y 5 per cent, but decided
to press for a thorough examination
has " tremendous potential dangers hav e yot to announce Iheir plans for ]ij of their wage.-> and conditions similar
to the nation 's :iveto<-k hertitage. covering (he flection Mr Bernstein
is confident that Granada 's pro- ].;! to the recent OuiUebaud inquiry on the
The British FrieMan Catl .e Society" gra railways. A resolution along Ihese
said this yesterday. mmes—both schedu.ed for the '. lines was passed hy (>.') votes to 24 at
At a press con ference. Mr W. H. lie ocak viewing ho urs of 8 30-9 3fJ—will i
1 a delegate conlerence repre senting the
Bursby, .secretary, said that ;•.< f^r ami networked tnroughout the country, '-. 42.000 workers involved.
as the society could see the .scheme programmes no: , as wr.h their two pilo; ¦j
was noth ing niore than " a reckless tin the British genera! '• delegates It is believed that most of. the
experimen t with the nation 's cattle ." election , con fined !o " !he ;ele-gctits:a ' r who spoke placed far more
1 emphasis on the need for a " busman 's
A statement issued by the society (if t h* » Knrt h " Guillebaud " than on the new pay
said that the results of in-breeding settlement, which some of them des-
" have always been recognised bot h
scientifically and practic ally as A L (
/F TO READ , eribed as relativ ely " of minor
J importance. " Their proposal was that
reduced vigour , growth, fertility, and
production—i n shi>rt . reduced commer-
cial ability. "
as y ou no > an independent committee of inqui ry
i sho uld bo appointed to contrast the
wages of busworkers with those of
Dr Joseph Ed wards, head of the men doi ng '" comparable work " in
production division of the Milk
Marketing Board , said yesterday that
Notices to motorists nr her industries and on the London
U nderground .
ho cosilfi not understan d the society ' llff>rg::.a M.iy Strombe ry f21) , o f , The Inst point is the significant one.
•oncent . " What wi> arc really unin s^ B' tieb e.. lio u.-o. Hebiien Bridge . 1' Bus crew= part icularly the drivers on
is wnnl everyriody has been asking us appe iiett at M;j nche>ter frown Court ¦. '.he central. services , have
t.i ilo for a long time , to m.ike more yes.t errl.-iy r.giunst iliree fonv:i .-lii >!ls f or , bitter over the way ihe pay long felt j
of Tube ]
i:se of the oiri provon b;i "s and loss use nnrkif.z ntlm.vs. for whie 'u she hu'"i | train drivers has gradually crept
<.f vou.' ic un D r n vfir! h r i "< " l>«' n lined a total of £8. Concerninu an \1 abend of '. heir own . In 1939 both I
utVe in Fer.iie1.. Street. Manchester. | ; groups of drivers received £4 10s a :
A BAR SINISTE R FOR was Mi-.< Strunib erg ronip l aineri that there |j week. If the suggestions of the ,
a parking >ig n ;\iere " Apfj .i reiit '.y ¦ Gui'iiebaud Report are put into effect . :
A .I.l) . CH I T J I R K X ? 1 o^' e r st^yed n ;y weVotne." >hc '.old ¦' the Tube motormen will earn about £3 j
;iio Reorder , .I vtUge Sir Bas-i'. Nie. , 1 , u week more than the central bus
Succession seen as " fraud " *
¦ \t t or a (>i .]l -e -t Hii -er bar! sa M tiiere ' driver- .
.la. a -\> ,i -: i:i rc-tr.r '.j n s ptt rki::g tu The buMn en 's new rate- , wil f bri'ig
Ch: ' nre:i atr ii 'i'ivnl :i:ni::sli .irti- nis.'-t :.;no . the ,J:;age .->a::i : the l v asie pay of a central driver to :
Ilc ial :!:.-e:iii::a::u:: by ;r...v.:.- o* :i H tI ) I'Js a woek a_ !id that of a cond uctor
¦iono r si'.u u l d :-,¦> . bo a .nwo.i [; .- e c r . . > j -i ,, to CIO 8s. It is estimated
:u -;iutvJ t ', ' . • ' > r ;o : i^^ A ::;.irv::i,; p.e :i".v) 'o r . - " set t ' ement will cost over £1.3 that the
.5- ".cv ^, i .. u : , _ : d,v i " : :-ey
' millions
:o peerage- a:'d other d i g n i t i e s a:: .: O '^ e i' i:^ :. *. 'o i t i as e , s . l o w ,; .Tc h :or :h.r ,
honours, says the Co ' cgc nf Arms in .r \(: r * exu L v ; '.::t-'ii t u ir.-.ii f \ L- :'y ".ir.:-.;;." ¦
" ts memorandum nf evidence ', n the A ; fv i n y t h e appeal in '.h;< ca.-e. :-:e .
H ome Otliro ri>n::rii".ec? u:i nr t i fi .-ui . ¦Unii i t 1 grar .terl an absolute disch arge
'.'~ i *c:v.i '.~iii \;o:i out lipheiii the two other cor.vio'.iu:;.-
Trie coll ege ¦= .»>• s ; :-.,r ' n a " c.v He >a. ,i : UNINJURED
Wh en life itself is a.t stak e
s..i-cessio:i \v»i;:lij be ' ;i fr.u:,i oi: '. In 1 ¦" I :-;ne fire;i : s y m pat h y a ; - '
" .e
Sovereign " a nd wo;: -! w n n ic :hn«e ' .:- re- -a ;o mu^ ; d.Oke tu : tt ;'Cvj p e , r.
Mother killed
who «tnorl lower ;:i;ri liie hi, -.!i .]:id of .:: .¦ .it- ex ecut iyj ! a! t iie.r extremely cii'tti -
:he chi.d' s mn'.ner. " Their b:r:hnah: i"; :.,- k '.vh e ^eekin^ to keep ;ne A woman, was killed on t*ie Ari road
¦- take n from tnem a::;i give:: ;> -
-1 ra nger ."J st.ite s the- memorandum
-'. ro e:, i "..'i :^ r ;v free trom ob> '. ruc!:nri
a ¦:.iil i<' 'f'.i .iif". :.-, ;i n almo.-: . m p of c .b '.e at Hazel Grove yesterday—at the When a man entrusts you With, his life , industry, in the biggest chemical factories, by the Atomic
same time as her son missed cie atn
twice under a H-to:i van . Colin it is an honour and an overwh elmin g Energy Commi8Sion > by fire brigades, municipalities, and
Hughes , ugeii 4 , of Srhi>ol Street . Ha zel salvage companies. Whenever life may be in danger, Siebe,
SCIENCE AND THE BURGLAR Grove, was standing at the roausifle responsibility. For life is the most sacred Gorman & Co. is ready to
with his mother. Mrs Mary Hughes.
A:, he moved into the road into tne
of possessions, once it is lost it can never ^^ it .
Housebreaking now "a challenge " path "! a reversing van Mie tried to
iiold him and the van rnn over her.
>ment:lK - pniuros :-. t h; =l!t :is:r:a r«-.:.~ i 'd .->¦ fi :- r^ r..ek bn • ¦ Mr Kenneth Cowan, who works i:> a be replaced. Within the present frontiers of progress Siebe, Gorma n
> .- .tom ' ibutcher 's simp nearby, sai- 1 :
:rcn of ab:Iiiy .,nd techn:ca! kru nvi- .-ocko's o:\ tile *:;. >- ne o: rir>t>:- "We ,-o.ilri si-e :he amnn \us dead equi pment is as advanced as intense and ceaseless research
rdsf to :iirn i n t o burglars, hou-e- -
Mr Hart s.i > ! t; i at th e genera ' ' ::m: did no: k' nu t-n.i: ai:;.one :<.- u < ,vi *l i ¦ h.
l>: c.i ker.-. an d ;h:<.-vo-s. s't.iv .iiar, ! of s,.fes fa r too low. He ;:er. I .i^ke:: ', 'ie drive r '.<> n;o: e ""e Thousands of people every day face the hazards of work or can make j t- Wwsther the apparatus is as simple as an air-
\v.i it A :;e
p ra .-eii :hc w.i "! s.Tfe ;:S e\tre:r.e!y ' t:i e »t t , .- did n> we < .i-a- -
Th.i : i- :he view .if Mr Ccv j V.
e:!r, t ve. ; .-.; «,a. i t i l e nr.::::ary *;>.{¦>
.oev.llii .'."..t' vxv. '.U'.ii" n" ^ :rjo ".iier Tne acci.lont confident in the protection of Siebe. Gorman craft safety belt , or as complicated as a high altitude pressure
heat! nf a L.t:-.,io:- <\r :r, .i f .b>t'^ u :N . i!e ,, . ,
'.< 'd t h e I::.-u ra::.v I - i - t n -.i 'e rf i' i' .: .: 'v ¦¦t '. i: '.;. rpx . n o j : v two ::: .¦':' ¦ \
; .> .i :y.. " t i \ - r.u a\o r.o". seri *>u - y
appa ratus. Siebe, Gorman n . .. _
I rotective . , . suit , it is made with devoted care, and tested and re-tested
E quipment is used bv
¦ a'l d *. :i ^ 'I'.ie I'is ta:1. 'f- « : :t ope: >T :i .irvd .^ Ti1 . "
¦,i-l ::ight : " 1 ,i:n v-nnv.r-.'e :iu: .»< :er >
m i ih ; ".ve . nr, .v e e;!e,-t:v e. Hoffrr. nj; , c , ' with ruthless impartialitv. Onlv so can we dare to sav,
¦i.'ic progress has .'..-te d a.- :; i -h.'il oi- Re T::o "t «>y v. ...- !eta.::ei! ;, '. St.»ckr>ur ; the armed forces, in mines, on the railwavs.¦ bv the steel
n :he :h:ef <if al>i.i:y n::.i te-r'n nie, .: to wa^e S'. vi '.. he^ . he sa.'i 1liifi r inary w i t h minor ij rui -e - ;¦::¦; ' " „,. ... " ,.. . " „ .,
knowledge who would no: otherw:.-e 1 en :;..-
. k:wi' :- i' .cm- vs. e:> s.itliit heari i::j urie > . He is o^ie of six \ou can trust j' our life to feiebe, Gorman .
have been interested U-. ho'.isebreakir.s; p.ii .,n.». o: ,¦ ¦ ..:; , •. -A- .^ej . be j k , d b i< ¦-h i j i r f " 1
c--cs);ic W -
..en gu»: n:\ m n-t Everything for Safety Everywhere
when the oni> necessary tool of his ¦ .v-:,> .ippt-;..- !j ::.ive o!1ere4 1 -.-.'S^en^e-^ o or :n. f^kIf— |^^ [—
t rade was the je mmy." M* ^ ^t..r:re !¦¦¦ ;. :: assa l.::r. -: ti- .^tec: ::»; MA NCHESTER fOl RTS Breithing apparatus • Decompression chambers
Mr !!;irt said t hat thieves had dis- mu".i*'. . th e. u ^u .illv a^k '.v .r- -t, i;).^ ' '.e' \i.u ff * i'i . i I char's ** 'J"-^ Tti«r. Hall *' 5^^^J I ^^^Z ^^^J
covered methods whereby :«o»t of the " -.k stv ~ i v.:* .:i.u :-^- to scive n- .:ra':re H'** '!• j J * - : IifTi ¦¦"•* M ' - lI *:. >• Pa 'J iJ Sr>"*r."iT "•
Di ving equipment • Dust respirators ^^^^

^ ^
*.':i Ii»T-p *4-'* r".%f. *-r.-'> tn-r. rf ,\ !r Jj »tii-^ 'A' L-r
pre>e:it ti.iy locks ct»L:l il be ope rateii . Ck« m:..i.'; t *> " :T^ or : t -v I 'A^-ndfr. : i -.v,.-r S- ^^^^^ ^^^^k 1^^^ IW 1
Kii'Am -a ^ ¦
* ^«*1 W
¦' ri;' A:i rt
Gas and fume respirators • Protective clothinj
^^ l.trt F'k rri At M il'iliL . .
h ut a r.ew look was romi::.; a rr. % ¦a r.i. ' t^i h .• a ' .;.:rfmo'" -
< *' a nr.erf *." vj ^- ^"Jf J f^'^k I ^^r I ^""^ I ^^B
t — : *: \o •»!» .i ;-i K e ? rt- M r J : s - < - ~ D'pV *

u h i i -h wou 'd challenge thei r in5e:u:l;\ . I. e.:i-r ,i- e s u u i ,n- c.:Te:-v r.:l v "
T f l lt - * . ' A T k- ' * f a r ™. h i j i .-.i Gt^-^-.i v B c-a ^T\
< ..1 j r >., r '» ¦»¦ j . " .-> S-e -tiM _ r v I>-:i V<i a.itJ Resuscitation equip ment • Safety helmets ^^"^^ ^^"^^
I d .> ;ii>; "." r.k '. " '.tv e :."* n r . v rt*a ." >' Dishonest staffs was one cause oJ ¦ >¦¦-.. ¦
,.. s ~y :-* IT i utii:; i T.'. .
-''n-.i JC l:u :_*:r

St'noi.s losses Insurers tnijj ht f4-e! i:'Rr1jrii)M.*...J > ir '->

Smoke masks and helmets
P- j -i ^
rfH'c: \ e v . r :o ric ;i " a :h a '.a.>,\> ..- .v :.:c; A t i - sh v
I-a:. *»srj:r? P ln r n t
Wa '?r»nl«* M i J J f r i r^ J i T SLEBE, GOKMAX * CO.. LTD.
i" >. ,i ^ .niole n'.Ti '.T or v ,i ".!-. t*f '.,¦ that the ti me had arrived when some ;, :.i « -^ i ^'¦-^<• iita v -.n :.t > r*»;it* v"i kv.i i . ; Sr. .-k i ^- r "

i c nl fV l' ¦! ¦
] !¦ K*;id . j ; ...r ^m . i f. 1 : :.':'.• Lt ' : i s» question should appear in the proposal ' Mia kro- ,4»r".>- (>¦*( u uri t- —:"A : \t- ^¦ ¦'•<*-¦ '- * r:: a t •*¦ <¦ I""*
;\ '\' .< :r.::> nb::s :t r / r-. Kv:^r iv.rt1 >. ¦> form relati ng ta precautions tak en by Ke >t-i1>"*-' ' j 1» " I nf . N ' .*-U! R ers;n*t*' . V'-i^ -r 'y . ^
Scptuiie U ork«, Dav i'm Bo»d, Cheuington , Surrejr. Tel: £lmbrid g« S900 • Mtr.cbt»t«r OfSc»:
the insured in employing staff i :"i-*,- 27* Oouugat*. T»l: Peanasat* 6000
Lr.A v E vtr -i i p f t ."
i:i(jad uj al i o>M.-a c.i;; bt? m;i .ei .j ..v ; - : t*-; -i- : 2 ' u - *; K "TJ1: * - Ku«*ru . T.
\t .V ih i . r ; t M_r.. .r-v m -.ti • tVnicf*nh«lin.»
^Hf^ «v_J-' I 1Jl JJl Hockey ! Lan-u Tennis

Old Birkonian and Furne ss MAYBE THEY ARE

GETTING OLD ? Kramer critici ses prize limit
defy bad weather Warring ton happier for open tourn ament s
l:i sor.e of chilling conditions. a:x:
New Brighton 's successful sequence ends an end of :teaion look about much u: play, there weie several ir.teresx- Comparison with golf not invidious Bn\:-j nia ti :i-...jj 'l..i.:;eti Uir-i:'
::ig features, a .'ew ruror:si;:e results.
a:;d sotne t-njuyuij le games in the
' ..
b ^ '.
? - < ¦ ' . .'
a j ¦ ¦
~ - >i a ;
: tu r: b .-

ie. tat improved form m ;... exciting \V . , l . (i - : i- . I-J . . . . - .4 a:. - i : j , : i- r j . "

a ..;• ' . r .t *

K u gp y L'ruon game at Ntjf :toru:n on

2H '.*e I^.- :it>e*".i*r
¦ a try T.,e i r n i v v. ? > week-end's hot-key progranuiie in the J. K r a m er, the ruiKmaster of the the All-Englund's point of view. The
pres-erf ^ . r or .^l y n f .e r A a- ^ rj j -. c. ,j d N'ot-i.
S.-i turday. anr] a.thougn t h e v lost the.r an.eve o;.;-.- ,i \ry cy V.\ .* r . • •¦;> cn:i- r \ j.j rofessional lawn tennis circus, French and Americans noped by tri e
ne-i- f i x t u r e ugain»t Furntr s-. 11-12. tney •.< . " '.i-'i by Fv."j i ..- ;. .:.. fjj;.: R cr.a r.'i.-¦ ¦* Seflon. tne o.dest c.uo .:l tne Xorth. /esterda .v crit icised the proposal for extra outlay to bring in mor>'
i -o ¦r..i :..ii{C"': :^ r— u-> i:ie St I I l 'J l -:.^ CL-U -brated its seventy-filth anniversary , . ^ spectators, but Wimbledon had no need
p.riyed t h e i r n i l ] ;j..r l i n ;« t a u t e n uf l.:.f f - .n .: . o r •. .i. d j ^a-- 1- a £ 100 limit on prize money at open to take such a risk. He hoped thu:
witn a d.rincr on t"r.da> .i ltournaments which has been Wimbledon would come into hne on th.
n;ird u o rr f hr.d tu t l a i i tll e s k . U . WdK-r 'un "; r! no ik.v; u - . " -e.: fi" • made by question of prizes. Tiiis would be .-.
- f -*« :r..- r u - e -;,.cr4 c:ci.y u :<' -< * tr v .i.t Ui L-u n n ' ¦; I .- » ,,:,c; -^ c . '.- :h- 'i » - "
1 match on Saturday aid.n-t W:g ?n. a
¦ Bo'.a
.-.- ri.lficu : c^nt ;; .^ :!.- .»: a Ji a l e - :- - . c<? I l - ."> i), u ? i:l- ::. .c . :i.l- -. t - - "o .u .t. , •
" i-lub only 25 years Sefton 's jum ej r . whose lthe International Federation's' special service to the spectator*, and to the
v. r .d ro-i r -t or c f c t ,v/.;. ij *t. .".i4, r;,..i l- , ;.. *.* K: a ^- . f ! ' ..- -C. -- 'J- .. W;/ ,-, ., lP j, .,;. ,.f . n eadguLiru -rs are at tne Le:tfh cricket Ssu bcommittee. game as a whole. " Ail the world h;.-
W ::;j :' -,t: *. *r.f : n i ,..<- .;• Kround. Tnere. the exiHJ.'-ed situation bej ten a path lo Wimbledon 's door. They
... t r .sl.i^o.-.
and :\ somc-wnat bumpy pitch had a jLondon, he said :hat lie nad a.ready SDeak.tuz a: a uresi conference :n are outstandingly .successful as it is. but
:> .«r ks i" u: 'it**!*, wi- e i.m.U-ri *. i ;t n l m : .'-" : ?_• '.' ni.^ : :: a • ¦ uu * :; i-v cu.i < : af M o H .«
fj tn ;«i: -. *J^a. :>v Wi.kt.'. * .v.u .•i *r tt"r i.v*j r<i 3 " • : •' «t '"y uy Car .- : *r.o r j c j ,\ er '.cc] n;- deadening effet-t nil ii!j >', the outcome i <oDer.«d nego '.Ja::ou> »"iUi ihc French. how long can Wimbledon stand alone '.' "
¦ of wnicil was a draw 2-2. a fa:r result Ausira . an d United Suites I^awn Kramer said that trie " authorised
>c ured .'i iiu«.J r : ;-". ' ;.nd a cicvtr tiroij L'. e n a:;d a -t.-r:(.'5 ot \l\.: m.j > - Ch wr . tn
Uvil b% S.:( 'a : *,:. I mj y '-r->ke oi .i«lf-;in. e. eni .^-:i ^:.-ef: t h e w «j : - -. u t ' -.fc I - - ¦ of a nard but dour game of orthodox ;Tennis Aesocialions. who had raised no player " proposal seemed a feasible w n \
pattern. Both cluos have earned some (obj ection :o his OA'n proposal for prize of dealing with the in-between playe:.
I", acarct ¦:¦ -uf7ic:c..t !o:.d ::i v.t-,v de ' T 1".*1 w. *:' f : - -c<j :i:ci '.- .l.-
~ j
u. Bir.kor.:: !^ -, -j '.'-jl lira *. ...j : :- - ,j '. - ,i -d . . i :^ J ¦:: • . , . *i A H i ' . . i s * -
• - - ¦ - - J o : . , <i -
distinction m the past, but on present- . jmor.ev o; abou; £ti.CILK) a time. To suggest but both the United States and Austrah.,
¦ ¦ day standards, they are going through :he lower lim:t wai to dui a road block :n were against iL The United Static
:u. " -¦mii i 1 • - : , . <. r " ' r - , .** .-: a
.i- f ) l ; i IJ i> :. ; .-.t i ' j . L " ; ,-, l - . i:' . r i ;i:.c: ?.{c3 Jt*:: - j : *. [- ..^ m *
/'r i'p ti nng f o r the demand * of the c r i c k e t season. (' r i t k e t baits b e i n g p u t . :a ienn spell. There is, however , some jthe way of an agreement. opposition was. he thought, mainly fo:
ujj " :ie "A' i l v -u v.c '. i;: .. .\ i-ij» i ¦ . : r ; ¦ rj ; v u- - a
'. «• / .- o i. "There is tax reasons. As for his own players , hi1
:jv I' a r .". . .•: u :: ;i^ in l . i i r l o r e : r u : i ; of i n l o the n \ e n at j f i i c t t t r \ in K e n t lo dry the minted n hich p utts t h e m li % ht ¦ houe tor the future, based on good •K>me . *.hir.a iunnv about this. Everyone
covering, quick tackling, and crisp h i t - ¦
} ' r e *. t o n C i r r t i - \. . ' j ;j e - * ~ i. r
- «i *. t*d
regards them as " more amateur than tin-
t ;.r t v ;» *. :., €/ .'' ^r uj '. nt-T by ( i ;u: .cv \v!.u f i j '.i-s- !.i A-i n n .i i : 10- j .1
W i. m .- . o-A . :. > :aik:ne about open iawn tennis, but it amateurs." They hai -hown that they
c:u:.e u, '¦ .'k '-j.- -:jtic.-: to n.;jjt«* \t:v a r i i T f '.i. e " o:ne de ¦ ting by two strong defences. jlooks ae thoush tht 'v are eoine to base
' ^ '. -i M .f J i n . ;
L- 1-

JLacrussp Evui is and Ij ello were prominent f u l l - ;Ihe rj ies so tha t it can 't be held. If would do things for nothing—like playing
:t: .- \ir,i \. .<r.r ; u t-o i V E -r - .n; -, Ir. (I ' j l , - ..: ; . < ¦ t.i :, fi :: j . ¦ -r: t - ( ,:,u;, , • ]. - -
:» t - *J i. .< : . r l
backs for Sefton . and Graham (rig.-it with promising juniors, ta king lawn
-e: ' ;:.<- i:. u .. -. o .c L *- ::r. . jt\ . : . rj .r.a
- ".. i i C i - - W i " . - n *; tk' .^ ' 'i . ; s .u '.n ,. ; . ; 1
' J von e wants open tournaments in 1961, tennis clinics, and play ing in testimonial
:, e-.s.nxi "A** * ¦ c-. r - : v i, :i *.-*'k it-c*. w. .-ueri - s.
t i l , tr s e v :n»oofi *. i r . rr.,t-:vu 'A: <¦;:
,- l*: " 1- -
; ; , : ; . (- : .r. •
.V' .O

, J .: '. L 'Cl
, . i 'l .
.'.i .!
- l-: .^ t - rr
I1 ' d f -
.' :
. j
' and Robinson (centre ha!f> Dlayed 'let us Het reaiis-.ic "
.ve.l for W'^an. There was. too . stime ; ' He thought that £6,000 in prizes
speedv wing plav . particularly bv BuMen . ffa:r offer to professional players . was
matches—and he believes that if thrv
a were given the chance they would not
W :Ik es :n.-« r i f ,in ::i : c j cct):.^ u \ c i f o u n d The ask to be paid for comp eting in Da\ i.-
r n c . ^ . f f l .ve . j ^' i u / i > A O fi i .j *¦ *."*•:- . ; - . i . t *
. :. ^clf A i 1.-. :i :i ;: ".own a - et i : ur . !or u
h • .it o-it side r:gh; i^ or Wiga n and Morton , i ;
suggesuon of £100 and a bargain w i t h
Wiga.n . servtd tth<? committee about exi)cnie< was Cup matches
.: s .n r i . B u t i ' ri ^ ' u ." c n . ' ili- ' <: ;' .; ¦ t- ,-
c.uc::.. : *' ¦ K v f - t . .: *." B:."ki# :j .:i- i r ed u c e r i ; P n r ; i " u . .» .* y t .e *i ;j . " - n ; i c k ci K i i b i : ii " jo: i Sotti m\ uutbid o It? **..
" .e nj ; . -V1 - :t> orif* Jj O.:: : a::.'.- !* v. .tr. a ;idm:rablv bv Wil!.:..Tis. Lra^'ao ri . ur.d iiimp ly a return to t:ie situalion wh:cl) If the open tournament proposal d ri
S;'. u ; j l :e- : :J
< i ' M - .v • ,«.rn:; ;-'. ; ,r r3 ' A t . t-
- :
Dakeynt ' . their in- dc forwards, at present wish amateurs. There not eo through, he would continue w :»
L(r - .;i:tv ;;« ¦

*" r f m
.. ] f i v A - c r o f :
NV*' B- ly n 'or. " *-
e.'i * . *¦
o:.g ;" i ". e:i
N"«j\ cirj! >*¦¦¦ t -i . t l t-d
McM h .t.i,-
*. • »r - :i .
\\ *: v
K . . -/. .vn f i r j
' : > r i i ir n r . ^ i st
H ^ r r f.
' .1:0; ^ « < » ..
] !l t r i o ' u " a ,1 -f l .- . Y . i t c .i n i L . f i ij t . " '.* oj/ t ' ^ ir. -; ;
, :. •::
- J. Deacon inspires Heaton Mersey ' ' :<.¦ .-cny .p .iz t: ;r<JLi ^h l^iu'stm alter ten iL-xistcd
minutes Seflon equalised through lli< k.- ' idrawing t'i:o:Tnou.
you could have the b:a r.amr pia .vcr woulduromotiij
i h > ns and the associations
, no doubt, continue lo rim
- expense;. I'. cKotia 'tfd an u l r u r touTnamenis in the *ai p t h u ;
" 'list belore tne inter va l and thev took i
beforehand., but onlv getting throug:-. a . hev were at the moment. He d d r ,ot
\ > - .RE -i..m <.;. -¦-»¦ .V - . - x *. , - '.. orl
m .- j v v b :i : r:j f i e *n *.h t c * > t . n j» s" j ;^ :.i J
;t :or W ti.- Vj w " " r;- -cu: er i i» J. Ho. c- t
By our Lacrosse Correspondent :m> iL'ati with a goal by Jones "shortly :roumi u r two. Open lawn t ouent "-eearri :'»:= as a sattsiaelorv situation. I;
¦n \ In T.t . a - * -en m.n:.:tV- P r e - t n::
a f t e r t ne .iri. Almost ;i t once. ¦::o oe like golf—:f you d;d not °hoot
Ti .ri or. " u ' n o r t i- 'l .e.vl Ni **- B. ^j « : cj . im» «c c^m .'K.j r.fJ .-u :'.1 t r i e - o;. Sj u -i/j m ;fi. , Xihv t i u t !:ie .North of K n g l a m l iuah standard , 1:1 fact liiat of the ]Lawson i-qua,.s«i. - tlie was a to the develop-
nrici a r r K i n r e \* r on v n .^v -ju:h >, ;j f!.;i "v on * I '- b lr.'i^.fit* tr ;l ~ot -c: L ]m h r . f l i duffiicus was poor. The Old Wucumany ' |
best £Cures. you did not ue'. ti'.e prize .
is more or delt- ncu was too easily drawn out of ' , Warrington. alter montJis ol defeat and \ He pointed out :i& tninus were ment of ti»e came. Unless voun« p iavers
ii' -.i^ fr*" -in close r 'l.'i iie i r . *he i;ist m . n u : c, T.T»rn*.or.. u t ter a br«] ,m: rui: oov. r. i .-e ]League ^ 'ii ampuj riMi ip to compete
n:r H a rt > kiclc h , '. a l^- * T'-io «co:.n* { w :..;. '.'.'t r r brif'i conv e r t e d by K. R. jless .settled—South M a n c h e s t e r ami position by the skiiful tactics of the i disappointment, . are doing much better. ! ;arranged at. the moment , he would lose -vere eiven the chance
¦ i.nri iiiuii- home win aeamst Brooklands j inearly £10.000 in the ten weeks that' lv.s the vcrv best men. thev did not :mpro\ e
¦^ n 1-- in trie second h a lf . B u r n .1! k . f k i r 'H :t Sm/.a. | 1Wy i h eiw i a w e r e q u i r e only three more wi nners' attack on which Bennett was 'was their tlnrd fu llv a» thev mig!i* >.
[K i. ii l ' v t d - No * :-- l l n : ; rfj /.y.:.*: ^ ': V- It* ,j f I..i' l> Ili.firif -fn- fi b -.vo | brilliant throughout. Old Mancunians. ' , in succession
>A. !» tno:oughlv d eserved Alter I 'men
And ! i were playing m open tournaments. a--Kramer has come to London for hi*
f - r i *:* C.*: i : c r p t n n iv j ^oa..*. k i fr t e d by O.\) ;l s* 1*: :i - - a '• ]p oints troin t h e i r i v m a i n i nij lour after leading 9-6 at half-time , just i victory ,some siiirited plav and " Walker The increase m status for t h e profes- tour, which begins at Wcmblci
's K"al had . .sional player and the publicity that British
f r-r Nf.v B -t a^u n . a^d
;.--. ny (" n .-,c . W n r d . p a n d 0-ni o tn« : ey , m mana-ied to hold this -superiority ; There the openir. a
i a !irst-hali' advantage. War- i iwould be created for toe professional on -Saturday niffht.
r i 'i.uou ;C ;i 2o;il B o t n .- .lIc- 5 t x c < \j -d ::i , a t c h e s tr > put tiio issui.* beyond doubt
dt-Jenrp . and Notts did A"O.i to prevcv -noA " L"d i rn j j r oved torm n t nu " -b:ick ' or j — relegation is the ^hief interest in tht.- throughout the second half. In Lonti- ! Hiven 1riiigtonthen hi-ld on resolutelv against the ! ttournaments fha *- foi>>wed would be ¦singles bet^en Seguca and Rosewa 'l
M u st a r d ;*ri>d S:j r.;!ord ir ^r n s of . t . u u .r. V.i .e. r i n d G.I " "A"ho '.vr r k e r ! - e r n a r^ . ib . v I worth's absence Ri»jby, whose skilful ] cuuntei-att : ackj; will be pViyed und«r the " three bounce *'
a ck' -.r>erai<:- l i n-.s ^i :;,ird n cieJc-nce. <'ind Rt -!i:iiiiE?;on 'A e:*i- : . f rest of the ttrst division progra:nmt'. clearances were of considerable value, ; of their p owerful ssufficient compensation for this. rule, -which mean* t h a t neither p'av^ r
.c nt "-: cj : ;j L i* f o r A' ar d 1' I h ir i d er .-rield ]It ha> still to he <ic<-idf(i w h e t h e r it will and Prime were outstanding on defence j opponents. Oxtiy i . were surprised at St
Strong 1 rally ^ ".t r ^ r r ] ,i " fv e r y o^fKi: f t r . : '. - . bu t t:;e ' 'op Old Stit .u lor iiia iis or Oll erton who fur Old Mancunians, whose m a i n scorers ¦ i Annes
: where tlie hom e team 's detemiina- i:i i
Kramer admitted that Wimbledon was m a v volley the ball until it has bounced
a different category from Rolnnd- three timei including theser\'ice. Kramer
Miun dnt*>.s <>! t i e d e f e n c e'ri a -* a.t * - 'w i l l a. '.'ostipLi riy St'.u-'kport to the were Bennett <4 ' , Brooks (3> . and R. tion brought them victory. 3-1. St Annes iGerros and Forest Hills in this matter. believes that it is necessary to experi-
B ; r k c * nh t : i d P.i: k . .i *" c b^ .:.^ i)-]:i
i, ¦: ni .'i te r i>r *no-t of ;>.e m..:ch- Toe J | bea : 1 sei"orui • ctivi ^io n . Deacon 12> . The Old Waconians ' bet t | quickly took the lead with goals by ]It could guarantee to be a sell-out, ment with the game in order to make
du A'.'] (i H.'i l :i * ". 1 f ;i r >n .1 - ,.- A- i*i . *.
B:o u y : i : o r . P u r * A t e a m a l t h o u g h t u y \ attacks were RniHham (3 > . Whittaker ! Ivim-itv a n d Holdcn. and although Oxton .whereas the Frencn and the Americans it more attractive to spectators. He i~
:o win 11-13- BirkiT.he.'id P a r k r . t U i c d
I ij ' 1. L' e.Vf. > m *A*ith a br oken c o l l a r h o n e i victory o\-lt Che adle took thtrm a stop f .u , and P. N'teld (2» .
Old Stopfordinns ' unexpected 1U-9 i .• pdiicvd the arrears through Cross. were ,'
s*,: n i i if l v :n the -o<*(in <l h:i f u t Tw .clt orj - never ab:e to fee! secure about ve-ry pleased with the way that Olmedo
a : E e : or..v I n r c e m rn:ies. 'niom p^or-, a : i ^Triearer lo saFoty and for this reason was Ileaton Mersey -A'oii & fa»t. interesting . ] Holden marie she issue safe for St Annes. their . gates. The professionals wanted to has' developed as a professiona] playn
nam P«» :ss:h..v iheir m i d d a y fl i f t h ; f n » m " on t l .e ¦ tthe most interestinK ru sult ol ' the day. very h a ; d - t o uyh ". same ti-4 against j near the end '
Mlti cw-i tic f*xp]>*ii m ccl *.nv.r «..^ .vi.l*s»- .n >- .i!-.*E--*fr h :i:f. ;md W a r b t i rt ^ n p '.av at Wimb'.edon . perhaps, more lhan He has beaten Oonzales twice in seven
w i n ;,'- Avr c in e x c el l e n t form ' stt 'ndi.y Boa:Deacon email and Eccies, u^anks '.argvly to j ; a'A'.l-Eiig
n v w here else, but at the moment the meetings a:iri had oroved to be .t
si-:*.] :nK down D u r i ng t h a t pmcoss 1 Jrwh eadlv, waost1 fortn :i;b 's i n r .'vidual bnllianct' 0:1 ' F inishing in style
Il;tr]e-o u :n.> w*-n: ^h c a d *.v.; h t. : t^ b -' ieterior ated because ut tht' continuous J 'j ind Club had >a-id it was " bargain." He said that the Peruvian
I-e rhiiard i 2 > a n d Fder.. conver ' ed b " Advance of Widnes \loss of players, had the belter of ihi- face was respoiib ibie for a quick ojj eir.ns! j 1
a t t a ck. Posses. - ion :rom the op ening ' Alderiey Edu e. who h a v e had a splcn- t unwillin g to pay big prize money o r had cost him less, at $35,000. than any
\V .-i% te. J- S- M Sc'*.- i- sLi-^ 'a .nL-t ! ;i Tne itfi vance of trie \Vk:;jc*.- c u d .- .:ice lsurly piny, but the Old Bo \
. .s. n-how side did run since the beginning of the year. I larse exuenses. He cou '.d un derstand player he had signed except Rose".
goai by Mersey, but although they had j
^ ¦lou idtrr :n iu r y in ;he nrnve a inch it wii.s fo r m ed t rom Old W td n t .-ia:' .- r,u^ I 1 ru'ludcd two rc^tTVL 's, wore level 2-2 at much t he greater snare of the bai: they 1 won 3-0 at Bramhall. Sciater , in his last !:
br oiiuh: ::ic :h.rd ;¦ v ;it;d no acii: ".o beeri : c i n a r k : i : % .f. " A 42-0 neU-:»l of I J 3uar!ier-limu and led 7-4 at halt-lime were 1-2 dow n at quarter-lime. Board- : game for Alderley. was an outstanding
B ur r i i ^ t b m ua si t t h e .-.we* f o r t h e ' ¦ rakinc every opportunity of shooting m a n gave iitt l-e a w a y in the second ¦ fuil-baek. and Powel!. a ski lful stifk
ho .su:t a ' . Parh 's i ; i i i y bri 'U yht xn v s bv
fj:u.O'. v jy *mti No:':jk' .v wnr, r u n v f .:' cd Kou b .e to fW-U H a d Ciract* bt<;r. m *.vhen the CheadiL' i;unlkt'upt.'r was period and were still ahead at 3-2 at j3 player, ,
(broueaii his personal '-a.Hy of :Association Football Cricket
b%p'. 'i bt- :ore [ la rl e ov i i ij ^ scored an ol 'n cr be '.:it soa " - k . c k i n j? f o r m - he convert i-d lj nsinhted. Old Stopfordian* held their h a J -t i me . goals in tiis first season to 34. Altlerley's
t: v bv L f o r . .i i d A flni* d:.*;>jxi ri Koai hv
\Vnf|;ir uat P a r k tn *!o<k! ht*:j rt aj i ititi
O"..y t.i :ec- oi i A el v e t r i e* '-_;e : out
•A'o'J ri have been m o r e cevas t.- iiit! ^- ¦Jhcadie 's attack, with Leach woll lii'ld ironi
¦ idvantaKe throughout the third period. Early in the third q u a r t e r (other two goals were scored
Cuthbert twice cleverly won possession and Webb.
the centre faces and gave J. ' In one of the las', county games of
\V:fi:.c .i A c : e ;:ot *ea ".!y U s t e d for evr.r] Jj \v Kodmiin and Jepson an ab '-cntrt?. Deacon the chance of breakaways from
b.j '. :b c.r
'•NC. '.tn fl fin *s -t
«.ii b.-^quf- i ; i>i ln : - > ::i
Ai -t. * i:nrr -A :,:d( d
t h f i «t<? rti ]:f l u- inno f i n * .!:> ! t.ic -A C f k - c n r i
In i-.c.i v.- f^ .—A'.'ir r s f o u n d riiev could m-!'. p ^ j acked thrust , afid many of the opvnmn s
c i i r n m a*- ,::.a : u r . t^ r o u s :*. wea k t a c k' ej ; l t did contrive \*.ero wailed h\ bad t h . i d soal which put M ersey 5-3 ahead ;A at Lrilieshall 7-20. Cheshire 's .scorers
hotn o; which he scored. He Ihen shot a .'- easun. Ch eshire A defeated Shropshire i
t'he i
P -ir k '.o^ ' Ti-14 l u Pii 1 ..- l~ r.r,crh.\y Cl i jb Bu* :4 .^ » i .u.->: Ht:ir.i *j. :\ .ock. :a te :n :" ic ! *iho otintl . L'nu iidle 's recovery m the final a: three-quarter ;ime. Boardnian were Powel l i 4 ' . Smitii 12. . a n d England' s tea m to meet Scotland in Bl.A IHMOST , MA11CH 21.
'.',.i.c:i iiL idf ' ¦! v mi -: < h f *iu - s-p: i i i e -l ke f i r - * -::i .' ! cauarlor. in which Andorson. on attack , fouB 'n t back stubbornly but were unable Crammer. an amateu r international Association j M.C.C.'s batsmen enjoyed themselves
c u n d i t i o r - .v: * h :*rj t :i' t i : :.i d:s[>.:= ' Uca t n CJr a 'n sr . a :1 S c n o ul . fr-on : l l ; t , ; f ;t \ ". ^was prominent, came too lati- to save tlie lo break Mersey 's srip on the game. . West Derby beat N'o.- th ern to record ' ¦ treating the bowling (if
W*,c»d s . wh ose c . f vpr play m sUind-olT \k oii t h e p u b l i c sorioius sevon-a-s:do : lmatch. G a r n h a m and Hodman were
Throu .e aout the game Mersey 's attack, t lieir twenty-tl'tird win of tlie season , but football - match on Saturday at here to-daj-.
t u u r n t j *nen t n t M a n c h est e r I' n i v e r sit v by : •the bc"-'t defender "; for Old Sioptordians , w i t h o u t Clarke, rarely combined effec- as the score 2-1 indicates they had little | (6) Berbice so light-heartedly that at tin-
d*1"iu h t o d th t t h r c o thf r i i»nn <l 5l>t-c* j »:ors . .n for wh om Boilintlal! Ci' . a l t hough in Southend is: close they had scored 641 for six in
.-r<p ic *d Park' s ;rv .in d \V:iclan convened bea t i n g De La Sa i l e CT oUe^e i:t-5 t:ie
jthe m a m well held by Bic!»erton , and tive y Ir , ad d i t i o n to J. Deaco n 's three. ,to spare. Boocock hit the only goal of M. J . Plnnt -r i R A F imil Qiuvn ' s P.irk Rani fp rs i ;
fm.L, I: '>v,!< not tiifii ciilt to u n d e r*.t:t:t d ¦ (2 Gibbon .l:k3 Ha 'l a so '-hot Konl s for t h e opening half. Huehes scored a second D. i o.ird i;m.'r tCruuk Towu l . T. Tl Kjm pwn iKtoL' k '.unn re ply to the home side's 387 for two
L iverpool ga .r.ed a v t c l o r y . 14- 12, over now in t-y h a d come to w.n .1 s : m : . : t r ! , L' a villi' ' were the most daimerous :soon after t h e restart, and Fen n replied j jII. s:.«ap 'B arn t rtt L. Brown 'Bishop Au ckland. declared. The match thus ended in a
( 2> , Mi 'i-it 'V . tor whom1 Griffith' and G-ee were for N'o rthc-rn Timpt-rley won 2-1 against
. ,
t (m r n : i n :eiu a t I'.k! ey two ye:ir« lii sm*- , 'attacks. Anderson 14' . Leach IBL -uiup A u c k ln a d ) . capt.;
H.i l a x . M T f : h f irj ij be...rid for rno-^ t of Vie *.r.e be.~ t oefer.ciL'i L a m o. who used 3'is
I ruates
M. Crrenwood A.
H . L i n G s . i v J K l n x s t o ci j A n l , f draw.
K »:m*. T . r e e ix r ua i t v ifoa..-< bv Crt il c^ riivl1 iT«v un They were t h e only >!r!e w *iu -h ' iButter worth <2 ' . anri A Brot .k.- were .- u eed we ", B*o a r d m a n 's best attack
, Knutsford who are showing disappoint- ; H i
(Kvei iwood Town )

Brown CBam (<> . I.. G . Brown iDulwiclj Hamk -t t .
When play started this mornini:
I £ n :;raM a c!e;i ~ U- sifi. a:'d '.ho*.' '.vert* f i n *, U^t ^i l :\v w.ii fi > k . ] t u i i y :n a " : ^ a m t s. ; ChiNiri leV '-coriT.-. a.l "ioti t,rJi he onlv vcored otj cp . Crofts '2> ins fonn after a strong spell in mid- j J I. t^wts
(Waltbams t ow Avcr.ue >.
\ neither Parks nor Barrinnton found any
tmicvi u h t*a d w:ih oniy twenly m ¦ n u los y n r i Brnu gnton , who n a r j r e m a r k a b l e , Old Mancunian.-*. although tlu'y ;nid 's :season. Perkm was Knutsfnrd's scorer, j
C)i d Waconi ans O"il> by the W a r r i n et o n were Boardman other There are rour changes in the side that ] diflicultv in scoring steadily, and only
a cc e l e rj i t :tm . was ou t s t » n d : ng a t s t a n d - \ d cftMlt 'd
, deserved to ,-corer;. a:id Bullock pT avec i well in 20a . ; In a spirited tussle Sheffield University ', drew with West Germany. M. M. Green- |a deep-set field limited the rate of
,f .' \. Thc-'^ '.*vo pena l l y fioaU by Gurrune:"- 1
.-ii:; t r o m f fitH<*uit x in ^ i e s a n d .t ".:y bv oiT n a i f . It was not unt:l tiie f i n a l t h a t , narrow m a r g i n of 13-12 lost 1-2 to Sheffield. Hall and Bantoh j wood i Bishop A u c k l a n d) switches l'rom I scoring. At lunch -Parks was 90.
nc- a n d [>¦ j ilt ^ p l e n d : .*! r u n n e r s f o u n d ¦ ^n i n . The pLav generally was not of a Final quarter tells
Wic! an raiser! T / v ivt i' -o f - hoiit-.i. b u t
U.i ;f a x t f t n [ i ' » E a " ..y d :t *-:itid 'ricin \vi' r> .i p la v iT s r.t [>a. n!e tti . m.iWltuin T:if>m f u r I ' icoreri
for the visitors and Barnett for the i right half to left hiilf ;o replace T. Barrington 67. and M.C.C. 285 for 2
! Vciuibius, and R. Sieap (B;irneli is \, After lunch these two batsmen added
* r v by SHinfic-Ic! Two i n . i i i i ' e< fmin snee d a n d t n o i b a !* a b ; l : tv . lie La Sii 1.>. ! OfTcr'. on. whose learn i:ic udeci ' h r e e Deeside Ramblers deserved to win |
p ;tf - ~ :ri e M'irph y broke t i n o u^h and wno had achieved r e v e nu e f or a d e f e a t . \Rugby U nion Ox f o r d :>la ;.trs. W i . k i n f o ri , C a r d f n . a n d against Sale, although they were Mattered i re-called at right half . At inside forward, j 123 in 68 minutes before Parks skied an
' el t. lo.-t .i-12 :o M a n c h e s t e r U n i y e r - 5om<?wh<ir H. Lindsay tKij igstoniani and L. G easy catch. He had then made 18'.?-
.-¦c ured a f i n e t-y. a n d Cummerscn's in :.he Kylde -sevens bv beii{:/:ir Cnw. ev ] ' Clr »t by the martrm 6-2. Sale paid | ( Dulw-ich H a mi e t i In lt e over j thc highest innings for M.C.C. on tin-
I t took ". he U n i v e r s i ty some time 'heavy penalty for defensive mistakes, Brown
ro:iversi' i n wo:i t.ic name
A pi— od of j iiipromacy boiw oen a
in t h e sem.- f i n al s and had ea r l i e r d. .*- I
posed Oi a f o r m i d a b l e B ai s n a w >:ri e. ' TYXESIDE CLUBS . -.ty
:o accus'.om :hoTiiseivt*i: to the confined ;and the home team led 4-0 at the inter- j from J. R Ward (X o r i h a m p t c i n ) an d ! tour—in four hours 20 minutes. He hit
• . 'n v i n s a r e a , and they were held :o a ,val. Play was more even in the second ¦ A. H n r d i n a (B a r n e t )
five sixes and 21 fours. Three of Iiin
•' . ur.^ o pen i nf i a n d force,:u4 finisl i by '
fa:Jed to u.--e t h e w i n d in t h e first h n . i Thov ' | sixes sent the ball out of the ground,
' .clT </p|ju !icr.t< sufficed *o p^ir:! S; -core of 1-1 in t h e firs t period half Deeside added two goals and
H e a t h k i cked for t h e * r o r n e r Hag a ft e r ;
11'-lens aii l i f t .i 'av.v w. «: ay .i '!i>; I . ve :-
;io n! Un:ver,» .:y. D Wj li .irnA . isn *. :i he
;.'h- :Mtt*r\ .i ; ;i:id. t iuj u t f a h e a t en 1:1 t n o '
j ; nt \ - - i )ut. t h o y j ^ a d e ii^t * of Do La Sa "e r
i m a r o v e d 1:1 t h e second period
."i-a a t h a l f -t ime, but it was not u n l i i the Sale.
and led Fordyce and Groombridge scored for
Cheetham Hill , forced to m a k e \
TWENTY PLAYERS and on one occasion it was perfectly
caught by a man watching the Harm-

Berj iisc t he Noi :si-c:i-t provided ; f i n a . q u a ; tor , in which they s h o t five five changes , put up a good fight at from a window of a house overlooking
'. a - In j u r e d , w a s S* H e i c n i " - be> t p!:iyt' f . e:Tnp .i B r o uKh t i ui i n t f rc eii U' d f o r one I 's a ttiick found against Hiuhtown. and were beaten homi; j t he ground.
;l:i 'I h i s - iah r i-W fi ATtrk a * .-.;.i3i r:-o *r i rv .iiui H u ! .:i p ir k e d ur» a dmpijoc! nii ^ sr "our player.- for tne E n g . a n d Rugby 1' goals t h a t -he U n . v e rs -ity only )
i"-..ih 'e 'i hem to e.-' a b l w:iai prov<-d a a n d t -nab ;ed M o rie v to ^core an o ' iu-i. 1ui ;ion
::> t r u e form. Ai-sioun ' S > a n d Borland | Great Britain has nominated the the tour, The third-wicket stand the best u '
¦a .: !-;:-iU n r:.d t i f t e c n •lKi'ir.s: Sc-ol '.an d at i 2 > f o r t h e winner-:, a n d W a r d f o r beating the 281 bv Pullar and
J R i ' tor ^ r j n r ^r ^i d r T J p . i S h V f i r - *, h.i 'f \vv w\.^ a f l i N i c r . T e' ¦ 1 1 ! RESULTS ; followin g twenty p ' ay^rs from whom Cowdrey against British G u i a n a . Bit;¦¦
:j;i* l:.>; :n:- ou*;ri t 'l o bi"r;ik.:ii: forv.'a rr ] ^ n v 1 'Mi.rr ;i ylH>: '. a; t: 'e wuek-crv.i, tfceri - ;; Overtoil w en
u k i c k b% !> r.i *t * :ili I' n vi i i ,;v ' j L - , rho most ffli-ctive a t t a c k s '
f n u n !> M i l . h — s : n ii ii h - r f A J. rt i n sh L r e A T
h a r k . f<>r t h e fi:\«*! t: i. u:: d a c* o sp - k i c '-z i l f J W M - n . t i l e >( 'ru( Ti h n . f . De La S.j! .!**>. | 'ivere on: >- t wo scmor Kuraes in the ' The f i n a l s of the c t mn i v kr.ock-01.. : <" luh M at4.h p % .— Uhi Rhy cMln ? & Sands] 0 J she
¦ w.!I select her side for the r in n '
. ui; w e n t oil to reitch lQ'i . w h i t
r a m w i i i n n ^"i\'} brousht success to . included ten tours, before he was bnw !cn
bv W: " i:a f n5 b r o i iC'i t Fpl*.* ** < i n n i f wh . c i 's G r a m m a r |-•1 , nr uiii iill Ci. Ai i i i Ti t y E d s e X B u t u Oh orlton pic co-mpetition qualifying tie against by Benjamin. THineworth joined Dextct
Bla. Abum o. Bv*'do:i A 1. Bradford 2 ^rarborou ah
:rv f.ut u* from t n t - or/.v r i en i ] brr a k of •' Nor t ij uniuer.aiKi a::J D u r n u m area, schoo l .s-ides Wi .j -iam Ht i i m e
t i p scorer c o n v e r t e d E\'jtn.s replied 11j
t h e m al r h bv D i x n n !! he Tj ii-nca. . 'ifi . n.<^ H t f f h t o w n 2: l>e, "-l.l. Ra mblera
the Netherlands at Zwolle on April 2 : found his form for the first time 1:1
?Uiani H t l l 1 City
In the.-e Roi?ki' ';il " . .r. iiume . t icfeute t i Si-'-iool bca ' A«ht.m A 1S-fi in tt>a:l Snli? 2- l^^ tL ^ P ftll<v 3 noih .-rhnm 3:
K "i r e .Tiir..or Cud t i r i i l The v pl a y ] Maci -l^neld 2. I ^pk 2: Mld.tleu .n 2 Halif ax 'i: weeks, and hit the third century of tin-
111-:! . a n d '¦ atis rvp ::. :;r^l tiie ^t-iioolbove; ' eel _7-2 a t ; ppplprs fDmi^ji ^ l.Tl 3 Fuln wk O n 1 Purt Sun- .R (Aroa. F.kfrp
HEADIXGLEY AM) WANDERERS SHOW i liiii-t:epooi Od t- ri *: M J . pinner rO.n " en ' s P ir k R*nrpr s,
Boy^ . *nd EnirUnd t . J. B. W ikeflfld (Cnrlntl iian innings.
Uur. i ngt u n t; S.O.B. ¦<j st at iiomu to '¦:. , '-t me
TT nlv.
The Uj mt- were comp le 'ely ; I l K h t 4. M u r k t't Dr ftj l.Mi 0" Slirrt
Sheffield 2. St An:] ^ 3 c r x t iin I:
S!ai«u i«rB
l ^id
Casu &.U'i . Ful W h Arhi- T. Th pmpson ^Stix^tt ^n a n d BEBBI I f .-lIrtl In n . h,.- : Hi; ti.r 1 i n . u.
t o rr. cd bv [u s ' s-op fr " o r speed and ' Ea flandl . D. Unit rQu« TTfl Park and &-olland » , D.


•rndca s'.t r I Tm ii^ rlry I. 2. Knuts fr cd
WarrtnE- Solomon 30!. sot mi l . B. Bu:cl) ^ r 131 ool out) .
Wakelield 3-1SJ . i.-i n d l i ne s k i l l :n the l at e r stages. Bi!' - iH i ti 1 Droo klandK n. West Derby 2, N'tnihern - fAirrtr t e and SoolJ and i . n *tt-bmckv. R . W. Sleao
Gi.rd« 'ner (Crouk Town and En icUt fld). W. N>U
M.C.C—First In islma
Hockiiit nave now won tiiirt-e and clifTe and Kershaw, on defence, and w: sa i: a. sprtt in 2. rRaruet and En R ltndi . L. Brown <BUhop Auck it ctf n Pul lar h Bfr.Jam lri 05 I K H I Vx f r c
drawn one of their last four fixtures, Haves. P. Barnes, and Green on a r t ar k . ' ¦ .uj ft Eni ila t ifll M M r;rw?nu 4>id .nia iiop lxtid i M. J K Smim run I Sr.l4^n4.n b K h i n . . V4
Headiti giey, who have had a securing their fifth consecutive win , and \which is a great improvement for they were outstandlr.e for the schoolboys. Fox <n <l En gland 1 . H . Forde <c , l
tn»von and N. Irt'1 *adi . f .- iu' . 5O | It Sutiba I{[.A n.jf
V«a kbl pji H' hclsra and En gland i . A. D'Arcy I J . M Parks > Holo- | out . . V
generally disappointing season , never- running up their highest score of the Jlost nineteen of their previous 24 sanies. and Coop were Ashton 's best attacks. an d Englandl- Forward*: J. I-. T .»n is [ mon b H r t. j am it i :Sfi i D A A ll^ n r i' t cfui .. o
season. Bowers 13) . Dawcs (2 ) , Hirst. •Kiey wore som ewhat f o r t u n a t e in this The Cheshire competition for f i e , Association
¦Wal ' hajn stf.w Avenue »nd K iixtnnd V . R. Brown . K . F. Barrlnswn 1)
theless have more power at their Hal:. Buimer. Elford and Buxton scored iinstance, however. bem a greatiy Stocknort cud was won bv Oheatf e ; I I I I K H I H M S l ns . —Accr:n s*'it3 Stanl ey 'i ,\Ur.s- \ *ji tirf N. ln» !and i . P Ila.vy iTV<i-; !n« and M' t charn * R nllnrworth f sub
. P i r ;L« .incl E r i*i«ntl t |J . Borr 'B»llym ena United ! Benja nil:} !«3 Exrra < jr.

command tha n most Yorkshire clubs. tries. Bowers converted three of them, jindeb'^ed to an opportunist try by Hulm-e School who defeated Old S:cp- S.'' 'd "] V*r, 1 < "E r!i ' "i:* T r n i ' -H t 1 ri. iu :: ia n;p t& u 1. I - and N Irv ]*nd' , A. Coot M 'Even» •«»d To«n »ti> . i b Snlf/mi.n - iml "l- i.u .i = I - *t R > . Ml
and Elford kicked a penalty goal. (Greenwel ! which Wir.iams converted. fordilans A 22-5. In this game also .t ; N««morl i-our.lj 1 , K o u t i . r n d -L'nliM 1 <L-ind > J. H . rvvtn * iQu c^ n ' i Park »nJ H e a l - .
Lindsay 1 —Router.
Fn ,
This was demonstrated further on fligginson and Cunningham the ]DarlinKton G.S O.B. make no bones was the superior speed in tih« later • Si' O ITISH lEAGl'K I D n ' I s l n N I J . — M H it l l*r ^-e:i t. 1 i aKin
nd : V.. r. nro wn i»u!wirh H fiinl*' ti . h
sstonSam. '
Saturday when the senior siile ami most of limited opportunities for ;about their intent.on to branch out into stages wh ich gave the winners complete . e.-i-.ic 2
the Wanderers each won 14-3 against ' Warringion. :the West Rioing , yet they cannot be superiority. Broadhurct. Harrow . 53 r d SPORTS NEWS IN B R I E F
MIDLAND ALLIANCE SIDE '¦ A t>ookesman of the rU.C.C. sa d vestur.
l i r iU J C M A T r l l K - s — Hj lwrn la r : l> . M dntiifaref

Ukley and Keighiians at Kirkata.l. Skipton drew 3-3 at home against Old .satisfied -A-i'th tivis season 's performances, Jdhnson, on attack, and Wardley. on > f n it oi l i . «u<vn ol n
St'Ulh 3. M l l l w a l l 1.

I!k!ey earned praise tor h iu d - fo u i j h l Leodienslans in a game dominated by ,as they have lo.-t tw ice to Moriev and ;j defence, plaved flnoiv for the school In Man L A M ' ^ S l l i K K < < lM B I N ',VnO N — ftiuth l.lverpon t 1.
The Mid:and Ama teur Alliance team • dny t:i:i- J . B wi". no t be returii-
the defences. -Vaylar missed with two now to" Wakefield
lie i .
defence under the inspiring leadership soite of the score D. Rakestraw did well . U N I A S H I H E C O M I I I NA T I O V I II' (Secund
'.o meet the Lancashire Amateur i .iu So :i:e West Indies ior the fi f th Tes;.
penalty kicks at rouI for Old Leodiensians The:e was obviously greater interest I in 20a! for the losers.
! CI Bon.iusse ) Lej
3, 1'resoit Cn tj lw 1.
of Wood, their captain , but they never
Rr ur. J ' — N f* BrtB ^ t uTi j I.rague at Derby mi Saturday is : sii>nani . :i centre
but succeeded with a third from an ex- in events ric:-i>> the border, and
looked capable of turning the tables on position Brown etiu;i '..sed for Skipto n | eighteen Xortr-i-a.-t sides played [here I I r> H ill rBai mln ir grti l' l 1!. nrad!» * 'Wnola lnnl. \ three-quarter,
r-, . Bradley i Wi Kt lau m) : B. Sm t rh f f i W 7tk« *t{.n!aTL 4i . I and will be unable to play for France
has pui .
' led ;1 tlrgh musc>
opponents who had the advantage of an with «i penally goal n t.'ie second na. t*. in the mornini; b efore 2o:ng on to cheer
earlv lead of flve points. Successlin A n o t h e r nncour .ii; lie. d..-p ' :.y .ti attack E n g l a n d and m u r e u a it i c u l a r iy Ru'.her-
A Squires rl ^dyba T i
told nkr - sSouUnsi . c
W. i 'j fiik«r iNot'j i : J . Huut sr .'
Arkkin i N*' *t. it. A. Brc .^ n
:i2a.nst Grea t Britain in the Ruj»b >
".ouking by Parker , and enterprise n tlie and defence w:ls Riven Tor Sk.pto 'i i)*>" fn r r i . Wesson. Hod^on and Mor aan 'Out llkosv .nla n si . w . W l i lv if)l.l EllrH M t h a m l . I-eaTuc In '. ernallonal match at SI Helens
louse bv Collard. Chappei!, an-d J:ibjger w. Rr ae ish pr* *x^d Amat ^ ur f i ' on Sat-urdav
Butterwortn a seventeen-year-o.d certr e . i Such '.vas the d t'm a n rl tor pitches in and I SOK 1H-HM ¦
,vcre features of the Hearitngloy forward w n i l e Aticinson attaekeri repea '.erilv for j around Edinburgh that Percy Park had
Pi..n ,
' I 1 .' .:; »
work . Booth -.v;u, the only Heading lcy Old Loodie:is:.!'ie. , to k :ck off at 9 30 to allow another game !• «¦. I) I.. V A r w i). 1. v. a.
. .

FOOTBALLERS' PAY j For cage birds it's

P. W. D. L. F. A ,
three-quarter who iai 'ed to score a try. Otlev 's n i n t h successive defeat, '.nis |t o t'o'Iow . and two matches had to be 1 Ashton-on-M - . 3 7 0 18 303 M 7 BeHc Collts ^ .... 25 13 I 11 308 222 .. H ^ rt y
As ' S l o n - L I . -Lyn e . 3R 14 3 6 23fl 3S4 AUimt M l J3 8 4 11 130 13U , H.I . J ' .ii
24 13 2 9 3 1 » : r M |
. . 25 9 3 13 173 243
llargreave. Walker, and Wood cros.-cd time 14-t> by Hull and East . *.v..? cancelled for the iaek of a ground. A Blrk enliead Park 32 IS 3 13 4S5 2S0 B.'llord Hou»e .. 25 11 7 7 1HS 2(16 B'. HKl py . . . . 26 6 3 17 153 'J &i \
¦lie llkley line, and G: ieveson . who con- onlv one of their worrie^ . A la rge strong wind affected most games but did Illar
J i. :! II I.. 2J. 1347

rougher by rail ,
Bllltmh .m 1JO 1UJ II 25 19 2 4 42'J :30 I

&bum 2» 9 O 1 9 222 432
verted one try. dropped a so.n ,- ection of their main covered stand has not prevent Go^orth avenein.B an Brou chtc.a Parlc . 30 X 1 9 J M M 1 Cull "Jf Corn. ... 22 4 1 17 101 1W7 ! Urad to rd Saiero 2 2 : l 1 10 172 :a i
Bowdntl 27 8 2 1? 15! 3u2 Blnyd on ii io 2 S M7 11a Hradi 'i rt . . 2 6 : 1 0 : 0 il7 193

been destroyed by fire, but th .s wi;i not earner defeat hv E d i n b u r g h Wanderers Cons ftt J l I J : J 202 11.1 1
, Urijn le> ' O.B . . 2H 7 C 1'J 254 2y2 1
Experience tells
Bunn ge 33 0 S 10 22* J ^6
interfere with the Yorkshire Cup semi- o- Northern recording a splendid win. Cald L T J . 1M 2 .1 16 65 354 1 nr:d:!n j t-/n

Approach to League I
Bury 27 3 0 24 1JO S6S COIUtailtine 2J lr ) 2 11 3Wi lt>7 1

says expert
n irhngtun .. . 25 11 2 12 177 211:1 Hurley 2J 14 2 7 »» l;j .
final at Cross Green nex t Saturday, tn Ifi-9 over E d i nb u r g h University. «r Val t 2S :2 1 15 154 44«
D'l ' 2^>fl 222 l- j r -'-irl c
Headincley Wanderer*, iviki nave mester 31 :5 3 12 259 231 Bt ' n G.S u B 27 IJ li 13 Cal!e|lc :S 12 2 4 406 :5S !

scored more than five hundred po.nts a semi-final " rehearsal." O' d Cross '.eyans Gosforth. who h a d Camozzt. formerly of (Mine and Nt ison 2fi i) 1 :r> 1W 332 D'liittton p. a -*; :: : \ai\ v : f> 3 (' a l l l L 'loT li . - . 28 10 S 7 3m> 212 '
19-G to give them Gatcshead Fell, in the centre, won 14-3 De Durham CH > ... 2ri 11 3 12 20K l&il UliM lsr llp ld 22 11 I !') 171 191 ]
:nis season, were too strong all rnund beat Castleford Dar Enpur: M 19 3 S 405 209
Durham Cfil ... 2D 13 Q 7 2J5 173 Cltf iJilifa rt. n . . . 2 *- H 3 5 333 Hj Members of Ihe Professiona! Foot-
inc reased confidence for the Cup tie at A long run by Coker brought their first Ecclrs La S3i;e O B. 2S 34 1 3 397 14S
Gatnhe a d Fril .. 21 6 3 15 1B4 321) ^jl ieii'i '.er Budgerigars ten<l to get rough
for KeiKhlians. Several players
2Ti 9 1 15 240 2*J '
24 12 5 7 3O9 2O4 , ballers* Association decided at their
33 .'¦ 4 24 241 519
O'.ley. Castleford were so much on the trv . and Bradbeer added a second Gosforth JO 23 2 5 J78 149 Ilruni'ld
first team experience made their defensive they could score only through before half-time. Houl't and Smirh also Flldi'
Furt lKS 23 17 3 1 0 396 243
33 21 2 10 525 372
H ' poo! A^i 24 '. 1 2 5 27*. 13q
Er. t !!sh S! «l . . 2 0 11 0 9 iS.17.II ,
annual general meeting in Manchester treatment on the railways while in
presence felt as the Wanderers built up two penaltv goals by Thompson, rheir scored tries . Campbell converting one. Ho .lik f
Keatsn Moor .. 28 a 3 14 235 333
H- j iool B.B.O B. 18 9 0 1) 125 156
2« 14 2 10 272 213 O B 28 17 2 9 2C4 222 I
transit to bird shows, a leading figure
. . . 27 16 4 7 315 215 ! yesterday that three points—concern-
H ' P" 0l O B Grtnuliy 21 6 1 1 4 200 229 1
a winning lead of eleven points before 27 15 3 9 247 167

naif time. Brook , a reliable full-back, stand-off half. Old CrossSeyans ran in and Wanderers ' only replv was a Krr sal 30 15 0 : 5 277 336 ¦lL.rd.-n
H pool tUiV. . . :"> -" 0 LI 4:4 3fr>
211 \ 2 1 10 231 205
in the catfe bird world claimed
opened the scoring with a penalty goal, flve tries th rough Driver <2 i . C'.a yton, pen a lty goat bv Ha '.l I ^ljh SS 19 0 9 4&S 3IS7
Kmlcl llon 27 *.') tl 11 2ill 216
Hatltax V»ndal« 22 14 1 7 358 118 ;
ing the maximu m wage clause , a per-
Harrutal F 30 15 3 12 3l)ij a;7
Liverpool M 2 1 1 8 381 l»0
Andrews arid Whitehouse. and K i n g > Call. ... 24 11 (1 10 294 244
centage of transfer lees, and a mini-
Ropan retur ns
Head:t«>y 32 13 5:4 259 257 !
.ind then converted one of the tries bv M ACCl K tleid 2fi 19 1 6 378 169
Mr Willia m Proctor Bland , of Meo!s.
Medicals 24 » 1 1 4 238 22!.
Goodman and Wilso n The Keighlians Addenbrook made two conversions Manc lieft!«r 30 8 3 19 204 305 H ^ a d l c m y W . . . 2 7 25 1 1 3 1 5 160 1

30 Hi S 12 31S S:7 J mum of £12 a week pay for a playe r

Mlddleabro " 27 2.J 1 .3 J13 l e H 1 Ilrss!> » 2.H 15 3 1O 3 6 r t 2 ! 0 |
Northern , witnout twu noorj lorwards M'c Y.M.C.A.
.« c Cl! .» Pollre 25 IR 1 8 404 353 Morpelh O.E ... 2 'i 11 J 9 2 1K 154 I II nld«r«H - :d
forwards, the best dep artment in the Brilliant backs in Pattinaon and Krater. held their own M strovli *
. . 27 8 3 16 182 285 N. Durham . . . 2S 9 1 15 174 225 J t ^ l l .le K Rde 29 20 2 7 SOU 23S I
over 121 shnulcl lie raised again with I who is a Fellow of the Zoological
visiting side were set a good example 25 5 0 1» 119 284

; Society and a member of the r-ounci,s of

Northern an 23 2 5 404 1S5 t t u . l i! E.P.. Nd l 24 12 2 HJ .133 224 '
by Hardcastle. a former Yorkshire countv Old Thornensians. who tiave scored 2fi |in this departmentbacks against 'ne university Nirw Brtgtiwn . . 2S 30 3 5 312 1(17
N'F »:on-le-\V.
N. ShW d« 17 3 1 1 3 S.2 254 I Hu:: u a. . . 2t 7 3 t si . i : .<:* i 1 the Ffxj tball League.
\o win the same. Budgerigar Society and the Avicul-
. . 24 M 1 9 334 22S o Bedan a

ut its -ast meeting with the

2j 14 3 0 2f.« 2rrf
¦irhoolboy. Craven scored the Kcighlians and left i: to tne Aldwllllans . ^7 16 3 9 3B2 190
lik.n . . ?i » i n . U7 Jfi3 1

trv which Keighley converted. Sumrie

tries in their last three matches, had Tnoueh down 0-ti aaaitist the wind in the O!ll Old Blrkon :in .. Si 7 3 19 196 43S Percy Park
0 Novoi 2ti 17 3 S 2S1 155
31 1^ a 12 373 253
Ior/j su . . 27 19 i 6 272 ::9 The League, tural Society, was givin g evidence in
I *Kis Chlror. s . . 24 11 1 1 2 232 230 the association, indicated that it was support
K p lJ ih llan ^ . . 2 5 5 J 17 173 293
replied with a try for the Wanderers. their biggest win since September . 1955— first half Northern 's backs rose to the Old Calll tlaiu . . 311 :i 0 19 216 237 Red oar J7 :j 1 13 .155 11*9
of a road carrier before the
Moriev . twice in arrears against 49-0 against York at Thome. The backs occasion splendidly. The return of Roean Old Iaxlonlau .. 29 21 3 13 3-9
Old Hulmelans . 2 7 5 1 21 119 402
2S4 120
2S 7 2 19 14J 287
28 9 2 17 197 249
I ^ ds C«r:n!h».
I ^«d« K i L CO. 27 13 2 12 275 236
2.1 :3 2 11 257 219
unwilling to discuss these points North-west area traffic coyrt at
Roundhay, rallied to win 13-6, their were 'n brilliant form , and Stafford to the centre gave tnem the thrust so O M Si«4ni 27 22 1 137 S«gMll 19 7 1 1 1 118 16P again . The secretary of the associa- for cage bird
tion , Mr C. Lloyd, said that unless owners in Speaking Chester.
I.l.-icr.l n 23 !4 1 8 265 1SJ5
-.lxteenth victory of the season. The scored five tries, and Smith four. Bott Gosiforth lacking the previous week aeainst Old r rahaw O.B. . 2 7 9 7 I I 22) 240 Stockton
Old Balfor d ll SI . 29 It 2 16 248 291 S Shield ! » S . 11 7 1 I 143 212
M ftllnn & Norton 22 :5 1 *> 22« 147
experience of Kirk and Davies was in in their . Northumberland Cup 28 11 1 ir , 1S5 276 M« rlcrt Ktx a . 21 il 0 10 225 930
there is a change of viewpoint by the Wirra! who have dHJi-
(2i . Randall and Hall brought tlie total Old h an 20 20 2 4 500 179 Sundcrl aod 2i 18 0 HI 275 1S7
was Rogan who produced Oldt iam League, the association must consider rulty in finding suitable transport tn
Moor:o *-n 28 10 1 17 266 347
evidence when Roundhay turned to their of tries to thirteen , five of which were game, and ittries,
Borou fh 34 If. 1 7 SCO 179 TTn edale 29 11 3 15 227 313
Murl *> 2A 15 2 11 2W 1M
oarks. and Best , another iong-servire converted by Cooper. i two of the timing his passes first Orm
perfectly. Orrell
-iltlrk 2S S 4 1 3 »4 23rt
31 25 0 9 593 *47
Vlck-rTI Ami
P.. . . 2 3 3 2 IB P2 311
.. 23 11 3 9 255 1R7
O. B lil'an s 24 19 0 5 483 1.18
itself in dispute. This wou'.d mean take their birds to shows, he said tha;
Doncaster to Donald and :hen to Ward the chief problem was the number of
O. Rr ^ dl flanj t . . . 25 <* 2 14 245 267
o '. aver. showed good form at full-back. Chesterfield defeated Port SunK lht . . 23 9 3 n 2J 4 329 W. H 'pool . . 2fi 12 0 14 211 2.13
Best put Roundhay ahead with a penalty because they had G. Giossop. a wing, who converted Rocan also scored one himself »nd Preston G h f t r z i 23 is ". 9 3o: 235 W. H' p 'l C.S U B '1 1 13 1 S 21)0 Uly O. l- ro S5l<Ta n« . . 25 :'l
H v m T -a ] . s
1 5
. 25 I t , 2 7 373 153
467 169
that the matter would go to chan ges involved in railway journeys.
i;oal two. Donald got a fourth trv Roch Pr «t *irh 27 15 2 1 0 3. 7 21* W estoe 24 11 2 11 132 :6J '
I ^odj -n ua iu 2fl 9 3 16 277 35:
¦;-y before Morley went in front with a eye for an opening, and the
The association has instr ucted the ¦forThere were six changes, for example,
had an well-judged cross-kick bv Salf
ia. t 27 17 2 S 3B 1 192
<> O:i!ro «l»u« . . 2 3 9 3 11 223 S76
by Topham which Schofiel d con- speed to turn defence into a sudden after a 10 14 I 15 2' 1 30 IF I F1.AM )
to write to the Football port.birds sent from his area to South-
O. M a r.ii^ r ia n * . 23 13 2 * 214 M4 '
Di-moaster scored first when Parkinson P im f r *' :ar is 28 15 3 :o 298 2:5 j secretary
Tfl 15 3 12 27S 2U !' ¦ .n:j
verted- Hughes restored Roundhay 's attack.
St Heleru * .
" The porters are not too geptie
Morrell sent in Price for a try Metcaife F.Percr Park asains: Rova! Higli School Scf.on SI H rt Kli P.K3 21 » O 3 5(15 lil f W D L f A
O R 'dhcran * . . 30 12 5 13 231 Z-, I Association in respect of cup-tie ticket
( ) R M l'iin; . 2 7 4 3:41!S373 )
advantage with a try before Schofield -ii ' 2 19 196 37», B&llrmcn u 23 *.3 '. 9 21 6 155
.itfain proved h' imseif a match winner. scored a second trv before G. GlossoD P. were 0-11 down facing the wind but
after the interval Srt UlJH.
Slmoa ?J C 2 14 183 35! Bcctlve R l.-.J trj 2 O .- 2 2 fi 1^ 140
.J Th r.rr. titjS lanJi 29 22 4 3 527 .3: allocations to players, limite d at the are only ha ndled advantage and it is a great if the birt« (
replied for Chesterfield. That was the made the score 6-11 once."
iport . . . 3b 9 3 14 169 272 Boiiemlaiu . . . . 1 5 8 0 7 :23 :38 *
After kicking a penalty goai. he made O
29 a 219 210 33f. moment to 150.
Wa lhonlam 21 13 1 5 2SO : (2 \
This, the association
.in interception which provided Horkm oiviy scoring until the closing minutes through tries bvwing, Corrie. who had a fine Toe f M / cl . . 3'. 11 3 9 30S 2X clontart ?: :o 1 : 0 1 9 4 2: 5
I m»? . . .
The carrier , Mr Joseph Pooie, 1 of
t" 12 5 111M M thinks ,
. -'- 12 3 4 2M 144
is unreasonable
TyldM Ur 29 23 2 2 6 5 3 1« Colteclan s .
with a try, and rounded off a splendid when G. Giossop intercepted in his own gam e on the and McKeag. A Va> ol Lun« . . 2 7 13 1 13 304 ZH Cork Con-.ti uT:o c '. i 7 0 6 117 154
p tionnt!ha >
Sanr il- 2 7 -.5 : : 11 I 2 ^M and ' Heswail , was granted permission to
day with his second conversion. '• 25." and raced away to ¦touch down breakawav put Roval, High in an almost Vldten SC 22 7 1 1 4 170 22H C I.Y M.S. . . . -"I Yi 5 3 2115 St :
\ 2 j 0 7 " H . : 4 S Srarii jro unr. . . . 2 H 6 0 22 '_ 4O M inadeq uate. ! vary a B licence for an Austin van So
between tne posts. Doncaster threw unassailable position butconverted a spectacular War Dneton . . . 2 9 12 4 13 275 2K> Dolphin
S<Tun:h!i -pe . . . 25 .6 0 9 VA 227 ^_ _ _
Another player who had an outstand- made
Wat ffrloa 32 8 3 21 230 33P in iLonlan a . . . . 72 14 4 4 : ^ : 2 6
S»!hT O B . . . ? • :17 1 7 W : i 9 j
as to allow the transport of cage bird s
^e game was Bowers, a Sandal centre. evei-vrhing into a last attack, but Chester- trv bv Corrie which was Wm Park 27 18 1 ? 443 2B> L-irjulowrje . . . . 12 y 4 9 237 211 27 6 1 2f 117 37>9

v' -.o ^ corrr: fittce'l :'«» — > .-'. " "¦.- ¦^ r:t '".- tu- ¦! -o>n-d a f-.rt.ier Ty throne.-, a fi'.'- in^ end. Ti. r.ecu!e managed
to score ¦I W'.nn
'.n iiv H:c-". .irc ^ or. . W l r . ^ u ^ l n
VV, n n . i v
. . TO ¦
23 fl 7 44<) 204 Malcne
Pi - --' "2 J : i SO T.I M F 1'.
. . _ < 7 -J 14 :s2 2*y
. Z* 14 2 7 211 1H7
Shrffle ld
. .
T-.rer * 23 1 1 13 1M 241 SEAMAN KILLED ON | for distances of up to 50 miles.
After the hearing Mr Bland said that
f ' sni ^h c. '. .T . Gloss^r- conver'fM tile l.i? * ,:i'.v tiir cc- penal".v Koa
s!ir tn-.:« t h •
¦ ¦
. ' :o 2 4 ih: ;»
-v- -, ::9 .) at ;a. -- - - A- L\ i K ( * : ' 'd W .i : .^ ¦ o-l
K - - 3- i s 2*7 122 1 old b*' :.,-]m - t . . j ' i 'j 2 i :v :;.- "
, . , -, - . " o - ^ . " f... , t "i :- < ^

d :Vic,l iv 1:1 ¦ -« .iK ains: Rova! Pick Vetermarv Co-leae « WW3O 1 . . . . 2s 33 1 2 .371 ~ old r iwvt .-
- r i . .
. . 'j : 1. 2 13 ~.f > * 2ir, I Wak »r..'ltl
1 ' Wr] ft . .'*-da l* . . 2.. 14 3 3 266 176
. . . 3 " -.H 2 :<j 340 227 once, when he sent several cages of
t a* t
vho rep..ed witn five tries . twv> ;.ena ':v 1 >VF > T A M ) SO I ' T H - m M "
Quw. = i l
st M f t - i s c . .^j ^ :y >¦ : 2 214 9T 1
l 0 H < 1 O
W. l. ds H.S O.B. 24 13 4 7 279 2 '.7
uudRerigars in one case by rail to ;i
_ ¦• .. - ..r.r. a o> n \ f r eio--. a-id m r, 2.1-9 - 2n \r, i 9 :y7 jj j
Accident with winch
W R !d!nc P
H.irt .eaooi Roic.-f. .i A et-k oe:o:i; t:.i.\ j ' W D. I
p .. -. --s
I - : ' t r r:. - ^- . ;j :2 0 6 191 1'ict
W .r -.i . ' - f- -
. ?r 13 1 .2 332 l/l" r J w: :h*TTiVa 24 4 0 20 111 341 ,
! national show in London, a pri z<>
Cross-Count ) !; Ru (i by 1' ni nn are cue 'o tree-* Blrr.'cior . in t i¦¦e f i n a l of 1! Ba rr. stiij ' f . . . 2.' 1'- ~ * J - '.- -' -""
."*: n t n _-^- ^ '
' W ^lis^r
j Y sm b - ^ -y
¦• T. 3 : '.7 87 1-7 •
. . . . J 4 :2 J 9 267 2'. ! . albino for whirh he had previously
- Eu: . .
-. e l)ii:-...:;i i '-.ip. :•¦- -. K- 2."> .. a -.l.ii mi; I t r . , l :» « a T * A .•: J 1 14 L-- 214 . I MIEB.1III I .S
I - . r. u 1 Y . ric - t" 9 5 1C r.7 37} I Able Seaman R. Proctor, of Ship j refused an offe r of £50 was dead on
arrival and three other birds suffered
OXFORD UNIVERSITY i H.iwi ck side tviic:i I.ickeri t. ".rt*(? ir. 'er- ' ¦r 1 1 1 . 3 ' J a 1 2 2 153 i K rjimt. -n: j i. 26 : 2 O ! 4 2M 3fB | Street , Barrow-in-Furness, was fatally
1- w n 1. y a 1 Yn' t rpp 1 - . Wk « 24 16 2 6 3B 8 :7*.
ST EDWARD'S SCHOOL " .;i'.:o-.a 's Rove -s \v t-: e -.vit-on t Je.->on ¦ .* .r -n . . 2-f.l 0 12 260 21C
I P.-wn:.-"- *
. 25 16 2 7 261 210 I harm fro m the journey. Displacement
i -.ri W.i 'ker j r .ri i'c-.irt v ' a i t - d .ir.cie- >.v.,u prrr s-- r . : * 4 : 4 15*7 ^47 ' E -Mi r. b -jr ^ ij .. .. 11 G 0 5 194 W Y i:V S J -Ji r. s C 23 20 1 2 39S 109 injured on the inshore minesweeper of the seed show*vi that the cages had
¦ Yn-k P. I
¦ . -<- 13 4 : 4 ill J 's i n i T ' .d t.i . . . . ^ 3 0 ; 11 w 1 .

WINS AGAIN ON TOP '- andicap T"ev were aimost run off 1 im.r i3 24 J 7 3i7 :-n i , \ n < H i ^, j' , 11 C 1 11 124 259
H.M.S. Ockham yesterday while the been upside do-Am during transi t.
Tr^ ir ^crci 1:- -¦ -.vt^rc De^ 1I lU 1. sr.: r;: (.ijo«t:vr *2 itf 2 " 395 '
j r - ' i ll-.l 24 10 4 10 226 287 E4ST AND .SOI T7I -EAST

1 nf ci>::.- U t o n t : .v h'.s:' .-t.m .iar.i ..f Edinbur gh Acads 9. Oxford Univ. 13 t -e ir feet 1 ' :rv i : ' !-1.
;, ".(¦ W: .
. . . . _'4 y ¦) : a:'.z : ft ' .
< '. ?- ..'. ¦: *io".i a^.c;
!.' *-J <
N, -*h> r y . . :> -i 1 4 1^-. 9-
2-i ;9 I » 377 lh > ,
I., l. 'i' -r. . .. 22 9 1 12 11.; l f . l
Pr.Lnt s
ship was taking part In
p. w. n i- k a. an exercise
,i ".r..e:u">' at S: E t i w a n i' s Si-h...> '.. I.r.oi- Ox f > >r i I' -ii-w r .- ." ;.- . wh.i ltic '.uiiev! | conver-ion
1 N' WiT.' Abbot . . i 5 =i 1 0 47-J -. ..J 1 •* ' . • > - .;¦: C R lGk . A E ^ K laao 23 11 1^0
oft the Isle of Wight. He was brought
ashore to H.M.S. Vemon , where he Quarry " bombs " were
-- 1 4 : II! 3>,2 24.) 3 V 1U5
! P- nrr- .. 2- !'l 1 7 J 4 S 2 1 - M , : v f.. s ;- r .. .. 3.1 22 1 7 413 !« , UR - r \ * s Bank 21 8 3 : 4 173 225
i> .m/ . was in a i n t a i n e i i a; l.yiu * l\ ir k . R A. W Sharp. England' s sta nti-oir I t - f l r«»r j -i ;¦ t - : - > ¦(¦:. ¦¦ -i.cce-- .vi> r ^ .2h: >* i N :: ?< 4 l'i 4" . f -J2 '".S.i - t ! M « - .a ra 21" 7 4 17 1S5 27. n .j ^ t . -aLi 27 s ::sr.24O:
M. ^ ' oy. on Sa t u r d a y when , for the thir.l h a l f , am! two Scottish caps . .1 . .1 \ c" '-. : v v - f (I '.-: \ .i... \ >: i i s :1, a;
!' y:r '"- - - i A . a l ir . 2" :S 2 7 27' 17- t >\! rri j: 12 z 7 295 14y C v 1 is-v:; * . . . 2 4 5 3 : 6 : 2 3 277
died .
filled with sand
} ' -l-i:\ . 37 25 I 10 4.3 2V. >t.e r ..i-iJ . . S- 10 1 9 214 1U9 Eli».- a :6 « iw:n :
ve .ir hi Mi /iTS-it 'i-., t h f i r ,i . ;:-.u .r s -, \ i»r . ¦i- ! jk- . o 4 f ^ : 'l Hr ,»l:a! 2f> 9 1 :« 202 2-1
M. P a r t l i n . cc.'itrt-. ami K. II ton Bus. N.i .- . Be -a' (•-: r \ - I ' . i-t , - v ,;- ¦ .-
* r >( .e 3i> 2" : H ¦ : r.JT
K a .-M l-j iM l n '- r< B14 35i 3.^j ; A naval spokesman at PorUmoi. '.h
:' it- N o r t h e r n S> 'noi> s I. ". > : s
-- % 4 : r :-*. .- U I I 1 I . \ M I«
i t..-s- sivuiHi-riiw f o r w a r d , beat Et iinbui -yh ;irc v < •- •¦ -A . f . K. - - ;• ¦ . ¦ F~.:":- ¦
. ' 1
219 2 1 B 3 77 . said that it was underttorxi that
.i- :'- s- - . .-.!*. j- ' i 4 :: ;-. ' -' • t* ' - ' i :..ovyis K \r . k .. . 2 5 16 3 7 Ur,i i;; '.
by q- .- . ¦ '
. u n t r y i-ii.i:npi uiisir.p. As -atit^ n u-als two goals atui o:ie • ¦ ¦ ." w :i 1. >• a I l^ ir. H - -SP. .. 34 13
A Middlesbrough firm yesterday
3 1 »2 121 I Proctor received head injuries whi .ej Usued a statement explaining
- 1
- » ¦ : - . ¦ ¦ ¦•
. :u ' -
- : • ' ¦• -
. ."' vJ. 4 - _"
.. . i - . i ' !-
.< ' : ¦'. iv -. . . . js ¦•> 4 6 4n : -n < 1 Tiir. ltsr. :nsll ... 27 23
I . . S' ., - a.m I . -.-: -J o - .j ¦ O > j.i e n a l t y itnal to ,i penalty Ki» al. a N ' ' r t ;:-o.™ ^ 4 c* ' - .b^ '.*¦- -+' iii¦- iv:".orf ri . pM '-'T- y ^ r - >i. •- ?'^ 2-. i « 3 4 :- *.
~ n:rr r> :: r. M m .. 2T, 10 2 13 173 21t! ! ^>nd --i= -V-o: '.. .. 24 10
O 14 303 225 operating a wi n ch .
1 -.3 222 231 that thir
\ ..' -. :r.e .c i»"ior :-.;;e tor • ie sLVk i --.d % e..r | d ropped coal , an d a try :n Edinbtir sh r >p t - F A : \ :- ~. ., . . . -.: ,; ...- T .-i j j ^ \ A - •**¦ " C- 1 ? 4."j ~ ~2 ?2 15 3 14 382 265 i V.nd 'j n W-Ji. 1 ... 2M4 \
Proctor , due to be demobilised in ' 1.000 two-ir.<'h mortar
O \d " bombs"
- ~ n-19 H . il k e ' H^u~ ",C' to Eri .^b u r c-
- •¦
^ p - i t . . .i-.i, j« ui o i- i r. " 4^ ;' L ea -n l- ' cTl .^ . 24 17 2 5 3fi5 124 Mddli >K»x Ho ^p . 27 Ifl 0 17 102 Vi* i
> .icc f s ^ .o:i -.v ' u1:-. si 1- I.- »i o "fi : ::u' f - ' .ir
f ^ 'T
;.f st i ' ii i a y . 1 > w> <"" . l l r t . X. I S 3 I f. 3T. _"C 1^1 31 15 4 1 2 2 3 3 305 Mi d land Bai k . 25 9
1 10 291192 I three weeks ' ti me, leaves a wife and |
2 14 157 2»4 duTn pe<i by them at a quarry at Great
, in a h a '.f m-.n^ iv'j >o i n 2 S m : n 27?.<.v \o::'-r i « :¦ i i : -K R- 12 -o E r i :~ -. i rj - M - - ¦- . -T 14 4 ' >3 >') P.ici-ir.ur.d 3-' "-5
T ?,!ct *!'.ini:. t e !'.n:: e c.l r".i ¦;. a l" n r»:- v X X X T ub. n-r: ! m r : r - Ci p - SC O T L A N D N - -J. a: <
N.j -t : L v,
.. 71 15 4 4 2~ \ 102 I P.nt slrr, Park . . . . ?» 20
71 27 ' ¦ '
7 3 279 103 '
two children. He had signed on in the I Ayton, and same of which were fotinri
by boys, were aU harmless and were
1 22 2:3 454 I Navy for seven
.^ -/. . 1 4 ' ^3 JSO
¦( St Bjl rf t Hn sp. -. 30 4 5 21 163 33: I
S*-o tt i > i i i r . tcr i -.n tioEi .il. ;iut his •.n il- *..\ S - i : -... V".:.--i> " !"i-i! - and was two i
P -

'i. .» :r ., t hi 'o i i^ ] 1 N o . v o n> ;I c - ii !i d o r - l ,v^i c !' W D '. f A N i"< . .. .-: 22 V v i ** 2J2 ' =: Nf«~ t S"«P. . 3 ! S
krS \ 1M :i ' '" -. " ¦: 1ri fj ;h' .: ." > ,m i . . .> ". p o i n ts .i lu - i r i .i ft o r f i f t e e n n;ir.iiti-^ ' fi .»> j v:j : ; s' » : i 2 ¦ : -. : k ; k Nj-1- .i' r.Lj .. .. ".-j \i :' .5 r^ i^< I S- T:. .- - ~. J H / S P TO 20 1 :n 2B5 ;-5 i
years in Malta. He jo ined H.M.S. i in After fact filled with sand.
> -li. . ¦
jT 'li \<ti :'.'.^ *. ' K . :~ ^ rlri ^A ;irc
. ,• . li^o . ..: rf : u tHi : :-.¦ .> . '
%'l \k i t n ,i p e ii .t l i y i;o.i[ troiv. 4u y : .r r - ii :'"i
:i <lr oj MH'<l j :o.i! f r oir , ?.H v .{rri^ _ Bu * FRAN TE WITHOUT ;
\ 1- ' ; r-V. i r ? ' I 1 0 - ? - - - ^ 4 i n x i ri
- ¦ :;¦ ':. . : ? P J ' J : - '" ' ¦;¦. •-'¦
_ ; • P..: *'- '.
W n -. -r 1 p' ^j
. . . 2y :e 1 :771y 209 . S'- ^» .an --
27 12 4 I t 132 2T3 '• S l- i r v r t

. nr. 1* i 9 257 l':O ' V S Ch albsm . . 2 5 ?.

. . . . 29 14
. . 2- -. 2
2 '. 1 197 J ~2 I
2 :j :k 21-
5 14 149 261 '
Ockham at Christmas . i " bombs "hoys had taken some of the
to school last week a bomb
•.an! ,i t r y !¦>¦ J. l i iH i -w r . t-nj-.ver t f i
MARTINE ~ .: ¦ *' - ' ~
B - .d' r -i C, S. i'j V v a - .1 is r. ^ ~> -. %V» n W :-h :it ... . 2 - 17 3 8 311 155 , I ' n . v Col. Hiwp 29 11 2 1C 197 301
dis posal unit rushed to the quarry.
by J. G. Wil .cox . brou Kn: O x f u r d K n i '
wi.j i .. .. 29 is 6 a 3jc :e»
The firm , A. Wood ar.d Sorts, said
I .:i tH- . i ~ l i i :f «.':i i.'u- L . i v r p i i i. : Cup - w [r.:r.>:?r 3 ." 223 142 '
.:i n ;o n r - t .I 'L - K n s i i . i n d ii -.U'r -cu iimii".'
.[•.;o the Kiime and t h e y w e r e well i-:i
! top m t h e second h.iif. " Pu;i< . M \ K r n '2 :
:1 t
< r ^c * .v^-.*
.>' 2 •'i .:. ir ; -"
z., :>j¦ ':: 2- ~ 'v ¦
( I M K E . K I - I M I 11 |> T K U T

• ¦ V' " < Wmln sler

Bar.le 25 14
Hc»p. 26 6 2 18 213 314 BUTTER in yesterday's statement that they got
i i t n -' c r i^ ^ - n . u :i l r> c n ..: i : pia P .>h i p i : . .v= * k s f p ;•¦ . ¦ : • :4: - i' > .' n 1. a
The a ddiitonal scorers for O x fo r d ' i R. M a r t i n e il>>i ;rc'.es i has with- ¦ .~ i-' - « \v™ :.ii s -• z :•) - 1 : r¦ *j A«; .,t -- « . . . . 1-2 s 3 14 103 214 i WE ST AN D SOI IB WAL f.s COPEN'HAGEX. M. 1RCH 21. the " borrjbs " as casings from the
Spcke. l . i V L Tij i m ' . u:i Sa t u r d a y . «-::h , ' -
: 4+* * ' ' *. - .-> • ? . . -> , : -! 2 *1 279 "ftj : I
Danish exporters to-day reduced the

4 u r t IJHI1T -
were ten Bos . a try conver ted by dra'AT ! from ' r.c Fren.-h R us hy fr::on i t r t * . . -ic
!I - r .• « P P
z-i s \ i
JB 3n ; I 3 ^ . 'I i'¦u-: = j ". . 24 14 2 -> 2T>3 2» I P W.
P olr its I
D. L. V A Ministry of Supply, free of explosives.
Y . .r < .-ii: :o wn:-. t" ,- Di-i-b-.s!' .re Tro;>hy ; W i l l c o x , v- h o also ku-ked a p c n a l t v kik>\ te.iin to p ' ay Wales nt Cardiff o-. ¦
H :r - v l H .•= F ? r" 1 4 » : j : < ~~ :r -
¦ - ., W
s- rf -,.~. - .
¥ ,::cv l'« 12 0 7 183 '.91 Arwra vc. 29:9
price of butter on the British market
4 7 33". 194 They had been buried beneath ashes
n * -:-. - ¦- . s F p • ' - ¦> '". -. i: >v . 23 :2 2 9 124 :*13 AM rtl >-T 3» 15 • 9 2«3 2ft;
¦ [ For t h e A c a d e mi i aN G. M cCIu n g Vcorcci Saturdav , a:ul his place at stand-off wh ich were being cleared.
' ..- ¦ ,f ^. -:-. ir -t \ m.les' race w:h 114 z < 4 •* > . - ' v* > " -: ( - •-
by 20s to 230s a hundredweight. This
.* -,:: --¦» . . 22 1 1 12 I V . 23S ' Bndffr id 32 :« 2 y, 230 ar,: i
¦ a try h.,.f -a.: 1 !.e lV.i -.i '--.• P. A 'iia iadL -j i.
• ':
! !¦ V ¦r k - .': . c> C u : - ::i ' -ii- - . . re : • - r» 2 :4' ¦% 1 K-:. l i . y 2: 1 4 3f» Cir?!I 34 23 5 7 345 225 1
'. S-.::- .-> : hp ¦
. r followed a
>¦:.¦ 2* '~ 1 1Q 277 177 i Crt -U K'TI
i :S ?S !?T |I Australia and similar
3< "¦J « '.* '-73 245
i Da\ > . . • 2 *> ^4^ ^c K^ ,* K
reduction bv
Kii ?w; ?. ?? ! New Zealand earlier ''
~ ~- "- :¦-> ?¦ ¦? ' M. 1 .T
¦ .- - ~ r. ' .r:
L . c'.r . - • v ••¦ •¦ i '::i—vfii- -
\ !. - -.e - " ilTerir.i -r.>n-. :in . m u r e di :m» -s •>.
:-: ¦ '. - - : . A - n i^ -
¦ 1
- a - 5 2 :¦! ¦> - ¦- ¦¦ M --• ¦
¦ -.
U3 U 1 9 2if> :57
¦ ;:. ...J.-J 11 :2 »1 137 sa
v 2: 7 ".97
231 139 1. • ...... ,
s :i ::i —. to-day.
:- -. - - :--4 ¦? : ' 34 .3
1 H 2B4 3Jj ¦
| June Terry, ae.ed 16. of Averi nj

.- -» : 4
' " ' " -
Association ~
- .
' .. :i ' - \ .t> i - ~ i" .> - . - l .i -d • . , - - i ,¦ \!.- % L .- ~ r P 2r: 7 . " 4 ^- >1 i 29 I S 3 S 317 -US «4r v«
' « -. - f „ :u " . \iji ir ^ j -. - ..- :¦ -< * : - n r i > ^ -: h :. . :" * ") *; : - -.3: 2:2 The new Dani sh price compares with i Gardens . Folkestone , arrived at Land's
ls ,4.r- ......... j: r. j2 59 3j
' ' ' r o : • •: : ¦ ¦ ¦•¦•-. a- 2 ¦» "
' :- n -* ,i - -
' 1 • .- • . - . - . 2 : -v ¦ l.MKTIl |IM hlll N — '.Vi -.. . * - ,* .,- - -, -..> ?4* 72a • r • ¦ j : - -
! S-
: ;.»3 j 295s a hundredweight at the same ti me i End yesterday and thus qualifies for
ik - . " : - I . !- p. -.
-i <- , . :; 1 236 IK
/ s n-i-c. ^ :- u-i , i £ . i . : •. ' •. '
F.Ij :. . . '-, '.. ; ii - . .- been
n > r p ;j :.^
- 0 ^ 24
Wt L- .- hiiv-^ . . . 2** *j
1 4 4:. 13:
r f r \*. - . '
^ -« :-v , . :9 : 2 V
. ' jvi
av . r a c i o n t>00 e- .'-i ios :rom 1
'.i ;i -. ,ni -ve .! fo- - .> c' '.n a t s t n r . d - c f f -•i-*- *-sr* 1 F P . 31 12 '' a :i4 14n "A" 1 j- .'

26 cou:-.:.e^
X i ll T I - l l I 1 U . I I I H n . io 1 - a - ,-^^ .^ ,
- ~ 'f '. '.: * > Pl i-^ ' H — H e t : : o r 2: :-. n :: 2- 4 ;i« . W -.i '- - ~- r
. 2? :: 4 13 l«« 257 Pon '^P^O ' 3M 177 )
27 .6
last year and coi ncides with a seasonal I £100 as the youngest girl to complete
3S:l < I MiS lM J increase in production.—Reuter .
. . 23 10 3 10 233 137
t •". - r . t r .• *
I the Butlin walk from John o'Groatt.
. ' . L 'L .-rd t » .v« t *i-r --<
St M - --n : .'.0. |
| I w-« - ?: s*^-:.iad 20 ^ 3 -.r -¦>: 3*3 I Worn:r.r ' r. . . 1" 16 1 » 3 1S 206 S., i. 5
Mr I di n Macleod . the Coionial So if we were wi«* we coulri slay in From 1959 profits, Prudential with-profit
Secret ary, sa.d in Glasgow last night co untries tha i we oni-ii!. as
» ra'!cr«. farmers , planters , shipper; , policyholders are again to get large r bonuses.
¦ha: nothing was more striking at bu.-ine-iS men. and engineers.
.he recent Kenya conference than In territories that were too <ma.: to
me "' clarity of vi sion of Mr Michael follow the normal toad of du'elopmenl
through rejpon.-:b e go •ernment to
HI j r.dc:! and multiracial New Kenya independence. Briti sh rule would no Annual bonus: 52s. per £100 sum assured.
parly on the one hand and the doubt remain. Bui even in these
blinkered foolishness of Group- countries for whom the road to Final Bonus on claims by death or maturity during
C' aptain Briggs and his small band independence was clearly marked
1 there would still be a Dart for British the remainder of 1960: 14s. for each year prior to
u:i the other. ' people to play in the country'.-:service. 1959 with a maximum of £25 per £100 sum assured.
.Mr Mac!eor], whr> was spe aking at He was also sure that missionaries
i he annual meeting of the Glasgow woul d still go—especially from
Unionist Association on the eve of Scotland—to the oversea s territories. EXAMPLE
nj s visit to Centra! Africa , said The world was throbbing with
!;)at i n Kenya they must push ahead cha nge, a nd not in Africa a o:ie. said The holder of a £1 ,000 trith-prajit
in development ami resettlement Mr Mareod. He went on :
¦• Ciange holds no rrc me. I endowment assuran ce for a term of
' neme.-. They inu.-t write safeguards
lor th e minor ities into the Constitu- .> * a 4T::in: *h n x' i:: -!> rt:i d I l ej y '." i- h fj l 2 1) years maturing this year will
t.o u ;ir.r \ have a Biii of Right?. Yet tr.,:ik: :i4 . W hen Te in til e G o v ezn m e n t
v a uab.e !lio:ifi h thr-f- were, they were t a . k ' v.i 'o oj t cv u « empire :nto a recei ve £1,437, including a f inal
!.>/ • 'he Irue answer. fami ™ f io not see t h e ' u tii r e ;is a bonus of £13J.
- •*:¦ e-1 of Dunl^ ::k-. of fiailar.t prolonged
¦"' J" ;i;jT (r i p .-;i:rj i c;i "i on.y come from b.v.c:
¦1 a "Uudr n. m.r.d \r.u\ be.:eve- a mnii our :.iah rie *t . rearguard ac '-.on* . I be'ievp >i is
m to hela and to
'" '¦Li d h .ive h ,.- i.2h! £ n? a c '.vei: ;r*.d
if becju^p frf : hf ro t>n* a * h.s fiiC-p— i-ri
. ':" * u<le <? : m^nd '.a;. 1 a ccep".. . n*, '.::e i\ was In niu ;i-rac u a. counl:":'* * 'h a t
a : u r r t . or drr <yf ;:> rss t 'j c r:gr: *. nf ,j t ensions were apt to be most marked—
ten.- .'o:is thai were n ot only poetics !
:r,.i:i ;rf . . \ p ? o r o - p c:' :ir:<i :-h;j.-o :i :. ip
djnin:.« " ra::on of h - coun:r\ . T-i.,- -, but .- omerlme.s eronomic, ed ucational. Annual bonu s: 36s. per £100 sum assured.
* n.j ' ".oti mu^ '. :vu:r: fo" . :ind ,'. :hr ar:d social—yet from these different
'ni .ri ' n -> ,ihp;<d v r i -v. . rped pjj ' i rr .ce arid
J i i d p r p 'ar d ir .K and ^it *ad\ n e r v e s " '
threads they mu.-t weave one nation. Final Bonus onj claims by death or maturity during
Kenya , for instance, would still need l lie remainder of 1960: 12s. for each year prior to
Flac follows t rade European =tock. especially in farming ,
which dominated the whole economy. South Af rican Air Force planes over Sharperille yesterda *i 1959 with a maximum of £21 per £100 sum assured.
Mr iMacleod said that we d:d iiol gu She would need Asian experience in
i br oad to govern ; we went abroad to industry , and the other races and !
' ::idc. It wasn 't really true that trade
ro 'lo'.ved the flajj. It would be
' r ur to sav tha t the flaa followed trarle.
commumtie.- t h a t lived in Kenya.
Cnmmuna ' t h i n k i r . c had been for too
I t tns a cur? o of Kenya 's Dolitu 1?.
Policem an who held on to car £2.5m. loan was EXAMPLE
The holder of a £100 endowment f !^

LAWSUIT OR Fire drill might Witness "could see he was being pushed " refused assurance for a term of 20 years
maturing this year will receive ^L^—\
£135.3s., including a f inal bonus of ^^^B
A pa s.-enser in a car from which office r shouted to -nn ' Ca.l •...« st.v .iir. ' ^^^Bf t
IN Q UIRY have saved two Pol:ce-Canstable Leslie Meehan is Th e heict on ;o tne door r>\
ihe side of t-"e window, We were goina
alleged to have fallen to his death along the square ancf the officer feO olf— ] MORE EVIDENCE
women 's lives agreed at Woolwich yesterday that he or ju ni'ped off I do not know how ::e
IN CITY CASE For full particulars
App roach to E.T.U Two women who died in a fire at a
had been a frightened man throughout
the case.
fell off."
Artus said ho a.-.ked Smj th to stun.
Questioned by Mr Kadcliffe. he sa.d he
bedding factory at Bury might have Jim Smith (321. dealer, of Marma- could 'officer nol tell the car 's sp eed when the The general managm " of the .
By our Labour Correspondent

don Road. Plitmstead , appeared on " fe!l or jumped off." When :hc Co-operative Permanent Building
Thf» finance and general purpose^ lived if there had been a fire dri'.l at remand charged with murdering car on
stopped Smith and he shook the clips
to the pavement and Smith said he
th«- factory, it was stated at an Police-Constable Meehan (34). of was going back Society said at the City of London
iiinmitlee of the T.L'.C. Genera! Conference Road. Abbey Wood, was. Artus saidto he see how the policeman Court yesterday that the society
Council met yesterday to considor its ; inquest at Bi:ry yesterday. The
London, who is said to have died after
went home.
Mr A. C. Prothero . defending : You said declined a request by Friedrich
. onversu tion lust week with Mr Frank ! women—Mrs Maria Hatala. aged 34, a being struck by a car in Woolwich on something about the driver knowing the
Fuulkes and Mr Frank Ilaxell , the i Hungarian , of Rhiwlas Drive. Bury, Grumvald for a loan of £2.5
March 2. He was sent for trial to the police officer. You knew they were quite millions on the security of the
!w<j Communist leaders of the Elec- ! and Mrs Jessie Moss, aged 36. of Old Bailey. He pleaded not guilty and lrlendly did you ?—He said he knew t!:e
ini -al Trades Union , on the affairs of j Crostons Ruad. Bury—were reserved his defence. officer. You nave been a frightened man Dolph in Square block of flats in
th< -ir union. The committee will i
report to the full genera] council ] on the top fourth floor of the mill of Mr Phi lip RadclifTe. prosecuting , has a!lWhen through this case?—Yes.
Mr Prothero asked if he was very
said that Smith , drivi ng a car . began frightened Mr Herbert Ashworth. of Epsom
tn-inorrow on what the next step I E. Moorhouse (Apex) Ltd.. in Heys to accelerate when Police-Constable the police. when he was interview ed by
Anus replied : "I did not Downs , Surrey, was giving evidence I
-h ouid be. Street. Bury, on February 9. Meeha n asked him to pull to the side know what was going to happen." for th e prosecution at the continued
It i-. understood ;hat the recom- '| Mr George Clough , of the road. Police-Constable Meehan hearing of charges against three men
rneiidat ion will be to .suggest again to i appeared a soiiL-itor who hu ng on to the enr but Smith drove so sa A motorist said in evidence that he
ihe E.T.U. that it takes action to Moss, askedt& rthethe relatives of Mrs as to try and shake hi m off. Police- wi w a car " coming at a terrific speed
rii SOTneihing hanging on the side, and
in connection with take-over trans-
actions. The accused are Grunwald
.m.-wer Ihe charges of eiectora! Jack Andrew chief lire officer. Mr Constable Meehan foil into the path of .irothejr Mr John Lunch, or
: " If ther e had been a a bubble car. Smith was alleged to Nientingalwietness. <34), solicitor and director of com-
n l egularities and Communist Party I proper fire routine,
is it not likely that have said afterwards : " I k now the man. "The tar was Road. Lewfeham. =aid :
accelerating all fie ::me.
panies in the Jasper group ; Harry
interference. I would not do it for the world. I tra velling at about Jasper (54), merchant banker and
The only new development seems to these two women would have been
didn 't mean to kilt him. " He claimed that the officer was being 40 m.R.h. I could >ee head of the Jasper group ; and Herbert
<•<• that tne committee is suggesting [ alive to-day ? " Mr Andrew replied : his foot slipped off a pedal. dri ver] of tne car .ill
pushed by the
Murray (64), former secretary and th is action by the union could ' " It could well be." He added that Yesterday George A'.bert A rtus , the lime, I could
managing director of the State
cither be through the courts, or by the > building of
because the severe damage to the labourer, of Trunmi ll Lane , Crayt'o rd , see a ihnnd moving in and out and the
-!>tting-up of an independent inquiry. • out the cause it had been impossible to find Kent, said that he had known Smith officer cHiigin g on " Building Society.
Urun^aU la t Maruwi wt:h fraudulent conversion
The committee thinks that the E.T.U. l Returning of the fire . for about nine to twelve months. He - of o ir^ ii- ni iiy ritstt-rt to h:tn to acquire niurt«MKts
was in Smith' s car the night Police- 1
a verdict of misadventure,
Brays and barks may
sho uld be given the opportunity to j it* lh» s:.\:o Building S.«L-Jc:y and, uiUi Ja&per.
Constable Median was killed. They had v.\ti\ TVikh '^ lv mnkliii: s;A'.vmenu m anAreholder.i
ar range this inquiry itself , although i the .ju ry added a rider stating that
with the arj nroval of the T.U.C. industrial
: rlrill firms should carry out fire
reached a junction in Bere.sford Square , j
W oolwich , having come from Elttium. ' 1 be costly
In l.ttiuci£ invis.Rieiiu bjiA Ely Brewery ^Istcn
in duct] peup> In offer to hell UiHr sliares, Jasper
la uvusi-a oi jotTi iTij? with Grunwald In niakutR
It is understood that the committee : They had some sacks in the car con- ; tli*» l-*o alk'svd stal^m-jnta and is also charxed
with causlii« by pretences Mr l^zarus
is not thinking of an investigation by Earlier. Mr Harry Storey. of taini ng scaffolding clips. Ni dalidi til Cardiff tu exei-tJlc a share transfer
Braying donkeys and barking dogs
someone inside the trade union move- Crescent Avenue. Crumpsall , a director They were stopped in Beresford Square det-'cl.
ment, as Mr Maxell suggested at his of the firm, who led women workers to bv a i>oliceman o:i poi nt duty and another may cost their owners a £5 'ine when Murray Is cliarswj u-iili aiduiij and ab&ltltic
Cruiiwotd Ul tne uStcKnl fraudulent conversion
.'iieeting with it, hut of an inquiry safety across a bridge to the factory policeman walked across and asked what a new by-law comes into force at nnfl Is a'.t>n Eacu^rd nf lalslTylnu llic minutes oi a
conducted by a qualified person outside canteen, said that he smashed the glass :hev ha-d in the car " He opened Hie Blackpool on April 1. The by-law Statr Hu!Ld:iii, Srj .'k--iy dlrf*ctor<" tneetlKlf. A
of a fire alarm but it did not work. Mr back door and looked in the sacks , then was framed after compiain ts last third rluirge alK-i.'^ that no made » false or
ml&leanlng stai.-niei n to Uie rilk'f registrar fit
the unions, probably a lawyer. sh ut tne door and asked us to pull over to summer about the noise made by buiid lt iy soa-'.i -s t-cnc eriilni: Uie btate BjildlnK
Storeys part in evacuating the building a police box." A rtus said. The policeman donkeys at stables clo.=e to boarding ixj Oly .
was commended by the deputy coroner hnd said : •• Go .-". owlv and I will walk houses.
I^ird Mounlbatten yesterrl.iv arrived ¦Mr O- Hughes Jones, who also praised. Wnni f H letter
in Berlin /or a 36-hour visit, during I a worker at the factory, Mr Alfred Arius cont inued : " The car st arted to ! Owners of noi>y auima 's may be
which he ivill visit British Service ! Whitna!!. for his efforts u> reach the
units. 1 ? i^'i-* wr»m«»n
eo across the square: it started to eo j prosecuted if three residents sign a
fa ster nnd tne officer ran. It went bv complaint and the noise continues for
'. !¦:<• ooHceman on DOin- dutv and tlie I a fortnight.
M r Ashworth said Uwt Giunwa ld , who
was introduced to him as managing
director of Lintang, asked tor the loan BUILDIN G SOCIETY
on September 2 last " What he
wanted was a letter trom my society to ESTABLISHED 108 YEARS
sav that we would make a loan in or
belore Januarv , ]9B0. " The req uest wa-
submitted to the society 's board of • Member of the Building Societies Association.

directo rs the next day—and declined.
Mr James Campbell Gillies, m anager • Deposits in the Society are Trustee Investments.
of a branch of Williams Deacon's Bank
at Birchin Lane, London E.C.. said that • Reserves of nearly 61% of Total Assets.
the ba nk had agreed to an advance of
• Liquid funds of over 16% of Total Assets.

£500,000 to II. Jasper and Co. to help
finan ce the purchase of an investment
tr ust company. But on September 7 • Mortgages secured almost exclusively on owner-occupied

for the
Jasper tn -d hi m this transaction had residential properties.

a warmestt winter
. ofi your it
been postponed and asked for an advance
of £600.000 to assist the purchase of 70
per ce nt of the issued capital of Eli-
Therm This Was on the understanding 9 10/
ofyour f urther £650.000 would be depositedthat a
Income Tax paid by the Society
winter content [lie ba nk by H. Jasper and Co. wit The
si | i| q /|
IHj ^P
^^g ^^^ ^K^^ ^^^^Bt NOW IS THE TIME to let Mr. central
this theproblemof your —
loa n of £600 .000 W3S
a result of mortgages. to Thebe repaid as
(equivalen t to £5.I4.3d.% with Income
Tax at 7j 9 in the £)
^^^ ~ *
offered were £434.000 worth pER ANNl]M
^^S^^^fc for only gas gets to the heart I able securities, guarantees ofby market-
^^^ and Grunwald for £400,000, and Jasper
purchase shares of Ely Brewery. the
Assets exceed £7,750,000 • Reserves exceed £480,000
The bank agreed to lend the £600,000
but . by September 14. the £650,000
promised by Jasper 112 Westminster Bri dge Road , S.E.1 Tel : WATer loo 5478/9
deposit ed. The nex tand Co. had not been
day Jasper and his
partner, Mr Brueciimann , called at the
bank. Jasper said that Grunwald
m>t available and the money was was not
forthcoming. He asked it the bank
would be prepared to consider an
adva nce for the whole £1,250.000
required for the Ely Brewerv trans-
action. The request was refuser!
Sale of 100 companies Welde d ?
Mr Thomas Arthur Herbert ,
Road, Kinsston-upon-Thames , ofdirectoi
Yes ! but who's to weld it ?
Ki :ig>
of a bU5t ne.=B i n the Strand spec:alisin£
in the format ion of limited companies.
sa:d that on t:ie telephone iast Jui'v
Grunw-aid nsked him to so!! him a
h undred co:n;j;j nies . Ot .E' nally Gruri-
You have rightly decided on a welded machine
wald had asked for 50, then because it will-give a strong and more rigid
cam e the request for 100. 75. and then
Cross-examined by Sir construction , a saving in weight, with mini-
Cairns , Mr Herbert said David Scott
that in U'n mum machining- allowances— but where to
vears his firm had supplied between
12.000 and 20.000 companies get it with maximum satisfaction ?
the world." There was nothing"all over McLaren Fabrications of course !We have the
about Grunwald' s request except unusual
that it
was for rather a large number oi specialised modern equipment, the skilled
companies : but there had been previous- precision welders and the 'know how' 'bm do a
requests from Hnre'.votxi and Co. uhe
firm of solicitors in which perfect job at low cost.
a partner * f or 79 and 33 Grunwald
The nearing was adjourned until

At a cost of £63
By our Industrial Staff
Lay-cock de Normanville overdrive is
now available as an opti onal extra in
the Vauxhall Cresta and Velox models
at a cost of £G3 15s , includin g £18 15s
purchase tax . The itandard gearbox
provides bottom gear (2.866 : 1).
second gear ( 1.K35 : 1), and top gear
( 1 : 1 , or direct) . With the new over-
drive, th e sequence becomes bottom
gear (2. 8S6 : I t . second gear (1.635 : l .i .
^m any
^ ^V*^ XS ^SgiBmMbb b at m mm j k mm m overdrive second (1.1172 : 1> , top
fuel stonge
kind g|^^Ct IV I ^^ —
W€ mm Em It B f ^m
J* I I N &^ vi (1 : l j , a nd overdrive top (0.778 : 1 i .
Thr- new " hig h seco::i" Re.i r wii'
k| | of ^^ he found of use when overtaking a::r]
a»hes or dirt Takes Care
¦ vi ^^Aw w .P^V^ the "hit;h top " nea r provides for

M LARE N otetcuut
^^ " work or w.«e of- every l\---:> r-,^^w-7 eru nomifal rrt.'isin^ at ,' rjwf r prtgi np
spoc r.s. In additio n to s.iv;::bs in thr
V^uM i use of fuel , moto ri st.- w:i! lonfir:
engine 'l ife 5' a result ol u.-ins a

Gas gives working powe r i::::t.
this super-silent icarm
ICO rryih
m ^.^M ^^fc ^ service
The rnr.irol fwi Sch is q..i"k ant! r>o->-
^S^^£ % water too— f y ^ l ^j M ^ tive and placed on the " wrap round "
^f of t he dashboard within easy reach
f luxury comfort at reasonable cost. W ^^S^^-M
(T^^^ ^^
of t"e steering wheel.
-^^P A
There 's no guessing mull Mr. Therm. If you tcaut the ten BOY OF 10 ACCUSED Write for Welded Fabrication leaflet to:-
uninlty-litMj comfort for life ...
' Consult Mr. Therm 's central healing service at your Gas
war air
Showroom. Here(the for new automatic
are two ideas—controlled
f Jm f "\ Cm ^^ f 1^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ 1
^^ fj nnej A !i>-v« '<'ir--oi'3 !j ov was arcu^eci at
E^^ ^R£ M^mK^K^m\ IM f ~\ \^ ^f f small bore m
pipe perfect system houses) and SrrL ,:ha; :-3Fj t. ,n j u'.-4.:i :le court yestertiava DEPT. B • LEATHL EY ROAD • LEEDS 10
V3 V^ I V^ I \ ^91 ^TV^^hP l \ \* J W ! installations (easily fitted into existing t.f :n.:r ht::i^ Irij, Margaret Dawk:rs . Telephone : LEEDS 20965 (3 lines) Telegrams McLAREN LEEDS 10
homes or new houses) mj to n ihe cas cou^c-t -•-!»¦' s !'. .:: a p.i rk o:; Saturday.
| |Fcbru.i ry LIU !!•¦ was remande d A Member of the H awker Stddeley Croup
(•UEti«!y i:::t:l Monday and '. va= tent in to
a remand home. MCLI

Both pictures show a male rat iperm embedded in a rat ovum.

The head of the sperm is in ea ch case inside the body of the
ovum , while a part of the long tail still remains outside. In the
rat fertilisation of the ovum \is not complete until after the whole
of the sperm tail is drawn inside the outer membrane of the ovum.
The picture on the ri ght shows attache d to the ovum a number
of ordinary tissue cells which have been discharged fro m the
ovary with the ovum, and which for m a barrier which has to
be surmounted in fertilisation. The pictures are reproduc ed by
courtesy of Dr C. Ram Austin, of the National Institute of
Medical Research. The diameter of the inner part of a rat ovum
is seven hundredth! of a millimetre.

The use of dru gs for contra ception

r~PHE reiH'iit wave of interest in oral From a general point of view it is
A c-ontrareptive drugs is not mere y well to remember that the progress
i< cfj ::M'quL -nr e of tne apparent, y by our V i « n « ifi«- Correspondent that ha s been made in this field is not
i i' i n - .'u . att empt of Bril::- h Drug the result of a single-minded attempt
H'j j iSL'a . Ltd ., to fend oil a take-over to discover contraceptive drugs
N.ti fro m Fisun.s. Li d. Nulj ixJ y has with the steroids as potential contra- normal reproduction there are a
cepti ves is o:;ly a part ot a nuicn n umber of apparent causes for Much ha s been made possible
ye* *\^ ::iH'd to he certain that the app rehension. Thus , a p riori , it fort uitously by the rapid progress of
co.iipoiit!'!-; which have been fy.-.- w.der search for material ~ \\h:cn recent years in pure biology.
th e "...¦ might interfere with other parts of m i gh t be feared that means of inter- But
> «! in thf former company 's
the rep ro hictive process Soir.e of fering with tne maturation of sperms there is no doubt , of course, tha t
resea rch lab oratories \vi!i prove to m.ght a^low the production of viable such attention is being given to con-
be uj -eful in the h u m a n field. So far the point s in tr sss to which attention traceptive drugs beca use of the
t:ic: r p!Tir.']fy ha ^ het j ti tt'> '.ed r> r,'.y in '
has a so been tiirec ;ed are . for cells which were nevertheless gene-
ex nmp 'e, t he normal maHiration 'A tically damaged and which might for ha unting fear of what will happen if
iirmter! a:i; ma; exp eriments , ami i- on- world popul ation continue s tion of the ovaries, but at least to Obviously these have to be looked have been in use nobody, of course,
Tru.!ed c inira; K'.<- '.s wilh womin ma e sperms over a perio d of some this reason lead to genetically mal- increa se at its present rate, and by to some extent by their influence on the for, and steps have to be taken to
weeks after their fir «t forma!.on ; th i ; fo rmed embryos. Obvious.y exten- secretion of pituitary hormones. is able to say that they are not
ha ve yet to be mounted . Necessarily mec ii anis ms by wnj .' h M>er:i;- ^¦j :ti si ve experiment with animals would the stre nuous <*!l"orts which are being avoid such undesirable effects , most potenti ally harmfu l when taken regu-
it v*i '.'. be a matte r of ye;irs before made by the Governments of The use of the drugs as contracep- simply by giving up the drug. In ]ar!y for perhaps decades. The fear
entr ance to the womb iiirouyh t:ie be need ed before these would ever be
their rc .MiI ts can iie assessed.
mucous barrier c.ornia .v ure ^i :.'. ; tried out in the human fiel-d . Else- cou ntries like India to find some tives requires then that they should principle It is p ossible to look for- that they might , for example, intlu( «
Trie- *!.- p articular I'omjj 'j sni'K— where there are ethical objections of simple means of limiting the growth be given continuously during a period ward to the discovery of synthetic cancer when taken for long periods
\v:io .>e ch emical identity ruib t ( >t .so the mecha nisms by w h i c h liiey of population. spanning the time when ovulation steroids whose biological effects will
norma.l y penetrate t h e barrier of th e strongest kinci. These are
The possible Importance of the would normally take place. In the of tim e has evidently been in the
l*tr been disr.osec.:—a re ^m: ar lr»osf * ti ^ -U P f-e lls ari d mucus obvious when suggestions are made be entirely similar to those of minds of those who iiave carried out
cn ern>;i..y and bio o^j ira .y to oliiers t h a t ch emicals m i g h t be used to kill steroid compounds go es back to 1956 , human trials so far carried out the progesterone. the field trials, principally because it
\vho,e u n e as or;il coislraccptivL 's lias surr oundin g fertile ova T tin- u n k n ow n when Dr Gregory Pincu s and his drugs have been given daily for A more serious diffic ulty concerns
proc esses whereby ova which have. developi ng embrj os.
associates at the Free Hosnita! for twenty days from the fifth day is k nown that certain oestrogens- are
iu f t i i-Hiivafsc d Widely d u r i n g the last alrcadv been fertilised cannot I.e On this is.-ue there is a body of th e nausea which commonly accom- carcinogenic and crudely similar in
four or five years. The importance refertiliseri by other sperms and so religious opinion to support the Women. Brooklinc, Massachusetts, onward s in a normal menstrual cycle . panies the use of the drug. In Puerto chemical structure to the synthetic
ot ;:iese nuterj a ' s turns mainly on view that the independent existence drew attentio n to their experimental Their sudden withdrawal at the end Rico 17 per cent of the women compounds. There is, however, evi-
rendered Renctiea llv inviable : and finding with laboratory animals that of this time precipitates the same
t.' ieir chemical similarity to some of the processes which allow fertilised of separate life begins with the reacted in this way. In California 1!4 dence that hormones wilh an efr"ct
certain of these chemi cals synthe- kind of menstrual bleeding as that per cent of them withdrew from the
me n a t u r a l normones concerned with ova to become embedded in the implantation of a fertilised ovum in
sised by orga nic chemists could sup- normally brought about at the end like th at of progesterone have the
reproductive processes, and on the li ning of tissue cells a r n u m i a fertile the wall of a womb and not with the trials on this account. To be sure, opposite effect , some safety in the
si m i l a r i t y of their bio logical ell 'ec's press the normal release of fertile of normal menstrual cycles. th ere is evidence from the Puerto
wo m b , there to develop into a earlier act of fertilisation. Just
ova fr om female ovaries. In itself This at least is what is supposed knowledge that the conversion of one
to those of the same n a t u r a l ii'i rma ' human embryo linked where the line between contracep- Rico trial that the na usea may be steroid into another in the human
hor mones. They to the family tion and abortion should be drawn this was not sxirnrisirig, for the com- to happen. To a large extent it has psychological rather than physio- body appears to be rather a difficult
through its placenta to the maternal pou nds were superficially similar in been confirmed by the various trials
of organic chemicals known as \' r,nr\ f t rj ' i i 'M i n n is probably not to be settled by logical in origin; women given sugar busi ness, anri in any case that the
" steroid.- " and p art at !ea>t of the in tellectual argument but by the chemical structure to the natural sex carried out with humans , especially pills rather than steroids felt sick doses used are small.
reason for the a;it -ntio n they have normal and deep seated human hormones, both, male and female. And those in Puerto Rico and California , al most as commonly. But nausea is
Controll ed it is no more remarkable that the bio- arid by laboratory experiments. The A more serious anxiety concerns
recently been given i= due to the revulsion from abortion. no less real and no less unpleasant if the possible long-term effect on the
ic.'- rea-ed fan 'ity wit h which organic It is p ain that in a field in which logi cal effects of the female hormone former tria l especially suggests that it is psychosomatic , a nd its preva- pituitary gland. Over periods of
che:nist - can now syuthes^e materiiL s EACH of these iinks in the reproduc- so many uncertainties of serious con- progesterone should be copied by for contraceptive purposes the lence is likely to be an important three years or so the changes brought
like t:ii» in '.lie laboratory. Befor e tive chain is subject sensitively tent are evident , the development of these chemica ls than tha t the bio- steroid dru»s which have been tried obstacle t o the widespread acceptance
logical effects of the female hormones out are as effective as any othe r about by the use of the drugs appear
the wa r , fo r example , steroid but most ofien in unknown ways to contraceptive drugs must necessarily of these drugs. to be reversibl e, but this, of course,
chemistry was a much more difficult biochemical control. Each of them be extremely cautious. First there called oestrogens should be mimicked mechanism known . The incidence of
does not guarantee that this would
iield of st ud y than it has now become . is therefore potentially a point at m ust be animal experiments designed by the synthetic chemical stilbestrol , pregnancy among 830 Puerto Rican No build -up always be the case. Security on this
The st eroid chemicals, related to to tell not merely the efficacy of whose chemical constitutio n is in women up to the end of 1958 was, for point will only be obtained by means
tri e natural hormones, are believed which biochemical interference by some proposed drug but also to some rescects radically different example , only 4 per cent of what it IRREGULAR bleeding appears to be of extended animal trials carried out
to owe their contraceptive effect to means of some chemical could iead to attempt to discover whether its use from that of the sev hormnnp s had previously been. However, it another fairly common accompani- if possible in advance of trials in the
their facility to inhibit the release the development of a contraceptiv e is toxic or otherwise harmful . Rats Two factors seem to have playe d seemed eve n in that study that only ment of steroid dosage. Mere the human field . Tne activities of the
of efts* or ova from the female and mice are most commonly used an important part in the emergence between BO and fiO per cent of the didiculty seems to be that the pha rmaceutical laboratories suggeM
drug. At each of them there has fop i h is vvnrk of the synthetic ste roids as contra- women were able to keep to the steroids a re unab le to guarantee con-
ovaries—a process which normally been in the last decade rapid pro- strict tablet -taking regime laid down t inuous build-up of the womb lining that care is beirvg given to questions
happens once during each menstrual Only then
gress in the understanding of t h e mounted withcan controlled trials be ceptive s. First there was the recogni- l i t r e thdc *a
ryr ' t; . One particular link in the human volunteers and tion , based on laboratory for them. In the Californian study and that from time to time this from Uie evidence so far available
very complex chain of processes basic biological and biochemi cal at this st age other effects than overt experiments , tha t their effectiveness the effectiveness of the drugs in pre- breaks down in spite of the presence there is every reason to think that
factors involved, and of course it is harmfu ln ess must be sought. as suppressants of ovulation was venting pregnancy seemed to be a of steroids in the blood stream. There
which leads to normal pregnancy is entirely possible that eventually ibis other ph armacological fields itAsmay in
greater than that of the natural hor- little lower, though it is not clear is no suggestion that these occu r- the controlled uses of the steroid
broken , and there is. of course, no research will yield contraceptive tu rn out that a drug which appears whether this indicates a reduced rences are dangerous in themselve s drugs so far proposed is safe, ami
reason wh y contraceptive drugs drugs which are more suitable t h a n mones. This is true, millig ram for some reason to think that out rjf this
to be eff ective in animal s milligr am , when the effects in biological eff ectiveness or a reduced or that they can not be prevented by
should not be found which might the steroids at present being tried work so well with humans , will not injected doses are compared , but capacity of Californian women to do increasing the do sage. Again, how- work will emerge a new kind of
break other links in the same chain. out. .Some years ago there was even fo r some reason which mayorbethat as especially so when the natu ral and w h a t thev are told. ever , they may prove to be an contraceptive which can be taken by
mouth . The main uncertainties
This , after all . is what is done by a suggestion from animal experi- m uch psychological as biological its
the methods of contraception now in synthetic mat erials which can sup- Several difficulti es in the use of important factor in determining the concern not so much the potential
ments that a comparatively simple li'-e is unpa latab.e. The clinical press o vuiation are taken by mouth. the materials have alread y become wide acceptance of these drugs . da ngers as the immediate though
common use in civilised countries chemic al derived trom he -penii ine. trials of steroid drugs to be carried
a nd by those operations carried out The second factor whose importance app arent. It seenis that all the For the rest, there is no evide nce ha rmless side elfects, which may
might inhibit the p enetratin ii of out in Birmingham are a com- cannot be und erestimated is the ini- chemicals so far tried out act in some th at the drugs are h armful , at least limit the usef ulness of the drugs,
in prod uce sterility in men or women , spe rms into fertile ova by interferin g in the short ter m. The evidence is
paratively small degree or another as if they were
when us ually steps are taken to see with the enzyme caller! hj a tinn.:- atin n uf contrib ution to the
statistical mforma -
tiative of the Pincus school , which
!<> lowed a Ion s series of laboratory ma 'e sex ho rmones as wo!]. This is that women who have taken the m
especially for situations where
medica ' supervisi on is thinly spreail
that feinrr e ova and ma e .- prrnin - d.ise which normally eriLtb' e- sper ms i. i'Ti n;] their u-e . So far a> can be no! as serious as it sounds because regularly for up to three years on
to/ua rannot leave the glands En to do this. These hopes ha ve no; , toVI there is no country in the world experi ments wit h a Held tria l of the —-usuai .y the places where contracep-
which they are produced by closing synthetic steroids in Puerto Rico. This th e adrenal g ' ands of a normal end find thei r normal menstrual tives are most needed. For the rest
however, been justifi ed by f u r t h e r where th ese materials are avai' ab'.e venture, started three years ago and woman also secrete male sex hor- rhythm restored within three months it is important that these compounds
the narrow ducts along which they experi ments. except u nder medical supervision mones , but it does mean that some of the end of a course. Along with
norma llv pass . still u nder way , Drovid ed the first are a product of several kinds of
For this reason, present concern
To other of the biochemical means usually i n the context of such a opportunity of assessing the potential of t he women who take the drugs this , normal fertility is also restored. research directed towards a much
which might be used to interfere w i t h controlled trial . usefulness of the materials in the may be affected by the appearance Because of the comparatively short fuller understanding of the whole
human fiei'd. Since then there has of some masculin-e characteristics. length of time for which these drugs mechanism of reproduction.
been another i mportant study in


Calif ornia , a nd similar trials are now
under way in several places , includ-


ing Japan and Mexico.
An u ndersta ndin g of how the syn-
thetic steroids work is r.ecessari.y
hard to come by, pa rtly becaus e of
^ presents
the complexi ty of the mechanism s by
which the n atural sex horm ones
deter mine normal body functions
and pa rtl y because of the un certain-
ties which stii ! beset the subject. For
the second reason it cannot at
present be claimed that th e way in
which the synthetic steroids may be
effective In suppre ssing ovulation
**~ v " /" v~?"\ -^Sii^r ^fe y~' * ' r" ;
and thus as contr aceptive drugs is
'- ~—, : "^&0\ Change * fullv understood.

SOME guide to understanding can,

however , be had by recalling what
happens during a normal menstrual
cycle. For th e 'firs t few days, until
^H^l^^^l^^HK^ ' ** *t •¦
-• "'.. s "' y / ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K - <r,<W$'w.' ¦ ¦- f m
ovulation takes place , conditions in ' *4^Ktf f i/ ' ' ' ' "^
the womb are largely determined by
the n a t u r a l female sex hormones
called oestrogens. These are secreted
by the ovaries (whence they are dis-
charged into the blood stream and
n ot direct.y into the womb). Under
their influence characteristic changes
—a growth and a prol iferation of
blood vesels—take place in the lining
of the womb. Towards the middle
of the cycle, however, a fertile ovum
escapes from the capsule or foiiicle ,
and the part of thi s structure left
behind m tne ovary oc-gins to secrete BHb-
the natura * hormone progesterone. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^lB^^^^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^IVl^^^R^' /A** /wH^f ^$*s 'T^jp ^BG' '^PJP^B^ ^^^^^^^^^Bflfc^U^^^B^H^^^B^B^B^HBfiiB
The presence of this hormone in the
blood stream , along with the oestro-
gens, br ings about marked differences
in the character of growth in the
lining of the womb.
^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ H^^^^^^ H|^^^^ Pl^^^/^^j( iHBkk.. < ' Ib ^B^B^BbB^Bh
The lining
begins to secrete the kinds of
materi als which could nourish a
fertilised ovum—in other words, to
take on the ch ara cter suitable for the
development of a fertilised ovum into
an emuryo. Should such an ovum
embed itself in the womb lining the
secretion of progesterone by the
remnants of the f o l l i c e from which
the ovum cair.e continues until the
end of pregnancy.


The hormones from r.r.other gland
than the ovaries are knov. n to p.ay
an i mportant part ;;; the t i m i n g of
this sequence of cnange.s. In
particular two hormones from the
pituitary gland ( beneath the b r a i n )
lkuvoi—Beautiful land of contrasts. You can swim
are in t u r n respon sible for the
PSjgp* >fp iBJM—.i i^ii i^y is x,o\.r constant cornp^nion in this I ^ de\ elopmeiit of an ovum ar.d the
secret.on of oestrogen that accom- by HAROLD PINTER
panies it in the urst part of the
menstrual cycle, anr i the maintenance What some critics said of the stage pr oduction:
of prog esterone si-cretion d u r i n g the Mr. Pinter , on the evidence of this work , pos sesses the most
second pa rt. These pit uitary hor-
mones are not steroi rts but rather original , disturbing, and arresting talent in th eatrical London.
Pan Am's long-range Intercontinental Jet Clippers " are the ' resemble the materials like insulin
larg-est and fastest airliners to the Middle East. You can fly and other natural hormones. The Harold Hobson. The Sunday Times .
m ainspring of the complicated
Pan Am Jets to Istanbul, Ankara, Beirut, Teheran and on to .'uat cycle cannot be identified What al! this means , only Mr. Pinter knows.
for certain The extent to w h u h the
Karachi, Calcutta, Bangkok, Tokyo, ami round the world. t pos.Mii'.e existen ce of natural r h y t h m s M. W. W. The Gutrdian.
On every flight you can choose Deluxe President Special affecti.'is; t ne secretion of pituitary The Birthday Party is like a vintage Hitchcock thriller which
hormones (and the influence of the
service or money-saving low-cost fares . Your authorized Pan concentration of oestrogen and p ro- has been , In the immortal , tear-stained words of Ors on Welles ,
y~' \ ' American Travel Agent or Pan American office has the com- gesterone m the bloodstream on these
secretions i may determine the 'ed ited by a cross-ey ed studio janitor with a lawn-mower " .
ji X pletedetalls. Fly Pan American 's Bi .ur Jet Clippers to the world' s timing of the sequence of events in
^^ major cities ... first with the Bit: Jets to the Middle East. the menstrual r;. fie. is uncertain. Alan Brien. The Spectator.
|{Sd \ T:ie synthetic steroids , whose use
as (i o."i 'ra i*f-p ':vo ciruc s is bcin s con- It reveals the author , Mr. Harold Pinter , as an off-bea t
si dered , owe their importance to their comi c writer of very considerable pro mise , and the whole odd
sim i l a r i t y *.i p rosit erone in bio-
logical r :Te-t. In ct l-er words, they mad deningly elusive play is shot thro ugh with quality.
stirr.'_ ls '.e when " a k i n .ni o the b' ooc-
st rc&'Ti trie send r : '¦¦eve ' op rr.ent of T. C. Worsl ey. New Statesman.
the wr.rm i n.r.ij cr.^r.-n -te r i st ic of the


sec'j r.'i par; of a ir..-::-t rual cycle. At
the same ti me inhi: .t t i e
deve 'opme nt of ova to me point
t»AJ*4T ^VCMCE RXCAJ MT j at which they leave their follicles in


•»jj . /in*, iu,. u.i. f « oiT. t h e ova r ies , perhaps p a r t l y because
W O R L D' S MOST E X P ER I E N C E D A I R L I NE ! of their direct on the func-
After Empedocles
- j :n boxes 1'j :v.a r d . ba -k . /i^-zag-
THE i ,i;!u:; ,i. a^j .in n
v.ft i - n u n s : r : a \\i-.c <;n their gir; g a mile to use firmer p arts of
( r f b l f . The R i L b t whf-cl wda still. mo iavul deposit . Tne combina-
Six of us got into trie front box and tion of wind and steepness :tally D t a £ iJt t i at th t \ o u t h - *f i t a if a of
beya n to exhaust me. After three- t'elerlee sho u tttg t he laytf nt
v.d it fd. Thpre wort- two Sicilian quarters of an hour I decided 1 had of four communities. hi
honeymoonei - . lvo P n V i e ia l.zurd s had enough. I lay on the slope and i Otivrnt t ona l ton n plannin g the
—agp :ng. m u - c uU r Loib ij ns w:tn look ed out to the east where the ti iriu M s parts inter-communicate
ij r.iclen :ia:r <<r:d muhoaa'iy limbs coastal piain and the large town
¦iV!j .j spc-nt
t h e i r -umnier» m o v i n g oi Cilan.a \\ e:e only a suggestion
[: nm one Medilc: - :Mne .in beach lo behi nd the ha/.e of heat fifteen
the next, living on al.mony and nv.lea aw ay. Gradualiv I got
w i n d l 'aM- .—a ratht -r apprehensive control of my breathing and
I.ancashhcman. a n d myseil '. We temper . Now I had got so far it
w itp all squeczi-d together and seemed silly to give up. I made a by Diana
nobody said a n y t h i n g .
(j :edt eflort . Soon the ash which become finer and finer grew
Slowly we began to move on t h e warm, and there was a continuous Rowntrce
!ir.-t leg of thp remaining 6.000 feet torrent of
of t he jou rney towards the top of dislodged material
Etna. The cable whirred on the roiling down the hill behind me.
v, hpcls above a nd soon we were i crawled a n d scrambled th e last
.-.wi nging gently in a still' breeze few feet and lay beneath the hump
nnd creepi ng up the great sag of of the i i m of the crater. I was
ihf cables draped from the rust- completely whacked. I felt like a Notl Forst*r
mlo ured pylon rising like a robot beat en pentathl ete. The ground
K'. ant with stumpy arms over the was quite hot and I could smell
H:j f L- vnlfanif <rn T stiong sulphur , and the grey lava
V\ e ca me up to the pylon gaming ash itself was flecked and stained PhTERLEE was tirst thought ol in who has failed to make ¦ go of. Iheir roads, which run straight from
<-perd . and there was a sickening hv If X t ip vp linu* flowpr s the forties. The idea was to Peterlee. point to point, showed a saving of
Af t er fiv e min u tes' recu pe r atio n build a miners' town, to replace with By 1955 the '• m iners ' town " was £50 a house over roads which
i n k and quiver as the wheels r<in J made the final assault, but it was something urban and positi ve the an amorphous suburb—delinitely one follow the contours.
on to the rail of the pylon , then a further t en mi n utes before I w as rather squalid outcrossi ngs of houses up on Horden , the dreadful place to It is not easy to describe how they
r !:cked ofT at the other side, and ;t that spattered the Durham country- the east—but with no centre, no have " stopped the houses " because
was smooth again , down, gradually able to drag myself over the hump. side wherever shalts were sunk. It cinema. and no topographical
The hot ash came away in bucket- it is done by a synthesis'of social
df .vn into the loon of the next lap. was named after a local trade identity and visual planning. Four separate
:hen climbing steadily, smoothly , fuls . I could feel my shoes, long unio nist and Lubetfcin was appointed Mr A. V. Williams , general mana- neighbo urhoods were planned for
since r u i n e d, getting warm. At last architect. It is a grand countryside ger of the corporation, brought in
whil e the middle slopes of the I stood up. and was very nearly the south-west area , with ihe
mou ntain , black undulating rubble and Lubetkin proposed to ma tch its two architects and an artist to pro- cou ntryside flowing between them,
of lava spattered and starred with blown down instantly by the wind. siale with huge towers of dwellings. duce a scheme for the south-west and no through traffic. Only one of
sir-e n vegetation, and a great Then 1 went down into a small Unfortunately Ministry regulations area, which is cut off from the older the neighbourhoods is built and that
valley beforp me. Big mounds of for new towns are not attuned to the development by some unusable will not be finished until the
expa nse of Sicily unfolded behind ash rose indistinctly through the hi south-nest Peterlee : linear text ures enrich the spaces between iiour magnilieence of the North . Nor ground. Frank Dixon. Peter Daniel , summer. The layout and the archi-
us An empty box passed us going swirling. drive n houses and (below) black brick and grey an d white timber form are skyscrapers the ideal buildings and the artist Victor Pasmore tecture, too, are in the greatest pos-
dow n, swaying easily in the Kustv smoke. The lor grou nd that is liable to asserted, in spite of the evidence to
sulphur fumes were choking. I i an a crisp ed ge to a hous i ng nei ghbourhood whose living-room sible contrast to the gently rolling
wind. Once again we tame to the do wn into the valley and across a subsidence. Lubetkin , although the the contra ry, that a town .could be land. Each neighbourhood is square,
pylo n, the dark earth falling awav tu min nf i t e t i t t r t ir r m e In rt T V fi/ if l **r t f i f *t \ t > i:rpatest. is not the only architect buil t here without destroying the with its roads branching off at right
from bene ath us. and once again carpet of bright yellow flowers of land scape. Indeed since high build-
sulphur lying like angles. The contours become more
there came the jerk and shudder on scattered ing was out of the question, they noticeable because the buildings are
tn the rail. I was reminded of millions of gorse petals , bri lliant saw the wide green landscape, clef t laid out against rather than with
taking a fe nce after a Ions, bal an ced yellow and reddish saffron coating with deep forested denes, as thei r them. Colours, too. make the
the black ash . greatest asset. greatest use of contrasts. End walls
nation (jver level around. 1 looked down, do wn the sleep, They proposed that the landscape of black brick have white-painted
Tnc Ihi i d leg was the Ioim and gashed, da rk sides of the grcui should lend its scale to (he housing, timber panels flung between them.
steepest a nd the ground fell farther cauldi on . Dense and shitting and that it should visibly contain the Disagreement between a Ministry
awav. and at the b eginning of the masses oi smoke d rilted and buildings. " You 've got to stop these that likes houses tidily lined along
[¦li mb .Hist beyond the bottom of endless houses. These endless roads and the designers who are
the deep curve we stopped. The unfurled. I began to cough houses. YouVe got to stop them." aiming at privacy and interest has
w:nd t ugged and lunged at the box violently, and ta.sted sulphur all is Pasmore 's refrain. Defeatist in a ended in a compromise. The houses
and miles away up the mountain the way down to my stomach . town planner ? Not at all. Ever do follow the roads, but you would
side I could see the diminishing line Many feet beiow . in heaven knew since towns burst out of their not know it, so cunningly are they
what h uge mass of quietly pullula t- medieval walls the flood has been staccered and alternated .
of rust-red steel giants striding ing lava. gathering momentum, until housing One may say. as I do. that
river the dark ground. We stuck t he ancient fires
smouldered : a drowsy monster of has the modern planner pretty well all this planning turns on the
there for several minutes and I appa lling power : simmering gently. whprp thp s**a had Can ute. incl usion of a primary school in
noticed that my feet and legs were In Empedocles' day il was a The architect-artist collaborators each community. One can question
begi nning to ache, standing on the rough tri p from Agngentnm near made a definite attack upon existing whether the intervening green belts
thin floor with nothing underneath. practice in planning new towns, par- are wide enough. But it cannot be
Half an hour later we got 10 the the dirty little port on the south ticularly on planning by rule and by- denied that the team has proved its
tup. There was a cafe and bar and coast named after him. and an even law, on the monotony of continuous point. Here is a concise urban com-
<i small rest house above a grey sli tter pull to where I was now. housing and negative open space, position—walls and roofs, drainpipes
mound. N ot far away was '.he He jumpe d in because he hoped and on the concept of picturesque and street lamps, seen in sharp
that by his sudden disappearance houses. They say truly that a mass jux taposition to woods and fields.
obse rvatory. The wind at 9.500 he might be believed to be a god. housing scheme can only be a It is a contrast that flatters both ,
feet wasthepowerful
grey , hurling its wav But the volcano threw up one of travesty of pictu resque housing. and gladdens the heart. Here we
arj ^^ a nd black lunar h-s sandals . reveai:ng the manner Their fi rst hurdle was to prove have 388 cheap dwellings, to the
Kffuscape. thumping and tearing at that they could compete economi- minimum di mensions so dear to us .
you. At once the lizards settled at of h .s death. I was glad that I had cally with existing Peterlee houses, yet they belong unmistakably to the
u table with some coffe e and began nru decide d to jump in. and nobody for example, a thr ee-bedroomed England of Whitby and Gloucester,
to work method ically through a wants to be taken for a god these hou se at £1 .550. Thei r price for a Hawkeshead and Finchinefleld. as
pile of postcards—about a dozen similar-sized house in brick and pre- ¦well as to the century of abstract art
Noel FcrsTer fabrica ted timber was £1.350. and and the assembly line.
each . Soon I set off for the pea k ,
while the honeymooners and the
Lancastrian drank beer.
The great volcanic cone of the Gramophone records Incidentally substantial From the touchlines
mountain rnse ahead tor another
twelve hundr ed odd feet. Until I /V\K ut the most remarkable mention the Kuik s tolleyc L.n ol
sot to the base of it walking was ^~* developme nts m the record Service record <j l several months r y ^ U F MdW ' i f. - i-r W\rM Kr .> fnib e. sen-uoiis appea l was proj ected to &uu d U O M t at .east oi the aud:cnre wtio pop ular esteem to Die detriment
easv. Paths wound their wav world over the last few years has back ) there is no do ubt m nty mind L '< t: i;ed b> M:ur.Le I l a r . d io r d , elTect in the perlormanee K of
been the emergence of so many small Tiie en-eimbJe was retiabJe and sound, l asi night attended the final con- works . (Jiree or four of them , not one
nver and betwee n the dark grev that by concentratin s like this Argo er. fied Ihe. i cot.err; :n the HtKi:dswo:-:n cert of chamber music given by the
t-umpatii es. most oi them with has achieved a standard of choral II.i " 1.1-1 ii [sj!i* u':". ri rt peri i-n na nee "f if hard I v inspired , in the earlier items wit inferior ? Last night llie p ci-
dunes . I reckoned it would take specialised Fields. There are two rivo rciing higher than that achieved M i - .';.ri 'v t ; m .r. i- r Seivr s^ iJe . K :WH. b v t 'j r l Bncn and Haydn. But the mu^ ic Turner Quartet in Manchester this fo nnance of the A fki t major quartet
me about twenty minutes to get to companies, for example, that have a by any other company of whatever T p iw . :: t^u t ri '.\u:"k nt - ueh hea\ e:'1.- i*t -fl played had a m ore workaday atmo- season must have wond ered, as they Op. 105 wa s a reminder that beautv of
the top. It was a hopeless mis- speci al Welsh Dias. Delysc and pi/.o. Incredibly during George bem r v au d eflortie .-v pr oiundnj. r:- ::;e
sphere W: iiteii lor :he moment l a n d
probab.v .ome >pecia] ^lmmoii i lc ieft the City Art tlaliery, what it is melody, richness of texture , and
calculation . I began the ascent on Qualiton (alternatively Cwaliton to Malcolm 's direction at Westminster ureni wind -ei for ::iir:ee» n m s t r u - hard; * nu e above ine period level. that fashions musica l taste and creates particula r melancholy which per-
a giadient of about one in fovir. real Welshmen) , and as an arrlont Cath edral not a single record has nier s ;- . :• ¦ anoth 1er ni;trve *;o.;> " :!^t ;ir.ce Tii> e^ti 'n..b' t' contoo '.er.ce :s sometninc publi c demand. Why fo r instance , ot meates th e mu-sic of Oie Slavonic
The wind veered a little and was rail way-lover 1 have often thuu ght of bee n published ol' its choir, and now of t .i e* ci^upi'^er ^ cui>t ic: 'v "o t s r->w uET tu" d JTeren frcm M<iz;u*t * < qitt^i-c aAunl ail Ihe st r ::ie quartets of Dvorak.
¦ 11: '.e¦> - ^ n ciden t ;i '. piece t :i*i I. n nationalists is not in itself eno ugh.
blowing athwart the slope. At i nvestigating the records of railway that Malcolm is leaving there comes .ithen 11 tAre e:it. d.ppLi .^ .i r^r i;ie elernnl >:roam vl
had an ri . ]:iM < -i -vn: p;!ui'..c should trie F major which "we mu>t now Yet what i s lacking ? 3s ii a certain
every pace the lu mpy gritty tava noises made by Transaction! cj u ali- this wonderful Ar^io oilernm of 1 :b^t ;, lK•c^
t n i* 4' . .1 !I Fi i .r n r
c*i '.\ the " America n ' —hold a place in spontaneity •' Is it lha t the finale does
gave way. Afte r twenty minutes ton. it is true , has just branched out Victoria 's Respor.sories for Tenebrae ^ Tin- t * iiii iiii: - Set liTie ed. - -. not quite set the feel tapping as doi-s
somewhat surprisingly into more ( 1585 1 ( RO ]¦}<)) . Victoria wa= a r e mar k a b ' e j .»r :;s learned p^oa. w:i:i-i the earlier work ? Or is it ju st that
the re was still a very long way to
go . Periodically a gust of ashy
general issues imported from the
Continent—a highly rccnmmendable
Spa niard and ho seized on the text ;it >[j e:t" mn s '. cu uhp -cu ou^ ' y iti t ' ; e
of these " Noclurns " fo r Holy Week: inin uel —of Jill p^act^ ' B;;t M t J z ail - TELEVISION by Mary Cro«er public taste is ill instructed ?
Mr Turner and his colleagues con-
m i t whippe d up by the roaring co u p ling of Bach' s Double Concerto telling the story of the Crucifixion !eu :-n: Mr> rested uimn him ;j 3 lig.v .lv as sistently pay the Mancunian public
wind stung my face. Breathing and the E major and A minor violin with a sj enuinely Spanish ear for 'h . stii'down Therp is no ndotir oi mfd-
4. i> :1 about '.li e cant ir sical imfetKiii .e-i TJ OW coud H ij inarj.mme Indepen - abo ut to saiatcn them away, that I fo und the compliment of bringing forward
became more and more difficult. concertos, a lively Vienna Volksopcr dra matic elfeets. ii yh
EfTete cathedral H vt t i'iv dent Te'evUitm can ^iut on when it Mr Bdii'ham 's enthusiasm a nd absorp- works such as this whirh are on tiie
m u s 'c. wonderi'.i! *hoi :sh l ;iey touchlines of the repertoire, and gi ve a
Soon the gradient was one in three, selection from "Ca rmen '" ( in sink i ng would be hopeless here, and li re. j; nri thev can lei very we. 1 p.= > s i s not lMi.-ryln-ij aboul ihe m;t.v> tion in ChiftWick Villa restful and f ull-blooded performance int o Ihe
and for every yard forward T slid German), and a ten-inch coupling of Malcolm draws some of the most ii nnot:ced b> !he t*, -iutt liste ner be^u -led j wl.ciwe was .shown in ihe b r i i J a r . L exh:'.a rating. bargain.
'l chaikovsky 's C' npriivio I t a l i a n ami violently dramatic singin g from his b-. :he n: isic as :t Cf 'nca L i" -:^¦ r,f sweet He !iad besu n bv quoting le Bartok'.-, fifth quartet i.- nationa ' i-t
back half . My shoes were full of Rimsky-Korsakov "5 ' Russian Ea&tcr choi r that I have heard from any •.<p ;j >hN : a nd no d j >" itr t h a i •. how ;-iu
*er:e~ of live laLk^ . oti revuiuuonnry
|j ;i. ':iters by Sir Kenneth C:ark , mid r.oiV about architectu re " touching the music of a very different ci-i.
grit and it was in my hair and ears festival." But generally ch urch Ki'uuu. lie is helped bv the t'omoci -er. wr,n w: - .in . r.^ !;nr;.vt* :is*;im ::i :he f i r ^ t yf three on The Art heart." and said that it must ab-o " stir Though the composer had almost won
.ind down my shirt. I began to [he t h e in.r .d." How and why it can do th:s
specialised audience is what the r.ithcr Coi)tinenta!- sot :ncHiiR Ihroatv mil •= ic: a n a :t ri no peri rr.: i n t er n e d it of Arcliiterlure, t as. 1 n i g h '.. was the lesson of this talk , and ttie onlv
his way through the logical and dog-
have misgivings. I had a rest and small company ri shtly caters for. t i m b r e of his leading treble, but th" :u The He T];[.> ATV production j<; introduced ma tic dissonance of the middle quar-
per form :i!ife wa« a perceptive n:i !> bv Sir Ker.iieih and the lalks are thing that migh t have been an improve- tets toward s the comparative ease of
lay gasping for breath. It came in and among specialised audion< -os the . record provides a long series of m e Mr H a n r i t f t r d ment would have been a more thorou sn the last works, thi * is none the le^s
long, hoars e gulps. High above the one for choral music i- easily tli ; su uerb choral eiTeets. so extraordin- fun vincitij i ly. and mclaiu-c h. - lempi
i nt a i n e d them
bv Re.vier Banhara who la.-t n ia 'it con-
c o n lrn l e d on " I n e eood o '.d rules " of
fil m tour of the rooms al Chiswick . of sarcastic and aggressive enough at
volca no smoked quietly, a greyish best suciuliofi arily sensitive and exart as well as wi th firm, but nut ri ^td. conirol . T he c!;i>Mca ! architecture a.- .-een which di sappointingly little was shown. times. In this performance there was
I am not sure whether Ar so. which vigorous. I have been comparim; p i n y inn w,r h adept and >lyh>h , wi 'Ai in On the B.B C. after '" Panora ma " T perh aps more assertion than agare.'--
w hite plume torn away in the race now has some connection with this with thp record oi" Victoria 's nianv f elicities of lone and phra.-e.
Orisvick V: "a. A rermirkab'.e t h i n g saw pa rt of Come Dancing, a pursuit Mon . the tone was never gully and
of the wind. I struggled upwards :i!)n ut :;- s t d . k \v;i.- t h a t -Mr Bariham. \v:i:c!i a? seen ;n this programme nug 'il
Di'iva. can be classed any longer as OfuVium Defunctorum and other The pro gr a m m e a No ni cluried win had n e a rly h a l f an hour at h:-; 1he " Bu Uarese " movement had no '
agai n, almost on all fours, on a a small company, but after hear ing work s inado last year h > the Nether- aKi otv^ i S r h f n i t l "-- "' Lied et Scheiv o '" - — (i. ^po ^ it 1 . die! r itj " riis d a f n to .v.ay w i t h wel l be exa mined as a fascinating line t hit 1 ip eJni c of v:rtuo .s:c .savafiei v ;t
gradient of one in two. clambering nj n u -ly : title , :n anthropology. These ballroom ^o-ne times ronvpvs. But this urbam ' v
the latest two choral records (not to lands Chamber Choir ( Columbia p r i a t e lor a jj;er- e \hut emhracen^a p eon
u' V°'> ' (> not i pro- !'o -Limt* pic'-u rf* and t n e .^nrne '.'lenio d. incrn g cha mpionships uhi s v. as a (- .<« '. an unusua: liKht on the third
:WCX164 ) Tile Dutrh; is ju ^ t ilictini : mu.-iCE J I si\ le*. :h at ni ' siher- r h »— oiij '.c* a t i m e — F o r i;*~ *.a:\ce t n e Nal iorval Ballroom Queen contest) !ei qunrtel of Beethoven 's On. IB—Ui e l >
as perlectly controlled, gentler, and n i alch nor h a p p i l >. ofKel eEieh o^her. imij or.iii'i'f1 of trie port..en . it^ orisits 'i ti« us on a complete, remote world w ti
a:icier." Rome, and its adoption into t h e majo r lending it a charm and light-
more honeyed in its lone (as befits Xone thtr 3csh . it if- an a t t r a c t i \ r e work , its own customs, costumes, ritual , and ness which st ressed Us relation to tiie
Kng i i ^ h country -iou«e way of iife— honours. crowning of the queen euj hteent-h 'en tury and at the same
the tlilTerent subject), but on reeorci- so c u n n m y l y >L'ored lor the m e d i u m explainili( » a n d iliui-traiing w i t h iive!:-
inK there is no doubt that Argo beats ' d ouble who sinks billowing in masses of fiuffv ti me .-.howed how much Schubert was
wi:id qu i n t e t > thai llie tu'.s,^ b u; w.t-h no mirry. One get.- so skir; into a throne-)ike chair and ls 1n learn from Beethoven 's lech mqur
Columbia hollow. k aleido^cope of colourful sound rom- u.-i>d to :i grasshopper s".yie in :ele-
pen'-ates amply for ihe naiu- ilv of solemnly crowned with a glittering The last movement in pa rticular was
E ll\V\RD CiRKK N KIUl -n. v:>. on. people j u m p i n g onwards as if coro net is like a super-pantomime played with great aplomb
genuine must cul idea 1- . The >hrer TurieS win sccl chariot was a l w ay s erupting into real life . Anthony Adams

arc on parade
OPU tA HOI -K. A 1 T w.,1 a:n! sv s! 2 ,n io-r.: l.n F.KI ' Odl. r i . \ ^ I I O I St . l i V i y n l vy i i r ' J v rj :r: *' 'run Hn u>«< 1 p m and * 30 p m
I he (.nnd ollrrv U' ^d j :,v Ami K \ g t K uddir o rr a ' 7 30 >ht.iril«ys al 4 ATt an r j K i> nl M.i 'SD-*-
"tl.L j r c Inlj iuho. Fri. 'I lir V> >4 inir>n or Ihr ti n arii. TMir tday a-. -'W .' " VO1" < A S T T » K I IT It'll II THE A.-,v ; i,a.AUSTRIAN Mt '. SIC SOCIETY pr ^^ r. '


> a1 i Mai . ,111*1 K' .« ¦ T h e Mik a cta , ( l;ier » pr loi 'S 1 _l m - '_" __< ^ir mi . Aptil :^ 1 ll^nr * I\ _ ^^ -Par{ 1
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Ihr Oan ff Shim
4 n 2 h - . .V'U WP t -k . KVEjs . a ' t. J1J. Mat *. I Vcd.,
::. 'i rs and SAl . at If M t . J I ' L I A
F' . li -I IAIID WORDSU -O KT7I -M. Batr» s : HAl .L.
} :.: '; i't iot.ir0 'in.' , Slti "vh * ' ^U- r o .1 Tu *. and Wed. at S. MI *S Jl MA TON I P RA X M A I R' S
Immint ^ il P K r K K 1'AV . Prl. -es i . xt r p : Sat i Ef - , j _ _ ' •• T_ t'rc*"- _ "ii..""'""..!?"!
T !'ur 2 M llv A ." 1 1
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" - .i - . A <¦ a s ' Sii t. Mil . A n n fWi K. S 6. T
*> Ji 4 tj. '1 ' i' . * ~ Vt'orl d-fjmons Kit/buhel Singers and Dancers in colourful national coitume
:i j o .den ; .m.c? " r i - war. k i ci\* ¦' . u :
Pl fdAi " ni.Tc firit Ps a:jf l j .tart: []s; MANCIIESTEK CINEMAS
M ni - . A;>r;I A ui'i'l ; at 7 , . at
11 ~
i i
u t'l > .nic -iT ii rn " f S.,lldy^ WtK nn ^ F ftf > uili " M * ( l.NI -PMUM, .Mar
n. lrl SI , il»a. <77t 1 ¦¦ TIIK M i l - SchuhpUttlrr Dancers—Yodelling Song*—Zither Music
: rn:n AK i.ic 'ic-^ e: . Su st h -ej.- ' Ltinc.. - , ¦
IM ! I KI .E ' 1AI and " IHIIjL S OF V I C E " . N i
Mu . :..)il T ! I K Kill 1 fl ll. M ) K*hir«T » t i ni — RnrnwiMr: — Sjvcucut t r.
" i i r . c *i::d Che * : 1. 1 o ' p^ :- in cr R.i 1 a i '.VyiLd j ia m '. r.p a i r * L ump d iiv
W. ' l. fill! :j .:n],.:i
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KiMdev - :a ' <j:- -in,<c. ^ or ud -j cuoii '
^ j O pcratln n fnlllraat 'L ' i . £*s'jn *n Col- ^»
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- rj mDt1" *. w ;n j. :- n? P » l II 1. T l l h t l B I . r, :b ai:rt v j,, ^ r i $.'£>- i iir tuh»nii» it ¦ : 3n a 30 - 7 30
ana c\pee:cd i l .i l n: » |
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I i ,i-k whethev . ; . - wo " , f.i » ¦ : i <:- : .
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l.mii MO T11K \ THI I v,\ 7*01. and ll^>icnrr \. v ri s:^d*nt5 ut Mdrcii "s: *T Rig^ ua!
.. ' ¦'. . ¦lU1 t !" t' t>i j i :V 'he w i T.oor » t.u 1 *.> <' ¦ \1 ir — t' r. 7 y u. S.r ^ r dflj ^ ". An d » I O' ';c ot A-*.. Pa '.r.tjn it . Sculy : T° *
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TH K l l l\ < i A l l lf : M 1 I I K 1 A MM T.M.L F.ib- r I>^ j n . Pat tf -y. Ir. '.'r ior ar*. Dr *i» Oei ETi.
Dr.« .«" . G-iv 'itC G E O F F R E V B U C K L E V" FORSYTH BROS. rc i -n. i -r..ji ; ' ii—»i l 5 »al s ,i i- . I>s, xu f-' ^v^ son Hom *. S'«v*n&j r. S.q . M c '..
* .i» - j d ov do 'ir < 'i $. I" - ;«n & ;in ^ . H ir p i l l i K O M h ' A r d -A i ^ k 4!fi] ' t:-. erjL:. s* at K-' .m March :4 Mna. to Sat S 30-5 30. Thursday n«? »OrOR TE KECllAt.. , lr.TII # you :i a
s- sr out .- ,->r .>*:i: l , \ M t . i_ :*h.L-'*
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N>Kt \V.>.k An A: .R ' j - A:ii.t. a.-s }-'<vir -S:a PIANO RECITAL
A't ra . - Lr ¦= i—(.KM" M Nf l NT. 1 1IIH * , CIM f f K W r THE INSTT TUT1OS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS.
,1 u l i tl \ ^i ' T J . I . tl t '.ti }> • i I1 1' 1L '— , him v i i iii
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I> ..i > (- ID .1 ia. WRESTI.IN
' ; •.: is Sj : . 7 v m College
app lica '.j fiL iA in rw *» rc li and i n A w r y
of Science and Technology,
ereo Weane aday Irom 13.45 to "i P.HL tB xim
i from ih» roj»i mnci.ntrr collar of Hunt
lhT penmsjrto n of th« prtnrtpalp in th» rr>r« >* ij

- Thur>d'7' M"ch Admlat

r iAN TIN r; !3i c. " New K I.I ZAJ IE THAN BA!.I-Pf ^3M
SAn- TVIIJ X STREET. MANCHESTER X. vt ^ navm r *r\KrvBT n i t i Concert Hall . 124
- loo Fr m.
•*:.iv ,iv/j v . Trie sjv i "t; '' - - - . "ot :n. *<: , Niiin . j i p m Fi-s' Dranft rat *. Manc nntT ,
Heal 's 'Jack Spratt ' Bed
-i l a xs CaEt r .r .B S?r -.:c e. Denq -j etsi ' To-(Jay and T' .-morro 1*. Ma rcl ] 22-23 24
I '-eVn . *:ie t 'r cj t r e i.^ i u '!y booked ;ur i cr ^'r: i,:;j Ap'*.!y Ci '.tri zz at: ri Baaquet ^j g Mi;r i 10 a.m u. 9 pm. Adailss.oo Iree . L Admuaioa fr««.
.11* W 0 f k . li l'i > ^ J .-
l p m . to MS p n.
V.ii > ou.s ;i rL d c: :¦. r.s «oar-*j c ;:. Mil.U'lll n« ai. I«!l.i tv«v lij . Tnj rt . S^ - ..
for couples who agr ee to differ '"io ,;>)* ;>j; in> r.t*aV! " y ..rd >e;. s .b[\ i» .i Ii t. '.n a:.d vL, Lj fj ir-iiie H fndf>r»t *on. Jj n ^ I^ivcricJc. LONDON THEATKES sr alA.ND. I Tem. 30,0.1 8. TJiur 2 :0. S.L f.30. 1-30.
Uu od c::oi-u»-si:iftn .ij **:wi :nc inua! El ' anor KununT fltld. tn H 1IK. V IN Bmit i MKHM.WD. lOl. 7656 ) HENKY V IS
Anna Neaile In^roUTid ch'treo^r.ip.:y. provid.:ia A i.tzl'.zia
Eaj 'cr
da ^
at 6 10 —'l"ht
and Pe' .pie
S* UUI^ f^. 6.10. 3 40, plus Sat. 2.30 . endsBATTLE April
J «n ? Baxter. John Ror ri amrj. ACA DEMY. rG er. 29S1.) L#t. 3 dya. hu lha T*nibl« .
"ne uvui ", ,k:;rf 'A- e^ -takiT. oopm :i;;;;:.o> I lLim i CH I 45 4.ELK A T EXPE CTATIONS. Coma April X3. Part 1 |A| and U <U j. Pto bs. 1.0, 4.10, 7.30.
¦_*¦«) r^ni MM I Evi 7 45 Sat 5 ?0 5 30 St. W iTein 3S7.4 I £vs. 3.13 Sat 5.3O » DELICIOUS fEW COMEDY
1^7 \:iv }o *;:\ £U &\ ::ie:nt>tTs «*f tiie coni- I T!: K alhlKn Harmon WAT CH IT , itAILOK! ; i, V) MAK J : ME AN OKFtR *3d B.JO. Tu* V4I DEVIL1J:. IT m. 4571.1 Evmxil at «0. 1 AS-IOH IA. th. X sM. (Or. 5J ft.) Vtil Bry nsrr
Clna I»iu.bnilda. s«h>»ni and Blirte I Ai. in.
Differences are resolved in the Jack Spratt bed. o.kV.'* :u ' ,iJij f r .r. t 1"-!* — -^ - .'- r. *: • -'i ".d : .MIU " : ' proari '>us ap pj au ^ e c^ritLnuous lau er .fr. " —*Li Tpl . t>% VCu.T Maa Xowux
" Th *> t^* 1 miui ' i: nii" *^n tp (jjn.i^'n i>a! > 5 and 8.15 . Tntir . 3 30. Mp« SUDE and
Super TechnEi*m*<-?0. W*«kday s at 3-0 *JJd e U.
; > .Tnpre^ vi ~ '
- \UIIH> iTnsa 11 711 E'.ES 7 30
v :-ol ' of Sco r..- 'i * Sac a 15 t^ b Thp Mnu ^ rtrzp. t>y'-hM Cb rj,i ie . I V I F OR T AMK OF HU Mi . fcABNTut! IX. OJJ > I IC. Wat. 7fiie > 7 W Th. . S. 1: 30 T-Bt . W., TICTOE IA P ALACK. I Vic. 13171. Twice j rjrch a! 2.10. 7 10, Bun 4 30 8 All teau txwAab •¦
One half is firm , the other half is soft—exactl y nll u..,, '^ ex eunt f< »r one >L).t-Jia:; mome:;! Mr.HTII FANTA >T1C YK1U 1 Tl.
EST last 7 ptt 1.
M . >AI N T J f l AN F . S . K I CHARD tl, 8 45. CBAzr gavo ctiu cdick tuont DlrnllT O.U. I! CARLTO N . Anthony N»wl*y. Ann* Aubrey.
la a*v jj OtT MAKRIKII (A). Pror * 1.0. 3,25. i 50. fl.ll. UI'i
rr.ut CLOWN JEW ELS OfT 500 IU
^ : p iiiivi^ -ir.da '¦': th e -LK-.Titi ::.l .: wivx*. APKcuiit <c?r 3»m5j i - o fn. ina sa: s JO 9 -i> 1' 3J.iotci nj£ ri 'tA (.p^a until Jul Mrrfo rmaace *
as each partner likes it. .t ir.i'sivj se :ro::i * le f.^ . -.dt 1 : .-- p..j > cd CAMBttllir.K
^tl] W^Ua nib Fen ella pLPldlsi: Hipco of Eicbt. t. i<± +- *^34 1 ihu r. Next *t "30 . then 8.0. WEST MI SSTEB. IVic. 02S3 I !.0. Sat. 5.15 and 8.30. j CASINO. Stite : The AuJ ujny New>/ Show at 6 M. S -\.
iG*r. hwn.t Clnenmji
.TD ckfifi 1 ¦: 0 Sat 5 30 and s 50 w*4\. Sat. 2 ^0 Rod ders »nd Hamm erst etn -FleldJ TTiur . 2 19 A CLEAN KILL, rxrrcted Alast air Slim. 'i SOLTO hF.^-*
There are many mattresses and bases to choove o- or ;o .*- , 'T' !
. T!-.ur 2 t "i Mar r am L«'.«htun . Richard J ohnsc o. ;' Mjii ' i- ai rnm «]v FLOW E* DRl'M KOMI. " TntK) and f(K>l«l u» B-auufully. "—Mr . Skrtrh ADVKNTl BE (UK Dally 2.30, 6.0 and B 40. Or en.
2 3. 5.». and I.U. Suiu . i 4 i. 7 30. Orch. 4.30. 7 }.
\ ¦> G i r . G-: d e i *•: B . -ju t .v , b t - : r . 3>.Tt ^-ephens . ihe ivnn .vo side of the ¦ PU.IADK ¦ Vf rf > r . 7373.1 Evgi. T3 0 . MatX Moa.. 'I WniTEIIAIX. IW hl. 6W2.1 Ev. 7 30 8. 5.13. B I S . W.
.Vert . l;.jf . S^t. 2 45
from . .. all of them in varying degrees of o c ^ ' X I '. ttxl on *t . i 4 L ' ". -*x jj . ^ci *.1 ¦; •.•: t t r u . t . t r
P \ l t K . t)j J. ha M '.ru: up r n i^ rtft ! t t y Peter H a :i . " IIVMPTY DI THPTT. " :j 3.30. tux A Fra cklro SIMPIj; lirr MC X 3rd yr. COU'M RIA , StiUmbHr * A** I Rri t. 5414-f Ua fr it
CA-IMI < ¦ •- ..
. ¦ »; ;. . lUrry Sfjom tie AlI r M Mar lcj *nd rre *t Company * r winhmilu ntc am. KEvrnrtiLLR. 39th »r. Fcmtcyt i. The K07U BaJlct ' U) . Sep. P*rl». Mto. - f r u
•".u or- - "":. - : ¦ ? "¦ - - L -
cor..- r i e r : i b t -
; < - rTt - : - '
i. r:. Vdii:i , Mi l ri ) M \ - , A ^ ir w 7 :!: :n MBEKAfK ML 'SIC BOX hHOW Kl th ed. 'Tih ok.l . Crat. dlT. 12.15-:0JB . La it pr rt . S 15. fOrch. 7io» . Uat. Wtd. 3 (Orch. 2,l5t. ri«t _
firmness, softness and si/e . And ali of them
1 .MIW. NTt KJ -; '
¦ r **'.. > J j<l ii 0 and - 4ft. c-' \. Pltoi-M.\ [T<Tn W ll \ ajtm. to Fr ^. e^'KB, 7,45. Sat, 1.13. 4.4A . IJ 5 'Orc h. 1230, 4, 7J 0> , Sun. 5 ».1V
, - :i a .'.'i a.-..i ^ : j S i - . u u , ; .:n ora. 1 10, : j
I - ..,' 2 •«*!«. 7 V .«;¦¦ 513 * at] h 30 .Mat. wed. 2 30. Molij Picon. W9l.vua p m. A Van Dumn prod uction. " ffr n«t#t CTa*rt."
rorch. 4.15. 7 JO) . Sts. avail. e*clj pert, or ta ad *. -
;-, ¦ : . -,*: ( O I . I - I . I V 1" -t: ' ¦ Kob ^ rr Mi/r ' ey tn \ M\JO B1TT or OHF_ AM 'S. I Ton 3O2S.I Er miDII 8.15. Sat.
hand-made by Heal's craftsmen w ho are vastl y
, \v , , . \ n ro - :> > ' - - t i . " •- ^^ • ' '.\ Hfi a- ..1 ^ a- : .1 *ZON . «Gr o. 3737.) TmlTaut 'i TUT. 4*4- BLO1I M
• A *r- .r. :. .1: ¦ - s .. ¦«-
. , n ¦ !'..r1 *T s AI ,\ D I > I N .
"T t— Phtx-a-x t *ir !y shoolt w|;>] th * cheer *."— D. T*L 5 30 . 830 tred. 2.30 Bmdac Btaaa 'a THE ClIA). Pro zi . 13 0. 1J 0. 3.30. 6 15. 1.35. " B(ft O.OO
. <¦ -s>ai r l r >^ir ,. HOSTAG E. " Aa funny aj teD oDEntdlcs. —Tht I t' v« imd
w - . ' -• PICC\THLL\, (O: 45<M5 j Evram ti R. Tburi 3JO. **
t n- : - p i ! , '*£ ( i¦n i l i a 7 -mi Datx the. *rar. "—Stmn Chrontc Sa.
experienced in the delicate art of making beds, \ n i ir
- , ". i*n: - . t \
.i \ '. ' tU- l '• '= '<
'.n.r. i * »>:» ¦- t H
¦ 1 >r.
: .¦ :. • s-jii a fi .
l.rml, <m lr mpt ^ l. 1 Sit S ju hog k- 30 Kay Hamm ineJ. Jnha ClcmeotJ Ob*errer " Superb entertainme nt. "—Dally Kk*t£h. J|
1 DOMINION. Totl , Ct. IW. IM us. *176 I TODO-AO.
for more information , write for a cop> of
:- *hr t-; I'fo j. * f m f i t f v. h . r h C K I I > k i ( i n . I 'Ar : *:.x * n iu m. ; ju ».: TE JE M "¦ARKI\ i .K U)-RniM )
" A c:.'l" w r 1 - . ,*i*i.1 taut r ^» ¦' —N ot w OPERA AND BALLET *1 di RMcen & Katnmer ttela * ftaaia i P»dBe (U». W ^ k-
I'KI NC L OF B A »s <Wh' M-l .» Etj * tF S M . '¦ coir vr nARDF.t nrr.m. To-ni»rit ana Thur. at . ft' **. . Th O-rh. 1 n 7.41
- j
" \c -iiL ' t -r ,. n. '.t :- . "va - * n» tnr 'iv , "- S t^. & "J N. r ^.n pvCJ' s Our « a « Pv iidulum 6 45 Sun 6. OrchAt( 5 M*U. Tu*- .
W n > r.1 - -; a m : - 2 i"; .:" t . v > ' :i2o nv v t - m o.- ' s OKI Kl ut ' I t *\ -l
p>f ' ..*:• ¦* :..... >.»r ' ^ of 'h * T t « r " — 15 M « i l ^at. 2 30 O-^Ji 1-30 fcra 'J O^oka n¦• .
\\-*t TV^ r *
ip- — *>-ji 3 r h:* ** THE
¦•_* *r ^ !'¦> «an a 30 Br oat Jw ay 'i 7 0 Aida W»d an d T-J»s n ^it 7 jr > Cava llr r ia '¦ EMrmr . i^if m m n h ¦rtsv nr> ia> .
"Hand-Made Bedding by Heat' s of London " . ¦
— i M - . :• > Kt M- p ri ^ nlv. -ii: im - n i - r w- ; i t o
r - ui n\ - p A^.r' *; R. ^tr *. A *t
L ' j 'its ifl -v. * H « ' - -' : lr , ^11 K A I K I 41)1 fe- ^MllCiri ' KORL 1) OF ^t TZIE HOM i. . Ru ^Hrsna . and PMIlarri. Frl. 7 30 Carnw n Ccv. 1O>>1 j1 To-tJ ay 7-5. 01-fan 3^0. M *V W>d., iUt . 1.40 Sun.
¦ '. ^i 1 * ',s ^^ r^i atj i! > at. " A ' .^i *.Tia m'J ri y ¦'v ^ntQi: w»j * («*_« *;f co'our *n<J ![ C O I EN
,t I] ,;..* - v - >: e' jj r,: * Suoct v >.- .r u . . y t i r c r h -
l> l 1 HI -- 7<-ir. - .¦!! - .r. r - ,1 sr . j ' l
: -10 lau ^ r ' .T . ' »'„. -un f^ - m>- • —J o no o' LonO^a i| 7 in T OARIIEV . Tilt KOT AL BALU:T . Sat . at 1J' 6 15- Adva nce Bkx. Of?, optn ««kday« fro m :2.
Q\ n s - i . -R fi 11 a; i E\en " ttJ at 7 « Mat Tfcur. 1 n»»t. \n Rmdriro a«n

, La Fillr ' SQ. TM, CO.VKri UCT Or JTE AK tS
a: 7.M 1^ La* i Crrn ta.Mai Oar «(t . Men. I! At 1.5. 3.40. 8 15. 8^5. Proi *. 1 0 . 3 0. SJ3 S. ft 1
: : ¦ c up u > t » i ^ JU > >cj:; .k :wur t' -< j n ! u .j i
1.(1 IM( K Ft lR M l Km It tn A^ a'! a Cr.nVK *
- l a ^ i 1 . ". >ri" . - Ol KE Ul 1 H K K ' > ¦ 1 -u. ->1Z1 j t.'. K « ( Jl» S*:s , S« : a! 2 30 M;.-2-.a*' P ^ cr mve. F/ n RolMoo ||I t 11
v iis co ;i bout a 1 :> r -c
5 and **. **• rtx Lr ^ fnaan 13 th * -V ^P F RN rA PF H ^ Stm^R 'S %tTI .IJi. 'Tr r. 1572 I 7.30. To-nl«nt LOHDON PAVILION . hCHMU OF THE StVKN-
c .j r k ^ON ,n n decor o: l u i - i r - il >: ;o\v, »- Mat. Thur % . 2 45. Mamaret Loctwvwl BOY ^ L TO! RT. igl o. 17i5 » LW W**k L\ J ^ . 7 SO M A RR IAGE UP riGAK O . W<^ 1.. m HER R T TF.r.M ll DOU, < A! Pnxa. at I " 45. 1 40. 4 40. 7 43.
Volan de Dcn.'an . Fraiik Lj iweod tr. AMI si DDK Nt v ,, Ka: 1 nd 9 15 Tm- 1 V WIIIUW . Th. DON rAMJCALa ? Sa " nDEUO . MKTKOrOL C. <VJt 0304 .> In Todd -AO. Coi* Por.
t- .ich w : t h a L n r i U r r . . j > u:\ u m b i U D U S IT' -, !.fB I> G An en<i'.aR t:ne and I:tIar!cLii cota tdy 1 ' TM» IJI'MK
1VUTKR "* ft^i " Tin: BOOM- " bT Harnl d PiDter. t n i C«n-rap [U.I Tecti. * Wdyi i, orf . 7. Sun 6
"taut* ft T'.-ct lor anyone to attempt. The :1 rOKT l' M. 1 Tun 338 1 ?. *S1 j li W I jn a 5 'S I
6.15 LOOK tVII O' s HIBE ! Hit Rrr -j e •• Eltiracl r 1 r,,ra Mi- . 30. The >*islnr of Murd erer 's Kock ART EXHIBrnONS off 5. M lU. T.. W .. T,. 5*1. 3 30. OCX. 1J 0- Bkble..
fa ct t h a i it and almost t-vcry otner futj n» " J. C Tr fwln ^T MARTIN'S . E^ nn % 0 Sat S 3-> A S 30. Tu. 2 30. CONTEH T ORAXT
ODkon. i,ric - *q Kenn eui mdjv . imm Wj ut *« .
Tr.u^ sciii item ;:i the H
.- nu .v i:oe> on too (M KU1C K. I 1« ro 4A01 1 £vx 9 40 W. & S 6 B 40 1!
Andrew Cru if4 «b*r:k in
rOB THB BOIU. KINK TKK BIHMA BK ! <U) Pi 1 ]B S55 •» a.
ODEO.S. M. Aixk Il«an 4-Z>v M*n <UK Col. CSrrf *.
l onii i> e\c;i>abie m the j i reurr.stances * I1 (ilri.onh NC. S AIN'T MOT THIV t sf.D 1M1FHIT THE UIVD WOMB 8Y EttROP TCAN ARTIST S.
iG ^ r 15^2 I B Sat 6 and 8T'BE. Mtulcal.
40 Wed. 2.30 ; " A p<T**rf uI and exdcin r play "—Evj p[ SUnd ird. OMEIX CALLE KI TS
Born to bf l*r«! i' * l. mt com 1 30. 4.30. 7 3U .

Bedd ing
T:ie .^ ketches :irt 4 u n d e r tak m with H-»l pb B:chard<nn Pa ut Srr sn ^ta Phy!ll!i Calr ert i '" A ni'u « J rr e'-pr ? Intt -nu ^ r »" ff>*r "—S*ar. . 23 Burj S!r«« . S: J«In«r». »ITZ. L«*cr»Wr hfurt. <G*r. 1234 1 Gltit » ai
Tn-day 5 4J »r. d »< 45 r onra n 5 and 81 . Extra pw- r..
ie>-« fft> L* l Vrnap.i taey are no: h!'a ;i\> Till. c( »MPt.AI» \V T I ovut . ft* nr.-tliftrp O rr »n» .¦ " A tlin. ' for ri" * *n ti 'hi * I* r.n ^ 1 " - th»in '" —E N. S w. 1. March :-a t9_20-is. sata. t.30-I p.m.1.
:' ST P 4S { K \ - « TiUVS IIAI.I ,. 'Ter 71170 * T-»t. . Th. ' JEA1 3TKAKEB TBOTO-Wt BEe. U SiU. 2-30 3111.4»7 3 IS. 8.30. AU «mU booki *i.*>
a[> ". !> chosen H. ".'. of *.oph:,-t n':it.on H U'A'MAKKKT. "A'. 1. 9V.2 I I-i.<- 3 *its
S .C: Pa -- rfc > ' >-a : Fi- ^*;.f S 6. 9 -10 1! K AJiii S-it ».¦ 7 3<) IL MOVDO PE.LL A LT"H \ j 8oOO Oq. l-». M bin inn o.\r. wr *( rod Return by Publi c Dra itid,
a::ri ;r»j n> la>t :i:^ h*." did n<»: j_ o d own ^l r 3*1
J.Z .V* tut: P I I A - t RE (IF III- ro\lp\VY. Barr r
• iU
H rt v; ;j -» :t h M ftri -r :' .! C'-rti n fTind Suju fttne.
I U f c ' T - .T1 *"1t t ETtS H «>(! 2 30 !»*! & S
LEK -I STT R MLU !lll « Ei -ilbl u^na Patottn n tiT I'M AI 4. ¦IQtrr. JAC K lUl. at l.», 4.0, t-J3 V S .
b!ki *» aO iblti« sral ' iU» Dr* 1330 tail OfCt ¦
Aiai hhle trow the be *i shop\ thr oughout llie n u l l i f y
v f . 1 h ut;¦ iJ.rt't * >ou:.ti d t^r .q u c n t^ at 1UH VAJI .-T 4 .- Wu. v«8 , Mir . ¦•> Vn T X ¦• ¦•"n: !-n» S'as ^T Ba xter Wa '. 'rt Fltzt er sid ANTE DUTJ N. t*3 rr a'»r So HAIr; D'a wln n Or
lft.j 3f> I ^ ST 3 da va HAR V r K iGn. 342? 1 Ji mmy Edwards In BOTTOM 1
.a:^o ::\ pantry i>: i'> cakes *Avre «»it ^(!i^;-« 5 0 V •¦ !, n-4 V T v^ . p kWl. -T K1IIE BTOBV H.K - ! m- rv-ra^-f thk AMnnnrs prawn ;I " ' ~~ I P ' wl rh AT 'tivT Howard Pr ^e*. W-day 1 0 3 ii.
1 -«p t urou> ;\ rt'Le iv er i Sotr.e iim^ e iie^ .- (.IKII. r< ~
uf t:L i h* - a n d i mpet :ecl.or;> of meir.or1. 1 •;sv - pi ¦Ma
' « -' ' f 1 ' v*^
¦- IKM
J- .'rt i r ^-Tjl s e* J « s, ._i 513 tn c
* -. . ^ : ^1
K .I-\- ^ T S'aS Jcr. n
C-.--1-J " -* rn^r ^* ^1•^^ >r|» KtT|T. 1 T»
S*\ n V Tth <»^« I Ixr v»k HO W»d S#t. 2 "HI |
• " -uj pa^-.'r M 4 K1 K Bri .I. ¦.-tu et i; «nd Si flmirvni '
! M Mti.BOHoi Tr;!
17-ia Old Bnrjl 8" r*- Ixiod^n w 1
f"P.A.VCIS BA^ON—puH-^n* Hamt:rj£s.
! S 55 b Xi. Ijue tcrrentni V 30.
,> %
v«.. " no douht oe :t:r.er1.ti d Eater in the LYRIf , ll'Smith . il'- lv. 4412.) V.-Sl I 4 IM>I CE. M '! k .~al %V« "4 i n i * i -iff . lu rrnl i-r T h. Frt Brl URDlc **. l Marr h 2A Apn) 13
¦TAL I >os Liu H s l nn r M H u i o uu n D io^do.n » i mi»i u ;»< I Daily LJ>MI M)O EOS CLl H. iP iet, Trt75.) Dlc« afld IkM
% o ar.d It 15. MiillrmtA 0. Ma Mala. Th. ] A VOV. 10-a. Saturday 10-13.
jS J
WC.^ f PIC i*IIOR* tR. | 1THE o Fat " ta in p T«n. SHMS.i Cmn Mar 29. T 13. Sate. 8.
5a «, 3^n A 8 30- Tan Carm tdiar C Malra Uj ter, WADIII.SUTON OUHtm,
f run 8 c> na. to E6auaodo Kai. BZCtTt>a
IIAXT.NQ Ut lKt.S S. M ^ llcai Cooi ^ij . 1I Mj cbcel Gootil!3e In THE GAZEBO. AaewfiomMU. Drawls *. Wtteru oMn, rLOOl HOW.
I ADUX. 10-eL SAk. lO-lTTCart SU WO. ?UCAX. AKTB, IS «A« B«4 VtelO
TVfc* iMl.
¦.<; <,j ' c;,;;


.d thr - cu' f f our cul- problem of rais ing more teacher s to '
ture. The extraordinary numbers j] reduce the size of classes and that <
ad vocating th e " cat "—an instru- ' of raising more teachers to enabit-
ment whose barbarity has been , the leaving age to be raise d are |
Still on the
Collectivisation by f ear
can vassed net just in Parliament ]! both aspects of the same basic .

but m the Sunday newspapers— ! prob lem—that education still ranks :
sti-m to confirm the thesis put a little too low in the list of j
forward some years ago by Mr | national priorities. We have made ,
Geoffrey Gorer . Briefly, t his is 1! great advances in the last fiftee n ' Bonn, March From Terence Prittie Western Germany . There will be
tha t we are and have ion g bt-en a |I yea rs, but it needs on'y a gla nce Early this month a 34-year-old no mass exodus for two reasons. If FLd Street, Monday Nig bt
people of aggressive passions : the ¦ at the educational structure of the fanner in the East German village
of Warsow was sent to prison for tion (the member of the collective the farmers go they will lose their It was stated in a newspaper
social changes of the past century I! United States, or the U.S.S.R.. to " indulging in propaganda ap ainst gets a proportion of total farm land in
anyway. The farmers who tied
greater numbers in 1952-4 also yesterday that the Government
produce and an inadequate
and a half have made us outwardly ' see in what dangeT we are of losing . the State." He had . in fact, refused which averages 150 marks a "month wage "
) . knew that this would happen. But had abandoned the plan to build a
one of the gentlest of societies, but , almos t irretrievable ground . Vet ' to surrender hi * own land to the teams were supplemented by at that time they did have some new Colonial Office on the . Rich-
our aggressive bent finds an outlet ! we must not think in terms of local " State collective farm " and These groups of " activists " from the fac- hopes that the division of Germany mond Terrace site which links the
become its men? employee. In the tories, and the methods which they would not last for ever. Now such
in a concern with pun ishment , [ q u a n t i t y only, or prima ril y. A.s course of long arguments with State
especially violent punishment. , the Mini ster finely Said i " Educa- officials he was rc-puted to have used went far beyond the business hopes do not exist. In the second Embankment and Whitehall and
of verbal persuasion. They brought place . East German farmers are faces the new Whitehall Gardens
There is plenty of scope for trying tion is the response from a free said t h at fa r me r s w e r e fre e i n loud-speaker vans, which blazoned to-day perfectly aware that they block of . Government offices. The
to persuade people to Western Germany but not in the
look socety made to the claim of each j East German Republic. That was the news all over the village that a will never be in a position to own Ministry of Works reports, to-day,
rationally at the causes <»£ crime ind.v idual child to be cared for— ! enough to send him to prison, and particular farmer was an " enemy their own farms in Western Ger- however, that the plan ' for" a
and at means of preventing It and net for what it produces but for wh il e h e was there h is land wa s of the State " and a "' political many. There is no spare soil there, Richmon Government office building on the
1 reactionary. "* Some of these vans and the so-called "land reform " in d Terrace site " remains on
of dealing wit h offenders—all the wh at he is. ' ; confiscate d and handed over to the have even been equipped with Western Germany was completed the books." Whether such . a
more so because, as Mr C. V. Harl local collective farm . and farms have been years ago. East German farmers. building would be occupied by ' the
The West German newspapers searchlights, after the early mid-winter in fact , must inevitably choose the Colonial Office or not is another
told the Insurance Institute in
Slipping clutch dismissed this story -with a few floodlit dusk. Some of the telegrams of easier roa d of capitulation and matter. That would depend on the
London last night , some kinds of lines. But it is in fact symptomatic successful
cri minal s are themselves using The mechanical sidu of mass of the agrarian revolution which is tell their own collectivisation teams entry into the collective. If nothing speed with which the building was
stories— " District of else , it lea v es t hem in t heir ow n started and the progress which the
their reas on to apply new skills to production in the motor industry being carried out by the East Stralsund became 100 oer cent col- homes and gives them a breathing- Government made in establishing
cri me and to organise it more is often superbly organised : the German Co-mmunist reaime with leetivised at 11 25 p.m. February 25." snace. a single department to deal
utter ruth-lessness and at an "District of Bad Doberan fully
elaborately. If . as he says, scien- human side too often falters like a immensely increased tempo. The To be col l ec t iv ised is no t t o becom e with Commonwealth and colonial
tilic pro-gross acts as a challenge to slipping clutch. F;fty-one of the " Kolchose." or State collective collect: vised two o'clock in the prosperous. The collective farms day. affairs , as it surely must do some
farms, first began to be organised morning February 28." These have priority in the supply of farm
increasingly skilled and clever men who load and help to dispatch " victories in the field " often took eq uipment, seed, and fertilisers. In any case Richmond Terrace
housebreakers what is wanted is engine parts from one of the British in Eastern Germany in 1952. Even place after grouos of twenty or more the State had to subsidise themYet to cannot be expected to stand up
bv mid-1958 they comprised onlv 30
increasingly skilled detection—and Motor Corporation 's factories think Per cent of the agricultural soil of people had cajoled, threatened , and the tune of six billion marks in 1958. much longer. It is ramshackle
prevention. If criminals organise that they ought to be paid more. the East German Republic and cursed individual farmers for and an estimated eight billion marks property now, and it seems whim-
THE GUARDIAN themselves to snatch wages it is no Perhaps they should be, bu t instead included 280.000 members. By the upwards of twelve hours . last year. Their average yields per sical of the Government to choose
good continuing to send lon e of letting their trade union s beginn ing of this year thev con- " Npw farmers " acre of potatoes and grain were 45 such accommodation for the first
MANCHESTER TUESDAY trolled 45 per cent of the soil and per cent and 30 per cent Jower Minister for Science.
messengers to the bank and then negotiate for them they have struck hp d On January 19 Herr Ulbricht respectively than those of West
raised their membership to Colonial pride
MAR CH 22 1960 calling for the " cat." Crime in this work. And because the engine parts ^50.000. Earlv in Jnntiarv the announce d that the sub-district of German farmers in 1959. The milk-
country was for long surrounded they handle are not forthcoming TV-nutv Prime Minister. Herr "W alt er Eastern Germany Eilenburg had become the first in yield per cow is usually 30 per cent It would be a strange turn of
to be fullv col-
by more legend than organisation. some 15.000 other workers in B.M.C. Ulbrirht. announced tn n t the lectivized. The weight of the lower. Moreover. the results affairs if the Colonial Office ceased
Now that it is becoming more plants are likely to be out of work hr. " socialisa t ion of t he land " wnu ' cam naien was expended on the achieved by the collectives compare to have any work to do before it
comD letp fl before his Seven-Yenr most unfavourably with those of the had ever been housed in a building
In the sad recent history ot highly organised it is more than to-day. The flow of mass production Economic Ptnn ended fin 1965). By northern pnrts of the East German independent East German farmers. of its own dignified enough to
Republic. There were two reasons
violence in South Africa yester- ever necessary to dispel the de-pends on an ordered flow of com- that dnle there wonM not be a for this ; this northern part used to In 1959 total East German produc- symbolise the pride with which
day 's tragedy stands apart , not only legend and meet it with all the ponents , and any block in the flow S'nalo imlrDondont f;>rmer left in be very largely made up of big tion of meat, butter, and milk fell successive Governments have pro-
in it s scaic but in the evidence it intelligence we can muster. soon brings great factories to o Astern fjp rmnnv . At the same t'tmp 12 per cent below the planned levels. fessed to regard the colonies. Before
Herr Ulbricht ordered a "blitz " agricultural estates, which were There were shortfalls of 6.000,000 the war the Colonial Office occupied
provides of the lengths to which standstill. This gives small gToups carrraaipn to rollect 'vt se the land : SDiit up after the war and given to tons of potatoes, 2.000.000 tons of part of the Foreign Office block , and
r acial te ns io n h as gon e a n d of the of men enormous power . Why do it was in start on January 15 and the " new farmers." Their holdings sugar beet , and 1,200.000 tons of
were often <?o pitiful lv small that grain. even now the Commonwealth Rela-
Africans' deep resentment of the School to 16 trade unions, which claim to be the end on Mav 1. thev had little chance of being tions Office is in that block. (It has
laws by which they are governed. one or two handsome rooms and a
Of all the proposals contained in custodians of this power, allow it to Played down economically run. The " new Dismal future
beautiful staircase.)
Hitherto it has been possible the Crowther Report , which the be exercised so irresponsibly ? The Until a few weeks ago this cam- fa rmers " in any case were less
resistant to pressure. In the second Even allowing, for teething Latterly the Colonial Office has
to argue that disturbances were Commons discussed last night , the two unions most directly concerned paign has excited strangely little place, troubles (which ought to have been partly in Church House and
the old province of Mecklen-
caused by mistrust amon g non- raising of the minimum school- have instructed the fifty-one loaders interest in Western Germany. burg has few centres of population. ended after eight years of experi- partly across the road. Plans were
whitc-s and by " sh ebee n " leaving age to sixteen is the to go back to work—but their strike Possibly too much store was set on People there are more isolated. ence) and the fact that sayings will made to build an impressive
the powers of resistance of the East be effected by the consolidation of Colonial Office on the old West-
t rouble, as in Durban, or by economic most dramatic and far-reaching. goes on. If the unions were German farmers. Nobody can be mnrp vulnerable tn thrpats.
g r ievances, as in the bus boycott. Naturally the debate was mainly determined to exercise their more stubborn than the farmer who Early in March the East German collectives and their eventual reduc- minster Hospital site in the triancle
Yesterday 's clashes are in a different concerned with is defending the land on which he regime announced that the district tion in number , the future for the formed by the Abbey, the Middle-
it. For the authority they could find other men was born and bred and which may of Rostock , which is a narrow strip independent farmer who surrenders sex Guildhall , and the Methodist
category. They were the result of a Government Sir David Eccles to do the work—that would not a dismal one. No longer being his Centra l Hall. When those plans
deliberate act of protest by Africans came close to accepting the thesis be blacklegging, but defending have belonged to his family for of land covering the whole Baltic is own master will be only one of his were scrapped Richmond Terrace
generations. The performance of coast of the East German Republic, woes. In the meantime his cries of was mentioned as an alternative
agai nst oppressive legislation of the report , bu t with a reserva- trade unionism against anarchy. the East German regime in h a d been f u ll y collectivised. This
exemplified in the pass laws. Until tion on timing which undercuts an Unhappily an unofficial strike fre- " socialising " 45 per cent of the soil district has a total population of misery seem scarcely to be heard site : but there is no news of an
peace has been restored and an essential part of its argument. For que ntly does succeed in calling was played down. A great deal of over a million , and it has been esti- in Western Germany, and not at all earlv start even there.
inquiry held into the disturbances no the Labour party Mr Anthony attention to a grievance which has tives, the land taken over by the collec- mated that some thirteen thousand in countries beyond . Farmers have
been reduced to terrible, besetting Venroerd after all
it was explained , belonged to farmers surrendered over two hun- depression
one can say to what extent, if at all , Greenwood accepted the thesis in gone unremedied for too long. But farmers who had soueht refuge in dred thousand acres of land to the : their families to tears. Three events this afternoon have
the Africans brought the violence full. The essence of the proposal why is a strike still looked upon as Western Germany (140 000 have collectives after January 15. The " Why don 't you simply shoot us ? " focused attention on the forth-
upon themselves by the manner of made by the Central Advisory the only way of getting attention ? done so since 1950). Much was full force of the campaign was then a 78-year-old farmer was reported coming conference of Common-
turned on to the neighbouring as hav ing asked the team that came
their protest. Their soundest leaders Council for Education (of which What is needed is some new trade being inadenuately farmed by the district of Neu Brandenburg. Con- to drive him into the local collec- wealth Prime Ministers , to begin in
" Neubauer " who w e r e London in the first week of May.
have always opposed violent provo- Sir Geoffrey Crowther is the union body which would undertake so-called installed on the confiscated estates servative estimates are that 65 per tive. The 340.000 East German They involve Dr Verwoerd, Mr
cation and have insisted that chairman) is not merelv that the to look into any grievance reported of the Junker landowners. The cent of the soil of Eastern Germany farmers who are still independent Senanayake, Mr Nehru, and Mr
resistance must be peaceful. How- school-leaving age should Ije raised to it within twenty-four hours. It fo rce and fury of Herr U lbrirht 's will be col lectivised by the end of may all be asking the same question Chou En-lai.
ever sorely they are tried the to sixteen but that this should be might be a joint committee of all " blitz " campai gn—directed espe- sowing t his year—even though soring sooner or later. For the " soci alisa- There can be no doubt that the
cially against the " old farmers "— is now be ginning and the t ion " of the soil is just one of the decision of South Africa's Prime
Africans should follow that advice done in one of the three school unions with members i t the motor still ramp as h shock. tempo of the " blitz " campaign must methods employed by Herr Ulbricht Minister to come to London himself ,
while ever they can. But no one can y ears 196(5-7, l%7-8, or 1968-9. industry, so that no union would fee ' Herr Ulbricht instructed the hf"t :n to slow down. to divorce Eastern from Western rather than sending a deputy as was
deny that their protest was because the change would fall on out in the cold. If this body thought Socialist Unit v party and the During the last few weeks there Germany for ever. And his special expected, has taken Whitehall by
legitimate. Everything that the the schools with far less weight in a grievance justified it would take " free " trade unions to send teams has been a slight but insignificant effort in this field has been timed to surprise. But as one senior official
white community in South Africa these years than it would either it up ivith the management con - to the countrv districts in order to German i ncrease in the number of East achieve spectacular success before —no lover of apa rtheid—remarked,
exp lain the benefits of colleclivisa- farmers seeking refuge in thf Summit tal ks beain. it is a pleasurable surprise. In a
had done for Africans in education , before or after . Fluctuations in cerned at once—and if it felt a way, Dr Verwoerd faced a kind
housing, hospitals—and it was not the birth rate since the war will strike j ustified , the n it would call of diplomatic Rubicon this time.
insigniiicant—was undone the bring it about that the number of one. If it felt that there was no
moment the pass laws deprived them child:«n in the fifteen-sixtee n age case for a strike it would say so
TPlNJATVrJFS AFTER DECONTROL Private practice and Not since Dr Malan came here for
the gathering at the time of the
of their elementary freedom of group will be unusually low, while quickly. Men would then know
movement , governed the lives of the number? in the asj e group from where they were. Rent Act's effects free drugs Coronation had South Africa been
represented by its Prime Minister.
To the Editor of the " Guardian
Illness—genuine, not diplomatic—
their families, and, in many cases, which new teachers enn be drawn To the Eriiror of itic " n iuirrfiun " ever, it is still described In estate " had made it necessary for deputies
bound them to one employer on pain will be unusually high. But for agents ' jargon as " a highly desirable Sir.—I think it is generally agreed to come. But after Mr Macmillan 's
A COUNTRY DIARY Sir.—No one in his right senses
residential suburb." and was recently that in these days of expensive modern
of expulsion to the reserves. It this conjunction, there is much to would have forecast a dillerent
the subject of a " take-over " deal. medicines, if free drugs were allowed regarded " wind of change " speech it was
Cheshire as Lancashire. situation in the housing market as a as feasible, if not down-
would be foolish for the South be said fur the Minister 's more result of the 1!)57 Rent Act from that Obviously the finance for this invest- for private patients, private practice
March 18 ment can onlv come in the way of would increase. righ t likely, that the deputy system
African Government to trea t yester- cautious approach, which entails described bv London Lawyer in
The .= un « of sp ring multiply. A small 's " Guardian. " A personal increased rents . Throughout the country there are would be continued. Those who
day 's explosion as an isolated event stepping up the measures already pyramid ol ^.aridv toil surrounding a Saturday experience and information about a Before the 19li7 act, and after. I many G.P.s who are trying to run hope that, in spite of to-day's bai
and assume that it will be able, by being taken to recruit more hole about th-e diameter of a pencil situation existing in London may prove asked my landlords to sell to me at a their practices in the best possible news of rioting, the ultimate racial
stronger police forces, more Sabre teachers ( for the important pur- showed ti-in ". (he first of the solitary bees the points your correspondent makes market valuation the property I reiit. fashion for N.H S. patients. They give explosion may be avoided will take
jets, and more armoured cars, pose of reducing the size of classes) colony, lAnd r e r a ) nad emerged This particul ar The house I now rent was I was informed that the landlord s had an efficient service with adequate staff , heart at Dr Verwoerd's decision.
of a species called fulva. has decontrolled by the I!'o7 Re:it Art. nnd no intention of selling, although they visit patients whenever necessary, and
to repress further acts of defiance. and leaving a final decision on the been :n thu . s ' opinE. souta-Iaclng the rent for my 50-year-old house was had previously described the nropertv offer an appointment system at their Old and new bands
It must remove the reason for date for raising the age of leaving mead ow foi :nany ve.irs. a nd ?aier the fi xed .it twice the gruss rateable value as an u nprofitable burden. I surgeries. They carry out proper ante-
a '.e bee;, whose bodies are coloured excluding rates , which I pay. A tenancv estimate that the 10S7 Rent Act hn< ; naia! supervision and attend confine- It is also welcome news that Mr
defiance. school until later in the life of this feon profited the nwnnrs of this estate to ments as a matter of course. Now,
a beau t ifu 1 bri ght orange , wil: bf? :ak]ne agreement for three years \vn< sent to iho tune of £150 000 in twn vea rs. So wh3t patien t in his right mind wouid Dudley Senanayake has been asked
Parliament ; he reckons that the necta r from '.h-e da ndelion flowers that me. and the agreement placet! the onus much for the prcr'no'-tica ti nns to form a Government in Ceylon
!— prefer to pay for these services when and is likel y to come here as his
Crime and punishmen t change can be made at four years' grow profu^elv i n the roueh gras^ hi of al! internal repairs and replacements
on ;he tenant. Havin g no complaint Yours .te . David Meade. he already hys them free ? Accordingl y country '
notice, and might come into effect those earlv >»nn g d-iiys *..hc fi r5t of 'Lhese abn ut the rent a>ked (it was equal to Xn r1h-wpsf London. these G.P.s would not gain any of the s representative. He is one
Mr Butler and others who try to in 1970. Given this conjunction, bees to emerge feed on :he flowers nf one-fUth of my i ncome) . I did how- financial rewards of increased private of the old hands at Commonwealth
inq uire rationally into problems of there is more to be said for Mr •4ie sall ow, which children call ever, attempt to neg otiate with my
To the Kditc t T nf the " GuciTiiinn " practice summitry, having attended the 1953
la ndlord on the question of replace- On the other hand , th ere are practi- conference shortly after succeeding
crime and punishment have their Greenwood's contention (and the willo w
Migra nt birds continue to arrive. A ments, but was informed that no
Sir.—Surelv it is much too early to
tioners who provide an appointment his late father as Prime Minister.
work cut out to carry the bulk of the report 's) that the right thing is to frie nd who keenly seelts for birds, rare negotia tion would he entered into , and say the
that the decontrol provisions of system, and so on , only for
Rent Act have failed ? their The " new boys " at this London
So far. the
cou ntry with them. That inescapably set a target and a target date, and and new. in the two counties writes that unless I signed the apreencent by a only premises which have been private , an d not for their N H.S. meeti ng
patients. They will obviously increase
will be Field-Marshal
is the upshot of the latest " News then to see that the building and a wheate ar was prese nt at a North "increased are those of higher rate- their private practice, and hence their Ayub Khan , nf Pakista n , and
deadline date " mv renf would be decontrolle
bv a further 120 per cent. able value dand such few smaller ones income, if drugs are made free of Tunku Abdul Rahman , of Malaya.
Chronicle " Gallup poll. It shows training programme is sufficient to Chef-lire sewage far m on March 11 This kind of ncreement was criticised as have teen vacated bv their tenants cost. The head prefect , at least by virtue
that 78 per cent of those asked sustain them. Both sides accept the while on March 13 he saw a drake by the then Mini ster of H'msing some
gargiiney on tOie Dee saltings. This si x mnrslhs after the 1!!">T net ramc into during the short time that the act has I would therefore say that the policy of seniority, will be Mr Nehru , who
favou r corporal punishment , and 74 i extra schoo l year in principle— attractiv e i:i:le duck is becoming more operation been in fo nt?. There are many more of free drugs private patients can ha s attend e d all ni n e prev ious
Living within a rndius of SO yards small dwellings which will remain do nothing but for discourage those practi- conferences since the war.
per cent favour hanging, for some there was little said about the idea f requent in its v.sits to the North and controlled until the present tenants
oiTeru- E's. That Parliament was 1 of compulsory part-time education mav one cav s*ay to breed Ne arer the were from me there are five houses wlv'eh quit, which may be in ten. twenty, or tioners who are opposed to providing It may well turn out that his will
on on* of the w-.rral marshes, he unrier-orcumVr! before the IPri T tnirty years' time. two differing standard s of medicine, be the most topica l contribution at
ahead t>f opinion in this country ' in the county colleges as an aiter- coast, discovered t".vo wafer raiU . birds that act. These hnuse< are stil! under- It is natural that those few dwell- and it woul d irreparably damage the the conference table or. as is more
could previously be surmised, but | native . But the Government , if it are not easily seen because oS their ocrunied . but the aft pre<nj pr>r> sed t h a t i ngs which have so far become fabric ,
of the health service .—Yours likely, in the private chats that CO
neople vvnuld find smaller arenmmnria - avail able sh ould hnv e a scarcity value , &c Northern G.P. on when the Prime Ministers are in
majorities of this size are disturbing. [ follows the course outline d by the skulkin g labit s They are probabiy tinn. Where in London would these (ml t here r i T i ri i n m
There may possibly have been some |Minister, seems likely to miss the commoner in Cheshire than many five tenants f three of (hem old-a ge thi s will i= beno the reason to suppose t h a t town. This afternoon it was
long-term effect. announced in New Delhi that the
weighting in the form of the |bus , and will then need to take a believe Meanwhile it is (food news to pensioners 1 find smal' er accommoda- Meanwhile ,
'.ea rn that the bittern is booming in iis tion at a rent even equnl to that which encoura qed to provide more of the landlord s will not he To the Editor ol (he " Guardian * Chinese Premier has accepted Mr
question. This mentioned " penalties I taxi to catch tip with it. Lanc ashire moss The rem a rkable thev now pav "" Sir.—As a private patient I feel Nehru's invitation for talks at the
much-needed accommodation for sufficiently provoked by General Prac-
which could be imposed by the The obstnej es to the bolder sou nd '. hat bri:ies in the serins tn Ma ny of 'he hnu-"s in *he area in whic h tenants are willing to pav so tit:o:ier' end of April, a date chosen by the
T 'ive *.t r !l have outdoor de arly, if the threat of the strait- s letter in your issue of March Indians deliberately to fit in with
courts " : m ight no t som : of those course ( and indeed to either Broadlii:id cou '.c agai n do the sj me in which lavatories r>lt! -f;ishlo:ied 17 to write and point out that it is
saiobbi shness nor the London conference. It means
. kitche ns enn- iiick"t is finre ncfitn held ovpr them.— usually neither
polled have thought that each course! are formidable. Sir David :'ip North S S.
tainina bath e , and require a g^ori deal yours &<• , H F. Mi.vett. < !i? of doctors which makes one a that Mr Chou's latest views on
penalty could be imposed without a Eccies reckons that expenditure on of mode rnis .Tion 'o brine them nr> to 7'-h South Street, international affairs, whatever they
pnvale patient.
cha nge in the law ? Ail the same it education (excluding the univer- PILGRIMAGE BY twentieth-century st andards. How- London S.E. 10. Genera-iy it is simply that we can may be. can be passed on to Mr
is startling to find 39 per ce n t si ties) will in any case rise from F.X-SOLDIERS get Ij etter niedJcal service by so Macmillan here just a week before
advocating the " cat " for robbery t he present level of £700 millions to ARTICLE OF FAITH WARFARE OR WEL FARE ? paying for it. If one wants this better he in turn fioes to the Summit.
From our own Correspondent .service, more time and more attention .
with violence on an old woman— more than £1,000 millions by U)r"5 Bonn . March 21.
To the Editor nf tii c " Gut irduin " To the Editor of the " Guardian " ine' i it is natural to pay and be p;uc!.
-m.- * o.;r G P. always travel secorx!-
Too late again ?
whioh not even Sir Thomas Moore and £1.-50 millions in the seventies 1 Four war-time members of British Sir.—The do'.ib' .s expressed in yn;ir S:r.—In your ieacine art:c:<? _.• , i. For-
r- D'
r . a ^. ;,,,,. ;f not _ why drjej > he pay The Anti-Uglies will be on the
an d hi * friends now advocate. The Crowther Report estimated Parachute Regiments have just made ienriing artie 'e of March 17 at the co'.t«' :i Pensions " you say "to fit extra to travel first ? march again on Wednesday, but
Even an offence like " Teddy-boy t hat the extra year would add . something of a pilgrimage to the West wisdom of the Labour party 's u l t i m a t e anflftpr £Hl () rri l'ions or en ffh<?
Germ an town of Wiesbaden to visit The Health Service patients' drugs because of the law which forbids
brawling "—surely not so frequent about £134 millions. That is cer- a German ex-serviceman whom they decision with regard to Clause 4 are Dr obable cost of raising pon-sions by partially at the present are being paid for demonstrations within a mile of
by taxation
' not shared by the rark ur.d file of ins a v.- eok) and partly also Parliament when it ;s sitting they
or so serirj us in this country as in. tainly not beyond this country 's fought against in Holland, and who into the Budget would be by the contributions
say. the United States—rouses 27 capacity, if the annual nat ional i prisoner.
: was badly wounded and taken Labour supporters. The refusal on the an extren-.elv fo rrr.iriab'e un<i<»r- patient, in addition toofhisthe own.
private will get nowhere near their target.
The German. Herr Edgar pnri of the Church Jo taki n^ . " Why n The Governmen t has sj p p i' y.r.gof drugs to private patients This time they are protesting
per cent to favour the birch and product continues to expand in the i Pinkert. answered an advertisement is. r.o doubt , equa '.j div orre decided t hat £115 millions can be we,i 'd not use any more time of the against the new " building intended
i which the leader of. the British party, . " Quaint "' and
14 per cent the "cat ." There way in which it is expected to do. added to our defence costs w i t h o u t doctors than now —Yours &c to replace the one adjacent to
|Mr Fred Thornton, put in a German outmoded in 'he eyes of non-Christians mu'"h difficu ' ty. P r i v a t e Patient. St Mart:n-ln-th e-Fieids; . Mr Ken
are some odd indulgences and But then , of course, we must make soldiers' journal , —myse '.f among the-n. But if , Brita..i to-day must si;re ' v get her
in consistencies. Only 24 per cent up our minds not to use the i The four Englishmen all come from to-morrow, (he Church were to aban- prio r i t y - right, for at the moment we Birmingham , Baynes, one of the Anti-Ugl y Actirn
officia l s, said to-day that as the
favour hanging for those who increase for other and competing the neighbourhood of Tunbridge don her (•jn 'ij mcn '.V belief - on th:s coli d rr.orp a^u r a t e ' y he r.^scrVrj eni as
Wells. They brought a picture of estion, she wou 'd not gain mo. Warf are State and not the Welfar e "NO BAYONETS, NO QUEEN" building that is there is "pretty
kill while drunk. Only 10 per cent purp oses—a costlier svstem nf . Tur -.britige \Vells as a present, along qu altho ugh she m:ght we.! lose the St n ' e that we =o of«» n "a i m to be. — eood " the one that is to replace it
¦with a message of
' To the E d i t o r ol t he " G ut t r d mn "
would hang those who kill while defence, for instance, or equivalent greeting from the allegiance of m;;ny of her strongest Yo-j rs &c , R. W Hczzard. Sir .— M a y I su pport the sentiments should be " pretty good too. "
Mayor to the Mayor of
" suffering from insanity or some re m iss i on s in t ax ati on . Manpower ' Their journey has had oneWiesbaden. especially
supporters. 37 H .j.lir'swor h Roac: . Petts e\pri'SMvi :n the letter of the Rev. A. K. Instead, he said , the new block is
What you a re sugge sting :. Wo o d . Kent. J i'im'v Hick;, in v o u r issue of M a r c h 1H . iust plain duil. "What there should
serious mental disease " and 66 per (and womanpower) may be as diffi- 1 fruitful result—3H British ex-service- that ir. order to catch the :nvo:w efTect. U
of a ¦ Some tu ne ago I resigned the mayor- be is a modern buil ding . light in
ient would send them :.- Broadmoor. cult a proble m as finance. It is ; men and their families will visit re.ati ".e.'.v small p ercenta gt? of L.hera s H A N K Y PAXk'V" r sl' y of mv rj iiti ^- c* town on this issue of feeli ne and deli cqfeiy detailed —not
Yot the percentages are almost h .ird enough now to re cruit i Wiesbaden next year , and an equal and " Floaters " we should have risked
number of Germans will be invited to losi ng the backbone of support for -, ..r :iing p u r e i v civic events into occa- a crude lump. " The marchers hope
To '' ie £' ii: 'j r °< :he " Guin .'ian " sions of m i l i t a r y display. We were to to be over three hundred strornz and
exactly reversed when it comes to teachers enough , and probably, as Tunbridge Wells. socialism by wsts>r: r.3 tav» o .ir ai-i.s
those who kill women after assault- Mr Greenwood said, no campaign and be.lets until they be-ame iri cintr.- '¦H;,.-^. Sir.—Ref - rr lng to your pic - ures of h a v e a roys! vi "=:t. I met the m i l i t a r y each will carry a number of ga=-
in!; them sexually. Evidently many for more teachers can really gui?hah.e from tno .-o of oj r DohtK -al pr ,P> ".- Park. " the memories of the .peop 'e a ::i a^ked t h a t the escort fillod balloon 1; which will be
INCREASING PAKISTANI- ;t= v.ho say there wa= no pawn- ¦.h'» ' . ''i < ij rry t h a t symbol of h u m a n rel eased at Sneakers
have no: a glimmer th at the two succeed unles s the rewards of sh- ->n ther e do not so hack as far cruo ' t y t r .e fixed b a y o n e t , as it was a ' Corner at
Many bet ray al s have been effected „,;.,> as
INDIAN TRADE j „.,,, a teacher in " Hankv P'-i n.'!'.1 f l v L " event ari d I . the mavor of 3 p.m. Atta ched to e^ch balloon wit
categories might overlap. teachi ng compare more favourably ¦ ho t o w n , a l i f ^ - ong paHfi-it. There be a pos ^'-n'-d add ressed to t '- < >
The figures—indul gences, incon- w::h those of other professions ; ; and " moving wit.i 'he times " anci P ark S'-hr-o ' " mo re t h a n fifty vears ¦
New Delhi , M arch 21.
othe r e'j ph erni st. 'cri 'ly-ph ra'.eii aso ar.d t he pawn shop where Wa "er .i .\s niu'- h coming and going and no Ministry: of Housing, and the find>-s ;
India and Pakistan to-day catch- Greenwoo d worked was directly oppo- ra'l of -olep hr ining, but eventually , are inv ted 'o jiost these to Mr
si stencies, and all—give us a and industry, as Mr Bowen po inted new two-year trade agreementsigned a
provid- words. B.:t one thir ;? is certain : had sl- e the cl v>r of ".he school
ratable insight into the way out, conducts an intensive cam- i ing for the exchange of Indian iron , the Labour party thrown overboard h<v. I 5* :'l a f t e r toir.e days , I was told : "No H<">rv Brooke.
1 steel , coal , and building - e viviJ ref>'.!<vt:ors of seeing b avn'i ets . no Oue^n. " Thev ask him to consider how
people feel now abou t crime and paign for the well-educated man. materials for one of its most cherished iiea ' .
= for an Que ^iec of wo men there on Monday W h e t her it be the e n t h r o n e m e nt of had th? desiens are
\ Pakistani raw materials. It is thought expedient, it would h ave !o?t the roorr.:r:g~ for St Martin 's
punishment. They show once (Industry also, as Mr Curran ' that this will tri ole the present supDor: of it.s rank srA file workers c a r r yin g a surprising a bUhop. or the c h r ist e n i n g of a royal P'ace and t 'lo Mnniro site in Picca-
ar>-»tv of thi n g s so pawn—clothing, hrihy. i n s t r u m e n t s of rrueity and di lly, and
aga in that thesi; attitudes depend argued in the most original speech J £7 ,000.000 of annual trad e between and or?an ;sers . w:thr>;i! v. ho=e year- vbcd fall on him to insist th.-it
".:r.g. r^ rpe' s I remember one vio ' er.i-p are a l w a ys on display. Let the pl.ins for sue'n i m iwtant
s.arceiy at ail on what can be in the debate , by the high wages J theThet wo countries. by-yea r efforts in between ele'-'ions r.o w^m^ bn'H-

i r . w r r 'n a b:g s* o-ii / ?T t h i s mvtom dropped and ot :r ron-
two sides decided to investigate D^r 'v co'.;' ;i hope to surv:\e. let a ' or.e the piw-'hop o
i n H*i r k i - *o r , Street cU:< f | :i these m a t t e r s brought into in"S sho'ild be made mihl ic befr"e
deduced from rational inquiry. p aid to juveniles has altered the ! the pos sibilities of promoting com- goverr. —Yo« rs &*c . *hf :siri n^ *n
wa= r "er"3 r.'y not Walter Greerwood 's c o n f o r r n i t v w i t h a G e n u i n e p u r s u i t of d"c ere"t them h."i* - f>
They spring from strong emotion family equilibrium in ways which | modif y consult ations with a view to (M rs) V a h v Bi.vks.
f.i-i on ; it was a fa^t. —Yours &c. p o a - f f'..l h u m a n rc!a;' r>:i sh:ps — Y o u r ; been taken . When the Anti-U g?' r '<
entering into long-term arrangements. 156 Cubbir aton R' .
and from what anthropologists longer schooling may offset.) The —British United Press. Leamington Spa. Avvic S &¦- . R i r i u i i D Bland. co into action they are usually told
R' 1'.vrlp, fJ rasMr. sion. Yorks. 1R 1 H al l a m Road Nelson. thev .ire tno !at»

Fi shing is one of the oldest crafts in Britain and, to-day, one of its most modem indust ries. About
j £55 millions is invested in British fishing vessels ; the value of the fish boug ht by the public is over
£100 millions a year. The craft has become an industr y within the past seventy to eighty yean,
with the arrival of the steam trawler , the use of refri geration , and the development of processing.
On these pages THE " GUARDIAN " surveys the industr y in all its stages—from catch to counter.

FISHERMEN are about as varied

Living on hope and the
same all down the scale. At the small
in i character , aptitude s, and ports, for instance, the talk among the
behaviour as the fish themselves. It inshore fishermen is always of some-

A new pattern of inshore fishing

would be disappointing if they were one else's -memorable feat : Billy
not. As to the fish, you need only Whatsit and his partner clearing a

legendary feat
hundred quid in three nights, knee-
compare that healthy extrovert the deep in shrimps ; Jack Nonsuch hold-
imperial-bearded cod with the ing the lobster-market to ransom ,
sand-grovelling, m ind-your-own-buM- single-handed, for a day or two ; the
ffYHE te rm " inshore fisherman " :s
•*¦ applied in Britain Ui men whose by H. S. Noel ti on Society which, fo r nearly fifty ness plaice, or the mass-mad herring treasure trove of large plaice tha t
succumbed to the hook on. the eve of
year s, has helped fishing communities
fishing "rounds are suMicitinly close to t rawlers and the effluen t of industrial to form associations for the buying of and mackerel with the philosophic by Roy Good Friday. The statistics, in fact,
lliL'ir homes to enab:c libiunj i to oe ai.d u rban development. gear and selling of fish on a co-opera- halibut, to be prefectiy sure (without say that inshore fishermen's earnings
t a rried out on a daily ba^is. 'lim Ixiais The effect of these conditions was to tive basis . With Treasury assistance, need of scientific endorsement) that those clannish family groups in the drifter fisherman, af ter he has had a now run at just under £12 a week.
Uity us>tj seldom exceed 4u leot in eliminate fisheries which were unable and with capital often provided by the they h ave only the barest functional inshore fishing business wh om you few years' experience, would not be Whatever the windfall, it comes to
length and are rarely suited Jor .-=jtjt.*fj- to compete, and so began a drift from White Fish Authority, this society has fundamentals in common. find on certain stretches of coast , at home on a trawler ; his feet ' and about that in the end, by and large.
»ng aboard. Tne- same utiii applies the sea which to some extent still con- been responsible for the formation of It is something of the sort with notably in Yorkshire, whose liveli- hands would be all out of tune. But for the fisherman to believe that
equally to salmon nelsmun , working ti nues. Where catches were capable of profit-sharing collective enterprises fishermen. The Scots herring-boat hood depends on the seaworthiness of The drift-net , the oldest of methods. this could never be bettered would be
m the mouth of a river , ur to men whtj increase by more efficient fishing, wh ich are regarded as models by other men, whom you can see on any the family coble and its nightly Induces a kind of stately patience a kind of imprisonment
lisll f rom the Jj oiicii 'A'lln a lon;i se:ne many younger fishermen acquired countries. Sunday morning during the autumn product ot crab and lobster, netted which is very close to fatalism. The So there is, perhaps, no absolutely
net. Unlike llie det;j>-»ea irawiurmau. larger and better boats , which would In all fairness, it cannot be said that fishery, stepping off for chapel on. the salmon, or line-caught " flats " ; or typical, characteristic fishermen. But
skipper can weigh up all the portents : some are more interesting than otherg,
who spends most of ins life al tea . the enable them to fish farther afield in inshore fishing is the neglected Cinder- Great Yarmouth quayside with strict with those heirs to another tradition , are the sea-birds significantly active,
inshore lishmmaii sleeps in ins o>v n w-j rse weather, and with improved ella of our national economy, bearing Sabbatarian deportment, sporting best the pilchard and mackerel experts of the sea the right colour, the echo- and somewhere near the top of the
bed. no mailer how irreyular his hours gear and techniques these men strove in mind the comparatively small flat-caps and blue sweaters, do not Cornwall who (according to a recent sounder making g<5od sense, and the list " would come the trawler skipper.
nf work, ruled as they are by ucse and to maintain catches at an economic1 proportion of landings for which it is belong to quite the same species as story in the news) are ready to fight He is usually a man in his forties, who
"A"<"aiher- .eve]. other damned drifters giving him left school early with no particular
respo nsible. Little can be done within the more racy trawlermen of Hull, or each other for proprietary rights in room to breathe ? Then he can shoot
Tne ians>e t>f his activities is r-on- At first, this modernisation of sthe its present framework to rectify its even those of Aberdeen. a shoal of fish before the boats have his two miles of nets. The yellow
educational attainments, pos sibly still
ait ie rable. a:,d in some i-aj cs ca.!;- lor i nsiinre fleet was subsidised by loans basic weakness, namely, that land- And neither group has much in even put to sea. Confidence indeed. floats stream -overboard and at last shaky with his spelling of words Hke
t ne gear and know-huw necessary to f rom tiie Ministry of Agriculture and ings are unpredictable, irregular , and common with the shrimp-boat men of If the job sometimes shapes the productivity and responsibility. But
c arry on three or fuur diverse types of F.siieries. In 1953, however, this task Bay or the Solway Firth disappear in the dark. Then , his trap he has both those things to a degree
widely dispersed. Such conditioris are ma n, as well as the reverse, one can set, the skipper might as well
fishi ng, according t u the .¦y easo ns and was taken over by the newly formed not conducive to a stable market, and who go pottering out to their favourite suppose that each technique transmits that fully justifies the £6,000 a year
the type of lishint ; currently musi Whil e Fish Authority under the Grant off-shore sandbanks with something disappear too for all the use he is to or more which he earns on. distant-
though inshore quality may be a little of its own mood and rhythm the private encounter between net and
profit able. This cuuld be tra.vlj ng tor and Loan Scheme, and was accom- superior merchants canno t be blamed of the nonchalant routine of com- to its practitioners. The t rapping of water ships. Though it will possibly
lish or shrimps ; potiinjj for lobsters. panied ,by a system of landing herring. Either the herring will come not be so many years since he was a
for favouring the regular supply of muters going off to business ; or with the herring does not require quite the up or they will not ; and he will not
crab> . or whelks ; dredging for subsi dies. Similar schemes were fish to be had in the major fishing the highly specialised long-line fisher- same temperament as the pursuit of £22-a-week deck-hand he usually
oysters ; drift netting for sprats, applied to certain branches of deep-sea ports . men of the North of Scotland : or with the end anri haddock 1. The natural be much the wiser until dawn and the remains modest in his way of life.
iierriim, or mackerel ; fishing iwith fishing, so th at the scheme did not hard slog of hauling. In his brief spells ashore—two or
" lung-li nes " ; n etting for salmon or parti cularly fa vour the inshore fisher- The trawler skipper has at least three days every three weeks—helikes
the comfort of continuous anxiety,

The building ot a trawler

" My-draR fiins " for whiting with a man . It did. and still does, enable the to take hts wife out to the club for
sein*> net. problems to solve, something to be an evening or just sit at home in his
under-capitalised inshore industry to done about them. He is the active
I n trawling, lining, and seine-netting, obtain the tools of its trade, however . slippers. He li very much a home-
liie gear, and , to somo extent, the boat, for few individual fishermen could huntsman ; he can congra tulate or bird : and in those long hours off
are scaled-down versions of tho«e used alTorri the price of a modern boat , curse himself on hi3 hunch es every Greenland's icy shore or elsewhere he
:n th e bigger ports. M:mv inshore which may be as much as £4.000. few hours when the trawl comes up. remains an easy prey to worries about
boats are . in fact, highly efficient units , Sweeping as they may seem, these He can listen to the voices of other his daughter's eleven-plus chances or
equipped with radio and echo sounder changes have not been enough to alter JT is a far cry from 1882 and tne by A. Hunter
White Fish Authority with a view to skippers broadcasting their joy an d what was wrong with the television,
j nd jKiwered by modern diesel engines. 4TM1 sailing smacks then fishing the *mproving methods of fishing which despair on the radio-telepho ne. He set last evenine.
(he character of an industry that had cou.d assist in making more profitable can recall past experience on this
In some .fisheries, notably potting ant! been static for centuries, and th ey North Sea by beam trawl out of Hull fishing voyages. Stern trawling particular But major decisions hang over him
".hrimping. craft have remained to a!one. not to mention others from modeis ted in these establishments and the stretch of Arc tic water every day of his trip. Since hi! ship
have only come abou t under the tested , remotely controlled, axe exercises considerable interest, which he knows , or hopes he knows ,
-ome extent basically unchanged apart pressure of external conditions which Grimsby and other British ports, to the free to react naturally to the state and although to date more stem trawlers as well as his own street at home. He costs £300 a day to run, time presses
from conversion from ««i] tr> power have often been of a localised nature . well founded highly efficient modern direction of the sea. It may ultimately are operated abroad than in Britain. can move cr stay put , with a few him hard. Only a third of his voyage -
,-i nd perhaps the addition of an pngme- Tor this reason, the industry still lacks Preservation of fish by ice is still the million square miles of possibl time will be spent with his nets down
powered capstan for hauling the gear. an overall pattern , or level of progress, trawler of to-day. The reasons for the be possible to correlate the routing of e
usual practice and restricting as it does ing grounds open to him ; and no fish- and earning. How long can he afford
The men that man these boats carry and has to be considered against evolution and the progressive develop- ships based on these results to advance
meteorological weather warnings so as the duration of time between catching will commiserate if he chose wrongly. one to persist on a bad patch when the
nn the tradition s of one of man 's oldest a background of diversity and ment of this type of fishing vessel are to shorten the time on passage. and landing the fish influences the trawl comes up as limp as a rag ?
:nd ustries. and they have always And each technique each fishing
demand for speed. The cost of a large group, has its own sub divisions , every Can he afford to waste time and steam
individualism—diversity of catch, as vaiid to-day as they were at the The model researches emphasised the
tended to live as small, often isolated overheads. and methods. and modern side-fishing trawler may be as port its own peculiar accent. The to some dubious Eldorado rumoured
communities , traditionally hardy, beginning of the century. They are sensitivity of a trawler's speed to dis- much as £300.000. Owners are not all middle-water trawlerman of Gri msby, elsewhere ? He has to decide on tha
individualism leading to diversity of placement in a length, restricted by
p roud. and resistant to ouisiiic pn'i.-y and opinio n. economic entirely, and postulate that convinced that the ship of the future, spot. If his catches do not keep up
i nfluence. Indeed, ther e was li t t 'e The fight for survival is not carried on the venture of building and operating existing dock facilities if not for
reasons of first cost. The results led may be the more expensive factory ambitio n, is a good mixed bag a reasonable standard , he will not ba
fiuKigh to influence their way of life alon e, f^r no less than, six associations a trawler .should only receive adequate to the increasing adoption of diesel ship reported to cost more than for not
a week' s work on the Dogger , does
live in quite the same occupa -
a skipper for long.
prior to 'he turn of the century, when nnd Govern ment-sponsored bodies £1 million. It is a job of anxletie * and power began tn make itself fc 't rewa rd by landing a good catch of machinery with lighter weight of Interest has recently been shown In tional world as his brother of Hull , discomforts. Here Is one auper-ux
hi^ri a brief for the industry. Though good quality fish as often each year machinery and fuel bunkers whether
m th<? fishinir in<!u>try in the form of its C).000 boats land only 5 per cent of the propulsion unit was directly freezing part or the whole of the catch with his three-week voyag es to the payer who turns into his bunk half-
in'Te ased catches Ivy large r vp ssols. the nation 's catch , the importance of as possible. Few indeed of the general driven to the propeller or connected in trawlers of about current White Sea, Bear Islan d , or Spitsbergen. dressed, snatching sleep in spasm *. By
U nlike his deep- -=ea counterpart the the inshore fisherman is never under- pui ific can surmise the concentrated by reverse reduction gearing or the dimensions. Fewer but longer voyages As much difference , at least , as there the end of a trip you notice that his
inshore fisherman was reluctan t tr> estimated. Since the time of Queen efforts of the trawler owners over so more expensive but infinitely versatile each year with hulls designed for is between a market-gardener and a featur es have been slightly . altered
accept mechanisation. The wind was Elizabeth I. he has manned the nation 's Steam machinery slightl y reduced speeds could lower farmer with exhaustion. For all that , h«
free, and for many years thr- on line many years to ofTer a nutritious food electric motor. operating costs while still assuring The differences between the group s remains placid and cheerful after hia
small boats in time of war, and for
was regarded as an expensive and m a n y years has manned the lifeboats at prices reasonable by comparison which had attempted to compete by quality. Such developments could well are plain enough. There are the proudly fashion.
unre liable f?""!. with othe r comestibles. reintroducing Bauer Wach exhaust fit in with the owners 1 increased independent small boat-owners (or The job also has Its attra ction!. 11
roun d th e coast. At the same time, tu rbines now appears to be completely
This reluctance to nc^pt rhnnee can these boat ? and their crews provide The own ers' problem s have been relegated. Every adjunct to increas- interest in merchandising the catch and shareholders in one) whose earnings Is a career open to merit The deck-
be more readily undcr siocd whon one us with prime day-fresh fish and shell- the cold stores and processing plants would be thought lowly by many hand-learner , well-paid at 16, can feel
aggravated by the overfishing of the ing speed economically has been they have built ashore. Some are industrial workers ; and there are he has a decen t chance of becoming
oonslrWs the unrtp rK iner economy of fish and give employmen t to many
flip traditional fishing " village . Ca tching workers in ancillary trades. It is con- home waters and . of later date, of the given trial , such as Conta Bulb making practical research on an some hundreds of trawler officers, at least a mate and even a skipper if
n«h wan a family business to which the more distant traditional grounds, and dentally rudders , bulbous bows (which inci- experimental scale on existing vessels employees, in the super-tax class. he has the right character for It Most
sidered nationally expedient , therefore, can reduce pitching motion), with deep-freezing plants and the Some maJce the equivalent of an ocean of the bigger ports ru n training
*>Mest and youngest contributed . to encourage organisations concerned the need to seek the sea harvest farther transom sterns in more moderate results are awaited with interest. voyage once a month ; some fish , so
milki ng and mendinsr net;: nnd senr. with the welfare of the industry. and farthe r afield . Unilateral action length trawlers, balanced, hung, or schemes to get him through tha
haili ng horl";. lau n -lrng the family It was blatantly obvious fnom the to speak, in their own goldfish pond. various stages of upgrading in rank.
It is significant that the activities of by some nation .* in " fencing off " some spade rudders which car. improve discussion of the papers presented to What fishermen have in common Is It is rough work , it needs stayin *-
!x).it nnd sp]Htt<t the rf itr 1? •hose bodies centre on the organisa- efficiency, and reducing hull
As ind u«= '.-v and poiri ' ^'ion inrend. tion, protection , and subsidisation of areas of the high seas has intensified propeller resistance by smoothing the hull by
the Second Worl d Fishing Boat less easily definable. Gamblers all, power. But , watching fishermen at
insho re fishing found I!"elf having lo thi^lr difficulti es. ¦» Congress held in Rome last year that some say—but they are also intensely work on a deck , involved in tha
fho ind ustry, spotlighting the very better constructional and protective technologists are by no means yet conservative. More accurate to say rhythms of the job , one suspects that
¦•rnnwl i1 for 'nbour w :th short'-li ascd weaknesses by which it is bedevilled. Now . as in earlier aays. trawling uaintins methods.
industries which nflered shorter h- ur";. agreed on what is the successful fishing tshat they have a secret distaste for it is more satisfying than to be on >
B.ggest among these weaknesses is contributes in a greater proportion to In these and other researcnes the ship or fishing method of the future. the normal and average. They would factory assembly line. It becomes
bai ter conditions, and regular eamines . the lack of unity and organised market- the annual United Kingdom catch. British Shipbuilding Research Associa- Much research and development of not be fishermen if they were not sure
Tn make matters worse, fo ns 'a' an i banal to represent fishermen as heroes.
ing, both nationally and in the ports . Abou t 70 per cent is Sanded by about tion has given considerable assistance. this haroVworked type of vessel will they could beat it to-morrow or next Let us say for once tha t many do It
i"«tu arin l fisheries were being den 'e t ed Here a great deal of useful work has eight hundred trawlers which numeri- The results of the B.S.R-A. methodical most assuredlv eontlmit week. They live on hope. It Is the
hv the intensive fishin!» of the steam because they like it
been done by the Fisheries Organisa- cally are only 10 per cent of the fishing series of trawler forms have added to
vessels registered in the United our knowledge of form resistance and
Kingdom. Some 540 of this total fall propu lsive efficiency. Icing research
into the near and middle water trawler has shown the advantages to be gained
category with lengths between 70 and by streamlining away targets for the
140 feet. The remainder, some 250 formation of hard ice accumulating in
ships, are distant water trawlers with weight high on rigging and super-
lengths between 140 and 200 feet and structure.
are responsible for landing not less The increased use o* diesel
than 50 per cent of the annual national machinery brought fresh problems to
catch. the trawler designer. Calculations of
The fundamental concept of a fishing a ship's natural frequency of vibration
vessel clear.y postulates an economical are arduous and not entirely within the
fast design of hull , robust enough to desired limits of accuracy. The diesel
withstand the batt ering of heavy seas «ngine pulsations can , if they coincide,
and w;th reliable machinery and set up undesirable hull vibrations most bj .^.jy^^ S?£y ^ f p^i r"* '*-?li ''/ ' "Qfr, "e 'f " '' >" j' ', '
equipmen t capable of remaining at sea difficult to,cure in a completed trawler ^^^^
^^^ _
. . ^ ¦

for up to MUfl days each year. Con- By carrying out controlled excitation
trolled scheduled landings became tests in trawlers of various lengths
Some nets are ^ I necessary and at the beginning of the B.S.R.A. has made available simple
century the simple steam-driven parameters by means of which hull
^J ^i trawler with coal-fired boiler began to dimensional characteristics
ren ace the sav ing smack . Vessels machinery revolution impulses can be

absolute rott ers , mb

¦¦safe ¦ JBBB ^ ^ ^r
^ A. Idfl ft . in length increased to successfully correlated over the operat-
125ft. by 1914 with triple expansion ing range of revolutions in the early

^ 9 B^y \ \ -team engines of 500 to 6U0 i.h.p. stages of design.

Cruiser sterns, conferri ng an advant- Diesel machinery , commoniy of
age in spee d , were introduced in 1930. greater power than steam, is fast to
By 1939 trawlers had increased to accelerate to full power. There seems,
but not UU^l il L75f t. in length and their coal-fired therefdre, every justification for vesting
stea m machinery made speeds of 12- control in the trawler skipper.
12* knots possible. Since the end of the Manoeuvring from the bridge is easily
Second World War progress has been accomplished with direct
with electric drive and
acting .diesel with a con-
rapid with designs of 18.>-200ft main- trollab e pitch propeller. These
taining sea speeds of 15 knots with possibi itles have introduced

Courlene X 3/ y / / [
powerfu l traw! winches of 30(1 h.p. control consoles in the bridges centralised
capable of operating the heavier severa recen t diesel trawlers where of
fishing sear of to-dav. the response to controls.
It wiii be apparen t that much of the dials record
ear>ier development stemmed from the engine engine
revolutions, warnings
lubricating oil or circulating
CUT REPAIR AN D J'\S^^ more practical experience of improving water failures, and can
I gradually the performance in each an automatic pilot to steering the ship be linked with
HHpRSiJES3*p!^^ . .,J.!4| -^. t v ^% f jjj f
successive ship built. Trawler forms
were improved before 19.1!) by making onSociological a set course. W^^ Z--" -iJ^^ H
A ^ \\_ ^ I use of the Model Tank Testing Estab- ments have aspects in these develop-
not been forgotten.
"isnments . The improvements of later Increasing knowledge of habitability
The bills get smaller and the catches W I M
designs would not have been possible on board ship has prompted improve-
— without m^rie", testing for low re?is- ments through better ventilation of
get bigger wh en you use nets I MJ '£ arc maximum propeller machinery space and living accom-
and lines of COURLENE X3. Because ef nViency The o-.vner c'osely identi- modation now arranged and inter-
I /l ^ fied hi rnfe l f w t h the designer 's connected under cover amidships and
they w on 't rot — need no tarring ^ aspira::ons ii this field as with the aft on y. Lighter colour schemes and
^^^^^ B^ biologists ' researches of. optimum good heating remove some of the draw-
or dyeing, and th e minimum of mending. methods nf handling and preserving
^^^ V the catch and the advances made by backs ofand wintry days in northern
t n n er.g-.neer in perfecting propulsion latitudes cabin bulkheads in plastic
And they last a very long tim e. That 's
^^^ V surfaces make for easy cleaning in
not all: they ' re light , flexible , buoyant :::::t« Practical research on board addition to reducing the risk of surface
^^ V "rawlers with r> aviga tinna! aid = led to spread of fire.
and extremely stron g. They ' re so easy
^^ H '. he ur.iver sa" .Tioptici of rari ar (for No less attention has been paid to Jf !f =«O*^5»^^ The Deansga te Mac Fisheries i* on* of th« newest d« Pmtnt»
to handle they spee d all your work. a- .*:st:nc fishing in Arctic winters and the fishroorn. wheTe hygiene and r fsp 't"1' Brow)n 0 company, (t
^^ M fog a.« wp '.l as s S f e na vigation ^ ; qualit y preservation go hand in hand. IE2*««ii4jgg53Stf ^ !^ff <i'*«2? ^j Sfc J^^ v . °' * offers a sparkling array of sea-frash fish In
They are , in plain truth , th e mo s t !a<«^*^Q]?J^^^ superb , modern surroundings and In company with the finest poul try, vegetables ,
bett er wireless -^ mmunlcat'.ons ". echo Light alloy lining has found increasing fruit , meat and gro ceries. The Deansgate Mac Fisheries is a compl ete food store
efficient ever made for th e job
^^ m «-> ::-ic!er.s . m a b' i ns a remunerative sea favour and has replace d wood to a PS^§§l§l ~~~TJ^= iiS
:ab« 3*^ Sf?*^fc! j8?
'^ where each departm ent is staffed by knowledgeable men and women wh o ar»
^^ M bed contour to be fo ' Vv.ved : fi?h-finding large extent for flshroom linings and 1 T ^i i r ^£?| *'-ii7!'rjf
aDnsrattis -. gyro compasses : and auto- portable pound and shelf boards which r F - i - \~2 fe SSj iKf ifsS*/ authorities on the food they serve. Like all moder n Mac Fisheries ehops, It l>
mafic pi'.-ots which , by better course- in a large trawler can number 7.500. \ X ~x \ - \\w *j t tSGii -^nilrj fflTl a glea ming, spotles s and hygienic. Throughout the coun try customers are benefitin g
^^ A Veppi ng. helpei fuel bills 1o be reduced. Life-saving equ ipment has been Efi Sp Rr gi tej T|ft , ifeLjfr l I ¦'' from the excitin a development * taking place in Mac Fisheries ihop i.
ASK FOR 'COURLENE X3' The arra v of =u -h '. rsstrurripr.ts in the Improved by the provision of inflatable
¦ 1i t > c"h'-":w nf n Tnrierrs trawler mav

MAifFtsHERli ^®
^^^ A -¦f en surpas s lhat of a n up-to-date rafts on trawlers. Tne record of !k-es
saved by th ese raftj has adequately
j ustified the authorities support of
Mao e by iT.nrfi '.-eTp; ' *¦ cneeii had to be their ea rlv introduction '
W/ W ^ m "^""**^» 'ra1'cj 'fi w *h Fen-kp enir. g qualitie s of The catching power of the modern
¦in ' . Mr>ie ' re=ear,-h which has l ed to trawler has increased, in the opinion of
British Celanese Limited
^ M^ ^ » "reatly imnmverf sen-kiri'J'y hu M forms many owners, to beyond the range of
¦n ay be ej efendpd by the facilities now the normal traditional trawl gear.
Foleshill Road , Coventr y ^^ "^~^ i av r.i'a b> in the sea-keeping model Experiments are being conducted on
ra=i ns. S<>a roridittorn can be j '.mula- th*>'!r hp 'na 'f with the awistanrs of Urn
Plotting a course on the special
Decca char t in the chartroom of
<t trawler

Unloading f ish fro m the tee-

packed holds of lit e trawlers
beg ins about midnight and con-
tinues into the small hours.
The workers who do this are
known as " l u m p e r i " or
" bnhbrrs "

Magic boxes on the trawler s bridge

F>R good or ill . we li ve in an age ol by H. S. A'ocI wheel is kept busy. F o r t u n a te the ship
that is fitted w ith automatic steerirg.
ra pid—almost snowballing—techi:o-
when the touch ot a whee l or lever wi.i
.' ojjical a d v a n c e m e n t ; so m u t.-h so t h a t '.'.-.:ie a nd enort, lor h;s work has the ship to its course in asvy weatnei effortlessly move the rudder until the
t he specialised tools which science scan-e.y begun w hen he a r r i v e s on an d w i t h far greater accuracy thar electri c indicator shows t h e requisite
bestows upon u s are se '.dom u ru l t r - the f i s h i n g grounds. can the best of helmsmen. Thes* an gle, or u n t i l the vessel's head comes
-.'lOwI by any b u t the user. The!" . The n e x t :ask is to exp.ore the con- de vices and other conlro.s and indica- round.
is often an exa ggerated belief in the formation »f the seabed , to measure tors have recent.y been combined it So t he p attern for the next nine or
umn ipotence ot electronics and a t ne depth of w a t e r — a n d often its tem- the Brown-B.octube console, whicii ten da ys is set. shooting the gear and
decrease d respect for ths men for p e r a t u r e, and to try to d e t e r m i n e She provides lingertip steering with " cen- h a u l i n g it every three hours , each h a u l
whom th ose tools are intended. q u a n t i t y of f i s h a v a i l a b le . Should this tralised controi "— a modern concept being coldly assessed by expert eyes as
In this the .ishirig industry is no appeur to be adequate. Ihe f u r t h e r pioneered by the aircralt industry. it comes streaming over the rail.
exception, and one hears and rea ds tu sK of covering and re-covering the Tnroughout the t r i p observation s Perhaps a move to another area w i l l

Farm the wild sea herds

f a r too often that, armed with the area w i t h the t r a w l must be carried of landmarks and ot-her ships must be made, perhaps ?everal , before the
magic of electronics, the fisherman out with exactitude. In all these be noted in the log, and here again homeward trip begins, but for 24 hours
cannot miss ; the fish " haven 't a t h i n g s the skipper is aided by elec- electronics lighten the burden of the round the clock , day after day, skipper ,
chance." The first to deny such claims tronic e q u i p m e n t , and is t h u s able to skipper. The modern radar set, pro- men , and machine.1; will be working
wou ld be the m a n u f a c t u r e r s of the con centrate on the first requirement of vide d with range graduations on the without a break. So will most of the
¦devices in question , and , indeed , if fish, however, were • mixed baX with
fishing had become so simple every
good fishing—t o keep the net. which he
has carried for so m a n y mi'.es on the
ca thode ray tube, gives an immediate
bearing and distance reading of any
electronic aids—one skipper was said MAN still lives in a Stone Age
never to have found out how to t u r n relationship with the sea. He
by Burns Singer the proportion of " wides " increasing
trawler would tend a f u l l catch every bottom, earning money. These are land mass or passing ship, up to 40 off his Decca ! as one travelled south. And, though
trip. t h e broad principles u n d e r l y i n g the miles, in foa or darkness. Intelli- Fishin g is a hard , non-st op grind, hunts it, that is. and stores his catch
sea all of the time. From this fact the proportion of "wides " varied
The fact is t h a t these devices—the extensive and costly equipment to be gently used , i[ enables the trawler 10 with only 60 hours' rest each trip for in floating eaves until it is unloaded on
arises the need for small intensive greatly between fish spawned in differ-
echo .sounder , fish finder, radar, Decca found on the brid ge of a modern continue its j o u r n e y in reduced visi- men and equipment. As fish becomes the dockside. He does not cultivate it
studies of particular areas of fairly ent years, fish spawned in the same
Na vigator—and so on—are sold as aids t r a w ler. bility , when otherwise precious time more difficult to find in quantity and He has not even yet learned to tend
self-contained-water. Such an area was year showed a steady increase in their
to fishing and navigation , no more. When a trawler leaves its berth at wou ld be lost, by drastic reduction of overheads rise, efficiency becomes the wild herds that roam its dark
found to be present in the middle of proportio n until they were, at least,
Were one skipper the so!e possessor Grimsby. Fleetwood, or Hu ll it is, to speed or by heaving to. This is' even paramount if a £200.000 trawler is to pastures. Yet man is no longer a Stone
the North Sea in the deep water zone six years old. This may possibly mean
of such equipment, it wou ld be i n v a l u - a l! intents and purposes, a merchant more important when homeward pay its way. Fishing is, and always Age animal. On the contrary, he has
known as the Fladen Ground, while tha t the " thins " ire the i faster
able, b u t when every vessel competing shi p on passage—but with an impor- bound , for the duration of the trip is was, a chancy business, and the job of al l the sophisticated resources of
they are abundant around the west growers, enter the flslSry sooner and
for fish is so equipped, it becomes t a n t difference. While the merchant ca lculated according to the ability the " magic boxes " in the wheelhouse science and mathematics at his dis-
Scottish coasts in ' the form of deep are. as a result, more heavily fished
indis pensable. sh i p may have several watch-keeping of ice to keep the catch in- prime condi- is to take some of the chance out of posal ; and it is hardly surprising that
sea lochs. In the investigation of such than the "wides."
Fu lly to appreciate the part of- fish- officers, ihe traw '.er has on ly a skipper tion, and delay carl mean, poor prices. drawling—to eliminate some of the he should use these in order to better
places it is important to correlate all The simple observation of this
ing and navigational aids it mus t be an d a mate, with' perhaps an experi- As the trawler neafs the fishing unknowns. his relationship with the sea and the
the factors that are known to influence characteristic can supplement where it
rea lised t h a t the seabed is not popu- ence d bos'n. Often the m a t e is f u l l y grounds increased use is made of the The day may come when chance is sea 's creatures. So has arisen the
the abundance of fish ; factors like does not replace the involved calcula-
lated with fi sh over the whole of its occu pied in preparing and renewing radiotelephone, so t h a t t he skipper almost entirely eliminated by science, subject of marine Tesearch , part of
salinity, temperature, presence or tions which are made to determine a
vast area. Fish will only gather in t he fishing gear, and the main burden can listen to other vessels discussing but it is doubtful. If th at day should which is of direct importance to the
absence of nutrient salts and oxygen, fish's rate of growth, particula rly in its
catch abie q u a n t i t i e s where a con- of navigation , passage routine, and their catch, and perhaps make direct come we must choose between catch- fishing industry. as well as a precise estimate of the first two years. For this reason repre-
cen tration of food is to be found, or ra dio operation falls on the skipper, in quiries of other skippers employed ing more fish for the same effort, or The chief centres of fishing research sentatives of the English and Scottish
for the purpose of spawning. These though large trawlers must carry a bv the same owners. When a radio amount of these which are available,
the same amount for less effort. One in this country are at Lowestoft and laboratories met scien tists from Ger-
factors are governed by the depth , wireless operator. Now electronics operator is carried, part of his job is together with details of the plant and
hopes for the sake of both fish and Aberdeen and, while most ol their many. H olland, and Denmark in June
temperature, and salinity of the water, begin to earn their keep, for the click- to develop a sixth sense with which lra\vl <*rm pn fchat it is thf» latter animal populations of the area which
work is done independently of one last year to co-ordinate otolith studies.
wh ich is in turn " governed by the i n g dials of the Decca Navigator faith- to penetrate the veil of pessimism might serve, either directly or
another, they are gradually being Similarly, the study of tiny proto-
seasons , the weather, and the water f u l l y and accurately keep track of the which, on the air , is used to conceal indirectly, as food for the fish species
forced , by the nature ot the pToblem3 zoan parasites of the gal] bladder of
currents ship's position, counting the invisible the fact that fishing is good and pre- living there or as predators upon them
they tackle, into an increased degree whiting has led to conclusions which
Under these conditions fishing networ k of lines formed by the shore ven t a general influx of trawlers. at some stage in their life history. By
of co-operation both with one another
emerges as a somewhat exact science, t ransmitters of t h e Decca Chain so Sometimes, as a result of radio chatter, tying together all these data in complex
and with other laboratories abroad.
as indeed it is, for trawlers will steam t h a t they can be correlated w i t h the a skipper will abandon his original mathematical models it is possible to
Thus, for exam ple, in 195S we
for a thousand miles in order lo fish specia l Decca chart to w i t h i n yards. intention and decide to fish another for m an estimate of the entire produc-
find the German vessel Anton Dohrn.
an area a few miles in extend, with No lon ger does the skipper have to ground which sou nds more promising, tivity, both potential and actual, of
the Dutch Willem Beukelsz, and the
only a degree of certainty. The selec- hope for a noon-day sigh t to check an d in ihis way wasted effort often is the area and it may well prove that,
Danish Dana , working alongside our
tion of that area is governed his course ( t ra wle r me n ' were neve r avoided. when this has been done, there will
own Scottish vessel Explorer, in the
by previous experience or some the best of helmsmen) ; he can clo so W hen the grounds are reached the emerge better chances of forecasting
northern North Sea on an experi-
fore-knowledge t hat the desired by a glance at the Decca panel and skipper wiU aim to have his first tow changes in the environment or even of
men t in wh ich net selectivity and com-
combination of conditions will obtain r*h n ri a long a line t h a t has proved produc- some slight
parative fishing were adjustment
the chief which
there. Even the t i m e and fuel-wasting tive in the past. (Jp to a certain man can make to the environment to
The task of the va rious " magic factor of poor heimsmanship can now latitude North , he can do this by We need only contemplate the inter- give a disproportionate increase in the
boxes " is, therefore, to enab le the
skipper to place his vessel in the
be eliminated by means of automatic means of his Decca Navi gato r which , national nature of the sea and the fish fish available to him.
Just because of the complexity or
steer i n g coup led to a gyro compass. with a track plotter, can t hen exactly that live in It to become aware of the the
required position, with a m i n i m u m of Between them , these devices will hold trace the shi p's movements by means need for such co-operation. But just however calculations in such experiments,
of a stylus on a small moving chart. because it is so big and so varied , it the fisherman , they seem rather remote to
Where the Decca Chain does not reach ,
he m u st , rel y on s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d
is impossible to keep tags on all of the in something, who is more interested
which promises an
nav igation and on cross-bearings immediate increase to his stock. Such
ta ken from radio beacons with ihe investigations, too. are taking place.
direction-finding aerial of his radio. The essential, fact which makes them
possible is that most fish, like most
Finally, t he echo sounder is called

animals , are particularly vulnerable in
Following the herring
into play to check the depth of water
against that shown on his chart , and the earliest stages of their life history
to trace the conformation of the sea- —the egg and larva. It fairly large
f? & SONS LTD Vl
bed so fhat favourable banks and
wa ter depths can be plot ted. These
numbers of eggs could be nursed
through these early stages and then
are Important as indication s of
biological race. Thus, the gall-bladders
are, liter ally, plotted, for the echo released into the sea, a spectacular of northern whiting are chiefl y para-
H H sou nder operates by sending a high- by G. L. Butcher increase in the number of recruits to sitised by one form , Ceratomyxa, while
frequency sound signal to the seabed the fishery could be confidently those of the southern part of the
and recordins on special paper the expected in two or three years' time. North Sea are much more frequently
time elapsing between transmission GO to any of t he herring fishing dozens of " specials " tha t had to be The difficulties here are immense, parasitised by another, Myxidium.
and the receipt of the echo. This is because the eggs and larvae do not
K Over 60 year s of y\
done two or more times each second Shetland
as t he paper moves beneath the stylus,
centres round our coasts—t o the used in the past.
Islands, lo Buchan in Herring, particularly good herring, become any less 'frail by being taken
are not so plentiful as they were. They under the care of man, and the natural
These two populations meet and mix
over the southern part of the Dogger
Bank and this is the same boundary as

p shipbuildin g exp erience , u

so drawing a contour of the soundings Aberdeenshire, to East An glia—and are sti ll comparatively prolific in the dangers of ihe open sea , like preda- had been indicated by other biometric
much as a barograph draws variation s ask them about conditions in the Minch where herring fishing goes on tors, low temperatures, sta rvation and data , such are vertebra] counts, as the
of atmospheric pressure upon a drum. industry 50 years ago. If they" are old for most of the year, but in other inj ury by wave action , are replaced in dividing line between the two races

rj specialists in H A lthough these machines will locate enou gh to remember, their eyes will areas, nota bly East Anglia , the stocks the aquarium by
shoals of herring or other mid-water
fish, t hey will not indicate the presence bri ghten when they tell you about the
artificial ones,
have run low, some say through over- especially the possibility of abrupt
fishing on the breeding grounds in the cha nges in the chemistry of the water
or groups of the North Sea whiting.
But not only are we studying living
fish and their environment : we are
of bottom-dwelling fish at depths of billions of herring t h a t thronged our North Sea. around them. Nevertheless, Lowestoft also pressing on with work into mean s
\X TRAWLERS . HERRINC DRIFTERS , H 100 fathoms or more, due to the coasta l waters, as a poet of old wrofe : Last y ear there was , a good season h as managed to raise 130 plaice from of fish storage. Here again the centre
reduced scale of the paper record . in Shetland waters which supp ly some egg to post-larva out of an original of research in this country is Aber-
y\ TUGS, BARGES, ETC. This has been overcome by an instru- " The glittering finnv swarms of the finest herrin g to be found any- experimental stock of 5,000 eggs. And deen, though a different laboratory
£J ment known as a sca le expander, That heave our Firths where from late May to early August. this is a much better return than could responsible to a different authority is
|A Let Cochrane launch you to success. which is coupled
rS. sounders. (Thesetoare one of the echo
duplicated in
And crowd uoon our shores "
Take 1913 for instance.
The boats fishing1 ofl the Aberdeenshire be expected in nature, where two or
coast also had a lucrative three three eggs might be expected to sur-
In t h a t mont hs from June to August, but here vive to this stage.
used. Already it has devised a more
effective method of kippering herrings
case of failure.) The scale expander than the old-fashioned kiln and this
can be set to " ma gnify " one section year 1.400,000 barrels of herring were the fish were so sma ll and rich in oil If this achievement can be repeated new method is gradually penetrating
of water beneath th e trawler—say the exported from Scotland. At present- t hat it was difficult to get them to on a larger scale, and there seems into commercial circles so that we may
seven f a t homs (42ft.) immediately day values t h a t would bring £li.5 market in good condition by using the little to prevent it, there is good reason look forward to the da y when fishing
llions to the communities that are icing in boxes. On the other hand to be hopeful for the fu ture. Even
above the seabed. Any sizeable fish, t ime-honoured "freshing " methods of ports wil! no longer be made less
such as coil or haddock , swimming mi on Ey to a min or degree dependent the herr ing were ideal for processing more encouraging is the conclusion glamorous b y the sight ot the tall
within t h i s sector shows on a cathode now on their herrinz fisheries. drawn by one of the scientists involved chimneys of the kilns.
ray tube as a " blip," or enlargement on the spot, notably canning. The in these experiments that : " Given a Further work is also goin g on into
Some places, l ike the North-east
on. a vertical line of ligW. The larger corner of Scot land , are now regarded British canned herring in tomato viable egg and a knowledge of larval the deep freezing of fish and into the
the fish, the larger the " bli p." The by the Government as development sauce now on grocers' shelves could requirements, plaice, and probably effects of the addition of anti-biotic«
systematic skipper can thus make an areas because of the comparatively be regarded as " v i nta ge " stock for most of our common food fishes, can


to the ice in which they are preserved.
estimate of fish density by counting high Incidence of those who know their herring. be reared ashore." One interesting result of the latter is
unemployment. But by and large the landings were
the frequency of the echoes as he Others like Wick, in Thurso, which " A knowledge of the larva! require- the discover y that, whereas ¦steamin g,
steams over the grounds. not good enough to satisfy the mush- ments "—there's the rub. Especially in boiling or frying of fish, leaves no
once boasted over a thousand boats, rooming quick-freeze industry, the
Once the heavy trawl gear is has no herring fleet and relies largely the case of the herring where it is detectable amount of the anti-biotic in
streamed astern oji its half-mile-long on the near-by Dounreay atomic plant marinators (who make roll-mops. possible that larval requirements vary
the flesh , baking hardly lowers the
4&ff li|] ip iEf r for the most up-to-date installations ' steel wires, the trawler 's progress is to give work to the men . The East
Bismarcks, .and the like), the with race differences. And, as would
pl otted by Decca Navigator, edho An glian ports of Great Yarmouth arftJ ki pperers, the pet-food manufacturers be expected In these circumstances,
antibiotic content at all.
To go on , however, would merely
sounder, a nd compass. The skipper is Lowestoft, once so packed with, boats (w ho use this nutritious fish as the attempts to rear herring from the egg be to offer a list of the huge number
still navigating, for if fishing is good t hat made-their annual voyages to the basis of their products), or the few have been less successful. Yet work o f resea rch projects which are at
ROSE, DOWNS & THOMPSON LTD. the same tow can be repeated ; if bad. grea t autumn fishery, can now muster r e m a i n i n g pickle-curers who carry on goes on, breath-takingly p3tlent work, present being undertaken—into every-
it can be avoided : if mediocre, it may on ly a hundred or two. The thousand- the export trade In salt herring that with the possibility of success at every thing from curren ts in the North
OLD FOUNDRY • HULL • • Telephone 29864 be improved by moving one way or strong arm y of workers that at one was once the ma instay of the industry. new trial.
Nor were there enough to keep the Atlantic to th e control of flies in fis-h
time travelled from the Highlands re duction plants fully occupied—the A good example of how the repeated shops—and would leave us little the
With the gear ovef. steering is an d Islands and the North has plants that reduce the residual catch examination of small objects can lead wiser. What does matter Is that , at
to herring meal and oil, meal as a high- to the observation of minute differ- last, we have seriously appr oached the
tedious work , especially in a cross- dwindled u n t i l they could now be
wind or rurrent. and the man nn fh*» carr ied in one train compared with the protein additive to iive-stock feeding ences, and so on to far-flung results, problems of the sea and the creature?
stuff and oil used in the manufacture comes from recent herring work in which live in it and that our
of such things as margarine. Perhaps Aberdeen. For many years now the approaches show every prospect of
it -was just as well in the long run, otoliths <Jr ear-stones of herring have solvina inanv of them.
as worid prices for fish meal have been ex amined because they are
fal len drastically after a year of huge ringed like a tree trunk and, as in the
production in Peru. The effect of this case of a tree, each ring representsone
has been so serious that the Govern- year of growth. Thla allows us to give
ment have agreed to alleviate the loss the precise age of a herritig after
suffered by the Herrin g Industry examining one of Its otoliths. But GRIMSBY
/ She sets her fish sea fresh Board which runs this side of the recently it was observed that, at the
industry's activities. very cen tre of the otolith. some herring
But the fact remains that for the had a thin first ring and a large first
principal users herring are, and have year growth zone while others had a
been for a number of years, to short wide first ring and a relatively narrow

tf l / Pi! thr ough packaging: supply. This is because there are not first year growth zone. Further, it was
enough vessels employed in herring observed that there were geographical
catching, in spite of pleas by the differen ces in the distribution of the
Herring Industry Board to fishermen " wid es " and the " thins. "
tn Grimstry *<th «r by th * cubic f**t m
by th * to n. Lone or tl iori farm c*n*
tr acts Arra nged. Ntw building *. Amp I*
facJI ItTei. T*inp «r«tur *f min» 20
deft *** F. w *i rtquir *d.
in dual-purpose boats to turn from The " thins." for exa mple, were
seinin g for white fish during the main dominant as three-year-old recruits in Apply :
herrine seasons. the northrwestern North Sea stock, FRED SMITH,
f \M i The modern housewife gets her fish almost as fresh as To the outsider this may seem and the " wides " did not invad e that COMPASS HOUSE. GRIMSBY.
I \ yi \ if it had just been caught, throug h quick-frozen food tech- high-sp eed PACKAGING Precmon-mid« Kliltlokc«rtnn» strange, for there is good money to be area until late in the season. The older
\ VL ^ I • ¦_ • j - .1. i • j-
¥Leading «i_ - at the herring," more perhaps
from Robiniom luve m»de « major contribution to the frozen made "
\ f< niqucs combined With protective packaging. this fijh industry. Thty can be erected, filled .nd closed M «p«d» of t h a n can be had when seine-n ett injt.
\ I ^J nmirrra nrnv-iHinn thr nur l
*nA providing me pack.8 Ot
progress, ana « r>f every
>wrv type
>vnr w
men (ram j6 to no canons » minute to Ittp p»« wilh sudden peA* The work is easier on the crew , too.
A. ^1 in in mpp ly.•treamera
Other •hipei areimilible display.
content * to meet
ahowcards special requirement . But to fo llow the herring shoals
b j lL'/^> attract the eye and keep the contents peak condition, sometimes ta ke the fishermen away
»re Robinsons of Bristol with ill their resources and skill.
attractive foretaste .Multi-cQlourprtntmgbyRobm*,
Colou rful
which > un.flected by .rduou. .tor^ conditions , proyid" .n
™, from t heir home grounds. Most of
¦^V^^ KV
^^^ H\ of the on display them are centred in the Moray Firth
^^ V^p^^^^^ A\ H«* ir» mm* turn pit* thi mater ial, and
PROTECTION are also produced , including area where they can fish quite happily
MB Of Ro&lniOM Mrvlct to flitting IndUttry •pecid prediction, on n»tall.c materials. w ith their seine nets for haddock and
^^^ ¦^^
^^ X
A \ PRO DUCT Cartons from Robtni om are made whiting and enjoy a fair measure of
^^^^ H^^^^^^^^ ft \ of tpecial high-quality treated materials to ensure that neither home life. Herring fishing on the
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B / T»etne *»nor freezing affecci the package strength , an d to prevent othe r hand can take them away for
^^^^^^^^^^^ HA Y O U R P R O ,B. L E M ? If vou would Hk * adz-ic* on loia of wej flht throueh mouture tratumission. Fotyethytene Iizier« Ions periods, mavbe to the Minch, to V^P^fl1 ••/o of fishing ve»eU built In th*
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B
K i
modern t V teenmquci , D ..
packaging ... « r , . . in outer cartons are also being uicd. Shetland , to the Isle of Man . lo
Roinnscns zctit be glad to kelp you. U K. during 1959 were powered by
Southern Ireland. Yorkshire, or East
An™ lia. Gardner Marine Diesels coming
^^Q ^^^^^^^^^^^^ a^V
H £tora ge facilities are readily cnide available at centre * convenient ¦¦¦¦¦
The human preference for home within the range ot 28 to 151 b.h p.
^^^^H1H| 0 r to customers. Robinsons alto have representat ive*at everf major port I ... ¦ . .- „. . - - (Fishing World—March , 1980).
/ y% i " comforts is only one of the reason *—
ot hers include the difficulty of main-
t a i n i n g a " fleet " of drift nets, about
1 60 or more, in good condition—but it
AT OF is a t e l l i n g f n r t o r and one of the most
J \I K ODinSO MS f^(yt/i(J€OV THE SERVICE THE FtSH/NG INDUSTRY d i f f i n t l t to combat.
I: i~ not so lon g ai»o—in the 1930s— \jAKD NEIL»
th . i* ther^ wore too many herring
dr i f t o r s brinsiie in more fish than • ¦^^^^ NORRIS. HENTY & GARDNERS. LTD.
£' S ** A - R O B I N S 0 N LIMITED . BRISTOL . AND ASSOCIATED COMPANIES *h» m a r k e ts cou 'd absorb. Now there IProprietors : L. Gardn«r A Sou. Ltd.)
are not ennush boats to siipplv the Mnicw irr , Mi vcHrsTT.a.
am O f f c « » In <3 r i m • b y and al London , Edinburgh, S l a a g o w, L • • et •. L « l e a « t a > r , L i v e r p o o l . Ut n c h i i t i r and N o t t i n g ham m a r kets anri it look ' a« thoueh the LcMw : Alston! Kt«» . WliUa ftotO. «.WJ.
present r>rr>hleTT> wi'.l be harder t© Glut mr : 1M St. Vlnoent StlMC Ci_
1W* M.t «
solve than the former.
Fillets suspended in perfection
A hedge of authorities LAST month distant-w t ter
owners signed their second major
by a Correspondent meal plants because the market pnet
was down on the floor. Quick-freezin g
contract with leading quick-freezers leading not only to greater employ- The White Fish Authorities annual has changed all that—and very much
ment opportunities at the ports but production figures show tha t in 1953
by DavidStott at the Humber ports. There *was
to the growth of a market that once 26.910 tons of white fish were used to
for the better. To-day the cream of
scarcely a murmur of protest. Yet , a trawle r 's catch Is skimmed off by
looked as if it was declining in produce Ki,007 tons of edible quick- the quick-freezers, an d on passing
last year , when the first of these con- national importance. froze n fish . This more than doubled
rpHE British , with their passion for consumer advertising campaigns. It to man them , then these and many tracts was signed , all hell was let loose Statistics show that total fish con- in 1954 . and by 1958 (the latest figures through the marke t Ls immediatel y
A order and regulation , have been also obtains funds from the Govern- other Droblems must not be tackled sumption has fallen since the war from available ) no fewer than 94.037 tons put throu gh an elaborate , though
ment for research purposes , and is now in the trade and many merchants at basically simple , pro cess designed to
setting up public bodies since time piecemeal. 2ti.3:b. to 18.81b. per head per year , were being used to produce 42,747 tons
engaged in a joint programme to In 1959 we landed in this country the do ck s ide , brought up to look upon but to put these figure s in anything produce an edible fillet free from
began. This is perhaps why our of qMick-frozen edible fillets. The fish impurities, thoroughly cleaned , and
determine the most efficient type of nearly 900.000 tons of fish worth over the auctions as sacred , taiked in like their proper perspective one woiild used represented some 11.3 per cent
fishing Industry, which is formed by trawling gear . It is also examining £50 millions. Something in the region apocalyptic terras of the decline of the have to bring in suoh factors as the of total landin gs . Production con- ready to be held in a state of »us-
a number of loosely knit and varying a scheme to expand the Cornish of 8,000 vessels were employed , with a independent trader and of quickl y derationing of meat , the waning tinued to increase in 1959 and it is pended perfection until the housewife
pilchard industry. capital value of about £55-60 millions. rising prices for the consumer. popularity of the fried fish and chip now apparent , even to the most dyed- thaws it for cooking.
communities , is administered by so The Herrin g Industry Board has the , This is not just a copywriter 'i
Thousands of shore workers in Neither of these predictions (nor shop, and the genera ' decHne of the in-the-wool " traditionalist, " that the
many differe nt bodies. The fountain- thankless task of trying to regulate a anci ' lary industries depen d on our fish quite a few others tha t were made at herring industry. On the other hand , exaggeration ; meticulous precauti on!
further d evelopment of the fishing are taken at the factorie s to ensure
head , of course, is the Ministry of fish ery which is, more than any other , producers , who buy millions of poun ds ' the time) has proved to be correct. In fish is now available all the year round industry is inseparable from tha t of
Agriculture , Fisheries , and Food , which subject to enormous production worth of ships and equipment every fact , in the teeth of rising prices from many different kinds of shop , the frozen-food market. thai the final product is in every way
U responsible at Whitehall level for fluctuation. The once great East year from shipyards , engine manu- throughout the food trade , a number including grocers , greengrocers , and This is connected to some extent worthy of the packers ' reputation , and
the formulation of policy on fisheries Anglian herring season is sadly on the facturers , electronics companies and of leading producers have n^t only butchers , and people in areas once too with the declining number of retail the same care is exercise d in getting
regulations and international ' issues , d ecline, but the bulk of the herring the like. held their prices at a stable level but remote from the main fishing ports fishmongers , and with an increasing it from the producers ' factories to the
the collation of statistics , and for fleet of this country originates in The fishing industry Is a complex have recently cut prices on severa l of can now buy perfectly fresn fish when- sale of packaged fillets through retail selling outlets. Fully refrigerate d
routine administration , and advisory Scotland , where the Board' s head- na tional asset which requires careful their leading white fish products . And eve r they choose lo do so. All but a refrigerated cabinets in grocers ' and wagons (road and rail) transport bulk
services. The Ministry ii also respon- qua rters is situated. Like the W.F.A., but vigorous handling. It does not it is one of these companies that has few of the principal varieties can now fruiterers ' shops ; but primarily, it is quantities from factory to depot ;
sible for white fish subsidy payments the Board has the power to provide need controls , but it does need effective introduced the " revolutionary " idea be bought in packets bearing a manu- the knowledge that quick-freezing smaller refrigerated vehicles deliver
and for fisheries research in England grants and loans for new vessels, but guidance of effort from the top. of contracting with trawler owners for facturers ' brand and symbol—cod, eliminates the wastefulness of over- from depot to retaile r .
a nd Wales. unlike the Authority, can regulate When the Fleck Committee , supplies of flsh in just the same way haddock , and plaice are the most abundant supplies at a time when the The chain would be complete if all
Politically, however , the fishing minimum prices and control to some appointed by the Government to that it now contracts with farmers for popular ^—and an entirely new market " fresh " market canno t absorb them housewives had - refrigerators with
industry has always been a cau ^e of extent the whole pattern of production inquire into the future of the fishing ¦unolies of vegetables. for fish has been created by the intro- that has encouraged this change of deep-freeze storage in their homes,
embarrassment to Governments. How and the various outlets , such as indu stry, reports , it is to be hoped that For the fishing industry in Britain , duction of quick-frozen fish " fingers ," heart. and progress towa rds this ideal is at
can one neatly classify or order the curing. Among other things , the all these points will be made crystal the growth of quick-freezing since the fish " cakes, " fish " bites ." and other At one time it was commonplace to last being made with incr easing
affairs of such an inchoate group, Board pay a direct subsidy to herring war has been a vitalising influence so-called " pr epa red " lines. see first- quality fish sold to the fish- rapidity ; more would have them if th e
which ranges from blue-jerseyed and boats (per day at sea. Chancellor of the Exchequer could be
independent Cornishmen going out The Association of Local Sea persuaded to remove altogther the
after pilchards to heavily cap italised Fisheries Committees are " formed by Dresent 25 per cerft purchase tax.

World fi shing is world f eeding

companies running the Humber ports either Committees of County Councils Perhaps the most striki ng illustra-
and . It seems, half the Arctic into the or Borough Councils or joint Com- tion of the quick-freezing industry 's
bargain ? In the past , it has always mittees of both. " Their main job is progress is the ra te at which retajl
been in the national interest to have a the making and enforcement of by-laws sales and outlets have increased since
well-maintained fishing fleet (who for the inshore fisheries of each 1955—generally regarded as a signi-
would have swept the mines at the end district , and some of the more ficant turning point . At that time
there were 15,400 retail outlets with
of the Second World War without it ?).
Unfortunately, the industry is always
affluent run
protection vessel*.
their own fishery EVERY development In th e fishing b' y A. C Hardy vessels and fishing fleets. Secondly, a frozen-food turnover in the region
industry to-day points to the fact fishing fleets must be developed in of £7.5 millions ; in 1959 , 64,000 retail
getting itself Into trouble. Iceland , that It is becoming worl d business. merit, still liabla to be stricken byf started to study the question , no one other countries. To what extent , the
for Instance—or else the herring have outlets achieved a total of about £36
disappeared—or there 's no money in The problems Among the latest pr oposals for famine. really bothered to wonder why a question is often asked , is it possible to millions . On top of this there Is a
the kitty for the buildin g of. new expansion is the employment of two The term "under-developed " iss certain species of fish whose presence persuade an under-d eveloped nation substantial sale of quick-frozen foods
Is thii diversification of eHort former aircraft carriers which are to generally used when their difficultiess was known in one particular district that its fishing industry should be to the hotel and catering trades , brin g-
fishing boats.
justified ? I believe not. To explain be converted into mother ships are being described , but this , like manyy at one time of the year migrated to regarded as one ot the main planned ing the total figure up fo approxi-
why. It Is necessary to list just some operating with fleets oi trawlers work- a label , is not exactly a just one. While
e another district for anothe r part of the organisations of the nation ? mately £50 millions. None of these
A formula of the problems facing the industry Ing at sea. Fish factory ships are we have the highly mechanisedi year; nor was there real understanding Many obstacles have to be over- figures includes product s such as flsh
Thpr* Ik a wi»17 tripd and pfTp^ti ve becoming more popular. Their crews scientific flsh factory on the one hand 1,, of the reason s why at one time fish are come before this can be done. Educa- and poultry quick-frozen but thawed
at the present time. The distant not only catch fish in the trawl; they we must still think of the ordinaryy found at one depth in the ocean and at and sold by the retailer as " fresh. "
formula for dealing with this sort or tion is the key to future activities—
water fleets are concerned with fish- fillet it , process it , make ftshmeal and open boat or the catamaran on thee another time in a different depth. education as to th e kind of flsh to be Most of the 75,000,000 broiler chickens
thing. It is to appoint an Authority, ing limits , heavy competition on the liver oil, and finally deliver the fillets other , of countries where fish Ls caugh t The F.A.O . has tried to educate the caught , the way in which to deal with eaten in Britain last year were handled
which can do all the dirty work , make grounds from the subsidised fleets of in deep frozen packages. from them mainly because it alwayss peoples of the world to these apprecia- it after it has been caught, and the in this manner.
all the policy decisions which are not This, is one side of the picture-r- has been caught in that way, and wheree lions and maintain s a group of means whereby it should be caught. Fish and flsh product s repreient
Eastern Europe , and the need to find the highly developed completely- something like a ' third of total industry
the right ship types for the future once it has been landed there are att enthusiastic scientists, men with It has been widely realised that one
essentially a matter for Cabinet or
Ministry. which will not be too expensive to mechanised harvesting of the seas with present no practical methods used forr brilliant brains , whose love of the job must beware of too much mechani sa-
almost robot crews pressing buttons , preserving it from tr opical heat andd transcends perhaps sometimes their tion and that even the obvious
production so that even if that propor-
t ion were to remain static there woul d
bu ild. They are also faced , in common employing
Hence we have , in addition to the with other section s, with risin g voyage fied fish outelectricity, scooping electri- distributing it. It is here that ann economic sense, by the exercise of engineering technique of refrigeration
of the sea by means of organisation such as the Fisheries¦s which they could get good commer cial must be carefully approached . Thanks ,
be a considerable increas e in tonnage
by 1963, when turnover Is expected to
M.A.A.F., the White Fish Authority, costs to coyer a product which has been pumps
slow to rise in price compared with machines; and passing them to merciless Division of the Food and Agriculturee jobs. These experts are loaned from however , to the automobile industry reach £60 millions or more. ' Some
the Herring Industry Board , and the but it does not mean that Organisation as the United Nationss headquarters at Rome to any nation the internal combustion engine is prob- people believe, however, that the
Association of Local Sea Fisheries other foods. In middle and near waters , the fishing Industry has become steps In and helps. pro portion will rise.
Committees. Far away the most in spite of international agreements , soulless. which needs advice on its fisheries. ab ly one of the most widely known and
important of thes e is the White Fish many foreign vessels are still using Thi s group, with Internationa l head-1- Expert naval architects also are avail- appreciated means of overcoming the Nothing further really needs to be
Authority. " White " fish are On the other hand , though
Email mesh nets which destroy effec- one of the most widely developed and fishing is quar ters in Rome , is intended to deal
il able "who will study the qualities and otherwise obvious necessity of physical said to illustrate the close Inter-
basically those fish which we in this tively any attempts at conservation. with agriculture in the broadest sensee characteristics of fleets as they find labour , and throughout the world there relations hip between these two Indus-
country eat, with the exception of The " industrial " fishery carried out by essential industries in the world , at the of the word. Agriculture means reap-y- them and recommend what new are many standardised compre ssion expected tries . Strong compet ition can. be
shoaling, pelagic species like her ring, the Danes , Norwegians , and others for same time it is probably the most ing the harvest of the sea as well ass developments should be embodied. For ignition engines which are suitable for producers now that tariff
in fut ure from Scandinavian
sprats, and pilchards. Set up by Act hshmeal is believed by many scientists primitive. A problem with which man- the harvest of the land , but whereass example , new types of diesel engines; the propulsion and operation of all cut as part of th e " Outer s a r e to be
of Parliament in 1951 , th e Authorit y to be the basic cause of the decline of kind is faced at the moment in th ese the harvest of the land is somethingg new hull forms; new materials of con- fishing vessels from open beach boats agreem ent, but given an evenSeven closer
has powers to borrow from the the home herring fishery. Yet if ever days when real planning for the use which is fairly generally und erstood1,, struetlon; new machine s for the actual up to large trawlers . The F.A.O. did interdepende nce based on
Government , but its day to day income this fishery ceases (as it may if Peru of food for the world is essential is how appreciated , and operated , the harvest•A r atehinp of n«s>i. a major job of work twice in a few tract ) p fair (con-
is obtained from Jd a stone levy on all continues to dominate the world fish- to adap t local fishing to local needs. of the sea until recently was little The flshmg problem—bearing in years in assembli ng in Paris and consta nt rices, higher quality, »nd a
improvem ent in handling
fish landed. Its primary jo b is to meal market), some 600 more vessels By the term " local " one does not refer knpj >m and uncontrolled. Man took , mind the fact that world fishing is Miami in 1953 and in Rome in 1951 a techniques from
administer a Grants and Loans will descen d on the North Sea grounds to this or that beach or this or that and to some extent still takes , this self- world feeding—these d ays then is two- Congress of Fishing Boat Designers in is taken from t hthe e
moment the flsh
sea , there is no
Scheme, at reasonable interes t rates , for plaice and other white fish—and island, but to a whole rang e of sown harvest wherever he finds fold. First of all we must seek the which the whole problem of fish reason why the Unit ed Kingdom
for the buildin g of new fishing the grounds will be overfished again. countries parts of which ar e still In a it Unti l biologists , oceanographers , improvemen t of established fully catching could be thoroughly thrashed ing industry should not increue fish- its
vessels up to 140ft. in length. Its And the inshore fishery is declining relat k-ely primitive state of develop- scientists , and naval architects really powered and fully devel oped fishing out on a technical basis.
statistical record on this rapidly , in spite of grants and loans, sha r e of the wor ld m arket.
(£8.5 millions in grants , £21 millions primarily because of lack of new
in loan for over 300 new ' vessels) recruits and high costs. There Is no
¦peaks volume s for the necessity of the national fishery training scheme—no
scheme and for the efficiency with r*>ntre of recruitment.
which it has been carried out since it Suppose that these various authori-
began in 1053, as after the war the ties amalgamated. There would be
fleet was in the main decrepit, the immediate objectio n that such an
inefficient , and uneconomic. (Distant unwieldy Behemoth would make for
water owners , it should be pointed out more interference and red tape. This
here, prefer to remain independe nt , would not arise if the industr y were
and they build their new Arctic ships given a Minister of Cabinet rank all
witho ut any public assistan ce.) to itself , charge d with the job of co-
The Authority 's fiat does not, how- ordinating finance , research , training
ever , end here. Amon g the many and consumer education. The problem
v**Tifiirp5! in whi^fa it ha « takpn an of fish marketing could be tackled at
interest, financial or othe rs , are a 1.! levels. We could have a!l-lhe-year-
technical experiments such as free zing round strength at the international
(H h at sea , the exploration of new negotiating tabie. Administrative
grounds or fisheries , and work study costs could be cut by streamlining
and materials handling on the fish organisation at the ports . Fish export-
docks. It also gives loans for new ing could be looked at nationally. WaH^ WSUam ^mM UBi ^^ BSKIf lBSS ^miMk''Wl^i^<W'gl^C*^iiiiBMKrT
^Ji!. ¦•»¦"
^^ MMig^~^^ B^£¦'i> *»V^'*-<fcr ^MBi ^^ Bfci - m ' " i*^fcrf -anHP>y?SS!*WP^CPWSH gi^*^H^Mi^^^^ M
gear to inshore fishermen , and r uns If we arc- fo hnve good fiph at the
many promotion ;mrl presentation right price , whethe r wet or frozen , and
srhftm ps on bp ha lf of the retailer, a nd a mod ern , efficient fleet with the crews
r - ~ -^r ¦_ ¦ - • ¦ ¦
¦J a.flr Tnfc ^ :'"" ixflfcOTL *-- - j ! :**" _ . \^^ r ___ T|Hr iBriii' _• v --~ai1*^ - - -^»- ^^m^mm ^r^' m. \. ...* mmKf &f ^maiB
One of the pillars of l^MIL
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the Wel fare State

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i^^^^Ki "
hv nnr Tnrln tf rial Stall
'r^i»j|t?v" ..^j^^^ S^BIHt" ' '" """ P $-'7yj ytii iJ>
r i'HE fish tha t dro ps from the net on The fish offal at the Humbe r poris
' '.^^ BBe&V^3^Bpl^^%P%». '#wM^ '.'-^?^v
1'- '¦^Mf ;l:*is?'Ti. '*i j ^^^!?^j ^r, - "*""**.!. ***<U'-*?* ** "" - - . **r" '*r~**
' **l « f*"'- *"* -I '^SJSI^^HHSi^H
.*.^k"- —vy .wsaSggaMs&iaiySi ~
- Jt ^SlmU^^^^^ tmL^ ~~
' "" - ,. • ^'" ^"fMBBfcii— * ^^ " ~ "" t^^^
-*- to the deck of a distant water i= used mainly for fish meal . Until ** m^n ^ " ' ' *Z~~ SCHEJ ^^HHi
trawler is divided , like Gaul , into 1» :J 4 the Huil Fis h Mea! and Oil Co..
Ltd.. dealt with all the by-p roducts
three parLs. The offal is made into fish of the fishing industry of Hull , includ-
meal for feeding animals and poultry. ing the manufactur e of white fish
The liver yields cod liver oil . A n d the meals , cod liver oil . and industrial
thi rd part goes , on the fishmonger 's cod oils. It is a non-profit making
co-operative companv jointly owned
slab. Only the gut is thrown away. bv the fish merchants and trawler
The processing of the liver begins owners , and claims to hav e on St
on boa rd the trawler. Abou t 220 Andrew 's Dock the larges t white fish
trawlers at the Humber ports are meal factory in the world .
fitted with plant for re nderin g cod The value of whit e fish meal as a
liver oil. Withi n a few minutes of feeding stuff for animals and poultr y
the fish being emptied on to the deck lies in its high mineral and protein
and gutted , th e liver s are washed and content. The product of the Hull Fish
put into the boiler. Steam is played Meal and Oil Company contain s 66 per
on to the mass of livers and the oil cent albuminoids-protein . 20 per cent
is drawn olT and stored in sterilised phosphates of lime, 3 per cent of other
tanks bui it into the oute r plates of minerals , including salt and 4 to 5 per
the ship. The Arctic seas turn these cent o:!. Among the miner als are
tanks into refri gerators. calci um. phosphor us. potassium.
The cod liv ers have a '.was' s been rnan aane =e , a nd coha.t. The protein
rega rded as the perks of the traw ler is needed for Tii i 'k secretio n, esK-
crews. A deckhand gets on an avera sa layirijj . anrl flesh formation.
about £88 cod liver oil money a year , Oil . which is so desirable in the
or about £5 3s fid for each trip. liver for the cod liver oil manu-
Until 1934. the trawlermen collected fa cturers , is not wante d in the skin
the liver s in bar rels and the process- of the fish by the flsh meal manu-
ing started at the port , perhap s a facturers . The oily fish , such as
week later. Tainte d bv the organi c mackerel, herrin e. and catfish , are set
material of the liver , the oil obtained on one sid e. Most of thei r oil is
in this way would now be thought pres sed out and used for such tech-
unsuitable for human or animal nical processes as soap makin g,
nutrition. Some trawlers still bring tanning, and steel hardening, and
back the liver s in barrels , but the oil high-grade herri ng oil is used for
is used mainly for industrial purposes. margarine making .
The flsh skins are made into g' ue.
This, by compa rison with the produc-
A co-operat ive tion of flsh meal , is a small business ,
but the company ha s been particularly
In 1934 the Humhcr skie tra w '.er- successful wit h its photo-e r.cravinz
owners formed the co-operative Elue which is exported to more than
concern know n as British Cod Liver flftv countries . The fish skins are
Oils (Hull an d Grimsb y). Ltd.. and a pre pared by washinj r and chemical
treatment , and are then put into
vear later built the refinery at melting-pots where the glue liquor is
Marfleet . which now produces about extracted. It is then evaporated to
40 per cent of the world' s supply of a viscous consistenc y. The Grimsby
co d '. iver oi!. Year '.y. the company Fish Meal Co.. Ltd. . is a fimilar
draws about 8.000 tons of cod liver oil co-ooerative company on the other
f rom Hull trawle rs and suother 4.001)
to:-s f rom Grims by. This total intake
sometimes rise s from 12.000 tons to
side of the Humber. "

Over rlie fence

Seascape with bird s
abo ut 15.000 tons, and all of it xoes
:o the Marfle et refinery. A cod liver When the cod liver oi*. and offal
contains abou t 6oz. of "oil : roughlv 28 have been processe d, ther e is ' e Gulls wheeling and screeching . . . white clouds racing . . . and in the 'Teepol 'is stixked byships ' chandlen in aU the portt ofthe United Kingdorn.
--od producing a eal'.on of oil. B.C.L.O . rigging, a siren song . . . It 's a beautiful picture , but hardly true t o life, as
dra ws oil from the livers of between else that can be done with the fish. Other Shell pr oducts contributin g to efficiency in the fishing industry
80.n00.000 and 100,000.0110 rod a ypnr The Humber Fish and F ish Manure any trawlennan will tell you ! Modern trawlers may be floating palaces ar e 'E pikotc ' resins and a wide range of solvents — includ ing 'Shell sol*
The p roduct of the MariWt C o . T.t.l at Hi: ' :, has t r> send to
reflnerv is of a ver y different qua '. itv v. rio, ;s part s of :he cou n try for the
' compared with those of yesterday, but no ingenuity of man can overcome ar omatic hydrocarbons — used in the formulation of paints and varnishes
f rom the rod liver oil dispensed !i-". .'vise !\>r i:? <v>n;po ur :d fish the long hours away from home , the inherent ruggedness of the job and
two hundre d yea rs agn b y Dr Samuel nij :v:ii' > Tne i-o:n uar.y's tir s : activity tougher and more resistant to corrosion than any previously known; and
K ay at Manch ester Infirm ar y in ISTii w.i tile inj nu f.K 'ture of cod the unleashed power of the ocean. paraffin waxes, important for the hygienic packaging which presents frozen
i abo ut which he wrote its ". ive r o: '. *The s '. or v E<">es that the Tough life though it is, in one aspect at least — the unr emittin g routine
effects wer e " sn weil know n amra i; remains of the livers after pr o> es^ir:x fish and other seafoods so attractively in the shops.
ihe poor er sort that it r oiuestt 'd wero flur. e over tne fenoe :n get rid of cleaning ship — things are much easier than they used to be. Today, t
for al most every lameness " ) . It lias of tht -:i) . ii:ui a neighbo ur «<:., ¦:; noticed
If you have a commercial clean ing problem on land or tea, £hcll
becomo, so far as expectan t a rui vt\;ol;i* ion was spri: '.^.:. c uo ' Teepol ' the famous Shell detergent , brings new speed and effectiveness to detergents will solve it. If you have any problem concerning the ace of
Mi rsi MC mothers are coi'.ceriu 'J o-:e : '•.:: .-k' v th ron ah the rotted :ner « . Arid all such tasks—in port and at sea, in galley and quarters , on deck and in the
of the py ' .i rs of the We ' fa re S' ni ev so " :-e ft«h manure hL isire -i bega :'. chemicals, Shell may well be able to help you.
It l .c u^eri a" 1 a <'<ire for rifket ^ . a * a T;:t » '. t< '\ l)a*e is -^0 to 4.~> pe r cert engine room. ' Teepol ' works in salt or fresh water and , where a sterilant Write to the Advertising Mana ger , Shell Chemical Company Limited ,
iseise rii 1 tn :-.i,\ ;i !ui for troa ;i: ;c r iir -i r*f tJ ie ra :rpany ' s :iia :iiite. The ti *:i also is wanted , ' Teepol ' and hypochlorite make an excellent combination.
t i.ibfl r< v i: * <> o. '; 1: i* app lio.l c\t o™ i ;i ' v :- , ''> ' VTVi> .t ec! other organic raw 170 Piccadilly, London , W.i.
as ri rewii^i; for b ur :^ ? :i\-er5. a:ui ski: *. materials for >ix months . Tr.or. it i*
J u r p ri -.j 'i 1 *^ . It i- ':^e^ !> v v< *'. frir. a ry nn v e i w.:h chim i - n ~ s"< " a ' owe i !¦-•
sur seons ' " prove: . 1 <i [-r.r- e a:: i r>:i
rho far m a * an animal fe«v! Ar.i ' iia!
iiuil':re for a fwit he i " two to Three
miv-ths It 1« '. :tt > wn-.der that ".he YOU CAN BE SURE OF SHELL CHEMICALS fo iELO
food j nni: ;ifa -"!::rerj include it in their v.M .-o r sensitive :o sme 'l :s advised
feed mixt n r t s. not to go round the factory.
Courlene A 3 hi g h-density
monof i l yarn *J now being used
in f ishing nets and trawls.
Advantages c l a i m e d for it

Ey es must be brig ht include high resistance to rot

and abrasion, ease of handling
at below-freezing temperatures ,
by Rai hel R\an reduced drag, and elimination of
the need for dry ing
IJ L'E have all read tho se sa ge All fill eted fish : Opalescent
" counsels in cookery books as to gleams such as one sometimes sees
ne manner of choosing fish. Toe eyes or. bacon.
nust be bright , the gill s red , the sme 'i Waicn a queue of women at a

The use of
fishmonger 's—o ne in three wii! be
" n ot offensive ." the flesh " firm to the buying filleted plaice. Why ? Pre-
:ouch." But fishmonger; do not wel- sumably because though almost
l(i!H( customers who t>oke fish in the entirely lacking in flavour when
ribs or pry open their gills ; even the

eaten off the bone (plaice is a very
.veariest fillet on the slab is seldom different affair when cooked whole *
ho far gone that it actually has an it is easy to fry and presents no
offensive smell ; and although the problems 'i n boning, eating, or wash-
'¦yes and skin of very fresh herrings

f ibres
ing up. But neither do sprats which
and mackerel have a pleasing are far cheaper , much more nourish-
¦-parkle , the same can hard' y be said insj- and perfectly delicious when fried
of rod , whiting, and many others, and eaten whole with slices of lemon ,
while fillets Seave one entirely in the like whitebait , which, they mucrt
iark about their eyes, ski n , and gil.s. resemble. Sprats are in season from
After long experience it is true that October to March . Smelts are a little h\ En art J ones
one can pass a very fair judg ment on larger and a bit more expensive but
any fish simply by looking at it. but very delicate in flavou r . They too can SINCE the war many industries have
the beginner wii ! find it much easier be fried but are almost better baked been completely revolutionised by
So j udge her fishmonger and his shop. whole in the oven with lemon-juice , the advent of plastics. In various
!f the latter can be smelt a dozen buiter. a nd breadcrumbs. They are in
yards away (and unfortunately Inert; foims these new materials have come
season from October to May.
are many such), avoid it. If the ba'-k Hake is not very often seen in the to the fishing industry too. Their
n remises are mucky, if the fHh look shoos for. wisely, it does not stick to a chief impact has been on gear, and
J- rty, if flies abound , if the assistants ti rne-:;!tj; e in its t raveis, bJt it is an aLthough they have not proved
.i re disoKiging. and tne do "very van excellent li?h with a pure, fresh
only draws up at the door twice a capable of altering catching tech-
tane and a more delicate consistency niques, they have made it possible to
week , 'avoid it Do not be put oft", how- than cod. It can be bought in pieces,
ever, by a clean shop which tends to -.teak* , or fillets a,nd costs more than give greater durability to existing
run out of goods at the end of the cod . but is worth it. lorms of equipment.
• l ay, for this probably means that the Whiting is another fish with a fine It cannot be said, however, that the
fishmonger buys his fish fresh every pure taste, more esteemed by the
nay, which is an excellent -thing. French than by ourselves. British fishing vessel owner has been
It is not the length of time spent It is in
seas on a ,' ', the year round but only quick to take advantage of synthetic
between the sea and the shon that turns up rather erratically at the materials. Extremely cautious and
;nakes fish flabby. lifeless, and sta e. fishmonger 's. It used to be displayed conservative, he knows the life to be
¦ expected from , and the replacement
iut the constant trips back and forth curled in a ring with its tail in its
between refrigerator and s:ab. slab mouth and in this shaoe it was often cost of nets and ropes made from, well-
and refrigerator, in the same shoo. fried and eaten at breakfast, but whit- tried natural fibres. He listen s to the
If a shop has a fine variety of fish , ing is adapt able and can a!so be claims of durability made for nylon ,
¦i- ne 'ls fresh, and looks w o ] tenried grilled and baked. " Terylene," and polythene, the
(and a well-kept fishmonger 's shop Two underrated fish , both of which main British synthetic alternatives,
ran be a charming sight), then-the make a first-rate meal when stuffed but is loth to take chances with
owner or manager is sure to be keen and baked , are sea-bream and grey materials both more expensive and
and knowledgeable. His i.s a shop to {to him) untried.
muliet. Bream is the cheaper o£ the to and to learn a great deal from which he can make nets as soil

Trials in the retail trade

two. Both are beautiful creatures, the While other countries such as
from . A knowledgeable tr adesman former pink , the latter silver-grey, Norway and Canada have been using as cotton but with all the durable
-eld orn minds being asked sensible and they weigh anything from three- nets made of synthetics for many qualities of synthetics, the research
uuestions , so never be shy of asking quarters of a pound to four pounds. years, in England they are still laboratories of I.C.I, and British -
them. Mullet are in season from April to regarded by most fishermen as experi- Nylon Spinners have been experi-
If no such shop can be found then November and bream al! the year mental luxuries. It is true that the menting, in co-operation with various QN the Hrst day of this year by Derek Nttrin more buoyant, better supported com-
choose the one that !ooks cleanest and cod end—or end " bag "—of the trawl net manufacturers , for several years. the " Guardian " correspondence modity, he could invest with reason-
-mells freshest and try to avoid buy- Does anyone nowadays make a is now often made or reinforced with From these experiments have been columns included an American conr the European seems to favour the food able certainty. If Ehfe was coupied
Ing fish with the following defects : meal of boiled John Dory with shrimp nylon ; and it is agreed that it lasts evolved two basic twines : one of tribuiion to a " brutal candour specialist to a greater extent lhan Che with further co-operative action on
Herrings: Dull eves, sunken sauce ? This ugly fish is rareiy seen longer than when made of natural monofilament " Terylene " around exchange." Among other things the American. The fishmonger's first the part of the fishmongers in study-
bodies, thin backs and big stomachs now but at one time, less than fifty fibre. But the nylon generally used which is woven " Terylene " spun writer, from Princeton University, task might be to achieve, through his ing, for example, what diversification
(to o much roe . generally hard). years ago , it was esteemed a great for this purpose is Government staple fibre ; the second of nylon- said: " one wastes a jjreat dea l of lime trade organisation, a .greater aware- is both suitable and desirable for them
Kippers : Limp bodies, henna delicacy, almost equal to turbot, and surplus parachute cord , which is com- With the backing of the Herring food-shopping in Britain because of ness from the rest of the fisaiing to undertake, this would increase the
rather than go '.den-brown colour , was cooked in the same way.
paratively cheap—or was, until Industry Board experimental nets the inefficient specialisation in food industry thait fish consumption has viirflity of the industry. . There are
very dry or ve ry wet appearance Shrimp and prawns are much more
suppliers realised the extent of the were braided from both types. shops." falten substantially over the post-war other examples for co-operative
I they should look oily but not demand. When the question of Both proved very quickly that they The inefficient specialisation in food years. If it is to be. maintained at action bein g developed in otlier fields.
expensive when they are bough t making a complete Granton trawl of had overcome the problem of fish shops. Leaving aside the matter of even its present level in the years part>ieulairly the buying groups in the
dampi , dirty heads or silvery shelled , but a little goes a long way if damage ; but then another difficulty efficie ncy, which can, be debated from immediately ahead, then the producers grocery field.
-.tring-bladder left down the centre suitable synthetics is discussed , how-
they are used in a risotto or added ever , the trawlerman takes into con- appeared—tha t of knot slippage. The many standpoints, there is little doubt must recognise the imjj oriance of the The overriding prinioijjJe whidh
of the fish. with tomato sauce to a dish of sideration the short life to be expec- synthetic materials are so smooth that that the major problem facing the retail element, and provide adequate must be recognised by the rest of the
Mackerel : Coppery gleams, li mp sp aghetti. Scallops, once a Tarity, now tel from his net. when a weight of fish puts strain on fishmonger in the next decade is that support for the commodity. For 1he fishing industry is that She fisfarnonfier
bodies, dull leaden eyes. appear in nearly every fishmonger's the net, even the double knot between of specialisation. For of all food greater volume of fish is still bought remains, and wiH remain1 in the
Scallops : Pale colours. dry shop, and this is rather surprising each mesh will slip, so altering the shops, none are more specialised than fresh from She fishmonger. This forseeable Suture, the main outdet for
appearance. The orange should be
bright and shiny, the white very
because they are not cheap and they Write-offs shape and size of the mesh. Further the fishmonger, and the specialist is because the buying, retailing, and flsh. He is of vital importance and
whi te.
shrink in cooking. On the other hand
In fact , a deep sea trawler fishing experiments have largely overcome retailer of all kinds will be subject handling of fish requires unique skills am indL«pensable Mnk In, the chain
they are perfectly deliciou s and the
for seventeen or eighteen days may this, however, by the use of special to increasing pressure. The shop of which even the large supermarkets from the trawler to the housewife.
Shrimps and Prawns : A pa '.e. d ry most accommodating of all shell fish bonding agents and by heat setting. the candlestick-maker has gone and will find difficult to acquire. There is little point in planning new
appearance and dull black eyes for they are equally good boiled, hav.j to write off two or more com- So successful did the later experi- the butcher and baker have had the If the fishing industry were to a nd beMer ways of catching ftsh , of
instead of bright bead y ones. chopped, and bound in a sauce with plete trawls. So that the advantages ments prove, in fact, that one specialist character intruded on, to accept the need for action, tliej i the investing the taxpayers* money in
Whitlnc : Iyeaden colour—they ar from cheese to a mixture of claimed for the synthetics—resistance Lowestoit owner wanted to equip his varying degrees, by branded products . independent fishmonger could look new hroa-te . if the need to provide the
sho uld be very Daie fawn with a onio n , mushroom, parsley, and tomato, to abrasion and freedom from rotting, fleet with the " all-Terylene " type at Bread , sausages, pies, cakes, and bis- again at the question of modernisa- commodity with adequate background
faint ninl c fliKh. eriMed. baked, or fried in batter. among others—are not likely to be once. Only the caution of manufac- cuits—all these were once the subjects tion. With a continuing stake in a stiEOort is not recognised.
proved ; nor are they arguments for t urers and scientists persuaded him of retail specialisation but are now
paying up to twice the already high that it was safer to go slowly, and he firml y positioned as branded products
prices asked for nets of natural 01 tiered 300 nets as a start. With available in the fully diversified out-
cordaet* these he is reaping the benefit of. let. And the field is constantly
Nevertheless some complete trawls lower repair bills, and although their increasing.
made of " Courlene X3 "—the poly- first cost is about 50 per cent greater The fishmonger still goes to

Hig hland
ethylene extrusion manufactured by than cotton , when fully rigged , and ma rket—if only by telephone—and
Courtaulds—have been used, particu- although they have not yet been in takes a daily gamble tha t his buying

larly by trawlers fishing out of Fleet- use long enough to show exactly how judgment, coupled with his selling
wood. Fished on grounds relatively long their life is likely to be, it is skill , will produce an adequate profit.
free from "obstructions, they are already obvious that it will be at least A few sel'l other foods than flsh in an
reported to be very satisfactory ; twice as great as th at of cotton. And attempt to increase turnover and
polythene has a specific gravity of time and money is saved because they reduce their dependency. But there
onl v 0.96 and is therefore lighter to

need no drying after use, nor periodic is a limit to the extent to which this

f or the Fishing Industry

tow ; it does not absorb water nor rfmnine- in nreservative. is possible in the traditional fish-
make a breeding ground for bacteria ; Even so, there is as yet no general monger shop with its open front and
and its surface is so smooth that it meve towards the use of synthetics specialised fitments. And making the
does not collect weed. f or herring drift nets. necessary changes is an expensive and
Other uses for polythene in which Besides nets and ropes there are a hazardous business.
its low specific gravity has been found other uses in the fishing industry for The extent of the hazard is reflected
'THE PICK OF THE HIGHLA ND AND ISLANDS " particularly advantageous are in the
lightweight Vinge or wing trawl now
synthetic materials. Wat erproof in the decline in the number of fish-
clothing, for example ; nylon smocks mongers over the last ten years, a
being used by many nearwater fishing
vessels, and in the midwater trawl.
do not crack and peel as do the old- decline of a 'jmost a fifth of their 1 Btidp ort Industries Ltd., leaders In
type oilskins, and can be stowed wet. nu mber. True, total turnover of
Some headlines and other fishing Then there are various plastics such fishmongers has risen f rom £61 [ the development of man-made fibres for fishing-
. . For ropes are also being made of
this material.
as expanded P.V.C. and polystyrene millions in 1950 to a level of abou t 1 *

we orn k-i ho/j :\ In the drift net herring fisheries

other obstacles have faced the adop-
which are being used for dhan and £74 millions in 1959, an increase of
other buoys as a replacement for approximately 20 per cent. It is
cork ; and floats of various rigid and also true that fhe reduction in the
purp oses, nave also pioneered the
blendi ng- of fibr es for the East Anglia n synthetic
GUARANTEE tion of synthetic fibres. The drift net.
floating vertically near the surface of
semi-rigid plastics to replace those number of shops in this period has
of metal for lifting the headlines of meant that individual shops are taking 1
SATISFACTION SHELLFISH the sea, has nothing to fear from
bottom obstructions. Some nets are
trawls and drift nets.
a lart rer share of an increased cake,
are , too. various plastic and it is probable that the average
herring net. They have now joined
lost in sudden storms, or when care- paints with greater anti-corrosive shop has increased its turnover by j forces with James Pearsall & Co. Ltd., makers of
ord n whh n eilCATESSEX less shipping ploughs through the
mile-long sets, but generally speaking
properties than red-lead ; paints more than 40 per cent In the last ten i
which can save the fishing vessel years. I the very finest quality syntheti c fish
drift nets are used until they are owner some of his capital
CONFIDENCE you can do no better rotted from the action of bacteria,
«nn nnH «nlf watAr depreciation.
Another type ot plastic which has Less fish sold
net twines , and will continue to be at the service
It would seem obvious, from this, not yet made much impact on the But diis situation can be thought ; of the Fishing - Industry.
than contact the exp erts that the qualities of synthetic
materials make them ideal replace-
fishing industry is the glass fibre enoouraKiniE only until one compares
reinforced resins. Used so far in the it with the environment in which
F a ctories at : ments for the cotton of which herring construction of small yachts and fishmongers are operating. For
drif t nets are normally made ; cotton dinghies, these combine great strength example . Ihere is less fish being
. INVERBERVIE , THURSO, BODDAM and ABERD EEN which needs dipping in preservatives ;
which is liable to spontaneous com-
bustion when piled, wet and slimy, in
with lightness, and are not subjec t to now than ten years ago. and sold
corrosion. Abroad , they have been evidence tends to show that 10 per
used to fabricate wheelhouses and cent of the traditional fishmongers'
the hold ; which needs constant mend- casings and even small fishing vessel share has gone into other outlets.
ing due to the damage caused by dog hulls ; and now, quite recently, the While the individuai fishmonger's BR IDPORT , DO RSET
fish and other predators—one of the wheelhouse of a new 56ft. duai- turnover has increased by 40 per cent,
most expensive items the owner of a purpose fishing craft built by T. the retail price of fish has "risen by
THE LIN TY MILL, INV ERBERV IE. MO NTROSE flee t of drift nets has .to face, with Summers and Co., of Fraserburgh , the same amount ; thius the increased Telephone: Telegrams:
labour available f or mending becom- has.been completely sheathed in glass turnover did not represent an •S^^ iS^'v t W h Netting
Teleohone : INVERB ERVIE 253 ing daily more scarce. (i hr o
increased volume per shop in spite of Bridp ort 2381 ^ S&^s^ffl^^J? , Bndpott.
Drift nets catch herring, however, So it is that plastics, in their the reduced number of ou/tiets.
when the fish thrust their heads various fosm s, are gradually imping- This was against a background of i
through the mesh and are unable to ing upon our fishing industry. The a rise in the Retail Food Index
withdraw because of their gills. British fisherman is perhaps slower per cent, which indicates that offish 65 1
Monofilament yarns are harder and than his foreign counterparts to rush became progressively cheaper in com-
have less stretch than cotton, and in into anything new. But once he has parison with other foods. Against
struggling to free themselves the .fish made up his .mind what is best—and the 20 per cent increase in the
cati be badly damaged, so fetching a he is in the process of deciding about amount of money spent in fish-
lewer price in this country 's selective plastics—only the best is good enough mongers' shops must -be set the
markets. for him. There is little doubt but that i n cr ease in the total consumers'

Send, your
In order to overcome this, and so these new materials have a great expenditure on food of 75 per cent.
give the herring fisher man a yarn future in the industrv. The critic of specialisation, will find
much comfort in these figures. The
fishmonger seems to be following tfae ^b^b^b^b^b^b^ b^b^b^^b^b^b^b^bV^t^i ^N^^^bi^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^bV
general trend of being swallowed up ^B^
^¦^B^B^p B^ HB^P ^^B^fuT ^^^^ BiB ^B^B^ B^ B^ B^ B^ B^H
by the larger diversified trading unit. \

<*-^^^ MB1B^B^^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bb
Before the conclusion is accepted,
however, further considerations must
be taken into account. The retail
fishmonger has served the fishing
industry and the consuming public
j extremely well over many decades.
Some fishmongers would say that the a^B^B^B^B^B^B^B9§f£K29ai l£BBP^3flC^ * '^^^L^B^B^B^B^B^Bfl
1,OOO Fish Wagons a day fishing indiistry has not supported
him well in the Increasingly exposed
^ ^^^ ¦n B^^^ B^^^
^ Hfj#£W
^*v^*s " - ~."^^^^^^^^^
J1' it \.
¦-.¦ » ¦ ¦ ^'A^b^bVPb^b^bI

^B9P*^^ HKS ^bHP ^

jBjB^B^B^B^B^^Bjp^B^H^B^BJBuBC -*•* '¦**""'~" -f£ft^B^B^E£H8 ^BS
position he has found himself in over l^^^^^ H^BW^^ B

are run from the port* by British Railways in the busy the la st ten years. For he knows that
fi?h does not exist by itseli as a food,
season and 3.1O.OOO tons of fish are carried every year that it is one element of the total food
fro m the lnndir. c ports tn destinations throughout market. Eegs. bacon, sausages, and
lamb are exampl es of foods w-hicii
Britain. This is a service onl y railways can pro-ride. have a similar j>os:tion to fish in the B^^ f^'^J KJt- ^ii'ff^BMB ^BjiWB^ihViM 1 nT^TW ^fi^B^B^B^M
naftem of meals . Each of these foods
Fish for the nation , freshl y-caug ht , speeds t h roug h I is we!', supported by the producer
the country every ni ght to be on sale the next morning. through the provision of adequate
i consumer research and advertising.
Special distribution centres, strateg ica ll y placed, ensure Fish , with the exception of isolated
efforts, has remained without modern
rapi d delivery , minimum handling. And there's froeen aids in a competitive era in food
fish , too , ca rried in hi ghly insulated containers, straight marketing.
from the harbour to the cold store. Finally, there's bnlk prisin g that the average fishmonger I
In these circumstances it is not sur- inf latabl e
carriage of rish for processing strai ght to the factories at finds hi mself in a dilemma. With an liferafts
avera ce turnover of less than £200 a Proven in practice over and over igai n. ELLIOT lifenfu even when
special rat««. t, week, dependent on a p. unsupported
commodity, with his primary suppliers heavily ov erload ed have withstood (o res 10 (ales. Des!(ned from
¦Tho railways, whose enterprise developed the fishing tending to turn to the frozen food experience with nothing left to chance and backed by a service
industry at the main port.*, are still solving its nightly producer, with his premises becoming organisation second to none, you can be confident when you fit ELLIOT
outdated , and the need to acquire new — th « hferaft your crews know they can trust.
transport problem with an unrivalled service. From ski Ms. he has real problems to over- ¦ "
come. Elliot lifenfu are available in sizes for 4. 6. 8. 10, 12. IS , 20 and 25 men
1 Irimsb y al one , 5.000 dest inations can he served dail y. Yet it is not a hopele*«; position. | A range of stowages, of glass fibre, meal or wood, hi available to
Not a " experts atrree that there is no E p rovide complete protection and instant accessibility.
future in specialisation, arxi certainly
Gutting and wa *hin%
e O«I»T tOW» lTXtlT . LONDON f-C l. PHONI; MAH1IQN HOUll >«>7
the catch ' cont i cony (aiphoni iondon tilix i ikh i
M&nfattvn oorf S«f**c» tn U S K :
' -• f > A a rurrMrflf iM 77 M«.m W*#« {«n Fr aMtf ^BM. t ^ rf _ lit A.
Stiff opposition to release On e wi n in bi g
of Dr Banda campaign
From Alistair Cooke
From our Spec ial Correspondent New York, March 21.
Salisbury, March 21. reader ob.ig.ngly informed the " Go into places, speak s o ft l y , wait
When Mr Macleod arrives at enemy " RhucJesia Hera '.d " that " the rea! your turn, be neat in appearance .
in Africa is America." use the words- ' thank y ou. ' and
Sal isbury on Thursday on his The campaign has its lighter ' please,' because they are valuable."
hastily arranged fortnight' s visit to moments. Even the Queen Mothe r and
.lil !, the gossi p columnist of the With th is modest battle cry.
Central Africa he will be faced by " Rhodesia Herald ," have been pressed
a most formidable all iance of into service. The " Sunday Mail's " wr itten by a Negro schoolmistress
politicians and administrators banner and delivered by her pupils to their
headline on March 13 parents. San Antonio, Texas,
determined to dissuade him from expounded " Macleod's agonising launched its campaign against
releasing Dr Banda from Gwelo dilemma—Banda release timing may segregated lunch-counters. Over the
prison. Dr Banda has become more cancel roya! visit." Jill turned from week-end it won without a skirmish.
than ever before the focal figure in crec-ipe ocktail parties to judo and gave a
San An tonio, western in geography
the swirling power politics of the womanfor a throw which she said any
could learn in five minutes ; but southern in its folkways, thus
Federation. she beg an by dismissing it as " this became the first town in the South
The - Colonial Secretary and Sir little pa rty tri ck ." but later Quoted an to honour the bold principle that
Roy Welensky both understand that instructor as saying darkly, " There 's the Negro has a constitutional right
while the Nyasaland Congress leader certainly need for girls here to know- to eat alongside his white brother.
remains in prison there can be no how to defend themsel ves—and there
proper constitutional advance for may be an even greater need in Seen from the north, this is a
Africans in that territory. Both know future." point so small as to be almost
that a new constitution for Northern Few Rhodesians are laughing at invisible. But in the last mortth it
Rhodesia will flow from settlement in fears so engendered and it must be has pricked the pride of the Southern
Nyasaland. Mr Macleod wants to asked what part the Federal Govern- whites, called out the police and the
dear the log-jam ; Sir Roy appears U> ment has played in this campaign. fire brigade of Oramgeburg. South
think that given enough logs he can Only a partial answer can be given. Carolina, to break up a protest
dam the river of African nationalism. It is that Sir Roy could have quietened march of a t housand college students :
He seems to believe his career as down the papers' alarmism if he had moved the Governor of Alabama to
Federal Prime Minister depends on thought it would suit his tactics to threaten the Negroes with the
his ability to build such a political have Mr Macleod arrive in a calm " trouble . . . they are looking for,
Kariba. Sir Roy's alliance embraces country. He is readily accessible to a<nd roused the lawyers for iha
the Premier of Southern Rhodesia. the editors and could have dropped, a National Association for the Advance-
Sir Edgar Whitehead, the United gentle hint to them. Instead, two of ment of Coloured People to swe-ar
Federal, party leader in Northern his own Federal members of Parlia- that they will " go as far as the
Rhodesia, Mr John Roberts, and a ment added their own ammunition. Supreme Court if necessary " to
new-comer in the Governor of Nyasa- Mr Peter Staub. in h story which the defend every student who has been
land . Sir Robert Armitage. Their " Evening Standard " of Salisbury convicted and fined for such offences
motives va ry : Sir Robert simply headlined " Terror Stalks Nyasaland," as loitering and disturbing ol the
believes that Dr Banda 's release will told of widespread intimidation based peace.
spark off riots and does not want on the experiences of two African A sudden offensive
to close an unhappy career as members of Parliament. Next day,
Governor—first in Cyprus, then in one of them. Mr Charles Matinga, There are sober Southerners who
Nyasaland—with announced that " more than half the said long 8go that once the young
three are more complex.
fireworks. The motives of the other Af rican population of Nva saland fear
the return of Dr Banda ." that he had
UNDERGROUND TEST people themselves chose to flout the
segregation laws , the South would be
Their actions at any rate have been himself removed his large family from lucky to avoid what the South Africans
straightforward and so far very Nyasalanrl . and that Dr Banda 's call The Day of Blood. The Negio
successful. They persuaded the return would be " a victory for the
British Government not to give Dr hooli ean element."
Chile and Argentina Test ban for 4 or 5 years ? Murder of African college student is a new factor in the
war of integration , and suddenly he
Banda , a s i n te n ded , the birthday
present of his re'.ease on February 14. Flaying for time
Instead Lord Home flew out to
ask the Queen to Russians questioned on plan houseboy : Briton
has taken the offensive in fourteen
cities of nine States. In the past week
he has acquired a new and heartening
What motive has Sir Roy in
reassure Sir Roy about the British acquiescing in (if
Government 's general intentions . Mr encouraging) this creation of racial
not actively settle f rontier From our own Correspondent
loses appeal ally in the white college student of the
North. The "New York Times
reported yesterday that from Yaie,
Roberts also appears to have been tension ? Dr Banda epitomises the anti-
reassured that neither the franchise Federation spirit , and to release him Santiago, March 21.
Geneva, March 21. Nairobi , March 21. Harvard , and Princeton in the East ,
beyond his rigid stand that first of all through the universities¦ of Chicago ,
nor the constitution of Northern while there is so much talk of Ch ile and Argentina have the West has to agree to the principle Peter Harol d R ichard Poole (28),
Rhodesia would be altered for another secession ami while the Monckton The Soviet Union to-day proposed Indiana, and Wisconsin in the Mid-
agreed to ask Queen Elizabeth to that the number of inspections must an engineer from Eastwood, Essex , West, and out to Colorado and
four years. Lord Home and Sir Roy Commission tours Nyasaland might be that joint East-West nuclear definitely and specifically be unrelated
were so well attuned tha t even after thought disastrous to his plans for the arbitrate in one front i er d i sp ute to-day lost his appeal against his California, white students have been
parting they both referred to Nyasa- constitutional review . He may hope research on underground detection to the number of dubious unidentified raising money, m imeographing
between the two countries and ask events, and that the annual inspection conviction and death sentence for
land . in speeches the same evening that time , a show of military force, as well as the morator ium on pamphlets, forming picket lines, and
the World Court in The Hague for weapon testing beiow the agreed quota, which is the chief deterrent the murder of an African ho-useboy, marching to protest against the
six thousand miles apart, as a past or and Dr Banda 's continued detention against cheating, must be small and
future " slum." may still the ferment among Africans a verd ict on another, according to " threshold" should last for " five and decided to appeal to the Privy exclusion of Negro college boys from
1 conceived on an exclusively political Council. restaurants and lunch-counters in the
which has been stirred by events in sources close to the Foreign or four years. ' basis.
Press campaign the Congo, Kenya , and Tanganyika : Ministry to-day. Mr Tsarapkin , the chief Soviet The only morsel of news Mr His trial in December resulted in South.
But there remains the fear that the and that the British Government may the first conviction of a European for Bv all accounts, these insurgents are
The Queen will be asked to fix the delegate at the nuclear test negotia- Tsarapkin apparently volunteered spontaneously angry young men who
determined Mr Macleod wilt destroy agree on—and Africans accept—a tions, appears to have been elusive, to-day in this context was that there murdering an African by an all-white
have no national strategy and are
this harmony and even throw open much slower programme of constitu- boundary in the Andes, near Palena, however, when asked by his Western shou '.d be a single inspection quota jury in Kenya.
brash and untried in picketing tactics.
the prison gates in person. So a tional change. He may even want to in Southern Chile. Her great-grand- colleagues what would happen at the for events both above and below the Poole had pleaded not guilty to
But the fact that they exist is a
powerful new member has entered teach the former Minister of Labour father . King Edward VII , helped to shooting Kamawe Musunge, a house-
the alliance. The Rhodesian press the lesson that the African nationalists
end of the research and moratorium test ban threshold. boy, on October 12. In an alleged noveity unheard oi since the war.
settle a border dispute between the period if no ways were discovered It is understood that the Western This generation of college students is
h as done the politicians' work for are a tougher proposition than trade for reliable identification of smaller side has not even agreed yet to en- statement read in court during the
noticeably unstirred by politics.
them in the past fortnight by building unionists. If Mr Macleod is deter- two countries in the same area in 1902. trial Poole said he shot Musunge in
underground events which could be visage the possibility of an inspection Radicalism tends to run to beatnik
up an image in its white readers' mine d to release Dr Banda, Sir Roy The Hague Court will be asked to either earthquakes or clandestine quota below the threshold, where self-defence after the African ignored
capers and a vague social protest
minds of chaos that is to come if may argue , then Mr Macleod should be decide who owns islands claimed by nuclear axplosions. identification is hard and the quota to
his warning to stop throwing stones at
aga inst " conformity."
Dr Banda is released. The result is a on the spnt to take the responsibility both countries in the Beagle Channel, It is understood that Mr Tsarapkin be meaningful as a deterrent has to be
his dogs. He fired one shot, intending
striking demonstration of the power of ifriotini?. the crowd's exuberance turns into off Tierra del Fuego, near the does not envisage any automatic large . The impression at least in some
to hit the houseboy in the legs, but Senators enra ged
a virtual monopoly press (seven main southern Up of South America. Two expiration of the moratorium. He Musunge drew back his arm and Poole
papers belong to the same Argus Neither the Federal Government years ago, after Chileans built a light- Western quarters is that the Russians shot again. But the noise of these callow youth s
seems to have indicated that at the are trying to get a virtually total ban has reached , and enraged the Senate,
croup stable) ; the .si t u a t i o n is now nor the Rhodesia press has offered house on Snipe -Island in the channel end of the moratorium the treaty for a quota which would be hardly " Manslaughter " whose 200-odd hours of filibustering
any constructive
extremely tense and white Rhoclesians release of Dr Banda alternative to the and an Argentine destroyer demolished should not be liquidated but that the sufficient by Western standards even
h ave bofnme b ' ubb ornly opposed to o£ the constitutional and the renewal it, the two countries agreed to return Governments should consult on what for the relatively few dubious events Poole 's lawyer . Mr F. H. Lawton . has slowed debate to a treadwater
what they assume are Mr Macleod's now will accept nothingtalks. Nyasas to the status quo and seek a Q.C., said in appealing against the pace and convinced the 18 stubborn
else During to do next. The absence of clarity above the threshold that the House of Repre-
ulans. permanent decision regarding its here seems to have been intentional , °°* Britain is understood to view last death sentence that the shooting was Conieaerates will pass on, for approval
the past month
This press campaign has been based with Mr Macmillan has cooled their short flirtation ownership . since the permanent part of the ban " a classic case of manslaughter " and sentatives
Saturday 's Soviet proposals (partial the weakest possible
on alarming tales of Kenya's present the into The agreement to submit one above the threshold would not be ban, research and moratorium) as an not murder. He submitted that the by the Senate
plight, of " intimidation growing February familiar state of scepticism. When dispute to arbitration and the other affected by any action below the trial was null : Civil Rights Bill, one that will set up
14 passed without release to the Court was reached after four enumeration of principles aimed at ( 1) Because Poole had at first been some loose Federal supervision of
daily " In Nyasaland, and of the alleged of their leaders, when Mr threshold, which is subject to a fixed- getting round the present difTiculties
primitiveness of African leaders. It last week said of Central Africa Macmillan days of talks here between Senor Jose tprm m oratorium. with al! the related details now being discharged after a member of the j ury Negro voting rights and otherwise _¦
has made full use of the like-minded " Nothing must be done to destroy that Maria Pablo Pardo, legal adviser to As for the number of inspections subject to negotiation. The Western said he could not return a verdict of nothing but pacify or anaestheti. the
" Daily Express " quoting various security and rights of Europeans, the the Argentine Foreign Ministry, and the Russians said they would accept guilty for religious reasons ; <2> because northern Liberals.
" the Chilean Government. There were side to-day put to Mr Tsarapkin about Pool e was immediately rearrest ed and Senators Kennedy and Humphrey,
pieces with such headlines as " Mac 's Africans concluded that nothing both for dubious events above the a dozen or so of questions connected rearraigned before a new ju ry insiead the two northern Liberals, who are also
Africa Laurels Withering " and " The be done at all. At least will reports from Buenos Aires that Presi- agreed threshold of 4.75 on the seis- with his proposal , but evidently he was of a new preli minary inquiry being held declared presidential candidates,
Great Betrayal in Africa." It has more prodding from not without dent Frondizi of Argentina would mograph or for those below it. Mr intentionally or otherwise unable to bef ore a magistrate : and (3) because admitted yesterday that any bill that
fallen into xenophobia , attacking both Although Mr Macmillan themselves. come here to sign the agreement with Tsarapkin to-day refused to be drawn satisfy Western curiosity. Poole had not been pre sent when part of can pass both Houses is going to be,
Britain and the United Stales. as a practis- President Jorge Alessandri of Chile.-- Uie evidence was given , altho ugh the
" Mau Maus Breaking Emergency," ing political scientist may have Reuter. evidence was later re-kiken in his in Senator Kennedy 's words, " pretty
warned the Federation 's major Sunday " rights," it was almost touniversally
attached strict meaning the word much confined to voting, although I
Disarmament Conf erence > 1960 presence.
The Kenya Solicitor-General, Mr D. wish it had gone beyond that." In a
paper the " Sunday Mail " in its lead interpreted in Central Africa
story a fortnight ago. Last Sunday embracing the present privileges as VV. INDIES SEEKS television interview Senator Kennedy
W. Conroy, Q.C. for the Crown, said said that " if I could have my way "
Soviet plan lacks details
the tale recurred under the front page the white tace. of the Judge had correctly ruled that the the Attorney General would be Riven
head'. ine, " Asians in Kenya Live in
If white Rhodesians are waiting for
U.S. AID proceedings should discontinue, but wide authority to bring injunction
Terror." On the intervening Sunday Mr Macleod tight lips . Nyasas this meant the Supreme Court pro- suits to enforce school integration and
the paper reported in its lead story are becomingwith
that Dr Banda would not accept impatience for Drvery Bancla
release without the release of his belie ve that Sir Roy' 's return. They
angry in their Help for industries From our Diplomatic Correspondent
ceedings, not the preliminary inquiry civic rishts in general.
as well. The fact that part of the trial The tone of both these interviews
s alliance wiil conventional disarmament and the con- was conducted in Poole's absence did was that of a ' coroner's inquest. The
Congress companions at Gwelo, Henry browbeat Mr Washington, March 21. Geneva , March 21. not automatically invalidate the trial. Civic Rights threat, as the Southern
Chipembere and the Chisiza brothers, illusioned anew Macleod and that dis- t rols necessary to police it involved fewer The judgmen t of the Court of
with The West Indian Federation is At to-day's meeting of the ten- complications In further justification
and then added : " These three men Government the British
hoping to obtain to-morrow a grant na tion disarmament committee Mr for the Sovi et order of disarmament Appeal was delivered bv the Vice- senators But rose to block It. is dead or
are reported to have ' gone back to in violt-nrc. To their country will erupt
avoid this, Mr Macleod measures Mr Zorin adduced the argu- President of the Court , Sir Alistair dying. the courage of Negro
college students on the battlefield
the bush ' in appearance and to be will have to or loan of about S2.250.000 (£803.570> Zorin. the Soviet delegate, explained ment that nuc len r weapons could not be Forbes.
unkempt with flowing hair and even Sir Rol>ert persuade Sir Roy and from the United States International used for aggressi ve purposes unless itself, and the surprising hel p of
Mr Bronislaw Sirley, counsel for northern whites, are new and ominous
sharpened teeth " The " Rhodesia release can that only Dr Banda 's Co-opera t ion Administration to help why it was that the Soviet dis- large conventional forces were also Poole, said later that he had been elements. It seems that
Herald " sustained this fearsome like being save the peace. This looks
the hardest task the
small secondary industries , armament plan began with conven- available w::h which to follow up the instructed to appeal to the Privy of " rebels without a causea"generation
image of savages with a report that Colonial Secretary Washington officials said Sir tional and ended with nuclear n uclear attack Nuc'. ear disar mament Council.—Rp utp r has found
one, which could one day remove the
Dr Banda was withdrawn and now has yet had to fare. Grant'ey Adams, the Prime Minister, disarmament. (The Western plan staee therefore would best feature in the final
hopes that the I.C.A. will grant about of a genera l and complete dis- whole issue of the Negro's rights from
rarely in conversation with his a rmament programme fj e ffrasp nf the Southerners in the
lieutenants. 32.250.000 to the Federation's develop- combines measures of conventional INCRE ASED MI GRATION
[J.S. under fire TALKS ON LAW OF ment loan and guarantee fund, but and nuclear disarmament through- Step backwards
he would probably accept a loan of TO A USTR ALIA
Senate who tssume that their own
mastery of the South is inevitable.
It was explained at a Soviet Dress
The Americans earned a column-long SEA POSTPONED the same amount it a grant is not out its three stages.) Canberra , March 21 .
editorial attack in the " Sunday Mail " possible. Mr Zorin implied that the first two conference this afternoon that the main British migrants are now coming to ATTACK ON CAVALRY
British and United Sta tes officials stages of his Government' s plan had obj ective of Mr Zorin 's speecn at to-da v's Australia at a greater rale than at any
because the American Committee on Dj akarta , Mahch 21.
Africa which " acts as host to
Communists and also to banned white-
Stran gled by procedur e said that the United States been confined to conventional disarma- meeting had been to encourage his
Chaguarmas naval base in Trinidad ment in order to meet the Western Wester n colleaeues to examine ihe Soviet
time in the past eight years. The Men of the Indonesian Army are
Minister of Immigration . Mr A. R. believed to have
haters like Chiume and Joshua From our own Correspondent would not be discussed. Sir Grantley viewpoint. ' He said that time and Ti'.an in detail He had repeate d his Downer, said to-day that he expected raiders who attacked been among 50
a cavalry train-
Nkomo " had invited as " favoured wants at least part of the naval base aj ain the Western Powers had insisted a ssurance that he was very ready to the target of 34 .000 assisted British ing centre in Bandung on Sunday.
guests the most active trouble-makers Geneva. March 21 . for the Federal capital.—British United that they could not contemplate the consider any reasonable amendments migrants in 1959-60 to be hit. " We The Indoniesian News Agency
in their own countries, the latest being At the law of the sea conference Press. elimination of their nuclear weapons tha t they might wish to put forward. are attracting the most enterprising reported to-day that seven Antara of the
Kenneth Kaund a fresh from jai l." A here to-day Saudi Arabia opened the until there had been a substantial That was the farth est that the Soviet and vigorou s people seeking a new life raiders were killed and 37 arrested.
general debate on ' the breadth of terri- CHIANG PR ESIDENT AGAIN reduction of the vast Soviet conven- spokesman was oreDare d to go when despite attractive conditions in An officer was killed defending the
tional forces and armaments. There- asked whether Mr Zorin was readv also Ensland." he added.—Renter . centre, and two were injured. —Reuter.
torial sea and fishery limits by pro- Taipeh , March 21. the Soviet Government was now to discuss the Wester n plan
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek was fore,

The Helping Hand

posing that each coastal State should leave nuclear weapon s in in detail.
be Jree to determine its own territorial to-day re-elected President ol the handsto of
the existing nuclear The Soviet spokesman said Mr Zorin
sea between three and twelve miles.
This proposal , which fails to distin-
Nationalist China for a third six-year Powers until towards the end of their had not
term. He received 1,481 votes out of disarmament programme when con- the Weste rn plans as a whole, but he had
a total of 1,509 votes cast in ventional armaments would virtually pointed at to-day's session that the
. vet expressed any final view on
Extraordinaire ! with gin
guish between territorial and fishery the National Assembly. He was havf * V*»en eliminated.
limits, comes close to the unsuccess- proposed establishment of a ceiling for
unopposed ; the two minority parties Mr Zorin said that a further reason the Soviet and American forces at
Merveilleux ! in a cocktail
^ ul^
ful Soviet proposal of two years failed to nominate candidates.— for postponing nuclear disarmament waa 2.500.000
ago which the Russian delegation involved no reduction.
Reuter. that Russia agre ed with the West that The existing level of American forces
appar ently also intended to reintro- was exactly 2,500.000 and the Soviet
duce to-day if the conference had not
become paralysed as a result of its
Pro qramme f or Mr K. s tour
Unio n had already committed itself to
reduce its o*-n forces to 2.430.000. The Incomparable ! neat
own rules of proced ure .
Under the amended rules speaker?
have to follow in the order they arc
Wester n pl an also failed to set anv
ceilings fo r the forces of Britain and
France and oth«r maj or Powers. This
li^^ ij ^^
¦SomBv ' ^«S down to speak, and since the second From »oux own Correspondent was a mo« backwards. But even
speaker »as not ready to-day the Pa ris . March 20. taki ng the train to an agricultural though providing for no reduction of B
third ar.rt later sneakers could not take breeding station at Serqueux-Cattenay. p.a forces in the first stage the Western ^
the lloor and the conference had to The programme for Mr Khrushchev's near Rouen , dinner at Rouen . n had proposed contro '.s over the ieve!
3(!i(iilr n imill td.mdrnm1 tour of France includes : Thursday : Journey from Rouen by roa d of
Wednesday , March 33 • Arnva! in Paris to Ailizay. where he will visit a paper- a contro l system
forces. Here, Mr Zorin claimed, was
example of the West 's pr eference lor
without any measure
say 'Noilly Prat * and zL^^^g
a; eleven o'clock , at tne E.>see ; makine factorv ; return to Pans by road ; of disa rmament to contro l
Sigr. Segni fails to Arch de Ir omphe and other forma l K,nch at the Quai d'Orsay
ceremonies . dinner and reception at uie the Soviet Embassy ,
; reception at
dinner at Ra m- Earlier in to-dav 's meeting Mr Ormsbv- your French tcill he perfect
Gore iBrita i n ) had criticised the
bo-lillet (P resident's country residen ce) . disarmament p!an for being too imprecise ^^^^ Km
Blind folk do not wane tn be fussed and form Cabinet : Sig. 1
Th ursday : Two hours ta:ks a*, the Friday
El\see : :uucn a-t Prjne Minister 's office ; Flins'Jet.
: Visit to Renault fa ctories at
, near RambouiUet : lunch al Ram- In its present form it could hardly' he
described as a plan at all And Mr
Lone or n liort... by itstelf or
they don't wint picy. Whir rhey do reception a: the :o'.vn hall : dinner given boui and further political talks. in Rood company, there 's
need and tremendously ippreciatc it Tambroni invited Ov Mr Kr.rushc.icv in non<?ur o' at Saturday Rambo
: Visit to Versailles and lunch O.
-msby-Gore added that in this respect
it was far inferior than the proposals put nothing quite so sutfnl or
^f 7a W*^I^H<
3' if
''> } !'
poetical help, »nd this it what the President of the Republic at ".he Qual Su nday : Departure from Orly forwa rd by the Soviet Union between invigorating aa Noill y 1'rat. - ._ 1"_ 1 j fcflH^^t~3i_Jj_^
K N.I.B. exists to give. It is our Rome. M arch 21. d Orsay 19S5-7 *
privilege to provide ichooling, re- Signor Seiini to-night gave up hi? Friday : Vis.t ;o Lenin 's flat ; t'.vo hour-' Mr Zorin repliea to this point by givine [ Tim ftxhilnrutine Frrnrh nncent ^^Kijj r- » ;~^^^^^B^""j2S^W
of" tlii-4 claa..un rlry vprmntltii
habilitation and vocational training, to
supply Braille , *u!kirt£ books' and
ciToris ui form a l.eft-of-Centre Coali-
tion Government to end the Italian
'.a :-;? a: rn e E'.y.-ee : '.unch a: the Dip.o-
rr.<,:.c Press A*.-ociat:o n . opening of an Post ponement of an assurance that ne wnui-j be haanv
to flU in the details of his Government' s frimfs from a mibtln hleml of ^^^^^'""""^flHflHIHV ^^Is
t'X.".:iv:!on of Fra::oo-R us.-:ar. aremves at plan as soon as it nad been accepted m tine French wini\>,. mat ured ^^^^^^^
^¦^¦^¦^^ f
specialised equipment for work and
leisure use, and to maintai n a host of
r n-i» whi ' -:i h.i< a ready lasted four
week* Ho a-ktt l President Gronchi .' he M.i-.1. ; reception of p ar '.ia men wrians
:i; ::ie Q'j ai d'Or =>jy : to the opera
atomic test pnncip e. This is a weU-worr. Soviet
plov des-gned at once to concent rate f'T at least 5 yearn, Willi
IB ^^^^W ^M
sen-ices which help jII H main's blind
to hvc happy , useful lives.
to tie relii 'vefi of the task.
P residen* Gronchi to-night received Saturday : Depw--ture by a:r
liner for Bordeaux : *.uncn :vi w. tha: c.*.y's
expected discussion on thei r own propo sals and to
obta in for them prior acceptance "in
Noill y Prat in you r¦f;taAM,
you ran Bay "pood health "
II ^^^¦wBff ¦
Signor Tambrorii. :be Mini ster for the - - Paris, March 21. principle " before th eir full imp Licatioas ! I^^Mi^K*9HRRi|K«iM a-_^___ftV
m.i .o. . M Cr.abj n-Dc.ma5 : :n :ne after- iiiitl really mean it. W
¦B9^E5K?V ^^ *I'' *—J|B
Budget, described as belonging to tlie noon flight 10 1'au : later vis.: to Laeq ; Reports that France will postpone can be sa uced . Atirmj i auk fur Sorf Uj 1'ral at ¦BlB^^^ ^^^^__
I.ef " -wi ni« of the Christian Demorratir dinner .r. ;.-.e i' retrel ure of t '.rj her second atomic test explosion— ': t) <? hnr , a t y wir win* wcrchiQiUs* ^^^^^^B
p.i rty. He has been asked to trv tn Sunday : Dep arture for Isires . n e a r expected to-morrow—until after the ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^M^^^^M»M^WM^^^^ BM
fnn n a now Government. —R o uter a"ti M ir-e .. t.- . v..-. :* :o Ar e* . iu::ch at visit of Mr Khrushchev gained ground VOLCANO DANGER Amial only IS/- a bottle Mf ¦^PHSPJP, ' JI
N ii v.e : vi.- it to '.'¦.€ f.ub.ic uorks on ir.e in Paris to-day. ¦
Briti sh 1' rir ed Prrs-; The Soviet Prime DECREASIN G
. . . e'est extraordinaire!
J •£***'• ¦$?«%<*> - •',., '¦
Lo.vcr Rhor.r d :ir.t*r .t; M ir>e. le*
Monday : V i«n :o Mar»ei "es. '.unch at Mi nister is to arrive in Paris on Port Moresby (New Guinea)
the Frerecfuire . '..itor tlj ^nt b> Carave lle Wednesday for an eleven-day stay.
the helping hand for all TO COMMAND MALAYAN :o Dijo n. A'fio.'e he "A" 1.]! see ne*' electrical French officials are remaining non- Mabch 21
locomotives, vis .; housing estates, be committal. A highly reliable The danger of a new eruption on the
Britain 's blind AIR FORCE rece.vcd at the Mote' de Vil' e. (Dijo n diplomatic source said last week island of Manam off the New Guinea
HH? ^BClw^J W ^ *^ ^^t W !•' ¦
.5 " f.Mnr.wi " w th Sta 'in^r ad I that the explosion was planned for coast is decreasing. Most of the inhabi-
The Royal National Institute
lor the Blind
224 Gt. Portland Street , Lnndnn, VT.i
K f i i A I.fMPi-R. March 21.
G rnup-t'ap '.;ii:i ,1. N . Stracey, of the
Briti sh Roj a Air Force. U * to t akf
Tui-sd.i} : Tr:;i b\ C.irave ie to Met z to-r^ av or to-Tinrrow.
ar.ri \r.on bi man to Verdun . v .-it s to
tants of two villages covered in ash
Un 'ike the first French atomic test and cinders by a volcanic " explos ion "
I^H :.i of tii^ Ri»ya Ma ri.v an Ail " t:ie lie d of out: o beVre eo m on by road
tKcKi*(~rcki in acctirtl^ntrr with th a to R ".eirni. 'a hero -t1 wi;! v:s .*t c^ampa ^ne cm February 13, whi^h was set off on a on Thursday are now returning (o
Nitiotul Aitmuruc Act , itf-iSy Force. Ho will rpp '.aoe Air-Commodore eel..list journey :n she a 'terr.oon rj v ira.n 300-foot tower, the second is expected their homes. At the height of the
N. C. Hy.ic wno U returning to to L:i:e . offi cial at the to be a bomb dropped from a plane, eruption a river of mo!ten lava crept
Britain. — Renter Prefecture there but will cause a smaller explosion.— to within 200 yard s of one of the SOLE IMPORTERS. 111. CHAS. A.NDSRSON
Wednesday : Visit to lactorlei before British United Press. villages.—Reuter.
London : Account
Progress in automation
C v O ' f c e : 4 j F « - V-;ci . E C 4 Tt : Z . ' * I - . 0

Cunard buys airline Tne r.e.v account , ' covers the

remaining working daj s up to the
op en s q uietly Thf recently established Int er-
n ational Federation of Automatic
pistons, with all the processes from
casting to packing being completely
Control decided at its genera l meeting automa tic. This was a pilot plan t ,
Control of Eagle Airways
Budget, opened quiet!v on the Stock
Exchanee yesterday. The deterioration in Paris in 1957 to convene its first which eventually was rebuilt in or
in the balance ot trade was a depress.113 international congress and to hold it about 1955. and served as a priceless
influence, and with tew concessions in Moscow in June, IHti f). The congress obj ect of study for Soviet engineers.
Bv our Financial Ktlilu r
expected in the Budget investors were will begin on J une 25 and last (or ten Several plants of this kind now operate
tak ing a generally cautious view. Nevei -
theless. the firm tone of the last few davs days : some 2,500 participants are in the U.S.S.R.
S.r J o h r . B i u i -K i c b a n k . the chair- j salary and pension payments made of last week carried over to some extent, expected, and a correspondingly large At the same time (about 1950) the
m an of thr ; C u n a r d Steam-shi|j Corn- ¦ direct to the employee's bank account an d while buying was verv selective, n umber of papers will be read. This Soviet Union started producing its
equity markets were often a little higher will be a major gathering, and the own t ransfer lines in some quantities,
l< any, announced yesterday t h a t his by order of his employer, are a cheap at the close. The " Financial Times " work of the congress will include over and th e first National Conference on
and conven ient method of transferring
rompan y had agreed to buy a control- i money entirely within the banking industrial ordinary index put on 0.2 to seventy sections. Automation of Production held in 1952
l i n g interest in the Kaglc Airways system. The banks themse lves have 322.8. Government securities were out of Although the choice of Moscow showed that there was already
H roup. This is one of the five leading always displayed rather mixed feelings
favour, and drifted lower throughout the should be interpreted only as the considerable progress compared with
day to finish 1-16 to i lower. Foreign the pre-war position. From then en
in dependent ai r l i n e r.'omij ames in t h i s about traders ' credits, perhaps because bond s were idle, while dollar issues were choice of a major city capable of
irregular. Among industrials, steels were entertaining such a large number of the development was even fatter ,
i-ountr y and the only one that has not I their machinery for handling them was weak, and enjfineering shares were guests, it has come at a time when gaining momentum all the time. At
¦. et established financial links with a 1 not very hi ghly developed, and have
argued that the ordinary cheque does mixed. But breweries and textiles were Soviet engineering achievements are present, the Soviet Union has well
shipping company.
. t he job just as weil. Last year, how- firm. There were irregular movements attracting more and more respect advanced automation, as in the
Und er the agreement , the Eagle ever,
t hey announced t h a t they had
in tobaccos. motors . stores. and as well as interest. A closer look recently built rolling mills. Russia
group s com panies are to go on olectricals. Unilever issues were firm— at the state of cybernetics in the produces computers, control equip-
t r a ding in their present form but to ¦begun a "' collective re-examination of Ltd. rose Is to 141s. and N.V. Od to 173s 6d
U.S.S.R. is tempting. Such an investi- ment, and all types of numerically
the who le problem of the transmission —while Boulton Paul put on 2s lid to
make use of Cunard's off ices in
of payments." and the new clearing 17s 4Jd on the sharply higher payment. gation must be confined to civilian controlled machine tools, and is trying
Kurope. th e United Stales , and ', ap pears to be its first fruit. It is Gold shares turned dull on the South applications only, as the military out automatic train drivers, remote
Canada, to supplement th e i r own aspects are very closely guarded and controlled coalmining machinery, and
sales organisation. Sir J o h n Brockle- designed to be expanded later to Close :o St haul' s Cathedral City and th e majority of them have African influence
rioting, and fell away under the
of Continental selling. no information on them can be machine translation. Numerous
l>an k would not disclose the ayreed inc lude first customers' credits (cash Bernard Sun'.ey and Sons are building two 'bedrooms as well as living-room, Plantation shares were a verv good divined. There is every reason to automa tic lines operate in the
purchase price for the Ea^le shares, - and cheques paid in by a customer at k t , and bathroom . The flats will
Amen House, a modern five-storey be fitted with most of the amenities United Sua Betooe outstanding at 97swith
i chen market on dividend prospects, believe, however, that in many cases engineering industry, and several new
and when he was asked wheth er the one bank for the credit of an account block with twelve flats and. a pent- associated with comfortable living, a rise of 3s 3d. Oils were quie!!v firm ,
the military cybernetics are more lines are commissioned each month.
price was £jii ft .oun or £ SO millions he credits ke pt at another), and then third-party There are now large factories
advanrprl t h a n the civilian.
replied that it was " nearer the first ' customers for the credit
(money paid in by non- house. There is a communal roof including a ducted refuse-disposal with " Shell ." 3s 6d up. strong ahead of
the dividend. Markings were 17.812 The first Russian " control engineer " specialising only in the production of
figure . " The dea l had not \ e t been of an account garden wnich. according to the system for each flat. comoared with 14.772 on Fridav and was Polzunov, who inst alled an auto- at itnmaTir » lin *»s.
at anot her bank-—a category which
completed : his company was a i m i n g could include hire purchase developers , " will give splendid views Bernard Sunley and Sons are th« 1 14.729 a week ago. matic water level controller in the The relatively weak point of Soviet
at a HO per cent interest in Ka sle and build- ol the cathedral and the river." The main., contractors. The architects are Both War Loan 34 per cent and boiler of his steam engine, built in economy is the chemical industry,
K .mle Airways i-
. in g society i n s t a lm e n t s , gas bills , and project, which will cost about E Norman Bailey and Partners, Exchequer 5} per cent were 1-lfi lower, 1766 . For about a century no more which is only now being developed.
at present ' so f o r t h) . £200.000. is being under taken by the the consulting engineers Bylander, falling to 6211-16 and 100 13-16 respec-
'¦(j .'itroiJed bv .Mr U a i o ld
flamhierg. It original work was carried out by the This is also reflected in the state of
This is a n>efu! step in t h e right
'.ias formed over ten vi-ars ago and ha.-, direction. The real te ^t of t h e banks' Berna rd Sunley Investment Trust. Waddell and Partners, and the tively. National Provincial Bank
Russians, but in 1871 the mathe- existing process control. But Soviet
developed a laiH C network of tours 1 intentions w i l l be Each fiat has parking space con- quantity surveyors Banks, "Wood and improved 2s to 82s 9d. and Lloyds were
lOJd higher at 65s 6d. Distillers and matician Chebishev -published a work designers have produced a number of
.services to J5 dillerent places in any a t t e m p t to advertise w he t h e r they make venient to the business side ol the Partners. Borax fell a few pence, and Imperial on "Centrif ugal Governors, " and origi nal instruments, which , however.
the improved will have to wait a few years until
Kuiope. Last year the Easie planes Chemical were unchanged, but Vyshnegradskii made two important
ied more than 171 ,00( 1 pa^engers. ! merely continue to regard them , or
i facilities for credit transfers their full value is used. Nevertheless,
Charringtons rose Is to 87s. English contributions to this subject in 1876
The group is also a leading trooping :
necessary evil. At the moment t h e
Electric were Is down at 43s 9d and
. De La Rue. John Summers, and White- and 1878. The best known work of the automation in petroleum refineries
contractor to the Government. this period is the profound analysis is on a level not behind the best In

United Drapery capital scheme

suspicion remains t h a t they are acting i head Iron all fell more than Is. Brown
Recently the two largest indepen- |Bayley rose sharply to 59s on dividend by Liapunov. " Stability of Motion." the West. Oilfield and oil-uumpin?
dent air companies . Hunting-Clan and only-l to forestall the criticism of those hopes. Car Mart put on 2s 6d to 2Gs fid in 18il2 : later work on automatic automation is also being developed
Airwork. announcer! a merger. The •! who f ini u i l i n g t h e Radclitre C o m m i t t e e ) quickly.
have suggested t h at if the banks r>n the increased payment and profits. control includes that of Zhiikovskii
former is ov.Ticd p a r t l y by the l l un t h i g ("fa ther of Russian aviation '"i in It can be concluded, both from
.Shipping Line and p a r t l y by the
British and Commonwealth
! wii l not p r o v i d e a proper t r a n s f e r
i .system the Post Oflice o u g ht to set
Line. 1
A reorganisation of tne capital struc-
ture of the United Drapery Stores
prompts a final dividend of 224 per cent,
makins a total of 32i per cent for the
Manchester : Many 19(1!) . It can be seen that even in pre-
revolutionary Russia considerable
Soviet reports as well as from reports
of visitors to the U.SS.R.. that the
Control of Airwr>rk was . u n t i l the one up in imitation of the successful
merger, with two other shipping
I " Giro " in operation in many
Kioup announced yesterday provides for
the elimination of the preference shares
vear . against 27j per cent for 1957-8
including a special interim. The motor
boom ig reflected in a jump of £187,013.
grains in textiles activity existed in the theory of
cont rol. This grew rapidly under
rate of advance is swift and that the
degree of application of automatic
com panies. Blue Star and Fumess i C o n t i n e n t a l count rie?. ol the six subsidiaries and replacement or nearly 45 per cent, to £611,725 in the Soviet rule, and shortly before the last control will soon reach that existins
With y. The P. and O. has a control- with preference iliares of U.D.S. If it Equity markets began the last com- war a special Institute of Automatics in the West. As for the theorv of
l i n g interest in Silver City, which The Treasury and the dollar becomes fullv eftectlve , :i tota l of
£1.785.131 of preference capital not held
trad ing profit, and after providing
£292,672 (£221.521) for taxation the net plete account before the Budget with and Remote Control was established au tomatic control, the Russians have
specialises ir cross-Channel car ferries. A remarkably confident view of profit has nearly doubled to £235,750. buyers undeterred by the deterioration by the Academy of Sciences. In 1938 been on par with the West for some
The Bibby Line is a large minority world prospect in I960 is expressedthe bv U.D.S. will be cancelled in con- aeainst £126,606. in the country's external payments Mikhailov produced a criterion cf timp .
in sideration for the issue by U.D.S. of new
shareholder in Skyways. the Treasury 's " Bulleti n for Industry " 5 per cent and 7 per cent cumulative Gnome deal ings position and influenced more by the stability of automatic control svstems,
In ai l these cases the shipping lines for March , which is published
ha ve invested in air transport with Unperturbe d by the difficulties to-day.
preference to the aggregate nominal
value of £1,877.795. Capital of the sub-
Dealinss started on the Cardiff Stock rising trend of profits and dividends
over a wide range of industry.
which is presented in everv Russian
book on the subiect. t ogether with the BUS INESS NE W S IN
an eye to the f u t ur e rather t h a n to dollar , the bulletin argues that of the
Excha nge yesterday in the 2s ordinary
immediate profits. the a
after sidiaries will be restored to the former
amount by the creation of additional
shares of Gnome Photographic Products . Textile shares were increasingly
responsive to the sharp recovery in well known Nyquist criterion, or
instead of it.
None of
independent a i r companies is large deficits
decade of balance-of-paym ents ordinary shares equal to the cancelled
The shares, placed at 4s lOid. were first earnings reported recently by com- The United States Tariff Commission
th e United States dollar preference and a corresponding number
dealt in at 5s lOJd and were marked up panies in varying fields of activity
enough to make a worthwhile profit " remains supremely strong, backed by to 6s 6d in active dealings . The closing within the industry. J. and N. Philips Post-war spurt yesterday rejected an appeal to restrict
and some are believed to be running at of ordinary shares issued to U.D.S. or price was 6s2J d-6s5}d. imports of women 's and children 's
n early half the free world' s stock of its nominees. The issued capital of the shot up 3s to 13s on further considera- While the theory apparently leather gloves from Britain, France,
a loss. But ai r traffic is sure to gold and enormous long-term invest- group will then be £11,230,454 7 per Harper Paper placing tion of the news that the undertaking flourished, the practical side was long Italy, West Germany, Belgium, Luxem-
expand , while the fu ture of sea traffic ments in many parts of the world. " At cent comulative preference, £647,341 Following the reorganisation of the had acquire d a substantial interest in neglected. The famous Dnieproges bourg, and Spain.
is much less certain. Moreover, the the end of 1 !)">!) , after two ye ar? of 5 per cent cumulative preference and Harper Paper group and subject to a Horrockses Crewdson. A fresh spurt hydro-electric power station, which is The DC-8 jet n:r liner is lo be intro-
bi s shipp ing lines can take of 2s 9d raised A. and S. Henry to 96s
substantial deficits (the writer goes £8.387,225 ordinary stock. Subject to quotation being sranted by the London now operated by six men per shift,
com manding position in air traffic—a xd.. and Winterbottom Industries added duced on the North Atlantic route bv
on) the United States gold reserves Court sanction, it is intended , so far as
practicable, to fix June 30 as the date
Stock Exchange for the whole of the A
ordinary stock, Rowe, Swann and Co. 6d at 57s. " Growth " prospects stimu- required a personnel of 290 in 1941. K.L.M. on Saturday . April 16. Initially
outside the two big State airlines— were about enough to cover United on which the p lan will be put into effect. have ar ranged to purchase from the lated demand for Lancash ire Cotton The reason for the low state of there will be a thrice-weekly service
with a fraction of the capital sums States short-term liabilities, whereas Administrative economies will accrue present directors ar.d their families who Corporation, which advanced Is 3d to applica tion was not at all ideological ; between . Amsterdam and New- York ,
to which they are accustomed when the United Kingdom reserves were from tlie elimination of outside interests together hold the whole of the £100.000 63s 6d, and Ashton Brothers were 4*d simply there was no imperative need but on May 15 this will be increased
repla cing or extending their fleets. equivalent onl y to one-quarter of the and holders ot the new preference will of A ordinary stock. 100.000 A ordinary higher at 40s. Calico Printers moved f or automation, and, moreover, the to a daily frequency. From July ID
there will be two non-stop DC-8 flights
For Cunard shareholder 1; in fact the up Is to 73s 6d and Bleachers 6d to Soviet Union had at that time to
overseas sterling balances. acquire an interest in the diversified 5s units and place these with clients and 21s 6d. Courtaulds gained 6d at 66s 6d, each day. completing the journey of
avia tion venture will have only slight business of the whole group. The new
If that wa s all it would not be wholly shares the market at 6s9d per unit. The as did Hickson, Llovd and King at import almost every item of instru- 3.600 miles in eight hours westward »nd
significance. convincing bepziUHP in a rnnfirtonr-o are expected to have a greater £100.000 of A stock resulted from the 22s 9d, mentation. The need to reconstruct seven hours eastward.
j crisis far more than short-term value, they will be more freely market-
able, and holders will receive a material
conversion of the former £100,000 54 per In ihe engineering group Henry the ruins of war, and, most of all. the A new journal, the "Machine Age."
Clearing system for credits balances might be withdrawn. The increase in their dividend income in
I real reason for expectin g the dollar every case but one.
cent cumulative preference and ranks
equally with the existing stock except Simon (Holdings) were in renewed
demand and put on Is at 50s 6d.
terrible loss of population suffered by
the Soviet Union at the hands of the
is to be launched in June with simul-
taneous editions printed in English .
A clearing syste m of the kind that the A will carry at all times one-
already used for cheque pay ments is : to p ull through is that serious On the basis of the consolidated half of the total votes exercisabl e on a
Imperial Chemical were strongly
favoured again and added 6d at 62s 6d :
Na zis, made automation imperative. French, and Chinese. It will give details
to come into operation next month for ; measures are now being taken in many accounts of U.D.S. for 1958-59 and the poll and the right to forgo dividends. It this combine's results are ex pected to Therefore post-war development has of British engineering and technical
: fields to reverse the deterioration . profits for that year, dividends on the is expected that dealings will start on been at a much greater rate. An a chievements and equipment The
" trad ers ' credits " and for payments preference would be covered 4i times establish a record, with dividend esti- Chinese edition will be designed and
; The Treasurv writer is also rather and T h i i P s r i nv
mates ranging up to 12 per cent. The instrument industry was established
made by standi ng order. Starling ' optimistic about general
tile capital, inclusive of the mini-
world mum premium of Is lid a share General Refractories prospect of r* good report also pave a and serious attempts at automation published by a Chinese editorial stuff
b;iM'ri on Hongkong. The journal i*
on April 20 . and for the time being '. iquidilv in litfiO. "It seems unlikely on a win ding up approximately payable made. In 19S0 a complex integrated
operated by the clearing b anks only that the expected growth in world twelve "To-day . . . demand for many of fillip to Chloride Electrical Storage A. being launched by Rowse Muir Publica-
timn« your companies'!products is back to. or which closed 3s 9d higher at 73s 9d. plant was built to produce car engine tmns- T.tri- :
in London, th e new clearing will make
it possibl e for payments of this kind trade this year will be hindered bv s Ross and Kingston Trawlinc even in excess of the peak levels of 1957."
to be settled in bulk through the shortage of internati onal reserves." This is the report given by Mr Roland A.
M r J. Carl R oss, chairman of the Ross
Bankers ' Clearing House. At present j alveadv fact
But in our own expansion is Kirkby, the chairman of General Refrac-
Group, was quick to react yesterday to tories, wtih the accounts which show an
the banks settle with one another |discovery that the" hind ered " by the the report that the holdings of HeUyer increase from £288.615 to £392,751 in the
individually for the credits passed has gone into deficit bala nce of payments Brothers and their associates now net profit for 1959. Market conditions
each day—a system which worked '' have ;o be watched . and the reserves
If t 'n p outflow of
exceeded 50 percent of ihe 720.000 shares
of the Kingston Steam Trawlina Com-
were uncertain for most of the year and
the board did not enter into any maior
well enough when the number of i reserves from the United
credit s handled was small , but which down other countries will surely slows
States pany. The Ross Group does not intend to capital commitments. But uncertainties
gain withdraw and it was emphasised t h a t were swept away by the autumn
waste s time and elTort with turnover correspondi ngly less and some of them
there are pome unusual features. For
I 'J - f Mii/it^'^''^S^fl#i'^^^^^^^^^^
industrial revival and that t h e future is
at its present level of about sixty-five are more likelv in lose reserves. Still. family reasons, the Kingston chairman,
much clearer, important projects have
millio n payments a year. it is som
" Traders' credits," which include Treasurv. ething to have a happy
Mr Watso n Hail, though t it a good thing
to dispose of his interests and recom-
mend shareholders not to accept the
been started. The group had liquid
resources totalling £7i>6.586 at the Year-
en d and finance will be no problem
Ross offer—the onlv offer made to all shoul d the directors' plans prove more
It was f u r t h e r emphasised that the bid
ambitious than the £243,000 of capital
commitments sn f a r authorised for the
On ly small movements price of the Rfiss Group is cohi-iderably current year.
Easi er conditions • iver the restricted market 1 price of
Aircraft merger acceptances
The foreign exchange market wa< C' ond i l i u ns were less dj fTicul t in Kingston ( 42s ) rulinfi be-fore the offer. r
"/ ''tf M< ¦ -v '*%:{f Sxw-*Kv*M^^^BmlBBtE imM±]
:-£3L''* ^ ^^^^^H -'
quiet yesterday and movements in Lom bard Street yesterday. The supply Tiie Kingston board intends to obtain a Hol ders of more than 90 per cent of ' - ' "' v-
London quotation, but the Ross state- the 3£ per cent preference stock of De
rates narrow and uncertain. Sterling of credit was adequate but discount ment comments that with the bulk of Havilland have now accepted the Hawker
was quoted slightly easier against the houses conceded 4J and 41 per cent the shares (as reported I in few hands Siddeley offer to purchase the stock at
15s 6d per unit . Hawker has therefore
for loans in early dealings. F u n d s there could only be restricted market.
United States do llar in early dealings flowed q u it e free 'y d u r i n g the after- With the interests -amainlv in distant r eceived acceptances of more than 90
b u t recovered to rlose unchanged at noon an d the waters t r a d i n g . :t is very uhiikeiy that a per cent of each class of De Havil'. an d
2 80J . r a t e cheaoened to the stock a n d Blackburn shares. Late
The Canadian dollar nUo ijaMC
per cent. value of tile Ro. Group offer near the
m a r k e t quotation anv.vhere
finished unchanged. Where changed, Bus:ne?~ in A p r i' bi!;* 3J
m i n i m u m of
-s could be acceptances will stii! be received.
* * ,. * „ : ' :, '':[i' 'j& '
continental currencies moved s i g h t l y w. 4* per cent an d in wa?
against London 4 1-i ti per ce:.t .
transacted a turned. Shareholders
J u n e bills at told of the cosi of the m e r c h a n t i n g busi-
should also be D. Uvford financing
Approximately half the £150.000 of
ri ^H i^^^^^K/ ^^S- ^^^¦^^^^^^^^H^^H
¦lo- s in wiiieh Kingsto n has a substan- new money to be raised by the one-for-
I M>rk >n " Ka :M
Gold remaiiiocl at 250s l i d for fine t ia ' investment a nd which is «aid to be
r _ i i * Tj _ K;rw outir -e two rights issue of D. Byford and Co..
N«> * York ... t 2St 1,( -; i« » ii ' ' ' _ an d s i l v e r at TOd for spot and at a satisfactory profit. the hosiery and knitwear manufacturers,
i -• —i - i-i-a •"*' ¦. 785d for forward In the view of the Ross Board , the will be spent on extensions to the fac-
Am$t«rdim ... J Hi .W*-i» 5^' j
n niMirls
tn i vVh i v*:j
13U.lU > 3 -MLMI7i 3 : 139.92> j -l.( 9.SlTi chairman of Kingston should also Eive tories at Maltby and Leicester and in
shareholders some idea of the profit for the purchase of the latest types of
Priva te export finance
Coprnhftten .. 19.:t3\-!9 14 iy 34 -l!i .tJ'
Fran k f u r t
.... 11.7Q l *-1 l.TN-V I U.7i)»,-ll 7(»' A«
ho 2n-j«> 30
1959-t!0 and the likelihood of the pro- machinery. The balance will be used
Milan 1.741 %-1.7«' «
I pr * 2i»-h'j in posed 17J per cent dividend being main- to reduce the bank overdraft. The
1.742-1 7«i
30.03\-3TI fl * 1 I 20 D.T.-2H I) '!3 * U nited Dominions Trust has now tained. The statement concludes that directors are unwilling to commit them-
1'arU 1.1Tfi' a-1 3 T7t
Stockholm .... 1-1 52 \- \l 13 » 1 J 3 :6*.-O "'„* produced a booklet explaining the new " without the Ross Group offer the selves to a dividend forecast twelve
14 ?.114 -H 5T a
V!<iin* 72 94-7^.1*7 , rj <*K- n 9~ credit facilities for exporters which it market in Kingston shares would still months' ahead, but subject to the usual
ZtirVfi 12 irt^-lSltH n 1 \2 t ^ - IJ i r set up at the end of last year together have been restricted to around 42s and provisos, it would be " their earnest
B*[ik n T EnR iand tiKlel.iJ Umiu tot t ' nKecl Siate> wit h several leadins financial i n s t i t u - the dividend most likely a g a i n 12i per endeavour " not to lower the present
t ions in W e st e r n Europe. " The Ams;e! crr:t rate of payment.
N>w Wr it 0 20c to tUPi pr ' -mium C l u b " has since been joined by banks London and Thames Haven dividend up Williams and William*
a n d finance houses in eight C o n t i n e n t a l l>ondon and Thames Haven Oil To compensate debenture stock
Amnterdnm I' -tC. to lr prrji iifstu i -ountries a n d one in the United States. Wn arvp s is p a v i n g a final dividend of
HrussHs 2c prem. to 2*\ lit smun ' holders of Williams and Williams, the
Fr.mfcfurt *• lo J- pfennig prvsin.:i i_ A< !he booklet sets out the organisation l'U per cent , m a k i n g 1TJ per cent for metal window manufacturers, for the
ma kes ;! possible for a finance house 1959. profit h;is increased bv
M hj t n l'n to i t m lire premium
!'a rti '«e. premium tt» 'or . di-mnti 1 . additional £500,000 of bank facilities, the
^¦ (H'khfilm 3« to *n or^ |trniilu:ii ¦t! one country to a r ran g e medium- about £45.000 to £1,490.476 and after pro- rate of interest on the existing £750,000
*'H rnn * tl to fl innwhMi pfniUtm
".' .irich l*«c fr> U *c preirHmn. ii 'rm cre dit finance for t h e importer in viding for all charges including £603.801
(£ 47:i.2.'!fi> for taxation , the net profit
debenture stock will be increased from
OTHER EX CHANC.rS nl ^ own r o u r . t r y . Copies of the works at £"iG5.429. aga.nst £392.184 5i per cent to 6 per cent.
Recent results in Belgium and South i 'i > ..
1-1(1' »
»~ l «- ".» s-n a npor e
I 5 a 'aa-l G* tt a iI l e h f r a n . 3'J10
ss » ,j- ; ^ * T3 liiM ik le t can be obtained fi om U n i t e d ]:ts; i me. The remainder of the Africa have been most satisfactory , but
Bu.-m * .. I Ii *1!^- 1! fi^a 11
W-J14 UO D o m i n i o n s T r u- 1 mmp anv - "n o ' o:r.g ;n Compagnie i t has not been possible to remit the
i' "t, <n .. I ,'.3' s3 -l «'„ . Au^tr a !! :2 .i-l^i ,
N r-i ' j in a I f t> % - ] n i 'S to be told for bulk of the profits earned to the United
f K k iiTt a . : Sai j u-I fi' sj
Hc-m k E . I 2» !«- l 3' w '
S A'" c* 99"»-UKI\ .iosrox.mat e \ £1.030 000 . '.ess expenses. Kingdom. Results of recent United
A lev fi 1. ¦ -• - ::re > .s -i -". . n d r r :r 'ri i]-.f a 1 to be oa:d in s:er:ing by April 15. This
sM 1 H U T M KltLIN G. —3 TT" t -3 7S l « ? TT " ,- d e^o l on^ ;:ie ^ .uitnb e for m a n y d :lTeren t salp w :\; result in a capitnl profit of some Kingdom trading have been disappoint-
a:m ':rst.o:i» . .nc-luri nz t r actor "¦nove.s . £72o-000 over 1:ip book value at Decem- ing , while those in the United States
- k.] :f: trurk *. and mob. r rraie *. has ber ?.\ or £278 881. T'n p pr oceeds wiit and Canada have been " most unfavour-
Tr.r Bombay cotton ma rice: va.i - oscc fo: oeL' n .j nnoiin. -erl bv Per 'i. ns Enslnes. be u*ed to mpet current developments at
able." These factors have led to a
Iy.d.. of I' eierborouK.1!. Tlismps, H.ivpn shortage of liquid resources which must
be made availa ble if the prosperity of
Roulton Paul's best dividend the group is to be assured . The group is
to be rationalised by the reorganisation
Are yo u list ed amongst the leadin g Boul '.on Paul Aircraft is makir.2 i*-s
bes; ever dist~.but.ion—a dividend of 20
per cer.r and a bonus o! 10 per cent.
of the United Kingdom business and the
sale of certain assets abroad . The
mak-ins 30 per cent. aEain^t 20 per cen t directors say that the business is essen-
Ind ustriali sts of the Country ? las- ",nw. A profi; of £442.088 compares
with £419.655. before tax of £208.000
t i a l l y a sound one and that with thp
rationalisati on and additional b a n k i n g
facilities pro sperity should return to the
' He's taking the best roa d home !
Engineer* , Brewers, Paper Makers and Manufactur er* i£226.500 > . In recent year* the company
ha; diversified its business and has been zro un.
of Paints, Chemicals , Textiles, Food Products , etc.
deal with the most progressive Case and Pallet makers abl e to turn to e<vod account its lonE l.lllTwliile s acquisition
experience in certain special processing
techmoues. Markets have been found in I Liliywhites is to acquire John Webber
Horn* Trj rf t *nd Export Cj\n
the motor and electronics industries and
precision engineerings is nlaying a larger
I (Sports) , the old-established sports good«
business o! ExeU r with branches at i
Srill»cc* . Gj rair** . Shcd> •• Fencingi Crj rei . Boxes . RoJIers . Pjllets and
• Cenerj l Timber Requirement*.
Dan -.n the company 's business Taunton and Torquay. Mr John F
Webber is to remain as managing direc.ur That 's roadstone he's carrying, and it's on its way to becoming someone's
Tel.: TOTTINGTON 357 S. Hubbard's recovery
S Hubbard. the tufted carpet ar.d felt
of Jo hn Webbe r (Sports ) and no changes
in the present staff are contemplated familiar 'road home.' Main roads, city streets and quiet suburban avenues ¦
The transaction will er.ab'.e Lilly-*"hites to
hood makers . Ls ve: another company in
I th * buovant industry to retxir: a b:g expand ui the West Country and main- j all over the country owe their good foundations and hard-wearing surfaces
|i|[|ll!llllll [l![|l[lll[]IIINIIIIIIII [!ll1ll [linil []|[W ! recovery . The 5-~ shares r eturned to the tain the eonhnuitv of a well-known locai
divid end ".i«t :n September with an
! inter.m of 10 per cent , and as promised
store at the same time. The purcha-,e
price is £1.203 in cash and 86.391
to Wards road-making materials. For over fifty years, the quarries and
g Hire Purcha se * plant s of the Ward Group have produced dry and coated slag, limestone
^ -. JV Insurance the d.rec-ort> recommend a 10 per cent
f§ "i-ai. ordinary Is LJUywhites shares.

v*v I
rr.ak riir 20 tier cent for the year to BFtRMAN S.—Ftn»l dlr . 30 p.c. majtine IS o r
November 30 A eroup ret profit of
£i:5.4"7. wn.oh compares w.;h a loss of COOK
r :0 p r <
. !*O\
Prr> *: . b»fo^ *a". H* OM rr7 1.3:7' .
CO., ii T FAIL'S}. —Cotnpuir ,•!'*•
t h a t d*c* nf*Bnnounewirrtt of rej uilj m-U3 b* .*'
and granite, and hot rolled asphalt, cold asphalt and other surfacing
£48 94! . :s «Ti:rk s 'ter deprp .'on .-.•
materials. Cement, sands and aggregates , and pre-cast concrete products
j Cranleigh Group
'han us:.«l n^lnj: ro rcmt itlea 't in r,T mergrr t*i'-i
£27 (595 i £2n.i:io i . rpnrEar. i-at.or. . ar d S nr. a J. w«!tj r and rn. it^ti flrt lnar «f (''"Ir

<vie~ ex^r-v, o-r.T expense-* £47 642 •o*ivl :i f « Lr T-*l* J<»n*-aS Blf-nir^ fj « (
of many kinds are also supplied.
i il!> <i.i2i com pen savor: "o directors on
Tc- m'J -L o' y*rv re iijrepmenK April "* f " «!!Mi>"i f*w rtfiyi ¦fl-rmM * D»;» or

¦ £ ! 4T 9 D , w-:-tp r-o<T v a r e s in subsidiary
£10 709 and t a x £3 744.
t h » * ' a!»»t !n; »-ill h? dnrrrsTx^niJzr .t lT la
nr < l h»* »"*t T»r b***? f lx* ''. 'pr
1 he production of vast tonnages of materials for road building and
1.1 M I T t l) =
F R I I K S IWFSTMEV T TKrST .—Flrin ' liir . ' 3 •¦

:? i
T.P.D . pay» 40 per cent, u i free
ma fu iij to rv c- '9 P-c i . v*t rpT^nu * £132 116
'C !3(> V9! lft»r ••! « £113 396 'C105 31D. surfacing is only one activity of the Ward Group of Companies whose
Cranlei gh House, 109, Prince ss St, The T.- Petroleum Development ltt L M 4 INVEST'IFXTS — Dl« 3 P 5
H s j Comnar.y :s Da vine a final dividend of
! 25 oer cent . mak:r.« a record 40 per cent . JER£250.477
rt TALixn Rrnnr.ii estate *.—rwr.
J> r I . Prcfl: ESM.614 (O1T.TS31 . «ter p!
35 t m
« of pro ducts and services cover almost every branch of industry.
II Manche ster , L
I£14O.3M> .
s tax free, for 1959. azainst 15 per cent for StAFIEI.D BOTHHtH*M FMMtl —Mr. l i t . InoiH.
S Telephone ; CENtral 0661 (10 linej ) Telex : 6i>:8o the previous five months, or .3ti per cer.*.. lias nfftrtd to require rflnatniaz iharn if
= :ax free, on an annual basis. British Dananura tp«lanfur)
already held on bii!a of cue 2s shirt
Rubber Cofnpanv not
Petroleum w.'.i be the bigges; boneficiarv fur Aftcti 3s tlork untt of Damanimra of S*»f>ld

|g th -nuch i s 77 Der cent hoid ng in T.P D cr onoE nrnn * sons (NORTHAWrTow .—pin»!
P "
London office at
¦vhich r eoorts a nrotit before tax o'
£! .Vi."> «i:t. a s . i i r i. - £540.854 for five
rv<- ^'
rf!». j p r . rnafctn? 14 1- P C for p*rt<id tnileA
11. l«i) >«ct !nit !«
rir.e- ie' .Gn* ¦
', p c for
wrii L *w nror-n^d Croup fan*t ll j rari j Serving Industry Around The World THOS. W. WARD LTD
Eg 3, S T . M I C H A E l ' S A I I . E Y. U . C . 3 . mcirt. .s . t .r about £1.300 000 per ar.nvj n.
- f"'- n»r 1od [.¦ pmf t
" a^4 IE R 3.754 for r»ar l . af fer Ux of
H Finance l'r<>|icr | v
Car Marl's record
f^r M ^r t . t .e London motor dealers
il]|llllllll lllllllll!lillll!!llllllllll!ll!iiiai!llll W I a na olstr butor ;. . earned a rerord prtiftt for iaNtr
r mx k i vk of roj urri icT. «c o»r >-
t u r tr r r n r f i nj April X . VAI P«HA!» • .» •*
.n lh« year to November Las' . Th.s
I - rltKOF rOHOI-VQS!. J o e- l«mM . ¦'>
I SAL1 ORD OITICL : DL'C UY ItOAU. Tel. Pc mllclon 1316
making plans ? Gains in copper : coffee sharply down : rubber easier
Our Personal Loan Scheme will help you to buy many ! LOMMJN . 1 LIVERPOOL.—Barley futures openM quiet at LONDON.—Mar ket steady, quiet. Closing prices:
ZINC Jirtn Da * quiei Official prlct-a i ait iruicji ] around
things including Furniture, Television sets and Professional cii*. Mi: £'J 1-C31 ;j itW -lO-liw 12 til . Junt; Vi'J 1U-
I Lia, 13 ittd ,17,ti-£&9i. Aiiemocn price * luuofflciaJ^
1,0 to 6d per ton advance, moralmt activity
was ooccerned mostly wtth local excbanKea, and
March 214 . 0-214 6 »tt b 214.0-213/0 paid; ***y 215/0-
215,6, with 215 0-314 0 paid: July 31S/S-217 .0. with
183/10-£8» , 15 price* were lnrJlned to sag tov>«rd3 niid-day. Some 216/6-215/0 P*'d i«-pt 215/8-216/0, with 315/0-214/6
[ Max. £fil-£91/& (£90/10-£91l. June
Equipment with as long as 24 months for repayment. IBM 2 €-£%) 5j. S*!« 1.226 tons
LKAU fl'Hi. tWii'diit prid-s Mar
a:texJtlon wn flven to iuier-monita transfer!. Trad-
ET7 7 6-ETT 10 f :u)C wu mare active in the afternoon and the
paid: Dec. 319 &-220/0. with 21B/6 paid; Jan . 11961)
230 0-220 6: March 221/0-223/0. with 331/6-221/0
i f- ', IT S-l "r . J u n e IT'S l-i.7*j 7 'J '£75 \5-C;b/17/ $ i . j M m r pusitlons reulitered, iraiil advance* oa paid Baals food fermented Accra/Lagos per cwt.


1 Ar-.f. 'lL'yjll p TH i h , Md ' . £7T 7 in-£77 '.<J 1 t77-l77/2H ^ 1 . I1 sci nit red. thort covenag. July optionThe eased frac-
dose wb j
Sales 17<* tots iof 5 tons each). The shipment market
Jun* £76,7;0-£76, 12,h < £75 17,b-£76 2 t» > . '.j ou a U j r oa commls&lun hou^« bujj ig.
Sfcle.H 'I* iLt was quiet , with Ghana good fermented March-May.
1! 1.150 toil*. sddy, 1,6 per tod
.' M *raj £21/11,6 , j jlyhlfher
¦ :o 6d lower.
UO.15,0. MxUe f
u t u r e* were
April-June, and May-July all at 313/9 sellers per SO
kilos, cl f. Continental port*.
COPPEH. firm. Official prices: Spot £23ti-£256 10 ,
iUiJ-E2 o3 10J thre« months l2Jd-l2.t>- 5 l£23*i- l du ll and featureless with Co serluus trading NEW YORK-—Spot Bahta 26.50, spot Accra, 37.75.
E236.&J . Settlement j irtc-e: ISOf« Hi 1 1^63 Uj j . Artvr- a ttempted throughout the day. . and the close wu l CtoslDS oplloos: Mar. 25.40. May 26.00. July 26.13,
:¦.<j on pri ces' Spot £255.3<J-£2>; :u >t2ri4-L254/10i . I steady, unchanged. Wheat futures remained idle utd Sept. 26.43. Dec 36 60. Mar. 26.70 . May 23.&U.
Keeping your engiofld
iiree motilhi £236,15-£237 IL2>> 1Q-U37r.
Closing prices (per too): Barley. March £21/11 /6,
Sales 399 lots.
^^^^^^^^^I^^^^^^^^^ K^^^^^ unitsloadlnK
gainfully unload-
em- ^^^^^^^H H
MEAT ^^^^^^^^^H
TiN 'st ^ -iJy . Olft'liJ prk-es Spo: £7fc9-£7aD 10 (£790- May £31/1/6. July S2 Q j1 5 , Q , Nov. U0/11/0. UaUe,
^^^^^^^H la^B^B^B^B^p-? '¦
« ployed while trailers ^^^^^^^m
1 t793 .. ' t r e t * months ETih-tTdo lu it7 SE ( -t7a *') u - March £21/16/3 , May £30/15/0 , Nov. £19/15/0.
Pncvs un the *put market were:
MANCHESTER,—Firmer tendency for home-
^^^^^^^H B^^i^i^^S
^^^^^^V ; are and
1 Settlement t' -ice £7E« !U (£791 . . AfE e rn o . n prtci s
i S[wt £7Sa-£7W> r£7B0-t7W)/10J. three munth* r7B8/10- WHEAT.—Northern Manitoba. St LAWTencw. No. 3
killed beef. Limited quantities of lamb* also In Arm
demand. Steady movement of pork at unchanged ^^^^^^^^H ¦ t ¦ - ¦: In? Is sound haulavo B^^^^^H
¦ ¦ i
H : ¦ practice:Blve Boden Semi- ^m-f
April-Hay £27/4/fi , No. 3 £26/5/0. Plate, up-river . rates. Fair cal l for chitled beef, plentiful pitching!
[ L7a9 i£7£fl-l7'j l I O j . Sale* 105 [f-[js. Mar. £24/6/3. May i24/ 2,6. aoutheru April-May of frozen lambs moved off quietly. Prices lIb . 1— ^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^H ¦ '* maximum BV 4
TRAD E NOTES COPPER —Prxlucvrs price of •lectrij iiuc dellverwl ' £24/12/6
Uiilted States J3 00c. 1 unchanind j . , t-Zt/ 17/6
U S. Nu. 2 Red Winter , oa s*ntx»e. April
U S. No. 2 Soft White, on sample , April
Hoone-ltUled Beef: English ltdti 2/3-2/5. cows 1/10-
Z'"0, manufacturing 1,'7-1/8. Lacib: EngUso 3/0-3/3. ^^^^^^^^H
a- ¦¦ ¦ hauling carj aclty per
ton with a minimum of ^H^f
TIN.—TJ r a d e A for market 12 &9 >i7c (ino 25c 1 . 124/12,0 Pork: Small lean pigs 2/7-2/5, seconds 2/4-2/6, others
^^^^^^^^ B a ¦ I
¦ ''- upkeep and effect spec-
m :' bH'?

Oper atives and shift workin g

2 '0-2/3. lows 1/7. boars 1, C
LEAD —S[j ^t N e w Yurie
lj- rU I « 11 SlK- llJilr h'aJl £i .ii)
00l < unchanged), St MAIZE —Yellow American. AlUatlc/Cull, No. 2
Mar £22. April £21/7/6 . M*y £20/17,6, June £21.
Argentine chJtled hindi 2/6-2.6^ . fores 1/10' ,. ^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^ M ¦.
tacular economies for
any concern using more
BW-, i
ZJN"C—Spot Ej t .t Si Louis 13 00c. (unch.uised). Ar gentine. cJloet £21/16/3. May £30/17/3, June Uruguayan chilled hinds 3/5, fore* 1/10 1?, I^^^^^^B ¦m !
E20/17/6. July £20/17/8 Australian F.A.Q. fxmen hlndi a/0 . crops 1/11-2/5. ^^^^^^H ; ¦ * than one heavy goods :><
^^^^^^^^ ¦
BARLEY.—No. 2 Canadian Feed. Vancouver, afloct Lamb. New Zealand 1/10-3/1 1a . Australian l/10'3-
£21/15/0 . April C22/2/6. May £21/7/6. 3/0, ArgenUne 1/10-2/0. Mutton: N.Z. ewes 10d-l/l.
| B ,=
¦ : U'
Be; ~-• vehicle. Boden—leadlner
n d Company In this
aw •<
¦ '-
in mule spinnin g
LONDON. —Values mere ittady during the mornlnj t GROUNDNUT CAKE —Burma expellers 48 p.c. LlVEBPOOZ^^IncreuMS pitching] of fresh bullock BBH
^^^^^^ ¦ ¦ a ¦
rnjs wltli lnttTfst sma!t. Folltj -Aiti n lower Uj an April £33 Nlcer-lin expellen 56 p.c. April £34/10/0.
^¦YpectL-i Nev. York a ri '.j cea. th« market sagged knej COTTONSEED CAKE —British Ea»t African 46 p.C.
and heller beef. Demand for beef generally slightly
w«aker. Choice smaOl ewes Is demand. Fewer
^¦^¦ H
^^^^^^ l|
i ! m a nfield
u f a cdeslKn
ture BV •.^'
h Ji. st-d dull And s!lj( tuty eadlor. No. 1 R S S . d l April £29 May t28/15/0 lambs on offer but prices for other than choice small- ' ^^^^^^^H V:' <:<.-
t M iS supe r l a t i v e semi- AV^
ti.isls pf-rfli Shipnieiit from Ma Jay*. A p r i l 34 3«-34 T a , LONDON.—Bar ley future* advanced 9d durhig the weights hard to maintain. Demand for pigs was B ¦ ¦
^ > trailers incorporating BV-^
May 3^ J n- S4 i«. stJ ipmont froin Indonesia. April 34'e, momlnt seaalca la Quiet activity. The market con- ¦^¦¦ ^¦¦ l ^
^^^^^^^ ¦? : the latest advances In Hyl
road venlcle engineer-
centred on choice lean unaliweighu. BiUsnes* Id
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^^_ ¦
May W 1*. No. 2 R.S.S. Spot 345,-34". l 34 34-J5i
By our Commercial Editor j tinued to advance steadily In afternoon dealings an Imparted frozen and chilled beef wu restricted by g B^ ¦¦>>
Settlement House: April 34 9«-34V with 34»4-35 paid I short covering orders and the close was at the
w? ing - H •
I^bbb H^CTsyij-. ^^
May j4 - a -34'i H . ' \ i t h 3-1% ;>HLd: June 34 l i-34 the high price*. Mutton in short supply. Frozen
day 's ben , 3/0 to 1.0 higher on balance. BusIdck.
The ¦
lunba in fair request at (lightly lower prices.
In the annual report of the Boitun 1'1 common ancillary survict= . , A p r l l - J u n t ; 3-1 ' .-J1 " H w i th 34J t paid , July-Srjj^t Marirh :o Avonmouth E21 1-1 fi. May £21'1 6-121/3'0.
-'uiy £30. ll'O. ^u\. £20 liB-£20 8,- 9. Maize futures
Prices iper 3b 1.—Fresh meat.—Beef , sides, bullocks.
heiftTs 2s 2d-2a 4d .with exceptional 2s 5d. cu-**
Operative Spinners ' Association it i> ' Mj 'iitiii ca n handle the tlyeing, fi nish- I I wish 33 paid. J a n . -Marth 32-32> 4 . with 32 14-i1J ' - 1 Mm i ua -.ed w SlhlTi a namm price range In quiet Is 10-2j . manufacturing cows Is 9d-ls IM . bulls
!- :;ited that by the end of this month my, and proofi ng of worsted fabrics of [ r paid.
1 J7 j
Estate crepe f i f . thin . April 39 1*: tftLck, Ap 1 'I
*- J-'r l r i a y's r eK5i (rat t<j t i « tola]ted 745 itiru.
detiLinjes. Prices finished unchtuned to 6d h lxher.
Jiut-t ic-iH, May £20/14 0. Ctaclnx prices iptsr t o u t :
Is 10d-2a. Calves, veal 3s-2s 6d. with spedals to
forty mills in the Bolton Province will a.: weight;,, of union.s, and in fact of
3s. bobby Is 2d-ls 6d. Mu!ton. ewe* l«-le 7d.
' M\r; \M)KK.—Tone Quiet. No. I K S a., ApnJ B«r!i-y. March tn Avomnouth £21/14/6. to London Laxob * 2s 2d-3i 2d . hill lambs 2s 4d-3s, Irish
120i «-l2)r -'M c. lb.. May U0 T i-12u. No. 1 tyut 120' *- U l / l -t r 6 . May £21/2'9. July £20al 0. Not. £2O/8'3.
have ceased prod uction on mules. In all fabrics used by the Bradford and i2u\ n id^- vj o i MaJze , March £21 6 '3. May £20. 14.3. July £20/12/0.
dressed lambs 25-3s 9d. Pigs, small, medium, and
cutters 2s ld-2s 4d, heavy and fat 1* Sd-ls 0d.
three branches no mules will be left Huddersfleld trades . The combine is '< NKW YORK —Rubber futures cloafO barely st«rty. &pi. £20 8 6. Nov. £20/3/6. sows is 5d-Ls 6d. Frozen meat.—Beef. Argentine
111 production and the superannuation licensed to produce the " Dylan " ami
fund will be the association 's only " Immacula " finishes.
! M r t r Lh' 40 SO (41.^-41.7111 . M& y 40 55 r4u .S5». S*j tS
I ''H Lut s
CHICAGO.—In tate dealings near-by wheat and
rye were firm. Outs finished higher as a result of
lores Is Wad , hinds 2i Id, Australian ox crops
Is U i 3d-29. hinds 3s-3s Id. Mutton. New Zealand
weth r rj lOd-ls 4 1ad , ewes Sd-ls 3d. ^HHHH S At >! - I riW ^ n^Ukto^k^rz^-^' ^^^
¦onnection with its past members in COFFEE sma ller prospective plan tint* and maize was Australian
The carpet printing machine, afte r J.OMJON .—IXf TLTtf iiiidls wore i nl'.la tly wide , w::h I
f r n r u o n a J ij - mixed.
WHEAT—No. 2 Red Winter apot 205Jg. Futures
tnuJ lwefght ewes Is 2d. Lamb*. New Zealand
U 10d-2s Id. ArR entlne 1* 9d-2s. Australian Is lud-
those branches. As the report points extensive research and development , bu> frs - - '.ci 4 - undtr iht previous L'lr»te. ThLsi clos-d
rfflettftJ the repurrfd A ' - to 5 - reduction from1 Mjiv 20b ' „, July 1S334. Sept. 186, Dec 191. l' ,c. hlKlier to Vic. lower. Mar . 204i»-i 4 , 2a. Porlc. Argendoe stdes Is 7d , loins 2s ld-2s 6d,
Boston butts 2s 2d , Dutch lolna 3a 4d-3s M. Chilled
out, mule spinning has been hit is now giving bulk production , and pr.tnary market bh.ppprs in Uganda. Robus:* aiklim; M A I Z E —U c . lower to »,,c. fflcher. Mar. beef. Argentine fores Is 9> 3d-ls 10' = d, hinds 2s 5d-
i-specially severely by the redundancy Mr Ewing says : " As far as we are I ¦prl^ s. There was howewr . Utll e sub^Quent Chineet May llf!> B , July 119 . Sept l lS^- li e , Dec.113^-^, 310. 2s t«d . Uruguayan fores Is 9 1a d-ls 10. hinds 2s 4d-
md th? lunrk e : was rfin lt v ely well supported on: 3s 5d. Riiodeslan htads 3s 3d.
si-.neme. aware this is the first production : deaifr bLiyLn i: a:;d prLrht-Eaki nit. Tlie clcr*e was1 74V Ju ly «Tl\-"«. S*pt. 70^. Dec. 72«
OATS.—» c to \c. hljjher. March 75S- l«. May
It seems not unreasonable to hope machine of its type which can print , barely steady. 2..fl dnw n on balance. DeRllnici com-
1 p rtsed 425 Ujiis. Closing quota.:iotis (per cwtt: March) RYE.—March 119* * May 121i », Jul y 12 1 . Sept SUGAR
1 122T «. Dec. 125 i 4 .
ihat the net Joss of opportunities for in bulk , multi-colour design s on . 158 fl-IGO 0: M ny I5r> 0-155'S with 157'0-156/6 paid . WINNI PEG — Rye closed "sc to 1c hi gher:
London.—Closing Quotations (per cwt.}.—No. 1
contract (basis nnn-prefercnll*l 96 p.c. cl f . London
the employment of mule spinners will carpet (mainly of the tufted variety) July 15-1 'MSa fi , with 1L5 U- 15l , ti pai d' Sept. 152 6- ms' 2 . July I MV Oct. 111»« Oats n c to i 4 c higher.
1.13 0. *!:h !33 G-152 S paid: Nuv . 150/6-151/6, wllh1 Ma y 79%. J u l y 7SV Oct. 7B. Bnrley ' or Liverpool): March unq., May 23/0-29/0 Aug.
prove to be smaller than is indicated to a satisfactory commercial stan- ¦ !5i/ S-lAl. u p*:d: Jan. 1 JQ fii) i«/0-150,0; March1 hlj her: May &9i 2 . JuJy 99»a , Oct. 99'
i3c to Uc 2S '11 a- *J 9/C Tone quiet. No sales on Friday. No. 3
con tract (basis Commonwealth ro^ suxnr 96 p.c
by the number of spindles which are da rd . Wide machines are now being 147 6-1-19/0. Baili, Up anda , Bukobe , and An«oEa
P.rhM -tt a^ Sdtes Wi lots (of 3 torn ejichl c1 f isindon or Liverpool j : M a r unq : May
ceasing production. The report says constructed , and the board is "encour- '.N KH" YORK.—Spot Santos No. 2 3 37i 4 , Jio 4, 37. SHELLAC 28 4' 4 -28 y»*, w ith 28/» paid: Auk 29/3-29/3**. with
29'4 l j - 2 9'j paid' Oct. 29/4I 2 -29,6 Dec 29 514-29/ti 34
that those of the association 's aged to believe that printed broad-loom TEA IX 1NDOS.—April 20S 0-213 0, Julie 205 '8-20^.0. with 2<j 7' , paid: Mar. ( 1361)
Aug 2rrT Ct-2lO'O . O f t 207'0-210'O. Dec. 207/6-210/0. qutet
J 29,iiV29/8*«. Tone
members who have been fortunate carpet in multi-colour designs will LONDON.—A.'ter *. he sitant openlnt, blddlni for No sa les market continues firm. All per cwt.
Friday"* sules tota lled 7 1i»t*
The United Sugar Terminal Association ' price (or
enough to retain their jobs may be have a profound effect on the tufted Nort
¦ h Indian and other miscellaneous
n d a 'airly actf\> demand developed,teaj improved
JUTE raw su gar was 28/9 per cwt., c.l t. *April-May
although at\
a.sked , if present trends are a reliable carpe t trade." jn -lce* rauxlni ; from Id t o 3d per lh beJnw previousI LONllON .—Market q> iL-t M i l first Elft L J A
shipment fpreviously 28.'7] a) .
NEW YORK .—Cuban raw spot f.s.». 3,08.
Snide , to agree to the introduction ol Of Bondina (B.D.A.) Ltd., w hich Ti.i'fc* r u n t l n u o d iu atlrRi?t sTrrini ; nj mpetltloa
r i u- i I<>r all inwii<-e» -
ex«. ept t h e very best qualities.- firsts £104. L.J.A. llKhlntnzs £$& , L.J.A, hearts £87,
i!ouble-day shift working on their produces non-woven fabrics, Mr Ewing; R u i n e d aj id atalky typ"* were the wcitkr>5t featurer
the «aJe and Kt t l i d r a K n l n were frequent OUerlncs"
Ttie per ton. c.l.f. April/May .ililpmf.nt.
A contract for the complete galley
mules. In a few instances manage- says that its consolidation period is' ot wnuuntod to M. 601 packijres, s SISAL and pantry installations on board the
ments have already expressed their over anci the expansion and develop- FISH |yf>Nno \.—Br itish East African Jrr shipment No. 1 new Shaw Savitl and Albion passenger
desire and intention to introduce this ment stage has been reached. Sales !¦ KLEKTWODI). —Fnrty- tw i thousttnl sToqm Landed E 1D3 . Nr«. 2 EirH> , No . 3 £'J9. NL u 1 tow £d4 . No. 3
E80. All per ton . c.l.f. ; ship now being built at the Vickers-
s-ystem of working, and although the I have expanded considerably and the[ !ii rnixi-liriJ. Hn k H 419 1). cixi 13f,, r r , h„ddovki 140 0, H ob 60 tl A rmstrongs ' Walker yard . Newcastle
ff . rr^ iflah 4---0 . mker :28,0 plaio-; AMERICAN PRODUCE upon Tyne. has bee n placed with
operatives' organi.iations in the past 1 company 's products are well estab-¦i1 am n -v h il&I M t ia * nn 0. p*r t<*n stone. ' • * ' "-
Moorwoods. Ltd., Sheffield, a member of
hav e not regarded shift working ' hshed in the market. Competition in.. 1i, s^itf.lE] M-H 1.—S.> !«s 49 "0 l u rh ot 34,'0. brill
-Jf c« ii *i f,-:o m . *hdf haddocks B/0-W5 *t'D
CHICAGO, March 21
LARD—Prime western loos* iP[lt. New York . 7.75 the Brightside Group.
fav ourably they realise that it is now , these fabrics is keen , but It is expected1 1j f» ' rt. . f 17'0-2> 0. lem-it! wj: cs y . 0-J2, - 6 lar^f ' habei-i HOr;S.—U«j ht IS tn 25 rwlnts lower , heavy 25
their duty to regard it as a means of I that s-atisfactory profits will be earned: h u - M 0. *!nrs 20 fl-24 n , reds 3TJ-5/0 . per stone. -
ll- to 15 pnints lower. U«ht 15.B5-1G 25. heavy
Other Comme rcial Newt on next page
finding work at their own job for this year. I .— _
mule-spinning operatives who have Concentration under the Cotton
Industry Act has meant much St OCk Exchanges Account opened March 21, ends April 1. superlative
been displaced by the closing of mills.
-Bradford Dyers ' activities ling,
improved margins in spinning, doul>- Settlement April 12. (l^^^^^ Q) semi-trailers
London closing prices
and weaving, Mr Ewing says, hut \
Prog ress by the Bradford Dyers ' all the finishing sections are still 1 ^^
" *MB "*^

Association Ltd., with many impor- operating at very low capacity w i t h ROVTON. OLDHAM, LANCS.
no improvement in prices. The Tal.phonr. MAIN S2O4-B-6
tant technical developments , is British Fund * fcvmLum
report ed by Mr Ja mes Ewing, the company has been informed by the cm I ' nl!»d IB-I -f C 5>j 0 +0 6 SO 0Auto Prod
I Uganda
I Co. 1 10 Raod select 5B 'l .a -l/3
Cotton Board that it is hoped to Rise or ' s * * l e s fl Dd Canadian T
g-S.R S7 3 .0/3 326 Blackburn ..
Unilever ... 141 0 .10 Rio Tlnto .. 2> ,»
chair man , in his statement with the introduce schemes for the finishing 2) i j .uv.l!, .. 4. | r 't- Hi-I'V.-
Bronk M.jlor "
4a 0
-1 Bristol A«ro.
14.7' ,-1'U Unilever
Br. M[r. Co.
al 6 -0 3 Unt
NV 173.6 +0 fi
I ied Olass lS-T^ ./ l 1,
Srlect Trust 5~ M
accou nts. The combine 's wool section , sections by the middle rp un based on rr.l ' ed
of the year. '¦ J. .'.'" i, . , ,' ; " , '* S'ntM ra re ol « 9WV2
CMnrlde A..
14<l" a
72 9 -0 '3
rar Mart
2r. 6 »2 6 UtdI Molau 'a 42 10' j
Vereenlxlnjj .
Unioa Corp.
6' n -» t«
fiS,4. 3-l/3
lie says, is benefiting by the removal 1 i'! h'Vi * "
" " "I 1" . - c»™«l«!i rate ol cC<ile E. K... 25 (1 -11 3 14 0 -A?, Ven
Davis f;Vriy
V tsta
r>,. HaMH and
l \Wlmer ' m I. S6 3
82 6
Rand Mines
nf Edward Ripley and Son from Cossnr »3 rj owty
!. vJ ;;"" "-34 fl i Blyvoorul tz ' t 28 0 -0 .-3
Bradf ord to Bri ghouse , where its MANCHESTE R TRADE i j j <i.i
him if -2 Banks .inrf Discount
Cr mpt n P'l 13 3 ?,¦'
iDer™ 50 6 Kr.rj '
101 »
u I
I Inrltaln
Shi onins
snipp ing Brak pau ... 4' 10i» l " j
produ ction units and those of ¦ t .i ! 11 -) u!. ' ',Z - ' ,. v m; h-} o ;:"" 'J Hous " K• t. Mil... I. 55 3 +1 '3
KUIn ll-Auto.. 2 1 - l' a » , 4' ,
[land F.1SC 15
14 3 .« 3
0 -A' a I Br
I lt. U' w'ltll 41 3 .0/3
Cons M Rw l
45 6 -O.0
la 0 Si p*
Thorn ton, Hanna m, and Ma r shall , Monday. Marc h 21.—Condition? l Alexanders 31 6 » H a n k Slid 31 71. C't t l m 1.1IH' .., 10 fi
E.'Bllsh ElBC. « 0 -l.U Crown Mlu es 24 fi .0 3
Hctilj s .....
fi For claims arising under
i! ^ a? ^ :>-" £f °
I-td. , are now adja cent under one have become less favuurable as n ', ' 1 .1, i-l -l 94"•1, ' a mlus ... on i) IF.rlcssdn — "22 0 J j tK u nr
0 *0/3 Coaj it I.lnea. 3J « >0'3 D.BIHfum . 22 B -0,3

4 Court Line .. 13 0 .0/3 Dam. Reels 12 3
E i f r Hnailv .. 25 0 -Ml,3 1 do ""
admini strative control and with result of Wfakne ss in the prices (jl
^ i--' Murphy
li al >• 'n t
j ccn. E lectrj ; 39 rt -0.J
Ktnnl.'BS ... J9 9 .
Fr Fenwick. 27,3 .0.3
22 S "fl 6 Doorntom'n
Durban Deep
32 3 -0 6
31 104-/7' s fA viith-profitspolicies on or Wg
various growths of the raw material j Johns n A P 21 6 Ley and VTrr sn n i^n Fumes! Wt *2/H -0/3 Eas, Geduld 22/0
9f t
There is a widespread belief that no T rtn r,r.flu h T ' m - «
1 imiJk ; A S M '
210 •.'«'¦. Miru J ii ^ Hect. Whal it
Illll-C IX'ld
5 6
21 0 *0,C
East Hand p
GrdUld Prop
36 9 -0/9
after 1st January I960 W
vu rv considerable decline is in prospect • i I S' p -¦ lli i s i Pa nnns C A 49 1 '1.0 Pniirt wlii r> r.* Liner Hd8S 5^ 0 Groolvle] . 22 »0 -0

w K i! ~- 5-! 3! 1K™,rnVi-:.
Marlins 1" -¦•• 1' . 'Pl-ssey ... 5 1 9 .0 6 RH l f l ch Tnd '6
5d L O.F. .. . 2» I .0/3
at any rate for American types, but
Hartebeeste. 53 0 -0,9
recent movements have had some
influence on confidence. The approach :
Hart & All-d
Radio R'lall
ii i ^o
26 3
's' K.;
31'6 .1 1
RoKe -
n3 10-3
14 B
Mlltord Dti
P A O Deid
R'dnn Smlln 15/0 .0 3
Royal Mail
32 0 -0/6
43,3 *0.'3
25 9 -0/3
P'tX le 'ltruAt.
Rand Leases
10 fi -/I*,
6 9
20 o
& £
Red l ttuslon . 35 6 -10
of the Budget also sugRests the : Rp lay Ej ch. 21.3
Slrnm . M ii"
*•!> , ISlB? s 5?'
IB 0
Stanhope ... 13 9 .1/0
Tan k In*. .. 9/6 '
S.A. Ljmdi..
13 6 -0'3
l /7« , OF E ^% °I PER ANNUM
prudence of proceeding slmi ly al ' *¦;..
-^ S,V .," Srhroders J j ¦•
Rcjroite . . .
Tele Rctimll
9i '3
.0/9 sw
° [!
|! if r r r
'. . i e -n> ,
l' IS SlEUohteln ..
34 0 -0'6 *d ^
present, and many buyers appear to mil Z n, Property sub Nltel . 10 9 */, ^ S >° COMPOUND %j>
Thorn Elc. !.. 47'3
*/41, TMDl™ r &
GS X151/0 mP ^
l-'i"' *' ' w"?tf«n( I ;;
have withdrawn from the market. ? An WV t i5i '" _i " t-'"ion Disc. I " ^,^- 11 Alliance 6/9»* Va>l R >"efS-. 46 10J-1/3
55 n ?7 0 Artisans "" 53/0
I n trie circumstances deman d is
4 Vkinrv "K
WMlin - ler A 47 li v r
SS\ "ilrii.V a.'9 '0/3 W ltaol -Br. 21/9
Venterspost. 19'6
Will,. * MIL 21 9 .0 6 C . & C'otl ea 23 10> 3 -o -i 01! lrl ? '-
n 1 1, SI?
expected to remain slack for the next 2 ??:? ?ft * . I'/ *•»*" « House. Newjp3pl!fi b pap e , City & Cm. 37/T '
.'.i a.A'
j ™
w .PH. "! ""
Cans _S t" JJ for all with-profils policies in force at 31st £f
week or two, with sales laggin g wc E E '5 A ^ A«; tl ' » I tn i u s 1Catering, Food O Drink Ass News D( 23 9 fl i v Jt, r"tr* 20 6
behin d production , as th ey appear lo 1* rt.> 7^- [i
(In TH-1 T^ " * -^ i«
SV „ li. v si n n k cr . 2Ti J -0, 9
27 3
j«.= o, m 3n-s Bowater 71.0 « 'B
"i" Oe-p , 47-6 -1/S
fS December 1959 under which not less than 6?
h:ive don e 'i'st week A fe'.v .>m ;j| ! 3If CTn= *1n r.T -o
yd- *
tfT L n
• ¦¦" ¦H-i m
*'r u ik in..
l^ -mhinl
77 li
... 31 y -1 3
IS ' Disc A OHO
iBnvr ll 10-' 8
"¦ Ctd - Ppr '
D - Mb ¦"¦¦ IT '6
63 '°
*°/3 Sfe'j JS-
p" ifd?. Tl
" Wt!1 ' M'O t }j five years ' premiums had then been paid on %f
" Cl lland 51/S 1 '' 23,6 -0'S
.::ie - have beei s un der r.ego:ia:ion 31 tin ' i-7i FA a \l- - i A D H l e . 23 4 1a -/t 1a S ™;. !^^ -0 ,9 WWkelh-B" ^1/6
in- d.iv ho'.vevcr and ^imc of
S s* !k.s ^k^son , Hlllm«rk ?:. ."'?., * Sp . the participating scale %U
?.'nT'i°?l..A I'/'o *"'•
them 4 rtrt fiy -72 feJi - 1
- - flu u on i Tr 7>-* i
. *" tA j
°-FS - Mi "»
TtP *-n - ' -« Watnu F'lice
Ir. onp or I '.vo 3 Tr« r.^.71 4 7B +i tft | na ln .i
' It i v e r e j k .... 21/9 x s , 3
hnve bi' fn h ' n ik cd ?« 3 i l >

l'nt t£ k
Odh ms Press 34,9 ^ 13
" > Ins urance H9 Lon. C F/h. 24 -9 Bllnknoort .. 72/0 -3-9
qN.i rie:" - tti ci' o h nvt nisn bci-n tt ' tr.ntive 4 dn 72.7 M
1 l!: ]l.lehli -s .. 5S5 ill ¦•¦ ;¦
Reed * « . ?~ o
Met. E. Se p 2 ' li a -/l> *

F s- Consols
i Urt unuiL yi a !I.yuns A ..
,% 64 6
f t n 11 ?,' '- ¦"' * w"«w ..K ii'i

nilii ries loi liirn u qu:in:i '.ie.-i . e^ pec ' H liy
78,6 <0 « Peachcy .... F S OeduKl 7> , -i «
%- l l- ll ,

^m'lh vtl K
ii f iipp iirel clu '. -T- but as ;i rule tirm Cor por.,f io ns & Boards | g™-. ^ 0D. J.1, » t " J
uj ft- rs hiive nu ". yet been lorihcumin E ; 1| '
1 *S n
K. !S5
2nd Cov. G
Sunlcy B .
26 S «0/S
181 11,
K S Saatpl' l
Harmony ..
: n -6 -0/6 »
Sk^" " »
l * m ' -T -TO Pi- " . Lt i ] [ j l n > , r s L li a

5 do 7S-5 y T\ Equity At U. la» « I.oralnp . . . 31 n -0/9
B.ivfr , m;iv h:ivc found thnt quuta ' ions *i] cId T t - . ; l J i i ^ t Gi>n Aeeld't 7e (I -0 ' S
H i
'Voin.iH f.i « -fl '9 W ' ra l- T- pe 74,9 Hl/3 Oil Merrlesp r u i t 2/3
.vere ing:icr tn:it i t iiey h;irl expecir d I 'iSS M-ii | <• { c i u . i r dj ^ n IT, 9
It lo Flour . 31 ^ ^. -l ' j _. Ah K to-E™.,d. 15 0 -0
.0-3 «™'' Wlt- "!j -C "'i
Transfer your go -slow cash Anpx ITffTr' drtti. 5^
"ih ii ¦?
i\ '3 U.I* is l.T, . oh 't -I (
;:-uiiiUh :!;on ' :¦! still (i.i ni -fi
cim Mdu iable 1j ri n 7(1-4 iiT jj
r-'j ' Irf- Kri i & Gon
Li»[]du ll Am.
] i" 3 Srhwrppi
s . 32 s Textiles ! ? Pr ,,Si Brllrl d. 3 s, . , ..
'Shfiwprlns s
69 & +1/B 2.1 9 +0, 3 Aire Wool
irre u u J a.-itv nmong producers I ."1 LCCtin 74-R livi ' ,
fiP-71 wi i
Lou & Ij iucs 47 3 spll lrn ... 47 3
Amal Cotton 2:1 9 a•»'3
4 Lon & SA/ct B1
dinira: »«'
¦aBBBBBBBB aMaBBB^MaaaVaiBjBBBBMa aMesBalaBBMsn ¦^
i tin PJl-srt *
SSAT B: S3 -'" ~ ¦?•
Tat e & Ly!e 6 1 0 «3 A m h lp r . J... Hi/D ?/ !¦

. ' a - ' . 'i

ni% Northe rn .. s-Sh l'n l«ate .. 16'3 ¦» 1' ^ •
TiJ (In 77-«t I"1 ", r.'ii rl . ... 7 li i« +« iii Ar lst ric 20,0
:t M r 5»-«:*
3 do ., .
TfU -.,
•r<;' <
Si i *
Phoenix ....
Pr udential A
119 6
H'. i » -i a
UuKed Blsct 78 3 +0; S lU<>arli cn .. 21.9 +/4 1,
nrad . Dj pr s. 19/9 -K), 6 Mex. Ea sle.. n o
Du ch
w - Holdtn
c<">p" MinM
on the sum assured and existing vested bonuses
(policies of shorter duration in proportion)
Stores U n sh t . John IS/9 *O/3 a?iV . :
iW-i " :;
| s
do B 72 U
ft Vg
31 Merspv Rpru we A. . . . w <-t •¦in M Brkl - C A- W 5 4*a Shril Trln .. •T' ,, Bancroft .... "
Aluminium share s up |
2i^ 4 23' 6
nk 7i»-w 7')i 3 Royal las o *0'B Bfn alls . . . . '«i1- 0
ofn'Siu n nr1t - En ka.. 5, 9
r,llcr) !,.,„, 7 . ; 0 „„ T rln. Cent... 22 4 ^J' ",'"11 ...¦• M B •r) '3 f /i For particulars of how you may become a member Vy
5t do 7ij -R K12 Roy*] Ex 99 fi *QtQ p 35/4> ,./ll , Trln. P D . .. 33 ,» .i , M0«lna «» , 2 .»„
Met W' tT B
W l i <t 4 SUU AllLiIlC* 7T 0 B? Hniii'V;; I4O 0/3 roals J * Ultra mar ... 49,9 .0y3 N'chan ga ..
« *§« -;
Sn 6 ${$ of this rigorousprof it-sharingSociety write to Vs
New York , March 21.—Will 1 Street Wakeneld .. 54,0 .0/3

' h"S 74. a

?S?,sfeir: " 11i j, , *?; "?A ?W3

rlost 'd irre tf ukir . with chnnges ciiher IH PLA .5-. - 99'. c° " *
d o »?;« i« 0 ;''51'3 co U n,uM , :. ei,f ¦,.o/« Rubber 6 Tea Rhokana ... 'SK '3
; w:iy Brc wrics & Tobaccos r- .,™ P ' "" frr iTOj & H 18 '3 %0 9 l ;1
I N V E S T M E N T S L I M I T E D extendin g mostly $1 or more. An ." lls .... 75 0 * h.m .
oSS too
,£ 3 Cro ssl-y r ot 24 '9 -0/6 Annlo-ceyl... 18,o ./7>, 5SK, i3i
~an««n ,r!" 3S/6 .!./o
«-n .2/0
¦ Dominion & Colonial Hi 52 S -/4'

Croup assets exceed £1 .250 .000 Paid up j Aluminium shares improved on esti- Dunhams ylka..
" ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ " ' Emu Ww)l i B , -i , ./ l> , Assam 13-0 -KI/3


Shj rc Capital and Reserves exceed £200.000. mutes thut consumption might expand 1
?i U * Si 'SI'.* i ** A™ • -°' 3 K™-Tro .nl ? "f 'l En «- Se»lnn 47/6 .0-6 Ceylon Te».. 4S/6 .1/6 ti-

10,l' ,»/ l' , Con Tea Lds 40/0 .0/3
Ind ustrial Banking is the safe, shrewd. bv 10 per cent this year in spite of a ?! 3 c?" S il * Brlt Tob 69 0 -0.'3 "li o F dlne J'son
¦ ¦

* fiS?rtn™%¦ ¦;¦ 31 'O ./1> , C.rand cent. 3j 3 rt/3 Ayer Hltam. 63 B .1/6
Si Ss i :, r ; ,.. s;™^^
il 2° S'5 ,S,,, ' Cnrrcras. B 4 4' a
gSjj :s;g crau. *»?• F|M1! Spln rs
K<i-ahe ad investment , offerin g excellent slow first quarter. la the afternoon /l
rvll! wns. £
b6 1 n 1
3 -0 3 /">!¦« '. Vrif * "d"' H H. & L. Rub 0/0 .0-6 Beralt Tln .. 30-0

HSSSf .:¦
G t lln l v SI A 43.0 -0 3 Hl 'ilBin a ^'" l /4.,t/«l i. jn kal 26 9 -H 3/ 3 Brlt Ttn Inv 3O/0 «)/8
security, highest interest rates and easy som e noid mining issues att racted a
- 'a
ftr ft j^
, 1 ¦
Harrods B A 11,9 H I?srrT r 4'4 . Johore Tea.. 39-9 Honj tknnjr .. 6 '3 .0-3
withdrawal facilities light. du:ruind. Closin g prices : ml! fe :r
UM 01 Fr .'i 44
oi Fras. "»«""¦ ^Win" ^ ' " '
S'J9 /< 1* Hnllliu. > 3 Ma lacc» 71.3 +1/8 London Tin. 11,0

1<'L on Bnnk Deposit Accounts

AlLij a *"» *«
AlEuHl chem SOU
I n t Bili Mnrh 423
im Nickel i«2=» i U4 : ^
I SSBa.,"T¦• Si? .f.t,
HM TO 1> 3*/1V. Malayalam ..
Patallrit ...
9/10' j ./li ,
Malayan ...
Pahane Con .
22 0 «P-3
10'7' ,»1,0 f i Temporary Head Office Address during rebuilding ?9

1 9 '5 *1 '3 4 0 +/1», Rub. Trust.. Siamese Tin ITS
fMarPiici .A aS "A. 571,6 Hoyle. Jush. 4/ 10',
"fi- 1 r3
American Cnn 1(11 i 4 no
' Kvunt rrirrt Copper "S » j«-;« i»;. -.
Ciu lnrip&s
hIJS?, j .
flfl a
33 fi ^)-8 13 % 22 North Bridge , Edinburgh I W
83> j '
'. 3 '.0/3
Stand. Tea.. 3S-0 .1/0 S. Klnta ... 2« 3 tori
—i , without tax deductions , tin 31 S*
Aiu«r. T. at T. dT
AiLMptnrij i 5!>a ,
M u nt B t i m e r y W.ird «i3
1'arJte D *vl% 3S\ Al 65-7
2i S.B 5S-7I! fiS 5 >« Imp Totp . . -2 9 -0,3 Sfw
Stone °fV F U'i1
J & i 33 9 ' ^ , W t,"v 2iva
illlnew^h V 4^ U. S. Betona 97/8 .3/3 Tronoh 31/8 -"0/6
Manchester Office: {?
/ o Fixed-Term Bank Deposits ttpilileluin Stctfl ¦i*'> I j Pru ctor namhli* 98 Ind Ccwpt.
Milch & B
21) 6
71! 0 'Hit ¦?"
'&.«. s ¦??;
-0^3 ir»iuii
¦"" * SnS"co,t5 " •« *l/2 Mining Fin snc. Other Mines *3
T jr..' 52
Burroughs. :{[» > „ Rfpybl l c Slvcl 03> H ... ..
For full information on this safe and wl Kdijk ui C2 1* R^ytifitd f MetaU SS' 4 Forei gn Bonds & Rails Phllllp j . G 26 o »
WoolworUi . fi4 6
39/9o LaniH 24,9 Af & Europe 85/7.3 Ashantl . . . Z1/9 *Q/&
Br k' n Hill S 12 0 jS 21 Albert Square . Manchester , 2. if
rewarding investment , post the coupon IHip Hit it 2Z^*
Eftst m.iti K«Nd!iK UM' i
S^nrj Roebuck AU ~ n
She)] Oil 30 1 St«, & Eng ,ne«,in,
-0/3 uniu Thr d
H- u^jj ^ R 1«
3K^ 6 .1/0 Ana?o-Am C »
Anelo-Am I 14> 3 *u
camp Bird.. ll/O /i Telephone DEAnsgate 8766 'f
!o-day. Ford Molur» 7:) 1* Sl stiij Oil SJ.* 45^« Hri7lf "5 A lHii> Threlfal l s . 9S 0
Acrow £fl o Olii'm Twist 9/0
Cent MinlnE 12-6
Com Gdfds 78 9 -1/3
c. Prov . M.. 35 0
Cons. zinc... 61 9 -0/8
(Ititpra l Kloclric ¦** I' S Kte^l B2 l i d,V '27 'v 1 * r °b S.Tiirt- 1 S8 '9
t To: The {.om prt ny Dir C Lt or 1 cj i is-rnl MuKirii 4:t ' j Wi^lworlh w, Allen EdKUI 40.9 Parkl'd M .. 8,9 Cons M. Sel 40 0 Fresnl llo .... 31/3
(;• hk1> p -ht Tyr^* H7 T Younc j tnwil 112 Allied lion. 7u 6 ^)/ S Pasolds A . 31-6 C.A.S.T . . 24 '9 H>/3 Lake GeDrce I/O */i ' i
Sal« ttttnllc d 2 VH> m it) , oomprlsinc 1.1 S5 K«.ur-w t,f ?¦> it.1 itoirT HI wn l k e r C«ln 68 0 -0'6 Ass Urll Ea J Ill' s PH. & Enid. 59 71, De Been df •S' ,n New Br. Hill 42/3 .0/3
1 INVESTMENTS LIMITED •r^ ' r !»*" 1114' ¦' W»>noj M i l 7 9 3 «)/C Avellni Bid 13 0 Porrltls 4 S 75 3 Gen. Mlnln u 6 -> ,, Nl h. Br. Hill 117/6
»Mi h 4I LJ rn w SiH fr»l t, «nt 1 2,12 wfre uitdTflnB ci] .C"- B?,T,,» i>4 ' . Whlthreail A 126 S « l buc k & w «a d ^1/3 Toolal J 'b un C. In 62 8 -0/3 Rhod B HIM " 1-4" ,
| 180 Fleet Sircct . London. E C 4 I S'ltti dtni anJ Pfwir 's Indlcvs 1 1941-3 ouunls 101 271 ",
Ra n d M ines 49« R hod. Kat.. 14/3
*< w For ^35 Industrials 58 H2 iSB 741. fur 2S K.'.nv. Scr A Jo!' , .1 WII«D i W M 6 H>'6 Beyer Peuc'k S l*a Wardle & D 1!> '0 ^)/3
. Please send me, Mithnul nbli BHion. lull ilrrj il. | mllways ao H3 <3 1 lOi; (or 50 utltltlos 44 15 i44 3.11 7 r; .. S.S'j -¦. B u i l d i n g. C e m e n t . B.S.A 61,» W. P.ld. W.. 69 0

A Manchester list
I of you r Industrial Hanking invr stmrnt icrv ut) • 41 H a m h a r j ]» ! v Bruv»n U ' n i 4J 6 - 0 3 whlleh'd. D. 3- 10> a ^)/3
Ttn- rx.w Jnnc£ avrras n: For 3D tndut irtals m» P J i n^ 5
fllfl «i : fnr 31 ralH-flis 143 98 H4A 44I . fu*U7
¦ | Brawn Bl> . 59/0 <3,3 Whit A Mtt 7.'3
. including a free ct>pv Df Brochure BB2 I r 15 f, J 1
, :3^, 3 a. Rr>B ditonc -4i o Cammell L d tf 1VB/3
ut ltLti. -s S7 57 ih7 44i . ^ is™ Woolcomber* 35'4.3-/7*o
NAME I FXt'II \M:E RATES Tn-rf «y Prpv. d(iy 1
f 3n l?24 l i n i * p- CMHKI I 73 6 Cohen. Gtrn.
Colvllles ..
IS 0
16 0 Miscellaneous The followim 1> a tflectlon of quotations nn Uie
1 ADDRESS r>ii] don CflhlL -s 2 fcfln i 2 fljfi ] ?» P*ln« 21/3 Brlt - U -- Manch ester Stock Exchanie of shares Dot Included
31 lrruiun t • Jsf." 'i« «)/9
.^ .^ .^ .^ .^ .^ .^ .^ ^ .^ I ru « u »* AB ar c™ S s ia,6
2 fl<>fl2 2 sofki
Montr-*! to Umdiin . 2 twr,3 2 fWTI 2 «r,s7 2 pWI7 1 nrlt. Plas B 25 9 V4.'a rS?r wm J 2 o ZS' b
?i S i if M «al 29 8 .0 3 In our London list:—
. ^ ..^.^ ..^ . .New York on Montreal lfK 22 ICG 25 Can adian Stock * R r? ?;^ " ^. Amal
Rise or
j Tl * '
Kr7 ji ' Arush a . . . 23 0 -0/3 Rise or
UTi 22 105 23 c-KVl is '?' nLV??i.? ifi
AJumltilum 56 •'< ! sastw' HKl ' 66 0 *
Aj inro .41 3 Stocks Prices Fall Slocks Price * Fall
B ol 1 191, I
Dormin L' n»
r ^Vv T, 1
41-9 -0/» a w wiii. "
i io». n.
"" : 1? wln 'l- Breweries Newspapers fr Pjp tr
Th* Toron to m»rkt»t wu lpw<"r , espu'euib w+'stfrn
nl[ s .incl tnrt 'i ' fTtals ringing prices: Algum tV B o( Nin a S 2JS I Ciuiclliis W I 4S9
inter pB n,| 14 3
Entle ld Roi it
52 S n,. , . o. -,, » '
Boddl njtons . 73/9 5,,Bnts Ppr
?? J2
a n l u m Rru z True! n 1', Jtr.s'o & NMc 22 6 fhi *4lPrB
Chtstcrs ... ^4 9 .0/8
.0/8 OO . . 41
12 J 4 . Brn? . Trae 4 IS Brit . Am Oil 31, C P R 23'a . Brl!-Am Oil 5» Mm |n M o S -5 ih !'J 2 1 Blrtnld .. 649 Trani p> p t r m / i ,t
& Tr
I! i"h / ri;
Cnn*. MUi I t . HLtf lju in> Bay «»a , Int Nlchffl 9i\. I B C<jl . P» r 6! London B't 1'I2 11 *0'9 Ve n Br » Dru T) 25 3
'fVeiV W. ?A .0 3 " Building Textiles
If,," 1 SI^ S S ^8
a^V ^T' tpffff ay , *$*"*''
Nnranila M(n--* <n> 3 ncyal Bank ol r«n *58. Btrpl Cal' iy Ed .% •' • M atu -y Tile 21 9 «/l> ,
of Tan 73. Str *p Rrtrtt lrc«n 10> 3 . TrlflJ Oil 3 05. Con B *ol c It- ¦ » M arsti.n B't 20 8
ran Pi c Ord 44i 3 - 'n t n^uh tiate] . 44 0 ?"j£r \,,ft S' n *S1 »r " O"«'n 93 9 </3
Other Overseas Stock Markets Cons P«r*r 72 *' j RuaJ iv P Cm 4* 6 -MI'S
(tacMul ij AS |-1/S
M a t h e r * P. 53 6 -0 3
A\1STKR1>VM. Mari'h 21.—Firm In «rt!ve doAllnsa
KolllnR Pr
H B»y n A <:
46 *' a
23 - 1*
Tj ir mac
Taylor W
. S f i -0. 6
31 6
M.*tal Bnx 69 6 0'tt nol llns j .
r' ablpe
^™ , w
S 9
14 3
f |
J .l,, al ind u. 7 1 0 .0 3 J ,,^, U
l< ?,ij. Uldham . 2 101, j h Pecit .
Mnst lt iter nait in al 1;(yimnf^ved, ShLppLny s better an it ' Imp Oil 63'a Tuiim' 1 C^tn 36 9 Cemenlallon
l 1i , G H Stoles 35 u Slmp 'n A G
7 3 t ^j ,
¦*t r l c 11»a ti^ cerifrn 1 flrm i Ini Ntrkoi . Ib4 -'a V d e Tra "s 29 0 ' pIS ^ ivit . ?? 9 5 tO 6, li a
Bltr.sstxs. Marc h HI. —WeeV twean (in a conflrtrn! HI««Wf-Fpr2. IS' , - '» U'j illnapt r dl 11.1 1 -I '3 5™ . ^6 6 .!/« fSj ""11" S 93 SI War d i C 54 9 Wm Tatton 13 6 ./I 'i

im nmvtti
t'onico intutfs ft mi. Indu^Trl ai shares ilw ^
P*K IS. March 21.—Easy. Latest political devplop* p'^ a v in' .
"" ;5 * «1 Chemica ls b Plastics
Alb r - t & wii :tn 9 -><).6 Kn '^'Th. U 5 mi> nunlop
5f i? Jh- J ; S> f ? l
« ™" Hubr« «I -S 3,i
24/7 i a -' 4' a
Steel & Engineering
Churchill M 24 6 ]
j Wm . $& ?"$* , ,/4> ,
Uard' n ft H. 16.0 .1.-0
mentj Soviet Pr^mSW* virit »nd t^r -hnlcal eonsidrr- | ^ n r . J o £rt ^ «v5* E V IndUJ 'll lG '7> ,-0-3
In A S/i L. Gardner 26-10 x j UitnJli.oBu.
aru r n< r»^ itltfd tn * further fall 1n prtre^. Bn nlc ? ^:hir?h ?
Shwiorldur ?S
IP 2 9 «/3 Ra » P»rin - n 12 6 -03 N. Greenln n 14,7' *.,-li , - . K " ' ,
B , C(.n ,«,„,. 49 4,,0
• THE AN SWER IS .'!! unrt rh«'m: ™t I«um U«t j munil. Rubber plants- J.Tor U.,m
tl .tn [wm steJidliT. pabut Torriga sbarpf lrreeu!ar J
1<"< -' Siim. ^i V Simon. H. 3n 0 pi.-
Slmon-Car ' t « 0 -O-3 ?"" n 1 -
¦« 0
S »/i t'
*"• •
Hall Enlt . 16 rt •/*> . g Brad? A 39 9
Hick H ar»... 7« 0 [ S 1 I?w iii 5 ?•
I [] torn**Jfma1 N Irk^-l <]«¦ W StM rn .r hnm n l -0/3 r:??!??.! .., H .™ ¦£J 1 £• [ft oi'S 'a ,|
' coast Tr n E i Lnwrt e . 32 9 Hopkl niona . 65 U
T. Locker . 4 l',-H3/6 ! I jSf S i^
Sla»-lf» 34¦ 3 ¦ nfj , n |J H
i? fc
United States Stocks | Mi.nsamo 25 s ¦!,! > -0^ 1 Ha ?KSf»v ¦? a? ''?i W
SCOW. Bli * «
S $% » §
r, A ft ScS ojd .^
ssss-i ^
•Jl n
WORRALL Theatre . TV . f>c. r
Sl-W * IJ - «rt 52 9
UNIT TRUST PRICES Am **A I nv T 4R' »* -^

^ ai
,,m ' phmiS w 0
| ^^ %}
Am T ft T 157 . 'I A.B Pl cl r« « 0 ^),3
A.T.V . A . 3 5 3 Fr anctsV^ «., ^na^'-dF J ? !a,
-0/3 £"•¦
Bc '.h Biecl . «5' , -i ,
¦ *¦
.la'' " »""¦-. "' .fe ? H./S SK? .ST" ?}'} 55 W*J m. (B vi I
116. 0

P zonchemi s 15 s
' TJi--' l* *r<T p-ui ** j <cir»nl£ril h T rhe romprinlo o f m i
i tlie u iii T * «1 tti e unri-*r:intr d cruiTs ur e a^ rollout ¦ — I ]
/S!Jn"V. - #¦¦ iTapj crH
ot ors &
M.tA.. Carj gei Rub Regen ' R
F Sum . * M*
19 0
14 „
¦ .
" AlHrd Intr Mor i | Nail on xt \ J. Cockahool 11-9 Small 3t P A "6.6
*n 10 24 (1 > S R t D 2 n < i Fodfna 3fi 0 *0/3 .. „ B '6 3
. P !" ¦ FIT. H '1 ] ¦> < ] r u m 7»jx i t>in ii f i' i Wh- ssw .. 40 K -IVB s>, r™ !i5
1RECO i do 2nd ... I*3 fi 2>1 7 .Slit 2nd 33,3 35 0 .1 Ke- Vl S, 42., .,. , T.W.W -67/0 Whl teh 'd 1. 113 -0 -l 'B
Ko.t' gd'kr A 18 fi -/I 1* SQUlrrel Cod 6,9
22 23 Sp arT rHd, I 3 1 9 -o-d Man. G em. l l, l f t' a Text Hose . 14 7 ^ */ 4 ' i
. rto j -^t . M ' Cen: 2ncl S Shell Oil
3* t;tu 44 jj 02' , Electrical Cr Radio
, -0/3 Si Mo n Dlci. 2/0
^;a:ic!.irrl Oil Motors. Aircraft. 6c. N II & J Quick f i 'l * a Wm TUnpt 'D 25 3
dn J t h .. 22 0 21 2 N'at. Coos 24 3 ^ t ¦I I ' S Stofl .. S2' «
15< 1H 3 -' , A EI '54'3 ^Ti',? *| "
! Tiller 3-M*a
«h 0 rtilllp riill HSecinson -1'
,|., Autn Tfls .. 17,S AM. M J C .. 7/0 Vllllnc - 23 0 +/71.t " fcx di^ tkrvd t Ex bonmi J
I Met & M tn 17 1 'i Voolu orlli .. li. .. ,- nrrrr i E M 35,0 E* ntiii *
^^J g «ST
4 A.C. Vehicles 77, 0 - H e Turner ft S 1 1
1 s •" Lx caoita Tht Statue cl Liberty
* Ex xM I £x d nw^f *
FOR ( ^mmp rcial

Manchester transa ctions

PST . n 6 Ml)
I rtins ci.iTrd 21 7J 2S Ti B S.I.T. .. I» r>* 10 (51

11 L' niv "Jnd ttts «3 ,

Pwwd SrruriUrs
. riimtnon«»1lh fimop lft , 8

Five minutes walk .

1 n k |n A
^ r .3
A E <
. r y . Sih I*.
. 14 -tj 15 1j List f^ d SUwk v I
TSJii^.o" rf 1., B«verbro<* >>... A »,-«
' ' -riau.ds 66 0 66.6 Ollksteui lJ-1 22, bU I Rt«d (A. E.) A iSs l 1 *
li 10 11 ~
" Save JL- Tro-prr '* Group
Cj oldea Hop* BuD. 6/B Roote» MuUTi A 10/ 5> *
0 \Ax V T *14 inS v r n , tl
6 15 3 tn 7 11 5. '¦ 3 ° S"1", S iSn alfnae rM. mi.l IUV,
To»n & Coaiia. Prow. Bruat lslcnt Mill 2 '3 Greenall W h i t k-y 17/ 9 Raiat^ md 42.0
T ,'f- ± '!£' dO - "•" GraiUrD WarehoLU«s 6G/9 R«biu» 7/0»«
Ciminumlj t nit *
2J * »"" " « ^1 3 i'21 !I i- do Vi - oil rm-!lcj> R ubber 2< 9 ¦nJ mer * Se*»l l 111/0 ^^ gTn. f '" House of Fraaer *4/10'3 RatUauon 41,8 41/7»a

CupliU 3 0 33 I n r Trust _ ty 3 l" nl levt>r 14O.0 Buttlns S 9 s- Hide S/6> 4
t^ n
'«) " » txc " ><iutr ilk L> a Brothe rs S 0\ Wa ll Paser Manu . 0IA. Bass new ''3 9 41;6
! Pi linn t t a l k r r - S, -n [ b l t ^ " 5 \*l K i{ l BmU 2fl 4i » 2S'6 K a u d S«lecUoa 39/0
; I'n i^m - . *1« «1 19 «* " l -" t"' hits 1 * l' "r •»• 11 T 4 „ Ln Sl» , ! F!lr1",,?.P1 °"* " * D*-" "" " l32 '* 1 „, . Bmckhouie <J » K/0*« HuscoLe Rub. ti,fl K«a « 14-T» a
j» s0 S;S"e! ,5 3 u g ' J iD.>
I n
>- ~ 1 1 V, I^"?'n ''.,? [k - «'••¦ : K whV w Lll H.rv. ,7 5 9
Whuehead ^ (Uldxi.) d^ i 4 ' j "n pi 14'S 1* Hadlieddi 34 9 I }^IU-Ro>ce 4»/9
si^ -
j Bi-^.'in^r 18 1HU
3 9 S-IO 1^
iH>n t ¦, "" c,i " »,',„,? ,« .„, . GluuiMt w *
&r £' '< * T-SR's'iS IV. ^ rkr ^ ^ "iK i ^{^' .fss:' Cim u: Haiiunuticls Brew Auaid , Strck HadiaUOD 21/4>3

Pomes!lf . 4 21 4 6 13,0 l iheffleid Twill Drlil li 0
S4-ln.-t^ r Group
Handler P*Be 15/li s J
SMrrow (R.> 7j4 A a 7,J 3
Fir*t ProrJncliI
1« Prnv B 31 1 32 M S->!^ l t "B"
ss^Iwt ¦A" 3T B 33 e !
« 3 45 3 i I ,-i,> .;^.,1w d*«
<: a -c. pfd Zt '3
.| B»4"t ? 4&rt , Rub .
Wond ;E > 12 0
: H:rml[J lad 64 1> 3
Cah:* 4 "wirtln l Dm
Heoderfcoa <P. C.l 13/5»4 ; Sih. Durham St«l 6%*
lad Coope 2 u , 4 > a cuav. 2nd dcD l«l'i Five minutes'walk from the Monument of
J. & J. M. WORRALL LTD. d.> RM7VF. 12 T U 4 Sel rtt ' C ' 23 10J 25 li |
: n^i:Jr*^-3,V >V d s;k
fi-nersl Accdnl. Fire. & 15 u I M.P S. 5 a "'* A pi. IS'8 I S C O W 47 0
London could take you inside The Hongkong
' "-^« & Ho.**.
U:e Assur. J'l'i Cmroi & Su t d lf lt 15/« Jaduotu Hillboard 16hO Smith & Walton 4 r O
00 : Rf lUM Aiair. B U/l»/3< <
ORD SALL LANE. Sw-f S^ ? ! ?! ^ 13 9 Sh
" ld r « nd Mul «m r n '
- ' ' " 'A . A E . B/0
Ch.rterhwuw flrp M,8 . Kf-p onjt MaJ.y Rub 5.0 I St Helena Ooltt 75 3> «
Kerrr s (G B.> 11/2^ I Scot. and Shanghai Banking Corporation... and,
¦ ^¦^ "iUJ .' '^AT i "
Mr - v tdPri: . t!2 7i 13 rt Shield Fnd *12 111 13 9J Aj wr. Universal Invert.
P.r.v»l EiohmBf
34 ^
carrjr aj B 3 5', Ku Jem Rub. 4.3 l 3 4 ,3 ' 23,201, 23 ?i 7
SALFORD 5. a ^ liiV t?U 33J ?* IMIUr «-.-*! F«n*, ¦ IVs*ric* Bi«k -' ci
mI^V Si"! I-* 9
3 9G V S3 3 xd
I H:-*«in U ry d i itinj;
S?» A-llm i n^r
75 -3 C ann ln , ,w , I?,7i,. do. j London Hub. 12, 6"4 i Standard Triumph ll'"J a f o r business purposes, inside America.
I .
a: :>
d u^n r n i l
, u n i,c i.p a l. A
23 n R«si*»* F.
. C.riirral
: , ' Cun Fund
*i H ?3 jn ,.
l'. T 3 \2\ :t Midland B^nk &T 3 ^ 9 Atfi.nt! Goldflfldl Corp L&cd & Geal- Iavwt. A
cjF'I filale Trj n sv 'l Mil, ' 15 6 15/9
11 fi 11'5' « do pf 17/6
, Siivenowa Service* 13 3>« The same walk could take you inside the
Lotisdalc I n v n t 2: 4' 3 j st^«t) Rock Iron S21 ] n
Mfiiit ' ct u/ tht E. V . InJusir ub Croup »*r ]r=J !»«. ESJS^-.SSi 'iSfiuctoi other territories where we are established.
M , t >,. t ; ,,Tr .,=, 7, 1^ ]i>,!. 'A'-iinur:3;er Bank a 39 3 H '.i- d-skf¦ Auto IS fl !
15 i» 34 9 «*¦ i:w 'W 30 l* j 30,3i 4 I
M A. I*. H' -a ¦ 'It *• 11 04 ran I'rt F fiJ < » hi" 3 ' '!i^:er» LUut Ki PUnuUons S 3 34 1 Shp«-Dbr.dze Ess 10 S 1*
2nd M A (.;
M .V I tJtr.
B :ij
9 -^ l*lv Siirs .. 2"' Tj 21 1*
i- >J i M I T . . f 2 A f 96 *i
nu 1 :..:. j ;i s' <
C- vi!» ,v W h :;iia . 3i a ° Q
Hi.yV ..IiK h u n 4 0
I I <* I e2 9 62 »". 62 0 !
j L C C . 3' » I 62-+1TJ H' ,* S'avcJej Coal 34,5> «
I^j biwii Oil 14,6*4 S:odrlard rA F -t A 13/4' a
We can provide you with up-to-date credit
; " Frtv nf I'ommi-j. Mn -»r:rt I'j utip du "y ' K^ d.v]dead
. if IT l>
M.iM<> t (Bj .-n lfi ! 17 6
, K2 ~ - -j A2 0 f!2 3 do. '
^" « p i *~ <' a l~ 3 ,j 4, » ».. 9 do . -. 5nd : r j
_ Cl
Lfiralne &»ld 3! 10' »
.Jt , & Too , Lombard ] Sutiiry <B ) I6/7 ^ 3
BankinK 31/9 ' Small r S u s a n , 25/6 information and advise you on many other aspects of
f f f .'ivit " p'ii-rt 'A ir: ;<ie c"mml?*!'Hi •
J ^J , I-anO 35 0 do aid 11 6
I nr ^i . Tr 23 7> 3 II n:r.n:»r 45 "3 50 0 ~
r . ,.' Lz:lsS
UrbLiia iMe *tb 70 n Triaiport l>Te]r-p 2n i * 3 business with the Far East. As the largest British
•tann.» d u t j mrt lurtml fM in a:i> price M " Ship C a n a l 13 3 \ L'wl' i Pnci(!nfl
n M' ^ 5 M a n n A Or^tnn IB. 9 T o m i t ln im i ul t er s i
AW SHi~t)r "lL-*( 5 ll 1-
A - r - a l it e « ~ >
I U "Td'
M lr l m^ l IS 6 W'bOUM S I
I Other Securities i f i i'.
MrtaS ind "3 7 1^
Monsan'.o Chem 2^ "»
3fl 2', xd bank established by the Far East for the Fir East,
Cr -lX. Mill* Tt Lf»nk^r fT 1 A 3 T 9* I
^'^ '
Dat i M!Tor 15 41,, do Martin Walter 2B 0
a Tutw Iet . 72 Tj 73'7*7
T4 9 dn. new 4*5 9 47 0 with branches in 20 countries and a network of
Continue to offer 7 \ c'c per annum 23. <i 1 I1 Anel" - Eoj >riort*n Oil i r A n i*- * -J ^, B ,
1 Midland Brt. D r a w n S uet l 4<i *i 471^ prein. do.
on deposit ] , with extra J «> added
t s^-j tf P»:d ciirt ;.g CJ .ange
A.- h- .in Bmj
~v* y 40 'i
iHo'rtinj it ¦ Mu :yil *
Mills Tl 9 ltd I \s 4U r v i t a MeTal 34 1fl» 9 13 3"4 nrw (15'0 pd 1 fil 10' a. agencies in all other principal trading centres,
N#'* obj Fum. S:or?j I Avirv iTh^m 19"H>> : i r>irban rv*rt> S 3 1. M A G Tnut 11 IV* dr> dpw ( f u ll T Dd.l
annually on each £500 unit. n—.i, \
p ris -
;•» ij
b 0
3: 3
oc da*?
--- 1 0
¦': ,
i." i->mm . V»hlc)*s *~ 4' 3 A:>*-x T-lr.H *d oil 5P "9*4 ! JJ -nra f M n f f S 6 M itn* (D.I (Sowlmanl ti -71, do pf 14^9"« we are in a unique position to help you.
Pa-V Cal« Bakeries « 0>, Art vRn cv U i u nd ".** 4 "j0 j O"nii*n i f f H ) T U »4
Detail * mn d Audited Um la nte Shrt r t 'Orn K- *a;i i I! ,1::i* ... 12
11 9l' B 35 rt0 23
1" 3 — A^ *f c. FArc, Tr.dUit 55 n 1
Pirk iW i ForK^rrna 'P 1^ j Ah-ahams p u b M c . ty 5 Oi g rviMHtaon Line 21 -Z
^ i>::: »:i . r,:\ k>raii, 4' a ~ * :j rt S-t 9 xrt S r:- Ur"m ic» 3 1 i'¦ I D- !i» Mali pf 16/5

M cK i r S«r. 0/3".
Inx itmantl Dtp i CN. OA V I E S I N V E S T M E N T S LTD 11 IV*tin' v Ma:m Prrp ^rt lei 5 0 3 0 12 :' +4 = a d ¦Ansoc* :*ad Cemtn: ¦ 'i •' 5. TU flo xrj
T i ">R
TfMO Stom pi. U.I^
D « N E» I N N HOUSE. ^Ci t T R » » D - L O H DQ H W C ? M .y:. * \ U-» * " l 7 3 Ji A « w Bnf F-wi, 3D M i * I g i r iM Br * 1t) 3 0 M»rro Re fr1« 12 9 Vrlnn Inter. 6^4 pf
K^ l»:- » 11 O 3 H 1.1 1 ' 3 - T^ .J MWU 74 0 F»*-k Tool , ^' T M r R«r«couru 15 0 1Q 4 :3
¦ p^- .' p*J rj .H A A^ quL'.h Mii-Mm "h ,'V. * /,4
, K. i:;-y:i Pr¥ *<-r::es 26 2 <n 3 7 1, - : A< t !i»y Tr.d'i« Tr T O N l 12 ~2\ j ¦- !« [ , : K^ pi^M Dairy A 15.4* a M'mritllf Inv 5% p! l\D T. nfw 33.-S1. SJ.^'.


¦ H)iik
HA-n« <J
Kridjic P.ib. 3 3> *
7 R> 4
' « *i 13 t>
S^-Tajrt iE 1 A 57 D
I A< r--iuf rtns* 4 :» * E v i n j M r dlr a ! 15 fi 1< 3
Ei'ilt* A Law UT* An. M.lllndilri IA EJ 4/3', U!<1 SI«tM SMI JU S' j
l.'ntxj i 1* lc/4 > 3
As-vh- V i z 72 4 L i
n*'« r » r f f M!' J i HI dn .) ¦ Sh »nc i p i 31 £1- :a 0
STOCK EXCHANGE PRICE INDICE S.i A^i% l Mf Jt ' y» Ti 3 M«rkM[osh
«'i% or v.n den Bj rj h or 12 0>«
C le/ 7 *> » PIT. m-rar ve * 4' P 4 "~ * t I E:^;rnti1c R*-lTali 4/^


Au*t- *Lia 5^% L77-951 !< »' « _ V!n» Prra luru M/10",
Th i- f i - l i u i i i K prSt f« arc cnmpltrd by HfJifrt fro ni, - B-':«fnrt l iS , * W t S'lim ,« \ ,n :dn I M 3 , i fia s , F-.t r+j?- Houston ne* Nn-Ilir I>». 75:4', . do V!ck»M M 3 34-» 34-3

1j r.Ji'ii
rs ¦ Si it»t Kx i ^j t t i x f I^rl. ">-» The t>»*ls Tor g i l t- ,' 13 V., S! T» , <, TU-nn a- Sons n q i, ;o 5 ! « 61 B 9>
* W!**^» 43 0 rtfd 30 li , Kwl.nrh IF W.I 64.«
• ¦i ^ i > ;M r fi.r ur*:nuni kh a r f i J u '% :. 19^ 1 hi it' B i¦ c-kr-^l Tnt»r « fl SJ — "«~n R'-»v»—i ar w p--. p ^' p- -,](,—«
^ - F 1 .—.^-5
Cl F S In ^^ltt- S3 9 W»«: fAT l ?nl 13'5
r' \' *( r i. .r s . U e prui* imid oti Drti'mfNT >\ H" i->*s1-1 T r *p t f¦ 'JS * '. * « BJiberv k Lt Wilpos B n - P n ifl * J . 27 fv P A n S'Ers ^nm rf fd 43/8 I w»** Brom 5» 4% (TT-791
. • <i B'" M" 'or ( !>•? 2* fi Srj. :-r ^ ( r , f * H' S'-kro^i -r 2» ^^ . n-insrer Smith a/ 8'« r*T"i^^L]e r 24 0 9«»#
MORTGAGES 3-10 YEA RS . " ¦ ¦ i:j ' «1
Mar. \. 21 M a r r l ) J * M a r r- 14.
. Tn % Ti; i'r 73 ¦
"¦ S= ,
TUi- * » '* -c M o1 e ^ rt
!!-¦ .i!*t Camp 4 «i
«» -i -f p !¦• ir.^- i« * "iS ! "«
B'l-ntiti O ' 47 T* j 47 0
t~ 4t . 4^ :m »
* "" t
, r .'iiTo I-ah R3 11!
P'- ! !ii» rc < 25-10",
T> a"*:n«'»n Cn»»n f>l'4 1,
t «-9
Al r c nft 17/4' » HCAD OFFICE : HONG KONG
'! •<, < j .ir uN .. 1"! -, < •»-¦ ,»» ¦ Tj ' rd fJ 1 *1ir-*, :<*.^,_,R M, -r
-1^. j Tl ~\ r» R A T «: ^ ^ ! r^^ 'lnher 40 o P'"> Bub 1 1. '. (! 4> , W!,M SLcm »1"j LON-DO.V OFFKZ : 9 GRACECHURCH STREET EC3
Special .um i tot to.i m o# £5.000 o r ewct. . 3-1 2 „ . 3- - .1 ,-i , ..^ B r> »^ ^ —^ - i-.i . irn i 74 n V I B '-" ~ A ^T-1 43 0 42 4 = 3 j r.r»*n 'R- i 3 1! J T' , P»n n Eintl c 1 9T»
K*rti * ^ . _ . ... > ! . .., 7n 3 ... " »; 2 -¦ *",* pf **> ~ ;i 9 Wfttn*? Min n T?^', tfo
Trsaiur ar , iBj 95. Th* Crovc , Londo n, t .15 '¦•*-M .n;« .. . ?> 9 sn «.- f i
¦*.¦ i = » -,i Iji r * SpLTiisld , «' " « 1 rs*-«\eDun-ant A Mum? Prr^ Bnnd 60 -9 «a;* ! ¦- •. ¦) •» (M» i. Brj ne h ti throughout tht Kir Ba tt; aito in Sn» York, Hamkvrf and Posit.
C^ud prujj erni 103 0 IOC S 101.8 r '111" 6" - «"•" • art
> " Br.t'rt A"-"r 'i=e 14 3:* 1= 1 P»irt»» Prop u/1 11/4" , w:n klen»k K1n« J4/B
, =« ^v ;Vr' * n. ^ .1 ' 14 9\ 14 ifH , ' Gu:aa«« IA.» •! /• Polrrfll 9 5' . W-j t iaiR'i . Brmtf 50 5« . O^za aj our Sui 'tittijr ym Stin Franaico and Lot A *t*lm.
Keepin g bulk
liquids fluid 1 An Exhibition of— •
B.t our industrial Stan
Manv liquids suitable for transport


in bulk travel better, or more
con veniently, if they can be kept
warm, and much ingenuity has Kono
into designing methods of achieving
this. Some o£ them will be demon-
strated at an exhibition of surface

heating in industry which opetia
to-day in Manchester . The exhibitio n
has been organised by the North
Western Electricity Board in collabo-
ration with Isopad. Ltd., at the
electricity service centre.
The road tanker's liq uid load is kept
warm by a system of heating which
resembles the domestic electric
blanket. Flexible electric heating
panels are fitted to the tanker surface I Presented by the NORTH WESTERN ELECTRICITYBOARD
and covered with thermal insulation,
which in turn is protected by an outer
metal shell. Each heating panel con-
sists of a resistance wire which is
electrically insul ated by glass yarn
lifated with a high-temperature ;i Over tnirty autoniat u .1 rneque-sorting sort the cheque? at hi ah roeed i:;!o the to have sorted o.nfM i .OHO cheques with-
varnish, and either interwoven with ]: machine? i>f this type, the first to sto pocket5 visible at tne top.
glass yarn or attached to a glass-cloth ; into .service, have recently been As they are capable of being t-fveral being investigated by the
out makin a a—is one of INDUSTRIAL DEMON STRA TIO N ROO M
base. A panel has a surface area of , instai' eri in Ameri can banks.
between ten and twenty square feet, i Prn- developed to record other infoi matio n 1-ondon Electronics Sub-Committee of thf
and between six and eighteen panels !! riuced bv the Xat iona! Cash Register (including the amount of the cheque) tee is expected to decide this year
Clearing banks . The commit-
^^^ .
i an be grouped in heating zones, each !| ConiDany . the machines •' read " and pass it on to a computer, they can whether to adopt the magnetic code
/one being an indepe ndent electric :! account, numbers whi < h are printed form the first stage in a fully - already m u>e i r t America, or one of
circ uit. There are various fvpes of ; on the cheques in magnetic ink. an d auto mated bank accounting system. two rival svstems developed in Britai n MANCHESTER j ^^^^^^ ^^ H
panels, including moistureproof and j¦'
March 22 to March 25 ^ ^
The machine— which on te.n is said and in France .
flameproof .
Chemicals, chocolate , fats, glucose,
B^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^
lubricating oil, resins, sulphur , and tar
products are some of the materials i
daily 9 a.m. — 5 p.m. ^B %^ ^
^^^^ ^^
^^ H
that are being transported in electri-
cally heated road tankers. Unless their Liverpool TO PS ^m j j g ^^^^ l^^^^^^^ ^^
heat is kept up artificially, viscous i Bradford Market ¦ LECTURES & FILM SHOWS '' ^M ' 'W^Kff ^^^^^ ^f &^^^^^^ m
AuV .rahan 1aooI va.ue continued to ¦ •'
liquids in a tanker can have a fall i n M o n d a y, March 21.—A !arc«
Turk'sn A a a "h N't- '1 -ru t^r - fs n G i^ M ' 7f». Ad *n«
temperature of between half a degree ,i \vha d o n e in S u d a n , with small sales :n Sv 1 roll + r -x - titif d J2 4

W I ^^^§b^ 1bW
L n ne a States and Mexican for shi pment.
and four degrees,Fahrenheit an hour ,! Soo-t business, however, was confined
Sudiin Snkt l S u b 32 oQ. Li>m ; Lamfaer: So. 6
prov ide the main support for mermo and ¦
. fine crossbred top prices on the BradfordL j-i J1K
3JW m m . aiHlllllllH A&^LiiiiiiHBtt>* "v ' 9L^D ' ¦
H^ia^^ 4Hfn I
even wnen proiecieu Dy lagging lou r li Mfl '.o
United States
¦' ] mJ ^LL ^Ljaff/
: d 1 ! fa . e* of T u r k' ^< H/; S H^^^^H

L ^^: • ¦
inches thick . If the tanker is held up; va: u es we re r eri u cedsh. b vThp otficKii spo. Bja
B B jaja
M a
B a ja
B B | a|^|H|«|a
«a |M^H^
^ J^ >i \
50 poj n market. Tney enco-irage the topmaker' '.'¦ * \
^ m
on a long journey the liquid may Svr ;:i n a n d B r a z i l i a n a::d by ]r>0 ts f o :" St \y VORK. Murrh "-i(.—(. t,t;or. futu -^ ,-ios^rt i^^^ BBi ^B^iiiiiiB
[liiii i^^ ^ i^ii^^ iii ^^ '
9 ]Jo:n :s iowr r to "\ ^ugli«; r !n earLj aeaJ:»E5 ;< in his effort to command more realisfc ¦
i^i^^ a^^^
i ^ L^
i^ ^^ l^^^iii ^^^ ^ii ' **<
iiiii ^iiiiiiiiiiiii ** aw

.y Tl
solidify. Some liquids deteriorate jI fo; Eiist A f rle s i n . ror S u d a n were "|¦ thr
po:n=-> i! <teid>nt4rk«*i
m "^^ ii
w as nuv -.rt with olii-crop July easine
s#:ilnc by a i^j rt in ; Memphis spot hou:v i¦ \ selling pi ices than have been lately ;

whe n allowed* to sot. and even those 1! reducedXo. a» to.' .ows .--S^kel No. ,i bv 2S i\ under In ihe afTcr ncKjn swiichnig accounted for mail nt. >
that do not may need u long process ; po.nts. 4 bv 100 no:tv.s. Xo. 5 b ~ 200 jJ the b-uSRCss In !a^ dealJcgs ntar-oy July easet! !i obtai nable. Last week'.", price basis for !
Doim ,s . a n r i G n n d C 6 bv 50 po .nU : Sudan j under hedfi* spEEin * ¦'' tne bulany range, namely H'Td for 64's t
<i T remelting. The flavour of choco- L rtm b e rt b . 100 ljo.n ts :o- ] Simt r-olt on in N>w York ind Sew Or]«n« waa .


lain , for example , is affec ted by re- i1 po:nts for No. :i. bv 100 p u ir .'Xo 2, bv 75 i unfhan£«J fl : :.J & and 31 m*
OrJcAn? /uLureft rs*»s«J *lt i #ar, unrtianj ed to jj
: B standard s, is / u;!y mainta.ned. and ,
.s f o f Xo.*!. 4 j] !n>w
melting . On a ten-hour jour ney from ' a n d 5. imd en 50 po.nt^ f<»:- Xo <l and C fi , jIj 10 rnj ^nt s !ow«r\F\V YO ji there are instances or an a^lung price of j
i HEA TERS f or
I-ondon to Manchester the chocolate i , _ A m e r i c a n f utu r e s oper.od qu el. 7) po jit .- if RK m i Rt.S 1 lOBd. Yesiteiday 's Syd nev reports, some j
in an unhcatcd tanker may fall from ' for t he U:i .ii?d Smies contrac: a n d \
r j O'ln t n aV,\ o p o i n t s do'A'n to u n chnn ed II JiMh!l>«
the highest permitted temperature to ! f o r t ne m .xr d con '. rac t. Trad'
*E"ti-d«r s cl o** Htxh ij ^w
*^2 S7 . .. .;2.'J4 3J f> 9
Prpv «-tne«
*:t3 SO
.•02/JS .. . .12.3* 12 2ri ... '.iZ.Ah
of which quoted advances of 2J per cent j
on last week's eq uivalents, wouid justify ' ' |^RT -h ^y | M &l
- "JO ^S - . 30 (50 30 57 . ".W. ^X
show an uncomfortable detj ree of |'
nsf con- JI| Ot 'Oftf J
a point near solidification . much high er quotations, but spinners
in ; I>.xmb«- .. - |f> .iB - - . W.W 30 A9 .. 'au.fii
I Sll '3f^aK
unanimity i n tneir refusal to follow ihe; jI (5-3.000 ,allon.) V_ Ml M ffi
t . t .u o d 9lo.v Scattered hedi^mE?
BlW l
i Mar ch . . IS 1" 31 H , m
OrtobP: *A*ii .« met by f ocal in t e r e st nnd [( - 'U tL . . M 10

course of raw wool values. Turnover ;.•>, !

Mrfv ..
Mains voltage . ^i is ... ,?1 "is ti ;t7 . ".ii as


'> M u v dei'A'cs';. wm o under t u r t n e r .July 31 35 .. 31 3o 31 .IS . 31 40

sj ' B9 XM *1-^j' lULftl

(MoUrr .. .. •in tin
L^^ H ^R
The hea ting panels a:e u»i:allv o ne !.qu:dallbn pressure . The ofT:ake — — . .".in.ufi

to week-by-week production. Top slock[

lie o n; bf r . • W-Vt -


'A'as cu r .f i n r d to som e sc-j ledoivn b u v ; r.3 " 3f> j 5
made for mains voltase . A diesel I iar some *• '¦>, •.•* 'o'.ver [.mit5 . a n d i '-ic JU n h . "JO *"»
• Bid
— — M0 43 fnirl v well maintained but is rarely equal
BIBP ^T H¦f ^^^ B -
generator set is mounted behind the
< ab to keep the panels supplied with
: monui
' a ^e.^'on riot ed b hr e lv »t o a d v
! Ltnoh.jr.2ed ;
'.o 2Q p o :i,\< down " for bo\ 'n. • Egypt
fig ures which outstrip last July 's peak
]i are a discouraging factor quite aparl ;
BL ^BBflLtt i^Iir ~li^B^R ^^ fl|^^^^^ |
elect ricity throughout the jour ney. On . con
' t
h \ % M > K l * . Mart h 21 —Pu iuros oppn .<i s:»iaclT irom the fact that thev indicate among :

¦¦ BlH
W ^B
longer runs , the d river can stop over- 1 14 T'se U n i t e d States f i n a l a i n n : n as. a t . *L
."(07.000 r u n n i n g bales, a gainst 14.3o 1. noo j; an
d i Lt it e hut sooti en£»d on news of in? rvdULtiai) other thin gs the well-covered position ,
night, disconnect the diesel generator to m i d - J a n u a r y and 12.4Mjj .0OO bale? \ declined on interior fixing ajid lon e ItQUldaUoul wh:eh spinner.- m ust occupy.
in price discounts for foiejjm curreuats . Prtc«
and plug into the local power supplv , .;nbd!e>,
Quotation s for 50's carded tops are
veir p t e v n )t i s ] > . h:td cleans Mb»y bn( with a healthy underiono. [
starting his generator again when he I 'j f T u e n c o T i a d t n e r e m a i ne d d u l l d u r i n g of L'3u.tirit m a r k e t future^ quoljitions i in taltariit per r a nt ar stable at about 80d. The Wangami i sale i
which takes place to-morrow after an !
(^^^^^^^^^^ BJH^^L^Lb^Lb^Lb^Lb^BB
S9 Oalb.i — K a r n a k : Mai Si n* '83.00. , May 7fl.h6
continues his j ourney. .;
t h e ; i f t c r ni ? o n . \v::n .«7n^ 'j r o unr . o t r a d e «79.7fl. J u lj 1 7S 00 r78 70k Knv 7fi T=i iT fi TO
A p r i t T4 2S l7^ 4'1i , J u n e 72.50 <7'J a 5 i | iraerval of three weks in the New
It is not alwavs necessary to cov er ! buy In a a n d -^I hn e p r o v i d i ns tlie n n lv Ashmouni. Aug. TOM '71 :^>i. O( t. 6i *> S5 ' r Zeala nd roster is rather anxiously ¦

^I^^^^^^ ^^^ HRH

the whole surface of the tank with j rrM l i n p* The m a r k e t closed a uie t .
I awaited by both buyers and -ellers of
panels. If the surface is lagged, panels , m*» 1 1
stead - . 20 p n m ts d-JH"n t o u n c han g e d on
i I crossbred lops Opinion as to the likely ''
mav be necessary only on the lower .in fu !v:re > opereri q u i e t nominu T ^ y. I New equipment for the j
dj v Tor both ranti ;ic:$. i ' course of values is ill defined. The last . -A- GLASS PLANT
half or lower thir d of the tanker, ir JinSnct' ciui n geri b u t d e c l i n e d i n t e r u n d e r ioca 1 i i sale at Tima ru showed declines of about; i
ic LABORATORIES, ETC. ^^^^^Q^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^H
ihe tanker is operating in areas where -p <j t h "u se p r e s s u r e tn t h e lowest levo=
model train addict Ij Australian markets have I Hd per lb. clean, but »mce then the i
¦ ^^^^^^^^
there is a risk of fire, the resistance !; no rm lit ed for t h e d:iv Tno rr.arke) closed J
i moderate but persistent strength
indicated and mj ny other Exhibits ¦^Bl^^^^^^ l^^^^ H
wires are encased in a mineral- i q u i n t T5 0 p o i n t s do w n, w i t h M a y / .Tune I Working models (if
insula ted metal sheath. With flame- 1 at TS. nn rf and Ju!v ar.d S e p t e m b e r both complete with cranesa buildi ng silo, . ^^^^^l^^a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H
proof fitting s, this means that the Ij at :i2.00d
panel s can be used on tankers where '1
' operating pneumatic drills, from part
and diggers ,
I\ MfTino fi.t^ii - s
London Tops
on ihr London wocj I mjj s
i Organised by the I ^^^^^^H
of a trade exhibition at the Midland 1¦
\mj rh \x n i ( R F « c j r n i x i i f i v s mark«-l I
Ihore are inflammable vapours about.
rc aiil-icd m a r t ma l earns over tut day in moderate
I'n.i-'-d SC3 'p"i i nr 'i v j t j
j Hotel. Ma nchester. . organised
Mixed Growli
by 1 TtJe mflr ket recorded small advaucca at trie |

¦fnt ofunheated
Prrr . Pt+v
tankers up to 1.3 per : f i<"i^ «* i .Meccano, Lid. These models and i steady
i oittsef , rencelluR dearer raw v-ool values in Australia.

: in collaboration with . . .
« " |i i*!1 r-lr»>p f'pi* Tliereafter rlie markfl was well supported aud closed
a viscous liquid load has ;¦ M 1

• :"¦ ; others , incl uding a detailed chassis of I 1P7 lots lof 5,0fl01b. eartl* . Closlnjt quotations ill)
known to cling to the inside of been
^.. >a-^ ^w
U^ - i lt - A p r Sf . -l : ") . . ".
'].7i L'-JJfl l 441
' 1
unc!iari£i=d to 34 d lilghcr on balance. Sales

^ *
jv .. . . 1TJ '.d .... 'J2 -M '22 nTi .... '£^

\ essrl whe n it was discharged. th e j I Julv L 'J j

:i -J l
!.4 .i Ml! V. 2-J. the Triumph Herald and a t raction I pentv per lb.n March «9> «-!)9i i. u l U i SW'.-aa 'a l>»ld

^^ ^
mi ~n Id 22 -.J
t t i t t i . tj *"- 1(1
process of discharging the liquid Tho
!' [b- ifn i ber ,. 2^
... 21 P'»
22 U
'J2.ori -J 2 2 i . .. 22.*' j engine , are made from st andard May 100--J -I U1. wilh 101-100 3* paid: J u l y loa' t - ina 1 ^.
with 102 i ;-lO2 paid . Sept. lOa^-lOS 1.. will] l»3-102^ !
_ ^—_ ELECTRIC '
can Meccano parts. Other exhibits include 104-l(H'Oct. ¦BaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaHBaaafiaaBaaaaBaafg ^^^^^^^^^^ MI su rfac e \> aaaaff Baaa]
M at l ij L.h l To '-'I J i *-'J 13 ... '2 2 L'3 103»j-UH. n i t i i 103=,-103'j paid: Dm . 1
nal '
I paid:
br made easier by fitting an BUBBBB ai^iii^l^lii^i^^^^^ fl L/i 11 uil I
electric heatrr to the outlet additio
j , with 104> 4 -104 paid: J»«- rl iUl l l(H-l»1i
oitk i\r. ^vrn m o; ' Uiyouts of the new Hornby Dublo two- •vith 104' , paid: March U MVilM V ¦» l t h 104^-104 ='...; [
valve. i. pt'in. r p<*r
\ n if . t' mr. n.'cid i i a s 1 ¦n_ '12 JO . ^ n.'.u . 21 35.
L-b ' rail model railway system, a full set I; lo.t 1 i-Hr) '-' . with 10o i 3 -lOj paid. Sept lll^-IO^ 1
pi ld . Ma T 105-105' ,. wish 103-104J % paid: July
^aUB |||^H^^ BH H E A T E R S / ^^^^^
.'- s-r .rtj : N A "J "J4 30 of 180 Dinky toys, and the new range !I! ' Oft. .'i s h ltf .">^ pairt.
at Strsddtei: July H9»jUi lfl2U w i t hi !!
H f \ : ;o s. mdp>: a 1 U n i i e r t K r . ^tj o m Pi niMAn T«t.fia."i jto nd I «im . *M (*o nin i of Hornby speedboats and launches Ij asm 1ny^T
3 J033^ : J u l y rltv/n lO'2 i wllh J u l y !
nt :05V March i ia f li i hh'j wim Ju l y fioci i
^ - -
~ L
itimndd.iv isr cefc based or t h e o: eo on JHK.I-. 1 Arr,c* u S'j . J B P
m0 lotli.
.TJ VJ -10 S'j . 2 B D M
which nro dnrkvvork-powered with '1 *1T:i* IO.'i ' j Basis Eradlord P4s B wi>ol tops.
tj -oyhred conlrac ;! wa* quiet. Sssles 1 to: (ofi
SemembM 18. 1931. :u I!X> war. 427.1 . Ilra^ .lidn Sao Pan. *- %r-o *l
¦tt- 'o.-da v aaamsi 426 'J on M d ' c n 13 ar.d i1 Sj n a n Xo 1 roiler-sinued 2 \ 3<j t«m , sa^ -j lnnett i'. run. Top
¦ :' t ..r. LTJ "'i new motors which will give a longer 1! .i r nmlh r]n.G lr.i; qii o[A!mns u n p^ t i r e per lh ¦- m
424.9 on M ar c h 14.
23 '. 'i mim. exhibition s is open to the I' Murcr. "9-&'.. with SI Pilrt. May ~ U- ** .lul> ~ 1-h i
i! Me.K tL-au m id d Si nj 1 :33 2A Vi. . irade until Thursday. svpl. to S>pt. r l W l j all at T7-B1 Kasls Bldurord 50 5> !!
ti rar ded wool top%.


CI /^ A
* ¦ ""*•
¥" »
IV Jt ti
S ruonw w r r i w u *•"*• i^j . .
¦ w. i«n.-
S/- oer I'ne
Educati onal DE N B I G H S H I R E KIU CAT1ON ; THE POLYTECHMC. 30D Regent St.. W. 1. UN I V E RSITY OF BIRMT ^r;HA ^f. 1' /"^Of.VTV
COMMIT TEL. Depj runent or Electncol Enftne *rtOK - , BOROUGH OF EUttY. 1
¦Dire, t CIranl f. GIRLS, t t R E X HA M i 800 Pupils' SOCIAL SCIE NCE ApplScaivj ns invited Irom ChiroixKUsK 1 SURV EYOR. Appli esUkiis are Invited EDUCATION COMMtTTEE.
with the N.inon.t . t AppHcations are Invit ed for the appointment CLERK 'm ale or female) . tor ihe po*t tif
, . ' lull -ti me ptnn s; d u Urt lo coninience Srp- Appli cations are Invited for the P'-st cf qyiilllied in accordance APPOINTMENT OF ORGANISING
H mmrrA for September. Sfns or M'. S I C Required in Seplciulicr , liifli).
1. MISTRESS lo be responslLite for thi- ,' h»hi&lt I nt'\t . The po*HtOD Is
MI STIIKSS to t a k e charge DC I h r (-rearm*- QUANTIT Y SURVEYOR In the Borousli permanent and superannuate
or ganl.t aJtou o[ ih e ai PRINCIPAL I^ECTUREB . qualtflrt by ECONOMIC HISTORY from Octube r i. I960. {In ns :S54. for appointment of whole-lime °Architect COUNCIL.
t son vt t h e (lepartmem and to tfflcJi up lo 1 Ihrouirhoij tJUii
t the srhaut and l« teach Ihe
DtTJ arimcm -
leactiine and ludu.Mrta i eipeneDc-e. to An Interest Sn European economic develop- ¦ ;Senior ChimpiKtlst.. Salary: £59O-mo p a £*
E1.Q&5-C1 * Department fGrade A.P.T. IV— Salary will be tn accordance *'lth the -General App]tcation* are invited for the above-i»in«t
•>¦ nuturslnp itaitdard . Apply *itti te *:imuu iaLa
: j the Headmistress -
|.iLibJecl re «iiv 9 |w-«d a nd University SclioJai- !aW cta^ses leadins to ftaal B Sc. inent of the nineteenth century would b< an I Whitley .320]. Hoiuinc accummodatlun will t> vision scale- 4£23'i per annum at a lie 16. appointment from suitably qualified men or
ship s t a n d a r d Thp post carries a " B ' ' ¦ ¦En g ' decree and Diploma in Tet'li- adv antage but If not saufnlial. ¦
J to Council Scale. Appolnlment subject be a made available tf required. rlsinr to £4fi5 at age 33. with further women. Applicant* should poiaeaj a thorough
BRKCU-N3HI»E EDUCATION COMMITTEE, A lluwaixp no I ogy. Tti* person appointed will Salary scales: Assistant Lecturer ETOO-EftSO. |' Appli superannuation and medical examination. AppUcants irhould be experienced la eaJtlnR- Increments rising to a maximum o( £505 per un dermiandlni of rural and soda! problems,
Required u> commence tiepieinber 1 Istoo:
f r<T JH n d i d a t u s of suitable qut iUtca- i
a 'so be expected ro assist la thp Lecturer I9O0-EI.350. cations, scaling age. quaitnc«tionii and off. 0 preparation of BlUs of QuanUtle*. valua- annum at ate 37 If appropriate qualifications administrative and orranlslac
HRYNMAW'K COUNTY C R A M M A U SCHOOL ' l ions a n d ovp rrl entc ,
experience, tngeiher with the najnw of two tion*
t. for interim ceritflca.ei. and preparation arc held f. abtMty in public
I 2 Mr.S lR 1 'v> to teafh Ocoflrnl C rafl s t n d r; organisation aad administration of the Applications uw o cop]«). n-tth the names referees. mu*l br rorwarded to the Medical and agreeing of flnai accounts. Form* of application services or voluntary luclaf work. Salary
fJRADL'ATE i .Mu or Um u h as U«- H E AD tt* a.utst h itti some Needleucrk and Art m ' Depariment . 'of thr ee referees, should b* wnl . not later ; * Application form* obtainable from tne may be obtained from the Medical particular and oth^r * E9S0-C1.3A0 for men and CSSO x £30—£1.305.
J"57»iCi !q Advanced anil Sr-fcot*r*S"i:;> Levels,
the Junior ¦ m. h- .oI 1' rJj I.ECTURERS itTi-oi to »afc* esilifr lljrht rh an Miy 14. lseo. to the R«i»trar , Ttie Officer M arch
of Health, To*-n Hall , Bury, by
39. 1960. Borouth Architect. 3 JordanEate. Macclesfleld. Health. 143 Rej ent Road. Salford 5.Officer of plus equal pay Increment* for iram«n.
•< • r .i *omi* Uw tr Sctuwl Mathfmat-cs. LLANGOLLfcN GRAMMAR SCHOOL -I current err power subjects !o the aiun* University. Blrrnlntrham 15. from whom E DWIN S SMITH. Town Clerk, f
l be returned to the underlined not later to whom
applications mimt be returned by April 6. I960. (.t.a.e.l may be obtained from the Director ofi Application forms and fu r t h e r particutart
Rwiuirrd (a September, I960. GRADUATE, ], lev*]. lurther partu-ulwni ca n be obt alnfd Town Ha3 - , Bury. March 18, I960 t n Tuesday, April 5. 19G0.
tiia .
<it *<lr C. Hr aJ ti[ Department A l l o w a n c e . ASSISTANT MiSTRESS fi>r J u uio r Mathc- r TIi p sa 'ai-y scaie for rn <s £1 730 s £50 to UNIVERSITY cOIJXGE OF WALES. "TVEVA I foSPITAL MANAGEMENT COM - WALTER ISAAC. Town Clerk. R. RIBBLESDALK THORNTON. Education. County Had. Weit Brldfford ,
Kt li.l il WKLLS CXiMI'REHENSIVE SCHOOL , a iJ i t cJ.- Cradtf I AHouanct!. If £: 300 plus London allowance of £38 or £51 ABE BYSTWVTH Town Hall , Macctesfleld. Town Cleric. No tt.ttxham, to whom completed applicattoaa
MISTRESS . r , r a d o su > to te*.:li in \ A ypJi * aiiDtjs 't i n lormsi fi- r tin? alKi '.c 1 plt aaj\uni and Itjr <2i is tV.'iTO k £35 10 App'scatiotu >re muted tor the post o! * -r M1TTEF.. LIVERPOOL RD ., CHESTER. M ar ch IS . 1&60 _ __ Y OF OXFORD TDUCATION COM- should bt ittwiwd by aptU 1. 1M0.
"iLt* Mo(te:n Imp a rt m m *.. Applicants snunlo a ptxo[U nit 'nt> , stntJus; as**. q t m l t r i r M E i n n s, mid i £1 550 pl us ASSISTANT HEAD OCCUPATIONAL CIT
- • Air * heir siib>:d!*ry subjects aim ouiside 1j p xpFjr fcnr** and actuuipanted by cuples of ivko 1! p^r annum. London allowance of £38 or E51 ASSISTA NT LECTV'RER In the Depart- THERAPIST. GRADE l , required iramedl»ie]y ^I O R O U G H O F S A L K.^ MITTKL A. R. DAVIS, Clerk to
mens of Zoology, to commence duties on for larjj e well-equipped Department COLXECE O Hie County Council.
1 r f t f K t ic-bJimiurjAt? .should hv >t n t to t h e Ca ndIdate.i shouId (Ki.w.^ a cood1 hotiour * *i D?v» APPOINTMtN l OF Appli cations are F T> C H NOLOOY.
i l' J I f StS
of ihc r o p p r t he schools CH-tober 1. IMO. A kn»wledjj e »' ««"* branch ARCHITECTUHAL AbSIfrTANT ^APT II' LD^ )t f<l for the DMt of
! J tea«J Tfarft^r ^
of comparative pliysl&JoBr (especially neuro- Psychiatric Hospital r 1.040 bedsi. EitablUh-
wii hso a rorttsiihl of 11.? appearauce or tl.Ls degr et or equivalent qualification and, prefer-
!-a*: dA'p for ret-^Lp: of applications —
:inent 12 occups-tlonaL therapists »nd the Applicati on* arp k o - l t e d from sulubly HOUSEKEEPER COOK 10 &»jcume domes .
A;j Li 9 1**1.11. abl y rtL-ent industrial erperleoce. pbysioloKyj will be an advantage, but not a j rwponilbtllty for ihn ColEege Hut:el EDUCATION COMMITTEE.
« invjsi:n K div iiv (J r :ndirft wj!t ' a d i e ru s e m c m A form of application , which ahoy Ed he Tlj e Department has recently .department has wide ranie of occupationst, qualified «* persons for t*i* tbo\e appointment opened in September :o be Not:Jnarian.*
.•-eti 'iHt tj diitjui. .1^ ».linj:c!»t« lur :J* rc'U7n«l hv not l» 'L *r than April 1 next , f ueresslty, at h ire Counly iralnJnK ColJeae
m a:
appo:nL- ' r. GLYN DAVIKS Director of
.tit i u n . moveri to a new tjuDdlor. well equipped Xor social .
and recreational aolivltlw.
£600-£7J5 per aucikq (subject to
Salary a
Salary within Grade APT II <f7B5-£8Bp>
Appointment sub;oct to medical cxaminatloD HMdl nj lon . 10 ac-conimcxiateSOCutuil male mudeuti
f louse. lor Women, Eaton Hall, m a r
]¦ F-jlUfa ' t rill ( i ff i t P C P n tKdU' ma? be obtained tram tlw undmlmed . phvAiuloeitiE work. j initially and a further 36 In Sepiember. 1M1. kf *r p l n ASSISTANT DOMESTIC BURSAR iHuliw -
form* of App ' ica"tkn from ihr und<*rs]fned hi ' i
I -T E RICH ARDSON. Application* should be »cnt lo the Registrar. fi, rmn.Hoaj. AppUcaUoni . living (ull details ami » one month'a notice on either bio*.
¦ir -'-ti rtce^pt of stimpod <d(ires*eri fooLscap I
¦::v-j.ypc. rnrvctur of Editcaiion. from whom furtlirr particulars can be 0* »ge. quailftcAttorw and experience, with Applications. lUmoi age. quaiSflcaUona. A ful]-«tlme Cook will ht
extcnslou * are completed. appointed wheo the buy niiraliit. au pcrvislu n of cleantnc s t u f f ,
%i required. Duttei include atomtr a.Lk
jD K R H V mr a rj . I th e naw-s ol tiireo referees, to M addressed fxperJen«
*} h prescot salary, etc.. together with
Completed forms should b« forwarded to ' OCKUKoOK SCHOOL UNIVBR SITY OF ABERDEEN^ I obUi art. QQl l»ter fha.n April 9. I960- to Utn G~oijp Secretary'. Clthe names and addresses <onJ»> . of two 100a IXttlea to oommenct from Atiicus ; 1. or ai Manajt »nct Lunir<>l of dry store*.
emp nt Dtploma or etnJlvalrat qtialtfi-
:.<¦ respn-iiv^ il*-ad Masi»»r* i rounded I7yy » . 'lfRBYSHIliE COUNTY COUNCIL rrefer ees, should reacli me by Monday. acDumas potts!trie thereafter . Salary 1000 per
, University of Khartoum
l , subject to review *hen
' the respr.ns]- cat
I u .i G r a d ua t e Mt sireMts requtrwi m aep- lirti and som e experience desErable, SatJiry
DEINIOL W I I J J A M5 ¦ DEPAK1 Vt£ NT 1 D COUNTY IfEALTH DEPARTMENT Apri l A lSW. biliU increase, £435 x £2O—E4KS pill* frn> residen tial eniulu-
Chsff EJii'ai.oc OtEwr .
- n u v r. iChjO to teach HIM ORV ana Appltcat .o u* invj Led for LECTURESHIPS Canvassinc win disqualify. e* pk-a.vint b?d s)*:iUK-room
K Juc*::-n Offir* . Wat tor: t . E uGH A P H Y uu to l*[jj*criLij cn trazice le^el. a cd AStflSTASTSHIPS (teaclilne poni.v -. SOU. Appli cation* are tnvsied for th e CHAIR OF > CHILD GUIDANCE SERVICE
Application* arc knvlted from QUALIFIED ; Town Hall. BEUTRAM riNCH, To*n aerk. and full board
: samul charge of residence p^jv idwl at an nitnt^ . Over ail* provided. Pom mper-
_VCj _i un ' H-econ "I !. * rorruer trc*M w^u Jd be ccmbined wiib
I extierinetitaj pitynics. th-oretic*: physics. Jtd SCIENCE In the Faculty of Asnculture. Hale, £ib (i r*r atinuni. A fla: aR Apoly uuibl *-
BL*HY URAA fM AR *omr major E n r f i wii ciaw^s Resident or non- ! eiectromcri. I h f Euccesaful candidate wtU bf appointed ax 1 PSVCH3ATRIC SOCIAL WORKERS tnr f u af f h . iqiai. will be provided by September. 1!«>1
ijy iinter ^utiri K i$r>. nuaUtlt ilUtn i.
SCHOOL lGIRLS.. r i s mt u : p. i>ts Burn hatn ika> au d \j Sa^ arj e s, Jj -cEurer * £EOf> » £50 to EI TSO Hw d of the Departjitent of Arrtcu Ltura t fI; staff appoiDtmenLs in the above Service. tOthrr Furth er pnnlruUrs may be ob;aLii ed frr. m r»r«.i t r t tin r n m a U iu itj r Mid . an d eivAov.n z Luuit * nf l*n
. i< <t>j r. \ £73 to K 660, A^ SIirU £700 I .L.>0 Chi'raistiT »ad Pedutosy. include a Consultant
Bur y. i J M c a s h t r r . Cnl'dren " ihv- PrtncJpal . Coltege of 7 ech nokiif). Dlre^lor
r>i r *.-^t
f*I ** m« r <^ i*}!i L*!
I SL,rn> r *Linud _ r .^[i. A p ^.> to tt t e H»adfn»U£>i
ON V tN r j r a c i n g,c i^hoj. lor HMrn agOf S .i tu m&J, with F.S.SX".. oluld aitovance, aurt
Salary : £S.276O per annum.
;1 Fsychla trlsl.
¦ a f non -medic*I > p*yc* -0 th erapi st^
i and Educational PwyeriologUte who work In
British Iron and otccl , i -> n Ho^ d , Oxford
«caL:ne jib * atwl tuU Applicuiions
H^atlin*- Educai lou rre frrenc f TS.4j. County Hall . Wr»t
ino forms j Brli&flu Tii, NotTlncrmcn.

Coal -of-ih i cifi

'' t<i i i i f d in S^ptfmlw r , u u c\pripn«fl
t- nsiei-* rained Mis Tress 'o (.Hit-? charge c ' :u.j d a"y p;; w
C rt Mj i r™s 1>jl:ip5
^ »i;ie n c; Teacher one ! accord tn
W r i l P VA 78 Cua rdia:j. I
[ part removal
t >o
quatificat,ooi an1 experience.
littial placaagi ES.1B0 p
* . Outfit
»'lowi nc*
FanulT I this SerTice u well mm in *iie School !
tlovuice: Wife £S 60 p.a., 1st child £SM Psrchological Service. Secreuirial aj uisLamr I App icaroii* are invited for the po«:mn
Federation , ana oxper :*nci *, *3it»u3d
rraJ oliJ
* A R DAVIS Clerk ol llip Count*
Pantruiars and forms of ij*pNation from p¦
(" .mnrll
_ re k rC r W lo the pnnc
i-l ndcrjia.-ten . a form cf
-4 s:."li and b&ts. j
! eh- 1 Seertftarj, tiie Univers.tT. a - , 2nd and 3rd child IS 30 p i . «atJi I vis pruvided. DlB(no*tic and treatment t f , ASSISTA NT AREA TRAINING OFF1CBR A r *°y £- '' 'P*' b* Saturday.
"•i-M n*. f :ci six . Bum^iaj n sSeale app^lcjiUwh s o l .*.'i i iioUolGH uF H A L I F A X , Aberdeen. i£Sl=*£1 .0.6 st erlinj i. Pascalf« for appotnt*1* rfiM e*sion» ax- held at various Cllulcs and clone of " HILD " CARE.—Resident
i . i frtnns iwurd l with co[U'S of two tw.i- C H H A l K GRAM M AR SC1ILHJL i^U7 b t > a J . .; *i 'n whom apphcatiouj iptj ht ijop lMj and family ip^ration exist* with two County Council in : he West Rldln* and Nortn Derbyshire Hcuwmointr MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE,
on j ' C required for rrtiel duUes at two fani llv
ii"^ :*!* nnd names and addrris** nf r *<i Foundfd l,i97. ; ».ii fUtd b- lodBPd by May :o, l&J t App]ioan:a
' ouiMiide toe Britisii Is.m ma? submit one 1I mQiit
¦ ) >a*e. appointment. lerniinaUoci and , (Insteis for maladjusted children ,
imrlal appointment b years . •• r»rijim which ' area Th u
tenable In S3i«ffieW.
man apptiinted vould b* required to houses at Borehww-ood.
AppJE cat.'Jiu. nt " Inv ited for the post or
".'f-*^s. should be seat ai <wmi as possutJlt: Hi j fim.t-f»-r- W. II Swai-\ T U.. M A. »ea continuity of t reslrnent I ,j t ist tlie Are* Traininjt Offlcrr In plaiuxlnx for seven children deprived of normal horo? HertfordarUre. nt-h
witJ i possib *' renewaJ. SuperannuaUon tchemf 1, Sainry and service
rtii* Hemdrmstrc^ a:_ *\\e setioi*1. FVcfu.r-'ij fu : Sf^icmbiT, ;»iO. ^a acldn oiu: ; ¦ c\>pf of appncatiiTO.
I| arraij;i«rH*Tits can he made :o malniaia - conditions are' accordtnjl t jthe development of training schemes ranglni life Pr evious residential expehenct! cRsentis:.
» ; r h r f ja ; e MASTbR So :djch E"Sl'»n :J;rouj{;j- , NIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. ^
'1 F.SMi pollcfes. Unfurnished accommodation ' to Wh ttley Council reo>mmeindalLons. iTwo *# jinunior opera Uve ofw junior manixemenL JVooa JtlnRU* accommodation only. tSatS-EKW SaEary of faun- * *>: LB40 x E2.*.'4 i—ET« .
KtHtuiml m Scpti*mhtr. M.kt«s '.o *,e»rS -j J Ii-'.-j a>dn*' lr-e M a«liarf
•il: 1 Km s t f .- appointed ». u be ' U UBPAKTMEK'l UK HUMA.NITY pn>Mtl*d *\ ren t up to T p.c. of salarj . Saturda y monalnRs off duty a tnonvh-t from ¦ all KCrtlon* th» Iron and Steel k'n £13* 14a for board , h-dilnf. and lau ndry. App] n-*tionn with name * ot t»a ref«r^««,
or 5 3 1 Supera nnuation, car allnwantf : asfii*!ed car le%^3
asaryg';3 ' - Lcc - coui " i' iu >i -
^Ui tirniaNa :o O Level -a.lJi ^--riir P^ eaient irj ^b s U n ;u i exini;:ia:i. n 1 App 'tr^tniii.s »rp iH viip d icr tlte pear ul IJ tAi:^i appltcauona 110 j ,
«":it . ^ciutt .ag -
"U" :e^-e. l O x f u r J' a nj ' A t copies . namSu g ' scheme. CftnvaiAing dLiquiltnea. I ndustry In \h*i area . TUf uvrk inwlves f u week!< Ip « v c. Apply Children 1 Officer :u Gruup i»*crelary Rova! Inftrmary. PrwIoB .
! Particulars and application forms obtaiuable lucii other duttea 13 l.aison wjtii Loc.l ?. J^.
, ,
.< ne * *: S rif B f f . ¦ ' .- I.KCTLTRER m (he Department ol Human it 1. .< referees , by Mth Apr!!. I960,
•' ¦*•; n ^ 'x t . j iiO Cunth . WSlliLi to Jtrip . ^
- alftry Scale t»Ufl to Rttiliraj . _Lar.cashlr_r ____
E'j r r - i l nit' app rica tin:! r-i- i ricwl. Sma , .t • 11• p rf iniij a rjj stittA! ar: Ivtt se^ vhoccia !L> r .\ EaO tu t] JSO x £75 x UiO to £1.100. Bar. Ll .lio I
I Vt,iveiiity of Kha rtoum, c o Inter-T ' nlverii'T !' frum Dr J. R. S Morgan . County Medi«iJ hEducation Authorlt ' w *nf* other outftitle E
¦i»^^ Minis tr> »upfrj Rsiua:i..n. Aiv g fjr aniai" -j» will Ih* a TeCommrwliklUm . x\jiph- , -*-:ih placemem * lo El.iiSO per annitni . ' Coun cj] fur Higher Education OT.'erfteAJ . 29 j Offio<T , County Offlces . Mattock bodiej. Wlrlii n this %tncr *l framt*-ork u\c RAMSBOTTOM 1 REA N D I ST R 1C T
» ainnnr iiisirticit r m-oni-on. LL
Or.** a;> - t a i H i n rnrm^ . n ht a tnt b i *1 Irani tli* Lindprsigiu'd. ¦ ¦^ pi.- rj encf accortlint to qualLficauons ami ¦ . tf'ciburn Square. London Vf .C. 1. from whom ¦I &uece*sf u] candid a tr would be a 'lixrated a C'HESHIRE
« ti j vr week App-loa l Lou * lh parti., u . sr ^ ¦ «l.t >u ld iw aintpJe . a nd, wt t h fn p f r a n n u a t i o n 1 fu r 'h g f pa rticul ars ma y be r.PjtainerJ. particular field *.* his special responsibility. ' DEPAHTMENT. 1 Appllcat lo ni arc tnMted (or ttie appoint-
' trjsMWlscas find *-\ ,fr i i .-c :o H t it l- ' a^ poSMbic. ied anii i rt u r n r i l »s nwin ' a:3d lanitly alLowunce irtierc applicable beticr St ; 1 TIJENDER^ON HOSPITAL
t l f forme rly Social RehJibllitfltlon Unit,
HUO beds!. * Applicant * should have a sound Icn^w3i.*d xe DISTRICT OFFICE AT MACCIJtSPIELD. 9 meii t of a Certirlcated GARDENER Clais I
Tht * suk.ce^rul (.andirtate wlJl b^ expected AppU cullons. on forms obtij cible Xroin ihe on (li e permanent staJT.
Cn 'v 6V SAf.Foitn edlvation j U>«f TJrtu«j»
L. J*. JACKSON . Chief Kduration
to t a k e up duty on October 1, 1960. University of Khartoum ! E< !moot HospttaJi . Sutt on Surrey-—Appllca- of
! linns are Invited f«r the .po« of MATRON educational
? Industrial trainlne methods nr of the I>L«irl«
lysttsn and be prepared to accept field , ireArchitect. 62 chwtert«w. Mucln-
Applicants must have had a <ood. alt-r ound
COMMITTT-T-. i I la : i r . ix .
Furt her particulars may be obtaiaed from
: a' the above hospital . Salary scale £535- f .
•ome commf:ment« outside normal odlce for lh» appointment of in trai in pracilcal hbrtlciaS ture, preferably
¦ ihe undersigned , with whom implications 's i x CHAIR OF ECONOMICS 1i L9R5 per annum. hour*. A technical qualification Is deairable ArctvltKitur»i in Gr»il« A.P.T. n p«a*"M In a Municipal Parlu Departjnent. and anould
aROL*ClITOS HU:il SCHOOL F^R j LJEHTFOKDaHMLE L-oplrs' Bivin g tij« n«mes of two reler*?*. Appli cuitous are in* I led for the Chair of S R.N. and, 'or R.M N : though nnt esaentlaJ. IE.65 per m num x one al the m-ceuary Certificate, Wa|ea aref
.„ COL.S- .T rOl NCII. i j
' a
<j lift ca tJoni neressury. Henderaon Hospl uJ £25 »nd three »t
^ - r *< * e-itViih r 'Mil ' ** NORTH H E R TS COLLEUK OF FURTHER I' shnultl bo Irrdged not later than Aprti g. J%0.
Ec^noml!.-. .
Sin3ary: * £S2.T(i0 per annum. Cost of living speciallws In the treatment ol character . The startlnc sa^arr ts £900 a rear or more £.«l to raw per annum) A nve-dir week b oondtiJ&tn of lervit* are Id aocordancr »ith
. r-i- tfT aaUAl? M>.at?r M«K? t»r fr * Mj«^street
? »r « " -fl ». EDLVA11ON. 5TKVENAC!B. j CHARLES H. STEWART. Sflcrerary
allowance appraxlmtLteiy dLsorders In a therapeutic enmmunitv. An ft.ccnrdl nv to qu allnca lions and exp erience. the NSrtii Weitern Whitley Council iManuBl
tcaxi ^ h n - ---ris c r IS190 per timum KIXiAK TABCRNE R. A R.I B.A,, Workers t Scheme. £10 2l fid per week of 44
allowance CSoO. Family I ertenskv« ImproTi-ment prorrwnme Li In pro- ApplEciHon
J ""-t 3 *¦¦¦ L...j , <
-^ .u n . JlM A
n \t & 13
U .^. fevvi
S.. (Ec*jq .>.n i ' / to tfi^ "Jntv«rsttv. _ form* may be obtained from the
HKYSICS io adraoocd l «^ i And c-ne:j. ! j at present. Outlit 5
KJlowancmi : *p tfe EfWJU. p a , , first child IH9U ' ,rrea at the hospital. tnctudJnr the bulidin e Training Department. British Iryn and Steel County Architect. ¦hours, if required, hoiuinx accocniDOdatloa
wtencv in ;hc ]r>*cr l^mis s. i:e I A- ;
a-*.ifi l port a..ow«nce of fW: f>r University of Malaya P n.. seoind and third child IS30 p a each f ol a Family Unit where mck families with 1=
Fedrra tlr> n. Bl ed Hutsie. To ihlll Street . J ounly ^l!.]^ Ch^te^ wit] br prrjrJded Mt a normal rent.
; ^ MISUUS5 *o :evh p^iierft w wn f r t. I Ri^ t i.r«j lar Sepifmber : l'«ir> ¦£S*I «iuali £l/0.'B «!erllns^ . Pawatea for Rhtldren under 5chooi afe can De treated London S W. 1. Form* lhould be returned with - Coivn- BOROUGH OF BOLTON Application * it*tine ace and pretellt and
¦ 1 j pri'viou* petitions, tozeiner with thp naj ues
a^mu i h iKrart " A f.»- K ig. *r ap[j ']tn:ee and s a unit rather than as uiironnected in 14 days of fhg date of tnla advertisement. MAR KETS
Appdcailo n* areSUPERINTENDENT
' h .- lO w« fomii aad sonw i » tr »p a * o " family oti apj>i>lntment
:n *:ri envj .Uc *. Aj a i s u n t .':r*de A t o r T * *-t.« ana in Kuala Lumpur t enninatt on. a:j d annual leave, superannua-. tndlvjdual5 . TWa 1* an Interesting po*i jtvlnr r t
'l T Y OV C O V E N T R Y W A T E R invited for the above :j *:id itirwnrded
»ddredact of two referees, should be
to reach me not later than 9,30
\^P .. df.03 forms *r-t r*«i L :t 'K..ra it J
Sliorthj ntl
¦ - 1-- tion jihe me. Appointment on contract far th e holder a ch*noe en *tudy the dynamics appointment Salary £*S0-£i.n<j5.
«= j M-t a i r h* -n tt wn lj t l»
* r nvr Tears inth possibility of renewaJ. o. roiauonshIps In a em up orientated com- ENfJINEEKING ASSISTANT. Ca:id[d>tr> ran be convpruru with lr£1«;«. on Wednesday, April S. 1SW0.
v ir _ of LEi TL'RESHIP OR ASStSTAN"! : t* n f urnished acrommodatlon J a munity. Apply In writing elrtniE details Appllcatl oax ar? (avlred - from suitably ll'j n iinectlng martcotc ftnd have experience In y. BCLLW. Clrrk of the CouncU, ^
£( iuoat.'j n . Ed-j caf tcts O«)cc. >.d j - ft ;j O !i bt u b . iAh n i c n iK ¦ provided at 7 1 as to an * , q-j aliiicanons tnd Council Offices. Ram<ibottom. Tla Bury,
i* l>et Mwi saj fv -d .i ., f i o*] yt r » i - C«» x ri.*7 ;fl LECTt REHIUH IN THE D E P A R T M E N T Of* ; per cent of salary
experience. Qimlifled 5 end new* tor a post in the Sjpply rnmrul and mtrmemtnt ,, \ «hokin!e »nd
P.. RIBBLESDA Lt THORNTON. „ sfs::y l ess «/i:j: jmnu ai Wi>ni"n *.:t b* p a d AdRICrLTl PF , App::catlr>n s 410 copEe ** de>ta 't1ne qa*Kfica- ]1 tilth -he names and tddnwi of two rrfertes. Work* Group reqirirtnt tnechcnical and rel all mirj crt s and public abattoint. Appoint-
1u ai. i .er». coiii.iiv »::i bf rMfhui.
Apr:. . 1J- 1 when
A J.I " in, ~^.
f- ' . ,¦ - A N I M A L SCIE^C F SECTTON 1 ,
J * ifin « and experience and namln c ^ referees "
. t o the Group SecretAi-y. S' . Bt»ba s anil accurdioz electrical
* fofineerlnx eirperleoce . SaU ry 5."min«2f rftnau * We SUbJcCt tO me<llC11 ROYAL ALBERT HOSPITAL MANAG*-
BOROLT.H OF BOMOS. ."tiiiKi "*!!] tw» paid lor j: *dJL:is "i* q^al;!!' 3- ' A p p h t a ' in r i * arr ln'.i r cd for appnintt iiTt! '*> April 20 i9fio. t» Re«i?t rar UnWersiiy ;i BH mom Gri>up HospiiaJ \tanj; ?«nent Cum- ¦ to qualifier lions and exper(enc-e
u ¦ ASSISTANT SUrERVISOR ^male i required
%l] relnK ' ^ rMcrP " my lt * !1I occu|>ail'
C^OUMY¦> HOLTO.N TECHNICAL COLLEGE L:u 'i* and app rov-d traiaJ:ij i :ca.h:as, and .*o 1:he jiho \ p-n ii'QTHincd pos; ironi caLidirtnt<*< ,' nt Kharto um, l- n Intir-Unlversity Council 1; mlttrr Croup Offic?. Belmoat Hospital. wuhl I n APT IV ftl.065-n 320^SpecJ*] <£7&o- Ji
r£ W£% to t ri Ki subitf >rm *\ piMenta It) the Senior
*p p. c.i:-P!u arc ww \\t J for '..•• !i- c» .Lg i ndustrial Dr cc-mniereiai i^r>fr:enc^ i^ 1 : ¦perlal" **- In 1 .'or Hljber Education C»M"r*eas 29 Wohurn f; Brijphtinj Riiarf Kutton. Surrey i n th m r*n U.OTOi
* . y u
quaSlftcatj on^ Aninikl I * Houfinjt pHU."* 5- liKNM SON * Cemrr at th e RoyaJ Albert
, - " il*. du'-tJ :o Si»pLrmE> *-r. 19WJ. Housing 10 rent :l r quired troai ihe V .irt tir.:i. Inciudme eloment ary *Ruich?Tnl!:tr> I squ*rr p . London W.C. 1 from whom further I «*^^ J_ _ aj iprtj ^nco^f^bJ»^^rtis«neT\t.. ne accommodation mar be provided ' . -. . Tr.wn Cl^lf _ 1I Hospital. Lancaster. Previous
MANAGEMENT STTTDIES SECTION 5;e\c natf Development i_\j rpor^:ion P r^ f- f di r -fill t«? Ei v *(J to applicant al.«o I p art'ci:]arn _ tux-t br obtained 1 H EI^NS & DISTRICT "HOSPITAL aantl a removal expenses loan may be ' ("^OL'JffY JiUROL'GH OF WEST 1 f n:>rr.enrr. wj|f be an ad vaniafe amiteaching
[.SiTURER , wu h a dfC'« or nj u . va /r ' Farmer cj«tai" R may be ob:r«un*d from t:. q- iai sn p d to ctern nti'trate and asslsi u i t h ST. <¦
considered. BROMWICH. i* rLice w.I] be (tve n lo Ihowe po#M*aln| the
q uxl:ile»Uon add kno^i'cH; 1* or xt .cj s. l:. ^ P- .r.clpal a: thr * Coilenf Thf rirar -ae S H'e 1" tcai'J.iQS In Anatomy *nd Hhjr iOlosy ¦ Ctr.d1 - j
»*' :J>f lo'.iowirs aa&'fts- ever* t.era. S:rr-*t S:even*;e T* <* l '. ¦«..rj dat ^ for^ ,; dft*»?"i thojld prefcrablr have a sood Honours j j Univers ity of Queensland \
Ap^llceuc ns are invited forDIETITIAN the pt>s i of Water
CIomnR d*te Aprfl
Fu r'hT pa rucular* and eonditloan from jj
E ngineer
1 . ISM. |
OF DEPUTY BOROUGH , inpiomt of the National Auoc.atloa fsr
Men u ] Health.
T-*carcn. sumtscat met hi i »i]d :heo-y. ¦ ro • p* of cwii:p:e :fd au .> ¦. it:j n * is Apr,! 1J ;l dp;rf ". wi tn stut abEe respj trrn and teaching SXNron TlTERAPEUTir ^ and Manager. W*veiey Road i AppliranoiLR
. i1' m e n t . Salary mt^ itsv;ted for thi* a.piM>!n!- I Salary for applicant! holdlnr an apprCTM
.r . f ir r o iu o n »nd :h*s..". , :wo [: »s;.(*neuc* READER IN PHARMACY DIETITIAN at ¦ Covftiir < }1 . I1.&U x £47<2j i £43i3j to ii quaimcati'j n. £4J0 x £15 r l> x t»(5| lo 156*
poir.rau:roaiii..n _ , "A nistun
Appll c«!lon« nt e innted for '.he abo^e- ' ttalarr Ho*plLaJ
pr ^vima s «xpt*ri«i*-# in t r o p i r al ;• , Pr«cot (S&2 Beds^ '
d \ j prooesfltic »irt «*myj "fr p:\ijr anitiuvs. and
'.d n i, , v he aii; have had i^clus 'r.a 1. r^rrarcrj NORTH WAIJCS COt STIES TRAINING 11' asr b^
SruU 'ir ^ 1 Animal Hujs bandrr 1
1 ^ : ll hot be
recorded us '* fioj-lrab^ . '
. menri oned po«turta. Applicants jJ.oa Jd have1 ? 'Ttotlatrd by the condition* Whitley
of j ervlce aj ' COUNTY { BOROUGH OF PRESTON^ ;
¦ Appi :ran:s mu s t b" Corpora v Member* of J;: per U5'l(
annum unqualifi ed applicants. £400 x
x fJSCNSj tu t^ia
dev^ 'opment r-spcrn 'Ki.v .n "hf sr h • c( .»l[.&;e i ommutee i^ of tlKi -ir
essential m iLe '
1 VniviT sity hlfhe r defree wi <h Council—£4$0
hinl . toy annua l larremenr* to £S2n per annum. 'a j SENIOR ARCHITECT 'Salary A P.T V; 'rte rlslcB APPOINTMENT OF ituMon ul civJ Emme^rt and. or lh- ;
" ' a' .-d ma t' cn. j ;id rwen:*- o f H p rr;»" < » SOHMA I . COLLKRK BANGOP.. ¦ appr n n s m e n i .* wtio are otherwise Qualified for ¦ • * rfuallficattoiiF In the prof«?lon of Pharmacv , Candidates ithcutd lustitu::i,n of Municipal Enflae-frs. J AppSy ".o the Croup Serretsry. it at tat air ,
C A KJiVAKVON SIHRt : Tf a hold a certificate ft^ardrd 11 22D-E1.375J | A p p l '.ca Urmt t«get>irr w.:h th»- name* of | ! qu.ulftc.*t.' j B«, and expeneoce . with name* of
a< an ^rcerdsc »« ?*r:.culir y rea;»il
P- 'n- .r^al KrtA- ard. R-ra. ,%t A- . :,!. B Hie anUr s f'r a i-<-cwr ! ¦ £1 US •« 49— chin g and 1 ectunn * exp*rlence preferabjy |
I f>y a &:iTc*-I ^ccunued by ;he B-:usri > hj ASSISTAN T ARCHITECT <Special Grade i t w o refor*;es. io th»* underf :?3fd by April 3. ¦ :*q refeiws.
u .lURd gwwa:
A;v " -Aiij R* *f? in.ire.l rrr.m H .--Lj our* an 1 -w; il ">40 x ->6—1 ??) p*t ar.r.urr. ai.d f u r «1 L"rj Uer« :ty Ifve) <>r original contribution s 1.1 ! Di^.otlr A.'WKaaUft n salary : £755-il ,CiT0j .
nie Maaaj emen: S:od!« S«rt:oc is acw.y Gradu A5jist-!]t Ij »tturer U ifll x <9— f l i)i»9 per the subj-i -t would be addltt onaJ \dl -Jablc ¦
: AppUcaa on*. seating axe. quaij Ocatioci ncd , App 'lcatlorts are inviled tor the abovp- 1 j iiHAi • O Y A L HOLLOWAY COLLEGE
"t j>ti,ished *nJ offers f x wL .ft i *. soope (or ¦ ad"* .'.ir Xtn> pt*t i.r IXCTl'RER IN .r a n n u m . In arfdlUon a variable allowance is Q\:j» ttnriiti on^ . I cKpenenue. and j rl flnjf 'he name* of t»o ¦ime:n.on«-d appolntmeuu m U.f \ „ J M. DAY Town C, »r k. iF» k •i;.sivERsrry ok lon*don>.
r ::ELnal work. A
:rtree-jf»" Itti]-:::ue C«dt-: r SCIENCE , t'juidtda 'i** n i"Jst ha-cc rood giuil- ,I at prcsem pdid at 33 per cent of bask- .<wi 3«n. Salary tA.* MJl EA12 BOO n a per*on# to vhom r^fereow Sun-eyor Btse^ih ii JT'.'*'n . H 'J: - w *st Bromic 'rh I ASSISTANT DOMESTIC BURSAR required
S;!..v] of Mmasemea: S'udit s ;s already ' fji 'AUi 'Us in Chenilitrj- . and must b? prefur«J Further par ticular* are obrain ub Se from the . j may h* madf f V 's Dep*rtmto '. CaudJda'en mun t»e
ReKlsttired Arclntects and Corporate members [' T O N t) O V c o r N T V C O Cr S C I L .". | and " for Women 's Resld>*nttal Cttliear. Traj ntnr
Adult M»n*xf»if." t ' and aiiit tn jueunt m.i^ MiThrmiric-s :c o>ei> ¦,'! CTpAtrlarlr.n ni b/e^t u~\ certain aiaxlm*, t itcethw with j
i Sr crttarj. Assnctatlon of fniverii![f» nt the j;; wi'Hild be fo.-*«rdr<l
.-• - *b:L sti«I and an
tjis-* ..«i with ttic cw a l l u w a u n * At speclfifd rsleR . ! Ruma nia, Group Siretary.jmntcdla r eiy to N, ,.
Whiiton Ho«[HtaJ iI v I *-1 ARCIirrECT"4 DEPARTMENT. experience deslr»bEr. Applications should
T 'a l n ug School »U1 cipen sJiijr' jy . T L • u*ii-;i. :!g cxper^T.rf *e. tur fo-yoar Ltiurw. Cha^I First rla^ passaj#a art- pn>vMed fur t>.e f: Ilr:"l-5h Commonwealth . 3S Gordon Square, t f"«cot TTi** pnmeramme of worlcn u Sane and | .n\» TOWN PLANNERS r-nj j. 'rd Dmi*i lr.duo>•i' be itnt to the IMndpal, Royal Holibitay
vp *.or> l* prlm *r)ly eonct-rned »T.h f d M i a.:£ - ^wt-n'-a 1 ! A;>;Hftn:r *> acid-v*.family,
1 l^ndt m w r . 1. , , I xvnnvj, ar.d of *¦ j p'K **". E *i*i*1^.w Grrrr ?\ .^^
~ an and tra ining for MA^ajiomo^t u '
j * i S.»lw
S.\'.iry in a^v>rdaxiL« *':h th t Ltt-rurer ^* j, f!A ". Is jt'v> pmvidod a farniti ied ho:i«c or 1 Appi^atl ons i Iom Id Auttralla and London \! -pH* UNITED LIVERPOOL " the appoln
"- '""'""¦¦¦sria j rieE
^ '*t(jfat:on
m?nta afford oppor- ]' vj.-veyv rtrfw,rt wrt»i&g p-f;>nrt:n -n <J"* •« ptnen " pr opuun . j
t»-of(*«HLin—that la. the
i! -f-s.on maltlnB- cnrnniunu-J'loii and cwitti i. ¦ W,tfii,-rt
aeMvlue* of .
pay m-rviHrtits
Mm . «» by I3i* in» »n tl ra \ FurT Su r
fi?Jil hy t32 103 :o fl.-'Tfl, p!u% cu'j n 1 t'-H- rr.j ;\..v.]ppr
«f a reason
' ir u la r s And Information ai ii>
1.' a pp:;< Ati.jii should be nbr atr.M
able rn::»l 1
fin MaT j7 _ 15WJ *L ,Application* are Invited for thr- po^t of «
, ::: qn , r tt « I* ,) 'o UJ3T> cjr.drr n-^Sew)
at .-«firdM ;r " c MperJrcct- and qu*JinraUon»
for public
i -. it thf art of huniart j' fr >m :ii- > St-r-' DKVONRH1HK ROYAL HOHPITAL.
'• ". iddltioa t!>* j w^j .m «fii- ortfT a^cuurj
^ *i'y - Fa-t!.cr
* * ' " . .:i , -*!ist*h shiT'ikd
1 j Mrti '-j' sr*
Apr l
- 1 f • 1-c Br, - ' «¦
- .iri . A = vK . a t l m i of I'nh-nr s.Ni'^
¦ • ¦*• t :- *e a l t h . o5 f^ - d n n University of Queensland ! 1
•SINfJLK-J IANDED , at The Royat SouJhVrn
Hi -i^ptti . s«j &ry fr>r a li^rsrn wit«j do- :e?< ¦
¦ the succriBliil «p3
tai l!™n ' . wj;i t» r«jl:r5i
. A pir .lt;**U>n 11
Hj b ^r : flfiB*
f'.rm nn d p a rtj c ul ar j f r t m
Arr-hl:^ : '«-¦ Appli cations arr Invited for tlie po*t Of
¦ Vied:b<(; «t:t>J*n. <» !i a>2 Ej ibcra:'ftn w .-n , i»f*i ma. bo i4>^d * Prtacip<u ' :-i quiare. lin den W C. 1 j :£.» tiirw ?»%•»' c>t[>*:l«icc li tfl« x '.o - pas* a mrtlta: ^xaminallcJn. "* iI|^ui iurll . i EK fJ ,£*• 3A\ Coumy Hall , Load un j MAI.K CATERING OFFICER at tbe abo»e
'i e- d *p»rEmr c:i of "b? ot1 *e* R**earciM : \iTmal CoH.i:i.- . B*uja»r . N^rth :^c
r-xin: .
I !-*.• ' 1 PER IN MATHEMATIC S ' i-j Tjj x l^ to tilO vrr inuum. TUe FVrms r,: ^ppjjca ij r,^
A;iplj .\i ' -r- v . J. . . >I Jf- rtpi:a].
I -rd ; '-> *^n> ti.t*:»:i:»d
i 'I hf unprnj-afii -d U'^Lm ¦:, Mi '«fi . »nd Lo.idi-n ' :h» P^t t* ! r in r*e frens Stliry acale £591 x DGO * x tlTHi
Arp ] ._ , "fm are !nv;ird f'j r the abo\< 1- ^'Ptfr .j irLyaot^ tnd 'Iii!'" .,- raa« 5 'Ii V^KI^SEYSI'JK" ANb~ Sd*Vm~ WAL£S^
1 np

*<?-• :< * are 'hot* tfTrui and condirloni I

Apr!' 21 "WV
or Kht »pprppna '# i ^.: ! -lOT.* Thr Hosplla: pn*te*s>>* spackiui. w*H-
r. -it.niNr; DEPARTMtNT OFF S5Y hTOI NI V SECONHARV G I P' j * 1 m-ut 'tuiM .lot lt ion . Applica nts shcutd poss^is "' . <-^n " P«'«l . m,: i u r r !h«a April ao | i-Vl K'JttTRiri'TY BOARI> rquipprd k tf rLeiii, co.d room etc. Over 309
SRM1OR LErWRFR t^ Tracn m.i.r * St.' A.*IiOOi-. PARLASTON S. STAKPS Whines
Mrc+iac a
*¦- fu n : and :>«•• -;¦
Th^ w-rk w 1' t>* rr.m*" ; .v. GRADED POST X 'ACAN CIES FOR i . .i n Hormu-i Df f
1 pr ff'TBoi * a r.irh^r dp *r«. It would br and
T *f La M»themat!'-i. an ,> cj ,
; rtorii re>r«i.
CfMinct! Apply, siaudsj
and espfnsoL* enrt tilei^rna^n'-s quilift- '
t-f ~
W E E . I/VKLE Y. To«-n r i«n
! main men.!* srrved daliy. Candidates mint be
k::rJ;"n traln-Mj . tie aty and Gu '*d«
An opportur * r tr .r 'h* rij rht mm :o < . 1M <3tp.oma a.nd hold
« - -j.-tur a: r n^ .n ^f .-jme coume* for e:\ . a n r t Ad'.AUtAte 1f the app 'irsn* vert i5**riajlv I three to th» S*eretarr »n Rodstr be capable of control and
a nj t he *uux*«t j " E X P F l i i r M FD TEACHER S *::ft a StNSF
-\'.-d. d»:e »-.l 3 Ivr -M^on*.b> fr.r l;i* sub]*,- :; OF VOCATION* «:ji1 a rea l j t idcrsrar.dli:!
"*r - .itsnou: *he ivp irin ier.' 5«nf k a ow ydc •¦ lc»- ol t^e s:rl* t.h^y -j?.irr
iL;d '
, qijaltfied
Mathem atics
in tome branch of Applied j! S:.--^t. LlKfM.J 1 b» April t ]i>6O
• ( and ft ve oc t* * t>-t.j - [f>i l N ir t h Wa>^ roa«t. , sup*"Ulr ,n of staff
POST A—TO SM -\)fp_H ENf;jSEKR required ! rFnial Tt-tit be made avaLLabte to tJie sucoe«B-
An unfunttshed flat oo
<"f <rtr l.;,cru 1 »**Tii*"ura ' or >.¦".% :l ^¦cc.s*1*.-;—^ * T>* sc *-.O'»i i? »*i pbjjj m an ipc u *:-
-..tty?^ '* w: 11 _ ^' \vik«! f> - . Prctts *: a*"* Tt t-.rt *. uood p ^m itps , n^^- eq^ .ppwi
^ ;! SrT^tarj
Sa 'ary t AI M0 £A2 O4fl p a.
Fjr rher pardculnr * a/e obtJ!Ra^> frcm *h^ ' Publio Offices and Ir utliutlons ' to direct !h* C' nn-.^rct aE irt]v3Ur»« in » ! ( u: applicant If married.
S-jb -niitri« e-A^rinj • dHJch'ful rural and I App 'laiuoaa totethw with names of t»o
T 15 ' 3 ** <r»( 1''aa l 's; "ri omi a n d KTmna*:-m. t> r » r " - Aitoctatlon of t TnJ^p-mt!»s r.f ;he !1 DEDFOP.OSHIRK ?p c*;:*
*" invi tm . 'rein m«rr!»<l orupfi ¦o>a5t-i! E""a *j Ji S*-r^ ¦** Cta*fe an<l OtSces I rK«**«.
"* b^ ffjn*-«rd*^l without delay to
' E- .a)~rs ..r ..i trq. iirt * a"» i kv l im fr cm n.i:iO y B rKt'h t*rnir»o n-*ealth. 36 Cordon Sguar e <¦
a PP-'^a-oaa /mm rr«4'JAt« wi'Ji Honours '
COUNCIL I n v f r t
f - .'i vi in *he Bo"f>t;2' of C o n » 4 y . Admin]strutv> QiBfrr at th^ Itospittl
*ri ¦ th*
t ir
nourt* Trie ci * qja .n-^d p< :> .c» ;c e*tfd ;a ieacr« i London W c i_ > iwa , end- VI *rr: *5 ^* -v . "¦^.?
ASSISTANT ri-idr B *- .V 'n .1c* ; V 'r i A'* rv«pft[!s!v» ^ir.d «hc *-nrk wit tN- r- *ini-i ' 1n Oofraprrr for »ppo!ntmrnt Macf An mn;*r l four-bedroomed F. * r

I *rx.i (>'nm':' 5Lt toje\™ii ;o ;n '^"f n^il j- ' I r p ar.c! ^ ;,s f> r.e :n anj-c:i,» -. *:c* r«r« 'i S' a .
'; j -L-osdiry wrr.oo.* 'n New Zta and = Applira'w j
n* Iom In Auigr f'la asd Londcc f ' ^^T* ^ or ! I Ltandudrio n u » bf offers to *h* »ucc*mfy! THK MANCHESTER COI.LETIE OF
.¦"o 'fw ^ i ; *'asdii- <i f j - a ^icd of a : .e*<: ttree *eara ,1 nn War 13 l««0\ a pp:ir^: * - i n n must *!»*.* hart t wunrt ' J SCIENCE ANU TECHSOLOC.Y
n^t l 'o aw > : ti ¦>rApp ¦rj i: ,nn t^rnis m ^ y h-»
o^ :a:E^ d ;-r>;n .r.forma \,oa ab-rm: a?P0.cj B«u. »*:*r ^» f- - 1 | p*pa-tmeT> * . p:snui nf trp^rWicr **Mnuaj l i ¦
"J ^ .'iE se-^ra « uh :wj _ - :r^ r> j:- d*-% a-M A ¦ «: o* • .^la: "-.- ' p- in--:. oa p-ospee* * s*.f;oo.* ics .i. .¦»»!;¦.-.» str»> £1 03.El 2». Form. ar,3 rjrrhf - ! c •*rhp:fj »i r r a i n i n a and *np^*!*-]re w:!h*a ihe SACKVIL LE ¦ STREET, MA
A vacancy *«lt»s for an NCHESTER J
t.'n u'j .dfl'w «hou *d !iji * iood t<!'j« t^r 'i n^r '
:.m; ar.i ' ;n ec^r-d rt'*:d f r . i l*i ar*c«*ia a r n .a bie a" "h' si ' ** ?, s " "j :;ir frL>m K^abUvj nfnt ¦" Indus'T tn d'-t.lnt w-ttn: ENGINEERING
•(tit- * 'l T *: ev;«r-:,«:.pi» *dTabl* *o :v o:^c« .u."c ^ a. c:c , ctr '*: at:* tzen tn
:i*p-..-:.->- of aecocdary =j v.'nc^ 'j. *c* v .:
Medical and Nur sing H1 " Sj ^.o-d ' CoBlag d * Offlrr Shire *
, ^'S,
d '¦'" ="¦" '¦-•¦= - a i D*ftltntnr *:id ej. 'i aia t' n j T'j * a.. '>ne» TECHNICIAN in tr -r chemistry iVpartm fnt
¦"V"'-i *'"ishr ar a »f au d *
.A 'sTi-v lc-R :ts 'Jt1 »"O-k Ii>i"!d
a rfroj T: *rrt^ n K SJMCOX E T i^ -^A i Ed j raco o
n* *i:ach«d to \-<* Zsa:acd Uo«>* A NCOATS HOSPITAL
* * Apn 2 19J;o o ^r ?S^ «'•" ' i b j rjf *-ir^-irtca * H rn*aJ[j 'lir'n «' '* i for
Advi *Lne toin-jRi *:* i'T vT"< >i^P ' " - • dr ve'opmi*ni t t ct.eraicat rewarrh and teach-
the manufart ure. malntenai. '**1. and
b* dfr;e. T 1-* Off.if" ' MANC B'OARD ;.F MAKAHEMEN T TOR r.LASCOW I c nnc7»^. «n d a:t liiK^-' ^ t-r r! :« *ioa o f tit? i-quiy mtiu
~- ^ i " cr * *'• ¦dfif.-'nal nr «v r ' Frtj cat ' orr OIRr-t \Vt:sj .;i s::t +- u^":rtc*: ftai January ej 10 *\. HESTE R * ', ROYAL MENTAL KaSPITALS. ' • aj rt ir«itlc«hip A recocni»rd rn sinn 'r'ns
-¦ ¦ab .fhm*n' . oor.vq^r,: '0 the W-^tr-.e^burT PtaJT5_ LT/mn^ c a arc «:»*ea €>S« DEPAR TMENT OF PHVMOTK J .P .A PT SLPEH I .
VTENTTENT EVGI.NEER Hrcm-*:'? t n too* rry^m or expvrtm^r.tal
^It-iTliI rvn r f tfcf vp-k ftf *^* CnrVtr
^" :rt* o'e: nmsi
¦ i: M.v.d 11,2*11? dep *n dinz oa qjt -lflcailocs ¦ "it " or Far* -: nw CHARTE RED !'.: . f..J»«o * Rr,T i! M«1!>1 HuspltiJ. reoalr-d • r«un,
r rt oo-. u..- &..„ Ai»i 3 :"IvJ mJ '1 "" 'o orKanlvt 'ir.n or S-rv:^ Cf-.- .-•« and , w orltihap *-.«*ntUt , O N C an advaj Taf
JJN IOX Op W^ASH TRF ^AN D CHESHI ' eTperl-ace PHYSIOTIir RAPISTS reqa:ie<J K-iif £SIS » CV3I I t3O .3>-<fco rtuSriS s«i «r» f5«J *ry few to £7*0 per annum -S^oipr
¦^¦•r* ^ i .^' .m w.l h* in a^-dincv vh f RE *=d oaar.ti! «:a*uj Paxsate ; App:iof Eth-biUwn*.
( d> Control of maa-J *3 *nd idmla:«r»:!»t I Torhniclani
or £450 to tfilS p^r annum
Bsim ham »u'm fT :e»rte-» in AP POINTMEN T ' w :i b* pa.d to New Zp*:aad and ..0Q» «tat:ot age. fxpe -ieo£#. aad I ou> !> ei. A !i<,.j »f «1U be «v»i!,l,l» ¦
of FXAMISE RS. 1*^5 | e\pftu« allowed on a liberal »ca!«. , n ames of two re-fere**. :o be addrewn] 10 ih# I1 ££.»-* «i »PfUt «u<m form, ¦ FiTll 'Technician. . aerorct:n« to experience and
1 I
r- . - n. ^ar ro »>r *» r- 7 .
.ii"i'o- L«"iir*-—e: ssn i tj> -^ c: rr-o E\AM[XKRSHirS in the> fnl 'n l ng^u&j *c * 'I ¦;1 u-der Tlie-re are two dasse* at *ppcia*jn«ct 1, fifturai Supenntendc nt ipep:. c; ¦ I : from the Qtrv « of bibmlwham p^buc wo'pk qualtncatlonv
""•"" m *naura ' Appllratl ont. firing full details, to b* sent
I i» .««-f •^— Ct ^rn r £3S "» £1 .^w) \ th:i fritene: ANCOATS HOSPITAL. ''
s (Wei. tn
>vij» b A-«*.^-*r.'—r:ivi x vzr ;i>t • ¦¦* n :v) th* n.ict Enj lawr and Worts
I-npias*. ^errr aphT M» :n«iiat:» "* ! MA-VC KESTEH Suyrt ntrnd ent.
B °.', VSfsrlvrso°£c
CLASS A — Appoinmienu wiEt t>c tc I <
• " - i-rt " V At»:*'ar:;—^"X ^ £27 io* :o El ^V A vi' ->fr iiM ni Inv.nirtton
would nornuilW b* :nk i n ? tn sl-j f>-*.i.caa la »p*ciflc *chooj. Cradu arra SCHOOL OF PHYSIOTHERAPY. ~ R i 65D
r .-n-ii>--i- - x «* a-y m- , ' di-pftirt or i>Tp *- . »^ de-'j '1 IVERSITY OF WALES
*-* - ¦•id nu ^ ' * w c rt
,-i n *^ - - prt'^m i -f 4:-iv,»Crtr ir i i-* Ft p-.rt A
- |t |
\'i "'* i<v n t. :-i* t«»»rhine ^uh ;*^-' :% n"> * the fnu-n i ' *;"ti :eacr:!cc eiperi«nr«
[ <i of vaca nces. asd all r*ie*ani ' Miu«*-re
are r-quire-d TEACHER ff«na> ' required for :eachisr
and Movement. Sewscrun 1 I UN
App 1 cai '.'ons. s'aLiBt app , exper 'eoce. and ,. «^i?f' » Jn*"ei wi-jU ir? ] r !'<M for iht ibor^ *
n " e Sprrial AppIlru;Uj[ >i arr invited for the p w i t ot
to :ii» . KPPoin^
] fcr appr '-vfiJ P :
!'s ^'C T" *PI>«>* l ''ni«i « ExamL Ecr !n 1; ' ?rr.\ ' :cv.t »va :!ab!e oa reci«t
nam-a of :<ro referees, lo tw* addrea*^ '
r Lir-nani - ^ App hcaat* S.Vuld *
¦ •«« ¦ '" [ i lp !10M A%*:»*unt s<-rr*;ary to the Appointments
-i^sf v-v^^ ^r *'-"- *» -¦ !
1 .ij»
' j ' 'VW .T i » .
'. * »;T~ a
¦¦ «f d n-#- •* .* ¦?¦¦ rif
I.ASS B -—f l r *t3 \2 *lt£ or tho.** about

^"mbe-S Sa^ss^ ¦ - g^-Hisr -^^ •¦- 1

4 a r-i ai;a-^ *- .i C o-^ H.- - r -« d.-ff -^f
" '5T .-»* it; -\ ^ '*¦- M \ n :* *- .ii in :" ma o ' %i ' "w *":-t ..r. -ct :;.- .; a «!i
r . --:i -f li-pi- ra:! *n *".d fi!'*;;-r tur i(
f 'r (: '
tr- s'Ad uai e »:ir.out tMchtsi; eifhfr .er.c *
1 ;-:r-.*«: gLtper.nvndf :] : f_ rvy (j . i
¦p " * L
5°^ , ktn*«i*dfi. of rM svfyaac iniE ! ' ^r^»? 3 -rn«r:^n« sK'
j V > artj App .'rant * they 'd
nrtmtiili ' ra t it e i-idu *tr!»3 orbecries iradiikte * *4'h
* v» <*» !•" Ki. 4 ib ' * ' ^-.iT- .-nv* ' >[w p ^av «Tat r mM i-ldrnrd I•
!h* Mimia'"- '
»' i si-lec-.«l for nV.rt-i-aisiiiK cr.urse ] ANCOATS HOSPITAL
in ,N ^-w Zea'atitf . wi'h Bppointmfc: MANC HESTTH 4 f^ n'^, ' *1 OflTf rnowtit espenc*i!> nui ' ^
v t n zf TTi ^ arn-f .:r.'.rrn''' t win be rn»iJr expe tn !he
rt .
*.-»ri ' ii 'v ^ 'n™i i* ^ft-i •%* - i- j ..vl r>" *- . [^ f-- Mt,:. n A^p:> ca iinn !« twit ic m».3 ' Ii * 'o .
A via acy n*'» for a SENIOR RAD:O- ' App"ca t !«ni with full ptr;io ;la-« and iim-i ¦ Cc ' wla ry nner fWO x SM-~V. ".50. wlin F SSI i .
r *" - ii 'ri f a f - - i.- j ri « x <• - . ¦; ^ _ ¦ J ' - v *. 'ir.p.c :<ii .o-TiL* •el"--*' * rn fol tow FLXL TEACHERS' I ',r-- 4» .,oc!« ) anJ r«mi :y A'i'j uance
s.E ^ fd
^LtnM %1-^.lr. 10 dxysVnl Wu
Oiouli T f d * ^ r-^ !' SALARIES PAI D DURING TRAINING GKAPHKP.. in twn refer ees miuf be recfl^^
b* ihe "/S,,
A3p!ir 'lt.'; qu*:itl
" n n'.""i'attr.j t0 * "•"'I'*! •«m!n»l' .-o . ' s> < <r> " »it!im ra t.if CflO-taa »-: «r,n 'Jm , Fjri hr» r partiiu : b*nr-nti
* . i ,-j s* iri.d-r
--irr r' r- ' j si i^ » •¦> w j i i
» V.-i) ?-
:ht >pp«raaw ' und j r s'eaM no* later than March 3:. 1960. ra!!,-ins. »t- bj cj iv i k ' E '"J. ar# may **• wbtalurrt fro m
.-I ¦r-n t d x f - .»Tvj*nT AppUca: ocs frcm (uiiabiy qu«!in*d !
- .r . fd r - « 'i - f - ¦¦
- lt:«- V EDITAT
ar F* ¦!¦» *¦ A - ' " App>i oat:oc* acd icquira tb ouid bf experienced person* incuud b* *ddre*^M»ari { n wlW dtrecMT
* ,y* or inds-ect ly w::r rrej r.f*J' ^h *Th- .'h"'ynd^rs a .tr.Mt "*min lby tm ' rff-r e ... ihaar o ' ' j C-i; iW" «P5oli> p mcr.- « «uSj «-l to enroot . rnl 'h * S^cr*-t ary to !he t'niveriliy r.nncll.
| 1ON 1 "VF3CER. I K JACKSON Secretary ¦ dr t rr t - iu: Ur 3. L' Gd *h< Geoeral *o -* av Gisqaa 'Lfy. April -' Jj 1^00 > n i f n^j i -nii pVVit i *er*HT "f Wales . ITn lverftiy R«-sJ»TtT.
'-J t tt nf. M,A ura- SiiperLctrodent *tXf>l ill, C.av.»«BX dlj ,ua::!lM on *-h*n;r I
Bduca :n n f^ ftlr r , W * m. s<)>ia* * Afr ura Houw S4 U*hr«i.rih Siml . ai r date at qualification , and nuns rxUtu , " ' r»-hay » P«rlr . Cardiff tu «h rm appttL *r. c««
i.oc Rfcniinnnl OCBner . New ^ Z««Jcstf ot two S 'V R PA RKER. To«ti CKrk. 1 a^"™i "n |7 ™. *ht.!r.b> Iron. tt=. rH> _er'P|«* «hr«.ld
a** <*.«. 5ssasE«ii.Surv 'Ti>r -
¦•tlnn fif M
lfuDicipai, Bti 'ldinr*
w HERBERT J VAM-O.v: Cl:> MMMtir n" * S .b-A r»« T.< <* triot f H0U-«. h*» ^#n* h_» April !6. IMLf.
I »5k±" ^rw^;-him- ,».
¦ou«r . 415 Strand. London W-C. J. I rc<*r**«. Heywood,
jI LaDttthlrt , II
1 (Contmued on vaat 271
4/6 oer tin*

CROSS STREET , MANCHESTER 2 Social and Welfare Workers Tuiti on Managers and Executives EXPORT MAN AGER required: preferably REQUIRED. FIRST-CLASS DESPATCH CUPEBVISING SE.NfOtO urt*ntly requj ri-a
¦3 by Chartered AccuuntanU In City of
fluent French and German: must h»v» MANAGER STORES SUPERVISOR for
Alj ELA II ^ r i HO VHE . a Church of En Kiar.d RTS.SIAN: individual or group teacriina ti,r H.X C- in Mechao'cal Enr ineer:n { or expanding Textile Organisation near Cardiff: London: applicants should be between 2S and
Clj s s ihcd Manchester Bfackfn ars 2399 A;>r r '."J H '- \ *. i'l for 15 Rj r li el the 15 th'ifs:i !ifrs ur advanced y-ypi.5 »RO 34S4 ANL. E-spL. -lenred WORK STUDY OFFICER
rr^j u:r ed by a prosressive Group of equlva.*au tmowledce of Machine TooU experience In handiint grey and finished 40. must be qualified and must be able to
Disp lj y
tv !- aj f jj .-'r j fj . 115 Ede *1 La n«\ Uxerpfjot 7, Texult? Companies id Nor:h-east Lancashire . essenLia 'i. prerious oq>eriencv ol Machine piece noods preferred: excellent salary and accept responsibility: permanent pcwti: com-
. . . . Manchester Bta ckfr ijrs 2345 " *'!,¦'' : :.^5, !>-¦¦¦:. fl'j wd ttmjn j ru 1- ,.1 lor exttn- io ]< in an expanding department: applicants Tool Sales an adv aatati : i;»te *ee . education. prospects: fuU details In confidence OV 158 mencing tala ry C1.M0 p.a.: pension ichnn c.
i '• • •* 'r -j z ' ^ *-il rrpii -+ w) shor ' ly b? 1912-1900 (48 years' experSeiuvi . it.o u l d bf in the approxlmatr age ranjj e ^ to •pprent]ce»hlp experience , living details ol R O B E R T B O W R A N & CO.. L T D Writ e giving full particular * ate. qualifica-
43 F L E E T STREET, L O N D O N E.C.4. City 505 0 n- . ;m-; j-i ' im! ril iir l ) *cqui: < d kS loU ow s. DEMBERTON S M O T O R SCHOOLS 2ri a n d should Iiave had a minimum of two t*ch employer, prtten t iiiur. and saliry f A H u n t ing Group Ccmpinyi. tion , experience under article *, and *ub»e-
>**r > i-ijrl c study experience in the co;twn required:. AddreM OK 73 Tht Guardian. Specialist Industrial Paint Manufacturer! quently. and present aatary to Box " K^.."
1 '¦¦" l-il' ':. " ^i j - '-s. 'j ii 1 A.v-- iS m '
^ * < > t»i; ivsjmjU- PAY AS VOL* L E A R N if Mile ::iiJustr>\ the poslUan U perma iient at Pelaw . Gateshead. c/o J. w. VtcJcers and Od.. Ltd.. 7 Great
S. -j l'.- !rj - 1 - he (? -ikir. i.i S-iIj - , r l W ^rd ^n [Behind Opera Housei . Tt S. BLA 193-1. rtij ii :s pensionable: appLlcalians in writing wish to appoint Wi nchester Street. London E.C.a.
A' l.^ .t. t i !' 1 fdligf Cl t5> l—i' fi l A3i.>t *E! *. ^'T.r:*. ?'j l! tl^t *s j a - . PA - H,, The G"*^ 1*^ . im
ANNOUNCEMENTS TRANSFER BOOKS 1 W.j rivr j i il&!—i;>7Q . Iv-ss i^ f t-^r err j olu*
ttj -.-:. N si have a vacancy fcr
to succeed the present Secretary who tnteniti
to retire. The successful applicant wHI be control laboratory.
1 vision of sand preparation and und
Apply tn writing to Chi ef
<CT A N N S CHURCH. -s or. \ \f - f*-j i* -¦! su^ *->rar;rj andU3ble aa ti subje ct tu Medical ASSISTANT BUYER directly responsible to the Board and will Metallurgist. Tattoa and Co., Ltd.. Biadtb ul)
' . J»j ; i m -I*Ht BISHOP ijK ( AKL.'alJv
H -GOX ^ COMPANY MM TF 3 :r *-d. '-al as.v ^ui^i.:, or lers consj (i*r4b j f
S'¦ "- .[j- (r r "J jhj sw Ljt ' isrts teil and exfH-rl e:;cv<l
Assistant National who would be retpoasiW* to tiic Chief Buj er
fa* deailQK wltn requisitions from al! depart-
hay * under hts control the financial, coal
account me and company secretarial depart*
*wo m i n a men . 35-30. ¦requir ed lor
' K«vjiin i fMy ^nt! S ml T'^f tiu< r AMBU LANCE DRIVER required by larye ments, obtaining quotaUoni, progressing men's. He should be capable of presenting T
jrE.V THAL. HALL O.dr.arn St. . M/c NA Y KT X
„ cJ -<i.. ; .^ /.:: >. r]i f r.t ed * ai. d prtib] *-ms ci
*.!. ?¦ rtij .*• _-vC ^i : jji r l A;f[j 1i - *.:*j *.s. s' dl iEi; ase.
tn^ ineer lng company Tur a ]ouj;-terna
crm trar t In the Manchester area' applicants Drapery Manager deliveries, m a int a i n i n g record! of shortai«
tsd ffn tr a l l y deallnj; wtUi correspondeuge
and int<rpreUn« cos;Jng and financial data to TR1CHOLOGIST/MANAGERS:
London and Midlands to train a*
bw have
" & A tr *jj ».: ¦¦:, '- !¦ , -l:. i1 fju -t .ii lcdi lr*j i; ^ , v,\\\\ i.aan ** must have had urevluus «per!?nt-e in this ap pbrabie thereto.
form a base for management action in addi- food head of hair, be at least 5tt. Tin,, ot
J--r*L..*T- l»«v H. II t-AKMEK . M A., D.D w — ii:& iiddr ^At *-s i.f thr ^e r vl c zv t s . t'j be sect type of work and be suitably qualified an The Co-opcraUve Wholes*!* Society LJmltfd tion to advising on routine/ secretarial rood appearance, and have good personality:
¦Caaibr.dx-j Caoaidatrs ihould hive a work!ac knowledge matters. toed prospect* with progressive organisation.
U HAS > woo > S • ¦j ll.<: S^-;re:a- i. C E.T S. GiKL c . 3 Tllhtbar n excellent salary is offered w;-h loort proipects . invite apphcaUons fruin suliabLy qualified of tnarkeu. aourrei of su poly. tncdern methods Preferably appUc-ots should be 30 to 35 tVrlte tV.M.t Web*ter Rldxway and Partner *,
> ar.d expen*?nc*rd persoas for the appointment
:-, n nf advancement: please w r i t e Eivnig i"!t
xd*n O
Extra y r r i.r ^ iry Genera l M A% T
'" rrAT^ ON S
" aff Invited from Wom^n details Addresi PA 59 The Guardian -f a" ASSISTANT NATIONAL DRAPERY
r- f conirol and recuEated purchastox covering
Texu le Machinery Machine Toots. Geartnj.
possessing an appropriate professional quatlfl Ltd.. 100 Fleet Street. London E.C. 4
cation, havint had experience in the paint or Vfc/ANTED. Experienced person lor Whole
^* M^*'j ; t « ".j » It riL ^ :, !i«-wTV* In iur.i ' n. A . j -« r^ IUROPODISTS II you are a q u-L f W MANAGEH. Sheet M«?:al Working and Foundrlea
i > I.:*i V.'-i/jj -u li' iuse . V - I*.!' F-uf .4ur < -
j i ijtier*^i * ed :ts t!ie problems cr(
•-* Chiropodist and wouSd Like a pernu .t«n chemical 'iidustrv W aale Warehouse. telUni Boustnold
j . j, easentlal tnat *3i appl lcmnts should The appoiaiinent it pensionable, commeo &m
?• :<--;. . ;.i; :jti -i:. <; i; j h ^j ». r . m* - ¦¦ :> ¦ NVESTMENTS AND LOANS ::ili „ j o j i i g r u e i . l a l i y i U b n u r m al wutijidn
pf/j tresalvp positior wu^ i Kood pay and wop* n a V e a coinpre iifususe knuwled^e
of every salary wilt b^ Appropriate to experience, bu<
Reply to ihe Chairman. Robert Sovran tnti Textiles and Uneni: muit nave loiDwledge of
rf *i ! j "-h ii ri r-jv .iilj.a ''¦•" a F . - : ¦ ¦>.-¦*>¦
I'j r l ' i i u\ T> and p r <j ^ : d u i s a sh f-ltertKi Co . Ltd., Pelaw. Gateshead 10. Preliminary buying and selling to shop*, itoiw. and
¦j >i>] a 4'j:\
oi-1s*-tE t * Oa r>.ta! f^ r :.n-* < j ^j -
s:,\ . mi i !r»r t!lu >e LJiialilted l«j Si!e j:i the lor advanr etnpnt vnu are invited io app.y 1n isutct of the drajwry trade, dnd the success- 1101 '.ess thao t$00 per annum. m tenieu's w i l l be arranged to take ptacv u> marketxnen: one capable of taking control.
n tn* cbnfUtence with lull detalla of age t r a i n i ng
¦[ .j by nsn.i tf t \-> lv&.wi w a i ^w t< v-.ii
t j.: > iiibt cr itj " -1 a:i.i p.*i<i- j; < .v<ar-
f^^I T Y O K C A MHR D GE .
L'm i r j u f i ' •
1j " .' .
s a l a r y »wa " f^ r s u J t a h !> (j'ja3 :n^'J
i .j' .j \ i.'2 >t i i x S.LS O— i7'Vt . p:us f tc . and tintrf ou;llae of your «*.-k sint»
qj i i tyu.s' p«n ^ >n wiitfme: ^Cdidft in
' JlU csndldate ihiil be required to essis; tn
i ;t 3e e ff« citv« control and co-ordlnailon of the
Caadtdates should gixt fuU personal dttatli
covering ace education, an d experience
London. Newcast le, or Gateahead. If necessary, of warehouse and office: lull
deta ils mu*t be liven, including t*Ury
" M Ann : > n i r yr^ -j [r.::iJi i n a it on»l bujtj r s Applicutiona wiu oe treated la strict confldeDcr CENTLY qualified Graduates are —quired expected: replle * wlU be treated In very
- f uj - ji r . r jj r .j :-- i^.dcn ^ . ¦i r fh i i- ij ;
* »pJtaJ nf *hc 1>D3^y_ t!i_^u 'w t-JJ W^W TO Y AKK ¦ PEK and stiouJd. be addrescd to REin a well established and rapidly growing r t rlct confidence: thU 1« a iood opportunltj
NT P A > ¦ it .'.a '.Hj tn i 1 r.'-ti ?itary qua J i t it's a |j ply in
10'1™ 1'1- *"ch "m ¦"*
£,'Si»"Ear te- ls2-aM st Jam
M m m Fersmnel Uanazer.
-M r ~l- i KSi.T'AiSli.SK! Initially, the work for the rlKht person. PP 103 The Guardian.
w r j 't nj j t » :-.¦>'¦ Swie'ary, Ftjur.tala Hospital.
A T M U C U A WeU lnrtan EnKloeertng Work*. Industrial undertaking .
L E G A L NOTICES I-Ail i u g U ,'u %-?« i-uiJtJj:: S.W. 17, K iv t r .f i
for WeHtn glon Street. Leedl 1 . u i t l be connected with sales administration
d(:Taj !i ul A i ( v . q u a^r i tdt uj n s . f.xp-. Tienc^ , a n a
i- - i> tr l\ , ;:.i: i.^nif 's a u i i adii-L-sat-i ot po.MFORT*BLE Hom^ »v*n a b^ willElderly with i Salary be commensurate the tn n t her Head Office In London or one of the
LEND YO UR M O N E Y TO THE ¦¦ i v> o r vtusvvs
^ Ladies and Gtndeinen in lovely private - responsibilities til the position nnd experience GENERAL MANAGER Branch Office* in the Provinces. Our excep-
'_ „ :i''H u"i wi t n yjj u r war k
NOTICE i& hereb y jj iveii . pjrs u an: C TY OF MANCHESTER
house: etoiraJ pan of SaUr i^"^ ro :i*]dera-
tlfm. care a n d attention
l and qua liflcations ot the applicant. required by Commercial aod Car Distribu-
tor*. Nort h w*!st Lanes.: applicant to have
tional growth Is constantly creating openlnis
for good men. Can you help us ? Send full Applications are Invited for progrcMtv *
n / - ^ ^r ^_ c . K . p. ..,» .tele-
Full details
(o « 27 ol the Trust** Ac 1325. '-:^ : BUIS rtjL YOLTH CO.\fMrTTEE limit *
_, i Appiim
» T tih«'Ihih
r l. ^.. a nifn i ^ . j tions , *>»Ti Tir use. M iiirarinrt qu&u*
ar, »¦ [wnr>ti ha v] rm a cl rilm ^ if"¦>i: -v! • '-' ft '< Mo gage o '¦:
n;.;j ¦i-*H'.u s [ur L r .^r t -f il i n s pos: ut Mobile
.t fi [.jca dke; * 'am p warden. fju]> d ut t ts ^i>S^T. \T^^'^:rtif^r ,. ; ?«f »• ""> «I-.-nen« should b« •ddr.^d siaunf *«<> euucaiioDi* held similar position or as n u t i t a n t and have particular* Address JX tZl The Guardian. permanent pensionable position a* a direct

'- .'fTMt !" *h«* e*'atr r , * a:J y f, * ,. l[- .-"ti-^ ! the highest credentials: able t" control a assistant to the Work* Superintendent at
jr -cuj Mt •* \r>iv :,jilr n -s <.'l'!~> . -« "i •»!.<! |_ £50 and Upwa d .i. n* , *.. •
i-u! .i :ii' k:l-. '»! T t i ^ j v .ir , Camp ^^ In St John b tr ^ e l to u u a l fi^ < misu!:ajif ttJ ne Oustness without supvrvtsiofi ace 35-45 salary UBBER PROOFING.—Works Manager Hea d Office and Works situated tn the Wait
d ftcn pUoD ¦» are *K out brw * . - Jh .N - r-*ti\ ==- » T u ee S u. -1 - u .t .i * E x j i t c-j n d j ri : !« s,j:nnit- r H r i iar y fiT f u r tj4 *iam. OK T7 TTie t i j a r ui a n WHOLESALE SOCIETY o fleri*d iT3.2r.ii} per a n n u m upwarus. accordlnK required, as* 28 to 45: itate experience, Riding of Yorkshire.
• n il x t L T 1" • *¦ f- 23 s t a -.!:ii; j H-i-i; i:. a m o r - ONSULTANT'S Suriffroti requires par'.- '.lnie LIMITED. to experience, plus bonus on profits already quaUncuknis and salary required* aU repUes Experience required for the pcultton is
'-qu ired f. vnd parslculars i:i v,r.u..a > >1 h.s ¦
i »3nj or inw «i t-> th? rjr ;* r^n.%
c>r*»mlon«M lit re lation to the decpastii pursd n
5^2 o 3-10 yea s n ::. •.- wi :r. --xj »^r:vjir T arjd tr . iiu ir i K
::.j. f Tiy. r fi id dftaiis, f.-'.ir. KrL>Lfjl Yu u th
AppU<~a- C Stfcrf^ary for Coiisultins Ri»rn.s previous
[nndlral experience es&e n 'An1. OX 7& Gd n
on pood standard: old-established company:
fuM details , please . In letter ol application.
treated in the strictest canndence. pa 27. work* maintenance, heating and boiler*, know-
SAFETY OFFICER required by well-known ledg* of »l<«*trtcal layout, and control of
< -rjttcern * d tw r o r e tii* ofdate -«iK--cm--<1: ajt *-r M m Mw
m CH
1 K
uuu M f r . u m j T' w 27 Grt-Ltt U^urKi* ritro - :. Br:s;t>l 1.
', ' , tw r ^ u ^ i Ml l>> Aj»r.; J t j
GASKELL S Turkish, tt'jj, & Sauna B.tlhs. MANCHESTER ¦» . Address OV 74 The Guardian. Eu clneerlni Construction Comp»uy for nule and female labour In a large production
*hlch date trie e^ate tlv dcc**tuMrd win b- T 17 Slenderise & Traxator. Oxfnrd Road. M c. endor sL-d " A»j >:s:ant National Drapery a contract in the Mldlauds. wh ich will er«n- plant.
distributed by tin* "vrrsunal repre*ent«i*:ve<: H t j i ,i i L p A i t K N ' l& • Mii mu a Cnup iesi ua PHARMACIST and Ofi 'K'i.i:) in ncn- Manager , "¦ tu Ite received nut l a t e r than tually have a labour force of orer 1.000 men: Age preferred between 35 and 40. Earning*
Jtm onfc the persons en 't iled thereto h d--lni?
r-gard only to th * claims and intwwits cf FOR S A L E BY T E N D E R | c '.ast
K"slden;lai Ch:t dr<?n s Homts Ltuca-
I -rj- irM , E ast Vrjrksnij- e. and t»a the South
ccurununiiLAJit meuhera Church of
indtiii^T-iii i town i" Pej ii D" strict requires
Young PHARMACIST as rhlef A-vslstaT.f
April 1. I 960 . GLAXO LABORATORIES applicants must be practising safety officers Kilt be paid accord.nj to past experience, and
thoroughly familiar with the requirements of Kant* for homing and removal expenses will
the Factories Acts and Building Regulations: made for succesafu) applicant who would
*h :ch they ha*e hud notice, 6 & U i &i :i ;2aud- Ant prelerably under 4J PosU
m i n i m u m sLaninR sattrv C93O *Jir»* «wta' LTD. commencing salary wlii be In the region of have to reside In the district.
A STLKY , ALICE MAUD . C I TrY OF MANCHESTE R i" -ii» i i /!ub] p
li-fUdn\ this >car
itj ter M CJi ess" l|il
flve-djy j.<"fk If d<?sired"
expenses pa.ld. PA T5 NATIONAL ORGANISATION requires a £1.000 p.a.. with good prospects of advance- Particular* must be given in detail aa to
¦t T 43 Foieneld Clrde . Pottwich , LancasMr* w Apj -'ly bi^ :re'.tr y, fj^c J Towd H»[l, Kennlnz- DISTRICT OFFICIAL for Wales, whose require an imn t 10 & man of the right experience and experience, axe, and present earnings, wblcn
i\\+A F« hm*,-y 2 19*71. Hartitulirs in u :i ]j,u di.:i £.E. 11. R E N OLD C H A I N S LTD . require at Rft ioid duties wil! liitludt the orgBn^atlon, ol abllit> unite slvtnjE fLjl1 details. In will be treated entirely In confidence.
Assistant Personnel Officer
MIDLAND BANK EXECl'TOK & TRUSTEE ON >i 'SEPA RENT S < married couple, expert Wi' -ks Didsbury. a S*_ a:e ReRisiert-d publlcKy and \Ue raLslus or funds: an ouufldtncc Address PA 60 The Guardian. Address OV 69 The Guardian.
i 'OMPANY LIMITED T N STEK TUAM N ^ H< •iio'd j U.r licsnicnMaJ Hnys 1 Home neai N urs« % to take charge of the Firs'. Aid Depart- adequ a te salary &Jtd subalst t*nt'o al Jowance SENIOR STAFF INSPECTOR for f a c t o r y (n fl
V> Hprin* f3ard*'im . '-
Manchester 2 and TAYIj OH. HINDLE aij d >m RE K N ANT CAST N A ovLTpuoi: crjnimunicaut menibun Church oi ment
<^ vnt t » 3
previous Industrial nursli * experience
salary about £700 r "" annum.
w ill be paid contributory pt-nalon scheme ( Woman > Nnra i-We»t London area for roechtnlcal ORKS MANA GER1 required by Organic
RHODES. Solicitors. Alporte H ouw . Quay POLES A ' En gland B£e utidei 51)- pusls peustumbK' Applicants st iouJti be Welsh and or well niipiw iion of small component parts »uper-
U' rltien appHcailort . giving ate. ouBi'nirnilons. Ch«mlc*l Manufacturer* In Manchester,
Sf reet, Minrftwter 3. foeftrre May 24 . 1*^'. X* n M T A[ipl > Stcrui^rj C h u r c h ol Kn^iaad ChlldrcnV j ifquftinfed w i t h Wales, physically ti: and n t tin tr factory at v l^ o experience with (en_le labour nece»*ary: area: applicants must have considerable
T V u W A O and experience , should bo jdil-vsse4 to prepared to travel throujhout the courmv kaowledge of A.I D and I.A. Inspmiou state experience in the Chemical Industry covering
j stJL'lety Old Towd Hall
LoMdfin S E 11
KP imiaatcm Roarl Emploj-men t f>i>an men t. P.r-n i>M Wo rks, bftwern 3U and 44 yea rs of ane. ot rUjt h
ace experience, and salary requlri-d OK «8. both production and. administration: t he
14 Beech Avrnue, Nc*r:htnd*;n . Mancliffrter 21f
dlrd on AuzLtrt 30, 195f. J' art ifijlarft 'o Vf ANCHE STER " CORPORAT ON Dldsbury. Manctu'sler M. educational stj r.durd and able Io mix ai ^t l TTw pos t calls for a competent woman position li a good opportunity for a man
SI-ATEft . 1IEEUK A CO.. So]|rUOf>. 71 UK *ERS NV TED o w > :M Domestic Staff Wanted RETIRED NCHSE required In help elderl y [eve!* The work involves public sp> i k i n c
^r.d close co:it»ui wiin voluntary wurkrrs
of K(«"*d personality who lias already with sound technical qualification* and pos-
piBMM Street , Manchester 2. un or before
May 31. llAu .
N T 7 FOREIGN* M A RRI E D COL*PI£ required
iJtdy: Bi7i>j home and. liberal salarvr Leek
district. Address OK 4 Thf Guardian . Ap plications should be supported by coDlea
ot pro(ts&l<jrral and personal trsilmontaK and
gained some useful experience In a
u-*n deve' oped personnel department.
She must be able to Ie*l at ease with
Shipyard Technical Manager sessing Initiative and organising ability. PA 58
ORKS MANAGER with previous experi-
C u H A A "»\ < : ht ?rH>-e h'.u*;. ,is Crick aud House Shipyard on Clyde building Passenfcr W ence for light plate and sheeuaetal shop:
¦\S Giouwster Avetiij*'. Blackpodi
O e u
I'.ir !¦-uraiaa rnaad: pxperlfii tx tn
•j j"1-! ' • *^i:iiu,iL- MXQ-lli'nt worklnu conditions:
private Printers, Pressmen- Ac addressed to B i>x IKi P.eynetLs, 4-1 Chancen*
Lane. _ London W_ _ a.
all prad« of ^tafl , express herself
1 learl> un paper and assist the
and CarfO Liners. Oil Tanken etc write In first Instance giving full particulars
Ij ncsuhlrp . d A C " m 11 utU "Jiurtly be a,ppatnt lnn a. Technical and salary required: pension scheme and Im
Personnel Offlcvr In a nine; o( duiie*
j fj e d Pebruary 8. I6W r*ftrtJni]am to SALK.
l.tN HAP -nS A HO.. S"lM' 'hr^ . V O. a<> \ 4« *f » u
H w
c n
<y*u flat: J o i n t h ak c t4S monthly: pleusu
>abmi: rc l- rytu-^t Write Slittbt ittom . The
CA R D B O A R D n o X M A KlN C lirit t* company
i n a tiu f « c t jrlti K all type * of boxes require
A Vacancy occurs r< *\ t-rln g n.o^t fa«-ets of p erfionnet
M a n a ger who would have executive
conuvl of drawing olrlcf deslen *nttmat-
life Insurance in operation. J. R. Bramah
and Cn,, Ltd.. DrvoniiiJre Street. Sheffield.
2y i >rtiiarri Ttie Avcrj iitr . Hat**. Cheshire man 1Semen 1 Her work will be inc pun-haslnt eu Applications for
ax«th 3tr«:. M.n:n.'hesti»T 2, hi'Tos* YOUNG UAS required a* AwlstaoL to
May M, 19G0. A
I'KliMANE NT pu sit luu J.i nrter«! to a
exptrncjio f d SAMPt.E MAKER for c a r t o n s a n d
fi>ldliL 5 br>xes j ;oi)d o p p o rt u n i t y for experi- ASSISTANT TO THE nruan l*i tfop*- : It will include
re frultment. art ins as Secretary vt
the position are l n \ l t « J from I n d iv i d u a l s
with pond q u a ) [flea lions and
Work's Mana ger in production
Industrial Cloths- good opening for ri&hl man:
HAWKtXS HO BERT K.T AXLEY A Shillfd Wsiirjui CCX)K wilLlnjf to work enced npplic;.nt w i t h ambition and i n l t l B t l v p
GENERA L MANAGER the Joint Advisory Committee and experience. %ho should piefcmbly be reply stating age. experience ana salary
CONTRACTS w i t h a fi rst-cJa-w chvt ol pquab]*: ttmutra- Apply Personnel Manager , Huph Stevenson m m s of a srti^lal or wl1I faro nature .
POWER . nient: frt** acfMmmndatlrni ponsl.sttnir of hed- ami Sons , Ltd. . Pol tar d Street. Manchester 4. between 35 and 15 ><urs of a$t required, and naming iwo referees: penstont
l Trc-JD Cresrent, Ora> t r a , P<i rt rniou !h. U n-j in . sltT inK-roi rrn . aud b;i!Jir(Kitn ts provided COMPOSITOR f T A \ wan '.rri f n r general of a L^ rge Go-ahead 'I Jk- ptrs.on appointed will secure the
p ¦¦;( trocflusc of her personal.iy a n d
Applicants ahould cive full parUcutars
ol qualifications and experience and
¦chftne In operation. OV an Tti< Guardian
s ir seun- Commander, R.N. . dlrd J a n u a r y 22,
tn at hr,U'l AppltcaumA. tiW'IkT *Ji h quaii- jobbi ng Call or write A I>uncaji & Son , TOP-CLASS FASHION STOKE ex perience, but a ]jood back j( round stale ajje and salary expected. Applica-
OUNG MAN Wanted by West ot Scotland
Y Woollen Spinners, to train for Experimen-
1tu>n Partiintlars to J.LOYD U E>AVIES .
S .!t< lU*v S3 Fountain Rtre«t , M a n d n i K f r 2.
ftunthj iw atid t+ inry expected, to th* Maciifer.
Ihe H^adtAndii . Blackpoal.
150 Ckirbals Street. GS&seow c 5. i n the Xort 'h -we-jt nt ir alnine In the form ol a ditrrcr 1
hiwn al Science Diploma, or a rvcuniLl-ifd tion* will be trea ted hi atrlct confidence tal . Production, and Quality Control work:
Ar iiniuleirit ora. Cordelia H.iwkiiis nnr] T UV S 1 « < FLEXOGRAPHIC MACHINE MINDER A position ofTvrtiiit jt real wi p? for course in Presonnd ManaKt.niem and names will not be dlvulred without previous textile experience not essential, pro-
1till 'n a lil EUK Tynifuo. Partlmlan. b*for« CHESIIIItE fflmily retires COOK and requlnM o<td)lEonal knowledge of gravure a YOUNG MAN of pmvt-d anib lUi.u. prior consent of applicant Write 1636^ vided the candidate ha* an alert and Inquiring
Must be under ^3 >*-ars uf jj .^ w e l l would be Assets. Membership of the
Mfiv 30, 1W0. M LK u T o private desirable, thoujch not euentlat: T.A. house. Inst itute of Perj rfinntfl M a n uR t t n e u t Win . Por tvous and Co.. Glasgow. mind and ft sound basic knowledge of
"«n i(v nicxJiTu und eiirnf i irtable tiu.irters" Apply to Jow-ph Grave and Co., Ltd . Acre f d u t af f d and o f Rood j ippeTrance. mechanics and phyiloi: excellent prospect1 for
> U w j ( f ;.'s it nnd Ej w«t;kly resp*?c;lve]y: Wo rks , CraMrce I at.e. Cl aytrm. Manchester II wou ld be an added reciimnwnaamm. the righ t man: house avallabVe. Fullest
A u r L-a) opp«)rt unity w S xh exc el 1 en t
S v
r..r, r <ii "-i "SnunIu: Wr. 'r' >Jdt'b-i" Thi' pri i*pt-fis for the f u t u r e A itarUn* salary «f £WW 't9W> If
TALYBRiDGE.—PHARMACIST as Mtnacer particulars, with copies of two referencr* . to
.1 6 GtT /trte orclinr d. The Avftiue , Hale. C ht ih i r e A ** pr sLMon " scheme is In operation. S or Mana geress required lor modem easll; ti. and H. Roberts. Ltd.. Dalrr Avnhlre
K m T w H E M 2 v isualised w i t h prospects t»f improv i-- ft
j und education , prefer-
A3S rfpIEws in strictt *: t-u-nlidence. MEN of
V AXCHESTER 'CORPORAT ON Estimator Order Clerk
LA OV requires [;elpful Mnld. 0-4U - o mtild nien '. There are a i i rac t i v t* condition* run and unopposed branch in pleasant rural YOUNG
A UVICE available TREE !rom i-« d> : very si>od uetKiJev-uman amul Address JX 4T,r, Thp GuarditiiL of employment wht'^h include a ppnslnn u rea" no "tn duli*s " modern 3-licdfOoni abl y Grammar School, to lesrn Retail
^* GABB1TAS & THRING Ltd . ¦
TK NX ER N T T ¦M Y refereuws: ^idow i*JWL't.
XH *JM>pr.ii 4lh . K> - .df-ati. PwP!i? [i
Aivt> 1 ady ~ "
N ATTRACTIVE VACANCY w i t h prospects
" scheme and the opportunity to flat over tiie lhop If required: considerable Furniture business, with a view to manaie-
Apply by letter. eSvlnn full ment. with progressive retail orranlMtlun:
Kducatlon Consultants lE-sld.. W TJ t conct Tntoi & &3 eA ESTEN N
E > and uovek
wo a niaD h i u considerable experience :n the A of partnership arises fiir an participate in the company'* scope fur increase
particular : to ^u t i e n n t e n d c n t Chemist. Staly- suitable applicants can earn up to £1.500 p.a.*.
V iirnTy r;f J vt;in^s t.<i prc-fltabUlty.
N ' A N N I E S, .
! llfl]. - r^fju irt'il town
Mothers '
country, abroad:
urod iicion or Cantin.i and Fold i n g Boxes ta
required for an expanding factory near Stock- Wit h an
expanding uonsuitancy organisation. br idj ie Co-op erative Chemist* Ltd., 3u must be prepared to work In Midland* tot
CoitfiLit e E^ikblzktimfciis. SfcrcLaru ] . an d F u1 o m b Hi m kd K«ilar»-s M rs. Urn ich'T . Ltd Ulverston la a market town on ihe n msvMior Street, sia lybridie. short period . PA 77 The Guardian.
I>;mest ir Science CuJleKes. Flalshlnl v 0 A I'adu ftan i3 Un\ f.i.tirj +ui S W 1. ^ port , preferably 2T-10 or near, with good Applicants tnu si haw extensive senli>r work- edjff of the Lake District and Inter-
Scuof»K . el' . kno wledge ni Lino and Lmerpresi printing: study t \ piirie!ic'e and t>> cjp ab 1 '1 "f co sTd ut 'ft f 'c
T v p exct l' t'Li ci»n dtt ions: ptiiulon fund. eic. Write nikj or invesutati'j ns wiUi p o lu j g m din c v views will be held there, but applica-
6. J. und a Sukvi!!.- St.. Pit -caOlllj.
I^mlon w. l utECtvui u l f i l i.
H "
SITI'ATIO.NS W4N TKU vr.'h full de 'alls En strict confidence stntlaa ou ly. tht?y should have a vmnd teUinlol
¦a lorv exDecied io Z 224 tup Guardian. tMit-Jtcround. This is an excv -pnonal oppor-
tions, which should give full details
ol Qualifications and experience and MANAGEMENT RESEARCH
"A SECRETARIAL TRAINING CH AUFFEUR, aged to years, stnar: :uniiy for a n a n of ffood p ervin.iUly cj) {<t to present salary should be made, in
sh Boo Shoe and A ed Trades Research Assoc a on
" Foil C;ENTLEWI)MliN.
New Sou h Wa es
.!Pt^ar. h s>H'ks Llx -lnjj -iu position Chauffeur
ilii iir lv rnj it:: #*l*. rhnr a r ' ^r r *-fui-*nj iiie iv j;«;si
tain? rvEjM>t*3tb] l i'> »»rio pui^ im t v f e r llrii the first instance to the—
The B
11-22 LLOVD ST.. M 'C 2. Tel. BLA Ii4ia LEADING flrm of pnntlos
R e<;lJfi. -ij. S app-'T intent m Stoke-on-Trei-i
ink manufac- A i t h U u i e tr ^ij.LU i i K . Personnel Manager,
nv e app ca ons o
ciftssea SprlDB *po A u t u m^ Prospect ml AUSTRAL A Hotel and Ctub Stan
turers have an opening available on ihtri r App.y In coji f l a v in1 to A G. H A Y E K n n d
techtilca l wrvlce division fcr a" Exp erienced P A R ) \ERS L I M f PED. ManAgenj eut Cun- G r et i fur d , Middlesex. POS T ON OF
No UW Wt hiisraptier: ihls pf>st oilers ud usual ¦ ac*rpe . -.u.tanis and I n d u s t r i al Engineers. Federation
Jo n Head of s Managemen and Produc v y
"-* CUT1I SG «nrt DUESK-DESIGN1NC. tl T m VACANCY r>i.tjrs a ; jihurt iicj uce lor a in lereai , ati d prospecis ¦
app''ca I !< ¦d > inv 1ted H rase. Stoke-on-Trent, tivlng fullest par- ~
llakei Strctl . I^ntlun N.W. I (WELteck U A MANAGER antl MANAGERESS for to from men o f outsiandlnj: perst Mit ' t v experi- r.;ruj ara ol bnL-kgr(iu]id and salary requirements. EADIHG NaUonally Ad-.ert !wd U'eat hercoa(
¦j im li trmlvlduwl tultiun. Poital ctmrset. pp m m h j ( n[«^riiut a n d hu«y rulJy-ULt 'nst'd hr-us < on ence as lithographic machim u ;sctabler and House manufacturing M e n '*. Medium to
p LM WOOD LOTH1AN. H;i rroga te t
n« o
K pun ihv oii+ .^klrtj si nt Briidlurd , ¦At i icti Is u> be deOT«n.sirator would be coui .dt 'ed an advan- AN EXECUTIVE
rLi fpn ii^ t Ui tin-' luiure io])o-A] :iy * x" <*u- tage , bui not essential a rit ^ m
DIRECTOR required tor
Wonea 's Club and Transit Hostel , centra l
strict Mrti cru'sttr
High j crade Rainwear and Tup Coats require
h igh l y experienced Designer and CurtinB-room
(Ergonom cs) Depar men
¦-* Bnj trdiux Sriiool for Hlris. Ee*ut:Tu1ly " " oi.-e iltLTatldu * said nt 'j derui'Mi tton : pr«*\ loot funfidence to Sales Dir ^ior PA HXI Cdn. with .idmlnlstralive experleno; Munaffer: must be able 10 j crade os>n patterns
a. tun t M . f lradualp staff, IndJvtdut i siiflint on. « h b n — ex;wrk'nrv In !lie traiie e^fj itl al and a}»pii- and kilo * led it* t'f sueU ! work' cood suppcrn- •int l have modern outlook: this position Is w pon b y o wea ch ud m wo k on
All-School ExamJ nations to University d ^ L «d i r «u t s sjiuuld h«i^u suiiie ktiifcwledwt : of < n e r - YOUN G UTIiO MACHINE MINDER ts t nt ! ri'sirti'iit or nun-resadent: salary Pt miancnt w i t h hlj :h prospects for person
fc.t i rajic-r. Fyj athj ctus on ippllcatloo. o l!tM K'^'ii u.istc Kilarv and ci»niniL-.^ lon eTCel- required for A.F. Crnwn Offset machine: f r o m LSC5 per annum: ft weeks holiday. Apply u n h required ability: apply It!vln« full details F o o n on
lut.l wL M i it t i n m e f i maua^n H n t i, 'O4jd h ajj
\ccominuaa- canteen facilities. Apply es and cundl t Ions: pen slon fund: Y WCA National Offices . 108 Baker Street. U o m uu emea
s S W Pi all confidence. OW P6 The Guardian. P odu Wm p nn ng m con o and o h
G r e e n w o o d' s C o l l e g e H m
N m
n tii -:i. w n i i-, y ivfcn g full iJ .-i.tIL, to Area
Alaiirttfvr. Hrimntond^ Un licd Hr^vi erlw . Ltd.. Haze] Grove Printing and
Labour Officer
, London
W I.
Old-established FAMrLY BUSINESS. Wo k m m
h Juim lja. f un Street. Manchester 2 BLA JlUO W 57 L m VC Alan^Hnialcr Road , Bntdrord 0 Company. London Rd.. Haiel Gn>ve . Stw kport. s3luau-d on the North East Coast of M hod ^np n m n
MA LE Assistant required to train
becretarial Courses SwT
m M
u 1
bly cxi>f rk-riL td . io ru n 3 ar«p ha r 1:i
Wile to a^^i , p:errr-
Artists and Entertainers
En Bland
i\!a!e' for
thei r Stationery and
as Quality Control Inspector:
deta ils of duties and salary at Inter-
Th« & opw v
iiinu fnr _^rrj &pecitis Enrol tti.y _ tinn D H 1 He-ildersaaJ IIh i1i -J: ^.\t^:!-:it pn^pp cii . live 3" Kaitcy Goods station: flrat-ctas=j, knowledge ol CT and xp w nd
U * U »* «
view: applications. In own hund- QUAL P CATTOSS —P
[V| E.KLHAN T N A V \ "Kadio "acnool. v N w Sou ¦ W >* A st-c tai aid cumJiiercJaJ stnUonery es.
*«;n tial: he W
i»r .j u t. Ap(>iy Mau itKu T. H'j :i t •,:»ajj Hu t?) BC VARIETY ORCHESTRA In London wrttinjE. should Indicate age and on? <> ™ ub « S n aud enew c pe cnam^ o
lV i
K M S WnirCan lej ia Lake WmdermL-re . T pm T M A 12 CeriTdJ Prtmietiade. B] aekpool . B require* Violin: f u) E- thue en^auement: st.i 'e ajqe ex^crlertce find salary reauired.. ex perience, it any. OV 72 Guardian. ow pmb TO > Bm % »nd xp m n e»en » pe ee o

T^ .WALES Si Dav;d^" School.^ _J lt t r n-^u lred , good all-round man: tabl " Hilary £17f 5 p .w Detailed appUcatlons U> Addrtss PA 71 fhe G uar dU n D H M g p odu on n n n ooounUn y o
C U luiti And ct la carte uieiiug. Cow A Calf Hrad of Ltjrht Entertiilninen.t (Sound), B r o a d - O'd-«tablls*ied FAMILY BUSINESS. KiSn M A un oh Su n on » e xwp o uU Re*e» ch
^ * Prestaty D. HsrahLlihed Prep. Diy School. PA NT NG AND H n t . I 1Ikii > "22"J. i ^a s;i nv, House. London W.I. wltliln a w«k. AN situated un the North East Coast of
ANA GER required for Book Department: x aa d U
:»¦>*. prepared to a^L-epi ..utUfd Boarders: TMKWA H NG CO 1 1L ciose origlnat references. EnR lfi nd. require a DEP ARTM ENT A L.
S ' l r U A H D and STEWARDESS required by i*-.Ji'i-? excellent opportunity for young m a n ,
tLi - 'iTj We*-
WrS: ^ ._J. \VHJTEHEAD . _ .\I.A._J OXONK U m
K wH
T SW G t h -- >, «*« j lvJid-u -l-
Mi-rr.a l Street, N4.k wc*scle S:*lls : must have
-"1"!* C'o nstTvatHe Club.
Boys , Youths, and Apprentices
MANAGEH rMale f fur their Handbag trtd
Tn\el Goods section : Jlrst-clas* knowledge of
30-40. a lover of books, wi th r0 g**inr.
personality and ability to increase sales: This s a pos o cons derab e mpor ance n he
0 '"> w E S 't ' R Y
h' Kti quality lcatiier goods essential: state
^-^ sK H ul - sH I HK
F.ujml c d H(t7
*¦* 1*thv I *, p.-r [mji i f you ju .nj 51,>ir own
FOR SALE. :i.ui ff'j od experlenct i- i club nit?: good nccom-
uji»r iJiion: no Sund*o- opening: nne day off MAN CHESTER Insurance Company requires afci- exper ience and. salary required. PA 72.
salary commensurate n t h ability. Increasing
od p'-opreas made: pensirm scheme: very good ndus ry and he pay and cond ons w be such
SMALL Group of Companies In Lanca- pr rwpecfcs. Apply wrbtwrley Limited. Boclt-
11^ 1 'mhI -ols Fxr Ai-i'K . w ltlt tr. irt:u *ilit . tm itdtty. uuod
as to a rac young men o h gh po en a
1 rf'S* )H i vii.i; n -Ms , s M m m l nt : b a t h h'r ini 't^ 6d |ii?r tosi If we load nia lL> Junior cr^IRK , l t - l f l vears c^t agt>
tf> £l«7
A'.iWft> and al3ow..i!ict ^ l< ir *ir<J l*u refere nces. proaressive. penslotmble at J i m i n i n i e n t : good A shire seek* a 10¦>ear-old Man to under- K?lli?rs - Stationers - Printers - IJthojiraphers .
S Hhil t t ^j' - l ln .'] u *lvp T <^-; u p .iv.i M .ihl*' Apply PEckards F. iiritv ( .r ^ present bu'.er prior to retirement* Hr*-.k binder *

telegraphTpoles ~
¦ 5tuo > Percy Strret Works, Han ley.
¦ ¦i t i r d lsij ; t>) .i<p. j« j i t i n r.f pr t'jT[irBt»ry Ki-*-i<"il .i H._ |Brftdf»rrt Tt4 Bradford iT^tn WHITEFIELD Golf C l u b Require First-class G.C.E reaulr ed: scale ape and criucnilon. ft pphcir.u must na %c some experience or Stoke-on-Trent
f l^i dr t i n fi i t J l^ aJ n i a« er . W I F R A N K I . A N I ) CHEF* Eirrommodntion a n d profits on tttdu dlng G.C.E. details. JX U41 G u a r d i a n . knuw Kflt ie of t h e bu>"inp land usage in manu- FURTHER DETA LS ON REQUEST
I fNIVK H Sl TY ' OK " " OXFORD . tM tr rtri K . Ap.> w i t h rels io Secretary. A-4 fdc(ure) of Colonial ^ools: total purchases are MA N A G E M E N T ACCOUNTANT required
K u m Sirect Manchestf-r 2 Immt dlktLly by Important company In on* o
'^ iiAi.r. -j rorf:irrox
An «l^*tSon will U» h f li l In May. isa>. 'n
studentshi p, iw-o Foremen , Craftsmen , &c. wanted oi the order ul one million pounds
annum, mainly textiles: applicants thould
per Nort h of England position Intended to bu
permanent- pension scheme In operation: m KCTOR B B S A T R A
¦ ILili-Hij itKlilot]
^riCuuruiM-nriu 'if t!:>" stud) ut tiLe Ore^'lt
Kt uden tftlj lp for [I:.1 General Post Office Housek eepers. ComDanlons. Ac HAPIDLV Expandinj t Textile Bu^tie^s . »t?i;e
A specialising in prints "f ou t M a n d l n g r ar nJrLB
education, experience, and
level. Address OV 63 The
duties will be to take complete charge of
Accounting and other Records deallne with
Su H Ro km h Ro d K No n
The P-lSl^^a^l^.¦^-f .trterai IN\ I1TCS OFFERS /-Hfj MPs\-rn\ hoi nF k VP P V P fr«- irMa^i*. design, seelts higlily skilled fisid ma tters ol Product ton. Sales, and Internal
T«* itii*T: t f»f !h- SH-j>t iiiij{ln: vtTSJon t>f exjK'nrncfd
iSl»* IlPt»r^« Srplp *urt»s In S' js n-lathiti In thi? m n n i rV ij i f "nil "i*K*r P*r"i> spt( itit ua f-r m ^"^ u.«> in r*"Smt*n 1irt 1 (itatnr;. IJlwrttj urn. f>u COLOUR MIXER Tor silk wreen pldJi: In Mamnfenu-nt replies stating age. quillnca-
ll^h'ew nih)w and f l i p Grrefc TeslJimcnt. .inr!
«i * *!ir Syriac viTslr»n* «' [Is*1 Itn i} Scrlpture.t . N-m- Spruce <n. ->t .'xn-odLue ^.fi ;n Ji -ug- h i
¦ ' °^ ' Tl "- f l U d r d l a n
I,ondon: ability to pian product!nn an sssrL
HULL TRADERS. LTD.. 7 Sedley Assistant to Sales Director
tlor i experle.i-e and salary ranpe required
will be treMerl iu strictest confidence pend* Sol en IStS
I1l<- s-urtfjcsJ ilp Is L.( *h.> vain,- ol E.tnO .mil Si*.i *sa>P.::e Ij -i'?: and n-i - iMij is F i r
. ,
; I AD\ ^ TUh fa J ml i r* o>. fxp'l . Ci>&k Hoits*1- Umaon W . l. And General M a n- i ur r An opportunity Inc Interview OK 9fl The Guardian
Fully Qu-iU n e d CHEMIST or CHEMICAL GRADUATE CHEMISTS, aged lip to 30
:» vad Wf f i 'T fim * >. en- <«]ly at OxfoM Ki?. -i nx-ii itnr^ l .irf 'M t : -2sft ' .i;3.: an d 1 *— heeju'r- i>wi si:t:ng-room with TV: EXPERIENCED CUT A N D CREASE J >r a man of inJiUiUvc nnd drive who \ ifE Dlt;M -SIZED Firm of Manchester A ENOIN KfcJt is required, ajje d, 28 or over, year*, required for Interesting technical
u n.<'« ¦«:h« 'nv-.-.f r]?[ f rni i 'it '^ Td f •.tj, r t i : i y t ^f . u t f . i- H . l i - , , p
' Ii i< " h < ] a l t ' . i ff r t " r e i > ! v u l i h n- f e r i ' m -V !*- .l?C s t l .
AN FOREMAN required for Carton Factory. wlOu-s tf) pn.ijrc-tfl b> hJs own efforts. LV1 i»io*.ltbrxAtr» r«iatr* STATISTICIAN who tuu. had several ye»rs Industrial experi- wrvlce work in connection with electropiaUnc
rU!¦¦ 'J^ U'iiur*1 ;«i n«* n trret'ii betv.t-t( n f h" F< " p nr 'i ' .[Lar - * fil.">n^" u r : ' i» l \.^ t > -r*,»t< "fr M i n D l. K - A C . E U .a l l dut!<^ juitnt> h n;l p b I v pH . Exre lEcnt opportunity for man w i t h ortMm.Hti t i ; Die BUtvesshn j pp Ucant will possess the wild) experience must be acscustonied to ence, lo concern himself with the deslun and and metal clean ing prooe sse*: after inliial
*ii-"«a»fiir appli f.-i :!* nsi J t3.f Ilrtll-1T«iwiU«:i ^r t * j [ ji n < :, p (,m (_ )tli. N - H .--i- .-' a - - 11¦•;»;i r ¦ - abl'ity: asilsranrt- wiih hcusi' M iww^sary, < allu.vlnj 4 qu il lti - 'JilU-ii": ARO group 25/ dealing wiih inv«j( tmi'nt querin and able 10 nperatlon uf plant producing heavy chemicals per
iod of laboratory Lralolng at Wofclns lh«
't r;]»'cf c N o r ; h v n d c t i an-*: (]i «"jj >r 's tious)-: <ji.e resi- 35. do of Jjc- <] eduuai mil and quick and intt -rvi .-A riients please plve full particulars. successful applicants will be required to
tn -u- ' II"" 1 ':v ip-pi-j.. ri(» i ' 1 r-mp. -» den t s:,ilf as*' w,)«--: nip if s tt-s,t1tnor. !s PC 1. Wn'.c wit b detail"! tn the General M a r in e r , Address JW (irM T!ie Guarriian.
peiMtun scheme: appdEc-Ilons statins qualift-
\ i aiil'd.'L * "' inn*: ipi»ij " In w r i M n u !« '^ n Av.-:.i n> !,'..i li.E i K r -t. U* J > r- O"'ili«r i.. K ttmetiou s.e Brw.. Ltd., Dunitf r * Latj u Bury. accurate at ne'Jrvs biLiint.'ss experience llcatlons. age. salajry and experience ithauld reside In the London or Birmingham area
H.-a<] i i-rk M t tt if * l*nf ,frsity !*.*sis try tn >t W O E i K IN ' ! HOr.S K K K K P E H v.Un r,m n, -iK. will have been of a geiierdJ nature w i t h Im* marked confidential and addressed to ti*e Apply In writing, giving brief detail* of
].itfr ¦ "bii'i M i -r d a * . May Iij . lLtKj , ar.d ni'j st DUE to t'xpaiisloii . Simpson I'.rns tn t the act*-]it on jjeneraj management and
MANAGER t_ir er, to Electro-Chemical Engineering Co.
i r ( 'j H ik r : h l t.'-r.i . ii' d [nr I*rtj.<r>ury.
Hn.p ton i . Lt [|., require t he [o t h iwl nfi Secretary, the Int erimllniial Electrcdytlc p]ant
m ..-¦' .-.wip *:# nr> r i u '-,h ]r.- mud t-rn lidiise. ' ..- n iL k - ft o a i v i U a j !'-1. s,t!« t.fClce prifCfdure. Resld«\l In Snuth- Co Ltd.. Sandyeroft. N^ar Che»ttT. Ltd.. Sheerwater. Woklng. Surrey, quotlns
¦ I. -;• r -.. i., A-< .,i • ri.n im Tti nTrlf-illaffd '
¦i5> Kivf * ' HAULAGE, REMOVALS. 4c. 'i.-, i r to tr .i in and b u s scrvlcv . a i n f . i nn l> St'tiior Cnarflehand lor (In1 Transformer Shop1
fx perlenctr cm ;ransformers un ici 3Mi itVA
piir t a.rea AppltcatJoikt. whtch wilt be
treated in sirict aouilUent.e. musl glv«
£3,000 to £4 ,000
a nummary uf Lls nt a d en n u ¦ d j i l v }-,p \v f tn d ch AH + f e ir r k e p t : own qimruTS
n-oi n j - , ,i ,.,.r f , »c i M m p r s .'i^ j s ir n ij j - r rH im b ed r .-o m . b arh r o f un : desirable. Apply Magneto Works , Ha pton. full deialls of past business experience
near D u r n l n y . Tel. partjhani l
ADHESIVE CHEMIST BIBBY A SONS, LTD.. invite applications
Mtl i stu 1" 'A ^¦ cvj iir^ r>f study he p h: d f j \fi<T PA yf
an d state aet- and current remuneration.
a* r wou id rip|iSL. 'bint s r:iu *
;»- ,^-..«- i ;nrv|.. If t-]t..^(> rl llr tllf* D ICKFOKDS DISTANCE . ^ s t a t e h^ c V*
MACHINE SHtJP FOR KM AS --Miuiri^J by Addreb* PA 69 The Guardian . J• from young men under 30 ft *n ot
s -a dfuisMy .
R E M OVALS n:it! STOHACK.—C»un:ryi> [>li- hR h t medium er-B inp rrnfi v.urks n^ ar Ac riutatandinc opportunity exists within a ase who wl sh to make their career in
'i v sutiri:U u-»t inure t h a n thr i'e t< *stl- , ii »o r - t i' - dun r "wrvltt * ^ t i i t a^ a ll al j l e . B r n n r hi -s Legat Oidhacn specialliniij In Lj u - r i n g Kjuipfncnr:
Larjfe group of EnElneerlnf Companies of
international repute for an Engineer to take There Is an exoelleti t opportunity for industrial chemistry: initial employment as
moo 'aIs t»f Ms fitEiP3« ' -t [mMi» '* . 'V - rv al n Tf . Frt 'O «:li] t a ' <"; j i:id itrtvict1 10-21J .Ij- i t.M. 111 f?u de ov^ra N cup v.-v ' <;i(.n of Iabraur a Younp Graduate, "(red 23-30 years at aurlsuint In Analytical Laboratory wild duy
"v-.*1 it!.*[i< *.l.ouli] hi- sci]t J:' •'!iv.':^p*«s <; r .h - v S1ti> < -t . V£ t ni']- .^ l'M * Tf l A R nw St -ft \SSISTANT KO!JL*[TOR, prehrab.y vnth t y y aEed in brass m.' ^ h l n e c ap - t i r s . m 'T un s . ASSISTANT BUYERS.—Exi iandUu? Mj iII cuuifol of one of the Group 's manufacturing Evix lc Limited ul SLalTord Work will re lease for t r a i n i n g : G.C.E. w i t h maUtJ.
j ii;.rV' Lj " *l^ ll - lT n iij; l i^'ii ^ ' I'tSHiji sUp "' 112-1-rj i i > . i kfj f l ( j Rd . , \ ! r r l n r hiu n 'A L T KI K I h . AiJ\< ii' acy ai]ri cr>mrti'j n 3hw experience , d n l i l t iR pensit i i Order Cennpany invites ap|>ilcitton * from orgnni -rations. physic* chemistry, and En glish language at
etf : a '.t fT appo ii 'inou:: tsrtt-r lawiUgatluns In ihe field of
t *'V*d:tiaV<s r»LL:i: Lh- iirriiiuatfs nT O\fon1 I I M\-ll.i .El 'rr P.A Si-ul ll. St.i -k p'i r . Tt'l J333 rv cj Li lr-L-tJ in West R Ldin y ni-irket ;.<*D PA C< ¦^.'leai H w r i t e . ?lvinx d t -t a l K at hj s*? . prc.iou* N miti g Men. 1S-2K . wishing to nuke a career adhu&i^rt -ml ullifd nmierlaLs. aud will " O " level essential: good working cundlUocs.
( M. -.c-slty or or a L*:iLve<s lty r.-rflgn i ^ d hy emergence and positions h f . d tn I* 'rsonne m this field: experience In Wholesale or TWs Is a high level appointment wh i ch will cover A ll aSj M?<*ts ol adht-slvc te< hnoloBy. Apply in writing to work* P e i f m nr l Officer .
A S S I S T A N T SOLICITOR a f>y Hr-»iot) . Md.ll Order useful capfieity fur work. Intelli- demand qualities of leadership and adminis-
¦*<c H*T»doniaiJ*.l t'flu zitrtl and rau« nm iia\i >

SnHciifrs tu? Corive>a:irnm; *n d Pruliaic Oil)' -.: Address PA in ': The G u a r d i a n . l'rvvloux eiperteiice In this field li not S? Great Howard Street, Liverpool 3.
r ,iS'tfri«£ . on J u rj e -W l%rt , t wen t y >i'mr5 gence amt gnj ^Kl apiHSLrance essential. OV 173. tra tive ability
W irk w r i t i- st a t j n y aj;i*t ij ui L f l i . v l rj r u *nd SE V E R A L VACANCIES occur Jor Fully- eiwriLlaJ . but candidate* must haw some.
•"; "l—ilV:!-J?1:o rif nn 'r i n i l n E S i -.ti . (HamxJs Ltd.) > ;ilary rt-qulred. OV 7H Tht- Gi M r d i a n experienced Upholsterers at ' h e Weil- ASSISTANT to PRODUCTION DIRECTOR
Applicants must have had a sound work-
ktu-m U-dKC of the nib^r and plastic
Local and long distance removals. required lit Sirut-lura) Kngtneers tn fti-id work will be Uit«rcstJti( and varied,
CONVEYAN CING and f' T ^ h a 'e i. lerk r equlir rt ktiovn W«t Midlands Firm of Vono Ltd shop f-aliiing and be t h c r u ueh l y f u n l E U r with
WORK WANTED S to rape tn Manchester & Southpnrt
Packi ng for shipment.
hy M.i m h< <ii^r s«illcno.--;- j>crson w i t n
m m > i! n p - r i L-i. it v. l]i he amsldered OK 1^5
Dudley Port. Tlpton , StafTordshlre: aae timlt South-west
u p to 40 years: pood waj-*-s paid: piecework U is hoped
Ei in land position should lead to
man<tvemont *t h tus in otiu or iwo years as
ihat sucress.Iul candidate will
the latest practk-e In precision machinery.
assembly, and allied processes
UDd will c—II for imaifliutUon and drive.
Pension Scheme
prospects Five-day week. NUCLEAR
> - t trr tii.ti The Depos itories. 6, Wilmslo w Road. con dition*: every assistance will be given
P E M B R O K V. SHIRE Solicitors rtqulro Con- with regard to accommodation: excel Eent talc? over as Pruduciifjn Director within five Applications In confidence to the;
p A B « J C A r i U . \ STEEl. WORK up
to .i, t uns Pr,,ii - Uj r u : ng up t.) Tin
RmholiriP, Manchester 14
f R ut F u i W 2 A M . )
vej-i <-i nx M a n a^n c Clerk i m ilt or
f^ n ih l f » : O'niniL'H l'isj lyilary E750 to El. 250. working conditions in modern factory: five- years: lloii .
applicant s hjum : hive had socd educ&-
englm-erlnu training, and experience
Ex pert knowledge ot production control and
modern faotory org anisation procedures is
Maj uuc lnf Director.
CotiuiuQ Road. Stanord.
Evode Limited* ENGINEERING
imiie Lx ->T04 k «- [ n mr delivery. J, IJOCJTH *.T«o 41 Virginia Street , Southport ru-* irfi lne 'o H b i h i \ own ;vp]nj; an advuntaKe . day In w r iM
week: canteen and sports fadlittes . Apply
np giving details of age and exper:-
¦a ith practica l knowlwlge of modem produc- essential. These respcnslbU'Cles would Include
t 'JTl \Tiri iHi-ll »Ct ^Z..^i ¦*- ¦!¦ ifniit* Cai -juti (So u i h^n )92I.) A r l d r t ^ < YA 2 * fii# C u a r d u i n . on ^e :o Per^onneJ Department. U nit ccn:rol mp :hods , and should hold a all aspects uf factory administration Including En<Mn«r» required for drit«n aod
labour reUUoas
SCH.ICITOR iiJis v.uai.t\v s.uiable lor Newly SOUTH WALES CLOTHING FACTORV i n reeojjnJsed t'njf'T-i^i-HK d iploma: aje prefer- deve lopment work on heal exchuncpt s .
PSM CO. LTD ;or Siwt Mt:;ii R EMOVALS or STORAGE y-j n'ifle d Mfui pnispm-t wirjy partRt-rstilp an Immediate vacancy fur an experienced n h l y 30 to 35 y i ar s : house itvailabte if
Preference will be tiTen to candidates with
BB .C. requires WORK ANALYST (prefer-
• ably lu early 30s) In Its Central Estab-
(tf«m jeaeraton pressure veuels
" iVnr k. I.tu 'u KtiM*] Fftb rU.ittini . ar.H l 1X
BEN'TLEY'S. a n«J u t-d n ta ie su ixx-ssl i >n: wrm Id <n unslder TROPSER FOREMAN - a very - -d ¦; H i r -. reojiilred: non-contrlbulory pension scheme In and other components aMoctated wiih
Kibrf ^Jh^ . Ri' i\as' .r-». W,t l u m> S* ;Lni r- ln<mml3L >n '.vitli i n d i v i d u a l pramiil'iner. a:id excelk'n: prospect- for t hp r l shgo* t m a n *t .n
ij Dera tion: applicams should write tivlnr age senior management experience In a similar
lishment Office, for study of organisation ,
prcKvdurcs. work methods, statllni: and Job
ad vanced types al nuclear reactor* ttnd
]>*]LtC]Il ! )KM 'H 11.H l'2r NEWPORT ?T. BOL.TON A d d r f - ta JX l**\ Tli# C u a n h . i n s^nuld pitisess drlv i ' and lulliatSvf
and salary refiulrwi
tthkIitii education. with loll details of
duties throuchout the Corporation: require-
with other advance systems In the
(ji ACiron r2H i Kra d it .i 'e, "tnund pr,ii?t5r.i[ coin fnrtably a<i-omm'.dR !ion immtKii aseiy Addrets PA qu.iU neat Ions.
ri * The CiiiardlRts_
and experience.
Ap plicants who arc net altf-adr in receipt men 15 are a quailflealion (pr« t ertbly In
power and propuUlon field. Applicants
shou ld hold a mechanical or che.nil'-ni
S t x p., seeks PjsLMon wJ ih pros;«cts . OV 12S. available. Ful 1 tii n i l s i>f qualifications in f -t a salary nf £3,000 p a. are uulllceJjr to hx\t science or teclmoloiy } from a Unlvenrtty or
r>mndeiMV to OV ^T The Guardian en gineering decree and shouJd
YO l'V ; A islsr am Si.:» (;:¦or nr Unadmitted the necessary qualiflcatlonE professional institution tofcth*r wi th some preferably have some previous experi-

PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS i i •¦-k \ a n t"d. T^'alls of at r 1 esperl- ASTED An Expert in Trains Cloih three years' experience In Work Study ence In design or development of heat
rnif a: .1 s it a r y required to Bostock , Yate^ . W V.inufaclure: very g rf d ptvwpect* for an
an d criroimelE , sollcltcrs. Reynold Street. expenenctni person: a.ppUfotH»ns treated tn
BLEACHWORKS If you are Interested
from you.
we would like to hear r partlcularty Methods S t u dv ) or equivalent
fields: the work requires buth personal quail-
exchangers and blgh-prcssure strum
plant. Commencing salary In rang*
Hvuv rj i^ ^r r p RT! -5< *t i-fiiifitlt- jirc. CIV 1S4 Thi » Cuardlim. t'e* inc!ud<Ti g an enterprtt ins. an—tytlcal
S/- t»ar tlna MANAGER LPE
P!eas* reol f In confidence to Box G 1029
Rom&rui House , 399/401 Strand*
mind wide renrral Interest*, tnd an under-
Mm i d Jn g approach to working relationship*
£900-0,450 per annum according to
experience. Contributory Peru lon
Scheme. Application should be made.
London_ W C. 2 j mom i>rtrpie of wmeiy difTertng back'
Government of Swaziland i Acoounta ncv R1GG BR OTHERS LIMITED ME D I U M - M Z E I J North-west En^lneerliit K ruiinds: t h i s 1j an Intcrestlnx po«t with
In writing, giving detail* of age.
qualification* and experience, to
iiwd proipt'ft* of promotion to a more, senior
OVERSEAS APPOINTM ENTS F H iN r U ' A l . ;.-.-I ( r ar > .v 3> t i ". -1J. required
A C C O i/N l A N T . qualified , ur g e n t l y required FIRST-ru^ S quaiifiPd men reqji'-ed by
require a Manager lor the Bleach Firm n-quiri-s Competent Man to estab-
lish Pureiiislnc Department and io take over p->f ;ri(,n «]»ry £1.545 f possibly htjjher if Staff Manager
:o :n It * i't i« r i!e iif M li i h.i tji " Trades ssi-hoo I (i ¦r a.r»'a old «¦ 1>f a N a t .< in a I company: Works they are setting up in Malta. Stores Control * previous experience In quaEtncatlons are exorptlonal> rising by live FOSTER WHEE LEU LIMITED.
AttXJUS I A N r KOH \VEj4T AFRU 'A — l»ecr.v m M:K-r,cv . r K:ii:in-fr!tiB and sui!ab> old-es>tab lJt .hed Chartered Act-ouu iant* for ansiu& l Incri-mi^nls 10 11,970 max. p n .
; m i l l i n i u m salary Cl WK> :>rr aiitiunr :.. lie super- West Rtdini: and Quidon ofliceS' must h a\ e Experience both In B]«i chine w d purehaslnK of elect ricat prodticii. castings , 3 Ixworih Place.
L'aitiiil Kj sikc I ni firm ftf West A f^ .-a*: Trar!i-s s^Sij..! . r 1i-r!,:, i^M] t *f>!t"Ef exp '.rr e n c f . a n :i im r s m fabrications electrical eqii.pincut. t*tc, desir- Requests for applicat ion Jorms fentlc«lnB
tii "^*!uwi'.s 1)& v«* a \ m <i si i~y T -r a Y'¦ itna ¦ Sk-iierni - ^ ^n r * ^].4-d u p w a r ds ui \n years' u-lde ^J^p^¦^lt:£]L' ^.' in Kitilshj ns Is essential. All costs of
f^v 'c'i.i ; A p' iiiJ it - ' f '«r i:Ti»r> ' !ti in .:]UU"i!!.tK'l>": rep ' j .n u*r 'siu]i-ucv suittnj; when the pruieasiun oln-j e r ju a u fj in g and be c-.i pab1t; »hi*» Af1dn?SA pa Ha The G u a r d i a n . addnitscd en\"elop* and quotlni reference London S.W. 3.
yj.i 1 !tj«*1 Ace.iiui 'an * Th«- npp *r ,ii;<' Li:n, t I'':. -Al w irh Carp -sitrv . Mrviuii ,..-.. e iC. removal etc.. covered. One month's 60 O 13.1 .Qdn.r should reach Appointments
¦. i> i.ku . .n»1 ai»plloa:i:i sn-hl i! W pr<* - tk-.- ir.iti .f. I- . *t iwrm.ttu'nt ar.d ;>en*.:uti ab5e nr d^ iiiiibu-1 . w i 'h iu l h 1-*' r> rj rt 'i. ni i n r s . JX S39 of farr:Lt:K a hlali salary W r i t e OV 170 G<ln . Officer , Broadcast! *!e Kous* London W. 1,
j QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT, preferably l^E CLERK required la: genera! work hoU ddy p er year. Reiurn (are paJd
;»arn^ ii to t rd v f] w-.-1,Lil \Ve*j Afriira - < *¦'ni- n... y Un hnl i l on <t> !it r <l el rt-st:• kMrn.1nt i:ran t i¦ A prolesslocmlJy tr.ttned and w,iih cum- MAwithin an Accounts Department: candi- wiDiln five days.
m^nolcif s*Ury w ;t be £l.(h>l to £1 UH» lu' ririK !1 pn fcrrvd tor period of 3fi-42 immthi. Hierrml experlrnce. Is required as Persona] dates should be knowledgeable of accnunUne to U.K. Plt-jise apply in w r l u n g to JL ^ERCHAN-DISINC M A N A G E R /"UIGANIC CHEMIST with good honours
a .n\ird ins in «-iua Li JUvUi- ^« a r.rt «* vri c rtc n cv i|i- :ni * pension r t x h t 5 preserved . Salary j Ashisiasit tu iht 1 Chte! Acruuiitanl of expacid- procedures and «ot» evp»ri f nce In t h ^ use 33 FAULKNE R STREET . MAN- VT decree, H« under 30, required far
Yh' . % p-ist ofl?rs v i ' ry j ciod ni>portmiitit-» M e-> l!"—il S4rf (SEK'Lu 'siw) . flLt fr J' uK :<j c.\perl- A nationally knoxn Food M anu -
i kfr»n y^uug ma» Sur «id\ jn f*?ni<*iit -tud
l«rm .dei wMo .tc^pf fnr : c l ! j n t :ie and t?Ji:er-
erin* Quarj tTs availab!« at ¦luw r et i in l
[»*is iiitC( "» Jiud nutl l.-al a ;* '¦[:", Ljii
GtJD frous
lui; Koj Kl-ntwi'j facturiHa Company in Leeds: of punched card t ab u l a t i o n s would tw helr -
! :hc duties will Include preparation
i Iin.trt 'ial arcoit n t s , special Investigation work, favou rable ind
of fui : cotidlUons of e m p l n>m c n t are generally
CHESTER 1. suilna salary required ,
cxperte&cu . etc. All aw ileaUaaj
f acturer and Distributor v. Khe-* to
appoint Immediately a Merchandising BEECHAM G ROUP research Into new products from fatty oils:
Interest In synthetic resins and polymer
chemlitry would be an advantage: five-day
, rmd supervision nt a. punched-card installa- arranKfments. OV tm lud-* adequate pension and Demonitrations Mana ger whtj is
:¦ri*v. Kr-'L"
:>4»$Aj«rj pr j i v] cl- >J
furms.iiii quartern «5: ^m
Th ¦it •-* a rt* ut "itfh t et 31 t< >
hcrmc Ienve t *• * 11icomt" tax.
Furth e r paritcut a rs and application form tion rtimnu -jL-'tuK salary £1,000 per annum. no The G u ir d l nn lre».t«d In confidence. thorouBhly conversant -vllh modern
markelinj r r"elhc>ds and Is capable r>t
LIMITED week: Ire * pension scheme, assistance with
removal expenses and house purchase; start-
*f it :j iHi 't" 1.' ^ w.!"i ;»a r] .iM%f f:i -ViT. -'iii * Ir i fUi :hf l>LreL! 'j r nf K ct r u ^i i i ' T 1'.. i'i, ldti:al . Ai idr*^^ oV 14^ The Guardian MA N CHESTE R Firm of Chartered A~"osm- training persoinel in this uork He l.aj a vacancy Ing salary up to £1.100 per annum , according
.u-r.^to.i A'l t,r..n s Aj t- ' .o.l; .--:i^ ]:i .-*¦ Olh'- .' C:r->',' S t ui - h S--«' . T. !i.Hi lu!) S W 1 t atn* require ARTiri_3 :n CLEr e K -hr>
TTRACTIVE v a c a n c y &™t*ur» fnr You as have p*.swtl ;he n.C K lr. w ill have enntrol of a mobile mer- In t he RrtiNir t h Lat>orRtorles for an to age and experience, form of application
n d-ir. T'.i! alA* r z ' \\ i» 1- 1iM! n r < qii ¦: :i^ duu 'inx !iCD 114 7n u«; Mli . Candid .Lies A Mlij s tn T^ iiL for costing car?e r wv^ mridId 11<? must BItA^ "<.^^ s u ru kVij-tm rwjiiJred for Lj irse from Personnel Mana ger. J. Blbby & 4oits .
A r •.-.> ' va st ruo (;i..miL.iti -.UnitId *;i;- " h i ' l r r«.t i.;i!n"i"i nn a p p l jx g ,i ' i -r" t-jTisfiam fi\ * luhJ^Ts . Including Enjill sU lingua if .* F-j r:utitre ±ti(l K!f-ctr:i-4t i . M u l t i ple m chandising teom which will operate ExperleiK. d (.KADUAU K tu Utke charge of
in C«;:ral Mnnches'er nii;h-Mnaucs: no premium r^ulred *mrn * pro Mdnctu-sier aiea. pre\'inj s rx[ iv -ir\ < t .,f salts tliruughtj ut the Lnttcd Kingdom ANTIBIOriCS EXTRACTION work In the Ltd. 57 Great Howard Street . Liverpool 3.
n ;>p 11 '*a ' IonsIT i n vi i«l frr m a mh 111 mi s > ou n K \ - -.i »r y commonclnrf at C2W per ri-u nni Pilot P l a n t <>( 'he Mlcrrrfj loloEy Depart-
Hj- -] I r i ^ i ij i>7 l-J Ji'i7 ;' "j - r l a " «t —k A n d Kr --sM ' ;>rt,njij *LH.i» . d^»p.ay . it uii ini?n.-iiiLj.a >..j k «.&«:-
Government of- M A Jw K K¦
f . : ..
r u b L U l D M I ' AN ' Y r ^ J . -''" I'T l ai i 'j v n fj i ""L1!Mi^: plea*1 =u b m l t *u ' l [ l a r i t c u- l l% f -d . i v »wk, 9 r^p
[] :: S nr ..T.i (J EN K H A h annua l holiday:
sum to .) p m : 3 *p *ki '
.y «a *tn* f u l l d P ia i t s ol
ria l: ext'etlent salary plus *-\ r»«. ') w^
pru vldit] j '.o 'f aw e and &,v( * f j '.l^i j -tdJJ *
t-a- Exp crtCDce or this type ol work la
essential, and tr.f rHi ^ i' ."n . wnicn ' s
niw it ThL* Is a r—ipwruilble post and will
tnmman d a o>m-s>nQdlnK nalary. Suitable
.!ii*] J d : : . j dh -' .t: ' « i> i edu.:a *!cn OM 7
fermanent an d pen-Ooiiable has scope applicants Kill h *vc ttad t^i-era 1 y-srs'
Northern Rhodesia
l a r* A<idr»« rx T?\ Th" n u ar d S a n
KN u l N L K S i [i t I*la :it M<UT i( *'aau rtj ^cLiu lrti u Al*DI T CLE P.K rf (4 j '.r--d hy Ji no o 1 M e
odui:a ' 1nn oJ jirt -v: ' iiLs f-xjjiT J Wj Uf ; n ~ , t j[ ii.*, ;i u ii ex penenef oJ e x t r a t t i f m work '>n a factory ESEARCH LABORATORY
j ¦j a -.t i"- 'k-s r l*-^ ! .m lI -'- -flm j q j a!:: u o t si >n*- \ Cij *rt. A«-ts : j - d a y *j .eek: zin'v >S'". MANAGING
CLERK, pr eferably erp o 30 HO. h*?!d :i t tijn!ldt ' ]iL*e. OW IT 'u.c Guj nll iu nr advancemeni in au expand mj R wo ass s an s DH a
required by Manchester flnn of organiAatlou. or pilot p l a n t sc^lu h L K U a p og x v M
• JVi^ET I-AIli>l"lt OKFICKIt .^ r>-<M!rM l • • ' H¦ S. ^ *: h :( -< -f' :i!,-;>] .i :nl STT'tl«'«l •¦¦k ;uti- | o x pfr S TLCf. a:u l ¦*.l «»> rr Tj ulrt^tt PA ^0 G d n
Ctiartered Accountants to take charge of CATALOGL'E PRODUCTION. — LncrifUe Profit* parunpaiir>n and iion-c*/r:trlbu-
tiiti- ¦^.•''¦ TiM.ThCf vi Kwwi trial !^J^* bi?;wt"i*n *¦ r k - :iii ^K" j i' t n r> >"Fir s F '^i.s\ui¦ t nuts: tw , r -' A U H r P . Y BKuTHEFtS
.i, Yuung Man ut iofd presunce requtrt-d as tory j >easJon schem*1* are. In operation D vo u o h > w
' ¦ LTD.. h t v e a
irroti p of Audits and Taxation th e fp un . sood Commendnx annuaJ s_taT7 ^l" °* H
ni'"U ai<d c^i][iU*yfr s. fi'r IiiM 1*'^ '!''!! '¦* w ¦»rk - Rr *^ - h s^ r> J .. i.T^ a n d nuirr t*<1: dr :j ilIs and V^ v-.n ancy In t h e i r S ur * r a n n u a Mo n D»p»rt- salarv commensurate with tift and experience, Assistan t to MaJULjcur in Mai] Order cto'*A Jocuc Apply. Elvlnj; full details of educuUoa
LU Jt I"*^s Afi d f (>r vnf LT^-t'iiieii [ or '.n (j - -u r w i Sl In the n .OOO-U 250 range, according 1 App n hou d ho ou h
' jribi, -T ^a n .o u i c ir i b- ;.\ra :d sn :;ah.e tnt -n " f n r - i n a m b i t iou s man . flp*d 20-30; Itie pension scheme.
1 PrudtiL-aon l>-p:. : aome iuui«tvd«e ut Prim and experience and quoting Ref AtM 64,
l^£i^iri»:.. 'i>. f' A^illi! i r «s niy-i b? ur.iW'r o^ and lii ii >aii- , Jr 'il-«i-c« i iV «J" "T u (>! in pr "»]iLui. ' •i p rnBr w ti.ji' 1?' p r v f f r vRte will tx? a ge and experience, to David Srnilh. Gi-aetl
Apply tn *n:lnu . statins Blocks or Layout esse:»ual: splendid opi*o-- to experience
to tli e Personnel Cont rol ler, Beccnam
c T xd n M T A U
pi-ru'ss ¦j :]*i€Ts :*> ii-"is r ¦'¦ ¦' F f<j ii.^a ^ p n f 't 1 a iii v - '-i T o t h e a;»p!Leant w!io has pA^sed tTi# m UX o pU nx d po«U nd
A M l Mi-ch K i . or «-X7^r ;fr.<~ ;ts m d u i' r i R - AN W n¦ * m ? m ;i . i i * r 3tio<!ia" o and Co.. 61 Brown Srreei. M*nrht *ter 2. Please reply. gi»tna age, whether G ntup ULml ted. Beecham House, Great ou « h b« capab e o ope a ng
M R — H
e \ nm ; r . oi ioi-, c*f a rpctiKnlsed marrletl or single. *nd brief detail! of Wee: Road . Brentford, Middlesex. h M n wo k ng w hou
rrl aiLoTu rvt-r ^ i a t ij ii% iil] > Mt i «<T i l' o>i *. ]>»Ttiu - aiTii ![i *. :in n r ¦*i **"vt,-iri a ] J>id> AppHc*a *.!or.s. PRE STON CHARTERED ACCOU NTA NTS
all experienca to date .
ma n m m c - OV 04 i n 'j -r. '::!^ -i R t L n t r fig*- , 'Mucarior.. and exprri - have a vacancy on their o»ii!t sta ff for d d upe v oa
i; !."»n i -p,.:* .sj t.' .'^ , !. - f- -n. j v., . .f ."!¦¦>¦ il . c-u i r t ?'(.- flildrn sswl t n E M A . . C? d b u™ a quaJlflfd man: man the position m:p li *. «i:l: k Initially to Bgx B.GW. Lee nnd 2 A u hou d be p b
,n " _ i".t .-t Iijiaic s& 'a r s ' . n.rt er: .!• ¦i " u u i " - t i
n ^ A -L Ati K* aT Ti ¦ iv '(*r* .i l Vrv* ^mM K - - ¦¦ ". !'.
S rr HN N
A R mN
T N H- - is—; e.m . i\r
Cl I A H T EP . r r* Ai i- u iit.MEit *.
] r n v i]) « Blrmtnghain
M r
•^ i^TJ iy Qualified
r - xi u i r e '¦"cp^nence: the remuneraU ^u
wLshlr.c *.o ci-n fj r i h tr
would b* llbt-ral CHIEF PRODUCHON N lrhUogiie, Uverpof^E.
CHEMIST, or Graduate of nearly equivalent
standard, required by Company manu-
ope a n a a
mu h v
Uog ph
a good expe ence n
M *H g * ph Pho og aphy nd
* .nu a n c e t;«iorous isan.f , fa i i- h
•r. vio* ^> rm^iith.1!. l-'n-e miN in 'jil a- ' ti' ii : ix1
*' M <
: ^
I ' n g u n '-U.iJ S.-nicr AVDTT CLERK
ji .i-i 1 ?*'<;nT i e-:i-*\ «n.d salary required J V f/rt
i'Ti* by reference to local standards* the. advert l-
wrs can envlj m pe k perm ar.ent posit ion , 1» ENGINEER facturing orr&nlc chemlrals In West fclding of
Yorksliire: good prospect * for an ^nerretic and W
On A Phy
L u
Te ng
de a o age nd
h i ¦i i , p *i .i < nv
M " CT IAR T F F tp :it A -.Ti-jr , :an:s h a v p v ac a nt f'.r dtK'red. or iHemitive ly an appolntmci ! f^r MAVOR u COt'Ld*3K. at GLASGOW NORTHERN R A I N COAT COMPANY require keen >ounc man. PA 85 The Guardian.
Furtlier pj f.lrj u- v a:;il ar ;> i.-aij i -ti 1 :t :t* A — ,i '' iHi c «- *k n specified jHTiod- there .» a' s'1- a wicanry r^il i L . • cii.rf l':. > ciu«.on Knelnmr a MANAGER for their Branch. Ill xp ence Penoone D p m n .
^ *at o ajfi*. "rtucu J X 1?2S Lnb
fiom Dlr»vtor of K' ^r u ^m et U . (\. -ui.Ln! offli'i- r^OST ACCOt N T A N T for ETJirir.-^rir.g Cr m - /or (in ur.quiHned bu: Kiperi^nced audit cenc. to :i<e ci.iree ul cstab.lshrf depan- Oldhajn Sire** Murch ^irter : highly remunera- S S S w Comp ny Um d
n M v M K Tp t c-^ njw 1 p r e fer a b l y A C W A . Apply by let'.er with full particular* to WhJte- t!ve and pr ^r. ««u- position for t>uitabty Bumab Ro d Cov n y W w k h rc
I , t n J( rt S W. 1. qtlfM-K B.C I) 1,12 J fll MO panv m in : r '^ix^nsiti:-- for
Pl-ir.n :r, (: ul work. J i i '.Metncds.
w h rf ^
_ >r v<idi va' -t.t hwd & Aldrich . 4 Chapel street. Pres'cc. quatifted and expervnet-d man. W r i t e to
Cand lda:tM slit'iild state itm ir lull naiiufi «i'e:i
on : m evpcrkr .cvd s'^v-Jj con *rr>:. Ji^b t Tool
¦calvlnc. H < n'wi '
n n-T a r t rnc,:<;- c'^'d <a ' ar v Rid pr"S>ects. by D«.sn jL T.ti i:aEt- - iixJ:is- 1- i.s is a a Genera l Manag er Northern Ralnrrvat Co..
m w QVALrFTED ACCO1.TNTANT rwiutrvd Ltd.. Albion W o r k * C--.bden Street. Satford S.
l^SX '1 , r «"^-r-l wide
' Tf -d.^

n K
m A m
t'v w -
A^'k i>» ti Mo n anii l]/< * ass-umnr* afje .
: ¦¦[ .v , ^n *] salan r o qu i r c d lo J. CclSl* A
nnalE Advertlsinj f
Account* l>ept.: au# 23-30
Axency to control
sa.biry approx . K.i "*."<]St? fit I' *
rnodt ^rii nirtne4*r!nz required lor analysts of raw and finished
prici:c> TStD Es_ .b!ished TexUSe Converters. S4an-
Government of Nyasaland * M » OV S.T S ! .'d . 44 4ff ReR.T'. Sg London W-C. 1 . £1.100: excellent prospecs OV l^fi Guardian. and olfer liur co^denhle product*. Preferably between 23 and 30 yean RESEARCH CHEMISTS: Sondc* Pilot
h e G srcpp to sucr-essfu: .ip;.U(.<i l_T_ie_ter aren. wlah to *PE»Lrit Youni Man. nf age and having obtained or approaching Research Institute. Dorking* Surrey,
malf toartiors I c I. f ! I> d e i L:d h A5 * vacancy for a fhange : accountant or «c /accoununt. aaed 24-28 aa ASSISTANT to the Manager or H.N.C. Standard . The work I* Interesting and has vacancies for ORGANIC CHEMISTS.
< ;-ad«at*to and rrnn-gradual' Can:rlbuu>rj the department handling printed cotton* and cover* a utde range of orranlc and Inorzanic PHYSICAL CHHUfSTS. and INORG-KfC
&i ^j i,'^.;s»- «¦»&«
u r dcr ,ik- t""i' ra '. d u t k 's ¦ C. 's; Accoii:i *a n r ;n its fifflcvi »; Hvde. £1.500 £2 000 p a.. esu^tletiT exporlenc*: full Sujw rannutuoa SrhOTe
r^u in ii rayons: applicant! must have had chemical*. Apply Personnel Manager. Th« CHEMISTS: starting salaries in the
TK * Bah a n Pe ro eum Co
»* ¦pun
ris esfilrc A p plt c a nt s «hfiuld be aprd between details [riven on request OV 127 Guardian.
1"-- Lta -
SJJSSIi.. "^EU-lf"*
Tdticat'oci (>ttSf>TS •» Nyti^JiitEu! . i* i n- id 32 ar.d n- cj aj i .Si?d Cost a n d W o r k s previous experience in a similar capatAtr . Rubber Regenerating Co. Ltd., First Avenue, range CBW-O.IOO p*r a n r m m according to
Candidates. rri-IiTXhly a:i.W 4S . ma*1 h a v-* I
QVALTFTED or experienced Senior required Addr—s PA S4 The Guardian. „_ Tra fiord Park. Manchester 17. quaitflaatlons and txperlenae: permanent
A jvj ar.* ai:'s
L m ed
n-J'i«- n * 'JiiH er C'v lU-er-s.-. - ;i .i S «nit> prart!i"a 1 ovpertenc * of
r,«;tiui ¦
- «.s*ir« tei'hnLtiaes sIhlc q u- .j f v i ng desirable: by Briton Chartered A«s>ur.*antA w i t h positions: five-day vert: pension schenw.
irac-hltiff subjr. 1 !>"gi T t!ifT wn h a tfsi.^:.T <
r l ^ i [wjs : o l fpr s p«od exper.tfr.tvand prospec ts: varied pracUce: pension scheme OV 14 Gdn. write lor appUimt>je form.
cfr j J l m r t or appr.n^i t«\rti.i:is: ¦
Patent Agent Required
>:dUiM-l..:i - t-.-n— --i v
??¦'.».-!t: scii^nj '-- rrr .fl' -t ii a r l r . E scheme. RE SOLD CHAINS LTMITED. have a varan c* CH EMIST.—A rapidly e x p a n d i n g company id
or -2i l M it i i s ir y t .f _ « CLERK n t Ri=>n *r d V.' .-ks. (~"HIE F INSPE CTOR South London area, engaged In the manu*
Applies ticit. * *!i^-i;d h ? addressed t o the for a Ci^ST requi red bf
niAiiul dcsari ^ nrm ol iiTJe farture of synthetic rrsln *. requ ire* ih« "O UBBER LATEX f.TD.. HarilnsTRoad." MTti
C"Ttlfl«i!^ aiid a t l«isl five rears' ap;>rr.\«t , s- a f r Ltd . Newton DldfJsury: v>nw jr enenil t"-.?ineenna nacft - "ml
J '»»«"»'
omofr . I c I rHyde >
-vr ^rtr iiu'*.
I'- ii t s j-tT t n a r i f n t ar.d p^::«s*>. .i!i ' e :¦
•>•¦i-c.d -' Tj ' em pur a r y icmia » j ' 11 .i r- *• ¦' • 1¦-
¦ ¦ n i ^x ' C H E M I S T Wc r k _s Hyd" Chiwh^re
rround and -standard ro»t PT|H?ripnce desirabip
l.C W A s:udonf preferred- M i n n EfSO to E72r>
3.0M employees : ai>i>li™ uis must tive
an ens.neencg >pi>r«it ,ceih:n ind haj
Qualified Patent Agent to t* in chargt
of Patent Department. tervices of a Chemist of degree standard XV 22 . require an Exi*rl*noe<l LABORATORY
to work on a 3-ihlft basis on production ASSISTANT: applicant should have resxhtd
per a n n u m ariT>rdins to qua! tfl en'Ions and " It .sptcuo o eipcrlt ace ir! and control: prwloui similar experience considered at least O.N.C. level and have no N-Uonal
mva: *-a:it uf 10 p**r c^nt ol - e ni a - y ?.iynt)V
nut Alne «hop. fltti nj and , er rdemlln i w hR
¦ ¦

, N o - experience Written appUcatlnns . tiving a^e. Assistant nfho has passed the Inter- advantageous but not essential: salary com- Service comnrltinent*: age between 21-30 yn.:
.>:> wt Lr f . i s-t f irj i> mi?V(li >r. of Tin 1 trtit.ij; *' - T A M
qunliflca fleas, and experience, ihould be cuiii fmbrci mediate Examination. meruurate with dutle* and rtspomlbllltyi position pe manen and a pena oa m m *
iin T.* Home 5,n .r*rA:uut.Ml(in nph:s sjf t*- NEGOTIATOR ( BLOCK DLSCOVNTINGI
¦ d «u ^ « ddi>«ed tn Eniptoyment Department. Rennld oand:(la: ; will he require d to Apply by letter to the BecretarT statln r pension and life assurance schrmei Id opera- * ope a on
chute ol an Inspectio n Departmetant ke eventtSu
r' lA-di'd Sa',»r> f fr t O - i l 9SO ]> t >r ,int:!J Tn '•
v Worlts Dldsbury, Manchester 20, aud quote a ce . exper ience, when available, and tkj n Applications . In writing, to PC/S SEN OR ANALYST cq u d o con a*
T i t a ffr ad ii AV . fS2 D-£l 7>4ft ppr liiiium Tor .i x < T
Pu b l l r C r ni n r .j r N^r t h - W c s t l . orfanlslna
Viet. \'n T=T of Ci laspectora. conilslSi salary required , to Vinjl Products Ltd. Butter Hill. Canhalton. ou ne — abo a o y de*Hoc «**
¦ Applications
elvlng all relevant particula rs , e e IntxocrwrunV
r. •n-Kradu*** 1 Entry t>>int d^w m i l i i i- d hy r-*r v\c Tins rtpiin.iLf>n nf l:s B\c< k
w o op __ng o u ou p v ou xpe esc
.• •evioOR Pxrwrti- 'b O" A noti-ar.idua!r (>»,-¦ i.'hi** A p « N
I">1 <oo j r tl n k D* vision. requ ' r o* Seni or W AN TED. YOt/Nr:andMAN witn o.xp--1 .^rp or «luc»'.loo . »na approilmate mi,.-t ;o laaS- ierri ' WESTINGHOUSE BRAKE AND SIGNAL
n h d de ab e bu no essen a
* A- i ^u Q j. i i f til _s b"O!ck*^pla k arv oitninncy for pro-
iT.'J "™l';!?r SS^.T?Jio!5a*tM -Buar ""-
m ,n
83 York Way! LONDON N. _ h s a a pe m nea po and h* coopao
' ' S»*<-L 4:;jrtf sprier* RressiTt posl '.irtn :o Ciun'lnjt Hous? mj tn axe-
m.i). *: 11.* dis.'7--*t!\ r-. tj! ~k^ (r t,\ » >r : i W bl»
M K x c^ J ke n t p-o»r-ev"s i>f ope e a oon bn o ypen on scheme A p
p'^'fii 'in *.V.f (r«vio .iV *.V»rr v.ilf F'f*«*
V ai l*. a".t^n H»n: for eni-ree:*!-- mm er>n- m*ri;: koimI np p ortunl'y fir *.h<? "'LKht p^r ^n"
. m T nc g v ng x nd de a o p ev ou
rw*.*ar**^ t>fc."ir*^7>; "in.^-i;iabV V c u r rf ' tit ly with itr'tw t h of th < 'it*^ **cUnn Ideai workinsr ccndi'.lon s App:y to Th#
#i: r*n *a! » The British Rayon Re*earch Ajsodatloo xp eno* o E o o C5> m Eng D Dg
w i 'Jj ' r. ran r-^Tj & i;. *fl i l, it. ci-crfary. F:n-:?arv W i v rw y P-Gad.
i^neivuj! tfavi*.
- ft ' r^iiiH '«v\\
PRODUCTION CONTROL7-ER required by has a vacancy for an Electronic Engineer to Co L Sheenm e Wok oc q o_ng
• !^»ni tSUwt 'T i.'
! It*—t u t tt n f r . t v7' • :na "
V« p « »
v ¦ ¦
t*<Mb'; «hed
r :: .;«l ¦*: c *!i»-
b r a
¦*niplir.y l *-K
rc t if s "f Ti ••
j¦ Iv:
¦^ P jt i^
-H a
l Wilmslow Telephone W1O 53al-
WHTNNEV SMITH * W H I N N E Y rh a -'e — c
CIVIL ENGINEERIN G Mancberter Company: the po»t wtU carry
rrtpt insLWI ity lor the plannlne and prrotram-
tak* par! in the de«iin and d^-elopment of
ipecia'tset] ei^c.ronSc Instrument* for me tn
e n &A


y-.:, ,i r *v n~.e i' art:cc -^i n ->' Ar cyur.'.an* .1! M i r i L a a d Bank B^ -M ' n u s
OlTlrr OrnN it S m l ' rt ST-v-»i Ixidi i ^ W n 1:: Lh> mlnf or materials availability, machine lo*d- the labcratbr:es and in the wider field of
O'j .Mlr.c ncr> M 4 ¦) 05 \ l t". A;i«:.ff lr .'> sit. 'i' : 1 ,! p m A I 'unm-' < j " a" e e^;i*-r .--.i .-*1
^ M
"*-::h a- j Mi " ''hP»ter 2. invite applications f m m vou at 131. and th*. meeting of delivery require— ents the '*xt:£e iDdustrr Beside* having a sound
i-x " i "'5--s < i T htiuse retnova " -^r»n* ? quallflfd Accountants for a vxr*ccj the a om un Nu ona cc u a * uand
C'v^ •hrt '- tiAm#* !n '-ill ' ; :;^>>=?sir>'
full partleulaj s with sauries earned ihould know>djte of electronic
w \v p " >- -n ni b y*t>d A r« .- -a : ?i^ an. j *i '-> techDtque*
we " V * ra " -.c'r A ' Jt i i ' S'ftfT: the 7>a*".' a'a h* nH»red ! required by h» Biihm+**Ki_ r»P 1V1 TTie ~ uardLftn. cand.d-t* should pouess Invenilve ability. and »-» qu d M DLAND
r\i ex s v v
v ;Ji ««x>'V1' •*' * p.i!d. a^'J .i e j r -'r nr .r i i R': . a :^ p-vman-n t *nd ^TOtr^we- qp^ ' Mn 1' ! JOHN* MOWI.EM A CO LTD "* A derree in phvsics or enfioeerlng is S L CONES LTD AT BARRY CLAM n
^"0 :.d <* a: ^ aze acd fu-rl sh D *r* .rj " m o* I he Techn c Se op Oep
Government of Sarawak The wo k ¦!
sr-Jn-trif '> i:.<"Jil-fi I'A I 'j ~T.-, *> i:i:a7r1' an
| UM n c H u K ^ in their Head OiUce. d«lrat»> bu: candidacy wl:h H.N.C. may
b* Mutable if they have the. appropriate cooca aed w > be amUau ac a o < mn n
, -
MAN VHt V TK R ¦" H - - - -iV A»- i ! -t ;a - ,:i, -.*n
._ ..„ __ VOl'N'G Qua [in«3 A-reuTi" an t -«;-j!ris5 »o
ofrice ur.d»r 1
Apptj rjuj t s should havr> had io f Q 75
year* exf^r ieuce vlih Contraciors on «!te
PRODUCTION CONTROL expertence. Kive-daj week. Some hftlp may
b* riven w;th
accommodation. Tn-e n m
c depa men
The e po
and Un u*
D an
u scop
PVBI.IC WORKS PEPARTMFNT S-'i 1 -:- a n d S-Tn!-«»Tiir,r S**fT
X msr - nr * P«nb*T>k^shlr-
sjp *rv i:.-n i-f Manche*:*r r l r r^ itr-cd si.arv j iwi r k i j md be intereitrt In project plin- App-hcaOons are :nt^*e<l for a Senior labontorie* an- on the fringe* of rural o m on »u k nd nuwn cocUo >
I :h* p-si -
QT*AI-inCATIONS ' rir.d-iU:« acini "JS-S^ ¦ h ¦* fT--- iH! T\'* p-. s-#«.v r a r . d r ^r r v tb e v e - ar.d proAp*r ;j ofT^-^d '& cj !*a!>.e a p p^ ^a lU I n l tj * and c^st and output d*u Cheih 1 re. wi thin etxy reach of pteaaan t nvo T
wl*. direct rearpoaslb'.liiy to the Work* A Do ^x o nbu o y pen oo m
muf i ptrher tthv* a 1 "tit^ •— s:*t l i-c-.^ ,>- Un ve s y Co ege o he j v . -r t ^o -^i ' .i" '-s ;.
X 3"»* T^if f . 'j.-iri ;!^ ". A r f d re« OP 176 The Ouard:aC R*>r*!i:r.<TaMf >n and Iwnp flu commensurate
w t'h :U poslUan. jy irector
r«ji ieott«] dl»irlcu.
Apply to the Secre-
Br itish Riycn Re*f *rt± Aiaoclailan, u du s eDane a e o ope a on
£2?!? *° SS ¦
*<lut Tairnt rpi 'tij rs 'HKi ^ v *s.,- :-<t - u- i^ i ,.*
*° o»"» R
The appoint— enl \s !n » Medium-Heavy
Oivit Enxl^wrn a:)c! :»t. yi*nr s' ^\i >r-t..:irv. o-
X es Ind es A; p ly tn w ri ' i nr r r .lj firini full Emrlneerins Coac*r_ abou t W mil— from
Heaid Green Labontorie*. Wr tiienafaawe.
Mancher^er 32. quoting ref. TJ.1 A nd WU od u« 4 w vbo a
h*ve pa«»^l i>r I * o: i-*n* i s«« r\-mp * f- or-
part:cu!Ars ot rxpo-lcnix to: Lortdon . enfaert m B*tcn Production of U d aad SU D a aocU ed P O Bo
Par t* I. and JI of tt ir Ftnai cxj miiu :;^ * i * A ;¦ . < 1 r ¦ Heavy Equipment, O u nea B p *» Tn
•be Ini:l!u:k>n of <1vli Eatmwi An.1 a^t >*s • » « u* k : asses av 61 EB1*P> nP.irv;E ROAD. Salary not less thaa £1.750 p a. bat
than flvr j r sirj" r^ pe-Len •<>
Ensinwinjr wcrk- s^tw dc^-rirnc^ in i- ; ' ¦" ~
, r. r 'i " . KE *TKAH
X K w
EXPER ENCED AXD QU VL F ED LOVDON S W.l. tn advance of tills flrure arcordJnt to the
experience of die candidate. A&slstance
f-ECTRONlCS London company offers
!n»res_n« p-»i to man with sound
En n o coenpu
U n U
a he M d nd
mechanics L* r*qulr*d v — — can be offered with hau—m aj— —tj eiaeoU- knowledge or electronics: writing ablllly om M ES ch M T U T qwn
— m Appticaots chould hare had a sound deslnble: Mill Im a »ralor poclUon and will ea he e v ce o eve
nt 'TTES : Include workli* iimd ^* * -,>».* ¦ carry adequate xalaiy pa 5ft The GuartUaa. du w ood Ecoaom a dn w an
cx»n*tmrt;nn t^ain ti> idv!(c n « «i* e^ nf
KiHtablf mt'ftHU for fl!l ard for m*rt vat>- '
* >
m COST A C C O U N TA N T EMnJDTERS' T-»de Asaocta^os rnulm
technical education, prrferabiy to decree
•taxdard, foUowed by * thorough enrineer- ELECTRONIC ENGINEER r r q u l redfor head- a ound know dg o
quarter* OH Explarttion Company. Haye*' ou hU po u o ubU
Un ne hod *aa
e wKS
n»S w Mai* SECP r. TAP.IAL ASSISTANT ated tni training »t>^ r*c«nt expertmc * in.
t** r. tmHrc ch*rr^ of n ^.-."!^n nr n t, -*m 1 m* v n ¦bout 23 •ppli'-ation * are tn»lted rrom Orpington area: quaDAcaUoc* ahould Include e he wU n
xnanar—a—it . o make a ca ee n u kK
j »nd dirt'cKa.g *!i<1 ^rj a-a.tins Il^-i; ^tn - j r
¦ v rr«d'j ! ttes and other* familiar with the work H SC. In Electronic E nft n w t n i and expert- Re ea
PrelKTtd a«* irnup 35-45. o —nU n sd m mM n n odn
^ \ - f *n <*m:i!G*»rx - «»*-Ti8tlon- experience in ~ ~ in tncae or all of audio ampUAen
Application* in etn_ldencw. m o nda ep n a » edu on
rcn irs - on ro^tnirt r^r <v.- *r.i r ?•: N d ~ v* C L d AM m nu u w ;on j os-Ttriorraphj per . nd o h n m o m oo OV 165
¦:-w ^ar * )r. ••¦ • fir<t ip . - n - ,-f a 1 :1; i;- ,- .1 > litbour
¦ *duca;' n*,a- matiprt . orx»n luit!nn of Address PA TO The Guardian.
. vo-systems, transistors, radio
* incSudmj V.H.F , electro-mechanical device*. ORKS CHEM ST App
• n «\ V *r»c *o ry ^>n*p>:i 'a T »r11?t'm it.; ^ , " * a « 1 h M a U wE » ud co u
t 'n4l
**» tl*n-a.
courws. the preparmtlon
and o:h^r rr^wru. meettnjt routine,
of at nln (t*u*e record::
OV *1
write, t u tlnx eJtMTi- W o h po on
on a e ban ed
w *o k CBen m *
1 *;c,
¦ ¦*¦¦••j.itt be idvart^uecus: —v^. Addr—» 191 The
EMD^fMESTS In f.-*> t: 1^-t^ .i:4 ;**>¦ v . m V reply, clvint Cu«rd: «n B^ h n D en nd P n h n wo k a
» n * * W *» SS 35 uL y no ew SO p l details of a \p^-i»-n -^ . a**, an d u l ar y rtQulred. PURCHASING OFFICER- _. h o kpo ea p eh encew b en
•nouin -s i j Addr-*t jw 6-3 The CuardLxti A Purch_ans ExecuUT^ . afed 30-35. ta ¦apEMALE
o m o o 35 y
¦ Free ;?**.
l < i'**« f>-i-- ^u * h ' -i -- !^« E H reQU&red for a Lmd* Food ManufacturUig Co. requ ired for routine rhemla*] analyats in o ax* who a * q u d
mi Jil 'o^ . nw - N» in--we '.-.t -." x m P n o cb * P> «* m d *U e p nenn EXPERrHNr -ED 4r TP.AIN-EE OFHCE whicrt u a *utKdi_7 o( m. well-too—n Group* a metaUurvlcal laboratory In the Stoca-port >k p o B Sc > *nd d aad a * ab * s md
r> -+.- *,-, ' r.'w R*~" !i. ' i>. *.ri * ^ W as e ^ n> he uno on
¦ t' -iU. i, ¦ .
. -> :r i> ¦
m B u MA NAGERS r*qirt*ert for Butldinr «nd proven admin—tmUve ability tn the fond iw: must be educated to G C.E. aundard tn Wo ks Cb auc s
1j '- i S W 1 !¦> '*•• f' l t 1 ¦lin ii - ar >1 i f J t ^ it ec » d po^u o h d n on d oo Add M OV 13 The Gua d an Civil En«lnp *rtn« ConiracU: must be wilitnr laduftry and aound knovtedte or modern •dene * subjects, and labormtory expertraee . know ed o Po me Ch m T U e M B
br> : ,!-*•*.£.« nr q un l i r '. t -.i * 1 r^. A -J rx;>iT ^- T! LT
' m m * &w a to t r i v e t excellent protperta for m«i »ltfi stock control method * ea*-tlal: non-cocirt- while oot ewmtlai. would b* an idvaauit' m h po p M nd mu p n ea ku a
aunt* tLTT> iiK/*i^m Mn i s ^p Tw
PA ** Th
o *
Ou d n
!nltl*Uv* and drtw: penalon Khexatr. txxll butory peaisj o Ktiaw: iiJirj BOO p« modem laborasortm. it»O caniren and g qmO o nd gp no am 1^
dr*tiii» of experience. *fe. iru3 ularr rwulnd. •suium: appucax loDj wttn run ortau * ¦ pension Ktattar.n^ly. firtu* Cettlli of a».
Address PA 2C Th< G-j ardlan. r__ !d«u- . AddrtmPA Tb * CftirtHm , •ducaUoo, ix»rle-ar. and HUarr. PA a cdn.
1* (Con nued on p age 19
ON THE 1st J UNE a course of training tor pros pective
Medical Representatives will commence. Vacancies exist in
(Malta ) LIMITED t he following areas as additiona l staff appointments :— Tlie Director * ol the Uenej Hu slaUaa
CtiMvany Limited «ie appointin g »n
under jitud y to the Maa aginx Director

Ho me Counties. South-Weir Scotland. GREAT YARMOUTH
to take cn-er the direction of Um
Lines and Nolls. Cheshire & North Staffordshire. 1. Work Study Engineer btui neu within about twu jeara.
A TOMIC ENER GY DIVISION Derbyshire. South Staffordshire.
Tbe successful candidate will have bolA
technical and man aferlaj expene nn.
Birming ham. North-West England. prefer»bl ; In ship construction or thip

The irl c-cird man will be rcipo oMbie
you have the ncce«sary qualifications. North & East Ridings . Mid Lancashire. for provtd ifis » comprehensive Work repair work. He will be a qualified
^^^^ maruie. mechanical or civil eniineer.
you have wide experience in Ship repairing - West Riding (Huddersfield, Bradford , Halifax). Studv coverage on planr , matrriali and apa ble of developing new uchn tijtiei
^^ ^^ have Ubotir for product * in th rir initial u the Company dlvenlfles Its lnte ^tu.
^^ _
^^ ^
experience in General Engineering.
you have proven Executive Ability. AND DRAUGHTSMEN Basic essentials, in the
medical representation, are
con fidence and a natural
absence of previous experience of
good education , per sonality, se lf-
ability to converse intelligently.
dcveloptncn t and pilut line ttMgrt.
Thi* appoinrment calU fi*r a man
viih a capacity fur original cbauftht
and the ability to vurk on hit own
Hli experience thould be *uch that be
would be able to direct the policy of
the Company on all financial and sales
mat tern, and be mint have the pcr-
¦ you ar e between 25/30 years old. In; * vacar"C ' Cs exist i n tms Division at EntH and Canrerbur / init ui ivc . •ona tit r and tkl\l \a negotiate targe,
tor work on tne Tok ai Mura nuclear power stat ion for Japan, and on Preference will be git en to those applicants who have a good contract! ut Dl" ector level.
1^ Cindid Atr t thould have a Uoiverw iy
you have ambirtort. oi ^cr advanced re actc projects for both lar»d-based snd marin e u^e. unde rstanding of mecftcme, pharmacv . chemist ry, or nursing, decree or equivalent with at lea»t fhr ce A Kub ntaccl tl itsrtinc calirr «"HJ be
A ri p licatio ' -.s -are .nv.tcd from men with f -c appropriate quairficati o ns . but a scientific background is not essential. \r *r» * W ork St udy experience. paid. There U a contrlb utonr r-«li*lon
YOU a-e i"--.? et i ts app ' / fo r t c to. &v. r g >a ur Ci o . jr. l.' & ' a Hc n lie* khpuM be tnarked GDS'10. scli«mtr and oth <r bmeAtc. and financial
1. R EACTOR DESIGN ENGINEERS tor work on all aspects of reactor auutance wolj ij be available lor buying
AM representatives are provided with a car , business ¦>iduj«.
1. CIVIL ENGINEER, ^eq- i-cd to ass it in me major tic- . : ' op - d« g" . -ricfuiJifig
defection , etc
fuel ele ments , f uel nandlmg , burst cartridge
Appb cants s hout d have experience in one or more expenses pai d, and there are well above average benefits. 2. Bacteriologist Replies will be treated in the strict est
meo * p*r »iects , compr s-rrg tie det gn cf dtv doe 'rt cx w en ±-cn ±, pei* y of me following fieJds - —Me dium hea\y machines and mechanisms ; IN T H E OEVELOPME ST DEPT. confidence and should tire full d«taIU
conit 'uet on , ne avy burld -igs . rcadmaKir g . i^ nt- 1 ng, p and tne Training is given on full pay. These vacancies will appeal to of background , education and business
Complex pipework Sr Stc-m s ; Pneumatic or rwdrauhc systems ; The ftuccc» »ful applic sat will control experience.
mam renance of dockyard equ pmy nl . Di-s gn ; t Tu expee ^ce a^d '.t edium, n«avy strocfura f or mecnanic at/btrucTu 'al engineering. men aged 2-4-45 who are desirous of making a success of a the Drv tlopmrm Ddcteriologiir alLabora -
•no abi! ty to organ sc and control men art .- c-s&n: al £*per fence .n f/ ini r njm quautf tcatic -ns H N C. career app ointment. Apply in confidence to Personnel Manager . tory an d will be responsible for the Plra ae write to:
*tecl sTru ctura! ^vor k and crcctu jn dt s rab e Beecham Research Laboratories Limited, Great West Road , invetticaiion of bacteriol ogical problem * M.W.M. {LONDON ) L1M1TEI> .
2. INSTRUMENTATION & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS for work on all of new and r Kitting produces and 131. Qween Victoria Hi.. L«adMi. K.d,
2. PRODUCTION ENGINEER. Prcferab ' y w in an eig i' ^ aspects of reactor control and instrumentation and many other novel
Brentford - Middle *!** . proce ur *. He will alto be re»poa «Lble who *UV be conducting preliminary
qual tf icat .on arvd ex pen-e nce \n Nght/medium engineering on natci end e< ectncat problems. Experience j n one or more of the following for the application of teclinique » for the Interview * in London.
tt QW pro ckiction Experi *.T>ce in modern factory tavo ut , mctno ds , Iid control of factory produc tion titndard i.
and t&ol oei'gn . wc rk (Tieasu rerncnt and incentiv es 15 required. A w ould be desirable :—Comprenensive electrical control schemes ;
knowledge of power presses , die -ca sting and production control is Electro-mechanical equipment ; General Irght current and/ or Candidates thiutild powu a depc e
instrument schemes : Electronic equipment. in bactrrtolo £y or allied subjects and
desir ab' c ; The aft iJ. ry to get on wirn coricagues and men on tne snop preferably hate had some postgraduate UNITED KINGDOM
floo r t *. cison* .ai.
3. DRAWINC OFFICE MANAGER. i^ e^ pon s- Dt c f-a r t«-e d raw. pg
3. REACTOR PHYSICISTS for work on design , performance and sh,e!d:ng
aspects of power reactors Candidates should preferabl y hold an MANAGEMENT ACC OUNTANT experience in research or industry.
Replies should be mar ked GDS , 9.
require a
of f xf emp loyes TOO dra^ gnti men cover ,ng snip b null . eo£'no s o'ld Honours degree m physics or matnemat ics . together with severa l
e!ectriC3 ( work , Tog etnc wi n j ont j- rg work and p.ant layauT. years * post-gra duate experienc e at Unive rsities or in industry. (BRITISH GUIANA) 3. Science Graduate MECHANICAL
Co-pora!e Member snip o^ the Ms?.tut -an of Mechanical Engmceirs. I N THE DEVELOPMENT DEP T .
Mimber ot Institute of Na^ al Arc *vt ecTs or Member of irs J .tutc of 4. CONTROL & SAFETY WORK. A man is reauired with an engineer ing
degree to gethe r with a matnemaricaE background extending beyond Tt.r Leonora estate of the tk-mer ara Company Limited. Sl»rtin a Tlir work i» mainly cuncerned with ENGINEER
Mari -.c Engineers or equivalent .!> des fade. w ::ni esLenT =al cxperence ajii ary by arrangement but not less than £1.4S0 per annum plu B trmui. t he application of phyucal analysis to at Chapetcrou Nuclear Power suuon,
in Naval .md sn p '& b'j H a«-d cnj§ ncs . Exo er. cr\CQ >r\ r ormal degree standards The work involves the formulation and Pension ¦chenie , free furnished house Mid other attractive beiwflis. food devrlopmen t prujecis. A suitable near Annan. DumMM supcrrtM
general riea */ engineering onii c U 'Ctncoi work, an advantage solution of problems affectin g tne s afety and contro l properties Preferred are 27 to 35. qualification would be * degree m liie maintenance of heavy and medium
cf power reactors. physics or chemistry and mathematics. mechanical auxiliaries. Including t*rt*
4. SHJP REPAIR MANAGERS. Rcs pon v ble for the co-o -d -rar »c The MtnagemeiU Accountant »M bo dir ectly reaponsible to the Replies should be mar ked GDS'A. blowers, turbines, charge and dlschant
and pro ^ rcs ^-on work , deal.n g w.Th Owners " Supecnte ndenf s and 5. SENIOR PRESSURE VESSEL DRAUGHTSMEN for work on reactor Onerat Maun der of the Estate fur the financial control of the mRchlu cj Candidates mar also M
plantation, f actory, bulldtn fi and ancillar y equipment. A lystcni called iipud to supervise small concuue-
Sn.p 's Officers ; tne prcp3rat.on of wo ^ kl ^ 5^ s and invo ices, and pressure vessels, steam raising units , duct s, etc. Applicants should
be fully conversant witn the relevant codes and should preferably
of budgetary control is in oper ation nnd the Mann iccmrat Accountant 4. Assistant Product Manager tiou projects either by direct labour or
advising on estimates and f »nal »s«ng accounTs Wide experience ia LU play a mtj rjr rnle In develop ing nnd modifying this to meet oy contract.
eswx> rial t n commerc *' ihip repairing have had some fabricat ion ex perience, impro ved plantin g, rmrve stlu c *Hd pr ocessing meUnxfs. AH aspects of produc t development, Apphcoau must have served! a
improvemen t a nd control arc allied to recognised engineering apprenticeship
5. PRO|€CTS ENGINEERS. You- .g qua ' .f cd Eng.necrs are 6. SENIOR REACTOR DESIGN DRAUGHTSMEN for work on all aspects Leonora. EsUt e. which is one nf the two main producing units , li thii pott . and be corporate members of the
r€^qulred m Malta to ana lyse and adv ise on t+io possibi l .ti cs of Mtuattd on the Atlantic seaboard a few miles west at Goorzetown. Experience in the food industry, institution of Mechanical Engta am, or
of reactor design as menti oned in section (2} above , and with Living conditions and amenities are excellent. Facilities on the Initial
manufactur ing light/mediu m electrtcal and mechanical products m ex perience covering the sa me ground. tour of two or three years Includ e loca l leave tu nearby LiLanda and parti cularly meat , would be an advan- hive equivalent qualifications. Wide
Malta. In.t iafj ve , resourc e and wide production cngineer«n £ ex per enc« generous home leave with passages paid. tage - A person of responsibi lity and experience ot the construction and
ambition , in the age ra nee of 24 to JO maintenance of heavy engineering plant
are essent ial Excellent prospects for the right man . All the above posts are at the Division 's hea dquarters at Erith , exc ept The main requirements lor this appointmen t are a profeAslonal in a Urge works or a power station
for those under section 6, some of w hich are at the Division 's new holding a Science degrrc or a near is essential.
6. STEEL STRUCTURAL MANAGER. Expc rcn ce of a 1 types of qu a lification (A.CAV.A. l and several years ' Industrial experience la a. equivalent is required.
o ffices in Canterbury. ninn.i £t>rial capacity operating bu dgetary control methods and Salary between £1J7O—£1 ,M3 per
st ceP 5 rnj ctures , riveted and welded, espcc.aJ j v framed bu.ld<ngs . lerb niques. preferably In m. process ludustry. Replies should be marked GDS 11. annum according to qualification *and
Abil.ry to carry out competitive des gns i«i accordanc the e w .th modern Salaries offered will be commensurate with the status and responsibility Previous application s for xbem experience.
trieo r/ ; planning and e&t imating. S^ perv ^ on d workinop aid of the posts. Existing holiday arrangements will be honoured - Normal Pleas e write briefly in the first Instance, quoti ng Ref. No. 653, to: poMton s are being cotitldered and Contributory Superannuation. Staff
s ,Te work , pensi on schemes and benefits.
applicants nerd not re-apply.
A ll applicatum a should be forwarded
Houslug Scheme.
S-nd postcard to Personnel Manager.
7. SHIP REPAIR ACCOUNTANTS. Ta prep are the preamble of
work done and from information d b/ the cost office to fj r.ali^ e
Appli cations shoutd be made to the Personnel Manager {AED) . The
Cener al Electric Company Limited . Enth . Kent, quoting the appropriate ^ PETER HOUSE , MANCHESTER I. to the Personnel Manager. Birds Eye
Foods Limited, South Dene*, G reat
l/nlted Kingdom Atomic
Authority, chapetcrou Works, near
Annan . Dumfriesshire , for anollcation
tne acco unts *or subm .is on to the " cl.ent Expc r.ence in ship sectio n number above K T M N U ! TO ADVISE ON THIS JWOMTMEN T
form quoting reference G29/G.
E TA. wirtcUMl cmnJ Utnem wilt fee *fta.r.. rf mmd m» 44lmtU *f Virm fM it h
accountin g 15 essential - Ability to negottaie the account far settl ement rmmj idmtm wilt !>• p m aMd «• ttimtt mithn tt im«mh ' f m t ntiitm Closing Date : I lr h Aprif , !9«fi.
is dcs.r abie
8. WORK STUDY ENGINEERS. Expcrenc cd Wor V Study Engineers
are requ.rod to initiate and maintain tne practice of work study 1
tne shipyar d and indus t rial work Experience m heavy g enera l
engineering and electric al engineering
eyu.valent is required
-in advantage HNC

9. MACHINE SHOP SUPERINTENDENT. To cont -ol shop equipped

0p \ British Titan Products Co Ltd Applic ations
are invited from
(A.M.I.M ech.E.)

¦^riiiiiirr ^Bi^i^
^^ suitably qualified men over the age
for the rep a-r of mam and auxiliary steam turbine and recipr ocating of 35. for the position of Assistant req ulrril by company encaged in design
mach inery ; ma:n and auxiliary d esel engine s and other interna l tttvite* *ppt tcations f o r the vacancy of Works * Manager f o r large engineer- and conHruction of large Chemical
combustion eng .ncs including high speed , high off icencv Naval ing works specialising in th e manu- Plants and Oil Refineries , et c., fo
designs : refri gerators , c impr essors ", pumps ; electro -h y draulic servo

factu re of an importan t component specify and select
systems and the other cquipm en-t found j h modern Nava l and Merchan t 1or t he motor car industr y And
Snips are so 'o distributors >n the Umtod Kingdom for the electronic equipment situated in North Midland s. The PUMPS
pro duced by Philips , Holland; Norelco , U S.A ; Elektro-Spezial , Hamburg ; position would carry a salary in the
10. YA RD MANAGER. The posi tion requires oxtensvc knowledge and P.'.B L E., Belgium* for certain of the electronic products of region of El .500, profit-sha ring COMPRESSORS
of ship repairing on NavaE and Commercial co-ord.nat ion of the MuKa rd Equipment Ltd . and for th e X-ray apparatus of C.H F. Muller , bonus , and there is in operation , a
wQ r k of all departments , manaR£>ment ot men and Trade Union Hamb urg. in the Chief Engineer 's Department at TURBINES
very valuable non - con tributory
negot 'ations. Orv ly m.-i w th wide experience can be cons.dered. Billingham , Co. Durham. pension scnerne. The minimum MIXSRS
Products handled include in struments and equipment tor industrial The Company is a rapidly expanding chemica l concern manufac- qualifications are :
1!. MASTER RIGGER. Responsibilities include the orguViis -iticn recording, measuring ana non-d estructive testing, electronic measuring turing Titanium Oxide
and control of the R,«gmg House and the berth:ng of ships. X-ray, nucIconic and other advanced analysis methods; cryogenics; 1. Trade apprentices hip.
Exper ience in the job is essential , pref erab ly in a commercial shipyard , electr on microscopy - The successful applicant vril I he
• Minimum qualifications are H N-C tn Mechanical or Electrical 2. Ordinary National CefKfic ir*. mponsitib for their suitability for
but suitable applrcant s with Maste r Certific ate of Proficiency or Engineering with experience m programming and job planning of large
Lt /Lt. Cdr. rank m tre Royal Nav^ will be conbdercd Tne following staff are required for their expandin g Sales engineeri ng contracts In addition , since the successful applicant will 3. Five years ' practical •¦pori anct. the process requxrefflent s of the ptsni,
snd miui also be familiar with thr
Organisat ion. also be Personal Assistant to the Chief Engineer he should have 4. Five years' supervisory csperl- various tYpe* and nuiir» ¦vailahir in
12. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT. To ass -sf m the invcstig aticn substanttat experience in administrative work The age range enc«.
of projects , and advise on their viability. To be rcs ponsrble for all LONDON . Two men age 25/35. with H.N C. or eouivalcnt . tor this country and overseas. A wide
envisaged rs 28/40 5. Thorough knowltd ga of methodi experirnce tn this field is essential.
accounting matte rs af sin ^ from adopted projects consolida- Tec hnical/Commercial posts in the Head Office. They should of production
tion of acc ounts. Applicants must be quick ^ thinkers and quick prefer ably be experien ced in Electronic Weighing or Electro-Mechanical Conditions of servrce are considered well above average and include
co ntrol.
planning and Salary i*nge ' £1,790 to £2,000 p.s .
worke -s , w.llmg and able to work anywhere , at arvy time. Practical Super visory Equipment , and. tho ugh operating from London should be such benefits as Annual Bonus Scheme and Non-contributory Pension according to expericjice and qual tfira .
knowledge of taxation and company law c»cn? -al prepared wh en necessary to v r sit customers throughout the United and Life Assurance Scheme, housing assistan ce etc Write , submitting particulars In Hia tion s.
Kingd om. Appli cations, whtch will be treated in confid ence, tkau td be mddresi ed tot following order : Please write, givinc full partirular *.
13. BARRISTER OR SOLICITOR, with commercial experience . 1. Personal particu lars. o confidence , to the Managing Director
preferabl y familiar wt t h Maltese la w . taxatio n, commercial law . NORTHERN ENGLAND. Two men , age 25 to 35. with O.N.C. or The Personnel Manager, 2. Education.
maritime law and insurance. equiva lent for Technical Sales of (a) a range of high-grad e measuring British Titan Products Company Limited, PA 105 THE GUARDIAN
instruments , including Oscilloscopes , Valv e Voltmeters , ere. and 3. Experience ,
THE POSITIONS ARE PERMANENT AND PENSIONABLE. < bj I ndustrial Measuring Equipment and Nudeonic Appara tus.
Bfllingham , Co. Du rham , quoting reference SJ. It would also be helpful if
app licants would giv e their present
salary, t heir reason for answering
Applicat ion! uilt be trr sled in the ttricteit conf idente Application ioftn s
c«» be obf med from the Penonnel Mins ter, MESSRS. C. H. BAILEY
SPECIALIST SERVICE ENGINEERS are also rcguirecl for Olir well . this advertisement , and the salary
equipped 5ervice Centre in South-West London , preferably with tevel which they are seeking.
I.IMITRn. Sttbvill* Hnut w. Piri -aJill v- i.mtJm. W . I .


experience m X-ray apparatus and instruments . Candidates without AH replies, whic h wi lt be t r eated
(* ——
I l it
this experience but with a good electronic background could be trained in strict confid ence , should be
for these posts , which will ultimatel y car ry considerab le teenntcal se nt to:
re&po ns' biij tv . THE BRITISH OIL fr CAKE MILLS,
¦—¦ ' i requ re a PA 91 THE GUARDIAN
Thcse are pensionable pcits , v nth progressive conditions LI MITED


employment . Please write with full det ails to the Employment Offi cer , One of the UNILEVER associated
Research and Control Instruments Ltd., Instr uments House, zO7 Kings Companies, invites appli cations to
Cross Roa d. London. W.C.I, quo ting ref 3S6.
Robert Clive ( Consultants ) Limited , invite Applications for the position of Technica l Service Manager are WORK STUDY
fill vacancies In its London Branch
which operates at ERITH. KENT,
invited from men , age 30/40, having the following qualifications :
app lication s for the following appointm ents : A good Science or Engineerin g degree. DEPARTMENT These openings have arisen through
recent promotion s within the Uni-
Successful management experi ence. leve r Croup and th ey offer excellent
A balanced intere st in current market problems and tong term A small active Work Study Depart- opportunities for the Work Study
Merchandising Manager use development.
Enth usiasm , drive and ability to get on well with people.
ment installing new applications in
th e Manchester factories of a large
establish ed Company has vacancies
man in search of a career . Our
interest lies in men in their fjte
twenties or early thirties , with an
A pr actical knowledge of packa grng—particular ly in respect of for : appreciation of the use ot Work

Bacter iologist
Pljst.c and/or Cellul ose films would be an advantage.

Study in the wide st sense and

A well-known Tcxiile Company which is expanding its acti vities 1. WORK STUDY OFFICER experi- back ground of experience and quali-•
requires a Merchandisi ng Manage r in London. His responsibilit y The Technical Service Manager will be based on London IV.I , and enc ed in measurement of
will be responsible for departmental co ntrol of Technical Service fication s to demonstrate it.
is for all aspects of sales promotion in the home market. lie must machine operatin g, process and
Representatives, a Laboratory, and a Machine Development Section. He indirect work as basis for
therefore have sales promotion and adve rtising experience includ- will be expected to esta blish and maintain first-class relationship with Pleas* write , in strict confiden ce, to
Km incentive payment on suitable the Personnel Manager , The British
Tniern al promotion has crenled thr * neeti tor a fu.l> qualified mS the Company 's customer s both in th e U K. and overseas by personal
ing a flair for cloth construction and the ability to suggest uses VS.' Bil tc rhUoRist to assume an appointme nt I at considerable contact where required .
methods , and Oil & Cake MIIH, Limited , JUbfe n
to the customer. He would be expected to have a reputati on in Jjaj : Import inoe In the Vaccin e Unit of I'/Uur Ltd XSL Wharf, Erltti , Kent giving datalfs d at *L]$ 2. YOUNG LADY aged 15 to 18
distributive outlets. Preferred age 58/45. Salary up to £^. ^oo. ftQ S« io<Wii .h , K ent. pS Interviews will take place in London. with good C.C E. Mathematics of age. Qualifie r tions Jnd career
Applications to Ptrsonn d Officer , British Cellophane Limited, to handle bon us calculations , histor v
car provided * and usual benefits . 3§J> The post calls for a. person— male or lemale—generally -*gS
Sg* exi»»rleric tKl in Bactcrlnlo ^ica ) control methods and aseptic SjVQ Bridswatcr , Somerset , by April 4, 1960. etc
Reference number 60 ffiS techniques and who posscsse* experience In the productio n and ffi;
^* it'stl ng o! Bacterloloplc al vaccines , luxins and aiul-toxlns . The Yj.? The empJoym ent is secure wi tn

Sales Manager
g3 post will provide ample opportunity for tund a nientAl research &S pensio n right s and other be net i rs .

gS and devct upm ent work. Additional reQuiro incnu Include I In* *fe Pfeaae detail age, education , exp i ri-
XG id iJ Sty t*i arjn ilnlster an lmportam
a^j ol DepartniLt u <?mcientty and *T,V
^g . i-r r di nat c Iho
activities i fully QualSneil stall. ence and present earnings to :

A leading firm in the Textile Industry requires a Sa les Manager •££ Tt its is a senior appoin tment offering an attractive xaiaiy. &| Personn*) Managtr ,
for the Home trade. He must be a man with a lifetime of experi - (ti cTh - 'r with other first-claw condition s of service.

^g 5^% PA 44 THE GUARDIAN.
ence in the textile indus try , acro ss the whole field of manufacture , 43 fl rsi
Applications toaretheinvited and they should be tddre&scd in the &3 A Northern Company, man ufacturing glass containers , offers work
aged 38/45. A good education and agreeable personality are |^ instance : ' ;•£¥ of a varied and interesting nature in Its technical organisation to an
essential. He will be required to formulate policy and direct [he applied mathematician Preference will be given to a recent university
E&g CHIEF PERSONNEL OFFICER , £V[£ graduate wi th some industrial experi ence.
work of our four regional offices. The location is in Yorkshire. Personally connec ted with the
Salary up to £3.500. car provided and usual benefits. [Sg PFIZER LTD., fm The Company is progre ssive and expanding and it is anticipated
Ke/e retice numfi fr 6 1 ^^
RICHBOROUCH, SANDWICH , KENT. gr &. that the successful applicant , in addition to supplementing his mathe-
matica l experience , wiJJ be in the position of gaining experience and
knowledge in production managemen t and administration in a successful
TELEVISION Principals of bulk (arment
manufacturers , seeks proposi-

Marketing Director
manufacturing enterprise.
The commencing sal ary envisaged is £B00 per annum , dependent & ELECTRONIC tion from a Lancashire Mill
who wou ld be intere sted in

upon qualificatio ns and experience The Company operates o non- expansion on the Home Trade.
An important Company in the Mnn-made Fibres Industry with an co ntrit xj tory pension schem e.
international reputation, requires a Marketing Director in London. Write with fuff detail s of age , experience , qualifications Extensive experien ce of produc-
This is a top ]ob in the Compan y with responsibility to the Bo.ird present salary to Box No 970, R. Anderson {Advertising) Company tion on Fashion Cottons.
fo r all aspects of sales promotion at home and overseas. The Limited. 14 WiJIram IV Street. London W.C 2 Our Service Ocpt. and Labor- ¦
THE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED. aiorici have sever al vaca cclei I Impeccable references.
Company is growing fast and t he post, therefore, offers great fur TV S«rvice Znzlntx r * *d<3 I
scope and challenge. A pplications will be considered from directors Indu itr lal Electroni c Engineers. I PA 63 THE GUARDIA N
and senior managers, aged 38 50. who have had the re quisite


experience. Salary, top hat pension an d other terms of employ- Power Plant Division Attractive working condition!.
Living accommoda tion arranged • I
If neceaaury. Good salarie s and I
ment would be negotiated to suit the successful candidate. perman ent , projrrcu lve poiltla o I
Reference number 62
Pl ease repl y in confidence , quoting reference number , to :
for experienced applicants.
Write tn flm instant *, stating
ago and fulleit details of
invite application * for the positi on of


experience, to |
require a in 'he Dock i Engineer s Offict ,

required for work on stea m turbine blower and compres sor CATALOGUE PRODUCTION MANAGER PARK WIRELESS
J. H. COX, Carston Dock i.
Applicants should have experience ]
in the design , execution and main-
machinery. App licants with experience preferred , but men who has the experience and ability to produce modern Mail Order tena nce of civtl engineering works
with good mechanica l training will be considered . Vacancie s catalo cues . The position offers unlimited scope for an enthusiastic and and knowledge of specification s and
Appointments Consu ltants , are ^varia ble in the Detai l , Plant Arrangement , and Pipe imaginative person to devel op modern ideas and approa ch to this work.
Th ii is a senior appointm ent ana wrll be paid accordingl y. Applic ations
duanfifies. Associate Membership of
the Institution of Civil Engineers
Arrangement Sections on work of a varied and interesting containing all relevant detail s (which will be treated in strict confi dence) desirable. Commencing salary £1 ,045
27 , ALBEMARLB STREET , LOND O N, W- i. natu re in 3 larg e and expanding organisation. per annum. Contributory super-
L. C. Kear v, Esq., Managing Direc tor , WHAKATANE BOARD MILLS , annuation scheme and certai n rail
Positions are permanent an d progressive , with excellent J OHN NOBLE LIMITED , 5 BROOK STREET, MANCHES TER f . travel facili ties
LTD., NEW ZEALAND , AoplicatTon *. giving age, experience .
prospects for suitabl e applicants. require a Qualific ations , arid present position ,
Local interv iews can be arranged. Apply Personnel Manager
(R Cl , The General Electric Company, Limited , Erith , Kent.
should be forwarded to :
SUM tnw Eita bliilimefit OHIetr.

ASSOCIATED ELECTRI CAL I H DL bi KIES IMANCHESTEB) LIMIT ED . t o cover genera l operati onal , 163 (listen Road. lond *n H.W.I,
TKAFFORD PARK, MANCIiESTKB 17. researc h, an d development work to arrive not later than Wednes day,/
Opportunities for Girls leaving school in July, 1960. relate d to ground wood and N.S. 30th March . 19C0.
to train *s semi-c hemica l pul p pr oduction


Operators Copy Typi tts
Die Up hone Typists
Shorthand Typist s
and multi-cylinder
machin e operation.
in Sc.rPt<± t ;a: '1 raltuu s Course starts in Sc^tumber It * Cump«ui > Sciious. tius ik a
ni h-Lime cour sv uifenng prosp ects til a very s*tl«facniry curvtr in th e future.
A high stan dard of education ASSISTANT
and experience in the paper-
LIVERPOOL MARCONI'S WIRELES S TELEGRAPH COMPANY, LTD., Girls ta k ing G C.E. Ordinary Level In Jane arc rll iible—EmlLsh Laiiiuaffe
MMll tlftl. making industry is requir ed. CHIEF ACCOUNTANT
CHELMSFORD. ESSEX, A career In l^bor a torj worJc Is also available to «lrls ta ltin c G-C-E. at Ordinary
and Ad vanced Levels in Physics , Chemistry and or Maths Excellent laboratory facilities required ot w,t urmea Kiaia tira
for for further study a: it Technical cotUBC .
Opportuni ty filven
and service conditions are avail- Atomic Enerir Authority at Rule r.
are expan ding rhe:; A rcrat t Hv drj ul 'cs Design Department at rji-*r Wa trr inrt on. Applicants rout be
PHYSICISTS V acancies in EflKine«rin e Departmen t* for girla t a kinc G.C E . Mata s at Ordlc arr able , inclu ding staff super- qua lltlrd accountants «q<] have
their Speke Factory and w ish to engage suitable qualified I-CVfl. CKt CTinlve exp«rlnic« at a responsible
ELECTRONIC ENCINEERS Five-day week. Canteens. Special tran iport. annuati on scheme. Salary level ot Jlnance and colt aooouatlAS
Draughtsmen for work on new and interesting desig ns. MATHEMATICIANS FleaM wri te !or interview to be arran ged durinr the Easier Y»cattun bo : £3 ,000 per annum. First-class In a I trt * fjrj aniJUtlo r i. They inuit
THE WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT flF m E. have crrfctlv *- adtnlnUtratl ve ability
MECHANICAL ENCINEERS passage pai d to New Zealand. and be capable of workln r In dOM
A sound engineering background ro H.N.C Stan dard Is SENIOR ELECTRO-MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMEN Writ e, giving full personal co-operation with ttoior adenUA c and
required. r o Rethc with some design experience oreferabl v in particul ars , quali fications , and technical ruff.
Representatives of th e Company will be at Hie m,
t he aircraft indu str y experience , to Box No. 899, Salary on Kale betveen £3.00S
E nglish Electric Branch Office, c ''o Dawsons , 129 Cannon
and £3330.
Croxley House, ADr iUICAT IAU X A major public company m t he electronic s
These positions should prove attractive to men aged between UKUAIiIjA «-¦¦
IIU Street , London E.C. 4. Contributor? Superannuation. Staff
14 Lloyd Stre et , MANCHESTER 2, w i%^ « *¦** wN
i« X industry requires a young qualifi ed accoun- houalitK scheme.
25 and 30 who are int erested in widening their exn erienco ¦
IT tant with strength of character a-id *n
with a pr ogre ssive and expanding organisation. on Fri day, March 25 , betw een the hours of 5 30 p.m. and K industrial and profes sional training in J lcnd poiicard for itiplicatto a fonm.
«fcM f i X Of Ranisati o n and Methods to run an Quott uc reference 153 C to Grou>
~ BO p.m., and Saturday . March 26. ullU Rerrultni eot Offlcer,
between the hours of x Organis ation and Methods section tn one FLEM ING B ROTHER S
ADpl icati ons . which will be treated m the strictest confi dence , 0 30 a m . and 1 1 30 a.m. . to discuss quite inf ormally M of its 11subsidiary companies. He musl possess
sh ould give full details and be sent to the opportunities w hich exist in research , design , development , and ll CTLJ A f^ C * 3 so " knowledge of modern management
accounti** ng techn iques. Commer>ctng salary
r ^lrae lurai Enrln rer *) \x d.
inri te applications for fhe EK>i:Eloa of U.K.A.E.A.
¦¦¦*• ¦* •» X (Development ft Engineering),
testm s of rad>o communication , radar , and television equipment.
Technical Director
y up to £1 .230 per annum with cons pdcrabl o
PERSONNEL OFFICER. I f un.-.ble to attend , please write , giving full details , to X prosoects of advancement. Application * Cre*p Heedejuartera,
X giving deta i ls of career to date should be Riiley. Warrin gten, Lancnhtra.
LOCKHEED PRECISION PRODUCTS LTD.. M' ). L. Scott . Dept. C.P.S.. Marconi House, 336/7 , Stran d, X sent to App]It aliens are invllxj fur thLs Owing Date : )1H» April, 1960.
SHAW ROAD . SPEKE. Lon don W .C. 2, qus ting ref erence C 2000K. V PA 74 THE GUARDIAN
Import a nt Appointment which calls lor
a man of pro ven ability in the
Structural Enzltif^ riQ ff Held , who U
LIVERPOOL 24 full? cunveru ant ari lh mod em develop-
ment * in ihe dr .iisn of Hte el Strurture *.
Preftr *b!y. h»* should be guaimed to CAN YOU CO-ORDINATE
A M I . SU-ur t E. tev p] of ft Univer sity
ENGINEER Gr aduate *r.d ly confident about tead-
Int a tra m nt ft.'*t -r[a« Technician! In
un vxr ian ilnK zr '>\i%> nt Comtn ulc *. A CAMPAICN?
(A.M.I.Meeh .E.) rm r r rju i »c3ary anil fnt ry !n*n
Hal PfiistoT. Scheme li offere d *
Top A series of new textile marketing
pro motions
d- LEYLAND, also at Api>ltcat l'>ns will &•» treated in th * provi des opportunity
rtq tiired bv maj or Oil Refin ery and <t ir w t Cf/nnrt encr. with prosp ects for ambitious man
WATF OR D, require young ¦ Tt\***v thou ld b *
to co -ordinat e me rchandi sing, brand-
need a first-rate LIBRARIAN Chrmiral Enginecrin K Co. to deal m«rk «-r . s^ rt f' l y Prt ^at ** " and
•ddre« ^d to ing , plannin g. pubNcumg. Must have
wit h ENCINEERS or SCIENTISTS experi ence of multiple , chain or
In NCR Electronics , an expertly organi sed and perfectly THE MANAGING DIRECTOR

{ COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH { ir.atntained technical librar y is regard ed as an

cnerational require ment of erreat (mportan w. Asa reliable
Rubber Hose Technolo g ist*
Mi-Mrt Dentin e Brother *
{Mrurl u ral FlnnDfrrt) Lid..
Ion llovh t
department al stor e methods and
ability to negotiate tactfull y wEt h
members of sponsor ing group. Post
and up-to-date centre of lnTonnatl on* Us contributions Applicant * muit be famil iar t*tth ^ Until
] r*rk tianira k. based m London offers good opening
I THE ROKE MANOR RESEARCH LABORATORIES J 'e expand , -^ Their I to th e knowlwfcre of specialist personnel and the general Bnlish and ^mrrican tlandardi and he ulary and excepti onal pros pect* *r»l
I Activities m sev eral intere st (PC new fie Us efficiency of the team could be significant Indeed. An H.N.C. (Mech.) or Ceneral
2 r«ipontiMc for dc»iBBinB « nquiulionui i, rewar ds to man capable or expand-
h The laborat or ies are pleasantly siru3t ed »n the countr y cf rse to tKe 1
The vacant post of librarian in this ra pidly Science degree is preferred or ing and developing this important
New Fo'Cit and The SouTri Coast and wo ' cor*<J.Tic *ns , a*e dcs ig icd proeressins organisation must , th erefore, be very a nal >lin| trndere , ch«cLjn f vend ora education of equivalen t projec t which is backed by firms of
^ spe cificaH y to stimul ate original thoug h*. Pub lication of pape rs is J rewarding ta even- way, financially and intcllBctu allr— dra vrin ca to ensure they are in accof^ stan dard. We are looking for established reputation . Full details.
I especially ashla duties will include tho abstraction 014-eitablls hed Man uracturer s of m. ¦EC, experience , starting salary, to:
I cnctxjra ^ed dance wuh apecificatiooa an<I specified
M and dJssemi nation of information. statistics ana dimrnaion t . men of first-class ability. vide ra cr e of Packa clns MaterUlJ f A 104 THI CUARDIAN
*. App licant * must be capa ble of underta king original research associated I obsarvations covering ail aspects of computer Prev ious experience in pneu- invite appll oLlltmi ror pent of
I with cither .— ( specifications, performance and developments. Prtfcmi ce will be sivrn to men *ho matic or hydraulic fiel d rs
J ill Speech anaivsu and sy nthesis methods , b Obviousl y, the applicant most likely to be appointed will have a knowle dge o( vanout manufac- SALES REPRESENTATIVE
¦ ct pottse ra a wide, general knowledge of electronic iunn of t hts equi pment in the U.K.
preferable , but not essential. MALE OR FEMALE
% '2l Stable frequency generation sy stems. ^ computers and th str data processi ng applications —plus, Good salary, pension , prospect s. for their Ut eri *'*.] and We«t Lancaih lr«
^ an unusually (rood aTQuaJnt ance with the subject's SaLarv ran te 11.KI0 10 £2,250 p.a. temiury. REPRESENTATIVE.
% Startin g mljr es writ depend on .rdi v idL TJ. mor.r and the more senior bibliograph y. »ourc«s of new writinrs and. perhaps above Full career details to surc vui ful
Appttr *ni« mnti
j< -litn x
liave » Owd cur Ar * I5.'4O. To travel to
a^fw i^ rmcn ij carry sj]j r»«.»s n ex cess ct £ 2.OCO per a mum . J dependin g upon evpen ence and qualrfi * record for these
J aU. the essential enthusiasm and aptitude for the Job. ration.. —Write full detait. in amct
GrouD Personnel Officer prud urti . prrlrr utrly in U-tt arr *. and the Northern Com]ti n far Offlc* 8US
Aetrai .7 fa rxtrnd *ud maintain burt arM
k Apply in co " *iriencc to the Pe'sonner Manager . The Picsscy Co . Ltd , ^ Your avpiicatton ttritf i curncul um iitae) shoutd be marked (Ref. RHT. 1), hold a nj rrM.r dr ivi r ir llmi'-r. Rrinunera-
contar t a Must h *\« rood educational
% Koke Mj r.of . Rormc v. Hants , tor the attention of Mr. A. J. H. Oxford. % 'Confidential' and addressed ta The Director . SCH Electronic *. con6dcnce . to General Manager. I Lfjn by i*ijrj. rammi»ii«i kbd rsp entes
•cd buBinc ut backtrr 'pund. prrr *rably
and car p revltlf-d - K.-piy \u Salei
I _ I_ m *MVm *\Caah Bt«lrt tPCo. Lti, XAManrltfco w «««. lof m WW 1 PA 106 THE GUARDIAN Herga House . Vincent Square ,
S.W. I.
r** )»T fc THE (iLA KDIA N
with tamr uln rxivrirur e. lUctUmt
ftaiary and car allowanc e.
A DD* ic aT' Or* arc -nvileO tot
tnc Dov lion of
Senior and Junior
ASSISTANT Hump hreys and Glasgow
Ptr Unm
I CALES ENGINEE R mh experience of all
*' - V- P«f llrw


O ;ypv s l! piia: and machsaerj : misht
J sy,t Mar.n * Engiaeer seekiai ]i>b ashore
1 Apply w-.:h full p*rt:cul*ri tod ui&rr
Country Houses and Estmta i
LAKE DISTRICT.—Attract ive Country House
ONE Cllffe Hopper, large capacity cumpk-te 1
with welxh pan 601n. wide, suitable tor j
Jute , etc.; serial No. Type LC.MR.: escetltnt
Motor Can and Motor Cyolu
AVj --r e F ^e^t v' jj J " ? *"' Adm -ris- -¦¦¦q-j . -fd :& Sn^m drift condition. Address OK 136 The Guar&au. HP . FINANCE AVAILABLE FOR Fliivjn »
jl th< T'aJi -j n work r. A r -Sea Res cue
Lubricants Ltd . 4
" rh *n :rey H' .u?c- Eecleslon ST. , Lnndon S.W 1.
tn lovely situation i undine In own
grounds: 5 bedrooms. 3 reception- iooc out-
bulldtnfs. In excellent conditicn throu fhout:
•T one WHITE 12U. x 4It> x «t.. thr ee tool-
Ccir Exchange Specialists • CARS Telephone ARDwlck 301-
JAGUAR 2.4 Special Equipment BilooQ. Sep.
De^ a't menr SALE S ENGINEER required tor Machine lemtK T 1^6 radio. Michel!d X trrrc
W IRE DEPART MENT l^ rerview * ca*i De a?' --jr.g ed for M ECHANICAL ENGINEER T'iot Company m Londaa mus: have ittHid
ideal family hou« or small r u ut house: r.v.
£3-1 vacan t posxesslon: £3.000 Capplerizx.
boxes: motor»drlven.
One REDMAN Sit x 4ft* 6(n. x 311. ^n.. tuo BAMBERS mede crevn ncflicnt condition throuthautl
^ *^ r (Ja / mr J \ r
"~ *i£h Dot rt'ecr. .0 fo i " ^r-hc]r:4t edj cBCj Oj i arid have served _ catn- Kentnure. Westmorland. tool-boxes: belt-driven. fflJO or neir offfr Tel. Ly*mn B. yr tnlnt^
1 1 30 .1-" for * St;-..1 r A;.p^,..t tm'r:.t 1r. ,1 pr-l .f!j>;• ¦ <? it pp'ent) '-¦*«hip eJtp#rte nc« In ]1S Two REDMAN Bft. x Ut. 6!n. x 2ft. em., two ,New
C' - ¦'. ' c.i? y . — '- r c! ^ f :eri ialcs a nd Zi *A deai«ri tty-enUaE: abi ltry to control
tool-boxes: beit-drtven. triumphs i»raia: *uo tj i. j a.
-" •;, ¦.' j 1 ' c. • " . ' d stee J ^- Higi Apply P. Frankenstein and Soni CHEMICAL PLANT DESIGN. , c-.rresp 'j i.'i- ' -K-h. :t] an expeditious manner/ of Far mi and Nurseries One REDMAN 4ft. x 2H. X lft. 6:n.. one tool-
;New MORRIS Oxford.
Ic*i.. *' j rt.-ci V.' n-ts So t i g !" !:*• viral irnp'j r state age. edacaUcB box-, belt-driven. 14-h p STANDATtP EasijE D.
appr- i-. nticf shtp"«af.-:
iManchcstcr j Liini^ cd, - N-*
iei«<? -* p'otJucf en iic! v cJi i Victor. * Rubber Works.
At o. m i': 'j :is ^r»> ^d t rora H o n our s! txpenentre eIvihk details ot C"OR SALE.—DRUHWHINNIE with 20 ixrm: WOTAH 221a. SHAPING MACHINE mt lor MORRIS Tra^Uer *- GUARANTEED USKD CARS
Li- , -an 1. T i-> .? ass o rimen t ctfers
t. -liCa" -* *itr. px s-r. i-i A' ;:, "j f t "r.t*ni 3i*a-
^r }'¦.^.- in; I r.i2u> ' ~, and ¦ farh employer. pr *«tt fcaTary, and salary r byr * for 14. ample steading: belni run aa driven. N«-w M.C. MAgueCte: al5O M.G.A 1600. a: PETER HOl'SE.
Bcc : ccc t Ci Cutchcth Lane. Newton Hej th , s**"- .^ .'-.sp- .-^ .bL .:>
1 ¦ *r..j t *j . .nrr?; , retiuired
A-: a r * rai~:iM* s al a r y
Add r« a OK 74 The Guardian accredited hatching and breeding nation: GREENWOOD and BATLEY 19Ln . SHAPING Nc* E»ii*t4* Car 10-ft p. STAN"DARD.
Manchester 10. "*. . i>. ti «.i: :-j r LTi.> &L-t»Q;::'n. ••:. :. *-h:i'h ;j ! . CENIOR DRAUGHTSMA N reqyi'ed . . cunver- attractive modern house: matns electric: MACHIN "E: b *h-drlv«n. :New V.ct.ale V*:ii-LiArd Salnuu. »iso Estmte. MASCHESTEH
¦nnr i-. i "3 t ant v.'.h dp; a:.luj; f it pressure vcues to private water. Apply Owner/Occupier. G. BERRY 161n. SHAPING MACHINE: motor- ] ; ROVERS B0 ICMJ 3-11IW
TeEe^hoiM CCN LraJ 7777.
^'. '.
M. * .*r a ^ ..Tr l M J^r y pei.sioa1 Steel. Telephone Klrkjutszecn 2-19. driven. i ;
NVw. ALVIS Silfion: also Coup*.
-c.t " -" .tn * - *-; :i<c a^c c» ^ ':* e~ce !c • Ap;>.;. to ¦| rnudertJ Cf<dts a:id timt welded plate *ork con-
«T"j ;"r-Gs App 'ic«u«r.5 g:ving full details
1 ij f rtge . «»p^rler.i-e etc . t c RCbert Wauoc WANTED
LAN*D-RO%*ERS id Lewi or petrol 1 -
VANS. etc.. 5 6. 10 12. 15 20 e*t.
j eM rover 1053: r«n as
Sales Manager , ( ".'.. fl I>*»j gn E n? H r.- e.r Ne * JACVARS Mk 9 XK.150. 2 4 . 3.4 . 3.8* I9ST H1LLMAN Minx CtmrarMblt: bdl« I1U5
K ^lIl J lIittV.S A N D r;;.Awr.jW LTD ., and Co ' Cons: ruction*! Esj^ceers). Hijh WANTED to purchase TO to iiOO acres CHRIS HOLDEN. LTD.. BLACKBTRN I»7 COXSUL.- radio and heater blut • ¦OH
GORMAN LONG - STEEL- LIMITED , 1"-' ( rt r !l» p E'U.r S:r> *i, Bc.ion. drained PEAT LAND FARM not over DOWER Bft. or lonter Brake prv v.. Mr.. The Best Value tn
Wt r o Department, 100ft. above ten-itrtel: condition of buildings AT maximum. •¦
hf I j i - u j t Run. Bambtr* AIM X-5 DEANSCATE
:. : d> :. s tt* 1 SENIO R DRAUGHTSMAN required wttn Is not material: no fees required. Briel Power eft. or lonj er Gull!oM:i«- . Um max
C.P.O- Box No 5. Middlesbrough. wj ine kr.o-Aled^<' ot dust extracUon and particulars tn first instance with price Prlnxrov: Truck Hire fCHtlnT« > . Ltd..
O u s t i t y First "" Used C»r< Telrpboa * DEAoacaic «iai.
A vaca ncy emsTs for * g^nnrrd J*tn waj :.n« nn s equipment: permanent 193fi AL'STIN S A55 mi.etxe 12.1J.D0O. Open until S p.m. Friday.
oed salary expected to John Sp*lr and Co ¦ Chartered Woon« La iw. CLITHEHOE. 105t. AI'STlN AV tnlle«ie 13.000.
J U 1 t-AM) T f X j L DKAL '^HTiiMEN REQU IRED. ' p^LLl un t*!^J) exjui.dlDK cnmpjin): c Surveyor!. 61 Hope Street Glasgow C 3 Telephone C.ithertw 7^7.
MACHINE TOOL :os9 KUMBES Suiwr smp«: txtras ,.n.2»
cil* vtw DU A W I N f ; OFFICE ASHTONi 1 anct bonus, also iKiriicipaUon In pension I95B U T I l l T V AJO AUSTIN: 3S.000.
J > L S; f ' J l " .¦ irtiim. Apply spencer aj id Halstead LtmJted. REED PRENTICE No. 5 Kneel?*! Type 1955-4 A U S T I N S A30- mlleiffe 30 32.000. 1U5S CONSUL: htr.: blue/whlte: radio •• CT35
Bridae Works. Ow.t. Vertical MILLING AND UlESlNKtNC T«*5S METROHOLI1 AN ASS" m1.e«ire 13.t»0. 11157 CONSUL: Slue £650
A 'iM M J-OI{ Sf llA B I -E APPLICANTS FL'I.L MACHINES: table 6fiin. x lijlu : 4Hkn 1 iy 57-6 H I L L M A N S tntU'age 15^25/33.000. 1957 A«~.L!A it ',un: heater bhl. .. M6O
IK Alt s Address OX 195 The Guardian. COUNTIES longitudinal traverse: 16in. cross traverse
iptndl e speed 17 to 600 r p m. F J
l 9 bA Traveller MORRIS Minor 1000
19>4 MORRIS IMi S 2: mUr *f_ o 38.000
l»c DAIM1.ER Century: irey^lue
1956 CONSUL M> II Saloon: black

i-i a ^r-ii-e^tabiit hcd r,cav/ The erginocF-
EDWARDS. LTD., 359-361 Euston Road I
London N.W. 1. EUStori «S1 and 3771.
1^51 ZODIAC'CONSUL: 18^22.000.
1«3H STANDAR D P e n n a n t 10 b p : 8.000.
IKS STANDARD Super 10: black
1954 <Dec ) ANGUA: heater: crt*n .... £395
i- or^dmsat.on i i Manchester
1-C3 T c-cv"-it:ai education to a Higher
for qyd L!]*mJ runt ¦*!th ft".lie experleist-e in cul de sac 2 minutes from btich: targe SECOND-HAND Loading Shovels. SEARCH 1W-S STANDARDS 10/8 h p.* 23 'S.OOO. 19M POPULAR, recend. eoilnc: black .. CIS
•in dcsixn r.{ jL ri s. at "j rm. press tools , eic . mnxiy ilviikx-rootn , 2 bedrooms, modern L'POOU Phon* SUnoniwood 33€1 15 lines) . 195g-7 FORD Anx.lfts: 7/10.000. 1933 ROVER 73' beater OS
tot ire C*--e" .--" e a*-d Non* Wales National Certifj c.itt 1 Mechan cal ; a lar, wo Aft^s^l on P rod'icMon H-tnn ia** g^ require d to take r«pons]billty for an SEARCH. L/FOOL lor VIBRATORY 19%4 rnn n pop«Ur miif«re M.rvw.
O c v R" Mac^^c De^ig^ . Control tit i salarlt1* atui crj:icJSU'j :is
expanding Time study Section Applicants kitchen opening on to pleasant, well-kep- R OLLERS. Hire or Sale. Tel . Slmonswi od 1957 V AT X H A L L Victor Super 12.O00.
j rc-a t>/ d -stributo rs '- * v.cM- S<jUth-We*t Man- garden with until greenhouse and garage: FORD DEALERS a!
.- .i.irj ' if,^ « ,r -cs of O-nTTac 'O'S ' T .'j - r'Vj m tvid r.^ i chinc Tool M^in- ^ hriti»r Aditrcsji OV \ia Tin.- (laardldii should be f A ml l l u r wilh ih " devefopment leu in summer at 1U. VI, and M u m : tunn- 3361 15 llnei) . 195S R 1 L E V l ' a- l l t r e 1957 condiTl'in. 273 CHAPEL STRUT. 5ALFORD 3.
¦ ti .rid-Lt1, ClJ_ St j f 1 aSPOint merit. i T UMOR
rj r a uah 'wi a n r<"-r]ULr ^cl d>r Fan o? syirh«ucs ij t M U m a t i n g purpows. ture and fittings: £2.OOP: owner abroad OP w CELF-CONTAINED Wilson MotDrlsed CENTRE 19.W Sl 'N B E A M Mk 3: mileaRf 3fi 000. Telephone DEAnliate W36.
p.» ¦ 'j rhgme ¦ f an l it i r»t :jjr. :). icj[j»ii« .« h « w can-etn Expert *in e <*1 roiaime electrical >3 LATHE: S S. & Sc.: al!-c<*ared head: tlft 1958 UOI-^P LEV 15 50 milrase 12.IKK).
' >;> <_¦' r j .iTi
¦ *'
Siilary m fs A-nlri- * A i r OiMilLJ ' »tn:j g LltnJUU . marhinery an fid \ ant age. Interviews can cap b*d. 7' aln. centres: swing l5 J4»i ovtT ,«5w H I ' M R E H New K nwk : 22 WW
ft r, . Cls
' r^ n- j ^ f re ce w. '-in *-e rf - I - f ' . I C- j p Li . u' accjr ctiig V-WlLikr.k Wftrhj i St 'v lcj K^r' tn> 4rr *n ;fd evenings or Saturday morn- En sinas- Mach inery. Tools. &c bed, and 26ln. over gap; In perfect cundlttan 1 1559-7 M f; Maetiettrs- 10 29.000
1»7 vauxrall Vi ctor Super: red .... O50
ot c .j !'K r riM a^ rt *i<i.e • .^ etp Cfif .. j it give 1»37 CONSUL' eittrai: black £«*5
j ' ad '.cc Ar-r-i c.i^ts ir- ings Write. full details of are, not now required. T<lephim? TRA 03UA lab 1* t aoi AR 3.4 l.Ure: disc brakn. 1SB7 Model MINX Special: heater: black tS!O
P'e, ' •, »< ,'*>.r.cnce of Plant Sa-c . * .' rf"^''-" iai d c tj is. qjaiificat ions , aufi llncatlnnn . ar.d experience, to Pro- ALL TYPES OF ELECTRICAL AND \/ERTICAL Crotatub* Boiler, 500 evapor*- l'i'.t* ROVER 75 mllftic 2B.00O. l»fi CONSUL Mk. II Saloon: UUc-bladi C625
£»r<« !o' t c r.-".d firs '".* , S3iar ^ and ¦j cuun Engineer, Lancashire Dynamo CONTRACTORS* PLANT: PUMPS, » tlon at 601b. per *q. ID.: fllted with ne-* l r^7-'. ROVTRS 0O- mlleajt e 17 -3fi 0O0
cen m ^ i.on v Ca* orovrde J
,- - ' e-p* _- e-cc fa PersD«iel Manager.
LINCOLNSHIRE an d Crypto Ltd..
Manchester 17.
boiler Te«J pump and low-water lever con
trot: can be seen working: larger bollrr beinp
li'58.7 ROVERS 105. ml]face 13 1BH00 .
IBM AUSTIN A<0 Pick-up: sreen ...... £»5
:95fi ZEPHYR: healer: rreen tex
! minor Saloon , j-door: heater trey M3B
v/r ,if .> ^ta ri^s O 'cvo ns experienc e,
ag- «f (i date av a-Ja o le to • Assistant Civil Engineer WHITTAKER , LTD.. Wellington Mill . BOltOD
Road Btackburn Telephone 7233. (TThii rrrInr»»e, jSttru^ltTMirt .
Installed: £210 o.n.o. Apply Centra. Laundry
RTO SHTT. BAMBERS . LTD 1053 ANGUA: bel te "... £275
1950 TRIUMPH Renown: heater: maroon £315
SERV ICE ENGINEER lor ft oompKhensive RC Sc SPOT WELDER (Static and (Est ablished 1893>. New lScwt. chaMli Cab In pnmer . LUt phca
OV 1 50 THE CUARDJAN A ssL sJ an! C.vii Enginee r required at ratigt* of presses and sheet nieul worltlnK A Portable) —A hlgh-qualltj r»Qge to lult 33 LIVERPOOL ROAD & 137 LORD STREET Sev CONSUL Conv.: Monza red .. List price
3a rKH luipj fratcd lruu and Stfelwvrki machinery this is an interesting appointment mut purposes Is manufactured by Tritngle
f r- ' Kit e sup*rv:sjijr i nf j pncra l civil and w»t en ia]] some tuition on the Continent: Products. Ltd.. Manchester Road . HJde: prlcej SOLTHPORT. TELEPHONE fiei«l TERMS. EXCHANGES
ctJ ej iu».-er:i.% -rionstrucH on rarr iij rt out the Company ts ba-ted on London but Erequent from £33 10s: demonstrations on request. DISTANCE NO OBJRHT

LICENSED tr avel is n-.-ces^ary: a know ledge ol presses Ask for li sts HYDe 2364/5 6

b> dlr- 'Lt labour or contract.
larjft ar.d small it dciirable. but press tool

Ij irer«t:ni »nd varied wort. experience u essential- state »«e . tducaUon ABELSON & CO.
ENGINEERING A[jr>il r,5 an
bH -r-Ar.'^D 2J and itiou ld preferably
2& yesrs of age ind be
appretiMceshlp. experience, sivin g detallt of
each employer, present salarv , and salary
I (Engineers) LTD. rin gs mm h
FIELD AIRCRAFT rir qutred- Address OK 75 The Guardian. tor ALL , Ifill /I
have dad aT . fast twn year s'
«p r,ce of *r , ith ' at lP3st o[jp yearexpt-rt-
h avr bcr-t) 'j [i site work. They Ahdu ld
to apply f u r positions mi th« DmIjtu Staff DUMU O ALL STEEL CEMENT HOPPERS ENGINES and
|f S *^ / of MA NCHESTER /
u'JWti y rec r.- '^e "A* and 'C licensed
e-igv ic-jr s on DC--; and DC-6 sc h rti nii iot h'nt In the use of
s.j"rv '.yliLjj iitst runjpntp and capable all
at t he (.nmpany'g W .lmtlow Offices. Apply
Sout h Wales Switch gear Ltd.. Flex Bu lldlnas.
rnN TRK TR pniTRTwn ktCIPS
g \ffl I*
aircrd J t who are w iflin fi to under- of Wllmslnw. Cheshire. THE SI««D»RD PISIOK RIHS t\ \V/j( b
Interesting s-TuaT <ons available w.Trt 100 OXFORD ROAD. MANCHESTER 13.
t ake ove rseas f o r v anou s
| checking or n ?ttln «-nut lieavj Special retail ers for Rolls-Royce an d Bentlty
old - estab Ns i-wiri C o m p a n y , for
j foundation corlt. TE STING and Commlsslnnmi Engineer TELEPHONE" ARDWICK 1326.
experienced men w -th knowled ge of periods. required by ElectricaJ Englneertnc Corn-
puny. Openihaw . fur testing and commission-
DON ROAD • SHEFFIELD S BMIwrnnB take pleas u re in offering the followin g :
boiler-house and elec t nc control liter views will be he'd at thei r I Contrttmtory Pension Scheme with ing hlrti voltage swiichge&r on site: applicant* SELECTION FROM STOCK. 19S7 ROLLS-RO YCE Silver Croud Saloon Power Assisted Steer-
cQLii pmen t Head Office . 72 Wi &m ore Street. I Hit Assurance KITCHEN & WADE tift. Rndi al-arm 3 9 .71J0 ,
3 12 .G0O, 8 17.000 ffftl lo us Horliom*l ing . Black . Beige Leather.
must be free from National Service obliga- Drill: low Last*, pwr elevat 'g arm: 2 motors. cyllwlrlcal Aluminium STORAGE TANKS. One Owner £4.500
App tlratlons . (tivtnu full details ol tions and be prepared to travel anywhere la CHURCH ILL REDMAN 9NM 9tn. x 56in cap. 60 2> 3 kn. 1949 ROLLS-ROYCE Silver Wrj ith Touring Limousine , Coachwork
educutlnn , trslnlnjf. a:j d experleac«, the British Isles- details ol experience. and 4tn. LaEtour Motortsfd PUMPS
Can teen . me d.cai a" d v ^ el tj re Apply ii the f.r st instance to : technical education and salary reqd. OK 33 WARD S S S C . Latht- T.T. attachmoot: M,D. la sutlnl«ss steel, cut Itod. Roeulus metal. by Freestone and Webb , finished Black and SiJver . Brown
Personnel Offi cer . shouEd be addressed to: 3A Capstan Luthvs: M D. and aluminium. Leather. 6 ,000 mites since major overhaul . A very
facilities Superannuation scneme OROUGHLY experienced EDSlnwT capable LANCi IS^in. x 10ft. between centres S.S. 1 Bniutn nnd wade AI S COMPRESSOR. ^
Full details or thc ic vacanc ies on Field Aircraft Services Ltd., Thfl Phtef Kn»lnt>er. TH
of takins charge of high-pressure boiler S.C Lathe: cone drive with Ssdl unit. attractiv e car . Rolls-Royce History £1.495
Wyrne j wold Aero drome , plant and turbo-alternators. Write stating RICHARDS 4Bln. Vertlcai 137 h.p.. EWO c f.m. al 501b. ¦
application to the Labour Officer . During and 1 Sterne AMMONIA COMPRESSOR. 165 h.p. 1956 BENTLEV S ' Series Saloon Finished Crev. Red Lea ther £3,750
Ho p k i n s o n j Limited , B- rkby, Burton-an-the-Woldi. APPLEBY- FRODINGHAM STEEL aj fe , experience. »nd Initial salary required. Turning MU1* built 1SM5. 1,320.000 BTUs p er h our
Hudd e afield- Tel.: Hudd s 3469. Loughbarough . Leics. COMPANY . to the Secretary, Thomas Witter and Com- CINCINNATI No
panv . Ltd.. Water street, choriey. Lancashire.
2 VerlicaJ Miller, high-
specJ dial type , table site 52lu x 12In. 1 90. 3 100 Bills. S.S. JACKETED PANS.
5 2 .000 falls. Vert. Cilua-lliird TANKS.
3CLNTHO BP E . LINCOt^SHIRI. ASQU1TH JCln. Radial Drill. No. 3N.T.: 1 3.500 unlit. TUe-llneil MIXER. 39. CT. DUCIE STREET and ST. ANN'S SQUARE.
npVed1; to 1.370 r p.m.: r. and t. table. 5 Lacy HUlbert X.B.4 VACUUM PUMPS.
OEAni lut* 6611.
RHODCS 40-ion Power Press.
LEsmallADIS G nit A L1 GHTSM A N required lor The Park Gate Iron and Steel Ai>Q\Jl l H Model UGD Keuvy Duty PUiar 23 480
Drill compound table: M.D.
Wl. ft. Cupm Nickel TUU.X] CONDENSERS
Brass-tubed CONDENSERS 122 sq. fL JAGUAB Mk. VIHI , IMS. Au tomatic: dll«*x*
11.000: colour duo tr t j i extru: In immacu-
nra'Aing OSflct:. txperle oce In taking 2 1-lon King GANTRY CRANES. 16!t. 6!n.
Ofd - cstab t is hed Leicester Textil e
iiw pnrt: cuL4tTS. a bis to dm* u and handle
complete ccntracts. Apply . *i'h (ul l putrucu-
Company Limite d , CHbRCHILL PBH 16ln. x 72ln. Universal
O'r tnder: hydraulic table: motor driven. spin x 100ft.
1 VertlMt AIR RECEIVER. 5ft. X 15ft.: 1001b.
late condiUon: £1.190 Telephon* GATi*y 3305
between o «.m and 3 pm .
invite applications for t ne po^ itiun of Fimi require t*rs and wlarj required, to Abrtun Hulman
and Si/ns Ltd. Hortf.ti Stre< c Ha] I lax
Rotherham , Yorkshire GOl'LD Sc EBERHA RDT 24Sn. Heavy Duly
Shapcr swivelling latrte: motor driven.
SUNDEK LAND SA 12in. x 4in. cap. Gear
1 500 tails . STEEL STILL, with column
tV HUMB&R DtMim, Otter itHO Mod«l
condensera . etc. HUMBER Super Snipe: fitted overdrive,
OCAL. Company require Structural Steel
L DKAUGIITSMAN able to work on own Due to
Company 's
reorgan isation
En gineer!nj
with the
Planer -spur and spiral up to 5 D.P.: M.D.
NILKS di n.-table Vertical BcrlnR Mill: max. !i 500 (rolls. Lead-lined STEEL MIXER.
radio, seat covert, ciau; colour, dutl bl ue
with blue uphoJ««T: 3-litre enclne with dlw
covering Liverpool , */anche ^ tcr ana initiative. for tfitsir Wo rks Euglneertng application i are lnv I ted for the
s-vl uj s CUin.. motor driven, rapid traverses brakes: mll«M 3.500: «wt. new. £1.600:
a?e betw een 25 and 30 to assist in U^t^ri m f t i t , on a stall position: experience following aoDolntments: — all dir ection!. Larse quantity of S.S. Bends. Tees. Valves. our price £1.425
MidJand areas tor Dtno nrapn and ot b uUdLnR an advantage: reply In ar»t NuDLE & LUND 11/16 Model Cold Saw: Ofl ckA and Flauses.
Letterpress Cartons . preferaDiy with management of Stw <rt g Cctlon hydraulic capa city up to Sin round: M.D. HUBERT JONES . LI MITED . CoMen Street . 119 WlhiKlow Rd.. Manchfllter M. RUStaw .
iOme knowledge of f*>e bus ines s .
integrit y and the ability to interview
Finn ing Miil . This is a post
offers scope and very good prospect s
lii«;anc«j . Address OV 162 The Guardlac.
1VJ. Applieatlun s Jire In v | led Irom fully
ASSISTANT CINCINNATI No. 2 Plain Milter, dial type: Salfo rd c Lanes.
vertical attachmen t
Tel. PENdleton 1373. CEE QUICKS Nliw for that A.I UiH Car.
O Telephone BLA 24M.
at executive level important but onS v with in itiative and trai nwl
Engin eers
and experienced
wltti exieuslve
Work Study
ELECTRICAL ENGINEER REDMAN 10ft. x 2ft. x 2ft. Planing Machine:
. motorlstfd via counter shaft. WA N T A L 1FT I
W/OLSCLEY 1500 DE LUXE. 1058: two-
? V tone grey/while: heater, radio, w/wuber.
Applicants must resrtjfl in **""* area d'" O need apply Applicants must machine-shop baciij !rrf und . io J»ln n produc- KEARNS No. 2 Horizontal Borlnc and Facing RING ASHTON 3631 wins mirror. underaemlMl: one ownef: C830,
and preferably be c3r owner for have knowlc-dRG o f progress wcrk tio n icam in a medium-steed Ugh l'medium Applicant* Ehould b« Graduate or Machine: extended-width table: war-time lor Lnrry-mounttd MOBILE CRANES o.n.o. TeL Wllmalow 4183.
which allowance wil - be made and should g've full details o r Engi neering Compatsy in the Leeds area: Corporate Members of the Institution built: 3in. spindle, motor driven . 4tH>'3 '50. Derek Hartle (Ftant Hire ) Ltd..
of Electrical Engineer!, and should WILLSON 7> 3ln. 3&in. gap b*d S S S.C.
Salary and commission commensurate ex perience also salaTV required preferenw will 1>l3 hIv u q *n applicants appren- Cowhiu Lane. AsritoQ-UDder*L>'i]«. Motor Cars For Hlrt
wth experience
Write full details in confidence to :
Applications will be dealt with in
complete co nfidence and should b«
tice-t rained In the Industry and having
received r.-coj nksvd tralnlnp and at least
bave some experience ot steelworki
Electrical Englneerlnc.
Lathe, well equipped: motor driven
Telephone TRAfTord Paik 0332
threw y*Mrs practice In Work Study: the
The Director ,
addressed to " Director, " person fltfJen-tt'd will lor the fl"t «,ix months
tw req»Lr«] to •*ork as MeitiL-ds Eujj ini q er H
WANTED Established over 35 years.
Service with new . model cart
WYSEKIRE. T.mptrlty. And la, Minor 1000.
Herald . Oxford. Book by "phonf, RIH «OBQ.
213 Caus «waysld a , Edinburgh, 9. PA 17 THE GUARDIAN. pri>parl:iK method process layout*, salio BOILER AND CONSTRUCTIONAL A WIDE RANGE Of Textile MACHINERY . INDUSTRIAL BUTTONHOLE MACHINE CARS and COMMERCIAL DEALERS.
ScoHj nd. ranse E750 iJtno wr llteu applJCdllona must WORK -*» includlQg Klers Croppers. Mangles . Drylnj required: In sood coDdtUon: adlu slablu
provide tuU in To mia Uon or experience and Applicant! should be experienced Raukcs. Calenders. Stretchers, and SI enters, sizes. R. Pearion and Compaay. EtnbAsj >. DISTRIBUTORS FOR SLEEr-A-KAR
In tlt£ inspection and maintenance etc. Available from FRED BRIGGS LIMITED . Ltd.. Manchester LFRead
or , Nelson. Netsou OiJ'u. MOTORISED CARAVARS. Ite FRT.t *f >wk«*r4 ti»t-Uh1«-
tmiTi ni! Address PA i>7 The Ouordtan.
of boiler pla nt and In the manu - J St James St, Accrlngton. Telephone 3404. T^ORTH ROP F Plan Lounis. wj .(J Fle«i owners' Inquiries welccmed. IMscouilt Hire a modem car from Kennlnx Self
PRESS SPECIALIST req uired lor Machine facture , erection , and. maintenance ARCHDALE RADIAL ARM DRILLING ^^ RS. ol reuentOK ntunudclure. up to 3d where applicable on Uncle and bulk orders. Motorltif. Drive yourielf to lmi>ortaiit
Tikj I fi rm jn London: applicants must have MACHINE: 9 speed , fully irtotorlwd and r^dulred. Address 159 The Guaraian. Any New Car or commercial supplied. ¦oc lal and builneu appoinimentf ID
first-tEa. > {» knowledge ut press tool design over ol constructional steetwort . self-contained: rise and fall bed. 3Bln. x 22ln.: ONE induced Draueht Fan: motor driven: CARS FOR EXPOKT SUPPLIED. comfort and style. Obtain full detail!
n wide ranj ;e of prrasos: the pofit Involves Applications should be submitted to
perfeel condition: not now requtred. TeL suitable tor boiler plant ox 30.0001b. per CARS IN STOCK. of thui Kenning service from four
pyriiKilc t uition in companies on th^ Contin- the Chief Engineer . The Farlc Gate TRA 0305. hour evaporation one Cast-lroii Suctlonal Newew AUSTIN Healey 3.000 Sports .. On show nearest Kenninc depot or Kennlnv Belt
ent and should b<> ol Int erest to young enein- Iron and Steel Company. Limited. GOOD Selection of Boilers, Alt Compres- Taulc: 3,I>00 gal capacity. Apply Rlley & Son . New
*w SINGER. GftZeUe Estate Car ... On show UoUsrinic Limited, 21* knd tXX
¦ t t h u are kfe ri to get of! the draw it. g Park Gate Works, Hotherham. A sors Pumps. Machine Tools. Electric Premier Works . Hochd ale Road. Heywood. New
lew FORD Escort Estate On show Cbeetbftm HIM KoaJ, Man cheater.
4/C Mr IJn* -d srat e a«e. education, apprenticeship.
cviieri«'ritv' . Rlvlns details of each employer,
Motors, Fans Blowers, Tanks. Reducing Tel. HeywOHMj (.1)555 The
'he New sleep-a-kar Motorlsed Tel.: HLAckfrtftra HIT and Hll.
UOSLEYS IBUKYJ. LIM I TED, A TLAS Gears. Clieml caJs. Heating and Hydraulic WANTED Obsolet e Plant and Machinery. Caravan on Uie Austjn 152 ch&ssli:
in iHWi»- nn'sfr;* <3lTrv .i:id saJarv rrnulred. DfC 76. WAWOKKS. Plant. CHRIS HULDEN LTD BLACKBURN Bonvrs and engines for dtsmamltus lui
Architect s and Surveyors a!J C requires ENrj lNK^^
Kr uqueucy S«cUcftt. Rcw farrh TJcpartrni-'iit .
BLBY , and DENTLEY fcnd
AC . and Dt, MOTOR STOCKISTS Up la Scrap Metal. hlEhcSt prices paid, stttley Metal
list £B£0. no tax
I960 MORRIS Oxford Traveller 's Can
On show
JACKSON, LTD.. LODGE BANK WORKS. • 250 h.p.: repairs and rewinds. Electric Company Ltd.. Queen Street Works. Sttly-
ARCH ITECTURAL ASSISTANT required by K Lr.R.v*fifld, Surrey, applicants must have
unr.t Tsity dt-sn -o in EK-rirtcal Engineerinst or Pilkington Brothers, Limited, BURY , offer immediate employment to Machinery Company Ltd . New Union Works orldj e, Cheshire. Tel. No. 3068 Stalytirldse 2.800 miles: H.M.C. fuarantee
Drury and GomcrsoN , Chartered Archi-
tect*. a07 Oxford Road , M*nchtfater 13: s t a t e Physics, or equivalent work includes re.icarcn
Into mtcrophones and ifuilsr^akers ai.d req u '*• Twij Mechanic *I Englneertne
PATTERNMAKERS. Apply in writing or tn
penon to Foundry Superintend **!t. Walmsleys
(Bu rj-i . Limited. Works Manager. Beittley
Redhlll Street. Ancoatt M/c. Tel COL 1353 \X/ANTED. Fork Lilt Trucks, one ton to
W in toni capacity, petrol or diesel. any
1859 FORD Consul
heater: overriders, etc
Low-line saloon:
19S9 Uune l FORD rrelecl de Luxe:
£705 Central Car Hire Servicea ,
a«e. experimw . and saLtiry require; n u t »
temporary appointment.
embraces all oilier sjijh x-u oi audir>-frequency
n?s"ar4*h and development: knviA ledge (j f
DraOSM .imi ': for Desljn Work
A-j 'i"mat!< - M at- >stt)M lor Handllns and
on ttid J ackson. Limited.
condition: caih on Inspection: we oner
reconditioned machine* tn part exenanse and
heater, u n dcrsealtd: 4 700 mtlei ... £595
195B AUSTIN A35 Saloon: hosier £475 Limited
/\ required f u r Prli'at e Practice In London , Mei:!rtcal t^Kna iunJcailon and some muslca. L'au nilf Flat Glnas. WORKS. BURY . alhu oiler immediate hire Fork UfU lor all purpesa. FRED 195(1 lSept.1 M.G. M ae n e tt e Saloon ... £U35 BOOK TOUR HOLIDAY CAR NOW.
two lo four years* dnwln* ofllue experience .
preferably in warehouse aisd I ad m trial
Ability an artvantane. salary appropriate to a::d quullfltsitii 'tis w i t h i n range Age rant* 22-3c employment to PLANEitS, PLANO-MILLERS.
HEAVY TURNERS, lur permanent night
FORD. GLOS. Tel Colelord 2371/5.
195B Uunel WOLSELEY 1500 hajooll de
luxe: two-tone, u./sealed boitttr:
destrc : salary C9C0-EI 060 according to merit: £Si5 :o £1 5S0 Application forms fru in shllt, and BLACKSMITHS for day shift. 15tt . long by 9ft . high by 9ft. wide. WANTED: Horizontal Diesel Oil Enflnes . B M.c. Euarantee £875
llvlas icuonunodaLlon can be arranged: reply EnBlnetTUii; Ki'c-rultin vnt ofheer. B f u r t r a s t i nu OuaJlficatltma—H N C, desirjtb le tnd Apply in writing or In person to Works GeneritUnt Sots, and Lathes. KLM, 19M [June) FORD Zodiac Sal., two-tone ,'O-tone £735 No Deposit. Mlleu* -Te*.
House. London W. 1. quoting ref. 6O.E.27.t»d[i. soni** fJtyt-rience In the desljtn of light Superintendent.
Complete J/ «ng near Manchest er 14 Manor Gardens. Hampton. Middlesex. ]«» ior t.1 Austin A55 Saloon: htr. Mr. .. £650 13 BOAT LAKE. IRLAH.
KtaUns «!«• quailncationj. and experience. to medium automatic machlaerj an
Ailrfre si OK BO The Guardian. CAPABLE DRAUGHTSMEN tor detailing advsntrtg f .
t di smantled. Reasonable price for WANTED all types Modem Dlescl-drl»en 1653 FORD Zodiac Automatic Saloon: Saloon: Telephone IRLAJi WBS.
Structural SW*-lwnrk. Intereatlui and Quick sal e FOR K LIFT TRUCKS: top prices PWd: hc*ter, covers, etc.: verr dean car £543
an car
f ull details. Address MJ 7 The Guardian. 1957 FORD Consul Saloon: heater,
varlt-d work: tlve-day wwk: peualon sclienu- :
cftj itet»n fadllUiM*: iH "j d «j lary In aocordtmt e
Five-day week, assistance with nous*
purrrha>/ rtc rcrition -ind cantt-en faciUtle S. WORK STUDY OV 163 THE GUARDIAN. WANTED . Wire stralshtenlnjt and Cuttlne-
oll Machine up to »,ln.-'a ln. OV 137.
un derseftled, etc £5M
— J *l = J m W *l -lm
1957 MORRIS Oxford Saloon: heater: heater.
wlih exrwrlence and abllliy: state arc and surK-'raurtuaU ^n sthimie. un dcrsealcd . spot, etc
particular* of airtwr when applying cu TJie LUL£irt. JulU. -bllUfttf P U^CHt .K iJ-Ui 11J\HJ 5-TON overhead Hand Travelling Crane £635
ASSI STANT S Dlreciors, Messrs- John Booth and Sons
iBolTan ) Ltd., Eolton Steelworks, Bui too
Appli cations shou.d be addressed to
Croup Ssa If DopariMnnt. PilktrmtflO A ft rsi - clas* WORK ¦STU DY
B MACHINE wLLh rotary taljie Oil. 6in.
%u ry IHtlti work , and tn new conQHUm.
app rox. 42It. ipin 1611. lilt . 3-ton pissel
square, dat u 195U. f ully inotorised dune Mobile Crone. 2/3-ton lorry-mouoted Crane
1956 roci i FORD Zodlar Mk. III Sal.:
1D50 FORD Consul' Mk. II Saloon::"radio.
..... . £025
at FIeuU and intermediate RXB.A. standard CIV IL ENU I NEER.I NC ASSISTA NT. »B«1 Bru 'hcrs,. L'.d Hsad Ottite. Gro^u Street EN GINEER is required by &
and 7-ton Two-motor Electric Derrick vrlLh hpnter . covers, c-tc
required Dy St H-'len s 1,-int-ashire. DILL USn. stroLe PLOTTING MACHINE. 100f t. Jib OK 168 The Guardian. 1565
2U to 2y rtyjulrt-d fnr wurk in KtratturiJ-
u pou-Av^ i we ftre designer-ajutractors offer-
medtum-i.i7.ed Carpet Manufactur- motonstd. 1955 FORD Zephyr Saloon: heater,, radio, radio. ™ m
to work on a varied act! imerMttn* ¦ ing Company. Age should be pre - C11R1S HOLDEN. LTD . BLACKBURN. con umfc etc.: very clean car Ei<5 F t K N T -A-CA B _^
programme. Experience In Industrial Injf ait " all-in " serviit o( d«*tgn ant] co:i-
ilructUm or civil etiglnwrUis and building DROJECT a"p: !Lu7aJT6n~—""HKFRIGlTKA- fe rably 25-35 years.
have had at least
He should CHASESIDE Shovels and Uumperi. SaJes 1955 JM»y) AirSTIN Add Saloon de¦ Luie:
and Commercial Sulldlnt Design drsir- Jr TK>N KNC.1NEERS capable ot tlesijiuma 11* e years ' and Service and Spares ironv SEARCH r^ONTRACTORS' PU.ST oj Hire Eian- hfaler, radio , etc £«5
ibJe. Fire-day week , attractive work- *ork to industry and commerce in ail parts crimpEtft f systems and lender I tjg from thu practical expi?ri ""ct? i-i works m«ua£e- 1LIVEKPOOL> L1TJ feUnonswood 3351 15 lines ) . w tors. Bulldozers , 7-lone Dlewl Roller. 2-lon 1P55 M ORRIS Oxford Saloon: heater. NO DEP OSIT —Low Winter Rarei.
ins condition* and amenities, p*n«ioa
<i ! t!ie cmintry owl :ifi to expansion we now Imepiiot] of the hiri ulry upp llfants must nient , but no; nccet-iarlly in carpets. f^HURCHJLL HtSY »N 1 tKNAL GKlNDtlt: and 5-ton Mobile Cranes, Mono Hall Trans- CO1, crs etc. . ... {449 St. Pt rn 'i Sq m Chapel St., Sallo.d.
roquLre an ndditlrjiial fl vt l Eiiulneenng have had previous f xij eriuncc in thj a tvpe ut A dexree or II N C or qualification Jn
srj irm*. Homing acoommwlMlon will be A-teUst a n t fur DrAttiace . EA.rth works . Layou ts. •A'j rJt. r-qulred by nn uld-esiabllehtid expand- ^*s m.iximuzn suinf u\er table ltiln. dia., porter Equipments, vibratory Rollers , Com- 1955 (June) AUSTIN Princess Saloon: Saloon: CEN 7T77 * OEA 1836
ptwtdwi. Salary »ccnrdlnt to qualiflfa- Ketiifonvd ajsd
work study l:> desirable. hyd raulic table traverse1 2lin . f acviuate to oresson. Mixers , Pumps, etc.: competitive radio heater , etc 1785 2S0 1959 CARS.
CL*:ityctti details. etc . ing LDudon iii-Iri sizr aiHn] Com pan >: uttracl K e Write in confidence , stating educa- spmdlu bracket 3uiu. maximum, uo rkhead rates. Plant Dept . Wtn. Townsnn A Suns Ltd 1951 i Nu v i AUSTI N sheerllno- st stfvpn-
f vpn -
'.Lons and experience. Write . sUUil* a ppiliHtnu stiouId have had some drawiu a- suiartoh wlUi Iirst -cUi^s upp ^rlunl t leA for tion, Mtper^uoc aud salary required. iWHL'is 30deg . m d. 4(Hj/3 5U. Many other H lBher Swan Lane. Bolton. Tel. Boltnn 10140 i» n^sr-ti Ber Umousine: black: ra radio.
a«e. qu ailBcatlonf , and satary required oillct; cxperlt-noi tn one or m i>re o: tliew personnel v.itii drive and Initiative: Mudern Motorised Machine Todls available tH-Jir.'r ver y clean £835
lo Chlel ArrJiliect, Cadtmry Qrotnen . lliOds: the work will be principally in our per manent "niploytncnt with superannuation: ex stuck fifc-ud lor list to H. BKLL FOR HIRE , 25-ton Coles Diesel-Electric
Liimied . BouruvlHe . Btmiinshani. rif* drttfliiK-offlCf* In Slratford-upon-Av^n , slalT fantwn , s^>orts and social rluh are
M IDAc 111R Dlrector.
iMACHI NE Motor Vans, Lorrlei. and W*gon t
but 2*jn\+ stte wwrk vtilt r>t uivcihetl. working ?i\jiilab]p state (jun SKk aitans and experience Ca.rpet M^uulai -turers . Kidderminster. S i KEE1', LEEDS! 4 Tel. tiJ-739S- exlenslonl snd c/w 39ln. dl«-: Maj n el
TRADER 4 to 7 tonnera—unbeatable foe
rainditiuiis are a'ery n-j oci . wid we ruuslder Add ress OV 178 The Guardian CORONA Model 13 AY Pillar Drill , table EQu lpment If required: available for short or New Ar STT*t 13-seater Omnlcoach .. Mat
that we can onV-r exri-ll«il pnjispetts for tJie long periods. Further details, etc.. apply hsulaee contractors. QUICKS. TBA 320L,
REINFORCED (fONCRETE. — DETA1LERS size lain, x 13ln. HERBERT lSv . Swivel Ktr* AUSTIN jo ewt. Pelrol Van On show
ASSISTANT ARCHITECTS (2), pA.R I.B A. f u t u r e If you are Interest s! In thia posUlou,
required. apprcixtmateJy five years ' ex» WANTED . Centre Lathe Turner! for Head Vertical Milling Machine . table Cox and Danks Ltd.. Frederick Road. Now Al'STIN 4-wheeI-drlve Gypsy List
with aboui 3 year*' cifliws xp^rtence .
rctj ulred tirgenlly for lervice with architec-
pleA.W send details ti? vour aSe. o*lucaUo:» and
experience, witli an Indication of approximate perle nco: five-day wwk- lunchODn vouchers,
pf oslon &~hi'rno.
medium-sued Centre Lathes: permanent
pruilloas ftlth canteen facilities and pension
57m. x 13 4ln Mtd. S.NUW 25ln. Hor. Rotary Salford U. Tel. PENdleton 2-191.
Ta ble . Rj nii and Surface Grinder. BARDONS CORK-LIFT TRUCKS of all types available
1958 Al ST1N A50 Van- heat er, pasienter
•eat, etc
Cam trii
Apply £3B5
tural flrm in Cyprus: rirturn paisagc free: salary required, to ihi' CJilff Civil Engineer ,
Itidustrial agt; , salary, and experience, h>to Onp
teller. staMu g
Steel Bar
scheme. AppSy In writing to R- W. Webster
n nd Co., Ltd.. Abbey Ironworks . Woltham i OLIVER Ni> 3 Unlversai Turret Lathn. f for Hire. Ing.u lrle< to NORMAC LIMITED. CINEPaoTO lor all Cine Supplies: rooblla
gowi temti and interestUig wurk. Apply DuveSopmeut aatd C<mstrucUi»[j
Cu.. Ltd . Druver Lane. Manrlies'er 1_ Mtd : nindern machine Norman E, Potts Leeds. TeleDhone 77779. Trade Inquiries tvelcomed tor Used Vehicles. flun shows: film libraries: H.P. lerma,
before March 36. slviu g Qualification* and I*td . IndustrlaJ IIouw?. StratIord-upfirt-A^"U. Cross. Herifordshlrn . UMacr-.ti etv; Ltd., 130 Mowk'y Rd . Blrmj ng- FULL RANGE OF B M.C. ft THAMES Clnephoto, Ltd., 173 Chapel street . Salford,
telephone number. Mr F. J- Cuialcldex. Park All ADDlJc*Lli3iia will be treated as n>uilLleiiEla]. hii m 12 Trl ephon * VIC 1278. COMMERCIALS FOR EARLY Tel. BLA S2S7. Open till 5 30 p.m. Ind. Sat.
LaiK Hotel, Piccadilly, London. W.I.

SALE vjb w Reddish. OV 119 Gdn.
"^ SSISTANT ARCJIITECTS requj redi ail hy CuruiiliaiU s fur site work on Hydro- WRI TTEN FOUR MONTHS* CUARANTEE *-> Everylhlnf for the ptiototr aphwIroa
Elecirtc Pruji-ci In North Wales: applicants pLEC i Bic MOTORS . Generators, etc.. i&rfe ASTON MARTIN DB 2-4 Series III. 193S: VEH ICLES BELOW I.OMAX. LTD., St Ann's Squan, alapehester
A trades: Interest for work, food prospects: should be tJnlve ralty Graduates with stwwi *-^ ssuck rfcondttloned and euaranteed. R. F mileage 19,000: finished In maroon: with m\0 EXCI-UDED. z. Open all day Saturday.
aalary accordlnc to experience, write , glviug practical experience a n d'o r Associate Members Winder. Lid . Belsrave Eleotrical Works. Leeds radio , heater , overdrive. £2,450. Telephon< A A. OR F t . A C Examina tion Wetemned.
fuU particulars. PA 2J The Guardian. of The Institution or Clrtl Enj-trseer *. (itate = 4/- o*r line ^ tTOR SALE* Dawson, Payne and Elliott RIdIbt j surrey] 3122 ASV VEHICLE TAKEN ra PART WANTED
LCKDS Offlce requires j»n experienced nnd full particulars of experience and qualifica- V D'Dy SW3 Whar ledate . EXCHANGE. CASH EITHER WAV.
tullj Qualified ARCHITECTURAL. ASSIS- tion* Address OV 112 The Guardian. Dwelling Houses American Miehli Double Royal. TERMS FROM 1051 DEPOSIT.
CAMERAS and Equipment, cine, etc: Micro-
TANT for wort on industrial and coirmieraal CONTRACT ENGINEER capable or handltni; Payne Quad Crown Wharfedale. purtecUon scop es, Binoculars , etc.: for caah CSodlent
project*; excellent worklnt oaadltlon*: com-
inendue salary up U> £1.204). according to ludu&trial refrl serutkm contracts from
t h e order to the comn ilasloliinK stages: the
BE .ai pooit.on :n?*r MaiichP^Tor: easy-wnrn
SKr^ ljtNf L^t achvd . WTtnSk-y SALE —LARGE MOtJK IiN SEMI: GARAGE:
3BLn Crossland Guillotine. [rolls! 2«-25J DEANSCATE. Manchester a.
Telephone DBAnsgate 3325/6 and 7970. 2 Shudehlll. Manchester 4. Tel. PEA TKB.
qua!tftration* and cxp«ience. Apply Braith- post Involves cuultol «vit purchasing and i M 'c Hd.\, tn'ar Seynu>ur Hotel , ihups g \c..
R an g e £2.190. SAL 7i(.& Room wanted urgently; what oflers ?
walte & Jacknuui. F.It .I.B A.. 7 South parade . projrrcas end drai* lug -ofttce* J £tnj d t>ed rt.tini\ fAryo [dunje and dlntiib*- SALE: Moss Laiic — Modern U05B) Detached Address PA 103 The Guardian. Open Weekdays until e 30 p.m. Musical inttrumtnu
LeecU 1. luibon: HOUSE iirUi iBt dtui nK-rrn.. large kllcheu , SALE, S5-h.p SLIP RING MOTOR: Saturdays un ll! 5 p m .
appllrRnts must have n complete knowledge nyjm tv l t h Httfd cnrpei. and earpet !o hall. inree double beazwius t,&ra«.?. centr al hig.. FOR 4Mv 3 ph. 50 cycles: ?i 3-n.p Variable
LONDON Architect* with Manchester office of refrigeration plants ranx lH K from 20 li p inmlinc . siiid flairs: H^Tlt ntments: good «tc. freenotd. 13.4 'Jl-i. "li ll SAI- S-HH7 CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH. WANTED
require urgently a qualified ARCHITECT upward* using alt groups of r e f rt jt e r f t n i s jf.irax c; st'j^iratt1 tu*il sh*'d (h"ld ti motur- Speed MOTOR and Gear Box .
with several yean* experience preferably rt-><|ulr«d by an ola-eitanM^h iKl expanding til faei ¦small p r .;t y sarduir chief £6- rate- TH E LAKE fully
I !¦ I
triuuch not esseniialiy on schools: 5-day week. Snwerby Bridge
Apply In wrltlnc or teltpriua* Scherrer and
salaries with
Rf' frtserat lon C«Jinpan>' . attract i v e
first-clRss oppfiriunlties lur
able «0 prJcj £3 650 . Pa 1S7 The Guitrdlun.
BLACK E*t _K>l- . Ni -wi' j u Urive, —R*»sji i e u t . a j
DWELLING-HOUSE For *,ai« by Private
TrfAiy wuh Vacani Posai-ssion: Braeside . P»OUR NEW WEIR TURBO-FEED PUMPS: IroyceI Address OV 131 Th* Guardian.
Hick . GO Sprlns Gardeni, Manchester 3. p<T.simnel wt t h drive aui I n it l a t l v t ' . disirii.-, .suj^r. .r Ivt a c h ed HOUSE, [wo Htrg eril -'Id: sitttng-rm., dir.u ig-rm., morning* *- 7,:wo ffals per ho ar . 4751b w.p.: packed
DBA 5RI7. and crated: bargain price for prompt clearance
SCHERRSR A HICKS require gnduat* and
permanent employment with superannuation:
staff canteen , tjniris and social club are
large e:i t'.-'A. N Lr .i ; r^j ens. illfo kitchen w i t h
lirtplace. ilwiv large bedr<ymi. imt houses
rm. 3 bt'dr ms : farag* all main services:
ftell-la.d-out icardeu: umgniftcent views at Address OK 29 The Guard tan Phllat tlv
Intermedia te ArchltecU" Auliunu to atflJ ln hle: state qualfllcadous nnd experience private parUetis: r v . E52 Derwo nt water and Vale of HYDRAULIC ACCUMULATOR b* John
wurk on tndust rial scheme*. Inborntorles, Address OV 179 lli« (Juardian OV 155 G u a r d^n Borrowdale. Shaw: 6ln. ram. 1011. siroke, I ton p.s ]., BOND STREET STAMP AUCTIONS.
AchooLs tnulU-itorey flats, and office buUd-
RRAMHAI.L.-Miwiern Seml-di' l d HOUSE: Parti cuiitrs from Penrlth Farmen' and with 10-h.p. motor driven pump and auto. At 1 30 p.m.
DRAU fiHTS.\fAN. Jun ior , for u,>rk un JL> t lT- ciu gh lounce »l t li fri'tich wincJuu ^ KLdd' s Auciltin Co., Ltd.. 3 L»ke Roid, control; excellent condition MARCH 2S. 29 —The Valuable "Arthur ¦ .
Inirs- fl> e-d«y wMs: luncheon vouchan: salary design and development uf [led; clfc- breaklnsi -rtmrn , h:r - -h t n . three btdrc.onis, K esvnck. Telephone 154. Ullberi ' used Br. Commonwealth , lncl- cootca
acoordlnjr to experience, between £COi)-£KbO. Matu In m*" ar^ .i, HYDRA I'LI C ACCUMULATOR by Field Ln«
f rk-al ct)ul|im *n( ^o itth bu tnrijrj ni and foLlc t lintiiprslon healer. T¦1MPKRLEY —DETACHED (3 yearst : open
Apply fift Spring Gardens. Manchester 2. and Plait: 4ln. ram. luft . stroke. 4 500lb. Bermuda, early &r Guiana. Canada " Pence."
p s l . ballast chamber 9rt 3ln dla. x. lift.
Klve full d f t o l l s *'t . eN pi - Ku e And leJtrdtoi if. pard en- E2,uor> ut* HC Gdn. a Me* 1 beda.. aep. toilet , garage , dlnins- Capes (lncl . " Woodblocks." etc.). cannazu.
CURVE YI.VC ASSISTANT (Temporary. 2-3 acr> AJdrefl.s OX l<irt Ih e (iuardji ii BROT'GHTON , U' -rir Prp*» dTi — O ' d- ^ o r l a i'K>r n lounge: tvetraa tad. fitted carpels, llsbt
iJ ye&rsi rcgulrrd in the City Kji Rlneor and LOLhje , ir--ehiftd , surrtm n tJed bj b e a u utu i i nun ci etc.. £10 u.r.. £42 r.v.: £3.850. Tel. HYDRAULIC ACCUMULATORS . 8'*in . ram . far lubrication, panel bcirtrtc and celluloiinf, Cyprus. Gambia . Gib . Jamaica. Mauritius
Sunfeyor 's xVpn.rtm«it. for s*tttn< out. DB AUUKTSMAN required If: d-m t in g . L*-iuiitr> snJi\ 8fi. stroke: fll n. ram h 4It 3Lu stroke: 5ln. tritnmtnc snd general repi in . Post Paid. Newfoundland. N.z. " CBalons."
meajRirimi up, prepartns site drawinK 1*- etc.: local Unn Const ruL-t looa] Fasiaevrs* IX^tat l s tnun PEARSON & CO . KIN . -7% or addrt-ss PA * The Guardian. ram. tift. stroke; 33*ln ram . 7ft. stroke. . in fact, S. Scoua. etc. Catalogue (5 plates} Sr/-.
P».Tislua scheme, otntevn. acn uH l 3S Tl.e -k]i itre . S! Aunes-oii-S^a Tel 2374. TWO-UELmOOMEJJ BUNGALOW u«w l«5tt for e very tnptoriit 's retjuirement . take APRIL 4. S —GENERAL SALE. C.B. U
wU ary iJO p«r week: appUnantt shuuEd he si-hi-nso: rihjJ *tig c f u r suitable man: bonui EMAES BAY. Ar.£iese>.— Freehold Dymcned i cent ral hemins: large garage: Long MOTOR-DRIVEN HYDRAULIC PUMPS:

Bfnffm amtH
familiar wiili civil enilneeMnt cnnstrucao:i rejr ly Or.** Fa-*ce:t Preston. 14 «.p m. 4.4Sfllb. ad vantage of ihi» •jpeedy, skilfecf tcrvice. prominent, and there are also choice Cyprus.
st a l i ng a>ji ? , ex pfrifitcc. and salary required C Ul'NCALnw- combined [ourij e diner. 2 ' Lane , Mlddl ewlch , Cheshire, available June:
aod be expftritoced in th* use of UieodtiUtt's press BO-h p. motor . I. H. BROWM (M/C) LTD. . 257 UPPER Bcrpt. Falkland!. Finl and. Papua , St Helena,
awl Irrds. Apj^cttlons, rivi ng fu» particu- Add res* OV 100 The Guardian. beds and 1 m ::kK k i ' i-hi'ii . etn : built 1P39. I ji rice £3.350. Also New 3-Bedmomed SEMI. One Radial. 20 g.p m. 3.5Wlb. BROOK STREE T, M/C 13. T«J.: ARO 1635. etc., with Collections, etc. en bloc on both
lard i ,:hwi s<j ydi.' dMe. g ' R?.: suit, retirement H ubert Drive . Mlddl ewlch: price £2,025.
lar* oi a«*. QuaUIlcmttoDS. experltiiee. dr ., rvKAUCHTriMAN reqNt red m SH iuthamptihn
U nrt-H f u r Ku«ti:cprlng Works fiiyaKed tn or liulld.i>s: r 'v . tT: l^.iHX) ij.n.o. OV 124 GUn. I EARL. Builder . MI DDLEWICH press: 5()-h.p: motor. Simca Owners Tmke Note — Spar * prict t days . Illus. Catalogue 1/-, or 30/- for U
months with Realisations. VALUATIONS
to City Engineer and surveyor. Mu nicipal Oiie Fraiwr-Muno Radial 10 j f.p m,. 5 f OMLb. now down 20%.
HUttdJtx*. Dale Strwt. Ltverjw-nJ 2. C'ltMtinfi :iie desiim aj-d m a n u f a c t u re i r f q u i p r t i -n t press: 35-h.p. motor for sale. Probate, Insurance. M»ivh 11 T«lr"iO tJ (iCl<fc» o»nitft*t fd w l r h WntiT TuW o:i d Kii. (i'»mlr One by Fielding and Plait. 14 E.p-m. f 3.CHW1D. OF HALIFAX LTD. Fiat 600 replacemen t enminet fitted frt f m ttock. H. R. HAMER. LTD..
BoUe:*. previous bu1>r expiTi<-i, ':e prelnTiibH-
o.i t not pss«iuii3: reply m w r i t i n g slvinu
ST. ANNESi ON SF.A press- 4fl-h p. motor
Oni> 2 c P m . 2-ton prf-w 12-h p. mo.or.
41 N*w Rnnrt Kt._ Lnnifrm W 1. MAYfilr 021iV
Manageress is and Forewomen d_ital3a _ of *$r . »»x p _ and w 1a _2__ r»qd . QK T^ Severa l OLhrr HYDRAULIC PUMPS. 5944 - Phone - 5944
: « i «r ;Tr;rna.;>ai.s r.avo ooTaint^j piaiiairvs ennsem iot tntee ueilsntlu] urcn Steci
FULLY Experleni-rd MANAGERESS required EX *an;ETir and enthusiastic STRL'CTUHA L
for larje nK^lerri KaahUm Stnre: used to ES<:i.VEBK. preferably A M LSirurt E.
is'I A N N E S - O N - S E A . Propertttfi offureij are FREEHOL-D, *n d complete with
garagej , and ell Iul'1 Ilrtfd central neotlng . Price raaj e Irom £7
atitck turnover and able to rontrul stall, very is nffen-d pusirion *t t h rt'ttslderab! *1 opc>cr- An opj Hj r iunity to acquire <j oi» of [he finest prupurttes on 800 Speciall y appointed
jpjod waxca paid Full deMtl fl nf fxjw rlctiee 11;p.::j es Sti London, he mu*t h a ^ e eirwrlencc the Fylde
io Persounel Manager , cilfifi" F*5hlon* Ltd.. *,i i'.«¦; a ark F u L k -,1 details from J. L. WYLES. ESTATE AGENT. 30 THE SQUARECoast I) II C. 1EUA ISION
IB Market Str/e_t _.__ ^IiinL h^ter. dfsinn n r<d Iw ca »»a ble nl
ajp crvisinfi desal' crv salary C3 000 lu AN NK S-ON-SEA Telephone 15M ST Retailers ANfiLIA ITV NORTII-EAHT ITT (TTT) I '
UA ^ > > 11 20 a.m..] I K: School!. 1 0 p.m. N>wi. 1 t p.m. Ntwa.
W - n e Nurrls cu nsuL'.arsrs I.E d., 14 H')A:j 3j
€lJ PLANT LTD. for [ 1 0 p.m.-l 20 iw«iv «. l 2 loca l Nrm: Weather. i 2 ont o'clock Shoo. <
Engineers . Drau ght smen. Mechanics 1'La. f . UmdtiM « IV 1
HuBLT i t.N. — su p.'rmr Modern SEMI; 'TREAEtDDUR BAY.—Superb position *a:er 'i
> Bliien-Plwyf . Holm© l 9-1 50 The Midday Show, i »a .i « D n r s»>w«'
C d pii-isite p u i k iiall. hiunictf < J ^ i H» } *¦ prfji**-
ROLLS-ROYCE & BENTLEY f Mm '.. Sutwn Cold- 2 43-3 SO School!. ' Weilhtr '
7i3S?.ie-i"1fiiS._.!.a ^a rts Sl SSLV-.-m£5E*i3Sr l ^SSff-^Si. ^ a^SSS1-**^ fi^C SSS1. 1
STAFF CHARGEIIAND ts requlr fd by n CHU'SSON TELEPHONES L I M I T E D t a v t t e ^ " slipwtV DETACHED own beach and FOR V HfliJi - Bcunydd. 4 4» Sm»ll Time. <
A well-known M a n r h e i t e r Firm of Muchtne- ! lU app. L c jt io n s f r o m EnciaevTs l u r t h e f o t l u w - . r 2 5 SfhtKils l"« i5II SThmi.
t : ij po«ls In t he i r Trau*nUssioa Departmtini 5 0 Lucky Dtp * ~3 * S*."00*!-
l oot Manufacturers to lake etitrje of tK c t r invite you to I 2 33 Wntch with Molher. 25 Hruidi Storm » • Lucky Dip.
5 '
tKinnB sfrtlon: application* are Invited Iruin at Hi-estcm Nu i i i ngh aE i i . 1 2 45 Racing
ai rpreniltv-tralned tneu . ased 30-35. n do arc < 10 itommMra, summer Invntlcatel. 5 24 FrsncU Storm
fully conversant with all types ol cnixleni
SVS'IEM.S E N C r l N E E F U i requ ired t ir the
p la 'i i i i i i i; nf r a r ri «T c o nim u n l c j i t k m schemes Sr i r i5» r irai v i o V d f n ind wr ^ lces freehold . £5.500 Second u*iiif
*nd bert*. 2 ' ret. . 2 baths, usual cjfllCM . ma ins.
4 inspect ou r Stock of 5 s5 stwi Invatlnui. «
LH^rirtK machlnrs nnd preferably with to I'ustuni T*' rt g u i r e men t s and t h e pre- :
3 1-TClYfkK CEVi-al W-»
P LAV TI W ' IIrVdgE W»*«T» r Road -U>rge I HYDRAULIC MOBILE Silver Cloud " S " Types ' 4 «1
" lJ?t>nrl
S' frnm Port.
lSell, ' *!*'- ° 5 lj K" "'''¦ We«th«. ( J 5 New,. ¦
I' 4i5J5 l» ¦• NX. Ne...
5 j g *l *?°2S-_
1 5 25 " Ujna ofrSi.o
U BP pIy
cj ij>er lr«ce in n supervisory *Tit>ftcity a gttod p.%rii 'k«n or r v le xa n i t eu d e r a n d descrlptU e
U SEMI -DK1 - ACUED: R S^ - p
cuiAersl nn T o - ?^ [LT k ^ 2S,n t° rn ' JV h K
BaI lk ch(unt>t ' rs B*n gur.
B lj m John S'I T .
*uit ^
CRANES Cie Lo>t."
£--. a CO
salary .ind honu * wj t l b,> pull * to the rifhl
t y pe 'if lu au. all ftppilfatl * '!1- w ;ilrh *][£ >>¦
m fo r M - a l i m
FUi *. k- unge . din.t.K Uvl n S -ru..m . kitten -, T *-'LeP^Iie -3. " ' and Continental Models . T^ eon i p f S S i *" * «-
• « Come Shopplnr.
PKSI t S N I>KVi:].( tp,\:ENT EN fU N E E R S for
:r*^*«! j 'i pnt sfldeiuv should s:ve full » irk i.n n i uiu - c h^ ia i '1 ! C a r r i e r tejepimae
ihrp - t>nis , ti t. bdtti rtHDtn we. firsi (lonr and 1
n1 CS. „...—. 6 lu D?'™ YoJ SSJ - '« >•• Rr-r SS-^KTrt T-lO. <
iif r ft Us of «»BC. eJipctirtJi < L aini <uiL <ir> l an«i :elcRriiph pnrjert-s
f . i l l I- l
.1rnv - i , - I,
r,< .., * . Li-j i - . i,, . , ^h l !!>¦ ¦T^ I W AN T E I )
6 40 News WrSher Concirnt.-»U «l. 7 • Tht Son« Pir«<le. |
ivginrcl Address oy ::x> Ti.v _ i ;-jarji ,in
r - ._ i4J A fJ p J v ( I K E i C U MA S ^, I Q11 Oidhaill
Dl'SCA LOW . Chp shlre, rural 5.!;-ja :inr) AMBROSE ST., WEST GORTON 6 50 Tu-nliM. "30 K ntiht Errant '60. 1 j o Emrriencr—w«rtl .1. '
Thf Sf posts are of a sen i o r n a t u r e and Kodd . N f * ti . n Hi'ji tJ < I v iv p l i ou e FA1 1M3.
| AJ CI-j !'¦¦« . svwluids. Lyr.c!i -ne. Grun ite- ¦ pET " The Birthcur -so '
f S .? nBt "'m^f.Vwim J »
I it j i r l i c i i n ts sliould h a v e n d e jj rw nr eyu lvi Le n t MANCHESTER 12
¦ i .iJ p \ KK H Y S K I R E S B e n u U Jj i P-'Jik D i s t r i c t — ¦
Save had C'l -'- al d e r a tj i f c\pt'rteit ce it] *-/ S' lK i H -h u i : : H( > '. SE mrnlf :a:ied: ruraE
< vr- .san ds Addrcw PC H T\.t G u a r d i a n .
'Phone : EASr 2231 (5 Jincs) -
Ames Crosta Mills & Co. Ltd.,
, . i- TT WiTiqin? * E x r i ^ n t n T' 1 *¦' I* 1 " •¦e a pp L S r a - 'i ". . >> h j l _<.
:. ¦. : ¦¦: irri-A iA U :s ;^i citup lc :*1 y f;jr:.J--hert se 'i or , /^HEADSJE —C fimpsny d i r wt o r wu-he s to
; liev .r u n »
U" .s JleM la J- .vu - ¦ \V r -.- ] J1,» Ha:!i*:t'T R u n t ! . N e a W h t t - . ^-^ purch'isi1 4 5-ty»dPiM>mpd
sur-Tior Douched L 10 S News. i] i Epilogue. • f S Pl»r: " BlrthtUr
Hey wood. Lanes. .
• ¦ ,)£• . r.
f JO 15 Tetev -iiJon
r -co-Tn* it
J l " .t> ii ^»:-. nr ? p^nnane'i t s t . i f ? .•tp;>oL:;:me:Ks I Hinue I:i the h»st par: of Cii ""-ftdie: hi£« HH.14772 1958 Silver Cloud Saloon Concert n 10 CIcj k. P»rtx. " [
¦a.::i p » r :; nr |Att < n la a L t 'T u na u t - . r y s y p t r r a a- DETA* H K I > j - H E l > tl oO M E I n H O' " SE <»:' u ,i t e _ ?noe w i ll bf p-.ld .
...•m. - r u - j - i ,,
. KM.c I.YTHAM a nv.m
PP aO6 M.G ; lii ^ it i ^ i A i s »Al.i. utdi Kiiui«nau«.jt , ik u • in Green with Beige leather 27 .000 i 11 0 SHi. w-u-r c^e. M1DLAND m t m
» * «.- «"«- *-• ' ,
SEWAGE AND TRAIV. EFFLU ENT . :j.j atL'i ;» DE TAi'j - H E t J HOLPE miles
Er-1 **
i:; Ll i if e «i«y:u:d:toe *.i-ht :iif . bet a veil tJ. To'l tiu ¦I Pcnmau Ecimomic n'-ueri. a.ri*ua<i 10 oikj in
alter i i't n p r i* ^ vriii 1 ;f r. ¦.ui' 1J " ?! NGE. t h r o uu l i
I*1 .* Estimating cvp rtmr:.s t<f *i-:s
*iu. *iil>'.i.'.s; ;n_*r lo*l The (.» n]p»»y Jiini> bu ilt a
:i.'* i .i:. • .**¦:« ¦*:-.*t>> nh*ala a r e prtrt !d>d a t D i N I NU P.iN hM t ,.rn t . STT'DY
B R E A K F A S T - RO O M sep H A T H A T OILET, , Minchtts;-»T.
K I T C H E N .v
' TU
l > - 1» Tr.r. ^ e oi Cheshire or South We
OBNEYCHOFT ft CO . 23 BrarecQoae St.
t^ a pLralJua tM ch. l« jO ]b. prtrWiure , wlt.1
Hij d^kinsort Stokers , Eruu ijmlser . pumps, grit HH.14676 1956 Silver Cloud Saloon ".ekksw" ""Kj ,• ..¦s^sr^SL 's

rapiiliy trxpandicf , . "a- p-L. -f>. a r i d :h-. r e l^ c>'-> ' l l e n t provision DEA S239-6756.
»-:J prcjrefiii< nn d sin p l a n t ins'*:ted <^ivemmem factory. 4 20 p.m. sm Id Welih. 12 45-1 12 Lunch Box. • R™ 03 cyodt

i5 225o ?&?_£
lari;*- i iAKAC.E aiid in Black with Bicwn l e a t h e r . -, «
¦ip -j f i i a r . i l sa- "a. j ^ t ' v i tU1 st^luded rear gardc-n
[ "tin Limn 1* Tra ls [rr« a.-i.rt' tlOUAJ 5 lo* 1
;«'¦ Uh—:y ptET ACHED HOL'SE With J or * Oedl. S:n ba rya In ruite £4 .fX w w here Ilxed
I5 25 1 «-?S^.imh KM. , !
* Fred
s::ua:e lit a most + n i g h * -af !f*r
] w:.;:^ :i .i;^i.:L-r:: ;.i::. -.. nm u j t i**. de' a u of;i^ :i - iinee £(5 5-O. F u r t h e r det a i l s may j t/ . M / c or f r i n ge Chp shirp THORNEYCRO FT \V atklns i Enjt tneerin BJ 3G .0C0 m.rcs.
ESTIMATING ENGINEERS q m j Lflca'.i 1 a* . u n i t c.\p1***:tr.«. s t . i i u 1 t>e m a d e Ltd. . Cdlelord. Clos.
¦ :- ¦ Hif Pi-r *n:.' l i M v i at or .
E"j.-4su*n T f lt *-
bf nb*..iInert f r t n ti t h f ae«H. J L WYIJCS . and r t j 33 Brazennose St M' c ModDKA RTSfi MA C H I N E TOOLS. Franrii 'f lnr m Francis Sionzi t 4S-3 50 School*. ,
l p : n : if * r^ i n i it i t . C«M03, N o tt l r .Bh a m. q uu t l GK 31 * The i - q i t i re St A n np s on Ses Ti»l \5*V r^ OCTOR requires 7-bcdrnom^ d THE " HE ART " OF LN 'Dt'STRY . KH. 14723 1952 Silver Wnirh Saloon ' i rt . n LU a te s . lnvei:tr*tel. 5 • I.udcy Dip. .>
A;*;>i.^au *.s should preferab ly be In tho era-type
by Park Ward in Black/Maroon witn 5 5S n ^ a s 5 ss N>»-*.
ice r a n g r 25-w^. And h *if ^m<1 a EhdroujiM re:er*.i'f I>H 1. DST. 2-fwi CL>t'NTRY COTTAGE w i d P - J *-/ Hi^us e . Didabury. p»rkfleld Road, Lan- I H SCON L -ir.'ONED TOOLS S 25 FMDCJ Storm
'?pe:i ¦fpftri?? mod eswn* .a!s cak beamed i msier Ftr>ad an**. Kood condltlOD and gorxi I IMMEDIATELY AVAILABI-E FROM Maroon « 5 M.riiitm Nr ibcaJL 6 5 Mld :«nfli Hem. InveiUuiei .
cLi d niwrj ns ir astiiRg. PTiiianency lur EM E il^ L i N At J ltN V I C K I-Tli Pee! B*r.k J tiold p i s n : £l.+i» Ta rporley i«4 . prj 5i-Lon e«ec:ial j 6 15 William Tell.
»u::aule applLi-au t* with *c«pe and arpur- w ..-k a r : . j r Ll : N r
o'lL lTij i s
cr P!o: of Land sulrabte STIHJK 4tHJ/3 bQ \ 6 4S .Sprinc Fair. < 15 S-rt'«nt PTMlon. S 55 Newi. '
tuuitv icir advaocrmtr iit . The work t l > *.»:¦: D:jjj {i.:MTH»:i. pr.-f e r a b . y oiLf » ' M
A- vn : . i r : i a requ .rt? DI D SB T 'R Y : Km j t J:-"Ji Ftrc ad ' C^ e r So o k ms , Trjr building. OX 9 Ttit? Ou .ircilati H m V (Swedish. Un^ersil Horiz Borer I 6 50 plj un push.
| 4s Ptlrtck OHUID. ( 5 ScotlUh Netn.
( 15 yin, wonderful wand. ( '
involves the pri'paratloa el sales estimates F- fl i -l .^ T M .s., i — F i n i' .*. H< ">T "SK 5:, p.- ..! J.:i x J' j. i. tpir. die tn-w , ¦ , „ Thl g^- P,rItfe.
-x^t-r i*:^-** .
: h y d r a uJ . tt and p l a st i c LY T H A M or ST ANNES —2 3 tH'drt.omert , rr: ^R Ifr o^wide PJ aner . i Th ' s p
superior Dei Kur -Ka ] ."* v:;h n'.^v t u r d . r j B' ,S Enwrj
c i n d .T l'ji i
fi r equtp nifnt of similar naiutv tt> n m c iiln e r v ¦(!¦•*:^n * *hc wr-rk Sr.v -TM?d is ¦ . I a. «¦- *.« M r nli - .'- 2
R A 1 L T O N A K \*i)WTiJ5 12 York ! ™£. f.t"f - ,„
ency—w«rd 10. 1 30 ZnxniLcr—w»rtl
g „ Conctntr'
10. • 45 Armchitr Shopplst. , i M l l^rpoi 'is pJar.; a:U sewsiK paa*.p- .-¦ ¦ ¦ TFN TT1T Biri LEIi t,:: O^L-i.^ide! , hydra ulic US newt. I ! 011; .«, . loa. 7 • Th. Soni P«r4d€. .1
n jj A fr ; n-n t :ois*. « h .vi • niujtl be i a
(., . :!•.-.'«.: .^ :.« .-•
Jis- 'i f .J. :. i: •."¦ M n . .¦;-¦!
.: ,! . tT^ :* s<.-- ;« f.>r
• ¦* ,»:i , ] ian u cai1. FOR SALE A""a. - t t\ f HU N i JA L OW . s h o y * ; r equ s ud
dt f t a i j s
tin use wr ^ l d bi* n-siSlii^ rf <i
Addrs .Ms i»p iO7 The G u a r d i a n -
fuiJ iil/TLKEi 24ft i t>U x tilt Pliner. *pi r«.l j « ,2 S'" n '«
ht Errant 60. «„ 3° Kn iihi Errant ¦«. t u Zmttttnc r—viirt It. ' ,
y. - t ti-i; '.v '.r-!: lull details res*rd:ng ase . ¦ .h- J nu .-. 'S lihy 1 2' j Pr-** a t v u : u:i:n *.p r r u p t e d ¦ i 3? 5 25 sews. I • Concentration. !
-"l> '. ?.-vl- ;rr.;.sr>-,r' HH.14689 1959 "S" type Saloon In .V B itXix Uj « M Knj lbt Err u t •«.
^ v»w S n ow d nn r a a f f a n d o tsf 'o L l a c d u d n t > ' I \yf OD. St-mi or Vet. 3 or 4 t»rdi u jiwj t heap 2.a I I! PlTy' " The BlrthdlT
. j :- .m
"^tvru-aoe. and sajary nsj u lrtinitits, Mar-
Uci*er *aJ Screwing Uactunc ! » *> <
!» ias'"™' *"*
• m' ' ? d *. A]ip..i*a ¦;. n * " ¦ *^ v - it ' For t V I £2 ,900. Sou:*- M T
2 r^ .-ppuon-roiims larice i : v ] nc k it r h en . -4 laree Cr e /
u ?r « tW, r^« •»as.- Blrth4w
klit-u Jd bo addressed to ChJel EilUnatcr. > TIKiRNEYCKOFT . r t-a »
• h-» a::fi ;*iiia ' i :hi* M a- .«i C" : b U .r e ct nr ." ftn d CO . 23 nra2i?«e Stre*: j
m a r k e d n.:itido :i:;a3. sr i^r;»; ^ ^t 1 e\ ?i i n f i i u ii
SHilr^ .irna. b . i ; h r t^ [ n. nr.d V' .lt -t , u s u a l - Jinr."; DEA t57% III fi EP. Mia i.ront? Traversim Bead Shiptr I
'2 c i m k^ s ^ " C i" green3i u^ *r.d sJi-sl 2 ,n--rt -i • ol'MEKO lJ 14 in S.naper ,
quk.lTi. *:;>j:.s anri sAt^ -y *\pi* -¦.¦^i Initric
rnf fi*.i n a r r l m iM D=
" (M fKSS
^.^.^i " ELEGEN
i^^Kjt.. * T
* " Guuu .:llotice.
H.H. 14789 1957 "S" r r p« 5«Ioon
, " "-SAS? " °" u»51SS: m. B J iSSS: ' ,'
. jr-:'i
' 'i f * "»a*"*icii .Tr« rr-nrn H
r * **T>m h tuVlK kIiv Vh Hit "Li.
'I-. i •. ¦^ir u u i ti -i:, CIt X&
API" KENTH"E HEATINC; DRAT<^HT^M"aS j E7X CEMJ£Vr orpur:'- :sji ips ex:s: a i t h :n the wii in Sand and Sable with fan interior .
" Country Houses an d Estat« » ' c - kf.ei.d M oa el . .= a ««,« , «m •
n-q«lrej sn MaRcheiter b>' Sttsier lln*ther» t a—i
;^'t:d^n> T,,: d. aKfd I*) 1" quaLirti-aUirds ; trAn.-h nf
l'r.«1oL 4lon Doiiar ^nLrK 1 >A yrnRress' ve
3,ik^.: E c R i n f . r.ns
If vi r s^D-^Fr ?"ohoM ;,., ;,„, ! Power-a ssjited s t e e r i n g .
14 .000
<: C ts., with 4 pAsjes. Apply Malta£•*:*. 31 ! \ii\ *::i.--.-» s h. Li.d be Df parcn'uJar Group. tJie HOME RCB VICE—114 Metre. - LIOHT P«OC«*MME—IJW. Ml >f 'trn '
*' c--r Strw t Maro-t :es:er 1 AHD 3?*5T. ¦i <j:-.£ a,?:, v.:-, , ¦> *i -t> s-jd yi ai w ::hmrerf *t tr> ' V.H.F.: IJ.7 Mc/i IIIdIrx Him . »2. 1 Me/. V.H.r.: U.I Me/. (Italia* »»l. IU »•*/• |
,-rf» the v'-« HH.14657 1956 2-door (PooUp Flkcl. »2.« Slr/» IDosiIM). M.7 (ronu» rUel. M.l Me/. llufaM, «*¦* '
ITOMATIO M A l-H I NE TOOL CONTROL- :o f *i :^ :jK e[,siaet rtnc--d -'t ' '-- quallflcation *
-^f Fixed Hejri Coupe Qy Park Ward in , Mc/< Me/. (D..1IM).
¦ A You::f Elvotnca! &j gi:ie*r rcq'-:r«i I i>r nst-mt- -^.Lr a ;>r{??r*^TUi L in i Ut ^ 'jr a ;
¦«* Proirt^»:ve M*ch: r.<¦ Tlv Corn pi :j r f.. r J ur i*r i - n;-^ :Ak:[,if - K 4- j ^ ?«-*•• (. •- a n.p iom.i Hone/ Beige w. rh B<? ge interior. • 45 ..».: M.rk« Report, a 50: Uf! Up Wj m Sj MiMtj K • 1« ».».. ? *•¦•*{• '
e.r KxpAnd£r.j : E.ii; :f" l-s.: Enji.:.«r!;;i * :a Mj i rMt enu-"- ^:jiiLes I,iill:lie* u:;i bo Autom aric. 43.000 m-les 1 Y'. ur He.nx. « 55: WMther. 7
•: Sew.. ! S' ."«*;' ,'
.'!!', ,Vfi i ifil
:i i '1 -tr.i.-r.- .Minc.inx AuliMiu -' or. a^.l Vrc- j ir-a r-.s-d
¦ :- < uitah^ a^ p ii-anw att«ndu.< 7 10: Protwum... 7 15: Ton!.,. 7 U: * ."i,* ? SorSmJ Iffic.' ?*l " SeMj 4 '
¦»;^T ve I**rr'.oi>Ripr.: Pn^jram ^ie tli < * uo*:tu.u :ei*i".3 va. it ..ej;f u. diiv-rrii ^aM 1 cjurses. *a'a r> HH.14660 1955 "5" type Saloon In ' To-d.y ' i Pspen. 7 40: Interlude 1 »:
.^. ,
on the Move. I SS: Weither. • •: HoOJ»- !
*-* ;- ii pri'S'Kv^ '. i t a s-i i^A:. - :¦
¦ K ¦ :. b 'MHa u i . < u n v w i t 1! Qualifi v.ti^n s and «pe-i "- Duo Grey v.\\n Blue interior. 58.000 «»«•' Choice. • 55: Fl»e to Ten. s» *•¦
««*««" ^P«<i . »:.a ^l!n !»m'«l - I S'r>li* V iXlli!
Lift Un Your Hecru. '. 55: WnsRr. • •: '
' U i \ * f n i p*vff-iti. r w:Ci f.<v"K*A. mu:^ . - c:.v.v T' , *aie wr ite, jnut*; lull detail
K™>XjP3 -4 - U Vork S " e*t - m.ies
'i«-: I'.r^fi irair.irji » r j a k-^r. :nter *'s: Irs; , j - h t: 1Vi> -B iAr *h t^
, ft& fj oSHUA HKAP Mot or -d-lv™ SCPE ^V- ' Newi. 1 10: Prxntrunme.. > 15: To-d.y. Jhe Muile Boe. It W: Wulc WtaOt »»
L-d . p !time r work*
• 35: T-v-i., - . p.per. 1 40: Interlude, ; » • > og.'"irS ^ ' u J * gj £1 .
> • «: y«ser d., :n II: Htm. ffg"*
t eVi.-loixr.ent w or* ¦ f: re- ,iAy w <*>k
r rail toen.
tf ?£? ¦wVrlSr
^ -. PiStaS. * 1 »JW f
ssSh-visna aii ss3?,un3?'lss™< s«gs ^"r-^r^^^^^'ir0
< ¦ ¦ ' *.. r Ljh ari'l pcrji i u -r. f HH.14481 1953 Dr oph« «d Coupe by
B^i"?rFI;sEwiNc »«».
• Api>;tfa "o:is E S RINESH *-h H s r or equivalent
¦n - :.:l.1'-i..-- i v- ru: ^;^ q^^ .tno i'ion s *:.d p- -**"-** - ¦**."¦^«l and Park Wa'd .n Black with Blue 9 !•: Three of . Kind. 1U: School.. Shop 11 45: Uiteo With Mother. » »:
vP"- .-:n ¦¦ ; ' T;e E*^-:rl-

ss"ft ^si?.^^ 0
Tiie¦ to undiT 'Aite* in ter w . i rg. *i*r:ric *i knowiedjK,
i " .;rr. . \:^ -r..:.- ?--.>; ra «I. *dE:u;i;i«t.
' '^^
rei "s^ssj ^Is? fs«ptaH*cK.
• H 15: Service 10 »: Nnc Muilc While wimin !Hour. > «h Melody Oo Us* U=«.

.>x ;*rlmeatal work in terior. Power hooa 71 .D0O miles .
t 45: Malic WhlH Too Wort 4 ifc « W«.

- ^^ s^p^^4rSB*3^
iJruarth e ath . j iia Mfhiii. 'At xr.d H- "*t T-an You Work. 11 «: School.. 12 •: B B.C.

w ssfj itf,
\ :- rn- 1 nr.-. rr n t - : - F *r *r Tests la

sssas = S^rpglFrr
Rr^^ir f.-ii ^*:d P*"."i< lrtpr::»'Ti.t P* par'rr. eat. Replv

ES^"sss H^sr^ i ^—• '

HH. 1952 4}-U fr « Sjloon by Concert Oreheatr .. 12 55 p.u : Weather. Dlle'i lAtrj. 45: Ridnf ReittlU: At ;
<ts *.:r:e ssf. (iualinr au ^ .Ls , a».ii Mi *ry rpqiiiri^d 1 •: New» 1 10: Any Oue.tlom ? 1 53: Tour Bequert I*U: At om PUOft, I t *j '
[iaidwin and Francis Limited
:i*i Pirrsor.n < >J M ana£^r Tl-«? ^ur«"Seater Co Freestone and Web b m Elack with In terlude. » »: School.. 3 •: •• Around the Roundabout # 4J: "The Archerij" * ? : ,
f.*.,i . Red interior 30.000 m.les ' World in E.«h!r D«y» •• —1. I 1»: Mm lc RJ dlc Hea.reci. I S Bport. 7 M4 "
r-^i. T»- orERATOIW A<^^' ir: ^Ml R. \J. Tr*n ,,rd Pirk. f.»U * .-h do«kroom . loyr.j '. dim-.s-ro ora. | - 2PJ
H - r.i a-iL) Fuir.i MachLnr s
for Ilcriioatai i M »r.'^<*»:t'r 3 7
Sira :os-wm kltchtMtle ;hr « douhl- brf -
l " 2ii2?, T.- ^ / .. * MITrH tlj. rv>ubi f-t na«I ;
. S.9SD" , r >, 'J _.! tc!!r' T - n _ a!» i"£r HH,14562 195 0 Mirfc VI Saloon in»try. t l : r» FVdenMtu 4 «J: The
1 Unlni. 5 0: Children -
. Hour, i IS:
F1C°« _ Dc5'£fv__i *! "=? iiu><"
• »= TiP"ToI> EC'S?- . "».1
A_B*O<I r H^tl
29 '
l \ 3.-...Z ~u\ I'.npstaa SETTER OPERATORS. X f M^ l KN C E n K A i EFiXtK S requJrM by 1* *: Pi&r " The I4*Tii *Tremr/.**
-ass siiJ^^sl
¦ » We.ther e I •* New. S " 15' Vwi of the It *a:' (
E Mfli M:ti« Tt> Irtsakers .- p-ti-n Tudor C 'cy with '.tjroon I s2Sh! « U: SpSrt « U"" «J - ¦• «• »?£??"• ¦» *• >"»*«¦ « •»' ¦
t ys-^

-ssf aj..D^,^
.Jt'KKATiillS tor Ward No T Cumb iKs- a:id f.x leather, . Mu.!c?l MerS! g
::on l-*Uies.
OP KR atop^ (or L"n:»ernj utuirn i of
::i.>rt :<t *u syp ca o: niA^; aad littLnjt
machine f i ¦**.* th * *u:It calls for u:ly s&srfS'iSs sssr^f-^a«F s— ""• st.^^ ^"
«g -™ ^ ;- i; ^iS^^.^F^ rL!a- !' ;i
Sun s hine r o c t . r.1,0^ 0 miles Co-Rount; 7 #: Chopin Intern.uoniJ f e n . 11 a. CloM.
, f ™» -™«- Conc.r J . . U: »y^or ^.
MAchtn es. quallt;ed «LKtti^ > r* wlio rr.ujc have *hail
-several y ^r *1 pra ^ttc ai rx;Kripr.ce of work
OPERATORS for Radial Ann DrUitsi ¦ r f ji tJni 'iiu r ature i!ie ;«. slticn will be on assr /- ^ on%;rz»
EA _c ,c t«
' p^I^^ $E¦^™ ^^
d r
5 u o ^TJ O.Kj mgg^jJj Mjy.
Mi- .lines.
c, s M „ SS. %."?.S^rK^ B?1 >h - S; S | Sin^»MH ^ " ^ o
M mtm A re * Dc *tert
.t »,». .1 «= cv*. ,„ £££ET iK0-c. , .= « ;
a pc r inw n o n t -sta n Mv.i and »U1 earn-' t h e
Ap;>-lcanis Tor the atwve poMtlfo* must rusjo rnary »mfT frhiiczfs "iach as iaper-
^ :=^.
- Mim i S' e»». i it, itJS. ^
&e prepared to work nights on a rota a r .tL u a t V n aini croup life »Muranrf . elC- a JAGUAR. ROVER , DAIMLER.
i-fii-ai . j ki>ihJ salary M3 1 tw paid ta ' h e perjoni » l th *t *n f«rlj da!f on
HOl'SES t o b» tiullt flt^r tntr»a« tiail 1kte« L- iu3t» K fh librae R i r . l OV S BuUdlni M.tten 7 M E •: Tllkln * ir ot
Pr oflt -ihar*.n« scheme :n operation, also i '.he tii 't -fisarr **p*rlence and qualificationn CHCon Drive Nurtti: exr»ll-nl domBilc rtna . »nd cSlr.lnj-rt.Tn teh Vm 01 :b : Sfi „JI2 Pl»!«. c-"P »=*!«« T ^"' "
<: Trro d'-
*i cic r tut> Canteen facHlTlr* ivaiiabSe W rit t c r . appllcauon :¦¦> 51- » v - * -e«« IMlm .!.- . 15 , m.: SI. "
"*" " ": C ~-
Wr-te. or app.y la p*t*ot:. AtL» fi '-ic , ivr-cnitel o:rit*r. P a^ t J tw mad e to She N-tt, £ t»: N>wi of the North , a 25: THIRD r»CMi«A«HE—444. 1*4 Mrin. < '
B r r m u Indust r>i Sport C 20- LTiter Grern. • M - 1 t: Z m
S^rwi Brosdh eath. Alt risen am che» Ltd Machine T&-1 OU '< .in. S«. V.H.K.: >1 S Mr/. iH.lnw M«ul. »t.7 Mc/» ,
ShertKjr :sf ;o . 13: Let the People SIQf . 1» 15- rroolw Pike). M.J Mr/. (SU4U1.1.Vi ,
?:r('«'t . Mpiac h t f j t e r J [0 45: ruinb*!*.nd. 194).
LISAT1XG ENCIN*1^:R r«j -'.r«t u Se«lc-. Me/. tDoaxuw).
1-otrdon ilMni.l.—6 15-7 t p.m.: In lit
FI.ECTRSC WETHERS t n r \W•*. a-.fl n"iv> Jl 1 :^Adrr ::i Tt*-hr.:--»: S* -^ LVpArtment n: 5outn-e»s! • • p „.: um H.mllton 8on»u . Op. a , '
v.^ iiUi * cApj ib.i " c( wor klnji fr m dr i w i : . g* Hi-a:::j B Eqj ¦ pnii»r.; MAni ifAi tai CoDiD *rjy John Darle. icEJirlneil T\*t Crow ipl.BOl.
appllcn [i Ts for !he ai>n « pM! ¦ r^ 1*:^^ " *. » .?c f ¦" *iiv a.-3r-er:]fr.- M idlj tnd r27Cn.K—9 ta ..m.: sirnpoit—
i" r. my» " &e j »* -ii-i'^^f a 25: The World of Industry: Systematic .
<>¦ . <i>ri -L] ¦(¦ work niflit * on a r^- ra *\» '. *z:i ¦ riw iy *«k D«r a » o^ r^ci ..j n.-.W-. K W MldUndi. » M-» »0: Throuth But Soldlertni >>T T. Lupton. ¦ U: Bruckocr <
. i!-«i h i i r 1 :n schemr in op< *rii!li.s . a «¦. ^ .j oiirrs
*tck • :. ::*! «Jirr r *qu:rpL|
;Vrttr£ Aj;r . ex perierure and 5944 - Phone - 5944. Ar.Klfu; Ern 6 15 p.m.: News Sport. Symphony No. 0 In D minor ff 45-ia St:
• 35: Slrnr-'il—K. MldJlDda. 4 M-7 (1 Ktthlern Mlch.el with UarCosns a <
•Sub. rj nt cm laclli ties a^all ,ih V w r L: e or I c-an*
a;; '* ix, Derwn. A t l a n t i c Street. Brvadlieath. I-rd . 15,"1«.
to The Secretary
R*!* Lion rtort . Flwt
2i3SrpniS4 « TiA ir-r 4li? tSSnnli Ab'/frt<1T. Prnluhli* (TeL A!xtM<Sj 3031. K pto 5-niNr^—COVSTPl'f-nOV nni) Worrit mi Mturlc •¦ Th. Counteu C.thjeea " by W. B. Yeats.
Still mainly dry Snow report s
TO REGIS TRAR teeth T!ie A i r Ministry 's early
forecast for llie period b"
mi diiiKht :
a.m. to
VcsterclAy u wax fln« at avat rooru. but dou4;
at ViHai-r. T#mpfnnurps wie between lOdsg- and
JJficg. Snow depths and conditions wrre:
1' re.wurh. will r«na!n hlch t-J ihe E. ar.d ]o« to

M.P. defers his question

.Midfrm.t t , f*t rwon v 20Id. ion ikl alopcti 34m..
FOUR-POINT PLAN t'u? W. of thf Brltlsli I»le». Most distrtns ul it b<*
d ry though raj :i m«y occur In places in N. Ireland
,-»7i"i3 extrrine W. and .V or Swlland . Tnupt'.-At ure *
hard: Aru<;». 401n. -*- . «0ln -. powder; Davos. 311n.;
¦Wtn. + . tK«*der: Gr ludelvald. nil. 36ln.. hanl;
i:io*ti?rv. ;'«]jj ., ^O'D. -fr. powder: s: Moiitx. Win ¦*- .
Sulz: Vt liars, -liu.. 37in.. hard; ZennatU 40ln..
By our own Keporter , KnLondon »rt». S.I:.. t>nl. S-. S.W.. N.W.. «>nt. N".
vlind. »:. and W. Mldl«nd». YVj tlfS. l.a»r l»Klrlrl.
<0 1a.+ . powder.
By our Political Corresponden t About 65 per cent of school- ' or Ulf of Man: Suiiily ln-rlods: wind E. or S£.. moderatt!
Ireih. av'rrajj^ temperature*, ma-tlmtini <T-5-d*2. !t «»*¦ ftnf at Montgeueire and Auron. onreaRt a:

A -,er:t's o.r cj u<?.» tio::.s a b o u t the Miss P i t t rep ::ed :

T h i .- >i'iienie Js
children in Manchester were found ,' I'dinlmrrli:
V:. Anilli, K. »tid \.K. tncland . Hordc n.
Brls^E liitfr-.a!s: ti:mlieraturej » near
ChAmutilx moiiv at caurctieval and Hiowiag at
Bnrencs. Sn< w dpptln nnd cumUt lans were.

hospital services in Manchester a n d in an car !y p!:>:inin!> stage and I to be suffering from dental caries r.\ il rr.i('." r hu .namx s:t- tit. . sprlujir: courcbrvaL fill um .
pnwiiur *-. Mi]]its**»^T^. SHi . Ain~ . powdenr; Aurao
' the most common cause of loss of ' Furllirr Outlook: StnitUr. lall Oiu . frcili." U&rf fcs 3(t -til.., po»d«ry
d.strict received w r i t t e n answers :-uniiol ' yet say when work w i l l .- ta rt."
¦, u> .:erday From Mis.-> P u t . ihe (( -apitai projects
teet h by decay before the age of -10 I ^h * |-%f»\i.l > NOBirw

P a r l i a m e n t a ry Secretary to the
—in the last school inspection for , ¦ :Nurl t. Sra. strait of llo\rr. I'l.El. ^h Channel
li -vis ,niu»> al Finse »Jid Norefj ell. ftae at Oulo
a-iii v ^ «od cloudy at c>Uo and Nor dsrl&r,

M i n i s t r y of H e uit h . Mr Gn fliths a.-ked wlie:her t h e which figures are available. .' M ticorgr 's channel . lri»h sra : H \i\izh '"iir-ip* r*]ur--fc ranscd from 30def. at VTnie io 33d<?c
a: u*Jo bror depth* and roadltlona were:
Minister would -t;:te the capita: A report to the city education com- ; F :. *e -9in.. frej h ; Cello. 43ln.. powxJer
Mr Wi i] Griffith.-, t he- r.Xibour protects, cos.ting over L2.OU0. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER I^j ki'.au.iner. Sordieter . 87ln.. powder: Norefjcil
member for t h e Ex'ha s:ge division of ji sed author- mit tee yesterday says t h a t routine Ak-ng The E coast of Entliiid und Scotland i:
r*Tni piju ,4J<T: Oaln 4Tln.. cilip: Vo». I2in.. p*i-xder . .er. rieferred a question a b o u t at the Manchester Royal inspection in schools disc 'osed t h a t was uuJd < *nli .irmp*r*mrp* only la lh« low I»rti«r5.
I n f i r m a r y , the Manchester Royal Eye 70 per cent of children examined i» otherwise ltn]pt*ra:ure*: were ne*r tUc seasunal
»v«*r »i^. Hl^Iie&l rirpontfd vaJu«*a were 5-tdeg. at
the re ference, of hospital p a t i e n ts to a :H ospital, and the St Mary 's Hospital 195S required dental t r e a t m e n t . In j CoIw-vh B»v «n0 Tunih&use .Edit:burch i . uhiV fll
regi.-lrar ins-*.ea rl of to r o n s ult a n t s . He LervUk hud Q*cv <lrJtr i. vas Dot exf?*-dtf.l. Ku<l*:id
h<ii ] hooeti '.o ask t his question ora: y ,in eac h of the last five years. m how 1S157 the figure was C4 per cent ; in i and Wnks wrru dry bur mnM o.' Sf.tlind «tid
y est e r d a y 'j il t was i;n;ib.e :o do so . many case? the work authorised had 1H S8 it was 65 per cent. N, iri'innrj h"ni some rain—n.ost ot it ruliinR durinx
j tli r :Uj[].t HIgr esi r*-iitirted to 'a." »vfr 0 2Sm. at
j :jr l ra'.iier t han be .-.ii 'i.stird w i t h a not ij een completed, anri why. The report states ;hat statistics ' Tlret y J4..1 at Kiulos^. a nri 0 2am at Wick.
w r i f e n reply :te '.v:!! a^ the ciuestioi i Miss Pitt replied t h a t as the answer = how a definite relationship between ; Su n.-hlii f »„< tn wiiv nmt.ned t- . Ku ittAtnV Waks.
ai:4 ?. aruunnu with th^ south h avinj; \h<? crewtt '^t
fo:itained a jniinber of detailed figures the highly refined carbohydrates in , .-KHfllli.t Stos: n] S. EiiKlund
ora. y i n t e r so t h a t he ra:i fo.' .o'.v t h u she would c i r c u l a t e the i n f o r m a t i o n in l!*d j duiv ihaji S!,r.
M :::i.-ter% re ply w i t h oiiij p.ementar '.e.-. b iscuits and sweets and the incidence : o. ' sus -fhlni: . tfhU e Jersey \iaii tui .r
rt'pjf .ed &.71ir. »ai ShanKltn p i>h*
Futkp s^ rjoc
T he w r i t t e n a nsw e r s are >ct out t r .e ot lk'ia! report. Work on seven of tooth decay. Caries L-, due to the ' \Uv i iU T m .Mrr.j Kj M, rhirm m .M jii M t n o1.
b e J rj w : ¦scheme
¦ .., had not been yet completed local action of carbohydrates a r o u n d : U»n<.i:i ».F 5 t,tr 24 huar * tfndai K 9 p m. n.J1 T.:
but I understand that prrj yre s K en the teeth , and the risk of this action ¦[r m .iL"-.i utrfv . mnuti:n;u 31
H ' y t h r n s l ta n e H o s p i t a l these is satisfactory ." is greatest when carbohydrates arc ! Hr.Utlf.i;. .N uiir Sainshi^^^ar C Thrs.
The official report c o n t a i n e d !he eaten between niea '.s. >l N R:m*s ¦M« nt -:e.s(Pfi ft 07 .. S-1!* 6 2fi
A n sw e r i n g Mr GrilTi'.h, M i-- P. ; fo llowing iiilormation capital Wa ys of reriiicing the risk of caries ¦ >ItH»N Rues 'MaitrtieatfTi 3 *1J -. Seta I'J oU
-;a:il tch pjjin s were beuis prepared schemer over 1J2.0UU t u r w h i c h the are : N\-w Mix>u: Marc.i J7
by the region a. board for a hoM)i:ui v t : i r 1 ,.i '.vu r L ' h a< [jf»r*n ; i L l t n ."r. ;.Ld :
of ;i:;<mt 4011 \'.ci\< lit Vy'y t n e n . s h awe. cut t i n g down on carbohydrate: : 1IH.H- 11DK 1AU1 L
eath-.g : ( ¦¦m i
i n'-.' -.if iiim a nialer' i i t y u n i t of SO becin . « t N i IH. iTI.K I 1IIMI. |-\ I 1 K M *U » l.!\rrpm.:
t; ai.T
6 27 a di 7 IU [i in.
Sui t these harl m l vot bocr. MibinJ t U'cl /J ^ j j a oi s h e S o r t 't l h i t **ic S e t - n n d a ry Modern School m Manche ster p l a n t i n g b r u s h i n g the teeth i m m e d i a t e l y . HL. -vvrLpi-u: 0 3j a.m. . . " Ii ;i .j u .
;>, ) f *, ",„ <; '• :• .r.
lor the M i n i st e r 's approv al. The form »-c-- l Irevi in the S t Cjeurge 's P a r k e x t e n s i o n , Hitttue , ye sterday. W o r k m e n of the a l t e r mea.s. or rinsing the m ou t h if i. .f , f]i.[] flria;c » l a.hi ' : y m.
i* S
(' ¦¦. . . P.1'.^- Vj - ct G 24 a m .... 7 t S-iQ.
of he-alma had not yet been clevideii. y ' > *~> ' :.'i! Af.rkcoii ii-sd -^ -•
C i tv I' tsrk s I J e p a r t t n e t t t Jt vlpt ' ti t h e t n . I t is hoped b y such tneat is to encoura g e brus hing is not possible : :rnp >rtclu reset ^d I
Th e estimated cost was a u o u t iL2' . >:-'J> i'H ..I'ir.' [.1 . . I •¦'¦! tn the boys a respect f o r an d knon ledee of tree * regu lar dental inspection : and
million ';.
A ] .11 .*t " .f . ( . . kit ^ - 1J.
/j.:..r<l li '^ii )> J ilai -~ir>»< - *:r' .u iu n . I ^-1 , . esr.y t r e a t m e n t . Alj nchi'i »:er .. . .. 6 56 d.ih. id 5 "(3 a m.

Eaton Hall to
T hinM -l.i ! r._|» 1.l.-. !•"¦;
" Discouraee sweets "
H ' lthwgtoa f loipital V>jt}- ~ N>« -.t-'dlll HJ.'^ l - • - *-> '
K 1- ' ..-" .) UFi sl- - 1 :.! : h i b l^ , :'r ' .-.L'ui-'m s 'J }'L

Mr f}ritli ;b s askt-d upon ¦

^ The report also states t h a t fluoncia- I dale ;i'iT-a rj ' i-yli t. —it a-?- - ' - "' " ¦'' lion of water has resulted in marked |
the M i n i s ter appro\ r ecl p l a n s fnr t h o

be demolished
^ ' a ' ¦' '¦'¦ ¦"
lie v matcrnil .v block at W i i h i r .ijton
:-^ ' "^:- :.: -:^ "^,;
i — ..ll H«' »' -:*s i *!'¦ f » - . : . .- i:.
-m i .
redu ction in t h e incidence of caries in I
. MW i
Hospital : w h e t h e r ho was a w ar e t h a t M.i n.r. :-i>l ' ly iiir- .Jj r. ri - ;•« , children. Fluoridation of water means |
-: m - i Al ' . -ifj t ; . ' ..I i .- '2l r. . . i'" " raising the level of fluoride in drinking
t h e pre-natal clinic- would be atioi.: a l't f s-9 x - *^> .-tvj i3»nu'j. ' .. |
• I 4t - n '

Orchestra 's off er

q u a r t e r «t a mile awav from the new ILOf »-.fl \l ;ii" s1'. -^-, r- ¦. .s,-t:i>., '. . . . .- ' iJ wa ter to one part per million. The i
ikmi z*'Slf k v' :l' 'kv,i''£i:r
K- i ". J"
' '- r i: -io M i r .istry of Health is conducting a
ri ' L l' i^i'-v *
_ :
ina'. ernitv b!o.-k. wha; wa- tlv ^
estimated e npt . nri'l when lie e.Npet led live-year investigation into the etVecls i
¦A n rk to start. ¦ of artificial fluoridation of the water I
Miss Pitt replied t h a t sketc -h ij lmin
W;i "iL M>i k i t: ¦li- i r;i.<i,iiir.r.
Hi - ' nr<
a> t %

ur dp r - f i .

,'l r
Eato n Hall . Cheslcr . the scat oi' By our own Reporter I supplies of Anglesey. Watford , and
K j! iiT hiTU.^
were approved on .Tune -. H).T!t, for a Sir John Bai'b:roil i, conductor j Ki lnianiock . These tests are due to be
matern ity H' ock estimated to co--t
i f h T O il ^t u l t n m p i-t 1«i>n i n n 'U -'' l l' v. DL;1]1
-I - .* "s U t iii-n r . j T i ir n ' t H' LiM»1 3nO CUM the Duku of Westminster, which is completed in 1961 .
A it d . ' .^n n i .tPc*imi t v . r t i L t u i n f ^r p z < 'j:>
bei ng returned lo the Grosvenor of the Halle Orchestra , is st i i l Tiie report recommends that :
".lT .'l.OdO. " I cannot yet say when n .i r 'f T r a li i i t i ? ; «' !i . i -> l . p i i a- ^ t 1 f.- u t k

work w i i commence " The pr e-n.a:a'

iJl 'S TUTW • --
;;i<v- ] jf —nn i i i t e pnt]i p n t ^ ' ti ¦in '1 "*^rk
'*- *93
estate by the War OITice . is to beconsidering an otter he has The sale of biscuits and sweets to
clinir- had h<-en sited where it would It. prf'srr*.*-' . -- 3 ii>0
received to become the permanent schoolchildren during bleak-time
demolished. An ofiiuial of the est ate should be discouraged, and the sale
I'te most convenient for p a t i e n ts
l U RV t s IIO^I TTX I, unnotf to IEmmI Irtllr marv >, E.;ud yesterday that t he cost oi conductor of an internationally of fruit encouraged.
Maternity ;.^ ;-r '«j* f c i h-u <!\ famous orchestra in tho United Consideration should be giveti to intro-
**'rvirt' <
restoration a nd muintenance would States. ducing fluoride into Manchester water
Mr V.\ R. Wi::inras (L a b Opcr.i-iunvi Clifl pi l "
- . 4 -17 be too great. A n n o u n c ing this last night. Mr supplies in I96I-2 a fter the Ministry
asked the Minister nf H e a l t h w n et h e r .N ear by. m Westminster Park, tests are completed and it the
Kenne th Criekmore, the director oi' Ministry approves the results.
he was aware of t h e oinrei n felt by sr mmiv's iiospn
\i. blocks ul 1 flats and Cana dian v a n f h - t he Halle Concerts Society, said that The school-meals service should con-
Manchester C'o r p u r at i o n 's Heanh
. ,<, , N , ,,„ , , >. .f
l~ ^;y!e houses are tu be b u i l t in a even i f Sir John accepted the Ameri- sider providing foods with a mouth-
Department , f a m i l y doetur.s ami mid- Ilt 'ii - i ( "' - i' ¦ :¦»]'¦£] "f lii'siidry U 'j - . -J. .^ i : Ij I
J development M-hemc in which the can oiler, it would be on condition cleansinK action for the second course
wiivs w o r k i n g in the heavily .-r.nsestert - *i.r *- » - - - "• *
Ijjj- *; P - 'li - ii R- i a l .--ibr. rii-.-y e ' f i t^ -i . . . * :iT I estate a nd a firm of contractors are that he could continue to conduct at school dinners : and. '
areas *,1 ihe city regarding t h e S' <-rlltM .a- " .'."in . - - •¦ - ' ' l-u-o perilling .
1 1
rou ghly the same number of concerts Conditions should be improved to attract
P v^ n e i i ¦. ever [IiafHTi-n-y - .- - HVi more dentists into the school dental
inadequate m a i e r n i t y services now Pi =¦--"! *^r ¦-¦ ':' - —W h i i An"'!! I 1.!".; > "Jn Eaton I la " is a !arge Victorian a year with the Halle as he has done
av a i l a l i '.e rin .-.i w h a t u rg e n t n-"t ;-j :i ne :r! sr»r- .*, ->ri •) .--i 1 :iaiiJ-'"'—IViu " -
u-1!. - | ,.-k
-1 _ - . - ¦ ' J^O
Got h i c s t r u c t u r e , designed by Alfred in recent concert seasons. Mr Crick-
proposed t o take. yi »- r - "i s.i> .ii ih* '*^ f - n r-J. h h - k - l i .-' i'i . Waterhouse. D u r i n g t h e war it was t h e more, who wou ld not name the After considering the report yester- _* 4fc -_dh ^ l_ W«rm t ro nt . A—A—Jk.-A. CoH ronr. ~. A ^. 1 Ocelu rfia tr »nr. tt akart
Miss Pitt replied t h a t t h e M i n i s t e r l<f-,7_ *! . . . . -
8 "J-j'i ( tem porary home of
Nsi ,
t h e Royal Naval orchestra which has made the oiler , day, the education committee decided l i t ttt *w n for «v*ry lour m i t l i b a n . *
Attovn on tht 1ml Her fnip thow wrn rf dt r ^ crion . H|wf«i In cifcfci ifi«« * w r nrf i^ ct J
U-j-j- ^ A n-<Ji t i n i ' i f U '- ":i Tu ' d' aj v .-j * ' ^ :i' , '
wuas a w n r e t h a t there was ecuvern College. In 1947 t h e War Office added : t hat the school-meals subcommittee Fig ures out t iJc circlet *Kiw temper stuic. Lcir cri ifcow ex pected we ather j\ followi : b. Hue iky, kc. hjH-tloud »J;
C, cloud y: o. ovCfCJit ; K fog: d. d t i x i l e : h. hut: m, milt ; c rjin; t. mow; Or, lhun dcr it*rm: #. ih««rc*». An twt »n
about the number ol m a t e r n i t y lied.- in n W h i i'j u . r t J i Part
a-i on
¦ " »0 1
r:egotiated a ft !l-year lease on it and should consider the recommei^iations fhp Is rv ^t HiAh tVnw «|jt«rtinn rift mon^Mtnl aI ¦rv iiur f ahii .
the eity and surroiinrlina c!i-=lr: . 't> : l'Jti
i f DJ ' i - rw i'Mi«i\-- ::.> rr [i ,, ( l . i i i^ s n u n - M l . it S . -1 o"ki
j " Sir John will be discussisig with me about greater sales of f r u i t and mouth-
i >" t ., ,.di s j '¦' '¦ ' - •• '¦t;>;> t - - i . ] took it over for use as an officer cadet during the next few days all our
additional maternity bed< were (¦• ¦!i *r.»: Labi-u - sm!i- !"¦ ii t r^ -t nTi-j .t : schooi. In I I-155 t h e Treasury approved ammgemems for 1960-61, including his cleansing second courses ; the health
inc iuded in b u i l d i n g prnj e-ts now 'i i f - j j -a u M
Thr-c .iil.nlfl-r s »:ir) Mr nrui 'a - ms
- - 6 WII
i:i principle a project to adapt and own contract with the .society. He has committee was asked to look at the .MANCHESTER GUARDIAN & EVENIN G NEWS LTD.
Seeing planned , and the rea !'.na l ;pj mi[i .s iwij rk in yrc.i;r*ssi o.TW improve t h e b u i l d i n g for training nsked me to state that he stands by his fluoridation recommendation ; and the
hnspitnl hoard wosiM 1-e. pror.u«ini? purposes at a tost of £800,000. many previous statements that provid- recommendation about improved con- Mr G. F. A. Fay an d Mr W. staff in 1946 ; he was appointed
f u r t her arid::ii.ns when th i-v ii.i<i fnni- !».%%( Ill >TI'U KOV\|. h V t. H » s r i T \ l . The f i r s t £.11.(11)0 of this was spent . ing Hie society continues to maintain ditions in the school dental service was M cMillan have been appointed Lon don Editor in 1955.
pletei! a t"v:i-w of t h e m a t e r n i t y , V, f ( - l|r ^ i , , „ '( . '. I' t >
but in Ii'37 t h e War Office decided t h a t , the Halle as a national and not merely " noted " by the education committee. directors of The Manchester Guardian Mr McMillan joined the company in
serv ife s in t h e area in view of the then pending abolition a provincial orchestra , he has no inten- At present the service has the equiva- an d Evening News. Ltd.
**»"4 " N ' l r ^ ' f y 'A.-ints . l i t er a l K m - - '3 "**I tion of proposing any change in his 1945 and the following year opened
1'j Vj --". n. *i' !]M-u*-ii-iii "f u t n '.t- i - 'lti- ' t i r .i ir - ;
t:-,.-7 M.«]tii|!..ii1i- il "f k i l i '. Hii .
- 1-'^ oi N a t i o n a l Servir-c
- . "J 1W1 . it would no longer current arrangements with us." lent of eighteen dentists < including ien Mr Fa y joined the Manchester and took charge of the New York
.T/ lfaryJs H o tp tt al i , ii\,- Mi,-i j .f i.Ktt-r iH'it^.' . :-tw ' require the hs ". The W a r Office, which full-time officers and 21 part-time Guar d i a n in 193f> as a reporter in the office. He returned to Manchester as
^ i<' -i.7-S l^-j n r l r v t-H!il?iu ^tJi
- - ^
- 1M ' was criticised by t h e Comptroller and
M r W i t liitm a ;:skei ! 'A lien w o r k .'.' .* Cin ii f b «
' "i Sr-' r x * livir. si i.f W -riri T '
1" Jf't 1l'» <T 3 l(n I 70 co n cert s a yea r dentists ) althou gh the present estab- Manchester office, returned to the Assistant Advertisement Director in
r* 'i> "' u nl^i.T '-r y r i n n r t i R P i i t i" i Aud i t o r - O c n e r a l last year for its lishment is 26 posts and the eventual paper in 1945 a f te r war service, and July. 1949. and a year later was
w n u l d slart on the site a*!-ianctl f. >:" n , «i i i» 1a:n nnr.-<r t r l I u i uc s. \\> \ "• - - '+d [ severa l chi.n^es of m inr l about its l/ncier his present contract with the reauired establishment 36. joined the London office reporting aoDointed Advertisement Director.
t h e r e b u i l d i n g of S! Mary 's H o s p i t a l A lT crj iilr .i i * :n .t iicI mr ffi n.l«atji ,n t i
^ ¦-.l. i rn *.'ii i *F riiHM:ir1ii )d h " i t . .. _ 11 ^ i 1 f u t u r e , l i n a l l v left the hal ! in March .
society. Sir John cond ucts about
in W h i t ' V u r T h Strtv*! "Urlnrh e.-ler. seventy concerts a year, and Mr Crick-
snore said that this was more than the
Agreement number unde rtaken by the majority of
chief conductors of othe r famous
I-ui ing t h e W a r Office ';, occu pation, orehcMras . *)f ~ I^CJ IILLC i 141J l E JiLIJUUU llllj I l 4 l l a « l
n a i ij t u n a n c f services cost £21 ,000 a ; Mr Criekmore AJ 1 suets announcements must be auLftenucaica t>y 'he- name mid address at the sender, a nd in Lht; caw or " Cns*ceinenti •• Qj tne slxoatwea of

Deadlock over a date said that even i£ Sir Pdi^moi* ^tftnm * t\r nivil jiI fkrrlji r« m%v h* u*Ttt in rmvm^n f bat* pariM* . The cost of repairing extensive
dr i i i i .m * caused I John decided to use his periods of
by d r y rol was ¦ guest condu cting
i -t h n n t r -r l a 1, helwi't-n abroad lor one
t; 1 ri.orin and 1 nrehi 'Ktra only, it would BIRTHS DEATHS fcontinued] I DEATHS (continued)
sirit afTeot the
Pay in railway workshops
( III KC lull si. —On Mar*!l IT . *t Cn "1 . wm . isiui 11.11.L.—On AlArcM 31, in ljr > s[>ltai *\iaikt i y. 1 MA K>llr\I.L.—LUi Mareli 2u.
UU O .niHl . In a p a r l i a m e n t a r y repiy last I society Id hu spital . and of Hii;.»
m o n t h it wa.i stated t h a t agreement 's arra ngements with him.
M« ..ri.i ', Ifun 'U al . tu JULIA 01U l'i mfclt >
FKA.NOS. a sun. iB oth aelt.] A brothe r (or Gerard
HAKKY . njf-iJ Vimts . -T 41 Sub Wt>ml 'J.'"M' .
-Shipley, adorcvt^husband -" o' MiLdrert BJRCMAKL
! Hi'uw . 7'JnfnMMt- f O NBTASCE
1 or ihc l.ic Mr and Un W. L. MAJUJHAU. and
KS TIiKR. da ui fwfrr
had been reached w i t h ihe estate to ! Orchestra Sir Joh n has conducted the Halle
and RotKit Deo gratl»s. nnd denrly luvwi fatlK r of Uu Kuntral wl!k Je»ve dearly loved «Uler of Jamei aud AruoEd. S*mc;
'. e r m i ny i e t h e lease subjec t to a ', he ended his day-to-day
since UM3. Jn March , 1958,
JONL >—uii March 19. at Overdone . bAliburt l«,
t]i« i> ri\j) ie chapel ol II H hirch and Son . cf Kab
Wrxd. SSuplty. on Trhursju y j t in ju » m . I<jr
aufl lnt«rtii«ul at Tmtmlstie Independent Clia^i
tj i\ Thursday. March 24 . hi 3 15 p.m
Bv our Correspondents p a y m e n t by t h e War Office of | with the orchestra, relationship
PAT and MALCOLM, a drtuchi i-r iLen &l*n
Htr::oni .—17b lA'eSl IJVltE? HOUd. Redcat. ker vi ce m SnUalre MethodK- Chur ih at 11 ¦.m.,
rnll nufri hv rri 'maMnn nl Vid Wurni r*ftr nnrnrlnm. R4>SS.—On March IV. 1^00. very ne.c«fu'ly. at bt
C2IKI .II 0H i .'iivcrin a ai! c ' a im?. under which he Friends plwuw mevt At iIjc c h u r r h i i ij at-ccpt ititx Mkchuer* Hukplla!, Cra!clr«, Haecx. ANNIE wile
Talks, on t he wj gf cla:m made v eslerd a .v J j) e strike i< over 3 wage
N e a r l y half of the l a t e Duke of
i had ronducted about KOCH.—on Marcti 19. a.t =>t mitj-s4 \sniiwwnu
150 of the 250
Street , M«m:he»rer 1, to BETTY nice C*urtelihinc » Intimat ion, FJowtrs may be sen i to Uic pmat * at Archibald ROSa. a dearly loved (raod toot tier,
inotu ei , and aistcr.
W e s im i n .-tfi - 's 2:i.n0O-acre Pale estate I concerts, given by it each year.
claim and it iias made idle about loui and ARNOLD , u win (Victor Stman i , a lirotlier for cliapoL.
on I x h a i l oi a bo ti l 120.1)00 men \n Marls.—139i Birlow Moor Road . Manchutc r 2". R\ Ok H —on March ill. *; 13 Wonley Ko*a.
in X ur t i i Wales i> to l>c sold to raise Instead he undertook to conduct
t h e workshops of B n t K h R a i l w a y s t -ious.ind r <iuudssnesi asid labourers. A BOAIUJMAN .—On M ir Oi 3U. n 1.u»p Vai , ELIJAH M..
dearly loved l n uhn n d ol M»ri and <Jcvot«d futhei
^umiun, arter * Ions Mneta. ANNtK KLlZABK'ni .
MeVEIGH.—On March 19. «t UvcrptrDI Matcrnliy «Kid .1 years, dea rly loved wife oX Philip 8jdnty
broke d o w n yesterday over t riL ' !c:im ol A:"my iiakcrs a r r i v e d iti
f u r l her sums tor death
abo ut seventy Halle concerts a year.
duties. leaving him free Hdsi>) 1j i]. Io MARIE ( cue PhilUpil acd 11IOMAS. ol Jtilm BOARUMAN . uf Kl M a n - r Park Hoj id RTDER. S*nrl« and commitI ai at Maacheatcr
Northern Ire ; .ni.! vestorday from to accept overseas
a d4HJf t;ter. Cluuop. BoroutJ i Tr' Jtiiirer ol (be GIosmj p Corpora- CrcmaLurlum on WcduMday. March 33. at twcJi*
ciuestiosi oi' ;hc- dale to w h i c h thir A l r c a d v CK.250. nf Hi has been paid and engagements lion. Srvicx 1 ai tht- c!iuu(ji> Part»J» Churci> s-n I uwn Floral aprays only, pleue. Xnauiries 10
Eim ' ai i ii to ensure s it p p 'i e.- uf bread
a n u f h e r UL '.VI.f'dO i s expected to be . returned fromas Amoricn a guest conductor. He
O'HAII-.N.—On March lil nl hr>rr.f . to JOVCE ioie ThursrJiiy. Marrit 24. ai U p.m., 10 be Irj isoned by I J. R- Barlow and Soo. N.A.F.D. TeJ. SWI 3H2.
oiler siwuid bo back-da ted. Mr lor I he Arm;. ,isn l Ft A.K Li s ii i- ;heie- last wnpk.
Our.ocrr and DKNIS, a son lEtQber.t. Itnrimt'iit at tiic Glos^op Cemetery. Krlfud5 [ileaFC
m:i( :e bv the Pa 'e -ale. The p a r t of ht-rj yp ! t h i s ulic oniyi in t i m a tiu a . No nitiurnini; or S1IALLCUOSS.—On March 13. I960, In hoapilal. and
Sidney G r e e n e , fj oneral sec r et a r y "I PIHCB-—Oti Ma rch 21. at Park Hosplia!. Davyimime . liters, but donations may be htnx Co ;he Vicar . or Law Wood. Dell Lane. Gayton (lonneriy ut Hbj i
tfi f Nat:in) :i l U n i o n of Ra :lwavmi.-!i. liie eslciu- to be sold is the 10.1100 li, JEAN* Jn e e BcitiJit *nJ AL.\N. a sou 1David Glriaai»p Tdrl sh t..hurrl) . m Men ol H oiaft s. inqLiLriea Fflrm. Thursiasion. Wlrral . Ch«thlre) . ALFRED
Ala r.p . (BuTh V.- CLL) y ir HiRto si , Glcrb&up Carriage Co. Tel. CtDE^op 2059. THOMAS. In his Cl!th year, bciovrd tuiaband ut

County will use coal

s.i:cl : " They a;c n f iu r i n y . l a n t u i r y -S An unoHicinl s t r i k e u\ er n ay e s ar-res ol i . i n nl a n d . w hich is divided t»ra and lather nf Roy and Alan. Barvicc at
i::!o near ly a h u n d r e d f a r m s . The ItlimOCK.—On March 10, at The QutMi Eiszaoeth fi'-s^atL Prwbyterinn Church to-morrow lU'ednc*-
j n tt we J.'i" a s k i ng for J a n u a r v 11. " ended icslerday at two lactorics of HuspUa L . BlriEiL u^r.rtDi. in VIRGINIA mee Har *eyi DILO1VN.—On Martin 21 'P »i <>tp Ual. and of 59
Barr.ii^d Road. Sa 'lnrd t> ANME. aj ed K5 r *±Ts rJuyi at 11 30 a.m. . prior to interment &t
Sm i t h s Motor Accessories ill Crickle- t e n a n t -" inv being give:) (ir.-t chance to a nd MICIfAEL, a daughter iCathtrlde Tii ursUfiinn Parish Churrhjard. Flowers
Tiie dis' -us> ;oi!-> were bc-twec:i 'he A: rest. Cormt fc will >3\< I 1 C I S. Ctiapul . Droad
sent to T. A, Hall , Ltd.. Wcwdcburchmar be
b u y . Th< > T r cj i u r y lvcenlly rejected
for heating new
vvij iid. N o r t h Kundun Near! .' t h r e e VII [.%.—On MJtrtii 19. q: 255 Spcn I^nc. Utfds IS. S'.ren . SaKord fi. on t t t d n rv l . iv at 11 45 *.ro- for Ri rltrnt ipad , and The Crou , Hewall. Road,
Brilish T r a i i i p o r l Cummi-'uni .i ' .d 'h o an ofVcr by \ho iruVicL '. t o h a n d over tu JOYCE m^e Srholt*! and WAI.TFK. a vm ijohn i)TM(."e itQ d tT fj nimlttal a t ^ i l ( < i r d C r c m ain r l um m
N" ir Ft. j n d t h e ensu.ei -n s n u- :<i ;i- . t h o u s a n d workers who have e i t h e r Uuish) . brother for ElU4.bvih und Vtu cm. r %tLv u noon. IuqulrlLa to .Mr Lindsey. PEN Hal. SHAW.—On M*rrh 3). peacefully, in bMpllal .
beesi on s t r i k e or laid oil will go back the whole estate towards duties. A LBERT KAP.RV SHAW. M.P.S.. of Ashtnn-uudtr-

" Nih fJI OMAS. —0:1 March IB. at Wlth lnfiton Hu>i>rnl. to CIIAIll'£s*iVOKlII.—On m » M i IB in hwpltal . ar.d Lyjj f aud N>wcji*tlc v st»n*ordihlre. Inquiries to 11.
^ t : . t^ .tT i e : .' ^ J .d ' :^ "e i - Thi> w - iic tne iast sale ot
A ti^i n t 1 s
f-uiodwlu ati d Hon
•rii '.'it «';;> rea< -i«- ! .j .'h! t i u"1 ci i p . u y e > -' Io w u r k to-day. JOSEPHINE, wile ol HUMPHREY, a dhiigtiter. ot 42 KenStwurtJi Roau. Salt. UEItTHA. ajed Ti tNi .>wcattle C65feG*l or Stjuire
C;:wvem>r e !.i::d outside London . jrt A rs, ihe dearly Ix-Jov^ n i l ; at th>* la ie Thtunu Oldhani i^hht fin 1521)
ri -jj o r l i n^ back l.j the 1: TOWN. —On March 19. a: Nani-y-Glj ii. C -'wj n Bay , A r t h u r CHARLESWORTIl < lat*» of PoleflE'ld RiuJ . SIMPSON.—On Man-h 30
~u:e .ire The \ n ue of ' the Mayfair and . ai T.nytwich Kcapitw
HAROLD, yf Upper Curm.
to ANNE mee MuHilvui and TONY TOWN, a S' .» UUckl--*y» . a l so loving mother of May and Arthur. AW-ry»r.wy:h
i"ii-.ii !iv : c o s n n i i t '.ee.- " The N V H Lan cashire Tli^ c.irt fgL- wll J Seavf ih«.< Hr lvaic Chap*'! of . JOHN
.lo: s;erE W i i r k i n g in ~nijj ;. ,»t c:- . o:. B e l g r av i j property, however, has yet education committee TV it M-,R.—On Ma rch 1U. at Wts ". Pa rk Hoapiial. Ri>r>erid j iit<i Stafford , Funeral Dtrp clnn. H a r p u r h r; Mate f.f Ald crley Ed«j Cremation at Colwyn Bay.
i - ve c u t i v c w i l l meet e i t h er t o - d a y n r
buil( :i:i!i sites, and in the I'u r n l t u i e in he asroer! w i t h :,he estate d u t y oflice ' decided at Preston yesterday not to Matclcsncld . to BARBARA and PETER , a s*u. t.ii Wednesday. March 23. a t 2 p m for st -r vtre and liKjuL rt es 10 E. p . Humphrey!. MachrDllerh.
w i t h i n t h e nost l ew d;n s to d i s c u s s Interment a t St Peter 's crtjurc h . Blacklty. &[
I rai 'o i n Coun 'y D u r h a m ;,c> :erdav r .iid the utlu - iai -airl it -a"is impossible , t u r n to oi! for h e a t i n g schools. They I 15 p us All i n q ul f l eu [tEcphone COL 20K. SMITH.—on March au l&tM), HEBE JANET, uf
Ihe matter.
tu d t h e i r employers t h a t 'h e y weie t.i " h.i/..m: a uiic.--! " wlmt the linai decided I h a t coal fuel systems bNGAGfcMKNTS KOKfcMA N —On Man>h 10, l £Hj O at Tin- Strands.
Wi nst ar. Wlndernier ^ . ihe beJ ovrd dau fhtrr of the
lat e Jf-i-pti SMI IH. Service at ihe Utockporc
l -.i .- l week t m B T l' re iec' i-.i a ii . n n i t i'4 ill! overtisno from : h i i week. "i rj l i i ' i l v '.vonVI br » ¦ be p rovided is; new should OA1VSOX— U DMAN.-The cugai-rn^nt is anoonCffd Lfltj don IIm .uj r.npdoc*. near Irwwlch , BLANCHE rrematrc riuin uu Thursday. March
c l e sn a i x l f o r a 4 i i - i « m v '.\ i v k I t lu i > ¦ Alderman b u i l d i n g s a ft e r bet K een JOHN TREVOR DAWSON. M.B . Ch B-. WM CE J-OKFMAN < !at« ftt 1IM M n n k ) Rfj ad , A ny turner * nt:d inquiries tu j. 24. at 1 30 p ni.
Allen and Son.
Mr l l e i bert W i [k i : n.-<i:.. tt i e Wear Fred Lo ::gworth.
elder sun at Mr *nd Mrs Arthur Dan sen. ol W hn l 'n K \ u ; < Mancrhrsien p a^f d .iudd^n1y and *UI . 'j Uit-y IU, *nd 467
.s ppariT!: y 'n.i .lc .its u l l c r < :i a 3 per
d s- t r i . -t sccrc -. a r y nf ihe Airui y a n i a t e d of Tyldes- P 'tl tz r Ilolshad: Nurfollt 1 formerly uj Mi'arti * pwA cvfu" -' ^ o > age d f & years Fut:t>rJi l uri t t v r i np a - S.MJTH.^On
(¦en I i n c r e n^ e s '.si'i a r to '. he i -i . -t e.i-e . .ey. said t h a t mechanical coal stokers Rortrf, AE krlu st on . M -dd>tr -[iJ . ami AIL E EN Marrh 21. IWW
KI.IJ ^N. i**a r!y loved mother . ofmBill, hocpJlal. MARY
stivers to i .t h er rn:.\v.[ .v : i i i : i neiui.:;:;
So.-ie:y of W o o d w o r k e r - . >>n d : " W i t h MR JOHN MOORES comply w i i r t the Clean A i r Act SHKU.A (ji:1> dauehtor of Mr and Mrs litireoe
LUDMAN . ol Cambridge
da> M*r«) 2J . !!W) Service at Copdr^k CJiurch
a: t w e l v e nr«r»:\ V..I}. iiramh*!1 No Qrjwerj. Memorial service
nf 12 Rouud-
iiiie nip. ii ynio! !". a im m s o'"' me ni iie:'- .1: ' and t h e committee w o u l d he.p one of Hu rdtfj p'd p*ri*)» Church on Tfiursdar. March V4.
t h e G e v e r n nu -n f .-, cieci .- i os: u t
: \ v o r m n e n i i a t u , ! i s of '.i:e G::. t b a i r !
t ' le
1:-. h i s h e < t level f u r >e .sr- . "he d:-t:"i '- : LEAVES POOLS the county 's m a i n industries by using
IIAIUII—HLMP sALL.—Thf ensn^wn! » ann
of PETER. "[.!} .win tf Mr E. and 'ii'' ir if e M"
IMLL.—(J11 M.-,r uii IS. I&60. suddenly a t nis rc^csci- .
:;s s>>i d(a> :(] ftu&rj . uu r y. a h t i i i : r . b^io-.rd . a: ^
tsus huii c) ut JflTit mid fatiier o! Newman CrtrnaNnn I SOMMtMIlKUJ. —On Sni urday
3d p m.
convrii "' ee of t h e -lii'it 'ty lud en , coal. HAIOH. tit Trinna ' p . Halifa x ar.-i SOREEN <;!d^r ai R-i--hfl a3e Creiu a tnr lcm rm Tlmnwijiy. March 2A. ' MAUI E. ol Nutnel d. Weald , Martrh 19. MhU.
near Srvenoaks
Re port. The :;s i w a y w o r k - i mp - - t a i l
' i u i n o t I'liine ^ ' i t h i ti t i i o *.copl' 01 ii'.e
a . t e r s uit i '-e b u! \o impose :iii- bass
w ill ia- ' i u - t .1- :«na a- ;he pre-eni
I; Everton F.C. dire ctor : A report ol t h e c ou n t y architect , Mr
r3R« Bh (tT 'j f Mr ai.ti Mr * F HEMPSAI-L ul L>b«ii.
II 11 ft m. No Ruvr«rs piP44B.
IIAKKISON. —on Marc h \$. tr; a nurslr.e home, and I
* uirtrjw i*r Try<ve aud beld-ed mother
O^-ar. and JarJt rklll od In act ton . JWI) . rune
ot Betty.
Churrn o! Si Gcorie. WeaEtf. cut
i C. 11. Simmons, said t h a t out of a total TORISSK—SANKKV. —Th e •> ¦- j -i c¦ ir.i r t :s unr-cuficed a^rviw? m
C i u i . 'etiaud inquirv A > ki \ l wh;.t Mr .luh'i Moore hut resigned as a a n n u a l h e a t i n g
rj f Ur- irvn «» 4W> ('h f s i r r Road . U ^ d for d , C hf fh L r c
'J tursdj iy ccs. at 11 *.*> a.01. No flowers, uu
hrtwetu KOIJKRT C. FOHJ>f-h iui»j;es: s> ~,n ut pleats,
,i:roi "tr>r of I . i :'> \v o u d -. Pools , Ltd.. £<J42,28l> , t:48,:i25and Sighting bi'.i of
W( H; 'd h a p p e n r.(iw. M r \V T:i "w.t. MARIA HARRISON. «5*<1 M j curs Ju N r r m f f i f hue doajtion* may be Kr,: :o the Norwerlaa
M attd Mmi> R. A. Pt#rli« i.f Oaf lands . Cr^'n J ift d »\ Mo-.tram-in-Lcrnxdendale Ct mt t rry th^ day Crou . c/o Rnyal Norwctltn Coiuutitlp-C«o«;*l Rmi
c h a i r n i a n of tiie e:up oyce- sicie ot t h e iva> spent on oi: . v;n mdliam. Lan ca fhir ^ . ar..f JLIHTII HOWERU (Tuesda y) lyindon W 12
.iiid I I . L i r .' t -wofj i l . L t d . . to become a C l l L >,31ti on coal and SANKEY . dAUjj r.tcr nf Mr M-s J G San Hey
s"nilw:iy sh o p m e n 's s^ a t io t ial counci 1.. O55.H5 on
^airt : " I t could no to a r b i t r a t i o n Ii Police in vestigating i h i v i'li T of E v c r t n : i Footbnl! C l u b . : coke, an d he founc! t h a t t h e auto-
A:; ;uu i f n ; n c L'ii"io:-.t by t h e f '. ub last ' m a t i e a . l y stoketl coal
oi WhI'ecalt's. Tiie Do-vni.. A]:rtiici, *m. rh« ',=lii re HOliROX .—On F r a *j . March 13, THOMAS, cl T1 BNKR.—On March 20. in m nursin s horn*1, aba . t
li'h>sL c]? . Ma> iifsirvn^ Roid. Chin>y. CreniaUcn at
B ockpuri on Fnrt»> at ll 30
74 Krt in *:riey It/iad . S)r>cicpr>rt. JANET TVRNFf .
*j;iL- rf & years. £i«rvlce at Stockport Cmnatr.rintd
could no :o s t r i k e action system was t h e luciuirtcs to
If depend'
one death ¦n u :ii .-t ii '.cd t iiii l M r Moores had
.i i -ep '. rd a ri ii:\ i : a t i i > ; i from
, I'heapesl , whi le oi! fuel equipment
t h e provided a high degree of cieaniiness
BtSflOi'—F 1LK.VKK.—On M*rr fj IB. f Si l'-:*r 's
Ii W. Pcrcjva 1 f > I l f » i h Strett. Bux ian.
I11 .M S1\S.—On March IS sudden^ , at Ch]pp eiin»ai
&!j WtidnrnJar. Marrh 23, at 11 30 a.m. Inq -j|r i> 1
so Barrelta iStockpon) , Lid. Tel. STO 3I3C MrtJ
Chun h Ilaio . PETER J BISHOP. c n > smm e,f Mr
di sco v er another
1 MAIilE w i d o w of S' ophen M IP LICJIAN »b(J
i l i r u t u r - to li a v a '-a n c y un t h e and economy of labour. er.«J Mrs Blr t.op. ol Ktok? . [r. CAR(J l. MAUREEN dauw h t f r of ihe late Gkrabcd Ara^san. Service ht HIlKKI.IUUj SK .—On March 1SI. at hl» hoirr*. 1UJ
f .de«: dau(£h:-r r-f Mr and Mrj K«*i :h T FAUlNEii CaL if ' .rd Cremaiiji tum , Musiard Lak- . Croft. Wa rrlnjrion JOHN
h o a r d . Tin 1 ;!ppfn :i;:neiit h a d been Some members said t h a t oi! was ol U*>. Clie«,hL rf.
Wcs th iury-cin-Trym. 00 W ILLIAM. a«Pd 72 yeara. dearly beloved hu»Ur,
A !:-;-ye;ir-o;d n s-h i -m l ^ i r ! l. "i,.t:d t h e rn . i ii e v.-i i l i :\u- f n ".L k n o w .otlge of t h e ' cleasier and more eflscient asid ol the laic Al:ce acd dear father of Frank and<1
M a r c h 25 at 11 'JO a.rn Meuinrlat tcrvirv at the
Six section leaders at Ine I C. I. s con- CLAUl—CKHSSLK l . —On SU Turdr. y . Marrh \H. (H1O.
Arme nia:} church. Iveroa Gardens . K«nJti.)rtijn.
oji March 'j(i a: 11 1ni E ric. s«mcv and cremation at Wlcan Crema-
i'*% M'arch laboratories .il Aldei ley b .id y u f her m o t h e r . M r s Doree n H i c k .- , F n o t l i a ' : A-s- i"i i' i a t i o : i . ; tended t h a i the adherence tr> coal was at BriimhaU C-j ncregntlocial Church, by the Ite v No flnwer«. pl *dse. 11 tori um ihts day (Tuesday) at 3 30 p.m. No flowers ur
J. A. I>an, B A.. B.D, A*EII. GORDON, yuuas er-
dt»Sr«i. donatltin-i to St John and H ,' Elizabfrtb jjj ou rnj cf, by request, lnqulrtt
Par k, near Wilmslow . h.svo been <iis- ar f e'i lit) , at lier liimie 1:1 Bent s A v e nu e . 1 a retrograde step: Kospitai, Gro ir e End Road. London N W H. * warrlnftoo 34353.
son ot Mr and Mrs J- D. BLAIR, fj f Stflckpurs , to WV NNEOONtK.—On March 31.* 1M0, in ho#pn-l.
mj ssrd under a reorganisation scheme B r e d b u r y . !;!¦» ! n i g h t . She had a Referring to the building programme MAHGARET BARBARA, ofmilv da URhi er ol Mr md iBVIN f*.—On M a r c h 19. at !>S Tok-Jlcld Road
Salford docks area Bia"V!ey, GEORGE JOHN aKed ^7 y c u r i . ihe dearly.
and of in Wood Lane. Tlmperley. Altrtnchaxn.
H - t i - h t .it v\\>u:id in t h e bai iv. M rs Fr»nk CROSKl^Y. Brarnh*:!. Cheshire. HERBERT STANLEY l&trtin, Dlrecior
Some ol the six snesi . who were each for 1U S2- 63. Alderman Longworth said BRIE BLEV—FLETCHER. —On Marr h 10. 1EK30, at St tv.ij *ed hufctj ^nd of the late F.or«iM Mary or Vilt ntin Ord and Nacle. Lfd.. Brew.'nx Su»r
I'i 'i n j i siaiii a b o u t Cl .T il ns a year , had L a t e r a police s p itk e- m a n said : " I n t he emphasis was on CLr mtni a Churrh. (Jhor[tf >n-cum-Hard ^ . bv tt ) - II*V INC ttxl dt-ar broltj er ol Servso? Manuft cturert. Sadly roT».vdby hla fantllv and
been w i t h t h e lirm t n r peri iuis o!
between eUn h i and t w e n lv '.ears
t i l e emir-e of : u t r i u tj ; ; i !':e.-. at h n u - e -
in 111.- v i i ' i r . i tN . t h e l : \ n l v of W : l . i . r u
t raf f ic scheme e d u c a t i o n but he was not foolish
enough to t h i n k th e M i n i s t e r of
secondary Rev E. D RatledS". M.A . B D.. MAI L*OI-M
UUSHWORT H. M Sc. iT^eh.] . son of Mr and Mrs
B BP.IERIJIY . of;..:. tn SHFTU-A ^iraSKt
am i L^m m m i l a t th« Manchester C r t mat c r l u m on
T h u r s d a y . Marcn 34 . m 3 30 p m.
n^ w -v a on ly, p>«« AM ;nqulrlft to Roberu a ad
Spray* of
Irienrl*. Service au4 •j -mmiMfc ] at %JtrlACh*Ri
Cr»aia tonuni on Kr 1 tU Y. March 25. at 3 p.m.
Ir.(j Liir>* to A. El. Brookes and Sooa. Ltd. TcL
W i n M i . :)4f .l ikI . a 'v v.tii V A e i . oi l l i ish e r ftayk 'hter f t Mr and Mrs A. D KLETCHER ul ? aCI j rd . Tel COL MsO « r .T "Jitfu i
Tlsi- : i i - \ -t .i yi ' ut .i t i a t l i i - .-cii eine Education would approve p..'. 4P fiiu r ltrr s -cum-Hardy
Bent- I.a:.e. Bren l m r v . w a> t'n u n d rie.- .ci.eil t u .,.--:.-; r i i e m n vci nc ii t of projects IIt' lN(-.-(ln MarLh la at as pcr[«ne!<i P.«-ad
in the programme. In H.tUi—<'KIT T 1II.F.V.—On Marci- IT . *• the New In Memonam
.v i u^ in t h e k i t i 'hen ¦
Biaclcley. OEORC.E JOHN IRVING Pa*t Maj t i ft tf
¦' hi.- h .n^e. He Jfru«4>m Chur- ri. RartcIifTe. hj th^ R<--v R K
An utli. - ui: > .t t . '.e Xor.:H-i]] Isv lar.rt ¦A .is .n .1 £ ¦'— l i l ' ed m«." v e n ii ' t_\- in in i ' S.s t u r d ti u r k.-: ure a \va. - ai >uvr to Councillor P. Ley. of II. *• - B A.. EDMt'ST), "hp yn.iir.eer ann r.f Mr
I* G r . y ar.d RJ r ^ n Udi£e Sa . I1C1 P P.fJ A D .C.
Wi l hreibren pEeaa^ mee - «; t he W *nchei',»r BI KGfc.sis.— In irjv iDc memory of m7 Cttr hiuo«iMi.
M.n i.- '. ry ol C"uT) : n i c r -e >.i.'J ye-:en!a> Pl ; ' ] i ' tt > i i^verdti o : 1. "* t' -ter^ t a y . If VVa 'to si-:e-Dsle . he said t h a t there an-j Mr< H X HAI.L. r-f MEdw<y >d PiUin s. P.-e<:on . Crernatoriam un Tnurs day . March 24. at 3 15 p m.? EDWIN utio pasKtf away March 33. 1959.
M r - Ils .j k- lived w.'. h h e r hu .- b a tii ! > .]t "oe-^l " ul i t w i .l be fn l uwetl bv at 1, had ¦ ' 1 EER\ *L ELJZABETTl th» t.'dw dsu iehJcr nf Mr Consta nce ilurffj *.
;iia! iire.ui m i i sh t h a v e :o !i e ih w.i io been no pressure on divisiona ' a -^f i Mr s Or-irJt* CRITCHLEY. ol The WTh lni. J A M E< -—On March 21. a ; Maocht&ter R^yil 24 Clyd« H01A. West Oldsbury. Manchester 3D
w hn w o r k e d at a id '- .il f a c l o r v . her ex 'ei^ion based on > imi:av
Ncriliem Ireland. w:ie :o .1 t i r i K e by prir.cio'es. executives tu inc '.urie comprehensive H-^ 'fihi m^r , Boi'f'n. In firmary. iud ui 30 tXiomiir? Road, fia t lty . GA KNFR (ANN lil).—Remembered oa Uui day ted
d a uj l i s - T E l a i n e , and C h r i s t o p h e r , h e r Tratli' 1 \v ;.:lir-5 to o:::er ;he c:ock= schools ANN!E JANE . dat«r of Mr Masitus W. JAMES ai*h>'».
I.-00 bakery w o r k e r- ¦vm. v.o e:'. e.t. \t ' and added : " W e in the oj i ; j' .' Mar ( arei and Der»*k . and dau ghter 3 North AveaLM . Garden ViUaje . Maochutcr 10.
.-..u. a-eri !> f n .'ni t n e Sa forrl ,- i :e wi 1 : u r n oti the Labour party stand for comprehensive DEATHS U:e R^v u. \A the
R James Svrvioe end
iia.:: Tr.itlorJ. Romi at Hu ton Street schou. - . h u t are no ', for b r i n g i n g an y 4R.M1 TA t-f-—Os Mi:r!i 20. a- r.L^ r.t m*. IS M a W Stat*pr -j r: Crenra ¦ coaimit'i : at
orium i>ei W>rin ej tda » at 1 p m. P FOX. S30
ri^ir!. i"j] r.jrti>c. Sl^-kpt,:' . NORMAN* *:*<! ^2 jv^rs F.o«ers :n itw fenn or sprays ou.y plr^^ Inquiries Director.
Tel, i Myc EstabiUhed
1 I CHE ZM3.
FIRE WRECKS CHURCH ;.! i i::k " "tV\l liy wii y cj f T j .v .gtso:: force tu bear or auv cosr.pu.' sion. "
S:ree: .it:.: New Par 's RoaJ ba< k to
'Pa r'2f Mas:*.- M Sn-rAp^n I.-j dfi p of F.-e*ma sons :^ Jj i - i ' Alcxk acd Sr.n*. Ltd T*!l GAT 2£W7.
N .. >a' . a till tn+mtwr .-.! Ciiapi *- - o! Char:*; "<'> J O l ls- r oN C — O n Mi-:h j s
'S2 >" n^-a-" > lev*.] r.'Htia cJ <.•? I."*!*1 . a t 42 Clarendon Road.
|-|!LTONS for Memorials . Inscription- ,
T r j Jfor . i Ro .ici i'lh.1 1 .^ tj '.-.1 doi 'k - H t e.-. i^' '' J 3, ¦ R r M •n r 'h<: :*r _ > Ren&vailoaa Opp Sthza. Cem., M/C. CTO 345.^
AR MITA GK Snr.irw ;a rraisi&r.* Lm» y, **ht.<l\r ^ TRrtjr,E * >*' ^
Tel ". FABIANS. M e
" "
^, ' '*
t,.: .-cl: S:o-?lep.-rt . cu Wcrln-s^ay. Marr h 'sj »:' .H' ;:-.
STOP PRESS <¦ • or M ar i a rh-tr r. ryij,-ryy ? a r - .j, e d t.a r : y j LlVfi3 TNTERFLORA ?
O:it-\va v l e g u ' j t . u '.:- \vi " ; keea til t" ¦
• Mir: , Ar:>m
; r u t l i • •;iovi:rj . a:- ,- : ;i- .:"..iti;ra '. p ar k i : : s \: a m . p - .i-.r *r» 'ij - i nterrrnr i af A.d frtc-y Ed;» H^ .
O -?- < : w n u y decra^u 1 f^ n iw ar.d c ajr m ;- «ria Pl.Arkrrt arrf '/Tit. A ccount! opened by teltpl.r »-.
C-t:^ ' >rj a". 12 15 ps; I nq'j Lri *!" ' ri M' CkJ j *. a t Manch*»s*er Cremattnum od W- d n nf l ay March ii
p ru v ' ties. «:) ¦>. : '. ""c '. h-J i ;-;j:nJ y a : d* of S* j <Kp> ': C.-^p?r* Fj atr a '. S* rvice. "el. 2-T *t :i a m. In guir;** tc H Pre ;M>rtf'-e IVfEMORIAL TABLETS. InTcrj o^nn
*** Pla(r. Jbhn^o 'k. Enirra vers. Marriott
*cd 's Cr "Jr t .
D .ir k i r .^ .-^ . i.o ::: i :u i -i . ie st r e e t s . The Sons. L»d Ter. MOS 2279 .ad CHfi 3P.M Ssrinc Gardepj*. Manchnter 3 Telephone BLA 51W '
-e 'OT .cl > :a^e ot tne si'heme \vi.:

»¦ s« ^ Up ?« rfun.-ibut.on
p r u v i .i f a > !'n.iar " r ou n d a b o u t " hit
r r;iili.- f -o'n \':\o Ma::iiie> '.er .-li r e c t i r n '
of aae 01.
Bob :n tr.e tree—one of David's? (5>*
¦^[_ 7ft Dress di-s-gne? ar.d a scnolar give scenic exhibition (71.
'• " Absolutely perfect " l ^"J» *"
Af:t-r beir.g li rtr:nk, see a preacher l ~ ).
Plnyed for money ? M) .
j at Aintree •12 BODIES " AT LANG A
p-^Kr-^_— ¦^_—^__ ^__ ^^_ ^^_ ^
^H ^^B ^^ 1 a^al^ a^B6 a^H aaaH^
Jli St-,;. nn :>rry[yisa ! pvit forward M0 ) .
ht heard as a well-bred offer >o bnck the French f7)
M a j o r G E. Co:to:: . a Nj t . c ^ a l Hi :; -.t
—fI l~|I—PaB__BB__JBH___^^B__JH___m__
9 17 ^-'"-
He exceJs
1!) Dn"ce in music, or hum art. an;.-
for mo -.nilor. before everyone.vav
(7) .
Capetown. March 22 . -There r.zs j | j I I comes back MO) .
; i :5^pt' . -tor f«.>r -fn *'e.irs . m a a e his .;i.-i bee .-, r .j -.r I I I I I i I 1 ^
^^B I I 22. "T.-.e de?iro of the for the suir " 'Shelley ) (41 .
V. ia! notice .-•.;:c r.".<?r.'. ^ k«W^~
; i::--pet ".:on before his retirement of tiie ¦•- . - .:. . •.. -= a t ::: tf I . . -.;.:. :..-/.-
__HB_JH|L__^^ B_^^^ B ^^ 1 ^^| ^H
2fl Spouse aue:sstudious
A !i:Tn in
one type, apparently IT).
Ins!una n return tor the pudd:n f-
i j u :!ip> roi:"d tiie Grand N a t i o n a . a-:. ..- ¦¦-
: .--;ei'p tv::a.-ij cour> e at A i n t r ee yes:ci- ::: £, . .1 .. roporv: ,¦: " \o " <\ ;. I I I I
I day. H e 'An.- acompEiiieci by Brigaoier T..r.« " - ... -. lit ^ .l^v ¦ j I ^^ | I I —^I I I -'~' Ob.'.:e."a:cs no a !a.i?iia?e centre 'i i .
.-¦-!. vj •¦:¦:. v i "^~k^
^1 ^"^ — " ^' olJ ^ about record be::.q made of the so!;!oqjy (9).

: J. Te aj iier. vv iio \v... ?iuvced hitri . ai.d <• '. ".:.. • - Tr.e d r : \ '" r o: ;.¦ i." :.;t»


', i.'oi :r-r olli ¦:;..?. P«aal )BH IB ].

^r— ^ ^( T-.c f\ :- u-e
A f'.er a tour of .- ixtec: j u m p s Maio: ly , ~\
' .' .".:.^ ..>t T i i S .^' - . I I [ ^^ | I Sio: up '. :h:r!x* n t .ie daily work ? IT. 8<
.-:iO3le. .T.i'.i ns ru-:-ied :o - u r rou n c :t '61
• Co'.'.u 'i ?au i '. he L 'o u r f e «"a; :r ¦ .'-' ^ I I I I I I I I 2
- ¦ « _ .^* ^.^ ^^ ^ ^ J. .^ ^ ^ ¦* ^"le appear .-, to br- y ' earned partiv .i.i»
I i"ioc cr.l ruiic!it:o:i. Tne going was :ro:. . •:- ..: :.1o A f r i c j j ">;o " , ::. =
1 -^_mm^_^_^_^^^^_p .
^^B ^ ^ .. HH

Secure a; ;hu *

. drivers cu l[ a garmct ; L mi
- ^
|abio '.ute ' y per:'e.-i. :) "- . . .'. ..i :r..:t..:ite':. l a e n .-'i ...-:o . 4 ^ flHB
H HiL BHmL ^ n A s'de of 10 sinserfi perhaps < fii
»3 | ^| | 1 a ^
u^^^ l ~~
' ^ l ~ ~^ ^M/ ¦ [¦~~^^ S. A p:ar.o sharp ? TJia'.'s easily fixed ! i9>
¦ ^^^ ^

L"r..:.e-: Pre^ . 1 I I I I I ^^ | I I I I I I 7 <-lne ;i r- !'Tla! Dcrmll'.ed to u;«et others iti i

MM 8. Possibly a mere mother 19 in CROSSWOUD solution Wo t»
^^^^^^^ H ^^^^^^^H ^^M ^^M ^^M n(9 of a domesti c aoplianoe C O M i C O l l FO H T f A K a
S G) - O|O|H|A|P|A|O|A
I I ^ r' | ^ ^H '
! ¦ IS Com
Si ThntitiSi ' s Church. St H e l e n s , on nrt * y e *tcr da ^ Mr Theodore Brar.kor. the rew
^J ^J ^J ^J penny (9).sailor aito single C a b r i o l e tIk e at s
kH eM nBeHi|kOmBs
pro -ii ier!". of Liverpi>o ' L"ni vers.:y
. Gu: '.ii. is not ;he fir s: coloured m a n to ¦ ¦
TT ¦ ¦ ^
^M "^m ¦ 17 bative wrker goes
The orii;ij; u a > wrookct i a:M t h e Tfcie c a r e t a k e r . A i r I- l . i o t r o ; , w r.o is
W^n beyond the limit in error (8. ^VilTa r« SSiii.S£S
gre.itor \}M~', of t h f t- 'h i i r fh .: t o n * * ." tli *) ^r . ^ l i w -
(. 'lti JT ii. Srret-t. St [ be e ecte> 1 :o f j r a' a:: office at a n y
' W HfelT M I I ""^^¦^¦|fJf »[f«
ivas haiV .v o:irr .ist\i in a i i:e *> * Si l l o f . - . ra:i *iiroL*i;:i > :v .ukc u:\i M *inie5 Br.t:sn u:;;wr- .* y Mr George Oii ' i::n.
T h n : n j> ' - i) :ir;-h ^:n..rrii ly , 5'o t e r \o « .ivc X r . e ..irgi 1 s ".. v or i 'ro« t r or r . ;mc a WVst I :;d:r,r . f:- ,-.n; S; La, •:;>.. u a - The Ci uardian Telephones ¦V 20 Arvnun! i-aiue ra:«ed later
S t r e e t . Si Tie e:. -. y tM e r t i a v Work::.;; Ivu k ol t h e cii:ir.4tj. > *»:-: ' " u1 corr- n re- iiU' :1 ! cA B r i f t . > L'"iv o r * : t v L'^ iu " M.i '..-!-.-*:r7 l::.A. !:T-'^r» 2343 ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H
• ^H
¦ ¦—¦¦ !— aB(H eH zBL. Bb BeBK
1: 'icier (Ion * ;i;n> ' ::) l!'5H-:> . ;.nd M r ,lo:i .lames wai I" l£v::«a AlJ^^r.•.SJ=B BLA-Jtrr :»n Z339. t?— around the north (B ) . R I JfORO A D S g A N N I E
n *l r .s .'.t J ircT -L -r: n u : r . i o n w ' a t e fr L -m t lif a :,ir
h .i.I to ri'.y "5 * :u :oo.r ::: cri * w » - r : io
i ' i '. ;i'i! to t h t 1 .-i;!i i:ar ofluv at ihe
[. ¦i ] C!7* i,^,.l
| I { M I I I I I
' "I^ I I I 2I Bury doctor goes beyond *«E¦yHjJ "Jfg"^5f$
e:::< "rr • I 'r.c I 'hurr r' . f.y \:r !::iu -
TB ¦ ¦
" ¦"' »• S«5» SiSid ? ?^. 1 ¦ ¦«¦cJBiiNij tB sa
"r.-.' ca a.-.= {i sKsM M L A L R E S r E PKSSTW 1CH
gel to the source of tho tire, wiiu'ii was
.s:¦" b a/.;::2 -:i t lio r a f t e r -
Firenicn from five towns foi:ght the
ou *.t) rc.ik . j :;J tralVic was Ju e r t o J .
, r n :vei -i:y Gi '. c ",' of N o r t h SlatTord-
^ i > r*: :i> r Tiu M t v n u tM C.i *mha'- A
S"nx s I in . at Lhe Gua,nlJi.:. BiilMins. 1 CronKS^*f
:m~ ~.ty.ez i. Tj ud&7
^t ^ l^ o
*. ¦¦
al^rcl] 23, l1nO. I—_JaaHLn_JBBL-_JaBH__aaM H__JBaaK__J BH__JHHL__l
boJolion will bt Dublllbcd U-Dloriow. ?
1 E M f E K AM BlV F A L LI

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