Rule: Plant-Related Quarantine, Domestic: Golden Nematode

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Rules and Regulations Federal Register

Vol. 70, No. 29

Monday, February 14, 2005

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER and restrict the interstate movement of Done in Washington, DC, this 8th day of
contains regulatory documents having general regulated articles from those areas. Such February 2005.
applicability and legal effect, most of which restrictions are necessary to prevent the Elizabeth E. Gaston,
are keyed to and codified in the Code of artificial spread of the golden nematode Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant
Federal Regulations, which is published under Health Inspection Service.
to noninfested areas of the United
50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
States. [FR Doc. 05–2798 Filed 2–11–05; 8:45 am]
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by BILLING CODE 3410–34–P
In an interim rule effective and
the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of published in the Federal Register on
new books are listed in the first FEDERAL November 8, 2004, (69 FR 64639–64641,
Docket No. 04–093–1), we amended the
§ 301.85–2a of the regulations by adding
12 CFR Part 229
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE a field in Cayuga County, NY, to the list
of generally infested regulated areas. [Regulation CC; Docket No. R–1221]
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Comments on the interim rule were Availability of Funds and Collection of
Service required to be received on or before Checks
January 7, 2005. We received one
7 CFR Part 301 comment by that date, from a private AGENCY: Board of Governors of the
citizen. The commenter objected to Federal Reserve System.
[Docket No. 04–093–2]
statements in the interim rule’s ACTION: Final rule; technical
Golden Nematode; Regulated Areas economic analysis that treatment costs amendment.
are borne by APHIS, stating that it is the
AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health SUMMARY: The Board of Governors is
taxpayer, and not APHIS, that actually
Inspection Service, USDA. bears those costs. The commenter amending appendix A of Regulation CC
further objected to the use of taxpayer to delete the reference to the
ACTION: Affirmation of interim rule as
funds for the golden nematode program, Birmingham branch office of the Federal
final rule.
stating that producers should be Reserve Bank of Atlanta and reassign
SUMMARY: We are adopting as a final responsible for the costs of the program. the Federal Reserve routing symbols
rule, without change, an interim rule As this comment has no bearing on the currently listed under that office to the
that amended the golden nematode action taken in the interim rule (i.e., the head office of the Federal Reserve Bank
regulations by adding a field in Cayuga addition of one field to the list of of Atlanta. These amendments will
County, NY, to the list of generally generally infested areas), no changes to ensure that the information in appendix
infested regulated areas for golden the interim rule are indicated. A accurately describes the actual
nematode. That action was necessary to structure of check processing operations
prevent the artificial spread of golden Therefore, for the reasons given in the within the Federal Reserve System.
nematode to noninfested areas of the interim rule and in this document, we DATES: The final rule will become
United States. are adopting the interim rule as a final effective on March 26, 2005.
rule without change.
became effective on November 8, 2004. This action also affirms the K. Walton II, Assistant Director (202/
information contained in the interim 452–2660), or Joseph P. Baressi, Senior
rule concerning Executive Order 12866 Financial Services Analyst (202/452–
Vedpal Malik, Agriculturalist, Invasive
and the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 3959), Division of Reserve Bank
Species and Pest Management, PPQ,
Executive Orders 12372 and 12988, and Operations and Payment Systems; or
APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 134,
the Paperwork Reduction Act. Adrianne G. Threatt, Counsel (202/452–
Riverdale, MD 20737–1236; (301) 734–
6774. Further, for this action, the Office of 3554), Legal Division. For users of
Management and Budget has waived its Telecommunications Devices for the
review under Executive Order 12866. Deaf (TDD) only, contact 202/263–4869.
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 301 CC establishes the maximum period a
The golden nematode (Globodera
rostochiensis) is a destructive pest of Agricultural commodities, Plant depositary bank may wait between
potatoes and other solanaceous plants. diseases and pests, Quarantine, receiving a deposit and making the
Potatoes cannot be economically grown Reporting and recordkeeping deposited funds available for
on land which contains large numbers requirements, Transportation. withdrawal.1 A depositary bank
of the nematode. The golden nematode generally must provide faster
has been determined to occur in the PART 301—DOMESTIC QUARANTINE availability for funds deposited by a
United States only in parts of New York. NOTICES local check than by a nonlocal check. A
The golden nematode regulations check drawn on a bank is considered
(contained in 7 CFR 301.85 through ■ Accordingly, we are adopting as a final local if it is payable by or at a bank
301.85–10 and referred to below as the rule, without change, the interim rule 1 For purposes of Regulation CC, the term ‘‘bank’’
regulations) list two entire counties and that amended 7 CFR part 301 and that refers to any depository institution, including
portions of seven other counties in the was published at 69 FR 64639–64641 on commercial banks, savings institutions, and credit
State of New York as regulated areas November 8, 2004. unions.

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