International Missionaries:: International Missionary: Matt and Jamie C (Asia)

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11 Oct


International Missionaries:
International Missionary: Matt and Jamie C (Asia)
Matt and Jamie have been experiencing a lot of joy in watching the LORD at work
these past few months. The Lord has been working on their marriage and also in their
ministry. God has been good to remind them of his glorious grace in the gospel.
O for more grace when it comes to parenting! Matt has seemingly lost some of the joy
of Godward parenting. He finds he is often striving for the kids compliance but fails
to help them at the heart level. Sometimes he just feels so impatient to joyfully walk
them through, mentor them, and model for them godly fathering.
The LORD has been answering prayer and continues to open up new relationships in
their city and among their peopleand much of this through the OK English platform.
Praise God for his goodness!
Matt and Jamie would love to see an entire arsenal of Sent-Out Ones sent out from
Immanuel to their part of the world. Retirees, students, professionals, even fellow
businesspeople are all most welcome to join them in their efforts to reach the Miao for
the glory of Christ.

North American Missionaries:

Immanuel on Mission:

In the next couple of days Dennis & Betsy have an important court date regarding their adoption
process with their two foster boys Desi and Xzavier. This hearing is the second TPR hearing where
they are praying the judge will terminate the rights of the birthparents thus opening up the door for
Dennis & Betsy to adopt them. To this point the judge has been very unpredictable and almost
downright mean at times. Pray that the judges heart would be softened and he would see the great
need these boys have for a solid and stable home.
Dennis would appreciate prayer for an inner ear problem he has had the last couple months. Off and
on It has led to extreme dizziness, ringing ears and then throwing up. Dennis will see the doctor on
Wednesday and he is praying the doctor can figure out what's going on and can fix it. On a ministry
note, Dennis & Betsy are still rejoicing in the Lord's bringing Pastor Ryan to speak at their recent
men's retreat. The Lord gave much grace and used Ryan wonderfully. Pray that the many men who
came (from three different churches) would be helped to apply the many lessons learned. Pray in
particular for a man named Paul and another named Richard. They are both sitting on the fence so to
speak when it comes to their walk with the Lord.
Another praise to the Lord is that they have had two new families coming who are a wonderful
blessing to their church. It is an answer to prayer as they are going to help shoulder the load in seeking
to revitalize Grace Efc. Dennis is hoping to preach/teach on baptism in the next month or two and
then actually have several people baptized. Being that the church has not really practiced baptism in
the past, pray that many would respond and the Lord would use that greatly in their church.

Please pray for the Wilkinsons as they leave on October 9th for 2 months of training in
preparation to move to the Middle East this January. Pray for Micah and Norah to handle the
traveling and the changes well and for Andrew and Stephanie to have grace to finish many tasks
and say many goodbyes in Louisville before and after training. Pray that their unbelieving family
and friends would take seriously the claims of the gospel as the Wilkinsons leave. Pray that
training would be a joyful time of soaking up wisdom, seeking the Lord, and building new
friendships. They will miss Immanuel dearly, but they praise God knowing that Immanuel will
be praying and faithfully holding the ropes.

North America Missionary: Dennis & Betsy Anderson (Wisconsin)

Pray for the Unreached:

Cham in Vietnam

Gospel Community Group:

The Rennalls

The Rennalls GCG is rejoicing in the friendship and fellowship of new members and praising God for how he has
brought together like-minded brothers and sisters united in Christ. It is a sweet season. We've also been finding
that our study of Philippians is hitting home to us in our contemporary situations, and we've been able to celebrate
God's favor in the workplaces of some of our members. We're also eagerly looking forward to the marriage of Fred
and Sherry. Please praise God with us for his kindnesses.
At the same time, some members of the group are being forced to wait on the Lord for financial provision and
direction, and the daily work some of us are facing can be a heavy load, whether raising and teaching children,
pursuing studies, providing for ourselves and our families, and/or serving the saints. We are also learning to work
together to serve those who are difficult to love. Pray for peace and patience as members wait on the Lord, and that
God would provide for his people, especially by giving them places to labour and prospering the work of their
hands. Pray also for a deep and abiding joy through the day to day moments of life in all our various vocations.
We've been glad to see answers to prayer since the last Immanuel update: God has granted us new members, he
continues to give help through the daily challenges of life, and we have had a smooth transition after the Hansons
departed, even as we've grieved the separation.
Pray for Jonathan's outreach to Mormons at UofL's dentistry school, and for salvation for Jen's grandmother Rose,
for Jessica's cousin, for the neighbors and colleagues we interact with daily, for the unsaved children in the group,
and for Fernanda's husband Andre.

Main Language:
Main Religion:
Ev. Christian:


How to Pray
* Prayer is needed for the local government authorities who often discriminate those Eastern Cham
who proclaim their Christianity.
* Pray for the Eastern Cham to be open to hearing the gospel and let go of their traditions that hold
them to idol worship, animism, and other religions.
* Pray for the healthcare and education needs among the Eastern Cham people.
* Pray for spiritual victory in territories in the Eastern Cham regions of Vietnam. The Eastern Cham
are known to dedicate their babies to the spirits at the local temples.
* Pray for the ethnic and cultural animosity in Vietnam to be broken down. Especially pray for the
Vietnamese Christians to see their opportunity to evangelize to the Eastern Cham.
* Pray for God to raise up Cham Christian leaders. May the Lord to provide proper training and church
partnerships so that churches can be planted in the villages.

Source: Joshua Project

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