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Special Offer from Johns Hopkins Health Alerts

Consult Johns Hopkins' leading specialists

BEFORE you decide on your fibromyalgia treatment plan


Understanding & Managing Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Presenting the latest thinking on the causes and treatments of fibromyalgia

Dear Health Alert Reader,

You hurt all over and feel exhausted most of the time.

Your doctor has ordered test after test, but the tests don't show anything specifically wrong with you.

Is it chronic fatigue syndrome? Depression? Lyme disease? Lupus? Could it be FIBROMYALGIA?

If you have fibromyalgia - or think you might have fibromyalgia - you are NOT alone.

It is estimated that 5 million Americans suffer with this mysterious condition, which overwhelmingly
affects women between the ages of 20 and 60. It's not unusual for some patients to see as many as 10
doctors before finally discovering the cause of their pain.
And according to one estimate, it takes an average of 5 years after the onset of symptoms for a
fibromyalgia patient to get an accurate diagnosis and start receiving appropriate treatment.

But there is GOOD NEWS: While fibromyalgia is chronic and can be debilitating, it's not
progressive or life-threatening. And there are a number of treatments - both pharmacological and
non-pharmacological - that can help you manage your condition and live an active life.

If you're reading this letter now, you've probably received a diagnosis of fibromyalgia . . . or have
symptoms that make you suspect that you have it.

You need the most current, reliable information on the most successful fibromyalgia treatment
options available to you, so you can make the best informed decisions possible about your future.

Knowledge is key when it comes to treating fibromyalgia successfully. That's why we've created
Understanding and Managing FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME. It contains vital information you
won't find anywhere else.

Understanding and Managing FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME is designed to provide the latest

thinking on the causes of fibromyalgia and the full range of your treatment options - both lifestyle
measures and medications. Like an in-depth consultation with a leading specialist, this Special Report
gives you unprecedented access to Johns Hopkins doctors . . . extensive knowledge and experience in
treating this debilitating condition.

This is information so crucial to your decision-making process that Understanding and Managing
FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME is available right now as an instant digital PDF download. You
can be sure your guide contains up-to-the minute information to help you choose from amongst the
best treatments available in your quest for the best possible outcome.

Your pain is real . . . It's NOT all in your head!

Tired of hearing that you're imagining your pain? For years, fibromyalgia was considered a purely
psychological condition. Now physicians understand that fibromyalgia involves the central nervous
system. Yes, the brain controls the central nervous system, but this does not mean that symptoms are
"all in your head."

Physicians have been reporting symptoms of fibromyalgia since the 1800s, but it's only in the past
few decades that the medical community has come to recognize and understand fibromyalgia as a
unique condition.

So if it's not all in your head . . . where is it? In this Special Report, you'll learn:

• 11 key symptoms of fibromyalgia you should not ignore

• How pain perception may play a role in causing fibromyalgia
• Why the symptoms of fibromyalgia are often confused with rheumatoid arthritis
• Why fibromyalgia has been called the "wastebasket" diagnosis
• Diagnostic criteria developed by the American College of Rheumatology
• The 18 "tender points" in the shoulders, neck, chest, elbows, pelvic area, and knees that cause
excruciating pain
• Why traditional pain-killers aren't effective for people with fibromyalgia
• Did fibromyalgia cause your depression . . . or is it the reverse?
• How the "theory of central sensitization" may be the key to understanding the cause of
• New theories about the cause of fibromyalgia . . . could insomnia, low blood pressure, or
repeated trauma provide clues?
• The latest findings on fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome
• Up to 75% of fibromyalgia patients also have restless leg syndrome . . . what's the
• Fibro fog - memory and concentration difficulties are a common side effect of fibromyalgia

And that's just the start. Understanding and Managing FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME provides
an in-depth review of the latest, effective drugs used to treat fibromyalgia, including advice on drug

Cymbalta, Savella, or Lyrica?

This Special Report includes a Fibromyalagia Medication Primer of current drugs approved
for fibromyalgia . . . and recommends specific drug combinations that may ease your pain.

To answer questions on the latest drug interventions, we turned to Dr. I. Jon Russell, Associate
Professor of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and Director
of the university's Clinical Research Center.

A leading expert on fibromyalgia, Dr. Russell has conducted research studies in the immunology,
pathogenesis, and management of rheumatic diseases and fibromyalgia syndrome. His current
research involves studying the genetic and biophysiologic mechanisms of pain and stiffness in
fibromyalgia syndrome. He is also participating as a consultant and as an investigator in many
clinical research studies of new medications for the treatment of the fibromyalgia syndrome.

In Understanding and Managing FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME, Dr. Russell answers

questions, including:

• Why do so many doctors still believe that fibromyalgia is not a real disease?
• Is the American College of Rheumatology's diagnostic criteria too restrictive?
• What is ADEPT living?
• Why is attitude so important to someone with fibromyalgia?
• How can low-impact aerobic exercise help the fibromyalgia patient?
• Which medications do you prescribe for fibromyalgia patients suffering with pain and
• What is the most effective treatment for fibromaylgia . . . associated pain and insomnia?
• Can duloxetine (Cymbalta) and pregabalin (Lyrica) be used in combination to treat
• What do you suggest to improve sleep quality?
• How quickly do medications take effect to ease the pain of fibromyalgia?
• What happens in a fibromyalgia flare-up?

Your Complementary Treatment Options

Physical exercise, herbal and hormonal supplements, massage, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and
cognitive-behavioral therapy are just a few of the lifestyle approaches discussed in
Understanding and Managing FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME

What about non-pharmacological treatments for fibromyalgia? Dr. Kevin. R. Fontaine, Associate
Professor of Medicine in the Division of Rheumatology in the Department of Medicine at Johns
Hopkins regularly conducts studies looking at the effects of physical activity on fibromyalgia.

In Dr. Fontaine's chapter on non-pharmacological treatments, you'll learn:

• Multifaceted approaches to lessen the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia - physical exercise,
such as walking, swimming, and bicycling, can raise your pain threshold and increase your
• The importance of attitude in successful fibromyalgia treatment - a willingness to be proactive
in your own treatment is key
• 9 steps to help improve sleep patterns of people with fibromyalgia
• Melatonin supplements: what the studies show
• Low magnesim levels are common in people with fibromyalgia - should you take magnesium
• The latest on St. John's wort and fibromyalgia
• What the experts say about massage and chiropractic approaches to relieve fibromyalgia pain

All this information and more is covered in Understanding and Managing FIBROMYALGIA
SYNDROME, available now as an instant digital PDF download. Remember, this 50-page Johns
Hopkins Special Report comes complete with a full money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied
with the in-depth information in this report, simply contact Customer Service for a full refund, no
questions asked.

Understanding and Managing FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME is designed to give you

unprecedented access to the expertise of the hospital ranked #1 of America's Best Hospitals for 19
consecutive years. In my personal experience, a well-informed patient is my best patient. You owe it
to yourself to learn as much as you can right now, before deciding on treatment for your fibromyalgia

Arm yourself with the facts and place your risk-free order today.

Remember, this offer is completely RISK-FREE. If for ANY reason you are not satisfied with your
instant digital PDF download of the Understanding and Managing FIBROMYALGIA
SYNDROME, simply contact Customer Service for a prompt refund of your full purchase price of

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