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Teams of 2 will be created at random. The purpose of the game is to eliminate another
team you have been assigned to “kill” and to avoid the elimination of your entire team.

For an assassination attempt to be successful, the following conditions must be satisfied:
1. The assassination must NOT be witnessed by any players other than the assassin and
the target (excluding other members of either team).

3. The assassin must use the types of weapons specified, which may or may not be
distributed to assassins before the start of the game.

4. The target must have one or both feet outside of the following SAFE ZONES:
- Residence hall room or living space
- Residence hall bathrooms
- The target’s current classroom, computer labs, library
- Inside a dining hall during meal hours
- In a place of worship
- In a place of work or organized extracurricular activity (this does not include
just hanging out with friends on the Green)

Use good judgment and common sense regarding what is appropriate. If there is a
question regarding whether something is appropriate, don’t do it!

5. It is prohibited to use physical force to remove an assassin from a safe zone.

6. It is prohibited to take an assassin's weapon when the assassin is touching it.

8. The assassin must not be neutralized when the assassination occurs (see below).

9. An assassin who has been individually eliminated cannot “kill” or neutralize

anybody until the rest of his/her team eliminates their entire target team. He/She
will then be brought back to life, and the team will be given a new target. A team is
only eliminated when both members are “killed”.

When you have successfully assassinated your entire target team, log on to and report your target eliminated (you can do this by clicking
on the link in your personal “play game” page -- log in to TheHappyZork, click Home,
click “my games”, click on the current game). If time permits, you may provide a
description of your elimination to allow others to share in the thrill of victory. Once your
target team has verified their elimination, you will be emailed a new target, and all
“dead” players on your team will be brought back to life.

Four kinds of items will be considered as legitimate weapons for this game:
1. A Balled-up Sock: The sock can be used as a projectile or close-range weapon. It
must make contact with the target’s body or piece of clothing.

2. A Plastic Spoon: The spoon may only be used as a close-range weapon (NO
THROWING). It must make contact with the target’s body or piece of clothing.

3. Post-it Note: A Post-it may be used as “poison”. In order for the kill to be
counted, a note labeled “You Lose” must be placed under the target’s
plate/glass/bowl with no witnesses present (though they may be present at the
time of consumption), and the target must take a bite of the food.

If, at any time, one of your targets “kills” you before you successfully assassinate
him/her, you are NEUTRALIZED. When you are neutralized, you cannot kill any
member of that team for 120 MINUTES. If you receive a new target, you are no longer
neutralized. You may still defend yourself from an assassin assigned to kill you.

Your target may neutralize you at any time (except within safe zones).
Your target may not neutralize you while you are already neutralized. However, your
target may re-neutralize you after the 120 minutes has expired. If you attempt to exploit
the neutralization rules by shooting everyone in a blind attempt to neutralize your
assassin, you will be marked for termination.

If you fail to assassinate your entire target team within 5 days, your team will be marked
for termination. You will not be warned if a Terminator has been assigned to you.
Terminators CAN be neutralized, but they can assassinate you even in front of witnesses.


What You can do to avoid

Why the Terminators are after you: termination:

You failed to assassinate your target

within 5 days Assassinate your target ASAP

You failed to report your elimination

immediately Report your kill ASAP
You attempted to neutralize a large
number of people to avoid
assassination. Beg for mercy
Assassins who have been eliminated from the game may be enlisted to become

When only two assassin teams remain, the terminators will be called off.

Assassins who do not assassinate their target within 14 days will be automatically
removed from the game.

When only two assassin teams remain in the game, they will be assigned each other as
targets. These assassins are automatically immune from termination and auto-termination.
The standard assassination rules continue to apply, with one exception: If both assassins
shoot each other at the same time (or cannot come to an agreement as to who was hit
first), they are both neutralized. Ties are not allowed.

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