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The Present Simple, forma negativa y

preguntas interrogativa- Question and

negative form (LECCION 10b)
by InglesTotal
Filed under Grammar

Curso y clases de INGLES gratis con audio LECCION 10b GRAMATICA (Lesson 10b)
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Este es la segunda parte de la leccin 10 que es llamada leccin 10b. En la primera leccin
(10a) vimos la forma positiva de los verbos que no son to be y aprendimos como
conjugarlos. Ahora veremos y estudiaremos juntos la forma negativa y de pregunta.

The Simple Present tense

Negative form
The structure of the negative structure is formed by adding the auxiliaries do or does plus
the negation not
Do + not > dont
Does + not > doesnt
These auxiliaries are used TO HELP you. When you use the auxiliary the verb is always in
its simple.
In positive we had 2 conjugations for every verb (not to be)
- play/plays , work/works, study/studies, watch/watches, etc

The conjugation is simple: HE / SHE / IT - with the s form and I / WE / YOU / THEY
- simple form
My brother works for IBM.
My parents live in Paris.
He / she / it + doesnt + verb (simple form)
I / We / You / They + dont + verb (simple form)
Figura #1:

Lets Practice

Nota del profesor:Como vemos, lo que se conjuga en la forma negativa es el auxiliar y no el

verbo. Es decir, uno va elejir entre dont y el doesnt pero el verbo SIEMPRE estara en su
forma simple (sin la terminacin s)

Question form
The question structure is formed by following the following structure
Question word + [do / does + SUBJECT + Verb (simple form)] + Complement
We use the auxiliaries do and does in the question form and they have to agree with the
The conjugation is the following:

Does > he/she/it

Do -> I/we/you/they
The verb ALWAYS stays in the simple form (not with the s form)

Short Answers
Las respuestas cortas son con los auxiliares do y does con la forma positiva y dont y
doesnt con la forma negativa. La respuesta corta se refiere a cuando responde solo si o no.
Do you study English for free in InglesTotal? -> Yes, I do
Yes, (I, you, we, you, they) do. No, ( (I, you, we, you, they) dont.
Yes, (he,she,it does)- No, (he,she,it )doesnt
Figura #2

Figura #3

Lets Practice

The auxiliaries appear in the negative and question form with the verbs that are not to be.
(+) Juan plays soccer.
(-) He doesnt play soccer.
(?) Does he play soccer?
(+) She is a teacher
(-) She isnt a teacher.
(?) Is she a teacher?
Nota: Recuerden que cuando usen el verbo to be (es decir cualquier conjugacion de ser o
estar en el presente) no se usan los auxiliares puesto que estos se usan solo con los demas
verbos y en negativo y en pregunta)

Tarea / Homework

I) Cambie las oraciones de formpositiva a forma negativa

II) Escriba la forma de pregintas de las siguientes oraciones

III) Llene los vacios con la forma correcta de los auxiliares.

* FIGURAS Y EJERCICIOS DE GRAMMAR IN USE (Cambridge) Grammar practice


Dar ordenes e insturcciones en Ingles,

Giving commands and orders with the
Imperative form (LECCION 7)
by InglesTotal
Filed under Curso Basico / Ingls Elemental, Grammar

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Curso de ingles gratis con audio Grammar LESSON 7( LECCION7 GRAMATICA)
Basic Level : The Imperative pattern (form)
In this lesson we will talk about how to give commands and orders and to use please with
the imperative.
The Imperative pattern
It is used to give instructions, commands and orders. It is a very simple structure because
we do not need to use the subject. The sentence is started with the verb or verb phrase and
dont is used for the negative form.
Positive form:
Verb: Example: (to write / to ask / to read / to bring / to take / to give / to be)
(+) Write your name on the sheet. {There isnt any subject because it is an order)
(+) Read chapter 5 for tomorrow.
(+) Be quiet!
Negative form:
To use the negative form add the word dont before the infinitive without to

(-) Dont write on the table.

(-) Dont read that book.
(-) Dont bring food to the class.
Example: (figure # 1)

* We can use the word please to make a request or petition. We put it at the beginning or
end of the imperative sentence (positive or negative).
Use a comma if please is at the end of a request. Dont use a comma if please is at the
beginning of a request.
(+) Please be quiet.
(-) Dont make noise, please.
(+) Bring me my sweater, please.
Apuntes del Profesor:
Como vemos, es una estructura simple pero es una buena forma de empezar a ver otros
verbos adems del verbo to be. Recuerden de que tienen que empezar a pensar en ingles as
que cuando requieren dar una orden, instruccin o peticin (con please) pueden utilizar la
forma imperativa afirmativa o negativa. Si no saben el verbo basta con buscarlo en el
diccionario y simplemente ponen la forma infinitiva sin el to antes.
No saben como decir No saltes Vas al diccionario y buscas y encuentras que saltar viene
del infinitivo to jump. Por ende se dice Dont jump
Practice with the verbs and pictures (Figure # 2)

Complete the sentences using the imperatives (positive or negative). Look at the pictures
for help.

*Gracias a Basic grammar in use Copyright por las figuras y al libro Grammar Practice
por los ejercicios.

There is and there are, to describe that

something or someone exists
by InglesTotal
Filed under Curso Basico / Ingls Elemental, Grammar

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Curso de ingls gratis Leccin 6 (Curso Bsico) There is and There are
In this lesson we will talk about there + the verb to be in the present simple. (Vamos a
hablar del verbo haber en el presente indicativo)
Structure and Use (there is/are)
There are and there is are forms used to express existence of. The structure is:
There + verb to be (is for SINGULAR nouns ; are for PLURAL nouns)
- There is a guitar in my room. (A guitar exists in my room)
- There are two chairs in my room. (Two chairs exist in my room)
The following chart is the forms of there is/are in positive (+), negative (-), and questions



(+) There is a {chair,

book, man}

There are [some] {chairs,

books, men}

(-) There isnt a {laptop,


There arent [any] {laptops,


(?) Is there a {problem,


Are there [any] {problems,


This table is only for COUNTABLE NOUNS. In the future we will talk about uncountable
nouns. For this level when you use there is use the article a. In the plural there are
you can use some for positive and any for negative and questions (some/any) is
Nota: Estas reglas son para los sustantivos contables (aquellos que se pueden contar o
poner en singular y plural). Por ejemplo chair es contable porque uno puede decir
chairs. Un ejemplo de no contable es water o rice.
Some more examples:

Problems with there is/are

- Be careful when you translate from Spanish into English. Remember, follow the Structure
in English.
Problemas con there is/are
Esta es una de las primeras veces en que vemos que tenemos que tener cuidado en traducir
ya que las estructuras del Espaol u otro idioma pueden ser distintas. En este caso
Un ejemplo:
Como se dice: Hay algn restaurante cerca de aqu?
ERROR: Is there any restaurant near here?
Es un error pues restaurant es singular pero any va con plural.
-Is there a restaurant near here?
- Are there any restaurants near here?

El problema es que ustedes quieren decir algn pero en ingles algn o algunos es
some/any pero se usa solo en PLURAL. As que por favor cuando traduzcan hganlo
pero siempre teniendo en cuenta la estructura correcta. ESTO ES, EMPECEMOS A
PENSAR EN INGLES. No es necesario traducir aunque es inevitable pero es un paso que
se da despus de saber y respetar las estructuras de el Ingles.
Exercise/ Ejercicios de there is y there are

Completar: Recuerden There is (a) -> singular, There are -> Plural (se puede usar


Respuestas cortas

Is there a TV in your room?

(+) Yes, there is .(-) No, there isnt.
Are there (any) books?
(+) Yes, there are. (-) No, there arent.

There tambin es usado para decir all.

Ejemplo : My brother is (over) there. (Mi hermano esta all) Over es opcional. En este
post solo estamos estudiando el there + to be pero recuerden que tiene otros significados.
*Ejercicios y figuras de Basic Grammar in Use. Copyright Cambridge University Press

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