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May 20, 2015
Board Members in Attendance
Mr. Lynn Laird, Chairman, Mr. Jacob Gilmore, Vice Chairman; Mr. Steve Jones, Secretary;
Mrs. Anne Bennett, Treasurer.
Mr. Joshua McElhaney, District Conservationist; Mrs. Debbie Williams, Escambia County
Natural Resources.
Call to Order
Mr. Lynn Laird called the meeting to order at 8:03am.
Those present stated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in unison.
Mr. Laird called for a moment of silence for the Invocation.
Minutes of the Last Meeting
Mr. Steve Jones made a motion to accept the April 2015 Board minutes.
Mr. Jacob Gilmore seconded the motion. Motion carried unopposed.
Acknowledgement of Public Notice
The meeting advertisement was noted.
Treasurer's Report
Mrs. Bennett gave the treasurers report. The account is in balance.
Regarding the AFCD annual dues request, the Board is unable to pay the full amount due to
lack of funding. Mrs. Bennett made a motion to pay $25.00. Mr. Jones seconded the
motion. Motion carried unopposed.
Public Forum
Mr. Laird meet with Brent Wipf and Chips Kirschenfeld regarding the 10 mile creek
EWP site. The consultant and engineers are reviewing the site and work should begin
Mr. Laird stated the work being performed on Airport Blvd. is in the City limits but the
County is monitoring the site.
Mr. Joshua McElhaney gave the District Conservationist Report. Program measures
Mr. McElhaney gave an update to EQIP, EWP, and the Farm Tour.
Mr. McElhaney presented the updated Statement of Work for Cooperative Agreement
between the Escambia SWCD and USDA/Natural Resources Conservation (NRCS) and the
Notice of Grant and Agreement Award.
Mrs. Bennett made a motion to accept the Work for Cooperative Agreement and the Notice
of Grant and Agreement Award. Mr. Gilmore seconded the motion. Motion carried

Old Business
The Board discussed two proposed Resolutions presented by the Leon County SWCD.
The first Resolution pertained to the Leon SWCD seeking to work with partners to help
create and implement a watershed planning and management program.
Mrs. Bennett made a motion to support the Resolution. Mr. Gilmore seconded the motion.
Motion carried unopposed.
The second Resolution pertained to requesting a statewide ban on hydraulic fracturing, acid
fracturing and any form of extreme well stimulation or resource extraction in Florida. Board
members in attendance stated their views on the issue.
Mr. Gilmore made a motion to not support the Resolution. Mr. Jones seconded the
motion. When called for all in favor, two members were against the Resolution and two
members were for the Resolution.
New Business
Discussion was held on the upcoming AFCD Annual Meeting. Mrs. Bennett will try
to attend. Motion was made by Mr. Gilmore for the Board to pay the registration fee
of $60.00 if Mrs. Bennett attends. Mr. Jones seconded the motion. Motion carried
Regarding the NACD requested dues; Mrs. Bennett made a motion not to pay due to the
Boards funds. Mr. Gilmore seconded the motion. Motion carried unopposed.
Mrs. Bennett reviewed articles from Earthwise and the Pensacola News Journal. article
pertaining to ECUA and Pensacola Beach.
The Board will request Mr. Larry Walker with ECUA to attend the July Board meeting.
Mrs. Bennett showed a planning guide to the Board and suggested the Board review the
guide for obtaining correct seeds for the schools garden projects.
Mr. McElhaney distributed seed packs from the Burpee seed company. The company has
partnered with USDA to help promote pollinator conservation.
Mr. McElhaney distributed the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation venomous and
nonvenomous snakes of Florida booklet.
Discussion was held on the Lionfish population.
Due to the possibility of several members being unable to attend the June 17th Board
meeting, the Chair requested to cancel the June 17th meeting. With all in favor, there will
not be an Escambia SWCD Board meeting in June 2015.
With no further business coming before the Board, Mr. Jacob made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Jones
seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 9:16.
Mr. Steve Jones, Secretary

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