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1.1 Background
Evolving universe, and everything in it was still growing and changing. On the
side that is a vital part of the human therein for subsistence and other emerging
technologies is education. In this regard, education is an important aspect in a
process in life and to establish a quality education, we must also be able to
analyze the situation of education in order to achieve effective pebelajaran
process. Education is to develop self-potential activity with the development of
the existing changes. Without education, people will not be able to survive and
will not be able to adapt to its environment. Humans will have difficulty in their
life if they do not meet the important aspects in a process that is called
education. Lifelong education has been agreed upon by experts.
Long before today, Islam is a religion which first recommended the necessity of
lifelong learning. Prophet Muhammad motivated his people in the hadith:
"Seeking knowledge is a duty of every Muslim and muslimat. Seek knowledge
from the cradle to the grave. There is no practice of the people is more important
than learning ".
1.2 Formulation of Problem
What is the Lifelong Education
And what about Lifelong Education.
1.3 Objectives
To find out what da how Lifelong Education
2.1 Lifelong Education
2.1.1 Definition of Lifelong Education
In the broadest sense of lifelong education (Lifelong Education) is that education
does not stop until the individual becomes an adult, but continues throughout
life. Lifelong education into a higher sense of urgency at this time because
people need to constantly adapt in order to survive naturally in a community that
is always changing. In sisilain of lifelong education are vast opportunities for a
person to continue learning in order to achieve better living conditions.
The things that cause and allow such things it is:
a. Rapid advancement of science and technology
b. Technology products which need to be studied because it is associated with
working tools
c. For those who use technology-based working tool
d. Social change as a result of the rapid advancement of science and technology
Lifelong education is the answer to criticisms leveled at the school. The school
system has traditionally had difficulty in adjusting to life changes very quickly in
the last century and can not meet the needs or demands of human increasing.
Education in schools is limited to the level of education from childhood to
adulthood, will not meet the necessary requirements of the world that is growing
very rapidly. Changing world requires a flexible system. Education must remain

engaged and recognize continuous innovation. Through a process of lifelong

learning is this man capable of improving the quality of life continually, able to
follow the development of science and technology and the resulting development
of society and culture to face future challenges, as well as willing and able to turn
challenges into opportunities.
Definition of lifelong education, according to some education experts, among
1. Delker (1974) suggests that lifelong education is a natural human actions and
natural processes do not always require the presence of a teacher, tutor, or
educator. The learning process may not be based on a person or group that he or
they have been or are involved in it. Lifelong learning activities achieved if there
is a boost in a person or group to meet the learning needs and satisfaction, and if
there is awareness and enthusiasm for learning for life is still in the bladder body.
2. Gestrelius (1977) suggests that lifelong education includes learning
interactions (learning), determination of learning materials and methods of
learning, the providers, facilities, administration, and environmental conditions
that support ongoing learning activities. Into this pendidikaan including the role
of educators and learners should and mutual learning, the management of
learning activities, and other factors that support the learning process.
2.1.2 The Four Pillars of the UNESCO Education Lifelong Education
Efforts to improve the quality of a nation there is no other way except through
improving the quality of education. Departing from the idea that UNESCO
declared the four pillars of the current and future education are: learning to know,
learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together.
a) Learning to know
Education is essentially an attempt to look for in order to determine the
necessary and useful information for life. Mastery in the broad field of science
and specific, including Learning to How. To implement the "learning to know"
(learning to know), teachers must be able to place itself as a facilitator. In
addition, teachers are required to be a dual role as a friend of the dialogue for
their students in order to develop students' mastery of knowledge.
b) Learning to do
Education is also a learning process to be able to do something (learning to do).
The process of learning produces changes in cognitive, increased competence, as
well as the selection and acceptance are aware of the values, attitudes,
appreciation, feelings, and willingness to act or respond to a stimulus. Education
equips man is not just to learn, but more to do skilled or do something so as to
produce something meaningful for life. Learn to apply knowledge, work together
as a team, learn to solve problems in various situations. Schools as learning
communities seyogjanya container facilitates students to actualize the skills
possessed, as well as their talents and interests to "Learning to do" (learning to
do something) can eventuated. Although real talents and interests of children
affected by hereditary factors, but the growth and development of talent and
interest is also dependent on the environment. As we all know that skills are the
means to sustain the life of a person's skills even more dominant than the
acquisition of knowledge alone.
c) Learning to be

Mastery of knowledge and skills is part of the process of becoming yourself

(learning to be). It is closely related to their talents, interests, physical,
psychological, personal typology children as well as environmental conditions. Eg
for students who are aggressive, will find herself if given the opportunity
extensive enough to be creative. And vice versa for students who are passive,
the teacher's role as a compass direction as well as a facilitator is needed to
develop the full potential of students and maximum. Being yourself is defined as
the process of understanding the needs and identity. Learn to behave according
to the norms and rules that apply in the community, learn to be successful, is
really the process of achieving self-actualization. Learning to be independent, be
a responsible person to achieve a common goal. Unesco declared the third pillar
is "learning to be" (learning to be a man).
d) Learning to live together
Learn to understand and respect other people, their history and values of religion.
The process of "learning to live together" (learning to live together), the fourth
pillar of this, the habit of living together, mutual respect, open, giving and
receiving needs to be developed in school. Conditions such as these that enable
the growth of mutual understanding among racial, ethnic, and religious. With
capabilities, as a result of the educational process, can be used as a preparation
to be able to act in an environment where the individual is located, and at the
same time able to put themselves in accordance with their role. Understanding of
the role of self and others in the study group is a provision in socializing in the
community (learning to live together).
By applying these pillars, expected education that goes around the world,
including Indonesia could be better, but the problem is education in Indonesia,
which is still lack of facilities, especially in remote areas, the uneven educational
facilities, will certainly be an obstacle for students to develop themselves. For all
that, education in Indonesia should be directed at improving the quality of
intellectual and professional abilities and attitudes, personality and moral. With
the ability and attitude of Indonesian human so then in turn will make the
Indonesian people a dignified people in the eyes of the world community.
2.1.3 Phase Education Lifelong Learning Process
Stages of human learning basically consists of two parts. The first part is the
learning process that can not be seen by the senses, because learning occurs in
the mind of someone who is doing the learning activities. This process is often
referred to as internal processes. The second part is called external learning
process, this process can indicate whether a person has occurred in the learning
process marked by a change towards the better.
According Suprijanto (2007) the learning process that occurs in a person who is
learning progresses through six stages, namely:
a) Motivation
Which is the motivation here is the desire to achieve something. If the selflearners no interest to learn, of course, the learning process will not run properly.
If that is so, educators must foster interest in learning the various ways, such as
by explaining the importance of the lesson and why the material it needs to be
b) Attention to Lesson
Learners must be able to concentrate on lessons. If it does not happen then the
learning process will run into obstacles. The attention of participants is highly

dependent on the supervisor.

c) Receive and view
After paying attention, a learner will understand and accept and keep in mind.
Stage receiving and considering this should happen to people who are learning.
There are several factors that may affect the acceptance and reminders, such as
the structure, meaning, repetition of lessons, and interverensi.
d) Reproduction
In the process of learning, a person must not only accept and remember new
information, but it also must be able to reinvent anything she had ever received.
So that learners are able to reproduce, educators need to present teaching in an
impressive manner.
e) Generalization
At this generalization stage, learners should be able to apply the lessons learned
elsewhere and in a broader scope. Generalization can also be interpreted the
application of lessons learned from one situation to another situation.
f) Applying What Have Taught and Feedback
In this phase, learners should have understood and can apply what has been
taught. To ensure that students have really understood, then the supervisor can
give assignments or tests to be done by learners. Tests can also be given a
written or oral test. Furthermore, educators are obliged to provide feedback in
the form of explanation of what is right and what is wrong. With such feedback,
students can find out how he understands what is being taught and can correct
2.2 Situation of Education
2.2.1 Definition of the educational situation
Education situation is a condition characterized by the presence of a number of
basic content contained on educational activities that the students, teachers, and
educational purposes, the three integrated through the learning process.
The quality of education is going on in the educational situation is determined by
the quality of the components and the quality of each interaction of these
2.2.2. Components of the Basic Situation of Education
a) Students
Learners are fully human beings have human dignity with all its contents.
Learners with dignity and status are entitled to live and develop themselves
through education. In other words, education is going to develop the dignity of
learners so that learners become what is known as human beings.
b) Educators
Educators are human beings who have the academic qualifications to develop
science and technology. An educator adalahmereka capable not only provide
knowledge and knowledge to students, but to use the competence to change the
behavior of students to have good character and good attitude character.
c) Educational Objectives

The purpose of education is essentially to make a good man, responsible,

devoted to God Almighty, serve the community, the nation and the State. The
purpose of education is leading to the formation of cognitive, affective and
psychomotor learners. Cognitive respect to the individual's ability to know the
surrounding world which includes intellectual or mental development. Affective
on the development of attitudes, feelings, and values or emotional and moral
development. Psychomotor skills development involves containing elements of
d) Education Process
The learning process is an activity undertaken by learners in achieving the
educational goals on the one hand, and on the other hand is an activity pursued
by educators that these activities take place for the greatest benefit to the
achievement of the goals of education by learners. This learning process takes
place in the interaction between the components of learners and educators in
charge of educational goals. In this interaction educators to address and treat
learners in accordance with human dignity inherent in self-learners, in order to
achieve the goal of education is nothing but a manifestation of the efforts of
human dignity in prikehidupan learners.
The fourth principal component of this educational situation should be balanced
for smooth running with the educational situation under control. Interaction
between students and teachers to achieve educational goals both sides
(educators and learners). Interaction of the two will be able to achieve if the
educational process in the school is well run and meet the three aspects:
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
3.1 Conclusion
Lifelong education is a matter that must be in need of any human being. Inside
there are four important pillars of lifelong education proposed by UNESCO which
consists of learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live
together. The fourth pillar is a concept that is intended as a goal to develop
education. Besides the lifelong education those that determine success in
conducting educational activities, namely educational situation.
The situation is an aspect of education that supports the sustainability of an
educational process, in which there are the essential components to support the
learning process of which there are students, teachers, educational goals, and
the educational process. Where all these components is an integral system that
mutually support each other in order to obtain the results of the learning process
is good and satisfactory results and could so that learners meet the cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor.
3.2 Suggestions
Lifelong education is expected to change society's view that education is not just
learning in formal school only, but can be done anywhere and anytime, for
instance in the family and society. For that, it takes the active role of educational
situations that include community and government. so that lifelong education
can be realized well.

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