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After I graduated from high school, I backpacked around Europe with a few friends.

It was the
first time I went to Europe. Our first day in Athens, we got off a bus, and suddenly I was
standing in front of a restaurant and shop, and I was sure that I had been there before. I knew that
I hadn't been there, of course, but it was a powerful experience of dj vu.
How many of you have ever had that feeling of Dj vu?
M y name is Diana and Im going to tell you theories about what does dj vu mean, types of
dj vu, how does it work and some other interesting facts about this. Everyone has had it, deja
vu, a feeling as though you have actually been there before and cannot explain it. Well I will
explain to you my beliefs and actual facts on deja-vu.
It has been found that memory plays a huge role in this.Some scientists interested in explanation
of this phenomenon had done an experiment. They had people studying a number of drawings of
scenes. To those people were given hypnosis to forget the material that they had seen. When they
saw the material again, 3 of the 10 patients had what the scientists called paramnesia. Basically,
they felt a great familiarity with the scene. The mechanism behind a Dj Vu can be argued like
this: You have a memory. That memory's forgotten by you, but nevertheless stored in your brain.
When you encounter the scene again, you don't remember it exactly, but you recall having seen it
before, because a few certain stimulus are the same as the other one was.So ,, I think you
understand what does dj vu means. Its a kind of feeling as though an event has already
happened or has happened in the recent past accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity
BUT you are not even sure if this has happened.
Dear listeners, there are three types of dj vu : dj vecu, dj senti and dj visite .
Dj vecu means already experienced or lived through. Known as dj vu,this one occurs more
frequently between the ages of 15 and 25 . Deja senti or Already felt, is the phenomenon of
having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has been
experienced in the past.The third type of dj vu is dj visite or already visited. It seems to
occur more rarely and is an experience in which a person visits a new locality and nevertheless
feels it to be familiar.
Some scientific researches say that 70% of people report having experienced dj vu at least
once and experiencing dj vu is quite common among adults and children alike.
The first theory of dj vu is that this is an anomaly of memory, you cant remember certainly
something that has happened,youve forgotten. It is a simple theory and thats why comes
another theory that says that one eye may record faster than the other one and creates that strong
sensation upon the same scene being viewed milliseconds later by the opposite eye.
Dreams also may be a theory, the memory of dreams may cause a sensation of dj vu.There is a
way to find out for sure.Most people wake up sometimes during the night, and when you do, you
will most of the time just have woken up from a dream. WRITE IT DOWN! Have a notebook by
your bedside and make a note of it. That way you have a way to 'look back in time' and see if
your deja-vu is actually your dreams. I have done this a few times and proved it to be true.
The reincarnation is another theory believed by someone , its like fragments of past life.

There's an opposite to dj vu. They call it jamais vu or never seen. It's when you meet the same
people or visit places, again and again, but each time is the first. Everybody is always a stranger.
Nothing is ever familiar.
Presque vue or almost seen is when one cannot recall a familiar word or name or situation, but
with effort one eventually recalls the elusive memory . It is also called tip of the tongue. The
staircase wit is when you remember something when it is too late.
Here I want you to show the portions of the brain that are specialized for the past,the present and
the future. The temporal lobes are concerned with the past, the frontal lobes are concerned with
the future, and the limbic system is concerned with the present. The amygdala is responsible for
our consciousness in the present. It recognizes expressions on peoples faces.
I want you tu show a short video, its a sequence from a movie, and Im sure you all know this
The Dj vu has never been fully explained thats why I hope I made you interested in this and
you will study about this and will find some other theories concerning my subject.

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