Clase de Abba:: I Live in Barcelona

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Good day rosario!

I hope everything's well with you and that you're having a wonderful day!
Every Friday you will receive a message from me, your teacher, with something to improve
your English!
Cada viernes recibirs un mensaje mo con algo para mejorar tu ingls!
Today we're going to look at homophones. These are words which have the same
pronunciation (sound) but different meanings and spelling.
Hoy vamos a estudiar unas palabras homfonas, es decir, palabras que se pronuncian
igual pero que tienen significados distintos y se escriben de forma distinta.
Let's start with some very basic ones: "I" and "eye".
"I" is the first person singular subject pronoun.
For example,
I live in Barcelona.
(Yo) vivo en Barcelona.
We use our eyes to see.
For example,
I like your eye colour.
Me gusta el color de tus ojos.
Let's take a look at some more words and try to remember them to avoid confusion.
"ate" is the past simple form of the verb "to eat".
Here is an example with "ate":
We ate pizza for dinner last night.
Anoche cenamos pizza.
"ate" is pronounced in the same way as "eight" (8).
Here's an example with the word "eight":
I have eight cousins.
Tengo ocho primos.
"it's" is the contraction of "it is" and "it has".
It's (=It is) sunny today.

Hace sol hoy.

It's (=It has) been sunny all week.
Ha hecho sol toda la semana.
"its" is a possessive pronoun.
The dog ate its food.
El perro comi su comida.
"to hear" is a verb which means "to perceive sound by the ear" while "here" is an adverb of
place meaning "in or towards this place".
Look at an example of each word:
I cannot hear you. Please speak louder.
No te oigo. Habla ms fuerte, por favor.
Come here please!
Ven aqu, por favor!
Try to remember these simple words and it will help you speak and write in English better!
Intenta acordarte de estas palabras sencillas y eso te ayudar a hablar y escribir mejor en
Have a nice day!
Best regards,

How r u?
In today's modern world, there are many ways to communicate with our family and friends
using modern technology, for example, different applications on our mobile phones. One
means of communication is sending an SMS (short messaging service), also known as "a
text message". Often, when we send text messages, we tend to abbreviate words and don't
pay much attention to spelling.
En el mundo moderno, hay muchas formas de comunicarse con la familia y los amigos con
la tecnologa moderna, por ejemplo con varias aplicaciones mviles. Una forma son los
SMS, tambin conocidos como "mensajes de texto". Muchas veces, a la hora de enviar
SMS, abreviamos las palabras y no prestamos atencin a la ortografa.
In the first part of this message, you read the question "How r u?" That's normally how we
send someone a text message to ask them "How are you?" (Qu tal?)
However, in formal and proper English, spelling is very important (which is why we have
writing exercises in the ABA course).
If you miss out a letter, it can make a huge difference to the meaning of a word.
Si omites una letra por error, puede afectar mucho al significado.
Look at the following words:


They don't seem very friendly. I can't see you.

No parecen muy simpticos.
No te veo.


I would like to order a bottle of

red wine, please.
Me gustara pedir una botella
de vino tinto.

They need to win the match

to make it to the final.
Necesitan ganar el partido
para llegar a la final.



He has just moved into his

new flat and it's still bare.
Acaba de cambiar de piso y su
nuevo piso sigue vaco.

After work, she sometimes

goes to a bar.
Despus del trabajo, a
veces va a un bar.



We were very hungry so we

ate a huge portion of cake.
Tenamos mucha hambre as
que comimos un trozo enorme
del pastel.

When you're sad, you need

a hug from your best friend.
Cuando se est triste, se
necesita un abrazo de su
mejor amigo/a.



She met her husband when

she was a teen.
Conoci a su marido cuando

They've been married for

ten years now.
Llevan casados diez aos.

era adolescente.

To make yourself clearly understood in English, make sure you spell words correctly and
that you don't miss out letters.
Have a good day!
Best regards,

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