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SAP Utilities

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Table of content

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Table of content
1 SAP Utilities
1.1 Type Ahead Search for Input Fields in IS-U Transactions
1.2 Monitoring the Profile Value Import Using EDM1N
1.3 EDM Settlement: Accelerated Aggregation of Time Series
1.4 Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1.4.1 Utilities, Fakturierung im Vertragskontokorrent 2F Utilities, Locking Billing Documents and Invoicing Documents Utilities, Cash Security Deposits in Convergent Invoicing
1.4.2 Blocking of Business Partners
1.4.3 Performance Optimization for External Cash Desk Services
1.4.4 Runtime Optimization During SD Background Processing
1.4.5 Transferring Deferred Revenue

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1 SAP Utilities
You can find the release notes in the navigation bar on the left hand side.

1.1 Type Ahead Search for Input Fields in IS-U Transactions

This function provides a type ahead search for input fields in IS-U transactions. As a user enters a search term in an input field, the search results and their
values are displayed in a dropdown list underneath the input field, allowing the user to select one of the results directly.
If users do not know exactly which term to enter, they can benefit from the full text search, which covers multiple columns. The full text search across columns is
only available if the underlying database (such as SAP HANA) supports this search method via the chosen selection method(s). If this is not the case, the type
ahead search only takes place for the database column that belongs to the input field or allocated search help parameter.

Technical Details
Technical Name of Product Feature


Product Feature Is


Country Dependency

Valid for all countries

Software Component Version

IS-UT 617

Application Component

IS-U (Utilities)

Available As Of

SAP Enhancement Package 7 (SP07) for SAP ERP 6.0

Required Business Functions


Additional Information
The type ahead search is primarily available for input fields on the initial screens of transactions. On the subsequent screens, the type ahead search is only
available for some input fields.
In the case of language-dependent fields, the type ahead search filters the entries according to the logon language: If no texts are available in the logon language,
the search results are displayed without text.
The type ahead search for input fields was activated for the following IS-U transactions:
Transactions with Type Ahead Search for Input Fields
Transaction Code

Transaction Name

Master Data

Create/Change/Display Contract

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Create/Change/Display Installation


Create/Change/Display Connection Object


Create/Change/Display Premise


Create/Change/Display Connection Point of Delivery


Create/Change/Display Device Location

Device Data

Create/Change/Display Device Information Record


Device Modification


Create/Change/Display Register Group


Create/Change/Display Input/Output Group


Create/Change/Display Command Group


Create/Change/Display Winding Group


Create/Change/Display Device Grouping


Create/Change Device Category

Device Inspection

Sampling Procedure: Create/Change/Display Lot


Create/Change/Display Disconnection Document

Meter Reading Data


Enter Meter Reading Results


Monitor Meter Reading Data

Profile Data

Change/Display Profile Header

Settling Energy Quantities


Create/Change/Display Settlement Unit


Create/Change/Display Selection Variants for Settlement


Create/Change/Display Settlement Document

Contract Billing

Define Rate Types


Define Operands


Define Price Adjustment Clauses


Define Prices (no full text search across multiple columns)


Define Schemas (no full text search across multiple columns)


Display Print Document

Intercompany Data Exchange


Create/Change/Display Service Provider


Create/Change/Display Grid

Effects on the SAP System

Using the type ahead search for input fields can have a negative impact on the performance of the input help (F4), which can in turn influence the overall
performance of the system. If this is the case, you can deactivate the type ahead search.
For more information, see SAP Note 1971775.

Effects on System Administration

System administrators can deactivate the type ahead search for the entire ABAP system. Users can also deactivate the type ahead search themselves.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im SAP Hinweis 1971775.

More Information
For more information about the type ahead search for input fields, see SAP note 1861491.

1.2 Monitoring the Profile Value Import Using EDM1N

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The new transaction used to monitor the profile value import (transaction EDM1N) provides new and extended functions that were not previously available in the
existing transaction EDM1.
These are as follows:
Additional selection options
User friendly status distinctions
Saving of selection variants
New fields and enhancement options for customers in the ALV list to make it easier to monitor import documents.
You can access the transaction from the Utilities Industry menu under

Energy Data Management


Profile Values Import (New)

Technical Details
Technical Name of Product Feature


Product Feature Is


Country Dependency

Valid for all countries

Software Component Version

IS-UT 6.17

Application Component


Available As Of

SAP Enhancement Package 7 for SAP ERP 6.0, SP 07

Required Business Functions


Utilities Industry

Energy Data Management

The following new and extended functions are available:

Selection Template:
You can save selection variants and access them from the menu by choosing
Goto Variants .
By choosing Number of Documents , you can determine the number of import documents in advance (according to the selection options selected).
The parameters in the General Selections group box have been converted to selection options.
You can also restrict your selection using the following fields:
Imported By
Profile Type
The Technical Control group box is new. You can restrict the number of hits here.
The Status Distinctions group box is easier to read.

List Processing:
This report and the associated transaction EDM1N contains the following additional display fields that were not available in the existing transaction EDM1:
Status of the profile values import with a traffic status light
Profile Type
Created On: Date on which the import document was created.
Created By: User who created the import document.
Changed On: Date on which the most recent change was made to the import document.
Changed By: User who last changed the import document.

Check that the following fields only contain the corresponding values from the database if the business function ISU_EDM_1 had been activated
when the import took place (import document creation):
Profile Type
Created On: Date on which the import document was created.
Created By: User who created the import document.
Once you have accessed the profile by double clicking it, it appears in the display mode. If you have the relevant authorizations, you can switch to the
change mode.
Customer Fields and Functions
You can use the Business Add-In (BAdI) ISU_EDM_PROFIMPMON_FUNC to implement customer-specific functions and display additional columns or fields
in the display template for the transaction. A specific user status or a corresponding icon can be displayed in these fields.
Multiple selection of entries is now supported.
A status light shows the status of the profile values import.
Choose Refresh to update the ALV list.

More Information
For more information, see the program documentation, that you can access from the information icon in the transaction EDM1N.

1.3 EDM Settlement: Accelerated Aggregation of Time Series

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1.3 EDM Settlement: Accelerated Aggregation of Time Series

This function provides a new implementation logic for the aggregation of load shapes during energy quantity settlement. It enables significantly faster runtimes.
Large volumes of data are processed in order to calculate the aggregated load profiles. With the progressing rollout of smart meters, the volume of data will
increase considerably in the near future. Settlement runs will also take place more regularly. Due to these market developments, the runtime of load profile
aggregation is now a very critical factor.
The new implementation logic uses a database-independent technology that supports column-oriented databases as well as conventional database types. In this
context, the following new classes and settlement steps have been created:
Load shape of interval customers for each settlement profile (database-level execution logic)
Settlement step SUMINTSU02
Load shape of interval customers for each grid or settlement unit (database-level execution logic)
Settlement step SUMINTSU03

Technical Details
Technical Name of Product Feature


Product Feature Is


Country Dependency

Valid for all countries

Software Component Version

IS-UT 617

Application Component

IS-U-EDM (Energy Data Management)

Available As Of

SAP Enhancement Package 7 (SP07) for SAP ERP 6.0

Required Business Functions


Effects on Existing Data

If you replace existing settlement steps with SUMINTSU02 or SUMINTSU03 in your settlement procedure, you can no longer execute settlement runs that use a
selection document based on old settlement documents. The reason for this is that functions specially adapted to SUMINTSU02 or SUMINTSU03 were added to
settlement step ASSIGNPOD in order to save additional data in the settlement document. If the settlement document in question was generated using an older noncompatible software version of ASSIGNPOD, the load shapes that belong to the settlement document cannot be found and processed, possibly resulting in
incorrect total load shapes.

More Information
For more information, see the application help in the Guidelines for the Development of the Settlement Procedure under the following links:
Information about the new classes for settlement steps:
Information about the new settlement steps:

1.4 Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable

1.4.1 Utilities, Fakturierung im Vertragskontokorrent 2F
Technische Daten
Technischer Name der Business Function


Art der Business Function

Industry Business Function

Verfgbar ab

SAP-Erweiterungspaket 7 fr SAP ERP 6.0, SP07


Versorgungsindustrie (IS-U)

Vorausgesetzte Business Function

Utilities, Vertragskontokorrent 3E (ISU_CA_3E)

Utilities, Convergent Invoicing 2 (ISU_INV_2)
Utilities, Abrechnung im Vertragskontokorrent 4E (ISU_INV_PP_3E)

Inkompatible Business Function


Sie haben die folgenden Komponenten ab der genannten Version installiert:

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Art der Komponente




Wird nur fr folgende Funktionen bentigt

FI-CA 617
IS-UT 617

Sie haben die Branchenkomponente SAP Utilities (IS-U) im Einsatz.

Sie haben das Business Function Set Utilities (UTILITIES) aktiviert.
Sie haben folgende Business Functions aktiviert:
Utilities, Convergent Invoicing 2 (ISU_INV_2)
Utilities, Abrechnung im Vertragskontokorrent 4E (ISU_INV_PP_3E)
Utilities, Vertragskontokorrent 3E (ISU_CA_3E)
Sie haben die Prozesse, die Sie im Convergent Invoicing nutzen mchten, im Customizing konfiguriert.
Weitere Informationen ber die fr die vorliegende Business Function bentigten Systemeinstellungen finden Sie in den funktionalen Release-Informationen.

Mit dieser Business Function erweitern Sie den Funktionsumfang um die Funktionen Beleganzeige und Barsicherheiten und knnen somit:
Abrechnungs- und Fakturierungsbelege durch das Setzen einer Sperre in der Anzeige von der weiteren Verarbeitung ausnehmen. Um die Belege der
weiteren Bearbeitung wieder zuzufhren, knnen Sie die Sperren in der Anzeige wieder aufheben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Utilities, Sperren
von Abrechnungs- und Fakturierungsbelegen.
aus Convergent Invoicing heraus Barsicherheitsanforderungen im Vertragskontokorrent erzeugen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Utilities,
Barsicherheiten in Convergent Invoicing. Utilities, Locking Billing Documents and Invoicing

You can exclude billing and invoicing documents from subsequent processing by setting a lock in the display. To add documents to subsequent processing, you
can then remove this lock in the display.

Technical Details
Technical Name of Product Feature


Product Feature Is


Country Dependency

Valid for all countries

Software Component Version

IS-UT 617

Application Component


Available As Of

SAP Enhancement Package 7 for SAP ERP 6.0, SP 07

Required Business Functions


Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable

Convergent Invoicing

Additional Information
You display billing documents in the SAP menu under
Convergent Invoicing Billing Documents . To exclude billing documents from invoicing, choose Set
Printing Lock . To remove this lock, in the display choose Remove Printing Lock . By doing so, you also remove invoicing locks that you set in event 8135. You
display invoicing documents in the SAP menu under
Convergent Invoicing Invoicing Documents . To prevent the invoicing documents being printed,
choose Set Invoicing Lock . To remove this lock, choose Remove Invoicing Lock .

More Information
Utilities, Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable 2F Utilities, Cash Security Deposits in Convergent Invoicing

Technical Details
Technical Name of Product Feature


Product Feature Is


Country Dependency

Valid for all countries

Software Component Version

IS-UT 617

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Application Component


Available As Of

SAP Enhancement Package 7 for SAP ERP 6.0, SP 07

Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable

Required Business Functions


Convergent Invoicing

Additional Information
The billable item specifies a reason for requesting the cash security deposit. Billing updates the reason for request in the billing document items. Invoicing then
creates a cash security deposit request in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable for the corresponding billing document items. The start date and return date
for the cash security deposit are defined by the start and end of the period for the items.
When you execute the invoicing function Create Cash Security Deposit (SECURITY_CRT), you can also define which cash security deposits are to be created
in invoicing for the contract account to be invoiced.
Use the function module recorded for event 2624 to transfer information about the cash security deposit. You can define whether one or more cash security
deposits are to be created for a contract account or make a distinction by contract. The cash security deposit can be paid for during invoicing. A down payment is
created as a security retention amount here.

Effects on Customizing
Use the interface component Request Cash Security Deposit (CASH_SEC) in the configuration of your billable items class or activate it in Customizing for
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under
Convergent Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Processes
invoicing function Create Cash Security Deposit (SECURITY_CRT) in the invoicing process you are using.

Define Invoicimng Processes

using the

More Information
Utilities, Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable 2F

1.4.2 Blocking of Business Partners

To protect the personal data of your customers, once business partners have been blocked, you can restrict access to their master data and transaction data
using authorization groups. To do so, you enter an authorization group, for which only specific users have authorization, on the contract account of the business

Technical Details
Technical Name of Product Feature

Not relevant

Product Feature Is


Country Dependency

Valid for all countries

Software Component Version

FI-CA 617

Application Component

FI-CA (Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable)

Available As Of

SAP enhancement package 7 (SP07) for SAP ERP 6.0

Required Business Functions


Effects on Customizing
You enter the authorization group, which the system enters in the contract account relationships of the business partner if the business partner is blocked
(transaction BUPA_PRE_EOP), in Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under
Technical Settings
Data Protection Enter
Authorization Group for Contract Account Relationships

1.4.3 Performance Optimization for External Cash Desk Services

You can optimize the runtime for message processing by external cash desk services.

Technical Details
Technical Name of Product Feature

Not relevant

Product Feature Is


Country Dependency

Valid for all countries

Software Component Version

FI-CA 617

Application Component

FI-CA-BT-PY-PP (Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments)

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Available As Of

SAP enhancement package 7 (SP07) for SAP ERP 6.0

Required Business Functions


Additional Details
If you send data to external cash desk services using SAP Exchange Infrastructure (XI), the system posts FI-CA documents in individual processes when XI
messages are processed. Individual processing uses just one number range and one reconciliation key for the posting. To ensure this, the system sets database
locks both on the number range table NRIV and on table DFKKSUMC for the reconciliation keys. This can have a negative effect on performance if parallel
processing is used.
If you set the Optimization Active indicator in Customizing:
The system assigns a separate number range to each process for the posting of FI-CA documents.
Posting takes place as before using individual processing.
The system posts each process on a separate reconciliation key.
The system creates as many reconciliation keys as there are processes posting in parallel.

Effects on Customizing
You activate the runtime optimization in Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under
Incoming and Outgoing Payments
External Cash Desk Services
Make Basic Settings .

Business Transactions



1.4.4 Runtime Optimization During SD Background Processing

You can optimize the runtime for background processing of the billing due list from Sales and Distribution (SD).

Technical Details
Technical Name of Product Feature

Not relevant

Product Feature Is


Country Dependency

Valid for all countries

Software Component Version

FI-CA 617

Application Component

FI-CA-IN-SD (Sales and Distribution)

Available As Of

SAP enhancement package 7 (SP07) for SAP ERP 6.0

Required Business Functions


Additional Details
In transaction VF06 in the Sales and Distribution menu under


Billing Document

Background Processing

, you transfer parallel billing documents

to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA). The posting in FI-CA takes place in individual processing. Individual processing uses just one number
range and one reconciliation key for the posting. To ensure this, the system sets database locks both on the number range table NRIV and on table DFKKSUMC for
the reconciliation keys. During parallel processing, the database lock causes runtime problems.
If you set the Optimization Active indicator in Customizing:
The system assigns a separate number range to each process for the posting of documents in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
Posting takes place as before using individual processing.
The system posts each process on a separate reconciliation key.
The system creates as many reconciliation keys as there are processes posting in parallel.
This results in an improved runtime.

Make sure that you create a sufficient number of parallel number ranges for individual processing for the document types that you have entered for integration
in posting area 1210. See Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under
Basic Functions
Postings and Documents
Maintain Document Assignments
Document Types
Maintain Document Types and Assign Number Ranges .
You can then subsequently aggregate the reconciliation keys on the SAP Easy Access screen under


Reconciliation Key


Effects on Customizing
You activate the runtime optimization in Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under
Settings .


Sales and Distribution

Make Basic

1.4.5 Transferring Deferred Revenue

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You can now post certain time-based deferred revenues in the current period despite a posting date in the future.

Technical Details
Technical Name of Product Feature

Not relevant

Product Feature Is


Country Dependency

Valid for all countries

Software Component Version

FI-CA 617

Application Component

FI-CA-CL-DE (Deferred Revenue Postings)

Available As Of

SAP enhancement package 7 (SP07) for SAP ERP 6.0

Required Business Functions


Additional Details
For accounting reasons, it can be necessary to post certain deferred revenues in the current period despite a posting date in the future. To do so, set the Use
Fixed Alternative Posting Date in FPDR indicator in even 1142. The system then displays the Always Use Alternative Posting Date indicator in the transaction
for transferring deferred revenue FPDR. If you set this indicator and enter a transfer date, the system uses this alternative posting date not only for the triggers for
deferred revenue with a posting date in a closed posting period, but also for all transfers.

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