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aa Congress of the United States =a ‘Bouse of Representatives pees ‘Washington, DE 20515-1304 Coe) October 20, 2015, Mr, Bran Roberts CChairman/Presiden/CEO Comcast Corp "701 John F. Kennedy Bivd Philadelphia, PA 19103, Mr. Stephen B. Burke Presiden/CEO NBCUniversal 30 Rockefeller Plaza ew York, NY 10112 Dear Messrs, Roberts and Burke Having Donald Trump as guest on every news and entertainment program is one thing, but allowing him to host Sanurday Night Live is another, Iti level of endorsement that sas to ‘America that every hateful and racist thing Donald Trump has sai sine the moment he Taunched his eampuign is acceptable and no big desl. ‘Wel, itis a big deal. He said Mexicans are rapists, criminals and drug dealers, and tobe clea, ‘when he said Mericans ae those thing, he was tarrng all Latinos end al immigrant. His exact words were, “They're sending us not the right people. It's coming from more than Mexico. I's coming from all over South and Latin America and it's coming probably from the Middle East.” ‘The reaction in July from NBC was swift and clear: “Due tothe recent derogatory statements by Donald Teunip regarding inegracta, NBCUniversu is ending its business relationship with Mr, “Trump.” And NBC sid, “Respect end dignity forall people are comerstones of our values,” Serta, Macy’s, NASCAR, Univision, and ESPN were among the others that Trump, acted to dump ‘Three months later, Because e sa ratings and comedy bonanza, Lome Michtes and Satdey Might Live (SNL) are giving the Trump campaign 90 minutes of free network airtime think I speak for alot of Americans, especially immigrant Americans and Latino Americans, when I s8y that if SNL i allowed o proceed it would be a huge comporat blunder Rep. Luis V. Gutidren October 20, 2015 Page? ‘When Comcast sought a merger with Time Wamer, land alot of my Congressional Hispanic Caucus colleagues heard from you about your commitment to the Latino community and the level of corporate responsibility you pledged to your diverse audience. I certainly hope that your commitment to “respect and dignity forall people” was not some hollow promise and isin fact a comerstone of your values. Please disinvite him. Make a statement: Derogatory statements ofthe nature trumpeted by ‘Trump about any group disqualifies someone from hosting shows on your network. Send 2 message that racism isnot funny and that responsiblity to your viewers and the public is more important than ratings. Iti a chance for your company ~ again ~to show you are commited to your audience in more ways than just the ad revenues they provide you Please do the right thing and dump Trump. Sincerely, Al he Tule V. Guténes Member of Congress

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