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Mineral Resources of Balochistan

Natural Resources
Material that comes from nature are called natural resources. Examples
minerals, water, soil, trees, oil and gas.

naturally occurring inorganic matter having definite chemical composition are called

Economic Minerals
Naturally occurring inorganic or organic matter or rocks having economic value are
called economic minerals

Balochistan is full of natural resources. Production of high quality marble and

granite resources are continue the benefits of Balochistan.
The prices of metallic minerals are very high at global level. With the exception of
the Saindak copper / gold mine in northwestern Balochistan, attracts many mining
research company. it is now widely acknowledged that Balochistan is full of natural
resources that are not only sufficient for province but also increase the economic
level of country . And so, the Government of Balochistan will trying to clear the way
of getting the minerals from which the country will progress, poverty is reduced,
increase the technology and reduced the jobless.

Metallic minerals in Balochistan:

Above map shows the places where the metallic minerals are found Now we discuss
the nonmetallic minerals there are many places where the nonmetallic minerals are
found. There are many places where the coal is produced like Dukki, Ziarat, Johan,
Champing, kach and other many cities. As the coal is produced from many places
natural gas is also produced from many places like Ziin, Och, PIrcoh,Soi and many
other places. Petrol and many oil are also produced in Balochistan. In short the
mountains of Balochistan are full of wealth. Its mountain contain all the minerals of

Lack of facilities:
There are many problems from which wo can not getting the full advantages of
these minerals like we have not knowledge that how to get these minerals from
earth. We have no technology to get these things. The major problem is that our
economic status is not well . For getting these thing the heavy machinery is used we
have no machinery. All the minerals are at the high mountains so it is also difficult
to reach the original places. There are no roads in Balochistan so it is also a lack of
facilities. The ignorance of government and illiterate people of Balochistan and the
selfishness of tribal chiefs we are not getting the full advantages of these minerals.

The government should make arrangements to the localized people to provide them
with knowledge and moreover they should make arrangements to utilize the mineral
resources in Balochistan for useful purposes.Exclusion through lack of equitable
distribution of benefits from resources when gets an
ethnic or religious identity turns natural resources from a blessing to a curse.
Balochistan is largely perceived as hotspots in Pakistan where underdevelopment
and poverty is
exaggerated by political instability, law and order situation, and growing insurgency.
Pakistani establishment lays the blame on foreign hands in the deteriorating law
and order
situation in these provinces. Now allied forces are warning that Balochistans hilly
terrains can be
hideouts of Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders. In short government should take action
against these things and give education to people and give facilities to the people
so that they agree then government can take maximum benefits of these minerals .

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