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By Jacob Solis

22 dead after Doctors Without
Borders hospital bombed in
Twenty-two were left dead and 37
were wounded after a bomb struck
a hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz on Saturday, Oct. 3. According
to Mdecins Sans Frontires, better
known in the U.S. as Doctors Without Borders, 12 of the dead were
staff and 10 were patients.
Christopher Stokes, the general
director for MSF, condemned the
attack in a statement released Sunday, further calling the bombing a
violation of humanitarian law.
Under the clear presumption
that a war crime has been committed, MSF demands that a full and
transparent investigation into the
event be conducted by an independent international body, Stokes
said. Relying only on an internal
investigation by a party to the conflict would be wholly insufficient.
NATO, which has been in charge
of the U.S.-led airstrikes against
Taliban forces in the region, has
said little on the incident outside
of acknowledging that the raid
happened. On Monday, Afghan
security forces have said they
were the ones who requested the
strike, not U.S. Forces, as originally
thought. The Afghans were allegedly engaged with Taliban forces
who had entrenched themselves
in firing positions within the MSF
compound and asked for U.S. air
Both NATO and Secretary of
Defense Ash Carter said that an
investigation is already underway
and the U.S. embassy in Kabul
later issued condolences to those
affected by the incident.


UNRs transition to a tobacco-free campus

By Jacob Solis

On Aug. 1, the University of Nevada, Reno officially went tobacco free, joining 1,200 other
colleges and universities around the country according to the UNR website. Small white
signs materialized across campus that implore students to join the tobacco free movement,
but how did UNR get to be tobacco-free in the first place?
For starters, UNR is already mostly tobacco-free. According to the same university splash
page that touts the number of other smoke-free colleges, only 15 percent of UNRs student
body smokes. This number is slightly below the Center for Disease Control and Preventions reported national average of 17.8 percent.
Even so, many students across campus began asking why Nevada wasnt tobacco-free
when so many other schools were.
Thus, in 2013, the Student Health Center began gathering the blessings of every major
group on campus to make it happen. With ASUN, the Graduate Student Association, the
Faculty Senate and the Presidents Office behind them, the Health Center began researching how other universities went about getting rid of tobacco.
Enid Jennings, program coordinator and health educator for the Student Health Center,
noted that for the better part of 2014 and early 2015, the Student Health Center focused on
marketing and education. Students, parents and employee received a barrage of information on the new program, but Jennings stressed that the goal was never to force people to
stop smoking.
Were not telling [people] to quit, but if they do decide to quit, we want to be there,
Jennings said. We cant punish people, but we can ask them nicely.
To add some rigor and legitimacy to the policy, the University pushed the creation of
Senate Bill 339 in the beginning of 2015. The bill would have allowed any school under
the Nevada System of Higher Education to enact tight restrictions on the use of tobacco,
a power that had already been granted to Nevadas K-12 school districts.
See SMOKING page A2

Planned Parenthood head
testifies before Congress
Cecile Richards, president of
Planned Parenthood, defended
her organization before the House
Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform last Tuesday,
Sept. 29. House Republicans have
accused the organization of illegally selling fetal tissue after a video
purportedly showed just that.
The issue has energized Republicans across the country and
prompted strong remarks from
leading presidential candidates.
Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson and Sen.
Rand Paul have all latched on to the
issue and some House Republicans
used the issue to threaten a government shutdown, though they later
reneged following the resignation
of Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.
For more than five hours, Richards faced a string of questions
from lawmakers who were often
combative, according to NPR. Even
so, the hearing later evolved into a
partisan debate between legislators
as Democrats and Republicans
clashed over the purpose of the
hearing and the treatment of
Richards as a witness. As such, the
hearing did little to clear up the
controversy still clouding Planned

Fire restrictions lifted across
State and federal agencies lifted
fire restrictions on most public lands
Saturday, according to the Las Vegas
Review-Journal. The changes come
with the change in seasons as cooler
temperatures and some rain prevail.
While most restrictions in the
northwest of the state are lifted, the
RJ has reported that some parts of
the Humboldt-Toiyabe National
Forest, notably the Carson and
Bridgeport ranger districts, still
require permits for campfires.
Jacob Solis can be reached at jsolis@ and on Twitter


Photo illustration by Henry MacDiarmid/Nevada Sagebrush

Pres. Johnson
gives fifth State
of the University
By Marcus Lavergne

Eight of the victims who died on the scene were

students, the ninth was a teacher. Several of the
students were young, only 18 years old. The shooting was confined to a single room, the composition

Last Tuesday, Sept. 29, University of Nevada,

Reno, President Marc Johnson gave his State of the
University speech in front of over 200 people. The
speech highlighted topics like growth, funding
and future planning for different departments at
the University. Near the beginning of the address,
President Johnson condemned the activities of
the secret society known as Coffin and Keys.
Johnson stated that the group does not improve the university, but rather attacks various
demographics of people through words and
actions. He claimed that Coffin and Keys actions
were comparable to those who use anonymous
Web apps and websites to post hurtful comments
on the Internet. He quoted the Sept. 21 issue of
Time magazine, which stated, [The anonymity of
the Internet] brings out the worst in humans.
The University stands for inclusiveness, equity
and respect, Johnson said.
He pointed out that diversity was increasing on
campus. This growth, which is happening among
multiple minority groups, is an important indicator of the Universitys intentions to actively
recruit across a vast spectrum of Nevadas populations, according to Johnson. He made it clear
that organizations like Coffin and Keys or groups
of individuals that impede such growth do not
represent our student body as a whole.
After receiving applause from the crowd, Johnson transitioned into more scholastic matters,
including funding, building plans, overall student
success, and student and faculty population
growth, which has been one of the most prominent topics on campus.
Data included in Johnsons address showed
numbers that include the largest freshman class
in UNRs history at about 3,851 students, a 7
percent rise from last year in student full-time
equivalency, and a 30 percent rise in National
Merit Scholars over the past five years. The current NMS population is at 50, 16 of whom belong
to the class of 2019.
Johnson said that the student population is

See SHOOTING page A2

See ADDRESS page A2

Wikimedia provided by Pete Souza

President Barack Obama observes a moment of silence during a memorial for the victims of the Sandy Hook
shooting on Dec. 16, 2012. Obama expressed frustration last Thursday following the shooting in Roseburg,
Oregon, the 142nd school shooting since Sandy Hook.

Dispelling the mystery around

the mass shooting in Oregon
By Jacob Solis
Editors Note: THE WHOLE STORY will be an occasional feature where The Nevada Sagebrush takes a
comprehensive look at a story, be it local, national or
otherwise, that developed quickly often too quickly
causing some details to remain hazy to those of us
not glued to the newswires. All the facts, from what we
know to how we know it to what we dont know, will
be in one place.
On Thursday, Oct. 1, nine people were shot and
killed at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg,
Oregon. Another died later that day at an area hospital while [seven] more lay wounded, according to
local authorities.
The incident was the latest in a morbid routine
of mass shootings that have plagued America for
16 years since the Columbine shooting in 1999. It



prompted anger from President Barack Obama,

who has become well-versed in addressing mass
shootings from the deaths of 13 at Fort Hood in
2009, to the deaths of 20 young children and six of
their teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in
2012, and to the countless others struck dead by gun
violence in the seven years since he took office.
While the shooting in Oregon was brief, the consequences are still reverberating around the country.
But first, the facts:






@TheSagebrush |




Student voice of the University of

Nevada, Reno, since 1893.

Volume 122 ~8bbdT&

















Continued from page A1

classroom that the shooter had shared with
classmates just days before.
The shooters name was Christopher
Harper-Mercer. He chose six of his 14
guns, all purchased legally according to
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives, to use in his rampage. It
lasted 10 minutes. Police arrived within 6
minutes of the first 911 call, according to
The Associated Press, and engaged Mercer
for 2 minutes.
He killed himself during that shootout.
Due to conflicting reports from witnesses, the shooters motives remain hazy.
Some reports have Mercer shooting and
killing Christians while other reports have
him killing indiscriminately and randomly.
Police have found a manifesto written by
Mercer, which he had allegedly given to one
of the victims on a flash drive after calling
him a lucky one. Police have yet to release
the full contents of the drive.
Umpqua Community College reopened
its doors on Monday, but classes wont
resume for another week according to
Vanessa Baker, chairman of the board of
trustees for the school.

On that Thursday, the details came in
After reports of the shooting began to


flood in, different media outlets scrambled

to release the numbers. The AP named
between eight and 10 dead while Reuters
marked the number dead at 15. All outlets
reported somewhere near 20 people
After the flurry of initial coverage calmed,
the numbers became more consistent
only 10 died that day. The reports of police
and survivors began to fall in line and a
clearer picture of what happened emerged.
It should be noted that while many survivors claimed Mercer targeted Christians, at
least one person has come out saying that it
did not seem as though he was deliberately
targeting based solely on religion, according to the AP.
At the first news conference, officials were
especially reluctant to identify the shooter.
Let me be very clear, said Douglas
County sheriff Doug Hanlin. I will not
name the shooter. I will not give him the
credit he probably sought prior to this
horrific and cowardly act. Media will get the
name confirmed in time, but you will never
hear me mention his name.
However, in an inevitable bout of irony,
numerous media outlets began quoting
anonymous federal sources with the name
of the killer only minutes after Hanlins
statement. The name, Mercers name, was
later confirmed by local authorities.

speech to the press directly following the

tragedy, president Obama expressed frustration that America has become numb
to mass shootings.
As I said a few months ago, and I said just
a few months before that, and I said each
time we see one of these mass shootings,
our thoughts and prayers are not enough,
Obama said. Its not enough. It does not
capture the heartache and grief and anger
that we should feel, and it does nothing to
prevent this carnage from being inflicted
someplace else in America.
Obama did not introduce a specific policy
fix, instead calling on the American people
to make 2016 and the election cycles following it single issue. He implored voters to
vote out those politicians who would rather
listen to the gun lobby than constituents.
The Obama Administration failed to
pass gun-control efforts through Congress
in 2012, after the shooting at Sandy Hook
Elementary School. The failure has been
attributed largely to the lobbying efforts of
the National Rifle Association. The NRAs
president, Wayne LaPierre, was quoted
after the shooting saying the only way to
stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with
a gun.
In light of the 2012 legislative failure, the
future of American gun policy remains
decidedly murky.


What action, if any, will be taken up in the
public policy arena remains unclear. In his

Jacob Solis can be reached at jsolis@ and on Twitter




Chris Blake, Michael Bradley, Connor Christiansen, Sadie Feinberg,
C. Jay Jones, Marquis Lawson,
Ryan Suppe, Brandon Walberg

The Nevada Sagebrush is a
newspaper operated by and for
the students of the University of
Nevada, Reno. The contents of
this newspaper do not necessarily reflect those opinions of the
university or its students.
It is printed by the Sierra Nevada
Media Group.

For information about display
advertising and rates, please call
the Advertising Department at
775-784-7773 or email

The Nevada Sagebrush
fixes mistakes.
If you find an error, email


Continued from page A1

The bill passed through the Senate
with ease, but hit a monumental snag
once it made it to the Assembly Judiciary
Specifically, I was asked by Assemblyman Trowbridge, [R-Las Vegas],
something along the lines of how much
extra are you willing to pay to have your
tobacco-free campus, said ASUN President Caden Fabbi in an email to The Nevada Sagebrush. Fabbi, who was speaker
of the senate at the time, testified before
the Assembly Judiciary Committee in
favor of SB 339. Once there though, he
faced a hostile committee who, according to him, threatened to slash funds
from cigarette sales that [are] used to
fund higher education in the state.
The logic for the committee revolved
around hypocrisy. Some members
thought that because some of the taxes
garnered from tobacco sales go to fund
NSHE, it would be wrong for a university
to ban tobacco.
To me, it was a silly argument, Fabbi
said. K-12 schools in Nevada ban tobacco as well and are also funded partially by
[so-called] sin taxes.
Silly or not, the argument killed the
bill and UNRs tobacco-free plan was left
without the blessing of the state. But for
the Student Health Center, the failure of
SB 339 changed little.
Jennings noted that the Nevada Clean
Indoor Air Act, which was passed by Nevada voters in 2006 and prohibits smok-


Continued from page A1

The Nevada Sagebrush
Nevada Sagebrush

more successful than ever. UNR is

currently generating a freshman-tosophomore student retention rate of 81
percent. The retention rate denotes the
number of students who start at a university and remain there for subsequent
years. Johnson also stated that both the
six-year and four-year graduation rates
have improved at the University.
With graduation rates rising, Johnson
pointed out that administration was
handling a population growth rise
that symbolized good things for the
University. In a Sept. 22 interview with
The Nevada Sagebrush, Associate Vice
President of Planning, Budget and
Analysis Bruce Shively mentioned that
the population increase meant a higher
quality of learning due to the large influx
of college-ready students.
That being said, President Johnson
expressed that a year ago the University
was not ready for the huge population

SEPT. 30
By Marcus Lavergne

New assistant director of public
relations appointed
By a majority vote Brendan
Aguiar was appointed the new
assistant director of campus and
public relations. Aguiars nomination by Director Ryan Suppe was
recommended unfavorably in a
unanimous vote by the Committee on Oversight before the final
vote a major reason being Aguiars lack of preparation. Senators
on the committee felt that he did
not seem qualified or passionate
about the position.
Sen. of College of Liberal Arts
Bailey Gamberg said she and
other oversight members saw
a difference between the way
Aguiar spoke during the final vote
versus when he was in front of the
I just felt that [with] what
he was talking about, he was
underprepared, Gamberg said.
I definitely see a huge improvement tonight, and I think its clear
now how much he wants the job.
Suppe expressed his displeasure with the committee, stating
that they asked Aguiar questions
that were not relevant to the job.
He asked that the senate not put
too much stock into the oversight vote.


Breanna Denney/Nevada Sagebrush

An anonymous man takes a smoke break outside the Nazir Ansari Business Building
on Monday, Oct. 5. The University has been officially tobacco-free since August and
has provided various smoking-cessation services to students online.

Committee on Budget and

Finance approves bills for
undergraduate research
funding and wage raise
Budget and Finance chair
Sebastian Atienza stated that the
Committee on Budget and Finance has approved a bill to fund
research. The bill, submitted to
the committee by Sen. Larissa
Gloutak of the Interdisciplinary
Programs, will be presented to
the senate next week.
The vote will decide whether
or not ASUN appropriates up to
$50,000 annually to the Office of
Undergraduate Research.
Sen. Atienza also submitted a
bill proposing a raise in the minimum wage for ASUN Center for
Student Engagement employees.
The bill was submitted on
behalf of President Caden Fabbi,
who wants an increase for the
2016 fiscal year.

ing in most indoor spaces, sets a precedent for what institutions are allowed to
do with their own space. Moreover, she
reasserted that the goal was never to ban
tobacco outright and that most institutions dont enforce bans either.
We always intended for this to be
education-based [and] 90 percent of
campuses that have tobacco-free policies
are based in education and awareness,
Jennings said.
Thus far, the program has been a

success, according to Jennings. Over a

hundred students have used the Health
Centers resources to quit their tobacco
use since education efforts began a year
ago. In terms of services, the Universitys
Live Well Web page provides six links
that lead to different resources to help

boom that took place, but there are now

plans to bring in more faculty with more
tenured positions, build more housing
for freshman between 2017 and 2019,
and slow enrollment growth in order to
avoid what he called a painful deficit in
Johnson said that some ways the University will be cutting down on enrollment include reducing the amount of
$1,000 scholarships given out to qualified entrants, pushing up the enrollment
date for the University to April 7 and
increasing qualifications for Western
Undergraduate Exchange students who
receive cheaper out-of-state funding
than traditional out-of-state students.
Johnson stressed that the University
was not only growing in terms of population size, but was also expanding in
terms of character and effectiveness. He
called it a time for transformation.
The University is transforming and
deepening the way we fulfill our missions, Johnson said.
Johnson brought up a moment during Mayor Hillary Schieves State of the

City address last month where she said,

[Now], more than ever, we are a university town. Some examples include the
newest off-campus student housing on
Evans Street as well as the Universitys
Innevation Center in downtown Reno.
Student athletes also gave around 6,000
hours to community service during the
2014-2015 school year.
Johnson even expressed that plans
for a new, four-year medical building
in Reno were in the works, as well as
renovation plans for several buildings
on campus including White Pine Hall, a
residence hall near the south end of the
Johnson concluded with a statement
on the Universitys transformational
achievements. He deemed that those
achievements would come through a
commitment to achieving excellence
that is deeply instilled in the Universitys

ASUN supports student-run

businesses and University
tutoring for general public
Sen. of the College of Engineering Rachel Lucas and Sen. of
College of Liberal Arts Cecilia
Cervantes submitted a resolution
in support of public tutoring on
campus to the Committee on
University Affairs. The public has
expressed interest in using University of Nevada, Reno, tutoring
services. A $25 semester pass has
been suggested by ASUN.
Sen. Ashley Loera of the College
of Liberal Arts reiterated a resolution to support student-run businesses to the Committee on University Affairs. ASUN expressed
that student-run businesses can
yield professional experience and
are in favor of including these
businesses in UNR expansion

Marcus Lavergne can be reached at and on
Twitter @mlavergne21.

Marcus Lavergne can be reached

and on Twitter @mlavergne21.

Jacob Solis can be reached at jsolis@ and on Twitter @


We repair most makes and models of cars, trucks

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Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:30pm

@TheSagebrush |




Student voice of the University of

Nevada, Reno, since 1893.

Volume 122 ~8bbdT&











Continued from page A1

classroom that the shooter had shared with
classmates just days before.
The shooters name was Christopher
Harper-Mercer. He chose six of his 14
guns, all purchased legally according to
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives, to use in his rampage. It
lasted 10 minutes. Police arrived within 6
minutes of the first 911 call, according to
The Associated Press, and engaged Mercer
for 2 minutes.
He killed himself during that shootout.
Due to conflicting reports from witnesses, the shooters motives remain hazy.
Some reports have Mercer shooting and
killing Christians while other reports have
him killing indiscriminately and randomly.
Police have found a manifesto written by
Mercer, which he had allegedly given to one
of the victims on a flash drive after calling

him a lucky one. Police have yet to release

the full contents of the drive.
Umpqua Community College reopened
its doors on Monday, but classes wont
resume for another week according to
Vanessa Baker, chairman of the board of
trustees for the school.

On that Thursday, the details came in
After reports of the shooting began to
flood in, different media outlets scrambled
to release the numbers. The AP named
between eight and 10 dead while Reuters
marked the number dead at 15. All outlets
reported somewhere near 20 people
After the flurry of initial coverage calmed,
the numbers became more consistent
only 10 died that day. The reports of police
and survivors began to fall in line and a
clearer picture of what happened emerged.
It should be noted that while many survi-


vors claimed Mercer targeted Christians, at

least one person has come out saying that it
did not seem as though he was deliberately
targeting based solely on religion, according to the AP.
At the first news conference, officials were
especially reluctant to identify the shooter.
Let me be very clear, said Douglas
County sheriff Doug Hanlin. I will not
name the shooter. I will not give him the
credit he probably sought prior to this
horrific and cowardly act. Media will get the
name confirmed in time, but you will never
hear me mention his name.
However, in an inevitable bout of irony,
numerous media outlets began quoting
anonymous federal sources with the name
of the killer only minutes after Hanlins
statement. The name, Mercers name, was
later confirmed by local authorities.
Jacob Solis can be reached at jsolis@ and on Twitter










Chris Blake, Michael Bradley, Connor Christiansen, Sadie Feinberg,
C. Jay Jones, Marquis Lawson,
Ryan Suppe, Brandon Walberg

The Nevada Sagebrush is a
newspaper operated by and for
the students of the University of
Nevada, Reno. The contents of
this newspaper do not necessarily reflect those opinions of the
university or its students.
It is printed by the Sierra Nevada
Media Group.

For information about display
advertising and rates, please call
the Advertising Department at
775-784-7773 or email

The Nevada Sagebrush
fixes mistakes.
If you find an error, email

The Nevada Sagebrush
Nevada Sagebrush


Continued from page A1

The bill passed through the Senate with
ease, but hit a monumental snag once it
made it to the Assembly Judiciary Committee.
Specifically, I was asked by Assemblyman Trowbridge, [R-Las Vegas], something
along the lines of how much extra are you
willing to pay to have your tobacco-free
campus, said ASUN President Caden
Fabbi in an email to The Nevada Sagebrush.
Fabbi, who was speaker of the senate at the
time, testified before the Assembly Judiciary Committee in favor of SB 339. Once
there though, he faced a hostile committee
who, according to him, threatened to slash
funds from cigarette sales that [are] used to
fund higher education in the state.
The logic for the committee revolved
around hypocrisy. Some members thought
that because some of the taxes garnered
from tobacco sales go to fund NSHE, it
would be wrong for a university to ban
To me, it was a silly argument, Fabbi
said. K-12 schools in Nevada ban tobacco
as well and are also funded partially by [socalled] sin taxes.
Silly or not, the argument killed the
bill and UNRs tobacco-free plan was left
without the blessing of the state. But for the
Student Health Center, the failure of SB 339
changed little.
Jennings noted that the Nevada Clean
Indoor Air Act, which was passed by Ne-


Continued from page A1

more successful than ever. UNR is currently generating a freshman-to-sophomore
student retention rate of 81 percent. The
retention rate denotes the number of students who start at a university and remain
there for subsequent years. Johnson also
stated that both the six-year and four-year
graduation rates have improved at the
With graduation rates rising, Johnson
pointed out that administration was
handling a population growth rise that
symbolized good things for the University.
In a Sept. 22 interview with The Nevada
Sagebrush, Associate Vice President of
Planning, Budget and Analysis Bruce
Shively mentioned that the population
increase meant a higher quality of learning
due to the large influx of college-ready
That being said, President Johnson expressed that a year ago the University was
not ready for the huge population boom
that took place, but there are now plans to
bring in more faculty with more tenured
positions, build more housing for freshman between 2017 and 2019, and slow
enrollment growth in order to avoid what
he called a painful deficit in resources.
Johnson said that some ways the
University will be cutting down on enrollment include reducing the amount of
$1,000 scholarships given out to qualified
entrants, pushing up the enrollment date
for the University to April 7 and increasing

SEPT. 30
By Marcus Lavergne

New assistant director of public
relations appointed
By a majority vote Brendan
Aguiar was appointed the new
assistant director of campus and
public relations. Aguiars nomination by Director Ryan Suppe was
recommended unfavorably in a
unanimous vote by the Committee on Oversight before the final
vote a major reason being Aguiars lack of preparation. Senators
on the committee felt that he did
not seem qualified or passionate
about the position.
Sen. of College of Liberal Arts
Bailey Gamberg said she and
other oversight members saw
a difference between the way
Aguiar spoke during the final vote
versus when he was in front of the
I just felt that [with] what
he was talking about, he was
underprepared, Gamberg said.
I definitely see a huge improvement tonight, and I think its clear
now how much he wants the job.
Suppe expressed his displeasure with the committee, stating
that they asked Aguiar questions
that were not relevant to the job.
He asked that the senate not put
too much stock into the oversight vote.

Breanna Denney/Nevada Sagebrush

An anonymous man takes a smoke break outside the Nazir Ansari Business Building
on Monday, Oct. 5. The University has been officially tobacco-free since August and
has provided various smoking-cessation services to students online.

vada voters in 2006 and prohibits smoking

in most indoor spaces, sets a precedent for
what institutions are allowed to do with
their own space. Moreover, she reasserted
that the goal was never to ban tobacco
outright and that most institutions dont
enforce bans either.
We always intended for this to be
education-based [and] 90 percent of
campuses that have tobacco-free policies
are based in education and awareness,
Jennings said.

qualifications for Western Undergraduate

Exchange students who receive cheaper
out-of-state funding than traditional outof-state students.
Johnson stressed that the University was
not only growing in terms of population
size, but was also expanding in terms of
character and effectiveness. He called it a
time for transformation.
The University is transforming and
deepening the way we fulfill our missions,
Johnson said.
Johnson brought up a moment during Mayor Hillary Schieves State of the
City address last month where she said,
[Now], more than ever, we are a university
town. Some examples include the newest
off-campus student housing on Evans
Street as well as the Universitys Innevation Center in downtown Reno. Student
athletes also gave around 6,000 hours to
community service during the 2014-2015
school year.
Johnson even expressed that plans for a
new, four-year medical building in Reno
were in the works, as well as renovation
plans for several buildings on campus
including White Pine Hall, a residence hall
near the south end of the University.
Johnson concluded with a statement on
the Universitys transformational achievements. He deemed that those achievements would come through a commitment to achieving excellence that is deeply
instilled in the Universitys community.

Marcus Lavergne can be reached at and on
Twitter @mlavergne21.

Thus far, the program has been a

success, according to Jennings. Over a
hundred students have used the Health
Centers resources to quit their tobacco use
since education efforts began a year ago.
In terms of services, the Universitys Live
Well Web page provides six links that lead
to different resources to help quit.
Jacob Solis can be reached at and on Twitter @TheSagebrush.

Committee on Budget and

Finance approves bills for
undergraduate research
funding and wage raise
Budget and Finance chair
Sebastian Atienza stated that the
Committee on Budget and Finance has approved a bill to fund
research. The bill, submitted to
the committee by Sen. Larissa
Gloutak of the Interdisciplinary
Programs, will be presented to
the senate next week.
The vote will decide whether
or not ASUN appropriates up to
$50,000 annually to the Office of
Undergraduate Research.
Sen. Atienza also submitted a
bill proposing a raise in the minimum wage for ASUN Center for
Student Engagement employees.
The bill was submitted on
behalf of President Caden Fabbi,
who wants an increase for the
2016 fiscal year.


Breanna Denney/Nevada Sagebrush

Students at the University of Nevada,

Reno walk through Gateway Plaza on
Monday, Oct. 5. UNR President Marc
Johnson remarked in his State of the University speech that UNR is experiencing a
period of transformation and expansion.

ASUN supports student-run

businesses and University
tutoring for general public
Sen. of the College of Engineering Rachel Lucas and Sen. of
College of Liberal Arts Cecilia
Cervantes submitted a resolution
in support of public tutoring on
campus to the Committee on
University Affairs. The public has
expressed interest in using University of Nevada, Reno, tutoring
services. A $25 semester pass has
been suggested by ASUN.
Sen. Ashley Loera of the College
of Liberal Arts reiterated a resolution to support student-run businesses to the Committee on University Affairs. ASUN expressed
that student-run businesses can
yield professional experience and
are in favor of including these
businesses in UNR expansion

Marcus Lavergne can be reached

and on Twitter @mlavergne21.

We repair most makes and models of cars, trucks

and SUVs and have been for 24 years!
410 East 6th Street Reno, NV 89512
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@TheSagebrush |



Blood boils between battle-born brethren
By Marcus Lavergne
Photos by Breanna Denney/Nevada Sagebrush

tudents coming to the

University of Nevada,
Reno, would be hard
pressed to find the
color red on something that wasnt an
article of clothing or a fire extinguisher. UNR even has a set rule that
limits the amount of red allowed in
banners on campus. It can also be
said that wearing a blue and silver
shirt at the University of Nevada, Las
Vegas, will make you stand out like a
sore, distasteful thumb.
This past week,

UNR held the annual Beat UNLV

Week dedicated to defeating the
Rebels in the Battle for Nevada
football game. The Wolf Pack ended
up forfeiting the Fremont Cannon
trophy, named after explorer John
C. Fremont, in a home game on Oct.
3. This makes the second at-home
loss to UNLV in three seasons. The
cannon will be coated in the bright,
Rebel scarlet for the next year.
A loss to UNLV is certainly a shot
at the Packs pride. Football head
coach Brian Polian said the Rebels
just managed to make more plays

that night. The stadium emptied

quickly during the final minutes of
the game, and rain poured down on
both UNLV and UNR fans as one ecstatic red corner of Mackay Stadium
celebrated as if it were another warm
summer day.
The Pack will always have another
shot at the cannon, and students,
faculty and Pack fans alike will
celebrate Beat UNLV Week again for
years to come. The rivalry between
the blue school up north and the red
school in the south has been Nevada
tradition since 1969, just one year

after Nevada Southern University

transformed into UNLV and broke
free from UNRs grasp.
Although Beat UNLV Week is dedicated to it, the clash of universities
is not just limited to football. In fact,
the two schools go head-to-head
year round. Just three years ago,
Gov. Brian Sandoval helped bring in
a competition known as the Governors Series, the newest Nevadan collegiate tradition. Athletes compete in
their sports to gain points for their
schools, but also do battle through
their grades using the academic

progress rate, which holds students

and coaches accountable for athlete
Whether it be academics or athletics, both UNR and UNLV fans are
constantly encircled by an aura of
competition. These photos show the
spirit of the Battle for Nevada, but
also that Nevadans are Nevadans.
For the Battle Born state, feuding just
seems to come with the territory.
Marcus Lavergne can be reached at and
on Twitter @mlavergne21.

Photos by Breanna Denney/Nevada Sagebrush

Nevadas Classroom








Comedy Show

Wolves Frolic
Talent Show

Undie Run

7:00 PM
Milton D. Glick Ballrooms
4th floor of the Joe

9:00 PM
in front of the Joe

The Annual Wolves Frolic Talent

Show is one of this Universitys
favorite traditions. All students are
welcome to come and enjoy the

Join us for the Undie Run

through campus. Come out and
donate your clothing for a good


Preferred Parking
7:00 PM
Milton D. Glick Ballrooms
4th floor of the Joe

Womens Soccer
1:00 PM
Mackay Stadium
against Wyoming









Pack Pride

Survivor Day

March from
the Arch

7:00 PM
Milton D. Glick Ballrooms
4th floor of the Joe

4:00 PM
in front of the Joe

Watch the Homecoming

candidates compete for the title
of Homecoming King & Queen.

Can you outwit, outplay, and

outlast the other tribes? It is
time to see if you can survive a
day full of challenges, activities,
and obstacle courses!






6:00 PM
In partnership with ASUN, Nevada
Alumni Association and City of Reno,
join us for the 3rd annual parade
showcasing the students, alumni,
and community as we walk from the
Reno Arch to the Quad for a
Homecoming pep rally.

1:00 PM
Nevada takes Hawaii
Get your free student ticket
online at

6:00 PM Downtown Festivities,

Harrahs Plaza
8:00 PM Homecoming Parade,
Reno Arch to the
University Quad
8:45 PM Pep Rally, University

ASUN reminds you to request a ride from ASUN Campus Escort

Services at or call 742-6808
if you need a ride after an event. ASUN supports providing equal
access to all programs for people with disabilities. Persons with
disabilities requiring accommodations are encouraged to email

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@TheSagebrush |



By Samantha Johnson

DATE: Wednesday
TIME: 11 a.m.
LOCATION: In front of the

Ansari Business Building

INFO: The Students to

Abolish Sex Slavery club is
hosting a BBQ this week to
increase awareness about sex
trafficking. Donate $5 to enjoy
some food and raise money
for a noble cause.

DATE: Friday
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Church Fine

Arts, Redfield Proscenium

INFO: The Department
of Theater & Dance is
performing Harper Lees
famous story, directed by
Rob Gander. Tickets for
students are $5 but are
limited. Get yours now
online or from the Lawlor
Events Center Box on

DATE: Saturday
TIME: 1 p.m.
LOCATION: Church Fine

Arts, Nightingale Concert

INFO: Ever wondered
how music works in
sign language? Walter
Thompson created
soundpainting, a language
of signing designed to
express musical material
through gestures. He will be
performing on campus this
weekend. The event is free
to the public.


Chikezie Okorie

R&B artist is leaving his

mark in the music world

By Marquis Lawson

ome say that great things come

in small packages. Well, thats not
always the case. Chikezie Okorie, a
dynamic, soulful, up and coming
R&B artist is 6 feet 7 inches tall. Its
no question that he has a big voice
to match his tall stature.
Okorie was born in Atlanta,
Georgia, but raised in Reno, Nevada. His love of music began when he participated in local talent shows
throughout elementary and high school. Okories voice
began to blossom tremendously when he performed
Billy Jean at his high school talent show and took the
audience by storm.
After Okorie graduated from high school he figured
he wanted to do music and play football. He packed
his bags and made his way to Southern California, the

DATE: Thursday Saturday
TIME: 5 p.m. 9 p.m.
LOCATION: Aces Ballpark
INFO: Reno Fright Fest is

hosting Slaughterhouse
in the underbelly of Aces
Ballpark this week. General
admission tickets are $15
or $12 for a group of 20
people or more. Bring your
friends down and get ready
for some serious scares.

DATE: Thursday Saturday
TIME: Varies
INFO: The Last Comic
Standing gone TV star is
coming to Reno this week
during Reno Tahoe Comedy
on South Virginia Street.
Student pricing is at the
door only and is $10 on
Thursday and $12 over the
weekend with a student ID
Come have some laughs
with the Redwood Comedy
Festivals audience voted
favorite comedian.

Samantha Johnson can be

reached at and on Twitter

Chikezie Okorie poses with a group of children the Boy

and Girls Club in 2015. Okorie participates in various
charity events, including his own called Chikezie is
Coming to Town.

perfect location for up and coming artists. There he

was accepted into the football program at Fullerton
University. While playing football at Fullerton, Okorie
had his other passion in mind as well as music. Okorie
auditioned for American Idol in 2007. The following
year Okorie went on a tour of shows called Movin in
Motown. As time passed he also auditioned for The
Voice and made it into the second round of call backs.
Okorie then decided to move to Las Vegas where he
finished his final year of college at the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas, but was unable to walk on to the
football team due to NCAA regulations. Although football had become a distant memory, Okories musical
craft continued to grow and reach higher levels.
The music business was starting to work in Okories
favor. He was presented with the opportunity to cross
paths with legendary West Coast DJ, DJ Franzen. DJ
Franzen, Rap Sheet included working with known artists such as Tyga, Drake, Jay Z, Justin Bieber and plenty
Okorie was now in the mix. He began to do shows
with artists such as Brandon Rogers, YG, Baby Bash,
Love Rance, Sage the Gemini, Color Me Badd and most
recently Adrian Marcel.
Okorie is also heavily involved with his charity,
Chikezie is Coming to Town, which will take place
right after Thanksgiving. The second annual toy drive
helped over 200 kids in Reno receive toys last year.
The locations for the toy drive include Westergard
Elementary, Billing-Hearst Middle School and Robert
McQueen High School. Aside from singing Chikezie
has been working with kids for 10 years and a behavior
analyst for two years. He has become a male role model
for many young men who did not have their fathers in
their life.
My three principles to the young men are the following: hard work, community service and to be a
gentleman, Okorie said.
Okories principles stem from the organization Men
of Distinction and the Great Fraternity Kappa Alpa Psi
of which he is a member. Chikezie is Coming to Town is
sponsored by the Childrens Cabinet.
Be on the lookout for Americas new R&B artist. He
has heart, humility, a gift and truly what it takes to be
a star.

Photos by Marquis Lawson/Nevada Sagebrush

Chikezie Okorie performs on Saturday, Oct. 3 at Jub

Jubs Thirst Parlor. Okorie started singing when he was
in elementary school.


Okorie: Ive been singing for as long as I can remember. As I got older I took the necessary steps to turn a
dream into reality.


Okorie: Consistency. You have to be consistent and
you got to have the talent and you got to have you
just have to have what they want, you know these
these labels or what not. You got to make money for
them, you know what Im saying, they see you as a
product. You have to be a product. You have to believe
in your own product as well. So believe, have faith and
stay consistent.


Okorie: Im still shaking when I think about it. Meeting that dude was very oh-so humbling, being able to
speak with [him] and his management. I am so thankful for that opportunity that they gave me and it was
something that I never imagined ever happening and
took advantage of the opportunity.
Marquis Lawson can be reached at tbynum@sagebrush. and on Twitter at @Gamechanger916.

The Martian: The most unlucky man in the universe

By Samantha Johnson
Imagine you are stuck on a desolate
planet all alone, with nothing but your
brains and brawn to save you. Youve
been abandoned by your team and have
to race against time and the elements
to get back home, but theres just one
problem: youre on a foreign planet,
with no way of communicating with
Earth. Lucky for you, The Martian
is just a movie, and if this sounds like
something you would want to see, this
is the film for you.
The Martian was inspired by the
book of the same name written by Andy
Weir, and is the perfect movie to watch
right before midterms. While youre
wallowing in your grief over studying,
you can at least thank your lucky stars
youre not stuck on Mars.
Matt Damon plays the unfortunate
astronaut and botanist Mark Watney,
who becomes stranded on Mars after
he is struck by debris and knocked unconscious during a storm that threatens
the teams chances of escaping. The
team believes that Watney is dead and is
forced to leave him behind before they
too become stranded on the unforgiving
planet. Watney wakes up later to find he
is alone and has to figure out how to

survive on limited resources until the

next planned mission to Mars, or how to
contact NASA using leftover technology.
The largest highlight from The
Martian is the suspense. Throughout
the film, there is always a constant underlying theme of life or death. At any
moment the Watney could die. Watneys
complete isolation is enough to frighten
even the most antisocial person, and
the magnitude of his situation is unfathomable. In the film, the slightest
miscalculation in his work could cause
malfunctions in his equipment, or the
tiniest breach in his suit or base camp
could kill him, leaving the viewer on the
edge of their seat the entire time.
Although the movie is a nail biter,
there are comedic elements that lighten
the mood, such as the ongoing joke of
the former commanders playlist, which
is nothing but disco music, or Watney
proclaiming himself as the space pirate
Captain Blondbeard. These puns add
personality to the film that would otherwise render it gloomy, depressing and
hopeless in the light of his situation.
The Martians biggest downside
is the preview, which give away the
ending. So if you dont want spoilers,
dont watch them before seeing the

Another complaint from fans would

be simply the unbelievable circumstances the character is often thrust
into. Some of the events in the movie
seem too crazy to work out in real life.
Some could argue this enhances the
suspense, but others are saying it just
couldnt happen and is therefore unrealistic. Such complaints arent entirely
unfounded. According to Weir, there are
scientific inaccuracies in the film.
I was sitting around thinking about
how a manned mission to Mars could
actually work using todays technology, Weir told NPR in an interview The
biggest inaccuracy in the movie is
the sandstorm that strands him there.
In reality, Mars atmosphere is 1/200th
the density of Earths. So while they do
get 150 km/hr sandstorms, the inertia
behind them because their air is so
thin it would feel like a gentle breeze
on Earth.
Either way, if you want to find out
for yourself, The Martian is currently
showing in theaters and is anticipated
to be released on DVD around Jan. 2016,
according to
Samantha Johnson can be reached at and on
Twitter @SamRayJohnson.

Photo provided by

Movie Review
Release Date: Oct. 2
Genre: Science fiction, drama


@TheSagebrush |

Photos courtesy

Fans anticipate the ultimate rock-off with release of new games

By Samantha Johnson
he feud between Guitar Hero and Rock Band
has been going on for years, and this month only
adds fuel to the fire. The wait for gamers and
rockers alike will soon be over, but it rages on
between the newest games, Rock Band 4 and
Guitar Hero Live.

Rock Band 4 will be released on Oct. 6, and was developed

by the company Harmonix. It will be available on the Xbox
One and PlayStation 4 consoles.
The rivalry between the two games began when Rock
Band was first developed in 2007. Harmonix developed the
game after splitting from the producing company of Guitar
Hero, RedOctane, which was bought out by Activision in
2006. The last game that was released in the Rock Band
series was the spinoff, Rock Band Blitz, in 2012.
Rock Band 4 promises its fans thousands of new songs
from newer and older bands, from Arctic
Monkeys, Imagine Dragons, Elvis Presley and
The Cure to Lynyrd Skynyrd and Aerosmith.
It claims to have the most music available
of any music game, according to the Rock
Band 4 website, with 1,500 songs at the
players disposal.
New features for Rock Band 4 include the
ability to play guitar solos freestyle, although
there have been rumors that the player still
has to follow a specific set of notes. Gamers are
saying that the full-band dynamic is more engaging visually and gives the player a nostalgic
experience but with newer songs. The variety
of music is also a selling point of the game,
but there have been debates about the
quality of the song choices.
Guitar Hero Live will be released
three weeks after Rock Band 4 on Oct.
20, and it was developed by FreeStyleGames and published by Activision. It
promises a greater availability, with titles
for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3,
PlayStation 4 and Wii U consoles, as well

as for AppleTV, iPhone, iPad and select iPod devices, according to the Guitar Hero Live website.
The last Guitar Hero game, Guitar Hero: Warriors of
Rock, was released in 2010, not long after an attempt at a
band-centered game, Band Hero, in 2009. There have been
many expansion games and mobile games in between, but
this will be the first main game released in five years. The first
and second Guitar Hero games were developed by Harmonix before their split in the early 2000s.
Guitar Hero Live, in contrast to Rock Band 4, claims to
be unlike any other music game before it, with the ability to
play over music videos and a live audience simulation. The
previews for the game made it seem as if the player is performing on a stream to a live audience, but in reality the
audiences were recorded ahead of time and will react
to the players performance similar to the original
games before it.
In multiplayer mode, the user can choose from
a live playlist, and the level of play between users
can be adjusted and paired with someone with a
similar skill level.
Fans are already expressing doubts about the live
playlist. There are rumors that if the player wanted to
repeat a song and play it again, they would have to gain
credits by completing songs already set up in the list,
or by buying credits with real money. Regardless,
fans are still claiming that Guitar Hero Live is
more accurate regarding how a real guitar is
played versus Rock Band 4, especially in
the expert modes. Fans also say the game
gives the user a nostalgic experience with
a new twist by creating a more true-to-life
concert simulation.
Only time will tell which one achieves
more success, but in the meantime fans
can go to their websites to find out more
at and
Samantha Johnson can be reached at or on Twitter
Photo illustration by Henry MacDiarmid/Nevada Sagebrush

A&E | A5


@TheSagebrush |




Our thoughts
and prayers are
not enough


Common-sense gun
control legislation
must be passed

gun violence & schools

ine dead in South Carolina. Six

dead in Tennessee. Eight dead in
Texas. Six dead in South Dakota.
Ten dead in Oregon.
Over the last five months, the American
people have witnessed the rising death toll
of mass shootings. The media brought the
deadliest cases to our attention, but there
have been a total of 266 mass shootings in
America since the beginning of 2015, according to the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive.
The victims of these shootings are not only
victims of a few disturbed individuals, but of
a national epidemic: the failure to enact any
kind of meaningful gun control legislation.

Since the beginning of 2015, 10,064
Americans have died as a result of gun
violence, according to GVA. In the first 72
hours of October, 57 died in various shootings across the country.
These numbers are outrageous. Yet they
have not been enough to sway our legislators
to side with those whose lives have been endangered or lost rather than with the all-too
powerful lobbyists of pro-gun organizations.
What should be a common-sense decision
to protect the lives of Americans has turned
into an ideological battle between right
and left. This ongoing battle, like any on a
battlefield, has only served to allow ineffective controls on gun ownership to claim a
sickening number of lives.
After the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook
Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, President Obama tasked Vice President
Biden with pushing comprehensive
gun reform through Congress. The reform revolved around new, more robust background
checks aimed at simply making it harder for
the mentally ill to get their hands on a gun.
However, due to the intense lobbying and
public relations efforts of the National Rifle
Association, the bill died with little support
from either party. It was the latest and most
devastating failure for the Obama administration, especially considering the slaying
of schoolchildren was not enough to sway
public opinion to the point that legislators
would be forced to ignore the will of the gun
Public opinion is the only real means
for change, but the American people have
become numb to gun violence. That begs
the question: Will comprehensive reform
ever materialize if not even the sight of dead
children can galvanize public opinion?
The insidious effects of the gun lobby are
also seen at the state level.
Many states, including Oregon, have
made it unlawful for jurisdictions to
gather gun crime data, according to Bob
Garfield of NPRs On the Media. You cant
comprehensively find out what crimes were
committed involving guns and thats again
from the direct lobbying of the National Rifle
Association and other pro-gun organizations, Garfield added.
Due to the efforts of the NRA, Congress has
banned the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention from spending money on public
health research relating to guns, according to

Michael Luo of The New York Times.

Common-sense reform has been stifled
at every turn by lobbyists, and whats more?
Those same lobbyists have so effectively
diminished the American publics ability
to see any meaningful information about
the sickening effects that rampant gun use
creates. Even gun owners should be angry
about this. It is a systemic failure that does
nothing to inform and protect the American
Despite the overwhelming death toll, the
NRA and gun lobbyists are still refusing to
budge on the issue.



know the dangerous facts

2015 statistics
Since the December 2012 shooting in
Newton, CT, there have been at least



in America

Total number of

Total number of
teens killed/
injured (age 12-17)

Total number of


an average of nearly one a week

*totals reflect shootings from 2012-2015

The argument used most often against

tighter gun control is best echoed in the
words of NRA Executive Vice President
Wayne LaPierre: The only thing that stops a
bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
While this statement speaks to the
sentiment that guns are necessary for selfdefense and the defense of others, available
data suggests just the opposite.
According to the Harvard Injury Control
Research Center, the more guns are available
in a society, the more prevalent homicide is
in that society. Indeed, the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime Small Arms
Survey found that in 2007, gun ownership
in the United States was more than double
that of India and China (the next most
armed nations) combined, at approximately
270 million. Given that America stands
26th in the world for number of homicides
committed with a firearm, with 60 percent of
all homicides committed with a gun in 2012
according to the UNODC, it seems absurd
that more guns will somehow make citizens
We cannot pretend that guns make people
safer when the evidence clearly points to the
opposite. It is delusional.

gun violence & terrorism



Total number of
children killed/

injured (age 0-11)

559 2,005

*totals reflect killings/injuries in 2015


Total number of


18 U.S. terrorism deaths, 2014

Total number of
mass shootings

3521 U.S. terrorism deaths, 1970-2014

9940 U.S. gun deaths, 2015 so far

Each time restrictions on access to

firearms is proposed, they are met with cries
that Americans Second Amendment rights
are being violated. While the provisions laid
out in the Bill of Rights doubtlessly secure
many fundamental rights for American
citizens, one would be remiss to so fervently
defend but one amendment while ignoring the most fundamental right that was
declared in the countrys founding document: the right to life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness.
This is a right not only recognized by the
founders in the Declaration of Independence, but also by the U.N. in its Declaration
of Human rights. The right to life, liberty
and security of person, as the U.N. states,
is not an arbitrary right guaranteed only
to some by virtue of geography; it is a
fundamental human right that all are
entitled to by virtue of existence, and it is
one that is violated when our representatives
allow firearms to become ubiquitous in our
We as Americans are at risk of being
affected by gun violence every day. We
cannot tolerate the majority of our legislators continuing to value their ideologies over
our security.
The Nevada Sagebrush editor desk can be
reached at and
on Twitter @The Sagebrush.

Total number of







mass shootings in the united states

There have been at least 986 mass shootings
since the December 2012 shooting in Newton, CT.


Infographic by Nicole Kowalewski/Nevada Sagebrush

Work on yourself as an individual to gain genuine relationships

ollege is often most remembered for

the great times spent with friends.
However, with the vast number of
people who attend college it can be
very intimidating when you are trying to meet
new people. While some people may think they
already have all the friends they need, there is
nothing wrong with wanting to
make new friends for yourself
or to add to your friend group.
Remember that it is the people
in your life who will make up
how you view your year.
Before you can be ready to
meet new people, you ironically
need to have spent enough
time just being focused on
yourself. It is so difficult to
meet new people or share
yourself with the world if you
have not yet dealt with your own insecurities
or the skeletons in your closet. However, while
it may be difficult to push yourself to really

evaluate who you are and your well-being, it

may end up being one of the most rewarding
things you could possibly do. Once you have
figured yourself out, you are now ready to take
on the social world by storm. Any issues you may
feel that you have with your level of confidence
become irrelevant once you have had at least one
honesty talk with yourself. You have the ability to
do whatever you want as long as you truly want it
to happen. You should never feel embarrassed by
who you are as a person because there is nothing
wrong with who you are. Nobody is ever worth
the effort of changing who you are if it makes you
feel uncomfortable and feel as though you are
not being genuine.
I have found that people tend to love meeting
others with their own share of self-confidence.
However, this often comes with the risk of
appearing cocky if it is overdone. The best way I
have seen to combat this type of mentality is by
being honest with people. You should never have
to feel trapped by the little lies you have told. So
what that you cannot remember that girls name

who you talked to last weekend? If you are honest

and let her know that you had a great time chatting with her about the meaning of life, but you
cant seem to remember her name, she will most
likely forgive you just for your honesty. She may
even appreciate your compliment about how you
enjoyed the conversation more now that she sees
you are an honest person. If you genuinely have a
difficult time remembering peoples names then
take full advantage of the note-taking capability
that your phone most likely has.
One helpful little trick I have found to be very
useful is being politically correct when meeting
new people. You do not want to scare someone
away or make someone uncomfortable merely
because you made a comment or joke that you
did not know would be sensitive to them or
someone they know. Besides this, do not be afraid
to put yourself out there and show them the real
you. You get the advantage of not having to put
time or effort into the people who you may scare
away. Lets say that your worst-case scenario occurs and you do something really embarrassing.

The best way to fix the situation is to be honest

about what happened and then there is nothing
to really be embarrassed about anymore because
they hold nothing over you. Regardless of what
Instagram comments may say on sorority girls
photos, nobody is actually perfect. People who
do not understand little mistakes are not people
you should want to have as friends anyway. Be
honest, apologize if you need to and then laugh
at your mistakes afterward. You can even use it as
an icebreaker the next time you see the person.
In the end, I personally believe that honesty,
whether it is with yourself or with others, will
make both your personal and social lives so
much easier and more enjoyable. People will
want to be friends with you if come across as a
genuine person, and you will most likely want to
share yourself with others if you are friends with
yourself too.
Brandon Walberg Studies journalism. He can be
reached at or on Twitter at @BrandonWalberg.


@The Sagebrush |


Bring more originality back to movies

hat makes a good movie? Does it

make you laugh or cry or scream?
Does it make you think? Do you
value narrative or character
development or cinematography? Do you
only like movies with Matthew McConaughey?
Does it depend on viewer interpretation? Or is
there a set of rules that every filmmaker should
I think all of these things are
traits of good movies, but I
believe there is one characteristic that should underlie all of
them: originality.
Im not a professional
movie critic and Im not a
professional filmmaker. Im
just a guy who watches a lot
of movies. Im also a human
being who is only going to

live for 60-120 years. I dont want to waste

two hours of my life watching a film that Ive
already seen.
Unfortunately, I think Im the minority in this
regard; at least thats what the movie studios
in Hollywood have decided. Since original
movies dont make enough money anymore,
the big studios are buying the rights to all the
stuff were already familiar with. Theyre adding
some computer-generated imagery, paying the
biggest celebrities to be characters we already
know and charging us $10 to watch it.
Lets use The Walt Disney Co. as an example.
Disney is a wealthy company. They have theme
parks, hotels, radio stations, TV channels,
clothing lines, etc. In our lifetime theyve
purchased Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm. Why?
Because those are the studios that make all of
your favorite movies, and Disney wants to make
sequels and sell you T-shirts.

Avengers: Age of Ultron made almost $1.5

billion at the box office this summer. The movie
is a sequel to a reboot of a cartoon television
show based on a comic book. Why are we still
paying to watch these movies? How are they
going to destroy a city this time? Spoiler: They
raise it up in the sky and drop it. Plot twist:
Tony Stark is the bad guy in this one.
Who cares? What are we learning from this
movie? Better yet, what could you be learning
instead of watching this movie?
Twelve of the top 15 highest grossing movies
of 2014 were sequels, prequels or reboots. So
far in 2015, nine of the top 15 highest grossing
movies are sequels, prequels or reboots. And
you can expect to see the new James Bond
movie, the new Hunger Games movie and the
new Star Wars movie added to that list before
the end of the year. And expect to see all of the
merchandise at Target.

When our kids take a film studies class in college their professor is going to refer to the last
decade of film as the cash-grab sequel era. I
want my kids to know that my favorite movie is
The Goonies, not The Goonies 2. The best
movie from 2014 was Birdman, the one that
made fun of all those superhero sequels. The
most original movie when I was 20 years old
was Frank because Id never seen a guy who
wears a papier-mach head all the time.
I wish I could change the movie culture right
now, but I cant. Im still going to pay $10 ($5 on
Tuesday at the Riverside Theater) to see Avengers 6: Dawn of the Age of the Dark Planet. So,
Ill just whine in opinion articles. Thanks for
venting with me.
Ryan Suppe studies philosophy. He can be
reached at or on
Twitter at @salsuppe.

Stop doing
things for

a certain thing or moon the southern

rivals is not going to end fights or
violence that occurs at the games.
Students are always going to drink at
the games which most of the time is
what causes the violence. The mooning
and the shirts are tradition. All the
banning does is take away from the
fun aspect of the rivalry. I mean what is
next? Are we going to stop painting the
cannon because it perpetuates gang
The campus should realize that this is
one of the most celebrated weeks of the
school year on campus. It is great to see
students getting involved in on-campus
events and actually going to the game.
Taking away aspects of the game is
taking away the fun of the rivalry.
So please, UNR administration,
promote peace at the game and remind
students to act with respect. Have
faculty members make announcements to act accordingly at the game.
Encourage student leaders to reach out
to students and remind them the game
is all in good fun. But in doing so, dont
ruin all the fun for the students.
So next year lets try and do it right.
Lets get students excited about the best
game of the year. Bring back the moon
off and wolfcard tickets. Remember
that the shirts are a symbol of expression and pride in our university that
promotes the fun rivalry.
And fuck you UNLV, were coming for
you next year.

e were all raised to stick

to the standards set by
society, which is great and
allbut it is time to express
yourself and live the life you want. This
year, my senior year, I decided that I was
just going to do me. I am not spending
my last months in college trying to
appeal to the masses,
and neither should
anyone else. Think
about itin four short
years we will all be
living different lives.
These are the years
to do what we want.
People are always
saying you do you
to their friends. What
does that mean?
In high school,
people put on a facade. No, just me? I
liked to do things to please others or
to fit in. I feel like we all went through
phases of doing ridiculous things that we
look back on now and wonder why we
ever did that. Was it necessary to dye the
ends of our hair red or wear overpriced
True Religion jeans? Absolutely not,
but we did it. It was a weird time in our
lives. We were all still living at home and
following the instructions and taking in
the opinions of our parents. We saw the
same people every day and fell into a
funk. All I can say is TGFC (thank god for
As we all get deeper and deeper into
our college careers, we all just do what
we want. If you want to go to the movies
alone on a Tuesday afternoon, do it. If
you want to wear a choker out to a party
on a Saturday night, absolutely do it. If
you want to join a million clubs and be
involved on campus, do it. You get my
point, right? This is the exact time in our
lives to be doing what we want. There
is no reason to hold back or look for the
acceptance of others. It is one thing to
ask for an opinion of your friends, but do
not change anything about yourself for
the approval of others around you. My
mother has always told me to live my life
how I want it and to not change because
someone is asking me to.
I am just tired of (and a little disappointed by) people trying to do things
just for approval. I may sound ranty,but
seriously. I walk around school in Teva
sandals and my go-to accessory on the
weekend is a black choker. I hang out
with people who are the same way. They
just live their life to the fullest and do
whatever their heart desiresand there
is nothing wrong with that. Those are the
people I prefer to associate with.
I loved coming to college because I got
to be my truest version of myself. I found
a major that I am obsessed with, friends
who deal with my craziness and a style
that suits me. I say exactly how I am
feeling, and I have thoughts and beliefs
that I hold true to every day as well as
an amazing support system that I would
not trade the world for. Why? Because I
am just doing me and you should just
do you.

Ali Schultz can be reached at or on Twitter


Sadie Feinberg studies journalism. She

can be reached at alexandraschultz@unr.
edu or on Twitter @AliSchultzzz.

Breanna Denney/Nevada Sagebrush

UNLV fans sport the staple catchphrase FUNR at the most anticipated game of the year, the Battle for Nevada on Saturday, Oct. 3. This year both FUNR and
FUNLVphrases have been under fire from both universities for promoting the violence that ensues during the most competitive game of the year.

FUNLV is not the same anymore

f you are lucky enough to call

yourself a part of the Wolfpack
there are some vital things every
loyal Wolfpacker should know,
but above all we are taught to hate our
southern rivals at UNLV.
I think we can all agree that usually
Beat UNLV Week is one of, if not the
most, fun weeks
at our university.
School spirit is at
an all time high and
students tend to
actually show up to
the game for once.
However, this year
the spirit surrounding the game wasnt
the same.
This year different
Schultz Happens University departments tried to push
a more peaceful rivalry on campus.
And with that came a few changes to
the famous Beat UNLV Week.
It is tradition for students to gather in
the Quad and take a picture mooning
the camera and we send it to our
southern neighbors. This year that
tradition was broken. The University
no longer holds the event. Administration wanted to keep this game more
peaceful than previous UNLV games
so UNR freshmen didnt get a chance
to bare it all (if you catch my drift) to
kickstart the anticipated rivalry.
The Athletic department also
decided it would be a good idea to
implement a new way of getting
gameday tickets. Instead of getting
them electronically to our WolfCards,

students had to wait in line to get a

ticket early last Monday morning.
Athletics made this new change with
high hopes that the effort required to
get a ticket would encourage students
to actually attend the game.
Athletics, we are big kids. If we go
to the game, we go to the game. But
dont push students to wake up early
and wait in line to attend a football
game. We are college students. We have
responsibilities. I did not even get a
ticket because I had class and work
both times tickets were released. It is
shitty to give students an ultimatum.
Skip class to get a UNLV ticket? Go in
late to work? I mean come on, more
students went to the Wal instead of
the game because of this new ticket
The moon-off was a bummer, the
ticket lines were a pain in the ass, but
what really pissed me off was students
almost not being allowed to wear our
favorite FUNLV shirts.
The University advised students that
they were not allowed to wear their
favorite rivalry shirts to the game. If
students attended the game in the
controversial shirts they were going to
be asked to turn the shirts inside out in
order to enter.
Excuse me but are you freaking
kidding me? When I heard of this I felt
like I was being told all over again that
the Wolfden was losing their liquor
We are college students. The shirts
are a form of expression. It is entertaining and adds a fun sense of competi-

tion between the opposing schools.

The university trying to ban the T-shirts
is very reminiscent of high school dress
code which is the last time anyone told
me what I could and could not wear.
The rivalry is fun. It is competitive
and at times very intense. Oftentimes
there are outbreaks of fights and the
crude language is never in shortage.
But I think it is important to remember
not any of this would be stopped if we
were no longer allowed to wear shirts.
However, Id like to think both
schools have immense school spirit.
As adults, we should be able to display
that whichever way we choose.
Luckily the ban of the shirts was
retracted and UNR released a statement saying The University of Nevada,
Reno and Intercollegiate Athletics
would like to address the FUNLV and
FUNR T-Shirts. As protected by the First
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,
the shirts are a freedom of expression.
Fans wearing the shirt will be allowed
into the game. All fans are encouraged
to make tasteful choices and exhibit
good sportsmanship.
I understand University leaders are
attempting to create a more family
friendly atmosphere, but this is a
college campus. If the students that
attend this university want to wear our
FUNLV gear to our footballs games
you damn well believe we should be
allowed to do so.
Talk of banning the shirts and ending
special events surrounding UNLV week
is really putting a damper on what was
once the Universitys best week of the
year. Telling students they cant wear

Shred the gnar at UNR: University of Nevada campus is skater friendly

y 11 a.m. class was

canceled this morning
and my next class didnt
start until 4 p.m. Five
hours of freedom. I headed home,
took a much-needed nap, showered
and headed back
to campus. Four
and half hours to
kill on a beautiful
day on a gorgeous
campus with my
freshly gripped
Hubble skateboard
underneath my feet.
The best way to
spend the day, riding
on my board.

You see kids riding boards every

day. Frat bros on their penny boards,
the engineering student you know
trying to tail slide benches in front
of the Joe Crowley Student Union or
that kid you see in your marketing
class throwing fat slides as he hauls
ass down West Stadium Way. Whether
youre into it or not, Nevadas campus
is skater-friendly. Skating should be
more popular on our campus.
The fact that I can get to class in
less than 5 minutes is the best perk,
but its also a fun way to get my mind
at ease before sitting in class, said
Tony Jaquez, the 22-year-old engineering student you may have seen
skating the ribbed benches in front of

the Joe.
There is no better feeling than the
brisk air on your face when riding
around campus. Skating our campus
is such an awesome way to release
stress that college students feel every
day. We have a perfect campus for all
skating endeavors.
University of Nevada, Reno, police
officers are totally rad to the skate
community! Campus PD is unnaturally friendly to the street shredders,
helping to create a skater-friendly
According to Commander Todd
Renwick of the UNR PD, Skateboards
are always encouraged to be used on
campus as a means of transportation

to and from the campus, but should

be used in a safe manner and obey all
traffic laws and city ordinances.
However, Renwick went on to add,
Skateboards are allowed on campus,
by policy, as a means of transportation
to and from class and should be used
in a safe and careful manner that
does not include stunts or result in
property damage. So just be smart,
kids. It would be a shame to get our
privileges taken away.
There are so many skate spots on
campus. I encourage everyone to
skate. Its truly a rad lifestyle and an
awesome way to get around.
It surprises me that more kids do
not skate to classes. It allows you

to see the schools beauty, is a killer

stress reliever and saves you from
having to pay for a parking pass.
But for many of us skating is more
than a means of getting to class. It
makes us who we are. It clears our
heads before class and makes us
forget the bad week were having. It is
so cool to be on such a skater-friendly
Every day that I get to wake up
and skate our beautiful campus is a
beautiful day.
Connor Christiansen studies journalism. He can be reached at or on Twitter

vs. UC Davis

vs. Arizona

W 31-17

L 44-20

at Texas
L 44-27


Best Sports Movies Ever


Rudy Ruettiger gives short,

unathletic guys everywhere
false hope. Although the story was
apparently embellished by Rudy himself,
the movie still stands as the greatest
sports film ever made.
Best Scene: Youre five feet nothing,
100 and nothing, and youve got hardly
a speck of athletic ability. And you hung
with the best college football team in
the land for two years. In this lifetime
you dont have to prove nothing to
nobody except yourself.


Robert Dinero plays middleweight

boxing champion Jake La Motta,
who is paranoid that everyone is sleeping
with his wife. Dinero got into incredible
shape to play La Motta, and then gained
45 pounds to play the older Jake La Motta
needed later in the film.
Best Scene: Bother me about a steak?!
About a steak? You botherin me about a
steak? **Flips table


This movie is all about the

relationship between a father
and a son, and how special a game of
catch can be. Also Kevin Costner rocks
light blue jeans through the entire
Best Scene: Hey dad, you wanna have a
catch? Id like that. **Everyone cries.


One of the greatest underdog

stories ever told, Hoosiers
is a story surrounding a high school
basketball team in Indiana coached by
Gene Hackman.
Best Scene: Gene Hackman pulls out
the tape measure in the massive arena
where the state finals are played. I
think youll find its the exact same
measurements as the gym back in

vs. New Mexico

Saturday, Oct. 10 at 4 p.m.

@SagebrushSports |




The Oakland As have the

smallest payroll in baseball, yet
seem to always make the playoffs thanks
to a system of valuing players created by
their general manager Billy Beane.
Best Scene: Brad Pitt explains to his scouts
the problem with being a small market
team. The problem were trying to solve
is that there are rich teams, and there are
poor teams, then theres fifty feet of crap,
and then theres us. Its an unfair game.


Nevada vs New Mexico
When: Saturday, Oct. 10,
4:00 p.m.
Where: Mackay Stadium
(29,993 Field Turf)
TV: Mountain West Network
2014 season records: Nevada
(7-6 overall, 4-4 MWC), UNM (4-8
overall, 2-6 MWC)
Interesting: Although New Mexico
has started the season 3-2, theyve
had one of the easiest schedules in
the entire country, facing Mississippi
Valley State and Tulsa in back to back
weeks. Nevada has actually had one of
the harder schedules in the Mountain
West, facing Texas A&M and Arizona
in consecutive weeks. Nevada needs a
win this week to get back on track.

at Buffalo

vs. UNLV

W 24-21

L 23-17

vs. New
4 p.m.

at Wyoming

vs. Hawaii


1 p.m.


at Fresno
7:30 p.m.

vs. San Jose

1 p.m.

The cannon is red

Why Nevada fans should welcome competition

By Jack Rieger
Nevada footballs dominance over UNLV has ended, as the Rebels painted
the Fremont Cannon red on Saturday night for the second time in three
years, beating Nevada 23-17.
Confidence is the worlds greatest performance enhancer, and UNLV
entered the game with an abundance of it. The Rebel sideline showed
excitement and energy that had been nonexistent for close to a decade,
all of which seems to be a product of their new exuberant coach, Tony
Im so happy for our guys; Im so happy for our university, said Sanchez.
For our kids to be able to walk away with the cannon, second victory in a
row and our first win in conference, thats a big, big deal for our program.
Sanchez is as animated of a coach as you will see in college football.
After UNLVs first touchdown the Rebel coach ran out
on to the field and delivered a fist pump that
wouldve impressed Tiger Woods. Throughout
the game he was seen sprinting up and down
the sideline barking orders to his team like
an Army general would to his soldiers. His
energy was clearly infectious, as UNLV
outplayed Nevada for the majority of the
Nevada running back Don
Jackson talked to reporters
after the game about UNLVs
improvement from last
They were definitely
an improved team,
said Jackson. They
were a lot more disciplined than they were
a year ago. I think
thats what helped
them tonight. I
dont like this look
that people think
theyre a bad
football team.
They definitely
got better from
last year.
mightily to
generate anything offensive,
especially early
on. The Wolf
Pack had just
two first downs
in the first quarter
to go along with 37
total yards. Nevada was on the verge of taking the
lead late in the fourth quarter when Tyler Stewarts
pass was deflected at the line of scrimmage and then
intercepted and returned for a touchdown by the Rebels
Ryan McAleenan.

at Utah State

at San Diego





Boise State



Air Force



Utah State



New Mexico






Colorado State







San DIego State






San Jose State









Fresno State




Head coach Eric Musselman never
ceases to be amazing on the recruiting
trail. In what may be his best commit yet,
Nevada got the verbal commitment from
four-star point guard Devearl Ramsey
early Monday morning. At 5-foot-11,
170 pounds, Ramsey is the 106th overall
prospect in the class of 2016. Ramsey
chose Nevada over Washington, Arizona
State, Cal, UNLV, Pitt, USC, Michigan and
others. Musselman has secured a verbal
commitment every week since Sept. 3.

It was a big week for Nevada volleyball,
as they hosted two top-25 teams. After
falling in a tough 3-0 match to No. 20
Colorado State last Thursday, the Wolf
Pack defeated No. 25 Wyoming in a
thrilling 3-2 game last Saturday where
junior Madison Morell set her careerhigh with 31 kills. Morell became the first
player in the Mountain West to reach 30+
kills in a match this season and was one
kill short of tying the program record set
by Lauren Netherby back in 1998. This
was Nevadas first win over a ranked team
since beating No. 22 New Mexico State
on Sept. 30, 2006.

The Nevada womens soccer team comes
home from a rough road trip, as they went
0-2 with losses to New Mexico 1-0 and
to three-time defending MWC champion
San Diego State 4-0. The Pack begins a
four game home stand this Friday against
Utah State before closing out their last
three regular season games on the road.


The most obvious takeaway from Saturdays game is that the
rivalry has become more competitively balanced, mainly because
UNLV has improved their play over the last few seasons. The days
of Nevada soaking the cannon with coats of blue for up to eight
consecutive years are history, but this isnt necessarily a bad thing for
Nevada football. In fact, I think UNLVs competitiveness will enhance the
quality of both programs.
There is a theory in economics that also supports this idea. Competition,
according to Adam Smiths economic theory, causes commercial firms
to develop new products, services and technologies, which would give
consumers greater selection and better products. If this concept is
accurate, UNLVs progression as an improving football team will compel
Nevada to produce a better, more competitive product.
In other words, Nevada fans should embrace UNLVs improvement
as a football team, not dismiss it. Refrain from ranting on Twitter about
how UNLV students are still living at home with their parents; its a
sign of insecurity. Not only does UNLVs development as a football
team foreshadow Nevadas progression, it also enhances a really poor
Mountain West Conference.
In the history of Nevada and UNLVs rivalry, several times each
team has had a stretch of consecutive wins. From 1989 to 1993
Nevada won five straight matchups, and from 2000 to 2004 UNLV
tipped the scales in their favor, winning five in a row. And most
recently from 2005 to 2012, Nevada went on a run of eight straight
wins. Now for the first time in recent memory the playing field is
level, and the cannon is up for grabs.

The 11th ranked Nevada rifle team
squared off with 19th ranked UTEP this
weekend and beat the Miners two days in
a row by a score of 4620-4588 Saturday
and 4639-4616 on Sunday. Nevada will
continue to battle UTEP this Friday in El
Paso, Texas.

Womens cross country placed third at
the Sacramento Capital Cross Challenge
on Saturday. Seniors Emily Myers and
Caitlin Devitt-Payne finished with times
of 17:09 and 17:21 respectively. The Pack
race in Santa Clara on Oct. 17 and then
will host the MWC championships on
Oct. 30.

Jack Rieger can be reached at and on

Twitter @JackRieger.
Marcus Lavergne/Nevada Sagebrush

Nevada running back James Butler (20) runs the ball up field against the UNLV Runnin Rebels on Oct. 3 at Mackay
Stadium. Butler only amassed 44 yards on 10 carries in the 23-17 loss.

Neil Patrick Healy can be reached at neil@ or on Twitter @NeilTheJuiceMan


I argue that the game was over when UNLV was up 13-0 at
half because Nevada was completely stagnant on offense for
most of the game. The Pack had two passing yards in the first
quarter. TWO! The defense managed to gather themselves
in the second half, but the lack of a running game killed
Nevadas chances. Tyler Stewart was the leading rusher for
the Pack with 61 yards while running backs Don Jackson
and James Butler basically ran into a wall and couldnt get
anything going. The two of them averaged 3.47 yards-percarry on Saturday and that just isnt going to get the job done.


Neil Patrick



If you were one of the people who was unable to score a ticket to
the nearly sold-out UNLV game, consider yourself lucky. Saturdays
showdown against the Rebels was as ugly and uneventful as
college football gets. Both teams struggled mightily to generate
offense early on, especially Nevada, who had the same amount of
passing yards, two, in the first quarter as first downs. Thats good
for another Wolf Pack, three-and-out? Nevadas running tandem
of Don Jackson and James Butler combined for just 80 yards on 23
carries, as UNLV loaded the defensive box all night.

@SagebrushSports |





Chris Dick Blake sets your

fantasy lineup for week five

The sports desk debates Nevada football

RB Justin Forsett: Ravens receiver
Steve Smith Sr. was a big dud last
week as he spent the second half
on the bench after hurting his
back. However, running back Justin
Forsett finally
had the breakout
week fantasy
owners had been
waiting for when
he ran for 150
yards averaging
close to 6 yardsper-carry. I look
for him to stay
Chris Dick
hot in week five
at home against a
Dicks Picks
poor run-defense
in Cleveland
as the Ravens are going to look
to move the ball on the ground
without Smith Sr. available.
Prediction: 23 carries, 116 yards, 1
TD, 4 rec, 45 yards

TE Jimmy Graham: Normally
you dont want to bet against one
of the best tight ends in the league;
however, the Bengals may be able
to contain Graham. Fresh off of
shutting down Travis Kelce and
the Chiefs, the Bengals have had
pretty decent success on defense
this year, especially against tight
ends. They have not allowed a tight
end into the end zone or allowed
him to eclipse 50 total yards. Come
Sunday, I could see the Bengals
keeping Grahams gains to a
Prediction: 5 rec, 54 yards





Neil Healy: Despite

all the negativity
coming from Jack,
there is still hope on
the horizon. A West
Division win and a
berth in the MWC
championship game
is still plausible not
because of Nevadas
talent, but
because the rest
of the Division is
atrocious. The next
five games are
against bottomfeeders that Nevada
should be able to
beat. The two tough
games remaining
on the schedule are
two straight road
games to end the
season with trips to
Utah State (not in
the West Division)
and a Thanksgiving
weekend showdown
against SDSU.
The SDSU game
will most likely
determine the
winner of the
Division, so Nevada
shouldnt give

J: Former Nevada
quarterbacks Cody
Fajardo and Colin
Kaepernick have
spoiled Nevada
fans for the last
eight years with
play. Tyler Stewart
isnt as talented
or dynamic as his
predecessors, but
he is not entirely
responsible for the
offensive woes.
Although he would
probably never
admit it, Stewarts
role in the offense is
much more game
manager than
game winner, as
Nevadas offensive
efficiency depends
much more on
the running game
than it does on
the passing game.
Stewart still has
a firm grip on the
starting quarterback
position, and I
wouldnt expect
that to change
any time soon as
Nevada enters the

up hope just yet.

Winning cures all
ills, Jack.
Jack Rieger: Neil,
quit sucking up to
Nevada football
and be a journalist
for a second.
Youre right about
the West division
being terrible this
year, but Nevada
is a contributing
member to that
terrible division.
The Wolf Pack lost
two out of three
games to UNLV at
Mackay Stadium for
the first time since
2003 and there was
nothing fortuitous
about it. Nevada
was outplayed
by UNLV for the
majority of the
game and deserved
to lose. A 6-6
season would be a
success at this point
for Nevada football,
which would land
the Wolf Pack in
an illustrious Idaho
Potato Bowl.

easiest part of their

N: Jack, Im going
to need you to pipe
down before you hurt
yourself. Stewart
went 20-for-44
passing (45 percent)
and his fourth
quarter interception
returned for a Rebel
touchdown was the
eventual differencemaker in the game.
May I remind you
that Nevada had two
passing yards in the
first quarter. TWO!
That is unacceptable
in a rivalry game
and in a conference
opener. When the
Packs running game
goes south, which it
did mightily against
the Rebels, Stewart
isnt the kind of
quarterback that
can win a shootout.
We may see redshirt
freshman Hunter
Fralick sooner rather
than later if Stewart
keeps this kind of
play up.

Photo illustration by Henry MacDiarmid/Nevada Sagebrush


N: The tide is turning toward
the Rebels. This rivalry tends
to swing back and forth,
with one team reeling off a
long winning streak and then
the other reels one off right
after that. Before Nevadas
eight-game winning streak
from 2005-2012 UNLV won
five in a row. The Rebels have
taken two out of the last three
meetings (both at Mackay)
and it doesnt look like Nevada
has made big improvements
from year one to year three
of head coach Brian Polians
career. Rivalry games mean
a lot to a fan base, and Polian
losing two out of three to the
Rebels will surely make the
natives restless.
J: Neil I hate to agree
with you, but this rivalry

has become much more

competitive in the last few
years, which is a healthy sign
for both teams. According to
economic theory, competition
promotes growth and
development for both parties
involved. This rivalry hasnt
been balanced for a long
time, but that seems to have
changed with UNLV winning
two out of the last three
contests. I expect the rivalry
to continue to be competitive,
especially with new UNLV
coach Tony Sanchez being
involved. Sanchez gives UNLV
football a sense of urgency
that they have desperately
needed for a long time, and
I believe he will continue to
improve their team. Dont be
surprised if UNLV keeps the
cannon red for a few years.

TE Antonio Gates: Sticking with
the tight end theme, Antonio Gates
returns this week after serving a
four-game suspension for illegal
performance enhancing drug use.
Whatever he is taking is obviously
effective as the 12-year veteran
continues to be relevant in the
fantasy world. While Gates is a
shell of what he used to be, he
still seems to find open field and
the end zone. I could see Rivers
throwing it to his all-time favorite
target numerous times in his first
game back.
Prediction: 5 rec, 62 yards, 1TD
Chris Dick Blake can be reached
at and on
Twitter @SagebrushSports.


Continued from page A10

In case youre not a math

person, thats 3.47 yards-percarry. In a word, that is bad. In
two words, that is very bad.
Combine that with quarterback Tyler Stewarts below
average performance (20-for44, 202 yards, one touchdown
and one interception returned
for a touchdown).This puts a
lot of blame on his shoulders.
Poor field position played a key
role as well, as former Nevada
walk-on and current UNLV

punter Logan Yunker pinned

the Pack inside the 10-yard line
three times and inside the five
Defense, you only get
chastised for one half because
you actually played a good
game in the second half. After
allowing UNLV to run wild in
the first half, the only points
allowed by the defense were in
the form of a field goal where
the Rebel drive started on
Nevadas 33-yard line. (Note
that UNLV scored a touchdown
off of a Tyler Stewart interception returned for a touchdown.
Not the defenses fault.) Senior

linebacker Matthew Lyons got

12 tackles and freshman safety
Dameon Baber made his third
interception in just his second
So whats next? Well, the
Pack has to make adjustments.
For instance, why is one
of Nevadas best offensive
weapons in tight end Jared
Gipson only getting involved
in the offense by recovering
a fumble? With the lack of an
effective No. 3 wide receiver,
the Nevada offense needs to
get the ball in Gipsons hands.
He was on the Mackey Award
watch list in the preseason for

a reason.
The next steps are yet to be
determined. Will Nevada move
forward from this heartbreaking loss or will they fold under
the scrutiny? This team is still
trying to find its identity and
there is still much to play for.
The West Division is wide open
because most teams are sitting
where Nevada is at and are still
finding themselves.
The upcoming five-game
stretch is relatively smooth sailing for the Pack. Games against
New Mexico, at Wyoming,
Hawaii, at Fresno State and
closing out the home schedule

with San Jose State can be

what the Pack needs to regain
some confidence. All of those
games are winnable and that
would have Nevada sitting at
7-3 going into the homestretch
of the season. There is still a lot
on the line for Polians team,
but will they use this adversity
as fuel or will they crumble
under the emotional turmoil
that accompanies a loss like
the one Nevada was a part of?
Neil Patrick Healy can
be reached at or on Twitter







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Henry MacDiarimid/Nevada Sagebrush

Nevada swimming and diving head coach Neil Harper (left)

critiques former Nevada swimmer Nicole Gardner (right) at the
alumni meet last Friday, Oct. 2, at Lombardi Recreation Center.

Harper brings Olympic

experience to Nevada
By Michael Bradley
The Nevada swimming and diving team made a big splash this offseason when they hired Coach Neil Harper. The two-time Olympian
has 22 years of coaching experience, including 14 years at Florida
State, where he was named Atlantic Coast Confrence Coach of the
Year three times.
My goals are to get to know the girls as quickly as possible and to
learn how to be able to coach them the best way possible, Harper
said. Knowing your athletes is going to really enhance the ability to
coach them better. Obviously Im new to them and theyre new to me.
So Im trying to rapidly get to know their personalities, strengths, and
When Harper parted ways with Florida State in 2013, he became
the new head coach of Aiken-Augusta Swim League, a club swim
team based in Augusta, Georgia.
The last place I worked, the team was 70 kids, Harper said. Its
very stressful and very time-consuming. Its difficult to try to have
two programs in the top 20 and to recruit over 100 kids every year. I
wanted to find a program that was a good academic school, a beautiful campus and really a school that has the potential to be a top 20
Along with 22 years of coaching experience, Harper was a four-time
SEC champion at LSU, a seven-time All-American and also participated in the 1984 and 1988 Olympics for Great Britain at age 19 and
23. He was a finalist in the 400 medley relay in both Olympic Games.
What I certainly learned from [the Olympics] is that you can get
caught up in the big moment, Harper said. Fortunately for me, I
got a second chance. By the time my second chance came around,
I may not have been in my prime. I was a different swimmer. Being
a swimmer at the Olympics has helped me learn from my mistakes. I
got overwhelmed when the Olympics were in Los Angeles. We swam
in front of 10,000 [spectators] and I had only swam in front of maybe
500 spectators before then.
Harper also coached for different countries at both the 2000 and
2004 Olympic Games. He witnessed his former swimmer Stephen
Parry win bronze in the 200 fly at the 2004 Olympics.
[The Olympics] is the ultimate for a coach and swimmer, Harper
said. It motivates you. It focuses you. It has you thinking even on
higher levels. How can you take these fantastic swimmers and make
them even better? Its definitely something I want to do again. Theres
several girls on this team that have the opportunity to make it to their
countrys trials.
Harpers best chances to return to the Olympics in 2016 will be
with Mountain West Swimmer of the Year, Kawen Li, and Mountain
West Diver of the Year, Krysta Palmer. Palmer has already qualified for
the 2016 Olympic trials and the Winter National. She has broken the
three-meter springboard and ten-meter platform diving records at
He cares for us, Palmer said. Hes personable and treats us like his
daughters. Hes going to work us hard and hes going to push us to be
the best we can be. It definitely helps that he is a two-time Olympian
because we know he understands what it takes to be successful.
Neil Harper and the Nevada Swimming and Diving Teams next
meet will be on Saturday as they host the Silver and Blue exhibition
meet at the Lombardi Pool at 3 p.m.

Week #5

Michael Bradley can be reached at or on Twitter @mbrvdley.

Marcus Lavergne/Nevada Sagebrush

Nevada wide receiver Wyatt Demps (19) takes a knee after Nevadas 23-17 loss to UNLV at Mackay Stadium on Saturday, Oct. 3. Nevada
has lost two out of the last three meetings with the Rebels.


This is an
for Nevada

Pack Pros

The Nevada Sagebrush takes a look at former Wolf Pack players in the NFL

By C. Jay Jones
Were through Week 4 of the NFL and we
have no idea which teams are strong this
year (except the Patriots and the Packers),
but a few teams that were projected to
finish last in the league are showing some
potential. Nevada alumni tried their best
to lift their team to a win while others
struggled with their performances.
Joel Bitonio is in his second season
with the Cleveland Browns at left guard,
and its been a rough start for him. Hes
already been flagged three times this
season (two holds and a clip), and the
Browns offensive line is unable to run
the ball effectively through three games.
Cleveland continued to struggle running
the ball against the Chargers and Bitonio
was flagged once again. The passing
game, however, was the bright spot for

the Browns offense and they nearly won

the game (lost 27-30). It may be Bitonios
second season, but he needs more
discipline, so he wont hurt his team with
Tight end Virgil Green did what he
could to solidify his position at the two
spot, but he hasnt been targeted much
this season. He didnt receive a catch nor
was he a factor in the Broncos 23-20 win
over the Vikings, but he will have other
opportunities later on in the season.
Wide receiver Rishard Matthews has
slowly emerged as a slot target for the
Miami Dolphins. He currently leads the
team in receiving yards, touchdowns,
and yards per game and had back-toback 100-yard games. Hes on pace to
matching his career reception yards and
passed his touchdown reception total
from last season. The game against the

s youre reading this

column, the Fremont
Cannon sits in the Saharalike tacky neon wasteland
known as Las Vegas. The Rebels have
won and the cannon is once again
painted Rebel red. This thought is
probably eating away at your soul and
Nevada head coach
Brian Polian is
probably throwing
his headset against
his office floor as he
tries to hold back
It began to rain
down on the Wolf
Pack (literally and
Neil Patrick
figuratively) after
the 23-17 loss and
the symbolism in
that moment was oh-too perfect.
The silver linings arent there because
no one had a good game. Nevada is
getting the standing eight count
right now, and if they dont shake

off this monumental blow, the season

that had promise will be lost.
The ugly truth is that Nevada
looked terrible against the Rebels.
Receivers couldnt get open, running
backs couldnt find holes, passes
were dropped, assignments were
missed, tackles were broken and the
end result was a heart wrenching
loss that leaves the Pack sitting at 2-3
still trying to figure out who they are.
Like any trauma victim, Nevada must
accept what happened in order to
recover, but in order to accept what
happened, one must know how it
The offense gets picked on first
today, as they looked awful from
start to finish. The backfield of Don
Jackson and James Butler that had
shown so much promise against Texas
A&M and Buffalo took a big hard
flop last Saturday. The two of them
combined for 80 yards off 23 carries.

See PREVIEW page A9

when San Francisco traveled to Pittsburg

to take on the steelers, as he threw for
over 300 yards and two touchdowns in
a bad 43-18 loss. Unfortunately, he was
unproductive and indecisive against the
strength of the Arizona Cardinals defensive coverage and pressure throwing a
career game-worst four interceptions.
Kaepernick played slightly better
against the Packers and he moved the ball
well during parts of the first half (81 pass
yards and 21 rush yards). But it didnt go
his way and ended with 160 pass yards
and one interception. Its been a struggle
for him since winning the first game of
the season. The team has had to rely on
him throwing the ball more since throwing a 300-yard game against Pittsburgh,
Photo courtesy of San Francisco 49ers media services
but going away from the run (third in the
49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick (7) calls out plays against the Miami Dolphins
league rushing yards this season) wont
last season at Levi Stadium. Kaepernick has struggled mightly this season, which
do much to help his team.
includes a four-interception game against the Arizona Cardnials on Sept. 27.
Its only four games into the NFL
Jets wasnt too good for him, as he dealt Kenny Stills arent showing promise as season, but progress and improvement
with cornerback Darrell Revis and the key receivers.
have to be made for the Nevada alumni
Jets tough coverage. Matthews managed
Colin Kaepernick has been in the if they want to keep their job and stay on
to nab a reception late, but that was it. spotlight since taking over for the 49ers the team.
The Dolphins have a bye week before in November 2012. Hes on pace to pass
facing the Titans. That gives Matthews for 10,000 yards and rush for 2,000 in five C. Jay Jones can be reached at neil@
time to develop his skills and become years of his career, but the last two games or on Twitter
more of a factor since Greg Jennings and havent been friendly. He was productive @SagebrushSports.

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