Improving MRO Performance Through Process Excellence

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Asia e University

Malaysian Institute of Logistics

Intermediate Logistics Officers Course

(Executive Bachelor in Logistics Management)

Group Assignment for Logistics Management

(Assignment No 3)

Enhancing Supply Support


Royal Navy

Date: 21 June 2011

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3

What is Supply Support? ............................................................................................. 3

Definition .................................................................................................................. 3

Aim .................................................................................................................................. 4


What is Supply Support?


Supply support is the Management methods, practices and procedures employed in

determining requirements of goods and services and their acquisition, receipt, storage,
issuance, and final disposal. Supply support is an important element of integrated
logistics support1. It is very important to implement reliability and to manage different
supplies so the supply management procedure also very important criteria And should
be obtained and known as :The process of obtaining and managing of products or
services needed to operate a business or other type of organization. Elements of supply
management include the actual products, information, budgets, and employees. The
purpose of supply management procedures is to keep costs stable and use resources
effectively to increase the profits and efficiency of the business or organization2. It is
also very important to highlight the detention of

Supply Support. Business 21 June 2011.

Supply management. . Business . 21 June 2011.

The aim of this paper is to implement the Reliability Availability and maintainability
(RAM) to enhance the supply support.

Importance of RAM

Achieving specified levels of RAM for a system is important for many reasons,
specifically the affect RAM has on readiness, system safety, mission success, total
ownership cost, and logistics footprint.


Reliability is the probability of an item to perform a required function under stated

conditions for a specified period of time. Reliability is further divided into mission
reliability and logistics reliability. For further information see Sections 3.2.2 and 4.4.8.

1.2.2 Availability

Availability is a measure of the degree to which an item is in an operable state and can
be committed at the start of a mission when the mission is called for at an unknown
(random) point in time. Availability as measured by the user is a function of how often
failures occur and corrective maintenance is required, how often preventative
maintenance is performed, how quickly indicated failures can be isolated and repaired,
how quickly preventive maintenance tasks can be performed, and how long logistics
support delays contribute to down time.

1.2.3 Maintainability

Maintainability is the ability of an item to be retained in, or restored to, a specified

condition when maintenance is performed by personnel having specified skill levels,
using prescribed procedures and resources, at each prescribed level of maintenance
and repair.

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