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Powers: Normal / Destructive / Creative

Markus- Wind / Hurricanes, Sound / Lightning
Gabriel- Fire / Hellfire / Holyfire, cleansing
Jacob- Water / Ice / Steam, healing
Alexander- Earth / Magma / Vegetation
All the destructive powers unlock first because it is hard to control their anger and powers, when
they can overcome their emotions they unlock their creative powers, which isn't going to be easy
for each character. along with their emotions, they have to overcome their Madnesses which is
either delusional, or psycopathic and is held at bay by their Will. they have tendencies at first of
either seeing or hearing things that aren't there, or attempting to kill something or even

Each character is descended from a main family for special birth adaptations:
Markus- wind village, precise attacks and moves, controlled analytical and precise
Gabriel- fire village, fierce attacks sweeping/flickering moves, fierce and evasive
Jacob- water village, fluid attacks and moves, fluid and evasive
Alexander- earth village, defensive/strong attacks and moves, tougher skin

All traits are specific to each character, which shapes their "Style" of fighting and
what sort of weapons they can use. Eventually they each learn a martial art that
suits their power and compliments it.

Earth is the hardest to control and train with because earth is solid and has to be
broken in order to change, where wind, fire, and water are all free flowing. Ice is
another solid were it is harder, but not so much as earth, still, yet is formed from the

free flowing molecules. magma and lava take extreme compression with the rock to
keep friction to stay liquified. and plantlife is from fertile soil.

Alexander in the end will be the only one, because of his birth trait of being more
tough, to have both Omni[ten](godlike) and alter Omni[shi](devillike) enter in his
body to {fuse?} into Omni(balanced) what he should be. because of the extreme
strain to the body anyone ,except Alexander, would be incinerated, but Alex
dies.....and his friends try their best and in time revive him.
All characters in the knights will have their own armor and weapons of their liking,
but the four main characters will have to go on their own separate paths to collect
the required supplies to make their own special armor. Each item will come into
accordance in a progression. The items will have certain enhancements that the
character will choose, which decides what reagents they need to acquire.
Characters will have a choice of having a pet to follow them or not, which could
determine how the story can play out. For example, Alexander will traverse a
mountain range (either searching for reagents or training) and comes across a nest
of large eggs getting attacked by a swarm of random demon minions. He defends
the eggs, in which after all the struggling, one starts to hatch and looks at him. A
few moments of awe go by and the broodmother flies back and becomes a bit
defensive at first and then lowers its head and looks at alexander as if judging him
from one big eye from the side. The little dragonling starts to nudge at his legs
playfully and trips him into bumping into the broodmother, and after a brief
connection the broodmother feeds the dragonling and when alexander starts
leaving, the dragonling starts to happily follow him. This all takes place well before
he unlocks his destructive power, because his dragonling pet is the key for him to
unlock it by protecting him from an enemy (angel or demon) which ends up killing
his pet sending him into a blackout rage and he goes bezerk on them. The dragons
in here are feared by everyone and misunderstood, they attack when they feel
threatened or sense malice, and are loyal to people who earn their trust.
Stories and legends are known throughout the lands, yet no one thinks they are real
at all, and all history is unknown to everyone. But the main characters think that
some of the stories and legends may have been true.
Different new beginning??**
Two children are stick fighting each other and running around on a trail surrounded
by forrest. The two kids are accompanied by their parents and sister. They are all on
their way to the wind village to deliver the supplies to the village and to move into
their new home. The two kids, Markus the older brother and Gabriel the younger,
started to venture off into the woods a little bit when their parents yelled for them
to come back and told them that no one is allowed to go into that part of the forrest.

And so the family continued on to the village and when they arrived the brothers
asked if they could go and play, promising their parents they wouldnt go into that
part of the woods. While they were stick fighting each other on the trail again they
briefly saw another kid around their age go into the forrest they were told to stay
out of. Curious about what the other kid was doing they decided to follow a little
behind him, they ended up following him for a little while before they accidentally
made some noise that the other kid had heard. He was a bit startled and the
brothers ended up addressing themselves and told the boy why they had followed
him, and asked him why he was going in this part of the woods. He addressed
himself as Jacob and he told them that he was an orphan and he went to a certain
spot he had found to hang out, he told the brothers that if they wanted to go there
as well then they could all hang out, but they couldnt tell anyone of the spot. After
a few more minutes, they found their way to the center of the woods and found the
old ruins, where the brothers were amazed to see there. A little further into the
ruins the three kids spotted some smoke and were a little worried at what it was
cause Jacob had said that there should have been nobody there. They got closer
and saw a little camp set up and lying on the ground was a fourth boy about thair
age as well, and he appeared to be sleeping and wearing grubby clothing. They
decided to try and wake him up to ask him why he was here, and whaen they did
the boy freaked out and drew a knife on the three of them and looked ready to
attack. After a few minutes of discussion the boy put his knife away and told the
others that he was an orphan,but none of the village orphanages would take care of
him because they had just not liked him, so he ended up becoming a thief and was
driven from his last camping spot to this new one where the villagers didnt follow
him. He addressed himself as Alexander and told the others to just call him Alex and
told them that they shouldnt tell anyone about this spot and that they should meet
there to play.

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