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The Beginning

146 Buffalo Drive Harpers Ferry, WV, 25425

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

The night sky was sprinkled with stars as the mage slowly bowed his head. It
had been a long and desolate journey through the valley of shadows and he had lost
much. As he mourned for his fallen comrades who had risked everything to travel
with him to the new lands in search of new magika he also cursed the one who had
been their undoing. The thought of that cursed thing caused him to become
surrounded in a veil of mystic energy begging to be released. Around him lies the
remains of his traveling companions, roughly 5o men and women, and children. The
caravans were obliterated, with wooden wheels and luggage strewn across the
blood soaked ground.
''Why Vane?! Why have you cursed me so?" The mage bellowed to the
endearing sky. He could no longer see through the tears he was trying so hard to
hold back. And so, he let it go...
A blast of pure energy burst from his fingertips enveloping the sky in a
bright fiery red. It was from this blast that sprung forth creatures of un-imaginable
proportions. Dragons, Hydras, and legions of goblins. He could not control the
pressure building within him, it was unlike anything he had ever experienced. The
experience was something between ecstasy and exhilaration.
The sky let loose thunder bolts that scorched huge parts of the land. In
the valley below where he stood he saw herds of Eminato catch fire and fall dead
within seconds. The trees caught fire as the lightning caught them. Before long the
area around him was ablaze. The creatures he summoned roared as the fire caught
them in its fiery grasp.
And as this thought occurred to him he knew... He knew what he was.
This wasn't just the result of the magic within him, this was something bestowed
upon him by Gaia the Goddess of the Ether. The stuff that was summoning these
colossal beings from seemingly empty air was the result of his spark igniting. The
result of the tragedy he felt.
As if to confirm this revelation he closed his palm into a clenched fist.
Everything stopped. The fires still burned but the sky slowly receded to its normal
blue tinge, and as he looked about him the beasts that came from the ether slowly
receded from existence almost as if they were fading away to nothing...
Valktagus Vaniel, which was the mages name, sat down on what was
left of a cargo wagon, and began to think. He wore nothing but a light blue cloak,
with a layer of leather armor beneath it. His head was covered by a hood the color
of the darkest night. A small dagger was cloaked to his waist and a pack slung
around shoulder contained books of knowledge and power. The demon which had
attacked the convoy had showed no mercy, not even to the children. He sighed as
he remembered how they had looked up to him and his fellow mages. And how just
before the slaughter began he had been frozen. Not physically, oh no, but his mind
went blank. No spells came to him. He could not even move a limb. Valktagus
wondered how he had not also been killed along with everyone else.

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

"The funny thing is," he mused. "The demon didn't seem to register
that I even was there. Almost as if I was hidden from his senses." This raised a lot of
questions for him but none as urgent as finding out what exactly he was capable of
with his newfound abilities. As he spoke he pulled the ring his father had given him
off his finger and began encircling the family crest.
According to the legends a plansewalker has the ability to traverse
planes of existence. But what it doesn't say is if a plainswaler needs to know what
the place he is jumping to appear like. Valktagus was baffled. What am I to do? He
asked himself. He sighed, it will come in time.
He sat there for what seemed like ages, staring out into the dawning sun just
thinking. Mourning for his friends. He must have been dumb to encourage them to
come with him over a dream. A dream so unlike any he had experienced as a child,
beckoning him, showing him the way. He shook his head. He would not think about
that now, time for reflecting later... Sitting there silently it was a comfort to him
really to know that his comrades hadn't been slaughtered for nothing, it was
through this occurrence that will lead him to his vengeance. He would find this
demon and kill him and all his kind... But first, he had to find out exactly what he
was capable of.

Chapter 1

And so Valktagus Vaniel began the long desolate journey through the
mountains that surrounded the valley of shadows, toward the great city of Bandor. A
city, he heard, full of an uncanny populace. A place where he could learn the
mythology of a Plansewalker.
He crossed streams, and passed through villages. Pausing only to rest his
feet. His mind kept wondering back to what he couldve done, what he couldve
changed if only he had been strong enough. At one point he met a fellow traveler on
the road to Bandor.
Hail, traveler. What brings you this way? asked the traveler. It was a man of
medium height, with a rough look about him. From the look of him he had seen
many hardships, as displayed by his very dirty clothes. Around his eyes he had crow
feet, a sign that despite his appearance he was a hardy soul.
Greetings. I have come to seek the assistants of a certain people in Bandor.
And my business is my own, sir, Valktagus stated stopping as he reached the
The man put up his hands defensively. No need to get defensive lad, I mean
you know harm. I simply meant to make you aware that the path up ahead is
blocked by imperial troops. Apparently the blood elves have been giving the empire
troubles again. Tough lot them.

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

The mage glanced into the distance, remembering things that were long
buried in his past. He cleared his throat. Have you any news of sightings of an evil
entity near here, perhaps?
Valktagus watched the hermit shift his weight, noticing that the man wore no
shoes. Now that you mention it lad there has been a rumor going around of recent
disappearances near the old Janovie Crossway. Its not far from here. Just over the
ridge, there.
Valktagus thanked the man and continued on his way. He would have to
investigate that crossing after he gets to the city. He made a mental note not to
continue unto path, fearing imperial intervention. He took a deep breath and passed
into the foliage coming unto another path. One that he could only distinguish
among the dead leaves and such covering it. He followed the path until he came to
the bottom of a rough road leading up a very steep mountain.
The path was littered with the remains of carriage wheels and broken barrels.
The contents of which have long since been looted. Fearing the risk of bandits he
kept his dagger at the ready. It would be better if he had his staff, but it was
destroyed when the demon attacked the caravans. He felt a pang of guilt,
remembering how his master had given it to him after his apprenticeship.
It took almost a day for him to reach mid summit, the sun was creeping
forebodingly behind the coverage of the night sky. Valktagus had never been this far
from his home, Finnon. It was a bit unsettling, he felt. Never the less, he presses on.
It was full night when he reached the top of the great mountain. Many a harpy had
fell to his fireballs on the way there. As he stopped to take a breath he was stunned
to see that a great temple had been constructed facing the northern sun. He could
tell that this was once a place of great province and prosperity, but now all that
remained was reclaimed by the wilds and creatures of the night.
He stopped to survey the area. The temple pillars were almost as large as a
Great War ship, not unlike the appearance of a Greek Palace. The white of the stone
was practically covered with a great wall of vines, creeping ever so slowly toward
the top of the structure. Almost directly in front of him stood a fountain made of
pure gold. Valktagus rushed toward it eagerly feeling his thirst take hold, only to
find that it was empty save for droplets sprinkled here in there on the inside of what
appeared to be blood. He stepped back in horror as he finally saw what laid about
The corpses of what he assumed was the residents of this forgotten palace
laid about him, long reduced to bones. The bones themselves were in splinters. The
more Valktagus looked around him the more things became apparent. The way the
cobblestones were cracked and broken, almost as if they had been crushed. Half of
the ceiling of the temple had caved in. And worst of all the nauseating stench
coming out of the entrance to the structure.
The mage tried to think back to his lessons at his village. The ruins reminded
him of the design the Tevintum Imperium used to erect their cathedrals. Yet it was
mixed with something else. Something that he has never seen. Perhaps it was an

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

earlier form of Baconian. Regardless Valktagus sensed something evil dwelled here,
and he would take precautions.
Valktagus called forth the magika within him and created a protective ward
about him, as he slowly crept closer toward the entrance of the temple. Almost with
every step the sound of crunching erupted from beneath his feet. As he got closer a
stench from within the structure caused him to gag. It was a smell that reminded of
piles of corpses. With each sound his heart seemed to beat faster. When he got to
the steps leading to the threshold to the building he noticed that the feeling he had
was a feeling he had felt before the massacre of the caravans.
Is this feeling, a sign that impending danger is awaiting me, he thought to
himself. Is this something that only a Plansewalker has? The only way to find out
was to enter, and find out for himself. And with only a moments hesitation, he
walked determedly into the desolate Sanctuary, until the darkness enveloped him.

Chapter 2

The smell of decay and age hung thick in the air as Valktagus gave himself
time to adjust to the change in light. After a moment he realized it was futile and
used his magika to project a fiercely glowing light above his head. As he looked
around he could see that the inside of the temple was covered with remains of both
people and animals alike. Almost everywhere he looked there lay pieces of the
ceiling. The pieces themselves was covered in vines. When he looked closer at the
one almost directly to his right he began to notice more details. The vines were
literally writhing slowly toward him. If it wasn't for the fact that he had looked at
them he may never have known.
Valktagus began to walk deeper into the ruins, stepping over pieces of rubble
and corpses. His cloaks rustling as he moved was the only sound except for the
breeze from the entrance. The light which illuminated his path, left foreboding
shadows in his wake. The mage pondered how long this place must have been
abandoned in order to reach this state of ruin. He clenched his fist attempting to
calm his nerves. If he truly was a Plansewalker he would have nothing to fear from
this place. But some part of him didn't quite know if he truly WAS a plansewalker. It
was like a little murmuring in the back of his mind, picking and prodding at what he
most dreaded.
Valktagus wandered to the nearest pillar. It had a statue engraved into the
stone. It was what appeared to be an Elf. Certainly not a blood elf, no, the angle the
face was wrong. In its hand it held a longsword neatly engraved behind that of a
shield. The shield itself had great detail. As he peered closer the shield depicted a
great battle. In it legions of elves and humans lie dead or wounded, with a single
Elven warrior standing triumphant on the battlefield.

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

The Elf being depicted had an uncanny resemblance to the statue. Perhaps
this is a burial place. It would seem so, but why would the corpses be outside the
temple and not in it? It was a very good question.
He turned away from the stone and looked around the darkened temple. He
had a very ominous feeling. Perhaps it was not wise to come in here alone. No
sooner had he thought this that he began to hear whispers. He could not
understand them at first, and the idea scared him. The whispers were all around
him. All saying the same thing. Mya-tan-vande. Which when translated to Elfish,
meant He comes.
Valktagus panicked. It was something about the voices. They evoked
memories of loss and despair, so much so it took all his self-control no to break
down. He had to leave this cursed place. He began to run toward the entrance to
the temple, but the darkness around him moved, it shifted. Before him stood a man.
No, not a man. Whatever this was he could feel the hate in its very presence. While
the top was that of a man, the bottom was informed, dispersed like it was nothing
but mist.
Its eyes were the color of blood. The face and arms were as pale as marble.
As Valktagus peered in horror at the atrocity, he noticed that the veins in its face
were very prominent. The hair which was ruffled and un- cared for was the color of
flames. The only thing it wore was a long violet cloak. The creature sneered at him.
So this is the mortal that the Master seeks, rasped the thing. As it spoke it
came in out of the dark moving around him. Stalking him. It does not seem a threat
to Varendi, oh no. More a threat to itself wondering into the old ones home.
"He knows you are coming", hissed the creature. Right next to Valktagus ear,
causing him to swing a fire bolt to his right. But the thing had already moved.
"What is it that you want," Valktagus yelled into the surrounding darkness.
His voice echoed across the marble walls. His eyes searched for the creature.
"It is not what I want, it is what the master wants," hissed something in his
ear. Valktagus swung his dagger around hoping to catch the creature but all he felt
was empty air. "He knows all," the thing cackled. "And he knows what you are, that
you seek him. He knows." Again Valktagus looked about him, searching for the
thing. His mind seeking a spell to end this wretched being. But his mind felt like it
was going in slow motion, his thoughts even seemed slow.
Sensing his distress the shadow struck, leaving a long gash across his chest.
Valktagus let loose a gasp as his limbs grew weak. It took everything just to stay on
his feet. The fiend had struck with lightning speed, and stepped back out of sight
after the attack. Valktagus looked down at the wound and his eyes widened. The cut
was glowing a light blue. Mist was slowly leaking out of the wound.
Valktagus stumbled to his knees, watching as the creature named Varendi
comes into focus. It will die from the wound. It cuts to the very soul, destroying all
of the person. Pity, truly. Had I not knew what you were I might have kept you for

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

myself. The creature had a face of sorrow that almost looked believable except for
the fact that the smile gave was nothing short of menacing.
The mage tried to stand up but then He saw a vine clinging to his leg. It was
glowing a bright blue tinge. With jolting clarity he realized that it was no vine. It was
a part of something. A part of what, he knew not, all he knew was that this would be
what would kill him.
Valktagus dropped to his knees and more vine like things wrapped around his
chest. He could hear the cackling the shadow made as it slowly walked into the
light. The ball of magic above him began to dim as he grew weaker. "The master
would love for his pet to have a toy. The old ones were no fun. They didn't want his
majesty's gift. They denied him. And soon he will rule all, as he deserves."
Valktagus fell onto his back. He could see the red eyes of the shadow floating
on the ceiling high above him, but there was something else. All around him the
vine like things began to thicken and lift him further into the air, as they pulled him
deeper into the darkness. As the plansewalker lost conscious he was aware of a
blinding light from above him, clearing away the dark and leaving nothing but the
death that he was sure awaited him...

Chapter 3
Valktagus dreamed that he was back in his home village. He was home with
his father, and mother. He sat at the kitchen table, his mother and father sat across
from each other looking down at their plates. The silence was long. All that could be
heard was the sound of utensils scraping against the wooden plates, and the rickety
noise of passing carriages carrying goods to the palace. Almost every day he could
see imperial Guards going to and fro from the imperial District.
At last his mother looked at his father and said," Why must you go with the
red cloaks to the village of viridian, Trynex." As the young Valktagus looked at his
mother, he also knew that his father felt the same way his mother felt. His father
was a man of medium height. His arms were muscular but lean. It had been on
many occasions that his mother, Benevolen, told him it was perhaps Tyrenex's eyes
that shaded wisdom and strength in its depth that had caused her to fall in love with
him years ago. His hair the color of the brightest day. That same shade of brilliant
gold had been inherited by Valktagus. He was of average height. About 5'5.
"It is not a choice I would wish to make," said Trynex. "Was it not for the fact
that I am the only man in Finnon that knows the villages to the north, I would not
volunteer." There was a long pause as they stared at each other, the one trying to
communicate with the other about how they felt. After a moment they looked back
at their plates and began to eat again. Valktagus was afraid. With his father gone he
would be in charge of looking after his mother, while also balancing that with his
studies of the arcane arts.

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

He looked around the room. There was long shadows creeping across the
floor of their stone hut. The moon was almost at its highest peak, the highest it's
been in ages. He could feel the warmth that the cooking fire offered the one room
hut. A bunch of animal skins and armor of warriors his father had defeated in battle
decorated the room. There were two beds. Both were made out of polished oak,
with a comforter made out of bear hide. Many of the other villages would believe
the appearance would be primordial but to him it was home.
After a few moments of enjoying the family meal they heard a pounding at
the door. Valktagus jumped as he saw his father spring up from his chair, causing it
to topple backwards. "What's the matter Tyrnex," asked Valtaktagus's mother
Father sprinted to the door, almost falling in his haste to open it. His
expression grew stony as he saw who was at the door. It was General Biason. Leader
of the royal guards. The man as Valktagus looked upon, was in his middle ages,
showing signs of age but radiating strength as well. He remember that every time
he had seen the general he had always held himself with great pride and dignity,
even during the fiercest of battles, he had heard. The general wore the standard
scarlet uniform decorated with rewards of past victories.
Tyrael looked at the general for a moment, before saying, I guess it is time
then. I somehow knew we would leave sooner than expected.
General Biason nodded gravely. Yes, the blood elves are massing to the east
ready to reclaim Varendal. King Roland wishes the men to be off by early morn, and
he requires you in his tent. His voice was deep with a clip to his tone.
Valktaguss father nodded and returned to the table to hug his wife. It was a
long embrace full of unspoken concern. After a moment his father turned to him.
Take care of your mother, Valktagus. Dont let anything happen to her. The boy
could only nod as he watched his father follow the General out the door and into the
moon lit night, slowly shutting the door behind him.

Chapter 4
Valktagus awoke to the sound of crunching. There was no light around him,
only darkness. Here and there he heard the sound of crumbling marble, which led
him to believe he was still in the ruined temple. Without revealing that he was
awake he looked around as best he could. He was lying next to what he assumed
was a fallen pillar, the floor was covered in leaves in god knows what else. For some
reason his chest was very cold from where the shadow creature had cut him. But
there was no pain which concerned him seeing as it was a very deep cut.
As the mages eye adjusted he began to see a bit more clearly. He could see
faint light coming from very far up. His heart began to beat faster as he realized it
was sunlight. Barely visible from the cracks of fallen masonry. A deep gurgling voice
issued near him.

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

The master seeks this mage, for reasons I do not know.
Valktagus had to slow his breathing as he heard the voice of the shadow
speak. It is not your place to know what the great one seeks. He has given you the
sanctuary of your ancient enemies to do as you please, but yet you question him.
The gurgling came again deep, and exotic, like a mix between squid and man.
Yet you saw how puny the mage fought. It took naught to defeat him.
Valktagus could almost feel the hesitation in the voice of the shadow. I do
not believe the mage yet knows what he is. Or if he does, not how to harness it.
Valktaguss mind was searching for the right spells to use. He did not know
how powerful the unseen creature was, but it was no doubt stronger than the
shadow. But yet the pure malevolence the shadow radiated was overpowering. Even
in his mind he could sense this. The mage began to edge himself into a sitting
position, being very careful not to make any noise that would alert the beings near
him. As he began to crouch and back away behind the statue that he laid against
the feeling returned from earlier. The uneasy feeling.
There was sudden movement behind Valktagus, causing him to whirl around
releasing a fire bolt from his hand as he does. The impact caused the shadow fiend
to shriek and vanish into the darkness. There was a great rustling as the mass of
tentacles whirled quickly in his direction. With some sort of miracle Valktagus dove
to the right barely avoiding the mass of death that impacted the wall. There was a
great crash and the wall that the creature had struck crumbled revealing a lush
forest environment and the bright resonance of sunlight. The creature made a
gurgling sound and withdrew its members into the safety of the ruined temple.
Valktagus had to adjust his eyes to the abrupt change of light and stood amidst the
ruined marble.
His traveling cloak was torn and as he looked down he could see the cut the
shadow had made in his chest had made the texture of his skin a dark grey. The
mage was terrified but alive. He looked at the direction the tentacles had withdrew
and heard the gurgling voice of the creature.
You will pay mortal fool. The master will get what he desires. And soon I will
be confined to this place no longer. When that time comes, you will wish for death.
But death will not save you from me.
Valktagus glanced once around the cavernous room, spotting a pair of fiery
red eyes staring at him from the furthest corner, shrouded in darkness. He knew this
would not be the last time the creature would have to be dealt with. He turned and
stumbled into the forest, amongst the singing of birds and buzzing of bees. He must
find a healer before the darkness in him brings his demise.

Chapter 5

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

The mage stumbled through brush and streams, quickly leaving the
terrifying presence in the temple behind him. As he moved he felt a cold
throb emanating from his chest to limbs. Pretty soon even the chatter of the
birds around him couldnt be heard over the throbbing of his heart. He
continued for some time this way. Forcing himself to keep moving, not giving
himself a chance to give whatever is inside him time to immobilize him.
After half a day of traveling he came across a pond, the color of the
bluest sky. By this time his body had went numb and his skin the color of
marble. He collapsed next to the water. His cold hands sunk into the damp
earth. He gasped and crawled to the side of the pond.
As he looked at his reflection he was terrified of what was staring at
him. While he knew it was his reflection he couldnt help but wonder what
that shadow had done to his body. His face was pale with prominent violet
veins showing through his skin. His eyes were bloodshot, his pupils dilated to
the point that the color of his eyes, which should be a bright shade of blue,
were as dark as blackest night. The color of the mages lips were a dark
purple, not unlike a freezing mans. Sweat dripped from every part of his
body, making his leather armor stick to his skin.
The mage somehow knew he was going to die from what has afflicted
him. Yet he could not help but be reassured that he did not have to bear the
fact that he had failed his family, his friends. He slid his hands into the pond
and cupped some water in his hand. He stayed like that for a moment before
bring it to his lips. The moment the cool water slid past his gullet he gagged.
Valktagus Vaniel slid unto his back and began to thrash. His eyes rolled
into the back of his head, and his body arched upwards. From his chest he
could feel nothing but agonizing pain. It was unlike anything he had ever felt,
a pain so great nothing could describe it. The cut on his chest split open
releasing a cloud of blood and something else. Something the color of
flames. The stuff encircled the mage, clawing across his skin slowly to the
gaping mouth of the man.
An ear splitting yell pierced the night, as the essence entered the
mage. He then abruptly fell unconscious. Throughout the forest the animals
of the night perked up sensing an evil presence, before running from the
sound, back to their dens. The nearest village, a fishing village, heard the
scream heard nothing except for one little girl. This little girl was about to
make herself a player of a much bigger game

Chapter 6

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

As Valktagus laid unconscious, his body was glowing a very bright red.
His veins could be seen through his skin. They were the color of magma. His
leather had melted away leaving him naked next to the lake. Around him the
grass had long since been burned, and he laid on nothing but crisp earth.
Around him was silence, save for the breeze rustling the leaves of nearby
trees. The mage was breathing softly, as the little girl from the village made
her way into the clearing.
She grasped as she saw the naked man but she saw enough to see the
color of his skin was not normal. Her eyes slid to the pond and she gasped. It
was the blessed pond of Adria, the gift from the dragon. It was said the pond
itself was made from the tears of the most beautiful dragon to have existed
before the Baconian Empire. The time before they were wiped out.
Duran, for which was the girls name. Ran up to him to see if he was
alive. Her footsteps made crunching noises on the burned ground as she
rushed to his side. When she came close to the collapsed man the red in the
mans veins began to disperse and his skin turned to its normal hue. She
looked about her, for something to drag him on. Duran Knew she could not
leave this person. It was something from within her, it was like she was
drawn to him.
The girl stood up and ran to the nearest tree. Her father had taught her
many things about the wild. What to eat if she was hungry, and what to
avoid. How to build things that is needed if she was ever in danger. She
looked at the bark, noticing the way the bark curved to the right. This was
the right wood. Duran grabbed the knife she carried on her waist, and cut off
a long slice of the bark. Her blade was mythril and it cut easily.
She put the wood next to Valktagus, and set off deeper into the forest
to look for Mian Weeds. A type of grass that was practically impossible to rip.
There was only a couple type of metals that could harvest it, and Mythril was
one of them. She had to go a few yards until she found it. It was far enough
away from the mage that the animals had begun to move again. Etching
toward their nightly routines. Her blade cut the grass swiftly and she ran
back to her charge.
She sat down the bark and grass, and began to build a sled. Her hands
moved swiftly, and with expert precision. Within moments she was finished
with the task and leaned down to lift Valktagus unto the makeshift sled. The
moment her hand touched his skin, she yelped and stumbled back.
Gods, your body is like a smithy, she gasped in disbelief. She looked
at her hand noticing the mild burns on her fingers. How are you still alive?

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

Valktagus made no response, nor any sign that he had even heard her.
If it wasnt for the fact that he was still breathing Duran would have thought
he was dead. She paused for a second to think. After a moment she dipped
her hands into the pond and quickly heaved Valktagus unto the makeshift
sled. Her hands were steaming when she pulled away from him. The water
stopped most of the heat, so she only suffered minor burns.
Duran sighed. What would her father think once she shows up with a
naked stranger behind her? She is eleven but she has seen enough things
that she knows that something important has happened, and so she set off
back to her village dragging Valktagus behind her on the sled.

Chapter 7

Valktagus was dreaming. He was standing in a vast canyon, around

him he saw a great wall of fire. A fire he felt to his very core, but somehow
he didnt sweat. He was comforted by it. He looked about him, trying to see
where he was. The sky was a purple hue, with dark clouds over head. He
heard screams coming from very far away. Screams from many people. The
fire blocked out the view from around him, but he could make out shapes in
the flames. They made no noise, just stood there. The mage looked at his
body, and realized that he himself was on fire.
Valktagus felt no pain, and stretched his arms in front of him, admiring
how invincible it made him feel. Abruptly, there was a gust of wind that
unbalanced him causing him to trip over himself. As he looked up he was
shocked to see an enormous dragon descending toward him. It was a color of
the brightest sky that seemed at odds with the terrifying environment he was
in. The dragons scales were like crystals reflecting a light that practically
blinded him.
The mage covered his eyes and waited for his untimely death. But it
did not come, instead the great Dragon simply landed and looked at
Valktagus. It looked at him with what he swore was a motherly gaze. He took
his arms down and stood up looking at the dragon. The man made no
attempt to flee nor fight. He knew that dragons were practically immune to
magic except for the most powerful kind.
Are you going to kill, me? asked Valktagus. Anxiously awaiting what
he assumed was going to be a yes.
The dragon peered at him with startlingly purple eyes. Valktagus was
unnerved when he heard in his mind one simple word: No. The dragon had

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

not moved its mouth. Not so much as an inch. But yet he had spoken to it. Its
voice was obviously female. It was rich, like that of the most velvet
You just spoke to me through what? Telepathy? Ive never heard of
such a thing.
In his mind he heard a reply. The Dracule do not speak to humans
directly. We do not know how. I am one of the few who have mastered the
ancient magic of entropy. The power of creation. I project my thoughts to
you, because we are connected. If that was not so communication would be
impossible. Again the dragon showed no signs of speech except to shift its
Valktagus was puzzled. We are connected, you say? Yet I dont
understand. Shouldnt I be dead? Is this the afterlife?
I have waited eons for you Valktagus Vaniel. From my tears we have
bonded. We are one you and I. The Dragon leveled a stare at the confused
mage. As you laid on the ground dying I spared your life, for you have a
noble and kind heart. A mage of your character doesnt deserve to serve in
this afterlife. You have the heart of a Dracule.
The blue dragon made a noise deep within its throat that sounded
suspiciously like a chuckle. It swished its tail behind it and twitched its wings.
If this is the afterlife I would not wish to die if I was a mortal. No, this is a
place of hell spawn. A place where true evil resides. The fact that you are
here means that, yes, you should be dead. The creature that slashed you on
your chest was to deliver you to the demon lord of this realm.
I am confused, Im not dead? The mage was looking at the dragon
thoughtfully. Looking at its violet eyes. They truly were beautiful eyes.
No you are not dead. I have seen something in you, something that
you may not yet realize. There is a greatness to you. One that will require
sacrifice to achieve. When you drank from the pond, made from my tears, so
long ago. You accepted my essence. My very being.
But I had no idea what that pond was. I was dying, my fate sealed.
Had I known what it was, I would not have drunk out of it. My people have
always been lead up to believe that your kind are murderers. Nothing more
than tyrants. All prejudiced aside.
The dragon looked at him. Carefully, its body remained rock still. In the
distance the screams continued, and around him the flames continued to
burn. That is the influence of the emperor. Not all of our kind were like that.
At best we would remain at the sides of our chosen allies until the end of

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

their days. At our worst we indeed were like you were raised. Many people
have drunk from that place. Many have tasted it. Yet I did not grant them the
power. You I will grant this, for our time is running short.
What power do you speak? Is it a spell?
The creature did not remove its gaze but instead continued speaking.
We do not have much time, so I will have to be abrupt. The power which I
give you is the strength of the mighty dragons of old. But this strength does
not come without a price. To wield such power you would have to give up the
magicka within you. You would have to become something greater by giving
up what you are now.
But arent I a Plansewalker? A person that is able to traverse the
planes of existence. How could I not be when I felt so much power at my
fingertips after the destruction of my friends, and family?
The idea of the Plansewalker was a myth. It has always been. The
mortal race invented such a tell to empower the leader of your lands over
their people. But it was indeed great power that you had. That is one of the
reasons you were chosen.
If I wanted this power, I would lose all my magical abilities. I would
become what? Would I even be able to access my magicka again? Ever?
Valktagus was hesitant to accept. He must find out what would happen to
him after the deal.
You would not lose your magic forever. However we must end this
soon, so I will tell you what you must do. If you accept my gift we I will be a
part of you. My essence entwined with yours, at least for a bit. While you
would gain unparalleled strength. To retain your magic you would have to
seek out my earthly body. The village to which you have been brought too,
will know. Ask them about Adria.
Fine I accept, but I still do not know what is going on.
Valktagus was startled when the blue dragon raised it head toward
him. Mah-val-sharoth, spoke the dragon. It blew it flame gently on his body.
Causing him to glow a bright gold. He felt his body changing. Muscles
forming, and as he looked into the dragons eyes, the feeling he felt was of
immense sorrow and loneliness. Whoever this creature was he would help it.
There was a flash and then there was blackness. Valktagus Vaniel had
gained the strength and passion of the Dracule. The dragon.

Chapter 8

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

It took almost a day and a half for Duran to dragon the still
unconscious Valktagus back to her village. Over the long trip she had hunted
and skinned a young doe, easily crafting a makeshift tunic for the mage. She
had muttered the sacred words of the ancient elves. Falahshinfiha. Be at
Peace. The prayer was taught to her by her father, who had experience
dealing with the traveling merchant group which occasionally passed by the
By the time she had arrived at the outskirts of her town, she was
exhausted. It was almost midnight and almost everything was either asleep
or trying to. She paid no heed to the cattle and chickens scattered across the
finely trimmed fields. In the distance she smelled the scent of burned
firewood. It was comforting to her. To her, it was home.
As she followed the dirt path into the lodging square and up to her
house, he father burst out of the door and embraced her, causing her to drop
the rope attached to the makeshift sled.
Where have you been? Her father asked after a minute of embracing
Duran. I have been so worried about you. The villiage didnt see you leave. I
assumed the worst had happened.
Duran looked back sheepishly. I have something you should look at. A
man. I heard him screaming and followed his voice. He was next to the pond
of Adria.
The father looked behind him and saw the unconscious form of
Valktagus. His eyes widened and he gingerly pushed his daughter out of the
way, and rushed to his side. He bent down and placed a callused hand upon
the mages forehead, and pulled back quickly.
Duran glanced at her father. He was burning up when I found him. I
was only able to lift him after I used the water from the pond.
Without looking up her father asked her to prepare a bed for the
stricken man. As she disappeared he lost himself in his thought never taking
his eyes off of the mages face. He had known of the legends. Had known that
someday the chosen one would emerge. It was foretold by Adria herself,
before the extinction of the dragons. Vendel, the fathers name pulled the
makeshift sled into the house and closed the door. No one must no what has

The Legacy of Valktagus Vaniel: Awakening

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