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10 Things
Every Consumer Should Know
About Credit
City of Chicago Federal Trade Commission
Department of Business Affairs
and Consumer Protection 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) TTY:1-866-653-4261
312-742-7777 Consumer Fraud Hotline
To file a complaint call 311 Better Business Bureau
To get a Free Credit Report 1-312-832-0500
1-877-322-8228 Illinois State Attorney General
Nationwide Consumer Credit Reporting
Companies: 1-800-386-5438
Equifax: TTY: 1-800-964-3013
City of Chicago
Experian: Richard M. Daley, Mayor
Trans Union: Money Management International (MMI)
Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS)
Illinois Secretary of State Department of Business Affairs
and Consumer Protection
Index Department Norma I. Reyes, Commissioner
10 Things to know about Credit
This booklet will help you understand 4 K
 now the signs of a credit 9 Protect yourself from

your rights when it comes to your repair scam identity theft

credit and how to avoid becoming a

Beware of companies that: I dentity theft is a serious crime and can destroy your
credit. There are no guarantees to avoid identity theft
• Claim they can rid you of your negative credit infor-
victim of fraud. mation, even though it is accurate.
but there are steps you can take to prevent it:

• Obtain a copy of your credit report on a regular basis.
• Recommend that you do not contact any of the three
major nationwide credit reporting companies directly, • Shred any paperwork with your personal information
1 What is credit? or advise you to dispute all the information in your on it.
credit report, even though it is accurate.
 redit is money that a lender gives to a borrower on con-
C • Close any accounts that you know or believe have been
dition of repayment over a certain time period. People • Suggest you create a new credit identity by applying compromised and place a free 90-day fraud alert on
obtain credit through various forms such as credit cards, for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to use in your credit report by calling 1-888-397-3742.
mortgages, or car loans. There are many benefits to build- place of your Social Security Number.
• Report any lost or stolen checkbooks or credit cards
ing a good credit history and obtaining low cost lines of 7 Disputing inaccurate information
 immediately. By law, once you have reported the loss
TIP: Credit repair companies must register with the Illinois
credit. Bad credit can happen to anybody, and unfortu- Secretary of State before conducting business. Charging up-front on your credit report or theft, you have no further obligation for unauthor-
nately, there are those who try to take advantage of people fees before any services are performed is not allowed without filing ized charges. Debit cards do not have such protection
in need of credit, or in need of repairing damaged credit. a bond with the Illinois Secretary of State. Only a few, regulated I f you question the accuracy of your credit report, you as they can only be compromised if someone has your
professions can charge up-front fees such as banks, lawyers, can dispute it with the consumer credit reporting com- PIN or authorization code.
2 Your credit report mortgage or real estate brokers. To check if a company is registered pany and the information provider at no cost. Both are
• File a police report and get a copy of it, or at a
and bonded call the Secretary of State at 217-782-7017. obligated to investigate your claim and are responsible for
minimum the number of the report. This will help you
Your credit report may contain information about where correcting inaccurate or incomplete information. Be sure
deal with the creditors who need proof of the crime.
you live, how and when you pay your bills, and wheth- to submit your disputes in writing and provide copies of
any documents that support your position. The consumer • File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission
er you’ve been sued, arrested or filed for bankruptcy.
Businesses may use this information to evaluate your
Do’s and Don’ts reporting company must investigate and give you results by dialing 1-877-IDTHEFT. This helps law enforce-
applications for credit. Consumers are entitled to a free in writing within 30 days. ment officials track down identity thieves and stop
credit report, when requested, every twelve months, from  
5 Credit repair companies are re- them.
each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting com- quired to provide the following: 8 Dealing with debt collectors
panies: Equifax, Experian and Trans Union. To request
your free credit report visit • A written contract outlining your rights and obligations, I f you fall behind in repaying your creditors, or an error is
or call toll-free at 1-877-322-8228. payment terms, a description of the services the company made on your accounts, you may be contacted by a debt 10 Seek reputable credit

will perform, guarantees, and how long it will take to collector. Debt collectors have to treat you fairly, and are counseling assistance
3 Dealing with bad credit achieve the result. prohibited from certain methods of debt collection.

 reputable credit counseling organization can advise
• A copy of the “Consumer Credit File Rights Under State • You can stop a debt collector from contacting you by
Bad credit takes time to repair, but some you on managing your money and debt and help you
and Federal Law” before you sign a contract. writing a letter telling them to stop. Sending a letter
credit repair companies will make claims that they can develop a budget. Also, many banks, credit unions, and
does not erase the debt; however, once the collector
erase your bad credit, or give you a new credit identity. savings and loan institutions offer free educational ma-
• A notice of cancellation that you may use to cancel a receives your letter, they may not contact you unless the
Consumers should beware of these claims because they terials in the areas of consumer credit, money and debt
contract within three business days. creditor intends to take legal action against you.
are typical signs of a scam. The truth is that only the management. You can also find information about con-
passage of time can repair credit. Legitimate credit repair 6 What credit repair companies
  • Debt collectors may not harass, oppress or abuse you or sumer credit and your rights from several government
companies typically will not make these claims. Repair- any third parties they contact. Debt collectors may not agencies, such as the Chicago Department of Business
ing your credit is attainable, but there are no quick fixes. cannot do: use threats, violence, obscene or profane language, or Affairs and Consumer Protection. www.cityofchi-
With a conscious effort and sticking to a personal debt repeatedly telephone to annoy you. The Federal Trade Commission of-
• Make false claims about their services, such as telling fers information on improving your credit and finding
repayment plan, a credit report can be repaired. In most • Debt collectors may not state that you will be arrested
you that they can remove accurate bad credit from your legitimate resources for low or no cost help by visiting
cases, negative items are erased from a consumer’s credit credit report. if you do not pay your debt.
history after 7 years, and 10 years for Chapter 11 bank-
ruptcies. • If a debt collector uses any of the above tactics,
• Perform any services until they have your signature on a
you should file a complaint with the Federal Trade
written contract.
• Charge up-front fees without the State-required bond. Report fraud by calling 311
10 Things to know about Credit
This booklet will help you understand 4 K
 now the signs of a credit 9 Protect yourself from

your rights when it comes to your repair scam identity theft

credit and how to avoid becoming a

Beware of companies that: I dentity theft is a serious crime and can destroy your
credit. There are no guarantees to avoid identity theft
• Claims they can rid you of your negative credit infor-
victim of fraud. mation, even though it is accurate.
but there are steps you can take to prevent it:

• Obtain a copy of your credit report on a regular basis.
• Recommend that you do not contact any of the three
major nationwide credit reporting companies directly, • Shred any paperwork with your personal information
1 What is credit? or advise you to dispute all the information in your on it.
credit report, even though it is accurate.
 redit is money that a lender gives to a borrower on con-
C • Close any accounts that you know or believe have been
dition of repayment over a certain time period. People • Suggest you create a new credit identity by applying compromised and place a free 90-day fraud alert on
obtain credit through various forms such as credit cards, for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to use in your credit report by calling 1-888-397-3742.
mortgages, or car loans. There are many benefits to build- place of your Social Security Number.
• Report any lost or stolen checkbooks or credit cards
ing a good credit history and obtaining low cost lines of 7 Disputing inaccurate information
 immediately. By law, once you have reported the loss
TIP: Credit repair companies must register with the Illinois
credit. Bad credit can happen to anybody, and unfortu- Secretary of State before conducting business. Charging up-front on your credit report or theft, you have no further obligation for unauthor-
nately, there are those who try to take advantage of people fees before any services are performed is not allowed without filing ized charges. Debit cards do not have such protection
in need of credit, or in need of repairing damaged credit. a bond with the Illinois Secretary of State. Only a few, regulated I f you question the accuracy of your credit report, you as they can only be compromised if someone has your
professions can charge up-front fees such as banks, lawyers, can dispute it with the consumer credit reporting com- PIN or authorization code.
2 Your credit report mortgage or real estate brokers. To check if a company is registered pany and the information provider at no cost. Both are
• File a police report and get a copy of it, or at a
and bonded call the Secretary of State at 217-782-7017. obligated to investigate your claim and are responsible for
minimum the number of the report. This will help you
Your credit report may contain information about where correcting inaccurate or incomplete information. Be sure
deal with the creditors who need proof of the crime.
you live, how and when you pay your bills, and wheth- to submit your disputes in writing and provide copies of
any documents that support your position. The consumer • File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission
er you’ve been sued, arrested or filed for bankruptcy.
Businesses may use this information to evaluate your
Do’s and Don’ts reporting company must investigate and give you results by dialing 1-877-IDTHEFT. This helps law enforce-
applications for credit. Consumers are entitled to a free in writing within 30 days. ment officials track down identity thieves and stop
credit report, when requested, every twelve months, from  
5 Credit repair companies are re- them.
each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting com- quired to provide the following: 8 Dealing with debt collectors
panies: Equifax, Experian and Trans Union. To request
your free credit report visit • A written contract outlining your rights and obligations, I f you fall behind in repaying your creditors, or an error is
or call toll-free at 1-877-322-8228. payment terms, a description of the services the company made on your accounts, you may be contacted by a debt 10 Seek reputable credit

will perform, guarantees, and how long it will take to collector. Debt collectors have to treat you fairly, and are counseling assistance
3 Dealing with bad credit achieve the result. prohibited from certain methods of debt collection.

 reputable credit counseling organization can advise
• A copy of the “Consumer Credit File Rights Under State • You can stop a debt collector from contacting you by
Bad credit takes time to repair, but some you on managing your money and debt and help you
and Federal Law” before you sign a contract. writing a letter telling them to stop. Sending a letter
credit repair companies will make claims that they can develop a budget. Also, many banks, credit unions, and
does not erase the debt; however, once the collector
erase your bad credit, or give you a new credit identity. savings and loan institutions offer free educational ma-
• A notice of cancellation that you may use to cancel a receives your letter, they may not contact you unless the
Consumers should beware of these claims because they terials in the areas of consumer credit, money and debt
contract within three business days. creditor intends to take legal action against you.
are typical signs of a scam. The truth is that only the management. You can also find information about con-
passage of time can repair credit. Legitimate credit repair 6 What credit repair companies
  • Debt collectors may not harass, oppress or abuse you or sumer credit and your rights from several government
companies typically will not make these claims. Repair- any third parties they contact. Debt collectors may not agencies, such as the Chicago Department of Business
ing your credit is attainable, but there are no quick fixes. cannot do: use threats, violence, obscene or profane language, or Affairs and Consumer Protection. www.cityofchi-
With a conscious effort and sticking to a personal debt repeatedly telephone to annoy you. The Federal Trade Commission of-
• Make false claims about their services, such as telling fers information on improving your credit and finding
repayment plan, a credit report can be repaired. In most • Debt collectors may not state that you will be arrested
you that they can remove accurate bad credit from your legitimate resources for low or no cost help by visiting
cases, negative items are erased from a consumer’s credit credit report. if you do not pay your debt.
history after 7 years, and 10 years for Chapter 11 bank-
ruptcies. • If a debt collector uses any of the above tactics,
• Perform any services until they have your signature on a
you should file a complaint with the Federal Trade
written contract.
• Charge up-front fees without the State-required bond. Report fraud by calling 311
10 Things
Every Consumer Should Know
About Credit
City of Chicago Federal Trade Commission
Department of Business Affairs
and Consumer Protection 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) TTY:1-866-653-4261
312-742-7777 Consumer Fraud Hotline
To file a complaint call 311 Better Business Bureau
To get a Free Credit Report 1-312-832-0500
1-877-322-8228 Illinois State Attorney General
Nationwide Consumer Credit Reporting
Companies: 1-800-386-5438
Equifax: TTY: 1-800-964-3013
City of Chicago
Experian: Richard M. Daley, Mayor
Trans Union: Money Management International (MMI)
Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS)
Illinois Secretary of State Department of Business Affairs
and Consumer Protection
Index Department Norma I. Reyes, Commissioner

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