Why India Is Known As Land

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Indians had already shown the world that, where there is a will there is a
India has consistency doled out with hardworking and loyalty in the field of physics, maths,
medicine, chemistry & space science.
Despite of not having the advanced equipment, technology and money still there were few
Indians who achieved remarkably in that era.
Some of their few greatest achievements are mentioned below:1. Mathematician Srinivasan Ramanujan:
Srinivasan Ramanujan was born in December 22, 1887 in Tamil Nadu a town named as
Erode. He belonged to an orthodox Hindu family. His father name was K Srinivasa Iyengar and
mother was Komalatammal. He never had any formal training in pure mathematics. Without
having access to high level equipment and wealth, Ramanujan had consistently doled out
stalwarts in the field of Maths.

2. The father of the Indian Nuclear Research Programme- Dr. Homi

Jehangir Bhabha
Due to the hard work of Dr. Homi, India achieved their nuclear stability. He had also made India
come among few nations to have atomic power as a source of energy and also for weapons.

3. Conceptualised Indias first supercomputer- Vijay P. Bhatkar

Vijay P. Bhatkar was the man who conceptualised Indias first supercomputer. Called the
PARAM 800 and unveiled in 1991, the machine was built indigenously keeping in mind for the
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, placing India at second position after USA in
the field of supercomputing.

4. The man behind the first satellite launched by India- U.R. Rao
U.R. Rao, the chairman of ISRO in 1975 was the man behind the launch that put India on the
world map in terms of space research.

5. Behind Chandrayaan 1, Indias first probe for moon Mylswamy

The space probe was successfully inserted into the lunar orbit in 2008 and pushed Indias space
program into the world map. Chandrayaans greatest achievement was discovery of the
widespread presence of water molecules in the lunar soil.

The Indian Journey

The Team of Indian Journey has a deep love and interest for the countrys varied shades. In
numerous journeys through the different terrains of India, We have come across many travellers
around the globe who have come to uncover India, but what they unleashes was already known
to them through books and visual media, search for the true, real India remains a distant dream.
People from outside countries come to India, stay in the hotels which are part of global chains,
travel in the international cars and eat continental food. Their tour ends up ultimately being more
of a sight-seeing tour than a real travel through India. Theres not much of India that they are
able to experience during their stay. As a result, they end up taking back many nicely-clicked
photographs but what they miss out on is carrying the true India back in their hearts. Our entire
concept is based on making you live the life of the place that you visit rather than be mere
spectators of the places, people and life of those places. In the tours of The Indian Journey, you
will find a crafted part which is specially designed considering every individual needs and takes
away the entire feel and love towards a program or a place.
Our Vision is to create a meaningful travel experience for every traveller to India which should
touch their soul and add value to their life journey. To know about our Special Crafted Tours
explore more @www.theindianjourney.com/

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