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2015-10-06 v2.4.

- Sieges get defending characters again
- Fixed tooltip for scripted_effects not working
- Mercenaries and event-spawned units will no longer reinforce unless specifical
ly set to
- Removed unnecessary error logging from global event targets
- Setting number of wards to a higher number in defines now works properly
- Scopes are now correctly set for ai_will_do in cb_types
- Effect create_character now gives proper random name if used outside of charac
ter scope
- Fixed unknown triggers not being reported to the error log
- Title localization for custom government type now works
- Fixed initializing errors in scripted triggers/effects
- Fixed missing space in localization of special titles
- Morale effect now works in unit & character scope
- Troops effect now works in unit & character scope
- Now possible to switch to owner scope from unit scope
- Now possible to switch to leader scope from unit scope
- Now possible to switch to location scope from unit Scope
- Added missing localization for leader event target
- Siege scope now works for flank commanders
- morale effect now works with flank commanders
- reinforce effect now works with flank commanders
- in battle, in siege and looting triggers now work with flank commanders
2015-08-18 v2.4.4
- Fixed bug with freezing savegames.
2015-07-23 v2.4.3
- No longer loops through every dead character and inactive titgle at monthly ti
ck anymore, should help with late game performance
- Optimized trade routes update frequency
- Republic campaign funds visible to all
- AI more agressive in campaigning for the doge title
- better trade post distances when port is within the same sea zone as owned ter
- shortcut tooltips look better when only info in tooltip
- The info button will close the info-window if already open
- AI accept chances more precise when writing '+'
- Regent accept tooltip uses actual base reluctance (needs to be definite yes)
- Fixed a bug in the province center point calculation, distances between provin
ces should be more consistent now
- Fixed a bug allowing you to abandon trade posts in your provinces regardless i
f you owned the trade post or not.
- Antipopes should now seize the treasury of the Vatican if their claim on the P
apacy is pressed.

- Lobby diplomacy items are now spaced correctly.

- The republic view won't display dead heirs anymore.
- Stewardship bonus from character focus now influences the demesne tax bonus co
- Observer players will no longer get stuck in the game after the server had bee
n lost.
- When playing a nomad, settling as a merchant republic through a holding owned
by a vassal merchant republic won't lead to duplicate family palaces and non-mer
chant patricians anymore.
- Fixed shortcuts in the end of battle and end of siege screens, the goto option
is now bound to the "g" key.
- The game won't think any fabricated claim is a claim on Canaries in the learni
ng scenario anymore.
- Minor clan rebel starting troop numbers are now being scaled with the khagan's
population and they decrease the khagan's population by 10%.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing wars to update properly when an unlanded chara
cter won a title for which there was another war in progress.
- Added a confirmation dialog for disbanding individual regiments.
- Portraits in the republic view are now being updated correctly.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused allies to be hostile towards each other if t
here was a revolt war without a temporary title.
- Nomads are no longer blocked from moving their capital to provinces with ongoi
ng trade post and fort constructions.
- Revolting nomad vassals won't become independent when losing a title in aother
war anymore.
- Raiding adventurers will no longer end up as landless clan vassals under a kha
gan when leading a revolt and losing all landed titles in another war.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause laws to change incorrectly for rebels a
fter their war ends.
- Unattackable non-nomad counts won't exist anymore.
- Unlanded characters inheriting duchy or higher titles won't prefer feudal gove
rnment when the predecessor was not feudal anymore.
- Unlanded characters getting titles in wars for claim won't prefer feudal gover
nment when the previous holder was not feudal anymore.
- Various fixes to event triggers etc.
- Various minor text fixes and improvements.
- Various improvements to decision tooltips.
- Corrected the Serbian and Bulgarian names for Dyrrachion.
- Fixed a bug that made Hellenic Pagan religion available in the Ruler Designer.
- Tweaks and balancing to the decisions for creating Portugal, Castille and Arag
on, including more informative tooltips.
- The Kingdom of Leon can now be created by the holder of the Kingdom of Asturia
- Added more characters and dynasties to the Steppes.
- Rebalanced the effects of the decisions for expelling and readmitting the Jews
, and also improved the tooltips for those decisions.
- The Duchy of Livonia is now part of the de jure Kingdom of Finland at all star
t dates.
- A character can no longer be slandered with bastardry rumors if they already a
known bastard.
- Fixed a bug that allowed a ruler to be attacked with two pagan subjugation war
s simultaneously.
- Robert II de Hesbaye (Capet ancestor) is now playable in 769.
- Random looting events are now working properly again.
- The chance to have twins is increased if mother and/or grandmothers had twins.
- Chronicle random events aren't "Serpents" every time.
- No longer inactivates titular titles that should be creatable (Caliphates, Duc
hy of Visby, etc.)
- Can no longer search for inactive titles in the find title dialog
- Fixed capital problem inheritance for gavelkind that could occur with custom k

ingdoms and Elective Gavelkind where it would give away your only Province.
- Patricians are richer and need large courts so they are better prepared to dea
l with epidemics and won't get infected by being overcrowded anymore
- Added better protection to the immediate family of a landed ruler from epidemi
cs and overcrowded modifier
- Should now properly remove nomad capitals if supposed to and also search throu
gh for duplicates in the province
- Fixed revolting viceroys becoming normal rulers upon war invalidation
- Should always reset the tributary status if your liege is a tributary or suzer
- Fixed problem where you could get stuck in a war with your prepared invasions
target and receive the penalties for expiring the invasion timer
- Fixed with colors for raiders and made colors also differ more per tier level
- Fixed outdated localization for forts
- Fixed so dead people should no longer be title claimants, should no longer mak
e dead people win crusades.
- Lowered the amount of dignity de-jure capital gives so Kingdom of Venice don't
get more dignity than Empire of Italia.
- Added historical rulers for Sri Lanka.
- Converting to local religion via decision now costs Prestige and gives Piety.
- Pagan AI rulers now take more factors into account when greeting foreign preac
hers and deciding whether to convert. Factors include realm size, the threat of
dangerous holy wars, desire to reform their government, Pagan homeland attrition
- Unreformed Paganism is now much less likely to stay on as a major force after
the first 2-3 centuries in early starts.
- Non-nomadic characters won't ensure non-empty primary holdings in their counti
es on inheritance if that inheritance will make them nomadic.
- The game will now detect rare cases of nomad capital holdings being in non-cap
ital provinces and automatically fix the issue.
- Fixed a bug when provinces were incorrectly evaluated as occupied in some rare
- Fixed so governments are not re-evaluated on reloading a save, they should now
be persistent.
- Ticking war score won't be based on de jure titles for non-de jure casus belli
s anymore.
- Attrition information won't obscure the selection button when multiple units a
re selected anymore.
- Nomad buildings unlocks will now be shown in technology tooltips when playing
a nomad.
- Technology view building unlock tooltips formatting improved.
- Tribal holdings won't lose a part of their levy numbers incorrectly on success
ion anymore.
- Disease icons no longer overlap trade route icons in the province view.
- Dynasty name and patrician house title name are now being kept in sync when re
nmaing one of them.
- Fixed a bug where the game could hang after a nomad settled in a province with
no de jure empire.
- Mongol Empire, Golden Horde and Chagatai AI nomads don't settle anymore.
- Tribals don't switch their government to feudal when a kingdom is created on e
lective gavelkind succession anymore.
- Merchant republics are not blocked from building a trade post on a trade route
if they own the province anymore.
- Revoked title's succession law now switches to nomadic correctly when a nomad
gets the title.
- Invalid title relations where county holder is different than the capital hold
ing holder (if not empty) are now being detected and fixed each day.
- Next college cardinal score is now always 0 for incapable and imprisoned chara
- Non-khagan nomads can't subjugate empires anymore.

- Provinces with only one holdings are now counted as nomadic counties owned by
a nomad for clan land size computations.
- Both clan limit and clan land demand now only take nomadic counties into accou
- Minor clan revolt leader dying now causes the war to end properly.
- Betrothals don't invalidate the "Get Married" ambition anymore.
- Baronies that for some reason end up not being vassals of the county they're i
n are not getting stuck in the old realm when somebody wins the county in a war.
- If you have 50% or more horse archers you can no longer trigger the harass tac
- Can now stop an on-going assault
- Tweaks to diseases so they don't outbreak as often
- Now displays population instead of demesne in character view for nomads
- Now disables the banish button if it is not a valid action on a prisoner
- Now Linux can also use the social media buttons!
- Fixed succession bug caused in republics if the doge was revolting against his
- Portraits in the title view now update correctly each time the view is opened.
- Fixed a barber view crash.
- Fixed a rare crash that could happen when saving the game after a settlement h
ad been destroyed and not cleaned up properly.
- Laws for ducal titles now reset to default laws when the title is granted to s
omeone else.
- Female heir vassal opinion penalty doesn't apply to viceroylaty titles anymore
- Khan's can no longer conquer their way into the Holy See, they have to be elec
ted like everybody else
- Fixed bug causing assault to not be properly stopped
- Fixed problem with inheritance of claims in history
- Fixed problem when Nomads becomming unlanded preventing them from transforming
into raiding adventurers
- Capital is now set correctly when creating Castille, if Burgos province is own
- Fixed a bunch of text and other interface issues in the Spanish kingdom creati
on decisions and events.
- Added missing icons for the "Create Castille/Portugal/Aragon" decisons.
- Added new "W" icon for Wikipedia links.
- Can no longer trigger raid tactic if 50% of your army are horse archers.
- Constantinople province now has shipyards from 769.
- Events pop up on load again
- Inviting mercenaries to feasts now fire correctly
- The spawn_unit effect now supports scaling the troop numbers according to popu
- Use scaled_with_population_of to set a character or title whose population wil
l be used for scaling.
- Use for_population to set the reference population the troops numbers are mean
t for. The troop numbers will linearly scale when the actual population differs
from for_population.
- Added a add_population_scaled effect which adds/subtracts a portion of target'
s population.
- The game won't crash after increasing MAX_LEADERSHIP_TRAITS anymore. However,
only 2 trait icons will be displayed in the minor title view unless you add more
of them to honorary_titles_view_item.
- Fixed that count value wasn't used by the any_* effects
- Added MAX_HOLDINGS_IN_NOMADIC_PROVINCE define that sets how many holdings a co
unty can have in order for it to be counted as nomadic county owned by a nomad f
or clan land size computations.
- Fixed in prison trigger so it works when checking if he is not a prisoner when

the character is dead as well

- Fixed converter crash with specific scenario that had happened in a save
2015-07-17 v2.4.2
- Fixed a bug that could lead to game crashing on resigning.
- Fixed a bug where many coats of arms were black when running the game without
- Old mongol face pack no longer overrides the mongol unit pack.
- Byzantine portraits now show correctly with the dlc
- Fixed province occupation logic which sometimes incorrectly prevented some cla
n interaction from being valid.
- The occupation condition for the split clan interaction and the absorb clan in
teraction now apply only to the directly owned provinces.
- Fixed an issue where combat events could fire for the wrong characters.
- AI controlled Golden Horde, Chagatai or Mongol Empire will no longer take the
decision to change government from Nomadic Government.
- Added crusade weights for Reformed Norse in their homeland kingdoms.
- Added console command set_government <government tag> <optional character id>.
- Added console command max_tech <optional province id>.
- Added console command remove_settlement <barony or county key>.
- Fixed bug where the call to arms alert was visible when no ally could be calle
d to war.
- Nomads can no longer use the 'Make Primary Settlement' decision in their capit
- Nomads can now always use the change government decisions in minor holdings if
they own the county.
- It is now possible to move capital if being merchant republic if moving from a
province without a port to a city in a province with a port.
- Unplayable religious heads will now properly be theocracies.
- Fixed bug where duplicate family palaces were generated when forming a merchan
t republic and having merchant republic vassals.
- Patricians are no longer spawned from your vassals when becoming a merchant re
public if there is already an existing merchant republic in your realm.
- Family palaces of vassals patricians are now properly removed when the liege o
f the doge becomes a merchant republic.
- Added trigger num_of_government_vassals.
- It is now possible to access the splash screen with culture, religion and gove
rnment features in the interface by clicking the Features button just to the rig
ht of the character portrait.
- Removed the "part of continent" tooltip when hovering provinces in the British
- Fixed bug where republics could build tribal holdings.
- The observe button is now always shown when being an observer and having a cha
racter selected.
- It no longer costs prestige to attack your suzerain.
- The government splash screen now also mentions the governments tribals and nom
ads can change to, and that nomads can pillage settlements and abandon provinces
- Fixed bug where technology locked laws where shown twice in the technology too
- Added missing localisation for technology locked governments.
- "s" and "g" will no longer change mapmodes if there is a unit selected.

- Blocked trade route graphical glitch fixed.

- Unlanded characters getting a title due to wars or inheritance will now try to
preserve previous holder's government.
- Attrition information is no longer obscured by other interface elements when t
he unit is sieged.
- Customized nomads won't start with an extra army in an invalid province anymor
- Nomads created by splitting a clan have larger map color variety now.
- Fixed a bug when the top menu would hide after disbanding troops and opening t
he law view.
- "Become Genghis Khan" decision can't cause some vassals to go independent anym
- Doge's heir respect value is now shown correctly in the repulic view.
- Fixed a bug that prevented multiplayer games from being started when observers
were present.
- The host can be an observer in multiplayer games now.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused capitals to move on inheritance.
- Patricians don't give their newly built trade posts to their vassals anymore.
- It's no longer possible to start an invalid trade post construction.
- Provinces that only contain third-party holdings can be now occupied the same
way as empty provinces.
- Reinforcement cost of prestige-based retinues is now set to zero if the owner
doesn't have any prestige.
- Various event fixes.
- fixed bug where army movement arrow would stop showing progress
- Nomad clans now get their empire title immediately when going independent (pre
viously on daily tick)
- Shia title now properly claimed from the uprising
- Fixed bug where european merchant republics could build trade posts in india.
- Fixed double nomad capital bug
- A lot of tweaks to diseases to try and naturally clean up overpopulated courts
- Improved some stuttering issues when running at pseed 5
- Will generate a character for the reformed religion if there are no legible re
ligious heads.
- Fixed the trigger for building trade posts
- Should now properly call in nomads into a faction war
- Given kingdoms in Scandinavia some crusader weights for norse pagan reformed
- Should now only lower the music if background sound is high enough and not by
as much as it was before
- No longer plays a sound when you get money from tributaries
- Nerfed pillaging holdings
- The context music can now be controlled in the settings menu
- Historical setup errors are now shown in historical_setup_errors.log instead o
f error.log.
- Using the launch command fullhistoricalsetuplog will show all the historical s
etup errors and not just the important ones.
- The Missing scripted successor will no longer show up in the historical setup
log if the history entry is before 1066.9.7. (MISSING_SCRIPTED_SUCCESSOR_ERROR_C
UTOFF in defines.lua)
- The uses_prestige_for_law_change government effect now works the same way as u
- Added government effect builds_with_piety.
- free_revoke_on_tiers will no longer always state that revocation is allowed on
- Cultures are now scripted with a list of graphical cultures instead of just al
lowing two.

2015-07-09 v2.4.1
- Fixes crash by Province view trying to view a new born ruler's tax liege too q
uickly when giving him his first title.
- Fixed crash where AI was trying to remove non-existant units.
- Fixed crash caused by AI foreign minister evaluating embargos.
- Fixed crash when changing settings.
- Fixed a crash related to AI stopping leaving a plot.
- Fixed a rare threading-related crash.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when characters were dying while at war.
- Fixed a crash that was happening after leaving the tutorial after the first wa
r chapter.
- Fixed a crash that could happen while killing units in a battle.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when setting up combat results.
- Revised the "De Jure Claim" CB for baronies so that it takes _all_ holdings in
the county
- Fixed a new bug preventing the "other_dejure_county_claim" CB from working
- Tribal 'Shipbuilder' buildings now cost Prestige, not Gold
- Lowered the base cost of the Tribal gold buildings (to 25, 50, 75, 100 from 50
, 100, 100, 100)
- Tribal Feudalization is now a normal Major decision that requires not being an
unreformed Pagan and a capital Castle or a Stone Fort, as well as either having
Absolute Tribal Organization OR a Feudal liege
- Converting Tribal Holdings now also creates a City and Temple holding, if the
province is big enough (enough Holding Slots)
- Blocked Tribals from offering non-tribals to become their vassals
- Tribals and Nomads are now correctly prevented from having anything but Agnati
c Law
- Changed Nomad Succession so that Clan chiefs with a bigger population than the
Khagan can inherit. They must have at least 1000 more Prestige than the best re
lative of the Khagan (but this is modified by their Population / Khagan Populati
- Fixed CTD when scripting an invalid region in the region trigger.
- CTD fix loading a save.
- CTD fix when deleting dynamic titles with de facto vassals.
- Fixed bug where AI could start building duplicate trade posts.
- Fixed bug where merchant republics persisted even when the doge lost his last
- Fixed bug where lowborn historical characters did not properly become nomad wh
en supposed to.
- Fixed crash when entering observer mode.
- Opinions are no longer automatically removed for being "empty" when characters
are hostile due to looting.
- Fixed bug where raiders got stuck on their fleet.
- Nomad raiding adventurer titles are no longer inherited.
- AI will now handle sieges in nomad lands better.
- Raiding adventurers now buy troops properly.
- Sieging down a fort will now properly start the next siege.
- Tribals now use prestige to build tribal holdings.
- Music enabled for steam music player
- Province tooltips will now display the distance between that province and the
selected province.
- The "Call All" button in the military view will no longer show characters alre
ady in all your wars in the tooltip.
- Merchant republic houses are now alphabetically sorted in the republic view.
- Fixed bug where you could split clans to go over the max clan size.
- AI is no longer able to assign invalid commanders.

- Fixed issue where the clan size was calculated incorrectly when determining if
one should keep subjugated nomads as nomads or not.
- AI will no longer take the adopt faith decision if it is zealous or would be c
onverting from a reformed religion to a unreformed one.
- AI is now more likely to take the adopt faith decision to become a reformed re
ligion from being a unreformed one.
- AI will no longer change government from nomad to feudal/republic if having be
low 15 castles/cities (10 as content and 20 as ambitious).
- Balanced nomad retinues and their costs.
- Fixed bug where going back in history gave the wrong government to rulers who
had their capital province settlements swapping places.
- Fixed bug where remove_settlement commands were used before capital commands i
n province history. The capital command must always be used first.
- Destroying a holy site settlement will now first try to make another temple ho
lding a holy site before doing so with the county.
- Fixed bug where character and capital modifiers for manpower growth was used i
- Fixed bug where the spawn unit effect could not find any province.
- Renamed "civilian population" to "population"
- Renamed "population" to "population and manpower"
- Fixed bug where you could get empty province sieges from provinces with settle
- Tooltip for building trade posts now shows that the county must be owned in or
der to build on it if it is on the silk road.
- It is no longer possible to use the pillage_settlement decision on settlements
in your realm if you are not independent.
- Fixed bug where nomad AI did not buy retiunes when supposed to due to having t
oo little gold.
- The unused manpower modifier on garrison is now shown in the correct row.
- No longer displays two "--------------" in a row in the levy tooltip.
- Fixed bug where validating government at game start checked the wrong province
- Fixed bug where primary settlements were incorrectly set when going back and f
orth through history.
- Generated nomads due to missing characters in history will now properly get a
clan title.
- Now properly states that holy orders are not playable due to being Holy Orders
, instead of stating that it was due to being a Theocracy.
- Nomad view clan entries now display civilian population instead of total popul
- Non independent nomads will no longer keep tribal holdings for burning.
- Added on action on_ai_end_raid.
- Raiding Adventurers should now be cleared properly.
- Event logs are now only executed if debug_script is enabled.
- You can now tribalise as nomad in tribal holdings.
- Tribalising will now set religion and culture in that province.
- You can no longer tribalise when at war.
- Fixed bug where trade post interactions replaced settlement interactions when
opening the trade post interaction view.
- Provinces without primary settlements will no longer always have the first set
tlement controller as province controller.
- Suzerains no longer get any prestige or opinion penalty for declining tributar
y call to arms.
- Fixed bug where certain nomad modifiers were calculated several times.
- You can no longer change government as nomadic in your clan vassals sub-realm.
- Fixed bug where auto assignment of commanders assigned one commander too many.
- Governments with free retract vassalage will no longer incorrectly say that re
tracting vassalage will "breach the feudal contract".
- Added several entries to the game start screen government texts and improved e
xisting ones.

- Characters no longer have to be of YOUR government to be okay with tyranny act

ions towards vassals with forced contract. They can now be of any government NOT
in forced contract.
- Fixed bug where splash screen scrollbar was visible after loading save.
- Fixed bug where nomads did not feudalize when supposed to.
- Fixed bug where non-nomadic rulers sometimes had empty holdings as primary pro
vince holdings at game start.
- AI is now more prone to disband retinues with prestige costs.
- Nomads now start with a more dynamic amount of troops.
- AI will now avoid using provinces with settlements to split their clan.
- Portraits in the republic view are now updated when supposed to.
- Fixed bug where spawned raiding adventurer lost the landless title immediately
- Fixed bug where landless characters could be selectable in the lobby.
- AI is no longer able to move its capital when at war.
- Fixed bug where assigning marshals did not always resign them as commanders.
- Fixed bug where adventurers did not educate their children and would refuse ha
ving their parents educating them.
- Fixed bug where landless clans did not become independent.
- Fixed bug where nomad holdings were not destroyed when a clan became extinct.
- Added missing localisation for tribal holdings.
- AI rulers that can not afford to build forts will no longer prioritize occupyi
ng empty provinces.
- Fixed bug where ticking warscore was not always generated.
- The realm tree now shows the correct government portrait frames.
- It is no longer possible to use the 'Make Primary Holding' decision as a merch
ant republic in the capital province.
- The AI will now properly use the 'Make Primary Holding' decision on their pref
erred settlement types.
- Non-seafarers will no longer raid using boats.
- CTD fix when getting tooltip for monthly prestige and piety.
- Converting from nomad to tribal will now give the new tribal prestige holdings
buildings based on tech.
- Added nomad to tribal conversion mapping for Hillforts/Camp fortifications, Sh
ipyard/Harbour and Felt crafter/Market town buildings.
- Inactive buildings will no longer convert to other settlement buildings.
- Rebalanced the event troops on the steppes in The Old Gods bookmark.
- You can no longer demand religious conversion on vassals when you are at war.
- Zun festival will now invite vassals even when they are leading troops (they s
till can't be at war).
- Blocked some province events against empty provinces.
- Nomads can no longer see the create custom empire decision.
- Raiding adventurers troops should now properly have their looting status remov
ed when they declare a war.
- Removed starting gold from Khazars in the 867 bookmark.
- Added Abandon Trade Post decision.
- You can no longer demand religious conversion on vassals when you are at war.
- Frisian ai characters are now allowed to create k_frisia.
- Fixed a bug where you could attempt to call allies into your wars again and ag
- The Dynasty and Dynasty-based title CoAs in the lobby now actually match those
in the game
- Corrected some bad grammar in old event texts
- Cut crappy event '3286' (reward random vassal)
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip on Titles not specifying the Gender Succession La
- Added correct event borders to the old "bastard_events.txt"
- Tweaked the chance of unmarried lovers having children
- Fixed an issue with Gavelkind where it could appear as if different heirs coul
d inherit provincial capital holdings

- Concubines now only have personal opinions of their man

- Corrected text for event 5053
- Fixed a text glitch where a Concubine lover was called "Lover"
- Some text fixes to the revised barony de jure claim CB
- Lowered the revolt risk from "Heretic Stronghold"
- Fixed some cases where, incorrectly, through event effects and CBs, the title
history would say the ruler was "granted" the title
- Fixed a bug with lots of enemy courtiers joining your court after successful H
oly Wars (and possibly some other types of war as well.)
- Increased the revolt risk reduction from crushing revolts
- Fixed inappropriate event option text in event 60101
- Fixed glitch with Clan Overrun
- The music will now fade when opening the technology view, as in the other main
- Nomad View: Improved tooltip for "Max Number of Clans"
- You now get less Prestige from declining the Royal Marriage tax if you have a
low yearly income
- Tweaked AI propensity for picking the Seduction Focus, generally lowering the
- Improved text for event WoL.590
- All religions that allow female temple holders can now also have female court
- Fixed bug in faction demand for a duchy which would cause old liege to go inde
pendent if he owned a single county in a different de-jure duchy
- Fixed bug that caused vassals of faction leader to go independent on conclusio
n of faction war.
- Can now get religion switch event within groups as well for mercenaries.
- Fixed bug in nomad succession where dead guy could inherit the Khaganate, this
is not DPRK.
- Fixed issue letting everyone rename each others dynasties in multiplayer
- Added kill_yourself and die console commands.
- Fixed invalid interface shown for decadence morale.
- Liege who gets vice royalty title can still use succession laws now.
- Landless characters should now be able to raise mercenaries and holy orders.
- Now tribal fishing villages can be built next to lakes.
- Nomads can no longer switch culture by education.
- Tweaked the pillage settlement decision on foreign land.
- No longer loses access to provinces when sieged for calculating max population
, was too punishing if you would get full capped, new system only slows down gro
wth instead.
- Moved fort upgrade to the build settlement view instead and is done automatica
lly so you get proper discount.
- Increased amount of tech gained from tributaries as nomad.
- Fixed so population don't die so fast by being raided.
- Fixed issues with laws and inheritance in Khaganates when the Khagan becomes i
nvalid for his position.
- Outsiders of a clan can no longer inherit the clan
- Warscore tooltip now shows the score breakdown including information about an
imprisoned war leader.
- Raiding will now remove the "at peace for too long" penalty.
- Nomad GUI fixes.
- Appointing a commander or marshal will unassign the character from leading tro
ops if it's no longer possible for the character to lead them.
- Unit owner is now always at least considered when assigning a unit leader.
- Minor title selection glitch fix.
- Automatic call to arms acceptance messages work correctly now.
- Passing holdings now updates the government correctly for previously unlanded
- Cleaned up some trigger tooltips.
- Nomad capital position won't reset on succession for emperors anymore.

- It's no longer possible to order a councilor to improve tech in a province whe

re the tech can't spread.
- Tech can spread in provinces that only have a trade post now.
- Primary holding is now ensured on changing de facto liege on game start.
- Clan demands for land and clan limit are now computed correctly in presence of
wars with clan chiefs being under attacking liege.
- Renamed "civilian population" to "population".
- Renamed "population" to "population and manpower".
- Holy sites are now set correctly when loading a save with temples built in ori
ginally empty holy site provinces.
- Nomad relations now update correctly in the nomad view after a nomad is absorb
- Custom silk road building tooltips added.
- Vassals imprisoning an enemy will cause the warscore to be 100 now.
- New units will now correctly join a siege after splitting the original unit in
- Player won't get stuck in tutorial when they get betrothed instead of married
- Historical tributary relations are now correctly displayed in the lobby.
- Clan titles won't have de jure drift anymore.
- Nomadic vassals don't care about other vassals getting their titles revoked an
- Trade route occupation is now computed correctly when there is a non-occupatio
n province owner/controller mismatch.
- Nomad won't get their dynasty name from the khagan anymore.
- The game won't say the game state is corrupted after clicking multiplayer and
back now.
- Revolt titles won't be inherited by people against whom the revolts rose anymo
- Fixed a bug when it wasn't possible to interact with the family palace in some
- Warscore tooltip now shows the score breakdown including information about an
imprisoned war leader.
- Event HL.5001 is now creating historical characters so they're not deleted as
a reference to them is kept in the event chain.
- Trade route endings graphics added.
- Credits updated with all QA that have been working on Horse Lords
- Invite to plot list now shows all plotters that would be invited by auto-invit
- Fixed weird inland tradepost overlap with graphics
- Added a "quickbuild" command which will cause all player constructions to fini
sh in one day.
- Create character effect now can set up the new character as historical (e.g. w
on't ever be pruned from the database), use historical = yes
- Arrow width is now set to the "size" parameter from arrows.gfx correctly.
- Fixed some bugs with tooltips for saved event targets
- In scripted CBs, "check_de_jure_tier = COUNT" now works too
- Added on action on_ai_end_raid.
- The can_grant_claim flag in religion now properly controls whether the head of
that religion can grant claims or not.
- Hints can now be scripted to use smooth list boxes using the list_box_text-key
. smoothListboxType-elements must be used instead of instantTextBoxType in the g
- Added effects unsafe_war and reverse_unsafe_war, working as the war and unsafe
_war effects, but without ensuring the CB can be used.
- Added trigger religion_allows_female_temple_holders.

- The spawn_unit effect will now spawn units on any other unit if there is no ot
her valid location (instead of not spawning the units at all).
- The province trigger now also work in character and title scopes.
- Moved laws and governments to separate folders.
- Added Mongol tributary state in 1066 - 1124.
- Rescaled the random weights of the crushing charge tactic.
- Crushing charge tactic is now unavailable before 10 days of combat.
2015-07-14 v2.4 Horse Lords
- Enhanced and renamed the Independent Realms mapmode to Realms mapmode.
- Press Control + Left Click to show Sub-Realms of displayed realm ( Add
ed to new Realm mapmode ).
- Press Control + Right Click to hide Sub-Realms of opened realm ( Added
to new Realm mapmode ).
- Added Regions button to Province View, it allows to show all regions that curr
ent province belongs to on the map.
- Press Left Click on regions button to highlight next region on the map
- Press Right Click on regions button to deselect region.
- Added to Find Titles ability to find regions by name.
- Revised the pagan Subjugation CB so that it completely subjugates the target b
ut no Holdings change hands
- Added "Stop Seduction" and "Stop Spying" decisions
- Failing to imprison vassals of vassals now correctly forces them to abdicate a
nd flee the realm
- Added Decisions to move prisoners between the Dungeon, the Oubliette and House
- Banishment no longer seizes all titles, but simply forces the victim to abdica
- Added a bunch of new straits (not for geographical reasons, but for gameplay r
- Added geographical regions to the scripting language.
- Added new provinces in Outer Mongolia and Tarim Basin.
- It is now possible to gain the Crusader/Mujahid trait as a character of any re
ligion participating in a Crusade/Jihad.- Reduced size of savegames ( up to 15%
smaller lategame )
- Fixed a situation that caused corruption of savegames ( should also fix corrup
ted savegames on load )
- Rewrote management of characters to prevent late-game CTD's
- Fixed so generating naval ranges doesn't take ages anymore, its now lazy calcu
lated on demand
- Fixed issue with subunits referring to dead characters somehow sometimes, shou
ld no longer CTD
- No more CTD if war overview screen for a crusade is open when it ends
- Fixed various crashes caused by combats
- Fixed bug that caused the AI to not utilize all cores available in CPU
- Optimized pathfinding code
- Made AI faster when checking among its armies which one should do a certain ta
- Optimized culling of none-visible objects
- Optimized fatwa, zun judgement, blinding and castrate decisions to no longer c
ompletely kill performance when enormous empires have started forming.
- Optimized the selection of potential events for characters

- Human played characters now have a overlay on their portraits.

- Units with a player character in it now have an icon indicating this.
- Added a new right click interaction window for titles and settlements.
- Added plots, focus and ambitions to the diplomatic menu.
- Added title and settlement decisions, found in the title and settlement intera
ction menu.
- Added tribal tax and levy laws.
- Added a government mapmode.
- It is now possible to switch county capitals if you hold both the current coun
ty capital and the barony you wish to become the new capital.
- You can now freely move your capital to holdings which are not supported by yo
ur government, but doing so will not automatically change the government you hav
- Fixed CTD when deleting a save game after entering another folder.
- Fixed CTD when loading corrupted saves.
- Fixed CTD when right-clicking on unit flags.
- Fixed CTD when using the era picker after loading a save.
- Fixed CTD when closing the Cancel Ambition and Cancel Plot windows with the en
ter key while hovering the cancel button.
- Fixed CTD when searching for non-existent titles.
- Fixed CTD when using the console commands to add attributes with the wrong num
ber of arguments.
- Fixed CTD when loading multiple saves in a row.
- Fixed CTD using the revolt console command with the wrong number of arguments.
- Added a Minor Title view (found in the court view).
- Added commander titles.
- Flank leaders can now only be the ruler, your marshal or a vassal or courtier
with a commander title.
- Commanders can not lead their own demesne troops.
- Flank leaders are now entirely separated from subunit leadership.
- Subunits are affected by the combat modifier of both subunit commanders and th
e flank leader.
- Republic
- Must now be at least a king level ruler in order to expel the Jews.
- Fixed a bug where it was sometimes not possible to readmit the Jews after expe
lling them (even though the cooldown timer had expired).
- If Jews have previously been expelled from the realm and the ruler then conver
ts to Judaism, Jews will now immediately be readmitted.
- It's now possible to get the Great Hunt achievement even if you have previousl
y acquired another lifestyle than hunting.
- Messalian women can now hold council positions and lead armies if their liege
is also Messalian.
- Various improvements and fixes to text in events etc.
- Various translation fixes.
- A number of minor fixes and improvements in event triggers.
- If you decide to spare someone's life at the blot you can no longer return for
them to sacrifice them later during the same blot.
- Demanding Fatwas, castrating, blinding and throwing people into pits are now a
ll targeted decisions.
- Characters who love their spouses very much are now less likely to join holy o
- A marriage is now dissolved if one of the spouses joins a holy order.
- Characters will not join Holy Orders if spouse is currently pregnant with nonbastard child.
- Now possible to gain the Strategist lifestyle trait. Added new text, event and
modifiers to support this.
- The Saxon Band is now only available before 1100, unless there is still an Ang
lo-Saxon realm around after that.

- Only Zoroastrians can now restore the Zoroastrian Priesthood.

- Women can now gain the Crusader trait under the same circumstances that men do
- When Catholic rulers accept the Mending of the Schism, only catholic courtiers
that are their subjects now convert along with them (i.e. no foreign pagan pris
oners suddenly becoming Orthodox).
- Fixed a bug where not sacrificing prisoners stopped blot from proceeding.
- Vassals petitioning liege on behalf of prisoners is now less common and makes
more sense.
- Chief Qadi must now be same religion as liege.
- Changed the expectations placed on a Chief Qadi by your subjects.
- No longer possible to start observing Ramadan if you are sick.
- The "Become Heir" ambition is now correctly cancelled if the character becomes
an independent ruler.
- Jewish crusade target weights added for several kingdoms.
- An AI top liege will now never restore Rome to the Pope if a player owns it or
is the liege of its owner.
- Achievements "Great Indian Sultanate and "Saint Thomas dream" should now work
as intended.
- Notifications are now sent correctly to plotters when a ruler takes a spouse o
r child into or out of hiding.
- Fixed various provinces in India that had no rulers scripted for some start da
- Updated faulty localisation function in the last event of the business focus t
rade route chain.
- Paranoid parents should no longer worry about potential plots against dead chi
- Reworked Holmgang events to use personal combat skill rather than martial skil
- Reduced mean time to happen for Holmgang if you have War focus.
- Fixed a rare case when duels could break.
- Duels now potentially gives the kinslayer trait.
- Shortened the text of one outcome of duels to avoid long names making the text
too large for the event window.
- Fixed minor typos in localisation.
- The lustful cabin can no longer cause multiple pregnancies or create children
between two female lovers.
- Handsome and lustful men now also populate the cabins in the wild for the plea
sures of people who find them attractive.
- Various text, tooltip and bug-fixes to old events.
- You no longer feel like you're partying on your own when inviting people that
are not your vassals.
- Some fixes for the never ending tournament/furusiyya.
- You no longer punish yourself when a prisoner tries to flee from your prison b
y charming the guard.
- Fixed a minor error in the tactics script.
- Fixed a couple of issues with the business focus.
- Removed duplicate name entries in 00_cultures.txt and 00_dynasties.txt.
- Fixed faulty name for traits and religions in conversion_decisions.txt and hol
- Reworked create Hungary decision to spawn a set amount of troops and to set yo
ur government to feudal.
- Added text for the outliner when disabling the tech alert.
- Updated island regions for AI-behavior.
- You no longer feel bad for having a romantic relationship with your spouse.
- You're no longer teleported to your capitol to lead armies when you raise armi
es with tribal jobs or the take the tribal army decisions.
- You'll no longer try to talk to your dead children when you have the family fo
- Your sparring partner no longer wields a limb-creating healing stick when he a

ccidentally hits you.

- You can no longer arrange a ball in the dungeons.
- The ai no longer tries to straighten up dynasty members when there's a player
in the dynasty that has the opportunity to take the decision.
- Family bliss achievement now correctly fires from family bliss conditions rath
er than mudslinger achievement conditions.
- Until Death Do Us Part achievement is now attainable even if your murder plot
is not discovered.
- Lope II de Vasconia now also starts with the count title of Armagnac in the 76
9 start date.
- Some hindu characters now properly get their sect traits at game start.
- Go tiger hunting no longer disappears after creating a custom Empire in India.
- Refactored 'Become Samrat Chakravartin' to use regions to better work with cus
tom empire titles.
- Iron Crown achievement no longer requires you to start with lombard culture.
- Saint Thomas Dream achievement now works with custom kingdoms.
- All indian feast events should now also fire for custom titles.
- Custom kingdoms in the Bengal region can now hold Kali Puja feast.
- Refactored lots of old events to use the region triggers instead of de-jure tr
- You can no longer found the Empire of India while being a vassal.
- Improved historical tech setup.
- Fixed old issues with position of cities and troops in some provinces.
- Fixed a bunch of old database issues.
- Fixed an issue with the trade route chain that could create the trade route fo
r the other party instead.
- Top placing dynasty members in the furusiyya events now properly decrease deca
dence for the ruling dynasty.
- The Orthodox Patriarch is now concerned if Orthodox rulers have heathens in th
eir court.
- Runestones no longer tries to mention non-existing parents.
- The strategist trait now has a combat modifier for 20% defence.
- The hunter trait now has a combat modifier for 20% bonus during pursue phase.
- The administrator trait now has a combat modifier for 10% movement speed.
- The architect trait now has a combat modifier for 20% bonus to sieges.
- The game master trait now has a combat modifier for 30% bonus to narrow flanks
- Events that remove the possessed trait now also remove related character modif
iers and flags.
- Unborn Shiite Caliphate claimants no longer arrive early before they are born.
- Faqih trait is no longer considered a lifetyle trait.
- Crusader and Mujahid traits are now opposites.
- Get married and Acquire landed title ambitions are no longer available for mon
k or nun courtiers.
- Women will now also ask for a job title if they are allowed to hold it and are
more qualified than the current council member.
- Added additional wikipedia links for historical characters.
- Old Events trigger optimization.
- Paulician characters can now interact with Holy Sepulchre holy order decisions
additionally Messalian can now only interact with the Saint Addai holy order de
- Convert to liege's religion and convert to parent religion decisions are now c
orrectly blocked if you are the head of a religion.
- The Yazidi Sheikh and Hurufi Caliph now have access to the Muslim subjugation
CB and the Jihad CB.
- The Paulician faith can now properly mend the schism.
- The Hashshashins can now resurface after being scattered.
- Defensive religions now properly also give defensive modifiers for Camel Caval
ry and Elephants.
- Monks and other people living in celibacy will no longer try to arrange stealt

h marriages if ruled by a patrician.

- The court chaplain mission proselytize can no longer convert non-adult courtie
rs in the target province.
- Vassals might now get the trait sympathy for Indian religions when you force c
onvert them.
- Raising tribal armies no longer requires you to have positive wealth.
- Added "GetBoyGirl", "GetBoyGirlCap", "GetBoyGirlOpp", "GetBoyGirlOppCap" text
- Added support for adding properties to create_character effect.
- Kingdom of Castille's de jure capital is now set as Burgos.
- Characters that convert from Hinduism no longer keep their patron deity.
- You are no longer allowed to vassalize holy orders by decision as Jerusalem if
there's a truce between the involved parties.
- Discovering two vassals of the same sex engaging in carnal activities during p
agan feasts no longer let's the liege join in on the fun.
- Low Trade practices tech negative trade post limit now goes from -100% at tech
0 to 0% at tech 3. Down from -150% at tech 0 to 0% at tech 3.
- Fixed a bug with the 'Witch Nanny' being able to hold the Court Chaplain job
- Fixed incorrect use of obsolete title 'd_severians' in the title database
- Fixed text bug in event WoL.1161
- Fixed incorrect tooltip in event 100181
- Fixed a bug with the 'church_unfunny' modifier
- Fixed a serious script bug in many CBs vs your liege
- AI: Improved choice scripts for Intrigue focus events WoL.2110 and WoL.2120 (m
urder and abduction)
- The base 'factor' in 'ai_will_do' field in decisions no longer has to be an in
- When your heir has an equal tier title to yours, _your_ laws are now copied to
his primary title on succession
- Character Finder: The 'Married' filter now excludes concubines too
- Character Finder: Councillors now correctly show up too!
- The 'same_religion_opinion' modifier now works in event modifiers as well as i
n traits
- Blocked impregnation by female lovers or modded female 'husbands'
- Blocked invitations to court of concubines and married women
- Lovers and Friends might accept invitations to your court
- Family Focus: fixed some issues with improved relations between dead family me
- Fixed serious bug with event target 'FROM', preventing, among other things, th
e claim fabrication job
- Fixed a problem with allies of vassals staying in the war when the vassals's l
iege joins the other side
- Character View: Spouses and concubines of the player who are also the player's
lovers are now listed as such
- Removed obsolete define CREATE_ANTIPOPE_AUTHORITY_LOSS
- Fixed inconsistency in tooltip explaining loss of Religious Authority on antip
ope creation
- Vassal popes now receive taxes from bishops instead of the pope's liege
- Vassal popes now pay taxes to their liege, unless they dislike him (negative o
- Fixed the Crown Authority laws so that the unreformed pagan check is future pr
oofed (and also blocks unreformed Zunists from changing them)
- Fixed a bug preventing the 'banish_religion' effect from working
- Fixed some broken kinship checks vs lovers
- Lovers in prison can no longer get impregnated normally
- Changed confusing tooltips on province culture and religion
- Realm View: Added better tooltip explaining why you cannot create Mercenary or
Holy Order titles
- Betrothals are now broken when a character gets a trait with 'cannot_marry' (s
uch as Monk)

- The Hashshashin Order now also works for former Shiite heresies that have beco
me mainstream
- Blocked the "Arrange Marriage" action from even being listed vs married or con
cubine courtiers
- Fixed a bug with the location of imprisoned characters
- Improved the tooltips for why you cannot pick a Focus or Ambition
- Focuses: Moved some potential triggers to the allow field for better clarity
- Gavelkind: Fixed an issue with the capital county inheritance where the primar
y title is titular
- The opinion modifier effects tooltip now includes the name of the modifier
- Fixed an issue where Patricians could not select a spouse
- Added tooltip for why you cannot play commanders within Holy Orders
- Fixed bug titular title holders would not get the Papal action Piety discount
from Papal investiture
- Fixed bug with still being able to change laws while in a Regency
- Fixed bug with the Victual Brothers and the Knights Hospitaller not having eno
ugh ships to transport their troops
- Increased Crown Authority now correctly affects the opinions of Temple and Bur
gher vassals too
- Imprisoned courtiers who manage to escape through event 50001 now also flee th
e realm
- Changed AI reason text for why Muslims will not consider marriage offers from
- No longer possible to pick a new ambition through the right-click menu if your
current one cannot be cancelled
- Fixed a bug with the first ornamental letter not being shown in Narrative even
t windows if it was lower case
- Added "GetFatherMotherCap" and "GetSonDaughterCap" text variables
- Fixed some bugs with Primogeniture and the purple born system
- Muslims are now allowed to fire their Court Imam if he is of another religion!
- Fixed some cases of ANY_ALL in location tooltips
- Fixed the odd costs of various traits in the ruler designer
- Fixed many religious Papal events so they also work for the Fraticelli pope
- Sunset Invasion: The Aztecs only flip the culture and religion of their arriva
l province if they win the initial war
- Sons with traits blocking them from inheritance no longer count as "unlanded s
ons", causing prestige loss
- Fixed a confusing rounding error in "needed counties held" to create titles
- New vassal religious heads now take their culture from their liege
- Hid a misleading portrait in event WoL.2080
- Fixed DB error with d_athens in 1312
- Fixed some freeze bugs related to circular liege hierarchies
- Fixed a pretty serious bug with the automatic movement of spouses and concubin
es when employers change
- Fixed an issue with the default succession and secondary titles in Merchant Re
- Fixed a bug with the 'spouse' field in plots only working on your primary wife
- No longer allowed to order your heir to take the vows if imprisoned by someone
- Vassal Holy Orders and Mercs with a 'primary' type title who lead revolts no l
onger get a temporary revolter title
- Added missing adjective form of the kingdom of Saxony
- Fixed some issues with 'excommunication' for Yazidis
- Merchant republics can no longer grant away any title de jure above the capita
l city
- Fixed misleading text for Designating heir in the Indian religions
- Fixed a bug with Nestorian still being listed in the 'Mend the Great Schism' e
- Children who are imprisoned now lose their current guardian if from outside th
e realm

- No longer possible to grant Temple Holdings to children

- Anglo-Saxons are now also allowed to create the Kingdom of Saxony
- Changed the listed order of the event options in event WoL.115
- Updated the description of the Cathar religion
- Added missing notification events for Zoroastrian and Jewish great holy wars
- Adjusted tooltip for 'Arrange Betrothal' to avoid mention of Europe
- Added missing claims on England to the children of William the Conqueror
- Fixed completely broken trigger 'any_close_relative'
- Fixed bug with Kharijites in events SoA.5313 and SoA.5301
- Increased the priority of the contraction of disease message
- Fixed a bug where the Call to War status was reset on reload
- Faction leaders can no longer present an ultimatum while ANY Holding in their
own realm is occupied
- Added max childbearing age check to event 76005 (unwed daughter)
- Made religious head titles always show their special CoA
- Now possible to specify a 'icon_religion' field in decisions
- Added missing icons to various religious conversion Decisions
- Fixed the broken display of Seize Trade Post plots
- Ambitious claimant adventurers now move out of the realm if they are targettin
g their liege
- Fixed a problem with the 'gain_settlements_under_title' and enemies being vass
alized when they should not be
- Now allowed to call allies in claim wars against liege
- AI will not join wars against spouse
- 'ai_will_do' fields in decisions can now handle modifiers down to a factor of
- AI: Toned down seduction by characters with many children
- AI: Toned down impregnation chances for seduction affairs with characters with
many children
- Fixed a bug with kingdom adjudication on succession where an heir could steal
a capital from an unrelated third party
- Added several missing Alert names for the Outliner
- Removed inappropriate references to Europe in some map mode tooltips
- Blocked the subjugation CB against rebels
- Fixed some issues where invalid heirs could still inherit under Tanistry
- No longer possible to banish your spouse or concubine
- The 'intermarry' field in religions can now take religion group as well as a s
pecific religion
- Zun pagans can now properly intermarry with the Zoroastrian and Indian religio
n groups
- Fixed a bug where the Chancellor might discover himself trying to fabricate a
claim on his own titles and kill himself (event 20147)
- AI: Improved the effect of the gender succession law on heir nomination
- Added missing text EXPENSE_TRIBUTE
- AI: Fixed an issue with incorrect evaluation of potential concubines
- Fixed a bug with negative war score from certain occupied Holdings
- Religions with autocephaly are now allowed to appoint non-rulers as Court Chap
lains if they have no vassal bishops
- William the Bastard now gets "the Conqueror" nickname again if he succeeds wit
h the invasion
- The wasteland county tooltip no longer shows "noculture" and "noreligion" in s
ome map modes
- Now allowed to give de jure vassal counties to vassal Merchant Republics regar
dless of other rules
- Patricians can now get the "Get Married" ambition
- Re-enabled the full tooltip for the 'has_plot' trigger, since it should now ac
tually work
- Wars directly involving cardinals who are then elected Pope now always invalid
- Fraticelli Popes can now also demand Papal Investiture through event 67000

- Popes no longer demand Papal Investiture on secondary kingdoms or empires (eve

nt 67000)
- Invalidated Great Holy Wars no longer fire a major event saying they succeeded
- Fixed some issues with inappropriate on_actions being fired by invalidated war
- Fixed inconsistency in Decadence rounding in the interface
- The Revoke Title Interaction is now grayed out if there are no valid titles to
- Fixed spelling error in event 3021
- Failed rebels (population uprisings and adventurers) now lose all their money
when the war ends
- Improved the text description of Temple Holdings
- Higher revolt risk now increases actual revolt chance exponentially
- When many types of provincial rebels spawn or reinforce, the local revolt risk
is massively reduced
- Improved tooltip for the 'add_character_modifier' and 'add_province_modifier'
effects when they have unlimited duration
- Added support for a 'min' field to effect 'scaled_wealth'
- The Royal Aid marriage tax now always gives at least 10 gold
- Removed a check blocking older women from getting married with men who could p
otentially take concubines or multiple wives
- The Embargo CB can now only be used if the target has any trade posts in your
- Tribal vassal opinion modifiers in Laws now actually work
- It is no longer possible to send chancellor to the wrong province in the tutor
- Fixed a scenario where sue for peace made the tutorial get stuck.
- Repositioned some windows in tutorial.
- Changed localization text for tutorial in Chapter one.
- It is no longer shown Elective Gavelkind in non tribal governments.
- Solved bug with banishing character that than stayed in the court.
- Rising tribal army army will no longer teleport the king from any other army.
- Underaged rulers are not allowed to lead armies any more.
- 'Suppress revolt' option works correctly for provinces of your vassals.
- Mapmode now updates after sending councillors on jobs.
- Fixed the bug with showing Aztec religion icons.
- Fixed the bug when the player couldn't marry betrothed.
- Improved evaluation of build time and build cost in provinces.
- Added support for Enter key to start the game in multiplayer Hosting and Joini
ng game menus.
- Changed the conditions for customization of dynastic shield in Single and Mult
- It is no longer allowed to destroy contested titles.
- Now during the conversion of government all new laws are set to default.
- It is no longer any delay of updating spouse in character view after getting m
- Pope never switches to any other holding title.
- Fixed the situation when list dropped down when the time was ticking.
- Fixed Message Box so that all raised messages will have portraits.
- Now when your character dies ledger pages are updating properly.
- Now pressing a claimants claim that is De Jure of any of your titles will make
him your vassal.
- Fixed the bug with Depose Antipope Casus Beli when it was not deposing antipop
- Fixed the bug with the disabled betrothal between persons of the same dynasty.
- Tolerance technology no longer affects just landed characters.
- Now when loosing to a claimant faction you become the new rulers vassal.
- Disabled granting last county title if you had a lot of barony titles.
- Added opinion modifier when granted title includes lower titles.
- Fixed the bug with disabled asking for crusade against Ilkhanate, Aztecs and s

o on.
- Now in outliner for settlements will be used it actual names.
- Build time and cost modifiers now affect build time and cost of settlements.
- Province modifier is now updated on tech investment.
- Prisoner's opinion in prisoner list is now of player rather than prisoner's li
- Fixed the issue when Ironman checkbox didn't affect loaded save game.
- Fixed the bug when army arrows dissapeared during the movement.
- Fixed the bug when ruler designer didn't disappear after pressing "Back" butto
- Now during switching between alerts all previous views will hide properly.
- Rgen, land and Djerba are no longer considered to be ocean terrain provinces.
- Troop strength is now scheduled to be recalculated ASAP after buying a retinue
- Inheritors now inherit budget estimations in case they are larger than they cu
rrent estimations (prevents some exploits).
- Changed the republic trade zone map mode to trade zone map mode
- Republic characters can grant capital landed titles now.
- Fixed a bug preventing some settlements from being renamed after name-changing
events like changing the government etc.
- Landless AI religious heads are not prevented from starting crusades anymore.
- Tutorial messages now use the correct court chaplain and spymaster actions' na
- Wrong government type tax/levy/garrison modifiers are now applied multiplicati
vely just before calculating the final tax/levy/garrison values instead of addin
g them to other modifiers.
- Fixed a bug which caused an extra patrician slot appear in the republic view a
fter the doge died.
- Fixed a bug when a non-leading revolt faction member patricians losing the war
for independence would cause the republic to have more than 5 houses.
- Councillors are now automatically recalled when the province in which they per
form their mission becomes invalid for this mission.
- Turkish portraits show blinded eyes, boils, scars and red spots correctly now.
- Characters now stop leading units and flanks after unsuccessful imprisonment a
ttempts or being granted independence.
- Set title holder effect (used e.g. when winning a title in a war) now replaces
the character in holy wars against the original character on title usurpation.
- De jure law change opponents list is now populated correctly for merchant repu
- Fixed a bug when the game would incorrectly say that a character will join a p
lot if bribed.
- Fixed a bug when sometimes the FROM scope was not inherited in deeper scopes.
- Being able to have concubines overrides polygamy now.
- Subunit modifiers no longer include province modifiers twice.
- The total retinues number is no longer set to 0 on switching the tabs in the m
ilitary view.
- Moving capitals is only possible during peacetime now.
- Enabled mods with spaces in their names are now being correctly remembered bet
ween game sessions.
- It's no longer possible to start or join independence factions against a merch
ant republic liege as a merchant republic character.
- An error dialog is now shown when saving through the in-game menu fails.
- Potential plot power is now calculated correctly.
- Gold from non-important courtiers being cleaned up on character death is not b
eing inherited anymore.
- Friends are now considered allies.
- Loading screen borders will now display correctly on high resolution screens.
- Fleets in ports are now being selected by clicking on their 3D model rather th
an the tiny port model.
- History is now being applied correctly when the Old Gods DLC is enabled but th

e Charlemagne DLC isn't.

- Fixed a world peace bug when everyone would become allied to everyone.
- Military view now also shows the total number of troops available to each vass
- Call allies/vassals button tooltip now lists potential allies even when there'
s no war.
- It's possible to revoke county-level or higher titles even when they don't hav
e any de jure vassals now.
- Titles in the lobby diplomacy list are now positioned correctly.
- Trade post limit is now being shown in the technology interface.
- Loading ironman saves over 25 MB won't cause the game to freeze anymore.
- It's no longer possible to join wars that would result in attacking vassals if
the CB forbids it.
- Each character can now have a special title that persists after death (e.g. Ge
nghis Khan).
- Localisation fixed for plot events
- Several Lovers events now checks that ruler/spouse/lover isn't incapable/impri
- Male-only Lovers events no longer triggers for women
- Single-only Lovers events no longer fires for married characters
- SoA event no longer fires for heretics
- Feudal life even no longer automatically causes incapable
- Lovers event checks for imprisoned and incapable, checks religion_group instea
d of religion
- Lovers event no longer marries you to imprisoned+incapable lovers
- Republic events now have proper checks
- Proper triggers added, and logic fixed for several Lovers events
- Proper triggers added to adult personality event
- Localisation fixed for Friends & Rivals events
- Localisation fixed for Hedge Knight events
- Localisation fixed for tutorial
- Localisation fixed for Feudal Life events
- Spelling fixed for several titles
- Localisation fixed for married life events
- William Wallace wikipedia link has been fixed
- Options enabled for ai on Spymaster events
- French menu localisation fixed
- French localisation fixed for 20+ titles
- Added proper checks for several various trait events
- Added proper checks for several traits effects events
- Fixed logic for several Friends Rivals events
- Fixed localisation for several titles
- Made sure that events that require a character to have eyes do not fire for bl
ind people
- Fixed that bedtime stories can no longer be told to dead children
- Fixed broken scopes for several Rumours events
- Made several fixes to - mostly flawed triggers - Ward events
- Fixed opinion problems with Old Gods events
- Fixed missing references for misc event
- Fixed the FOW that you get if you start the game in multiplayer with observer
- Can now call friends to war
- Can no longer use mercenaries against rulers that are their friends
- Can no longer use mercenaries who are rivals against you
- Can now destroy holy sites and recreate them, when destroyed they are moved to
the county until a temple is built.
- Can now destroy holy sites through looting.
- Can only reform a faith if you hold at least 3 holy sites which are temples an
d not counties.
- Fixed crash when trying to give away bishopric to female heirs.
- Now clever_ambush_tactic give horse archer offensive bonus.

- Tribes can now build churches.

- Added version command line.
- Now claimant in crusades are shown in war overview.
- Now push all claims make sure that titles are marked as contested.
- Can no longer enforce plot to take vassal land if he is in revolt.
- Clicking on title shields that won't open realm view should now still center t
he camera.
- Now holy orders and mercenaries are blocked from forming kingdoms
- Reworked how AI views peace offers and fixed issue caused by overflow of the e
valuation variables.
- Fixed get married ambition for homosexuals.
- Fixed missing localization for in hiding.
- Now it properly handles mercenaries with fleets in military view.
- Fixed issue with play console command.
- Correct mercenary monthly cost is now displayed/calculated.
- Reworked a lot of muslim events to map under new quick triggers
- Reworked a lot of muslim events to use the new uses_decadence trigger
- Reworked plot events to use new plot quick triggers
- Now we have visual indicator when settlement slots are being used by tribals o
r nomads
- Remade budget screen in realm view to allow dynamic amount of entries
- Can now build tribal lands in empty provinces which has no tribal land
- To become a cardinal you have to be within the pope's diplomatic range
- Fixed mercenaries switching culture
- Pagan diplomatic menu now use pagan button instead of the default one.
- The tribal opinion modifier now affects all tribals, not only unreformed triba
- Added a new opinion modifier for unreformed tribals.
- Met the Merry Men modifier now uses the green icon instead of the red one.
- Fixed bug where the plot to kill allow-trigger did not properly check so that
you did not try to kill the children of female lovers (it worked as intended aga
inst male lovers).
- Customized dynasties created before starting the game will no longer have thei
r dynasty shield regenerated when reloading the game.
- Tribal armies are now raised in your capital, instead of your current location
- Selected characters in the lobby will now be deselected when changing date to
when that character is not playable or alive.
- Fixed bug where honorary titles did not change the opinion from your spouse.
- The load game interface now closed when leaving the lobby.
- Fixed bug where the chronicle entry for getting married appeared twice.
- Feudal administration is now properly selected when going from tribal to feuda
l for independent kings and emperors.
- Clicking on special interest characters in the outliner now takes you to their
- Right-clicking on special interest characters in the outliner now opens the Dy
nastic View as well as the Diplomacy Menu.
- Right-clicking on council members in the outliner now opens the Dynastic View
and the Diplomacy Menu for that character.
- Clicking on humans in the outliner now have the same effect as clicking on spe
cial interest characters.
- Fixed bug where it was possible to reform pagan religions even if one did not
have enough piety.
- "S" can now be used as a shortcut to split an army in two.
- Added missing localisation for Republic Arsenal lvl 3 building.
- Fixed bug where games could not be started through the era picker when changin
g dates.
- The Theology focus opinion modifier is no longer calculated twice.
- Fixed bug where the faction events to lower tribal organization and crown auth
ority used the name of their plot instead of the faction name.

- Dead rulers now have their titles ordered in the same way as when they were al
- Vassal limit number is now displayed properly when negative.
- Fixed bug where the in hiding notification events triggered several times.
- AI will now properly raid coastal provinces when not having the religion flag
- Claimant factions can no longer be used against viceroy-lieges.
- The piety icon in the character view now properly shows the piety icon of the
selected character instead of your piety icon.
- Theocracies are no longer valid crusade winners. The head of religion can stil
l win the crusade if there are no other valid participants.
- Cherson and Nikaea is no longer marked as a viceroyalty in the history files w
hen held by the top liege.
- The requirement for viceroyalties only being grantable to feudals are now show
n in the tooltip.
- Fixed bug where event-handled divorces did not add chronicle entries nor were
useable for the achievment to divorce a lombard princess.
- The right-click to.. tooltip messages are no longer in caps.
- AI characters no longer incorrectly get achievment flags.
- Fixed bug where AI would transfer baron vassals for being over vassal limit.
- Tyrrany wars will now properly end when the tyrant dies.
- The succession law for non-viceroyalty titles for viceroys will now always be
primogeniture or open (if muslim).
- Fixed bug where viceroyalty titles would loose their viceroyalty status if the
holder of it dies when in a rebellion.
- The send button is now properly disabled when declaring war or asking for crus
ades when no title is selected.
- Patricians no longer have their title name in yellow in the game lobby.
- Fixed bug where selecting multiple fleets after having selected armies caused
interface displacement.
- Muslim rulers now have access to the church levy and taxation law groups, alth
ough it will not affect any Muslim vassals (as they are of the Iqta government a
nd therefore not a theocracy).
- It is no longer possible to invite lesser union characters to your court if th
ey are already in the same court as their spouse.
- Fixed bug where AI top liege transfered vassals of vassals at war with their l
- You will now become hostile with all top lieges of barons in the province you
are raiding, instead of just the county owner top liege.
- Fixed bug determining the player successor of viceroys when the liege is of th
e same dynasty.
- Decreased monthly decadence gain.
- Description for retinues no longer claims retinues to cost only when reinforci
- The Decadence Alert is now shown when you have dynasty members negatively cont
ributing to your decadence.
- The Decadence number in the top-right part of the screen is now red when so hi
gh that you risk being target of a decadence revolt. This value can be modified
in defines.
- The vassal list in the character view will now try to put vassals of your gove
rnment before other vassals.
- Tribal vassals now count towards your vassal limit regardless of your governme
nt (this can be modded back in by adding the following to the government scripts
: ignore_in_vassal_limit_calculation = { tribal_government }).
- Vassals will no longer get independent from the top liege when a viceroy dies
while being over vassal limit.
- The tutorial arrow for ambitions now points towards the new position of the am
bition button.
- Added console command clr_moved_capital.
- Fixed bug where temporary titles of allies in a war were removed when the war

- Patricians can no longer press their claims against their lieges capital or an
y of the lieges highest tier titles.
- Strong claims will no longer be replaced with a weak claim when inheriting a w
eak claim of the same title.
- Going back to the era picker in the lobby now closes the ruler designer.
- Marriages and betrothals are no longer blocked by being in a revolt.
- You can no longer grant Eunuchs tribal counties.
- Fixed bug where titles that were not grantable to Eunuchs could be grantable a
s a lower title when giving away duchies.
- You can no longer give away temples to unlanded females with absolute cognatic
if your religion do not allow female temple holders.
- The alert for being able to tech will now properly be shown even if one or mor
e tech branches are fully maxed out.
- War tooltips now show the warscore at the top instead of at the end.
- The Ironman tooltip now mentions that the Ruler Designer is not allowed for ac
- Fixed bug where you could not give away Honorary Titles if your liege had give
n you that title.
- The tooltip for City Construction now correctly displays that it unlocks the t
ribal Market Town buildings.
- Fixed bug where you could not raise your vassal liege levies in the province v
iew when selecting that characters personal demesne.
- Fixed crash when loading a save game with a nonexisting delayed province event
- Removed unused message settings category.
- Fixed bug where children were considered born in the purple even if the ruling
parent was dead when the child was concieved.
- Added missing localisation for beeing banned from a game.
- You no longer gain religious authority for looting temples of your own religio
- Embarking an army to a fleet will now properly cancel any existing movement fo
r that army.
- Fixed bug where the nominate bishop view would automatically close for no appa
rent reason.
- Fixed bug where you were still considered a revolter after inheriting a higher
tier title, ending the war.
- Fixed bug where forming the HRE gave you gavelkind succession if the previous
primary title was Feudal Elective.
- Fixed bug where the campaign found for the colleague of cardinals were not loa
ded properly.
- All tribals of Duke tier or above will now have the tribal organization law, r
egardless of if they are independent or not. Counts and baron tribes will get th
e tribal organization effects of their lieges, if any.
- Military tech rewards from battles will now be relative to the size of each un
it compared to the total strength of the units on that side.
- Granting independence to a vassal will now establish a truce between the chara
- You can now ask dynasty members to straighten up even if you are in a regency.
- It is no longer possible to ask for crusades against targets with whom you hav
e a truce.
- It is no longer possible to start a faction to change succession type to a suc
cession that is not allowed or potential.
- Event troops gotten through Build Legend and Build Zeal can no longer raid.
- Event troops gotten through Organize Raid will always raid.
- Allowed triggers and possible plot power is now visible when hovering a plot i
n plotview.
- Non-allowed plots are now visible in the plot view.
- Granting a title with Include Lower Titles checked should now properly transfe
r vassalages.

- Fixed bug where winners of a crusade sometimes remained the vassal of the crus
ade target.
- The Independence CB is no longer valid against revolters.
- Fixed bug where your council members were not always able to take wards.
- You can now properly grant the Merchant Republic Designate Heir honorary title
when you have other patricians designated heirs in your court.
- Fixed bug where Indian Subjugation not always took or vassalised the land unde
r the conquested title.
- The Designated Regent title now properly works when granted to someone outside
your court.
- The trade post lists in the Republic View no longer jumps to the top when the
game is unpaused.
- Tribals can now also adopt feudalism and become a merchant republic if their c
apital is a castle (for becoming feudal) or a city (for becoming a merchant repu
- AI Mongol Horde will now properly avoid fighting other Mongol Hordes while the
y still have their special invasion forces.
- Added alert for having high prio minor titles available to grant.
- Added console commands add_friend, remove_friend, add_rival and remove_rival.
- Rebels will now spawn with 100 gold.
- Fixed bug where the AI would keep their units attached to characters they no l
onger participate in a war with.
- Host invasions can now properly travel to realms with no port.
- AI will now stop raiding when they are at war where the liege is one of the pr
imary participants.
- Looting hostility will now be cleared when both parties are fighting the same
war together.
- AI controlled units will no longer enter provinces with hostile units with a s
ignificantly smaller unit before their larger units.
- AI will now consider moving troops away from their own provinces to avoid taki
ng attrition.
- Fixed bug where the tooltip for the war icons flicked on daily tick.
- AI zeal and greed values will now affect the settlements they build.
- Rebalanced troop stats:
- Light Infantry - Skirmish Attack reduced to 1 (down from 2).
- Light Infantry - Skirmish Defense reduced to 2 (down from 2.5).
- Light Infantry - Melee Attack reduced to 1 (down from 3).
- Light Infantry - Pursue Attack reduced to 2 (down from 3).
- Light Infantry - Pursue Defense reduced to 2 (down from 3).
- Heavy infantry - Skirmish Defense increased to 4 (up from 3).
- Light Cavalry - Skirmish Attack reduced to 2 (down from 2.5).
- Archer - Maintenance increased to 2 (up from 1).
- Archer - Skirmish Attack reduced to 2 (down from 5).
- Archer - Skirmish Defense reduced to 1 (down from 3).
- Horse Archer - Skirmish Defense reduced to 2 (down from 4).
- Horse Archer - Melee Attack reduced to 1 (down from 3).
- Horse Archer - Melee Defense reduced to 2 (down from 4).
- Rebalanced tactic modifiers:
- Swarm Volley Tactic - Archer offensive bonus reduced to 120% (down fro
m 240%).
- Swarm Tactic - Horse Archer offensive bonus reduced to 100% (down from
- Harass Swarm Tactic - Horse Archer offensive bonus reduced to 120% (do
wn from 240%).
- Inspired Defense - Now also gives 150% defensive bonus to war elephant
- Religious Fervour - Now also gives 150% offensive bonus to war elephan

- Rescaled random weights on Retreat and Ambush Tactic.

- Retreat and Ambush Tactic - Horse Archer offensive bonus reduced to 20
0% (down from 420%).
- Retreat and Ambush Tactic - Light Cavalry offensive bonus reduced to 1
20% (down from 240%).
- Retreat and Ambush Tactic - Archer offensive bonus reduced to 100% (do
wn from 180%).
- Added Elephant Trample tactic (melee phase).
- Siege assault battles now use the Melee combat values on the troops instead of
the Skirmish combat values.
- Added geographical regions that can be checked in triggers if a title or provi
nce is contained in a region defined in map/geographical_region.txt. These regio
ns are static throughout the game and are more reliable than using de-jure trigg
ers for events that you want to affect specific places.
- Bookmarks now uses folder structure
- Combat tactics now uses folder structure
- Disease now uses folder structure
- Job actions now uses folder structure
- Job titles now uses folder structure
- Triggered modifiers now uses folder structure
- Added scripted triggers
- Added scripted effects
- Added create_tradepost effect
- Added folder structure to defines
- Added folder structure to modifier_definitions
- Added MAX_WARDS_PER_GUARDIAN to defines
- Added missing commandline argument "debug" to show debug logs
- Possible to append to cultures from several files
- Possible to append to on_actions from several files
- Added trigger technology_can_spread, checking whether technology can spread in
the province.
- Added effects set_special_character_title, remove_special_character_title.
- Can now specify a CB to not be displayed in the diplomatic mapmode
- Culture can now decide if you are allowed to raid or not
- Added external province type in map definitions, will not generate a border or
text and can be 1 pixel big
- Added global movement speed modifier
- Now can force contract on specific governments which will bypass the opinion l
imitations using new government system
- Now possible to disable courtiers from receiving MTTH events in defines
- Added effect set_government_type.
- Governments can be modded in the decisions folder.
- Geographical regions can be modded in the map folder.
- County-, duchy- and sub-region tags can now be used to define island- and geog
raphical regions.
- Added region trigger.
- Added flags reinforcing [yes/no] and reinforce_rate_multiplier to the spawn un
it effect.
- Added flag maintenance [yes/no] to the spawn unit effect.
- Added flag looting [yes/no] and can_toggle_looting [yes/no] to the spawn unit
- Added trigger is_allowed_to_loot.
- Added on_action on_became_imprisoned_any_reason, that triggers whenever a char
acter becomes imprisoned for any reason.
- Added flag adventurer [yes/no]. Adventure titles work just as temporary titles
but do not get destroyed automatically when the holder is in peace. Instead, th
ey are destroyed whenever the holder gains another title or when the holder dies

- Added effect set_looting and set_can_toggle_looting for units.

- Added character text GetHusbandWifeOpp.
- Added triggers realm_levy_diff, reverse_realm_levy_diff, max_realm_levy_diff a
nd reverse_max_realm_levy_diff.
- Renamed the realm_manpower trigger to realm_levies.
- The break effect now also properly affect tooltips.
- Added effects any_unit, any_army, any_fleet, random_unit, random_army and rand
- Added trigger any_unit, any_army and any_fleet.
- Added flag seafarer in culture and religion files, helping the AI to determine
if coastal provinces is preferred when raiding.
- Added trigger is_seafarer, checking if either the culture or religion have the
seafarer flag set.
- Added trigger is_island, checking if the province exists in island_region.txt.
- Added event target most_participating_crusader, used to get the most participa
ting non-theocracy attacker in a war.
- Added on_action on_divorce, which fires whenever a character gets divorced reg
ardless of the reason.
- Quick triggers are now properly checked when you fire an event from another ev
- Added triggers is_[law/government/decision/targetted_decision/title_decision/s
ettlement_decision]_[valid/potential] with parameters key, character, title and
- Added effects and triggers any_dejure_liege and any_defacto_liege.
- Added event target defacto_liege_title.
- Added effect destroy_settlement.
- Added effect make_primary_settlement.
- Added match_settlement to the spawn unit effect.
- Added event trigger 'log'.
- Earmarked units can now also use the $CULTURE$ parameter.
- Added trigger completely_controls_region.
- Added any_title effect.
- Added effects make_capital_holding and revoke_capital_holding.
- Added trigger is_nomadic.
- Added government trigger.
- The Spawn Unit effect can now take saved event targets as parameters.
- Added nomad flag to the create_title effect.
- Added effect convert_to_nomad and convert_to_fort.
- Added flags ai_fabricate_claims to religion groups.
- Added flags attacking_same_religion_piety_loss and uses_decadence to religions
. Decadence will be used if the religion AND government of a character is script
ed to use decadece.
- Added flags hire_cost and maintenance_multiplier to retinue subunits.
- Added event scopes [strongest/weakest]_clan_vassal, [strongest/weakest]_clan,
[strongest/weakest]_clan_vassal_except_me and [strongest/weakest]_clan_except_me
, determined by the number of empty holdings they hold.
- Added event scopes [most/least]_prestigious_clan_vassal, [most/least]_prestigi
ous_clan, [most/least]_prestigious_clan_vassal_except_me and [most/least]_presti
- Added event scopes [most/least]_populous_clan_vassal, [most/least]_populous_cl
an, [most/least]_populous_clan_vassal_except_me and [most/least]_populous_clan_e
- Added triggers clan_satisfaction, total_manpower, unused_manpower, raised_manp
ower, max_manpower, manpower_growth, population, max_population, population_grow
th, population_and_manpower, max_population_and_manpower and population_and_manp
- Added effects manpower and population.
- Added trigger uses_decadence.
- Added nand-trigger.
- Not-triggers will now do a script assert if it contains more than one trigger

(where the use of nand- and nor-triggers are recommended to be used instead), bu
t will work as previously.
- Added trade_post_has_building and trade_post_has_any_building triggers.
- Added trigger is_settlement_type_allowed.
- Added effects create_fort, destroy_fort, seize_fort, random_fort and any_fort.
- Added triggers any_fort, num_of_forts, num_of_forts_diff, has_fort, fort_has_b
uilding and fort_has_any_building.
- Added event scope trade_post_owner.
- Added trigger has_castle, has_temple, has_city and has_tribal.
- Added trigger has_settlement_construction.
- Added triggers is_[law/government/decision/targetted_decision/title_decision/s
- Added triggers num_of_[subrealm/demesne]_[castles/cities/temples/tribes/empty_
- Added trigger holding_diff.
- Added effects set_title_landless, set_title_adventurer and set_title_nomad.
- Added forbidden_raid_target opinion modifier, which disallows looting against
that character.
- Job action script can now properly use the various job title event scopes.
- Added triggers has_feud_with and any_feud_rival_clan.
- Added triggers clan_opinion, reverse_clan_opinion, their_clan_opinion, clan_op
inion_diff and reverse_clan_opinion_diff.
- Added is_high_prio flag to minor titles, determining whether an alert should b
e shown or not if that title is available to grant.
- Added triggers num_of_king_titles_in_realm, num_of_duke_titles_in_realm, num_o
f_count_titles_in_realm, num_of_baron_titles_in_realm, num_of_titles_in_realm.
- Added effect unsafe_give_minor_title.
- Added modifiers clan_sentiment, max_manpower, max_manpower_mult, max_populatio
n, max_population_mult, manpower_growth and population_growth, currently applica
ble on characters and the capital.
- Added modifiers retinue_maintenence_cost and horde_maintenence_cost, currently
applicable on characters, family palaces and the capital.
- Added is_active_trigger to buildings. Any modifier from buildings that are not
considered active will not apply until the is_active_trigger is properly valida
- Added modifier global_winter_supply, currently applicable on the capital.
- commander_limit can now be scripted in buildings for capital settlements, incr
easing the number of commanders a ruler can have.
- moved_capital_months_mult can now be scripted for capital buildings and modifi
es the delay for how often one can change capital, if their government allows fo
r more frequent switching than once per lifetime.
- The set_defacto_liege effect now works on titles as well.
- Added on_actions on_battle_won_owner and on_battle_lost_owner.
- Added modifiers global_trade_route_wealth, global_trade_route_value, global_tr
adevalue and global_tradevalue_mult, applicable on the capital of holders of a t
rade post.
- Trade post buildings will now also have an effect in the capital settlement, n
ot only the family palace.
- Fixed bug where the targetted decision filters realm and sub_realm did not pro
perly check the court of the top liege or the current character.
- Added trigger religion_allows_female_temple_holders.
- The spawn_unit effect will now spawn units on any other unit if there is no ot
her valid location (instead of not spawning the units at all).
- Improvements to the setup for various major and minor realms in the 1220 bookm
- Pechenegs are no longer a vassal of Khazaria in 867.
- Lappish culture renamed to Sami.
- Samoyed culture renamed to Nenets.

- Some samoyed province and title names changed to "Saamod".

- Spanish March: Duchy of Barcelona is now de jure Aquitaine in 867 instead of D
uchy of Aragon.
- Viken province is now de jure Norway.
- Readjusted some province borders in Norway to make more geographical sense.
- Adjusted some historical title names in Norway.
- Corrected the borders of Genve province.
- Improved Papal regnal name list, making it much more medieval.
- Popes in the history files now have their proper latin regnal names (no more S
tephens, Johns and Adrians).
- Fixed wrong matrix math in pdxmesh shader
- Will now show "in-use" land by tribals or nomads
- Various map fixes, including properly connecting some bugged rivers.
- Fixed various small irritating issues in the converter
- Fixed crashes in converter with regards to flags
- Nomads are now fixed
- Fixed the zoroastrian heresies icons
2015-06-09 v2.3.5
- Updated government calculation to be up to date with EU4 1.12
- Fixed the localisation issues on Mac and Linux with country names
- Ibadi is now its own main religion like it should be
2015-04-07 v2.3.4
- Fixed CTD issue caused by character flags not being saved properly
- Now unborn children of dead popes no longer inherit a claim on the papacy when
they are born.
- You no longer feel bad for having a romantic relationship with your spouse.
- Added console command 'add_lover'
- Fixed a problem with delayed events having the exact same random seed as the f
iring scope
- Seduction Focus: AI will not try to seduce targets that already have lovers (u
nless lustful, etc)
- Seduction Focus: AI seducers less likely to acquire multiple lovers
- Seduction Focus: Married women and concubines are less likely to fall for sedu
ction if they like their husband better than the seducer (unless lustful, arbitr
ary, etc.)
- Seduction Focus: Toned down AI seduction attempts of player spouses and concub
ines even more
- Seduction Focus: It takes much longer to attempt seduction of distant targets
- Seduction Focus: More personality checks for married women and consorts
- Seduction Focus: Added missing "Seduction in the Wild" event (WoL.431)
- Intrigue Focus: Spying on an adulterer (your spouse, consort or the other part
y) can now uncover the affair
- Players can no longer see other lovers of their spouses and concubines in the
interface without using the 'charinfo' console command
- Hunting Focus: Fixed a bug with duplicate events fired (from WoL.5066)

- Fixed bug where only the last character was visible in the end game list of pl
ayed characters
- Fixed bug where the AI did not always build buildings.
- Fixed an issue with the trade route chain that could create the trade route fo
r the other party instead.
- Toned down courtier lover creation event (456)
- Seduction events: Fixed some issues where execution would break incorrectly
- Fixed the broken 'remove_claim' effect when used in CB's like depose anti-pope
- Added events to attain the Strategist trait through War focus.
2015-02-16 v2.3.3
- Fixed issues in lobby when players were loading saves
- Fixed bug where you were considered to be an observer while in the learning sc
enario and the tutorial.
- Added copy folder to sunset invasion scenario conversion
2015-01-14 v2.3.2
- Fixed so you can build holdings again.
- Fixed the break-up interaction with your lovers.
2015-01-14 v2.3.1
- Fixed bug where vassal levies could not always be dismissed.
- Fixed crash issue on Linux when the AI tried to build settlements.
- Temple successors now get their liege's religion rather than their top liege's
- Rebalanced seduction to make it harder to seduce the spouses of great rulers
- AI: Reduced seduction craze a bit
- Seduction: increased risk of scandal
- Adjusted default message settings to reduce spam
- Fixed a grammar variable bug in event WoL.201
- Fixed a bug with event WoL.3050 happening for a single character only
- Fixed a bug with event 63103, where vassals of vassals could go independent wi
th Elective Gavelkind succession
- Reduced the Catholic Holy Order regiments in size
- Fixed a minor issue with the court where some newborn bastards ended up
- Fixed text bug in event WoL.11000, which referred to the recipient rather than
the actor
- Better tooltips in the event options for WoL.11000
- Better tooltips in event WoL.11006
- Fixed some problems with the 'inbred' trait calculations
- Added 'real_fathers' console command
- Added missing text EVTOPTA_WOL_415
- Fixed bug where the culture group trigger and religion group trigger did not p
roperly check against other characters, making Indian Subjugation wars impossibl
e to use.

- Christian pilgrim events now check for character's capital location rather tha
n current location when checking for available destinations.
- Fixed a bug with the WoL scholarship events where an event might start repeati
ng incorrectly.
- Fixed a faulty text tag reference in a Carousing boardgame event.
- Cooldown for Carousing is now visible in tooltip.
- Fixed a bug where characters could sometimes get both the Bastard and Legitima
te Bastard traits.
- Heliopolis is now a temple holding instead of a city holding.
- Moved Kabul Zunist holy site to Nagarahara temple holding (in the same provinc
- Moved Multan Zunist holy site to Mulasthana temple holding (in the same provin
- Updated faulty localisation function in the last event of the business focus t
rade route chain
- Fixed a crash when hovering an option in the event that let's you end the riva
lry of a converted Christian
- Hungary should now get a crown authority law when forming from the Magyar deci
- The form Hungary decision no longer creates exponential amounts of troops
- Reworked Holmgang events to use personal combat skill rather than martial skil
- Reduced mean time to happen for Holmgang if you have War focus
- Fixed a rare case when duels could break
- Duels now potentially give the kinslayer trait
- Shortened the text of one outcome of duels to avoid long names making the text
too large for the event window
- Fixed an error with change_variable for titles
- Fixed outdated modifiers in special national ideas, all global revolt risk has
been changed to global unrest modifiers
- Fixed the four missing province mappings in eastern europe
- Added unique modifiers to some christian heresies
- Made sure to update the colors of all heresies to their CK2 variant of color
- Fixed so messalian and nestorian are converted correctly.
- Added proper icons for norse personal deities
- Arabic cultures now map to their corresponding one in EU4
- Steppe cultures now part of same culture group as turkish
- Moved visigothic to iberian culture group
2014-12-16 v2.3 Way of Life
- Fixed false positive OOS
- Fixed auto-selection of characters in multiplayer problem when loading saves
- Vassals called to war now respond in the message ticker, not a pop-up event
- The Call Allies alert no longer lists all vassals you can call, and takes you
to the military view if you click the "All of our Vassals" entry
- AI: Fixed bug with trying to raise ships in provinces with no ships (0 size fl
eets appeared and disappeared)
- No longer possible to nominate heirs for secondary Elective Gavelkind kingdoms
and empires (it has no effect anyway - only the first Gavelkind type title has
an effect)
- Reduced the amount of money the pope gets from bishops ( from 40% of tax to 10
% of tax for Popes, 20% to 5% for Anti-Popes )


Added a whole event system for husbands to find out if their wife/concubine ha
been unfaithful (after "Doubt besets me...")
Multithreaded startup of the game
Fixed crash caused by destroyed settlements by Viking looters
Fixed probable OOS
Fixed crash when missing certain Unit Pack DLC's
Fixed memory leak when calculating subunits monthly cost.
Fixed crash when resigning characters from various appointments ( councillors,
army leaders etc. )

- Fixed so laws are copied when you change primary title
- Fixed so history laws are enforced, france in 1066 should no longer be gavelki
- Support to show the combat rating of a character together with combat modifier
- Fixed broken culture effect, now you can convert to local culture of a provinc
e again
- Fixed problem with trait generation for random characters was done with not fu
lly constructed characters, fixes the problem with females getting male traits.
- Fixed not being able to raise ships from demesne
- Added "Toggle Special Interest", "Reverse Relations" and "Go to Location" butt
ons to the Diplomacy view.
- Improved positioning of the Diplomacy View.
- Fixed bug where autoselected interactions in the Diplomacy View were not prope
rly selected.
- The Diplomacy View no longer closes automatically in some cases when opened al
ong with a character view.
- Pressing the middle mouse button no longer closes the Diplomacy View.
- Fixed bug where portraits in Claimants view and Opposed to Law view were not c
- Fixed bug where the Diplomacy View ended up outside of the screen.
- Character selection view left and right click behaviour is now consistent.
- Fixed bug where landless characters gaining tribal provinces with holy sites t
hrough revolts became theocracies instead of becoming tribal.
- Added console commands set_flag, set_prov_flag, set_char_flag, clr_flag, clr_p
rov_flag, clr_char_flag and clear_focus.
- Fixed a number of minor text issues.
- The capital of Duchy of Ugra is now Ugra.
- Powys, Man and Kola now have their de jure capitals set correctly.
- Jews no longer want boar meat for their feasts.
- No longer possible for non-Muslims to have the 'Decadent' trait.
- Fixed a broken option trigger for declining some pagan feast invitations.
- Fixed a new bug where the portrait of the sender would not be shown in letter
and diplomacy response events
- Fixed a serious bug where Prepared Invasions would always be disable on reload
- Fixed a problem with event 3026, where the children of an unmarried female cou
rtier would get an unknown father
- Fixed some issues with event 3520 (incorrect use of impregnate_cuckoo, and add
ed fertility checks)
- All modifiers can now be set and used correctly in Ambitions (not just Fertili
- Better shield for the Emichid dynasty
- Added GetHighGodName and GetHighGodNameCap to religions and texts
- Fixed an issue with heretical count tier bishops and above being called "count
s", etc
- Character View: Removed a double colon (::)
- Fixed a new bug with scope switching to specific character IDs
- Fixed a bug with the 'is_married' trigger when not taking a bool
- Fixed bug where the same character portrait found in both the immediate effect

and an event option would be shown twice

- Christians with Elective Gavelkind can no longer vote for bishops and mayors
- Cut an inappropriate event option in old event 4115
- Character View: Fixed an old bug with being able to cancel an Ambition when yo
u should not
- Character View: Added better tooltip saying _when_ you can cancel the current
- Character View: Added better tooltip about cancelling plots
- Intrigue View: Fixed cancel current plot button issues
- Removed decimals from attribute modifier descriptions
- Removed decimals from attribute change effects
- Dynasty View: Fixed a bug with succession marriage status not being shown corr
ectly anymore for dead characters
- Fixed a bug with the 'repeat_event' effect and namespaces
- Fixed event 55000 and 55001 so that they now properly changes culture on the p
rovince and doesn't try to change the culture of the holder to the holder's cult
- Fixed a serious bug with targetted decisions that target yourself showing up f
or others
- The "Doubt besets me" event chain now correctly reveals the real father of the
unborn child
- Fixed various text issues with certain targetted decisions
- Added a few missing event window borders
- AI: Fixed a bug that limited the amount of potential target characters for ai
target filters 'realm' and 'sub_realm' too much
- Added trait loss notification events for Stressed and Depressed
- Fixed a minor typo in birth event 457
- Bastards born to lovers through the code now get a known father if the woman i
s unmarried
- Moved the "RIGHT-CLICK TO INTERACT" tooltip on portraits to the instant part a
nd made it all capital letters
- Cut the "Special interest" button from the character view
- Improved the tooltips for the three special buttons in the new Diplo Menu
- Fixed bug where retinues were calculated into the fleet levies in dynastic vie
- Reverse relations now looks at the character's religion, culture and realm ins
tead of the player's.
- Executing interactions in diplomacy view will now update the yes/no icons indi
cating if characters will join your plot or accept being invited to your court.
- Opening reverse relations now closes the diplomacy view.
- Fixed bug where the spouse finder did not properly select bethrothal for minor
- Clicking on special interest entries in the outliner now works the same as cli
cking on portraits.
- Added alert for high-prio targetted decisions.
- Character tooltips for buttons who opens diplomacy view with pre-selected inte
ractions now say "Right-click to select" instead of "Right-click to interact".
- Targetted decisions no longer shows the target character name (except in the t
argetted decision alert).
- Fixed bug where historical nicknames were not removed properly when moving bac
kwards through history.
- Troops number in dynastic view now takes event troops into consideration.
- The Diplomacy View is now properly positioned.
- Fixed death effect in zunist torture event chain
- Founding the HRE is now no longer possible if the Byzantines have restored the
Roman Empire.
- English culture can no longer spawn unintentionally through a minor Muslim ran
dom event.
- Event triggering notification of someone coming out of hiding should now work

- Adjusted the 'culture' text field in the character view

- Raising runestones now also gives Piety
- Reverted to previous version of v1_092.csv to correct a lot of broken special
- Added 'is_foe' trigger and 'crime' flag to opinion modifiers
- Converting Tribal Holdings no longer depletes the levy
- Winning and losing wars now tends to give more nicknames
- Decadence Revolts: Boosted troop strengths
- Decadence Revolts: Vassals more likely to go independent
- Decadence Revolts: the revolt winner no longer gets any claims on vassals that
go independent
- Expanded on the Lunatic gained event (6020). Now more common, and with differe
nt texts depending on your situation
- Fixed an issue with gavelkind where, if your primary kingdom or empire was tit
ular, it could cause strangeness
- Fixed a bug with the 'holy_war' acquisition method not showing up in title his
- Added some missing acquisition types to the CBs
- Fixed a bug with elective gavelkind in empires with secondary kingdoms where y
our de facto capital and kingdom did not go to your primary heir
- Winning claim wars on the liege (or when a liege folds to a claimant demand) w
ill no longer incorrectly try to even out the de jure kingdom borders
- Optimized and fixed many bugs in the health events
- Fixed broken dynasty 8601 "de Cantabria"
- Fixed a bug in Charlemagne event CM.1076 preventing Charlemagne from getting a
claim on whoever shelters Carloman's wife and children
- Fixed a bug in event 63100 causing issues when vassals change liege on success
ion due to being over the vassal limit
- Fixed a rare bug where landless title courts could contain random characters w
ith no culture or religion
- Corrected some event border colors
- Tooltips on dead characters now list their primary tier titles
- Spouses now always only have personal opinions of each other
- All non-Muslims can now legitimize bastards
- All religions can now divorce their spouse if there is currently no religious
- Added divorce reasons to character opinions and to the divorce interactions
- Tweaked the main bastard conception and lover gained events (450 and 456)
- Optimized the lookup of database files
- History province files will now only be loaded if they have correct name. The
name need to be put in to the map definition file.
- The character screen no longer shows the score of the player.
- The character screen now shows how many troops that character can raise.
- It is now possible to cancel your own plot in your character screen.
- Demesne size and vassal limit is now visible in the character screen.
- The loading screen for the most recent dlc is now always shown first when load
ing the game.
- Tengri no longer get pagan homeland attrition penalty against other pagans.
- Reformed Zunists no longer have pagan defensive homeland attrition.
- Fixed CTD when resigning from games.
- Fixed broken options in events which used the religion = christian trigger.
- Fixed bug where the cost of vassal mercenaries were not calculated properly.
- Fixed bug where ironman saves became broken when creating a new save after loa
ding an old one.
- AI will now prefer using CB's without piety and prestige costs.
- Fixed bug where elective gavelkind in some cases stole provinces from other re
alms on succession.
- Fixed crash when trying to host a save stored in a sub-directory.
- Viceroyalties can no longer be granted to characters outside your realm.
- Fixed crash when finishing constructions in settlements without a holder.

- Fixed issue where both tribal settlement conversion decisions were avaliable f
or republics.
- The decisions for forming the kingdom of Leon and Hungary is no longer allowed
if the required kingdoms are viceroyalties.
- Fixed bug where the king-tier crown was used for all characters in the lobby r
egardless of their tier.
- Viceroys becoming unlanded will now hand back their viceroy title to their lie
- Wars and truces are now visible in the character view.
- Fixed bug where the Assassin Resurface-event did not activate the title.
- Decadence tooltip now uses a consistent amount of decimals.
- Opening the chronicle now pauses the game if not in multiplayer.
- Fixed bug where Empires could be granted as viceroyalties (but did not do anyt
- Fixed bug where the family of Carloman sometimes fled to a revolt.
- Clarified the negative effects for tribal job troops if not used in the job ac
tion tooltip.
- Fixed bug where provinces where unselectable after resigning and starting a ne
w game if that province was selected before resigning.
- Fixed issue where De Jure Region modifiers were clamped with Owner Martial Ski
ll in the levy tooltip.
- Fixed history bug where character 30829 (Simone Drengot) had the wrong father.
- Fixed broken allow-trigger in landed_titles.
- Fixed bug where prepared invasion troops were not properly dismissed when the
invader died before declaring war.
- Duchy of Thessalonika is no longer set to be a viceroyalty when held by Latin
- Tweaked the stats of some early Norse characters.
- Isle of Man is now its own de jure duchy.
- Tweaks to Manx title names.
- Taking the "Become Kshatriya Caste" decision now also gives the Kshatriya cast
e trait to to any unlanded spouses or children in the ruler's court.
- Muslim rulers now correctly get a negative opinion against Byzantine emperor w
ho renounces iconoclasm.
- Saxon Wars event can no longer trigger for non-feudal rulers.
- Added target list for great holy wars for reformed Zunists.
- Tweaked triggers for unlocking crusades and jihads (France and North Africa).
- Tweaked the chances for some ruler nicknames.
- Fixed the names for Church of Zun and West African Church (was wrong format).
- Fixed a bug where a coincillor could sometimes complain to liege about herself
- Fixed the localisation for the Seljuk Turks title.
- Melitene province in Armenia is now properly considered mountainous terrain.
- Fixed a crash when selecting a lowborn theocracy at startup.
- Fixed bug where the dismiss vassal levies button in military view dismissed al
l vassal levies and was not always enabled.
- Updated tutorial and learning scenario to work with the new diplomacy menu.
- Added pagan and republic diplomatic menu buttons.
- Fixed bug where republics with no vassals did not automatically generate patri
- The extra prestige and piety bonuses for creating Kingdom of Jerusalem are now
only given once per game.
- added frames for business and war focus events.
- The empty holding modifier for tribal settlements now applies for non-tribals
as well.
- Removed the wrong government type penalty for tribal settlements (they have th
e wrong culture/religion penalties instead).
- The diplomacy menu is now positioned correctly when not opened from portraits.
- Fixed bug where the drunkard trait were required for lowering decadence in som

e events where diligent and charitable was intended.

- Added missing event localisation for revolt event in learning scenario.
- Vassal opinion modifiers from focuses are now properly calculated into vassal
- Title variables are now correctly saved
- In order to show character names properly in the targetted decision alert, use
the localisation [decision_name]_named.
- Added a new insult and compliment system based on strings scripted into the tr
aits. Used in texts with [GetFromRootInsult], [GetRootFromFromCompliment], etc
- Added 'modifier' fields to effects 'random_list' and 'random'
- The 'is_married' trigger can now take a target as well as a bool (like 'is_lov
er' and 'is_consort')
- Added many new nicknames
- Added possibility to set a specific discoverer to the 'reveal_plot' effect (re
veal_plot = ROOT, etc)
- Added trigger 'plot_is_known_by'
- Added event effect 'usurp_title_plus_barony_if_unlanded_and_vassals_no_adj'
- Added trigger 'any_opinion_modifier_target'
- Added effects 'random_opinion_modifier_target' and 'any_opinion_modifier_targe
- Added combat rating modifier with triggers 'combat_rating' and 'combat_rating_
- Added fromfromfromfrom scope targets
- Added optional 'as_if_liege' parameter to opinion triggers
- Added triggers 'personal_opinion', 'reverse_personal_opinion', 'personal_opini
on_diff' and 'reverse_personal_opinion_diff'
(These do not take state diplomacy, laws or any other such state concern
s into account)
- Added 'capital' console command
- Added event effect 'log'
- Added trigger 'has_polygamy'
- Added trigger 'has_concubinage'
- Character modifier descriptions now support text variables
- Added is_holy_site trigger
- Fixed a bug with effect scope any_allied_character
- Fixed a bug with effect scope random_allied_character
- All any-triggers now support the use of count = x
- Added variables to titles
- All variable trigger and effects now work with title variables
- Variables can be displayed with localization system
- Variable triggers and effects can compare variables between types of scopes (c
- Fixed problems with the variable triggers check_variable and is_variable_equal
- Added cal_true_if trigger
- Added set_title_flag effect
- Added clr_title_flag effect
- Added has_title_flag trigger
- Added had_title_flag trigger
- Added save_event_target_as effect
- Added save_global_event_target_as effect
- Added clear_event_target effect
- Added clear_global_event_target effect
- Added clear_global_event_targets effect
- Added support for weighted cultural names
- Added support for weighted regnal names
- Added an on_startup on action
- Exported MAX_CROWN_LAW_CHANGES to defines

- Added support for localized nicknames

- Added effects convert_to_temple and convert_to_tribal
- Renamed effects convert_to_feudal and convert_to_republic to convert_to_castle
and convert_to_city
- set_allow_free_duchy_revokation no longer only works for viceroyalties when Ch
arlemagne is enabled
- Added a set_allow_free_vice_royalty_revokation effect
- Fixed bug where the any_independent_ruler and random_independent_ruler could t
arget revolts.
- Added ignores_defensive_attrition effect for religions, used for religions tha
t do not have defensive attrition but will still not get the penalty towards suc
h religions.
- Tweaked release from prison and execution logic
- Added AI choice scripts to the bastard is born event (301)
- Made converter province mapping up to date with EU4 patch 1.8
- Fixed missing cultures for converter
- Buffed Jerusalem ideas
- Tweaked Aztec and Incan ideas
- Rebalanced hashashin, jerusalem, jewish, kinghts templar and roman ideas to ac
comodate new values in eu4
- Version compliance with eu4 1.8 patch in the generated mod file
- Gave cathar, fraticelli and waldensian new modifiers to their religion if you
have SoA.
- Tech groups should now be up to date with EU4 patch 1.8
- Fixed crash bug when converting a game that has custom titles
- Fixed now so converter mod's no longer changes checksum
- Switched so Miaphysite is not dependent on SoA to become coptic
- Added Karling ideas

2014-11-18 v2.2.1
- Fixed bug where revolt vassals could become independent when the revolter died
while having no heirs.
- Fixed bug where revolt vassals could become independent when the revolter died
and had his realm split under gavelkind.
- Fixed bug where vassals in a revolt did not properly return to their former li
eges after the revolt.
- The Iron Crown achievment will now trigger when supposed to.
- Christian Crusades and Muslim Jihads can now never start before the year 900.
- Fixed bug where religion conversion reset succession and crown laws.
- Fixed CTD in chronicle.
- Fixed bug where all event spawned troops that scaled on a target was MUCH larg
er than supposed to.
- Fixed bug where tribals becoming patricians did not properly enact the patrici
an elective law.
- Diseases can now occur before 867
- Enabled several additional tribe holding pictures ( including looted variants
- Decadence now negatively affect your vassal limit.
- Fixed CTD in Religion Tab if you do not own sons of abraham
- Disabled the Depose Liege CB and the Weaken Fellow Vassal plots for not workin
g well enough

- Fixed an issue where adventurers would no longer spawn fleets correctly

- Tweaked Gavelkind succession to focus more on the current capital duchy region
for the primary heir rather than the "preferred" capital
- Tweaked Gavelkind succession to take no heed of what heirs will inherit from o
utside your realm
- Fixed OOS in multiplayer if all players did not have Charlemagne enabled.
- Muslims are now more likely to become decadent, especially dynasty members of
larger realms.
- Fixed bug where the Straighten Up decision could be taken again after 7 days.
- Fixed bug where it was not possible to hand out viceroyalties after reloading
the game.
- Resolved crash when opening war overview window in a revolt war.
- Fixed crash in law view when republics did not have all patrician slots filled
- Fixed bug where the realm capital did not properly use the patrician elective
- Norse fleets can now travel through major rivers as intended.
- The Adopt Feudalism and Form Merchant Republic decisions are now divided into
two part - one that is taken to adopt the new government form and upgrade the ca
pital, and a second one that is taken to upgrade the remaining holdings.
- Fixed crash while hovering the call all allies button in observer.
- Tribals now properly get access to crown authority laws when they convert.
- Solved the CTD on Linux, no more need for -threads=1 workaround
- Changed the Shia and Sunni Caliphates creation triggers to require being indep
endent or all lieges being the correct religion
- Religious head titles will no longer be created by the AI if the character can
not afford the cost.
- Decadence revolts are now slightly more likely to happen and have larger units
- Fixed an issue with gavelkind where, if your primary kingdom or empire was tit
ular, it could cause strangeness
- Fixed bug when characters inheriting revolts still was named after the revolt
when it ended.
- The CoA for Italy, Hungary and the duchy of Finland is now properly reset in t
he later bookmarks.
- Somalis and Ethiopians now get their correct cultural retinues.
- Fixed issue where the random seed for decisions would be the same when pressin
g the same decision rapidly (giving the same character names for instance).
- Fixed bug with the comparison of culture name lists and religion name lists wh
ere name had to be in both lists even for names without religion restrictions.
- The Rise of the Shia revolt is now much bigger.
- Fixed bug where marshal raised troops would desert and take your money irregar
dless of the situation
- Fixed issue where some CB's that should not be usable against viceroyalties we
re usable against viceroyalties.
- Fixed so you can't get in a situation where you are at war and the enemy calls
in your vassals to defend him.
- Added Scars, red dots and boils to Indian Portraits
- Baronies in a republic county capital now follows the seniority succession law
, instead of going to the next doge.
- The opinion malus for having viceroyalties in your realm no longer apply for h
oly orders and mercenaries.
- Disabled some multiplayer sync checks and logging in singleplayer ( should mak
e singleplayer slighly faster )
- Fixed bug with Elective Gavelkind for vassals, where younger sons would go com
pletely independent
- It is now possible to change religion of your CoA, and it will no longer be ra
ndomized upon reloading the game.

- Fixed issue where norse DLC units where replaced by military orders DLC units
- Fixed issue where norse/saxon/celtic DLC units where being replaced by early u
nits from Charlemagne DLC
- Fixed issue where Saxon early clothing from Early Western Clothing DLC was not
- AI emperors no longer give out normal kingdom titles to vassals.
- AI emperors no longer creates kingdoms unless there is no other way to manage
the vassal limit.
- Creating a new empire now costs money, as intended.
- Clydesdale, Dunbar and Lothian are now Welsh culture in 769.
- Fixed bug where warscore in some cases got capped below 99%.
- Suebi retinues are now 200 Light Infantry and 150 Pikemen, with an appropiate
- Suebi cultural buildings now have the correct description
- Fixed bug where tribal AI converting to patrician did not build trade posts.
- Now cloud saves are actually compressed when saved so no more save file corrup
tion should happen.
- Fixed a bug with Gavelkind where the primary heir would not get the capital co
- Elective Gavelkind: No longer creates titular kingdoms for secondary heirs
- Fixed issue where non-christian dynasty shields from the Charlemagne Dynasty S
hield DLC did not work properly.
- Fixed bug where viceroyalties reverted to normal titles when ending revolts.
- Minor localization fixes for the Hashshashin spawning event.
- Fixed bug where becoming a republic from being tribal gave the changed success
ion law penalty.
- Fixed bug where non-active titles got a new holder.
- Removed the "Tribe of" title prefix from titles.
- Fixed bug where mothers and spouses could not become your spymaster.
- Fixed tooltip for imperial administration duchy revoke effect being invalid.
- Added missing localization for regent being the same religion as the one you w
ish to convert.
- Added missing icons for the Haruriyyah decisions.
- Fixed bug where supply information were displayed wrong when loading a save ga
- Added missing localization for the Haruriyyah decisions.
- Fixed so corrupt councillor does not steal a patricians family palace anymore
when handing out titles.
- Fixed bug where randomized names sometimes ignored checking the allowed name i
n the religion script.
- Fixed bug where all born daughters got a chronicle entry stating she is the fi
- Consorts are now properly removed when changing to a religion that does not al
low that number of consorts.
- Secondary wives are now properly removed (or changed to concubines if applicab
le) when changing to a religion that does not allow that number of wives.
- Fixed Kalat province barony setup.
- Clarified the calculation of liege levies in its tooltip.
- Fixed some bugs with Gavelkind in empires with held kingdoms
- Fixed bug where custom kingdoms and empires lost their pagan shield when loadi
ng a save.
- Fixed allow triggers for creating some titles.
- Fixed some female titles wrongly localized to the male names
- Corrected the tech requirement of getting rid of pagan homeland attrition.
- Tweaked the supply modifier of pagan homeland attrition.
- Fixed error in vassalization of holy order decision
- Usurped titles no longer inherit laws from the previous title if they usurped
the title from within that realm or if they were unlanded.
- The Ironman-button in the lobby now correctly show if ironman is enabled or no

- Fixed bug where titles could not be destroyed.

- Fixed bug where the duchy of Thrace was a viceroyalty while held by the empero
- Added missing newline in the Renounce Iconoclasm tooltip.
- Fixed bug where administration laws were reset to feudal when changing religio
- Revolts no longer count towards vassal limit.
- Fixed bug where the Byzantine duchy revoke did not work upon reloading a save.
- The event where marshal raised raiders are dismissed now properly refers to yo
ur marshal instead of the court chaplain.
- Marshal raised raiders are now dismissed first after half a year if they are n
ot in use.
- The convert to Andalusian decision is no longer available for Andalucians.
- Form a new Empire now require you to have either 3 kingdom titles or a realm s
ize of 180, instead of both.
- Fixed an issue with the "Convert to Local Religion" and "Abandon Heresy" event
- Changed or expanded name lists for several cultures.
- The new culture conversion events and decisions no longer require the Charlema
gne DLC.
- Fixed some Frankish characters in 769 start who were prematurely calling thems
elves French.
- Fixed some issues with Holstein province history.
- All byzantine emperors will now have clothes regardless of what DLCs are enabl
- Byzantine children are no longer invisible when playing with Early Eastern Clo
thing Pack enabled and Mediterranean Portraits disabled.
- Fixed bug where combats with multiple units on one side would always pick the
WORST leader for each flank
- You can now only complete the "Become Exalted Among Men" ambition once per lif
- Fixed OOS if all players did not reselect their characters after the last play
er had loaded the save.
- Tribals will now upgrade towards castle if their liege is feudal and city if t
heir liege is republic.
- Removed the vassal king opinion penalty.
- Faction CBs are now invalidated when the liege is in a faction.
- The Byzantine free revoke on duchies are now in the Imperial Administration la
- If the Charlemagne DLC is enabled, the Byzantine free revoke on duchies only a
pplies to Viceroyalties.
- Fixed bug where the Centralization law was reset to the first level when enabl
ing High Tribal Organization.
- The viceroyalty status of titles are now reset when the top liege gets the tit
le, instead of just the liege.
- Lowered the opinion penalty for feudal vassals for granted viceroyalties (was
-5 for king viceroys and -2 for duke viceroys, is now -2 for kings and -1 for du
- Vassals can now grant viceroyalties if their topliege have laws allowing this
and they have viceroyalty titles to give away.
- The viceroyalty flag for titles now resets when the topliege inherits the titl
e, not just the liege.
- Viceroyalty titles can no longer be given as a normal title to a vassal.
- Added missing decision icon for offering to help with lieges titles.
- Minor localization fixes for events.
- Viceroyalties now provide their lieges with fewer levies.
- Fixed bug where overridden tribal holdings were not properly removed.
- The decisions for forming kingdoms and empires now have their succession laws
inherited from the base title.
- Fixed CTD when using the console to increase attributes and the target charact

er was dead.
- Event when regent is in on plot to lower tribal organization now have the righ
t localization.
- Crash fixes for total conversion mods when learning scenario characters did no
t exist.
- Fixed republican succession where the capital was not a county capital.
- Tribal buildings now show what castle and city buildings they convert to in th
eir tooltip.
- Republics now use their succession laws properly for all their titles and not
just some of them.
- Fixed bug where looters were able to siege several holdings in one province si
- Fixed broken calculation of months when determining if the war is undecided.
- Fixed bug where characters selected before loading a save was still the select
ed character after the save was loaded.
- Fixed issue where the exported chronicle showed the wrong year.
- Fixed bug where chronicle entries were missing from the chronicle.
- Characters with portraits in the chronicle will no longer be pruned from the d
- Fixed bug where filler-entries showed the wrong year.
- The call all tribal allies tooltip now tells you when you can not call tribal
- AI no longer changes viceroyalty laws to handle being over vassal limit.
- Tribals and pagans can now raid others of the same religion.
- Triggered modifiers will no longer be added repeatedly and will be removed whe
n no longer valid.
- Fixed bug where succession laws inherited from viceroyalties defaulted to gave
lkind instead of the intended law.
- It is no longer possible to destroy viceroyalties.
- Fixed bug where factions to change succession laws were allowed against vicero
- When copying laws from viceroyalties, the liege title will be used for copying
the laws.
- Fixed bug where the mongols could enact the open elective law.
- Viceroyalties can no longer change succession laws.
- Pressing "G" when having several units selected will now merge the units inste
ad of changning mapmode.
- Blocked several CB's and plots against viceroyalties.
- Fixed bug where characters lost the viceroyalty-tag on their titles when they
rebelled against their liege.
- Fixed bug where characters did not lose the viceroyalty-tag when they inherite
d their top liege title.
- Forming a merchant republic no longer creates a patrician of your own dynasty
- Mercenary costs are now calculated properly before raising them.
- Elective Gavelkind: Fixed a bug where claims were not awarded correctly on kin
gdom split inheritance
- Optimized message logging in Release builds.
- Fixed a bug where looter armies just standing around would prevent peace Prest
ige loss for aggressive pagans
- AI: Rebalanced raid propensity. Rulers with Prestige loss on peace are now mor
e aggressive
- AI: Tweaked Prepared Invasion propensity slightly
- AI: Less likely to answer calls to arms if busy raiding
- Fixed an issue with exiled characters' destination
- Added a revenge event for the sons of Lodbrok against Aella
- It is now possible to see all the laws of your lieges titles in the law view.
- Fixed exploit where the recently conquered modifier was not properly applied u
ntil the day after a holding was conquered.
- The opinion modifier for vassals for handing out viceroyalties are now only ap

plied to feudal non viceroyals on duke-tier or higher.

- Fixed bug where the opinion modifier for handing out viceroyalties did not app
ly for viceroyals in the history files.
- The empty holdings modifier for garrison and levies are now calculated after t
he other modifier.
- Tribal holdings now get less taxes and levies if the province is of the wrong
culture or religion.
- The opinion modifiers for being of the wrong religion is now increased for tri
bals against their liege.
- Right click now works on mac when using borderless.
- Family prestige no longer gives a bonus to vassal limit.
- The chronicle now closes when pressing escape.
- Fixed bug where the caliphate title could be given to vassals of the wrong rel
igion, females and characters without the Sayyid or Mirza traits.
- Fixed bug where the 99% warscore cap was not properly applied in certain wars.
- Fixed bug where the AI did not end wars when at 100% warscore due to the recip
ient having previously declined a peace offer.
- Fixed bug where characters were not properly selected after loading a save if
a character was selected before the save was loaded.
- Children created in ruler designer now properly counts as heirs to your titles
- The decision to donate money to the knights templar now have its intended deci
sion icon.
- Chronicle should now properly show birth of first son even if he has older sis
- Rare event that makes a vassal switch side between Charlemagne and Carloman sh
ould now work properly.
- Saxon Blood Court event no longer gives you the Crusader trait.
- Prepared Invasions are now enabled for Germanic Pagans with the start of the V
iking Age.
- Added some more Celtic realm names to Britain.
- Several minor text fixes.
- Viking Age event is now fully compatible with old save games.
- Reworked system for Ramadan events. They will no longer pop in a bunch at the
same time.
- Fixed DND-flag and pulled adventurers out of hiding while preparing for a war.
- Fixed Incorrect alpha for female muslim headgear fixed for the Early Eastern C
lothing Pack DLC.
- Now allowed some more leeway with granting "contested titles" while involved i
n wars and civil wars
- Adventurers will no longer accept being invited to your court.
- It is no longer possible to use the succession changing factions against musli
m lieges.
- Fixed bug where the characters in the era picker were unclickable after going
back from custom game setup.
- Fixed bug where the pagan versions of Coat of Arms were not properly applied t
o custom created kingdoms and empires.
- Fixed inconsistencies in credits.
- Fixed bug where the same plot entry was shown twice in the plot view.
- Event spawned troops through the councillor jobs are now named Zealots, Raider
s and Warriors.
- Various text fixes.
- Scottish culture event now properly converts province culture to Scottish.
- Added missing Romuva holy sites in early start dates.
- Cleaned up old tech system defines from defines.lua
- Adopt feudalism decision now require at least one in the Noble Customs technol
- Found Merchant Republic decision now require at least one in the Trade Practic
es technology.
- It is no longer possible to form custom kingdoms when not being independent.

- The tribal councillor jobs no longer dissapear when having a regent.

- Tweaked triggers for Russian and Scottish culture emergence events.
- Tweaked AI logic for liege converting to capital province culture in some case
- Moved/added new dynasties to several cultures.
- Changed some early characters in history files from Dutch to Frisian culture.
- Revised name lists for early East Slavs.
- Corrected a history database issue where some Saffarid and Kabul Shahi subject
s stayed Zunist after being subjugated.
- Ireland is now tribal in 867.
- Reduced severity of effects of unused and angry tribal event troops disbanding
- Hiding character going celibate now gives spouse and lovers intended opinion m
- Adapted some Charlemagne story event triggers to protect against weirdnesses c
aused by using the ruler designer on major story characters.
- Changed trigger for Irminsul event to make it more likely to happen.
- Khazar rulers can now receive Jewish exiles regardless of ruler religion.
- Christian rivals will no longer reconsider their rivalry against other Christi
ans unless they recently switched religion to Christianity.
- Pagan feast events reworked and should no longer pop in bunches at the same da
- Tweaked triggers for Russian and Scottish culture emergence events.
- Tweaked AI logic for liege converting to capital province culture in some case
- Moved/added new dynasties to several cultures.
- Changed some early characters in history files from Dutch to Frisian culture.
- Revised name lists for early East Slavs.
- Corrected a history database issue where some Saffarid and Kabul Shahi subject
s stayed Zunist after being subjugated.
- Ireland is now tribal in 867.
- Reduced severity of effects of unused and angry tribal event troops disbanding
- Hiding character going celibate now gives spouse and lovers intended opinion m
- Adapted some Charlemagne story event triggers to protect against weirdnesses c
aused by using the ruler designer on major story characters.
- Changed trigger for Irminsul event to make it more likely to happen.
- Fixed issues in CB logic that could result in viewing wrong tooltip
- Now custom kingdoms instantly dejure drift on formation, however only if the d
ejure kingdom/empire is not created and if you completly control the titles.
- Custom kingdoms now cost 300 wealth instead of scaled wealth
- Custom empires now cost 1000 wealth instead of scaled wealth
- Reduced archer bonus during Volley Tactic ( from 300% to 200% )
- Shieldwall Tactic is now possible if a flank has atleast 20% of either Light I
nfantry, Heavy Infantry or Pikemen and atleast 20% archers
- Feint Tactic is now a Light Infantry Tactic, it is possible with atleast 20% L
ight Infantry and atleast 20% Archers and gives bonus to Light Infantry and Arch
ers and a Penalty to Heavy Infantry and Heavy Cavalry
- Lowered Massive Longbow Volley Tactic bonus to Archers to 350% ( from 420% ) a
nd reduced the 2 affinities bonus to 100% ( from 300% )
- Fixed another crash when modding away the learning scenario character
- Fixed bug where the match_mult condition in spawn_unit did not get the correct
levies from vassals when calculating strength.
- Fixed bug where historical wars did not properly start up.
- Added copy_title_laws flag to the create_title effect (yes will copy laws from

the base title)

- The priority_shortcut flag in interface scripts can now be used to define prio
rity shortcuts. Priority shortcuts will fire before any other shortcuts.
- Added error log message for assigning is_viceroyalty in history where the titl
e is owned by the top liege.
- Event spawned troops with an earmark can now be custom-named by using the earm
ark key and "_ARMY" or "_ARMY_OF" in the localization.
- Added define for first year to execute tech, used for optimization, needed for
- Now norse_pagan does not convert to norse_pagan_reformed in converter
2014-10-14: v2.2 Charlemagne
- Added tribal holdings
- Added a learning scenario for new players.
- Added the Centralization law, used to control demesne size and vassal limit bo
- Added Era and character quick selection screen
- Wars can no longer be won before a major battle has taken place or 3 years hav
e passed
- Levies from settlements can now be raised again if they are more than 50% full
- Resolved CTD when disbanding troops.
- Fixed bug where customized Coat of Arms was randomized upon reloading the game
- Fixed CTD when hovering over the 'Create' button for titles with no de jure Co
- Added new decision to go into hiding for characters who are (real or imagined)
targets of murder plots. Spouse or children who are targets can also be sent in
to hiding.
- Ibadi is no longer a Sunni heresy, but a separate religion.
- Added Kharijite religion as a possible heresy for Ibadi.
- No longer possible to form the Holy Roman Empire if you're not independent.
- Added large number of tribal holdings to map for all start dates.
- Removed a large number of obsolete tribal titles, and changed others to bring
them in line with the new system.
- Added Imperial Administration Law for Byzantium ( Increases vassal limit and a
llows viceroys on both kingdoms and duchies while slightly lowering feudal vassa
l opinion )
- Fixed CTD with tradeposts when resigning game and starting a new old gods game
- Fixed a crash when clicking death-reason when a character was killed in a batt
le without specific killer
- Fixed OOS caused by bottleneck logic in combat
- Fixed OOS caused by mismatch of modifiers
- Fixed problem in triggered modifiers that could cause OOSes in mods
- Fixed crashes caused by the ingamelobby
- Fixed crashes in the game setup lobby
- Fixed crash caused by rebel flag in chat message box in multiplayer
- Fixed OOS problem caused by AI logic in when units tried to load onto a ship
- Fixed OOS caused by spawn_unit effect
- Added Somali culture i East Africa.
- Fixed crash when leaving the tutorial and going back to the menu.
- Fixed issue where the auto assign guardian logic for muslim daughters would re

peatedly re-assign guardians on some daughters, resulting in opinion loss with t

he old guardian
- Can now select play from the laucher with the enter key, or close the launcher
with the escape key
- Electors in feudal elective that like their liege are now less likely to vote
for their liege's pick, but more likely to vote for candidates of the same dynas
ty as their liege
- Flank leaders are now assigned from all subunit leaders not only the ones in t
hat flank
- Liege levies now have leaders
- Winter now severely decreases supply in provinces
- Added Winter Soldier commander trait
- Gave the West African Pagans homeland attrition
- Added a load game window to the lobby, and added a quick access to it to the m
ain menu
- It is no longer possible for non-looters to siege holdings if you are hostile
due to looting
- Loading should be slightly faster
- Replaced the timer for calling allies to war with a yes/no trigger. When enter
ing a new war, this trigger is reset and you can call allies to war again.
- Removed the prestige penalty of declining a call to arms if you have the "brok
e_alliance" opinion modifier towards your ally (if they refuse your call to arms
, you can freely refuse theirs).
- Resolved issue where special units used the wrong graphical model.
- Fixed bug where opinion modifiers between a character and its liege did not tr
igger properly.
- Opinion modifiers when requesting characters to educate children are now shown
also when the child is in the right side portrait.
- Building tooltip in the outliner now show the correct name for muslim building
- Description regarding dowry when offering bethrothal/marriage now refers to th
e bride instead of the liege of the bride.
- Resolved bug where Law View did not update properly when changing character.
- Fixed bug where activated plots got frozen when their respective wars did not
- Resolved issues where vassals did not properly become independent when their l
ieges became landless and could not hold any vassal titles.
- Resolved bug where character titles used the wrong gender localization after r
esigning the game.
- Added missing decision icon for donating money to Bektashi.
- Interaction letter events now have clickable shields next to character portrai
- Fixed bug where landless heir did not try to take a title from a vassal when i
nheriting a kingdom title.
- All spouses will now move along with courtiers that become landed, instead of
just moving the first wife.
- Resolved scenario where the pope ceased to exist.
- Fixed bug where nominated bishops were reset after reloading the game.
- The endgame screen now takes the score of your most recent ruler in considerat
ion when resigning from the game.
- Resolved issue where the "Forbidden to lead armies" setting was reset when rel
oading a save.
- The Royal Marriage Aid Duty event now only triggers once per character.
- Divorces now cost as much prestige as would be gained upon marrying the charac
- Females created in Ruler Designer will now give you a matrilineal marriage ins
tead of a regular one.
- Resolved bug where a concubine had a bastard and the opinion penalty was appli
ed to the wife instead of the actual mother.
- Minor event localization fixes.

- The "Will Join if Bribed" plot icon now accurately shows whether someone will
be willing to join your plot or not when bribed.
- Resolved issue where the "New Content" tab showed up even when all DLC's were
- Fixed issue where patrician dowry was never paid as a result of bethrothal.
- Opinion and piety bonuses for restoring the pope in Rome now only applies the
first time that decision is taken.
- Fixed bug where traits were not always localized properly in event options.
- Crusades where a claimant got the contested titles will now say so properly in
the following event.
- AI will now always accept a surrender if the AI would also accept a white peac
- Fixed incorrect invasion CB descriptions.
- Resolved bug where chaste characters would get married through certain events.
- Removed the deprecated "Welcome to the Old Gods" splash screen.
- Fixed event where the wife of a muslim ruler got permission to get divorced bu
t never did so.
- Plot tooltips no longer shows an empty "On Success:".
- Fixed issue where pilgrimages had multiple outcomes.
- Fixed bug where children created in Ruler Designer could not get educated.
- Resolved bug where an event would allow imprisonment of characters that was no
t a vassal of the character.
- Changed certain feast events suitable only for adults to not trigger for minor
- Added missing localization for Buddhist holy wars.
- Fixed bug where holy order titles and family palaces changed succession law wh
en the holder was granted a kingdom.
- An event where court chaplains changed religion no longer triggers if your cha
plain is head of a religion.
- Fixed bug where historical revolts would end up in vassals becoming independen
t when the war ended.
- Fixed bug where vassals in revolt could usurp titles leading to their independ
ence when the revolt ended.
- Norman culture is now more likely to appear in the game after early starts.
- Province of Chandax (Crete) is now called Gortyn if ruled by Greeks or Italian
- Added Celtic names to a large number of titles in Britain.
- Improvements to the Spain setup for various dates.
- Improvements to the India setup for various dates.
- Fixed several minor text issues.
- Fixed several minor event trigger issues.
- Wife no longer tries to murder your son if he's already dead (polygamy).
- Fixed a minor database bug with the d'Ivrea dynasty.
- Added some missing characters in later bookmarks.
- Fixed some character bugs in later bookmarks.
- Holy Order castle building events should now only be shown to relevant charact
- Ambition "Become exalted" no longer gives a nickname. This should make other n
icknames appear more often.
- The coat of arms of the Most Serene Republic of Venice is now red and gold.
- Fixed a bug where reformed tengri characters would never join their holy order
- Changed some province names in Latvia.
- Added missing text for "Restore Ecumenical Patriarchate" decision.
- Added many new events to support the new hiding option for murder plots.
- Renamed Norse religion to Germanic.
- Created various new de jure duchies in Russia and Finland.
- Forming the HRE via decision now also costs money.
- Removed Raise County Levies button
- Added a button to the military screen to call all tribal vassals to war ( can

also call all allies to war via this button )

- Made the "Expelled the Jews" modifier icon red
- Added support for tracking the acquisition method of a title, also scriptable
- Now supports pdxmesh model format
- Disabled assasination diplomatic interaction
- Added automatic handout of titles by councillor
- Added Observe mode
- Balanced retinues to have less emphasis on heavy units
- Balanced retinues to be less and more expensive
- Balanced values of unit types across the board
- Fixed so you can't imprison faction members without cause easily
- Removed the norse ship tech bonus
- Fixed cloud saves not being transfered
- Fixed so you can't chat with char status info anymore in ironman.
- Improved the character selection window by adding a search function
- Added search for claims functionality to the search function of characters
- Regents now actually meddle in the management of the state
- Can now appoint your regent before accidents happen
- Fixed banishment and imprisonment of baronies and powerful rulers exploit
- Now saves in multiplayer autoassign their humans to their character
- Added a proper OOS popup dialog
- Added char id option to add trait console command
- Removed server lost message in ingame lobby
- Made game more sensetive to OOS
- Fixed invalid tooltip in realmview
- Added support for launcher to show version number and checksum of base game
- No longer unjustly imprisoned when a third party faction presses your claim.
- No longer possible to gain creation prestige and piety multiple times for crea
ting the Kingdom of Jerusalem title.
- Fixed issue with an old event where you could ask yourself to release your spo
use from your prison.
- Added de jure Duchy of Kola in northern Finland.
- Slight changes to North Africa province religion setup in 867.
- Moved Gttingen to de jure duchy of Thringen.
- Buying indulgence for your sins from the Pope now has a better opinion and pie
ty effect than before, but can only be done once per lifetime.
- Pagan great holy wars no longer blocked if head of religion is female.
- Added pillow conversion decisions for Paulicians and Messalians.
- Fixed issue with characters sometimes becoming locked from feasts and tourname
nts if a tournament host died.
- Regal numbers are no longer shown in the lobby before starting a game.
- It is now possible to upgrade settlements for all your vassals, not just your
vassal barons.
- The Wrong Holding Type modifier now affects both tax and levies.
- Fleet size is no longer increased by levy size modifiers.
- The assasination chance increase effect of your spymaster have been replaced w
ith a plot power increase against your plot target in the chosen province.
- Fixed breaking issues with the tutorial.
- Fixed bug where liege could take over a war of their vassal when they had a tr
uce with the target.
- Fixed bug where vassals would keep their wars even when their liege joined a w
ar on the same side as the target.
- Now properly include special units when calculating mercenary costs.
- Fixed a serious bug with the 'is_capital' trigger when used in character scope
- Fixed a bug with the effect 'spawn_unit' where it could no longer match forces
vs vassal settlements correctly
- Councillor job actions can now give monthly Piety and Prestige
- The 'disband_on_peace' option in the 'spawn_unit' effect now only takes effect
once there has actually been a war
- Fixed an issue with the shown "pretenders" under Elective Gavelkind

- Elective Gavelkind: Increased the "medieval misogyny" AI nomination factor

- Corrected the bastard uncles of Charlemagne so they don't have legitimate Karl
ing offspring
- Made the Elective Gavelkind junior heir secession event available without the
Charlemagne DLC
- Tribes are now allowed to raid regardless of religion (though still only again
st other religions)
- To Swear Fealty, the new liege must now either be a neighbor or the de jure li
ege of your capital
- Added Designated Regent minor title desc
- Increased MTTH for ramadan events
- Hovering the current ambition now shows the on success effect.
- Fixed a rare issue with tournaments getting stuck in a limbo
- Vassal limit indicates how many landed vassals you can hold without getting a
penalty (barony-tier vassals do not count).
- Your vassal limit is increased by family prestige and the diplomacy skill of t
he ruler and the spouse of the ruler.
- Tribal vassals do not count for vassal limit, unless the liege is also tribal.
- The penalty of being over vassal limit is a negative modifier for tax and levi
es from vassals (ignoring any min modifiers from Crown Authority).
- Being over vassal limit will now allow distant vassals to become independent w
hen the liege dies. The number of vassals that get this choice equals how much o
ver vassal limit the liege is.
- Vassal limit penalties now applies first after new vassals have been held for
60 days.
- Vice Royalties are titles that revert back to the liege when the owner dies.
- To be able to grant Vice Royalties, you need to have the correct Vice Royalty
laws, unlocked through the legalism technology.
- Instead of Crown Authority, tribals use the Tribal Organization Laws.
- Unreformed pagans will dislike increasing Tribal Organization, whereas other v
assals will prefer and vote for increasing Tribal Organization.
- A decision can be taken as a tribal in order to adopt Feudalism or to found a
Merchant Republic, which can be taken when:
- A Tribal Holding have a fully upgraded Hillfort or Market Town.
- The realm have max Tribal Organization.
- The liege is not an unreformed pagan.
- The Capital Province is coastal (required only for players and the fou
nd a Merchant Republic decision)
- Vassals in tribal realms with low Tribal Organization can become independent w
hen the liege dies, especially if the Heir has the Weak trait.
- Tribals can in wartime use a decision to raise event troops in exchange for pr
estige, which will be disbanded when the current war ends.
- Non tribals can always for free revoke tribal vassal titles from vassals of a
different religion.
- A liege can not build any holdings in tribal provinces owned by a tribal vassa
- The Decadence event will now only trigger for characters who have a King or a
Ruler with at least 7 in realm size as close kin.
- Religions with the landed_kin_prestige_bonus flag enabled will now get a prest
ige bonus for having landed kings as your vassal.
- The "Straighten Up" decision can now be taken again after 10 years.
- The "Straighten Up" events have more outcomes, and the decadent character can

now attempt to strike back.

- Some "Straighten Up" outcomes do not give the dynasty head a free imprisonment
- Added CB for usurping decadent dynasty members.
- Added event chain for assasinations targeting decadent characters.
- The Short Reign Years effect was moved from Legalism tech to Majesty tech.
- The Demesne Size effect was removed from Legalism tech.
- The Legalism tech is now used to unlock laws, such as Crown Authority, Vice Ro
yalties, Harsh Vassal Taxation and Max Vassal Levies.
- Doubled all bonuses given by Light Infantry , Heavy Infantry, Cavalry and Sieg
e Equipment technologies.
- Doubled tech cost penalty for being ahead of time.
- Fixed issue where AI was unable to invade using already raised ships, this was
preventing characters with event spawned ships ( adventurers ) from invading.
- Fixed issue where the AI would repeatedly split and rejoin armies causing them
to get stalled
- AI emperors can now grant kingdom titles.
- Fixed missing cultures
- Fixed missing religions
- Fixed wrong icons
- Yet another fix for rebel title crash when converting
- Added Norse personal deities
- Fixed issue with hashashins and other nations not getting their idea group whe
n converting to eu4
- Fixed some problems with modding succession laws for Patricians and Doges
- Variable triggers and effects can compare variables between types of scopes (c
- Historical Tech is now seeded completely differently and can be configured to
a much greater degree ( see the "\history\technology" folder )
- Event texts can now use [GetDay] and [GetWeekday] in the localization file.
- Special culture unit models are now suffixed with the unit name (i.e. "horse_a
rchers", "war_elephants" and "camel_cavalry") instead of "SPECIAL_UNIT".
- Technology can now be scripted to unlock laws, by using the following format i
n the technology file: "add_decision = crown_authority_1"
- Added a Long Character Event type.
- Added the multiplayer trigger to distinguish multiplayer and singleplayer game
- Added a is_unique flag for minor titles. Only one unique minor title can be he
ld by each character.
- Added triggers 'over_vassal_limit' and 'over_max_demesne_size'.
- Added a maintenance_multiplier-flag for event spawned troops. Troops with this
flag will have normal maintenance cost multiplied by this value.
- Support to create custom titles from effect
- has_newly_acquired_title trigger to check if a character holds titles he just
recently acquired
- num_fitting_characters_for_title trigger to check how many characters in ones
court that would fit for a specific title
- best_fit_character_for_title effect to give you the character best fit for a t
- Added on_character_convert_religion on action
- Added on_character_convert_culture on action
- Fixed bug in has_plot trigger

- Added on action for acquiring nicknames.

- Added in_hiding status
- Added any_enemy_plotter, any_known_enemy_plotter, any_unknown_enemy_plotter as
effects and triggers
- Added random_enemy_plotter, random_known_enemy_plotter, random_unknown_enemy_p
lotter as effects and triggers
- Added any_unique_dynasty_vassal effect, which gets vassals of different dynast
ies (and also not of your own).
- Added num_of_unique_dynasty_vassals trigger, which gets the number of vassals
of different dynasties (and also not of your own).
- Added is_dying trigger, which checks if character is about to die. Used for on
_actions called just when character dies, such as on_chronicle_owner_change.
- Has_job_title trigger now also support yes/no values.
- Added character modifier increase_plot_power and event modifier increase_plot_
- ai_feudal_modifier and ai_republic_modifier can now be used with buildings to
modify the ai creation weight if the ai is republic or feudal (but also if the A
I is tribal but strive to become republic or feudal).
- The vice_royalty (yes/no) flag in title history can now be used in order to se
t whether the title is a viceroyalty or not.
- Added trigger 'has_earmarked_regiments_not_raiding'
2014-07-01: v2.1.6
- Entire Iranian culture group now uses Persian Units and Portraits
- Fixed crash on autosave after a major revolt
- Fixed crash when validating a war started by a deleted character
- Fixed freeze due to a ruler being employed by one of his vassals
- Light Cavalry now gets its intended defense bonus from tech
2014-06-30: v2.1.5
- Fixed crash after changing savegame directory with the delete save dialog open
- Minor optimizations
- Ironman now autosaves once every 6 months rather than every month
- Fixed crash where AI would evaluate religious elector titles when you didn't h
ave Sons of Abraham
- Fixed OOS regarding battle chokepoints.
- Optimized AI for elector titles for religions
- Optimized so interface should seem smoother at all times, less stuttering
- Fixed a bug where wars against vassals would not start properly, and freeze an
y plot related to that war.
- Fixed crash when you hover over dead characters religion icon
- Fixed CTD when AI is evaluating targets
- Fixed issue where taking the last county from the Pope would not properly give
its baronies to the winner.
- Fixed issue where taking the last county from the Pope ended his Crusades.
- Texture memory usage has been optimized, this should result in far lower memor
y useage, both on the graphics card and RAM.
- Even more memory usage optimization, reduced memory usage growth over time.
- Fixed issue where temporary revolt titles got inherited by characters outside
the revolt. ( Old saves affected by this should also be repaired )

- Fixed issue where vassals under a temporary revolt title got independent on Li
ege's death.
- Fixed issue where vassals with a liege in a revolt could create new higher tie
r titles and become independent of the original liege when the revolt ended
- Fixed issue where a vassal got independent when they joined a rebellion outsid
e the realm of its liege.
- Holding Alt and left-clicking while a unit is selected will no longer make tha
t unit un-selectable.
- The Third Temple in Jerusalem is now completed even if the ruler who ordered i
ts construction dies.
- Fixed an error in the German text for the completion of the Third Temple.
- "Great Indian Sultanate" and "Looking East and West" achievements now work eve
n if Rajastan has become a part of the Empire of of India.
- Fixed an issue with the allow triggers for Kali Puja.
- Plots to revoke vassal titles no longer resets when not supposed to.
- Resolved issue were the educate child interaction would not auto suggest a gua
- Now properly resets the de facto liege of revolt vassals when the revolt ends
- Revolt wars now end when the provinces in revolt gets vassalised by another le
- Horse archers no longer use the Norse horse archers model as default.
- Fixed a bug where AI characters would not go on pilgrimages.
- No longer shows the order of a character's wife in the opposite order.
- The event to become Saoshyant no longer requires non-existing duchies.
- Game no longer crashes on death if the diplomacy view is opened.
- Fixed bug where a revolt Casus Belli became invalidated when it was not suppos
ed to.
- Kingdom of Jerusalem's duchies can no longer be assimilated by other kingdoms
- Fixed small issue with logging incompability with launcher.
- Fixed freezing of plot when surrendering to a war to revoke a vassal title.
- Resolved issue with offering to educate children where the liege of the child
was automatically assigned as a tutor instead of you or one in your realm.
- Fixed bug where rulers got vassalised when they lost a claim war even though t
hey had vassals outside the contested title.
- Zoroastrian vassals now only consider liege marriages as divine if they are tr
uly close kin.
- Fixed issue where the pope would always grant divorces as the marriages where
wrongly considered a consanguinity.
- Fixed English localisation of Hellenic priests, training grounds and mustering
- Changed the "Become King" ambition to be called "Become Queen" for female rule
- Changed font for changing language in the settings menu to match fonts used fo
r other settings.
- Resolved issue where thumbs up and thumbs down icons when browsing the list of
claimants did not match if they could be invited to court or not.
- Fixed bug for Muslim rulers where your latest wife was set as your First Wife,
instead of the wife you first married.
- Fixed bug where AI republic characters with other titles did not build trade p
- Fixed bug where the graphic for special units changed when merged with troops
of another culture.
- Resolved issue where Muslim male characters could not get married if betrothed
to a minor.
- Fixed issue where revolt occupations were removed when another revolt claimed
the contested title.
- Improved AI decision-making for inviting vassals to celebrate Ramadan.

- Faction backers are now removed from the faction upon death.
- Now properly shows the special unit icon in the reorganize unit view.
- Now properly updates holy sites for Muslim religions.
- Added missing localisation for coa_plain_pagan and coa_plain_indian.
- Modified decisions, achievments and events for Indian empires to also trigger
for the empire of India.
- Your spymaster can now properly persuade other nobles to join your faction.
- Fixed a bug where characters were having their tutor reassigned from the tutor
the player had picked for them
- Muslim Special Troops now use the Muslim Horse Archer model, rather than the W
estern Light Cavalry model
- Fixed issue where a character would not be counted as incapaciteded or pilgrim
after loading a savegame
- Fixed a minor bug with the white elephant events.
- Fixed a bug with scheming regents sometimes not stopping their schemes if they
lost their original target.
- Vassals can no longer participate in the same war as their lieges, except in C
rusades or when fighting the liege in a rebellion.
- Lieges can now offer to join vassals wars when they are pressing a claim outsi
de of the realm, replacing the vassal as participant.
- Jewish buildings and retinues no longer need Jewish religion, only Israelite c
ulture group.
- Added Nubian cultural retinue and building.
- Pagans can now raid and use holy orders against each other.
- Fixed a bug that made it possible for a player to activate several pilgrimages
at once.
- Costs for pilgrimages fixed.
- "What Schism?" achievement now correctly uses Constantinople and not Thrace pr
ovince in trigger.
- Fixed a bug in the trigger for the "Visit Mount Athos" event.
- Fixed a minor bug with an opinion modifier in the Jeanne d'Arc events.
- Changed 'Have a Son' and 'Have a Daughter' ambitions to work properly with the
gender of the character.
- Ghanan band and Ghilman merc compositions are no longer naval.
- Saint Addai holy order is no longer available before the event chain enables t
- Fixed a bug where the AI would repeatedly raise and disband holy orders.
- Fixed several 'blockers' where the AI would not use Holy Orders in situations
where it made sense for them to do so.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would repeatedly raise and disband its vassal levies.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would ignore small rebel stacks that were moving arou
- Fixed an issue with separated seazones that was breaking AI when trying to inv
ade by sea.
- Fixed an issue with invasions where AI would repeatedly raise and disband ship
- Fixed an issue where the AI would not bring home armies at the end of a war.
- Fixed a 'bouncing' issues with armies moving to besiege provinces.
- Converter missing cultures should now be fixed
- Invalid icons for converter should now be updated to latest version of eu4
- Fixed another crash in converter associated with major revolt titles.
- Fixed crash from temporary titles
- Fixed indian cultures.
- Fixed invalid religion icon for jain

- Improved cardinal appointment score text and interface a tiny bit

- Changed the law tab for republics so that they now properly show the expected
- Religion view for Jewish characters no longer displays Catholic specific butto
ns or the pagan reform button.
- Changed message sent when liege takes over a war to include the vassal's name,
instead of "yours".
- Added missing localisation for Slavic, Baltic, Aztec, Mazdaki and Manichean re
- Now properly show holy sites in the religion tab for all religions except for
religions with either antipopes or autocephaly.
- Fixed localisation for Rabbis in religion tab.
- Character browser can now filter on religion and culture as well as religion a
nd culture group
- Titles in diplomatic interactions no longer sorted.
- demesne_size modifier is now possible to set in laws
- Added demesne_size modifier (incremental, not multiplicative)
- Added local_speed_modifier
- Split ARMY_LOAD_UNLOAD_MOVE_COST into two separate defines
- Added on action on_create_title
- Added on action on_settlement_looted
- Added on action on_navy_returns_with_loot
- Added on action on_new_holder_usurpation
- Added on action on_new_holder_inheritance
- Added on action on_new_holder
- Added <religion>_opinion for Hindu, Jain, Buddhism, Indian, Orthodox, Pagan an
d Aztec
- Added moddable opinion for brother
- Added moddable opinion for half-brother
- Added moddable opinion for sister
- Added moddable opinion for half-sister
- Added moddable opinion for grandfather
- Added moddable opinion for grandmother
- Added moddable opinion for grandchild
- Added moddable opinion for uncle
- Added moddable opinion for aunt
- Added moddable opinion for nephew
- Added moddable opinion for niece
- Untangled and made cardinal election moddable
- Now possible to mod papal succession to not lose holdings or minor religious t
- Added dynasty_head scope
- Added history command disallow_random_traits
- Added set_graphical_culture effect
- Added effect scope any_allied_character
- Added effect scope random_allied_character
- Added remove_nickname effect
- Added is_variable_equal trigger
- Added is_looting trigger
- Added is_looting_in trigger
- Added num_of_max_settlements trigger
- Added num_of_empty_holdings trigger
- Added borders_major_river trigger
- Added trigger is_allied_with
- Added trigger scope any_allied_character
- check_variable trigger now take a scope or second variable as a right-side arg

- Added subtract_variable, multiply_variable and divide_variable effects
- All variable effects now take a scope or second variable as right-side argumen
2014-04-28: v2.1.4
- Fixed broken MP from v2.1.2, for real
- Save games now written to virtual memory before writing them physically to imp
rove stability.
- Some trait cost fixes, all trait costs lowered.
- Can no longer press the create Hungary button multiple times.
- Fixed a bug where spouses were no longer allies.
- Fixed a bug where you could assimilate into revolt titles.
- Fixed a bug where revolting as a patrician could give you the wrong government
- Indian holy orders can now fight other indian religions.
- Updated heir description for piety name in dynasty view.
- Updated interaction description for piety name in interaction view.
- Can no longer press the red skulls of people killed by rabble.
- Bug Fix where realm view used to show demesne incomes instead of tax incomes.
- Fixed a bug where marriage notification showed that a character was marrying h
- Title and CB selection in diplomatic interactions now gets sorted by CB type a
nd title name.
- Added icons for the Order of Addai.
- spawn_unit matchmul no longer counts in event spawned and mercenery units.
- Added hostile_within_group flag for religion groups which decides if holy orde
rs will fight other religions within the same group.
2014-04-11: v2.1.3
- Fixed broken MP from v2.1.2
- All Muslim rulers are now notified and given an imprisonment reason when a dyn
asty member refuses to straighten up
- Added a notification event when a dynasty member goes decadent
- Only Kshatriya women are generated in feudal Indian courts
- Can no longer pick the "Excommunicated" trait in the ruler designer
- Fixed a bug where dead characters could get the wrong liege set
- Fixed bug where the "Become King" ambition would abort due to holding a tempor
ary revolter kingdom
- Added better text when losing decadence from a title grant
- Adjusted to care more about Caste for marriages

2014-04-09: v2.1.2
- Memory optimizations (graphics DLCs)
- Fixed a bug where allies could be called into certain Major Revolts by attacke
rs, resulting in some erroneous vassalizations at the end of the war.
- Temporary titles no longer increase the multiplier for Decadence gain if they
are the character's highest tier title.
- Hunts and Fairs should now be more interesting.
- Hunts and Fairs should no longer give you bundles of events on the same day.
- Hunts and Fairs should now almost always fire at least one event.
- Tournaments will now end properly after all winners are chosen.
- Fixed a bug where an adventure would declare war ahead of time.
- Asking to join a crusade is no longer limited by the distance to the religious
- Arrange Marriage no longer shows people with a different caste if you're Hindu
- Now possible to search for trait names and last names in character finder.
- Spouse no longer likes you less if you have a different caste.
- Fixed a bug where decadence would be incorrectly reset when resigning.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't grant county titles to Hindus even if they woul
d have their barony become the primary holding in that province.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't grant lower titles of the incorrect type.
- Fixed a bug where you could designate dead heirs.
- Ruler designer costs improved for balance.
- Fixed a bug where commanders could be offered marriages which they would accep
- Fixed a bug where the pope would be listed as your best candidate.
- Fixed a bug where the guardian would its wards far away with them.
- Fixed a bug where characters of special interest would be cleared upon inherit
- The Robin Hood event series should no longer fire more than once per campaign.
- Fixed some issues with the Aztec invasion.
- Made Buddhist ambitions easier to fulfill.
- Added religion triggers for certain nicknames.
- Fixed a number of minor text bugs.
- Celibate characters should no longer be worried about their conjugal lovelife.
- Added/changed some trait-based opinion modifiers.
- Made Mount Athos an Orthodox holy site instead of Piraeus.
- Bogomilist women can now be appointed as court chaplains.
- Homosexual characters can now have the "get married" ambition again.
- Tweaked various factors affecting whether AI chooses the "get married" ambitio
- Fixed a bug with the decadence "straighten up" action.
- Fixed a bug where characters sacrificed to Kali would mysteriously survive.
- Blocked some ambitions for court gurus.
- Fixed a bug that gave Indian provinces way too much revolt risk from certain e
- Fixed an issue with the timing of events at Indian feasts.
- Fixed an error with flag clearing at Furusiyya and Epic Tournaments.
- Fixed several event triggers that failed to correctly check a character's loca
- Applying history backwards was working incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug where you wasn't able to reform pagan.
- Fixed a bug with the allow_laws console command
- Now allowed to arrange marriages regardless of diplomatic range if you have a

courtier who is betrothed to someone in the target's court

- The Messalian heresy now has access to Absolute Cognatic Succession
- Now allowed to assign a leader to a flank without one regardless of crown auth
- Fixed a bug with lover event 64065
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't arrange marriages as a child.
- No longer costs any piety to banish if one has a valid reason.
- Banishment description shows the cost to banish.
- Games already in progress no longer show up on the server list.
- Ransom interaction no longer distance limited.
- Fixed some issues with the Samrat Chakravartin decision. It should now be much
more attractive for the player.
- Removed an exploit with muslim schools and tech points.
- Fixed a bug with temporary revolt titles and certain achievements.
- Fixed error in troop amount trigger causing horse archers to get elephant tact
- Added missing localization for jungle terrain combat effect tooltip.
- Indian temple corruption and local death cults are now immediately removed if
province owner is of a non-Indian religion.
- Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented the player from building some holdings.
- Updated so all light cavalry based tactics affect camel cavalry as well
- Fixed invalid patrician trade post cost calculation
- Nestorians can now only appoint landed bishops as Autocephalous Patriarchs (co
urt chaplains)
- Fixed so technology gives bonuses to some special troops
- Improved the logic of bribing people into plots.
- Adapted pilgrim events to include Messalian and Paulician heresies.
- Fixed a bug where the usurp button for kingdoms usurped vassals as well
- Will only ask vassals or below to "Straighten up"
- No longer possible for AI to plot to assassinate self (unless they are a lunat
- AI can now start Claimant factions again
- Holy Warrior has a better effect description.
- Fixed a case where righteous imprisonment alert was shown even though imprison
ment wasn't available.
- Piety name fixed in ledger.
- Piety name fixed in religion view.
- Piety name fixed in law view for Muslims.
- Piety name in casus belli selection for declare war diplomacy.
- Piety name in score description fixed
- Piety name in end of combat/battle dialog fixed.
- Cursor offsets for character finder.
- Autosave to cloud no longer open main menu upon completion.
- Find province window updated.
- Character selection could show a wrong CoA for lowborn.
- Piety name fixed in execute interaction.
- Clients no longer show "waiting for server id"
- Ransom button in intrigue view disabled when the employer can't/won't ransom t
he person.
- Fixed invalid text shown for special troops in commander traits
- Fixed moral authority tooltip for indian religions.
- Fixed upside down CoA's on map for versions using OpenGL
- Added missing top bar extension for Indian republics
- Added missing jungle terrain picture
- Vassal tab shows patricians as patricians now
- Fixed another [Player.Religion.GetPietyName] localization issue

- Renamed cost to ruler_designer_cost for trait age costs.
- ruler_designer_cost now forces the cost instead of applying an offset.
- Added a check for characters holding titles before they were born.
- Error log now alerts for any duplicate landed titles.
- Fixed a bug with the event filter 'only_independent' and revolters
- Made a number of changes to starting characters and dynasties, above all in No
rthern India.
- Ruler of Agen in 987 is now shows as the bishop he is.
2014-03-11: v2.1
- Major map revisions and additions: East Africa, Armenia, Central Asia, Siberia
and India
- Added Steam matchmaking support
- Added Steam workshop support
- Added diplomatic range, blocking diplomacy and councillor actions vs too dista
nt characters
- Factions will now revolt as a single unified realm under a temporary title
- Added attrition for units that have been "out-of-supply" for too long (can't l
ive off the land in neutral counties, etc)
- Added support to change window mode setting: fullscreen, borderless or windowe
- New unit type system allowing for more flexible unit types, including War Elep
hants, Camel Warriors and Horse Archers
- Blocked "North Korea Mode"; you now lose huge parts of all income and levies i
f your demesne is too big
- Save games are now compressed by default (can be toggled on and off)
- Major memory and performance optimizations
- Added equal-opportunity tumbling of courtiers for women and homosexuals.
- Added opinion malus for holding a character in prison.
- Added opinion malus for former lovers.
- Characters can now have up to five lovers at the same time.
- Tweaks and improvements to many events and decisions.
- Scripted civil wars in history files should now work properly. When scripting
civil wars, defender must always be added before attacker for them to work prope
- Now possible to revoke honorary titles. Revoking an honorary title with a posi
tive opinion modifier will anger the previous holder.
- Added support for multiple lovers.
- Impregnation of lovers is now handled in the code.
- Updated all events to use the new scripting logic for friends, rivals and love
- Characters will no longer get 'Marriage Ties' opinion bonus towards their spou
- Fixed a bug that was preventing vassals from being able to be called into war
under certain CBs that were scripted to allow it.
- CBs that call other vassals into a revolt will now automatically call all vass
als when war is declared.
- Sons asking for titles can now start an adventure for one of your titles if re
fused. Especially common among Muslims. (event 37000)
- Timur and Seljuk now arrive in a more involved fashion and need to survive bef

ore they launch their great gambit

- Children can no longer pick up the religion or culture of a guardian if the gu
ardian does not share the religion or culture of his employer
- The Nestorians are no longer a heresy, and have their own holy order (The Orde
r of St Addai)
- Added the Messalian heresy (Nestorian)
- Made the Paulician heresy (Orthodox)
- You can no longer usurp the sole primary title off of someone with a different
religion if he has any holdings within it
- You no longer get an opinion bonus from your vassals for defending against reb
els, adventurers and the like
- You can no longer call allies to help you defend against peasant, heretic and
religious rebels
- Added a decision to conscript merchant ships if playing a ruler with overseas
- Reduced piety gained from battles
- Increased piety cost of Muslim Invasion CB
- Whether a character is too insignificant for anyone to care if you execute the
m is now determined by whether they have any titles, claims, or titled close rel
- Children, incapable characters and prisoners can no longer join factions
- The decision to acknowledge bastards as your own now works again
- Becoming infirm will now abort self improval ambitions
- Characters now lose the ambition to get married upon becoming eunuchs or homos
- Cathar women can now have the same career ambitions as men
- Can no longer reform the Orthodox religion, instead one has the Decision to re
store the Ecumenical Patriarchate
- Events can no longer make tech points negative
- Fixed a rare crash related to loading savegames with events referring invalid
- Cathar vassals no longer have negative opinions for liege or liege's heir bein
g female
- Expelling holy orders now blocks further Decisions towards them
- Holy Orders can no longer ask for the right to build castles in the lands of v
assals of someone who has expelled them
- If a Holy Order is your vassal when you expel it, it will be set free
- Added missing decision to expel the Bektashi Order
- No longer possible to hire holy orders that you've expelled
- Reduced the number of standing troops of the Knights of Calatrava and Santiago
- After a successful decadence revolt, the new ruler only gets weak unpressed cl
aims on vassals who choose independence
- Increased chances that vassals will choose independence after successful decad
ence revolts
- Doubled the Prestige that newborn characters get from their dynasty at birth
- Doubled the Prestige you get from the dynasty of your spouse when marrying
- Added missing de jure capitals to the Kingdom of Anatolia and the Duchies of S
poleto and Latium
- Added a prisoner age check to event 50010
- Added updated flags for titles within the Arabian, Mali and Byzantine de jure
- Fixed a couple of location triggers in Christian monastery events.
- Fixed bug in bookmarks reading of files
- Fixed duchies names not showing properly in de-jure duchy map mode
- Added Camel Warriors retinue type to Arabic culture
- Fixed crash bug when units die of attrition
- Tweaked max attrition just so slightly
- Improved the Sons of Abraham version of the heresy appearance event (SoA.4000)
- Strengthened adventurers in general
- The king of Jerusalem is no longer allowed to vassalize the Knights Templar or

the Knights of St John if they are too powerful already

- Tweaked the cultural conversion events a bit, mainly to improve the special Mo
ngol conversion factor
- Corrected the terrain in many provinces
- Fixed a bug where saves where primary title was dynamic didn't have CoA
- Fixed a bug that if the primary title was dynamic the character was not auto s
elected after loading
- Fixed a bug where kicking someone out of the lobby would make that character u
- Fixed a bug where selecting a player in the outliner would sometimes navigate
to an incorrect province
- Fixed a bug where map borders were not correctly loaded when going into multip
- Fixed a bug where map names were not correctly loaded when going into multipla
- Cash, Prestige, and piety commands can now be used with values smaller than 1
- Text field cursor position fixed in multiple cases
- Fixed a bug where children would lose their guardian upon reload
- Fixed a bug where only a single opposite trait would be removed
- Famagusta is no longer an Abbasid vassal in 867
- Loot bar regrows more slowly now
- Fixed an issue where event flags would sometimes not clear properly after tour
naments, feasts and similar events
- Fixed the triggers for a number of minor events where people could get the eve
nt even if they didn't have the correct religion
- Fixed broken trigger for the Decadent Warrior achievement
- Cut "succession wars" and all (mostly obsolete) mechanics to do with vassal re
volt risk
- Jews can now also hire the Abyssinian and Nubian mercs
- Fixed a nasty bug where whole Patrician families could be genocided on success
- Added events for the rise of the Ghaznavids
- Added a negative opinion modifier for vassal kings vs their emperor liege
- Improved or fixed religion triggers in many events
- Improved localization for a number of older events
- Minor tweaks to effects for many events
- Added a special decision to form the HRE
- Events are now saved and loaded from saves
- Compressed saves are now saved with meta data to improve performance
- Localisation of other languages now defaults to English
- Flags now appear and disappear when you're the correct height above the ground
- Saving the game with a dynamic title now saves the correct COA and automatical
ly reselects the character you played upon loading
- Some minor changes to the save games format to improve backward compatibility
- Save games list now show if the save is unsupported
- Family view now uses a larger siblings box if character's religion does not al
low secondary spouses or concubines.
- The "Threats" tab in the Intrigue View is now filled with appropriate characte
- Added an "Adventurer Threat" alert (replacing the old "Angry Vassal" one)
- When choosing educate character for a child, a suitable guardian will now be p
re-picked (for the cases where you don't want to bother to pick one yourself).
- Added a new tab to dynastic view that shows friends, rivals, in-laws and lover
- Religion/Culture filter in character finder now actually filters by religion/c
ulture instead of religon/culture group.
- Pressing the skull icon will now navigate to the killer (if he is known)
- Court tab now shows councillors as well

Improved a lot of title and culture colors

Added opinion modifiers to the trait tooltip
Fixed tooltips for trigger 'has_guardian' and 'has_regent'
Corrected the tooltip for the trigger 'any_claim'
Pressing on red character skulls now navigates to the murderer
Character view now shows the correct piety icon for the selected character
Expel Jormsvikings was missing localisation

- Much less likely to plot against characters they have a high opinion of.
- Much less likely to form factions against characters they have a high opinion
- Improved guardian selection logic.
- More prio on converting demesne provinces over vassal provinces.
- Less willing to marry young male characters to older women.
- Will now detach and move away if their parent stack is suffering severe attrit
- Will now keep attrition-free event troops mostly consolidated instead of sprea
ding them out.
- Now takes terrain and unit quality into account when determining whether to ru
n away from enemies.
- Smarter about when to assault if there are enemy troops nearby.
- Better at determining who to attach to in war.
- Better at coordinating with allies in war.
- Will no longer declare suicidal faction independence wars that only have a fra
ction of their liege's power.
- Now smarter about when to hire mercenaries in a war.
- Less willing to fold to independence, pretender and antiking factions.
- Will now never fold to a very weak faction.
- Will stop more plots.
- The Hordes will now be more prone to head in the "right" direction.
- Will now execute dynasty decisions.
- Smarter about title revocation.
- Will not start claimant factions for old women, or a parent of the current rul
- Muslim characters are more likely to pick up the 'Gain a Title' ambition.
- Foreign rulers are now generally quite willing to take on wards as hostages
- Added support for multiple lovers.
- Can now block minor titles from being revokable.
- The faction power level at which you get a warning alert is now scriptable.
- Now possible to script vassal_opinion, liege_opinion and sex_appeal_opinion in
to modifiers.
- Now possible to mod whether character interactions require a character to have
their cost in prestige/piety on hand to use the interaction.
- Now possible to mod out character interactions entirely through defines.
- Added new define NOT_SPOUSE_FERTILITY_MULT that governs impregnation chance be
tween non-married lovers.
- Added new define MARRIED_LOVERS_FERTILITY_MULT that governs impregnation chanc
e between married lovers.
- Added triggers num_of_lovers, num_of_spouses, num_of_consorts, is_lover.
- Added scopes random_consort, random_lover, any_lover.
- Friends and rivals can now be added and removed with add_friend, add_rival, re
move_friend and remove_rival.
- is_friend and is_rival now check correctly against rival/friend rather than hi
gh/low opinion.
- pacifist in religion groups is now called ai_peaceful.
- pacifist=yes in religions now denotes religions with decreased aggression and
stable realms. Only works on Jain religion if player does not own Rajas of India

- pacifist=yes in script now checks if character belongs to a pacifist religion.
- Can now script AI conversion behaviour for religions & religion groups.
- Added MAX_JOINED_FACTIONS to defines, sets how factions a character can be a p
art of (including led ones).
- Added scriptable static modifiers for characters of different ages(0-15, 16-19
, 20-29, 30-49, 50-69 and 70+).
- Added allow_join to factions, this restricts whether characters can join facti
- Added peace_piety_gain for religions
- Added designated heir functionality
- Added flag 'feminist = yes' to religion scripts (defines that a religion is no
t prejudiced against female rulers).
- Added trigger 'is_lowborn'
- Added trigger 'num_of_dynasty_members'
- Added the ability to change the name of piety for religions.
- Added real_tier, lower_real_tier_than, higher_real_tier_than triggers. These w
ork like a regular tier check except that they ignore temporary titles.
- Added peace_piety_gain for religions
- Added designated heir functionality
- Mercenaries have now been moved to their own script file
- Implemented scriptable troop types.
- Fixed portage crash bug.
- Support for ocean to ocean rivers.
- Added a 'character_modifier' to religions
- Added a 'character_modifier' to cultures
- Fixed feminist flag that can be used in religions to make em not care if ruler
/heir is female.
- Added character_modifier for religions
- Can now define ranges of sea zones to make life easier.
- Can now define seperate oceans to help the pathfinding.
- Added trigger 'has_overseas_holdings'
- Added 'Player' text promotion
- Added trigger 'is_within_diplo_range'
- Added 'de_jure_counties' console command (shows a map mode)
- Added a 'manifest_destiny_invasion' CB for various special cases
- Fixed some issues with marriage texts, the 'on_marriage' action and modding
- Added effect 'copy_random_personality_trait'
- Added 'reincarnated' trigger
- Added effect 'set_reincarnation'
- Added event target 'reincarnation'
- History action 'add_matrilineal_spouse' now has been fixed
- Added error logs for incorrectly scripted birth and death dates
- Added handling and error logs of incorrectly scripted mothers and fathers (fix
es certain crashes)
- Added 'secondary_event_pictures' to religions and culture
- Added trigger 'can_copy_personality_trait_from'
- Color table for converter is now in 0-255 range instead of 0-1
- Color table for converter can now script per CK2 title tag as well
- Key provinces of Europe is now scriptable
- Border provinces of Europe is now scriptable
2014-01-17: v2.0.4
-------------------- Fixed a serious issue where big cloud saves could become corrupted
- Various changes to the EU4 converter for the EU4 v1.4 patch

- Improved save compatibility feedback

2013-12-20: v2.0.3
-------------------- Fixed crash when stepping around in the history
- Locked date widget when loading ironman saves
- Fixed crash with ironman saves in a different directory
2013-12-16: v2.0.2
- Added a "Depose Antipope" Casus Belli
- Added an "Antiking" faction. The leader usurps the liege's primary title, depo
ses the antipope and passes papal investiture. The Pope can be called into the r
esulting war.
- Not possible to set up an antipope within 50 years of one being forcibly depos
- Fixed bug in Linux where the game became totally unplayable if you ALT+TAB
- Now possible to play in Ironman mode with the ruler designer and mods (but you
won't get achievements)
- Significantly reduced the amount of event-spawned troops across the board to b
etter reflect the rebalanced levies
- Fixed crash bug in the Mac launcher
- Fixed religion reformation crash
- West African Pagans can no longer have higher CA than Low
- Fraticelli now get investiture laws
- Waived the non-neighboring rule for theocracy title grants, but made it moddab
- Now allowed to grant one higher-than-duke tier title to a theocracy
- Blocked granting away your capital county if you have moved your capital
- Disallowed revoking and plotting to revoke a title that you just gave to someo
- Antipopes now correctly lose the status if they change religion
- Antipopes now lose their status if their liege is not the same religion
- Fixed some memory and thread safety issues with the trigger 'check_variable'
- Added a blocker flag to first generation Jewish courtiers, preventing conversi
on demands
- Increased the revolt risk for wrong culture and religion a bit
- Antipopes now have papal clothes
- You now have to be independent to create an antipope
- Added Jewish buildings
- Added Jewish retinues
- Fixed a bug with patricians pressing claims
- Improved the "pagan converts to spouse's/concubine's religion" decisions to wo
rk with all heresies
- Mending the schism is also now possible for Orthodox heresies that have taken
over and become the main branch
- Tweaked various religious events
- Lowered the mean time to happen for certain story events
- Fixed a bug with the de facto liege of primary holdings
- Now patricians will be picked sometimes when using the random character button
- Added trait "Battlefield Terrain Master"
- Fixed bug where independent characters couldn't be assigned a religious title
- Fixed issue where liege took barony vassals entire county as capital when he d
idn't own the county
- Fixed missed check for unlanded when usurping title

- Fixed crash bug when looking at religions in game setup

- Corrected Orthodox patriarch name lists
- Added missing reason tooltip for why you cannot make an antipope of a bishop o
f another religion
- Added missing crusade names for some heresies
- Fixed a bug with the ending of the Shepherds' Crusade
- Fixed some triggers that weren't correctly checking for the Jewish religion gr
- Non-Jewish rulers with Jewish councillors can now get some special technology
improvement events
- Fixed a very rare crash in combat
- Marriage, betrothal, and concubinage can no longer be arrange while imprisoned
- Fixed bug in the Crusade CB where a courtier could not get the king title he d
- There is now automatic peace with rebels if you get a complete victory
- Fixed bug where the unit reorganization window didn't pop up and split of troo
ps was not selected
- Fixed the invasion CB for Muslims so it becomes invalid when the target conver
ts religion
- Fixed bug where a regiment managed to detach itself from its army completely
- City and bishopric rulers can no longer get claims through inheritance
- Corrected several heretic religion descriptions
- Added some missing Fraticelli college of cardinal text
- Added a minimum cap for bottleneck chokepoints
- Fixed crash when randomly jumping around in history.
- Reverted back so levy modifier affects galley count
- The "Holy Smoke" achievement should now work as intended
- The "And Stay Out!" achievement should now work as intended
- Fixed a bug when saving a game that has a religion which has overthrown the pa
rent religion
- Fixed problem where hordes counted as theocracies in the game setup
- Fixed flank leaders being reset when loading saves
- The Ibadi and Hurufi Caliphates and the Yazidi Sheikhdom can now be properly c
- Fixed a bug where rulers of all religions could ask their religious head to st
art a crusade
- If Catholicism becomes a heresy, "Mending the Schism" is no longer possible
- Fixed a bug where Muslim invasion wars against other types of Muslims would in
validate immediately
- Fixed so ironman mode is not locked out if you go back from saved games to boo
- Made sure the Vikings have enough ships in 867
- Strengthened 867 starting positions for Rurik, Dyre the Stranger and the Khaza
- Added Jewish Khazar names
- Made some minor fixes to male Iberian names
- AI: Adjusted succession marriage reasoning
- AI: Better at calculating odds of victory when attacking
- AI: Should now be more careful about attacking with inferior numbers
- AI: Will now re-raise its forces if current levies are significantly smaller t
han the potential amount it can raise
- AI: Will now use the Spymaster to suppress factions
- AI: Will now use the Chancellor to improve relations with vassal faction membe
- AI: More careful about appointing disgruntled Spymasters
- AI: Will now always honor the terms of an existing betrothal

- AI: Fixed a bug where Catholic rulers would spam the Pope with money requests
and bishop nomination requests, spending their Piety
- AI: Really powerful rulers now sometimes create antipopes, even when they are
not excommunicated, depending on papal opinions and the number of church loyalis
t bishops
- Triggers are now automatically sorted by their computation complexity so modde
rs won't have to think about it
- Added trigger 'is_recent_grant'
- Exported 'matrilineal_marriages' flag to religion script (no longer hardcoded
for Muslims)
- Exported 'can_have_antipopes' flag to religions (now decoupled from 'investitu
- Added event target 'betrothed'
- Added history command 'add_matrilineal_spouse'
- Added trigger 'is_married_matrilineally'
- Added support for the 'player_allow' trigger in factions
- Added a configuration "mp_max_lead_days" which is defaulted at 7, this prevent
s the server from progressing more than a week ahead of the slowest player
- Added do_not_disturb character flag to help optimize triggers and lock charact
er availability for journeys, feasts etc
- Added any_claimant effect
- Fixed error with character and province event effect where they could not trig
ger cause they missed a trigger
- Added a new -debugscripts command line option that will output our internal as
serts of the triggers and effects so modders can see what went wrong with their
- Added EVENT_TROOPS_SIZE_MULT define as a global multiplier on match_mult
- Fixed an issue with namespaces and how delayed event ids are saved
- Fixed so duplicate entries of a character's ID won't create duplicate characte
- Added BOTTLENECK_CHOKE_TROOP_CAP in defines which defaults to 300
- The 'intermarry' option in religions now works between religion groups as well
- Retinues are now scripted with a 'potential' trigger rather than simple cultur
e and culture_group fields
- Added has_regiments trigger.
- Fixed bug where province view was toggled when siege ended
- Now the checkbox for auto invite plots displays correctly
2013-11-22: v2.0.1
-------------------- Added missing Jewish religious icons
- No longer possible to play as a Jew without the Sons of Abraham DLC
- The "Legitimize Bastard" decision now sets the correct dynasty
- Cathars now have access to the "Absolute Cognatic" succession law
- Jewish priests are now allowed to marry
- The kingdom of Jerusalem decisions to vassalize the Knights Templar and Hospit
aller now work
- Heresies are now also shown on the religion page in the ledger
- The Knights of Santiago now have their historical activation date and first Gr
- Fixed a bug where an antipope installed as proper Pope in Rome would get an an
tipope successor
- Fixed a bug where the Pope could restore himself in Rome infinitely, for astro
nomical amounts of Piety
- GamersGate users no longer incorrectly get the Steam overlay

- Different platforms don't get different checksums anymore

- You can no longer get a barony level character when pressing the Random Charac
ter button
- Added more descriptive text when Ironman is disabled
- Removed some ways in which one could cheat in Ironman
- Disabled autosave to cloud storage option in settings if no cloud storage is a
- Fixed some bugs with the new 'hold_election' effect
- AI: Massively reduced the chance that it will create antipopes, for now
- Fixed an issue with ridiculously powerful Mongol stacks if there were Jews in
the world
- Fixed so Shift + I does not act like Shift + Insert anymore
- Religion status changes (Mending the Schism, etc) are now properly reset on re
- Fixed a bug where most councillor job action events were men only
- Blocked Ultimogeniture for West African pagans
- Limited the intrigue gained from certain successful plots
- Fixed error in 'Viking Raider' achievement script
- Fixed a bug with Zoroastrian Xwedodah marriages not being considered sacred
- No longer possible to select Jews in multiplayer if the host does not have Son
s of Abraham
2013-11-18: v2.0
- Ironman mode
- Steam Achievements
- Religious (non-heretic) rebels
- Women can now die in childbirth, and there can be other complications, like il
lness and sickly infants
- Added a bottleneck logic to battles where the defender benefits from the surro
unding terrain to make the opponent fight on his terms
- Being outflanked is now much more devastating, especially through the center o
r from two sides
- Support for the metaserver dropped
- Waived the creation conditions (culture, religion) for most kingdoms and empir
es for human players
- Having a marriage alliance now increases opinion by 30 (quite useful vs liege
or vassals)
- Reduced the overall revolt risk
- Fixed a bug where you could not fire the leader of the right flank if the left
flank had no leader
- You now get and lose the -1 "raised troops" opinion penalty from vassals every
61 days instead of every 73 days
- You no longer get any liege levies from vassals with a negative opinion of you
- There is now a +50 opinion bonus when a liege is the primary defender in a war
against foreigners
- Increased the opinion bonus to +75 when a liege is the primary defender in a h
oly war (and improved the check)
- A Holding owner's personal martial skill now affects the levy size (exported a
- Armies on ships are capped at 50% morale
- Levy maintenance costs increased by 50%
- Mercenary maintenance increased by 20%
- Increased the cost of reinforcing retinues by 20%
- Levy sizes now depend on the de jure region they are in (the most in the capit
al county, the least outside the capital empire.)

- No longer allowed to retract barony tier vassals from their de jure count
- Murderers are now revealed in Observe mode (no "suspicious accidents")
- Non-theocracy lieges are now only allowed to create single county or barony te
mple vassals (bishoprics)
- Non-theocracy lieges can no longer create neighboring county tier bishops
- You are now only allowed to have a certain percentage of counties under theocr
- You are now only allowed to have a certain percentage of counties under republ
- Added major events for the enabling of Christian Crusades (the CB) and Holy Or
- Added major events for the enabling of Muslim Jihads (the CB) and Holy Orders
- Added major events for the enabling of Pagan Great Holy Wars (the CB)
- Added some more detail to many heresies (Cathars can have female priests, etc)
- Added heads of religion for five heresies: d_fraticelli, d_iconoclast, d_yazid
i, d_ibadi and d_hurufi
- Added major decisions to create the Fraticelli and Iconoclast religious heads
- Can now elect females as bishops in versions of Christianity scripted to allow
- Fixed a bug with mercenaries and holy orders not disbanding their special troo
- Rebalanced the Volley Harass combat tactic
- Pagan festivals now provide the advertised opinion boost to vassals
- Heirs denied the chance to join the Varangian Guard no longer get the event wh
ere they return home upon inheriting
- The Saoyshant Descendant trait is now properly granted to grandchildren when b
ecoming the Saoyshant
- The Saoyshant Descendant trait is now granted to all descendants regardless of
- Removed the checks in certain events for the obsolete Duchy of Oxford
- The heretic_friend_timer modifier is now properly hidden in event 100180
- Councillors in Republics now use titles appropriate to their religion and cult
- The Pentarchy events will now only trigger for Orthodox Byzantine/Roman rulers
- Baron-tier Patricians are now able to fabricate claims
- Eunuchs will no longer ask to be given a title
- Concubines will no longer have marriage ambitions as they cannot get married
- Concubines can now have the ambition to have a daughter
- Added non-Christian/non-Muslim option to event 4140
- Characters of a religion where priests are not allowed to marry will now divor
ce their wives if ordained
- Traits blocking inheritance no longer apply for Temple titles
- Fixed some bugs with how dead spouses are handled
- Most rebel units now disband if they win
- Fixed a bug with the 'potential' check of traits after a religion change
- Made adventures a bit less common
- Corrected some minor errors in various pulse events
- Increased the default bishop opinion of the Pope
- Increased the opinion of their liege for invested bishops
- Lowered the opinion bonus for bishops vs their liege under Free Investiture
- Slightly lowered tax rates from bishops to both the Pope and antipopes
- New randomly generated bishops and mayors now get the local liege's culture ra
ther than the top liege's
- Installing an antipope as Pope now makes him like you a lot more
- Added event where rebels kill random characters after taking a holding (TOG.11
- Cut the Bektashi Shiite heresy
- The decisions to create Hungary and Leon can no longer be taken when at war
- Norse Pagan Reformed barons now use the correct title
- Event 100180 will no longer trigger for heretic characters

- Event 39001 will no longer trigger for heretic characters

- Fixed a bug where minor baronies could go independent when they should not
- Fixed a bug with the war score in revoke vassal title plots
- Reduced the amount of non-claimant adventures out of player empires
- Female rulers can now always get married, even in religions with polygamy and
- Made prepared invasions by AI vassals in player empires rarer
- Fixed a crash bug with real fathers set from event effects sometimes being del
- The Aztecs, Mongols and Seljuks now spawn with more but smaller regiments
- Added more severe opinion penalties to assassination plots being discovered
- Fixed a bug where counties could be deprived of _any_ holder through 'gain_set
tlements_under_title' and related event effects
- Fixed a bug with the subjugation CB where the winner could become the vassal o
f the loser
- Fixed a bug with event 3686 where you could fall in love with close relatives
- Fixed a rare memory leak in diplomatic actions
- Fixed a minor glitch with the Aztec emperor appearing in and leaving your cour
t on arrival
- Fixed a bug where the grant minor title message would always say "REGENT"
- Fixed a bug preventing the granting of bishoprics to females even if the relig
ion allows it
- Fixed a bug where the "cousin" relation would not always be correctly calculat
- A character's original birth name is now shown in the tooltip if he or she has
a regnal name (e.g. popes)
- Tweaked the outcome of the Improve Relations chancellor job. The effect lasts
longer, but is less powerful and somewhat harder to get.
- Fixed a potential CTD in declare war interaction
- Fixed a CTD caused by attacking siege leader dying while siegeview was open
- When ransoming a courtier that has money, that character's money will now be u
sed towards paying the ransom, and if they have enough money for the whole ranso
m their liege will not have to pay anything at all
- Opinion boost for releasing a prisoner is now +5 opinion per tier of their pri
mary title (so +5 for a Baron, +10 for a Count etc).
- Entering observe mode will now automatically lift FoW
- Charinfo console command is now a proper toggle and does not require additiona
l input
- Tweaked Teutonic order to be more infantry oriented.
- Holy orders and Mercenaries are now split into several sub units which can be
put on different flanks or different units.
- Now generates courtiers to mercenaries and holy orders so they can be put as l
eader for the sub-units.
- Fixed some bugs with the customization DLC's renaming of landed titles with cu
ltural names.
- Fixed a bug where fabricate claims plot wouldn't end when the title was destro
- Fixed a bug where all constructed settlements were counted as trade posts
- Fixed a bug for multiplayer character selection which enabled multiple people
to play as the same character
- Fixed a bug where invaders of the same kingdom weren't hostile towards eachoth
- Fixed a bug where removal of certain traits caused the game to stop responding
- Fixed a bug where attached units would remain attached even if the leading uni
t was an enemy
- Fixed a bug where AI didn't invite people to the fabricate claim plot
- Fixed a bug where you could having a landed title with zero holdings under it'
s control
- Fixed a bug where character attributes for characters were in some cases incor
rectly read

- Fixed a bug where all baron subvassals were transferred upon title usurpation
- Fixed a bug where titular titles would hide certain other titles
- Fixed a bug where character editor property values went out of range
- Family tree now shows dynasty relation
- Fixed a bug where dead popes would have the incorrect character portrait
- Fixed a bug for the title loss notification for republics.
- Fixed a bug with the ruler consort title being shown for the spouse a day afte
r the ruler dies
- Fixed a bug in some messages with duplicate titles ("King King Karlmann")
- Fixed a bug with some dynasty names of event spawned characters
- Dying a "natural death" below the age of 45 is now called dying of "poor healt
h" instead
- Added a missing tooltip for why you cannot nominate a bishop successor if the
current bishop is not of your religion
- If there has only been a single ruler by a certain first name, the regnal numb
er is no longer shown
- Improved the entry texts in the title history view a bit
- The black bastard blood drop is now shown correctly with the new bastard dynas
ty system
- Lowered the priority of faction messages to reduce spam
- Lowered the priority of heir choices under elective monarchy to reduce spam
- Added 'Random Character' button when selecting character
- Added 'Split in Half' button for units
- Player will no longer get a notification of being besieged if the besieging ar
my is too small to take the settlement.
- Support for native clipboard functionality.
- Support to select text using keyboards
- Added Quick-Split icon menu to quickly split army based on mercenaries, holy o
rders and retinues.
- Tweaked amount of ships and shipbuilding tech for merchant republics.
- Changed some time period inappropriate names in Serbia
- Changes to the bastard children of Antso IV of Navarra
- Added the missing mother for Jeanne de Beaumont
- Various title corrections in the Latin Empire bookmark
- Kbenhavn is now called Hafn when held by Norse characters
- Changed some time period inappropriate names in Malta and added Greek versions
- Changes to the Plantagenet monarchs
- Corrections for the Dukes of Silesia and other related characters
- Changed some time period inappropriate names in Estonia
- Louis II of Italy now has the correct Wikipedia link
- Fixes and additions for FitzAlans and early Stewarts
- Additions and corrections to the Roman Emperors of the Byzantine Empire title
- Eudokia is now the Byzantine Empress for six months in 1067
- Added additional names for Ecumenical Patriarchs to choose from
- Fixed the dynasty of the several bastards belonging to the de Barcelona dynast
- The Duke of Portucale now has an heir in 867
- Fixes to several Slavic dynasty names
- Character 217501 now has the correct Wikipedia link
- Updated Counts of Gilan to ensure proper regnal numbers
- Corrections to Wladyslaw II the Exile and his close family
- Added a dynasty for Grand Prince Feodor of Novgorod
- Hubert de Burgh is now correctly the Earl of Kent and Baron of Montgomery
- Miscellaneous Capetian/Valois fixes
- Anglo-Saxon England now has feudal elective law

- Added new Coats of Arms for Dregovichs, Severians and Radimichs

- Reduced effects of terrain on movement speed
- Battles in Crusade-type wars now only have half the normal impact on warscore
- Powerful kings and emperors will now sometimes set up antipopes
- Cynical rulers may now sometimes switch back to Free Investiture law
- AI characters will now hold Pagan festivals
- Magyars are now more willing to convert even before 930
- Fixed a bug where the AI would sometimes not marry at all if the only suitable
candidates were of too low rank
- Fixed a bug that was causing AI armies consisting of a single large regiment t
o endlessly split off and reabsorb empty regiments
- AI: Will no longer split a stack if the split would create a tiny useless army
- AI: Now takes culture, religion and province wealth into consideration when ch
oosing capitals
- AI: Much higher prio on holding to to the counties in its primary duchy
- AI: More prio on keeping its demesne concentrated in a few duchies
- AI: Will no longer accept a matrilineal marriage if the betrothal was non-matr
ilineal and vice versa
- When marrying betrothed characters, the AI will now always propose the type of
marriage agreed upon in the betrothral
- Fixed some inconsistencies in AI battle odds evaluation
- Increased AI prio on building shipyards
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the AI from starting wars against characters w
ith only barony level holdings
- AI: Higher prio on helping friendly armies in battle
- AI: Better at coordinating attacks together with their allies
- Fixed a bug that was causing the defensive war AI to not work correctly
- AI: Will no longer accept giving away women as concubines to characters whose
religion they will not intermarry with
- AI: Will no longer destroy King titles if AI_EMPEROR_CREATES_KINGDOMS is set t
o 1
- Fixed a bug where the AI would incorrectly calculate retreating units as poten
tial combatants when deciding to move to a province
- AI: Fixed a bug where two AI armies from the same country would change their o
rders back and forth due to reacting to what the other army was doing
- AI: Will no longer retreat from incoming enemies if it is already moving to at
tack those enemies
- AI: Muslim characters no longer consider prestige effects when determining who
to marry
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the AI from reinforcing allies in battle if th
e enemy army was moving before starting the battle
- AI: More prio on besieging contested provinces when the enemy has ticking wars
- AI: Better at coordinating its armies between fronts
- AI: Better at coordinating its armies with allies
- AI: Will now keep imprisoned characters that they don't want to execute/banish
/revoke locked up for a while instead of instantly releasing them. The minimum l
ockup time depends on the importance of the character.
- Fixed several 'lockups' in army AI where armies would get stuck bouncing betwe
en two destinations
- AI: Will now consider the actual composition of an army when determining its s
trength, rather than just looking at numbers
- AI: Now factors in effects of terrain when determining whether to attack with
an army
- Rationality now affects how well AI will calculate odds of success when attack
ing with its armies
- AI: Will no longer overcommit when pursuing small enemy stacks
- AI: Less priority on pursuing small stacks when there are more important targe

- AI: Will now prefer fighting in its own territory when in a defensive war agai
nst opponents of superior or equal strength
- AI: Will now consolidate several armies into a large HK stack when fighting a
defensive war against a superior opponent
- AI: Will now create Hunter-Killer stacks to chase enemy armies
- AI: More prio on keeping its armies close together when advancing in enemy ter
- AI: Will now lift sieges to attack enemy armies when appropriate
- AI: Will now split up its armies into medium-sized stacks to avoid attrition
- AI: Will no longer assault unless it has at least 10:1 numbers
- Added support in traits for tolerance of other religion groups
- Added 'on_vassal_accepts_religious_conversion', which now basically handles al
l the logic of the Demand Conversion interaction
- Added "evil_god_names" to religions, to be used in event texts
- Added a priest title to religions, that can be used in text
- Added trigger 'is_father_real_father'
- Added trigger 'any_spouse_even_if_dead'
- Added 'priests_can_inherit' to religions
- Added trigger 'historical' (character)
- Added 'score' console command cheat
- Added trigger 'score'
- MTTH in on_action events should now be written 'weight_multiplier'. Added log
- Added proper event id system for errors logs, including the namespace
- Added 'family_palace' event target
- Added 'on_become_doge' on-action
- Added trigger 'republic_total_num_of_trade_posts'
- Events with 'hide_window' now fire a valid event option if there are any
- Added system for events marked 'notification' to be shown as messages rather t
han full pop-up windows
- Added on-action 'on_county_religion_change'
- Added trigger 'has_heresies'
- Added event target 'parent_religion_head'
- The event target 'religion_head' now also works in province scope
- Added trigger 'any_province_holding'
- Added effect 'any_province_holding'
- Added effect 'random_province_holding'
- Added succession law 'Appointment' for feudal vassals of Holy Orders (titles r
evert back to the liege on death)
- Added event effect 'banish_religion = X'
- Added 'can_retire_to_monastery' flag to religions
- Added 'jewish_opinion' to traits
- Added 'dynasty = culture' possibility to the 'create_character' effect
- The trigger 'has_empty_holding' now also counts holdings under construction
- Exported LEVY_MAINTENANCE_FACTOR to defines
- Added 'monthly_income' field to landed titles for extra income
- Temporary modifiers can now be inherited
- Exported some AI raid parameters to defines
- Added 'hold_election' event effect for merchant republics
- Added support for female versions of event pictures
- Added 'force_picture' field to events, to ignore cultural, religious, and gend
er variants of event pictures
- Fixed a bug with the effect 'random_sibling' (it included dead siblings)
- Fixed some bugs with the 'can_marry' trigger
- Added 'GetFromFromRelation' text
- Added on_action 'on_adulthood'
- Added battle_warscore_mult setting to cb_types, this modifies the warscore gai

ned from battles in wars using that CB

- Increased the number of galleys gained from shipyards
- Exported define BASE_AI_ARMY_SIZE
- Added prevent decadence trait value.
- Fixed so titles can have their own graphical culture type.
- Added support for any triggers to count matches.
- Added various new on_action hooks to support the achievements.
- added like_better_than trigger
- Added event scope text hooks for dates.
- Fixed trigger issues for the default national ideas from EU4. Now you should g
et national ideas based on your culture.
- Added Jerusalem Ideas.
- Added Knights Templar Ideas.
- Added Israel Ideas.
- Added Jewish religion.
- Added Jewish cultures.
- Added support for major heresies to be converted to EU4.
- Added missing horde files.
- Fixed bug where Aztec became eastern tech group.
- Now the Holy Roman Emperor no longer gets cores on his old vassals in EU4.
2013-08-16: v1.111
- Fixed the delayed event bloating of save files.
- Pre 1.11 save games will now load correctly without trait corruption
- Fixed CTD when a Portrait DLC did not have a beard for the culture
- Fixed CTD when immediately resigning after loaded save game with pending plots
- Fixed a glitch after resign where the on-map shields would still be shown
- Fixed so you don't get a pop-up if the plot auto functions are used
- Disabled customization of dynasties without the DLC
- Fixed a bug where vassal merchant republics could sometimes become independent
on succession
- The Military Jesus and Speaking in Tongues modifiers are no longer instantly r
emoved from characters
- Fixed an issue where you could suffer more than Max attrition
- Now possible to pick the Hellenic religion in the Ruler Designer again
- Can now correctly grant independence to Merchant republics
- Can now correctly transfer vassal Merchant republics
- Character beards and hair now don't immediately snap back when using the custo
mization tool
- Fixed an issue with new Patricians sometimes getting game over incorrectly on
- Fixed issues with exporting HRE with absolute crown authority.
- Now young rulers get appropriate stats
- Now players should always be exported as a vassal if he is in CK2
- Fixed problem where muslim personal unions were not exported at all
- The Azores and Madeira can now be colonized
- Now localization files on Linux always get UTF-8 encoding
- Changed some file names in conversion table for nations

- Fixed so tengri can get higher tech groups

- Tweaked what is considered high-tech to increase chance of becomming western
- Now natives no longer should spawn in africa
2013-08-13: v1.11
- Added auto-invite function to plots
- Added auto stop plot functionality under intrigue tab.
- Added Siege leader trait
- Added so bastard dynasties are generated when the first bastard is born.
- Fixed so holy orders can use their special units in a defensive war where they
are the primary defender.
- Fixed CTD occured when starting between 1184-1185
- Fixed Duke Dafydd II of Gwynedd invalid state in history files
- Slowed down fleet movement
- Increased movement time for armies onto or off fleets
- Added Favorite IP table to multiplayer menu
- Added an approve button for laws so you can change your mind later if you init
ially ignored the law.
- Fixed so you can see what characters has had a plot proposal sent to them.
- Now support to select ship-exclusive using ALT key.
- It's now possible to read additional data into existing landed titles in mods
- It's now possible to read additional data into existing religions in mods
- Added 'intermarry' parameter to religions, so you can specify if members tend
to marry those of specific other religions
- Fixed custom tooltip trigger and effect always returning true
- Exported ARMY_LOAD_UNLOAD_MOVE_COST to defines
2013-07-04: v1.103
- Fixed incorrect AI reasoning text string "X is my lover"
- Fixed a tooltip bug in the effect 'gender_succ'
- Corrected some text bugs
- It is no longer possible to start building Theodosian walls outside of Constan
- Wikipedia links should now work on linux
- Changed the way levies reinforce (to fix a rounding bug.) This will overall re
duce levy reinforcement rates a bit.
- Tech spread no longer gets stuck at 5
- Patricians with no landed holdings now correctly get some random courtiers (wh
ich they can, for example, marry)
- Euboia is no longer "Ocean" terrain
- Westfriesland is no longer "Ocean" terrain
- You can no longer become a truce breaker from failed imprisonments or title re
vokations, or wars from events, plots or factions
- 867: Gave Almos, the ruler of the Magyars, and his son Arpad scripted traits
- 867: Slightly strengthened the initial Magyar army
- Kingdoms with a king can now also de jure drift into empires
- Independent kingdoms can no longer drift out of their de jure empires

- Added Zoroastrian Crusade target weights to appropriate titles

- Human played vassals of the Magyars now get to keep their Ukrainian lands when
Hungary forms
- Added level three Castle Fortifications to Constantinople
- Boosted the heavy infantry morale bonus given by the Aztec Jaguar Warrior Lodg
- Fixed a crash with deleted characters in a title's previous holder list
- The Seljuks now appear a bit further south, in Dashhowuz rather than Kyzylorda
- Fixed a bug where creating a kingdom or empire would not always initialize Cro
wn Laws correctly
- Fixed raised armies being counted twice for max troops calculations used by so
me interfaces and some AI calculations
- Fixed an issue with save game corruption after loading a game and saving befor
e unpausing
- Fixed a bug where patrician AI would go braindead for a long time after resign
- Fixed an issue where, in many cases, under Gavelkind the AI would not create a
second duchy even to form a kingdom
- Fixed a bug in the diplo AI where it would consider other lowborn characters t
o be its own dynasty
- Tweaked cross-religion Pagan marriage acceptance
2013-06-25: v1.102
- Removed the erroneous warning text about disinheriting a dynasty member when g
ranting him a temple holding, for non-Christians
- West Africans now use the Mongol on-map shields
- Diplo View: Crusades/Jihads/Great Holy Wars are now listed before they can be
used (with a tooltip why you can't use them)
- Added some more random Coat of Arms elements (more work to come)
- Fixed an issue where the wrong temple icon could be shown in the province view
- Fixed an issue with the displaying of strong claims for pagans and Zoroastrian
- Fixed bug where Arsenal building could be deleted on succession
- The decision for creating Hungary now takes away the Ukrainian part of their r
- Zoroastrians can now properly use their Crusade CB
- 1066: Rebalanced William's, Harold's and Harald's starting forces
- Fixed a bug where Crown Laws would not carry over into created kingdoms and em
- Fixed some bugs with True Cognatic succession
- You no longer get messages about adventurers who are not actually declaring wa
- You must now be in the West African culture group to recruit the Ghanan Band
- Slashed some unnecessary memory usage for living characters
- Fixed bug where you sometimes raised two runestones in honor of your father
- The event where a female courtier initiates romance with her liege now properl
y checks their opinion of each other
- Expanded the Justanid dynasty of Gilan
- Fixes and additions to several Norwegian dynasties
- The Imperial Reconquest CB now also applies to the Kingdom of Asturias
- Fixed a bug where the order of holdings in provinces did not remain consistent
when stepping back and forth in history
- Varangians will now only come back Orthodox if it's the Byzantine ruler's reli

- Diseases now actually trigger before 1066
- Fixed a rare crash issue with invalid coat of arms for Muslim held titles
- Some slight memory and speed optimizations
- Lund is now a temple holding
- Marshals can no longer interfere with their own efforts to train troops in a p
- Court Chaplains no longer claim characters are heretics if they are already br
anded as such
- The opinion modifiers given by events 3243 and 4148 no longer instantly disapp
- Added the Dl gCais dynasty
- Expanded the Morgannwg dynasty
- Fixes to Gwerthrynion dynasty members
- 867: Corrected the character Hrolf, the first duke of Normandy
- 1066: Corrected an issue with Gurgan and Dailam not being part of the Seljuk e
- Loosened up the culture requirements for the formation of the kingdoms of Rus
and Finland
- Follow-up events should now trigger properly when your wife is impregnated by
a lover
- Added the three winning submissions from the Event Contest
- Piety from buildings is now given to both the owner and his/her liege
- Moved the duchy of Hayya from Abyssinia to Nubia
- Fixed a bug where the liege would always inherit a courtier's gold
- Improved the gold inheritance check to look for siblings and grandchildren if
- No longer possible to invite a concubine to your court
- The Blot and Nerge decisions are now high priority, giving players a heads up
when they are available
- Landless Popes can now call crusades
- Titles with free duchy revocation (the ERE) can now also revoke the de jure ca
pital county freely
- Will no longer declare war on its current "player heir", or vice versa
- Will not flip culture to Swedish, Danish or Norwegian culture if in a huge Nor
se empire
- Will now execute claimants whose claim is currently pressed in a war against i
- Doges and patricians are now more likely to build in their cities
- Pagans now willing to accept cross-religion marriages with other pagans if it
likes you enough
- Will now accept marriage offers for courtiers of the right religion, even if t
he ruler is of a hostile religion
- Female rulers or heirs less likely to marry non-matrilineally, unless they rea
lly like you
- More likely to revoke its de jure capital title
- Added Enatic and Enatic-Cognatic Succession code support (laws not available w
ithout slight modding)
- Added 'can_hold_temples' to religions (like Muslims can hold temple holdings)
- The history command 'raise_troops' now raises them with full morale
- Added 'merge' field to the 'spawn_unit' effect
- Added 'can_use_gui' to CB types
- Added liege_prestige, allowing buildings to give prestige to its owner and his
/her liege
2013-06-12: v1.101 MEFB

- Added a "Retract Vassal" interaction
- Disallowed destruction of non-titular titles under Gavelkind
- Added lots of portrait fixes from the "CK2 Portrait Fixes" mod by zebez
- Adjusted the random CoA colors and color choices
- Scripted a lot of CoAs for various dynasties
- The CoAs of titles named after a dynasty now match the dynasty CoA
- Bishops no longer wear pope hats, but the pope does
- Livonia now has the correct pagan flag
- Buildings requiring a coastal province now show up in the tech tooltip even
the capital is not coastal
- Fixed some tooltips in the settlement view not showing building levels with
e name
- Nicknames are now shown for heads of religion
- The 'Grant Independence' action is no longer even shown if the recipient is
t your vassal
- The 'Prepare Invasion' action is now shown but grayed out if you are at war
th the recipient
- Added missing Bektashi religion description
- Endgame screen now shows correct score for characters
- Added missing name of the Reformed Aztec Church title
- Tweaked the religion colors to make them more distinct
- Corrected some event text typos


- Norse Pagans can no longer employ the coastal conquest CB against other pagans
(neighboring counties can still be taken though)
- The Subjugation CB can now only be used once per lifetime instead of every 10
years. (Unless you have the 'Become King' ambition.)
- Characters with the "Become King" ambition and access to the subjugation CB ca
n no longer move their capital out of the de jure kingdom
- Subjugated rulers of another religion now get a smaller opinion bonus vs the w
inner, lasting for a shorter time
- Fixed a bug with many vassalizing casus bellis where the target's own counties
would be seized when they should not be
- Tengri Pagans are now limited to Agnatic succession
- The Jomsvikings now reform if the Norse reformation takes place
- Fixed an issue where the primary heir under Gavelkind would not inherit the ca
pital county
- West African pagans can now also raid
- Lowered the spawn rate of TOG rebels by 20%
- Added the "Ghanan Band" mercenary company
- Slavic, Baltic and Finnish Pagans now get a bonus to their levy sizes, at the
cost of their garrison bonus
- Fixed a problem with the decadence invasion event
- Fixed a bug with decadence revolts ending strangely on the attacking ruler's d
- Court Chaplain job events no longer restricted to men for pagans
- Made the Chancellor job to improve relations more effective
- Mercenary ships will no longer spawn in major rivers
- The Viking trait can now only be gained by adults
- Heirs returning from the Varangian Guard to take the throne of their dead fath
er can no longer get the same event twice
- Piast the Wheelwright and his son are now of the Piast dynasty
- Pagan festivals can now only be held in summer as intended
- City Shipyards now produce slightly more galleys than their Castle and Temple

- Fixed a bug where banishing landed vassals would not take all their titles
- Under Gavelkind, your oldest son will no longer ask for titles
- Added additional names and dynasties for Roman characters created in the Ruler
- Added an earlier king of Ireland to make Irish liberation revolts possible
- 867: Strengthened the coastal Baltic, Slavic and Finnish tribes with better Ho
- 867: Slightly strengthened the initial forces of Ivar and Halfdan
- 867: The Karling kingdoms are now on Agnatic succession
- 867: Moved Uglich from the Meryas to the Vyatichi
- 867: Byzantium is now properly on Primogeniture, not Gavelkind
- 867: The Duchy of Meath now exists, called "Tara" by the Irish
- 867: Made some important vassals to the King of Italy Italian culture to prolo
ng the survival of the culture and ensure more internal troubles
- 867: Adjusted the initial political and dynastic setup among the Baltic tribes
to make them more resilient
- The vassal opinion for free investiture law now correctly only applies for Cat
- Build cost and time is now affected by your capital tech, not the average tech
in your realm
- Ignoring pagan defensive attrition is now controlled by your capital tech, not
by the average tech in your realm
- Own fort level no longer affects ability to navigate major rivers
- Tweaked the AI bonuses on Hard and Very Hard difficulty settings
- Successful non-claimant adventurers are now known as "the Conqueror"
- Fixed a bug with weird dynasty names for the commanders of Liberation rebels
- Castrating or blinding a prisoner now removes the righteous imprisonment cause
when they are released
- The ambition to gain a council position now only increases a skill the first t
ime it is successful
- The generic Pagan religion now has a description and holy sites
- Added the Hellenic religion
- The events when certain cities are sacked now properly trigger for the Mongol
- The event when you raise a runestone as a zealous Reformed Norse character no
longer treats you as a Christian
- Captured Rebel leaders now have a "Broken Spirit" modifier, making them pretty
- Fixed a bug where Gavelkind could produce republics
- Fixed a general bug with multiple kingdom inheritance that could produce repub
- The decision to create the Kingdom of Leon now makes it a de jure part of the
Empire of Hispania
- Trade posts are no longer counted towards the Prepared Invasion realm size lim
- Fixed a bug with being able to semi-grant invalid duchies and kingdoms to your
heir under Gavelkind
- Heathen priests can now inherit titles
- Mayors and heathen priests will now marry if they are heirs to other titles
- Lack of Piety rumor event now only triggers for Christian lieges as intended
- Trade post garrisons now give less retinue cap increase
- Moved the counties of Loon and Julich from de jure Cologne to Luxemburg
- Technology points are now gained by own demesne when containing buildings that
give technology points
- Baltic cultures can now also form the Wendish Empire
- Finnic cultures can now also form the Russian Empire
- Finnic cultures can now also form the Scandinavian Empire
- North Germanic cultures can now also form the Empire of Britannia
- 867: Greater Poland is no longer a republic after a resign

- Norse Patricians are now correctly on Seniority succession

- Will not convert to Norman culture if in a huge Norse empire
- Higher prio on building temple towns
- Adjusted propensity to backstab brothers of the faith who are primary parties
in holy wars
- Behaviour is now affected subtly by the difficulty settings
- Tweaked max field army sizes a bit
- Will not agree to concubinage for title claimants
- Added a 'can_appear' field to dynasties to prevent for example the Seljuks fro
m appearing before their event
2013-05-28: v1.10
- Completely revised technology system
- Revised buildings to fit the new tech system
- Added a Raiding and Loot system
- Revised the Religious Authority system, with Holy Sites for all religions
- Major rivers, navigable by Norse Pagans
- Norse pagans can prepare invasions
- Pagans and Zoroastrians can take concubines
- Multiplayer should now work between all three platforms (Windows, OSX and Linu
- Added new "The Mongols" bookmark set in 1220
- Added the County and Duchy of Amalfi (merchant republic)
- Added "Steppe" terrain
- Revised many shields, courtesy of Txini
- Added court search option to character finder, which lists only characters in
your court
- Can now mark characters as special interest from the character view
- If a character of special interest dies, they will now be removed from charact
ers of special interest
- Landed characters of special interest who die will now pass on their special i
nterest status to their heir
- Dead spouses are now shown with the old previous/next spouse buttons
- Updated the tutorial
- Outliner: Clicking a family palace now opens the republic view
- Republic View: Fixed a glitch with the trade post limit tooltip
- Character View: Landed councillors and foreign prisoners are no longer listed
under your court tab
- Succession View: Added some religion specific death texts
- Ransom Prisoner now works when you select the prisoner through the normal inte
rface too
- The "Ask to Ransom Prisoner" interaction no longer shows up when it should not
- Diplo View: Fixed a glitch with the prestige from marriage icon
- Diplo View: If arranging a marriage in your own court, the female will always
be regarded as "your" party, for correct prestige
- Bulgarians now use western slavic graphics instead of eastern
- Can no longer see the Release Prisoner interaction if the prisoner is not your
- Can no longer see the Exile Prisoner interaction if the prisoner is not yours

- Fixed a glitch with white text in the tooltip for the 'religion_authority' eff
- Fixed bug with missing sound 'transferregimentship'
- Event spawned regiments now have names
- Added delayed tooltips to explain tribal and titular titles in the Title View
- Fixed a refresh issue with on-map province names
- Fixed a refresh issue with on-map CoAs
- Fixed some trigger tooltips
- Fixed several issues with missing parameters and wrong strings in succession m
arriage and betrothal interaction texts
- Fixed a misleading tooltip in independence faction revolter war score
- Revised some message categories to get the correct event window frames
- Improved the tooltip on the diplo relations map mode
- The cultural title names are now updated correctly even before you start a gam
- Adjusted diplomatic colors in Scandinavia
- The Polish counties now all have reddish political color instead of bright gre
- Improved the create and usurp title tooltip so it shows more info even if some
requirements are false
- Fixed multiple crash issues
- Fixed some "out of sync" issues with multiplayer
- Some further speed optimizations
- Liege levies now have 0 morale when raised
- Bastards may now marry normally. If they have children, they will start a new
- Birth rates have been reduced a lot
- Independent dukes of certain cultures are now called kings (of "Petty" kingdom
- You now need more than 50% of the de jure counties to usurp or create a title
- Added a special event for the rise of the Shi'a Caliphate
- Increased the max distance to hire mercs
- You are now allowed to switch commanders if no crown law applies
- Reworked the penalty for overrunning your max demesne size so it does not crus
h small demesnes completely
- Prisoners who are close relatives to the main participants are now automatical
ly released after a war
- You now only get a "mercy" opinion bonus with your vassals for releasing a vas
sal ruler
- Fixed a bug where mercenaries would sometimes be raised in a wasteland provinc
- Fixed a bug where the military view sound would play repeatedly if window was
kept open
- Catholic Holy Orders will no longer fight other Christians unless they are a h
eresy of Catholicism
- Fixed a bug where the 'Chancellor is looking at my wife' event had a 99%+ chan
ce to fire each year.
- Revised many cultural first names
- Only Christian prelates care about traits like Chaste, Celibate and Lustful
- Demand Conversion now also converts the court of the recipient
- Revised Gavelkind succession to work better and be smarter about titles that c
haracters already hold
- Prevented Gavelkind exploit where you could grant your oldest child and heir e
xtra titles before succession
- Fixed a bug where you were allowed to send off imprisoned children to be educa
ted in other courts
- No longer able to grant honorary titles to vassals of vassals that are current
ly in revolt

- Made the events where people claim they would make a better councillor rarer
- Fixed a potential problem with Patricians moving to another court for no reaso
- Primogeniture: Fixed a bug where living mothers could inherit ahead of younger
- Increased the minimum religious authority required to ask for invasions and ex
- Vassal religious heads can now grant the invasion CB
- Fixed an issue where you would vassalize the pope in wars over Rome if he had
minor holdings there
- Fixed a bug where the laws would not always get updated along with the governm
ent type
- Increased the chance of getting the inbred traits
- Fixed a problem with laws not being validated on religion change
- Most randomly generated men now start out lowborn
- Tweaked dynasty name generation for newly landed Lowborn characters
- Improved choice of exile for married characters
- Shared revolter occupation war score now works when the liege is the attacker
- Corrected the region around the Aral Sea
- Added a duchy of Samarkand
- Fixed a bug with the surrender effect of Holy Wars
- Posthumously born children of Doges no longer get a claim on the Republic
- Fixed a bug where the presence of live Zoroastrians in the game would mess up
various Mongol events
- Fixed a glitch where newly activated titles could be labelled Theocracies
- Can no longer offer vassalization to someone you have granted independence
- Moved the duchies of Tabriz and Azerbaijan de jure into the kingdom of Persia
- Added an event where powerful vassals can choose independence after a successf
ul Decadence invasion
- Added an Empire of Italia
- Added de jure Empire of Tartaria
- Added de jure Wendish Empire
- Added de jure empire of Carpathia
- Added de jure empires of Mali and Abyssinia
- Gave the Pechenegs a kingdom tier title
- The kingdom of Italy is now a de jure part of the HRE in 1066
- Outsiders can now ask to join "other" claimant wars
- Added a Muslim Caliphal subjugation CB, much like the pagan one
- Simplified and improved the Tribal Invasion CB
- Tribal titles can no longer de jure assimilate duchies and kingdoms
- Tribal titles are now destroyed if held by someone with normal titles of the s
ame or higher tier
- Added a number of tribal tags, mostly intended for the 867 start
- The event "Comet Sighted" can now actually fire
- Fixed an issue where counties and minor baronies could given a null holder
- Fixed some issues with the outcome of claimants getting king+ tier titles
- Fixed an issue with the outcome of usurpation and grant title event effects fo
r the primary title of a holder with multiple highest tier titles
- Fixed an issue with newly activated titles getting the wrong government type
- Non-pagan Temple type characters no longer inherit claims
- Added new ambition: "Become King of X". Cannot be cancelled.
- No longer allowed to land eunuchs with feudal holdings
- Fixed a bug preventing a complete victory against a landless enemy with only f
- Blocked the whole event chain leading up to bastard children for muslims
- Added vassal Opinions of a liege who lets a guardian of the right or wrong cul
ture educate their heir
- Fixed a rather bad error in combat with the defensive religious bonus
- When the primary title is taken from a Caliph, the Caliphate should now go wit

h it if the taker can hold it

- Fixed some bugs with the creation triggers for the Sunni and Shi'a Caliphates
and the Latin Empire
- Higher tier bishops are no longer generated with dynasties either
- Now allowed to pick a lowborn character to play in the lobby, if he will get a
dynasty as soon as the game starts
- Added Bolghar and Khazar cultures
- Fixed a bug with culture-less holders being created for baronies that had had
a scripted holder before being taken out of circulation
- Gave the Volga Finnic tribes some new duchies
- Added two now cultures: Mordvin and Samoyed
- Revised province cultures in the Finnic areas
- Added an Avar culture
- Independence faction leaders are no longer imprisoned on white peace
- Added creation condition to the kingdom of Hungary
- Reshuffled some de jure provinces around Lithuania and created the duchy of Gr
- Fixed a bug with regnal numbers and moving back in history past the first hold
er of a title
- No longer allowed to grant independence to de jure vassals of your own religio
- Inactive titles no longer get holders automatically until explicity activated
- The Holy Orders are now properly deactivated with no rulers until they appear
- The Mongols are now properly deactivated with no rulers until they appear
- The Aztecs are now properly deactivated with no rulers until they appear
- Open Elective realms now only get Lowborn rulers and courtiers
- The arriving Mongol Khans are now Batu and Hulegu
- Fixed a bug with dead Caliphs no longer being styled "Caliph"
- Fixed a slight bug in the claimant faction ultimatum decision
- Split the Swedish county of Smland and adjusted the history files
- Added the county of Bar (split from Verdun), with history courtesy of Voy
- Fixed some issues with the trigger 'revolt_risk' and made sure it's used corre
ctly everywhere
- Added Slavic Pagan religion
- Added some more straits to Rgen and the Western Isles
- Made Venice a single county de jure kingdom
- Cut the strait to Venezia
- Adjusted the Nubian region de jure
- Adjusted culture and religion history in Cilicia
- Moved c_viviers (Vivarais) from d_toulouse to d_dauphine
- Slightly adjusted the border around Uppland, Vstmanland and Gstrikland
- De jure change: Sarpa to Azov and Kasogs to Alania
- De jure change: Portucale to Portugal
- De jure change: Hedmark to Ostlandet
- De jure change: Foix to Toulouse
- De jure change: Nice to Provence
- De jure change: The kingdom of Wallachia no longer part of the ERE
- De jure change: Armenia Minor to Anatolia and renamed "Cilicia"
- De jure change: New duchy of Jazira
- De jure change: Al Bichri to Syria
- De jure change: Cut the Duchy of Oxford. Gave its counties to Essex/Bedford an
d Hwicce/Gloucester.
- De jure change: Qwivir to Hamadan
- De jure change: Dailam to Tabaristan
- De jure change: Bjarmia to Perm
- De jure change: Tyumen to Cumania
- De jure change: Aktobe to Cumania
- Increased the Permian province sizes for aesthetic reasons
- The Pomeranians are now Slavic Pagans
- 1066: Fixed a bug with the county of Pavia


Changed name of Maghreb culture to Berber

The names of Interesting Muslims should now be displayed correctly
Dead sons should no longer participate in Family Feuds
Added title history for the Byzantine Empire going back all the way to Augustu

Added Saladin as an Interesting Character in "The Third Crusade" bookmark

Added Khagans Batu and Hulegu as Interesting Characters in "Rise of the Hansa"
- Added Wikipedia links to numerous characters
- Adjusted position of Reykjavik on the map
- Fixes to the Von Sayn dynasty
- Added unique council titles for Greek rulers
- Baldwin V of Jerusalem now has the correct dynasty
- Province owners will no longer burn down Trade Posts belonging to a vassal's v
- Added missing Sayyid trait to Ummayad characters
- Alexander Nevsky now has some scripted traits
- Ezzelino III da Romano now has some scripted traits
- Friends and Rivals events should now be a bit more common
- Added Margraves of Susa
- Various changes and fixes to several Welsh characters
- Corrections and additions to House Maelienydd
- House Ua Flaithbertaig / Ua Briin Sela dynasty filled out
- Additions to House of Mathrafal Powys
- Fixes to the Trpimirovic dynasty
- Character 455520 is no longer female
- Gaston the Crusader no longer gets his nickname on birth
- Additions to the de Holland dynasty
- Fixed issues with later Ylving monarchs
- Various fixes and additions related to Ida von Cham
- Bahri Sultan of Egypt's children now have the correct culture
- Ramiro Garcs now has Basque culture
- Added additional holders for the Bishopric of Roskilde
- Fixes to the de Rethel dynasty
- Added Tewdwr dynasty, precursors to the House of Tudor
- Fixes to the marriages of Frederick Barbarossa
- Added the bastards of Henry Beauclerc
- Added missing wife and sons of Herluin de Conteville
- Graphical updates to many coats of arms
- Changed traits of Caliph al-Mustansir
- Fixed the names of some English characters
- Added King John's missing children
- Fixes and additions to the af Muns dynasty
- Additions and changes to the de la Pole dynasties
- Various changes to Nizam al-Mulk
- Gyda Eiriksdottir now has the correct father
- Fixes and additions to the Yngling dynasty
- Fixed and additions to the Capetian dynasty
- Tiborg de Provence now has the correct father
- Fixes and changes to Stephen of Blois' family
- Added missing marriage to Welf Guelph
- Changes to Boleslaw II the Bold and his close family
- Hol of Nantes is no longer lowborn
- Hugh 'the Red' de Sully now has his own dynasty
- Burgonde de Bachaumont is now properly female
- Fixed a bug with event 248 for unlanded characters
- Tweaked military AI to be a bit smarter
- Fixed a bug where the AI would disband Holy Orders even if they were fighting

religious enemies and could afford them

- Will no longer attempt to use Holy Orders to siege enemy provinces of the same
- Muslims will now make use of Holy Orders when fighting other Muslim faiths
- A bit more focused on de jure grants
- Will not create claimant factions for the parents of the current ruler
- Fixed a bug with Patricians not educating their children
- More careful about raising Crown Authority to the highest levels
- Electors will now tend to vote for other dynasties if the reigning one is too
powerful in the realm
- Adjusted title revokation acceptance for baron tier characters
- More nasty plots against overly powerful dynasties
- Likelier to start and join claimant factions against overly powerful dynasties
, if the claimant is of another dynasty
- Fixed an issue with nominations for Catholic Bishoprics
- Emperors will now sometimes destroy held kingdom titles
- Will now often join claimant wars pushing their claim for some title
- Tweaked marriage chances between pagans
- Tweaked title creation/usurpation for tribes
- Smarter about fabricating claims
- Improved choice of "assimilation culture"
- Tweaked guardian selection while desiring to assimilate into the local culture
- Fixed some DoW targetting issues
- Certain religions are now more passive, some more aggressive
- Tweaked opinion effect on DoWs
- Fixed an Elective voting indecision issue
- Snappier about picking an ambition
- Will be less stubborn about marrying for an alliance if it has no valid player
- Fixed a bug where it could dismiss special event spawned troops
- Will now prioritize recreating destroyed religious head titles
- DoW prio to tribes so they will try to take their de jure kingdom
- Will not offer to join holy wars to defend someone in another region (overseas
), unless it neighbors them somewhere
- Will do more actions towards its vassals even while at war
- A bit better at handing out minor titles
- Fixed a bug where non-patrician baron tier vassals would always say yes to all
- Will not pose claimant ultimatums while the claimant is fighting a war togethe
r with the liege
- Will save some of its state so it can be more consistent after reload
- Added system for excluding use of inappropriate names for religious reasons
- Added religion_modifiers, these are temporary modifiers to a religion's MA sco
- Added scripting commands add_consort = x and is_consort = yes/no/x
- Added 'consort' event target
- Added 'christian_opinion' to traits
- Added 'christian_church_opinion' to traits
- Added 'zoroastrian_opinion' to traits
- Disabled the character history command 'give_job_title' (use an effect instead
- Added trigger 'dynasty_realm_power'
- Added console command: init_laws [title]
- Exported FERTILITY_BASE_MULT to defines
- Exported many values to defines
- Added 'spawn_fleet' effect that can match characters
- Traits can now be marked as religious, which will clear them out if a characte
r changes religion

Added dynasty flag 'used_for_random'

Fixed a bug with the 'controls_religion' event trigger
Added parameter 'disband_on_peace' to the event effect 'spawn_unit'
Event spawned sub units can now be marked as not inheritable (cannot_inherit =
- Added safeguards to prevent strange crashes when trying to add non-existent te
mporary modifiers
- Added 'adjective' event effect
- Tweaked the 'set_name' effect so that it can reset title names
- Added trigger and effect 'any_consort'
- Added effect 'random_consort'
- Added title history commands 'name', 'adjective', 'reset_name' and 'reset_adje
- Event effects can now be run in title history as well
- Added 'insert_title_history' event command'
- Added event effect 'cancel_job_action'
- Added event effect 'remove_holding_modifier'
- Added event effect 'refill_holding_levy'
- Added Casus Belli type flags 'apply_short_occ_mod' and 'apply_short_occ_mod'.
These control whether or not the "Recently Conquered" and "New Administration" h
olding modifiers are set on victory.
- Added an 'aggression' field to religions (AI parameter)
- The 'create_character' effect now correctly defaults to 'dynasty = random'
- Added event effect 'make_primary_title'
- Fixed some minor issues with the triggers 'higher_tier_than' and 'lower_tier_t
- Fixed a bug with the 'de_jure_vassal_or_below' trigger
- Fixed an issue with the effect 'usurp_title_plus_barony_if_unlanded_and_vassal
s' vs holders with multiple kingdoms
- Added 'can_cancel' flag to character ambitions
- Added trigger 'attribute_diff'
- Added trigger 'is_reformed_religion'
- Fixed some issues with trigger 'is_parent_religion'
- Fixed an issue with decision scripts and very low likelihoods
- Can now specify 'used_for_dynasty_names' in landed titles
- Added trigger 'holy_order'
- Fixed a bug with "religion" change at a certain date in the character historie
- Exported SHORT_REIGN_OPINION_MULT to defines
- Added a 'short_reign_opinion_year_mult' field to religions that can override t
- Added trigger:
num_culture_realm_provs = {
num = X
culture = [tag/target]
- Added trigger:
num_religion_realm_provs = {
num = X
religion = [tag/target]
- Added "Killer" character text promotion
- Added "GetSonDaughter" character text
- Added trigger: preparing_invasion = [yes/no]
- Added event target: invasion_target
- History: Added proper working support for removing holdings
- Individual dynasties can now be overridden by mods without replacing the whole

- Exported define PAGAN_HOME_SUPPLY_MOD

- Added 'defensive_attrition' to religions
- The creation trigger on landed titles now has the title itself in the FROM sco
- Added trigger 'any_previous_holder'
- Death and birth dates in character history files now only use the outer date.
(Ignores the X in "birth = X")
- Added trigger 'relative_power'
- Added 'piety_cost' and 'prestige_cost' to casus bellis. This means they are vi
sible to select even if you currently don't have enough Piety or Prestige.
- Added 'match_min' and 'match_max' parameters to the 'spawn_unit' and 'spawn_fl
eet' effects
- Added 'female_temple_holders' field to religions
- Scripted in a 'allow_distant' parameter in CBs
- Added on action 'on_siege_over_winner'
- Added PREVPREVPREVPREV scope (does not work everywhere)
- Added 'GetFatherMother' parameter to text
2013-03-22: v1.092
----------------------- Added a Trade Post limit for patricians, based on palace upgrades and number o
f adult males in court
- Tanistry electors are no longer de jure
- Fix for crash on multiplayer gamestart on Windows 8
- Fixed a bug where a vassal of a vassal who won a war against an outside state
would become a vassal of that state
- Several events, including those dealing with the creation of the Hansa, no lon
ger require "The Republic" to trigger
- Fixed a bug where the Family Palace could get transferred to the wrong charact
er when Patricians were banished by events
- Rewrote large parts of the tutorial to be up-to-date with current features
- Fixed a problem in basic military tutorial that made it impossible to proceed
past a certain stage
- Fixed a problem in basic war tutorial that made it impossible to proceed past
a certain stage
- Rulers who are forced to abdicate will no longer die a mysterious death on the
day of their abdication
- Fixed a crash in court view during observer mode
- When determining what tier a character is for the purposes of marriage, the hi
ghest ranked non-republican ruler among their close relatives is now used (so th
e nephew of a King would count as King tier)
- Will no longer get prestige hits for marrying below your tier unless you marry
more than one level below it (so a King would get a prestige hit for marrying a
Countess but not a Duchess)
- AI now takes into account both tier prestige and dynastic prestige when respon
ding to marriage offers
- AI now takes into account prestige effects when selecting spouses for themselv
es and their relatives
- Exported MARRIAGE_AI_PRESTIGE_VALUE to defines.lua, this variable is a multipl
ier on the importance AI places on prestige when arranging marriages
- The Prestige cost for breaking a truce is now much harsher; 50% of current Pre
stige + 200.
- You now get a -5 Diplo penalty for five years if you break a truce
- Diplomacy View: The Piety and Prestige costs for declaring war no longer preve
nt you from selecting the action to see why
- The 'any_neighbor_province' trigger now works for sea zones as well
- The Holy War CB no longer works against too distant targets
- Sieging will siege back your own holdings first
- Trade Posts dont give warscore unless the war is using an Embargo or Sieze Tra

de Post CB
- You now need twice as much value in a trade zone before reaching its bonus cap
- Fixed a bug where Patrician stewards would add modifiers to tax multiple times
when performing the tax action
- Fixed a bug with the trigger 'is_land'
- The republican CB to seize a whole coastal county is now range dependent
- The republican CB to seize a coastal city now requires the Patrician to have a
trade post there already
- Can no longer grant independence to an antipope
- Family dues are now given only to adult males of your family in your court, an
d they all receive the same share
- Patricians can no longer increase their Demesne limit with higher tier titles.
However, the Doge gets +1
- Patricians who imprison or banish someone now get a tyranny opinion penalty fr
om everyone in the whole Republic
- Patricians no longer confiscate gold from dynasty members that they banish
- Doges can no longer use the Seize Trade Post plot
- Patricians can now only use the Seize Trade Post plot on Patricians owning mor
e Trade Posts than themselves
- The Seize Trade Post plot now always costs a small amount of money to implemen
- Fixed a bug where de jure status of kingdoms would reset upon loading a save g
- de_jure_liege="---" now works properly in history files
- Tied bride price to total prestige gain at a ratio defined by DOWRY_MULTIPLIER
in defines.lua
- Can now only ask to embargo republics with trade posts in target ruler's realm
- AI: Less willing to launch embargo wars in general, especially against rulers
they like
- AI: Less willing to accept requests to embargo on opinion alone
- AI: Will now factor in strength of target when deciding on whether to accept a
request to embargo
- Inherited retinues are now added to the heirs use of retinue cap
- CB types now takes ai_will_do with modifiers to modify the priority they place
on a particular CB
- Fixed the birthdate of Domenico Dandolo
- Minor fixes to Alan dynasties
- Fixes to Sergiids/Spartenos names
- Corrections to various Italian characters
- Several Mamluk dynasties should now use the proper Muslim dynastic shields
- The correct event is now triggered when an old Patrician family member marries
a young woman
- The Voice of Satan is now properly removed when a character is no longer posse
- Characters will no longer hear more than one voice when possessed
- Patrician family members that are betrothed will no longer experience random m
arriage events
- Two additional childhood learning events are now correctly triggered for Musli
- Added additional Komi dynasties
- Minor fixes to some Irish and Welsh characters
- Added many new Ethiopian characters
- Added Ethiopian Patriarchs
- Added Nestorian Patriarchs
- Exported chance of getting a birth trait to traits.txt files
- AI doges will no longer gift powers they want to start embargo wars if those p
owers would say no even when gifted


MILATION_ANYWHERE to defines.lua
- Added new scripting trigger realm_size = x for checking total holdings in real
- Added new scripting trigger realm_manpower = x for checking max manpower in re
- dynasty = x can now be used to check for whether a character belongs to a spec
ific dynasty
- You no longer get a claim on the Papacy if he was in a successful independence
- Fixed a slight bug in the claimant faction ultimatum decision
- landed_titles now takes assimilate = no, which will turn off all de jure drift
(both ways) for a Kingdom or Empire level title
- Fixed a bug with Patricians revoking castles from baron vassals
2013-01-25: v1.091
----------------------- Fixed a bug preventing some people from building new trade posts
- Fixed some instability issues on the Mac and Linux versions
- Fixed bug where taking over the last duchy or higher title from a Merchant Rep
ublic could give you Patrician vassals
- Blocked "Offer Vassalization" for one Merchant Republic vs another
- Fixed a tooltip bug for the succession type in secondary kingdoms and empires
held by Merchant Republics
- When a regular lowborn Mayor forms a Merchant Republic, he should get a dynast
y and become a Patrician
- The Patricians in newly formed merchant republics now get some starting money
- Homosexual characters no longer get the ambition to get married
- Doubled the effect of Prestige on Patrician Respect for Doge elections
- Tutorial: Fixed a crash in Realm View
- Fixed a bug where you would end up at war with your liege if beating him to vi
ctory in a claim war
- Added text warnings for Independence wars and factions for Patricians, if it w
ould mean Game Over
- Made Ultimogeniture possible for anyone to take, should they be so inclined
- Added the Barony of Altenburg to Meissen
- Gave Ultimogeniture to the Ilkhanate, the Golden Horde and the barony of Alten
- Fixed some issues with sound freezes
- Fixed a bug with the "coastal_county_republic" CB that could make vassals of m
erchant republics independent
- Fixed missing description for Trade Post garrison building
- Fixed issue where a feudal liege could burn a vassal Patrician's Trade Post
- The correct event picture is now shown when Aztecs sacrifice prisoners
- Fixed flag issues for players who don't own Sunset Invasion
- Fixed issues with the Romeo & Juliet event chain
- Added cooldown before the Seize Trade Post plot can be used on the same charac
ter again
- Republic random trade events are now slightly less likely to occur
- Lowered the cost and buildtimes of all Family Palace buildings
- Fixed an issue where the Seize Trade Post plot wasn't properly cancelled
- Fixed a bug where your children in foreign courts would not accept being educa
ted by you
- Added a check for negative fertility on either parent to prevent impregnation
of or by celibate characters, eunuchs, etc

- Fixed a bug where culture name lists with more than 100 entries would be cut o
ff at 100 entries due to a low random number
- Fixed a problem where a vassal of a vassal who takes an outside would become a
vassal of the enemy rather than the old liege's liege
- The Trade posts of Patricians who become independent should no longer be lost
in most cases, but taken over by a replacement family
- Fixed bug making Republic capitals immune to some CBs, like Holy War
- Fixed a bug where a betrothed character who married a different person than th
ey were betrothed to could retain the betrothal even when they were not permitte
d to have another spouse
- Fixed a bug where the educate child menu would be unavailable in foreign court
- Fixed a bug where children abroad would not show up in the education menu
- Muslims can now never marry matrilineally under any circumstances
- Fixed a bug where the AI would repeatedly unassign and assign a child the same
- Fixed a bug where a deposed ruler would die on the next day
- The Ecumenical Patriarch's pentarchy will now function correctly
- Pentarchs defined in history files for non-titular titles will now always over
ride Autocephaly
- Titular realms will now use their capital when determing religious head for re
ligions with Autocephaly
- Army AI: Fixed an issue with stupid long range land movement
- The Bishopric of Rome will no longer be renamed to the Lateran if the Move Cap
ital to Rome decision is taken
- Gaining a title you are fabricating a claim on via plot will now abort the plo
- The Anti-Pope opinion bonus towards liege will now be properly inherited when
liege dies
- Added field to cultures: [used_for_random = yes/no]. Blocks the culture from b
eing available for characters created with random culture.
- Made it more likely that the Mongol Hordes convert to Islam
- Faction View: The Faction labels are no longer capitalized
- Fixed bug with early holders of Family Palace holdings not showing up in the h
- Increased the random factor in doge elections
- Marcella Ziani now has the correct gender
- No longer possible for close relatives to become a married character's mistres
- AI Patricians are now far more likely to upgrade their Family Palaces
- Multiple assassination events should no longer appear when plotting to kill so
- The province of Ar'Ar has been renamed to Shaka
- When transfering a vassal, the selected vassal will now be shown on the map
- Can no longer ask to join wars against a ruler who is imprisoning you
- You can now always transfer the vassalage of a duke to the de jure liege of th
eir primary title, even if they hold multiple duchies
- Fixed a bug where a landed vassal who inherited their liege's title would rema
in in their previous factions
- Duplicate independence factions gained from conquering or inheriting titles wi
ll now be disbanded
- Fixed a bug where you would not be able to marry the courtiers of Holy Orders
and Mercenary Companies despite them showing up as eligible
- Fixed a bug where the add_spouse command would have undesirable results for Mu
- Improved Jihad notification event to include the religion and portrait of the
- Fixed a bug with Tanistry that could cause Game Over
- Anti-Pope will now remain as an Emperor's vassal if you press his claim to the

- Fixed a bug that was causing characters over 1000 years old not to receive eve
nts properly
- Exported is_holy_war to cb_types, this determines whether neighbouring AIs of
the same religion will consider joining defensively against the attacker
- Can now ask to join Muslim Invasions
- AI will now ask to join Muslim Invasions when appropriate, and is slightly mor
e inclined to defend neighbours against a Muslim Invasion than a Holy War
- Improved duchy distribution AI
- Fixed a bug where you would not be able to ask a character to stop backing a p
lot if their answer was no, depriving you of just cause to imprison them
- AI: Will now value Kiev more highly and be more inclined to use it as their pr
imary Duchy
- AI: Will now value prestige effects of marriage at a more reasonable level
- The Muslim Invasion CB now requires either a foothold in or border with the ta
rget kingdom
- AI: Fixed a bug where countries with a vassal merchant republic would refuse t
o embargo _any_ republic
- Fixed a bug where a country who had vassal merchant republics could lose them
when _winning_ a war against another merchant republic
- Fixed a bug with the Jizya tax modifier for Muslim merchant republics
2013-01-14: v1.09
- Merchant Republic gameplay (Duke or higher tier Republics with a coastal capit
- Added a 'Grant Independence' diplomatic interaction
- Titles can now automatically change name depending on the culture of their top
- The Reign length opinion modifiers are now dependent on how long a character h
as been the liege of someone, not how long the primary title has been held
- Added 1241 Bookmark - "The Mongols"
- Save file transfer now works on Mac
- Reduced max demesne size from ruler tier, especially for Dukes
- Reduced the effect of Stewardship on max demesne size (now 15%, down from 25%.
- Added a max demesne size bonus (+1) for dukes with more than one duchy
- Increased the Prestige effects of a rank difference in marriages by a factor o
f 5
- All merc regiments now grow in max size over time
- Added more mercenary bands: Finns, Lapps, Abyssinians, Nubians, Lithuanians, S
cots, Irish and Alans
- Added Ultimogeniture succession law
- Added Tanistry succession law
- Fixed a bug with religions that have become or stopped being heresies not bein
g correctly reset on reload
- Sunset Invasion: Slightly increased the arrival strength of the Aztecs
- Increased the strength of the Timurids
- Added a hidden event that clears diplomatic immunity from faction members if t
he faction leader dies while waiting for the liege response to an ultimatum
- When forming the Roman Empire, de jure assimilation into the Byzantine Empire
is now carried over
- Fixed a bug allowing you to declare excommunication wars on lieges above your
immediate liege (the war would then invalidate)
- AI: Will not attach units to allied units unless they are in the war target ar
- Fixed a bug where a king who was also emperor lost the empire title in a civil

war, but retained all dukes as vassals under the kingdom

- Fixed a crash in the province view
- Retinues no longer cost maintenance when you are out of money ( since they do
not reinforce when you are out of money )
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when a character was exiled from the last
existing republic
- Fixed a bug with de jure withdrawal out of empires where the counter would res
et and nothing would happen
- AI: Infinitesimal chance that the AI will fold to faction demands from tiny fa
- Fixed some bugs with the outcomes of the Imperial Reconquest CB
- Fixed a bug with characters not always returning correctly from foreign courts
- Fixed a CTD with the GamersGate in-game store API if there was a network error
- Forbidding councillors from leading armies is now saved
- Forbidding councillors from leading armies will no longer lead to an out of sy
nc in multiplayer
- Fixed issue where a settlement could be awarded to an enemy after a siege was
- Character screen no longer moves to front when it updates its data
- When creating a new unit one subunit will automatically transfer over if the s
elected unit has at least two
- Added a message for when someone takes over as a faction leader
- Prerequisite building missing text in building tooltip is now localized
- Fixed issue where character browser was showing some rulers when set to "all c
haracters" and "no rulers"
- AI: Fixed a somewhat borked odds calculation vs attached units
- Army AI: Fixed an indecision issue - will be more determined to hunt down cert
ain armies
- Army AI: Fixed a bug with splinter armies putting the whole agent into retreat
- Army AI: Fixed a rare collection livelock issue if a splinter army was besiegi
ng a holding
- Army AI: Fixed a glitch with the potential target province calculation due to
moving enemy units
- Claimant Factions are no longer valid for non-elective titles if the claimant
has no claim
- Fixed a confusing "any demesne title" trigger tooltip
- Removed the kingdom of Pommerania from the de jure HRE
- Liege levy maintenance cost is now shared with sub vassals
- The old liege now only gets weak claims on members of successful independence
- Fixed a rare crash in AI flank leader unit assignment
- Fixed an issue that could allow vassals of vassals to launch independence fact
ion wars
- Independence faction wars are now invalidated if the pre-war liege becomes vas
salized himself
- Fixed a bug where the successor of an Ecumenical Patriarch (or a vassal Pope)
could change religion to the liege's.
- Vassals of vassals can no longer start claimant factions for claimants in anot
her realm
- You now correctly gain Piety for granting bishoprics to courtiers
- Muslim rulers no longer get Piety for creating a random mosque holder
- Hamburg and Celle now have ports
- Province of Alexandria adjusted to include the site of the actual city
- Gender corrections to certain characters
- Added missing parents for Roupen I of Armenia Minor
- Fixed broken House Oitir dynasty
- Fixed several Mongol characters having the wrong religion
- Constantine de Hauteville is no longer female
- Gytha Thorkelsdottir now has the correct deathdate

- Louis d'Evreux now has the correct mother

- Fixes to V\E1clav II and descendants
- William 'Adelin' now has the correct deathdate
- Miscellaneous database corrections to the de Luxembourg dynasty
- Miscellaneous database corrections for the Normans and the 1st Earl of Chester
- Fixed the birthdate of Saint Louis IX of France and his brother Robert of Arto
- Switched culture for two characters from Irish to Scottish
- Fixes to Danish and Norwegian bastards
- Added the Hvide Bishops of Roskilde
- The culture of Khwarizm now changes to Turkish at the correct date
- Updated the Jarls of V\E4sterg\F6tland
- Fixed various issues with wrong or missing mothers for Frankish characters
- Fixed the lineage of Erik III of Denmark
- Added new Maghreb Wikipedia links
- Tweaked deathdate of Mubashir, Duke of Mallorca, and made him eunuch
- Fixed the spelling of the de Cuiseaux dynasty
- Corrections to the Af Sverker family
- Fixes to the ruler history of the Perigord and La Marche counties
- The Pirate King Kyrillos is now correctly imprisoned when captured through eve
- Added dynasty and descendants to Umar ibn Khattab
- Fleshed out the the Rassid dynasty of Yemen
- Additions to the Banu 'Amir dynasty and its descendants
- Various changes and additions to the Hammudid dynasty
- Added the Mayzadids of Hillah
- Updated the Scottish name list
- Minor changes and additions to the Italian name list
- The Umayyad and Hashimid now have Muslim-style Coats of Arms
- Added some missing Dukes of Brittany
- Namechanges for several Scottish characters
- Constantinople is now protected by the Theodosian Walls
- Some corrections to Swedish kings and their families
- Links for Hungarian names added
- Changes to the Baltic pagan setup
- Corrections to Birger Jarl's family line
- All Armenian characters are now Miaphysite
- Added descriptive texts of all buildings
- Fixed issue with certain buildings referring to an obsolete Seljuk title
- Updated the credits
- Basra and Tigris now have the correct ruler in 1152
- Blocked claimant factions for vassals of vassals under Medium or higher crown
- Blocked most factions for vassals of vassals under Medium crown authority in a
ddition to High and Absolute
- Fixed a problem with the limit of children for heirs
- AI: Fixed a bug with it not dismissing liege levies when done with them
- The pre-spawned 1066 conquest armies in England now suffer normal attrition
- Event spawned civil war armies now suffer normal attrition
- Made the bastard birth event (450) more common
- If married, women now fool their husbands about the parentage of children born
from the bastard birth event (450)
- Fixed a bug with kingdom adjudication and barony tier titles under lieges with
split allegiances
- Lowered the inheritance chance a bit for most congenital traits
- Fixed some glitches with the Mongol conversion events
- There is now a chance that the Ilkhanate will convert to Nestorianism
- There is now a small chance that the Golden Horde will convert to Nestorianism
- AI: Tweaked the effect of the Content trait on the creation and joining of Cla
imant factions

- AI: A bit smarter about launching claimant ultimatums

- Diplomacy View: Fixed a minor prestige tooltip issue when marrying lowborn cha
- AI: Vassals of a conqueror's title should not support claimants of another cul
- DoW AI: Now more aware of the possibility of mercs and the military value of G
- AI: More keen on using mercs if even slightly outnumbered
- AI: Very rich states are now more likely to use multiple merc regiments if nee
- Renamed the merc fleets after sea zones
- Added a hidden event to disband William's special invasion fleet
- AI: Lords and their heirs always answer each other's call to wars
- AI: Fixed a bug that could prevent the passing of laws
- AI: Smarter about trying to institute Agnatic-Cognatic law
- Retinues are now correctly passed on to the _player_ successor, not the primar
y title successor
- Fixed a crash bug in the Diplo and Province views with character with a null l
ist of enemies
- Fixed a bug where characters inherited debts
- Fixed a minor bug in the effect 'vassalize_or_take_under_title' that would all
ow vassalization of unvassalizable titles like the Hashashin
- The religious CB now vassalizes lords of your own religion in the target Duchy
- AI: Fixed an issue where lords would marry off their councillors matrilineally
to lowborn courtiers
- Fixed a bug with succession law opinions of children not of their parent's dyn
- Optimized the line of succession calculation code
- AI: Fixed some bugs with elective successor choices
- Fixed (hopefully) a gross bankruptcy bug with the 'transfer_scaled_wealth' eff
- AI: External powers now more aggressive against civil war revolters
- Various code speed optimizations
- Fixed another bug with dead character in the Allies list
- AI: Husband and Wife always answer each other's calls to war
- Reversed the order of rulers in the Title History View (latest now on top)
- Invasion AI: Fixed a bug where fleets were afraid of loaded armies on enemy fl
- Army AI: Fixed a brain death issue when under invasion by a Mercenary company
whose unit was destroyed
- Army AI: Fixed an issue where it would not raise its own demesne ships
- AI: Will tend to hand out the latest acquired baronies rather than the oldest
- The Traitor opinion is now inherited by ruler successors
- Calling someone to war now makes them dislike you by the same amount you will
like them for answering
- Conquerors (rulers of conquered titles) can now call on rulers from back home
(Cultural Bonds) while defending against other cultures
- Fixed a rare crash in the Diplomacy View
- The 'vassalize_or_take_under_title' effect now correctly restores the taker li
ege afterward
- Fixed a bug where certain event effects in CBs could take Patrician titles
- Fixed a bug with the backend poster not having a HTTP POST timeout
- Fixed a bug with the random seed in event effect descriptions not matching the
actual effect
- Fixed a bug where rampaging mercs would make an invalid DoW
- Fixed a bug preventing you from nominating bishop successors
- Muslim pulse events are now triggered correctly
- Fixed misplaced IF in decadence_invasion
- Added additional rulers to Chalkidike in the history database
- Chancellor event while improving relations is now properly triggered

- Fixed error in polygamy event

- Fixed issue with event where a character tries to free his/her spouse
- Added missing parents to several Arabic characters
- Added additional Alan dynasties
- Fixes to several Welsh dynasty names
- Some Armenian dynasty names are now Greek as intended
- Fixed the dynasty of Udalard de Besalu
- Characters older than 50 will no longer fight in tournaments
- Fixed pronoun error in Guardian event
- Removed superfluous church opinion effect from several Muslim-only event modif
- Fixed issue where the wife of a courtier could suggest a new Lord Spiritual
- Fixed option effect in event 1009
- Added additional Irish and Welsh dynasties and characters
- Added missing parents for the Riyahdids
- Added Muslim Hafsids of Crete and the Anemas dynasty
- Tatikios now has Greek culture and is employed by Alexios Komnenos
- Various additions to Norwegian and Irish family trees
- The event trigger and effect 'any_faction_backer' without a 'faction' field no
w work for the backers of all factions
- The 'copy_title_history' effect now also copies de jure assimilation
- Fixed some bugs with the 'de_jure_liege_or_above' and 'de_jure_vassal_or_below
' triggers
- Character event flags are now shown in the portrait debug tooltip
- The modifier 'assassinate_chance_modifier' on the acting ruler now has an effe
- Added trigger 'is_at_sea'
- Added trigger 'is_patrician'
- Added trigger 'is_merchant_republic'
- Removed unused on actions 'on_siege_won' and 'on_siege_list'.
- Added on action 'on_siege_over' which triggers for all characters in the provi
- Exported DOGE_SUCC_RANDOM_FACTOR to defines
- Added effects 'embargo' and 'lift_embargo'
- Added trigger 'has_trade_post'
- Added event target 'trade_post_owner'
- Added event effect 'seize_trade_post'
- Added 'attrition' field to the 'spawn_unit' effect. This is an attrition multi
- Added 'cuckoo' (impregnation) console command
- Added 'culture = random' to 'create_character' and related event effects
- Added 'rep_trade_posts' Plot type
- Added define 'ENFORCE_ONE_OF_EACH_HOLDING' (Require players to build at least
one City, Temple and Castle in each province)
- Added event target 'plot_target_province'
- Added a 'capital_holding' event target
- Added trigger 'num_of_trade_posts'
- Added trigger 'num_of_trade_post_diff'
- Added event trigger 'any_trade_post'
- Added event effect 'any_trade_post'
- Added event effect 'random_trade_post'
- Added 'same_religion = yes' field to the effect 'vassalize_or_take_under_title
'. It will only vassalize rulers of the taker's religion
- Added 'is_patrician' filter to events
- Increased max demesne size limit for Patricians by 1 (define DEMESNE_MAX_SIZE_
- Added trigger 'any_attacker' (war scope)

- Added trigger 'any_defender' (war scope)

- Added 'inherit' field to opinion modifiers
2012-11-15: v1.08
- Added Nahua culture and Aztec religion
- Retinues no longer get free leaders
- Liege levies raised via the province view are now raised in the selected provi
- You can now forbid your council from leading armies
- Optimized succession calculation, which could cause massive slowdowns in big d
ynasties with many landed members
- Intrigue plots vs barons or their courtiers can now include their liege's cour
tiers and other vassals
- Fixed Scottish Schiltron building giving 10x defensive bonus to pikes
- Fixed Dutch cultural retinue lacking pikes
- Fixed an issue with AI strength calculations the first month after loading a g
- A bit more randomness in the size of the rebel reinforcements in civil wars
- The Pope now receives even less war contribution score in Crusades
- Fixed a crash with a null war list in Province View and Diplomacy View
- Mercenary regiments and Holy Orders will now automatically get a new leader wh
en the old one dies
- Less likely that the captain of a merc regiment gets reassigned to lead someth
ing else
- Kingdoms no longer assimilate out of de jure empires that have no holder
- Fixed a bug with not being able to move capital back to your title's preferred
- The Imperial Reconquest CB now only works for the restored Roman Empire
- The Imperial Reconquest CB no longer clears out all rulers under the title
- Disbanding multiple selected units will never disband retinues if there are no
n-retinues in any selected unit
- Liege levies will now disband if their owner is at war with the owner of the u
- Retinues no longer reinforce if their owner has no money
- Diplo AI: Imprisoned vassals or below will always accept a demand for religiou
s conversion, and go free from prison
- AI: Much better at assigning flank commanders for important armies
- AI: Less likely to go overboard with Crown Authority
- AI: Not interested in Lower CA plots in irrelevant kingdoms/empires
- AI: Fixed a bug with it not dismissing liege levies when done with them
- Army AI: Fixed a bug with invasions not happening when they should
- Ledger page with independent rulers now shows troops including retinues
- Shift or Ctrl clicking buttons in Ruler Designer coat of arms designer now mul
tiplies the frame change by 5 or 10
- Fixed bug where byzantine unit pack was replacing all eastern europeans
- Raising troops via raise all or raise on province will now merge units
- Now allowed to ask to join tribal invasion wars
- Fixed bugged altaic culture building modifier
- Fixed the history of c_sodermanland
- Fixed consistency issue with German characters name Philipp
- Fixed faulty employment date for Robrecht van Gent
- Fixed broken Ua Conchobair dynasty
- Province of Bira no longer stays Orthodox for the entire game
- Fixed bug where imprisoned underage rulers could kill their regents
- Gave The Two Saltuks from Erzurum their correct names

- Corrections to Phillip IV of France and many related characters

- Sigrid Ylving no longer has the wrong mother
- Fixed the deathdate of King Charles IV of France
- Added missing Ecumenical Patriarchs
- Fixed a bug where courtiers of landless characters would be listed in a weird
- Fixes and additions to various Frankish and Occitan dynasties
- Fixes and additions to the Hunfirding dynasty
- Missing marriages, mothers, children of Valdemar II and Erik V of Denmark adde
- Fixed a rare crash in 'on_siege_over'
- AI: The independence faction does not present an ultimatum until it has at lea
st 33% of the liege's strength
- AI: De jure vassals of your culture and religion, except kings, will not start
or join independence factions
- Reduced the chance of massive rebel reinforcements for the Independence factio
- Diplo AI: Mongols and Aztecs will no longer revoke titles off human players ju
st for having the wrong religion or culture
- Armenian, Georgian and Alan cultures updated with new names, name linkings and
- Fixes to the County of Melgueil
- Ingeborg Magnusdotter now has the correct gender
- Sartag Khan now converts to Nestorianism instead of Orthodoxy
- Corrections to the religion of several Zirid characters
- A few Catalan name fixes
- Changes and additions to the Godwin dynasty
- Fixed a bug with Primogeniture when tracing back through the current holder's
- Fixed a very rare crash with Holdings with no holder
- Fixed an issue with inheritance by landless characters when there was no de ju
re vassal title they could take off the previous holder
- Diplo AI: Much more careful about imprisonments
- Imprisoning characters no longer affects their position in the line of success
- Fixed a bug with the event pictures on Mac and Linux
- Added blinded trait to historically blind characters in the database
- Added missing space to Armenian dynasty prefix and Irish male patronym
- Byzantine, Armenian and Georgian character fixes and additions
- Fixed wrong liege for Duchy of Champagne and County of Gevaudan at certain dat
- Welsh/Hiberno-Norse Dublin character fixes and additions
- New dynasty for the Kurdish Shaddadids, extended Mirdasid pedigree
- On player agreement, the game now sends information to the Paradox backend whe
n you start a game, containing the names of the DLCs and Mods you run (can be to
ggled with "dont_track_data = [yes/no]" in settings.txt)
- AI: The leader of a claimant faction will no longer leave the faction in an el
ective realm where the claimant is currently the heir
- AI: Fixed a slight bug where current heirs would not back claimant factions fo
r themselves
- Spymaster Scheme job has been overhauled and simplified
- AI: Fixed an issue with the number of available galleys check
- Fixed an issue with part of the de jure drift mechanic not being cleared on re
- The criterion for determining who can lead troops is now determined by the all
ow trigger for 'job_marshal' (so women can now be modded to lead armies)
- Added trigger 'is_adult'
- Added trigger 'is_marriage_adult'

2012-10-22: v1.07b
----------------------- Fixed an issue with broken portraits and other graphics on certain older graph
ics cards
- Fixed a bug with Claimant Faction wars becoming invalid in Elective Realms
- Fixed a bug where various Dynasty variables would not be correctly reset on re
sign, which could even cause crashes
- Fixed the initial tech levels in the Nestorian and Miaphysite provinces
- Fixed a crash bug in the religion view that could happen when your ruler's rel
igion changed
- Fixed a bug with Gavelkind succession in Empires where the holder also had man
y kingdoms
- Fixed an issue where you could become independent by joining an independence f
action war in another realm
- Kurds now have access to the Persian cultural building
- William the Conquerer no longer set as mother of three Breton characters
- Fixed the history for c_aprutium
- Fixed deathdate of character 161537
- Fixes/additions to the Strathearn dynasty
- Fixes to the counts of Malta
- Fixed broken de Mello dynasty
- Various additions/fixes to several English dynasties
- Various additions/fixes to several German dynasties
- Renamed duplicate Onega province
- Added rulers to various Eastern pagan provinces
- Spymaster can now use Scheme in provinces belonging to your liege's other vass
- Fixed hunting event to correctly apply to barons
- Fixed an ugly "invalidated war" message showing messy trigger conditions
- No longer possible to start or join Factions while in revolt against your curr
ent liege
- Fixed an issue where a vassal revolt war could sometimes invalidate on mostly
unrelated other revolts in the same realm
- Fixed a glitch with the tooltip on the "Start a Faction" button
- No longer allowed to start claimant factions for female claimants against Agna
tic law titles
- Fixed an issue with Protected Inheritance
- Reduced size of all event pictures by 25% at no loss of quality
- Muslim Jihads no longer possible before 1187
- The title is now displayed correctly for Russian Grand Princesses
- Some changes to the religious setup in the Levant
2012-10-16: v1.07
- Faction System
- Characters can have both a Plot and an Ambition
- Retinue System support for the Legacy of Rome DLC
- Orthodox and related religions have Autocephalous Patriarchs and the Pentarchy
- Rebalanced Combat, with more focus on leaders and their traits. More leader tr
- Liege levies. You only raise levies from your direct vassals, and they are not
directly connected to Holdings.
- A number of self improvement Ambitions for characters
- New religions: Miaphysite, Nestorian, Monothelite
- Two new Bookmarks: The Alexiad and The Latin Empire
- AI: Improved military AI


Major speed optimizations

Greatly reduced graphics memory load
Plugged some memory leaks
New events for characters with the lunatic trait
Spymaster's Discover Plots job has been renamed to Scheme, and now also affect
faction membership
New icons added to all decisions

- Launcher now remembers DLC and Mod settings
- Very large savegames can now be sent to clients in multiplayer
- Now always allowed to move capital back to the traditional capital of your pri
mary title (even if you've moved capital once already)
- You now always need at least two kingdom titles to create an Empire
- Fixed several bugs with Gavelkind and Primogeniture succession
- Fixed some issues with the Supply Limit and attrition rules
- It's no longer possible to place councillors in grayed out provinces
- Many, many changes and fixes to the history database
- Character View: Selecting an ambition now auto-updates the window
- Added ticking war score to Claim All wars
- Made the Seljuks pre-mobilized in 1066, like the English contenders
- Added portrait tooltip about a character's religious head
- Added code for locking Constantinople to the Emperor better
- Adjusted the colors of some duchies and kingdoms, mainly in Eastern Anatolia
- Fixed the ship unit position in Lake Mlaren
- Added "Foreign Conqueror" opinion modifier
- Ormond is no longer a republic
- Improved some trigger and event target tooltips
- Fixed some issues with the "change succession law" CBs against secondary kingd
- No longer allowed to press Muslim women's claims against anyone
- No longer allowed to press other women's claims on _any_ titles against a rule
r with Agnatic succession
- Fixed a problem with law triggers in decisions
- All casus belli event effects are now also initialized properly, so they can r
efer to laws
- Characters in feudal realms will not flee to republics or theocracies when exi
- In republics, courtiers who are heirs to foreign titles can no longer be elect
- Gave William the Conqueror three more castles at game start and adjusted the i
nitial armies of all three contenders
- The liege is now imprisoned when losing his or her primary title in a claimant
- When creating a new higher tier title in the game, your current laws will be c
opied (if it's not Duke-to-King)
- When creating a new higher tier title that has never had a holder before, its
holder history will be copied from your current title
- Plot View: Fixed an issue where Vassal Decisions could be listed twice
- Plot View: Fixed a bug with the tooltip on the Start Plot button
- Fixed the tooltip for effects 'remove_title'
- Fixed the tooltip for effects 'give_job_title'
- Fixed some bugs with the 'spawn_unit' tooltip
- Portraits: All characters are now bald if they wear the chain mail hood
- 1066: Adjusted the traits of the main Saxon lords to like Eadgar the Aetheling
a lot
- The end game screen now shows the correct Komnenos dynasty shield
- Added proper claims and ruler history for Tostig Godwinson
- The loser in an invasion CB is now imprisoned by the winner if he becomes a va
ssal of the winner


Made the Varangian Guard better

Added tooltips to the Flank Leader selection view
Fixed a bug where children of Western ethnicity would not look it if of anothe
Fixed some bugs with graphical culture type of characters not correctly fallin
back to Western
The Golden Horde now receives slightly fewer reinforcements in the second even

Fixed a bug with the opinion penalty for destroying a title

Combat events no longer happens the first few days anymore
The Ambitions to have a son or daughter now increases fertility
Tweaked fertility effect on impregnation
Religious wars and Jihads/Crusades now reduce the Decadence for all successful
participating Muslims
- Tweaked some default message priorities
- You now only get a Weak Claim on titles that have been revoked
- You are no longer allowed to usurp titles from others in the same realm unless
you have a Strong Claim
- Fixed a bug where you could ask to join the wars of your liege's enemies
- Muslim Invasion CB outcomes now also affect Decadence
- Fixed a bug with the "Weaken Fellow Vassal" Plot, where the target could go in
dependent when losing his last Duchy
- Fixed an assymmetric hostility issue vs revolters of an ally of someone you're
- The "No Ambition" alert should no longer appear if there are no valid ambition
s to pick
- Fixed a bug with white text showing in some event windows
- Fixed a bug where the AI could ask to educate children of vassals who were act
ually 'employed' by the vassal's Spouse
- Fixed a bug in the portrait tooltip, where it did not always list the highest
title a character was heir to
- Fixed some issues with the wrong event frame being shown for some Knights of S
t John events- A liege no longers retains any imprison or revoke title reasons a
gainst rebel vassals when losing a civil war
- Decadence revolts now only disband the earmarked regiments when they end- Fixe
d a bug making Holy Orders theocracies
- Added missing clergy clothes for other graphical cultures
- Fixed a bug with dead character portraits not looking correct when loading sav
e games
- Many new CoAs, courtesy of Txini
- Fixed some glitches with the inheritance of Councillors
- Fixed a rare bug with wars ending "inconclusively" just before they ended norm
- Added more war invalidation explanations to the message
- Slightly toned down the size of Decadence revolters
- Pressing the claim of a dynasty member will now always vassalize him or her if
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for normal AND triggers
- Titles are now also considered contested if a title de facto above them is con
- Tweaked Title Creation and Usurpation tooltips
- Fixed a bug where revolters could remain in an ongoing uprising even after no
longer being part of the realm
- Crushing a major revolt now gives all direct vassal rulers a +25 opinion modif
ier of you for 10 years
- When you White Peace revolters, they now get a 'Spared after Rebellion' opinio
n modifier of you, +25 for 10 years
- Fixed a bug where a legitimized bastard would hate the parent for doing it
- The Mongol reinforcements no longer arrive if the Horde has already been compl
etely defeated


Fixed some issues with characters getting opinion modifiers of themselves

Added beard portrait scripts
Added missing string about not being able to revoke the last Temple Holding of
your own religious head
Fixed two bugs with landless Mongols not declaring war
Claimant Wars: if the claimant is a bishop or mayor, those titles are now lost
on success
- Wars over titles are now more likely to give the title capital to the claimant
- No longer possible to declare depose liege, or claimant wars on liege while th
e liege or above is himself in revolt
- Fixed a bug where vassals could nominate successors for secondary duchies or b
- Made the basic "Recently Conquered" tax penalty more severe, so it cannot be o
ffset by tech, etc
- A ward who is at war with his or her guardian now automatically returns home
- Fixed an issue with the automatic removal of inappropriate scripted traits fro
m underage historical characters
- Independent kingdoms with a king that controls their entire de jure area can n
ow break out of de jure empires
- No longer possible to employ Holy Orders while excommunicated
- Fixed a bug with the tooltips for triggers 'lower_tier_than' and 'higher_tier_
- You no longer pay maintenance for Holy Orders if you're in a justified war, ev
en if you're also in another type of war
- Fixed an issue where you could not grant titles to vassals which you could not
formally create
- Gave most mercs and holy orders a base culture
- Ensured that merc and holy order leaders are always of the right culture and r
- Slowed down event '39500' which automatically converts counties to Islam
- Fixed a bug where you could move your capital again after a reload
- Fixed a bug where a landed spouse who is the councillor of another ruler would
not give you that attribute bonus
- The Excommunicate diplo action is no longer shown for excommunicated character
- Fixed an issue with granting titles including lower not fully working if the t
arget becomes independent from you through the action
- Blocked Agnatic-Cognatic succession for Hordes
- Horde type culture rulers cannot have Cognatic or True Cognatic succession law
- Improved kingdom division on inheritance kingdom split
- Fixed a bug with characters not knowing of their own plots
- Fixed a bug with the de facto liege of titles after revocation
- Fixed a bug with the succession bethrothal icon not showing
- Fixed a bug allowing you to assign too many wards to a guardian
- Boosted the effect of the Chancellor's Improve Diplomatic Relations job
- Corrected many spelling mistakes
- Added a notification event when a character is killed in battle
- Both sides in a siege now see the effects of triggered siege events
- The event where a vassal offers guardianship now shows which child will become
the vassal's ward
- Fixes to the Christian and Muslim tournaments
- Famous Muslims who join your court now have dynasties and improved stats
- Scottish names are now English instead of Gaelic, whereas before they were a m
ixture of both
- Russian duchies are now called grand principalities, and their rulers are refe
rred to as grand princes
- Fixed the event where the Hashshashin go after the Mongol leader
- Revised Combat tooltips
- Muslim Heavy cavalry now use CoA colors on their flags rather than the christi

an flag
- Revised cultural building modifiers
- Added a global supply limit modifier that increases with tech
- Ruler Designer now handles culture different from ethnicity
- Loading screens and flags now look a bit better
- Fixed issue with special characters in find title box
- Flanks will now pick tactics even if they have no leader
- You are no longer allowed to build in settlements held by someout outside your
realm or by someone you are at war with
- Fixed some trigger tooltips that looked bad
- Added the winners of the AAR contest as characters in the game
- AI: Smarter about heir nomination when having multiple kingdoms (to keep them
- AI: Fixed bug with silly Muslim handing out of titles
- AI: Baron tier and landless characters now get a complete AI when they have ra
ised units on the map
- AI: Fixed an issue where it could spam a player asking to become a vassal
- AI: Holy Orders should no longer run off to help others if they are already "h
- AI: Will always accept guardians for childen offered by the Regent (and won't
have them replaced on its own)
- AI: Improved passing of demesne laws
- AI: Should now want to revoke a Castle Holding when the primary holding in a C
ounty is NOT a Castle
- AI: Prevented some stupid placing of the Chancellor to fabricate claims
- AI: Vassals will no longer spontaneously declare war on their liege to depose
him or take a title off him (these things are now faction based.) The only time
they might declare war on their own is to create a succession crisis.
- AI: Improved handing out of counties if it's over the demesne limit
- AI: Will now execute "vassal decisions" (like blinding and castrating prisoner
- AI: Will now switch Guardian for children if appropriate (wrong religion or cu
- AI: Will not disband free galleys (from event effects)
- AI: Fixed some bugs with turning betrothals into marriages
- AI: More careful with title usurpation and the cost in gold
- Diplo AI: Fixed a bug with "divine blood" marriage calculation
- Diplo AI: Does not care about Matrilineal marriage factors if both parties are
from the same dynasty
- Diplo AI: Children in other realms will now still accept education offers from
their own parents
- Diplo AI: Fixed a bug with borked marriage proposals and spamming
- Diplo AI: Less aggressive about revoking titles (requires a worse opinion or r
eligious enmity)
- Diplo AI: Will now break betrothals that won't be accepted anymore
- Diplo AI: will not revoke titles while under a regency
- Diplo AI: Early surrender now possible with Muslim invasion CBs. Defender more
- IMPORTANT: Added 'inherit_chance' to traits, replacing 'congenital'
- The 'replace_path' bug is now fixed for real
- Added 'effect' character history command. It's like an event option that's run
for the character at game start.
- Fixed a bug with 'immortal' traits and sex appeal
- Added trigger 'leads_faction'
- Added trigger 'faction_power'
- Added trigger and effect 'any_faction_backer'
- Added trigger 'completely_controls = [title]' (I or my vassals hold everything
in it)

- Added trigger 'revolt_distance'

- The 'ai_will_do' clause in Decisions is no longer binary (the value determines
the MTTH)
- Fixed an issue with law triggers in the 'ai_will_do' field of decisions
- Added trigger 'in_faction'
- Added trigger 'war_title'
- Added trigger 'defending_against_claimant'
- Added event targets 'supported_claimant' and 'supported_claimant_title'
- Added 'set_parent_religion' effect
- Can now create Lowborn characters with the 'create_character' effect
- Fixed a bug with scripted attributes in the 'create_character' effect
- Fixed a bug in the 'conquest_culture' trigger
- Added 'is_conquered' trigger
- Added event targets 'heir_under_seniority_law' and 'heir_under_primogeniture_l
- Added trigger 'any_claimant'
- Added 'from_potential' trigger to decisions (vassal and dynasty decisions only
- Added event effect 'add_spouse_matrilineal'
- Added 'opinion_diff' trigger
- The event targets 'owner' and 'holder_scope' are now the same and work on both
titles and provinces
- Added event effect 'copy_title_history'
- Added event effect 'copy_title_laws'
- Fixed a bug with trigger 'is_landed = no'
- Fixed a bug in the effect 'spawn_unit' with the 'match' argument
- Can now set a specific leader in the effect 'spawn_unit'
- Fixed a bug in trigger 'de_jure_liege_or_above'
- Fixed a bug in trigger 'de_jure_vassal_or_below'
- Fixed some bugs with the 'set_name' effect
- The 'set_name' effect can now change the name of titles
- Added 'capital' effect
- Added 'province_capital' effect
- Added effect 'participation_scaled_decadence'
- Added trigger 'num_of_faction_backers'
- Added trigger 'race'
- Added trigger 'graphical_culture'
- Fixed a bug with event name spaces not working in 'events' fields in On Action
- Fixed a bug with event name spaces not working in 'events' fields in Job Actio
- Added 'divine_blood' marriage opinion modifiers
- Added more gradual Attrition Defines
- Added 'secondary_graphical_culture' to cultures and culture groups (a fallback
option, when not having certain DLCs)
- Added trigger 'has_earmarked_regiments'
- Added 'earmark' argument to the 'spawn_unit' event effect
- The 'disband_event_forces' effect now takes an earmark argument
- Added trigger 'diplomatic_immunity'
- Added effect 'diplomatic_immunity'
- Exported AGE_OF_MARRIAGE to defines
- Ported the last old defines to lua
- Added SeaZone province text promotion
- Added PrevPrev text promotion
- Added trigger 'is_tribal_type_title'
- Added trigger 'has_horde_culture'
2012-07-04: v1.06b

----------------------- The date widget arrows in the lobby no longer stay gone after you've looked at
your save games
- Added a separate set of Muslim feudal (Iqta) laws
- Added a separate Muslim invasion CB with longer truce and no taking of all occ
upied provinces
- The success chance for kill plots now increases drastically past 100% Plot Pow
- MP: Fixed an OOS issue between people with and without SoI. (Unfortunately, th
is means modders with SoI cannot just script in any number of wives in other rel
- Fixed a serious but simple error messing up the Spanish localization text
- Corrected a load of German text using ';' in the localization, corrupting the
text database
- Decadence revolter special troops now disband after the war
- The game will no longer crash if you have the African Unit Pack DLC but not th
e Sword of Islam
- Exported EMPIRE_CREATION_PIETY_COST to defines
- Fixed a bug with 'replace_path' in mods
- Empires now cost 400 Piety to create (up from 200)
- Fixed a bug that would not actually detract the empire creation Piety cost
- Fixed a problem with the event effects 'gain_settlements_under_title' and 'vas
salize_or_take_under_title' where rebel or revolter occupied counties would not
be taken in the peace
- Muslim vassals can no longer declare Holy Wars on rulers of their top liege's
- Corrected the English regnal numbers to exclude the Saxon Edwards
- Fixed a bug where breaking a truce would not actually cost Prestige
- Added 'creation_requires_capital' field to landed titles
- Added harsher creation conditions for the Latin Empire
- Added proper creation conditions for the Caliphates
- Fixed a bug with the event effect 'abdicate_to_most_liked_by' that could cause
the new ruler of a non-feudal state to become independent when he should not
- Character modifiers now correctly recalculated when a timed character modifier
- No longer possible to revoke the last landed title off a ruler with significan
t vassals
- The chancellor in West African cultures is now called Grand Vizier
- The minor title 'title_ruler_consort' no longer has separate localization stri
ngs - it's now the other gender version of the spouse's ruler title
- Added 'title_female' custom holder title to landed titles
- Added separate law message for when muslims pass laws
- Added event effect 'disband_event_forces'
- Fixed some glitches with betrothals in the Muslim world
- Fixed a bug with Heavy Armor tech level 5
- Fixed a bug with the Ramadan events firing at once if war was declared
- Religion View: The portrait of the religious head should now age correctly
- Doubled the opinion penalty for revoking a kingdom
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for usurping emperor tier titles
- Fixed some errors in the Welsh character database
- Women with 'immortal' flagged traits no longer grow infertile after 45, and th
e AI knows this
- Fixed an issue with 'immortal' marked traits added in the ruler designer or th
e history
- Should no longer be possible to get both the Sayyid and Mirza traits
- Fixed two bugs with a dynasty's Coat of Arms changing for no reason
- Scripted banned colors for Coats of Arms should now work
- Corrected event picture for event 75075
- Fixed some events using incorrect form 'only_capable'

- Removed some duplicate text entries

- Tech focuses can no longer change when you inherit someone's title
- Commander traits are now generated for characters created with the 'create_cha
racter' effect with a martial trait
- The Jizya tax modifier is now shown with an icon on Holdings
- Corrected the religion of Muhammad's ancestors
- Corrected lots of (harmless) errors in the gui files
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for usurping emperor tier titles
- Fixed a bug with the NTechnology defines and REN_PROVINCE not being read
- Changed the name of the 'Empire of Spain' to 'Empire of Hispania'
- Can no longer transfer Duke or King rank vassals to anyone except their de jur
e liege
- Buffed the Christian states of Iberia by giving them more holdings, more initi
al building upgrades and slightly higher tech
- Invasion AI: Fixed some deadlock situations that could occur when armies were
loaded on fleets belonging to the wrong agent
- Army AI: Fixed a glitch with attrition avoidance when having attached units
- When moving an army into a sea zone, it will now prefer loading onto the small
est possible fleet
- Attached units can no longer lead a siege if the unit they are attached to is
also besieging
- Increased the max number of holdings in many counties in continental Europe, E
ngland and the Levantine coast
- Attached units now move at the same speed
- Can no longer select holy orders to play in the lobby
- Page 12 in the Ledger no longer crashes in "observer" mode
- When divorcing a spouse, the "matrilineal" marriage status is now correctly re
- Vassals with a weak claim on the liege that they can't currently use no longer
get an increased revolt risk
- Diplo AI: Tweaked "desires better alliance" factor for marriages
- Fixed a bug where armies containing Holy Order regiments could be disbanded wh
en the Holy Order itself withdrew its forces for another conflict
- Fixed a bug preventing a host without The Sword of Islam from hosting MP games
with those who do and have selected Muslim rulers
- Fixed a freeze bug in the lobby when stepping back through history from an adv
anced date
- Fixed a bug with historical scripted non-succession laws being overridden at s
- Fixed a bug where landless religion heads could be succeeded by ones of the wr
ong religion
- Added 'decadence' character history command
- The Seljuks now start at 0% Decadence
- Fixed a bug in some combat tactics that would immediately destroy all enemies
of a certain unit type
2012-06-26: v1.06
- Muslim Decadence System
- Muslim Polygamy
- Added new provinces, titles and history for Mali, Songhay and Ghana
- Added the province of Aprutium (split off from Spoleto)
- Added the new creatable Empires of Russia, Britannia, Spain, Francia, Scandina
via, Persia and Arabia
- Strong and Weak Claim System
- Overhaul of game text for Muslims
- Added plots to claim titles
- Split up the former Kingdom of Khazaria into many de jure kingdoms

Split the Kingdom of Rus into the kingdoms of Rus and Ruthenia
Added the duchies of Susa and Latium
Revised murder plots completely. No decisions, just events.
Commander traits added
Heavily revised combat tactics
Loads of new events
New cultural and religious buildings
Improved French translation by the friendly folks at

- AI: Much more eager to join Crusades/Jihads if it has de jure interests in the
target kingdom
- AI: Much more eager to join Crusades/Jihads if in the same realm as the religi
ous head
- AI: More stubborn about fighting decadence revolters
- AI: Tweaked Crusade targetting - will no longer target kingdoms with 0 'holine
ss' value for that religion
- AI: Non-Muslims will not accept marriages for female relatives with Muslims, u
nless they are vassals
- AI: Now prefers giving baronies/counties to courtiers with static dynasties ra
ther than creating random characters
- AI: Vassals of vassals can now correctly revolt to depose their liege
- AI: DoW now factors in the strength of enemies of enemies
- AI: Willing to join another rebelling vassal's war for the crown only if they'
d like them better as _liege_
- AI: Vassals should no longer start wars (except for revolts) if the whole real
m is under attack from outside
- AI: Caliphs will now be more aggressive with calling Jihads
- Army AI: Will now assault when appropriate
- Army AI: Fixed a problem where you could trick AI armies into ping-ponging whi
le it was trying to gather its forces
- Army AI: Fixed some issues where it would not count attached units properly
- Army AI: Better at moving across land without marching together with other arm
ies, causing unnecessary attrition
- Army AI: Improved attrition check in targetting calculations
- Army AI: Fixed an issue where it would merge armies to huge sizes by not consi
dering attached forces
- Invasion AI: Fixed an issue where it would choose poor secondary targets if th
e target province was too heavily defended
- No longer possible to call lieges to war against their own vassals
- Fixed a bug with the succession message not being shown for the ones who inher
it titles
- Fixed an issue with the de jure law vote message not going away when trying to
approve it
- Slightly increased merc reinforcement rates
- Fixed a memory leak with timed opinion modifiers that time out naturally
- Moved the county of Chalons into Lower Burgundy and Grisons into Upper Burgund
- Fixed a bug with the depose liege CB sometimes making the new ruler independen
t (bug in the effect 'abdicate_to_most_liked_by').
- Fixed a bug with the effect 'abdicate_to_most_liked_by' that would invalidate
outside wars
- Fixed a bug with the 'grant_title' effect which would assign the liege to the
liege of the granter
- Fixed a potential infinite loop in war name generation
- Fixed a bug with the Feudal Elective law being tolerated for Republics
- If the loser in a war is imprisoned, he is now automatically released on peace
- Fixed a bug with created characters sometimes getting duplicate education trai
- People who avoid imprisonment will now always flee to another realm

- Added a whole bunch of cleaned up title coats of arms

- Muslim coats of arms should now use better colors
- No longer allowed to grant titles to prisoners
- You can now correctly press the de jure claims of vassals of vassals
- Fixed a bug with being able to call vassals of vassals of the enemy into wars
within the same realm
- When winning (enforce or reverse) a war, all prisoners from your realm held by
the enemy are now released
- Added opinion modifiers 'Imprisoned my Child' and 'Executed my Child'
- No longer allowed to ask to join outsider wars against your liege
- Fixed a bug with the depose liege CB in republics and bishoprics
- Rulers deposed with the 'depose' casus belli no longer get any land from their
old vassals to remain rulers
- Fixed an issue where a ruler could not offer peace to a rebelling vassal if he
had holdings occupied by another (loyal) vassal in a separate war
- Fixed a bug with the hostility icons for loyal vassals in separate wars with r
ebelling vassals
- If a vassal is at war with another vassal who is rebelling, the war no longer
ends if the liege wins and the rebellion is crushed
- Fixed a bug with lieges ending up in two wars if a vassal revolted while a rev
oke action was pending
- Blocked excomm wars against revolters
- Fixed some issues with succession not being recalculated after certain event e
- Peace Offers now make it clear whether it's a demand for surrender, white peac
e or surrender
- Cleaned up all CB tooltips
- The initial Seljuk-Byzantine war is now a full invasion of the de jure kingdom
of Armenia
- Added "Scarred" trait
- Fixed a bug allowing rulers of a hostile religion to vote for de jure laws eve
n when not de facto vassals
- Toned down base attribute gain of children from guardians
- Optimized the CPU heaviest events
- Fixed a nasty old crash bug with the defection of the Victual Brothers
- Fixed a hostility bug with allies helping to defend against a revolter
- Fixed an issue with Gavelkind inheritance in baronies, where the youngest chil
d would inherit first
- Fixed an issue with the random seed in delayed events
- Fixed a bug allowing you to usurp titles from your own vassals
- Fixed an issue with vassals of vassals gaining independence when you pressed t
heir claims
- The titular kingdoms of Naples and Trinacria are no longer creatable in-game
- The Ecumenical Patriarch will now refuse to excommunicate a character who has
repented, even if the Emperor asks
- Merc navies will now disband when not getting paid
- Fixed an issue with the lower Crown Authority plot when the liege folds to the
ultimatum of a vassal king
- No longer possible to grant duchies to barons
- The event effect 'destroy_landed_title' now gives the current holder a strong
claim on the title
- The events where the Mongols receive reinforcements no longer trigger if the t
itles are held by non-Tengri or non-Mongol rulers
- Fixed an issue with attached units and siege outcomes
- Fixed a bug with Revokation plot wars against vassals who lose the title to so
meone else
- Fixed a bug where a vassal in revolt against his liege would sometimes have th
e war end inconclusively when the liege got a new liege
- Fixed an issue where children would change guardian if they became landed
- AI spouses of lower rank than you will now always accept education requests- I

n feudal elective titular realms, _all_ vassals of the appropriate tier are now
- The death of a spouse no longer makes characters lose their jobs
- Characters who end up leading the troops of their enemies should now automatic
ally return home
- The opinion penalties for revoking a title are now applied whether or not the
target accepts or refuses
- If a vassal refuses a title revokation and wins or achieves a white peace, the
'declared_war' opinion modifier is now cleared (meaning the liege does not get
a 'free' title revokation)
- There is no longer a cooldown for calling allies to war who _accepted_ a previ
ous call
- Primogeniture: more heirs should now be listed
- Gavelkind: fixed a glitch with grandchildren
- Removed impassable terrain between Kartli and Albania
- Fixed unit position in the Irish Sea
- Made Sviatopolk Rurikovich (count of Zaozerye in 1066) a legit bastard
- Heretics and infidels are now barred from inheriting anything that the religio
us head holds
- The portraits for undiscovered murderers should now be hidden in the event win
- Mercs and Holy Order commanders should no longer be shown in the quick marriag
e window
- Now always allowed to attach your units to your lieges' units
- Added an event where a ruler converts to the native culture
- Adjusted and improved the events where provinces change culture
- Reactivated the lifting FoW for allies in wars
- Doubled regular assassination costs
- The "Arrange Marriage" button now shows random courtiers if there are too few
interesting women around
- There is now a slight chance of a random education outcome
- Fixed some issues with war invalidation for banishment of landed characters
- Can no longer banish mercs, holy order heads, or religious heads
- Attached units that are not in the same province as the master unit are no lon
ger hostile to the master unit's enemies
- The spouse will now get a message on divorce
- Fixed some historical issues with Chios and Lesbos
- The liege should now get pressed claims on _all_ titles of characters who decl
are independence
- If an ally could legally call you into a war, you should always be able to ask
to join as well
- Battle Death should now show the unit owner rather than the unit commander
- Vassals of lieges who are fighting their liege will no longer revolt
- Holy War CBs are now valid for Catholic vassals of Orthodox lieges, etc
- Added automatic county conversion events for Muslims (35500 and 35501)
- Pathfinding now prefers friendly territory to enemy territory
- Vassal vs Liege wars should now end with a _mutual_ truce
- Exported inbreeding trait gain factors to defines
- Exported most relevant files under common to their own folders, so they can be
broken up into multiple files
- Added 'immortal' flag to traits; stops aging, character will not die of age or
poor health
- Added 'pilgrimage' flag to traits; the character is away and needs a regent, b
ut can still be a guardian, etc
- Added 'name_tier' to landed titles, so that empires can be called kingdoms, et
- Added 'pass_effect' to decisions and laws, which is not run by automatic funct
ions (useful for setting opinion modifiers when passing laws.)

- Added event target 'fromfrom'

- Added trigger 'in_revolt'
- Added 'divine_blood' flag to dynasties, which allows full consanguine marriage
s and tells the AI to prefer keepin' it in the family
- Added 'founder_named_dynasties' to cultures
- Can now script marriage consanguinity rules in religions
- Added a 'potential' trigger to Job Actions
- Added 'dismiss_trigger' to job titles
- Added a 'potential' trigger to traits
- Added trigger 'num_of_realm_counties'
- Added effect 'vassalize_or_take_under_title'
- Added trigger 'death_reason'
- Added event target 'killer'
- Added event effect 'objective_succeeds'
- The trigger 'can_be_given_away' is now more restrictive. Checks occupation or
sieges of constituent Holdings, contestation in wars, etc.
- Added history command 'conquest_culture'
- Added trigger 'plot_power_contribution'
- Added trigger 'random'
- Added trigger 'any_potential_tribal_county'
- Added effect 'any_potential_tribal_county'
- Added effect 'random_potential_tribal_county'
- Added 'new' target in effects ( character = new ) for newly created characters
- Added death reason 'death_hashshashin'
- Added effect 'make_primary_spouse'
- Added trigger 'has_strong_claim'
- Added trigger 'has_weak_claim'
- Added effect 'add_weak_claim'
- Added effect 'add_weak_pressed_claim'
- Added trigger 'has_regent'
- Added trigger 'is_contested'
- Added event effect 'any_spouse'
- Added event effect 'random_spouse'
- Added trigger 'any_spouse'
- Added trigger 'is_main_spouse'
- Added a 'distance' trigger
2012-05-28: v1.05g
---------------------------------------------------- Fixed a freeze issue with the copying of laws into usurped titles
2012-05-18: v1.05f (Mac version compatibility patch)
---------------------------------------------------- The invasion cb can now be granted correctly again
- The Pope now gets a significantly lower contribution score in Crusades
- AI: The Pope/Caliph will now be more reluctant to accept a White Peace when Cr
- The Metaserver should now work again
- Fixed a rare crash with sieges
- Changed the speed settings so they are all faster, except for max speed (level
2 is now level 1, etc)
- Added missing message text for calls of allies
- Added missing message text for offers to join wars
- No longer possible to usurp religious head titles, even if they have de jure v
- Tied together a few more cultural names
- Fixed more typos and database errors
- Fixed a bug where you could have duplicate laws due to the history scripts
- Fixed a bug with the event effects 'prestige' and 'health'
- Fixed a rare crash bug with very long war names (could also cause corrupt save

- Fixed a rare de jure assimilation issue when one character holds multiple king
- Fixed an issue with de jure assimilation status not always being saved
- When events in multiplayer time out, the first VALID event option is now autom
atically chosen (rather than just the first option)
- Added some missing characters in Novgorod
- Fixed numerous relatively rare bugs causing unintentional independences at the
end of wars
- No longer possible to declare wars while in revolt against your liege
- No longer possible to revoke titles off or imprison lower vassals in revolt ag
ainst their liege
- No longer possible to ask for invasion against a liege or above
- Fixed some bugs with Crusade outcomes
- No longer possible to attach units to those owned by someone of a lower rank
- Fixed an asymmetrical hostility issue between revolting vassals of revolting v
assals and the top liege
- No longer allowed to ask to join wars while in revolt
- Can no longer ask to join a war against a liege above your liege
- Fixed a bunch of event bugs
- Broken savegames no longer crash the game when you open the savegame browser,
they are now marked as broken and cannot be loaded by clicking on them.
2012-04-30: v1.05e
----------------------- When you press the claim of a vassal ruler, he should now remain your vassal
- Kingdoms that are not previously de jure part of an empire can now also be ass
- AI: Fixed an issue with calling allies into single wars
- Fixed an issue with the regency events
- Fixed numerous typos in the database and event files
- AI: Fixed a bug with rulers being able to nominate dead children to titles, if
not of their own dynasty
2012-04-25: v1.05d
----------------------- Fixed an MP issue where clients would go OOS if the host had clicked around on
the bookmarks or time widget at all
- De jure kingdoms can now assimilate into empires
- Fixed a bug with the Crusade CB where the kingdom title was usurped even if th
e holder was not involved
- Fixed a bug with the 'other_claim' CB where, on success, a title could be brok
en out of the top realm of the attacker
- Fixed a bug with the 'other_claim' CB where it would make the claimants your v
assals when it should not
- Fixed some bugs in the new regency events
- The hostility of attached armies is now determined by the army they are attach
ed to
- A very high opinion of the liege now has a greater effect on reducing the revo
lt risk
- Can't pick intrigue plots against people with no possible backers (lacking cou
- No longer possible to revoke religious head titles, or plot to do so
- Halved the Varangian Guard in strength
- Removed some more initial Byzantine holdings
- Reduced the initial Crown Authority of the Byzantine Empire a bit
- Increased the initial Crown Authority of the Seljuk Turks and Mauretania
- Fixed a bug with dynasty 715 having a historical CoA when it should not
- Fixed another issue with de jure assimilation
- Vassals in revolt who _attack_ an outside state will no longer make their pre-

war liege hostile to the target

- Fixed an issue with too many plots being evaluated for the quick plot button i
n the Character View
- Fixed another issue with huge plot power values due to the wrong cached milita
ry power
- Should no longer be possible to attach armies to navies in port
- AI: Should never try to revoke titles off landless vassals (Varangian Guard, e
- AI: Even more likely join a plot with the same goal a character is already plo
tting for, if the plot power of the asker is higher
- Added trigger 'yearly_income'
- Asking the Pope for an Indulgence now costs a minimum of 25 gold
- Fixed a rare crash when a plot target died while you were inviting a backer in
the Diplo View
2012-04-19: v1.05c
----------------------- Fixed a bug with some randomly created characters getting 0 base skills
- Fixed a bug with war contribution score not always being given from occupied H
- You no longer gain intrigue for succeeding with murder plots
- AI: Revolters now a bit smarter about when to pick the Independence CB
- AI: Adjusted down the Crusade joining a bit more
- Increased the delay between Crusades
P_RISK_CAP to defines
- You can no longer start military type plots against someone you have a truce w
- Fixed a bug where children born after the father had died would themselves imm
ediately die
- AI: Should not revoke titles off vassals while at war with someone big
- Rebellious vassals who do NOT seek independence will tend to keep the the peac
e while there are independence revolts going on
- Fixed a bug with a duel event (100411), where a ruler could banish himself
2012-04-18: v1.05b
----------------------- Fixed a bug with all children getting the exact same education trait
- The mouse wheel now works for scrolling in all windows again
- Autopause on events in full screen mode now works again
- AI: Made smarter about when to join Crusades/Jihads. Reduced "dogpiling".
- MP: Fixed issue where the client was able to change starting date in the lobby
, causing all kinds of issues
- MP: Fixed an issue with being able to select dead characters from previous boo
- Fixed a bug with de jure assimilation of duchies when the king himself held co
unties in it
- Fixed an issue with some plots where plotters did not get what they plotted fo
- Fixed an issue with war contribution scores turning negative and strange in hu
ge, drawn-out wars
- AI: Less keen on picking the 'Revoke Vassal Title' plot
- Fixed an issue with the Weaken other Vassal plot where vassals at another leve
l than you could plot against you
- Assimilating duchies are now shown clearly on the map in the De Jure Kingdoms
map mode
- Title creation was possible when at war for independence, resulting in an inco

nclusive ending and you as "victorious"

- Added some missing French and German translations
- Fixed a bug with the DLC banner not updating correctly in the main screen
- Corrected text color codes in the French translation
- Fixed a bug with the wrong text shown in Crusades/Jihads against heretics
2012-04-16: v1.05
- You can now ask to join many types of wars
- Participants in wars now get a contribution score which determines how much pr
estige and piety they get when the war ends
- Crusades now target entire de jure kingdoms. The Pope declares the war and oth
er rulers can then join the attacking alliance. The one who contributes the most
gains the targeted kingdom.
- Streamlined marriage interface allowing matrilineal betrothals
- Loads of new events for regencies, friendships and rivalries
- Plot to revoke the title of a vassal
- The Kill Plot is now more available and targets a wider selection of logical c
- Portrait clothes are now uncoupled from ethnicity
- Added Causes of Death
- Added some purely naval mercenary units
- Improved military AI
- Armies can now be "attached" to each other, which means they will just follow
the lead army
- Duchies can now be assimilated into another de jure kingdom (takes 100 years)
- Now possible to create titular titles at double cost if you hold the scripted
- Empires are now allowed to create kingdoms
- You can now only create kingdoms if you are already a king or emperor, or hold
more than one duchy titles
- Added the kingdoms of Frisia, Lotharingia, Bavaria, Pomerania, Aquitaine and B
- The kingdoms of Galicia and Navarre are now de jure kingdoms
- The kingdom of Al-Andalus is now called Andalusia and can be created by anyone
in the Arabic culture group
- Changed "Ducal Claim" wars to "De Jure Claim". De Jure kings and emperors can
now take counties in their de jure realm
- Assassinations are now more expensive depending on the rank of the target
- All factions in civil wars are now hostile to outside attackers
- Cannot end civil wars until the temporarily independent vassal has no holdings
occupied by outsiders
- Tribal Invasion CB: Now destroys all duchies and kingdoms in the conquered rea
- Children now always get the same education type as their guardian
- The Holy Order troop size now scales with the moral authority of the church
- Republics now get a special CB to seize coastal provinces
- Republics (count or above tier) now get a tax bonus from all cities in their r
- Republics (count or above tier) now get an extra tax bonus from all coastal ci
ties in their realm
- Republics (duke or above tier) now get an extra tax bonus from their capital c
- Women and illegitimate bastards no longer get pressed (inheritable) claims on
their parents' titles
- You can now press the claims of female courtiers and vassals in wars if the ta
rget title does not have Agnatic succession
- AI: Vassals should now try to defeat peasant rebels on their own

- AI: Will no longer raise forces in besieged counties

- AI: Nearby religious brethren will now tend to join defenders in Holy Wars
- AI: Lowered general vassal revolt risk and DoW aggressiveness
- Cut the Religious Assistance CB
- There is now a "Plot" button in the character view, offering a more flexible w
ay of picking plots against characters
- Fixed an issue with weird (often infinite) build times that could occur after
- Vassals will no longer hate you for newly acquired Holdings that take you abov
e the demesne limit. You have two months to get rid of them.
- Heavily revised vassal revolt risk calculations
- Made the revolters in independence wars start gaining ticking war score, and d
o so immediately
- Fixed a crash when switching between tabs in the Plot View
- Embarked armies no longer suffer attrition
- Withdrawing a small enough army from combat no longer leads to a general retre
- Rebalanced combat a bit - more morale damage, less kills
- Fixed a bug preventing claimants to the Caliphates from ever revolting
- Fixed an issue with succession CB holders not using it because they are curren
tly the heir presumptive
- The opinion effect of gifts now depend on the State Diplomacy of the giver and
the greed of the recipient
- Gift recipients who are not your vassals (or below) will appreciate gifts more
- Landless characters now also get an AI personality from traits
- Added more and greater opinion modifiers from characters having the same trait
- The console command "debug fow" is now just "fow" and works in Release builds
- The invite to plot selection list of characters now excludes those who would n
ever ever join
- Better tooltip for the "not willing to join plot" icon when inviting people to
- Glowing borders on selected titles in the Title View
- More likely to see different unit type models on the map
- Added console command "charinfo" to toggle debug information in character port
rait tooltip
- AI: Honorable and dishonorable (personality from traits) characters should now
respond more plausibly to invitations to murder plots
- AI: Improved councillor appointment
- AI: More careful about trying to pass de jure law changes during wars
- AI: Smarter about revolting during the lieges offensive wars
- AI: A bit more reluctant to accept ending a plot
- AI: Will now want to raise or hire a more overwhelming force
- AI: Smarter about creating and usurping titles
- AI: Smarter about handing out titles
- AI: Will now actually look at the defines MAX_ELECTOR_TITLES_LEGALLY_HELD and
MAX_DUCHIES_LEGALLY_HELD when handing out titles
- AI: Checks if mercs are an option when evaluating DoW
- AI: Fixed an issue with piecemeal raising of ships
- AI: Fixed several issues with Mongol Horde DoW logic
- AI: Landed spouses will no longer revolt
- AI: Fixed some bugs with bishop nomination
- AI: Fixed a bug where the AI could ignore some rules when granting titles (cou
ld grant contested titles, etc)
- Children born to parents in a matrilineal marriage should now end up in the mo
ther's court
- Fixed a bug with abdication from war in elective monarchies that could result

in premature Game Over

- Crown authority in titular kingdoms and empires can now also be lowered by los
t civil wars
- Fixed a crash when just about to revoke the title of someone, and that person
- Added some more loading tips
- Fixed a bug with the "prisoner" event effect when releasing characters from so
meone other than their liege
- Unit owners now get a fraction of the prestige and piety gained from battles (
and not just commanders)
- Increased the piety and prestige gained from battles a lot
- Characters can now only pick the Amass Wealth ambition once
- Fathers will now like their children a lot
- Fixed a bug with the inheritance of Claims
- Fixed some errors with the tooltips in event 301 ("A Bastard is Born")
- Tweaked the succession situation between Flandres and Hainaut in 1066 to avoid
Flandres becoming part of the HRE
- The members of the House of Vermandois are now members of House Karling
- Vassals now only like succession laws in secondary kingdoms if they are de fac
to below it
- Gavelkind law in secondary kingdoms has no opinion effects unless the ruler ha
s more than one holding there
- Added early kings of England to the history files
- Temple type holders will no longer desire their liege's titles for de jure rea
- Temple type holders will no longer be upset with their liege for having the wr
ong government type
- Fixed a bug with protected inheritance not working correctly between two realm
s, both with protected inheritance
- Nerfed the Pagan warrior cult building by 33%
- The text for the assassination action now mentions the cost
- Can now only repeat the same plot type, not ambitions
- Improved DoW warning texts
- Changed the initial succession laws of the Spanish kingdoms to Gavelkind
- Gave the Victual Brothers their ships back
- Bohemund of Taranto is no longer a bastard
- Fixed a bug where a dead husband of a newly pregnant wife would not count as a
- The conduct diplomacy button is now hidden for dead characters
- Fixed some issues with the "elector titles held" penalty in empires
- The Hordes lose the Tribal invasion CB if they go Christian
- Fixed a bug with the 'is_mercenary' trigger
- Gave Pisa some starting buildings in 1066
- Tweaked the Holy Order levy composition
- Adjusted the map so that the Duchy of Tyrol is no longer split in two
- The Kingdom of Byzantium can no longer be created
- Vassal mercs now cost half maintenance
- The Kill Spouse plot decisions are now less likely to actually succeed
- Open succession law (the Muslim default) now makes succession crisis revolts m
uch more likely
- You are now allowed to usurp titles from other vassals within the same realm i
f you have a claim on the title
- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for the 'has_objective' trigger
- Fixed some issues with some male hair styles being invalidated when they shoul
d not be
- Mercenary captains should now wear helmets again
- You no longer get Piety from handing out the same title to the Church multiple
- You no longer get Piety from handing out duchies and above to clergy
- The Piety from giving a county to the Church is now 50 (down from 100)

- Boosted the arrival strength of the Timurids

- Uncles and aunts are now also valid successors in elective monarchies
- Removed the warning text and special AI acceptance rulers when marrying a memb
er of the _same_ dynasty matrilineally
- Fixed a bug with Fertility set from modifiers
- Holdings under construction should now also correctly benefit from councillor
- Fixed an issue with historical settlements not being cleared entirely correctl
y on save game load
- Fixed a bug with certain event target trigger tooltips
- Added a tooltip to the "character" trigger
- Corrected some title adjectives
- Fixed a bug with the 'claimed_by' trigger tooltip
- Fixed a mismatch between potential revolters in the alert and in the Intrigue
- Mercs of the same culture group as you can now always be hired, no matter the
distance to your capital
- Lieges of dead characters are now saved and shown
- The decision to repent (getting your excommunication lifted) now gives the cor
rect opinion modifier, making the character immune to a new excommunication for
10 years
- Fixed a bug where successors could be temporarily disinherited when Temple hol
dings were assigned a new holder
- Fixed multiple issues with the law change plots
- The line "nudge_allowed=yes" in "settings.txt" will turn on the in-game map po
sitioning editor (there is a button called "Nudge" in the starting screen.)
- The de jure liege of titles can now be changed through events and scripted his
tory ("de_jure_liege")
- You now see all plots in "observe" mode
- Exported MAX_GENERATED_TRAITS_FOR_HISTORICAL to defines (controls the maximum
number of random traits that are generated for historical scripted characters)
- Added a 'destroy_landed_title' event effect
- Added a 'give_minor_title' effect
- Added trigger 'holding_type'
- Exported some merc and holy order hire cost factors to defines
- Mercenary companies can now be scripted with a "strength_growth_per_century" v
alue (in landed_titles.txt)
- The Legalism effects on demesne size is exported to "defines.lua"
- Added plot type 'realm_titles'
- Added trigger 'held_title_rating = [num/target]'
- Event modifiers are now read from multiple files
- Cut the non-functional trigger 'num_of_ports'
- The trigger 'monthly_income' now actually works
- Timed opinion modifiers with value 0 are now added, but not listed in tooltips
(useful as a kind of flag in events.)
- Added 'creation_effect' to character objectives
- Added event trigger and effect; 'custom_tooltip'
2012-03-15: v1.04c CPGP
----------------------- Fixed a random "freeze" issue that could occur during normal gameplay
- Fixed a resign CTD and related issues with Holdings not being entirely reset o
n resign
- Fixed a problem with white looking terrain on certain graphics cards
- Fixed an issue with historical characters not getting some random traits at st

- The console command "observe" should no longer crash the game

- Reverted to 1.03b version of audio code for greater compatibility with older m
2012-03-05: v1.04 MLDO
- Revised the Message Setting system
- Religion groups are now marked playable in the religion file (no more hard cod
ed rule)
- AI: Improved marriage acceptance. Smarter about "Desires Better Alliance". Val
ues prestige gain or loss higher.
- Added some useful status info to the delayed character tooltip (similar to the
info in debug mode)
- Cooldown added to excommunications (only for the same Pope though)
- Doubled the flanking damage bonus in combat
- Increased the flank leader Martial skill bonus in combat by 50%
- Fixed a CTD that can occur in a rare situation with characters having multiple
wars against each other
- Nerfed taxes given by bishops to Anti-Popes by 50%
- Holy Orders now cost maintenance if you're in at least one offensive, non-Crus
ade war
- Halved all peasant revolt risk factors
- Added an "Isolated County" revolt risk modifier and cut the special events tha
t used to simulate it
- Peasant Army size is now determined by the biggest holding garrison size (so t
hey will always be dangerous)
- The Succession War CBs now have the proper success outcome
- Fixed a bug with the usurpation of titles that would hand over all vassals too
- AI: More wary of expensive assassinations
- AI: Fixed some issues with the correct Casus Belli choice
- AI: Tweaked vassal revolt risk to depend more on ambition from traits
- The duchies of Cornwall and Brittany are now de jure part of the Kingdom of Wa
- Buffed the Caliphates and the Seljuks. Nerfed the Byzantines.
- Added vassal Seljuk mercs; the Ghilman
- Now shows a portrait of the target in available player plots
- Hooked in missing plot icon in available player plots
- Upped the chances of dying due to disease a little bit
- Increased the effects of the genius, quick, slow, imbecile and inbred traits
- Reduced the levy size effect of some of the "recently occupied" modifiers
- Nominated bishops are now properly disinherited at once
- Fixed a bug with the guardian opinion modifiers given when entrusted with a wa
- Combat events will not happen until three days into a combat (to avoid command
er deaths and such when overrunning tiny forces)
- When an Anti-Pope is installed in Rome, the old Pope no longer becomes an Anti
- Waived the opinion penalty for held elector titles for elective duchies and be
- Fixed a CTD issue that could occur in tooltips when hovering over Holding modi
fiers as they expire
- Vassal mercs can now always be employed by their liege, no matter their religi
- Scaled wealth effects and triggers are now based on nominal peacetime income
- Fixed an error in the opinion warning when banishing characters (not the corre
ct figure.)

- The game will now also auto-generate an appropriate number of traits for child
ren with not enough scripted traits
- Added a text warning/explanation for DoW on a revolter
- Traits are now read from multiple files, facilitating modding
- Fixed an issue with event ids in a namespace
- Fixed an issue with flipping "random god names" tooltips in fire event effect
- Fixed a bug with the decision 'Demand Duchy from liege' with duke tier lieges
(should not be available)
- Fixed a tooltip issue with the "any" type event triggers
- Better tooltips for event triggers 'higher_tier_than' and 'lower_tier_than'
- Re-enabled selection of the same type of plot again for players
- Fixed an issue with save/reload of the last selected plot/ambition
- Fixed an issue with protected inheritance not always working under Gavelkind
- Exported the max duchies held opinion penalty to defines
- Exported the tax penalty for bishops loyal to the Pope or Anti-Pope to the def
- The "recently conquered" holding penalties are no longer applied during civil
wars or wars between vassals
- AI: Fixed a bug where the AI would grant titles to vassal mercs
- Added 'same_guardian' trigger
- Slightly nerfed William of Normandy's initial army size
- Switched the portraits of Harold and William the Conqueror
- Changed some title colors to conform better to their cultural region
- Added proper history for the Prince-Bishopric of Agen
- The Earl of Atholl is now a _legitimate_ bastard
2012-02-17: v1.03b KUMH
----------------------- Loading a save where you had marked characters of interest or non-interest wil
l no longer crash the game
- Fixed a bug with the de jure modifier not being initialized correctly for most
kingdoms and above
- Fixed a tooltip crash in the Realm Tree
- Fixed an issue with long MP game connection times
- Fixed an MP OOS issue that would manifest a day or two after starting
- Fixed an issue with burgher heirs retaining burgher laws when inheriting a feu
dal demesne
- Fixed several script errors with the special CoAs in Dynasty CoA Pack DLC
- The texture in the Dynasty CoA Pack DLC now works correctly on all graphics ca
- Children of rulers now automatically get the appropriate claims when you start
a new game (they don't need to be scripted in)
- Fixed the Steam install script so it won't run every time you start the applic
- In order to ask for an invasion CB, you must be at peace and either have a cla
im on a primary title of the target's, or have fewer holdings in your realm
- AI will now change tech focus
- Revised reverse demands for CBs to make them more interesting
- Diplo AI: Will not allow matrilineal marriages with unimportant characters
- Diplo AI: Will say no to marriages that would make valuable courtiers (council
lors) move
- Diplo AI: Will be reluctant to let skilled courtiers move to marry
- Diplo AI: Will now sometimes grant titles to unlanded courtiers again!
- Diplo AI: Fixed a bug where a completely beaten AI would surrender too easy
- Diplo AI: Muted AI spam about marriages if player already declined offer
- Diplo AI: Will not declare religious wars for overseas territories that de jur
e belong to an independent duke or king of its own faith

- Invasion AI: Better at not disembarking into an enemy army

- Invasion AI: Optimized prio target selection
- Invasion AI: Fixed an issue with pointless counter-invasions
- Invasion AI: Will now load armies in port when possible, in order to avoid loa
ding armies onto the wrong fleets
- Invasion AI: Should now understand how to target peasant rebels
- Resigning now changes the checksum, so you cannot join an MP game without rest
arting the game (which would cause an OOS anyway.)
- Boosted the strength of peasant rebel units by 50%
- Fixed a bug with the CB for the Institute Gavelkind plot
- Upped the length of truces to 10 years (from 3)
- Added fractions to the revolt risk in the province view
- Added a monthly law vote check to make sure laws pass when they should
- Fixed a bug with port buildings not giving more galleys
- Raised mercenary hire costs a little bit
- Flank leader damage bonus changed from 1% to 2% for each point in martial
- Fixed an issue where granting titles would disband troops
- Fixed an issue with a plot where the target would retain his title even when h
e folded
- Fixed a problem with playing the Earl of Durhamn causing immediate game over
- Ask for ransom interaction can now be initiated with the liege
- Ask to ransom interaction in the diplomacy window now has a proper title when
selecting target
- Rebalanced the initial situation between William, Harald and Harold
- Gave Edward III a claim on France so the 100 years war bookmark will work corr
- Corrected the history of Gevaudan to avoid dead "Serene Doges" of France at st
artup and make sure it has prince bishops at the end
2012-02-14: v1.02b

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