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Lesson 1: Learning the Days of the Week

(92 total words in this text)

Lesson created by Timmy McCarty AKA Deathninja50
In Korean the names of the days of the week are simple to memorize and the word
structure works just like english. The word for day in korean is Yoil (Yo-eel) and just like
english the word day goes at the end of the word. Example: Monday. So in korean its the
same thing. Example: Wolyoil.
Sunday---Ilyoil (Eel-yoh-eel) Sound clip
Monday---Wolyoil (Wole-yoh-eel) Sound clip
Tuesday---Hwayoil (Wha-yoh-eel) Sound clip
Wednesday---Suyoil (Suu-yoh-eel) Sound clip
Thursday---Mokyoil (Mo-kyoh-eel) Sound clip
Friday---Kumyoil (Kume-yoh-eel) Sound clip
Saturday---Toyoil (Toe-yoh-eel) Sound clip

Lesson 2: How to say the Time in Korean

(147 total words in this text)

Lesson created by Timmy McCarty AKA Deathninja50
When talking about time (minutes, hours) in korean, it is common to use the koreanbased numbers. Time, as in "What time is it?" is shi (she). Time in the sense of the hour
is shigan (she-gahn). In the sense of a period of time, it iskigan (kee-gahn). When used
in the sense of occasion (some other time), it isttae (ttay). Minute is pun (poon) or bun
1 O'clock---Hanshi (Hahn-she) Han-shi
2 O'clock---Tu-shi (Tuu-she)
3 O'clock---Se-shi (Say-she)
4 O'clock---Ne-shi (Nay-she)
5 O'clock---Tasot-shi (Tah-saht-she)
6 O'clock---Yosot-shi (Yoe-saht-she)
7 O'clock---Ilgop-shi (Eel-gope-she)
8 O'clock---Yodol-shi (Yoe-doel-she)
9 O'clock---Ahop-shi (Ah-hope-she)

4 O'clock---Ne-shi (Nay-she)
5 O'clock---Tasot-shi (Tah-saht-she)
6 O'clock---Yosot-shi (Yoe-saht-she)
7 O'clock---Ilgop-shi (Eel-gope-she)
8 O'clock---Yodol-shi (Yoe-doel-she)
9 O'clock---Ahop-shi (Ah-hope-she)
10 O'clock---Yol-shi (Yole-she)
11 O'clock---Yolhan-shi (Yahl-hahn-she)
12 O'clock---Yoltu-shi (Yole-tuu-she)
A.M.---Ojon (Oh-jahn)
P.M.---Ohu (Oh-huu)
Night---Pam (Pahm)
Five minutes after four---Ne-shi-obun (Nay-she oh-boon)
Fifteen minutes after five---Tasot -shi-shibo-bun (Tah-soet-she she-boe-boon)
Six-thirty---Yosot-shi-samship-pun (Yoe-soet-she sahm-ship-poon)
Six-forty---Yoso-shi-saship-pun (Yoe-soet she-sah-ship-poon)
What time is it?---Myot-shi-imnikka? (Myaht-shi-eem-nee-kkah)
It is one o'clock---Han-shi-mnikka (Hahn-she-eem-nee-kkah)
It is two thirty---tu-shi-sam-ship-poon-imnida (tu-she-sahm-she-poon-eem-nee-da)
It is a quarter to four--- (Tu-shi-sah-ship-pun-imnida) (sah-she sah-ship-poon eemnee-da)
It is seven p.m.---Ohu-ilgop-shi-imnida (Oh-hu eel-gope-she-eem-nee-da)

Lesson 3: Learning the Months of the Year

(189 total words in this text)

Lesson created by Timmy McCarty AKA Deathninja50
The korean language just like any other lanuage has the 12 months of the year. The
common rule for pronouncing korean months is that the word wol (wole) is at the end of
the word. Example: January Ilwol. Also you will also notice that the month words are
made up from the numbers 1-12. So if january is the first month of the year then it will
have the number 1 in korean infront of the wol. So the number 1 in korean is Il (eel)
then the word january would be Ilwol. And the second month of the year is Febuary so
it would be I (ee) is the number 2 in korean and wol would make Iwol (ee-wol)
Note when using the numbers in korean when dealing with months, dates, and days you
are not using the pure korean number system such as Hanna, tul, set, net, tasot, yosot,
ilgop, chil, ahop, yol. You are using the Chinese-derived numerals Il, I, sam, sa, o, yuk,
chil, pal, ku.

common rule for pronouncing korean months is that the word wol (wole) is at the end of
the word. Example: January Ilwol. Also you will also notice that the month words are
made up from the numbers 1-12. So if january is the first month of the year then it will
have the number 1 in korean infront of the wol. So the number 1 in korean is Il (eel)
then the word january would be Ilwol. And the second month of the year is Febuary so
it would be I (ee) is the number 2 in korean and wol would make Iwol (ee-wol)
Note when using the numbers in korean when dealing with months, dates, and days you
are not using the pure korean number system such as Hanna, tul, set, net, tasot, yosot,
ilgop, chil, ahop, yol. You are using the Chinese-derived numerals Il, I, sam, sa, o, yuk,
chil, pal, ku.
January---Ilwol (Eel-wole)
Febuary---Iwol (Ee-wole)
March---Samwol (Sahm-wole)
April---Sawol (Sah-wole)
May---Owol (Oh-wole)
June---Yuwol (Yu-wol)
July---Ch'ilwol (Cheel-wahl)
August---P'alwol (Pahl-wole)
September---Kuwol (Kuu-wole)
October---Shiwol (She-wahl)
November---Shibilwol (She-beel-wahl)
December---Shibiwol (She-bee-wahl)

Lesson 4: Learning how to Say Korean Dates

(120 total words in this text)

Lesson created by Timmy McCarty AKA Deathninja50
Learning how to pronounce the dates of the month such as the 1st or the 2nd is very
simple and easy process. All you do is take the chinese derived numbers such as Il, ee,
sam, sa, ect and add an Il or Ril (reel) at the end. The reason you add Ril at the end
sometimes is when the number ends in L. For example Il and pal both end in L so you
make the ending a Ril.
1st---I-ril (Ee-reel)
2nd---I-il (Ee-eel)
3rd---Sam-il (Sam-eel)
4th---Sa-il (Sah-eel)
5th---O-il (Oh-eel)
6th---Yuk-il (Yuke-eel)
7th---Chi-ril (Che-reel)
8th---Pa-ril (Pah-reel)

3rd---Sam-il (Sam-eel)
4th---Sa-il (Sah-eel)
5th---O-il (Oh-eel)
6th---Yuk-il (Yuke-eel)
7th---Chi-ril (Che-reel)
8th---Pa-ril (Pah-reel)
9th---ku-il (kuu-eel)
10th---Ship-il (Sheep-eel)
11th---Ship-i-ril (Sheep-ee-reel)
12th---Ship-i-il (Sheep-ee-reel)
13th---Ship-sam-il (Sheep-sam-eel)
14th---Ship-sa-il (Sheep-sah-eel)
15th---Ship-o-il (Sheep-oh-eel)
16th---Shim-nyuk-il (Sheem-nyuke-eel)
17th---Ship-chi-ril (Sheep-chee-reel)
18th---Ship-pa-ril (Sheep-pah-reel)
19th---Ship-ku-ril (Sheep-kuu-reel)
20th---I-ship-il (Ee-sheep-eel)
21th---I-ship-i-ril (Ee-sheep-ee-reel)
22nd---I-ship-i-il (Ee-sheep-ee-eel)
23rd---I-ship-sam-il (Ee-sheep-sam-eel)
24th---I-ship-sa-il (Ee-sheep-sah-eel)
25th---I-ship-o-il (Ee-sheep-oh-eel)
26th---I-shim-nyuk-il (Ee-sheem-nyuke-eel)
27th---I-ship-chi-ril (Ee-sheep-chee-reel)
28th---I-ship-pa-ril (Ee-sheep-pah-reel)
29th---I-ship-ku-il (Ee-sheep-kuu-eel)
30th---Sam-ship-il (Sam-sheep-eel)
31th---Sam-ship-i (Sam-sheep-ee)

Lesson 5: Counting Days, Weeks, and Years

(179 total words in this text)

Lesson created by Timmy McCarty AKA Deathninja50

31th---Sam-ship-i (Sam-sheep-ee)

Lesson 5: Counting Days, Weeks, and Years

(179 total words in this text)

Lesson created by Timmy McCarty AKA Deathninja50
Counting the days in Korean such as saying one day, two days, and three days is very
simple. All you have to do is take the Pure korean number system such asHana, tul, and
set and add the proper ending.
One day---Ha-ru (Hah-roo)
Two days---Iteul (Ee-tule)
Three days---Sa-heul (Sah-hule)
Four days---Na-heul (Nah-hule)
Five days---Tat-sae (Tah-say)
Six days---Yeot-sae (Yote-say)
Seven days---I-re (Ee-ray)
Eight days---Yeo-deu-re (Yo-tu-ray)
Nine days---A-heu-re (Ah-hoo-ray)
Ten days---Yeo-reul (Yo-rule)
When counting weeks in Korean the word for week is Chu-il (Chu-eel) and basically you
take the Chinese derived numbers such as Il, I, sam, sa, and O and add Chu-Il at the
end. Simple right?
One week---Il-chu-il (Eel-choo-eel)
Two weeks---I-chu-il (Ee-choo-eel)
Three weeks---Sam-chu-il (Sam-choo-eel)
Four weeks---Sa-chu-il (Sah-choo-eel)
Five weeks---O-chu-il (Oh-choo-eel)
Six weeks---Yuk-chu-il (Yuke-choo-eel)
Seven weeks---Chil-chu-il (Cheel-choo-eel)
Eight weeks---Pal-chu-il (Pahl-choo-eel)
Nine weeks---Ku-chu-il (Koo-choo-eel)
Ten weeks---Ship-chu-il (Sheep-choo-eel)
When counting years in Korean the word for Year is Nyeon and just like counting the
weeks in Korean you are using the Chinese derived number system and adding the word
Nyeon at the end.
One year---Il-nyeon (Eel-nee-yone)
Two years---I-nyeon (Ee-nee-yone)

Eight weeks---Pal-chu-il (Pahl-choo-eel)

Nine weeks---Ku-chu-il (Koo-choo-eel)
Ten weeks---Ship-chu-il (Sheep-choo-eel)
When counting years in Korean the word for Year is Nyeon and just like counting the
weeks in Korean you are using the Chinese derived number system and adding the word
Nyeon at the end.
One year---Il-nyeon (Eel-nee-yone)
Two years---I-nyeon (Ee-nee-yone)
Three years---Sam-nyeon (Sahm-nee-yone)
Four years---Sa-nyeon (Sah-nee-yone)
Five years---O-nyeon (Oh-nee-yone)
Six years---Yuk-nyeon (Yuke-nee-yone)
Seven years---Chil-nyeon (Cheel-nee-yone)
Eight years---Pal-nyeon (Pahl-nee-yone)
Nine years---Ku-nyeon (Koo-nee-yone)
Ten years---Ship-il-nyeon (Sheep-Eel-nee-yone)

Lesson 7: Time Phrases

(206 total words in this text)

Lesson created by Timmy McCarty AKA Deathninja50
The following words are words that could be classified as "Time Phrase's." A time phrase
can be any word that has to do with a perticular time sequence. Such as yesterday, or
today, or three days from now. With words like "3 days ago" Sam-il-cheon (Sahm-eelchone) and "by tuesday" Hwa-yo-il-kka-ji (Hwah-yo-eel-kah-chee) are phrases that can
be subsituted by another word just by adding it. For example "3 days ago" Sam-il-cheon
(Sahm-eel-chone) can be changed to "2 days ago" I-il-chone (Ee-eel-chone) just by
substituting 3 for 2. Please notice the trends in some of the phrases and the rules that
apply to them.
Today---O-neul (Oh-nule)
Yesterday---Eo-je (Oh-jay)
The day before yesterday---Keu-jeo-kke (Koo-cho-kay)
Tomorrow---Nae-il (Nay-eel)
The day after tomorrow---Mo-re (Moh-ray)
Two days after tomorrow---Keul-pi (Kule-pee)
This week---I-beon-ju (Ee-bone-chu)
Last week---Chi-nan-ju (Chee-nan-chu)
Next week---Ta-eum-ju (Tah-reum-chu)
For one week---Il-ju-il-gan (Eel-chu-eel-gan)

Tomorrow---Nae-il (Nay-eel)
The day after tomorrow---Mo-re (Moh-ray)
Two days after tomorrow---Keul-pi (Kule-pee)
This week---I-beon-ju (Ee-bone-chu)
Last week---Chi-nan-ju (Chee-nan-chu)
Next week---Ta-eum-ju (Tah-reum-chu)
For one week---Il-ju-il-gan (Eel-chu-eel-gan)
For two weeks---I-ju-il-gan (Ee-chu-eel-gan)
For one day---Ha-ru (Hah-roo)
For two days---It-teul-gan (Eet-tule-gan)
Three days ago---Sam-il-cheon (Sam-eel-chone)
Four months ago---Sa-gae-weol-cheon (Sah-gay-wole-chone)
Five years ago---O-nyeon-cheon (Oh-neeyone-chone)
This year---Keum-nyeon (Kume-neeyone)
Last year---Chang-nyeon (Chang-neeyone)
Next year---Nae-nyeon (Nay-neeyone)
At night---Pam-e (Pahm-may)
In summer---Yeo-reum-e (Yoh-rume-eh)
In winter---Kyeo-u-re (Keeyo-oo-ray)
By Tuesday---Hwa-yo-il-ka-ji (Hwah-yo-eel-kah-chee)
By June---Yu-weol-il-ka-ji (Yoo-wole-eel-kah-chee)
By Morning---A-chim-ka-ji (Ah-cheem-kah-chee)
What's todays date?---O-neu-reun-myeo-chil-i-e-yo? (Oh-nule-rune-mee-yo-cheelee-eh-yo)
It is ____.---____-i-e-yo. (___ee-eh-yo)
This morning---O-neul a-chim (Oh-nule Ah-cheem)
This afternoon---O-neul o-hu (Oh-nule Oh-hoo)
This evening---O-neul cheon-nyeok (Oh-nule chone-neeyoke)
Tonight---O-neul-pam (Oh-nule-bahm)
Tomorrow night---Nae-il-pam (Nay-eel-bahm)
For six years---Yung-nyeon-gan (Yung-neeyone-gahn)
For seven months---Chil-gae-weol-gan (Cheel-gay-wole-gahn)
In the morning---A-chim-e (Ah-cheem-may)
In the afternoon---O-hu-e (Oh-hoo-eh)
In the evening---Cheo-nyeok-e (Cho-neeyoke-eh)

Tomorrow night---Nae-il-pam (Nay-eel-bahm)

For six years---Yung-nyeon-gan (Yung-neeyone-gahn)
For seven months---Chil-gae-weol-gan (Cheel-gay-wole-gahn)
In the morning---A-chim-e (Ah-cheem-may)
In the afternoon---O-hu-e (Oh-hoo-eh)
In the evening---Cheo-nyeok-e (Cho-neeyoke-eh)

Lesson 8: Learning and Saying the Human Body Parts in Korean

(62 total words in this text)

Lesson created by Timmy McCarty AKA Deathninja50
The following are the Korean words for the parts of the human body.
Head---Mori (Moh-ree)
Hair---Morigarak (Moh-ree-kah-rak)
Eyes---Nun (Noon)
Eyebrow---Nunseop (Noon-sope)
Eyeball---Nundongja (Noon-dong-jah)
Eyelid---Nunkeopul (Noon-kope-pool)
Nose---Ko (Koh)
Face---Ogeul (Oh-gule)
Cheek---Bol (Bol)
Moustache---Kosumyeom (Koh-sume-yome)
Beard---Suyeom (Suu-yome)
Tounge---Hyeo (Heeyo)
Lips---Ipsul (Eep-sule)
Teeth---I (Ee)
Chin---Teok (Toke)
Forehead---Ima (Ee-mah)
Mouth---Ip (Eep)
Ear---Gwi (Gwee)
Neck---Mok (Mohk)
Arm---Pal (Pal)
Fist---Jumok (Jew-mok)
Elbow---Palkumchi (Pal-kume-chee)

Mouth---Ip (Eep)
Ear---Gwi (Gwee)
Neck---Mok (Mohk)
Arm---Pal (Pal)
Fist---Jumok (Jew-mok)
Elbow---Palkumchi (Pal-kume-chee)
Hand---Son (Son)
Palm---Sonbadak (Son-bah-dak)
Wrist---Sonmok (Son-mok)
Finger---Songarak (Son-kah-rak)
Thumb---Omji (Ome-chee)
Fingernail---Sontop (Son-top)
Leg---Dari (Dah-ree)
Foot---Bal (Bal)
Toe---Balgarak (Bal-kah-rak)
Toenail---Baltop (Bal-top)
Ankle---Balmok (Bal-mok)
Waist---Heori (Ho-ree)
Shoulder---Eokkae (Oke-kay)
Stomach---Bae (Bay)
Navel---Baekkop (Bay-kop)
Back---Deung (Tung)
Butt---Ondongi (Awn-dung-ee)
Body---Mom (Mum)
Chest---Gaseum (Kah-sume)

Lesson 9: Learning and Saying All the Basic Food Groups in Korean

(59 total words in this text)

Lesson created by Timmy McCarty AKA Deathninja50

Korean Meat Words

Meat (General)---Gogi (Koh-gee)

Beef---So-gogi (Soh-koh-gee)
Lamb---Yang-gogi (Yang-koh-gee)

(59 total words in this text)

Lesson created by Timmy McCarty AKA Deathninja50

Korean Meat Words

Meat (General)---Gogi (Koh-gee)

Beef---So-gogi (Soh-koh-gee)
Lamb---Yang-gogi (Yang-koh-gee)
Pork---Dweji-gogi (Dweh-jee-koh-gee)
Dog---Ke-gogi (Kek-koh-gee)
Chicken---Tak-gogi (Tak-koh-gee)
Duck---Ori-gogi (Oh-ree-koh-gee)
Fish (General)---Seng-son (Seng-son)
Seafood (General)---Hesan-mul (Hay-san-mool)
Shrimp---Se-u (Say-oo)
Squid---O-jeng-o (Oh-jeng-oh)
Eel---Chang-o (Chang-oh)
Eggs---Ke-ran (Kay-ran)


Fruit (General)---Kwa-il (Kwah-eel)

Apple---Sa-gwa (Sah-kwah)
Mandarin---Kyool (Kee-yole)
Banana---Panana (Pah-nahn-nah)
Melon---Cham-we (Cham-weh)
Pear---Pe (Bay)
Peach---Pok-soong-a (Pohk-soong-ah)
Strawberies---Dal-gi (Tal-gee)
Persimmon---Kam (Kahm)
Dried Persimmon---Kot-kam (Kot-kam)
Watermellon---Soo-bok (Suu-bohk)
Chestnut---Pam (Pahm)
Cherries---Che-ri (Chay-ree)
Grapes---Po-do (Poh-doh)
Grapefruit---Cha-mong (Chah-mong)

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