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SAP PS FAQ with Answers

@@ How I can control the System Status across user profiles?

@@ Can anyone tell me how to revoke a system released status to system partially
released status for Proj definitions?

$$ Unlike the CO module, there is no transaction to revoke the status of "released"

in PS. You will have to talk to SAP about getting a program built to do that as you
are talking about changing native SAP source code...

I have a problem when trying to settle one of WBS with message

Sender: WBS OO/03-1870 Duyong Virtual Pipeline Manager
E No source assignment found for cost element 990232

********** If you want to settle any amount in a WBS (a sender), the cost element
needs to be included in your Source Assignment configuration in the IMG under
"Settlement" via Project Systems. Also you have to have your allocation structure
set up. Both these must include cost element 990232, either within a range or
within a Cost element group.

If you have cost element groups already assigned in these two structures, then you
only need to use Tx. KAH2 to update the relevant cost element group with this cost
element (990232).


Can u help me in the settlement of Project System? Actually we are facing problem
in the settlement of those WBS against which down payment, clearing documents
have been posted. When we run CJ88 system is showing error Complete Allocation
Structure". However it is working for WBS for which there is no down payment


@@ We have inconsistency result for service condition in Network Activity. Example
case like this:
We maintain Service Condition for level Service X with price 100 USD, for level Plant
0010 Vendor 20160 with price 200 USD and for Vendor 20160 with price 300 USD.
During assign Service in the activity, we put vendor 20160 and get the price always
coming from Service Condition for Service (100 USD), not service condition for
Vendor with appropriate plant . I really appreciate someone who gives advice to
solve this problem.


We utilize CJI3 to obtain actual data pertaining to costs in PS. I would like to view the
plan via CJI4, however I am unable to retrieve the plan data in this transaction.
I have been unable to find the correct settings to allow plan to show.

I am missing the boat on this one.

What do I need to activate in order to see plan via CJI4

***** Do you have a detailed plan? I have never really used CJI4, but in my brief
testing, I believe that one must have a detailed cost plan (i.e. primary cost planned
by cost element and by period) in order for this to work.

***** Does your site have SAP-IM, Investment Module? It works well with PS from a
planning perspective.

What I need is TX, Menu path and settings required for integration issue to
following integration issues:

1: PM with MM
- Stocking Spare parts
- Procurement of direct material
- Procurement of external services

2: PM with PP
- Availability with Machine work centers
- Production resources / tools

3: PM with Cost Accounting:

- Maintenance Cost
- Internal Activity Allocation
- Order Settlement

4: PM with Project System:

- Availability of Funds
- Maintenance Budget

5: PM with FI

- G/L standard chart of Account

- Invoice Receipt

6: Asset Accounting:
- Tangible Assets
- Acquisition Value
- Residual book value

7: Personnel:
- Work Time Entry

8: Sales and Distribution:

- Maintenance of External devices

9: Quality Assurance:
- Maintenance of test Equipment

Hope I will get a reasonable support after this tabulation

I'm working in 4.6 version
My client using PS module for maintain project which one of the activity consist of
component to be generate become reservation. We also using Investment
Management for budgeting. The question is How to make system do budget
checking when the user generate reservation?

Cause current condition, the system only do budget checking if I generate the
component become requisition. For reservation even the budget is

not enough the reservation can be created.



I try to find the creation date of a reservation that coming from Project System , but
I can't find where it is.
Really appreciate If anybody tell me where and what table that save it .

****** I am not exactly sure about this, but you may have to make sure that
"Change Document" is active for material components. Go to OPUV for change of
the network type. The date may not be recorded unless change document is active.
After that finding the table might be fairly easy.


We currently run CN33 on projects individually in foreground. We wish to
implement running CN33 using the change number functionality within CN33.
Parameters for the change number are as follows:
Notification is created and then a Change master is created. Dates used on
change master is header data. We then change our WBS BOM with the change
master created earlier.

We run CN33 with the change master in the appropriate change area in the
interface. What I expect is that the parts assigned to the change master
will be evaluated to relevance of the change in comparison to the BOM and
current reservations. However, what the program does is deletes all
components off of the network, only remaining parts are the ones relating
to the change master. I would have expected that the program would leave
the existing components on the network and only select those items under

the change number to be altered.

Has anyone implemented the CN33 functionality using the change number
Is there / are there additional configuration needed to make this
functionality work as I have outlined??


Can anybody tell me when should we use Tx Code CJR2 and Tx CJ40 for planning of
Primary costs and Activity (planned activity type in cost center)

****** CJR2 is for entering planned values degregated into several cost
elements, so you can get richer results when comparing plan/actual reports, where
you can see deviations by cost element. In cj40 you just plan a total value, with no
cost element specification.

****** Thanks for ur reply. Even primary cost - against primary cost elements and
activity costs - against activity types can be done through CJ40. Even we can do unit
costing from CJ40.

I wanted to know when should v use CJR2. How it is differing form CJ40.

******* Manually posting for activity costs - against activity types can be done
through CJ40, but when input via BDC or LSMW, tcode I get some difficulties when
trying with tcode CJ40 but not CJR2.
Result will be same.


Does anyone know how to create the Project with Material assigned to it? I know it is
CJ20N but is there a pre-requisite?

What I want to do now is to create the Reservation with mvt type 281 in MB21 but
this is not allowed. Someone say this is controlled in PS, it is?

****** U can create project in CJ20N by copying std template or copying operative

Select activities and assign material component, maintain item category "L"STOCKABLE u will get reservation.

Can anybody tell me how to creating fixed-asset after full settlement a
WBS automatically ?
As I understand fixed asset created manually after a project status TECO
or close.

****** Presently I am working on such thing which is your need.But to explain you, I
would like to know first how AUC & settlement on AUC is being handled at your
end ?


Can anybody tell me significance of SKF Groups in Planning profile. How cost
planning is done against statistical key figures ?

As I understand SKFs are used in Progress Measurement in PS.

I am currently using the MM module in SAP and we are 4.6C we have certain
staff who are with IT programming back ground (with certified SQL,PL SQL,
etc..) and like to generate certain specific reports for our module and we
requested our IT application and support division to provide access to
SQVI,SE16,SE38 or similar transaction to create our own MM customized

The application people said that these reports could not be given to
Functional user as they may access other tables. Is there a way to block
tables at the profile level(Functional level) when using any of the report

******* Tables normally have an authorization group attached to them, a security

role can be created that allows access to certain authorization groups only
(authorization object S_TABU_DIS).

I agree with your IT support team that users should not have access to SE16 and
SE38 in a production environment, and that reports (even utilizing SQVI) should be
written in a development client first, tested and then moved into the production
environment (the normal change control process

We are currently using the project systems module to handle customer projects. We
are in 46C. When we create a customer invoice we also enter the WBS element that
the revenue will be assigned to.

The problem is when we get the payment. We want to identify how much money we
have received for every project. When we post the payment there is no
revenue/cost account involved.
Do you know a way to either transfer money to the projects or identifying the
project whenever we post a customer payment?


Is it possible to assign 2 or more sales orders (VA01) to one project. Currently, we

are utilizing templates to create the project structure automatically during the
creating of the sales order (in 4.6C). I am attempting to have the system associate 2
orders to one project AND allow consolidation invoicing to produce 1 invoice for both

Any ideas or existing documentation on this?

******** As far as I know this is not possible. I would say you first have to create the
project and then assign the sales order to it at WBS level.

******* You can attach WBS(s) of a project to more than one sales order. This is
how we are using it.

******* Could you please provide the method you are using to assign multiple sales
orders to one project? Are you utilizing networks? Are you creating a separate WBS
element within the project for each sales order?

******* Yes we do create separate WBS within project for each Sales Order.


I have got a problem with the DIP material summarization in projects. I have created
a usage for Quotation and Sales Pricing. I am using materials characteristics and the
settings in the IMG is

Char Relevant - On;

Mat Determination - On;

No Summarization - OFF;

Structuring - OFF.

Using the Planned Costs (Totals) as the Source, my material determination criteria
three elements - two different revenue streams (labour) and materials as the
last entry.

My material settings are

Mat Direct - On ;Individual - Off ;Use Quantity - Off ; Conversion Qty - Off.

My material settings has a set (ZSET_CS_MATERIALS) with a range *(asterisk) to

zzzzzzzzzzzzz. During the DP81 transaction no errors are recorded but when the
simulate quotation is processed then summarization of the various labour elements
is accurate and

complete but the material transfers each item individually. I need to have the
quoted value summarized on a single line within the quotation/sales order. I have a
material created in MM as the revenue stream for the Material BOM and this is
linked to a WBSE as an account assignment in the Sales inquiry - VA11.

Please help as I have tried OSS and other local colleagues to no avail!

I was hoping someone could help me with a problem I'm having. Our project
structure is set up as follows:

WBS Level 1 - Installation Project

WBS Level 2 - Task 1
WBS Level 2 - Task 2
WBS Level 2 - Task 3
WBS Level 2 - Task 4
WBS Level 2 - Task 5
WBS Level 2 - Task 6
WBS Level 2 - Task 7
WBS Level 2 - Billing

Currently, the billing element is on the last WBS. This is a stand alone WBS with no
activities or networks under it. All the other WBS's have activities and networks
under them.

My question is this - All the revenue and material cost hit the Billing WBS.
Can we exclude that from budget availability control? We are trying to control the
mount of TIME that is being charged to the various activities. Costs of materials are
what they are, and are not controlled by the program managers that manage this
project. So, we would like to add up all the cost from all of the WBS elements

EXCEPT the billing WBS, and then compare that # to the budget for availability
control purposes.


We are on 4.OB.

While executing transaction CJ88 (Project Systems) in test run mode we are getting
the following error message.
T Message text
Sender: WBS F101C-0003-HTG High Temp. Generator for VAC-2 of jainpur

E Complete settlement structure A1

Further on double clicking the message it shows the following

"Complete settlement structure A1 "

Message no. KD503

During settlement, the sender debits are put into groups (settlement assignments),
to be settled under the same settlement cost element. This assignment takes place
in the settlement structure saved in the settlement rule for the sender under
settlement parameters.

Cost element 300710 cannot be assigned to a settlement cost assignment in

settlement structure A1 and therefore cannot be assigned to a settlement cost

The Cost element 300710 is a stock projects account( balance sheet item).The
category of cost element is 90 ( Statistical).

The WBS element F101c-0003-HTG,Down payment was made against a PO which

was assigned to this WBS element. This down payment has already been cleared
against invoices booked later.

When we display Actual Line items for Projects the costs booked against cost
element 300710 is already been issued to consumption projects, from there it will
be settled to asset via transaction code CJ88.

******** You will need to amend your allocation structure A1 to include Cost element
300710 temporarily, so that you can complete the settlement of this project,. Note
it should not transfer any costs from this cost elements if there are none, but it still
needs to be included in the allocation structure.

Then amend it back once that project has been settled..

******* Thanks for the solution. But I have few queries:

1. If I do it temporarily and settle the assets will this problem will repeat in the

2. What changes I have to do so that I do not get this problem again in the future?

3. Since 300710 is an "Stock Projects GL Account, why I have to create it as cost


1. If I do it temporarily and settle the assets, will this problem will repeat in the
future ?
The problem will not repeat itself if costs are not assigned to a projects that are
outside of the range of cost elements within the allocation structure A1.

2. What changes I have to do so that I do not get this problem again in the future ?
You could put a validation rule into the system to stop postings aoutside of the
allocation structure (transaction OKC7 or OKC9 - I cannot remember whch one).

3. Since 300710 is an "Stock Projects " GL Account, why I have to create it as cost
element ?
You sat that the category of cost element is 90 ( Statistical). This appears to suggest
that there is a cost element for 300710 as you were able to post costs to a CO
object using it hene you will not need to recreate it ...

We are now using SAP 46C, not long ago, my management is contemplating no to
use the scheduling function in PS. Which means that the users will no longer
requires entering duration, and performing scheduling. I'm abit concern over the
implication of this. Would someone able to advise me what will be the impact if
scheduling is not carry out.

******** By giving the duration in the activity the system can give the total duration
for the projects. t also gives the critical path and non path. One can do scheduling
into the future or backward scheduling. Also the duration and dependency like Finish
Start , Start
Start , Finish finish ad Start start can be given between the various activities in a
project. This helps bring in project time, cost and schedule in one platform and
increases the power of Project System. Also the progress on each activity can be
tracked by

activity confirmation and actual and schedule dates are available in the system in a
graphical display.

********* Depends if you are using MRP for material requirements, Then, you can
have moments that you have out of stock situations, with all other consequences
Are you using capacity planning? On this you will have the same issue , that your
will have moments in your planning that resource does not comply with reality. So
all depends if you are using project system for material and resource planning.

If answer is YES, then you have to take action.

If NO then your manager is right, so you are using Project system only for COST


We are Oil & Gas Company running SAP R/3 4.6B. WE have implemented the
following modules: FI/CO, MM, PM, HR. We are implementing DMS (Document
Management System) at this time.

The main focus for this implementation is to create documents in DMS and
then link them to our technical objects in PM. We have done this successfully for
documents in MS Word and BMP files (scanned documents). Our plan at this time is
to link AutoCAD drawings to the technical objects.

WE can do it through the System --> Link option in SAP. However, we want to
create a DIR in SAP DMS and then link the DIR as a document in the technical

Our plan is to load Volo View at the client end for users to look at the
drawings. Are there any special options settings on the VoloViev side? The
challenge we are facing is storing the document (checkin) in our database (using
KPRO). We are getting the message that the document cannot be stored (error in
storing document). What extra settings do I need for AutoCAD that I did not need for
the other applications type?


Do anyone have idea / know what is the impact filling Planned Delivery date" on "
Delivery date " in the PR service?

******** Currently I have no access to an R/3-system but I am quite sure the

planned delivery date is scheduled based on the start date of the activity and the
delivery time entered. Populating this field manually might set a constraint to
network scheduling.


I have a network with internal activity which has a material component ordered for
it. The purchase Requisition has been created for the component. The PR reflects as
a commitment on the budget/actual/commit reports.

I now want to set the deletion on this activity as we don't require the component
The system give me an error saying that a Pur. Req commitment exists and I cannot
delete. How do I set the deletion flag on this activity???

******** You must first delete purchase requisition and the material assigned to this
activity. Then you can set deletion flag on activity


I'm currently working on a project using 3.1I.

In MM I'm trying to create a purchase order for a material which is made up of 3


This is a subcontract material - so at the top level the material valuation class is
7900 and represents the subcontract labour and through auto acct assignment goes
to the correct GL acct - subcon labour.

However the 3 sub-components are of valuation class 7950 and I want these to
show against another GL acct - purchased parts consumed.

These costs are being pulled through and reported on using PS. But everything is
coming through on the one GL acct from the top level - subcon labour.

acct assignment category D is being used and even though multiple acct
assignments is set an error message appears saying that multiple account
assignments is not allowed.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get this to use the required
accounts? If acct assignment category is NOT used then the accounts are OK but
this means that nothing is shown on the project.

******* What PO type are you using?

******* PO type is NB


We want to set the following fields below as "Required/mandatory" fields on the

Detail screen in networks (on the Purch. Data Tab), but in customizing there is no
to set this on component level???

Where else can I set this or how should I go about it ???

Recipient - [RESBD -WEMPF]
Unloading Point - [RESBD-ABLAD]
Material Group - [RESBD-MATKL]
Purch Group - [RESBD-EKGRP]
Cost Element - [RESBD-SAKNR]

******** Are you try the behavior of the enhancement for material components in
CNEX0009 Material components
I think they are no more options in customizing


We have created a reservation for a Stock Component on an activity for a project. It

been released and has been specified as procurement type "Requisition +
reservation for
WBS element". A reservation number has been generated and also a requisition

The problem is that on the report "Plan/actual/commitment..../" the commitment

shows as 0 ??? Why doesn't this pick up the commitment value ??

********* In our configuration the commitment is created by the PO. The requisition
only represents an internal level commitment. I believe the binding commitment
that will carry forward into PS will come from the PO. Take the next step with the PO
and see if the PS commitment posts from that. Also verify your Req assignments.

When we have a revenue project, one common expense for example rental might
be used for both OPEX and cost of sales. In Financial statement version, the P/L is
drawn by GL codes.
In this case, how do we segregate rental expense to distinguish between rental
under OPEX or rental under cost of sales?


SAP Version 4.6C
Trying to utilize the BAPI_NETWORK_MAINTAIN for version network. Normally
networks are in table CAUFV but versions are in table VSCAUFV_CN. Normally
Activity work hours are in AFVV but versions are in table VSAFVV_CN. Can you utilize
the BAPI_NETWORK_MAINTAIN so that it updates the version network activity? Or is
there another FM I can utilize to update the activity hours for a version network

This is what I think the code should look like for setting up the variable for the FM
but cannot determine what value v-objkey must be to get the version network
updated. Or perhaps there is something else wrong with my code.

i_method_project-objecttype = 'NETWORKACTIVITY' .
i_method_project-method = 'UPDATE'.
i_method_project-objectkey = v-objkey.
i_method_project-refnumber = '000001' .
APPEND i_method_project.
i_method_project-objecttype = ' ' .
i_method_project-method = 'SAVE'.
i_method_project-objectkey = ' '.
i_method_project-refnumber = ' ' .
APPEND i_method_project.
i_activity-network = v-objkey.
i_activity-activity = i-vornr.
i_activity-work_activity = i-ismnw .
APPEND i_activity.
i_activity_update-network = v-objkey.
i_activity_update-activity = i-vornr.
i_activity_update-work_activity = 'X'.
APPEND i_activity_update.
i_network-network = v-objkey.
APPEND i_network.

* Network activity updating


return = bapireturn1
i_method_project = i_method_project
i_network = i_network
i_activity = i_activity
e_message = e_message.

Could you anybody give explanation or documentation about WBS statistical ?


Wish to add push buttons to CJ20N screen to give users the ability to create all the
PIRs and another button to delete all the PIRs for the project. I cannot find a BADI in
this function, so I need to know how to add the push buttons to the screen. I've also
looked for user exits that would give me the functionality to do this but have not
found anything
under the development class CNPB. The CJ20N transaction contains screen 4000
(User-Specific Options) or 4005 (User-Specific Options (Subscreen)). What options
are available for the two subscreens for meeting my needs?

Any of PS experts worked with BW please respond.
We are activating Business Content related to PS module in our BW 3.0B
environment. I would appreciate your feed back on how to implement PS contents
from your experience.

So far we come up with some errors as follows:

Object UPDR 8GUT493MN580Y5LZDRRRONEYY could not be found

This happened earlier activating one of the BC cube (0PS_C02) where many errors
were listed related to update rules (6 of them). We are now trying update rules
individually and came up with same error.
Any experience or idea about this error. No long text available for the error
(message no. RS_EXCEPTION230).

******* I had the same problem and have solved it as follow: First you have to select
the update rules (for example) and transfer them (you have to select the option
'Transfer', of the 'Transfer command), you will see that they will be activated without
error, next step you can simulate them or include them into an order to transport to
another environment.

Does anyone know a way to add components to a released activity (status REL) but
hold the entries so that they don't automatically get submitted for PO creation (not
hit a purchasing backlog)?
We'd like to create components on activities that are released, but not allow them to
be converted to a PO until ready

******* I can't really give you a solution to your problem, I would however really be
obliged if you could let me know exactly what the business case is (if there is one)
in which you are trying to achieve the objective.

******* Try in the order transaction, IW31 or IW32, in the Components tab, there

is a column called "Res./Purch. req.". It can be set to Immediately (create purch req
upon order save), Release (create upon release), or Never (never create purchase

******** Thanks, but IW32 is for PM order change. We are working with PS Network
activities. Our first attempt at solving the problem was to set the "Res./Purch req"
field to "Never" using CJ20N, but the field is grayed out and cannot be changed

******** If you create a new component, you are able to change the
"immediately"/"from release" - if you have not configured it to be always something
else. i assume that you have configured it to be gray.

******** We did identify that it the field could be initially changed in the table view
(component overview). But once "immediately" was set, it could not be undone. I
guess this makes sense since the req number has been generated.

I have looked and cant find where this is configured. Do you have any ideas?

******* If you go in SPRO and go to field selection for networks, then select the
network header screen. This will give the option on field [CAUFVD-AUDISP] which
can be set as input, required or display

******* Go to t code OPUU and set indicator 1 for Res./Purc. req. as 1 (Never) and
save the same. It will solve your problem.


Can anyone tell me the best method to plan for detail project cost?


Is there any way to use configurable materials with Project? We created a variant
material, configured it, and added it to a project. That worked. Is there any way to
have the configuration screen appear in project as it will for a sales order? I am
shooting in the dark here other than trial and error on the configuration profile

We have many engineering changes and are also struggling with how to mesh that
with configurable bills. Is there any way to get a result BOM and change it
independently of the super BOM (for one time only customer order specific

Yes, configurable Material Masters can be used within Project Systems. The
approach to this solution is different than Variant Configuration that you may be
used to using a KMAT with all the other associated Master Data. It is recommended
not to use KMAT.

Create a HALB or FERT, make sure the Item Category(s) are for Configuration, on
Basic Data 2 select "Material is Configurable, assign the Variant Class with the
Characteristics and no Costing or Accounting views.

Create the Configuration Profile for the Material Master and for the Standard
Network. This is the link.

The Super (configurable) BOM should be created within the Standard Network as a
Standard BOM, not a Material BOM. This will Allocate the Components to what is
known as a Standard Object. This is a Structure that will pull this data together in a

Add any Object Dependencies to the BOM items that require Configuration.

Allocate your Network Parameters for Sales Order to complete the Master Data

It all works great once in place. MTO is the way to go for our Project Systems
business and this solution is perfect.


When we are evaluating our suppliers for on time delivery we are using MC$6
however the Weighted Delivery Time seems to be calculating length of time to
deliver from Purchase Order date to GR date - is there a way of configuring the
system to measure from expected delivery date to actual delivery date or should I
be using another TX to measure this KPI

We need to create commitments for travel requests in WBS elements and then see
if there is any available budget. Is there any way of doing this maybe via Funds

As we have to create settlement profile for project definition, WBS & networks.

As i understand networks settles to lower level WBS, lower level WBS settle to
billing level WBS. Now i want to know where does the Billing level settle to And the
project definition settle to We need to create the settlement profile for each of them

we are not using COPA

1 - You never settle the project definition. If you put a settlement profile there, it is
only a default value for WBS elements.
2 - To define settlement you must define a settlement profile, which says: should I
settle or not ? Do I control the complete settlement or not before closing? What is
the type(s) of receivers for the settlement?
But it's not enough to do the settlement; you also need a settlement schema which
says: What are the costs elements for which we want to settle the costs? What is
(are) the cost element(s) with which the settlement is done? ....

3 - For the billing level, It depends of your business scenario

3.1 - You use projects but their live is short (some days) and you don't need to
calculate WIP.
3.1.1 - So you can not settle this WBS element and define settlement profile with 'no
3.1.2 - Or you can settle this WBS, element to any cost object, usually consolidating
WBS (but you can choose SD order or CO order, ..).
3.2 - You use project with a not short live (some months), then you need to calculate
WIP (by means of Result Analysis calculation)
3.2.1 - You can choose the billing WBS element as the WIP object (usual choice),
that is the object on which you calculate Result Analysis, and then you must settle it
as in 3.1.2. . And it's mandatory to settle the WBS element in order to update WIP
accounts in FI (posting to FI which is define in the customizing of Result Analysis).
Warning, in this case, the settlement schema (CO settlement) is different as above,
because you must
not settle the costs but the results of Result Analysis calculation, that is Cost Of
Sales, Reserves,
3.2.2 - Or you can choose the SD order as the WIP object. In this case, you settle the
WBS element to SD order item. You customize and calculate the Result Analysis on
SD order ITEM and you must settle this order item.


The Settlement rule that you see on the Project Definition is there to be used to
populate the settlement rule onto the WBS elements prior to saving the project. The
Project Definition is not a cost object, and therefore cannot send or receive costs.

The billing element can settle to a sales order or orderable items on a sales order
(sort of the inverse of the line items on a Purchase Order). On revenue projects, the
billing element can receive revenues, and can be settled to a GL account.

Out of morbid curiosity - why don't you have a PS Consultant on your project? If you
do have one, they must be one of those $60 an hour pseudo-consultants that have
resulted in the depressed rates and depressing lack of quality that we are seeing in
the marketplace...


I would like to attach word documents or Excel spreadsheets from my hard-drive to
a SAP PS project/WBS.
I know how to do this in Project builder (CJ20N), but we only use CJ02/CJ01 as this
We also are not using a document management system.
What is the simplest way I can attach documents in CJ02??

******** You can try the following:

CJ02 -> Services for object (top left corner icon) -> Create attachment -> select
your file from your local drive.
System will copy the file from your local drive.
Then view the attachment list.

******** What you mentioned works in CJ20n (Project Builder). I cannot find the
services for object icon on CJ02?? Were you able to do this on CJ02?

Kallol is quite correct... It is the icon just under the icon and depending which side of
the icon you select either a menu comes up or another icon bar. If you select the left
side of the icon and then the furthest left icon on the icon bar whe it appears, you
should be able to attach any document that you wish...


I am creating an operative network by copying from a configurable standard

network. I assign characteristic value during creation. But I can not change these
value in operative network. Network is not created from sales document. It is
created in Project system.

The document says Choose Extra --> Configuration--> Characteristic value


My problem is that Characteristic value assignment is unhighlighted. I can not select



I have been trying some new functionality in SAP 4.6c. Try to link a project to
multiple IM positions. I have managed to link the project to 2 IM positions with a
percentage of
budget set for each.
The system does not seem to find the measures when I run IM52 to put budget onto

How do I assign budget to this project with multiple assignments?


I am trying to configure RA in Project System which is Customer Project. In this
project the client needs the WIP figure project wise.

Our structure is a) 1st level WBS is the Billing & planning element
b) 2nd level WBS is Acct Assig & Planning
c) network attached to 2nd level WBS

Config is:
Created RA key( AUFT)with RA method -Inventory Determination "WIP at Actual
Costs" for Objects Not Carrying Revenue(Is this a correct method ?)
& settlement rule -settle to the Cost center

The RA type is F-WIP Calculation on Basis of Actual Costs

The Profit Indicator is O-No Profit Realization
Profit basis-C-Costs and revenue on basis of cost element planning data

We have attached the RA key to all the WBS & to Network type

We have made goods issue to network which is attached to 2nd level WBS. The
status of the 2nd level WBS is REL
On running the RA(trn KKAJ) on the 1st level no data is selected & in the Log shows
no error
Is there any config details which i should need to see to get the WIP-?

********* Why t code KKAJ is run??? . Go to t code CJ02 and release the WBS
elements acc

******* The all the levels of WBS elements is already Released

******* I am very familiar with Investment Projects. To what extent is Customer

Projects different? If I were to rephrase my question knowing Investment Projects
how much time and effort will be required for mastering Customer Projects

******* 1 - You must set the RA key only on the WBS elements for which you want
WIP. As I can understand, only on the 1st level.
2 - And you must define the adequate value for "Project structure" parameter
("B" I think), in the RA Key customizing


I have a project from FY 2003 (Original Budget 200,000) which has been carried
forward to FY 2004. In the FY 2004 250,000 has been supplemented to the project.

The project is now complete and we want to return 50,000 of funds back to the FY
2004, to use elsewhere.
The system (Transaction IM52) will not allow me to return funds to 2004, it only
supplements. How do I return these funds to 2004?????

******** You can supplement from IM, but you return from Projects using the "Return
from project" transaction CJ35.


I have OpenPS4MSP version 2.01.00, and MS Project 2000.

I opened an existing MSP project. On a standard MS Project view, Gannt Chart for
example, I have a text description of each task in the "Task Name" columns. When I
switch to the Open PS view in MS Project, the contents of the "Task Name" column
appear in the "ID" column, and the "Description" column is blank. The ID column is
what PS uses for the mask. So for example, instead of my project definition being D12999-01, it uploads to PS as "Turbine Project". Any ideas on how to fix this?

Sorry, I haven't experienced this one... I imagine that you downloaded to MSP using
the export feature in CN41. I would check OSS to see if there is a note...

Open PS is a nice tool. but there are loads of OSS notes you'll have to apply making
it work properly.
Furthermore it really depends upon what release of SAP you're on.
We, being on release 4.6C, had to apply at least 4 or 5 notes in order to
make it work properly.
Open PS only works with all the features if you're on release 4.7 or 4.6
with additional notes applied.
You should really check OSS or post a customer message, as I haven't been
able to find all the relevant notes myself.


Does anyone have a good procedure which gives the details for changing IM fiscal
year and carrying forward projects?? When do we use CJCO, CJCF, IM27,
IM27_repeat etc,
Also, does anyone know how to view an attachment (PPT) which SAP has referred to
in a SAP (note 444444.)

******** A summary of our projects year end steps is as follows:

CJCF to carry forward commitments
CJCO to carry forward project budgets
IMCAOV to carry forward IM budget
IM27 Create new IM structure
IM27_REPEAT Carry forward measures and budgets to new structure
IM27_CLOSE Close the old IM structure (NOTE: Cannot be reversed)
IM22 Update new IM structure, eg. Add/delete nodes


We are in the process of implementing the SAP Cash Management Module. We are
currently using Project System, to create project numbers (WBS) which are used in
Funds Management, to track and report budgets by Business Areas.

We are quasi-government organization and our business requires having approved


My question is can Project System be configured with similar functionality as Funds

Management for budget creation, funds availability checking, transfers,
appropriations, encumbrances, tracking and reporting?

******** As far as I know the short answer is yes. However, you will want to give
careful consideration to how you structure your fund and cost centers.

******* Yes, the full functionality of budgeting and availability control is available to
PS. Check in the IMG under PS Budgeting to set up the budget profile...


Does anybody know some BAPI for the transaction CJSG - Generate WBS Element
Group ?


I have multiple maintenance order types in my SAP Plant Maintenance Module.
Everyone who create maintenance order also have authorization to release this

Now I want if any user create capital order (An Order Type) he can not release
himself. There should be some release strategy only for capital orders. How do I do

Please tell me which are the various notification types (or requests) from which
projects can be created directly. In my situation i need somebody to send me a
notification (request) and i have to create a project is PS directly. No manual
retyping of data. The
requestor can then view the project from the notification (request)


I have been told that a SD pricing condition can be directed or captured by a WBS
element as a cost. Can anyone confirm this for me and if so how do i configure it.
Any help is much appreciated.

I have a client who wants me to build a job role with CJ20N, where the user can
create/change settlement rules but can not perform status changes (especially can
not set TECO). Can you please help me to identify the object that controls status


During Implementation, the amount column was removed or hidden from site on the
settlement screen through transaction CJ20n. Can anyone assist with retrieving this
column. Unsure where it resides in SPRO.

Please check in IMG->Plant Maintenance and Customer Service->Basic Settings>General Order Settlement->Maintain Settlement Profiles.
Check your settlement profile. Tick field Indicators: Amount settlement

******** You have to go to the IMG and under PS / costs / automatic transactions /
settlement / settlement profile, select the profile you're using, and click on the
checkbox that allows for amount settlement.

When I create an external activity in a network, the Res/Pur.Req field is initially set
to IMMEDIATELY, but once I enter, it is being changed to NEVER?? Why is it changing
to NEVER???

It is set to IMMEDIATELY in the IMG network config

I also get a message saying "Operations not released: Network header is TFRE???

What does this TFRE mean??? Could this TFRE be causing the change from
IMMEDIATE to NEVER??? Please help!!

******** Can we restrict users by Network activity?

******** By network activity type (E/C/W) in object C_AFVG_TYP.

C_AFKO_ACT may be necessary in combination spec. for cost handling.


I am on 4.6c. I am finding " RESIDUAL ORDER PLAN' is getting assigned to
budget. Amount from this gets reduced from available budget.
Will somebody explain the meaning of "RESIDUAL ORDER PLAN" How it gets

******** The assigned value in budgeting it the cost excluding the cost on cost
elements excluded from budget availability control.


I've tried to run the PS standard hierarchy report and the PS cost elements report
for the same project, however, the cost figures are different. What could be the
possible causes?

******* Will you specify report number/ T codes?

******* The hierarchy report is S_ALR_87013532 and the cost element report is

I am a user in IT company I have to create WBS elements in Project systems in SAP
for Four Fixed contract could some body help me in giving the steps involved in
creating WBS elements.
Could somebody enlighten me on Project Systems.

For a nice overview of PS visit the Help Portal and
go to the SAP Systems Tab then to the IMG section.
CJ01 is one way to create the WBS you require. Are you using Networks?


When project costs are planned in Easy Cost planning, the validity date in taken
automatically from the WBS or determined based on the costing variant. This leads
to costs being displayed as assigned to a specific year in the cost reports.

Is there a way to distribute planned costs (in Easy Cost planning) in future years (as
one can do in manual planning - cj40 or per cost element)?


Project cost report S_ALR_87013532 does not give rolled up values for actuals if it is
run for down level WBS elements whereas it shows values of actuals properly rolled
up to it=92s superior WBS while running same report for project definition.

For Example: Actuals at last level WBS 3001 & WBS 3002 are 2500 $ each. So
actuals for it=92s superior WBS 2001 does not show 5000$ while running report for
WBS 2001. However if same report is run for project definition, then actuals for
superior WBS 2001 is shown as 5000$.

Is there any settings in IMG for this or this is a bug?


How I can control ate the System Status across user profiles?

***** Can anyone tell me how to revoke a system released status to system partially
released status for Proj Definitions?

***** Unlike the CO module, there is no transaction to revoke the status of

"released" in PS. You will have to talk to SAP about getting a program
built to do that as you are talking about changing native SAP source code...


I need to select all the WBS elements that can be billed. As per my understanding,
the WBS elements whose system status is either "Released" or "Technically
Completed" can be billed. Also we are supposed to check the user status of the WBS

Now when I am trying to check the status of the WBS elements in JEST table (field
STAT), then it gives me a range of status starting from "E0001" to "E0020" and
"I0001" to "I0063." My question is that how do I know the meaning of these
individual statuses and on what basis should I select these WBS elements.

******* You can check the meaning of this status in table "TJ02T". All descriptions
are available there.

I just checked the table that you have referred. Here I am able to see all the texts
for System status.

However, could you also tell me, where can I find the explanation for the user
Statuses. I have been told that the user status start from 'E' whereas the system
status with an 'I'.

Also can u help me in the logic of selecting all the WBS elements which a person
can put his bills against?
This is the first time I am working on PS module, so I am not very clear of all the


User status text can be found in TJ30T. Since a user status can be duplicated
between object. By that I mean that E0001 can have a different text or meaning on
a WBS than on a order, you first need to identify the Status profile (STSMA).

To do this look it up in table JSTO using the object number of the WBS.

Code below is old and you might want to change the selections and maybe just
select the fields needed, but the tables are correct




AND INACT = ' '.



There is plan cost from network having activity elements.
The cost report S_ALR_87013533 shows value rolled up from activity element to
activity then to WBS in the plan cost column as well as Rem ord
plan column.

However upon posting actual work hrs thru CAT to network activity , the
Remordplan value is still appearing against WBS in Remordplan column .
Can someone tell me what is the reason here?


PO having acct. assignment to network shows commitment in cost report

S_ALR_87013533 against PO. Then GR is created and commitment reduced to

Then GR reversal (return delivery to vendor) is made and actuals reduced to

However making a GR again for same item and qty, commitment does not get
reduced and actuals are not shown in S_ALR_87013533.
What could be the reason for this discrepancy?

I am currently using SAP v4.6, where we assign materials to activities on operative
networks. Currently the materials finish date lines up with the finish date of the

I am desperate to find a way in which I can:

1) Assign a material to an activity, where the start date of the material lines up with
the start date of the activity.

2) Assign materials at different points across the same activity. Note the same
materials are used on numerous networks and maybe required to be scheduled
differently depending on the network.

*********** You need to click the radio button "Align with start Date" this will
allow the material to align with the start date of the activity. Any other activities
following the first activity should be scheduled, then it will also adopt the relevant
activity date.

********** I have tried this and the finish date of the material lines up with the start
date of the activity.
I need the start date of the material to line up with the start date of the activity.
Then all lower levels of the BOM will be planned so that they are available for the
start of the activity.

First check whether u has made relationship b/w the activities or not. Also check
whether u have scheduled the activities or not. If not do that, mtl will automatically
take the dates from the activity


In response to your second request of assigning materials at different points across

the same activity.

There are a few different ways to assign different dates for material within the same
Activity. The first 2 ways (which were talked about in previous responses) were the
use of the 'ST' (start date) and 'FD' (finish date). to provide more flexibility using
these references, you can use the 'Offset' field in junction with the 'Oper. LTO unit'.
You can have a date for a material after the Start or Finish date by placing a positive
value in the 'Offset' field along with the appropriate unit in the 'Oper. LTO unit' field.
You also can use negative values(2-, 5-, etc.) along with the appropriate unit to have

materials available before the Start or Finish date. The scheduled dates of these
materials will follow any scheduling changes you do to your Network that might
affect the Activity's dates.

The last method to specify different dates is to use the 'RD' radio button and then
populate the "Reqmts date' field with the date thaqt you want the materials on. The
only drawback to useing this method is that these dates will never change even if
you adjust the dates on the Activity itself.


Is it possible to establish a budget check in the following cases? If so please inform
me about how it can be done:

1. A budget check is required for materials that are procured with the Item category
in PS-L (project stock) / account assignment category in MM =96 Q. I need the check
in place at the Requisition level or at the PO level. The amount of the requisition or
the PO should check against the budget that I have assigned for that project to the
higher level WBS.

2. I am using a Gen. Cost activity for creating a planning estimate for procurement
of services and materials. The cost activity upon saving gives a message that says
=93saved temporarily=94. Since no document is generated I assumed that the
value of the Cost activity cannot be checked against the budget assigned to the
higher level WBS.



My users enter the cost centre on the root WBS element. How can I get this to
default to all other WBS element below? I have tried substitution using the superior
WBS element, but this causes the initial root WBS to blank out.

Where do I find the field PROJ-KOSTL (cost centre) in the project (in CJ20n) as this
field does not appear in the project definition, but exists in the table proj ?? Where
do we input this field?

****** I guess your cost center field of the project definition is currently hidden
by field status customizing.
Use transaction OPUJ to manage your field status. Make sure that you take into
account the 'influences', which can define the field status dependent on project
profile etc.

****** Here is a tip: Try to use field level on your substitution

rules. I have used it for the same cause and it worked.

It isnt possible to input cost center in P.Def. level. It exists into table PROJ because
of the automatic settlement rule. PROJ-KOSTL is managed indirectly by responsible

I have a request to do a field to field substitution when creating the project
definition. In order to prevent the need to enter data multiple times into required
fields within all the levels of the WBS structure, it is required that we use
substitution. In this way, data entered into fields on the Project Definition, Level 1 or
Level 2 WBS element can be defaulted down through the structure to the
corresponding lower level WBS elements.

I have created a substitution using transaction GGB1 Project System->WBS

element, however I cannot seem to get it to work. I have set the prerequisite to
"TRUE" and I've ran program RGUGBR00 to generate the substitution.

Do any of you use substitutions in this way? Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong

****** What field do you need to substitute?

****** About 10 fields in total. Here's one: PRPS-FUNC_AREA

what needs to happen is, the value in the Level 1 field needs to populate all
sublevels for that WBS element field.

****** Did you try to use project profiles to achieve this instead? You could have
multiple profiles in which you set the default values. These values will then
replicated through your project.

****** Use t-code OPSN for Substitution & OPSI for assigning validation to the
project/WBS. I do use substitution in duplicating the Project def to
description & short-ID.

***** Also set automatic substitution flag into project profile then you dont need to
run any program.


We've just gone live to SAP world, our FI accounting was iniciated on July'04 but our
project started on 2003. Is there any way to load historic real cost to PEP elements?
At this moment we use a neutral FI note that loads an historic cost center and PEP

element with the same amount on credit and debit position. Is there a more easy
and correct way?


We are in 4.OB.
While creating a network how can I make the key fields like 'Basic dates',
'schedule dates' and 'actual dates' to be configured as mandatory fields.

******* The only dates that you would make mandatory are the basic dates. This is
usually done on the Project Definition and the network would automatically pick up
the basic start (or in the case of backwards scheduling, the finish) date. The config
is in the "field selection" screen on the WBS elements. The transaction code for this
configuration is OPUJ.

The forecast dates could be made mandatory, the actual dates you wouldn't
normally make mandatory as these are usually populated only at the time of actual
start or finish of an activity (usually through the confirmation)...


In 4.0B is there any option by which we can make the damage, Cause code
fields mandatory.
i have checked in T.code OIAL (screen field selection of the notification);
did not find the required field.


Our business process needs attachment of large number of 3 rd party materials
(category 'N') manually to network activity which generate individual PR for each

material. The PRs are converted unto purchase order by the MM department. We do
not use BOM transfer for attaching materials.
The problem is - for every component that is attached, ship to party number should
be given separately, whereas our typical project has only one ship to party, which is
defined at the project definition level.
The question is whether there is any means of defaulting the ship to party from
project definition so that repetitive entry and consequent errors can be avoided.

********* There are no config items that permit you to default a vendor on the
material components of a network activity by project that I am aware of. However,
here are some alternative suggestions (free of charge even):
***User Exit. In fact there is a User Exit CNEX0040 'Supply source determination in
network ' I think that will give you what you want. CNEX0009 might be useful as
well, use this in conjunction with option 3 below PIR.
1. Review OSS Note: 328466. It describes a mod that let's you use User PIDs to
default in certain purchasing data, including LIF - Vendor. This however is user, not
project specific.
2. Don't assign a vendor in the Network Component. This only becomes Instead let
purchasing take care of this by maintaining Source List ME01 for auto vendor
assignment by material/plant when the PR is converted to a PO, which is a more
standard solution.
3. Best option would be to maintain a source of supply through an info records
ME12, by material, vendor, plant, purch org. This is not by project and you could
have mult vendors per material. If you do then you will get a popup prompting you
to choose the right vendor (and you can also do vendor evaluations and price
simulations which is nice)


My query was for defaulting ship-to-party for the 3 rd party materials, not the
vendor. We are maintaining source list for vendors and that's not an issue.


I'm not clear on your question, are you using:

1. 3rd party Purchase requisitions generated from the PS Network? Where you want
to default in a delivery vendor on the PR Delivery Address tab? (Can't you use the
'Repeat On' button)?
2. Deliveries out of PS?
3. Partner functions.
Can you use a validation/substitution to enforce your logic?


I want to maintain duration of External Services in Project so that i can consider it

while scheduling. My services are like laying of cables, so service order is given in
units of Meter. Can anybody tell me how to take care of duration for Services?


There is an indicator in config item: OPSU, Sched Ext. Op (V_T430_CN-SCHEDEX)

that will give your ext activities a duration based on the Planned Delivery time. does
that help?


I am implementing PS module including automatic cost planning based on activity

elements (working activities) and material components. We no not need capacity
planning as the company does not have own resources, external companies do the

I realized that in PS reports the cost occurs only at the end date of activity
elements. This means even if the activity lasts 3 months the cost will be reported at
the last month only.

Question: Is it possible to configure somehow the system in order to evenly

distribute the total cost of external activities among the months of the total


Our client procures material in bulk which can then be used in various projects at
later stages. For this matter the following process is used

1. Procurement of material against WBS is done by generating a PR and goes upto

the complete cycle of procurement i.e. upto GRR. The stock is taken into Stores

2. The material upon requirement is transferred to various other WBS elements.

Both WBS Elements are in the same project

3. The problem occurs when material is to be moved from material WBS to other
WBS elements as reservation is created w.r.f. to the material WBS.

can you tell us how can we move project stock procured against a WBS to another
WBS within the same project

******* Use transaction MB1B with movement type 415Q


As a rule, availability control functions correctly. However, our tolerance limits as set
for our capex budget profile (supposed to be set automatically when budget is
allocated) are now and then exceeded. There are no cost elements excluded in the
IMG. Our availability control is based on the overall budget allocated. Can anybody
advise as to what I should be looking at? Are secondary cost elements automatically
excluded from availability control?

I want to schedule a background/batch job to run every night to run the Project
settlements. I have succeeded in scheduling the job to run once weekly, but my
problem is that the project settlement transaction requires the period to be input by
the user. How do I overcome this and default the current period in the weekly
scheduled job??? Is there a way to run this settlement as a job??


If you are on 4.6 or higher use the Schedule Manager tcode: SCMA for all your
month end/periodic processing. If not then:

Create a variant for your settlement screen by:

- Going to the settlement transaction (CJ8G)
- Menu path Extras > Selection Variant > Create or goto SE38 and create Variants
using program name SAPLKO71 or tcode CJ8V.
- Make the Posting Period a 'Selection Variable' and retrieve it's value from table
Either Dynamic Date Calculations option or table TVARV. Your FICO guys are
probably using this table (which itself is updated by a daily batch run) to create
Selection Variables that are date driven
- Work with a BASIS person to schedule the job using SM36 with the variant you


In the WBS I have access to the historical of the System/ user status.
Is it possible to have access to the historical of the status of the network?


Yes, it is in the same place, from CN22/CJ20N click on the 'System/User status' icon
from the network header. Then menu path: Extras > Change Documents > For All

You have to turn on Change Docs for the Network Type/Plant config item: OPUV
(note multiple flags depending on what object/level you want to activate this


I know the answer is right in front of me, but I can't see it. I'm hoping that some of
you can see it.
I have created a user exit that will copy various values from the top level WBS
element down through the entire project definition. Works great, client happy.

Now they want me to copy one value from the level 2 WBS element to the level 3
and 4 subordinate elements. What I can't seem to figure out is, how to determine
which level I'm on when looping at table PRHI. Can any of you see how I can do it?

Here's some of my code from the user exit that was copied from RGGBS000:

tables: prps, proj.

data: l_flag(1) type c,

im_prps like prps,

wa_prhi type prhi,

lt_prhi type table of prhi,
wa_prps type prps,
lt_prps type table of prps,
replace value '2'. "Yes(1) or No(2)

define subst_field.
&1 = &2.
l_flag = 'X'.

define fill_field.
if &1 is initial.
&1 = &2.

*save local copy of PRPS

im_prps = prps.

* Determine all the subordinates of current WBS element

call function 'GET_TREE_FROM_PRHI'
i_pspnr = im_prps-pspnr
psp_tree = lt_prhi

input_error = 1
psp_hierarchy_error = 2
psp_not_found = 3
others = 4

loop at lt_prhi into wa_prhi.

if wa_prhi-up = im_prps-pspnr. "creating a sub level

*Get the values of the current level

call function 'CJDW_PRPS_GET'
posnr = wa_prhi-posnr
e_prps = wa_prps
cancel = 1
not_found = 2
others = 3.

* Do the substitution
wa_prps-usr02 proj-zzfund_center,
wa_prps-zzdrain_basin im_prps-zzdrain_basin,

wa_prps-zzdistrict im_prps-zzdistrict,
wa_prps-zzlocation im_prps-zzlocation,
wa_prps-zzfunc_id im_prps-zzfunc_id,
wa_prps-zzutil_id im_prps-zzutil_id,
wa_prps-usr01 im_prps-usr01,
wa_prps-usr00 im_prps-usr00,
wa_prps-func_area im_prps-func_area,
wa_prps-usr10 im_prps-usr10.

* Do not overwrite lower structure value if one

* has been entered.
wa_prps-vernr im_prps-vernr.
wa_prps-astnr im_prps-astnr.

if not im_prps-zzfund_center is initial.

wa_prps-usr02 im_prps-zzfund_center.

if not l_flag is initial.

* Update the project
call function 'CJDW_PRPS_MODIFY'

i_prps = wa_prps
not_found = 1
posnr = 2
others = 3.
clear l_flag.



******* PRPS-STUFE is the level

I want to schedule a background/batch job to run weekly to run the Project
settlements. I have succeeded in scheduling the job to run once weekly, but my
problem is that the project settlement transaction requires the period to be input by
the user. How do I overcome this and default the current period in the weekly
scheduled job ??? Is there a
way to run this settlement as a job??


We are using project stock from PS Network components. The situation is that we
sometimes have bulk purchases of materials that once receipted sit in Plant
Unrestricted stock. The requirements for the materials are being generated from
within a WBS/project special stock segment (account Assignment = 'Q'). The
problem is that even though we have sufficient stock on hand to meet the
requirement at the plant level, we can't get MRP to match up that replenishment

with the requirement generated from PS within the special stock/Project segment.
Any suggestions what the proper MRP settings would be to get MRP/MD02 to work?
More specifically, what MRP settings and Strategy Group would I use (I seem to
remember using MRP Strat: '51 - Planning w/out final assembly /proj settlement')??
Right now we have a manual solution where we have to do a transfer posting to
move the stock Plant->Project, then do an goods issue to consume the material,
and finally manually delete the PS generated PR (b/c it is firmed). We would like to
automate this through an MRP run. This must be a pretty common scenario (goods
in Plant Unrestricted demand from a special stock segment) in using SD; I imagine
PS settings to be pretty similar.


To get a better clarity on the matter, may I ask why you have opted to procure
materials account assigned to project, if the stock has to be reckoned in MRP. Will it
not be better, if you take the 'Planned Independent Requirement'(PIR) route for bulk
materials of the kind you described? If you assign strategy group 40 (?) to these
materials, the materials will always be plant stock and any project specific
(dependent requirements) will net-off against this.


Thanks for the reply. I agree that under normal circumstances you have certain
commodities that are bulked purchased, for example using a Planned Indep Req
coming from S&OP, and the requirement for this type of material also is in nonproject stock based on the Material Master settings, so there is no issue for MRP.
However, what happens is that we have components purchased for capital projects
in project stock. For various business reasons we wind up with excess stock
(sometimes b/c these are Oil and Gas projects at fairly remote sites/long lead times
so they order a extra for the project, or just order extra in general to have critical
components on hand, or sometimes b/c parts of the the project are cancelled
delayed). So good that was initially intended or even receipted against a project

wind up in general plant inventory. Then we a new future project is created, we

don't want to order more of these goods, but use what is available.
Note we tried to accommodate this functionality with ATP availability checking, but
it suffers the same lack of Plant stock visibility from Project requirements.


While running the settlement for WBS elements (Network attached) i get the
following error.
"Hierarchy error with sender hierarchy 050". On displaying the technical help the
following msg is displayed.

SAP Error Message:

You want to settle a sender with settlement hierarchy number 050 to a receiver with
hierarchy number 050 and settle the receiver in the same settlement run.

System Response
The sender is not settled:

There are two possible solutions:

1. Change the hierarchy number in the sender or receiver so that the number in the
receiver is smaller than that in the sender.
This ensures that the receiver is processed after the sender and that both objects
are settled completely in the settlement run.
2. Change the selection criteria so that they do not occur in the same settlement


The hierarchy determines the order of settlement. For example, network activities,
first, and then subordinate WBS, then main WBS, etc. Generally the higher numbers
settle first then the lower number. Sometimes, objects that settle to other objects
may have the same or lower hierarchy number. This has to be corrected. To see the
settlement hierarchy, open the settlement run in CJ20N or CJ20. Then click
Settlement Rule>Settlement Hierarchy. You will see the sender number, the current
object number and the receiver
number. The receiver should have the smallest number, sometimes 000, the
receiver will heave the highest number and the current object will be in between.


I forgot to add, it sounds like your sender and receiver are both set to 050 for a
hierarchy number


My query is cross-modular: for that I apologize in advance. Any help on any of the
issues raised below will be much appreciated.

I=92m an R/3 4.7 end user in Procurement. We use MM in conjunction with PS to

order materials and services. The company policy is to buy to project, not to stock.
We often order the same material for different projects at once.

In 4.7, we discovered the functionality for multiple accounting. So, each line item in
the purchase requisition can have several WBS elements. This is then carried over
into the purchase order.

The problem arises when goods are booked in. Our cost controller has noticed that
for line items that have multiple accounting, the committed costs do not turn into
actual costs even upon receipt of goods. As you know, all other costs are converted

from committed to actual when goods are booked in. But the behavior of multiple
accounting line items is not consistent with this general principle.

Also, multiple accounting line items do not hit the GRN Accrual account. This leads
to a serious misreporting of costs at year end.

One of our vendor is giving Discount of 5% on payment within 30 days.
Now If we pay within 15 days, 10days, 12days the Discount is to be calculated
Now is there any provision in SAP to configure discount in such a way that from the
baseline date of the Vendor invoice to payment date the system calculates the
discount and posts the Discount entry automatically.

******* Try using TCode OBB8"


The problem is I will have to define for all days less than 30 days a rate to be
calculated, Is there a feature where in The system takes the baseline date and
calculates the discount on each invoice where payment is made less than 30days

******** In the IMG TCode where you maintain your payment terms, you can enter
multiple lines for the different time periods and percentages the system should use.
Try using that.

IMG->Financial Accounting->Accounts Receivable and....->Business

Transactions->Incoming Invoices->Maintain Terms of Payment

PS you are sending this to the wrong user group, why don't you join the
accounting group? Just a thought

When running Settlements, the following errors occur: Any ideas in how to go about
solving these would be appreciated.

1) Acquisition value negative in area 01

2) Balance for transaction group 10 negative for the area 01

3) Maintain the Settlement rule of the sender

4) Complete allocation structure

5) Asset under construction not completely credited.

Also any ideas as to how I can improve my PS knowledge would be appreciated; I

have just started on the PS Module.


i can give you certain guide lines as to why these error occur. and their possible
workarounds.. and i hope you can do some further analysis.

For 1) and 2)

The area 01 possibly represents your controlling area (for internal cost accounting).
The total value (sum of all credits and sum of all debits on your WBS Level) is
amounting to zero in a particular period (Fiscal Year Period). which is not allowed.
You cannot capitalize an Asset from a Net negative value. Try changing the period or
check to
see if the costs are negative using reports S_ALR_87013542 / S_ALR_87013543.

For 3)

You have not specified where the cost will be settled after the settlement run.
To specify this you have to select the WBS Element. follow menu path

Edit --> Cost --> Settlement. There you have to specify the object category such as
a Cost Center or WBS Element (depends on your configuration and Business
Processes) next you specify the settlement receiver (either the cost center value or
a WBS value)

For 4)

The Cost elements from which the cost is to be transferred have not been defined in
the allocation structure (in your PS Configuration). It happens like this e.g
WBS = C.P.011
CE = 90010555 5000 USD

Asset = Printer

Asset Account = 600008963 5000 USD

In the above example the within the allocation structure the Cost Elements are
defined. In your case the Cost Element CE 90010555 must be missing. for that you
need to add the CE to you Cost Element group which has been assigned in the
allocation structure.

For 5)

The errors are mostly interdependent, by correcting the above mentioned

discrepancies you might not get this error message. And in case it persists please
specify the scenario which you are performing.

These are a few hints to get you started; you may also consult your PS Consult. in
this regard.


We are looking for an easy way to reverse entries for last year that were settled to
the Asset Under Construction Account (AUC is still open). These entries need to be
re-coded as expense items instead of AUC settlement items. Is there any way to do
this "after the fact" instead of going back and reversing the entire settlement
process to re-do these entries?

******* Correction - That heading should read AUC instead of ACU

I am a just a beginner in PS, my knowledge about is very humble. I d like you to
enlighten me? I am looking for a knowledge about the BOM flow of PS module
Can we upload BOM through PS module for create Reservation and Purchase
requisition by Drawing number.

I heard possibility in PP module.


What are the prerequisites/setting needs to be done if I want to implement project
stock (Q)? Currently the requirement we release from project is direct PR (PR with
account assignment N) or normal reservation.
We need a guide to make it happen


1. First in your project profile: OPSA, or in the project header itself, set 'Project
Stock' to either valuated or non-valuated project stock depending on financial

2. Check PS Config item: OPS8 set Proj Prio as '1'. In here you build a Procurement
key which you attach to your network profile in OPUU to default in for your activity
components. You do not need to default this in, but if you don't your users will be
prompted define the requisition type when they allocate a component to a network.
Reservations or PRs to a WBS will be in Project stock, ones to a Network will be in
plant stock.

3. Also check OPT1 for the GI/GR movement type for Project stock normally 281/581

4. Also check the indiv/collective indicator on your Material Master MRP4 screen. It
should be 1 - individual or blank.
On your material master accounting 1 screen, check your valuation class so that
Consumption is to the project.

5. If all your material master settings are correct, when you look at your component
screen, for example from CJ20N, on the Proc Parameter tab you should see the
following settings:
Value Flow/Quantity flow Q
Special stock Q
Consumption P
Movement type 281

For External Activities (non-components) in PS, check config item: OPTT.

AcctAssgnCatProjects should be 'Q'.

Benefits of Proj Stock is that you'll see all cost, esp. commitments, imediately ag
your project.

One drawback is that project stock is kept in its own stock segments (which enables
project based cost/inventory reporting) however, I have not found an MRP strategy
that automatically lets me fulfill Proj stock requirements from plant stock. You have
to perform the transfer movement into Proj stock in this scenario. Also availability
check is not configurable to look at both project and plant stock.


My company wants to change the way we recognize revenue on Time & Material
Clients. Right now we recognize all projects by Percentage of Completion. But this is
not correct for T&M Clients since Overhead, ESE, & G/A is included in there rates.

We want....what is billed to be recorded as the revenue not Percentage of

Completion on T&M clients. I'm thinking we need to change the Results & Analysis
Key for those specific project types. If yes, how would I go about this?

Or would Results & Analysis be manual.


We use PS with WBS elements and Networks. As part of the monthly closing we run
the settlement for the 1 Level WBS elements and all the cost is accumulated to the
1 Level WBS element from lower level networks and Activities.

Now we are unable to view any report through which we can view our project cost
report at the WBS/Network level with respect to the cost elements. (Since all the
cost has rolled up to the 1 WBS level after settlement).

Logically speaking i think when we structure our projects into WBS we should be
able to monitor our costs and also be able to retrieve this information for historical

Presently this is the scenario

Before Settlement:

ID (COST) [Cost El.]

CX001 - Project
CX001 - WBS 1
CX001-01 - WBS 1.1 (Procurement)
Network 1 (1000 USD) [80001]
Activity 1
CX001-02 - WBS 1.2 (Services) (2000 USD) [80001]

After Settlement:

ID (COST) [Cost El.]

CX001 - Project
CX001 - WBS 1 (3000 USD) [80001]
CX001-01 - WBS 1.1 (Procurement)
Network 1
Activity 1
CX001-02 - WBS 1.2 (Services)

We have used reports S_ALR_87013542/S_ALR_87013543 but are unable to assess

cost for the various WBS/Networks at the Cost Element level after settlement.


Try CNS41...
I hope you will be able to see the desired result...if you need further assistance
kindly feel free to mail me.

******* If you are settling using original cost elements rather than secondary
settlement elements you will have this problem. If you want to view costs by cost
element at the lower levels either change your settlement structures or use report
CJI3 eliminating lines with Dr/Cr category of O and/or A.

******** thanks for the help... it does show the cost, but i still have the same prob.
that is after the settlement is run im not able to see the cost by Cost Element wise.

I have tried CJI3 but it does not show the Project Structure and shows a detailed set
of line items which is not required.

Here is what is required:

1) Cost to be viewed Cost Element wise

2) Be able to select the Cost Elements or Cost Element Group as a selection

Im sure Project Systems has a set of reports that can show the cost on the various
project structures even after the settlement has been run.


Thanks, could you suggest what exactly do you think that requires to be changed in
the settlement structures. I might ask my CO consult to look in this direction
because presently we are unable to view cost by Cost Elements through any PS

As far as I have seen we have an allocation structure defined as the settlement

profile and that contains a Cost Element Group.

On 4.7 and my goal is to integrate PS with MM or have network activity triggering
the purchasing process through requisitions, purchase order, etc. I'm not creating
any materials though, only using descriptions.

I'm stuck with transaction CN21 - creating network, assigning external activities to
be exact. I have checked the configuration transactions like OPUU, OPSP, OPSC,

OPSU, OPUV, but whenever I enter the Cost Element value in the activity detail
screen my
entry gets wiped out and I keep getting prompted to reenter it. I have already
entered all the other inputs, but this one keeps from creating a requisition. Is this
some kind of screen variant for network or something else? What is the validation

I have also checked accounting configuration (OBC4) and controlling (OKKP)

configuration, but couldn't find anything whether about the PS integration or cost
element setup.

Any PS/MM experts out there?


I need urgent help to resolve one of our user requirements. The scenario is that a
Project is created having only one WBS which has budget figure assigned to it (as
well as Budget release). The requirement is to create reservation of stock material
for the Project (WBS). Is it possible to create stock material reservation for WBS, if
yes how can it be done?

(The reservation for stock material is possible for a network (activity) assigned to
the WBS but we do not want to use Networks (activities) at all and want to make
reservation against the WBS directly.


You can do this as mentioned below.

1) Type TCode MB21 - This is a transaction code for creating a material reservation.

2) After you type in TCode MB21 a screen will appear where in a FIELD "Movement
type" will be there. In this field enter material movement type 221.This is a material
movement type for a material from warehouse, for a project.
3) Afterward you will get a normal screen used for material reservation, wherein you
will find a field
"WBS element". Here you enter a WBS element for which you want to create a

Hope this will serve you purpose.


We are working with the materials supplied by the customer. Since materials are
free supplied materials, so we keep the materials in non-valuated stores and issued
to site sub-contractor.
Now management wants to create standard BOQ for each project and do the
planned vs actual line item analysis.
Can any body help me how to analyze the planned vs actual line items as materials
will be non-valuated items?

We are issuing materials from non-valuated stores. suppose if we define standard

BOQ for project and want to do the analysis for planned vs actual line item
consumption. How to do the same and by which TCode


Is there anyway of knowing the list of WBS elements and whether they are in TECO
Status or not? I checked with Technically Complete Date (TADAT) in WBS Master
Data Table (PRPS). But would like to know if there is any other field just for the
status of WBS (like knowing the status as Release, Close etc)


The table JEST contains the statuses applied to a given WBS element. Unfortunately,
JEST uses Object Number from PRPS (not WBS Element Number) and stores statuses
by code, so I typically, when using a tool like SQ01, have to join PRPS to JEST and
possibly TJ02T (if I need the text for the status and not just the code - TECO has the
code I0045 for example).

Another option is to use an overview like CN41 which has a column containing a list
of all statuses by object in a project structure or structures.


This is a good FM to use AIP9_STATUS_READ just feed it the Object number in the
case of the WBS it will be PRxxxxxxx
give it a go see how you get on. I too used to go through all the messing with JEST,
TJ02T TJ03t etc.... but this FM makes life easier.

********** Use report CN41 and use the choose fields option to show status.

********* Why not try FM 'GET_STATUS_FOR_PS_OBJECT_RFC',

You don't need to know the object number, you can find the status of any PS object
by just passing the appropriate key i.e. project number, WBS number, network
number, network and activity number or network number, activity number and
activity element number.


Is there any report in the PS module which will give the cost/detail comparison
between the two projects / WBS?


We are working with the materials supplied by the customer. Since materials are
free supplied materials, so we keep the materials in non-valuated stores and issued
to site sub-contractor.
Now management wants to create standard BOQ for each project and do the
planned vs actual line item analysis.
Can any body help me how to analyze the planned vs actual line items as materials
will be non-valuated items.


I made a sales order for a specific material and project got opened automatically
can you tell me how SAP came to know that we have to open a project?
Where are the settings?
****** Your material is linked to a network. Check CN08.

I am in the process of studying FI-PS-SD integration for our client, who is in to the
business of manufacturing.

Client is considering each customer order as a project for them. This is more like
Make to order scenario.

In this implementation PS module is the driver.

I would like to know what's need to be done from SD side in this case apart from just
assigning WBS element of the project to the sales order.

Is there are some special item categories for which we can assign the WBS? How it
gets linked to the Project? How the Data flows to it?
how is planning done? How do we settle the project against the Sales order

if any body has worked on such kind of project, Can he share his
knowledge/document, which will be helpful for me for going ahead.


Generally you use assembly processing within the SD order to create the project
and network subsequent structure. The operative project is linked into the Order
==> Project Definition ==> And Network This is covered in detail the SAP
Documentation on how to accomplish this Under Assembly Processing

We use PS "Assembly Processing" to creat our projects when creating the SD order.
A project structure is created and thereafter, Service Orders and all related activity
is attached to the PS structure.

My question, once we create the project and all the related PM orders, we would like
to change the PLANT at which all these activities are scheduled. The plant would
need to be changed on SD, PM and PS, at least.

Business reason: We service Business Jets and sometimes the aircraft is scheduled
to be serviced in AAA location but due to resources or other conditions, the aircraft
will be serviced at BBB location.

Any Ideas?


I would like to know if is it possible to obtain in a PS hierarchy and cost class detail
all real/plan cost for a range defined by a Year-Period to Year-Period.

The standard S_ALR_87013542 when you put year 2004 and period range compares
this period for each year instead considering the range and accumulate the cost
that's what we need.

********** Access de RWCOOM table and the work around indicated on SAP NOTE
653930 to solve the hierarchy of WBS in this kind of reports.


Appreciate if you can let us if it is Possible to sort PS Text by created (date) column
in descending order

Scenario: Edit / Display a project in the project planning board (TCode; CJ2B or
CJ2C). Select the WBS and use menu path -> Details -> PS text.

On the screen PS text overview, if the Text Type is the same , then all the PS text
pertaining to the WBS are sorted on the Description column in Alphabetical Order.

Is is possible to sort on the Created (date) column and in descending order ?


I need urgent help to resolve a issue. We enter multiple PS text against WBS. The PS
Text when displayed (PS Text Overview), when displayed is sorted alphabetical

The user requirement is that the PS text should be sorted by date created. Is it
possible to achieve this and how can it be done.


In my present configuration, when we booked the material through network, it gives
reservation. Now we want to generate the collective PR for non-stock item.

How to configure the network profile so that, when we want to generate the PR, it
should generate the collective PR for the same. Right no it gives individual PR for
each line item,

********** If you go to transaction OPUV, in the configuration you will see where you
can make a setting for your network parameters to do collective requisitions...

******** In the TCode OPUV, You have to check the "CollctveRequstn" checkbox to
enable the generation of single requisition against multiple line items, also note that
you will have to create a new network within the same WBS to create a new
requisition. (if required)


We have two type of project one is trading and the second is non-trading type. In
trading we create WBS and network and materials booked and issued from the
valuated stores through reservation created through network. So in this case, we
are able to do planned vs actual cost analysis using the transaction YFPSR

But in non-trading, we do not create any network and no reservation is created by

the system. We directly post the material to WBS by creating manual reservation.
The materials are issued through non-valuated stores. Now we want to create BOQ
for trading and non-trading also, so that we can analyze the planned Vs actual line
item in term of quantity (for non-trading), as materials are issued from non-valuated

Is it possible to create BOQ for non-trading project and do the line item analysis for
planned vs actual in term of numbers, and if yes, how changes have to be made in


I am not a PS expert in SAP (only initiate!) and i'd like to know if it's possible to have
two different project configuration in the PS module, for same client system, same
For instance it would be to enable to manage project on one way for spare parts
projects, and on the other one for main assembly projects of the factory with
products forecasts (which would then be used in SOP)..

I guess so but i am not sure!


Yes you can very well do it.

A lot of flexibility exists by way of setting up different Project profiles. May you spell
out the requirement a bit elaborately for support.


Why don't you user two project profiles for this purpose and select the relevant one
while executing the projects.


I have advised the flexibility provided by project profiles to Matt and asked him to
further elaborate his requirement so that further support can be given to him. Even
though it seems you read the mail in a hurry and misunderstood the context thanks
for your good intentions to support by advising.


Is it possible to allocate and release the budget activities wise? In present scenario,
we allocate the budget at WBS level or you can say we allocate the budget to WBS.
The problem user is facing that we have activated availability check. The budget
amount is combination of materials, services and road restoration. Some time, road
restoration work consumes more than the estimated amount and in result; we are
not able to use the materials for completion of work, as the control is at WBS level
and not as activity level.
Please suggest the solution if possible.


Could any expert tell me how to get report which materials without info record
We created lots of material master in advance for selection of PR creation. Our
material reservation through network (PS Module) need to find availability check.
System show CSER error while availability check.


Can any body tells me what is a difference between Internal & External order
creation in SAP (Trans. KO01 & CO01)

I would like to know how do we do progress analysis and run RA .

Ive created a project. Some activities with work centers, activity types, work
Maintained RA keys.

Maintained progress version and measurement method for WBS ELEMENTS.

Went to CNE1 execute, then CNE5 i couldnt find the values.

When i go for KKA2/KKAJ am not getting values.
When i go to CJ88 it says no accured values so no settlement can be done.

Can any one of u guide me how to do Progress analysis, RA run and settlement


A Vendor is always invoiced in a foreign currency. While entering a vendor invoice
the currency defaulted is the company code currency. The user forgets to change
the currency. Is there a way to check or validate/substitute this so that the vendor
currency is defaulted /pulled up always from the vendor master? At the time of
invoice entry?


Maybe you could have the field included in the list of fields that could be substituted
(Class 008??). However, the next best thing that you could do is to create a fake
substitution for a harmless field (the substitution should not change the field
content nor
should there be any need for a change whatsoever for that field) through an exit.
Use the exit to validate your requirement and issue an error message from within

the exit if the validation fails. The exit should not change the field used for
substitution. It is a bit crude, but could work.


I am creating a sales order via Va01 , project gets open automatically... I'm
analyzing the report "S_ALR_87013531" Execute Drilldown Report
Costs/Revenue/Expenditure/receipts project System,
In this report each Activity wise Plan Costs are coming for the project. When I see
the project each activity has Activity type assigned to it, and workcenter, duration, .on
But I am not able to get from were are these plan cost are coming,,,,They are
coming automatically as we are not feeding plan against the activity manually


Probably u have selected network costing. So it is calculating the plan cost



Can you explain me what is network costing???? I am new to PS?

The Planned values are coming from the activity type cost/hour rate.
Go to KP26/KP27 and check the hourly rate and you will get picture clear.


I have created a Sales order and then released the project and confirm some of the
activities afterwards....

Now One of my milestone has been achieved and I have billed 30% to the customer
and amount is has been posted in the Revenue G/L Account against the WBS

Now I want to settle that amount to CO-PA as this month end is coming and rest I
will do afterwards as I want the customer profitability for the month.

I have created the Settlement rule via CJB2 (Generate Settlement Rule) and I have
seen CJ02 Profitability segment got attached to the WBS Element

Now I am running settlement via CJ88, it is not posting the following message is
coming and nothing is displaying

From what I know of this process, the billing amount should already be in COPA, you don't have to settle the revenue. I'd check my CO-PA report to see if
the amount is already there?


You can try out with transaction KO88 & please let me know if this is possible or not.
Actually it should have been possible with CJ88.


When you assign a A PROJECT TO SALES ORDER, Costs and revenue flows against a
WBS element ,then you have to settle it to CO-PA


my requirement is as follows. i need to find the network, aufk-aufnr, and activity,
afvc-vornr if the user inputs the project definition (proj-pspid) in the selection

Or if the user inputs the network, aufnr, and activity, vornr, in th selection screen,
need to findout whether that activity comes under the network entered.
how i can link the tables proj, aufk and afvc???


Proj-PSPID to Caufv-PRONR, CAUFV-AUFPL (routing no. which is an internal

number for network) to AFVC-AUFPL. AFKO and CAUFV are both keyed on AUFNR.
All the activity IDs for that network will be AFVC-VORNR. There's probably a
good function module to do this, e.g. BAPI_NETWORK_GETDETAIL will bring back
all activities for a Network


My requirement is to determine between Plan cost and Actual cost and take the
higher value for settlement at every period end until the project is completely
closed. I was told that it can be done via 'Results Analysis" but I have no idea how.
Please suggest.


CPSP Split plan cost try this IP31 maintain plan cost display


Thanks a lot. But the bottom line is the result in actual cost and it has to be

For example, WBS A01 has plan cost = $10,000, and actual = $2,000.

At the end of period 07 project is not finished so I want to settle actual in amount of
$10,000 to reserve expense.

In other word, at the end of period 08 project is still not finished, WBS A01 has plan
cost $10,000 and actual cost is changed to $13,000. The settlement amount must
be $13,000. Please advice.

I define a work center with:
- Work center category 0003=Labor and
- Capacity category

I have created a new substitution for WBS elements. How do I go about transporting
this in SAP??

We normally use transaction SCC1 to move transports from our Customizing Client
to our Playpen. Can I move a PS substitution using SCC1??


We have been using a single value key code for the project mask. We have now got
to the point where we will need to change this value from 1 letter to 2 or 3 letters.
(we are running out of letters)

I changed this in the IMG & I also changed the the edit object to allow users to input
using a mask or not. Lastly I made sure the structure length was not selected, so
the users can use any combination of one, two or three letters.

When I test in the system to use a letter that was structured with a mask before i.e.:
"P:00000-XX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX" & try to use the letters PRJ:001 for my new project. I
get the error # CJ608 that the project is not following the masking.

My Question is Once I have used a letter value in the system when the masking was set to a single
letter, can I not reuse the same letter in combination with additional letters, when I
change the mask length to multiple values?

********* The answer is no. Once you have used a letter, and a mask is defined for
it, you cannot use that letter in the first position of another project id...


We currently order all of our materials for projects thru networks. We have a new
situation that requires the ordering of materials through WBS elements.

I have looked at creating a new set of screen tabs in "Define Layout of WBS Element
Detail Screens" but I am unable to locate a detail screen for material assignments.

Do I have to import it from client 000, customize/create a new screen or what?


At least up until SAP 4.70 enterprise, you don't order materials through a WBS. You
can only allocate material components to a network activity. You can use Easy Cost
Planning (from CJ20n) to unit cost plan a material and then invoke the execution
services to turn that cost line item into a PR or PO (account assignment 'P' as
defined in config).

However, you can allocate material components to a network and have them in
project stock (spec stock indicator + accntg assgnmt = 'Q'). Do this through the
config for the Procurment indicator (img tcode: OPS8) and by setting the material
master Collective/Individual indicator to Individual or Both.


use MB21 and Movement type 221 to order materials for the WBS element this is
standard functionality and has been around since ver 3.x


Is there anybody know whether status AVAC can be activated via transaction CJ20?
My user said that he has gone through CJ20, then the AVAC status for WBS was
activated accidentally. Unfortunately he can not remember what he has done in
CJ20. I have looking for many possibilities in CJ20, but can not find any steps to
activated the AVAC status.
Appreciate if you can give me input about this matter.


It is simply not possible. The transaction has nothing to do with it.

What I feel is that you have activated Automatic AVAC in Budget Profile. The user
may have given the budget to the WBS and then he has gone to see that Structure
using the transaction cj20. There on the detail screen he would have seen the AVAC
and for that he may be questioning.

Is it possible to write a rule that will not allow you to save a statistical project unless
the cost center is filled in on the Control tab? I would also like to have a rule that
won=A1=AFt allow you to save a real project that has a blank cost center in the
settlement rule (assuming the settlement rule is filled in)."

Can someone give me the step by step answer to the above. This is very urgent.


Dear friend try OPSI and red a bit about validation it may serve your purpose


Try TCode OPUJ and make profit center mandatory for project definition. Hope this
will solve your purpose.


I dont think you read and understood my question. Nav_jan already responded with
something more viable. Why would I make Profit center mandatory for writing rules?
Anyway, no need to answer. OPSI did the trick


How to get a full page print of the Project Gantt Chart from the Project planning
board? The current Print out is centered on the page, covering just 25 % of the
page. It looks more like a rectangle in the center of the page.

The margins are all set to 0, and i have already tried tweaking the various options in
the Page setup ,but have still not been able to produce a Full Page print out. I'm
very sure that PS Gantt chart can be printed on a full page just like in MS Project
and other tools.


Have you set the page to landscape? Since you said yours is centered, try changing
the page alignment (in Page Setup). To make it bigger, play around with the scaling.


I may be missing your question, but=85In MS Project simply drag the Gantt all the
way over to the left (printing in MSP is WYSIWYG). Go into page setup, Legend,
select =93none=94. Plotters are best for printing the Gantt. You can configure each
Gantt view independently to display tasks names, dates, resources, etc. on the
Gantt bars.


One of my clients have a requirement where he requires some text description over
the Time bars (Planned Vs Actual) in the Gantt Chart on the Project planning board.

This text will highlight some important information for that particular activity. Is it
possible to place any textual information on the Project planning board for
informational purposes?

I am new in PS, can any body explain me the meaning of OV03, WM12, WM13,
WM13A, WM13B and WM13D courses

Integration between SAP PS with other modules like FI/CO/MM/PM/SD/PP/HR

1) Resources (+)
Work center --> PP MODULE
Capacity planning and capacity evaluation
Workforce planning to HR resource --> HR MODULE
Confirmation and working time sheet -->HR MODULE

2). Material (+)

Work breakdown structure BOM-->PP MODULE
Component assignment in the network
Material procurement through in-house production or external--MM MODULE

3) procurement --> --MM MODULE

Collective stock and project stock -->--MM MODULE

Requirements grouping ----MM MODULE

4) Costs and Budget (++)

Cost planning in the work breakdown structure --> FI/CO MODULE
Network costing --> FI/CO MODULE
Budgeting and availability control -->FI/CO MODULE
Commitment and actual costs through account assignment and order assignment

5). Revenue and Payments (+)

Revenue and payment planning in the project -->FI/CO MODULE
Sales pricing and quotation creation --> SD MODULE
Resource-related billing --> SD MODULE
Milestone billing and down payment processing--> SD MODULE

6) Period-End Closing (+)

Interest calculation -->FI/CO MODULE
Incoming orders -->FI/CO MODULE
Settlement -->FI/CO MODULE

ake To Order:
Make-to-Order (Customer Requirements):
Creating a Sales Order
Checking Requirements Using MRP

Requirements Planning
Converting the Planned Order into a Production Order
Confirming the Production Order
Checking the Settlement of the Production Order
Creating a Delivery
Creating a Billing Document
Checking Costs and Revenues on the Sales Order

Configuration Settings:
Create material master by maintaining general item category group- 0001(make to
Availability check - 02
Transportation Group - 0001
go to va01 and raise sales order
item category:TAk
Schedule line category : cp
Requirement type KE
Requirement class 040
Check TOR and avalability check
special stock : E
of TAK
billing relivence : A
Pricing :X
go to mb1c
maintain stock with a special stock indicator E
mavement type 61

Special stock E
specify sales order number line item number and saveit
go to VL01N main data
Go to VF01
save it

There are extensive options that enable you to procure components especially for
specific sales order items.
You may, however, want to use a different planning strategy to procure components
without sales orders. This allows you to keep your replenishment lead time to a
minimum. You can do this by:
Planning on the basis of the finished product (see Planning Without Final Assembly
(50) or Planning with a Planning Material (60))
Planning at component level (see Strategies for Planning Components)
Using consumption-based or Kanban-controlled components
Customer stock can exist on any BOM level. See Stockkeeping at Different BOM
Levels for more information.
Because production is closely linked to sales orders, this results in a customer
section in the stock/requirements list.
Unplanned goods receipts (such as returns) cannot, as a rule, be used for other
sales orders, even if they are in working order, unless they are adapted to meet a
customer's needs.

In the basic make-to-order strategy, Make-to-Order Production (20), no specific

product structures are required. This means that it does not matter if the material
has a BOM or not. The material can be produced in-house, or it can be procured
externally. No planning is involved in this strategy.

Planning Without Final Assembly (50) and Planning with a Planning Material (60) do
require a specific product structure (i.e. a BOM, which means materials are always

produced in-house). These planning strategies assume that you want to plan
procurement (production or purchasing) of your components by planning the
finished products. This means that you need to have a fairly stable demand for your
finished products. If, however, you can plan more easily at component level than at
finished product level, see Strategies for Planning Components.

Refer to the following links:

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