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Petrodollar and its substitute and why (Research Paper) INDIA

I was reading a book maybe petrostate or cold war and it stated that world runs on petrodollar where
valuation of business generated across the globe is run on petroleum which they call it as valuation of
economy of world with petrodollar
if petroleum is not their into existence then what would happen to world economy as all resources are
limited and come with few decades of substance and not more than that
if this scenario runs for decades as thought by me then world would collapse
the only solution I found out till today was why not substitute the petrodollar with knowledge dollar
the answer lies in is
the human being is knowledgeable the family has money in dollars
if the human being is poor in knowledge the family lives a poverty life of dollars
the wiser the human being is with knowledge the wiser the family values
when everything is measured in how much of bookish knowledge you possess under your brain cells to
determine how good you are in increasing your wealth with wise living the better the opportunities seen
in the brains of human beings into existence
if you substitute petrodollar with this knowledgeable dollar automatically anybody can be rich , anybody
can have wealth and anybody can gain access to wise living without differentiating between rich and
poor else haves and have nots
as per my judgment of knowledge goes the book specified that only Middle East is benefited and to
certain extent other nations who possess wealth of oil else petrol to be precise
if this measurement of knowledge is applied even they can benefit in near future as to not to get blamed
for pushing the world into crisis with petrol not available for valuation in world economy

win win strategy

you possess knowledge you possess wealth
You dont possess knowledge you dont possess wealth

thought of the day

knowledge with people and how to access it for creating good family tree


Caliph vs Pope vs Hinduism in INDIAN perspective viewpoint

to give you money Pope doesnt share from his booty

even if he shares his finance only few can relish it
work for caliph as per ISIS is concerned is only seen from me as poverty leaving family values behind
money can never be earned without brains being used for which knowledge is to be known
without books there is no human development as PHD is required for further advancement of humanity
Rama, krishna can give you solace to certain extent but are incompetent to share knowledge of yours
children follow parents and look for direction in childhood and if groomed wrongly in society they
become unethical with unethical principles
god asks children to have belief but that belief system is again got by watching others as per Anthony
Robbins is concerned who is biggest venturer of personality development in this world
ultimately shelter , food , clothing can only be earned through hard work and smartwork
without work even caliph of Muslims cannot pay you salary and asks you to earn it by doing work for
workaholics and knowledge getters survive in this practical world by earnings
with solace coming by watching others who are successful

thought of the day

look at lives of caliphs and popes ( even they are human beings ) who earn their salaries by doing


Perfect society imperfect society in INDIA (Research Paper)


Perfect society knowledge is abundant because people possess ideas which are genuine
imperfect society knowledge is at a loss because unethical people do changes in it


Perfect society has knowledgeable students who believe in hard and smart work
imperfect society has stupid students who are usually unemployed looking out for opportunities

Teaching community

Perfect society teaching is genuine as knowledge which comes to them is global

imperfect society teaching is below average as global education is scary to touch for fear factor

Economic men and women

Perfect society economic men and women get married to each other because of similarities seen
imperfect society economic men and women are scared of each other because of not knowing their
background of each other when they want to build relationship

Social debtors

perfect society social debtors have a say to economic men for guiding him properly
imperfect society social debtors not knowing what economic man is encountering feel timid to give


perfect society institutions are aware of whom they can enroll when in crisis
imperfect society institutions are doubtful about whereabouts of employees


perfect society government knows about need based requirement of its citizens staple diet
imperfect society government isn't aware of how utilities are handled by its citizens when they want to
make decisions

Global investors

perfect society global investors are aware of what happens to their investments which they can talk and
write about
imperfect society global investors dont know about their money transactions happening


perfect society funding to citizens is possible and is made easy because of research being available
imperfect society funding is not possible as no proper entrepreneurs are available and even if available
without knowledge being implemented in the society monetary transaction is not possible


perfect society awareness is their as institutions work properly without losing current affairs
imperfect society awareness is haywire and nobody trusts anybody as society is not ethical

thought of the day

define perfect society and imperfect society in your own style of understanding


Marriages are made on earth and not in heaven (INDIA)

today when sex is commonly seen and heard in world of youth , getting to come across virgin is about to
become rare
as per my knowledge love stories have no place because job security of male is important and bride not
knowing the knowledge about bride groom job profile can end their marriages in divorce

most of the divorces across the Indian sector can be attributed to not knowing the reasons of similarity
while venturing into marriages
most of the students aren't aware that without entering into the age group of 30 youth are wayward
and such students can never marry as their path is unpredictable,
most of the books I have read have confirmed that men become stable and have commonsense once
they reach the age of 30+
after knowing the job profile of a male only brides can decide the fate of family because of risks taken by
bridegroom in bringing finance and knowledge about it female has the knowledge of bearing the brunt
of it
maybe thats the reason why today's generation marry in similar industry without shifting their
bridegroom from the other industry as per the cases I have heard while attending marriage functions of

where does love story come in ?

as per my knowledge its only divorce as bridegroom taking up proper job role have demarketed to age
between 30 to 35 as period of job settling down which gives bride an opportunity to check whether she
is suitable or not to the role bridegroom has asked her to venture while taking up the responsibility of
finance being earned by them and risks taken by him is acceptable or not by bride in deciding the fate of
the family being intact
so to sum it up
knowledge of bridegroom and risks taken up by him to get finance should be known to bride in family
being intact . if these terms are acceptable between the two marriages will never end in divorce
not knowing the path of the bridegroom and knowing it later can be attributed to divorce being huge
because of bearing tension by both parties involved in getting finance

thought of the day

marriages are decided by bridegroom profession beyond age of 30 by brides


Those who do jobs are knowledgeable in INDIA

Those who do jobs are knowledgeable because they are associated with public
but they get knowledge through media men and women who write in newspaper, magazines
unless one is associated with internet knowledge can never be shared to get insight
those who do jnana yoga are knowledgeable because they do networking in sharing knowledge
give and take philosophy is another method of gaining in insight into life philosophy of public life
watching movies regularly is also insight giver
by being associated with proactiveness is also method of gaining in knowledge about life
having foresight is gained through awareness of books and studying them is crucial
having knowledge in books and not having in brains has given no money to the poor
marriage rules of John Gray are not known to public unless they lose finance
budgeting analysis and investment portfolio can never be understood unless investor invests
information technology can never be grasped unless students invest in classroom

thought of the day

to tell you the truth

those who go on learning in their life from child to death are winners


Social networking websites and their need in INDIA

Plenty of opportunities to generate wealth for family

huge sharing of research papers in country to look for employment
huge data of secondary storage and knowledge about implementing them for self development
networking across the globe in global village and gain ascendancy in financial independence
mistakes made in other nations shared across the globe for managing successful events
managing knowledge and acting as historians to see bank balance increasing
children gaining confidence as proper knowledge and control is checked in flow pertaining websites
past information is shared and got them back on track with knowledge flowing from wise to novice

thought of the day

think on how India can grow up using networking websites which are shared socially across


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