Lesson Plan - Ruby Bridges SS Grade 3

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Student Teacher: Melissa Osga

Lesson Date: 9/24/15

Grade Level: 3
Name of Lesson: The Story of Ruby

Common Core State Standard(s)

HIST 3.1
Create and use a chronological sequence of related events to compare developments that happened at
the same time.
HIST 3.3
Generate questions about individuals who have shaped significant historical changes and continuities
Student Learning Objective(s)
What is the intended learning outcome of this lesson? Be sure it is observable and includes
clear criteria.
Consider if there are students who will require an accommodation or modification to meet this
lessons objective.
Learning the story of Ruby Bridges will deepen students understanding of why they are able to be
in classrooms with children of different races and backgrounds today. Students will come to these
understandings through self-generated questions guided by the teacher as they listen to and read
the different variations of the story.
Students will create brainstorming maps on Bubbl.us to help organize their thoughts in order to
produce a five-paragraph essay about her story.
Rationale for Objective: How does this lesson support previous and subsequent
Students will have heard and read at least three different versions of Ruby Bridges story to support
previous learning and to use to gather information for their essays for subsequent learning.
Students will gain knowledge of a new way to brainstorm their ideas by using a Web 2.0 tool.
State the specific strategy (ies) and tool(s) used to collect the data for each SLO (i.e., essays,
projects, quizzes, exit slip, worksheet, etc.). Are there students who will require an
accommodation or modification to this lessons assessment?
Students will use Bubbl.us to organize information about Ruby Bridges that will be used for their
essays. Students will have jotted ideas and thoughts down in their notebooks about all the text
variations and will use these bits of information to create their mind maps online.
Classroom Learning Environment Focus
(i.e., standards of behavior, routines, procedures, group work, transitions, instructional
arrangement, etc.). Explain specific needs.
Students will sit at front of room on the rug/floor as the teacher demonstrates how to use the
technological tool, Bubbl.us, to create a brainstorming map. Students will transition to computers in
the classroom or the computer lab, log onto Bubbl.us with previously created log-ins, and begin
their mind-maps using information from the three different texts about Ruby Bridges. Teacher will
check in with students and assist with the technological tool and questions students may have.
Instructional Model/Strategy

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(i.e., concept formation, concept development, direct instruction, cooperative learning, inquiry,
discussion model). Explain how you will best facilitate student learning through a specific model of
instruction. Be sure to include a rationale for the chosen model(s). You may use more than one:
Brainstorming: Students will brainstorm ideas from the Ruby Bridges texts to support their fiveparagraph essays.
Mind Mapping: Students will use the Bubbl.us technology tool online to organize their thoughts as
they brainstorm ideas for their essays.
Materials/Resources needed for this lesson
1. Student notebooks that contain facts, ideas, and thoughts about each of the three Ruby Bridges
texts that were read.
2. Computers
3. Access to Bubbl.us (teacher will have created logins and passwords prior to this lesson for
students to access the site).
Daily Formative Assessment
How will you check for understanding and student achievement during the lesson?
The teacher will check in with students at their computer stations to assist and evaluate how they
are organizing their mind maps on Bubbl.us.

Differentiating Instruction
How will you differentiate to meet the needs of your learners (i.e., what you teach, how you
teach, or how you will assess). Explain:
Some students will be given a graphic organizer (concept map) in advance to organize their facts
about Ruby Bridges. The teacher will model and demonstrate how to fill in the graphic organizers as
well as additional scaffolding for the Bubbl.us Web 2.0 tool. The students will use the graphic
organizer as a guide to create their mind maps on Bubbl.us.
Cite how you will engage and motivate learners, activate prior learning and present the lessons
Explain: A) What they will be doing and learning in the lesson; B) How they will demonstrate
C) Why it is important to their everyday lives.
A. Students will meet at the rug/floor for a discussion about Ruby Bridges. Students will look
through their journals and circle or highlight the facts that they want to include in their essays.
B. Students will demonstrate learning by numbering the facts that they have written in their
journals according to the order in which they are planning to organize their five-paragraph essays.
As students create their mind-maps on Bubbl.us, students will review and reorganize the
information for a fluent essay.
C. Students will learn the importance of organizing their information so that the essay can be wellwritten. Students will connect organization to their lives by discussing how organization can help
them with other assignments and how to do tasks outside of school. Students will connect the story
of Ruby Bridges to their lives by discussing how important it is to be able to learn from people who
are from different races and backgrounds. Learning together in a diverse community will allow
students to learn in a compassionate learning environment.

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Lesson Development
Cite how you will provide opportunities for the students to construct meaning. List the
steps/process you will follow. Be sure to identify how you will check for understanding and collect
formative data. Differentiate for students who will require an accommodation or modification in
order to be active participants in this lesson and state these strategies in the differentiation section
Initiate lesson by reviewing Ruby Bridges work from day before. Question and answer session will
help the teacher to informally assess the information that students have retained up to this point.
The teacher will engage students by showing a projected image of Bubbl.us on the
The teacher will demonstrate how to use the technological tool and have students come up to the
board to demonstrate learning by adding a Bubbl and typing letters into the bubble field.
Students will be informed that they already have log in and passwords to access this site. Students
will transition to the computers either in the classroom or by lining up to use the computer lab.
Paper passer will hand out student reading journals (at the computers) that contain the Ruby
Bridges facts that students have written.
Students will log in and look up at teacher once they are successfully in Bubbl.us technological tool
Students will begin creating their mind-maps on Bubbl.us and the teacher will check in with all
students for assistance and questions.
At the end, students will gather at the rug/floor at front of room and discuss how to use Bubbl.us
and what they found to be easy/difficult about using the site. Teacher will informally assess
students understanding of using the technological tool based on the question and answer session
to evaluate if further instruction is needed for students to successfully use the web tool.
How will you question students in order to evaluate if the objective(s) was met? How will you
question students to connect this lesson to previous and subsequent lessons as well as connect to
their own lives? How will you question students to see the relevancy of the lesson by
understanding the purpose/importance of the learning?
Students will answer questions related to the importance of Ruby Bridges story and how her
bravery of attending an all-White school was a benchmark for students of all races and
backgrounds to be able to attend the same schools today.
Students will review what they have learned about using the Bubbl.us site for organizing their
information to help with their five-paragraph essay.
Reflection on Practice
Student Achievement Evaluate student learning based on collected data for each SLO for each
group of learners. Identify how each group met the stated criteria in the SLO, including
specific data for each SLO. Based on your analysis what would you continue or change about
your teaching for the next lesson?

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Common Core of Teaching Connection Choose an attribute from an indicator from Domains 14 (CCT Rubrics). Choose an attribute that was effective in your lesson. What specific
evidence from the lesson supports this?
Choose an attribute that you would like to focus on. What specific evidence from the
lesson supports the need to focus on the specific attribute? Suggest a strategy that you
will try for the next lesson to address this need.

Revised 8/14

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