Hechicera Del Fuego

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Ftima Perez as Hechicera del fuego


A Miraculous Appearance at Manolo South Beach
22 October 2015
By David Arthur Walters
City of Miami Beach Mayor Philip King Levine graced the Tuesday Breakfast Meeting at
Manolo Restaurant South Beach with his appearance on the twentieth day of October in the
year of our Lord, two thousand and fifteen.

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As he proceeded to bless the audience with his presence, I noticed a photographer taking
pictures of His Eminence. He was standing beside a beautiful young lady who had introduced
herself to me as Ftima.
That would be Ftima Perez, an accomplished lobbyist whom he retained as his Chief of Staff
last February. A Court follower who calls herself Ladra, i.e. She Barks, speculated that Ftima,
who is familiar with the powerful lords up north, would advance his career there.
I believe, however, that it is more likely that the reason for her being here at this time is to
correct the public perception that the king has been going around without clothes after being
sold an invisible suit by one of his high commissioners.

Appearances are not always deceiving; that is why first impressions are so lasting. Ftima left
me with the impression, after a twenty-second encounter, that she is a self-righteous, chronic
worker, and that despite her serious demeanor, which was betrayed by her brightly striped
pants, she is a romantic, nurturing woman, and a bit of a seductress. I would go further to
suppose that her planet is Venus, her favorite color blue, and emerald her gemstone, but that
would be sheer speculation.
Now Mayor Levine must have noticed that people were noticing that his staff members were
supporting his campaign for reelection to the local throne instead of working at the castle. He
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interrupted his opening remarks to say that they had taken personal time to serve as his
retinue. No doubt he appreciates their dedication and will reward them one way or another
gossipers say he is as rich as Midas.
Whether or not Ftima was derelict in her duty was of no concern to me. I could not take my
eyes off her. I felt entranced, somehow bewitched. She began to glow as I beheld her, as if she
were standing in a blazing furnace. Suddenly she split into two, each left hand holding a lamp
from which a blue cobra rose.
She spoke to me with her eyes, confiding in me three secrets on condition that I not reveal
them until after the election.
Did you see that? I asked the gentleman standing next to me.
That enchantress, I said, and I nodded my head towards Ftimabut her appearance had
returned to normal.
She is the mayors senior consultant.

Mayor Levine delivered the usual speech. His strategy is simple and effective. Propagate the
positive whether true or not, ignore the negative. Sometimes he stumbles when repeating his
mantra that his kingdom is great. Practice makes perfect.

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He asked for questions, and without hesitation picked a woman sitting in the front row. She got
up and sang out a well-rehearsed ditty on his virtues. He declared that he had not orchestrated
her performance.

I thought it wonderful that he had risen from being a slave on a cruise ship, a lowly hawker of
tours, to his present eminence. The restaurant looked like a ships deck. Hopefully it is not a
ship of fools. The Kings Printer, the Miami Herald, has endorsed him, which means the editors
think he will win and need him as an Authoritative Source.

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