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Imm fi mar ibn l Ibn Mulaqqin al-Shfi


Brief Notes on adth Terminology

Tadhkirah f lm al-adth
Imm mar ibn l Ibn Mulaqqin

Translation and Footnotes:

Abu Hasan
Shaykh Asrar Rashid
Abu Nibras, Aqdas, Noori
and all others who contributed to this paper.
A special thanks to Noori for the suggestion
to add examples for illustration.
Cover Image:
Mohammed Imtiyaz Qadiri

Copyright Ridawi Press

Dhul ijjah 1436/October 2015
Version 1.2
First Version: October 2015

About this Epistle

Imm Ibn Mulaqqin (723-804 AH) is a famous adth master and Shfi
jurist. This is a list of terms used in adth sciences, which he summarised
from his two-volume work on adth principles named: Al-Muqni f
lm al-adth.
Many terms are left unexplained or described tersely in the original text.
I have tried to explain them drawing from other works, such as Shaykh
bdullh Sirjuddns commentary on Bayqniyyah, and Imm
Sakhws commentary, Al-Taw al-Abhar li Tadhkirati Ibn alMulaqqin fi lm al-Athar. In some places, footnotes from the printed
edition (on which this translation is based) are also used; this is published
by Dar Ammar (editor: l asan bd al-amd), 1988. Examples on the
margins are also drawn from Muqaddimah Ibn al and Manhal alRaw of Ibn Jamh among other works.
We ask Allh tl to forgive us and guide us on the right path.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abu Hasan is a student of Islamic sciences. He translates short works and

excerpts from books for his own edification and shares them for the
benefit of beginners like himself.

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Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 1

Consider the chain: Mlik from Nfi
from Ibn mar from RaslAllh .
This is continuous [muttail], and
reaches the Prophet .

Consider: Mlik from Ibn Shihb from

Slim ibn bdullh from his father
[bdullh] from RaslAllh . This is
an example of a continuous and
elevated report [muttail-marfu].

Consider: Mlik from Nfi from Ibn

mar from mar and he said... This
is a continuous report but stops
[mawqf] at Sayyidun mar and
does not go further; nor attributes to
the Prophet . Hence it is a continuous
report that stops at the companion

Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 2

Example of a maq: Mujhid said:

One who is embarrassed [to seek
knowledge] or an arrogant person
will not attain knowledge.
Mujahid is a tbi and hence the above

report is considered as maq.

Example of munqai: bd al-Razzq
from Thawr from Ab Isq from
Zayd ibn Yuthai from udhayfah...
Ibn ala said that this chain is
interrupted [disconnected, munqai]
in two places: Firstly, because bd alRazzq did not hear from Thawr he
actually reports from Nmn ibn Ab
Shaybah al-Janad who reports from
Thawr. Secondly, Thawr did not hear
from Ab Isq; he actually reports
from Shurayk who reports from Ab
Example of mal: Imm Mlik in
Muwaa says: It has reached me from

Ab Hurayrah ... But in other places

Mlik narrates from Muammad ibn
jln from his father [jln] who
reports from Ab Hurayrah. Thus we
know that, there ought to be two
narrators between Mlik and Ab
Hurayrah; thus the adth missing two
consecutive narrators is mal.
Single narrator truncation: Bukhr
says: Mlik from Zuhr from Ab
Salamah from Ab Hurayrah


the Prophet . There has to be at least

one narrator between Bukhr [born
194 AH] and Mlik [d. 179 AH].
Truncation of all narrators except
the ab: Imm Bukhr says: Umm
al-Muminn Sayyidah ayishah


The Prophet would remember

Allh tl in every state.
Complete truncation: Imm Bukhr
says: The delegation of bd al-Qays





something concise, upon which, if

we act, we shall enter paradise.

Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 3

Tadls al-Isnd: l ibn Khashram says:

We were with Ibn yaynah who said:
Zuhr... He was asked: Did Zuhr
narrate to you? He remained silent
and he said again: Zuhr... He was
asked: Did you hear it from Zuhr? He
replied: No. I did not hear it from
Zuhr, nor anyone who heard from
Zuhr; rather, bd al-Razzq narrated
to me from Mamar from Zuhr.
Tadls al-Shuykh: Ab Bakr ibn
Mujhid al-Muqriy says: Narrated to us
bdullh ibn Ab bdullh and he
is referring to bdullh ibn Ab Dwd
al-Sijistn, the author of Sunan.
Shdh because of Sanad: The adth
reported in Tirmidh, Nasy and Ibn
Mjah narrated by Ibn yaynah from
mr ibn Dnr from wsajah, the
slave of Ibn bbs from Ibn bbs

However, ammd ibn Zayd [who is

himself a thiqah] reports with a mursal
chain omitting Ibn bbs, which is an
anomaly, shdh.
Shdh because of Matn: In a adth of
Muslim, from Nubayshah al-Hudhal
who says RaslAllh said: The Rising
Days [ayym tashrq] are for eating and
drinking. Ms ibn layy reports this
adth with additional words ..and the
day of rafah which is anomalous to
all other thiqah narrators.
Fard al-Mulaq: The adth which
forbids sale or gifting of the inheritance
of the freedman to his/her manumitter
[wala, Bukhr #2535] is narrated by
bdullh ibn Dnar from [bdullh]
Ibn mar and he is alone in this
narration from Ibn mar .




narrated by Ab Dwd [al-Sijistn]






Hammm from Qatdah from Ab

Narah from Ab Sad al-Khudriy,

who said: RaslAllh commanded
us to recite the Ftiah and whatever




scholars of Barah report exclusively

and no others report this.
Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 4

Gharb is a form of Fard. Every gharb

is fard, but the converse is not true.
zz: Reported by both Bukhr and

RaslAllh said: None of you has
Muslim, the adth of Anas

become a perfect believer unless I am

more dear to him than his own father
and his son. This is narrated from

by two narrators: Qatdah

and bd al-zz. Then from each of

the two, there are further two and so
forth. From Qatdah: Shbah and
Sad. From bd al-zz: Isml ibn
layyah and bd al-Writh.
Mashhr: adth in both Bukhr and
Muslim from Sulaymn al-Taym from
Ab Mijlaz from Anas . In addition to
Ab Mijlaz, others have reported from
Anas; and in addition to Sulaymn
others have reported from Ab Mijlaz.
Mutawtir: The adth: Whoever
deliberately attributes a false saying to
me should prepare for his seat in hellfire. Imm Nawaw has said that this
adth is reported by 200 companions.
Muarib: In one narration of Fimah
bint Qays

: In [ones] wealth, there is

charity due, other than zakt In

another narration by the same Fimah
bint Qays

: In [ones] wealth there is

no charity except zakt

Mudraj: The adth in aayn from



would retreat to the cave of ira for

piety that is for worship in certain
number of nights... [Bukhr, #3]. The
highlighted phrase is an addition [idrj]
of Zuhr and these words are not from
the original adth narrated by the

Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 5

Maqlb (Sanad): Jarr ibn zim

reports from Thbit al-Bunn from
Anas ibn Mlik

that RaslAllh

said: When the iqmah is being said,

do not stand up, until you see me. This

is confused by Jarr whereas this adth
as reported by Muslim and Nasy is via
this route: Yay ibn Ab Kathr from
bdullh ibn Ab Qatdah from his
father from the Prophet .
Maqlb (Matn): The adth of Ab
Hurayrah in Muslim about seven kinds
of people who are granted the Shade
of the Throne on Judgement day: The
man who gives in charity secretly, such
that his right hand does not know what
his left has given. This is transposed
by one of the narrators accidentally;
the correct wording of the adth in
Bukhr and Muslim is: ...such that his
left hand does not know what his right
hand has given [in charity]
l: A particular adth is narrated by
Nasy [d.303 AH] through eleven
narrators, and Ibn ajar reports the
same adth through a different route
in only eleven narrators, though Ibn
ajar is nearly 500 years after Nasy.
Muaaf: Like the transposition in
the adth on the merits of voluntary
fasts following Raman: whoever
follows it with something in Shawwl
[shayan- ;]





Shawwl [sittan-] .
Musalsal: The adth: O Mudh, I
love you; after every prayer, say:
Allhumma ainni l dhikrika wa
shukrika wa usni bdatika. O Allah aid
me to be in constant remembrance of
Yourself, and to thank you and to
worship you in a beautiful manner.
Every narrator tells the next one: I love

you and this is one such musalsal.

Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 6






Bukhr and Muslim by Ibn Masd :

I asked RaslAllh : Which deed is the
most superior? He replied: Prayer in
its [proper] time.
asan ibn Mukrim and Bundr in




wording: Prayer in the earliest part of

the proper time.
Mazd f Muttail al-Asnd: Consider
the adth narrated from bdullh ibn
al-Mubrak: who said Narrated to us
Sufyn from bd al-Ramn ibn
Yazd ibn Jbir who said: Narrated to

me Busr ibn baydullh saying: I

have heard Ab Idrs say: I have heard
Wthilah ibn al-Asqa say: I have
heard Ab Marthad al-Ghanawiy say:
I have heard RaslAllh say: Do not

sit on graves, nor pray facing them.







erroneously and he is a superfluous

narrator in this chain; because, a
number of thiqah narrators have
reported from Ibn al-Mubrak directly
narrating from bd al-Ramn ibn
Similarly, a number of thiqah narrators
have reported adth without Ab Idrs
in between Busr and Wthilah; here
Ab Idrs is superfluous.

Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 7

Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 8

Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 9

Seniors from Juniors: This could be








knowledge and rank, or both.

Zuhr and Yay ibn Sad narrate from

Mlik, who is younger to both.

Mlik narrates from bdullh ibn Dnr

who is lesser in rank and number of

narrations; Amad ibn anbal and
Isq narrate from baydullh ibn
Ms who is lesser in rank to both
Amad and Isq.





student Abul bbs al-Sarrj who is

both younger in years and lesser in


Fathers narrating from sons is also

from this category. Similarly, father
reporting from his daughter, such as
Anas ibn Mlik reporting from his
daughter Amnah [narration found in
a Bukhr].
An example of mother narrating from
daughter is Umm Rmn, the wife of

Ab Bakr al-iddq reporting from her

daughter Sayyidah ayishah .
The basis for this, is the adth in a
Muslim where RaslAllh narrates
from Tamm al-Dr in the adth of alJasssah [Dajjls scout and informer].
Siblings: Ibn Khab could be either
mar or Zayd; Ibn Masd could be
either tbah or bdullh; Bint iddq
could be either ayishah or Asma
and all are Companions .

Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 10

Multiple Names/Appellations:
Sometimes the identity of a weak
narrator or someone known to be a liar
is concealed, by using different names
and titles.
Among the most vicious examples is
the case of Muammad ibn Sad ibn
assn ibn Qays al-Asadiy, who is a
well-known liar and forger; Yay ibn
Sad al-Umaw refers to him as
Muammad ibn Sad ibn assn,
whereas Marwan ibn Muwiyah refers
to him varyingly as:

Muammad ibn assn

Muammad ibn Ab Qays
Muammad ibn Ab Zaynab
Muammad ibn Zakariyyah
Muammad ibn Abul asan
He is also referred by others as:

Muammad ibn Sad al-Asadiy

Muammad ibn assn al-abariy
Ab bd al-Ramn al-Shm
Ab Qays al-Muly
Ab Qays al-Dimashq
Ab bdullh al-Shm
bd al-Ramn
bd al-Karm
Muammad ibn Sad ibn bd al-zz
Muammad ibn Ab tbah
Muammad ibn Ab assn
Muammad ibn Ab Sahl
Muammad ibn bd al-Ramn
Muammad al-abar
Muammad al-Urduniy
Muammad al-Murta
It is said that narrators have referred to

him by nearly 100 names!

Single Names or Agnomens: Like
Sandar [Ab bdullh al-Judhm] and
Abs Sanbil [Ibn Bakk al-Qurash
al-Abdar] who are both companions.

- ]

And the adth scholar Mushkdnah

[Ab bd al-Ramn bdullh ibn
mar al-Umaw al-Juf].

Name Sans Agnomen and Vice-Versa:

Though their kunyah or name is known;
Like Salmn al-Fris [Ab bdullh];
and Abud u [Muslim ibn ubay

Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 11

Examples of Combined categories:

That is the name of two narrators is the
same, and written the same; the
names/agnomens of their fathers is
written the same, but pronounced
The first is Muammad ibn ql alNsbr.
The second is Muammad ibn qayl

First is Ms ibn l.

Second is Ms ibn layy.

First is Muammad ibn bdullh alMukharrim.
Second is Muammad ibn bdullh


First is Ab mr al-Shaybn [with
Second is Ab mr al-Saybn [with

Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 12

Example of Mutashbih:
Yazd ibn al-Aswad / Aswad ibn al-Yazd.
There are two Yazd ibn al-Aswad:
Yazd ibn al-Aswad al-Khuz, the
companion; and the second is Yazd
ibn al-Aswad al-Jurashy, who is
mentioned among companions but it is
not proven [Usd al-Ghbah, #5517], he
was a pious man, nevertheless; he
migrated to the Levant and Sayyidun
Muwiyah included him in his prayer
for rain [istisq] and said: O Allh we
ask you with the intercession of the
best and most superior ones amongst
us [vide Muqaddimah Ibn al]. And
then there is Aswad ibn al-Yazd alNakha, the tbi.
Wald ibn Muslim / Muslim ibn Wald.
There are two Wald ibn Muslim: Wald
ibn Muslim al-Bar, the tbi; and

Wald ibn Muslim al-Dimashq, the

companion of Awz. Then there is
Muslim ibn Wald ibn Rab alMadan. Imm Bukhr in his Trkh
transposed the latter and said: Wald

ibn Muslim and it has carried on thus

from there.

Examples of being attributed to

someone other than the father:




attributed to his mother; his father is

Mawl l .

Isml ibn layyah, attributed to his

mother; his father is Ibrhm.

The ab, Yal ibn Munayh,

attributed to his grandmother.

The ab, Ab baydah mir ibn

bdullh ibn al-Jarr, attributed to his

Imm Amad ibn Muammad ibn

anbal, attributed to his grandfather.

Miqdd ibn al-Aswad was adopted by

Aswad, and hence attributed to him.

asan ibn Dnr is the son of Wil,

but is attributed to his step-father.

Anonymous: Narrated by Ab Dwd

via ajjj ibn Furfiah from a man





Hurayrah . The man is not named in

the sanad but he is actually Yay ibn

Ab Kathr.
Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 13

Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 14


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Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 15







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Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 17





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Tadhkirah of Ibn Mulaqqin | 18


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