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Quick Start Guide

Hardware Update
Warranty and Return Policy

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LS-836 Technical Support


6250 Westpark Dr. Suite 234
Houston, Texas 77057



(Our device does not store a picture of a fingerprint, just a numeric

string derived with algorithms from curves and special points of a
fingerprint. It is impossible to reconstruct an image of a fingerprint
from what is stored making identity theft unfeasible and data
unusable. There are no feared privacy issues with our innovative

713 787 9350

713 787 9365

LS-836 Quick Start Guide

1. Install the Software. (See the software manual, 10-14.)
Please note: the Communication type, machine number, port
number, and baud rate on the terminal should match those on
the software in the computer.
2. Set Time and Date on the Terminal
Press MenuSetupOKSystemOKTimeOK: set
time and date by pressing  or , and then ESCSave.
3. User Enrollment and Management
Three ways to enroll: the Fingerprint; the Card (not available
for LS-836), and the Password.1
Press MenuEnrollOKUserOKFingerOK
OKRemember ID Number(youd better write down the ID
number along with the employee name)Press the same
finger three times. It is recommended to enroll two fingerprints
for each user.2
4. Download Data to the Management Software and
Upload Data to the Terminal: (if your computer does not
have a serial port or you would like to use a USB flash drive or
Ethernet crossover cable to download data, see the last page of
this booklet.)
Connect the terminal with the computer through RS
232/485/TCP/IPOpen the SoftwareEquipment
ManagementEquipment SettingAdd/Modify(M)Select
COM Port, Baud RateNextFinishedThen select
Personnel Registration under Equipment ManagementGet

The Fingerprint method is to be used for the user with good quality fingerprints;
the Password method is for the user with worn or injured fingerprints.
To enroll with a backup fingerprint for the user, continue from the above steps,
press ESC for Backup Enroll, identify the User IDOKPress the backup finger
(for example, the left index finger) three times.

AllThen go to Personnel EntryEdit the name (the Card ID

should match the fingerprint number), work ID and others (See
the Manual)Then go back to Personnel RegistrationCheck
operate all employeesClick Upload---the employee name
will show up on the display when punching in/out.
5. View Attendance Log and Report
Click Equipment ManagementData GatheringClick
CollectOKDouble click Clock In/Out List or Daily Clock
In/Out ListSelect Record DateQuery.
To calculate hours worked by pay period, you need to
configure shift rules and double click Time Attendance
Processing to analyze. For the detailed application of the
software, please read the manual.
For the User Who Has Difficulties Passing Verification:
Firstly, try to enroll a different finger; if it does not work out,
please follow the instructions below.
1:1 security level value can be reduced and 1:1 Verification
method can be adopted.
On the terminal, press MenuEnrollOKLevel Setting
OK1:1 levelOKselect finger ID numberOKOK
lower the security value. (1:1 security value is 0-50 and the
default value is 27).OKESC.
To punch in or out, press your fingerprint ID first and then
press your finger on the sensor.
If you still have trouble passing verification, use the Password
method. (Note: old men and children might have difficulties
enrolling their fingers.)
USB Flash Drive Data Download: (See our Hardware Update
and the Manual)

LS-836 Hardware Update

USB Flash Drive Data Download:
CAUTION: The LS-836 terminal sold before 7/15/2007 only
supports the flash drive in FAT 32 format. Before downloading
data from the terminal, you need to format your flash drive on
any personal computer. The method is to locate your flash
drive, right click the mouse, and then click format and select
FAT 32 under File system.
The LS-836 terminal sold after 7/15/2007 supports both FAT
and FAT 32, and so you do not need to format your flash drive.
Lonestar Industry Group LLC is not responsible for any data
loss in your flash drive if you do not follow the instruction.
Download Data with a USB flash drive:
Insert your flash drive into the portPress MenuEnroll
OKScroll DownDownloadOK.
GLog (General User Log): to get new common user data since
the last download.
All GLog: to get all common user data stored in the terminal.
SLog (Super Manager Log): to get new management data
since the last download.
All SLog: to get all management data stored in the terminal.
Tip: Glog, All Glog, Slog, All Slog can be imported into
the management software. To import these data, click
Equipment managementData gatheringU Disk Load.
AGL_001 means All Glog in terminal 001. ASL is All
Slog. GLG is GLog while SLG is SLog.
All Enroll Down: to download all fingerprint registration data.
These data can be saved in the USB flash drive, but can not be
imported into the software.
All Enroll Up: to upload all fingerprint registration data. You
can only upload the data which has been saved in the flash
drive through All Enroll Down. The data from the software
can not be uploaded via the USB port.
(See the Last page of this booklet for more instructions.)

1. Enrollment Methods:
There are three methods to enroll a user or a manager: the
Fingerprint method, which is for the user with good quality
fingerprints; the Card method, which is not available for LS-836; the
Password method, which is for the user with worn or injured
fingerprints. To enroll a fingerprint, you need to press the same
finger on the sensor for three times.
2. Sup Manager (Super Manager):
The Super Manager has access to all the functions in the terminal.
He can edit any options on the menu.
3. Gen Manager (General Manager):
The General Manager does not have access to all the functions in the
terminal. He can only add or delete a user. Both the super and the
general managers can be disabled through the management software.
4. Level Setting: (See Hardware Manual, 32).
5. Glog View (General User Log):
Select Glog ViewOkEnter fingerprint numberOK (See
Hardware Manual, 34).
6. Slog View (Super Manager Log):
Select Slog ViewOkEnter fingerprint numberOK (See
Hardware Manual, 35-36).
7. Auto Shut-down Time: (See Hardware Manual, 38).

8. Re-verify (Repeated Verifications):

Press MenuSetupLog SetupOKRe-Verify-OK. You
can select No or 1,2,3. The number means the minutes in
which only the first one of repeated punches is recorded.
9. TCP IP Set-Up: You need to connect the terminal to a router,
via which the data can be downloaded to your computer. You need
to know what kind of router you are using. For the linksys router, the
LAN IP is 192.168.1.*** , (by default in the terminal is
and you specify the last number for LS-836, make sure *** is not in
conflict with other devices in the LAN. For the D-link or Netgear

router, the IP is 192.168.0.***. You can consult with a computer guy.

To check the IP in the terminal, press Menu-setup-OKCommunication-OK-scroll down to IP Adress-OK, click OK to move
the cursor and make some changes if necessary. OKSAVE. The
IP on the terminal should match that on the software.

Software Quick Setup

Our software supports two kinds of attendance tracking: that
based on fixed shift rules and that which is not. The latter is
more commonly used by small and medium sized companies,
and we will walk you through it as follows:
1. To set up the software, you start by clicking Organization
setting under Personnel information, and then click Addspecify the department name-Save.
2. Go to Personnel entry, click Add to enter your employee
names etc. (or you can edit). Make sure the Card ID matches
the Finger ID from the terminal. Beside Attend type, select
1=with no shift. And beside weekend ID, select weekend
vacation length. And then Save. (Please pay attention to the
entry date, the punches before the entry date will NOT
show up on the report.)
3. Then you go to Time Attendance Management
Attendance rule configureAttend without shiftand
make some changes. For example, if your employees
sometimes work more than eight hours a day, you need to
change the first option: how many minutes is required to be
counted a work day? from 480 minutes to 540, or 600, or 660,
720, or any that fit. If you do not have any special requirement,
you can set four options as 800; 30; 1000; 120. Then save.3

If all your employees only work 8 hours a day, you can leave it by default as 480,
120, 1440, 120. In this way, their daily total hours can be rounded to 8 hours-480
minutes. But there is a problem, for example, if a person works 9 hours a day, only
8 hours will show up under the day shift hours on the report and another hour will
be rounded; if a person works 10 hours, 8 hours will be under the category of day
shift hours, another two hours will be under overtime. In addition, before
calculating hours worked, you can edit employee punches. For example, if a person
should work 7A-2P, and he punches in at 6:45, and punches out at 14:20, you can
edit them to 7:00 and 14:00.

4. To total up hours worked, click Time Attendance

Processing, and then Analyze. (You can also select a
specific employee by clicking the icon of a small person with a
red check, and moving the person to the far right column.) The
total hours worked is displayed on the bottom. You can
calculate total hours person by person or you can have total
hours for all the employees by going to report form centerMonthly Attendance Summary-set the start date and the end
5. By the way, for each employee everyday, the punches
should be an even number which comes from valid punches: 2
punches mean in and out; 4 punches mean in, out, in, out. If an
employee only got one or three punches a day, it means he
missed a punch. In this case, you can go to Time attendance
managementEdit attendance timeQueryAdd or
edit or delete his punches. (Please note: by default, the
software sets it 5 minutes in which only the first one of
repeated punches is considered valid. You can change it by
going to Attendance rule configureOther Rule.)
6. In case your employees punch in in the morning and punch
out in the afternoon and you need to deduct one hour for lunch
duration, you can go to Time Attendance Management
Edit Attendance TimeAdduncheck Sign card by
shiftset the start and end dateselect, for example, time
of sign 1=12:00 and in/out status= 1=off duty; time of
sign 2=13:00 and in/out status= 0=on duty.
7. Holidays Setting: if you want to set some holidays such as
July 4th, or December 25th, you can do it by going to Time
Attendance ManagementSpecial time attendance
registrationAdd set the start and end timeselect

8. In case the database and the software are damaged, you can
uninstall them by going to Control PanelAdd/Remove

Programs. In most cases, you do NOT need to uninstall the

MSDE database; what you need to do is uninstall the A0,
reinstall it, and create a different database. To save your time,
before uninstalling the A0 software, you can export Personnel
Entry by going to Personnel InformationPersonnel Entry
(Please note: if the database is not damaged, while reinstalling
the A0, being asked would you like to install MSDE, you
should select No. After the A0 is reinstalled, and you open it
for the first time, you will be prompted for Database
Configure. You only need to type a new database name other
than A0 and click Create.)

default, the machine number (ID) is 1; if you have two

terminals, you can change one of them to 2.)
To enroll your employees, you can enroll their fingerprints
with one terminal, download their fingerprint data to the A0
software, and then upload them to another terminal by going to
Equipment managementPersonnel registration. (Or you can
transfer their fingerprint data with a USB flash drive, but in
this case you need to set both machine numbers as 1; you can
change one of machine ID to 2 afterwards.)

When you enter the A0 software, you can import Personnel

Entry/employee information. But before importing employee
information, you need to open and save the file (that was
exported from the old software) as Microsoft Excel 5.0/95
workbook or Microsoft Excel 97- Excel 2003 & 5.0/95
Workbook format. And then go back to the A0 software:
Personnel informationPersonnel entryimportlocate the
fileOpennextbeside Employee name, scroll down to
select name; beside Regist. No, select Card ID; beside
Weekend ID, select weekend; beside remark, select note,
and leave others alone.nextnext-next-finish.
You can go to LS-836 Support at for
the latest software. If your database is ok, you only need to
download The Management Software without the MSDE
9. If you are going to use two or more terminals in your
company, please make sure to set different machine numbers.
(The employee can punch in at one terminal and punch out at
another.) The method is as follows:
On the terminal, press Menu-Setup-OK-Communication-OKDevice ID-OK-specify the number,-OK-ESC-Save. (By

Lonestar LS-836 Limited Warranty

Who is covered?
1. The limited warranty is given only to the original end
user/retail purchaser. If you purchased the product from
someone other than an authorized Lone Star Industry Group
dealer in/or outside of the United States you are not covered by
this warranty.
2. The limited warranty is void if the product has been altered
or modified in any way including attempted warranty repair
without authorization from Lone Star Industry Group LLC.
3. The length of the warranty is 1 year from the date of

6. The decision to either repair or replace with refurbished

parts is made by Lone Star Industry Group. We reserve the
right to provide refurbished products.
What to do if you think you need warranty service:
1. Report your issue to our customer service line within the
authorized period.
2. Supply us with a copy of your dated bill of sale showing that
this product was purchased from our authorized dealer.
3. Receive a RMA number.
4. Ship the product back to Lone Star Industry Group.

What are covered by our warranty

1. Covered are manufactured defects in materials, and
workmanship that is the result of normal use.
2. All repairs are done at our location it is the responsibility of
the customer to ship the product to our location.
What are not covered by our warranty:
1. No covered warranty repairs for accidental or intentional
damage to case or internal working parts.
2. Damaged as a result of opening the case and any tampering
with the internal parts voids the warranty and repair is not
3. Also included is immersion in water or damage caused by
dropping the unit or by leaving exposed to the elements.
4. You are responsible for the cost of packing and shipping.
5. You are responsible for damage to this product during

Return Policy
How it works
The instructions below are designed to expedite the return or
your merchandise. Each of the steps below must be followed in
order for Lone Star Industry Group to provide you with a
satisfactory experience.
1. Within 14 days from the date of purchase, you may return
the product to us with a 20% restocking charge deducted. If
Lonestar Industry Group LLC determines the product failed
due to defects in material or workmanship, Lonestar Industry
Group shall be responsible to arrange repair or replacement of
the defective product free of charge. All non-defective returns
authorized by Lonestar Industry Group LLC are subject to a
20% restocking fee and must be completed within 30 days of

2. Shipping charges are non-refundable.

What to do?
1.Buyer must obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA)
number by email or phone before the product may be returned.
Exchanges and credits cannot be processed without one. An
RMA must be requested within 14 days of the original invoice
date. Thereafter, all sales are final.
2. All items must be returned in the original packaging with all
accessories, registration card, blank warranty cards, and user
manuals etc. originally included.
3. The returned package must be received within 10 business
days of the RMA issue date. Incomplete returns, returns
without a RMA or unauthorized returns may be refused.
4. When returning products, we strongly recommend that you
use a delivery service that can be tracked. You also assume
responsibility for insuring the returned item.
5. Send your request to . Please
include your name, invoice number, and the reason for return.

FAR (False Acceptance Rate) and FRR (False Rejection Rate):
FAR means that the machine mistakenly acknowledges the
fingerprint of user A as the identity of user B, while FRR
means that the machine falsely rejects registered fingerprint.
1:N security value is based on the security level value of all the
users while 1:1 security value is based on the security level
value of individuals who have difficulties to pass validation.
Please see the manual for details.



Finger placement Angle






Identification Time


Identification Mode


Operation Mode


Verification Mode

Fingerprint, PIN

Capacity of Fingerprints


Capacity of Users


Capacity of Transactions


RS232/485 Port




USB Flash Drive Download


ID Card


Name Display


Ring Inside


Access control Interface


Power Voltage


ESD Protection


Operating Humidity


Operating Temperature

32-113 F (0 C45 C)

Storage Humidity


Storage Temperature

14-149 F (-10 C+65 C)

Power Consumption


For the User Who Does Not Have a Serial Port

1. If your computer does not have a RS232 serial port, an easy
way to get data is to use USB flash drive download; in this
case, you do not need to have the computer and the terminal
hooked up. Firstly, on the software, go to Equipment
Management-Equipment setting-Add/Modify-set Search range
as 1.1 (if you have 2 terminals, set it as 12) check Add
terminal without check, and leave everything else alone
NextFinish. Then you can download and import data with a
USB drive. (See the LS-836 Hardware Update)
If you want to download data with a USB flash drive, we
recommend using ACP-EP, PNY, Lexar, Memorex, or any one
other than Kingston. (Kingstons flash drive might have some
problem with our terminal.) You can get an ACP-EP from
Walmart at
For some USB flash dives, you need to press OK twice.
(Sometimes, after the first press, you need to hold for one
second and then do the second press.) If it gets no response,
you can unplug the flash drive and try again.
2. Another way to have the communication is use an Ethernet
crossover cable, which costs less then 10 dollars. You can buy
it from any computer store. You need to have the terminal and
the computer hooked up, go to control panel-open network
connections-double click local area connection-select
internet protocol (TCP/IP)-properties-check use the
following IP-For IP address: enter; for Subnet
mask: enter; leave default gateway blank-OK.
Then go to A0 software-equipment setting-Add/Modify-for
communicate, select 1=TCP/IP, leave others by default-nextnext-finish.
3. Or you can go to see the LS-836 Hardware Connection
Diagrams under LS-836 Support at

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