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Shah Fazlur Rahman was born in lakhminia, begusarai, bihar, India. His father shah
Afzalur Rahman was professionally a teacher and spiritually a talented sufi. Shah
Afzalur Rahman was a man of divine quality because he used to share maximum
part of his salary to pay the school fee of needy students. He has cured lakhs of
people by the grace of Allah and his service was totally free and he was offering food
and stay without any cost to all devotees. His mother syeda Aasia Khatoon was
aashiq-e-rasool and sufi in nature.Fortunately shah Fazlur Rahman got his parents
who were sufi in nature with natural healing touch quality.
Before the birth of shah fazlure rahman his pregnant mother saw Khaja Moinuddin
Chishti RA in dream and khaja sb informed his mother that she will give birth a baby
boy and he would be a sufi of his time. She was scared when she woke up that her
son will survive or not because continuously she had lost 2 babies earlier.
Alhamdulillah finally she blessed with a healthy baby boy in 1950,s. He grew up in
lakhminia in a tight religious family. He was fearless from very childhood. He was
found off food and playing football in school and college days.
He joined railways and his posting was in Jabalpur, Madhapradesh where he met
baba hozur a known sufi and he accepted him as a sufi mentor. Baba hozur visited
lakhminia and shah nagar and cured so many patients by the grace of Allah.
Shah sb became famous as karamat baba and really he was God given gift
miraculous healing power. He was mader-zaat wali (friend of God by birth).His father
was also a mader zaat wali as he confirmed in his interview. He also confirmed in his
audio interview that his nephew is mader zaat wali and he will continue the legacy of
family being a spiritual sufi.His nephew also has healing touch quality since
Shah sb travelled across all nook and corner of India for helping needy human being.
His believers were from all sect of religions. He was ideal human being as well. He
had given respect to his elder brother like a father and younger brother and sister
like a friend. He was very jolly in nature. He neverever scolded anybody even after
mistakes. His life remained with full of love, respect and spiritualism.
His prediction remained ditto. He predicted about his cousin late Ozair that if he will
marry with that girl then after marriage he will be mad and his wife would be normal.
This happened same way. He predicted about his nephew Imtiyaz that he will get job
in Arab country and he gone to Oman for 20 years. He had predicted to so many
followers and it happened same to same.
His family tree directly touches to Hazrat Imam Hussain RA.Founder of lakhminia
Shaikh Sultan RA and Shah ALimullah RA was brother in spiritualism.Shah sb
belongs to the family of Shaikh Sultan RA and Shah ALimullah RA is four father of Ali
Mian Nadwi RA. Lakhminia remained hub of spiritualism since early stage such as
shah Mahmudur Rahman, Maulvi Yahya sb, Maulvi Ilyas sb, Dr.Mehdi Hassan sb to
name a few.

At the time of Nemaze Janaza a wind started blowing that was touching to
everybodys heart and just before that there was scorching sunlight. It happens
sometime with wali-Allah only.
Marne Wale Mar Jaate Hain Fana Hote Nahi

Marne Ke baad Bhi Juda Hote Nahi

It is true, after the death of shah sb, so many people saw him in dream in a very
good condition with smiling face. His son saw him on 3 rd day of his death and so his
nephew. He was telling his nephew in dream that he has left his house and now he
will live with him. Shah sb was also very close to his nephew.
His single son Shah Kamalur Rahman lives in Shahnagar, Surajgarha, Lakhhisarai,
Bihar. Mazar of Shah sb RA is in Shahnager near to his house. Life of shah sb
remained full of inspiration. He was a legendary humanbeing. For more information
you can to or call 9818131498.

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