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Sheet (1)

Graphical Solution

1) A vehicle organization has two sorts of trucks, Type A and Type B.

Sort A has a refrigerated part of 20 m3 and a non-refrigerated part of 40
m3 while Type B has the same general volume with equivalent areas for
refrigerated and non-refrigerated stock. A merchant needs to contract
trucks for moving of 3,000 m3 of refrigerated stock and 4 000 m3 of nonrefrigerated stock. The expense per kilometer of a Type A is $30, and $40
for Type B. What number of trucks of every sort should the merchant rent
to accomplish minimum expense?
(50, 67,
2) A company is setting up a trip for 400 employees. The organization
handling transportation has 10 buses of 50 seats each and 8 buses of 40
seats, yet just has 9 drivers. The rental of the big bus is $800 and $600 for
the little bus. Calculate how many buses of each type should be used for
the trip for the least possible cost.
(4Large, 5 Small, 6200$)
3) A clothes factory needs to sell inventory of 200 of its shirts and
100 pairs of pants from last production. They have decided to put together
two offers, A and B. Offer A consists of one shirt and a pair of pants for
$30. Offer B consists of three shirts and a pair of pants for $50. The
factory does not want to sell less than 20 packages of Offer A and less
than 10 of Offer B. How many packages of each do they have to sell to
maximize their sales outcome?
(50, 50, 4000$)
4) A far me r has a land he w ants to plan t w ith corn and w heat. He
can farm up to 8 acres . H e can earn $5,000 for ever y acre he plants w ith
w heat and $3,000 for ever y acre he plants w ith corn. H e cant us e more
than 10 gallons of pes t icide for his ent ire land. Wheat requ ires 2
gal lons of pes tic ide for ever y acre planted and corn requir es 1 gallon
per acre. Wha t is the ma xi mu m profit he can ma ke?
(28,000 $)
5) An artis t has 32 grams of ye l low co lor and 54 gra ms of green
colo r. H e needs to ma ke as much as poss ibl e of color A and color B for
his next artw ork. Each bucket of color A contains 4 grams of ye l low

color and 1 g m of green d ye . Ea ch bucket of color B con tains 1 g m of

ye ll ow d ye and 6 gra ms of green d ye . F ind th e maxi mu m numb er of
bucke ts he can mi x.
(6, 8)
6) A j ew eler s ells cus tomiz ed jew elr y for his cus to mers at their
tas t e. A cos tu mer w ants to des ign her ow n neckla ce fro m whi te and
bla ck pearls . She w ants to mak e a neck lac e at leas t 12 in ches long, but
no more than 24 in ches long. S he als o wants her neckla ce to contain
bla ck pearls that are at leas t tw i ce the length of whi te pear ls . F inall y,
s he w ants her neckla ce to have at leas t 5 inches of bla ck pearls . F ind
the cons tra ints , sket ch the proble m and find the verti ces (in ters ect ion
points ).
7) A far me r w ants to prepar e a new fert ili zer w ith mi ni mu m cos t b y
mix ing tw o fert ili zers , A and B. The mix ture is to contain : at leas t 45
units of phos phat e, at leas t 36 units of nitra te and at leas t 40 units of
a mmo niu m. F ert iliz er A cos ts the s hop $.97 per pound. F erti lizer B
cos ts the shop $1.89 per pound. F ertil izer A conta ins 5 units of
phos phate and 2 units of ni trate and 2 units of a mmoniu m. F erti lizer B
cont ains 3 units of phos phate and 3 units of nitra te and 5 units of
a mmo niu m. H ow man y pounds of ea ch fert ili zer s hould the s hop us e in
order to mini miz e their cos t?
(15, 2)
8) A farmer needs to feed his sheep a daily nutritious meal containing
a minimum of 24 grams (g) of protein, 36 g of carbohydrates, and 4 g of
fat. But the sheep should be fed no more than five ounces of food a day.
To prepare the meal he blends certain amounts of product A and product
B. Product A contains 8 g of protein, 12 g of carbohydrates, and 2 g of fat
per ounce, and costs $0.20 per ounce. Product B contains 12 g of protein,
12 g of carbohydrates, and 1 g of fat per ounce, at a cost of $0.30 per
ounce. What is the optimal blend?
(3, 0)

9) An investor has $12,000 to invest, and three different investments

to choose from. Regular bonds with a 7% return, special bonds with an 8%
return, and the stock market with 12% return. To minimize risk, he decides
not to invest any more than $2,000 in the stock market. The bank rules
force him to invest at least three times as much in the regular bonds as in

the special bonds. Assuming the year-end profits are as expected, what is
the maximum possible return?
(965 $)

10) An oil well produces at least two barrels of diesel fuel for each
barrel of fuel oil. At least three million barrels of fuel oil must be
produced daily. The demand for diesel fuel is not more than 6.4 million
barrels a day.
If diesel is selling for $1.90 per barrel and fuel oil sells for
$1.50/barrel, what is the maximum revenue possible?
(16.96 m $)
11) A cellphone company produces a regular device and a smart
model. Sales projections expect sales of at least 100 regular and 80 smart
devices daily. The factory capacity limits production to no more than 200
regular and 170 smart devices daily. To satisfy a shipping contract, a total
of at least 200 devices much be shipped each day. If each regular cell sold
results in a $2 loss, but each smart cell produces a $5 profit, how many of
each type should be made daily to maximize net profits? (100 regular,
170 smart)

12) A library needs to buy some book shelves. Book shelf X costs $10
per unit, requires six square feet of floor space, and holds eight cubic feet
of books. Book shelf Y costs $20 per unit, requires eight square feet of
floor space, and holds twelve cubic feet of books. The purchase budget is
$140. The library has room for no more than 72 square feet of book
shelves. How many of each model should be bought, to maximize storage
volume? (X=8, Y =3)

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