Instruction HomeWork

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Introduction to Control Systems/Control Systems Theory and Design


Homework Assignments

Taking Part in a Homework Assignment via studIP/Ilias
studIP and Ilias are both so-called eLearning platforms. We are using them linked together, so
as to provide you an easy way to perform your homework assignments online.
The following is a step by step tutorial on how to do this. Whether you are familiar with
studIP and Ilias or you are using them for the first time, this document will hopefully answer all

Logging in to studIP

To login to studIP access and type in your username and password (1).
You may not have login data or it might be deactivated. In that case, please contact the User
Service Center (USC)

Choosing the correct course

When logged in to studIP access the correct course. The Control Systems Theory and Design
course has been created. You might need to add the course first (1), or just navigate to My

courses. If you need to add the course, you can directly use the search bar (2).

Course List

Assume you have added the course already and are now in the My courses area. Click on the
respective course, that offers the homework assignments. Here, both courses available (1) at the
Institute of Control Systems offering homework assignments are shown.

Inside the Course and Directing to Ilias

Assume you are taking part in the Control Systems Theory and Design course. Click on
Learning Modules (1), in order to navigate to the same course on the Ilias platform. Clicking
on Course in Ilias 4 (2) will bring you to the Ilias counterpart of the selected studIP course.

The Ilias Platform

When in Ilias, you will notice you have arrived at the correct linked course (1). In the contents
area, you can already see two different tests available. Tests can be identified by the jigsaw icon.
In our course, we have created an Example Test (2), which will not influence your exam score.
You can try the different types of questions, that may come up.
The actual weekly homework assignments will be noticable by the naming convention Week
XX (3), where instead of XX, two digits identify the current week into the lecture period. The
test gets started by clicking its link.


Performing a Test
Free Text Question

There are three different kinds of questions. The first is a free text question. Pay attention to
the question title (!). A prefix Pre indicates, you will have to read a little bit ahead in the
lecture notes, in order to be able to answer the question correctly. A prefix Post indicates,
that you can look back on past exercise questions or lectures. Generally, we will indicate relevant
pages, figures, tables or sections from the lectures notes or the respective problem number we
are referring to.
You can at any time suspend the test (2) for later completion or skip to the next question (2).



Matching Questions

In matching questions to will have to answer questions by matching terms from the right side
to terms on the left side. Simply drag and drop an item from the terms on the right (1) to the
matching term on the left (2).


Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple choice questions let you select multiple items from a list (1). Your answer will only be
regarded as correct, if you have chosen all correct items.
Click Finish the Test (2) to submit all your answers.

Typing of Maths Notation

ILIAS provides TEX environment to type mathematical formulas. [tex] defines the start of a
maths notation, [/tex] the end, i.e. [tex]...[/tex]. Here some commonly used maths formulas are



a2 : [tex]a2[/tex]
a b
: [tex]\begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{bmatrix}[/tex]

c d
: [tex]\ddot{a}[/tex]
A11 : [tex]A_{11}[/tex]

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