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This business plan was prepared on behalf of the members of the Orissa Aquaculture
Group (OAG). The purpose of the plan was to determine the feasibility of developing
an economic and environmentally sustainable aquaculture and fish distribution
venture based on fish stock produced and provided by pastoralists in the Orissa

During the course of the planning process, members of the OAG consortium have
been conducting trials at their respective properties to determine the capacity of
selected freshwater ornamental fish (swordtails, mollies and comets) to breed and
grow in the conditions likely to be experienced throughout a "normal" year. These
trials will eventually determine the abilities of individual pastoralists to produce
suitable quality fish stock for marketing and distribution by the venture.

This business plan is based on the concept that a company (OAG) be established to
provide a marketing and distribution function for ornamental freshwater fish and other
product (including, potentially, advanced native juvenile food fish) supplied by
pastoralists in the Orissa Region of Eastern India. The company will also provide
technical advice to producers, enabling them to successfully breed, grow and deliver
fish stock which will be appropriate to the target markets which OAG will seek to



TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................ii
1. GENERAL INFORMATION....................................................................................4
1.1 NAME OF THE ENTREPRENEURS.................................................................4
1.2 PROPOSED PROJECT........................................................................................4
1.3 MAJOR PRODUCT / SERVICES.......................................................................4
1.4 PROPOSED LOCATIONS..................................................................................4
1.5 TYPE OF ORGANISATION...............................................................................4
2. ENTREPRENUER PROFILE:..................................................................................5
3. MARKET POTENTIAL............................................................................................5
3.1 PRODUCT...........................................................................................................5
3.2 COMPETITION...................................................................................................6
3.3 TARGET CLIENTS.............................................................................................6
3.4 MARKETING STRATEGY................................................................................6
4. MANUFACTURING PROCESS..............................................................................6
4.1 TECHNICAL KNOW HOW AVAILABILITY..................................................6
4.2 STEPS BY STEP DESCRIPTION......................................................................7
5. PRODUCTION SCHEDULE....................................................................................9
5.1 NUMBER OF WORKING DAYS PER ANNUM..............................................9
5.2 NUMBER OF WORKING SHIFTS....................................................................9
5.3 INSTALLED CAPACITY (ANNUAL) .............................................9
20 Tons.......................................................................................................................9
5.4 UTILIZED CAPACITY (%)................................................................................9
6. DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT...........................................................10
6.1 LAND AND BUILDING...................................................................................10
6.2 MACHINERIES / EQUIPMENTS....................................................................17
6.3 MISCELLANEOUS FIXED ASSETS..............................................................18
6.4. PRELIMINARY AND PRE OPERATIVE EXPENSES..................................18
6.5 RAW MATERIAL (MONTHLY REQUIREMENT)........................................18

7. FISH FOODS BY TYPE.........................................................................................20
7.1 MEDICINE........................................................................................................21
7.2 UTILITIES.........................................................................................................21
7.3 SALARIES/WAGES ........................................................................................22
7. 4 REPAIRS AND MAINTAINS.........................................................................22
7.5 SELLING AND DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES ...............................................23
7.6 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES.....................................................................23
7.7 INTEREST.........................................................................................................23
7.8 DEPRECIATION...............................................................................................23
7.9 WORKING CAPITAL (MONTHLY/CYCLE).................................................24
7.10 TOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT.................................................................24
7.11 MEANS OF FINANCE...................................................................................24
8. PROFIBILTY PROJECTIONS .............................................................................26
9. CONCLUSION........................................................................................................27







Fish supplying, Fish Marketing & Fish products


Orissa/ Jharkhand /West Bengal / Andra Pradesh


Fisheries Organization



1. Name:
2. Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Technology
Technical Skills: C, C++, Oracle, JAVA.



The demand of Aquaculture now a day is very high due to the increase in demand rate
of fish in international market. Also now peoples are very much interested in keeping
aquariums in their houses to for display.



The major distinctive competencies of OAG and the producers group are:
• Natural resource availability of both water and land suitable for breeding and
growing ornamental fish and advanced native juvenile food fish
• A capacity to quickly and dramatically expand production (additional
quantities and new species) by enrolling additional producers and/or
expanding the activities of existing producers and
• An alliance with an experienced aquaculture business, Simco Fisheries Pty Ltd


Our main target clients are Wholesalers, Retailers, Consumers, Clubs & Associations,
Exporters and local markets.


OAG's purpose is to market the fish produced by pastoralists in the Orissa region. Its
key focus is to develop strong relationships with existing wholesalers to become their
supplier of choice. A secondary, but financially significant, focus will be to develop
new methods of distribution to reach retailers and end consumers.



It is anticipated that research and development will be an ongoing process that will be
undertaken by the pastoralist producers. OAG will provide technical assistance and
expertise as required, particularly during the start-up phase for producers. In the first


year, this assistance will be provided by the General Manager who must therefore
have a sound knowledge base in aquaculture and a good problem solving aptitude.

From years 2 to 5 inclusive, OAG will have the services of a Technical Expert to
assist producers in species selection, broodstock, water management, disease
management and related technical matters and to ensure rapid development of new
producers and new species. During this period, producers' expertise will develop as
their fish-farming practices stabilize.

It is envisaged that the producer group will be self-supporting technically from year 6
and that there will be sufficient expertise to continue development of new species and
producers without having to call on external advice.


1. Establishment of a marketing and distribution organization (OAG) for

ornamental freshwater fish (and, subsequently, advanced native juvenile food fish)
supplied by pastoralists in the Orissa Region;
2. OAG would provide technical advice and support to producers - but its
primary role would be marketing;
3. OAG's facilities, for acclimatization, consolidation and distribution of fish
stock, should be in Car Narvon.
4. OAG's primary marketing strategy will be to develop strong relationships with
existing Indian wholesalers. Secondary strategies will involve development of new
methods of distribution to reach retailers and end consumers;
5. OAG will encourage the expansion of production resources by encouraging
more pastoralists to develop facilities and by assisting existing producers to regularly
duplicate production capacity;
6. OAG would be managed by an individual with good marketing experience and
with technical skills in aquaculture and, preferably, in breeding and growing
freshwater ornamentals;
7. OAG would be owned by those pastoralists and other groups involved in the
initial development of the business. Producers of fish stock who become involved at


later stages may or may not be offered opportunities to invest in the company,
depending on the views of existing shareholders;
8. OAG's funding requirements would be met by contributions of share capital.




he Firm will remain open for all weekdays except Sundays and National holidays.


Since it is a service and solution firm it does not follow any shift system rather it has
working hours from 9:00am to 6:00 pm.


20 Tons


1ST YEAR: 60 %
2ND YEAR: 70 %
3RD YEAR: 80 %




Sr. No. Particular Area Required Total Value Remarks

1. Land 3 Acres Rs. 5,00,000
2. Building 2000sqFt Rs. 1,40,000
Total: Rs. 6,40,000

We choosed area where there is no problem in water and also to get power supply
easily. In those area it is most important about pollution, fisheries area not to be
pollutant. We took the soil for fisheries cultivation which soil is suitable for water to
make clean. we took 3 acres for fisheries cultivation and 2000sqft for building
purposes .We invest for 3 acres Rs 500000 and for building Rs 140000.We took two
months. to build up building and water contained area .For providing safety to
fisheries area

We created boundary around the fisheries area.


Small-scale aquaculture producers have Income opportunities if they plan their

Production processes—and plan them well. One of the fundamental principles in
Marketing is to make it part of the overall Planning process. Consider marketing
Decisions as important as production de-cisions. No matter how small your aqua-
Culture operation, developing marketing Plan for what you will produce is the best
Strategy, because the fish have to be sold Once they reach marketable sizes.
Unfortunately, many people have gone into aquaculture production and failed because
they went into production with-Out a marketing plan. Remember the adage, “failing
to plan is planning to fail.”This guide will help you to:• Plan and develop a market for
your aquaculture products• Remain competitive as a small-scale a culture producer
The glossary at the end of this publication explains some of the terms used in this
uide.Small-Scale Aquaculture Production Has Its Places mall-scale aquaculture has its
place in the broad uncultured business environment. Small-scale production has

relatively lower overall operational costs compared to large Commercial operations

that involve large capital investments and large amounts of operating capital. Small-
scale operations generally do not require expensive equipment or strut-Tures, and the
resources needed for production could be available on your farm already.

Some farm materials structures have low opportunity costs or low costs associated
with alternative uses and could be used as resources for fish farming. You can
perform many activities associated with the production of fish on a small scale on a
part-time Basis, depending on the system of production, although some production
systems, such as re-circulating systems require close monitoring. Indiana producer
Jerry Pellman converted his cattle operation to aquaculture and now raises prawns.
Fish farming, also known as aquaculture, has attracted the attention of farmers,
landowners, and investors as alternative agricultures.

Enterprise in Iowa. Like other forms of farming, fish farming involves italinvestment,
abor, management, and risks. If you are considering fish farming, this checklist may
help you deter-mine whether a fish farming enterprise is feasible. A positive response
to most questions on the checklist will not guarantee success; just asa negative one
will not mean automatic failure. The checklist does not cover all abilities’; butt does
address the most important consider-ations. To have a high probability of success,
most of your answers to the following questions should be yes before you begin a fish
farming operation.

Fish farming: is the principal form of aquaculture, while other methods may fall
under mariculture. It involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosures,
usually for food. A facility that releases juvenile fish into the wild for recreational
fishing or to supplement a species' natural numbers is generally referred to as a fish
hatchery. Fish species raised by fish farms include salmon, catfish, tilapia, cod, carp,
trout and others. Increasing demands on wild fisheries by commercial fishing
operations have caused widespread overfishing. Fish farming offers an alternative
solution to the increasing market demand for fish and fish protein.

Major categories of fish farms: There are two kinds of aquaculture: extensive
aquaculture based on local photosynthetic production and intensive aquaculture, in

which the fish are fed with external food supply. The management of these two kinds
of aquaculture systems are completely different.

Extensive (pond) aquaculture: Limiting for fish growth here is the available food
supply by natural sources, commonly zooplankton feeding on pelagic algae or benthic
animals, such as certain crustaceans and mollusks. Tilapia species filter feed directly
on phytoplankton, which makes higher production possible. The photosynthetic
production can be increased by fertilizing the pond water with artificial fertilizer
mixtures, such as potash, phosphorus, nitrogen and microelements. Because most fish
are carnivorous, they occupy a higher place in the tropic chain and therefore only a
tiny fraction of primary photosynthetic production (typically 1%) will be converted
into harvestable fish. As a result, without additional feeding the fish harvest will not
exceed 200 kilograms of fish per hectare per year, equivalent to 1% of the gross
photosynthetic production. A second point of concern is the risk of algal blooms.
When temperatures, nutrient supply and available sunlight are optimal for algal
growth, algae multiply their biomass at an exponential rate, eventually leading to an
exhaustion of available nutrients and a subsequent

Die-off. The decaying algal biomass will deplete the oxygen in the pond water
because it blocks out the sun and pollute it with organic and inorganic solvents (such
as ammonium ions), which can (and frequently do) lead to massive loss of fish. In
order to tap all available food sources in the pond, the aqua culturist will choose fish
species which occupy different places in the pond ecosystem, e.g., a filter algae feeder
such as tilapia, a benthic feeder such as carp or catfish and a zooplankton feeder
(various carps) or submerged weeds feeder such as grass carp.

Intensive (closed-circulation) aquaculture: In these kinds of systems fish

production per unit of surface can be increased at will, as long as sufficient oxygen,
fresh water and food are provided. Because of the requirement of sufficient fresh
water, a massive water purification system must be integrated in the fish farm. A
clever way to achieve this is the combination of hydroponic horticulture and water
treatment, see below. The exception to this rule is cages which are placed in a river or
sea, which supplements the fish crop with sufficient fresh water. Environmentalists
object to this practice. The cost of inputs per unit of fish weight is higher than in

extensive farming, especially because of the high cost of fish food, which must
contain a much higher level of protein (up to 60%) than, e.g., cattle food and a
balanced amino acid composition as well. This frequently is offset by the lower land
costs and the higher productions which can be obtained due to the high level of input
control.Essential here is aeration of the water, as fish need a sufficient oxygen level
for growth. This is achieved by bubbling, cascade flow or aqueous oxygen. Catfish,
Clarias ssp. can breathe atmospheric air and can tolerate much higher levels of
pollutants than, e.g., trout or salmon, which makes aeration and water purification less
necessary and makes Clarias species especially suited for intensive fish production. In
some Clarias farms about 10% of the water volume can consist of fish
biomass.Especially when fish densities are high, the risk of infections by parasites like
fish lice, fungi (Saprolegnia ssp.), intestinal worms (such as nematodes or treaties),
bacteria (e.g., Yersinia ssp, Pseudomonas ssp.), and protozoa (such as Dinoflagellates)
is much higher than in animal husbandry because of the ease in which pathogens can
invade the fish body (e.g. by the gills). The same holds for water pollution or
depletion of oxygen in the water, which can ruin a fish crop within minutes. This
means, intensive aquaculture requires tight monitoring and a high level of expertise of
the fish farmer.

Intensive aquaculture was developed as a source for food fish. Raising ornamental
cold water fish (goldfish or koi), although theoretically much more profitable due to
the higher income per weight of fish produced, has never been successfully carried
out until very recently. The increased incidences of dangerous viral diseases of koi
Carp, together with the high value of the fish has led to initiatives in closed system
koyibreeding and growing in a number of countries. Today there are a few
commercially successful intensive koi growing facilities in the UK, Germany and
Israel.Some producers have adapted their intensive systems in an effort to provide
consumers with fish that do not carry dormant forms of viruses and diseases.

Specific types of fish farms: Within intensive and extensive aquaculture methods
there are numerous specific types of fish farms, each has benefits and applications
unique to its design.
Integrated recycling systems: One of the largest problems with freshwater aquaculture
is that it can use a million gallons of water per acre (about 1 m³ of water per m²) each

year. Extended water purification systems allow for the reuse (recycling) of local
water. The largest-scale pure fish farms use a system derived (admittedly much
refined) from the New Alchemists in the 1970s. Basically, large plastic fish tanks are
placed in a greenhouse. A hydroponic bed is placed near, above or between them.
When tilapia are raised in the tanks, they are able to eat algae, which naturally grows
in the tanks when the tanks are properly fertilized.The tank water is slowly circulated
to the hydroponic beds where the tilapia waste feeds a commercial plant crops.
Carefully cultured microorganisms in the hydroponic bed convert ammonia to
nitrates, and the plants are fertilized by the nitrates and phosphates. Other wastes are
strained out by the hydroponic media, which doubles as an aerated pebble-bed
filter.This system, properly tuned, produces more edible protein per unit area than any
other. A wide variety of plants can grow well in the hydroponic beds. Most growers
concentrate on herbs (e.g. parsley and basil), which command premium prices in
small quantities all year long. The most common customers are restaurant
wholesalers. Since the system lives in a greenhouse, it adapts to almost all temperate
climates, and may also adapt to tropical climates. The main environmental impact is
discharge of water that must be salted to maintain the fishes' electrolyte balance.
Current growers use a variety of proprietary tricks to keep fish healthy, reducing their
expenses for salt and waste water discharge permits. Some veterinary authorities
speculate that ultraviolet ozone disinfectant systems (widely used for ornamental fish)
may play a prominent part in keeping the Tilapia healthy with recirculated water.A
number of large, well-capitalized ventures in this area have failed. Managing both the
biology and markets is complicated.Reference: Freshwater Aquaculture: A Handbook
for Small Scale Fish Culture in North America, by William McLarney

Irrigation ditch or pond systems: These use irrigation ditches or farm ponds to
raise fish. The basic requirement is to have a ditch or pond that retains water, possibly
with an above-ground irrigation system (many irrigation systems use buried pipes
with headers. Using this method, one can store one's water allotment in ponds or
ditches, usually lined with bentonite clay. In small systems the fish are often fed
commercial fish food, and their waste products can help fertilize the fields. In larger
ponds, the pond grows water plants and algae as fish food. Some of the most
successful ponds grow introduced strains of plants, as a well as introduced strain of
fish.Control of water quality is crucial. Fertilizing, clarifying and pH control of the

water can increase yields substantially, as long as eutrophication is prevented and

oxygen levels stay high.Yields can be low if the fish grow ill from electrolyte stress.

Cage system:Giant gourami is often raised in cages in central Thailand.Fish cages are
placed in open water resources to contain and protect fish until they can be harvested.
They can be constructed of a wide variety of components. Fishes are stocked in cages,
artificially fed, and harvested when they reach market size. A few advantages of fish
farming with cages are that many types of waters can be used (rivers, lakes, filled
quarries, etc.), many types of fishes can be raised, and fish farming can co-exist with
sport fishing and other water uses. Cage farming of fishes in open seas are also
gaining popularity. Concerns of disease, poaching, poor water quality, etc., lead some
to believe that in general, pond systems are easier to manage and simpler to start.
Also, past occurrances of cage-failures leading to escapes, have raised concern
regarding the culture of non-native fish species in open-water cages. Even though the
cage-industry has made numerous technological advances in cage construction in
recent years, the concern for escapes remains valid.

Classic fry farming: Trout and other sport fish are often raised from eggs to fry or
fingerlings and then trucked to streams and released. Normally, the fry are raised in
long, shallow concrete tanks, fed with fresh stream water. The fry receive commercial
fish food in pellets. While not as efficient as the New Alchemists' method, it is also
far simpler, and has been used for many years to stock streams with sport fish.
European eel (Anguilla anguilla) aquaculturalists procure a limited supply of glass
eels, juvenile stages of the European eel which swim north from the Sargasso Sea
breeding grounds, for their farms. The European eel is threatened with extinction
because of the excessive catch of glass eels by Spanish fishermen and overfishing of
adult eels in, e.g., the Dutch IJsselmeer, Netherlands. As per 2005, no one has
managed to breed the European eel in captivity.

Criticisms: The issue of feeds in fish farming has been a controversial one. Many
cultured fishes (tilapia, carp, catfish, many others) require no meat or fish products in
their diets. Top-level carnivores (Most salmon species) depend on fish feed of which a
portion is usually derived from wild caught fish (anchovies, menhaden, etc.).
Vegetable-derived proteins have successfully replaced fish meal in feeds for

carnivorous fishes, but vegetable-derived oils have not successfully been incorporated
into the diets of carnivores.Secondly, farmed fish are kept in concentrations never
seen in the wild (e.g. 50,000 fish in a two-acre area. with each fish occupying less
room than the average bathtub. This can cause several forms of pollution. Packed
tightly, fish rub against each other and the sides of their cages, damaging their fins
and tails and becoming sickened with various diseases and infection.However, fish
tend also to be animals that aggregate into large schools at high density. Most
successful aquaculture species are schooling species, which do not have social
problems at high density. Aquaculturists tend to feel that operating a rearing system
above its design capacity or above the social density limit of the fish will result in
decreased growth rate and FCR (food conversion ratio - kg dry feed/kg of fish
produced), which will result in increased cost and risk of health problems along with a
decrease in profits. Stressing the animals is not desirable, but the concept of and
measurement of stress must be viewed from the perspective of the animal using the
scientific method.Some species of sea lice have been noted to target farmed coho and
Atlantic salmon.Such parasites have been shown to have an effect on nearby wild
fish. One place that has garnered international media attention is British Columbia's
Broughton Archipelago. There, juvenile wild salmon must "run a gauntlet" of large
fish farms located off-shore near river outlets before making their way to sea. It is
alledged that the farms cause such severe sea lice infestations that one study predicted
a 99% collapse in the wild salmon population in another four years.This claim,
however, has been widely-criticized by numerous scientists who question the
spurrious correlation between sea lice and salmon, the lack of consideration for any
other environmental variables, the fact that sea lice have existed in wild salmon since
before the existence of salmon farming, and a host of other reasons .Because of
parasite problems, some aquaculture operators frequently use strong antibiotic drugs
to keep the fish alive (but many fish still die prematurely at rates of up to 30%. In
some cases, these drugs have entered the environment. Additionally, the residual
presence of these drugs in human food products has become controversial. Use of
antibiotics in food production is thought to increase the prevalence of antibiotic
resistance in human diseases. The use of antibiotic drugs in aquaculture has decreased
considerably in the last decade. Vaccinations and other techniques have virtually
eliminated the need for antibiotics. The lice and pathogen problems of the 1990's
facilitated the development of current treatment methods for sea lice and pathogens.

These developments reduced the stress from parasite/pathogen problems. However,

being in an ocean environment, the transfer of disease organisms from the wild fish to
the aquaculture fish is an ever-present risk factor.The very large number of fish kept
long-term in a single location produces a significant amount of condensed feces, often
contaminated with drugs, which again affect local waterways. However, these effects
are very local to the actual fish farm site and are minimal to non-measurable in high
current sites.Other potential problems faced by aqua culturists are the obtaining of
various permits and water-use rights, profitability, concerns about invasive species
and genetic engineering depending on what species are involved, and interaction with
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.


Sr. No. Description Nos. Required Rate(Rs.) Total Value(Rs.)

1. Computer 5 20,000 1,00,000
2. Printer 2 3,000 6,000
3. Scanner 2 4,000 8,000
4. Fax 1 5,000 5,000
5. Motor pump 1 10,000 10,000
Total: 1,29,000

To build up better cultivation and to get profit it is mostly depend on machineries

equipments because these will make to progress effectively and to make efficiency
better in the output of cultivation. We used machineries equipments like computer,
printer,scanner,and most important equipment is motor pump.

We paid total Rs 1, 29,000 for equipments instalmentaly.Computers make simple for

keeping record safely. Motor pump used for water exchange purposes.



Sr. No. Description Nos. Required Rate(Rs.) Total Value(Rs.)

1. Furniture T(5),C(5) 1,000 10,000
2. Coffee Maker 1 5,000 5,000
3. A.C. 2 20,000 40,000
Total: 55,000
Except computers, motor pumps ,it also necessary others assets like furniture ,coffe
maker and A.C


Sr. No. Particulars Amount (Rs.) Remarks

1. Interest during
2. Establishment
3. Start-Up 1,70,000
Misc. expenses
Total 1,70,000



Sr.No. Item(s) Quantity Rate(Rs.)
1 Foods 1250kg 40/kg 50000
2 Medicine ------- ------------- 7080

For getting maximum output it is most important to give food and medicine time to
time. To get maximum output that we are expecting, it should be necessary to supply
food half of the output product.

It is necessary to check the size of fish before giving foods because it differs required
the amount of foods from day to day. It is not important to give food every place in
the water contained; it only gives to particular areas in a plate such that it will be easy
to know the size of fish massely.



Along with staple fish food for freshwater tropical and marine aquariums, we carry
seaweed and algae, brine shrimp for fry, and plankton for corals and filter feeders.
You'll also find foods for bottom feeders and pond fish; goldfish, cichlids and other
popular species; plus freeze-dried live foods, appetite and color enhancers. (See our
fish food guide for help choosing.)

Always follow instructions to avoid overfeeding (using an automatic feeder can help).
We also carry a variety of inexpensive manual feeders that are indispensable to some
diets. Remember to supplement staples with delicious dried treats - seaweed for
herbivores and worms for carnivores!
• Freshwate Tropical Fish Food
• Marine Fish Food
• Carnivore Fish Food
• Herbivore Fish Food
• Coral and Invertebrate Food
• Bottom-Feeder Fish Food
• Fry Food and Brine Shrimp Eggs
• Freeze-Dried Fish Food
• Seaweed and Algae Fish Food
• Betta Fish Food
• Cichlid Fish Food
• Goldfish Food
• Koi and Pond Fish Food
• Misc. Species (Tetra, Livebearers, Crustaceans, etc.) Fish Food
• Appetite and Color Enhancers
• Time Release Fish Food Blocks





Treatment of parasite in fish INGREDIENTS: Hadaphilo, 2,3.5,6-tetrahydro-6-



Sr. No. Particulars Annual Expenditure(Rs) Remarks

1. Power/Electricity 1,00,000
2. Water 10,000
3. Coal/Oil/Stream ---------
4. Any other item 50,000

Total 1,60,000



Sr. Particulars No. Wages/Salaries per Annual

No. Month(Rs.) Expenses(Rs)
Skilled 15 20,000 36,00,000
Semi Skilled
Office Staff 3 5,000 1,80,000
Any Other

Total 37,80,000

1. Unskilled means job which doesn't need any type of experience. A fresher can do that
without any work knowledge.
2. Semi skilled means: to perform such job we need some experience but not expert.
3. Skilled: Those are expert & 1 year experience in this field.


Sr. Particulars Amount(Rs)

1. Computer and Electronic goods 20,000

It is necessary to take care of equipments regularly. So it is important to repair and

maintains each equipment properly. Otherwise there is decrease in depreciation



Sr. Particulars Amount(Rs) Remarks

1. Publicity Expenses 1,00,000
2. Traveling 50,000
3. Freight 10,000




Sr. Particulars Amount(Rs) Remarks

1. Stationery & Printing 20,000
2. Post/Telephone/Telegrams 50,000
3. Entertainment Expenses 20,000
Total 90,000


Year Outstanding Interest Installment(Rs) Balance(Rs)

Loan Amount (Rs)
1 40,00,000 4,00,000 5,00,000 44,00,000


Sr. Type of Asset Cost of Asset Depreciation Amount(after 5

No. years)
1. Buildings 1,40,000 10% 14,000
2. Computer 1,00,000 33% 33,000
3. Equipments 84,000 50% 42,000
Total: 89,000

A noncash expense that reduces the value of an asset as a result of wear and tear, age,
or obsolescence. Most assets lose their value over time (in other words, they
depreciate), and must be replaced once the end of their useful life is reached. There


are several accounting methods that are used in order to write off an asset's
depreciation cost over the period of its useful life. Because it is a non-cash expense,
depreciation lowers the company's reported earnings while increasing free cash flow.


Sr. No. ITEM Rs.

1. Fish for cultivation 30,000/year
2. Salary/Labor 5,000/labour/month
3. Rent 2,40,000/year
4. Interest on loan 3,00,000/year


Sr. No. Particulars Total Value(Rs.)

1. Fixed Capital 9,14,000
(Total if item No.2.1,2.2,2.3)
2. Working Capital margin 5,90,000
(Total of item No. 2.5)
3. Preliminary & Pre-operative 1,60,000
(Total of item No. 2.4)

Total 16,64,000


Sr. No. Particulars Amount Remarks

1. Own Investment 10,00,000


2. Term Loan
3. Working Capital Loan 15,00,000
4. Any Other Source
Total: 25,00,000



Sr. No. Particulars Amount (Rs.)

A. Sale Realization 1,00,00,000

B. Cost of Manufacturing/
i) Raw Material 6,85,000
ii) Utilities 1,60,000
iii) Salaries/Wages 37,80,000
iv) Repairs & Maintenance 20,000
v) Selling & Distribution 1,60,000
vi) Administrative Expenses 90,000
vii) Interest 4,00,000
viii) Rent 2,40,000
ix) Depreciation 89,000
x) Misc. Expenses 1,45,000


C. Gross Profit/Loss(A-B)
D. Income-tax
E. Net Profit/Loss



The quality of the Dai fish catch has declined steadily in recent years, with the
valuable bigger fish becoming scarcer, amid concern that a combination of fishing
pressure and environmental change threatens the productivity of the Mekong fishery.
Dams on the upstream Mekong and its tributaries, conversion of wetland habitats
around the Lake Perimeter, and pollution from agricultural runoff threaten the
productivity of this remarkable ecosystem.

Such worries have parallels elsewhere in the Mekong and throughout the world as
concern for the future of the world’s artisanal fisheries and the communities
depending on them is rising sharply.

We must strive for improved cross-sectoral dialogue as this is the surest way to
include fisheries in development decisions.


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