Phy11l A4 E202

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The experiment aims to accomplish its two main

objectives. The first one is to use the principles of
conservation of energy and momentum in
determining the velocity of the steel ball. Through
the experiment, the students will be able to gain
more knowledge and appreciation about the
concepts of conservation of momentum and how it
is helpful in determining the velocity of moving
objects and even the distances it covers. The
experiment can also help the students understand
on how the angular displacement of an object is
important in getting its initial velocity. The
experiment will also show how Kinetic Energy and
the Gravitational Potential Energy is closely
related with the conservation of momentum and
during a collision.

(Figure 1. The materials and equipment used in

the experiment. )

The second objective is to be able to validate the

initial velocity of the steel ball through projectile
motion. The students will not just learn how to
compute for the velocity of the steel ball using the
ballistic pendulum but also though the use of
projectile launcher. The experiment will help the
students be able to understand the applications of
the given laboratory formulas in solving problems
involving Physics and will surely be helpful in
studying other concepts about it. Another thing
about this experiment is that it is very easy to
conduct and it is not time consuming, thus
students will enjoy doing it.
The significance of this experiment is that it a way
of showing how an inelastic collision happens,
what are the things happened afterwards and
lastly it shows how fast an object in two
dimensions is moving.

Before the experiment was actually performed, in

which the ballistic pendulum with the steel ball
were tested first to prevent accidents since a few
of them are releasing the ball accidentally even
before the release. The projectile launcher with
ballistic pendulum was set up away from the class
and pointing towards a bag to prevent it from
hitting anything else or a person. The level or
range assigned for the group was medium.
At the beginning of the experiment, angle marker
on the ballistic pendulum was set up to 0. Since
group had trouble making it stay at that angle, the
group decided to check first if the working table is
leveled and when it finally becomes at 0, we
started gathering the required data. To get the
initial height of the ballistic pendulum, the distance
from the base to the center of the pendulum while
at the reference point 0 is measured using the
meter stick

pendulum was set up on to that angle. The final

height of the pendulum was measured from the
base to the center of the pendulum.

(Figure 2. Setting the reference point to zero and

measuring the initial height.)

(Figure 4. Measuring the final height of the

pendulum based on the computed mean angle)
The increase in height was calculated by
subtracting the initial height of the pendulum from
the final height of the pendulum. The increase in
height was then used for determining the velocity
of the steel ball and the pendulum. The mass of
the steel ball is used to compute for its velocity.
The mass of the pendulum was also needed in
order to compute for the velocity including the
additional 100 grams in it.
(Figure 3. Measuring the initial height of the
After getting the measurement, the steel ball was
loaded to the spring gun on the medium level
which is said to be the second click heard and then
fired to the pendulum holder. The pendulum
moved and made an angular displacement. This
displacement was recorded. The bob was placed
back to zero and then the steel ball was again
fired. This part was done for a total of five trials.
The mean or the average angle was computed by
adding the five angles and dividing it by five. The
pendulum bob was set to the computed average
angle. And while it is in the mean angle, the

In the second part, the pendulum placed and

locked upward so that the ball can be fired to the
floor in horizontal direction. The spring gun was
then placed at the end of the table. The vertical
distance, y of the firing position which is the center
of the hole of the spring gun on the table down to
the floor was measured using the meter stick.


travelled horizontally. For this part, a total of five

trials was done.

(Figure 5. Setting up the spring gun at the end of

the table while the pendulum is placed upward.
(Figure 7. After the steel ball was fired, it landed
on the carbon paper which left a mark on the bond
The horizontal distances were measured carefully
stating from the tip of the spring gun to the end of
the table and from the end of the table to the black
marks left on the bond paper using the meter

(Figure 6. Measuring the vertical height of the

firing position.)
The computed velocity from the first part of the
experiment was then used to predict in how far
horizontally the ball will land and to test it further,
the group launched the ball and knew which part
it will land. The group then placed a bond paper
beneath a carbon paper. Taped the papers
securely which will be used to determine the
horizontal distance of the balls landing since upon
landing onto the carbon paper the ball will leave a
black mark on the bond paper. The black marks in
the bond paper will show how far the steel ball

(Figure 8. Determining the horizontal distance

from the tip of the spring gun to the tip of the


Table 1, Getting the Initial Velocity of the

Steel Ball, Ballistic Method

(Figure 8. Determining the horizontal distance

travelled by the steel ball.)
These distances were recorded. The average
horizontal distance was then computed by adding
all the five distances and also dividing it by five.
The average horizontal distances and the
measured vertical height was then used to
compute for the velocity of the steel ball.
The first part of the experiment was focused in the
determination of the velocity of the steel ball after
the inelastic collision with the pendulum bob. Upon
completing the five trials, the group calculated for
the average angle. Upon completing the data to be
gathered, the group then calculated the increase
in height by subtracting the initial height of the
pendulum to the final height of the pendulum. The
group then used the increase in height y, in
determining the change in potential energy which
is also said to be the velocity of the steel ball and
the pendulum right after collision. The group then
used the given formulas from the laboratory
manual in order to compute for the initial velocity
of the steel ball before its collision with the

Mass of the steel ball, m1 = 65.875g

Mass of pendulum, m2 = 241.6g
Trial Angle
Initial height of the
1 =8.5cm
Final height of the
2 =11.7cm
Increase in height
= 3.2cm
= 2 1
Velocity of the
steel ball and the
pendulum right
after collision, =
Velocity of the
2 =0cm/s
pendulum before
Velocity of the
1 =
ball before

Angle: 25.9
(1 +2 )

Sample computations:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
26 + 25.5 + 26 + 26 + 26
= 25.9

= 2 1
= 11.7 8.5
= 3.2
= 2
= (2) (
) (3.2)
= 79.196 /
1 =
1 =

1 +2


65.875 + 241.6
1 = 375.061 /


The second part is mainly about validating the

computed initial velocity of the steel ball through
projectile motion. The group measured the vertical
distance of the firing position which is from
reference point to the ground. The velocity in the
first part was used for predicting the horizontal
distance. When the ball was fired and landed to
the carbon paper, it left a black mark that will
indicate the horizontal distance it covered after
being launched. After doing the five trials, the
average of the horizontal distance was then
computed. After getting the average, and all the
necessary data, the group then computed for the
initial velocity using the given formulas in the
laboratory manual.
Table 2. Getting the Initial Velocity of the
Steel Ball, Trajectory Method
Gravitational Constant, g = 980 cm/s2
Height from
Distance, x
= 88.9
the reference
153.8 cm
point to the
153.2 cm
154.1 cm
Velocity of the
154.7 cm
1 =
steel ball
before collision, 362.113
155.4 cm

Average x:
1 =
154.24 cm
Sample computations:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
153.8 + 153.2 + 154.1 + 154.7 + 155.4
= 154.24

1 =

1 = (154.24)(


1 = 362.113 /

The group then computed for the Percent

Difference of the two computed velocities. This is
one way to know or confirm if the procedures were
done properly so that the group will arrive with
closely related results.
Table 3.


Percentage Difference,
% diff =

|1 2 |
( 1



Percent difference
= 3.513%

Sample Computation:
% =
|1 2 |
+ 2
( 1
|375.061 362.113|
% =
375.061 + 362.113
% = 3.513%
From the performed experiment, I could say that
it was a success. By following the procedures
stated in the manual properly gave us all the
relevant data that are needed. We have computed
properly all that was required for the experiment
too by using the appropriate formula for those.
In the first part of the experiment, we have used
the principles of conservation of energy and
momentum in determining the velocity of the steel
ball using a ballistic pendulum. Our data proves
that the conservation of energy and momentum
can be used in getting the velocity of the steel ball
and pendulum bob. Since the collision was
inelastic, the final velocity of the two masses will
be the same. This conclusion tells us that we have
achieved the first objective of the experiment.
For the second part, we have validated the initial
velocity of the steel ball through projectile motion.


The velocity in the first part was also used in this

part for the determination of horizontal distance.
There were five trials and the average horizontal
distance is what we used to compute for the initial
velocity using the formula in the laboratory
manual. The result we got is really close from the
initial velocity we got from the first part of the
experiment. This only says that we have also
achieved the second objective of the experiment.
I believe that in terms of the errors made in the
experiment, it is somewhat minimal. The sources
of error can be from the measurement of the
vertical and horizontal distances. Since we
manually measured these components, there is a
high possibility that the measurements we got
were inaccurate. The percent difference we got
was 3.513% which is considered as small
I would like to thank my groupmates for being so
cooperative upon doing the experiment. I
appreciate all of their efforts since without their
help, our experiment will have a great chance of
failure. I also thank our professor, Prof. Ricardo F.
De Leon, Jr. for guiding all throughout the
experiment. I thank him for instructing us on how
we should set up the materials and equipment for
our experiment. I also would like to acknowledge
the lab assistants for reminding us how to handle
the materials and equipment and telling us about
the important things to remember such as the
weights to be added. Lastly, I would like to thank
my family for supporting me in my studies as I
pursue my degree in Mapa.
Calderon, Jose C., (2000) College Physics
Technology, Manila: Department of Physics.



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