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How to Plead the Blood of Jesus

for Deliverance
Many of the non-denominational churches talk about the power of
Pleading the Blood of Jesus but they do not tell you exactly how to do it,
what to plead it on, what to plead it against, and how frequently you need
to do it in order to get Gods maximum protection on you and your loved
In this article, I will show you exactly how to plead the Blood, what to
plead it on, some of things that you can plead it against, and how
frequently you will need to plead it in order to get Gods maximum
protection on you and your specific set of circumstances.
I will also give you the Scriptural grounds that entitles all Christians to be
able to use this form of offensive prayer.
I will also show you how to incorporate the Pleading of the Blood in your
own personal battle prayers, which is when you will need Gods
deliverance and/or healing power to come into any type of adverse
situation that you may have just fallen into, and I will also back this up
with some very powerful testimonies involving myself and some of my
personal friends, and how Pleading the Blood of Jesus helped rescue and
deliver them out of some real dire predicaments. The information in this
article has been battle tested and battle proven.
In my own personal opinion I believe that learning how to Plead the
Blood of Jesus will give you one of the most powerful, if not the most
powerful form of offensive prayer that you can use for any kind of
deliverance and/or protection that you may need from the Lord.
This form of offensive prayer can not only be used to get Gods protection
on you before any type of adversity ever strikes you, but it can also be
used for physical, emotional, and mental healings, for battling demons,
and for battling any kind of storm cloud that may have just come your
I believe that we are truly heading into end time waters as prophesied in
the Bible. Learning how to properly plead the Blood of Jesus for
deliverance and protection is going to be needed by all Christians in order
to help keep them out of harms way as things really start to heat up in
the years ahead.
Too many Christians are getting robbed, raped, abducted, murdered,
sexually and/or physically abused, slandered, cheated, scammed, etc. All
you have to do is watch the daily news and it is one horror story after

I believe the number one reason why so many Christians are coming under such
heavy attacks from both demons and evil people in this world is because they do
not have Gods full protection on them.

And the reason they do not have Gods full protection on them is because
to spiritually
themselves using actual spiritual warfare techniques!
There are numerous verses in the Bible telling us that we are to be good
soldiers of Jesus Christ and that we have to fight the good fight of
faith. Whether we like it or not, we are all living in a war zone as a result
of the Adamic curse that is still in full operation on this earth.
We are living in a fallen, imperfect, and cursed world that is subject to
death, corruption, demonic spirits, and evil humans who have chosen with
their own free wills to live this life on the dark side. What this means is
that anyone of us at anytime can come under direct human or demonic
attack. Places where we thought we were safe are no longer safe.
Criminals are getting more brazen and more evil. Children are literally
getting abducted right out of their beds in the middle of the night with
their parents and the other children in the house sleeping in the other
rooms. 9/11 has forever changed our landscape as far as all Americans
are concerned. Radical terrorists have now officially invaded our country
and we will never know when or where the next attack will occur. The
Bible has already warned us that evil, lawlessness, and immorality will
abound in the end times.
There are verses telling us that in the end times men will become lovers
of self, unholy, blasphemers, having no self-control and only living life for
what they can get out of it.
The Bible tells us that the love of many will grow cold during these times,
and many people will only be out for themselves and for whatever
pleasures they can get out of this life while they still can. As a result of
this kind of deterioration in mans moral state, many people will become
more impulsive, brazen, and evil. This may help explain why some of
these evil people are literally kidnapping children right out of their beds or
front yards while the parents or babysitters are still in the home.
They are losing all self-control over their evil sick desires and impulses,
and they are acting out on them without any thought of the consequences
of their actions.
Since I really feel that we have officially entered into end time waters as
prophesied in the Bible, each Christian is going to have to make a big
personal decision as to how they are going to live the rest of what time
they still have left down here on this earth.
Christians can either choose to remain passive with their heads stuck in the sand,
hoping that neither they nor any of their close loved ones will ever come under any kind
of direct human or demonic attack or they can choose to learn how to rise up in the
power of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and learn how to spiritually defend
themselves using spiritual warfare techniques as given to us out of the Bible!

When the enemy does come, and he will come at each one of us from time to time, you
can either choose to run and hide hoping that you will somehow survive the attack and
make it out in one piece or you can choose to learn how to spiritually defend yourself
and engage with the enemy head on like David did with Goliath.
The choice is yours. Too many Christians are taking the first approach,
and they are literally getting killed and taken out of this life way too early.
The pain, torment, and agony of losing loves ones, especially to any kind
of violent crime, is beyond human comprehension.
Too many Christians are living defeated lives with no real joy, peace, or power in their
lives. Storm cloud after storm cloud keeps coming after them beating them down to a
Many Christians, since they have not been properly taught how to engage with the
enemy when he does come their way, are drowning in their sea of troubles.
Too many Christians could not pray their way out of a paper sack if they ever got
caught in one because they have never established any kind of personal relationship
with the Lord, have never developed any real working knowledge from His Word, have
no real knowledge of the enemy, his tactics, and how he operates and have no real
knowledge on how to properly pray or stand in the gap for someone else to get God to
move in with His supernatural power to bring freedom, healing, or deliverance to a
particular situation.
In my opinion, and from the personal experiences that I have had with this form of
offensive prayer, I believe that learning how to Plead the Blood of Jesus may be one of
the greatest, offensive, spiritual weapons that you can have in your arsenal.
As you will see in the personal testimony section of our site, complete and total victory
was granted to each person who had Pleaded the Blood of Jesus on their specific set of
circumstances. And in most of the cases, the victory was granted very quickly!
This is how powerful this form of offensive prayer really is.
For those of you who really want to learn how to arm and defend both
yourself and your close loved ones when these attacks do come your way,
read on. For those of you who will choose to remain passive hoping that
nothing bad will ever come your way, at least keep this article on the shelf
in the event that any serious adversity ever does strike you or any of your
close loved ones down the road.
Before I go into exactly how to Plead the Blood of Jesus and all of the
different things that you can Plead the blood against, I will first give you
the Scriptural grounds that entitles all Christians to be able to use this
form of offensive prayer.

Scriptural Grounds for Pleading the Blood of Jesus

There are many Christians who attack this form of prayer. They ask where
in Scripture is there proof that we can use this kind of prayer for either
protection or deliverance when we will really need it. There was no
evidence that the early apostles ever pled the blood to heal, to cast out
demons, or to get Gods basic protection on them.

I believe there are three specific things contained in the Blood of Jesus
forgiveness, deliverance, and protection. Many Christians only know
about the first one forgiveness. They have no idea there are two other
things available to them that will enable them to live a victorious and
overcoming life in the Lord while still living down here on this earth. Here
is a brief discussion on each one of these three things.

1. Forgiveness
As Christians, we all know there is definitely forgiveness in the Blood of
Jesus. This is the basic central message of true Christianity that God the
Father sent His one and only begotten Son Jesus Christ down to our earth
in the flesh to physically die on a cross in order to save us and give us
total and permanent forgiveness for all of our sins.
Without Jesus dying and shedding His blood on the cross, there would be
no forgiveness and remission of any of our sins. Here are some extremely
powerful verses from Scripture specifically telling us this:

For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for
the remission of sins. (Matthew 26:28)
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of
sins, according to the riches of His grace. (Ephesians 1:7)
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been made near
by the blood of Christ. (Ephesians 2:13)
For the life of the flesh is in the blood for it is the blood that makes
atonement for the soul. (Leviticus 17:11)

Notice the emphasis on the word blood in these verses. There is no

question that in these verses, and others in the Bible, that the blood that
Jesus personally shed for us on the cross is what leads all of us to be able
to receive eternal salvation, the forgiveness of all of our sins, and
entrance into heaven when we die and cross over.

2. Deliverance
Now what are the Scriptural grounds that will give us the legal right to be
able to use the blood of Jesus when taking on any attacks that may come
our way? As you will see in some of the stories in the Testimonies section
of our site, you can Plead the Blood of Jesus against specific types of
attacks such as attacks from demons or other evil people, any kind of
physical illness or disease, or any kinds of addictions like drugs and
Many Christians are not aware of this second component that is in the
Blood of Jesus which will entitle us to be able to use His Blood to go on
the offensive against any adversity that may come our way.
Something else happened that day when Jesus died on the cross for all of
our sins. The Bible tells us that Jesus also defeated Satan and all of the
powers of darkness that day! Here are several good verses from Scripture
proving this point to you:


that through death He might destroy him who had the power of
death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were
all their lifetime subject to bondage. (Hebrews 2:14)
He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us
into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through
His blood, the forgiveness of sins. (Colossians 1:13)
Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public
spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. (Colossians 2:15)
For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy
the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8)
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of
their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. (Revelation

What defeated Satan and all his dark powers? The physical death of Jesus
on the cross. And what did Jesus do when He died that day on the cross
for all of us? He shed His Blood!
This is why Pleading the Blood of Jesus works so well in real life combat
situations when it really is needed to defeat attacks that are coming
against us from the dark side.
Many Christians are not fully aware of this second fact about the Blood of
Jesus that the Blood of Jesus can also be used to engage with our
enemies when they do try to launch any kind of an attack against us. I
believe that all of the above Scripture verses definitely tell us that the
blood that Jesus shed that day on the cross has totally defeated Satan
and all of his dark powers.
The only thing left is for all Christians to fully realize this incredible fact,
and to grab a hold of this powerful truth and not to be afraid to use when
they need it especially when demons or other evil people are attempting
to come against them with any type of unjust action or attack.
Here are four more good powerful verses from Scripture showing that all
Christians now have Gods supernatural power and anointing available to
them so they can use it to engage with the dark side of this life:
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the
power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)
Notice in this verse we have Gods power over all the power of our
enemies, not just against some or part of their powers. This means we
have the ability to come outcompletely victorious in some of lifes
battles and struggles, but only if we learn how to properly use what is
now available to us.
Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power andauthority over all
demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the
sick. (Luke 9:1)
Notice in this verse that Jesus gives the twelve apostles power
over all demons, not just some of them. If we have Gods power available
to us to defeat all demons, then I believe that we also have Gods power
to defeat any and all humans who may try to come against us with any
type of unjust action or attack.
but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out greatexploits.
(Daniel 11:32)

Knowing their God means that we have spent good quality time in
establishing a good personal relationship with the Lord. If we do this, then
this verse is telling us that God will strengthen and empower us when we
need His power to be able to carry out great exploits and great
adventures for Him.
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to showHimself
strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9)
This verse is telling us that God is actually looking for people that He can
anoint with His power and show Himself strong through, but the
implication appears to be that He really cannot find many people who are
willing to pay the price to be able to really walk with His anointing.
As you can see from the way all of the above Scripture verses are worded true
Christianity is not a weak, wimpy, or passive religion. As born-again believers, we all
have the Holy Spirit literally living on the inside of us.
As a result, our bodies have now become the actual temple of the Holy Spirit. His
supernatural power is now fully available to all of us in order to help us handle some of
the storm clouds that can come against us in this life.
Learning how to properly Plead the Blood of Jesus for any deliverance and
protection that you may need is just one part of our arsenal. I will be
doing other articles in the near future covering some of the other aspects
on this part of our walk with the Lord.

3. Protection
As you will see in the next section, you can also Plead the Blood of Jesus
on specific things that you will want protected before any kind of adversity
could strike them like your body, house, car, and finances. The goal is to
Plead the Blood of Jesus on those things in order to protect
you before any kind of adversity could ever come your way.
If the above verses are showing us that we can Plead the Blood of Jesus
against any attacks that may have already come our way, then I believe it
only stands to reason that we can also go one step further with the Blood
of Jesus and that is to use it for protection before any kind of attack
could actually come our way.
In this case, you simply Plead the Blood of Jesus on whatever you want
Gods full protection on before any attacks could possibly come your way.
I believe there is something else in the Bible that gives us another clue
that entitles us to be able to Plead the Blood for this specific purpose.
In the Old Testament, God the Father had it arranged with His chosen
people, the Jews, that in order for them to be able to enter into a
covenant relationship with Him, they had to have some kind of temporary
covering for their sins. Jesus had not come yet, so there was no full
remission for any of the sins that had occurred back at that time
What God the Father had set up was the sacrifice of blemish-free animals
such as bulls, goats and lambs. Their blood had to be shed once per year
on what was called the Day of Atonement. The shedding of these animals
blood was what gave the Jewish people a temporary covering for their

sins so they could then enter into a personal relationship with God the
This is why Jesus is called the Lamb of God. He is an extension of the
lambs used by His Father in the Old Testament to give the Jewish people a
temporary covering for their sins. Once Jesus had come to shed His own
blood on the cross, there was no more need for any more animal
sacrifices. His death on the cross had completed and fulfilled what His
Father had started in the Old Testament with the sacrifice of these
Now watch this analogy. In the shedding of the lambs blood on the Day of
Atonement, there was a temporary covering for the sins of the Jewish
people. Then Jesus comes in the New Testament, and the shedding of His
blood now gives all believers complete and total forgiveness for all of their
Now here is where I feel that something else occurred back in the Old
Testament that may entitle us to be able to use the Blood of Jesus for
divine protection. In the story of the Passover, God had sent His servant
Moses to rescue the children of Israel from their captivity to the
Egyptians. God had thrown ten whopper plagues at the Pharaoh in an
effort to try and get him to release His people from his rule.
On one of those plagues, God tells Pharaoh that He is going to allow an
angel of death to come through their camp to kill all of their firstborn
children. However, before God sets all of this up to occur, He tells His own
people to shed the blood of a blemish-free lamb and to put that shed
blood on the door posts and lintels of their houses.
God tells His people that the angel of death will bypass their house if he
sees this shed blood put on their door posts and lintels.
This angel of death will thus not kill any of the Israelites firstborn
but only if he sees the blood properly applied to the door posts
and lintels of their houses.
In other words, the blood of this blemish-free lamb was being used for
divine protection before this attack would ever come their way. Had each
person not properly applied this blood on their door posts, their firstborn
children would have also been killed, along with the rest of the firstborn
children of the Egyptians.
Here is my argument on this:
If the shed blood of the Old Testament lambs used for the temporary covering of sins
eventually leads to the shedding of Jesus blood for permanent and total forgiveness of
all of our sins can we also use that same analogy and say that the shed blood of the
lambs used in the Passover for divine protection could also lead to the shed Blood of
Jesus having divine protection in it?
I personally believe the answer is yes, and that is why God the Father
seems willing to work with any believer who will plead the blood of Jesus
on whatever they want protection on before any attack can come their
way just like He did in the story of the Passover with His own chosen

Before I go into the specifics on how to Plead the Blood of Jesus for
deliverance and protection, there is one more area that each Christian
must make a big personal decision on before God will give you this kind of
full divine protection.

Saved and Surrendered

In order to be able to plead the Blood of Jesus for any kind of deliverance
or protection you may need, there are two requirements that must be

1. Saved
You must be a saved and born-again Christian. A nonbeliever cannot use
the blood of Jesus. In the story of the Passover, only Gods chosen people
were allowed to apply the blood of the lamb on their door posts to get His
full protection on them.
It is the same way in the New Testament. Only born-again, Christian
believers can use the blood of Jesus for deliverance and protection.

2. The Full Surrender

However, for those who are already saved and born-again Christians,
there is now one more big thing that you will have to do before you can
start to get Gods best to start flowing into your life which will include
getting His maximum protection on you and your life. And that is to be
willing to make a full and complete surrender of your entire being and
your entire life over to God the Father.
You have to be both saved and surrendered in order to be able to step
from the dugout out onto the real playing field where the real walk with
the Lord is really at. God wants you to fully surrender four specific things
to Him:


entire life

The Bible tells us that we have three parts to our beings body, soul and
spirit. God wants all three parts of our being completely surrendered over
to Him. The fourth thing that God will also want from you is for you to
fully surrender your entire lifeover to Him. And when I say entire life, I
mean literally everything in your life.
The Bible tells us that with the measure we use, will be the measure that
will be measured back to us. In other words, if you want Gods best to
start flowing into your life, then you will have to give God your personal
best and your personal best is being willing to fully surrender every part
of your being and every part of your life over to the Lord for His full
direction and handling. Its your all for His all.

This full surrender to the Lord is where many Christians are really missing the boat
with Him.
They are saved through the blood of Jesus, but they are not walking in this full
surrender with God the Father.
As a result, God is not working full force in their lives. The only way to get God to start
working full force in your life is to come under a complete and full surrender with Him.
Bottom line Gods knowledge and wisdom is perfect on all matters
yours is not! God can see into the future and knows exactly what is going
to happen to you you cannot. God knows you better than you can ever
know yourself, and as a result, He knows what your true potential and
capabilities are going to be in this life you do not.
Your powers are limited, but Gods powers are not. The Bible tells us that
God is all-powerful and that there is nothing that He cannot do or
accomplish. Nothing is impossible with God.
After chewing on all the above, who do you want to have the daily
running of your life? Yourself, with your limited powers, wisdom, and
knowledge or God the Father, who has maximum power and knowledge
to do and accomplish anything He will want to do?
This lack of a full surrender to God the Father is what is getting so many Christians
beat to a pulp in the playing field of life.
They do not have Gods full protection on them, and as a result, they are coming under
severe attacks from demons, evil people, and just some of the natural cause and effects
that can occur at a moments notice such as different kinds of accidents, catastrophes,
mishaps, and illnesses that can hit anyone of us at anytime.
Without Gods maximum protection, anyone of us can get hit by these types of severe
storm clouds. Only Gods divine protection can keep you safe and out of harms way
from some of these types of storm clouds.
And the only way to get Gods maximum protection on you and your life is to come
under this full and complete surrender with Him.
If you want to take this last and final step with the Lord, then I can give
you a very short, but powerful prayer to go to God the Father with to
come into this full surrender with Him.
This prayer should be said at least once or twice a year after you do it the
first time. You need to show God that you mean serious business with
Him on this, and by continuing to recite this prayer back to Him on a once
or twice per year basis, you will be showing Him that you are really
serious about this full surrender, and that you will continue to let Him
have full control of your entire life for the rest of your earthly life.
I will give you both parts of this prayer the initial prayer that you will go
to God the Father with to make the initial full surrender, and then the
second part of this prayer that will continue to keep you under this full
surrender with the Lord for the rest of your earthly life.
A) The Full Surrender Prayer
In the name of Jesus, I now place my body, my soul, my spirit, and my entire life into
Your hands. I now ask that You place me into Your perfect will for my life. From this

moment on, I will choose to stay fully surrendered to You all the days of my life and will
allow You to lead and direct my life in the direction that You will want it to go in. Thank
you Father. Thank you Jesus.
B) To Stay in the Full Surrender
In the name of Jesus, I continue to place my body, my soul, my spirit, and my entire life
in Your hands. I choose to stay fully surrendered to You all the days of my life and ask
that you continue to keep me in Your perfect will for my life. Thank you Father. Thank
you Jesus.
The above prayer is short, sweet, and simple, but extremely powerful!
With this prayer, you have now just turned the reigns of your life over to
God the Father and He will now start to guide and direct your life in the
direction that He will want it to go in. God now has a perfect plan and
destiny all set up for your life.
If you are willing to make this full surrender with God the Father, then you
are now ready for the next big step, and that is to learn how to Plead the
Blood of Jesus for His deliverance and protection.
There are two ways that you will use the Pleading of His Blood. One is
for protection where you will Plead the Blood of Jesus on whatever you
want protected before any attacks or adversity could come your way. By
Pleading the Blood of Jesus on the things that you want specifically
protected, you will go a long way in preventing a lot of needless attacks,
mishaps, and accidents from ever coming your way in the first place. This
is preventative medicine at its best.
The second way that you will use the Pleading of His Blood is
for deliverance where you have already been hit by some kind of
adversity, and now you will need Gods deliverance and/or healing power
to help set you free.









The first thing you are going to do is make a personal list of everything
that you would like to have Gods protection on. These are what I call the
basics. I will give you my recommendations as to what some of these
basic things should be. You will then have to add your own personal
things to this list to properly complete it.

1. The Basics

The basic things that you will want covered under the Blood of Jesus for
His divine protection are the following:


body, soul, and spirit



Your office if you work

Your spouse and children if you are married

Any one of these could come under demonic or human attack at any time.
Pleading the Blood of Jesus on your car will help prevent you from getting
into any type of serious auto accidents, along with helping to prevent any
type of break-ins or theft of your car.
Pleading the Blood of Jesus on your finances will help protect you from all
of the scammers and con artists who are out there trying to scam and
steal all of your hard earned money. Identity theft has become a major
problem in our country. Pleading the blood of Jesus on all of your credit
cards and bank accounts will stop thieves dead in their tracks if they try
and target you for identity theft.
Pleading the Blood of Jesus on your house and office building will help
protect you against any fires, break-ins, burglaries, natural catastrophes,
or any type of bad accidents.
Pleading the Blood on all of your children will help protect them from any
possible abductions, serious accidents, or life-threatening illnesses. I do
not have to tell you how many sexual predators that are out there looking
for their next victim. Literally a day does not go by when someone is not
getting abducted, robbed, raped, or murdered.
Pleading the Blood of Jesus on your own body, soul, and spirit will also
help keep you personally protected from all of the above.
I could go on and on with the number of bad things that could
happen to either you, your children, or your spouse.
Bottom line only God knows when any attack will be coming
your way, and only God can protect and shield you from these
attacks before they do come. And the way that you can get God to
move in with His full divine protection before any of these attacks
can come your way is by Pleading the Blood of Jesus on each of
the specific things that you will want protected.
Here is how to specifically Plead the Blood on each of the above items.

2. Pleading the Blood on the Basics

In order to get Gods full protection on something, you have to do the
following three things:

Plead the Blood on the object that you want protected.

Plead the Blood against whatever possibly could come against that
Then seal the prayer with a statement of faith and belief to God the
Father telling Him that you are now going to have full faith and belief that He
will now protect you from all of the things that you just Pled the Blood of His
Son on.

Here is a sample prayer on how to Plead the Blood of Jesus on your body,
soul, and spirit:

Father, in the name of Jesus, I now plead the Blood of Jesus over
every inch of my physical body, over every inch my soul, and over
ever inch of my spirit. I now plead the Blood of Jesus against any
demons who may try and come against me. I now Plead the Blood
of Jesus against any bad and evil people who may try and come
against me.
I now plead the Blood of Jesus against any natural accidents or
catastrophes that may come against me. I now plead the Blood of
Jesus against any diseases, viruses, or illnesses that could
possibly come against me.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now have full faith and belief that
the Blood of Jesus will now fully protect me against all of the
things that I have just Pled His Blood on. Thank you Father. Thank
you Jesus.
This prayer is short, sweet, simple and straight to the point. You can add
whatever else you want in the prayer that will fit your own personal set of
You will have to Plead the Blood of Jesus on each of the above six items
to get Gods full protection on it. You have to be very specific on the
things that you will want covered and protected under His Blood. This is
why each of you will have to make up your own personal list.
The above six items should be absolute minimums. When you Plead the
Blood on the other five items, just substitute the appropriate wording on
the next item that you are Pleading the Blood on. When Pleading the
Blood on the basics, you can choose to either say the prayer out loud or
silently to yourself, which ever way you would be more comfortable with.

3. The Index Card

What I have found to be very helpful is to write all the above down on an
index card. Here is my recommendation:
a) Take an index card and write at the top of it the words Pleading the
Blood of Jesus. This way you know this card is for Pleading the Blood of
b) On the front of the card, write down and number each of the items
that you want protected under the Blood of Jesus. The six items
mentioned above should all be on this list. Then write down anything else
that you will want covered and protected under His Blood.
c) Then write on the back of the card the blood prayer itself as worded
above. You can use a fill in the blanks system on the back of the card
since you will be Pleading the Blood on different things. You can write the
following on the back of the card:

in the name of Jesus, I now plead the Blood of Jesus on . I

now Plead the Blood of Jesus against .
Father, in the name of Jesus, I have full faith and belief that the
Blood of Jesus will protect me against any of the things that I
have just Pled His Blood on. Thank you Father. Thank you Jesus.
On one little index card, you will have everything you need on how to
properly Plead the Blood of Jesus on whatever it is that you want His
protection on. You will have all of the basics as to what needs to be
covered with the Blood in your life on the front of the card, and then the
exact prayer written on the back as to how to properly Plead the Blood on
each of those basic things.

4. Frequency
How often will you have to Plead the Blood of Jesus on all of the above in
order to get Gods maximum protection on these things? Through
personal trial and error with the Lord on all of this, I have found out that
in my own personal life, that I have to Plead the Blood of Jesus on all of
the above items on a once per month basis.
You may each have to find your own personal frequency factor with the
Lord on how often to Plead the Blood on all of the above. But do not be
surprised if God does not tell you the same thing once per month.
I have personally found out the hard way that if I want Gods full
protection on all of the above items that I have to Plead the Blood on
the night before the beginning of the next month. In other words, if I
want Gods protection for the month of May, then I have to Plead the
Blood on all of the above on the last day of April.
I have been burned several times when I forgot to do this and was
subjected to several abnormal attacks on the first day of that new month.
It would be like a football player forgetting to put his helmet on for even
one play. Not having his helmet on for even that one play could get him
killed due to the intensity of the game that he is playing.

5. Applying a Bloodline
Here is another thing that you can do, especially for those of you who own
a house with property surrounding it. You can walk around the entire
property Pleading the Blood of Jesus as you walk completely around it in a
circle. What you are doing is applying a Bloodline around your property.
I have read of cases where Christian farmers have done this to protect
their livestock and flock from attacks from wild predators. In one case in
particular, a farmer was having a problem with some of his farm animals
being killed by a wild wolf. He went ahead and applied a Bloodline around
his entire property. When he woke up the next day, he found a dead wolf
lying about two feet passed the point where he had just pleaded the
Blood over the day before.


In other words, the wolf had crossed over about two feet into the farmers
territory and had crossed the Bloodline. The wolf was stricken dead as
soon as he crossed this Bloodline. The farmer had no more problems with
any of his animals being killed after that one wolf had been struck down.
Pleading the Blood and applying a Bloodline around your house and
property can also help protect you from earthquakes or tornadoes. There
have been documented cases out in California where some Christian
families had Pleaded the Blood over their houses and property. An
earthquake had then hit the entire area. All of the houses in their
subdivision had sustained some type of damage from the earthquake, but
there was no damage whatsoever to the houses that had the Blood of
Jesus pled on them by the Christian families!

6. Trains and Planes

Another area in which you can Plead the Blood on is whenever you are
getting ready to get on a train or plane to go out of town. Simply Plead
the Blood on the train or plane either right before you get ready to board
it, or do it the night before. I do not have to tell you how many plane
wrecks we have seen over the last 5-10 years. Better to be safe than
sorry on this issue.
Now I will show you how to Plead the Blood of Jesus for any actual
deliverance that you may need if by chance you have been caught up in a
nasty storm cloud.

How to Plead the Blood of Jesus for Deliverance

In part 1, I showed you how to Plead the Blood of Jesus for Protection.
It gets a little trickier when Pleading the Blood against something that
may have already come against you. These are what I call battle
You, or someone else you know, may have just been hit with a lifethreatening illness or disease such as cancer. You may know someone
who is an alcoholic or drug addict and they cannot seem to break free
from it. You may know someone else who is severely depressed and they
are seriously contemplating suicide. Another person may be under severe
demonic attack as a result of engaging in some type of occult activity.
There are a million and one things that could come against anyone
of us at any time. If something has already come directly against
you and you are now caught in its evil grip, then you are now
going to have to go on the offensive and try to take it out by
Pleading the Blood of Jesus directly against it!


When you run across a situation that will need Gods supernatural power
to fully deliver you, you will usually need some kind of battle strategy in
which to war against it.
The person may not be saved and you may have to get them saved
before God can move in to deliver them. Another person may be saved,
but not walking in a full surrender with the Lord, and you may have to get
that person to commit to making a full surrender before God will move in
to help them out.
This is where the Holy Spirit is really going to be coming in big time.
Depending on the kind of predicament you are dealing with, you will have
to be totally guided and led by the Holy Spirit as to how to handle each
one of these battle situations.
Each one of these battle situations are completely unique and different.
No two battle situations are ever alike. This is why you are going to have
to be totally dependent on the Holy Spirit on how to handle each one of
these battle situations.
And this will now lead us right into the next section, the personal
testimonies of our website where I have written up some of the victories
that have been obtained by giving the appropriate battle advice on each
one of these unique and different battle situations.
As you will see as I explain what happened on each case, I always go the
Lord in prayer first and ask Him how He wants me to handle each one of
these unique battle situations.
I also give you some of the specific battle prayers that I gave to some of
these people to help get them delivered out of some real nasty
predicaments. As you review each one of these testimonies, you will then
get an idea on how to handle something that may have already come
against you where you will need Gods deliverance and/or healing power
to help get you out of it.
All of these powerful testimonies have one major thing in common
and this is where many Christians are really missing out on
being able to get delivered from some of their bad predicaments
and that one common denominator is that all of these people had
to be taught how to go on the offensive against whatever
adversity had just come their way.
Too many Christians are way too passive when confronted with
any type of severe adversity.
The Bible tells us that all Christians carry the power of God on the
inside of them through the Holy Spirit.
The Bible tells us that we are all soldiers of Jesus Christ. If God is
telling us that we are all good soldiers of His Son Jesus Christ,

then this means we all have His power at our disposal in which to
engage and defeat any enemy that may try and come against us.
The problem is that most Christians have never been taught how to go on
the offensive when the enemy does launch an all-out, full scale attack
against them. Most Christians have never been taught how to use spiritual
warfare so they can directly engage with an enemy head on like David did
with Goliath. As a result, many Christians are literally getting their heads
knocked off in the arena of life when adversity does come knocking on
their doors.
This article, and the Testimonies section of our website, will attempt to
show you how to use one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful
form of spiritual warfare to take on any enemy and come out completely
victorious and that is learning how to Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ
directly against whatever adversity may have just come your way.
Before you go into the actual testimonies, let me give you some major
power verses from the Bible showing you that all Christians carry the
power of God on the inside of them through the Person of the Holy Spirit.
And if God is empowering all of us with His divine power, then He is
obviously going to want us to do something with it and that is to use it
when we will need it!
Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of
hosts. (Zechariah 4:6) This one little verse should be memorized by all
Christians. In one powerful sentence, God is telling us that things get
accomplished not by our power or by our might, but by the power of the
Holy Spirit.
But you shall receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come
upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in
all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. (Acts 1:8)
For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in
POWER, and in the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 1:5)
For the kingdom of God is not in word but in POWER. (1
Corinthians 4:20)
in mighty signs and wonders, by the POWER of the Spirit
of God (Romans 15:19)
These verses are talking about the signs and wonders that the early
apostles walked with. These verses are specifically telling us that all of the
signs and wonders that were done by the early apostles were done by the
power of the Holy Spirit. And if we have the same Holy Spirit that the
early apostles did, then we too are capable of having God manifest His
power to us through the Holy Spirit like He did with them.
The Bible tells us that God is no respecter of persons which means what
He will do for one, He will do for another.

And with GREAT POWER the apostles gave witness to the

resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them
all. (Acts 4:33)


I CAN DO ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me.

(Philippians 4:13)
Notice the word all that there is nothing that God cannot do through
you or for you if He should choose to do so.
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and
scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy, and NOTHING
shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)
I am repeating this verse once again. Again, notice Jesus is telling the
apostles they will have His power to defeat all of the power of their
enemies and that nothing shall be able to hurt them! This verse should
burned into all of our memory banks so that we never, ever forget who we
serve and follow in this life, and how powerful our Lord really is!
This one verse is telling us that we all have Gods supernatural power and
authority operating through us. We just have to learn how to walk and
flow with Gods power that has been made available to all of us through
the Holy Spirit.
In order to be able to receive forgiveness from the Blood of Jesus for any
of your sins, there is something that you must do.
You must first confess the sin to God, and then God will grant you His
forgiveness. It is the same thing for the deliverance and protection that is
in the Blood of Jesus.
In order to be able to receive Gods deliverance and protection from the
Blood of Jesus, there is something that you must do. And that something
is Pleading the Blood for the protection or deliverance that you are
looking for. As you will see in each one of these stories, the Blood of Jesus
had to be specifically pled against whatever the nature of the attack
The Pleading of Jesus Blood in each one of these cases was
incorporated into what I call a battle prayer. T
hese battle prayers are extremely powerful and effective when
properly worded and prayed out. In all of these cases, complete
deliverance and victory came about very quickly.

Recommended Reading
For those of you who would like some additional reading material on the
power of Pleading the Blood of Jesus, here are three very good books that
I would highly recommend:
Power of the Blood by H. A. Maxwell Whyte.
The Blood & the Glory by Billye Brim.
The Word, The Name, The Blood by Joyce Meyer.

As you will see when reviewing some of our actual testimonies, there is
definite power in Pleading the Blood of Jesus for deliverance and
protection. You can use it in a wide variety of adverse situations, and in
all of our personal cases, victory and deliverance came about very quickly
for each person that went on the offensive with it!

If either you, or anyone else that you know has been caught up in
any kind of adverse predicament try going on the offensive as
these people did. Form out the appropriate battle prayer that will
fit your particular situation and then take your enemy head on like
David did with Goliath.
I will be doing additional articles in the future going into much more detail
on the different strategies that you can take when using spiritual warfare
so as to help you live a victorious and overcoming life in our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.

Pleading the Blood Against a Home

For those of you who believe in the power of pleading the blood of Jesus
for deliverance and protection, we just received a very good testimony
from a woman in S. Africa.
Long story short, she received a very strong unction from the Lord one
day to walk around her house and plead the blood of Jesus as a bloodline
around her house. She at first was not going to do it, as the lawn had not
been mowed yet and she did not like walking in the long grass.
However, knowing that she was receiving a leading from the Lord to do
this, she went ahead and obeyed and walked around her house pleading
the blood of Jesus so she could have His protection around her house.
This was done at 18:00 S. African time.
6 hours later, which would have been at midnight, she found out the next
day that her next door neighbors house had been literally broken into
right at that midnight hour. This woman was also having a dream right at
midnight of a demon called breaking in sitting on top of the gate leading
into her house.
This woman is sure the Lord prevented these criminals from breaking into
her house by the way all of this took place literally 6 hours after she had
just got done pleading the blood of Jesus around her house as a hedge of
This woman has given us permission to release her word-for-word
testimony for this article. In our article titled, How to Plead the Blood of
Jesus for Deliverance and Protection, we talk about pleading the blood of
Jesus around your property as a bloodline. There have been documented
cases of Christians having their homes spared damage from earthquakes,
etc. as a result of doing this with the Lord.
This testimony is just another good example of God protecting one of His
own as a result of her obeying His leading to plead the blood of Jesus
around her house as a protective bloodline.
Here is her word-for-word testimony.


May God Bless you for this website and for educating us. I have a
testimony to share regarding the pleading of the Blood of Jesus
I used to stay in Benoni, South Africa and I just started walking
around my house pleading the Blood of Jesus. This day I did not
want to go out and do it. I thought that I will just do when I pray.
But I felt an urgency on my spirit to actual go outside and walk
around the property and plead the Blood.
The time was about 18h00 South African time, and my lawn was
not mowed so I do not like walking in the long grass especially
when it was getting dark, so I thought no I will plead the Blood
the next day. But I had such a conviction to go out that very same
day. Eventually I went out and run around the property pleading
the Blood.
That same night I had a dream somebody waking me up and
telling to look outside towards my gate. When I looked I saw
some funny thing sitting on top of my gate, and I asked the
person who woke me up what are those things sitting on my gate.
The person told me that those were demons for breaking in that
there were going to break into my house. Then suddenly I woke
up and then I realized that it was a dream. When I looked at my
watch, it was 24H00(midnight). I just prayed and slept.
The next morning I was told that some people broke into my next
door neighbors house at midnight the exact time I was having
that dream. I thanked God because I realized then that If I was
disobedient and did not plead the Blood, it would have been me,
they would have broken into my house. So people it works.
I thank you for this article because now I know more about the
pleading of the Blood and will pray these prayers.
God Bless you. - Anne
When you analyze this testimony, you have to ask yourself what are the
odds that she received a leading from the Lord to plead the blood of Jesus
around her house as a bloodline and then literally 6 hours later, her next
door neighbors house literally gets broken into. Coincidence? We do not
think so.
And then to have a dream at midnight, at the exact same time her
neighbors house was getting broken into, of a demon named breaking
in sitting on top of her gate. Again, another coincidence? We do not think
And then to top it off, this woman initially did not want to obey the
leading to do this, as the grass had not been mowed yet and she did not
like walking in the long grass, especially with it getting dark outside.
There are 3 big tells in this testimony to show that this was not a
coincidence, but a real leading from the Lord to actually do this. As a

result, it looked like she prevented her house from actually getting broken
into by these criminals.
I know pleading the blood of Jesus for deliverance and protection is a big
controversial issue in the Body right now. But for the record, we still
believe in it and will continue to pass on more good testimonies to show
that this form of offensive prayer really does work.
As a closing remark, this woman responded back with a little more
information on how she had used this in the past with both herself and
her children. Again, here is the word-for-word email she had just sent
Good day,
Yes, it is more than OK. It is good when we testify. It shows or
demonstrate that we are grateful and thank the Lord for
delivering us out of those situation, and we thank Him for His
mercy and love towards us and our family.
In actual fact, I have seen the goodness of the Lord in my life and
my children on many occasions. It just that after reading the
testimonies on your website I became more convinced that it was
because of the Blood of Jesus that I and my children have been
protected from circumstances and accidents that could have
claimed our lives.
I used to offer a prayer like this every night Thank you Lord for
your precious Blood that protects us against accidents, violence
and any sorts of evil.
My younger son was once ran over by a car, in front of my very
own eyes on his way to school in full view of all other people who
were at the bus stop waiting for a bus. That day we all saw a
miracle as the driver of the vehicle stopped the car and we were
frantic looking for this child underneath this car,(because we all
saw him go under and then just went over him). Then he called us
on the other side, no harm came over him, not even a single scar,
no bleeding, not even a single mark.
And I myself have been in a car accident, was driving and my car
overturned and I came out clean, no harm came over me, A truck
once ran over me and even then the Lord still kept me safe under
His wings and shelter.
My elder son Thando, it will be correct to say he died and the Lord
brought back..Thank you for your website. Thank
you Lord Jesus for shedding your Blood for me and my family.
So the Blood of Jesus is our shield. He is our Shield.
I saw your website as I was searching to find and to know more
about the Blood of Jesus. I have Joyce Meyers book, Benny Hinn,
Baxter, and I want to know more and experience the deliverance.
Remain Blessed.

If there are any of you who have a good testimony showing that pleading
the blood of Jesus really does work, please post your testimony on the
comment section below like this woman did.

Pleading the Blood Against Damaged Vocal


Awhile back ago, we had received an email from a pastor who had a
dramatic healing occur right in the middle of one of his church services.
Long story short, he and his wife were having some financial difficulties.
He went to bed one night and ended up having a dream that he was in a
spiritual battle, and he then saw himself shouting out the words, The
blood of Jesus.
When he woke up the next day, he took that as being a word from the
Lord and that he needed to plead the blood of Jesus on his current
situation. He then got on his computer, did a google search, and ended up
finding our website and was then lead right to our article on how to plead
the blood of Jesus for deliverance and protection.
After reading what we had in this article, he then proceeds to share the
information we had in that article with the members of his church at one
of his services. As he was sharing this information with his flock, he also
told them that you could also plead the blood of Jesus against something
specific, such as any kind of ailment, illness, or disease.
After he shares this information with his flock, there was a woman
who had damaged vocal cords as a result of a complication that
had occurred with her pregnancy 2 years ago. Ever since she had
that complication occur with her vocal cords, she always found it
too painful to be able to sing.
Hearing the advice we had in our article, this woman then decides
to try it out. She proceeds to plead the blood of Jesus on her
damaged vocal cords right there in the middle of the church
service, and God then moves in to completely heal her damaged
vocal cords. She was able to sing for the first time without any
type of pain right in the middle of that church service.
Again, just another dramatic testimony showing the power that is in the
blood of Jesus and that it can also be used against any type of ailment,
illness, or disease that you may battling.
Per the newsletter we sent out about a week ago, we had passed on
another incredible testimony where God moved in the space of 15
minutes to completely heal and deliver a man from a 20 year old cocaine
addiction. And part of the battle prayer that his wife drew up for him to
get God to move in with His healing and deliverance power was her
pleading the blood of Jesus directly against his cocaine addiction and any
demons who were attached to him driving him to continue to do it.

If any of you are battling any kind of an illness, disease, or addiction, try
incorporating the pleading of the blood of Jesus directly against it like we
have showed you how to do in many of our other articles. Again, adding
in the pleading of Jesus blood could completely turn the tide for you as it
did in these two cases and some of the others we have listed in our site.

The Testimony

Now here is the word-for-word testimony that we had received from this
pastor and exactly what had occurred that day right in the middle of one
of his church services.
First of all let me say that I really thank God that I found your web site
on the net. Your testimonies and information were (and are) such a
blessing to me and our church. Recently my wife and I were faced with a
difficult financial trial. I asked the Lord what was to be our strategy and
how were we to conduct ourselves.
That night I had a dream in which I found myself in a spiritual battle and I
was shouting, The Blood of Jesus, in a very loud and commanding voice.
I took that to mean this was to be our strategy and to the best of our
ability we began to employ that immediately.
A few days later (in fact, it was this past Thursday) I googled The Blood of
Jesus and found your web site. Wow! What a blessing!! Yesterday, August
10, I taught on Rev. 12:11 in our 10:30 Bible Workshop. I used many of
your principles and instructions in the lesson. One thing that happened
immediately was this:
One of our ladies had her vocal chords slightly damaged during a
pregnancy about 2 years ago. Nothing severe but it would always
hurt her to sing. But yesterday, as I was instructing on what you
said about applying the blood to and/or against specific things,
she began to do that right then. She began to Plead the Blood
specifically over her vocal chords. In the morning service she
testified as to what she had done and she said when she began to
sing along with our opening song, she had no pain at all!
As I said, we are following your instructions. Every morning as soon as we
get up we know that we are to first surrender ourselves anew to God, and
then we are to cover ourselves spirit, soul and body with the blood. We
are also taking time this week to establish Bloodlines around everything
that pertains to us.
Once again, thank you so much for being a blessing!! I look forward to
hearing from you.
Greg Pastor
In the Testimonies Section of our site, we have several good articles that
will show you how pleading the blood of Jesus completely took out what
these people were having to battle against. Some of the things that
were completely taken out were spousal physical abuse,

alcoholism, two terminal cancers, and a 20 year old cocaine

addiction. And these were all taken out very quickly once that person
had pleaded the blood of Jesus directly against it.
We will make sure to pass on any more incredible testimonies we receive
on the power of pleading the blood of Jesus.



Suicide Attack #1

Many in our world today are suffering from depression. The number one
selling prescription drug for the last several years has been
antidepressants. There are millions of Americans battling this problem.
With some of these cases, thoughts and compulsions of suicide are quite
common. And demons are only too anxious to move in for an attack when
they see someone down and out.
Not everyone who is depressed and battling thoughts of suicide are
coming under a direct demonic attack but some are. You will need
proper discernment from the Holy Spirit to know when you are really
dealing with someone whose thoughts of suicide are really coming in from
This case, and the three to follow, are perfect examples of four people
who came under a direct demonic attack with demons literally trying to
get them to kill themselves. Watch what happens when they go on the
offensive and Plead the Blood of Jesus against the suicide attacks from
these demonic spirits.

The Testimony
This first case involved a girl I used to work with. Awhile back ago, she
had suffered a mental breakdown. She was undergoing a lot of stress on
her job and she simply broke down one day and could not take it
anymore. She had herself checked into a hospital for about a week to help
her get a grip on things. When she got out, she started counseling, along
with her doctor prescribing some fairly strong antidepressant medication
for her.
I did not find out about all of this until after it had actually
happened. One day she called me up to tell me what had
happened. She said she felt that she was on the road to recovery
but that she was still battling one other thing in all of this.
She then proceeds to tell me that she has been hearing voices
inside of her head telling her to try and kill herself. She said the
voices were very specific on how she should do this. Not only
were they telling her how to try and kill herself, but she was also
getting pictures in her minds eye on some of the different ways
she could do it. She said the pictures in her minds eye were very
graphic and horrible.
She at first thought the voices were just a product of her own
imagination, but when they would not go away and actually started to get
stronger, she started to get really scared. By the time she had called me
to tell me about all of this, she said the suggestions she was receiving
from these voices were now starting to get much stronger to the point
that she was now getting actual compulsions to try and take her own
She had told her doctor about all of this, but all he did was adjust the
medication that she was taking. The adjustment in the medication and the
additional counseling that she was receiving did not stop the voices. That
was when she called me and told me she thought these voices might
actually be demons. She said nothing like this had ever happened to her
before and the messages that she was receiving from these voices did not
seem to fit in with her normal thought patterns.

After she told me all of the above, I received an immediate knowing from
the Holy Spirit that the voices she was hearing were definitely coming in
from demonic spirits, and they were doing the best they could to try and
get her to take her own life. My friend was a born-again Christian, but she
had no real knowledge about spiritual warfare, how to directly engage
with demonic spirits, or how to Plead the Blood of Jesus for deliverance
and protection. Here is what I told her she would have to do:

The first thing she would have to be willing to do is to enter into a full and
complete surrender of her entire life with God the Father. The Bible tells us
that we first have to be willing to submit to God before we can resist and
engage with the devil. Being willing to submit to God means that you are
willing to enter into this full surrender with Him. I then gave her the full
surrender prayer to go to God with, and to make sure that she said this
prayer at least once or twice a year for the rest of her life so that God would


I told her that she would then have to directly engage with the
demons in order to get them off her. I explained to her about the Pleading of
the Blood of Jesus, along with the Scriptural grounds that would give her the
legal right to be able to use it against these demons. I then drew up a very
specific battle command that she could use to war against these demons.


I told her she would have to say this battle command out loud since the
demons could not read her mind or thoughts. I also told her to hold out her
right hand when saying this battle command against the demons. I explained
to her that the right hand is the hand of power and deliverance of God the
Father and that she has the legal right, as a born-again child of God, to be
able to use it for this combat situation that she now found herself involved in.

By holding out the right hand when engaging with these demons you
are showing them that you mean serious business with them and that you
are coming against them under the authority and power of God the Father
and Jesus Christ. I also told her that she might have to say this battle
command several times before it would work. I told her be guided by the
Holy Spirit as to how many times she would need to say it.

The Battle Command

Here was the exact battle command that I had given to her to take these
demons head on and drive them off her for good.
I now come against any and all demons who are either on the
inside of me or on the outside of me.
I have now fully surrendered my entire life over to God the Father
and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. From this point on, I have
entered into Their perfect will for my life. You no longer have any
more legal right to stay attached to me. I now belong to my Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ and He, and He alone, is my Lord and
Master from this moment on.
Demons, I now come against each and everyone of you in the
name of Jesus Christ. I now Plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you. I repeat, I now
plead the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each
and everyone of you. I now command you to leave me right now
and forevermore, and you are to never, ever come back on me

Your legal right over me and my life has now been fully and
completely broken. All of your strongholds have now been totally
demolished under the power of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I now Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over my entire body, over
my entire soul, and over my entire spirit. I now Plead the Blood of
Jesus Christ over my entire house, my entire car, and my entire
workplace. I have now formed out a perfect bloodline over myself
and over my entire life with the blood of my Savior Jesus Christ.
Demons all of your strongholds have now been completely
broken and completely severed. I am now under the perfect
protection of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ with the
Pleading of His Blood over every area of my life.
Demons, I now command you to leave me right now in the name
of Jesus Christ, and you are to never, ever come back on me
again. Go now, in the name of Jesus Christ! I repeat, go now in
the name of Jesus Christ and do not ever come back on me ever
Father, I believe that the Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ has now
driven these demons away from me for good. I ask, that from this
moment on, that You grant me perfect physical protection from
any demons or from any humans who may want to try and harm
me in any way.
Father, from this moment on, You, and You alone, are my Rock
and my Salvation. I will look to no other.
Thank you Jesus.


My friend called me back several days later and was ecstatic with what
had happened next. She said she felt led by the Holy Spirit to say the
above battle command three times. After the third time, she all of sudden
felt the weight and oppression of these demons lift off her, and all of the
voices, the images in her minds eye, and the compulsions to kill herself
immediately stopped after saying the above battle command directly
against these demons.
The demons have not been back since and all of this took place about a
year ago. I told her to make sure that she was Pleading the Blood on the
basics on a once per month basis so as to keep her safeguarded against
any future attacks.
She had told me that these voices were on her for about 3 months and
that they were increasing in frequency and intensity. She told me that she
had been under very severe torment with the way these demons were
harassing, tormenting, and attacking her.
I wonder how many other people are battling the same kind of problem,
but have no idea that the voices they are hearing are really demonic
spirits. The way these attacks immediately stopped after she had Pleaded
the Blood of Jesus directly against them definitely showed me that the
voices she was hearing were really coming in from demons and not from
her own imagination.


126 Responses to Blood Of Jesus How To Plead For

Protection And Deliverance
Read below or add a comment...

Sandra says:
September 3, 2015 at 9:08 pm

I am so excited, and finding this site proves Gods love for me! I forgot
the power of the blood in my travels, even when I did use it beforeand
it really does have power. This is my testimonyI must tell you my
testimony, of something that happened in my life. That shows how Jesus
loves us, before we ever started loving him. I was 21 years old, and I
had to catch a bus. I lived in Los Angeles, Long Beach area. That day I
was in Paramount, coming back from a job interview. I got on the bus,
not thinking about anything but if I would get this job, or notplus, about
my baby that was growing inside of me. When out of the back of the bus,
was a pack of gang members. A woman spouted off Hey you! I did not
answer, as there were others on the bus she could have been talking to.
She yelled out You, you stupid pregnant #@*%! I knew I was danger,
and so was my baby! She started threatening me, because I asked if she

was talking to me. I got real worried, as my body started to shake. I

stood up to walk away, when she threatened Dont you walk away from
me, I will kill you!and some more choice words! At that time I lost it, I
turned, and unleashed what truths I knew about their hatred toward me,
when I caused no harm to them! The leader backed the girl down, and
started talking to me about the slavery white people put their ancestor
through. What scripture I knew I blurted out, and I asked them if they
believe in God. Not all said yes, but the leader did! I told him I wanted
peace, because for one thing, I was not my ancestor! Second, because if
they wanted to continue to bring great harm, I was prepared to die..for
what strength did I have over 8 people, and me being pregnant! I would
just have to trust in God, no matter how much I feared. I was faced with
spiritual warfare! I was over joyed, when they left me aloneand the bus
driver told me to come up front in sit! I thank God for his love, and
protection, guiding me through it! At that time I did not know what
spiritual warfare exactly was, no one around me really talked about it
much, or deliverance. Today I was reading an article about it, as I feel I
am under spiritual attack againand it brought back that certain
memory. Which also proves his walk with me, and everyone else. I think
one of todays problems is lacking knowledge, how Jesus is with us. Sees
everything we do, say, or keep secret! I believe now as I have grown in
Christ Jesus, that it was a testing time, for courage..Trust, and
appreciation of not being killed, nor my Neomi harmed! One of the things
I told them was one of what God had to say about innocent blood!
Then yesterday I was hit with a spiritual attack, and I went to God about
it. Today he brought me here, to show me what I forgot! Thank you my
Father, Thank you my Jesus! This site is a true blessing, thank you! I
already feel stronger, as I was feeling weak!

Legal Rights of Demons


In the article we have in the Spiritual Warfare section of our site titled, 4
Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits, I gave you the 4


basic levels in which demonic spirits can attack people which includes all
This specific article will be dealing with the second level which is when
demons are allowed to attack as a result of a legal right given to them by
the person they have targeted.
If by chance you have come across this article and have not read the
above article on the 4 levels in which demonic spirits can move in for an
attack it would be my recommendation that you first read that article so
that you can have a good, basic understanding of what these 4 levels are
all about and how this second level fits into the big picture.
In this second level, demons will move in for an attack once they see a
person committing a door-opening, hedge-breaking sin and transgression
against the Lord. In this second level, it does not make any difference if
this person is a Christian or nonbeliever. There are rules to the spiritual
war games that are going on behind the scenes in the battle between God
and the devil for all of our souls and demons themselves have to abide
by these rules.
In the above article, I gave you the verse from the Book of Job which
shows that we apparently have some type of protective spiritual hedge
surrounding us or else demons would be constantly attacking everyone
and we would all be in a state of constant warfare with them.
What happens in the spiritual realm is that this hedge can be broken by a
person if this person commits a heavier type of sin and transgression
against the Lord. In that article, I gave you some of the heavier sins and
transgressions against the Lord that could possibly break this hedge,
thereby causing a hole to occur in it thus giving the demons the opening
and legal right to be able to start to come directly after you. For the
purposes of this article, I will go ahead and re-state what some of those
heavier sins and transgressions are.
As Christians, we can have absolutely nothing to do with any of the
following areas:

The occult

False religions and cults

Any part of the New Age Movement

The homosexual lifestyle

Any type of Satan worshipping group

Any involvement with abortion or the abortion industry

Abusing alcohol

Doing any type of drugs including pot

Any type of extreme verbal and/or physical abuse on your

mate or children

Any type of promiscuous sexual lifestyle

Any type of criminal activity


Bringing a cursed object into your home

All of the above areas are extreme forbidden areas with our Lord. He will
not be putting up with any of His own entering in and engaging in some of
these heavier sin areas.
If you do, and you do not pull out of it within a reasonable length of time,
then God could pull back His hand of protection on you and your life, and
you thus could end up with a big hole occurring in your protective hedge,
thereby giving the demons the opening and legal right to be able to come
directly after you.
All of the above activities are major door openers to the dark side, and
demons just wait for people, especially Christians, to cross over into some
of these realms knowing full well that they will have the appropriate
legal rights to move in for an all out attack if that person does not pull out
of it within a reasonable period of time.
If you are a Christian, and you have fallen into some of these
heavier, dark side areas and have drawn demonic spirits into your
life as a result there is deliverance for you if you are willing to
admit that you have sinned and transgressed against your Lord
and Savior.
If you are willing to see the errors of your ways and are ready to
renounce and pull out of the demonic areas that you have fallen
into then God can work with you to set you completely free from
these demons and drive them out of your life for good.
But you are first going to have to admit to God that you have
sinned directly against Him by crossing over into some of these
heavier forbidden areas to begin with.
If you cant see and admit that you have been sinning directly against the
Lord, and that you have been wrong by crossing over into some of these
forbidden areas to begin with then there will be no deliverance for you,
and the demons will continue to have the appropriate legal rights to be

able to stay attached to you, and they will then continue to tear you and
your life to pieces.
To any of you who may have fallen into one or more of the above dark
side areas and have drawn demons into your life as a result, and are
really looking to be delivered from the bondage you now find yourself
caught up in this article will give you a good, basic, 5 step process on
how to go about properly breaking the legal rights of the demons so that
God can fully deliver you from their evil grip.
I will then give you a battle prayer that I had given to another woman
who had drawn heavy demonic activity in her life as a result of crossing
over into some of the above areas. This battle prayer will have all 5 of
these steps properly incorporated into the prayer.
At the outset you have one of two choices. You can either try the 5
steps I will give you below and attempt to do a self-deliverance on your
own or you can seek out the help and guidance from someone who is
experienced with delivering people from demons.
God is raising up more people at this time who know how to do
deliverances, so you might be able to find someone close to where you
live at who can help you with this if you are too scared to try it on your
From the personal experiences I have had with this kind of deliverance,
many of these deliverances can be done as a self-deliverance where you
go before God the Father on your own, follow the 5 steps I will give you
below, and then verbally engage with the demons, telling them that they
now have to leave you in the name of Jesus Christ once you have properly
broken all of their legal rights before God the Father.
However, if after reading what these steps will entail, you still feel
reluctant or too afraid to try this on your own, then the first thing that I
would recommend is that you try and talk to your pastor if you belong to
a church. Tell him what your problems are and see if he would be willing
to work with you to get you delivered from these demons.
If he cant or wont help you for whatever his personal reasons may be,
then ask him if there is anyone else in his church who is experienced and
anointed to be able to handle this kind of deeper problem for you.
If there is no one at your church who is experienced and anointed to do
deliverances, then I would ask your pastor if he knows anyone else from
any of the other churches in your area who can do a deliverance. If no
luck with this option, then I would get into the yellow pages and start

calling all of the main Christian churches in your area, and ask if they
have someone who knows how to do deliverances.
You may have to go into a seeking mode to find someone who will know
how to do this. But do not give up on this, as God will guide you on this if
you ask Him to help you find the right person who can get the job done
for you.
For those of you who would like to try and handle this on your own as a
self-deliverance especially if you cannot find anyone locally to help you
out here are the 5 basic main steps that you will need to take in order
to be able to get complete deliverance from these demons.
I will first list each one of these steps, one right after the other, so you
can see exactly what you will have to do. Here are the 5 steps.

The full surrender


Confess each one of your sins before the Lord


Renounce each one of your sins before the Lord


Break the legal rights of the demons


Verbally command the demons to now leave you in the name

of Jesus Christ

Now I will go into further detail on what you will need to do with each one
of these specific steps so you can get yourself set fully free from these

1. The Full Surrender

The very first thing you are going to have to do is to be willing to come
into a full surrender with the Lord. We have another article in our site in
the Bible Basics section titled, The Full Surrender.
In this article, I explain to you exactly what this full surrender is all about,
give you all of the verses from Scripture to back up what God is looking
for in this full surrender, and then give you a good, simple, full surrender
prayer that you can actually use to go before the God the Father to make
this full surrender with Him.
The very first rule in spiritual warfare, before you can even begin to do
battle with demonic spirits, is that you have to be walking and operating
in a full surrender with the Lord. If you are not willing to come into this
full surrender with the Lord where He will now be the One to take over the
reigns of your life and lead your life into the direction that He will now
want it to go in then there will be no help and no deliverance from these

You have been running your own show over all of the years and now you
are in a big mess as a result of drawing these demons into your life. The
only way out of it now is going to be Gods way not your way! You will
now have to fully surrender every single part of your life over to the Lord
for His direction and handling. God will now be running your entire life
from here on in, not you or anyone else in your life.
Here is the verse from the Bible that gives us this specific revelation:
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from
you. (James 4:7)
Notice the first four words Therefore submit to God and notice
that this verse starts out with this command. What this means is that
you first have to be willing to fully submit to God before you can even
begin to resist and fight against the devil and his demons to make them
flee from you.
Submitting to God means you have entered into this full surrender with
Him. You have to be willing to fully surrender every part of your being to
Him body, soul, and spirit, along with your entire life over to Him.
Again, all of this is fully explained to you in our article titled, The Full
Surrender in the Bible Basics Section of our site.
If you are willing to make this full surrender with the Lord where He will
now be the One who will be in total control of your life and lead it in the
direction that He will now want it to go in, then you will now be ready for
step 2.

2. Confess Each One of Your Sins Before the Lord

The next step to be able to receive total deliverance from these demons is
that you are going to have to be willing to admit that what you were
involved in were sins and transgressions against the Lord in the first
place. And then you will have to be willing to fully confess each one of
these transgressions out as actual sins before the Lord.
If you cant or wont admit that you have been sinning against the Lord
with your involvement in some of the above areas then again, there will
be no help and deliverance from these demons. As a result, the demons
will continue to hold you captive until you can agree to see and do things
Gods way.
Its either Gods way or the highway. There is no negotiating or trying to
compromise your way out of this with the Lord. Sin is sin, and any
involvement in any of the above areas are direct sins before the Lord, no

matter what your excuse may have been for falling into some of these
areas to begin with.
If you are willing to admit that what you have been involved in was wrong
and sinful before the eyes of God, and then you are willing to fully confess
each one of these sins as actual sins before the Lord in the prayer I will
give you below then you will now be ready for step 3.

3. Renounce Each One of Your Sins Before the Lord

The next step, in addition to being willing to fully confess out each one of
these transgressions as sins, is that you will now have to be willing to
fully renounce each one of these sins before the Lord. When you renounce
each one of these sins before the Lord what you will now be telling God
is that you will never, ever go back into any of these heavy sin areas
Before you decide to go before the Lord for your deliverance, you will first
have to make sure that you really want to be set free from your sinful
past and that you will do everything you possibly can in your own
natural will power not to go back into any of these heavy sin areas ever
If you have fallen prey to some of the different drug addictions, ask God,
through the power of His Holy Spirit, to help set you completely free from
the addictions of whatever drugs you may have been hooked on.
The Holy Spirit is there to help you out with His power if you are really
wanting His help. There is nothing that the power of God cannot totally
defeat and overcome in your life, no matter how hopeless or bleak the
situation may look to you in the natural.
One word of caution in this area! Once you make up your mind to fully
renounce any of these types of heavier sins before the Lord you will
have to make sure that you never, ever fall back into these same areas
What will happen if you do, is that not only will you give these demons
another legal right to be able to come back after you again but these
demons who will be coming back after you for a second time will be
demons that will be 7 times more wicked and evil than what the original
demons were that had attached to you in the first place.
For more information on this kind of possibility we have another article
in our site titled, Interpretation of Matthew 12:45 Demons in the
Spiritual Warfare section of our site.


In this article, I give you the main verse from Scripture where this
revelation is being given to us by the Lord, and the appropriate
interpretation and commentary on what this verse is trying to tell us. It
would be my strong recommendation that you also read this article as
part of your education on this topic.

4. Break the Legal Rights of the Demons

Once you have fully confessed and fully renounced each one of these
heavier sins before God the Father then you have just taken away all of
the legal rights that the demons had to stay attached to you. Now you are
ready to break those legal rights.
I will show you how to properly do this in the battle prayer I will give you
below and how to properly word out this part of the prayer. Basically what
you will be doing is verbally breaking the legal rights of the demons
operating under God the Fathers authority, power, and anointing to be
able to do so.
After you break the legal rights of these demons before God the Father,
then you will be ready for the last and final step.

5. Verbally Command the Demons to Now Leave You in

the Name of Jesus Christ
Once you have fully confessed and fully renounced each one of the sin
areas you had been involved in, and then have fully broken the legal
rights of the demons before God the Father then the last thing that will
remain will be you turning around and verbally engaging with the demons
telling them that they no longer have any more valid legal rights to stay
attached to you, and that they will now have to leave you in the name of
your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You will have to verbally do this. Demons cannot read your mind or your
thoughts so you will have to verbally, out loud, command them to now
leave you in the name of Jesus Christ. Again, I will show you how to word
out this part of the prayer in the battle prayer I will give you below.

The Battle Prayer

I am going to give you an exact battle prayer that I drew up for a woman
who had drawn heavy demonic activity into her life as a result of falling
into some very heavy dark side areas. This woman has given me
permission to release the exact battle prayer that I had drawn up for her.
However, it was agreed that I would leave her name out of it due to the
very personal nature of some of the things she was involved in. I will

substitute another name in her place so as to keep the flow of the prayer
As you will see when I list out the legal rights the demons had to come
into her life in the first place many of these sins were very severe
transgressions against the Lord, and these demons had more than
enough legal rights to launch an all-out, full scale attack on her and her
This battle prayer is divided into two parts. The first part will be her
confessing and renouncing each one of her sins before the Lord, and then
breaking the legal rights of the demons once those sins had been properly
confessed and renounced before the Lord. The second part of the prayer
will be when she then turns around and verbally commands the demons
to now leave her in the name of Jesus Christ.
Here are both parts of the exact prayer. I will then add some additional
commentary after I give you this battle prayer so I can point out several
things to you as to why I worded certain parts of the prayer as I did.

1. Prayer to Break the Legal Rights of the Demons

In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, I now approach Your throne in a
time of great need, in time of an extreme emergency.
Father, as You already know, I have demons attacking me from the
outside, and possibly from the inside of my being. I know why they are in
my life. I have done some really bad and evil things in my life. I have
horribly transgressed against both You and all of Your basic laws and
commandments with the sins that I have personally committed against
Father, I first want to say to You that I am really sorry for doing all of
these bad and evil things against You. There is no excuse for the kind of
behavior that I have exhibited over the years. But Father, I now want to
take a strong stand. I do not want any more part of this kind of evil and
wicked lifestyle.
I know now that You are My only hope and My only salvation to be able to
deliver me from the demonic bondage I now find myself enslaved in as a
result of crossing over into these kinds of heavier sins.
Father, I ask that You please have mercy on my soul, and that You please
forgive me for all of the sins and atrocities that I have personally
committed against You under the blood that Your one and only Son Jesus
Christ has personally shed for me on the cross.

1. Father, in the name of Jesus, I now want to formally confess out all of
the bad, evil, and sinful things I have personally done against You. Father,
I now confess to you the following things as being sins and extreme
abominations in Your sight:

My involvement in drugs.


My involvement in sex, fornication, unnatural and unholy sex

acts such as homosexual acts and thoughts, and being
involved in a swingers type lifestyle.


My use of all kinds of pornography.


My past adulterous affairs and activities.


All of my past thefts and covetousness.


All of my envy and jealousy that I have ever shown against

anyone, and all of my lying and deceit that I have ever been
involved in.


All of the pride, impatience, hate and rage that I have ever
shown or manifested over the years.


All of my involvement in some of the occult arts such as

witchcraft, invocation of demon spirits, and tarot cards.


All of the times that I have personally cursed You and prayed
to other false gods.


Breaking most of Your 10 commandments to one degree or

Father, I now know, without any shadow of a doubt, that all of the above
activities were evil, heinous sins and abominations in your sight. I am so
sorry for going this far against You.
Father, I know that Your Son Jesus Christ has died for all of my sins.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now ask that You please forgive me for
every single one of the these sins and transgressions that I have
personally committed against You. Let the Blood of Your Most Holy Son
Jesus Christ completely wash away every ounce of stench, every ounce of
each one of these sins that have been committed against You.
Father, you tell me in Your Word, that if I am willing to confess my sins
and agree to repent, that You will fully forgive me of my sins and cleanse
me from all unrighteousness. Father, I now ask that You please forgive me
for of all of my sins that I have personally committed against You through
the blood that Your Son Jesus Christ has personally shed for me on the
cross. I now believe that all of my sins have been completely forgiven and
completely washed away by the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

2. Father, I now want to agree to also renounce every single one of the
above sins. You have my word that I will never, ever attempt to go back
into any area having to do with the occult, any area having to do with
sexual fornication, or any involvement in any kind of drug use whatsoever.
Father, in Jesus name, I now officially renounce every single one of the
above sins and transgressions that have been committed against You.
3. Father, the next thing I need to take care of is when my father raped
me when I was a young child. I now know that what he did was evil and
wrong in Your sight. However, I will choose not to hold any unforgiveness
towards him.
Father, I choose with my own free will to fully forgive him for what he did
to me when I was a young child. My father and the judgment on his life
will now fall into Your hands, not mine. I hold no hate or animosity
towards him. I ask that you please have mercy on his soul when he has to
face You for his own personal judgment. I now fully forgive him for what
he has done to me.
4. Father, I now believe that all of my sins, transgressions, and
abominations against You have been fully forgiven by You under the shed
blood of Your Son Jesus Christ. Father, I thank You for having this kind of
mercy on my soul and that You have made a way of forgiveness for me
through the Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ.
Father, with all of my sins and transgressions against You now being fully
forgiven I now want to once and for all break the legal rights these
demons have had over me over all of these years.
Father, in Jesus name, I now ask that You fully break the legal rights of
these demons. I now ask that You completely break and completely sever
every single one of their legal rights that has arisen as a result of my
involvement in all of the above sin areas.
Father, in Jesus name, I now want to personally come against each one of
these legal rights myself operating under Your authority and Your
anointing to be able to do so.
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ I now fully break and fully
sever each one of these legal rights. Father, I repeat, in the name
of Jesus Christ, I now command that every single inch and every










completely severed, and completely demolished in the name of my

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


I now plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against
each and every single part of this legal right line and command it
to be completely broken right now in the mighty name of Jesus
5. Father, I also want to reaffirm with you as I have done the other day,
that I have now fully surrendered my body, my soul, my spirit, and my
entire life into Your hands. I now ask that You place me into Your perfect
will for my life.
I am now willing to fully follow You all the rest of the days of my life. I will
now be guided by Your Holy Spirit from this moment on and I will never,
ever cross back over into the sin-filled life I used to live in.
Father, I now belong to You, and You alone. You, and You alone, are my
Rock and my Salvation. I will look to no other. My life is now totally in
Your hands. Father, from this moment on, I will fully follow You and fully
serve You for the rest of my eternal life.



Thank You Jesus.

2. Battle Prayer to Cast Out the Demons

You have now broken all of the legal rights of the demons on the above
prayer that I gave you. They are now ready to be cast out with the battle
prayer I will now give you.
I would wait until everyone is out of the house and do this in private
between you, God, and the demons.
1. The 1st part of the prayer will be you going to God the Father asking
Him to anoint you with His power to cast these demons out and off you
for good. You will also be asking God to take this battle up for you and to
have His power come through the Holy Spirit to drive these demons off
2. The 2nd part of the prayer will be when you will then turn around and
verbally engage with the demons to now leave you in the name of Jesus
3. Say both parts of these prayers out loud so the demons can hear you
loud and clear. Also, on the 2nd part of this prayer hold out your right
hand as you are telling the demons to now leave you. The right hand of
God the Father is His hand of power and deliverance. As His born-again
child, you now have the legal right to be able to do this.
I would say this prayer out loud 3x-4x over the next couple of days.

A) Father,
In the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I now boldly approach
Your throne of grace and mercy. Father, I now come before You to once
and for all to take these demons out of my life for good.
Father, I have already come before You confessing all of the bad and sinful
things I have ever done to You throughout most of my life. I have also
renounced my past activities and have told You that I will never, ever go
back into those heavier sin areas again. Father, I have horribly wronged
You with some of those past transgressions, and I am so sorry that I have
ever gone against You and deliberately disobeyed You so many times.
But Father, now is the time to pick myself back up off the mat. Now is the
time to make a brand new start with a brand new direction. I have
already fully surrendered my body, my soul, my spirit, and my entire life
into Your hands. I have now entered into Your perfect will for my life. I am
now all Yours. I now belong to You and no one else and I will now fully
serve You and fully follow You for the rest of my eternal life.
Father, now is the time to clean up one last loose end. As a result of my
past involvement in some of these horrible transgressions against You, I
have drawn demons into my life. I know that I have given these demons
full legal right to come into my life and attack me like they have been
doing with everything that I have done against You.
Father, but now is the time to take a final stand against these
demons! Now is the time to vanquish them out of my life for good!
Now is the time to stand up and fight and directly engage with
them operating under Your full power and anointing to be able
to do so!
Father, You have said in Your Word that The righteous cry out, and
the Lord hears, and delivers them out all of their troubles. (Psalm
You have said in Your Word that Though I walk in the midst of
trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against
the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save
me. (Psalm 138:7)
Father, in Jesus name, I now ask that You send me into battle to cast
these demons out of my life for good. You say in Your Word that You
can make me bold with strength in my soul (Psalm 138:3) and
that I






me. (Philippians 4:13)





Father, since I have now fully surrendered every part of my life into Your
hands I now want to take a hold of the verse that says to Therefore
submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James
Since I am now fully submitted to You, I am now ready to resist Satan
and his demons who have been attacking and tormenting me over all of
these years. Your Word tells me that Satan and his demons will now flee if
I pick up my sword, which is Your Word, and directly engage with them.
Father, in the mighty name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I now ask
that You stir Yourself up as a Man of War and go before me to take out
this defeated foe. Your Word tells me that The Lord is a man of
war. (Exodus 15:3)
Your Word tells me that The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man;
He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war He shall prevail
against His enemies. (Isaiah 42:13)
Father, in Jesus name, I now ask that You stir up Your zeal like a mighty
Man of War off the wording of this verse.
Father, I now ask that You go before me as a consuming fire. Your Word
tells me thatThe Lord your God is He who goes over before you as
a consuming fire. He will destroy them and bring them down
before you; You shall drive them out and DESTROY THEM QUICKLY
(Deuteronomy 9:3)
Father, Your Word tells me that You will go before me and make the
crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze
and cut the bars of iron. (Isaiah 45:2)
Father, these demons have kept me prisoner long enough. I now ask that
You go before me to make this crooked path totally straight again and
that you break the bars that have been holding me captive over all of
these years. I now ask that You completely cut and completely sever the
cords of these wicked and evil spirits.
In Deuteronomy 33:27, it says that You will thrust out the enemy
from before you, and will say, Destroy!
Father, I now ask that you anoint me from head to foot with Your
anointing, with Your power, and with Your authority to take these demons
head on. You have already told us in Your word that in my name they
will cast out demons, (Mark 16:15) and that You gave the early
apostles the power over unclean spirits and that they cast out
many demons. (Mark 6:7)

Father, not by my might, but by Your Holy Spirit I will engage with and
defeat these demons once and for all!
Father, Your Word tells me that no weapon formed against me shall
prosper. Your Word tells me that I have been given the authority to
trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the
enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me (Luke 10:19) and
that Through You we will push down our enemies, through Your
name we will trample those who rise up against us.(Psalm 44:5)
Father, now is the time! Now is the time to drive this enemy out of
my life once and for all!
Father, Your Word tells me that the Sword of the Holy Spirit is
Your Word. Father, in Jesus name, let your Word be my Sword!
Father, I repeat, let Your Word be my Sword!
B) (Say all of this prayer out loud and hold out your right hand when
saying it)
In the name of My Lord and Savior and my deliverer Jesus Christ I am
now speaking to every single demon that is on the outside of me and to
every single demon who may be on the inside of me.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now come against each and
everyone of you. I know that you have all been in my life for many years.
I also know why you have been allowed to enter into my life and attack
me like you have been doing over all of these years.
I now know what all of your legal rights have been over all of these years
that allowed you to attack me as you have been doing.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ all of your legal rights have now
been totally and completely broken before my Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ, and my heavenly Father, God the Father.
I have now fully submitted and fully surrendered my entire body, my
entire soul, my entire spirit, and my entire life into the hands of God the
Father. I now belong to God the Father and my Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. I now belong to Them, and to Them alone in this life.
You no longer own me. You no longer have any more legal rights to stay
attached to me. All of your legal rights and demonic strongholds have now
been completely broken and completely demolished under the shed Blood
of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I have now fully confessed my sin of using drugs over the course of my
entire life. I have now fully confessed my sins of fornication and having
sex with multiple lovers and partners over the years. I have now fully

confessed my sin of watching any kind of pornography. I have now fully

confessed my sins of past thefts and covetousness.
I have now fully confessed my sins of breaking most of 10 of Gods
commandments to one degree or another during the course of my life. I
have now fully confessed my sins of delving into parts of the occult that I
had no business treading into. I have now fully confessed all of my sins
having to do with my jealousy, rage and anger.
All of my sins have now been fully confessed and fully renounced before
God the Father. All of my sins have now been fully forgiven. My slate has










transgressions against the Lord are no longer remembered in His eyes. I

am now a new creation in Jesus Christ.
I am now totally committed to serving Him, and Him alone in this life.
Never again will I go back into the sin-filled life that gave you the legal
right to be able to come into my life in the first place.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ:
I now plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over every inch of spirit.
I now plead the Blood of Jesus over every inch of my soul.
I now plead the Blood of Jesus over every inch of my body.
I now plead the blood of Jesus over every inch of this entire
Demons, the Word of God is now my Sword! I repeat, the Word of God is
now my Sword!
I am now taking up my sword, which is the Word of my God, which is the
word of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I am now coming against
each and everyone of you whether you be on the outside of me or
whether you be on the inside of me.
Demons, all of your legal rights have now been completely and totally
broken completely and totally demolished completely and totally
severed. I repeat all of your legal rights have now been completely
broken. Your time is up! You will all have to go now! I repeat you will all
have to go now!
To every single demon who is living and operating on the inside of
me I am now coming against each and everyone of you. I now
plead the Blood of my Lord and Master Jesus Christ against each
and everyone of you. I repeat I am now pleading the Blood of
Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you.


Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now command all of you to

come out of me right now and to leave me and this house and
you are to never, ever come back on me again. I repeat every
single one of you that may be on the inside of me is to come out of
me right now in the name of Jesus Christ and you are to leave
my body, my soul, and this entire house immediately! Go now, in
the name of Jesus Christ! I repeat, go now in the name of Jesus
To every single demon who may be attacking me from the outside, or who
has been living in this house as a result of the legal rights I had earlier
given to you, I am now coming against each and everyone of you. You too
have had all of your legal rights totally broken.
Not one of you has any more legal right to be able to stay attached to me
in any way, shape, or form. You will all now have to go.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ I now plead the Blood of
Jesus against each and everyone of you! I repeat I now plead
the Blood of Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you!
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ I now command you to
leave myself and my house and you are to never, ever come
back on me again. I repeat, you are to leave me and my house for
good, and you are to never, ever come back on me again!
Go now, in the name of Jesus! I repeat go now in the name of
my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and do not ever come back into
my life or in this house ever again!
Father, I have full faith and belief that You have now driven all of these
demons out of my body, out of my soul, out of my house, and out of my
life for good by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Father, I now ask that You
protect both me and my family from this moment on, and that You never
allow these demons to come back on us ever again.
Father, to You be all of the glory. To You be all of the praise, glory and
honor that is only due to You. Father, thank You for this deliverance.
Father, thank You for this new life.
Father, I now ask that You take complete control of my life from this
moment on and that You lead me into Your perfect will for my life. Father,
guide me by Your Holy Spirit into the direction and path that You will want
me to take in this life. My life is no longer my own. I now belong to You,
and You alone.







Thank You Holy Spirit.

Note the following in the way this prayer was worded:
1. This battle prayer is divided into two main parts. The first part of the
prayer is where you go one-on-one with God the Father to fully confess
and fully renounce each one of the specific sins that you have committed
against Him that have given the demons the legal right to be able to
come directly against you.
Also note that I had this woman apologize to the Lord for this kind of
extreme activity. Many of her sins were heavy and extreme, and I felt she
also needed to apologize to the Lord, as she knew that what she was
doing was wrong and sinful in His sight.
If you have engaged in some of these heavier types of sins against the
Lord, it would be my recommendation that you also apologize to the Lord
from your heart for committing these types of heavier sins and
transgressions against Him in the first place.
2. Also note that her natural father had raped her when she was younger.
As I stated in my article in 4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic
Spirits if anyone has raped or severely abused you, you will have to be
willing to fully forgive that person in the eyes of God.
This could have been another possible entry point with these demons, so
she had to close that door by telling God that she would be willing to fully
forgive him for what he had done to her at such a young age.
3. When you get into the second part of the prayer where she is going to
go toe-to-toe with these demons to drive them off her first note that I
had her go before God the Father to ask Him for His power and His
anointing to be able to defeat and drive these demons off her.
She could have just skipped this part of the prayer and just started to
command the demons to now leave her in the name of Jesus since all of
their legal rights had been broken earlier in the first part of this prayer.
However, what you have to realize was that this was a more serious type
of case.
When someone has been beat up for so long from this kind of demonic
attack, their faith and strength levels are not going to be operating at the
same levels of what a normal Christian may be be operating at.

As a result, you first have to have them go before God the Father and ask
Him for His power, authority, and anointing to be able to drive these
demons off them. You also need to quote some good battle verses back to
God the Father, asking Him to take this battle up for them, since they
have been beat up from so many years of constant abuse and torment
from these demons.
In the Spiritual Warfare section of our site, we have another article titled,
Battle Verses of the Bible. In this article, I give you 100 of the very best
battle verses from the Bible. You thus have a whole range of different
types of battle verses to pick and choose from to put into your own
personal battle prayer. The battle verses I picked for this particular case
were the ones I thought were best suited for what I was dealing with.
4. Then notice as you get into the part where she starts to verbally
engage with the demons. Instead of just starting out by commanding the
demons to now leave her I have her confront the demons and tell them
that they have now been fully exposed, that all of her sins have been fully
confessed and fully renounced before God the Father, and that all of their
legal rights have now been fully broken and completely taken away from
Once the demons know and understand what has just happened between
this woman and God the Father they will know they have all been put
on final notice that all of their legal rights are now gone. They will know
that she now knows who she is in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and
that they will now be no match for her since God will now be anointing
her with His power to be able to cast all of them out of her for good.
5. As she starts to come against them also notice that I have her speak
directly to any demons who may be living and operating on the inside of
her, and any demons who may be attacking her from an outside position,
which would be on the outside of her body.
When you come across someone who has crossed over into these kinds of
heavier sins and transgressions there is always a very good chance that
some of the demons may have been allowed to literally enter in on the
inside of that persons body and soul.
As I have stated in my article on the 4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against
Demonic Spirits Christians can draw demons into their bodies and souls
if they cross over into some of these heavier types of sins. However, the
demons will not be able to enter into that persons human spirit since the
Holy Spirit is already living there.

This woman had been saved for about 5 years before I met her, but the
attacks from the demons never did stop.
The reason the attacks had never stopped was due to the fact she had
never properly broken all of the demons legal rights and thus did not
have the legal authority to be able to cast them out. Once she had fully
confessed and fully renounced all of these heavier sins before God the
Father then the demons no longer had any more legal rights to be able
to stay attached to her and they are now ready to be cast out.
Since I did not know what demons were operating on the inside of her or
what demons were operating on the outside of her I had her speak
directly to both of them. This way she would be covering both of her
6. Also note that right in the middle of the battle I had her plead the
Blood of Jesus over her entire spirit, over her entire soul, and over her
entire body. If any demons were trying to hold on to her during this battle
pleading the Blood of Jesus right in the middle of this kind of battle
should break them loose since they are obviously no match for the power
that is in Blood of Jesus Christ.
7. I then had her finish out the battle command by pleading the Blood of
Jesus directly against all of the demons, and then telling them that they
now have to leave her since there is now nothing left for any of them to
be able to hold onto. This is the part where you now tell them to leave
you in the name of Jesus Christ and that they are to never, ever come
back on you again.
The prayer is then ended with her telling both God and Jesus that she
now believes that God has given her total victory and deliverance from
these demons, that she is now willing to fully follow God in the direction
that He will now want to take her life in, and then thanking Him for the
victory and giving Him all the praise, honor, and glory that is only due to
Him for this kind of an extreme deliverance.

I know many Christians will read this kind of extreme testimony and really
have a hard time believing that this kind of extreme activity really does
occur in our walk with the Lord.
Many of these people who have been under heavy demonic attack for any
period of time are very reluctant to tell anyone for fear of people thinking
they are going nuts or that they are just imagining all of this. As a result

of this kind of fear and paranoia, many of these people keep a lot of this
kind of activity to themselves.
Many of the Churches still do not like to talk about this kind of heavier
activity for fear of giving the devil his due, or for fear that people will start
seeing demons around every possible corner. As a result, you have some
in the flock who are literally getting their heads knocked off by these
demons and everyone around them is completely oblivious as to what is
really going on.
I really feel that was why Jesus Himself listed the command to cast out
demons in every single one of the verses that I listed at the beginning of
my article on the 4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits.
Every single time that Jesus told His apostles to go out and walk with His
anointing to save the lost and heal the sick He always told them to also
cast out demons where and when needed.
This specific command is in every single one of those verses! If God the
Father is making sure that His Son had this kind of command in every
single one of those verses then you know that God is really trying to tell
all of us something with this kind of an intense statement.
Bottom line demons are real, and they are still allowed to roam in the
air on this earth seeking who they are going to try and devour next. As a
result, some Christians will come under direct demonic attack from time
to time from some of these demons.
As I have said before, the apostle Paul could not have said it any better
when he said our real battle in this life is not with flesh and blood, but
against principalities and powers which are demons and demon powers
who are still allowed to roam this earth and interact with some of us until
Jesus returns back to us in His second coming and then casts Satan into
the Bottomless Pit.
Until that glorious, final event actually occurs, this world will always have
to put up with a certain amount of attacks from demonic spirits. As
Christians, this leaves us with one of two alternatives.
We can either choose to hide our head in the sands, hoping that
Satan and his demons will never personally attack either us or
those who may be close to us.
Or we can choose to rise up be vigilant, alert, and sober for any
type of demonic activity that could set in on either us or our close
friends and loved ones and then be ready to go into immediate
combat and take their heads off with the Word of God as our

Sword like the Bible is telling all of us to do as good soldiers of

Jesus Christ.
For what is worth, we will continue to add more articles on this subject so
this kind of information is available to anyone who may actually need it.
We have received numerous emails from people all around the world who
have had to engage with some demonic spirits who were attacking them
for various reasons and some of them have been able to receive
complete and total deliverance from the demonic attack they were facing
with some of the basic 101 information and knowledge that we have
released in these kinds of articles.
God says in His Word that His people will perish and go into captivity for
having lack of knowledge. If you look closely at these two verses where
God is making these two statements I also believe that the reverse is
true that having the appropriate knowledge from God can help set you
free and deliver you from any type of captivity that you may have already
fallen into.
And when demons launch an all-out, full scale attack on someone that
person will go into spiritual captivity until they can get themselves
delivered from their evil grip by the power of God.
As Jesus has already told us there is deliverance from any type
of demonic bondage you may have fallen into. If Jesus was telling
the early apostles that we are to cast out demons and that we will
have His power and authority to trample over all the power of our
enemies then people can be set free from these kinds of
extreme cases.
Once again, God the Father could not make things any more clear on
these kinds of issues and topics with all of the revelation and knowledge
that He has given to us in His Word. This knowledge and revelation is all
there for the taking for the seekers who are willing to grab a hold of it,
study it, and then seek to implement it into their daily walk with our Lord
and Savior.
And to think that all of this revelation and knowledge is all contained in
just one glorious Holy Book unbelievable!

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The Battle Prayer To Break A Generational Curse Line


A Generational Curse Line


Here is the battle prayer to try and break any holds these demons may
have on you from being linked to your natural father.
1. I would try and say this battle prayer when you will be home alone
as this will be a battle between you, God, and these demons. However, if
you would prefer to have your mom or her boyfriend be by your side
when doing it, that would be fine too.
2. I would say all of this prayer out loud, as demons cannot read your
mind or your thoughts.
The first part of the prayer will be you going before God the Father to
confess out the sins of your father and his father. I will then have you fully
forgive your father for any sins he may have personally committed
against you.
Once that has been properly done, then you will fully break the curse line
that may have formed out between you and your father. I will also have
you break any ungodly and unhealthy soul ties that may have developed
between you and your father that these demons may be feeding and
operating on.
The 2nd part of the prayer, after you have fully broken the curse line with
God the Father, is to then turn around and cast the demons out by
verbally speaking out loud to them.
When doing this, I would hold the prayer in your left hand and read it
from there, and then hold out your right hand against the demons as you
are commanding them to leave you.
The Bible says that the right hand of God the Father is His hand of
deliverance and power. As His child, you have the legal right to use your
right hand to do this, almost like wielding a sword.
3. Feel free to add anything else in the prayer or adjust any of the
wording. The way I have worded the prayer is the exact way I would do it
if I were in your position.
Also, feel free to show your mom the prayer before you do it so she does
not have any problems with you doing this.
I am assuming she knows about your spirituality and would have no
problems with you doing this since she too has been attacked in the past
from these same demons.

4. I would say this prayer 3-4x over the next several days. One time
should technically do it, but I would go the extra 2 or 3x to show both
God and these demons that you mean serious business and that you are
now going to end this harassment once and for all.
Let me know how all of this works out after you have properly done this
battle prayer before the Lord.

1. Prayer to God the Father to Break the Legal Rights of the

In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, I now approach Your throne on a
very serious matter. I know You know what has been happening to me
with all of these demons attacking me from time to time.
Father, in Jesus name, I want to let You know right now that I have had
enough of these demonic attacks and I want to end it right now!
1. Father, after examining my life and the background I have grown up in
I believe these demons may be coming from and originating from my
natural father. I believe that my natural father has demons on him, and
for whatever reason, some of these demons have chosen to come after
me as a result of my natural father-child relationship that I had at one
time with my father.
I do not believe these demons have any legal right to be coming directly
after me like they have been doing but where their legal rights may be
coming from is my father.
I do not know exactly what sins or transgressions my father may have
committed against You to give these demons the legal right to attach
themselves to him like they have done.
But whatever their legal rights are to attach themselves to my father I
now want to come against those legal rights and fully break all of them in
the name of Jesus Christ.
These legal rights have now been giving some of these demons some kind
of opening to be able to come directly after me like they have been doing
for quite a number of years.
2. Father, in the name of Jesus, the first thing I want to do is to fully
confess the sins of my father directly to You. Even though I do not know
what all of them are at this time, I know that You do, and I want to
confess them before You as a result of what Your Word has told us to do
on this kind of matter.
Your Word says in the Book of Leviticus:

But if they confess their iniquity and THE INIQUITY OF THEIR

FATHERS, with their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful
to Me, and that they also have walked contrary to Me then I will
remember My covenant with Jacob, and My covenant with Isaac
and My covenant with Abraham I will remember (Leviticus
26:40, 42)
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now confess before you all of the wrong
and sinful things my father has ever done against You.
I ask that You please have mercy on his soul and that you make a strong
and mighty move on him to get him saved and cleaned up before it is too
late for him to ever be able to do this with You.
Father, I also know that my dads father was an abortionist who had
performed thousands of abortions. As a result, he too may have drawn
demons on him and they may have them attached themselves to my own
father, as Your Word tells us that the sins and iniquities of the fathers can
go down as far as 3 or 4 generations of future children.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now want to fully confess the sins of my
dads father for all of the abortions that he had ever performed. I know
that abortion is an evil, heinous sin and abomination in Your sight, and I
ask that You also have mercy on his soul on his day of judgment with You.
Father, I also want to let You personally know that I am willing to fully
forgive my father for whatever he has done to me in my past. I know at
one time he tried to strangle me when I was just a young child.
Again, I fully forgive him for all of these atrocious and evil acts, and I will
hold no animosity or any kind of unforgiveness towards him. I know that
all final judgment rests solely in Your hands and that You will be His final
judge when all is finally said and done.
3. Father, in Jesus name, I know that some of my fathers past sins and
transgressions have opened up the door for these demons to be able to
come into his life and attach themselves to him.
As a result of this attachment, I believe that some of these demons have
been jumping from him onto me trying to attack me and sever my
spiritual connection that I have with You. I believe that I may be dealing
with some kind of curse line the way these demons have been attacking
me over all of these years.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now want to come against this
curse line and finally break it once and for all!
Father, in Your Word, You have told us:

Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and

scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy, and nothing
shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)
Father, Your Word has told us in Matthew 10:1 and Mark 6:7 that we
would have Your power and Your authority to be able to cast out all
demons and unclean spirits.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now want to take the authority You have
given to us from the above three verses to trample over all of the power
of my enemies, and to cast out any demons and unclean spirits who are
attempting to come against me.
Father, in the name of Jesus, operating under Your full power and
Your full authority I now take full authority over this curse line
and break every single part of this curse line that these demons
may be feeding and operating on.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now break each and every part of
this evil curse line. Father, in the name of Jesus, I command it to
be fully broken right now now and forevermore! I repeat, I now
command every single inch of this curse line to be completely
broken and completely severed right now in the name of Jesus
Father, I now believe that the curse line that has been existing between
my father and I has now been fully broken, and these demons will no
longer have any more legal right to continue to attack me like they have
been doing.
4. Father, as a result of my father being my natural father, I also realize
that there may be an unhealthy and ungodly soul tie that may have
developed between the two of us that these demons may be feeding and
operating on. Even though he is my natural father, he does not own me,
nor do I belong to him. I belong to only You and my Lord and Savior Jesus
Father, in Jesus name, I now ask that You completely break any
ungodly and unhealthy soul ties that might exist between my
father and I that these demons may be feeding and operating on.
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ I now command that any and
all soul ties between me and my father be completely broken right
now! I repeat I now command that any soul ties that may exist


between my father and I be completely broken and completely

severed right now in the name of Jesus Christ!

2. Battle Command To Drive Out the Demons

Father, I now want to come against every single demon that has been
attacking me over all of these years.
Father, You have said in Your Word that the sword of the Holy
Spirit is Your Word. Father, in Jesus name, let Your Word be my
Sword! Father, I repeat, let Your Word be my Sword so that I can
drive these demons off me once and for all!
I am now speaking to any and all demons who have attached themselves
to either me or my father over all of these years.
Demons, I know that you have been on my father for a number of years.
I also know that you have all been attempting to come against me as a
result of the legal rights my father has given you.
However, I have done nothing wrong in the sight of my God and my Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ. I have not given any of you any kind of legal
right to be attacking me like you have been doing over all of these years.
I know that you have all been feeding off a curse line that my own father
has allowed to be set up with his sins and transgression against my Lord
and Savior.
But all of this is going to end right now! I repeat, in the name of
Jesus Christ, all of this is going to end right now!
I have gone before God the Father and have fully confessed all of the sins
and transgressions of my father directly to Him. His life, and the
judgment on his life, has now been fully committed into the hands of God
the Father.
I have also fully confessed out all of the sins of my dads father who was
an abortionist.
Demons, in the name of of Jesus Christ, I have now taken the full
authority, the full power, and the full anointing of God the Father
and His Son Jesus Christ to fully break, once and for all, every
single piece of this curse line that has formed out between me and
my father.
I repeat as a born-again child of God the Father, I have now
taken full authority over this evil curse line and I have completely

broken and completely severed every single part of it in the name

of Jesus Christ!
There is now nothing left between me and my father. You thus no
longer have any further legal rights to continue to follow, harass,
or attack me as you have been doing over all of these years!
Father, I now plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over
every inch of my body, over every inch of my soul, and over every inch of
my spirit as a full protective covering. I now plead the Blood of Jesus over
this entire house from top to bottom, from side to side, from front to
I now plead the Blood of Jesus over my mother Judy, over my sister Mary,
over my brother Tommy, and over my moms boyfriend Jonathan.
Demons, you have also attacked my mother Judy and her
boyfriend Jonathan in the past. This too now will end!
I have now fully covered every single one of my family members
with the Blood of Jesus Christ and you will never, ever attempt
to come against anyone of us ever again. I repeat you are to
never, ever attempt to come against anyone of us ever again!
Demons in the name of Jesus Christ I now plead the Blood of
Jesus against each and everyone of you! I repeat, I now plead the
blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and every
one of you. Your strongholds and your curse lines have now been
fully broken, fully severed, and fully demolished by the power of
the Holy Spirit! There is now nothing else left for any of you to
hold onto!
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ I now command you to
leave me, this house, my mother Judy, my brother Tommy, my
sister Mary and my mothers boyfriend Jonathan!
Demons, go now in the name of Jesus Christ! I repeat go now
in the name of Jesus Christ and be forever banished from our
Father, I now fully believe that You have driven every single one of these
demons out of our life for good. I have full faith and belief that the victory
is now ours.






Thank You Holy Spirit.


As I said at the end of my article on the 4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare
Against Demonic Spirits, I really believe that God is going to be raising up
more anointed soldiers, young and old, who will not be afraid to walk with
His anointing and power to move out and set the captives free from any
bondage they may have fallen into.
Many people are bound up with everything from drugs, alcohol,
dysfunctional relationships to hardcore criminal activity and perverted
sexual lifestyles.
Many of these people are operating under heavy, demonic influence as a
result of crossing over and operating in some of these heavier sin areas
with the Lord.
God the Father is now raising up the banner and calling forth those who
will not be afraid to walk and operate in His power and anointing to set
these kinds of captives free from the extreme demonic areas they may
have fallen into.
We will be adding more articles in the near future in the Spiritual Warfare
section of our site giving you more information and knowledge on this
part of your walk with our Lord and Savior.
For those of you who are not afraid to do battle with demons in the
spiritual realm or human enemies in our natural realm, God can use each
and everyone of you from time to time to go on a major rescue and
deliverance mission to set a captive free.
Let God raise and build you up in the knowledge and revelation of His
Word, and then keep your spiritual radars up if He should ever call any of
you to march out and set a captive fee.
The apostle Peter literally walked on water and so can you if you are
willing to allow God to build you up in His grace, knowledge, and power so
that you can then move into these types of deeper waters with Him.


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