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Volume: 12

Issue No.1

Zil Hijjah 1436 AH

October 2015 CE




Muhammad Rahmatullah

FayyazAhmad Zaroo

Handle with respect contains Quranic verses and Ahadith.

File away for future reference

Address for Correspondence:

The Editor
The Monthly AN-NOOR
Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah
Bandipora Kashmir. 193502
Phone (Landline): 01957-225271

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By: Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Patel Sahib

Surah Al-Baqarah


By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib


(Rahmatullaahi Alaihi)



] s love for children

By: Maulana Abu Talha Muhammad Izharul Hasan Sahib


The Deoband Ulma and and their love for


Hazrat Rasulullah


By: Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi n] u



Statements of Faqeehul-Ummat n] u
Compiled By: Mufti Farooq Meeruti Sahib


Etiquettes for students

By: Hazrat Qari Siddiq Ahmad Bandwi Sahib n] u


Potions for the heart

Family Bond

By: Hadhrat Peer Zulfiqar Sahib Daamat-Barakatuhum


Bringing up Children in Islam

By: Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullah Mukhtar Sahib


Hadhrat Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahimahullah)

Great Personality

By: Allamah Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Salihi Sahib


Dimashqi Shafii (Rahmatullah alayhi)

Shielding me from germs

Letters toEditor

Counting my desire


Holistic Approcah


General Session of Raabitah Madaaris


By: Fayyaz Ahmad Zaroo Sahib


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436


By: Hazrat Maulana Ilyaas Patel Sahib
Much effort was made over the centuries to
mislead people into believing the misconception that
Islam was spread with the sword. However, any
student of history knows very well that the "sword"
that spread Islam was a "sword" that did not pierce
skin, slice through flesh or sever any limbs. Rather it
was the "sword" that struck the hearts and souls. It
was the "sword" of Akhlaaq (good character). Hazrat
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was blessed with
the most excellent character. This powerful magnet
drew the people to him and even his enemies fell
meekly at his feet.
Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)
himself practically displayed the best character in
every aspect of life. Likewise he exhorted the Ummah
to also adopt good Akhlaaq. Hence he would
repeatedly say:
"The best amongst you is the one who has
the best character. (Sahih Bukhari)

October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

In another Hadith Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu

Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said:
"There will be nothing more weightier in the
scales of a Believer on the day of Judgement
than good character, and verily Allah Ta'ala
detests a vulgar and foul-mouthed person.

In a similar narration Hazrat Abu Hurairah

(Raziyallahu Anhu) reports that Hazrat Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was once asked as to what
will enter people most in Jannah? Hazrat Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) replied:
"The fear of Allah and good character." He
was also asked about what will enter people
most into Jahannum. He replied: "The mouth
and the private parts (i.e. the misuse of these
organs). (Tirmizi)


Good character is strongly bonded with Imaan.
This is clearly understood from the Hadith reported by
Tirmizi that: "The Believer with the most perfect
Imaan is the one who has the best akhlaaq, and the
best among you is the one who is best to his wife."

The same message is gleaned from the words of

Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) wherein
he stated: "Verily by means of his good character a

October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

Believer attains the ranks of those who spend their

days fasting and their nights standing in prayer. (Abu

Having understood the excellence of good

character, some may wonder what is really "good
character" in terms of Deen. "Akhlaaq" is a
comprehensive code of conduct encompassing all
aspects of life for example, how should one conduct
the matters that pertain to him and Allah Ta'ala, how
should he behave with his family, how should he
conduct himself in business or in social life ... the
correct Akhlaaq are to be adopted in all these
spheres of life. However, the bottom line of Akhlaaq
is that no person must be unjustly inconvenienced in
any way. Rather, as far as possible suppress one's
own rights, overlook the faults of others and be kind
and good to them. Hazrat Luqmaan (Raziyallahu-anhu)
gave the following advice to his son: "Never
remember two things - Firstly, the favours that you
have done for others. Secondly, the harm that others
have done to you." This is the gist of Akhlaaq.

It is, therefore, indeed tragic that by-and-large
we have forgotten the Akhlaaq taught by Hazrat
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). As a result our
unity and brotherhood is in shreds. Instead of

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Zil-Hijjah 1436

adopting the Akhlaaq that touched the hearts, we

have generally adopted the attitude of "I must have
the best -- even if it be at the expense of the rest."
There was a time when a few Muslim traders
migrated to Indonesia. Their Akhlaaq in trade was
such that in a short time the people they traded with
were won over to Islam. Eventually the entire country
flocked to the Deen of Allah. Now we live in times
when to a large extent lack of basic ethics and even
blatant fraud is distancing people from Deen. Poor
Akhlaaq with employees has made them wary about
Muslims in general. Bad character is even pushing
away those weak in Imaan into the arms of the
enemies of Islam.

It is time that we educate ourselves about the
correct Akhlaaq. Seek the advice of authentic Ulama.
Join the company of those who have learnt Akhlaaq.
Read about the lives of the pious elders and about
their excellent Akhlaaq and implement the same.
Things surely do not happen overnight. But we must
start walking in that direction now before it is too late.
It is imperative that we adopt the correct Akhlaaq
immediately. One of the great Auliyaa of latter times
has correctly stated: "Nobody will enter Jannah on

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Zil-Hijjah 1436

the basis of his Ibaadat since we cannot perform any

action perfectly enough to be regarded as worthy of
presenting in the court of Allah Ta'ala. (Despite this
the Ibaadat must never be neglected since Allah
Ta'ala, of His grace will absolve us of the obligation if
we try to perform it as best we can). However,
overlooking some person's fault, forgiving somebody,
etc. -- these are actions upon which we can hope for
the mercy of Allah Ta'ala."

A simple prescription for rectifying Akhlaaq is to
adopt the advice of Hakeemul-Ummah (Rahmatullahi
Alaihi). He states: "Before doing or saying anything ...








inconvenience to anybody?" For instance a perfect

thing to ponder about daily in our case would be:

"How have I parked my car in the Masjid parking?"
Likewise think: "Am I disturbing anybody by talking
aloud at this late hour of the night? Am I hurting
somebody's feelings in anyway?...etc." By making a
habit of thinking first in this manner, we would
become conscious of refraining from any such action
and deed that may inconvenience others.
May Allah Ta'ala adorn us with the Akhlaaq of
Hazrat Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and make
us true ambassadors of Deen. Aameen.

October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

(Commentary of the Holy Quran)
By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

Note: This part of Tafseer is the remaining portion of Surah AlBaqarah Tafseer and hence connected with the previous chapter of
Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer.

Verse 99

n ] ]
o F] $] e m ^ $ t kFn e kmF!
And certainly We have revealed to you clear
signs. And no one denies them except the
sinful. (Verse 99)

In denying the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam, the Jews used to say that no clear evidence
or sign of his prophethood had been revealed to him
such as they could recognize and accept. In reply to
this the Holy Quran says that Allah Taala has
revealed a number of very clear signs and evidences
of his prophethood which even they know and
understand very well. So, their denial is not based on
a lack of recognition or knowledge, but on their
habitual disobedience, for, as a general rule, no one

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Zil-Hijjah 1436

denies such evidence except those who are wilful

and stubborn in their disobedience.

Verse 100
o + m %] e

m f $ ] ] F^ $ ]

Would it always be that every time they enter

into a pact, a group from among them should
through it aside? In fact, most of them do not
believe. (Verse 100)

Allah Taala had, as the Torah itself reports,

made the Jews take the pledge that they would have
faith in the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam when
he appeared. On being reminded of it, the Jews flatly
denied even having taken such a pledge.
Commenting on this effrontery, the Holy Quran says
that this is not the only instance of such a conduct on
their part, for the Jews have, in fact, never fulfilled
even those pledges which they acknowledge, and
one group or another from among them has always
been breaking the compacts they have entered into,
specially with regard to religious matters. It can even
be said that most of those who have been guilty of
such gross violations, did not at all believe in the
compacts which they made with Allah Taala. Going
against a pledge is only a sin and transgression, but


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Zil-Hijjah 1436

having no faith in the pledge which one gives to Allah

is outright infidelity.
The Holy Quran specifically speaks of one
group or another breaking the pledge, and not of all
the Jews. For there were some among them who did
fulfill the pledges, so much so that many Jews finally
accepted Sayyidina Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam as a true Prophet, and joined the ranks of
the Muslims.

Verse 101

m f ^ # ] q ^$
$^ #] gjF gjF]]i] m (]
o m
And when came to them a messenger from
Allah, confirming what was already with them,
some from among the people of the Book
threw away the Book of Allah behind their
backs, as if they did not know. (Verse 101)

The previous verse had told us how the

breaking of pledges and disobedience had become a
regular habit with the Jews. The present verse gives
us the latest instance, which is the most relevant to
the context.
(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Taala)


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

Nabi ~
V s Love for Children
By: Hazrat MaulanaAbuTalhahMuhammadIzharul HasanMahmoodSahib
Translated By: Hazrat Mufti Afzal Husain Elias Sahib

(Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Join ties with ones mother

even though she is disobedient
(Raziyallahu-Anhuma) once asked Hazrat Nabi Akram
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) that should she maintain ties
with her mother who visits her but has not yet
embraced Islam? Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam) advised her that she should keep ties with
her. In other words she should not sever ties from them,
but show absolute kindness towards them.
This shows that, irrespective of whether the
mother is fortunate and has correct beliefs or
unfortunate and has incorrect beliefs, she is still the
mother and therefore, deserving of her childrens
respect. (Bukhari)


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Zil-Hijjah 1436

Parents stages are raised in the hereafter

as a result of his/her child seeking forgiveness
on his/her behalf:
Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is
reported to have said that persons stages will be
elevated in the hereafter as a result of his/her child
seeking forgiveness on his/her behalf. He/she will ask,
Why are my stages being elevated? it will be told, As
a result of your child seeking forgiveness for you! (IbnMaajah)

Dear children, May Allah Taala keep your

parents at ease and allow them to give you the best
upbringing. You should continue serving your parents
during their lifetime and seek forgiveness on behalf of
them after their demise so that Allah Taala forgives
them and elevates their stages.

They are your heaven (Jannat) or

hell (Jahannam):
Hazrat Abu Umaamah (Raziyallahu-Anhu) narrates
that a person came to Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) and asked him as to what were the rights
of parents over their children. Hazrat Nabi Akram
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) replied that they are either your
Jannat or Jahannam. (Ibn-Maajah)
This implies that a person who will obey his
parents will thereby earn his Jannat and that person
who disobeys his parents will not only suffer the
consequences in the life of this world, but will as a


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Zil-Hijjah 1436

result suffer in the hereafter as well. We make Duaa

that may Allah Taala give every child the ability to
obey his/her parents and protect every child from
being disobedient to his/her parents.
There is yet another hadith which emphasizes
the importance of revering the father. The details of
which, are somewhat as follows.
Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) once
told a Sahaabi (Raziyallahu-Anhu) that the father is a middle
door from the doors of Jannat. One may maintain this
door (by being obedient to ones father) or destroy this
door (by being disobedient to ones father).

The rights of parents after their demise:

Hazrat Abu Saeed (Raziyallahu-Anhu) narrates
that a person came to Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) and asked him, My parents have passed
away. Do they have rights upon me? The answer was,
1. Make Duaa that Allah Taala show mercy to them.
2. Seek forgiveness on their behalf.
3. Fulfill the promises made by them.
4. Honour and respect their friends.
5. Do not cut of ties from their relatives. (Ibn-Maajah)

(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Taala)


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Zil-Hijjah 1436





From the teachings and advices of Faqeehul-Ummat, Hazrat
Mufti Mahmood Hasan Sahib Gangohi (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)
Compiled by: Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Kashmiri
(Daamat- Barakatuhum)
(Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

An incident had taken place in Peshawar where the

Imaam of a Masjid in that area was going to the Masjid to
perform Salah. Close by was a shop owned by a Hindu
bunya. The Imam Sahib used to buy lots of goods from him
on credit. He continued doing this until he was greatly
indebted to the bunya. (As the Imaam passed his shop), he
addressed the Imaam harshly and said that he was
consuming his goods without paying him. The Imaam Sahib
went into the Masjid and announced, The bunya has
become a Wah-haabi. As a result, all the people began to
boycott him. They stopped buying from his shop. People who
used to have a good relationship with him and would laugh
and joke with him, now did not want to even speak to him.
He began to wonder what had transpired. He asked
someone and was informed, You have become a Wahhaabi. The bunya asked, And what is that? He replied,
How would you understand what is a Wah-haabi? Ill show
you a plan. Ask the Imaam Sahib why he doesnt visit you
anymore and tell him, If you dont have any money to give


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Zil-Hijjah 1436

me, no problem. You can pay me at some other time but take
my goods. If you need money, you may have that as well.
The bunya did as he was told. Subsequently, the Imaam
Sahib announced, The bunya has made Taubah from being
a Wah-haabi. He is no longer a Wah-haabi. As a result, the
people began buying from him again.
There was a staunch bidati living in Kanpur. Once, I saw
him making wuzu on one side of the Haudh (Pond made for
wuzu purposes) while I sat on the other end. Someone
requested him to join the gathering that was listening to a
Hadith kitaab being recited in the Masjid. He said, I cannot
listen (to them). How can I come when they are not Muslims
according to me. I heard these words loud and clear. One
day I went to the hotel (tea room) to have tea. He was also
there. I asked the owner of the hotel to serve halwa and tea
and I invited him. He first refused but thereafter joined me.
With this tea, all my Deobandiism, Wah-haabiism and kufr
was washed away. (In other words, he no longer considered
me to be a Deobandi, Wah-haabi and kaafir).
Once, the Imaam Sahib of the Masjid was not present.
Therefore he (the staunch bidati) asked me to lead the
congregation. He was now ready to perform Salah behind
me. Previously, he did not even consider me to be a Muslim. I
said to myself, "Well, look at this now."
There was a graduation Jalsah held at the same Masjid. I
delivered a talk and he was the first person to stand up and
shake my hands. He kissed my hand and said, You have
filled an ocean into a cup." Thus, two spoons of halwa and
one cup of tea was enough to wash away all the kufr.
Maulana Siddique Ahmad Sahib Baandwi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
once wrote to me that a Peer Sahib would be arriving at a


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Zil-Hijjah 1436

nearby village. A wedding was taking place and he was also

invited. He said, "I am very worried. If I attend and the Peer
Sahib swears our seniors, I would have to listen and if I speak
out, it would cause trouble. In short, if I speak then there is
trouble and if I don't speak then too there is trouble. What
should I do?"
In reply, I wrote, "Don't worry, the moment he arrives,
send me a telegram or phone me. Ill come over." The
wedding took place. The Peer Sahib wished to have a
debate. Maulana Siddique Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) said, "There
is no benefit in debating. It is useless to do so." He said, "If
you refuse to debate, then make taubah from the curse of
being a Deobandi." When he compelled Maulana in this
manner, Maulana accepted the challenge. The Peer Sahib
told Maulana to call his Peer and fix a date. Maulana said,
"Today is fine. (We are all gathered here). There's no need to
call anyone. I alone will be sufficient." The Peer Sahib said,
"How can the debate take place now? I have to go for Haj.
When I return, the debate will take place." Maulana informed
me about the turn of events. I replied, "Make good use of this
golden opportunity. Now, request those people whose hearts
are filled with the fear of Allah Ta'ala and the love of Hazrat
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) to give bayaans and have
Jalsas, explaining the rights of Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu
alaihi wasallam) and the ways to fulfill those rights. They should
do so until the misunderstandings in the minds of the people
are removed. The lectures and Jalsas had the desired effect
on the people.
(To be concluded, Insha-Allahu-Taala)


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436


Statements and Anecdotes of Faqeehul-Ummat,

Hazrat Maulana Mufti Mahmood Hasan
Gangohi Sahib n ] u.
Compiled By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Farooq Meeruti Sahib
(Daamat- Barakatuhum)

Matters pertaining to Hadith

The status of Muhaddith Ibnu Laheeah
Once he read the hadeeth:

r] o n #] rju]
Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had got
himself cupped in the Masjid.
Someone asked him, Does Masjid refer to the
place of Salaah in his house? He replied, No. it refers
to Masjid-un-Nabawi.
Objections were made that cupping causes the
blood to flow and it is incorrect to extract flowing blood
in the Masjid.
Actually, the word was

rju] ihtajara and not

rju] ihtajama. The meaning of it is to erect straw

mats to form an enclosure. The letter raa seemed to be
a meem and, therefore, ihtajara was read as ihtajama.
The reason of the problem was that he had not heard
this word from the Ustaad.


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Zil-Hijjah 1436

The explanation of: vn] m] deen is naseehah


What does the word naseehah mean in the


vn] m] (deen is naseehah)? (Tirmizi, Vol 2,

Pg 14/Bukhaari, Vol 1, Pg 13)

Naseehah refers to the sewing of a tattered piece
of cloth. That is why a tailor is also called naasih and
nassaah. In the hadeeth, it means to wish good for

| n] ]] ^] ^v]

An important factor of deen is to wish good for

Allah Taala, His kitaab (the Holy Quran), Hazrat Nabi
Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), the Muslim leaders and
the rest of the Muslim.
The meaning of wishing good for Allah Taala is
that one should have correct beliefs regarding Allah
Taala and all His attributes and to be sincere in His
The meaning of wishing good for the Holy Quran
is that one should believe in it and practice its
As for the Muslim leaders, the meaning of
wishing good for them is that one should obey them
with regards to the truth.
In the case of the rest of the Muslims, wishing
good for them means, that one should guide them
towards those things that will benefit their deeni and
worldly objectives, and not to harm them in anyway
whatsoever. (Mirqaat, Vol 9, Pg 224)


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

Keep your heart clean from malice

It appears in a hadeeth narrated by Hazrat Anas

^ u f o n oi xfi ] l ] oe ^m
O my son! If it is possible for you to spend the day
and night without harbouring any ill feelings for
others then do so. (Tirmizi, Vol 2, Pg 96)
This means that one should not have any type of
ill feelings for others and his heart should be open to all.

The wisdom of the prohibition of leaving or

entering a plagued area.
What is the wisdom in the hadeeth prohibiting us
from leaving and entering an area affected by a
it is mentioned in the hadeeth that when one
hears of an area being affected by a plague, then one
should not go to that area, nor should one leave that
area if he is already residing there out of the fear of the
plague. (Bukhaari Shareef, Vol 2 Pg 853). There is no harm if
one leaves that area due to some other need. (Mirqaat,
Vol 3, Pg 360/Bazl-ul-Majhood, Vol 4, Pg 180)

The wisdom for Hazrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam), prohibiting us from going to such an area or leaving

it is that if someone did enter and fell ill by the will of Allah
Taala then others would say that he was affected by the
people and had he not come, he would have been affected.
(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Taala)


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436


Etiquettes for students

BBy: Hazrat Maulana Siddiq Ahmad Baandwi Sahib

Second Etiquette
Refraining from evil
Jenab Sheikh Saadi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) has stated:



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No matter howmuch of knowledge you attain,

If there is no amal then this is ignorance.
One cannot be a muhaqqiq (researcher) nor an intelligent
Rather he is like an animal with books loaded on him.

(Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

said, I

stayed for twenty years in the service of Imaam Maalik

(Rahmatullahi Alaihi).

I spent eighteen years learning adaab

(etiquette, respect) and Akhlaaq (good character) and two

years acquiring knowledge.
A pious person said, Just as a lamp does not give
light without being lit, in the same way ilm (knowledge)
without amal (practice) has not benefit.
Hazrat Maroof Karkhi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) used to say that
do not acquire knowledge for the sake of explaining exciting


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Zil-Hijjah 1436

things to people that whatever you heard without you

practicing on it, you mention it to others. Ilm (knowledge)
should be sought only for amal (practicing upon it). By the
qasam of Allah Taala, if only people seek knowledge for the
sake of practice then they would gulp it down like bitter
medicine and forget about excitement and pleasure.
Hazrat Junaid (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) used to say that ilm has
a price. Without first obtaining that value dont give
knowledge to anyone.
The people asked: What is that value? He replied,
Regard Ilm with respect and esteem and dont destroy it.
Teach it only to that person who first acquires these values.
Hazrat Abu Muhammad Abdullah Raazi


mentioned that nowadays the conditions of people are

such that they have recognized their own faults and they still
remain steadfast on their wrongs. They do not wish to return
to the straight path. The reason for this is that after acquiring
knowledge, they have assumed a proud and boastful
attitude. They do not take benefit from their Ilm nor do they
practice it. They continue to engage in useless and
unnecessary pursuits and are not inclined towards the
practice of the noble teachings of Deen. They have become
involved in mundane pursuits and neglected the spiritual
aspects of Ilm. Hence, Allah Taala has also made them
blind from seeing the straight path and has prevented them
from practicing on the physical acts of obedience.

(To be continued, Insha-Allah)


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436


Potions for the Heart

A Translation of Dawa-e-Dill

By: Hazrat Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqashbandi Sahib

Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR

T h e i m po r T a n c e o f sel f pu r i f i c a T i o n


The first way: while living in this world, one
should ask for forgiveness from all sins and avoid them,
and live a pious, pure life. He will then go straight to
Jannah. This is the short, direct route.
The second way: if, however, one is ignorant and
keeps sinning in this world. Then for such there is the
hospital on the way to Jannah. Allah Taala says that
since you have recited my kalimah, you are mine,
therefore, I give you a second chance, i.e. from the
grave, you will go to Hell. You will then receive
punishment there which is accordance to your bad
deeds (diseases). When Allah Taala wishes, He will
remove you from there and give you Jannah.
When one falls sick, he goes to the hospital. He


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

is first taken to the emergency room and looked at by a

nurse. This nurse gathers some information about him
and administers first-aid accordingly before the doctor
arrives. In the same way, the grave is the hospitals
emergency room, where to angels ask a persons

Who is your Lord?

What is your Faith?
Who is your Prophet?

From the answers, it is known if he is a sinner. In

this case, treatment is administered to him. First, the
grave squeeze him, such that his ribs interlock. Then
his grave is turned into a pit of Hell.
In this world, some patients need to be kept in a
room with a set temperature, and some in a room with
air conditioning. For example, those with fever, flu and
cold are kept in a room with a warm temperature.
Likewise, the person with the disease of sins is kept in
a heated room. One the other hand, the grave of the
one who is free of sins is made into a garden of
Jannah. He is made to wait in a beautiful waiting
longue, like a traveler waiting to catch this fight.
(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Taala)


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

Family Bond

By: Hazrat Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullaah Mukhtaar Sahib

Translated by: Jenab Rafiq Abdurrahmaan Sahib

(Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Etiquette of assembly
Teach children to shake hands with those they
meet in a gathering. When two Muslims meet, they
shake hands, praise Allaah and seek His forgiveness.
Allaah Taaala will forgive them both. They are
pardoned even before they separate. This created
love and removes jealousy and hostility. The visitor
must sit wherever the host asks him to sit, because
the host is aware of suitable sitting places. If one is
asked to return, then do so. If people are sitting in a
row, then sit with them. Do not sit with the back
towards anyone. It is reported that a curse descends
on anyone sitting out of order. However, if there is
little space, sitting out of line is excused. It is a sin to
sit between two people unless both of them permit it.
The Sahaabah Raziyallaahu-Anhum, would sit wherever a
place was found to sit in the gathering. However, if
the visitor is an Aalim or a man of dignity, then those
in the assembly, or the owner of the house, must offer
an Aalim a suitable place. The Hadith states, Grant
places to people according to their status. When the
deputation of Abdul-Qays arrived, the Noble Rasool


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436


invited their chief to sit next

to him.
When there are three persons together, two
must not indulge in a private conversation excluding
the third lest that person feels insulted. However, if
there are more than three persons, then any two may
engage in a separate conversation in a manner that
does not create suspicion. One who leaves ones
place to attend to something then returns, has more
right to that seat than anyone else. When a visitor
intends to leave, ask the master of the house to
arrange leave-taking without catching sight of the
women in the house. One must recite this Duaa to
atone for useless talk in an assembly.
You are free of blemish O Allaah! Praise is for You! I
bear witness that there is no deity except You. I seek
Your forgiveness and I repent to You!

Etiquette of conversation
When they are still young, teach children the
manners of conversation. Teach them proper literary
language. Particular stress must be laid on speaking
Arabic eloquently. It is the language of the Holy
Quraan, the Rasool Sallallaahu-Alayhi-Wasallam, Islaams
devoted adherents and the language of Jannah. The
Noble Rasool Sallallaahu-Alayhi-Wasallam, has described
a pure, fluent language as beautiful. He was a most
eloquent speaker. One must talk slowly, with pauses,
so that the listener has no difficulty in picking up the
(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Taala)


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

Great Personality

Rahimahullahu Taala
By: Hazrat Allamah Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Salihi Dimashqi Shafiee

(Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Hazrat Imam Sahibs excessive Ibadat and

recitation of the Quran and his nightly vigils
Hazrat Zhabi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) says that Imam
Sahibs Ibadat, particularly his Tahajjud Salah and his
nightly vigils are established by Khabar-e-Mutawaatir (a
fact so commonly found on the tongues of the people
that it would be impossible to deny).
1. Hazrat Qaazi Abul-Qaasim-Ibn-Kas (Rahmatullahi
(Rahmatullahi Alaihi) narrate that Hazraat AbulAasim Dahhak ibn Makhlad (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
said: Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi
Alaihi) was conferred with the name Watad (peg)
because of standing in his lengthy Salaats at
2. Hazrat Khateeb Baghdaadi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
narrates that Hazrat Yahya-Ibn-Ayyub-Al-Zaahid
(Rahmatullahi Alaihi) said: Hazrat Imam Abu
Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) never used to sleep at


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

3. Hazrat Hafs Ibn Abdur-Rahmaan (Rahmatullahi
Alaihi) says: Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah
(Rahmatullahi Alaihi) continued his nightly vigils for
thirty years by reciting the entire Holy Quran in
one Rakat.
4. Hazrat Zafir Ibn Sulaymaan says: Hazrat Imam
Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) used to spend the
entire night with one Rakat and in that one
Rakat he used to recite the entire Holy Quran.
5. Hazrat Asad Ibn Umar (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) says.
Hazrat Imam Abu-Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
performed his Fajar Salah with the same Wuzu
of his Ishaa-Salaah for a period of forty years.
Most of the time, he used to recite the entire Holy
Quran in one Rakat. His nightly crying, which
could be heard outside his house invoked the
sympathy and pity of his neighbours. He
completed the recitation of the Holy Quran
seven thousand times on the spot he was
captured from and taken to Baghdaad.
6. Hazrat Khateeb (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) narrates that
Hazrat Mansoor-Ibn-Aasim (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
relates: A Kufan once started verbally abusing
Hazrat Imam Abu-Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi).
One hearing his abuse, Hazrat Abdullah Ibn


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

Mubarak (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) retorted: Woe unto

you! You are abusing a man who, for forty five
years, performed all his five Salahs with one
Wuzu? A man who used to recite the entire Holy
Quran in one night in just one Rakat. The Fiqh
that I possess today is the Fiqh of no other than
this man, Hazrat Imaam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi
7. Hazrat Sufyaan-Ibn-Uyaynah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
is reported to have remarked: May Allah Taala
shower His mercy upon Hazrat Imam Abu
Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi), he was of the
Namaaz. (In other words, he used to be engaged
in Salah incessantly).
8. Hazrat Sufyaan-Ibn-Uyaynah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)
is also reported to have said: In our times, from
amongst all those who came to Makkah
Mukarramah, not a soul could surpass Hazrat
Imam Abu-Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) in the
performance of Salah.
9. Hazrat Abu Muti (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) says: Whenever I
went to make Tawaaf at night in Makkah-Mukarramah, I
saw Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) and




making Tawaaf as well.

(To be Continued, Insha-Allahu-Taala)


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

Let t er s t o t he edit or
Shielding me from germs

Dear Editor,

I am a regular reader of your monthly journal,

AN-NOOR, which is being published from Daarul-Uloom
Raheemiyyah Bandipora Kashmir. I wait eagerly to its
every issue and when I receive it, I try to finish it in two
or three days with religious zeal and zest. After
finishing it, I read the beloved journal again and again
with full interest until the next months issue reaches
me. The reading of your esteemed AN-NOOR shields me
from the germs of fashion, love affairs and insolence.
Thanks a lot for providing me such a panacea.
Irbaaz Ahmad Thaakoo
Qamerwari Srinagar
Dear Editor,

Containing my desire

I would like to express my gratitude to the

Esteemed Editor-in-chief and to the Respected Editor of
the monthly AN-NOOR for providing me AN-NOOR like
Islamic journal as its articles, discourses and news
column help me to contain my desire at my college
where co-education like cancer is in place. Thanks a lot.
Muhammad Ayman Khan
Hawal Srinagar
Dear Editor,

Holistic Approach

Your monthly AN-NOOR has adopted holistic

approach to reforming the Muslim community.
Ghaalib Ahmad Hakeem
Sopore Kashmir


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436


Fyyaaz Ahmad Zarroo

General Session of
Arabiyyah at Darul-Uloom
The general session of Raabitah-e-Madaaris-eIslamiyyah Arabiyyah branch Jammu & Kashmir was held
at Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora Kashmir on 21
Zeeqadah 1436 AH corresponding to the 4th of
September 2015 Friday. Hundreds of the respected heads
of the Deeni-Madaaris accompanied by their teaching
staff, affiliated with Raabitah-e-Madaaris branch J&K,
attended this general session enthusiastically.
Raheemiyyah Bandipora, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad
Rahmatullah Sahib Qasmi Daamat-Barakatuhum, started the
session, after Maghrib-Salaah, by giving a warm welcome
to the top level dignitaries of Darul-Uloom Deoband,
respected heads of Deeni-Madaaris of the Jammu &
Kashmir state, their teaching staff and the other invited
scholars to this session. After this welcome address,
Hazrat Maulana Sahib invited the Honourable Rector of
Darul-Uloom Deoband, Hazrat Maulana Mufti AbulQaasim Sahib Daamat-Barakatuhum, to the dais for
delivering the keynote speech. Hazrat Maulana Mufti
Abul-Qaasim Sahib Daamat-Barakatuhum gave very
important instructions to the heads of Deeni-Madaaris on
the skills, precautions, receiving donations and ethics for


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

running an Islamic Madrasah smoothly. The keynote

speaker, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Abul-Qaasim Sahib
Daamat-Barakatuhum, underlined the need for keeping
the financial records of a Madrasah transparent and
audited. And with this essential speech, the first part of
this general session was concluded with supplication.
Next day, that is, 5th of September Saturday 2015,
such teachers who are teaching Arabic at the DeeniMadaaris of the J&K state, were given class training and
were taught such skills that are needed for teaching
Arabic excellently. This class was given by the guest
scholar of Arabic from Darul-Uloom Deoband in a
separate hall of this institution, that is, Darul-Uloom
Raheemiyyah, and it lasted for six hours. The faculty
members of different Deeni-Madaaris of the state, who
attended this Arabic training class, expressed their
gratitude to the Esteemed Rector of this varsity, Hazrat
Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib DaamatBarakatuhum, for arranging a special training class for them
as the said class benefitted them very much.
The respected president of Raabitah-e-Madaaris
branch J&K, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah
Sahib Daamat-Barakatuhum, sought the opinions of the
affiliated Deeni-Madaaris with the state Raabitah-eMadaaris from their representative members for electing
their members for the next term. All the members opined
that the election should be held in the same general
session as almost all the heads and other important
persons of Deeni-Madaaris across the state are
assembled today in one place and the General-Secretary
of Raabitah-e-Madaaris Darul-Uloom Deoband, Hazrat
Maulana Shaukat Ali Bastavi Sahib Daamat-Barakatuhum, is
also present in the session and hence the right time for


October 2015

Zil-Hijjah 1436

election. After this unanimous decision, election of

members for the next term to Raabitah-e-Madaaris J&K
was held during the proceedings of this general session
and its results were declared immediately in the same
At last, the Esteemed Rector of this institution
invited Hazrat Maulana Qaari Sayyid Muhammad Usmaan
Sahib Mansoorpuri Daamat-Barakatuhum to the dais for
giving the concluding speech to the session. Hazrat Qaari
Sahib delivered a thought-provoking speech in which he
underscored the importance of making aware common
Muslims of tricks of Mirzaaee people and other such
misleading groups who are destroying the faith (Imaan) of
weak Muslims by enticing them. He stressed the Islamic
scholars to take stock of the situation of the Muslims of
their localities and then work for their welfare in the
matters of Deen and Aakhirah. Hazrat Qaari Sahib
concluded his reformative speech with supplication.
Despite the fact that special arrangements were
put in place at Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah for the said
general session and almost all the dignitaries and faculty
members of this Darul-Uloom served all the guests of this
session nicely and respectfully, the Esteemed Rector of
this institution came to the dais and expressed
humbleness by making an apology for not making the
arrangements as per their status. Hazrat Sahib thanked
all the dignitaries of Darul-Uloom Deoband, heads of
Deeni-Madaaris of the state and all other guests of this
session for blessing this institution with their visit and
prayed for their success in this world and in the Hereafter.
May Hazrat Maulana Sahib live long with Aafiyah and be
protected from the jealous people and foes.

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