HOSP 420 Final Exam (Updated)

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DeVry HOSP 420 Final Exam

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1. (TCO 1) Typically, infants, pregnant women, and elderly people have

issues with _____ so they are more susceptible to foodborne illnesses.
(Points : 3) hepatitis immune systems food diseases Question 2.2. (TCO
1) Specifically, the _____ has identified many possible ways to allow for
unsafe foods. (Points : 3) USDA FDA CDC (Center Disease for Control)
NRA Question 3.3. (TCO 1) The _____ recommends that managers and
owners of food service operations understand food safety regulations.
(Points : 3) USDA FDA CDC (Center Disease for Control) NRA Question
4.4. (TCO 2) Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi are all considered to
be _____. (Points : 3) spots dirt pathogens stains Question 5.5. (TCO 2)
Water activity is an actual element that is found in _____. (Points : 3)
microorganisms moisture mold mildew Question 6.6. (TCO 2) As a food
service handler, it is possible to control pathogens from growing by
applying _____. (Points : 3) time safety locks FAT TOM safety Question
7.7. (TCO 2) Salmonella is a type of _____. (Points : 3) virus bacteria
fungi parasite Question 8.8. (TCO 3) _____ contaminants typically are
highly responsible for many cases that you may see in foodborne
illnesses. (Points : 3) Chemical Physical Biological Toxic Question 9.9.
(TCO 3) Having a foodborne illness, wounds with pathogens, or
vomiting are symptoms that a _____ can have in order to contaminate
food.(Points : 3) foodhandler client health inspector patron Question
10.10. (TCO 3) The concepts of personal cleanliness, good health, and
hand washing are all components of a _____. (Points : 3) hygiene
program class training program None of the above Question 11.11.
(TCO 4) _____ is a major issue or hazard when it comes to the flow of

food. (Points : 3) Cross-contamination Chemical hazard Physical hazard

Biological hazard Question 12.12. (TCO 4) Dimple, stem, and holding
clip are all components of _____. (Points : 3) a thermocouple
thermistors an infrared thermometer a bimetallic stemmed
thermometer Question 13.13. (TCO 4) Which of the following is a type
of thermometer that you should not use to monitor the temperature of
food? (Points : 3) Thermocouple Glass thermometer Thermistors
Bimetallic stemmed thermometer Question 14.14. (TCO 4) When you
inspect deliveries and correct mistakes immediately, which category of
the flow of food are we referring to? (Points : 3) Receiving Purchasing
Serving Cooking Question 15.15. (TCO 5) When thawing food, the
refrigerator temperature should be at _____. (Points : 3) 41 degrees
Fahrenheit 70 degrees Fahrenheit 21 degrees Fahrenheit 5 degrees
Fahrenheit Question 16.16. (TCO 5) The safe internal temperature of
pork should be at least _____ and one has to hold this temperature for
15 seconds. (Points : 3) 155 degrees Fahrenheit 140 degrees
Fahrenheit 145 degrees Fahrenheit 165 degrees Fahrenheit Question
17.17. (TCO 5) When food is transported outside, say in temporary
units, the transportation and holding temperature should be at _____.
(Points : 3) 115 degrees Fahrenheit or higher 125 degrees Fahrenheit or
higher 145 degrees Fahrenheit or higher 135 degrees Fahrenheit or
higher Question 18.18. (TCO 6) _____ is used to see where we can
prevent any hazards and place safe levels. (Points : 3) CDC CCP HACCP
HCAPP Question 19.19. (TCO 6) When you, as a food service manager,
have to work with media and communicate in case of a foodborne
illness outbreak, a(n)_____ procedure must be in place. (Points : 3)
crisis response situation emergency general Question 20.20. (TCO 7)
_____ flooring is durable and also it tends not to absorb dropped items.
(Points : 3) Soft-surface Hard-surface Mid-surface Semihard-surface
(TCO 7) Appraise the value of hand washing stations in food
establishments. Examine key areas of hand washing station locations.
(Points : 20) (TCO 10) Compare different types of technology concepts
that may be needed to train your employees in the food service
establishment. Analyze how this would also work out in regards to staff
turnover and training.(Points : 20) (TCO 10) Examine why, out of the
training methods that are delivered in a food service establishment,
on-the-job-training may prove to be the most effective overall.
Distinguish which employee may be most eligible for this. Do you think
this may be effective when training a larger or smaller group (even

individual)? Why is this?(Points : 20) (TCO 10) There should several

items that should be considered as critical food safety knowledge for
employees. Identify and distinguish at least four of these that are
essential for your food service establishment. Prepare a plan on how
you would put these in place.(Points : 20) (TCO 7) Appraise why it is
that plumbing should be designed to be regulated by law. Create some
situations that may occur should the design of plumbing in a food
service facility not be well designed and executed.(Points : 20) (TCO 7)
When it comes to making a decision to purchase equipment for a
restaurant, there are certain standards for equipment. Distinguish the
important features that surfaces should have in order to be deemed
safe and easily sanitized.(Points : 20) (TCO 6) Identify what MSDS is
and analyze the purpose for having these in place. Distinguish the
information that is typically found on the MSDS sheet.(Points : 20) (TCO
8) Looking at the overall restaurant industry and locations which we
may use as food service establishments, we should be able to identify
all types of pests that can potentially invade our establishment.
Identify several pest examples and examine possible issues that they
can create in your establishment. Discuss why you should work with a
pest control operator. Identify and compare a couple of pest control
operators in the field.(Points : 20) (TCO 9) Analyze the reason why the
FDA Food Code exists and criticize its intended purpose. Who is in
charge of issuing it and what areas does it cover?(Points : 20) (TCO 9)
Create a self-inspection with the steps or guidelines that you, as a food
service manager, would follow. Examine the importance on how you
conduct a self-inspection in your restaurant establishment with your
employees.(Points : 20) (TCO 10) There should several items that
should be considered as critical food safety knowledge for employees.
Identify and distinguish at least four of these that are essential for your
food service establishment. Prepare a plan on how you would put these
in place.(Points : 20)

DeVry HOSP 420 Final Exam

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