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1 Malone

Chapter 1

“If you could have one wish what would it be?” Jeremy asked me his hand flowing
through my red wavy hair gently. I looked up at him his dazzling deep sea blue eyes
gazed back at me sinking deeply into my exotic green eyes and his remarkable brown
hair flowed through the late summer wind.
“I don’t really know.” I smiled and looked up at the first star we both saw tonight.
“Just think, if you could have anything in the world what would it be?” he smiled again.
“I would, be with you for the rest of my entire life.” I laughed a little under my breath. He
did the same… I looked at him one last time before my mother called for me from the
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said in a shallow voice.
“Yeah, see you then… my love.” he said we both smiled and gazed into each others eyes
deeply. He leaned in a little and I followed along by titling to the side. But before we did
my mother called for me again. I looked away and saw her waving her hand to come
inside. I turned and glared at him and quickly kissed him happily on the cheek.
“Bye.” he said as he walked away blushing. I smiled a little and quickly ran back to the
cabin. As I entered through the door my grin faded away as I saw my mom and dad
sitting at the table. My dad looked at me with a stern look and my mother sitting there
one hand in my fathers and one rubbing her head.
“What’s wrong?” I asked pulling out the chair to sit down.
“We think your getting to wrapped up in your relationship with Jeremy.” My mom said in
her usual monotone voice.
“Mom, you were once a teenager to, you should know what it’s like being in love.” I
“Well, this will be the last you will ever see Jeremy again.” My dad said he rubbed his
generic brown eyes to clear out the drowsiness in his eyes.
“I know your disappointed in me.” I said placing my head on to my arms. My dad sighed
and got up and walked over towards me and placed his arm on me. “It’s just that we think
your growing up way to fast.” he said and looking down at me. I looked up at him and
sighed. “I guess I am, and I’m not going to be your little girl forever dad.” I smiled at
“I know you aren’t but we do know what should be done for you.” he said taking his
hand off of me. He then went to the other room and picked up a pamphlet and gave it to
“What’s this?” I asked raising one eyebrow. I looked at the cover and read the title,
Malone Academy.
“In the next few weeks you are going to this academy.” My mom said in a surprised tone.
“She’s going where?” My older brother Brent asked. Mostly all of my friends fell head
over heels for him since he had the perfect abs’s any girl would love and he also had
perfect crystal blue eyes and blonde shaggy hair- but in my opinion I’ve always hated
him with shaggy hair- most likely all of my friends said he was to sexy to be my older
“She’s going to an academy.” My father said sitting back down in his chair.
“Why? She has never done anything wrong!” he protested against me.
“We know, we just think it’s time for her to experience the world around her differently.”
My mom protested also.
“Well, the farthest she has ever been was out the front door.” he snorted. “Oh yeah, and
the farthest you have ever been was your bedroom.” I laughed a little. He rolled his eyes
and gestured a little smirk.
“Alright you two, enough of that now go off to bed.” my dad smiled and pointed up the
“Aw, but dad.” we both said at the same time. He gestured his finger again as we both
marched up the stairs into our bedrooms. Later on that night, I couldn’t sleep a wink all I
could think about is what my friends and Jeremy would say about me going to Malone
Academy. ”Would they even care?” I mumbled to myself. I finally closed my eyes and
fell deeply into my sleep.
While I was sleeping I felt something sharp go right through my leg. I woke up and felt
my stomach feel like a bullet was going right through it, my arms felt like jelly and my
head felt like someone bitch slapped me harder than anyone has before. I closed my eyes
tight to try and seize the pain but it got worse. Got up and plummeted to the ground with
a thump.
I saw someone and not just anyone stand over me, I gazed up at the dark figure without
moving. The person then held out there hand to help me up, I grabbed on and they pulled
me to there side in a flash. The next minute we were both out the window glass shattered
everywhere and landed on the ground with a bang and we were then running at a fast
pace with me right on there back my hair going right behind me and the tree‘s going past
us under a second.
“Wh-who are you?” I stuttered and looked at both the forest and him.
“My name is Ethan.” he said in a deep voice.
“Why did you kidnap me and where are we going?” I asked quickly in one breath.
“We are going to a place, where you belong. And because, your parent’s wanted us to
pick you up early.” he said and smiled a little.
“Oh really.” I smiled and continued, “but, I don’t have any of my things with me.” I
laughed a little.
“Don’t worry we will take care of that for you.” he laughed a little. A minute later we
were finally there. He stopped behind a little bush and helped me off his back. I kept my
distance as I started to walk with him from outside of the bush.
As we walked we came across a big building with dormitory’s, lounge, classrooms and
even a hunting ground.
“What is this place?” I asked gawking.
“This is Malone Academy.” he said smiling. He then took off his robe and exposed his
self to me. I looked up and my mouth dropped open as I gazed at his beauty, his beautiful
pale as white skin and his dazzling dark brown eyes and his beautiful dirty blonde hair
and his amazingly sexy muscular body -Oh my god did I actually just say that?- all I
could was stare at his beauty but then I looked away for a moment.
“Where do I start first?” I asked looking around amazingly.
“Well, lets first start at the administration building, but first.” he went into his backpack
and pulled out a cloak ad gave it to me.
“What’s this for?” I asked with a weird look on my face.
“It’s to let everyone know that you are one of the newbie’s here don’t worry I had to wear
one to, it’s a little embarrassing at first but you will get used to it.” he smirked a little.
“How long do I have to wear it for?” I asked while putting it on.
“For about 4-5 weeks.” he smiled again.
“Oh gosh I’m going to look like a joke.” I laughed and smiled at the same time.
“No you won’t.” he smiled.
“Maybe your right.” I said and looked up at him I jerked the cloak away from my face a
little and stared into his beautiful brown eyes.
“Ethan!” a girl shrieked out of nowhere and ran up to us both. “Where have you been?
We have been looking everywhere for you!” she smiled happily and not showing any of
her anger towards him.
“I went to go and get the new student we have.”
“Oh really? Where is she?”
“Charlotte don’t be so naive she is right here!” he gestured his arms on me.
“Oh, well hello, and welcome. How do you like it here so far?” she asked smiling. Her
face features looked just like a goddesses and her blonde hair that was as pale as her skin
went extremely good with her crystal blue eyes.
“I like it so far.” I said smiling. They both laughed at my expression, I wondered what ii
had done to make them laugh like that, maybe it was what I had said. Then all of a
sudden there was noise, it was the noise… of a bullhorn. I looked at everyone quickly
running into a separate building that was at the edge of campus. Ethan and Charlotte both
quickly grabbed both of my arms and quickly ran inside before the guards that were
standing next to the doors closed them.
As we got into the auditorium I gazed around at mostly about 25% were wearing cloaks
besides me. As the final bullhorn blew everyone sat down. A man then entered his long
old beard hung low down to his chest. He held his arms up and breathed in and out once
more he did the same thing for about a minute.
“Welcome new comers, it is your time now that you must pick a path to go down.” he
said in a broad and loud voice that the guards on the outside could hear him. “The path
you choose to go down will be your last journey until you finish Malone Academy.” he
said in a deep voice with his voice cracking a little.
He gazed around the room and pointed his finger which may have been at me but was
pointed directly at Charlotte.
“Stand!” he demanded she looked at the both of us frightened with agony.
“I-I am sorry f-f-for what ever I have d-d-done sir.” she sobbed.
“You have done nothing, I want you to show everyone here what powers they will be
learning for the rest of there lives here.” he chuckled in a high pitched laugh. Everyone
else couldn’t help themselves but join in.
“Oh right, sorry master.” she smiled a sly smile. She bent her knees and got into combat
“You!” he pointed to another girl who was sitting right next to Ethan. She got up at a
rapid speed and sped on over to where Charlotte was standing. She also got into combat
position and in a second they both started fighting. Charlotte hit her in the head and the
girl went at her a bit her impulsively right through her skin. She shrieked in pain as the
blood line went down. I saw warily and trying to fight the pain inside her eyes. She then
got back onto her legs and went after her once more.
Charlotte then threw her across the room the girl then landed in between the seat and hit
her head onto the wall. Charlotte then ran on over to her the girl opened her eyes to see
Charlotte holding out her hand. The girl grabbed on to it and Charlotte pulled her up in a
“Good job new blood!” she smiled.
“Thanks, you aren’t so bad at it yourself.” they both chuckled a little.

After the fight and the ceremony to welcome all of the newcomers Charlotte and the girl
she fought with decided to show me around. We first stopped at the administrative office
for me to sign a few paperwork, the three of us walked in and sat on the bench that was
made out of copper and stone. I looked around and noticed other people waiting as well.
“Natalie Arisen, please step over.” a tall and sophisticated woman stood over the desk
with a board in her hand holding it out for me to grab. I walked up to her and grabbed it. I
quickly sat down and hesitated then filled it out.
I got back up and handed it to her, as she was looking at it she placed her auburn hair into
a quick high ponytail.
“Why, must I say, you are a… beautiful young creat- I mean lady.” she smiled a little. I
looked at her puzzled and smiled back quickly and walked back over to where Charlotte
and the other girl was. They both got up quickly and grabbed my arm and swiftly ran out
the door and into the first dormitory.
“Jenna, go ask Kelsey where Natalie’s room is at.” Charlotte said with enthusiasm.
“Okay.” she smiled and quickly walked away to go and find her. A few seconds later a
whole group of girls poured into the room and started to gaze at me with astonishment at
what they saw.
“Why are they staring at me?” I whispered.
“Oh, they just have never seen a ginger before that’s all.” she smiled at me and her teeth
exposed underneath. I looked at her and couldn’t help but smile back in dismay. A minute
later with the crowd still swooped around us, Jenna finally returned with Kelsey.
Kelsey looked at me her hair was beautifully marked with brown and with a tint of
blonde in it. Her eyes glowered at me and melted deep inside of me. Her eyes reminded
me of my brother Brent’s, a thick crystal blue that were heavenly. Her skin tone was
beautiful but not close to pale what-so-ever. Her skin was remarkable and it wasn’t a
spray on tan either it was a natural tanned body with the right natural features to it.
“So you are Natalie?” she asked in a frilly British accent and smiled.
“Yes, I am.” I said in a monotone voice.
“Okay, well you will be meeting your roommate sometime today and Charlotte may
continue to show you around if you wish.” she smiled again this time even wider.
Charlotte looked at me with pleading in her eyes to have me pick her or my new
roommate. Kelsey looked at me and waiting for me to pick.
“I’ll stay with Charlotte.” I smiled and looked at both her and Kelsey. Charlotte then
grabbed my arm and quickly ran me up the stairs and in the hallway in a second.
“Alright, you now know Ethan and I should warn you…” she said in a tone that I have
never heard from her before but she continued with a dirty look on her face and her eyes
looking me up and down, “stay away from him or else!’ she hissed. I looked at her
startling and nodded my head.
“Alright then lets continue on with the tour!” she turned herself from stuck up little prissy
snob into a happily girly girl again. As we both walked she went on and on about Ethan
and how there relationship was always solid and how they met. And as soon as we got to
the last door on the right she stopped.
“What’s wrong?” I asked rolling my eyes at the flashbacks of what she had talked about
during the tour.
“Oh, nothing it’s just… you have to share a room with the weirdest girl ever!” she gave
me a disgusted room and opened the door slowly. As she was opening it I looked through
the crack and as it got bigger I saw a bed with a color spread on it, it was also covered
with sequenced beads. The wall was plastered with purple and lilac paint on the walls and
“Denise!” Charlotte said in a sarcastic voice as she ran quickly towards her laying on the
bed reading a book that was entitled, “Potions and Poems For the Rightful Wizard.” she
looked up from her book and looked at both of us her beautiful long dirty blonde hair
dazzled in the ceiling fan light and her cinnamon brown eyes glowered at Charlotte.
“I’m sorry for what ever I did Charlotte!” She screamed as she hit the floor with her
knees and tugging at her ice cold legs.
“You didn’t do anything you worm!” she scuffed the girl off of her. “This is your
roommate Natalie, Natalie this is your roommate McKenna.” she rolled her eyes as she
looked out the door to see if Ethan passed by.
“Oh, Well welcome Natalie.” she scavenged onto her feet and smiled holding her hand
out to touch mine with welcome in her eyes. Charlotte walked out and slammed the door
shut and the room shook a little. The room then filled with silence we both turned and
looked at each other and smiled.
“So, how do you like being around wizards and the other mythical creatures?” she
walking over to her bed and picking up her book.
“Wait, what?” I asked smiling and laughing a little under my breath and turning towards
her way.
“Oops, I didn’t say a word okay.. Promise me you won’t tell the others.” she begged and
quickly ran to my side and hung herself to my legs.
“Wait, I didn’t even hear you I was daydreaming.” I looked down at her and gave her a
weird look.
“Oh, nothing…” she laughed and continued, “I think we should be heading to dinner
now, it’s almost time for the big feast.” she grabbed my hand and darted us both out the
door and passed the others.
The whole idea of this academy then came to me all I could think about was, what the
hell did she mean by mythical creatures?

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