5030 Anglu Isk 1 Diena A 2015

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(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)

Kalbjimo skaitos uduotys

pirmajam poros mokiniui (A)
2015 m. balandio 2 d. (pirmoji skaitos diena)


Kalbjimo skaitos uduoi skaiius skiriamas vienai vertinimo grupei mokinio A 5 skaitos
biliet rinkiniai ir mokinio B 5 skaitos biliet rinkiniai.

Kiekviename skaitos biliet rinkinyje yra po 8 bilietus, todl ruoimosi patalpoje turi bti
paruotos 8 kortels su biliet numeriais (18).

Ruoimosi patalpoje vienu metu ruoiasi 1 mokini pora: mokinys A ir mokinys B. Abu mokiniai
ruoiasi atskirai, nebendraudami tarpusavyje. Ruoimosi trukm 15 min. Baig ruotis, ieidami
mokiniai pasiima ruoimosi lapus, o skaitos biliet rinkinius palieka ruoimosi patalpoje.
Atsakinjimo patalpoje gauna tokius paius skaitos biliet rinkinius.

Atsakinjimo patalpoje turi bti 4 skaitos biliet rinkiniai mokiniui A ir 4 skaitos biliet rinkiniai
mokiniui B: po 1 kiekvienam vertinaniam ir egzaminuojaniam mokytojui ir 1 mokini porai.

Mokini atsakinjim organizuoja egzaminuojantis mokytojas tokiu bdu: pirmiausia paprao

mokini prisistatyti, paduoda jiems atitinkamus kalbjimo skaitos biliet rinkinius ir paprao
mokin A atlikti pirmj uduot. Po to pirmj uduot atlieka mokinys B. Antrj uduot abu
mokiniai atlieka kartu. Egzaminuojantis mokytojas atsakinjani mokini pokalbyje nedalyvauja,
bet prireikus gali palaikyti pokalb arba paskatinti kalbti.

Mokinio kalbjimas vertinamas vadovaujantis Usienio kalbos skaitos programoje pateiktomis

vertinimo lentelmis. Vertinantis mokytojas vertinim urao skaitos vertinimo lape, kurio forma
skelbiama duomen perdavimo sistemoje KELTAS.

Nacionalinis egzamin centras, 2015

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)
USIENIO KALBA (ANGL) 2015 m. kalbjimo skaitos uduotys Mokinys A 2015-04-02

Part 1

34 minutes
Demographic Issues
Talk about the topic "Demographic Issues". Answer the questions below.
Read the text in the box for background information.

The decrease in the number of people in Lithuania in 20002013 was greater than in any other country.
According to the Statistics Department, Lithuania's population was just above 3 million people in 2012
and dropped to 2.9 million in 2013. The country loses about 30,000 residents every year due to natural
change, i.e., negative difference between birth rate and death rate, and a very intensive emigration.
According to statistics, the population has been decreasing rapidly since 1992, but the process slowed
down a bit over the last couple of years. Nevertheless, Lithuania's population continues shrinking.
(Adapted from: http://www.lithuaniatribune.com)

What countries are the most popular destinations for migrants from Lithuania?
Why do people emigrate? Consider different age and social groups.
Why is it useful to have some experience of travelling / studying / working in other

Part 2
45 minutes
Contest "Safety on the Road"
Situation: Your class is planning a contest "Safety on the Road". Your classmate and you are
generating ideas for the event.
You are responsible for planning the following aspects of the event: a poster and / or an invitation; age
groups of participants; questions and / or tasks for different groups of participants.
Your classmate is responsible for some other aspects of the event.

Consider a few alternatives for each aspect.

Exchange your ideas with your classmate.
Respond to each other's ideas.
Choose the best alternative for each aspect and try to reach a decision.

You start the conversation.

Nacionalinis egzamin centras, 2015

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)
USIENIO KALBA (ANGL) 2015 m. kalbjimo skaitos uduotys Mokinys A 2015-04-02

Part 1

34 minutes
Food Bank Campaign
Talk about the topic "Food Bank Campaign". Answer the questions below.
Read the text in the box for background information.

The recent Food Bank campaign saw record high contributions. Volunteers in supermarkets asked
people to buy food products with long shelf life and donate them to the organisation. Shoppers across
Lithuania donated food worth more than EUR 350,000, which is around 20 per cent more than last
year. Head of the Food Bank charity and support foundation says that the results can be explained by
the fact that people in Lithuania feel more solidarity with the less fortunate members of society. Over
140,000 people took part in the campaign held in 73 towns. 7,690 volunteers helped collect the
(Adapted from: http://www.lithuaniatribune.com)

What products could be donated to the Food Bank? Give examples.

What kind of people receive support from charity institutions? Consider different age and
social groups.
Why is volunteering important for the work of charity organisations?

Part 2
45 minutes
European Day of Languages
Situation: Your class is planning the traditional European Day of Languages. Your classmate and you
are generating ideas for the event.
You are responsible for planning the following aspects of the event: activities for senior students;
guests to be invited; ways of advertising the event.
Your classmate is responsible for some other aspects of the event.

Consider a few alternatives for each aspect.

Exchange your ideas with your classmate.
Respond to each other's ideas.
Choose the best alternative for each aspect and try to reach a decision.

You start the conversation.

Nacionalinis egzamin centras, 2015

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)
USIENIO KALBA (ANGL) 2015 m. kalbjimo skaitos uduotys Mokinys A 2015-04-02

Part 1

34 minutes
Ethnic Cultures of Lithuania
Talk about the topic "Ethnic Cultures of Lithuania". Answer the questions below.
Read the text in the box for background information.

Every September, Vilnius hosts a special festival on Gediminas Avenue called Nations' Fair. Visitors
are invited to enjoy traditional dishes, arts and crafts, music and dance that represent the culture of
ethnic communities living in Lithuania. Nations' Fair is full of entertainment and festive buzz as
national communities of Lithuania Karaim, Tatar, Polish, Russian, German, Ukrainian, Belarusian
and Lithuanian present their culinary delights, hand-made souvenirs and cultural performances. This
multi-cultural event is attended not only by residents of Vilnius and Lithuania, but also by foreign
(Adapted from: http://www.lithuaniatribune.com)

What food would you like to try at the multicultural fair? Why?
What ethnic communities would you like to get to know better? Why?
In your opinion, why is it important to organise such multicultural events?

Part 2
45 minutes
Teachers' Day
Situation: Your class is planning the traditional school celebration "Teachers' Day". Your classmate
and you are generating ideas for the event.
You are responsible for planning the following aspects of the event: decoration of the school; activities
to be held in the morning; souvenirs for teachers.
Your classmate is responsible for some other aspects of the event.

Consider a few alternatives for each aspect.

Exchange your ideas with your classmate.
Respond to each other's ideas.
Choose the best alternative for each aspect and try to reach a decision.

You start the conversation.

Nacionalinis egzamin centras, 2015

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)
USIENIO KALBA (ANGL) 2015 m. kalbjimo skaitos uduotys Mokinys A 2015-04-02

Part 1

34 minutes
Tourism in Lithuania
Talk about the topic "Tourism in Lithuania". Answer the questions below.
Read the text in the box for background information.

Lithuania was named number-three destination in the list of the best countries to visit in 2015. In the
top-ten ranking compiled by the world's largest travel guide book publisher Lonely Planet, Lithuania is
included as "one of Europe's best-kept secrets". Lonely Planet compiled the list using two criteria:
whether there was a special event in 2015, or because the destination will soon become a big hit.
Topping the list of the best countries to visit is Singapore, followed by Namibia and Lithuania. Among
Lithuania's attractions the guide points out the Baltic coastline and the capital city Vilnius.
(Adapted from: http://www.lithuaniatribune.com)

What other tourist attractions in Lithuania could be recommended to foreign visitors? Name
at least 3 places.
Why should these places be visited by international tourists?
What could be done to promote tourism in Lithuania?

Part 2
45 minutes
New Year Concert for the Local Community
Situation: Your class is planning a concert for the local community. Your classmate and you are
generating ideas for the event.
You are responsible for planning the following aspects of the event: the date, time and duration of the
event; types of performances and a list of performers; teacher and / or parent support.
Your classmate is responsible for some other aspects of the event.

Consider a few alternatives for each aspect.

Exchange your ideas with your classmate.
Respond to each other's ideas.
Choose the best alternative for each aspect and try to reach a decision.

You start the conversation.

Nacionalinis egzamin centras, 2015

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)
USIENIO KALBA (ANGL) 2015 m. kalbjimo skaitos uduotys Mokinys A 2015-04-02

Part 1

34 minutes
Eurovision Song Contest
Talk about the topic "Eurovision Song Contest". Answer the questions below.
Read the text in the box for background information.

The national broadcaster Lithuanian Radio and Television announced that only citizens of Lithuania
are allowed to take part in the national Eurovision selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. "It is a
national song contest, therefore, our country should be represented by a citizen of Lithuania," LRT
executive producer said. Twelve performers were initially selected to participate in the Eurovision
song contest at the national level. The jury and the viewers of the show have selected the song "This
Time" performed by Vaidas Baumila and Monika Linkyt to represent Lithuania in the 2015 contest to
be held in Vienna, Austria.
(Adapted from: http://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/)

Do you watch the Eurovision Song Contests? Why / Why not?

Who should select the Eurovision Song Contest participant from Lithuania the general
audience or a professional team of judges? Give arguments.
In your opinion, what is the main function of such international events as the Eurovision
Song Contest?

Part 2
45 minutes
School Sports Week
Situation: Your class is planning a series of activities for the national School Sports Week. Your
classmate and you are generating ideas for the event.
You are responsible for planning the following aspects of the event: age groups of participants;
activities in the school gym; opening and closing ceremonies.
Your classmate is responsible for some other aspects of the event.

Consider a few alternatives for each aspect.

Exchange your ideas with your classmate.
Respond to each other's ideas.
Choose the best alternative for each aspect and try to reach a decision.

You start the conversation.

Nacionalinis egzamin centras, 2015

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)
USIENIO KALBA (ANGL) 2015 m. kalbjimo skaitos uduotys Mokinys A 2015-04-02

Part 1

34 minutes
The Internet
Talk about the topic "The Internet". Answer the questions below.
Read the text in the box for background information.

The Lithuanian Government has a plan for the period until 2020 to create the new generation
broadband infrastructure in areas where no internet connection was available before. The aim of the
national plan is to provide all Lithuanian residents with a high quality internet connection and to give
access to broadband services to all households. In order to implement the project, it is planned to build
more telecommunication towers in the countryside. The state will not compete with commercial
operators, therefore, all telecommunication operators will be able to use the provided infrastructure on
equal terms.
(Adapted from: http://www.lithuaniatribune.com)

For what purposes do you use the internet? Name at least 3 activities which you do online.
Why is it important for every household to have access to the internet?
What are some of the dangers / risks that the internet users may face? How can they be

Part 2
45 minutes
Earth Day
Situation: Your class is planning the traditional Earth Day. Your classmate and you are generating
ideas for the event.
You are responsible for planning the following aspects of the event: the date, time and duration;
activities for senior students; posters, leaflets and / or invitations to join the event.
Your classmate is responsible for some other aspects of the event.

Consider a few alternatives for each aspect.

Exchange your ideas with your classmate.
Respond to each other's ideas.
Choose the best alternative for each aspect and try to reach a decision.

You start the conversation.

Nacionalinis egzamin centras, 2015

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)
USIENIO KALBA (ANGL) 2015 m. kalbjimo skaitos uduotys Mokinys A 2015-04-02

Part 1

34 minutes
Street Music Day
Talk about the topic "Street Music Day". Answer the questions below.
Read the text in the box for background information.

Every year, Lithuania celebrates the International Street Music Day, the event that unites all who speak
the world's most universal language the language of music. Starting with 2007, in response to the
invitation from the musician and actor Andrius Mamontovas, on a chosen Saturday in May,
professional and amateur musicians flood the streets, parks and squares of Vilnius and many other
Lithuanian towns. Thousands of people play rock, classics, jazz, alternative, folk and other kinds of
music on a variety of instruments. Street Music Day is held in many countries in Europe and all over
the world.
(Adapted from: http://www.lithuaniatribune.com)

What kind of street music performances would you like to see / hear? Why?
In your opinion, what is the function / purpose of such events?
Would you agree with the statement that music is the most universal language ? Why / Why

Part 2
45 minutes
Knowledge Quiz "The European Union"
Situation: Your class is planning a knowledge quiz "The European Union". Your classmate and you
are generating ideas for the event.
You are responsible for planning the following aspects of the event: a poster and / or a leaflet; age
groups of participants; topics and questions for different age groups.
Your classmate is responsible for some other aspects of the event.

Consider a few alternatives for each aspect.

Exchange your ideas with your classmate.
Respond to each other's ideas.
Choose the best alternative for each aspect and try to reach a decision.

You start the conversation.

Nacionalinis egzamin centras, 2015

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)
USIENIO KALBA (ANGL) 2015 m. kalbjimo skaitos uduotys Mokinys A 2015-04-02

Part 1

34 minutes
Presentation of Lithuania in London
Talk about the topic "Presentation of Lithuania in London". Answer the questions below.
Read the text in the box for background information.

The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the United Kingdom made a presentation of Lithuania in
the annual food and drink festival in London. This festival is a must-visit event for every londoner who
loves good food, searches for new destinations and is looking for a great day out. The visitors could
taste quality traditional food products, they could also enjoy folk dances, traditional music and
ethnographic handicraft workshops, as well as challenge themselves in basketball. A video was shown
featuring the sights of Vilnius and many tourist attractions outside the capital.
(Adapted from: http://www.lithuaniatribune.com)

What traditional food products could be included in the presentation of Lithuania?

In your opinion, why are such presentations important for Lithuania?
Why should young people living in other countries visit Lithuania? Give at least 3 reasons.

Part 2
45 minutes
School Graduation Party
Situation: Your class is planning your school graduation party. Your classmate and you are generating
ideas for the event.
You are responsible for planning the following aspects of the event: possible places; types of food;
activities, music and entertainment.
Your classmate is responsible for some other aspects of the event.

Consider a few alternatives for each aspect.

Exchange your ideas with your classmate.
Respond to each other's ideas.
Choose the best alternative for each aspect and try to reach a decision.

You start the conversation.

Nacionalinis egzamin centras, 2015

(iki teistai atskleidiant vokus, kuriuose yra valstybinio brandos egzamino uduoties ar jos dalies turinys)

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