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A prophet is a spokesperson for God.

The Prophet/Prophetessadmonishes, warns, directs, encourages,

intercedes, teaches and counsels. He brings the word of God to the people of God and calls the people to

When the Prophet/Prophetessknows the heart and mind of the Lord, he speaks the word of the
Lord to his people. He/She stands before the people as one who have stood before God. Because
his words come from the heart of God they are powerful and effective.
A Prophet/Prophetesscan undertake a huge variety of roles. This is an expression of the creativity
of God. A Prophet/Prophetessmay act in every role occasionally, but mostly he will move in one
or two of these roles. Prayer will be important for every ministry. No two
Prophet/Prophetessshould be the same, but each should be a reflection of God's creativity and
The call of a prophet usually but
not always includes his job
description (John and Paula
Sanford - The Elijah Task p.42)
Some of the roles that a prophet can function:
An important part of the Prophet/Prophetesstask is prayer. Because he knows the mind of the
Lord, he is in a position to pray effectively. He has a clear picture of what God is doing, so he
knows where prayer is needed most. The Prophet/Prophetesswatches over the word of the Lord
and prays it into being.

The Holy Spirit directed and

guided their very manner and
words (Isa 62:6)

An important part of the Prophet/Prophetess task is unceasing prayer for the Christian
Community. The Prophet/Prophetess, because they knew what the mind of the Lord was, were in
a position to pray more effectually than others. They had a clearer picture of what God was doing
and so they knew when prayer was needed most. They were also able to pray true 'prophetic

Prayer belongs in a very high and important sense to the prophetic ministry. Praying
Prophet/Prophetesshave frequently been at a premium in the history of Gods people. God's
watchmen must always and everywhere be men of prayer. Praying preachers are the true
Prophet/Prophetessof the Lord, and are they who stand as mouth pieces of God to a generation of
wicked and worldly-minded men and women. They are the boldest and truest, and swiftest
ministers. Prayer was essential to the prophetic ministry. It came naturally to the
Prophet/Prophetessand was the life-blood of their ministry. Prayer was their principal means of
communication with God and lay at the heart of their personal relationship with God .
He/She must not rest until God
has fulfilled his word
(Isaiah 62:6).
The Prophet/Prophetessis also a mediator. Moses stood between the people and God. Time after
time, Moses stood in the gap on behalf of the nation before an angry God. Consequently,
intercession played a vital part in Moses life. As a prophet Moses felt in his heart the burden of
the message he brought to the people. He was deeply moved when Israel did not respond to the
command of God.
People have always looked to prophetic people when they needed prayer - they still do today.
Out of their request for prayer will often come the very signs that confirm the word of God we
speak? Be bold! Be vigilant! Be fervent! Anything might happen. A Prophet/Prophetessand
his/her message areborn before the Lord. Prophet/Prophetess is men/women of prayer. A
man/woman who has learnt to sit in quietness before the Lord cannot but be contaminated by his
pain regarding the situation.

Prophet/Prophetess of prayer must be men/women

of steel. Why? , but they are called there to pray
"right" again those things that are wrong. God
bless them.For they will be assaulted by Satan
even before they attempt to assault his kingdom.

Prophet/Prophetessburden-bearers are called to pray. These are the prophetic intercessors. They
can feel the grief of the Lord over the things that are not right. TheseProphet/Prophetessseem to
live in the doldrums much of the time. I believe Prophet/Prophetessministry is the gas that fuels
the tank of intercession and purity. It's the prophetic hope that causes our prayers for a coming
great visitation of God to be persistent through the many years and the diverse seasons of

often called to
suffering. Deep
dealing at the hand of
God will often be
needed to prepare the

Prophet/Prophetessfor receiving the word of God. Sometimes he may actually have to experience
beforehand, something of what his people will experience. Jeremiah spent many years in
captivity before his people went into captivity. He was often rejected and ostracized; he was
even accused of being a traitor.
Ezekiel had to lie on his side for 390 days to symbolize the judgement that would come upon his
nation. This suffering made the Prophet/Prophetessextremely aware of their human frailty (Jer
20:7-10). It also equipped the Prophet/Prophetessto give what was often a very harsh message in
a spirit of compassion.
A true message is nullified if it is spoken in the wrong spirit. Suffering softens the
Prophet/Prophetessspirit, so that he can give the hardest word, in a spirit of love. Suffering
contributed to Jeremiah's compassion.

The Prophet/Prophetess speaks to

the present, in light of the future
that God has revealed to him.

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