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Cyberbullying can take place on social media sites such as Facebook,

Myspace, and Twitter. By 2008, 93% of young people between the ages of
12 and 17 were online. In fact, youth spend more time with media than any
single other activity besides sleeping

Harmful effects
Research had demonstrated a number of serious consequences of cyberbullying
victimization.[9][61][62][69] For example, victims have lower self-esteem, increased suicidal
ideation, and a variety of emotional responses, retaliating, being scared, frustrated,
angry, and depressed.[69] People have reported that Cyberbullying can be more harmful
than traditional bullying because there is no escaping it.[84]
One of the most damaging effects is that a victim begins to avoid friends and activities,
often the very intention of the cyberbully.
Cyberbullying campaigns are sometimes so damaging that victims have committed
suicide. There are at least four examples in the United States where cyberbullying has
been linked to the suicide of a teenager.[69] The suicide of Megan Meier is a recent
example that led to the conviction of the adult perpetrator of the attacks.
According to Lucie Russell, director of campaigns, policy and participation at youth
mental health charity Young Minds, young people who suffer from mental disorder are
vulnerable to cyberbullying as they are sometimes unable to shrug it off:
When someone says nasty things healthy people can filter that out, they're able to put a
block between that and their self-esteem. But mentally unwell people don't have the
strength and the self-esteem to do that, to separate it, and so it gets compiled with
everything else. To them, it becomes the absolute truth there's no filter, there's no
block. That person will take that on, take it as fact.[85]
Social media has allowed bullies to disconnect from the impact they may be having on
Research on preventative legislation

Researchers suggest that programs be put in place for prevention of cyberbullying.

These programs would be incorporated into school curricula and would include online
safety and instruction on how to use the Internet properly.[81] This could teach the victim
proper methods of potentially avoiding the cyberbully, such as blocking messages or
increasing the security on their computer.[81]
Within this suggested school prevention model, even in a perfect world, not one crime
can be stopped fully. That is why it is suggested that within this prevention method,
effective coping strategies should be introduced and adopted. As with any crime, people
learn to cope with what has happened, and the same goes for cyberbullying. People can

adopt coping strategies to combat future cyberbullying events. An example of a coping

strategy would be a social support group composed of various victims of cyberbullying
Teachers should be involved in all prevention educational models, as they
are essentially the "police" of the classroom. Most cyberbullying often goes
unreported as the victim feels nothing can be done to help in their current
situation.[81] However, if given the proper tools with preventative measures
and more power in the classroom, teachers can be of assistance to the
problem of cyber-bullying. If the parent, teacher, and victim can work
together, a possible solution or remedy can be found.


The Cybersmile Foundation is a cyberbullying charity committed to tackling all forms

of online bullying, abuse and hate campaigns. The charity was founded in 2010 in
response to the increasing number of cyberbullying related incidents of depression,
eating disorders, social isolation, self-harm and suicides devastating lives around the
world. Cybersmile provides support to victims and their friends and families through
social media interaction, email and helpline support. They also run an annual event,
Stop Cyberbullying Day, to draw attention to the issue.

There are multiple non-profit organizations that fight cyberbullying and cyberstalking.
They advise victims, provide awareness campaigns, and report offenses to the police.
These NGOs include the Protgeles, PantallasAmigas, Foundation Alia2, the non-profit
initiative Acta Contra el Ciberacoso


Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from organisms whose
genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur
The use of GMOs in food can offer benefits in agricultural practices, food
quality, nutrition and health. Today the use genetic modification has already
shown that an increased biological resistance to specific pests and diseases,
including those caused by viruses, can reduce the need for chemical
pesticides and decreasing the risk of crop failure. In China the use of GM
insect resistant cotton has dramatically reduced the incidence of pesticide
poisoning amongst farmer workers.

Most food modifications have primarily focused on cash crops in high

demand by farmers such as soybean, corn, canola, and cotton seed oil

I think that graffiti is one of the hardest forms of art because you cannot
erase or stroke, it is hard to get texture and shadowing.
I believe that Graffiti is an art when it is used in the correct areas!
When there is a building with just one name that I believe is vandalism!
But overall Graffiti can be a beautiful thing, graffiti is a good way for one to
express themselves, to feel free.

Graffiti is illegal and shouldn't be done. If the person is so interested in painting on

buildings and other property, they should do it on paper and murals.
The graffiti "artists" go where ever they want and destroy other people's

Graffiti Advertising is a great way of delivering your brand message to a

younger audience in a more entertaining and engaging way than
simply broadcasting with a billboard.

If we take into consideration that graffiti have been around since prehistoric
times, it sounds like that this debate is all too hoary; however, we shall look
at graffiti as the phenomenon of a much more recent period, and in that
context, the debate is only about fifty years old. As a response to
modernism and social segregation, graffiti became the means of
communication and identity for young people in New York City in the 1970s.

Even big corporations like Red Bull, Adidas or 55DSL engaged graffiti artists
in their advertising campaigns,
Advertising and graffiti are two art forms that come from highly different
motives, but end up having similar goals. Although many graffiti artists want

to make a statement against corporations, who tend to be the biggest

advertisers, both parties want to paint the town in one way or another.

The country depends on tourism for much of its income.

Benefits and problems of tourism

Tourism can bring both benefits and problems to an area.
Positive effects of tourism

Ceates employment opportunities for local people

Promotes cultural awareness and can help preserve local culture and
traditions e.g. Masai Mara in Kenya

Income from tourists can be used to develop local infrastructure and

services e.g. new roads and airports. In LEDCs money can be spent on
developing access to education, clean water and sanitation

Foreign currency can help local people

Natural features that attract tourists in the first place can be

protected using income from tourism

Negative effects of tourism

Tourism can have a negative environmental impact. This is at a range

of scales. The increase in air travel has contributed towards
increased carbon dioxide emissions. On a local level natural features
that attract tourists are themselves under threat due to human
Often local people are employed in low skill, poorly paid work in
unsatisfactory working conditions

Travel agents, airline companies and hoteliers benefit more than local
companies when holidays are booked to destinations in LEDCs
companies based in MEDCs set up luxury hotels in LEDCs. The profits
usually return to MEDCs. They also create more competition for locally
run guest houses

Help destroy local culture and traditions

Tourism activities cause environmental stress:

o Permanent environmental restructuring, e.g. major construction work.
o Waste product generation (biological and non-biological waste).
o Direct environmental stress (e.g. destruction of coral reefs, vegetation
and dunes).
o Effects on population dynamics

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