Esmiranda Kasemi Eng Com Posit On 2010

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Esmiranda Kasemi

ENG 103

Spring Semester

Prof. Wills


Health care: System

American people voted Barack Obama president because they believe something must be
change in Washington. He Promised American people that he will change the way how
Washington works. In his campaign Obama promised American people that he will change the
health care system .I believe and this is my personal opinion the American people they want to.
change the health care system when Obama took his presidency the American economy was on
free hall. Every month was 500-700 thousand American people getting unemployed. He has to
face two wars with Iraq and Afghanistan. His presidency his facing the highest deficit in
American history. I thing that for none of this has to be blame Obama is facing and working on
this issue. Now he is working with congress on health care bill.

I am one of the believers that believe that this health care system has to be change why?
In my research I found that the Health care costs are skyrocketing. Health insurance premiums
Have doubled in the last 8 years; rising 3,7times faster than wages in past 8 years and increasing
co-pays and deductibles threaten access to care many insurance plans limited number of
doctors, visits or hospital days, exposing families to unlimited financial cover only a liability.
Over half of all personal bankruptcies today are caused by medical bills Lack of affordable
health care is compounded by serious flaws in our health care delivery system.
About 100,000 administrative die from medical errors in hospitals every year. One- quarter
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of all medical spending goes to administrative and overhead cost and reliance on antiquated
paper- based record and information systems needlessly increases these cost.
Tens of millions of American are uninsured because of rising costs. Over 45 million Americans
including over 8 million children – lack health insurance. Eighty percent of the
uninsured are in working families. Even those with health coverage are struggling to cope with
soaring medical costs. Skyrocketing health care costs are making it increasingly difficult for
employers, particularly small businesses, to provide health insurance to their employees.

Underinvestment in prevention and public health. Too many Americans go without

high-value preventive service, such as cancer screening and immunizations to protect against flu
Pneumonia. The nation faces epidemics of obesity and chronic diseases as well as new threats of
pandemic flu and bioterrorism. Yet despite all of this than 4 cents of every health care dollar is
spent on prevention and public health. Our health care system has become a disease care system,
and the time for change is well overdue If all this true I do thing American congress and
American senate most does something to change the health care system.

I think is unfair and terrible for the reason of profit when you pay for 20 years the
insurance company and you need them for operation they said you we can not cover your
operation . You die if you don’t pay or if you paid all in full you go in bankruptcy. I do think is
unfair , for one person 20- 25 year old healthy to pay same premium with another person 55
years old. I think is unfair for our society when 40 millions people are without insurance and All
this people works in small business and they make 30-40 thousand a year they can not pay
premium for family when the chippers today is $15.000 thousand. It is not good for those
insurance company when they spend 25% of premium money for bureaucracy. I do believe in
private health care system but in same time I thing the government has to come in not to destroy
private health care, but to give to the people better choice, better health service so those
insurance company can have some body to concurrent them in market. Incurrence company can
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do better job in their side. The government must do something to easy this problem to America
people give them more choice so they can afford to pay it, in same time the private insurance
they can have customer, so they can pay to get better service, better doctor ,hospital ect.

For Obama administration this is very difficult Job. The Republican parties do not
support the health care system change. The insurance company which they make a lot of profit
from this business they are behind of Republican Party. The Democratic Party has try for 50
years to change this health care system and I would love this administration to resolve this

We live in one society in century of twenty one and I would love every person
who works and paid tax to be able to get health care Insurance. This insurance can not be same
with insurance like congress people they have, I am realistic about this, but to get treatment in
hospital , this should be done. I would love Our President Obama to be successful in this plan.
He got support form American people, and congress and senate shall support him in this plan.

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