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Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh

RSS is BIG in the sense it has presence all over India - almost all cities and a lot of villages if not all. All the members(called
Swayam Sevaks) stand united like a part of family.First of all RSS is nothing about politics contrary to what the media industry
makes you believe. RSS was there before BJP or Jan Sangh. In fact RSS is the parent body of many organizations working in
various fields known as "the Sangh Parviar".Before going into RSS-BJP relationship, let me tell you the main objective of RSS.
It's dead simple:
"Create disciplined, responsible and patriotic citizens"
Now one fine day some number of responsible patriotic citizens try to create a forum, take advise from the senior members and
it becomes an independent organization, under the Sangh Parivar. The organizations grow according to their respective goals
and include related people from the society. There are numerous organizations under Sangh Parivar and BJP is one of them.
The relationship:
RSS works as a mentor to these organizations and periodically(usually few times in a year) there is a meeting with the RSS
Karyakarini(The working committee) regarding updates about their work or seeking advice about various things.
There could also be sub organizations of a child organization(such as VHP) which has multiple sub-organizations under
them(Bajrang Dal being one of them). They all report to their respective parents, never report to RSS.
BJP is just an political outfit created by swayamsevaks to bring in change in politics. So yes few times in a year(usually once or
twice) there's a meeting between RSS & BJP. Also, many prominent BJP leaders are Swayamsevaks so they meet people in RSS
whom they've known for years! This does not imply RSS is into politics. Despite several clarifications media people never seem
to understand this.Most of the time it is the impression created by media and lack of correct information makes people say
things against RSS. Some people who hold a positive view think RSS does "social service - helping poor, educating children,
tribals, providing relief in disasters". Those who hold a negative view think all RSS is doing is conspiring against Muslims and
Christians in the country.
However, both are wrong. Social service is not RSS's job. RSS creates good people who are responsible for society. So when
there's a disaster it is a natural human instinct to help the affected, to help the poor, to educate people. RSS just creates the
difference that while most of us stay locked indoors, the swayamsevaks are inspired to reach out to help the poor. For the RSS
haters - all I can say is you are welcome to join RSS and see for yourself. If they speak about Muslims - it is about the islamic
terrorism they speak of. If they speak about Christians it is the "forceful/trickful conversion by missionaries" they talk of. They
talk about anti-national activities, not about religion or community. RSS does NOT discriminate based on religion or caste.
Some facts about RSS?
There's no formal membership in RSS. You will never ever have to fill-up a form. By default every citizen(male) of this
country of any age group are members of RSS! There's a separate wing for women.

RSS does not accept donations. Such a big organization runs on money given by swayamsevaks on "Guru Purnima" as
"Guru Dakshina". Yes, only once in a year to be given anonymously according to one's own capacity.

No person is ever worshiped in RSS. It's the Motherland "Bharat Mata" whom they worship.
The "Guru" mentioned above is the "Bhagva Dhwaj"(The saffron flag) which is a symbol of the cultural heritage of
this country and thus inspirational as a Guru.
There are thousands of people working as "pracharaks" who live a renounced life and their only goal in life is to serve
the nation.

But If there's no formal membership in RSS, is it like they can never be held accountable for anything? Why
can't they have an official structure in the organisation which is more transparent?
It is wrong to assume that there is no official structure in the organisation. In fact the organisation is extremely well structured
and there are positions and responsibilities that are officially assigned to people based on their dedication and capability. So
there are always people who are accountable for their actions. But the point was there is no membership. If you wish you can
join a shakha today(where the only thing they do is some physical excercise, some traditional games like Kabbaddi and some
nation-oriented discussion followed by prayer to Motherland) and your membership starts there. The more regular you are and
the more dedicated you are will determine whether you'll be assigned any more responsibility in the organisation or not. At the
ground level some senior/elder/mentor will give you the responsibility of taking care of one shakha by being a "Mukhya
Sikshak" or "Karyavaha". At the higher level, everything is done via democratic way. Yes there is proper democracy inside Sangh
and people are elected for district/state/national level positions. The only exception is the top most position "Sar Sangh Chalak"
who decides his successor.
what about the anonymous contribution RSS gets once in a year?
i. Travel expenses of the pracharaks in the minimal way. Pracharaks are full timers who leave their homes and work for Sangh
full time(some work life time, some for few years). They live a very austere lifestyle and generally travel a lot. They travel via
public transport(bus, train) and try their best not to waste a single rupee unless necessary. For example no RSS pracharak
would hire an auto or taxi from the train station to some destination in the city. They would rather walk, take a lift or take the
cheapest mode like city bus/shared auto. You'll be surprised that they prefer fasting to eating outside(unless extreme situations)
for saving money and would eat only at someone's house.

ii. Office expenditure - there's an office in almost every city and there are always bills that need to be paid. But nothing high
profile. In 2004 there was only one four wheeler and one bike in a state's head office where I had been many times. All
pracharaks/office bearers use bicycles for local convenience.
iii. While I am not sure about this one - there might be some expenditure in organizing events such as public meeting of some
top level leader such as The Sar Sangh Chalak. But these are not frequent.
iv. There are some internal publications/books which are usually sold at the price which covers publishing costs - it's no profit
no loss kind of situation.
Apart from the above(or maybe one or two such points that I have missed) there are no other way RSS spends money. When
there's some calamity the swayam sevaks collect funds from among themselves or from whatever local sources they can and go
for help. Most of the time it's the physical help that's more necessary than monetary.
So the point I'm trying to make is with whatever little money that comes in is spent in these ways. Why would someone donate
big amounts anonymously when it doesn't help any personal interest of anyone and when there's absolutely no propaganda
behind any of the RSS work?
On the other hand, being a disciplined organization the accounts are maintained very neatly and transparently. Appropriate
declarations(as required by the government) are done on timely basis. I've seen this part myself being close to someone from
the State Karyalaya who handled accounts.
Now about the raising voice part:
i. RSS absolutely doesn't interfere in BJP's internal matters. As I've said earlier, they only *advise* them when necessary.
ii. Also, RSS is not any media/watchdog/whistle-blower organisation. They don't investigate or expose things. They
stick to their basic work, plain and simple.
iii. The statement "BJP getting black money as funds" is vague and opinionated. Why RSS isn't doing anything about it is
similar to saying why not anyone in the country doing anything about it? There are better machinery in place for the same,
isn't it?

If RSS doesn't discriminate based on religion or caste, then why do we see a lot of RSS people asking people
to vote for BJP in the name of Hindutva?
I'm not denying it. However there's no provision/assignment in RSS that makes anyone associated with RSS to ask people for
voting. If someone is doing it - it is personal. There's absolutely no reason why he would be stopped from doing the same as
well. After all he belongs to the society like you and me and we have our rights to say our words. Nothing official, I can assure
Based on Hindutva: In RSS you'll hear the word "Hindu" and "Hindutva" very often. However it is a mistake that the
outsiders/media make by misinterpreting the words according to their own prejudice. The term "Hindutva" was first coined by
Veer Savarkar who was an atheist by himself. He had written a small pamphlet named "Hindutva - Who is Hindu?" Let me
share the link for the same:
He did this few years before RSS was founded(RSS was founded in 1925) and the terms are clearly defined. It's everything
related to the land and culture than any god or religion. So when RSS says Hindu, they mean Hindu as in "Hindustani" not
anything else. Did you know in the Arab, Indian Muslims are sometimes called as "Hindu Muslims"?
By the way, during my association of 4 years, I was never ever asked to vote for any political party by anyone in the RSS.

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