INNOVATIVE New Lesson Plan

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Name of the
teacher:Lekshmi priya
Name of the
P.V.H.S.S Perumkulam
Name of the
Name of the



Name of the topic:Acceleration

Pupil develop factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge,
procedural knowledge, and meta cognitive knowledge on the
concept of acceleration through observation, experimentation,
discussion and evaluation by group activities.
New terms: acceleration, retardation
The velocity of a departing train from station goes on
The velocity of a train approaching the station
The unit of velocity is meter per second
The unit of time is s.
The rate of change of velocity is acceleration .
The unit of acceleration is m s.
Negative acceleration is called retardation.

Enable the pupil to develop
1. Factual knowledge on acceleration by
A) Recalling different daily life situations.
B) Reconizes that speed, velocity, time, acceleration are
inter related.
2 .Conceptual knowledge on acceleration by
A) Explaining the concept of acceleration
B) Demonstrating it through acting
3 .procedural knowledge on acceleration by
A) Doing and observing activities based on
B )Applying the information to new and unfamiliar
4.Meta cognitive knowledge on acceleration by
Focusing on the concept that rate of change in velocity is
called acceleration.
5.Develop different process skills like observation ,
inferring, hypothesizing, inferring and communicating.
6 . Develop a positive attitude towards science.

Pupil know about velocity


Activity cards, observation sheet....
Textbook of standard 9
Teachers handbook

Classroom Interaction

Pupil Response

Teacher enters the class and greet the
students. Teacher narrates an
accident which happened at her home
the day before. Teacher told that her
sister came from kozhikode yesterday.
She came in train .It was her first
Pupil listen carefully
experience in train .She was so
excited with the journey. She found
that when train approaches the
station its velocity decreases and
when the train depart from the
station the velocity increases.
Do you know the secret behind
this.Now we can study some fact
relate to this.

Activity 1
Teacher arrange some students for a
small drama. Select 6 students for
play. first student is given the role of
distance. Second student got the role
of displacement .Third student got the
role of time. Fourth student got the
role of speed and finally fifth student
Teacher take the players outside and
made the drama clear to them
Pupil starts the drama
Then asks the other students to listen
it carefully.

Distance and displacements are

brothers. Their common friend is
time. Speed is the friend of distance
and time. Velocity is the friend of
displacement and time. They all meet
in a party. As they enjoying the party
there come acceleration.
Acceleration: HEY happy to see you
all here.
Distance: Hei , how are you?
Acceleration: Fine , Hey look you and
displacement are looking almost the
same .Is you both are related?
Distance: Yes he is my brother
.Actually he is the measure of change
of position of an object un a particular
Acceleration: Oho that is you both
have same unit; meter.
Displacement: Yes, actually we look
almost same but we are different in
calculation .But in one situation we
both have same reading. Can you
guess it?
Acceleration: If an object travels from
one place to another in a straight line
then distance and displacement will
be same.
Distance: Yes you are right. Meet our
common friend time.
Acceleration: I know him, I am also his

Pupil observe carefully

Pupil discuss in groups about the

ideas they got from the play and
writes it in the activity card.

Displacement: Meet velocity. He is my

and times friend.
Velocity: Hei acceleration
Acceleration: OHO so you are
displacement in unit time.
Velocity: Yes and my unit is meter per

Activity 2
Teacher narrates the remaining
portion to the actors.
Distance: Also I and time have a
friend speed meet him.
Speed: Nice to meet you acceleration
Acceleration: Oho so you are distance
in unit time.
Speed: Yes and my unit is meter per
Pupil observe carefully
Acceleration: So I think when distance
and displacement become same sped
and velocity looks same.
Speed: You get it. Actually we are
related to each other we are friends.
Acceleration: Oho But the truth is
that I also have some relation with
you; is nt velocity?
Velocity: Yes, you are rate of change
of velocity.
Acceleration: HE he and my unit is
meter per second square.
Pupil disscuss about the points
Speed: What is this change of
that they got from act and note it.
velocity? I cant understand.
Velocity: That is the final velocity and
intial velocity

Acceleration: Yes as the final velocity

is less than intial velocity then I
become negative acceleration .that is
Speed: Is there any chance to see u
Acceleration: There is one chance
where u can see me and retardation
simultaneously when train
approaches the station velocity
decreases at that time I become
retardation. When train depart from
station velocity increases at that time
I become acceleration.
Displacement: So we are all related
All of them: Hei all come our same
family that is MOTION.
The drama ends.

Rate of change in velocity is called
Unit of acceleration is meter per
second square.
Negative acceleration is called

What is acceleration?
What is the unit of acceleration?
What is retardation?

Follow up activity

Brakes are applied suddenly to a

racing car, travelling at 50 met per
second. If the car stops after 20
second, calculate the retardation of
the car.

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