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Configuring the File Repository Server (FRS) in BI 4 | SAP BO,BI,Database & Data warehouse FAQ

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Configuring the File Repository Server (FRS) in BI 4

Filed under BO/BI Administration by Deepak Chaubey on 15-02-2014
Tags : BI4.0, BOBI4.0, file repository server, FRS, SAP BI, SAP BO
1) In the CCM, change the default location of the FRS to a share.
2) In the CMC, update the Input and Output FRS servers on the BI platform servers to the shared location.

To change the FRS location in the CCM

By default, the FRS is located here C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects
Enterprise XI 4.0\FileStore. It needs to be moved to share on the WINFRS01 machine.
1) Log in to the machine Vantgvmpb04using an administrator account.
2) To open the CCM, click Start > All Programs > SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4 > SAP BusinessObjects BI platform
> Central Configuration Manager(CCM).

3) Right-click Server Intelligence Agent, and click Stop.

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Configuring the File Repository Server (FRS) in BI 4 | SAP BO,BI,Database & Data warehouse FAQ

4) When the SIA has stopped, to access the FRS share, click Start > Run, and in the Run dialog box, type the path to the
FRS share: \WINFRS01\FRS.

5) Copy the Inputfolder and Outputfolder from C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\FileStoreto \\WINFRS01\FRS
6) Once the files are copied, count the folders and files in both locations to ensure they match in number.

To update the Input and Output FRS servers on BIP servers to the shared location
Follow these steps to update the Input and Output FRS servers on the BI platform servers to the shared location.
1) To start the SIA service, in the CCM, right-click Server Intelligence Agent, and click Start.

2) Log in to the Central Management Console (CMC) as an Administrator.

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Configuring the File Repository Server (FRS) in BI 4 | SAP BO,BI,Database & Data warehouse FAQ

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Deepak Chaubey


4) Click Core services.

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Configuring the File Repository Server (FRS) in BI 4 | SAP BO,BI,Database & Data warehouse FAQ

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5) Hold down the CRTL key, and click on the following Input and Output servers:

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6) Right-click any of the selected servers, and click Disable Server.

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Configuring the File Repository Server (FRS) in BI 4 | SAP BO,BI,Database & Data warehouse FAQ

7) Double-click VANTGVMWINPB04.InputFileRepository.

8) In the Input Filestore Service area, in the File Store Directory box type the following text:

9) In the Temporary Directory box, type \\WINFRS01\FRS\Input\temp.



Configuring the File Repository Server (FRS) in BI 4 | SAP BO,BI,Database & Data warehouse FAQ

10) To save the changes, click Save & Close.

11 Repeat Steps 7 to 10 for the VANTGVMBIP05.InputFileRepositoryserver.
12) Repeat steps 7 to 10 for Output FRS servers VANTGVMWINPB04.OutputFileRepositoryand
Ensure that the following path is used: \\WINFRS01\FRS\Output
13) Restart each of the modified servers to commit the changes: hold down the CRTL key, and click on the following Input
and Output servers:
14) Rght-click any of the selected servers, and click Enable Server.

You have successfully updated the input and output FRS servers in the CMC.


Tw eet


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Configuring the File Repository Server (FRS) in BI 4 | SAP BO,BI,Database & Data warehouse FAQ

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