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SOLVED PAPER “ “sum of 24 terms of the following series (a) 90m. (b) 050-60¥3)m 8+ Vi8 (©) 11504 20J3)m (A) none of these (b) 20042 7. Ia vertex of a triangle is (1, 1) and the mid () 250V2 points of two sides through the vertex are and sin B + cos A =D, then GA, 2) and (, 2), then the centroid of the ot) 3 oon ct (42) (a2) i 1 8, Let R = (C1, 3), 4, 2), (2, 4), (2, 3), 3, 1) be . eal poles of se eatin arelation on the set A = (1, 2 3 4}. The relation sin? =0,inf-n,n] bs () one (@) a function (b) transitive (@) three (© notsymmetic —(€) reflexive 6, then the value ofthe determinant (2-1) (x? = Sx +7) < (x1), then xbelongst0 @GBVG=) C= NVAI ibs Oad (4) none of these 10. Let A be an orthogonal non-singular matrix of forder n, then the determinant of matrix 'A —f° fe | A~ Iq] equal to (a) [a= Al (Aa Al au 40s + 6 lA @) CITA A 1A TF (os6-+4 sin 8) (C0520 + sin 20) | (os sin m0), then the value fs = (@) 4mn |e 1s the unit mau of need 2 em @ 2, then A? equals a(nel) 1 » ( aa 12. 1 one root of the Guadene equa (d) Att ax? + be +e 0 is equal to nth ower of the prlonaldinance between ro towers i and he angle of depression ofthe top of ter r00, then the value of cy"! «ey tower as seen from the top of the is equal t0 ind is 30”, If the height of the second tower aye {b) -) i he 150 m, then the height of the first ower is 1 et @) -b 13. 14. 15. 16. a. 18. 19. 20. ‘m how many ways can 5 boys and $ gins sit ina circle so that no ewo boys sit together ? @) gts! (b) 4st ISI ot (@) none of these ‘The probability that the same number appear ‘on throwing three dice simultaneously, i (a) 1736 () 5/36 1/6 @ ang ‘The lengeh of the common chord of the ellipse hg =3F te ee a apd” che ete ot 4 ees ROB atts @o os @4 ws For hyperbola ©. which ofthe cos? sin? following remains constant with change {@) Absclsoe of vertices (b) Abscissae of foci (© Becentciy (6) Divers ‘Area of the region satisfying x 2, y | xf and r20i (484 uni 0) 1 sq unit © 2equnit (@) nome ofthese The solution of the dferenal equation tt de lex? G4x?¥ (@) yO+x7)=c+ tant x a? 2 mer tant x Jone (©) y log @ + x?) = 64 tan @ yQ4x?)=eesin"t x Number of solutions of y =e" and y = sin xis @ 0 1 2 (A) infinite osx © £092} x © is continuous at x y¥=0 ¥=0, then the value of kis 1 a) 0 @ 5 1 1 @t @-5 ? cos? S + (aby? sin? S 2A. In 8ABC,(0-b} cost F(a by sin? S equal 10 bo (@) none of these 22. dx is equal to 1 © geez) 19 (te tanx co pe Ta) 23, [1x5] aris equal io (a) 7 (b) 9 © @ 18 24 18 t= [27 de, t= [2 ax, ape and ty = [° 2" dx, then @ >t, 0) y=t, © hot @n>n 25. Distance between the pair of lines represen by the equath 27 -619'4 9y74+ 34-994 = 058 15, 1 fa) Te ) 3 is ofS a Ory © Fo 26. Centue of etcle whose normals. x7 Day Be By = 0,55 OG) m3) (3.3) (@) none of these 27. A coin is tossed n times, The probability ‘getting head at least once is greater than 0.8, ‘then the least value of nis (@ 2 & 3 5 @4 28. Six Xs have co be placed in the square of the figure such that each row contains at least one “X', In how many different ways ean this be done ? (b) 28 ag (@) 35 * plex numbers m, 25 satisfying «i [ay -3-4i|=5 the minimum is a 3 @2 be = log, 5, ¢= log, 2 then logs 40 63 hele © arrera € moss ase ) 29 ae I xis (b) {-1,2) © fie] i terms of the infinite series imvalue of 2x + 3y, when xy = 6,is (b) 12 6 u: e 2 vhs 1 @+4 The equation of the sides of a triangle are x-3y =0,4x+3y = Sand 3x + y =0, The line 3x = 4y =O passes through () the incentre (b) the centroid (© the orthocentre (@) the circumcentre ‘The centres of set of citcles, each of radius 3, lie on the circle x? + y? = 28 The locus of any point in the set is (@) 4sx?4y? 564 (b) Pay? 525 @xtry'z28 — @ 3éxt+y"s9 a then & is equat fen is equal 0 If sin“! sin y 2 @ & -* y Pavan © @- if tim 2a (@) a=Landb=1 (by a=landb=—1 (© a=tandb=-2 (@) a=1andbw2 ‘The unit vector which is orthogonal to the vector 31+ 2}+6 and is coplanar with the vectors d+ j+K and i-j+ his [St}-cx1b]-2,n6 41. Let &,b and € be three non-coplanar vectors and let p, 4 and ¥ be vectors defined by the felations Bao ar SAS andr = S28 label (abe) (abe) ‘Then the value of the expression (rB)- pe Be €)e qe (CF aor is equal © wo wd @2 @3 ‘The points (5 ~4, 2),(4,~3.1), 7 ~6, 4) and (8,-7, S)are the vertices of (@) a rectangle (b) asquare (©) parallelogram (6) none of these 43. 44. 47. 49. Lew A |-1, 1] and f:A— A be difined ss x|{forall x © A, then f(x)is (b) one-one into function (©) many-one onto function (@) one-one ante function ‘The radius of of3 m/s and its inder is inereasing at the rate nitude is decreasing atthe rate ol 4 nys, The rate of change of volume when radius Is 4 mvs. The rate of change of volume when radius is dm and altitude is 6m, i Pis the pressure, Jn the relation P = © BS 6 2 the distance, k s Boltzmann constant and 6 is te temperature, the dimeustonal formula off willbe @) Ie mer) (o) [MLST =p (d) (MI-T] Velociy-time (y-r)graph fora moving object is shows inthe Figuie, Total displacement of the object during the time interval when there is non-zero acceleration and retardation is c's + Oo 28 0 ao oo eo {(s60) —= (@) 60m (b) 50m © 30m @ 40m Three eights wv and 3w are connected to identical spring suspended from a. rigid horizontal rod. The assembly of the sod and the ‘weights fall freely, The positions of the weight from the rod are such that (a) Siw wil be farthest (b) w will be farehest (c) all will be ac the same distance (@ 2w will be farthest At the cop of the trajectory of a projectile, the diveetion of its velocity and acceleration are 45. 50, 51. 52. (@ 8Oncumvs — (b) 144 neumvs (© eeum/s —_() 64cuvs Equation ofthe parabola with ts vertex at and focus @ 1) 8 @ G@-1P =8G7-1) 6) O-1=80x-3) (©) &-1f = 86-1) (@) 6-38 -80-0) (a) perpendicular to each other (b) pana ro each other (©) inclined to each other at an angle of 45° (@) antiparallel to each other Consider the following statement. Jumping from some height, you should be your knees as you come to rest instead keeping your legs stiff. Which of the folk relations can be useful in. explaining statement? (@ a%--a8, (af =—a(rb + kE)=0 (©) Far =ma¥ (@) Ax=ak where symbols have their usual meaning. A ball is released from the top of @ tower. ratio of work done by force of gravity in ft second and third second of the motion of Dall is (@) 1:2:3 tb) 14:9 (© 1:3:5 @ 15:3 Two tings of radius € and nk made up of sa ‘material have the ratio of moment of in about an axis passing through centre is 2 : ‘The value of nis @ 2 oF () w2 1 3 ‘There are two planets, The ratio of radius of! ‘vo planets is K but ratio of acceleration due sravity of both planets is g. What will be Tatio oftheir escape velocity? fa) a)? ) Ky * (©) (key? @ &) ing obeying Hooke's law» 62, Fsound in the stretched string b) 6m 225m mica syater is changed from 10 (P,,V,) by two different (9 which will remain same (o) aw {@) aga liy on a day when paral is0.012 x 10° Past 64. pressure of water at this 10° Pa) (W) 40% (6) 25% 65. ncermotecvlar forces of pressure P will be 1)

K,}. when they are stretched by the same force (a) no work is done in case of both the springs (b) equal work is done in ease of both the springs (© more workis done in case of second spring (@) more work is done in case of frst spring. A mass m is moving with @ constant velocity along a tine parallel to xaxis. Its angular ‘momentum with respect (0 origin on taxis Is (a) zero (b) remains constant (©) goes on increasing (d) goes on decreasing 76. At a given place where acceleration ‘gravity is ¢ mys?, a sphere of lead of de “a kg/m! is gently released in a coli liquid of density b' kg/m’ fd >, the will (a) fall vetically with an acceleration 'y mv (b) fall vertically with no acceleration a (© tery than tin (a) fall vertially with an acceleration (8 ‘Amplicude of @ wave is represented arb-e ‘Then resonance will eceur when (@ b=-o/2 (b) b=Oanda=e © b=-a/2 (@) None of these Capacitance of a capacitor made by a chin: foil fs 2pF. I the fotl is folded with paper thickness 0.15 mm, dielectric constant of is 2.5 and width of paper is 400 mm, the ‘of foil will be (a) 034m (b) 1.33 m (©) 134m. @) 89m In the cireuit, the potential difference across ‘will be nearest to 4000 78. 79. aay 00a) ey 200 fa) 9.6 () 66 (©) 4a @ 32v ‘Atod ofa certain mesal is 1,0 m ong and 0.6¢ in diameter, tts resistance is 3.010” ‘Another dise made of the same metal Is 2.0; in diameter and 1.0 mm thick. What is resiseance between the round faces of the @) 1.35% 10°Q — (b) 270x107 a (© 4$.05x10% AQ — (@) 8.1010" “The cyclotron frequency of an electron grat in a magnetic field of 1 T is approximately (a) 28 MHZ. (b) 280 MZ © 28612 @) wana 81. intensity 0.5 W/rm?are striking pressure on the places Jol Fe,0, and Al, in thermite is @ 1:2 for the compound is (b) Na,WO, (a) NaWOs, 84. If n represents the order of a half period zone the atea of this zone is approximately [proportional to n™ where m is equal to (@ zero (b) halt (©) one @) wo Monochromatic light of wavelength 3000 A is incident on a surface area 4.em?, If intensity of light is 150 mW/m’, then rate at which photones strike the target is {a) 3x10" /see—(b) 9x 10!!/see (© 7x10" see (A) 6 10"*/see (@) CHy=CHCH,CHOH (@) CH|CHOHCH,—CH, ‘The ionic conductance is least for cs (b) ROT @r (@) Nat Serting of plaster of Perls involves {(@) Oxidation with atmospheric oxygen (b) Combination with atmospheric CO, (©) Dehydration following substances is used for a fast drying of neutral 94, A solution of sucrose (Molar mass = 2425/mol) {s prepared by dissolving 68.4 g of it per litre of solution, what is Its osmotic pressure (= 0,082 L atom K°! mot) at 278 K? {(@) hydration to yield another hydrate (@ 392a1m (b) 448 am i (© 5.92 atm @ 29.41 aauine ie concen eet 95. 427°C one mole of an ideal gas is compressed © 70% isothermally and reversible from a pressure of @ 90% 2 atm to 10 atm. The value of AF and q are me of the compound, (R=2cal) (a) 0, ~ 965.84 cal ca () ~ 965.84 cal, ~ 865.58 cal i (©) + 865.58 cal, ~ 865.58 cal E Bylruiny propanole ack (@) +965.84 cal, + 865.58 cal nino propan-3-ole acld 96, For a reaction equilibrium, hydroxypropanoic acid NO(e) = 2NOA(g), the concentrations of " o propanokc acid N,Q, and NO, at equilbrium are 4.8 x 10" and 1.2 « 107 mol/L respectively, The value of k, for the reaction i: (@) 3x10? moVL_— (b) 33% 10" mol. (© 3x10" moVL_— (@) 33x10" moh 97, Tantomerism is exhibited by oC yarn cs @ ong yo bn San, 98. cH, —Cmc—cH, —OF_, Wane CHG —E—At Inthe above reaction xis ° (@) HNO, ©, 0, (@) Kino, 99, Cyt, SaeMeat, 4 He Bea, » acl, ¢ Here, the compound € is (a) 3-Bromo 2.4, = 6trichlorotoluene (b) ©- bromo toluene (©) P- bromo toluene (@) m- bromo toluene 100. Alizarin belongs to the elass of (a) Vat dyes (b) Mordant dyes (©) Basie dyes (d) Reactive dyes 101. 2,4-Dichloophenoxyacetic aed is used as Fungicide (b) Insecticide (©) Herbicide (d) Moth repellant 102, Which glass has the highest percentage of lead? (a) Soda glass (b) Flint glass (©) Jena glass (@) Pyrex glass 103.Which one of the following pentafluarides ‘cannot be formed? (a) PF, ask, (© Sok, (@) BF, 104. Which out ofthe following compounds is called phocogropher's fixer? (a) Na,s0oy () Na8,0, 51,0 (6) Naso, (@) Nas 105, The isoelectroake pair is (@) G9, 16); () Ci, ClO, OER (@) ClO, cir 106.When radioactive minerals like clew ‘monozite and pitehblende are heated to 12731 in vacuo the noble gas obtained is (a) Rn () & (© He (d) Ne 107. Conjugate base of HPO, is (a) HPO. (0) POs, © Por (d) HOS 108. Given standard electrode pocentials Fe! +2 —>Fe = -0.440) Fe + 3° —+ Fe BY = ~ 0.096) The standard electrode potential (E* )for Fel + @ —> Fe is: @) +0720 (b) 0.772 © +0417v @ -o414v 109. For the reaction, Ny + 3H, se 2NH, ‘The rate of change of concentration bhydrogen is 0.3 10" MS" ‘The rate of change of concentration ammonia is: @)-02% 10% (02x 10% (9 01x 10 (@ 03x 10% 120, The root mean square velocity ofa as is dowd when cemperacure is 7 (@) increased four times () increased ro times {© reduced to halt (@) reduced to one-fourth 111. The specific eonduetivity 00.1 N KC! solution (0.0129 ohm''em'. ‘The resistance of solution in the cells 100 0. The cell constant the cell will be (@ 110 (b) 1.29 © 056 (@) 280 112. Which of the most volatile compounds? (a) a tb) Hel (©) HBr @) HF 113. Which of the following transition metal ions will aye define value of magnetic moment? ne (a) Se ) | (© cat (d) zn 114.Cr has electronic configuration as (a) a623p%d"4s! (by 6? 3pauas! (©) a*apfau" (d) none of these 120, Aniline reacts with cone HNO to give oo s{O)-n ae, oO oO 121. Bakelite ls a product of the reaction between (a) formaldehyde and NaOH (b) aniline and Urea (©) phenol and Methanal (@) phenol and Chloroform 1122, Cellulose is a polymer of (a) glucose (b) fructose (©) sibose (@) sucrose 128. lodine value related to @) fatsand oils () alcohols (© Bsers (@) hydrocarbon 124. in aqueous solution, amino acids mostly exit as: (@) NHy—CHR—COOHT (@) NH,—CHR—COO~ (6 faty—cur—coon @ H,XcHR—coo 125. Gibb’s free energy G, enthalpy H and entropy S are interrelated as in. @) G=H+TS (b) G=H-TS {2 G-TS=H (2) G=Se mum Directions : In each of the following questions, ‘sentence has heen given in Active/Passive voice. (Out of the four alternatives, select the one whi bese expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active 126. People claim 1a have seen the suspect in several ities (a) The suspect is being seen in several cities (H) The suspect has been the people in several cities (€) The suspect is claimed to have been seen in several cities (@) The suspect was seen by people in several cities 127.The teacher punished the boys who had not done their homework (@) The boys who had not done their homework had been punished by their teacher (b) The boys Were punished by their teacher who had not done their homework {@) The boys who had not done their homework were punished by the teacher (@) The boys who had not done their homework were being punished by the teacher Directions + in each ofthe following questions, choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idion/phrase given in ialics in the sentence. 128.’The prices are going up by leaps and bounds. (a) systematically (b) irregularly (©) gradually (@) rapidly 129. Hie bids fair to be an excellent cricketer. (a) seems likely (b) is ambitious (© isconfident ——(@) is unlikely 130.10 find real happiness in the world is @ wild goose chase, (a) ideal seeking (b) hunting. (©) futile search (@) real aim Directions : In each of she following questions, ‘choose the alternative which can best improve the given sentence by substituting the tralicised portion. Jf the sentence is correit as itis, your answer is (@) 181. The monograph which was published 3 years ‘ago, would suggest that by 2001 there will be 73. million TV sets in India (a) has been suggesting (b) had suggested (©) would have suggested (@) 0 improvement 192. Vishal, who studies medicine at present, hopes to g0 abroad after graduation. (@) has been studying (6) is seudying (c) will suady (2) no improvement 133. The greatest thing in style is to have a use of metaphor (a) command () knowledge (©) need (4) no improvement Directions : In each of the following questions, choose the best alzernarive to fill inthe blank. 4134, Mr. Shyam Lal has gone to his native village with the ... of starting an adult school. (a) suggestion (b) presumption (©) opinion (@) intention 135. The twins are so alike char 1 eannot..... one from the other. (@) discern (b) tell © say (a) notice 136, We must ....10 authority (a) bend (b) surrender (© subdue (@) submit Directions : In each of the following questions choose the alternative which i closest 10 the ‘apposite in meaning of the italicised word. 137. The doctor advised us to give him wholesome autition, (@) sickly (b) stupendous (©) depressing (A) fragmentary 138.He is good fellow; but whac I dislike is his reckless handling of things. (2) intelligent (b) cautious (©) soft (@) brilliant Directions : in each ofthe following questions choose the alternative which best expresses the ‘meaning of the italicised word, 129, The one who is rich possesses many superfluous things (a) needless (b) superior (©) essential (@) expensive 140. Many of his acquaintances avoid him because he is s0 garrulows, (a) proud (©) talkative (b) unreasonable (2) quarrelsome following question, which pair of s different from the other three. (b) 929 @ 667 -missing part ofthe figure and select given alternatives, ? @ oo) (a @) Direction : In the following question, choose the set of figures which follows the given rule. 146, Rule : Closed figures become more and more ‘open and open figures become more and more Soc IAIAIA IZ @ z tion : In the following question, @ a a w~ A Is given followed by some conclutions, a al L Ehtion tah loge flies “H@lE IE le Biss sy sere ter comers hese who serve their country are soldiers oD C c ‘men who are soldiers serve their men do not serve their country because are not soldiers. lowing question, a set of three figures -shawing.a sequence in which « paper land finally cut from 2 particular Telow these figures a set of answer marked (a, b, € and ad) showing the which the paper actually acquires when ed. You have to select the answer Direction + In the following question, find out which of the figures (a), (8), (€) and (@) ean be {formed frotn the pieces given im Cx). 147.10 00) Eva qh rl [IX @ OS BY BW (a) 35 ©) 37 4 (a) 47 149.1n the following questions, one number is missing in the series. You have to understand the patter of the series and insert the number. 83, 82, 81... 69, 60,33 (@ 73 () 80 o7 (@) none of these 150. elect one altemative figure out of (2, (0), (€) 6. eee le and (@) which completes the given matrix, [Aluswers = MATHEMATICS ES LQ 2@ 3@ 40 5@ 60 72@°8© 9%) 10.0) 1 © 120) 13.) 14.@ 15.) 17. (0) 18. (a) 19.) 20. @) 21 (©) 22.(d) 28.(a) 24. (0) 28, (0) 27.(b) 28. (6) 29. (d) 30. (d) 31.) 82.1 33. (a) 34.0) 35. () 87. (a) 38.6) 39.) 40. (¢) 4L@) 420 43.) 44.@) 45.0 “ PHYSICS 3 46: @ 47.0) 48. 49. (@) 50.) 51.(@) 52.(@) 58. (a) 54. (a) 55. 0) 56. (4) 57.(© S8.() 59.0) 60.) 61.) 62.00) 68.0) 64.10 65.) $0. (@) 67. (© 68. (0) 69. (©) 70. (a) 71.66) 72.6) 73.) 74.(@) 75.0) 76.(@) 77. (b) 78. (d) 79, (4) 80. (0) 81. (d) 82. (0) 83. (a) 84. (a) 85.0) CHEMISTRY 86.(0 87. (2) 8B.(©) 89. (4) 90.1) 91.0) 92. (4) 98.) 94.0) 95. (a) 96. (@) 97. (8) 98. (©) 99. (4) 100.) 101. (@) 102. (0) 103. (a) 104. (&) 108. (d) 306. (©) 107. (4) 108, (a) 109, (b) 110. (2) 111, () 112, (b) 118.) 114, (>) 118, @) 116. (€) 117. (@) 148. (b) 129. (6) 120. (©) 121. (©) 122. (a) 123. (a) 124, (a) 128.) = ENGLISH = 126. (© 127. (©) 128. (@) 129. (@) 130. (@) 181. (b) 192. (6) 183. @) 184. (@) 185. 0) 136. (d) 137. (a) 138. (b) 139. (a) 140. (6) “+ REASONING 441 @) 142. (@) 148. (b) 144. (© 145. (©) 146.) 147. () 148. (0) 149.) 150. 0) Be 1B + 5B +. W2+ W2+ aV2+... (20 424-3 + 4 +...upto 24 terms) M25 soos fs 22D) Bees a “sin A cos Ba et) sin B¥ cos Aub i) and adding Eqs. @) and (i), we get (A+ B+ 2a + oF @ee2 +B sin (A 3 in? =o Te sin x sin? = cos x =0 7) + sin x = sin x €08.x = 0 © sin 2x -2sin x= 4 ‘maximum values of sin x and sin 2e 10 ¢€ 1\=ce*-1)-10¢ ~6) ie d= 208 (4 cos" — 1) —(2eos 0 ~ 6) (-C = 2e080 given) = 8c0s"0—4c080 6 (i 213 3] 441 -2-2] (5 -4 [2-2 4s l4 5 2 -1) [3 0 rotrvonsa-and]? ZL §) js -4 “4s A =4A- BE Ina abc, tan 30° = 2 le ‘ Io" a 1 _h-150 3 60 60 ‘ = h-150= = h= (80+ 2073), LetD and F are the mid points of AB and AC. So, coordinates of B and C are (3 3) and (8 3) respectively. A) 1.09} £02) cy bi53) Centroid of triangle -(2 a a eared 3 3 1-365 143+3)_(, 7 CSE) 8, Let R= (A, 3, (4,2, 2, 4.2 9,2) bea On ellminatingo, we get relation on the set A = (2, 2, 9 4), then (a) Since, (2, 4) € Rand (2 2)6R ,soRisnora function. (b) Since (1, 3) eR and (3 1) eR but 1, eR, $0 Ris not transitive, Aires Pa © Since (2, HER bur (& HER, so Ris nor = Cates} + (act? = symmetric. 13, First we fix the Ss @ Since Q,1€R, so R is nor relexive. aerate pston of fence, option (c) is correct. ce es ee ee homens’ gan ‘can be seated around — G/ 9. Given that, (x ~1)(x* - Sx + 7)< (=) the circle: in & @-G? -5x+6)<0 (S-1)!= 41, 5 boys can be seated in five 5 (e-e-2K-H<0 ‘vacant place by St, = xe U9 “Required number of ways = 41x St 10. We know, A-AT = Ty 14. Total number of favourable cases = 6 A-1ysA~AAT AG, ~ A") ‘Total number of cases=216 = 1A-t)=1AG,= 47] Required! probably === alata Lalita a7} 18, Itisclear from the figure that the wo 1A, Al not incersect each other 11, We have, (cos @ + i sin @)(cos 20 +i sin 20)... y (cos n+i sin nB)=1 050+ 28+ 30+... + n6) (2) isin @ 4 264364 ..4n0)=1 we’ af ¥ > en 2290) sina A2 Do) 1 On compasing the cvefitents of real and } imaginary pats on both sides, we get (eae 16. Gin is Ee cos 222) a ven equation is comparing on % we get + and an(MOM9) 0 Soe cae + in? a + costa =a? + BF 183 Dp - ome inte nti Amr 1 nin+ 1) 12. Letaeand abe the roots of the equation, then avata~% and aat=£ {area = Area of shaded region OAB 2 : with linear differential equation 20. It is clear from the figure that «wo curves {ngersect at infinite number of points. tnesx 46 Given that, f=] * Ey x0 Now, fim, fx)» tim vw then 28182 272 98 aaa and JOnk Since, function is continuous at x = 0. im f(ad# £00) = keo, ¢ 26 (aby cos! S + (a+ by sin? S =C@ +B zabyeos?S + (at +8 + aatysin? =@ +b )+ ie. (Ge + 88) + at sin? S— coe) wa + bP 2ab cos = a + B ~ (a? +BY 4) -2 A tan? x ante vat=j! Puttan x =e bet = lx star foaled fes[lel oye 2-49) -8=17 25. 26. 27. t= fear 2° 22", ocx cland 2” 52", x>1 1 >Kyandly 1S3x 4a x45 153% 4 = 4 = BA 21.36 Baas. 72, Volume, V=lxbxt=12% 6x 2.45 76.4 em? 1.764 10? en? Since, the minimum number of signi or 66. Mai = i=“ figure is one in breadth, hence volume will Ee contain only one significant igure. Hes 67. Work done, W =, €— cos) Vn2x 10%em? 20x 0.30 = cos 30°) F_nfmy mw) _ 2mm 78, Pate A a A B10 x10" 10? 9 ay ny? 74. Fboth springs are stretched by same force: 1 Wel k WM Npie, V,> Vy hence, k>1. Intensity or power per unit area ol the radiations, P=pr pate 165 10° N/m ey ax 10 ‘Area of half period zane is independent of order of zone. Therefore, mis equal to 240 in IW _180% 10 410" x 3x 107 the 6.6 10 3x 10° x10? s Jnawunit cell, Watoms atthe corner = + x Ovatoms atthe centre of edge = 1 125 3 ‘Na atoms at the centre of the cube = 1 W:O:Na=ds3:1 Hence, formula = NaWO, '68i0,. Iris used in making electric ‘optical instruments. oxidation state of Bi is unstable due to ireffect, Thus, BiF, can not be formed, SHO (Hypo). itis called hers fixer because it removes the from acparticle, which they HOF Conjugated tase gives HPO?” (conjugated base) in solution. tt aets as proton donor. x Fx(-0.440V)=0.880F — ...(1) 3x F x (- 0.036) 0.108 F =) ‘On substraeting Eqs. (1) and (2) Pe pe > Rett 109. N+ 3H 200 46. osx104 ms" a4 1ANHG) 2 dt = MN) L2H a8 2 * =-2x(-03% Fx (03x10) =0.2% 104 110. 111. Specific conductivity (K)= 7 x eel constant Gell constant = K » R 0.0129 x 100 = 1.29 112, Boiling point of HF is highest due to H-bonding. For other halogen acids b,p, increase in the order HCl < HBr < HI Therefore, most volatile (with Lower,) is HCl 113. Value of magnetic moment depends upon umber of unpaired electrons. All except ‘Ti""|3d'| have either fully filed d-subshell (Ke, Zn**, Ca") or empty d-subshell (Le, Se™*). As ‘such only TP has a net value of magnetic moment. Magnetic moment of 1°" = Jag 3) BM = Vids om =V3=1738M 114, Ce(24)= 192, 28%, 29%, 364, 3p, 348, ast 115. Ag,SO, contain Ag*(4a"”) and is colourless (Cut, contains Cu?" 2d” aud is coloured due to the presence of one unpaired electron is dotbital of Gu" Mgt, contains Mg?” and is colourless n/2 CuCl contains Cu” (3d!) and is colourless. 116. Eifective atomic number = Electrons in Cr + electrons from 6NH, ligands, 2146x2933 117. Nessler’s reagent gives brown ppt. of iodide of rulion base with ammonitim salt. Ligh J” + NH,Cl+ 40H” —> _ NH,tgOHgt Jodie of milion base (Brown pp) sree +3Ko 118. All the ketones except ethyl isopropyl ketone gives iodoform test in this question, CH, cay : Eyl bopropy! hetone 119. —NH— is stronger electron releasing, group than Cll, grovp, therefore bromination will take place at p-position with respect 1o -NH— group. 120. Reasoning 141. ‘Tissue’ is made up of ‘cel’ and ‘organ’ is made up of ‘tissue’ 142, Sum of digits is 20. 143. It is clear that answer figure (b) complete the original figure. Which look like as shown in the * a @) al Phenol (Methanal) fo Bakelite plastic 122, Cellulose is a polymer of glucose _glucose units are attached to each otheriyg C, bonds through glycosidic structure of cellulose. 123. Iodine value is related to olls and fas value measures the drying quality of More the unsaturation better is the {quality of an cil, When on oil is treated Itadds to double bond. Jodine value is as the umber of centigeams of fy that taken by 1g of the oil 124. In aqueous solutions, amino acids as awitter jons. R I iat,—dcoo tea 128, Gib’ ee energy, enthalpy H an amet Gonos adjacent figure. Hence, alternative (b) i correct answer; 148. Here, © 3x34 6x 5=30 4x 4+5x7=81 and 4x34 5x5=37 149. Series is written In reverse order ifference of 17, 19, 2, 2, 2,3, 3, Le, 4,8, 9,27. 150, ‘The line inside the square moves from ‘comer to another clockwise, as we moves left to right in a row.

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